#got a breakfast date with a cutie tomorrow
spookycerezacola · 2 years
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How Sam would be as your girlfriend (Part 3)
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She isnt shy to be affectionate towards you
It doesnt matter who's in the lobby by the stairs, Sam will kiss you
When you told Sam you're gonna graduate from college she bought you these Addidas shoes
And two slices of Carrot cake
Your first date with her was eating Carrot cake and she couldnt keep not staring in your hazel Green eyes
When you saw Sam working at the diner you saw her smile at you
"That girl who sits there. She is a cutie!" Said Sam
Her coworker and friend smiled. "Go talk to her!" Said Melissa.
Sam sighed. "What do I say?" She asked Melissa.
"What does she order for breakfast?" Melissa asked.
"Pancakes. She loves pancakes". Said Sam.
"Their's the topic of conversation". Said Melissa. "You got this girl!" She said
Sam walked to where you were sitting.
You smiled. "Morning". You said.
"Morning". Said Sam. "I noticed you always order pancakes. But, I never got your name".
"I'm Lexi". You said.
"Sam". She said.
"I'd like pancakes please. And an iced coffee". You said.
Sam wrote it down. "Got it. Hey, I know I dont know you but I see you're always by yourself. And, I'd like to have breakfast with you sometime". Said Sam.
You giggled. "I would love that. Sam, are you trying to have a date with me?" You asked.
Sam felt embarrassed. And nervous. "No. Yes, yes I am trying to have a date with you". Said Sam.
"How does tomorrow morning sound?" You asked.
Sam's face lit up out of happiness! "That sounds great! Here. Let me get your number. And my treat". Said Sam.
You smiled. And gave her your phone number.
Sam is super attached to you.
She loves to hold you as much as possible
She cant stop kissing you
Sleeping on Sam's chest makes you feel safe and warm
Sam loves to go shopping with you
She loves that you're always her date while taking you out on an iced coffee date
During date night she always gets you flowers
You love that Sam is so cuddly
Even in front of her friends Sam will put her arms around you
Even when Sam is cooking her arm is always around you
When ghostface showed up you fought ghostface and
Threw them out the window killing them instantly as they hit the ground
You felt so bad you cried all night long
When Sam, Tara, Anika, Chad, Mindy, and Danny talked to Kiby about what happened
The police and Kiby knew it was self defense
The police and Kirby are so proud of you for saving your girlfriend and Tara and your friends
When you and Sam watch a movie late at night you
Always sleep on top of Sam
Sam's kisses make you feel like you're on top of the world
Sam's hugs are your safe place
Her arms are so strong
And Sam's sex is so good you still feel exhausted even while sleeping a lot
One night you and Sam had sex on the chair when no one was in the apartment
Sam had on the strap on and you love to ride her and leave scratch marks on her back
In the shower Sam loves to get intimate with you
In the shower she loves to hold your body close to hers
When you ride her thighs
She's also your valentine!
And your secret Santa on Christmas eve
She'll always tell you she loves you and she'll always kiss you
She loves to hear your sleepy voice it makes her giggle
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starlitangels · 2 years
Worth the Effort
Heal what has been hurt... 2.4k words (on the dot!)
Geordi kissed me on the cheek—sort of. It was more like he intended to, but only bumped his cheek against mine. “Working late tonight?” he asked.
“Well, see you when you get home tonight.” He moved toward the door.
“Tomorrow night,” I said quickly.
He froze with his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned to face me again. “What?”
“I’m not coming home tonight,” I said. “I’m spending the night at my parents’ house.”
“Why? Are your parents okay?”
“They’re fine. I’m going for me.”
“Why?” he repeated.
I sucked in a deep breath. “Because you’re right. You were right about everything last night. You were right to be hurt and you were right to be upset. I haven’t been the partner you deserve. I’ve been pushy and it’s not fair to you. I’ve been… trying to do better. Trying to get over all the habits that I’ve instilled in myself for this last half of my life—”
“Baby, trying is enough. You don’t have to go.”
“No, Geordi, it’s not. Trying is not enough. You set a boundary months ago and I’ve done nothing but push against it ever since. I’ve tried not to—and I’ve been doing better than even I expected at not reading your mind without permission—but at this point trying isn’t enough. I should be doing. Because you deserve someone who makes you comfortable. And I haven’t… I haven’t been that for you. I love you, Geordi. So, so much. And I’ve been terrible at showing that in a way that makes you comfortable.
“I don’t want to go to my parents’ house tonight. But I think I need to. Because I need to figure myself out. I need to ask my parents for help and… I’m reaching out to an old school friend.”
“A school friend?”
I nodded. “We went through the full certification program at the academy together. He’s a Telepath, like me. But he’s humanborn.” I caught myself. “Uh—he’s from a family without magic. His powers manifested randomly. And… as such… he knows how to navigate relationships with unempowered people a little better than I do. He… he also has an unempowered partner. At least… he did when we were at the academy. It’s been a bit since I checked up on him but I imagine they’re still together.
“And if they can make it work for as long as they have, then I can figure this out. I don’t want to break up—and I don’t want to take a break from our relationship either. But you’ve always deserved someone better than me. And I haven’t been good at living up to that.”
Geordi looked away, then back to me. “Baby, that’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself.”
“You’re worth it.” I got up from the table where I’d been eating breakfast and moved toward our room. “See you tomorrow night, baby.”
“Cutie, you look like hell—”
“I didn’t sleep last night. Stayed up all night thinking.”
With that, I shut the door behind me.
Sitting on the floor of my old bedroom after a long, tumultuous day at work, I leaned back against my old bed. My phone sat in one hand, an album of all the pictures Geordi and I had taken together open and casting a bluish glow on the ceiling. I’d been scrolling through them, back and forth, restlessly waiting for James to call me back.
Pictures of us on dates—a little video from my Snapchat of Geordi singing karaoke in my old apartment—just random candids of him doing mundane things like washing dishes or napping on the sofa with a blanket sprawled haphazardly over his torso, completely missing his legs or tangled up in a headphone cord he’d been trying to unravel. I stared at all of them fondly. God, I loved Geordi so much. I wanted to do right by him. I just wished it was easier to figure out how.
My phone started ringing. “Finally,” I muttered, looking at the caller ID and seeing a familiar name. I slid the answer option. “James!”
“Hey. I got your texts. Sorry it took so long—I was working late.”
“It’s fine.”
“So… struggling with your partner?” he asked.
“Struggling with myself, more like. I don’t… I don’t know how to be the partner he deserves. I don’t know how to… not use my powers,” I said. “And he’s… understandably put off by it. And I haven’t been good at minding his boundaries. I want to, but my habits… get the better of me sometimes. How do you do it? I mean, you and your partner are still together, aren’t you?”
“Yup. Still going strong.”
“How do you do it?”
I heard James take a deep breath on the other end of the call. “I… never got into the habit as deeply as you did. I’m humanborn. I didn’t grow up in a whole family of Telepaths constantly presenting their unfiltered thoughts to one another. When my partner and I got together… we’d been friends since childhood. We knew each other well. We knew each other before I got my powers. I wish I could help you better but… I don’t know the right advice to give. I usually only pry into people’s minds without asking when I’m at work. Because it’s part of my job. I can’t say to just cut off your magic cold turkey until you’ve worked yourself out of the habit. That wouldn’t be fair to who you are. You helped me so much when I came to the academy. When I didn’t know anything about the magical world. I wish I could repay you now with sound advice but… I don’t know if I can.”
I rubbed my eyes. They were tired. I’d been awake for a solid thirty-eight hours and it was hitting me hard.
“I appreciate you even trying, James, really,” I said.
“Hey,” he said gently. “You sound tired.”
“Didn’t sleep last night. I stayed up all night thinking. Trying to… I don’t know. Figure things out. I’m at my parents’ house right now. Told Geordi I wasn’t coming home tonight. That I was gonna reach out to you and try and get myself together before going home.”
“Listen,” James began, sounding a bit hesitant. “Tell me a little bit more. I know you explained most of the situation in your texts but tell me with your voice. I’d say tell me mind-to-mind but I’m not in Dahlia at the moment and I don’t think even your range is that good.”
I snorted. “Rude, but true,” I said. Good to know that time and distance hadn’t changed the way James and I had always been sarcastic with each other. “I… I know Geordi isn’t asking me to not be who I am. What I am. I can’t help that I’m a Telepath. It’s not like I had a choice anymore than he chose to have that curly hair. I know the boundary he set is reasonable for someone who didn’t grow up the way I did. He… he asked me, last night, if I’d ever felt vulnerable before I got my powers growing up in a family of Telepaths.
“But… I didn’t. I didn’t know anything else. Even if I ever did feel vulnerable… it wasn’t significant enough for me to remember it. I know he’s not asking me not to use my magic at all anymore—but my stupid brain and stupid cognitive distortions react like that’s what he’s asking for. And then I push back and he gets hurt and then we both get hurt.
“It just… it feels like it’s always my fault when we get into arguments. Because something I did hurt him. And I hate that.” I sniffed and wiped my eyes. “I hate hurting him. I hate being the reason he’s upset.”
“That just means you love him, right?”
“I hope so. But I’m still not the partner he deserves.”
“Neither am I for mine,” James said. “They and I have a standing agreement that I’m allowed in their mind whenever I wish to be, unless they specifically ask otherwise, but that’s a boundary that we set up when we were… much younger. They were the only person I told about my powers, after I manifested, for a long time. I manifested the year before we went to high school together, and I finally told them about me two years into high school. Because I couldn’t keep lying. And we worked out a system, over the years. But I never got into the habit of just… being in people’s minds all the time. I did when you and I were at the academy. I mean, you and I trolled each other all the time with bad music in the middle of lectures—”
“I still haven’t forgiven you for Rickrolling me in the middle of a final exam, by the way,” I put in with a smile. James chuckled.
“Can’t say I blame you.”
“Dude—we would have gotten our exams voided if they’d heard me laugh and realized we were using Telepathy in the middle of an exam!”
“But they didn’t.”
“I’m not above embracing technicalities,” he reasoned.
“Shut up and let me be mad at you for that.”
He chuckled softly. “Nevertheless,” he continued, measured and even, “your partner. Remind me his name?”
“Cute name.”
“I know right?” I chuckled. “I love him so much.” I took a deep breath. “But loving him so much isn’t enough. Trying to be better isn’t enough. He asked for that boundary months ago and I’ve done nothing but push against it ever since. And it’s not fair to him. I just… I don’t know how to not. I don’t know how to not use my powers all the time anymore.”
“Well… make it a discipline you set for yourself—rather than one that you’re minding for your partner. Do you think that would work?”
“I don’t know. Apart from Geordi… I really don’t have a reason to impose that on myself and I think my brain would figure that out and never actually remind me that it’s a personal self-discipline.”
James hummed in thought. Then was quiet. He sighed. “I wish I wasn’t away from home so I could ask my partner if they have any advice from the… impartial unempowered side of the situation. They’re so much smarter than me anyway.” I caught a single chuckle over the line. “But… I’m away for work. So all you get is me.”
“But you’re the one I want advice from,” I said. “Another Telepath in a relationship with a non-magic partner.”
“A non-magic partner I’ve had the benefit of knowing since we were both children. Whom I love and trust more than anyone else in the world,” James pointed out. I made a face and grunted. “And we’ve had our ups and downs, don’t get me wrong. I’m still not perfect at their boundaries either. I’ve read their mind when they specifically asked me not to more than once and tried to justify it to myself. I don’t make a point of always being in their head, though, and never have. My habits are different from yours because of my background. You grew up in a family of Telepaths—constantly in each other’s heads. I’m humanborn. I was frightened of my powers, initially, and tried really hard not to use them much. Which never got me into the habits your family history imposed on you.”
“So you don’t have any advice?”
“Apart from telling you to let go of your need to always know everything by being in everyone’s heads all the time—which is unreasonable and unrealistic—I really don’t know if any advice I have to give would be applicable.”
I sighed and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Well… thanks anyway. I know you’re busy and I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.”
“Hey,” James said softly, catching my attention before I could hang up. “Geordi’s worth the effort.”
“It’s going to be hard to change your habits. And you’re not going to always like the amount of effort it takes. But the way you talk about him… it’s clear that you love and care for him deeply. And he’s worth all the effort it’s going to take to adjust. It sounds like he trusts you and you trust him. That’s the best thing to ask for in any relationship. He’s worth it, I promise.”
I wiped the tear that had welled up and spilled over off my face. “Thank you, James. I think that’s what I needed to hear.”
“Well, if I could help out, I’m glad to do it.”
“You have a good night, now.”
“You too. Go get your boy.”
I smiled softly. “I will. Bye.”
He hung up.
I knocked on the door to our house, even though I could have just used my key. I figured this was better.
After a pause, the door opened. Geordi’s eyes—bright blue and warm—widened. “You’re here,” he said. “I thought you said you were spending the night at your parents’—”
“I was,” I said quickly. “But I called my friend and he and I talked and… I needed to come home.”
Geordi let go of the door and slammed me into a hug. I clung to him, tears falling out of my eyes and onto the shoulder of his shirt. He took a deep, shuddering breath. “I missed you,” he whispered.
“I missed you too. And James—my school friend—really helped me.” I inhaled and pulled back from the hug just enough to meet Geordi’s eyes, still holding onto him. “I’m not going to be perfect. It’ll probably still take me time to be the partner that you deserve. But it’s time to stop trying and start doing. I want you to be comfortable with me. I’ll make mistakes and I’ll stumble—and I can’t just stop being what I am. But—” I made sure to hold Geordi’s gaze. “—I can be better for you. And I will. Because I love you more than anything. And you are worth it.”
Geordi broke my gaze and looked away, shifting back and forth on his feet. I pulled him back into the hug and buried my face in his neck.
“I love you,” Geordi whispered.
“I love you too,” I breathed.
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laskyy · 3 years
Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait, but I didn't have much inspiration this week. This imagine that I wrote is probably not gonna be my best, but I hope you enjoy it, because I still worked hard for it! Love you 💖
Took you long enough
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Tw: food, kissing (let me know if I missed something pls)
Genre: extreme fluff
It was around 8:30 a.m. when you heard your phone ring, so you picked it up without looking at the caller ID because you were to sleepy to care at this point.
"Hello?" You said in a groggy voice.
"Hi sleeping beauty, did I wake you up?" The voice you couldn't get out of your head giggled.
"Oh Intak! Hi there, and well kind of, but I was about to wake up anytime soon so it's fine!" You said as your voice just sounded happier, because of Intak.
Oh and by the way you had a big fat crush on Intak and you were pretty sure he felt the same way, because you guys shared a lot of affection with each other that friends don't. Like kissing the corners of each other's lips, you have slept together in the same bed and you shared longing hugs that neither of you guys wanted to pull away from, but you were still being cautious as you didn't want to move to fast and scare him away.
"Okay then! I called to ask if you wanted to come over and have breakfast with us! You know, to catch up since we've both been busy and I want to see you, if that's okay with you." Intak said in a soothing tone and at this point you were thankful he couldn't see you blush.
"I'd love to come over Intak! I also want to see you." You said and you were sure that Intak could tell by the tone of your voice that you were smiling.
"Alright! I'll see you in 20 cutie!"
"Okay, see you!" You said as you hung up and couldn't help but blush at the nickname.
You got ready and passed by your and Intak's favourite bakery to buy some croissants and other pasteries for everyone to eat.
As you got to the dorm you texted Intak instead of knocking on the door, because you didn't know if the other boys were already awake or not.
As soon as you texted him the door opened and your favourite boy was standing right in front of you with his slightly messy hair.
"Good morning Y/n! Come in!" Intak said as he closed the door and pulled you into a warm hug.
"Good morning! How are you feeling today?"
"I'm great! And you love?" Yeah, you weren't that great after hearing that nickname, it drove you wild! And you guys weren't even dating yet!
"I-I'm good too! And I brought some food!" You said happily as you pulled away from the hug and showed him the bag of pasteries.
"Aww Y/n! You're just the sweetest! Come here, let's go to the kitchen while the other get ready to come down to eat." He said as he grabbed your hand and guided you to sit down on one of the chairs in the kitchen next to him.
"I really missed you Y/n! Can I hug you again?" He said as he gave you those puppy eyes you could never say no to.
You didn't even hesitate, you obviously accepted as Intak englufed you in a beat hug as he put his arms around your shoulders and you put yours around his torso.
"You smell really good!" You said against his chest.
"Oh, thanks I showered!" He said as you both laughed and pulled away from the hug.
Intak was the most handsome guy you had ever laid eyes on. And as cheesy as it sounds you could not stop looking at him. He was just that impactful (Intaktful - no? Sorry, moving on).
"What's wrong cutie? Is there something on my face or you just can't get enough of me?"
You laughed "Oh, you are so full of yourself. But yes I was admiring you, I have to admit it"
"It's good to know you're as smitten for me as I am for you" He said and kissed the corner of your lips softly.
You couldn't help but blush and hide your face in his broad chest as you felt it vibrate with laughter.
"You're so cute when you're shy." He said as he gave you head pats.
You guys pulled away and were just updating each other on your livres while you played with Intak's fingers, a habit that always made you feel at ease.
Eventually, the boys started coming to the kitchen and they couldn't miss the small acts of affection and little looks and giggles you shared with their member Intak, and honestly they just wanted you guys to stop tip-toeing on your feelings. They wanted you guys to realise you were, in fact, perfect for each other.
"Good morning lovebirds!" Jiung said as he softly laughed.
"Good morning!" Both you and Intak answered at the same time.
"Oh who brought food?" Soul asked as he saw the bag from the bakery down the street.
"It was Y/n! They were kind enough to bring food for breakfast!" Intak said as he pulled you closer to him.
"You brought quite a lot as well, but since you were so considerate I'm sure Intak won't let it go to waste!" Keeho said teasingly.
Intak blushed as he looked at your interwined hands.
"Aww look at them being awkward!" Theo said as he looked at Intak and you.
"Yeah They're cute! But I'm hungry and we have work later on so we need to eat!" Jongseob said as he sat down on one of the chairs as well.
You guys were eating and you lost count of how many times Intak wiped your lips or even got hair out of your face. You also lost count of how many times the members gagged! Yeah, they sure love pda.
Once you all finished eating you offered to clean up since they needed to recharge for work later in the day.
You were cleaning the kitchen when Intak wrapped his arms around your waist and softly backhugged you.
"Hey cutie, need help?"
"Hey! It's fine I'm almost finished!"
"Good, because I wanna cuddle!"
While you and Intak shared this sweet conversation in the kitchen, the other members were talking in the living room.
"Don't you guys think it's about time they start dating?" Theo stated impatiently.
"Yeah, but they just won't make a move to ask each other!" Keeho said.
"Maybe if we say something they'll consider it?" Soul said in a questioning way.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! But they won't listen to just anyone. How about Jongseob says something about that! Since he's the baby and yeah you get it!" Jiung suggested while the other nodded in agreement.
Later on in the day the guys had to head off to the van so they could go to the company and it was also time to get the plan in action!
"Can we meet up tomorrow?" Intak asked as he caressed your cheek softly.
"Yeah, I'd love that actually." You said and pecked his cheek while he giggled softly.
"Look at them! We really have to do something! They've been in this stage for ages! They already look like a couple why do they assume themselves as friends? My God Jongseob do your thing!" Jiung said as he just wanted his two friends to understand they both wanted the same thing.
The boys went to the door and blocked it as Jongseob went in front to talk.
"Intak, Y/n. I just wanted to say that the both of you would look like a great couple! I mean you already do, why not make it Official! Please! You guys want this so bad! And we're not letting you get out until you're both dating each other, so good luck!" Jongseob said as he exited the dorm alongside the other members and let you two stay inside.
"Wow that was... Wow!" Was all you manage to say as you were still in shock.
"Yeah! But well we wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of them would we?" Intak said as looked you in the eyes.
"But do you really want this? I don't want us to date just because of peer pressure!" You said as you wanted to make sure Intak really wanted to be with you.
"I really want this! The reason I hadn't asked you yet, was because I never found the right moment to do it but now that they sort of gave us this oportunity I'm not wasting it! Do you want this as much as I do?" He said as he held both of your hands as a way to calm you down.
"I really do! I've been waiting for this for a long time! I didn't ask you before because I didn't want to scare you away!" You said as you smiled shyly.
"Well then, do you want to date me officially?" Intak asked as he looked at you hopefully.
"Of course I do bub!" You said as you hugged him tightly" You said and you could hear the members on the other side of the door cheering for you.
When you pulled away Intak kissed you right away and honestly it felt better than you could have possibly imagined.
"I love you Intak" You said as you pulled away from the kiss.
"I love you too Y/n" He said while leaning in for another kiss which you gladly accepted.
After a while you opened the door and were met by the members cheering for you.
A chorus of "Awws" was heard when Intak kissed your head softly.
"Took you long enough!" Theo said as the rest of you laughed.
Hope you guys liked this imagine! And once again happy birthday to our puppy Intak! Hope he has a great day! And I hope you guys have a great day as well!! Love you 💖💖💖
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Pairing: Hajime Iwaizumi x f!reader
Prompt/summary: Your original plans for Christmas with your boyfriend were relaxed. The plan was to spend it together at your apartment, since school and work had been piling up on both of you, and you hadn’t been able to do much together lately, but plans often change, even when you don’t want them to. Oikawa surprised the two of you by coming home, and when your friend calls and asks if she could hang out with you on Christmas, you couldn’t say no. Now the four of you were at Iwaizumi’s apartment, but the question was: were they going to finally figure out that you and Iwaizumi had been dating secretly?
Word count: 2.7K
Warnings/contents: Fluff
Notes: Oh, to spend Christmas with Oikawa and Iwaizumi 😔 I haven’t done many for Iwaizumi, so here’s a fluffy Christmas imagine with this cutie. I hope you enjoy this one!
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You don’t know how long Christmas day’s plan was set in stone; Iwaizumi was going to come over to your apartment, the two of you were going to make breakfast, snuggle and watch the snow fall, and then exchange presents.
This was your first Christmas spent together as a couple since the two of you started dating over summer break, and things were going amazingly. You had never been happier than ending up falling in love with your best friend. You’d known Oikawa and Iwaizumi since the start of high school, and when he had confessed to you, Iwaizumi told you he had feelings for you since your second year, whereas you had feelings for him since your third. Ending up going to the same college and living in apartment complex’s that were close by each other only seemed to bring you closer as freinds in your second year at university.
Late last night, Iwaizumi had called you. While you thought that this was just him calling for your nightly talk on the days that either you hadn’t been able to talk as much, you hadn’t seen each other, or he just missed you, but instead of seeing your boyfriends face on the screen, you saw the fluffy brown hair of your other best friend.
Iwaizumi was driving Oikawa home from the airport, and Oikawa was telling you all about college, sprinkling in the fact that he decided to surprise the two of you and come home for Christmas. Yes, you were very excited that Oikawa was home, but you were sort of excited to spend your first Christmas as a couple alone. But then Oikawa said Iwaizumi said to invite you over tomorrow early and you’d all have breakfast together, and it did sound fun.
So this morning you were out at 7 in the morning, heading to Iwaizumi’s apartment building in the cold snow to go and make pancakes with your secret boyfriend and Oikawa.
If Oikawa had been home when the two of you got together, you probably would have told him way before now, but the simple fact that he was at his own college, and was often only home for a week or two at a time over break, it just never came up in your time spent together.
In the middle of making pancakes, your friend Mei had called and said that her boyfriend was out of town and asked if she could come over and visit you because she was lonely. You asked the boys about it, and they said it was alright with them, and so here the four of you were, sitting in Iwaizumi’s living room that was decorated since you came over and made him decorate his apartment with you one night.
Iwaizumi got up, sending you a small smile as he passed by, heading into the kitchen. You looked back, seeing him by the coffee pot and waiting a couple of seconds before heading over there yourself. Oikawa and your friend Mei were talking, so they hardly noticed you getting up anyways.
“Hi,” you greeted as you walked into the little kitchen. Iwaizumi looked at you, smiling and sipping his coffee, moving so he could lean back on the counter and watch you loot through his fridge with a little smile on his face.
“Hey.” You stole a couple slices of cheese from his fridge, standing on the other side of the counter and peeking back at the two in the living room. “You warm enough?” He asked teasingly, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Shut up, your apartment was freezing last night. I was gonna die. Besides, you could have turned it back down.”
“Why would I turn it back down when I know you’re coming over and you’re just going to turn it back up?” You gave a laugh, setting your cheese down and wiping your hands off.
“Shush. Now come here, I have something for you.” You said, rooting through your pocket and looking for the bracelet that you made for the man. He sipped his coffee and hummed. “A Christmas present!” You grinned, pulling the bracelet out of your pocket. “I’m putting it on you before you can say you don’t want it on.” You said, and he gave a little laugh.
“Am I supposed to be getting a present yet?” He asked, a soft chuckle leaving him while you put the bracelet on his wrist.
“Uh, no. But your present is a two-parter, so this is okay.” You replied, and he gave a little hum in return.
“I get two presents, huh?” He asked, watching you. You tied it on and then looked up at him with a little smile on your pretty face.
“Mhm.” He smiled at you, looking at the bracelet around his wrist and feeling his little smile widen. Was he a jewelry person? No, but you made him this cute little bracelet and he was going to keep it forever.
“I love it.”
“It’s nothing like your other present.” You shrugged, catching a glimpse of Oikawa walking into the room from the corner of your eye and taking a step backwards.
“And here I only got you one present.” He said, turning and grabbing the second cup of coffee from the counter that he’d poured for you, though knowing you wouldn’t want it so hot, he was waiting for it to cool down a little bit before handing it to you. You sent your boyfriend a little smile, relishing in the feeling of his warm fingers brushing against yours.
“Is this coffee my Christmas present?” You asked teasingly, and he gave a little chuckle, shaking his head.
“Yes, (y/n). I made you a cup of coffee for Christmas.” You snickered, taking a sip of the warm coffee.
“Well you know, you said you only got me one present, I can make you a bracelet and you can give it to me and say you made it. Then we’re even.” You said, looking down at the coffee.
“Teach me how to make one. Then it’ll look really bad and everyone will know that I made it.” You laughed, shaking your head softly.
“It’s pretty hard to fuck these bracelets up, sorry to be the one to tell you.” You said, sipping the coffee again.
“Dammit, I was excited to ruin it.” He joked, watching you cutely smile and look at your coffee.
“Tough luck.” You said, glancing aside at Oikawa when he walked over while sipping his coffee from earlier.
“What are you two talking about?” He asked, and Iwaizumi looked at you.
“I was trying to figure out how to tell you I don’t have a present for you yet, because I wasn’t expecting you home for another couple months,” you told him, and it wasn’t necessarily a lie. You knew what you were getting Tōru, but he wasn’t supposed to be home right now and so you hadn’t gotten the present.
“I’ll accept a raincheck.” He teased, and you gave a little laugh at his comment.
“Thank you for your grace, your majesty.” Oikawa snickered, but then his eyes widened.
“Oh, but can we do presents now?” He asked, looking from you to Iwaizumi. The man shrugged, looking between both of you.
“I don’t care.” Oikawa quickly grabbed your wrist, setting his coffee cup down and pulling you after him. You gave a soft yelp, trying not to spill your coffee and following after the man.
“You’re gonna love my present.” Oikawa said, dragging you over to the fireplace before he finally let you go, digging around in his bag and pulling out a box. You frowned, setting the coffee cup down on the fireplace ledge, looking at the box and carefully taking it from him.
“You got me something?” You asked, looking up at Oikawa. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Of course I did.” He said, sitting down on the little sofa with Mei and patting the seat beside him. “Now open it.” You sat down, undoing the nicely tied bow as Iwaizumi walked in and leaned against the door frame to the room, watching the three of you and drinking his coffee.
Today may not have gone as planned, but he was happy that Oikawa was here. His two best friends spending the Holiday’s with him was all he ever wanted to keep going as he got older, especially with you by his side. That was all that really mattered to him, was that he had you and Oikawa no matter what.
You opened up the box, laughing at the sweater that was inside. It was folded just right so that you could see the lama on the front of it, wearing a Christmas sweater on the Christmas sweater.
“See, I told you that you’d love it.” You pulled it out and looked at it fully, the cute grin that was making Iwaizumi fall for you all over again still plastered on your face as you laughed.
“I love him. I’m naming him George.” You said, setting it back down and leaning over to hug Oikawa. “Thank you. I promise I’ll get your present soon.” Oikawa smiled, hugging you back.
“Don’t even worry about it.” He said, letting you go and resting back against the sofa while Mei kept talking to him about her story. You spotted Iwaizumi and set the sweater aside, getting up and walking over to him.
“Are you ready for the rest of your present?” You asked, and Iwaizumi smiled at you, finishing the last sip of coffee and nodding.
“Yes. Are you giving me your present first, or am I giving you mine first?” He asked, walking over with you to sit down on the other sofa that was across from the small seat by the fireplace.
“I’m giving you mine first.” You said, both nervous and excited to see his reaction to the present. “Then you can give me yours, but don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll like it, even if it isn’t as good as mine.” Iwaizumi chuckled, pulling a leg up on the sofa so he could face you better.
“I’ll try and not be too intimidated.” He said, and you gave a little laugh beneath your breath as you leaned down to grab the bag you brought. Iwaizumi watched you, having absolutely no clue what was in that bag, but he was excited to see it.
“Hold your hands out like this.” You said, directing his hands on his lap for you to put the book in. “Now close your eyes.” Iwaizumi sent you a little smile, closing his eyes tightly and patiently waiting. You glanced at him, pulling out the book from your bag and facing it towards him. “Okay, now really... it isn’t much, so take it easy on me.” You said, having possibly worked it up to be too much.
“I’m sure that I’m going to despise it.” He teased, waiting for you to tell him he could open his eyes. You bit down on your bottom lip and pulled back.
“You can open your eyes now.” He did so, looking down at the scrapbook in his hands. He hesitated, a soft smile taking over his features as he looked at the front photo on the scrapbook of you, Oikawa and him all smiling at the camera while Oikawa gave both you and Iwaizumi bunny ears with his fingers.
“You made me a scrapbook?” He asked softly, quickly looking at you with his smile growing and slowly starting to go through the pages. He took the time to look at each photo carefully, running his finger along the pages and little words wrote.
“Yeah.” You fiddled with your fingers, watching his eyes glide over every sticker and photo. “I was just thinking since we’re...” You glanced aside at Oikawa and your friend Mei. “Since we’re so close and we’ve known each other for so long, it might be a fun gift to give you.” You quickly added. He hummed, looking over the last page and flipping through the last empty pages.
“What’s with these?” He asked, looking at you.
“Well, we’re not done yet.” You said, scooting a little closer to him. “And like us, the scrapbook isn’t complete. I left some pages so that we can go through some more things that you think are important enough to put them in the book and remember.” The look of adoration was noticeable enough as he looked down at you.
“I love it so much.” He said softly, stopping himself from leaning down and wishing to god that Oikawa and Mei weren’t in this room, and instead were in the kitchen so he could give you even a quick kiss. No one had ever made something like this for him or put in this kind of effort, he honestly didn’t know how to react.
“I’m glad that you do.” You sent him a smile, watching as he moved and carefully set the book on the coffee table.
“Alright, now close your eyes.” He said, and you did, bringing your hand up to cover them. “It’s nowhere near as good as your presents.” He said honestly.
“I can’t wait to hate it.” You played along, earning a soft snicker from him. You felt his hands move around your shoulders, and a small necklace lay right below your collarbone.
“Okay, you can open your eyes.” He said, leaning back on the sofa. You pulled your hand back and opened your eyes as you reached down to feel the small necklace between your fingers. You couldn’t exactly feel what it was, but it wasn’t very detailed, you could tell that much.
“What is this?” You asked, brows furrowing inwards in confusion. Iwaizumi got his phone out, opening the camera and handing it to you. You held it out, looking down at the reflection of the little necklace in the screen.
It was just a small little silver moon, and maybe it meant nothing to most people, but your mind automatically went to the night he first told you that he loved you. He had taken you on a stargazing date, and when you were both laying back on the grass and you were watching the stars twinkle, he told you that he loved you more than how long it could take to count the stars. While that was completely cliché and he knew it was, it was also the cutest thing anyone had ever said to you before.
“I saw it and I thought of you. Because-- you know, you like going stargazing.” He stumbled, scratching the back of his neck. You grinned, setting his phone down on his lap and hugging him. You buried your face into his shoulder and squeezed the man in your arms. He gave a little laugh, hugging you back just as tightly. “You hate it?”
“So much.” He laughed with you. “And all I did was make you that stupid bracelet and a scrapbook.” You joked.
“Hey, I love my stupid bracelet and scrapbook and I’m keeping them forever.” He defended playfully. You pulled back only just a little bit to look up at him, that same obvious look of love that he had in his eyes before but now in your own.
He smiled down at you, and in a split second decision, you decided that you didn’t care that Oikawa and Mei were in the room anymore.
“I can’t do this.” You said beneath your breath. Iwaizumi tilted his head to the side slightly, a confused expression taking over his cute features that you adored so deeply.
“Can’t do what?” He asked, and you didn’t reply. You just leaned in and pressed your lips to his. You didn’t care that Oikawa definitely saw this moment, and it didn’t seem like Iwaizumi cared either as he wrapped his arms tighter around you and kissed you back.
You heard Mei choke on her coffee and Oikawa give a “Ha, I knew it!”
After a few more seconds, you pulled back, resting your forehead against his. You bit down on your lip, trying to stop the stupid smile that was working its way onto your face. He had a little grin on his face that he seemed to also be trying (and failing) to bite back.
“I love you.” You whispered. He pressed a little kiss to your nose and hummed.
“I love you, too. Merry Christmas, bug.” You gave a soft laugh at the cute nickname you weren’t expecting to hear with Oikawa in the room, and closed your eyes again.
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Baby bird and Super daddy (DC)
it was Friday afternoon and school was out which only meant one thing for a group of young sidekicks: it was time to haul their butts to San Francisco and more to the point to Titans tower.
Oddly though one member of the titans wasn't getting his normal ride from Gotham to the tower with his mentor Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne but inside had been picked up in Smallvile by his surrogate big brother Nightwing who was also giving a ride to Kon-el, AKA Superboy.
Sulking and pouting in his costume, Robin AKA Tim drake was blushing and his bottom looked a little more puffy then normal, but only a expert would know to look and see it.. so Naturally Dick had.
"So I'm not one to judge, I mean, I've know you and Kon where hooking up for awhile." Dick said, smirking and while he kept a eye on the controls of his aircraft, he made sure to steal looks back at the blushing big time Tim who had been tugged into Kon's lap. And of course Kon was smirking.
"but I just need to know, Is my little brother from anther mother in huggies because you two are kinky, or Kon needs to stop topping for awhile?"
"DICK!" Tim shrieked and whined, burying his face in Kon's shoulder and whining.
"He tried to make me his little guy, needless to say it backfired." Kon chuckled, and rubbed Tim's back and patted the boys bottom, a faint crinkling being heard only by Kon due to his super hearing over the dim of the plane.
"Oh, I HAVE to hear more..but before that.. I think I have a juice box or two if the little guy is thirsty." Dick offered.
"Dickkkkkk!" Tim whined and pouted, shooting daggers though his mask.
"Well he is a thirsty bitch, but he had a big ba-ba of fresh milk before we left." Kon chuckled.
"Hate you both." Tim whined and tried to squirm out of Kon's lap, but he was a boy of tissue in a boy of steel's grip, and wasn't going anywhere.
As Dick chuckled, Kon reached into Tim's belt and pulled out a superman logo pacifier and popped it in the boy wonders mouth and rocked him, and in seconds Tim had gone night night and Kon was free to tell the story.
Tim had pleaded and begged to hang out with Kon-el for the two days he had off from school back in Gotham (the staff was recovering from the latest attack by a bat rouge, Riddler this time.)
Bruce had tried to say the time could be used to help out with Gotham but after getting Alfred on his side it had only taken anther half hour before Bruce was dropping Tim off by the Kent farm, commenting on how much extra baggage he had taken with him for just going there for Thursday and Friday (Tim had spare clothes at titans tower)
Tim had come up with a excuse that he might help on the farm and didn't wanna end up smelling like cow dropping and Bruce had let it go.
Superboy of course who's X-ray vision was coming and going at this point had been able to spot right away was was in the extra luggage and just smirked to himself.
The Kent's of course knew without being told that Tim and Kon were dating, Connor just wouldn't shut up about him and they were practically all over each other calling it rough housing.
"If that's what you kids these days call it. Take it out to the barn." Was all Pa said, not looking up from his newspaper.
Once out in the barn, Tim went right to work turning on the puppy dog eyes and kissing Kon's neck and blowing in his ear, things that drove the boy of steel wild.
"Koooon, I have a hawt idea we should try out." Tim said in his 'I'm so cute you can't refuse me' voice which normally had Kon wrapped around Tim's little finger.
However forewarned Kon was ready and kept his control in place, though asked what Tim wanted to try out.
"Well have you ever heard of diaper punishment or age play?" Tim had asked, opening the luggage and holding up a teen sized diaper with little bat symbols on it and holding it out, grinning ear to ear.
Kon however, returned that grin with his own and played along, though not like Tim had expected.
"oh I see, You wanna be my little baby bird! Cute! and you even got bat diapers! Adorable!" Kon gushed as Tim's jaw dropped.
"W-What? No! I-" Tim started, blushing bright red.
"Ohhh I've heard of this, you're gonna act like you don't want it so you can be a pouty little boy while enjoying your diapie wipies~" Kon chuckled, dashing up and snatching the diaper from the smaller boys hands and planting a smooch on him, tongue dominating Tim's mouth and feeling the fight go out of Tim for a second.
he also felt the boy wonder less then wonderful hard on press against his leg and broke off the kiss.
"well I think that answers whether or not you want daddy Kon to make you a good little baby bird." Kon said.
"I what.. No! I was gonna.. you were gonna.." Tim whined, flustered and trying to will away his hard-on, but but there was no amount of zen training with Batman that was going to make the boy wonder's stiffie vanish.
"Oh look, you have a paddle, and some baby outfits.. paci's and ba-ba's..Damn you must REALLY wanna just be a helpless little diaper dork huh sweetie?" Kon was saying, looking though all the supplies tat had been meant for him and super warming up to the idea of babying Tim.
There was even a pair of jean overalls with crotch snaps so a certain diaper boy could work on the farm!
"and look at all these diapers! Somebody plans on making LOTS of presents for his super daddy huh?" Kon added.
"NO I DO NOT! THAT WAS ALL MEANT FOR YOU!" Tim whined and stomped a foot, hands balled in fists and at his sides.
Sadly, this did nothing to help his argument.
"Baby bird, that's enough of the attuide. You need to take off your big boy clothes and lay down so I can get you in a diapie or else mister man." Kon said, smirking but trying to have a authoritative tone, picking up the paddle.
Sadly as it turned out for Tim's poor soon to be bright red backside, Kon had the balls and more.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Kon guessed the effort he had put into the spanking (and being nice enough not to use the paddle too!) was about a 3 or 4, but from the howls and sobs that had escaped the soon to be pampered sidekick, you'd of sworn he had gone all out.
'Man, either full on humans are more fragile then I thought, or Tim just can't take a spanking!' Kon mused as he cleaned up the puddle that the boy wonder had made during his ten swats, and let's just say it wasn't urine. 'Though for someone who's sobbing so much with his nose in the corner..'
"Baby bird, you're gonna wake up half of Smallville with that sobbing, I'm gonna need you to tone it down or I'll have to get creative with gagging you." Kon called over sweetly.
Tim, with pants gone and butt glowing bright red from the spanking and having his hands on the back of his head turned around from the corner and moved his mouth as if to argue, then apparently thought better of it and meekly nodded his head.
"I-I'll try.." Robin sniffled and whined, any trace of him trying to be dom had left his body when he'd creamed himself from being spanked.
"I could give you one of your paci's, but you have to promise to be a very good boy and not spit it out, I'll just pop it back into your mouth anyways." Kon offered.
Looking around the dirty floor of the barn, Tim made a icky face and nodded he could be good and opened his mouth for the customed Superman paci, with the large oversized rubber nipple making Tim start to drool down his chin in seconds.
"it's too bag you didn't pack a enema kit, I bet you have the CUTEST 'i'm pooping!' face baby bird!" Kon commented, having laid most of the items out on his bed and chuckling at the whimper that escaped from Tim.
"Shucks, and Pa and ma Kent kicked us out to the barn for the night.. I know ma has a nice big one. Ah well, there's always tomorrow." Kon chuckled and shrugged.
Tim gave a series of muffled protests around the paci turning a little pale at the thought of getting a massive soapy enema while Kon and the Kent had breakfast, though it was also making him get a little excited.
"Hmmm? Oh I see someone likes the idea~ thats great! I'm sure Ma and Pa won't mind having a baby around the house." Kon laughed.
Tim whined and wanted to argue, wanted to take out the paci and say no way in hell,m but his body betrayed him again and he made anther puddle instead.
"Sheesh, You must be backed up like crazy.. Better get you pampered before you paint the walls."
"Wait, did he really cream himself again just from-" Nightwing asked, snickering and glad he'd switched to auto pilot for this.
"NO I didn't!" Tim whined and huffed, squirming in his seat.
"Baby bird, what did I tell you about telling fibs?" Kon warned wagging a finger at the smaller boy.
"...OK maybe I did.. But it's not my fault! you know how hard it is to crank one out at the mansion since Alfred doesn't approve!!" Tim whined and sulked,
"Actually back in my day Alfred just left me tissues and Lotion and a note asking I keep my voice down." Dick chuckled, though he blushed a little as he recalled it.
"That's SO unfair!!" Tim whined and huffed.
"Don't worry about it baby bird. now that you'll be my little guy at least once a week I'll make sure you're never backed up again." Kon teased and kissed Tim's forehead.
"My hero.." Tim huffed. "Just finish the poopie story."
To say the Kent's were a little shocked the next morning when A clearly diapered Tim was lead over, sucking on a paci and dressed to go to work in the field would of been a understatement, but as the human couple that had raised Superman from babyhood to adult, Had been the home of Matrix while she was still adjusting to life on this earth and were now looking after Kon,,they got over the shock rather quickly.
If anything, Kon had called it and Ma Kent dotted on baby Tim right away, though to Kon's disappointment (and maybe Tim's) she turned down the idea of giving Tim a enema for fun.
"Those are just in case the widdle cutie is all backed up!" she scolded Kon, who pouted a little but backed down.
Breakfast was egg's and bacon for the Kent's and Kon, and a bowl of oatmeal for widdle Timmy who (thankfully!) was too big to fit in Kal's old highchair, but they did have a booster seat he was put into and had one of Kal's old bibs tied around his neck.
"You know, after we get the farm work done, we could go into the wood shop and likely make him a high chair." Pa mused.
"W-What?" Tim asked, his spoon dropping into the bland icky oatmeal.
"Oh, get idea pa! Think we could make him a crib too?" Kon asked, grinning ear to ear.
"I don't see why not. Just a shame Most of Clark's old stuffies didn't make it." Pa chuckled.
"heh, I can help with that. I've been making teddy bears for the church to sell so I think I could make our new widdle great grandson one or two. Do you want a teddy bear Timmy?" Ma asked and reached over, using the bib to wipe a spot of oatmeal off of Tim's face.
"I...I..I.." Tim whimpered and squirmed like crazy in the high chair, suddenly thankful that Kon was the only one with hearing good enough to heard what he was doing to the front of his diapers, though Kon just smirked.
"Trust me Ma, he does."
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For the meet Ugly- 13 with Danbrey?
Here you go! I went SFW on this one
13: we make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine
The bus is not as fun as she remembers.
When Aubrey was a little kid, her mom would use the bus to take her to the museum or the movies or, on the best days, the magic store. Yes, the Little’s had a nice car, but her mom believed that not only was the bus better for the environment, it was a way to remember that there was nothing scary about being around people who come from all sorts of circumstances (Aubrey later learned this was due to her mom once being at a PTA meeting where hands were rung over children using public transportation being exposed to “unsavory” people).
“The world is full of all kinds of people, firebug. That’s not something to be scared of.”
She wipes her eye surreptitiously under the West Virginia sun. You’d think she’d have learned not to think about mom in public by now.
The bus line she’s using for her tour is inexplicably crowded; half these towns are on their way to being ghosts but somehow she’s always fighting for a seat. She doesn’t like her chances for this leg of the ride, since she got distracted reading about the history of Doc Martens and ended up towards the back of the line.
By some luck, there’s one seat left as she squeezes onto the bus, using her body to keep people from elbowing the fabric carrier containing Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD. But in the time she takes to turn to sit, someone else slips into the spot, so fast it’s almost inhuman.
“Um, excuse me, but this was my seat.” She turns to confront the thief and finds herself looking at a young woman about her age, with honey-blonde hair and hazel eyes which, were she not tired and grumpy, Aubrey would have lots of compliments for.
“No, it wasn’t. I got here first. You’ll just have to stand.”
“That’d be fine if it were just me.” The bus pulls away from the curb, “but it’s bad for Dr. Harris Bonkers to be suspended for too long.” She adjusts the bunny bag, hoping his big brown eyes and wiggly nose will make her case for her.
“Awww” the blonde coos, booping him through the mesh, “don’t worry little guy, you aren’t going too far. You’ll be fine if your person stands for a little bit.”
“It’s not a little bit, it’s twelve hour trip to my next stop!”
A smile full of understated charm and triumph, “It’s thirteen to mine.”
“Aw beans.”
“......are you going to get out of my lap at any point?”
“No” Aubrey turns her head to look out the window, “this is a good seat, even if there’s someone in it. I’m staying.”
It’s not her finest moment, to be sure. But she’s tired and heartsick so she is staying in this seat, damn it. The other woman grumbles something and slumps back against the black seat.
They hit the next stop, but not enough people get off, so she stays in her mystery lady’s lap. Her seat(mate) pulls a baggie of granola from the pocket of her definitely-not-cute-at-all overalls and crunches it louder than necessary by her ear.
“Uh, your rabbit is trying to get out.”
Aubrey glances down to see the mesh front straining as Dr. Harris Bonkers attempts to reach the granola.
“Don’t beg, young man, it’s rude.”
“Can he have a piece?” She holds up a dried strawberry.
“Um, sure.” Aubrey watches as she unzips the top of the carrier and let’s the rabbit nibble the treat from her hand. Aubrey’s a little jealous.
They don’t say anything to each other, but the rabbit gets two more treats before they reach the next stop. The person who’s spent the whole trip asleep in the window seat next to them jerks awake and hurries off the bus. Aubrey scoots into it before anyone can dare challenge her.
They’ve just turned onto the highway when she says, “Thanks. For, um, for sharing your granola.”
“You’re welcome.”
“And I’m, um, I’m sorry for sitting on you.”
“Yeah that wasn’t great, but if someone was going to sit on me I’m glad it’s the cutest passenger on the bus.” She points at Dr. Harris Bonkers, but keeps her eyes on Aubrey.
“We’re both kinda tired. We had a show late last night and we’re nervous for the one tomorrow.”
“I’m a magician and he’s my assistant. I’m known as the Lady Flame” she snaps and finger-guns, setting off a flashpaper, “but you can call me Aubrey.”
“Ma’am, no smoking on the bus!”
“Sorry!” She calls to the driver.
“I’m Dani” the blond boops Dr. Harris Bonkers again, “whose this guy?”
“Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD.”
“Nice to meet you, doctor.”
“Are, um, are you just traveling for fun?” She unzips the carrier enough for them both to pet him.
“Not really. I was running an, uh, an errand. I’ll be glad to get back to Kepler.” She fiddles with something in her pocket, “could I see more of your act?”
“I think that might get me thrown off the bus.”
“Don’t you have pictures?” Dani smiles.
“Oh duh, right, here, I even got someone to take some videos.” She scooches closer, Dani closing the remaining distance to rest their shoulders together. As they move through the videos, Dani is noticeably excited, even claps a few times. When Aubrey’s battery dies, they say “fuck” in sync.
“...want to play ‘I Spy?”
“Hell yeah.”
The next three hours pass in a flash, the two of them laughing and trading stories, all the while both cuddling closer to the window (to better play the game, of course).
They reach a travel hub, the driver informing everyone that they’ll leave in an hour on the dot. The two of them select a Dennys, since in Aubrey’s experience they tend to ignore her bringing in an eighteen pound rabbit.
She charges her phone while they eat, Dani getting corned beef hash, (“not as good as the one my friend makes back home”) while Aubrey has pancakes. She gets a little syrup on her cheek and nearly asks Dani to clean it off for her. With her tongue.
It’s dark when they get back to their seats, but the driver keeps the A.C cranked to the point that Aubrey is shivering. Dani pulls a shawl from her backpack, draping it around them both like a blanket as the trees become nothing more than vague shapes in the dark.
They talk about Aubrey’s tattoos, about the garden Dani has back home (“lots of veggies, you’d like that, wouldn’t you buddy?”). Last night starts catching up with Aubrey, yawns threatening to steal her attention from the way the light catches in Dani’s hair.
“Wanna see more videos?” That’s low energy flirtation, right?
“Of course.”
As she opens the videos, she hits an older album and an image of her and her mom fills the screen. She freezes, like the highbeams of the past are barrelling towards her and all she can do is watch.
“Aubrey?” Dani touches her cheek.
“Um, sorry.” She shoves the phone in the pocket of her jacket, “I, my, my mom died a little while ago. That was her. Um. I guess that was obvious. Sorry.”
Dani’s fingers find hers, interlacing them gently, “I’m so sorry, Aubrey. I...I get it. My family is, well I made some choices that mean I’ll never get to see them again. I, the reason I went on this trip was because I heard one of my brothers might have, uh, done the same thing. He hadn’t.” She sighs, “I don’t even know if they’re all still alive.”
“That sucks. This all. Fucking. Sucks.”
Dani nods, rests their heads together, “You know what doesn’t suck? Meeting you.”
“Pfffft” Aubrey smiles through her tears, hoping the joking noise will hide her blush.
Dani cups her cheeks, “I’m serious. Getting to know you feels like, like rounding a corner and seeing your house after years away. I, this is going to sound silly but please tell me you’re stopping in Kepler for a show?”
“I’m not but I, um, I guess I could still stop off there? If you really wanted me to.” Something about Dani’s smile, the warmth in her eyes, soothes her grief to sleep for now.
“I do, fireblossom, so much.”
Aubrey blushes, “Think you might be my first fan; no one else ever requests a show.”
Dani kisses her cheek, “I might even request one in private.”
“I could get into that” she yawns, “damn it, I don’t wanna sleep. I wanna keep flirting with you, cutie pie.”
Dani shifts their luggage, scoots sideways and guides Aubrey’s head down into her lap, “Get some rest, Aubrey. Just being able to look at you is enough for me.”
“Awww” Aubrey nestles against her stomach, “you’re so cute...just a...cutie...pie...zzz”
The last thing she feels is a kiss on the forehead and Dani tucking the shawl around her.
Aubrey does not want to get off this bus; Dani is cuddled up next to her, telling her about what kind of flowers she’d grow her, when he stops come up.
“Whelp….this is me.”
Dani helps her off the bus, passing her the carrier containing a sleeping Dr. Harris Bonkers. Then she smirks, “is your balance pretty good.”
“Yeah? Wh-mmphhoh” She holds tight as Dani nearly knocks her off her feet in a kiss. She tastes like the strawberry poptart they split for breakfast and is not making it any easier to say goodbye.
“Promise you’ll come see me in Kepler?’ Dani murmurs against her lips.
A kiss on the nose, then a longer one on the mouth that makes Aubrey feel like she’s going to go up flashpaper. Then Dani is gone, off towards Kepler. A town Aubrey has no knowledge of and no idea how to navigate. And she didn’t get Dani’s last name.
“Fuck.” She says to the rabbit.
The rabbit simply snuffles in reply.
A few hours after her most catastrophic show to date and getting a gun pointed at her, Aubrey walks into Amnesty Lodge and finds a certain face, haloed with golden hair, waiting for her by the fireplace.
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weeb-writor · 3 years
Meeting Shouta’s parents on Christmas
Hello all you beautiful people! So here is the last part in the Aizawa mini series. I fell in love with all these Characters and this head cannon so I will probably revisit them! As usually the reader is neutral in every since of the word! I hope you guys enjoyed this series. 
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
After a month of preparation you meet Aizawa’s Parent over the course of a week
Words: 3,098
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
“Ooh my goodness what are we gonna do!?” You said pacing around your living room. Shouta looked at you and chuckled at your frazzled state.
“We get in my car and drive to my family house as planned, pretend to enjoy ourselves so we can come home and cuddle with my fat cats.” He said, pulling you into a hug. 
“You want me to show up to meet your parents without the gift I ordered for you dad? Shouta are you outta your mind.” You said to him with a pout.
“Well that's debatable but I do know my parents and they aren't even expecting anything so it's fine. You can just tell them we’ll get it to him when we get it. Now let's go!” He said trying to drag you to the car.
“Aizawa Shouta! I am not going anywhere unless it's to a store to buy your Dad a gift.” You said giving him a glare. He stared back as if to question if you were being serious. You cocked an eyebrow at him, challenging him to disagree.
“Were gonna be late to get there, do you want that?”
“Better to be late than to show empty handed especially when everyone else has gifts.” You said with a shrug. Aizawa laughed but nodded as you both went to the store. You wandered around the place for an hour before you found something you actually liked. Now you were in the car messily wrapping in as you pulled into the driveway of your destination.
“Okay goodness gracious we barely made it but we're here and I have gifts for all your siblings and their lovers and their kids! Didn't think I would pull it off but here we are in one piece.” You said mostly to yourself.
“Kitty Cat you start talking to yourself and I might leave you to enter the den of wolves by yourself.” Aizawa said as you both got out of the car. You let him take in your overnight bags and get help for the millions of presents somehow packed into your small car you didn't wait long as you felt as presence behind you.
“Hello you, perfect example of a gorgeous human being!” The voice said from behind you.
“Shinji, how nice to see you.” You said with a sigh.
“You know if you’re tired of sighing that way… I have a better way to make you sigh.” He said winking at you. You had to push back all the thoughts of murdering him and just smiled but before you could say anything another voice interjected.
“See I told you we had to come out here! Shinji stop hitting on y/n their dating our little brother you snake.” Saika said, hitting him over the head.
“Can't help it, sis!” He said with a laugh.
“Well for this week you absolutely will have better control overself or so help me God Shinji! Anyway y/n you’ve got me, Shinji and sora at your beck and call, what do you need help with?” Saika said with her graceful smile.
“Oh just this.” You said pointing to the car packed with presents. Sora seemed to choke on air at the amount of gifts.
“God, didn't Shouta tell you didn't have to buy everyone a gift, you poor thing!” Saika said hugging you.
“Well he did but I just really like you guys and loved getting to know you this past month so I wanted to.” You said waving her off.
“More like you wanted to impress our parents, huh cutie?” Shinji said teasing you before he started to grab presents as to avoid his sister wacks.
“Ignore him! My mom is dying to meet you, Shouta’s never brought anyone home.” She said as her and Sora grabbed some more presents. As they went in you pulled out the last two rounds of presents and waited for Aizawa who wasn't far behind.
“Hey love are you ready?” Aizawa said, picking up the presents you set out.
“I am totally not!! I barely remember everyone's name! We should just slip away right now!” You said beginning to pace some more.
“Babe i'm gonna go inside and wait on you, come in whenever you want but remember we are late.” He said with a light chuckle.
“Sho!! don't you go into your house without me!” You said picking up the gifts and following him like a lost puppy. That was that and soon you were inside the house with a lot of eyes on you. You followed aizawa while bowing and placed the toys underneath the huge tree.
“Alright now that that’s done let me meet the one whose stolen my baby’s heart so effortlessly!” A woman said coming over to you. You bowed deeply to her and she let out a melodious laugh.
“How cute, no need to bow so deep! I should be bowing to you, you who is able to make my stoic Shouta blush, giggle and pout!” She says grabbing your face and pulling it around as if to inspect it.
“Oh Honey, you stop it! They are just being polite, you know like Japanese culture requires them to be.” A tall man said coming over to you.
“I'm just saying! Anyway you can call me Mina and this is my parasite of 41 years Hirohito! Nice to meet you!” She said hugging you, you were a bit surprised by how informal and kind they were.
“Excuse my parents, they were born and raised in America! No less Japanese but they are a bit more informal and that does shock a lot of people.” Shojiro said scratching his neck. 
“Oh hush boy! Don’t put a warning label on me and your mom as if we are damaged goods.” Hirohito said, knocking him over the head.
“Now it’s getting later we should all wash up and get ready to eat! I made something special for you all. And Sho I put a king size bed in your room since you’ve finally brought someone home. If you want to take advantage of that and make me some grandchildren then don’t worry we will hold up dinner for you!” His mom said kissing his cheek. He groaned and grabbed your hand and pulled you away and soon you were in his room.
“See, was that so hard?” Aizawa said with a flushed face.
“Ehh you look like it was, tomato paste! But I think it went okay! I can do this!!” You said hyping yourself up.
“Yes you can, kitty cat. After dinner only 6 more days to go.”
“WHY do you guys do Christmas gatherings for a week!” You whisper yelled at him.
“Because we have a doting mother who wants to smother us every chance she gets and a father who would do anything for her.” He said serious, you laughed and got ready for dinner. When you and Aizawa made it to the dining room, you were met with three huge dining tables. Almost every seat filled.
“Sweetheart, you and y/n come sit right here! I’ve got so many things to ask you!” His mom said waving you over.
“Thank you… Mina. Your way to kind!” You said with another bow. Dinner was pretty quiet at first but how quiet can you be with like 30 people in one room.
“Saika, dear, you were in charge of the schedule this year can you read it off for everyone.” Mina said.
“Of course! So on the 20th aka tomorrow it’s all about decorations and the tree! 21st is all about taking the kids to see Santa! 22nd is Family photo day! 23 is the gingerbread houses contest and reindeer games! 24th is sugar cookie making and movies! 25th is a grand breakfast and present opening! Bring forth the cup of straws!” Saika said giggling. Sora rolled his eyes but got the cup and passed it around, everyone taking a straw. 
“Okay now blow into if red dust comes out you’re in charge of taking the kids to see Santa!” She announced and everyone did. Of fucking course red dust billowed from you straw. You looked at Shouta and he shook his head at you and your heart dropped.
“So then it’s me and you, how fortunate!” Shinji said waving at you. You couldn’t control yourself and your head dropped onto the table dramatically.
“Haha, Shinji y/n already knows what a pain in the ass you are! you must be losing your style dear! Not to worry y/n, Shinji will be on his best behavior won’t you?” Mina said as an ominous silence fell over the room. Shinji didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Okay then! Y/n, welcome to the Aizawa family. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas with us! With that let us begin the 6 days of chaos!” Mina said laughing lifting her glass, everyone joined laughing. Okay maybe this won’t be so bad you thought for a brief second.
20th - 5 Days till Christmas
“Dad I understand you like to hang lights up dangerously but do you have to drag y/n into it.” Aizawa said as he watched you nervously. You were on the roof helping his dad put up a few decorations and lights.
“Of course I did, if they’re gonna be an Aizawa one day they gotta learn all our trade secrets.” He retorted as if it was common knowledge.
“I’ve never seen my little Sho so worried. I can’t figure out if it’s because your kind and you love him so much or if you’ve got him by the balls or maybe even both.” Mina said with a slight chuckle. This made you warm in embarrassment and you lost your footing and began to fall, of course taking the old man with you.
“Shit!” Aizawa said as he quickly used his capture weapon to grab both you and stop your impact from being damaging.
“Yeah alright, me and y/n are opting out of decorations this year.” He said dragging you who was still in his captured weapon toward the door.
“Oh honey calm down it would have just been a small bump and maybe a sprain. Would you at least help Shinji and Sora with the kids, decorating the tree?” She said with a kind yet manipulative smile. Before either of you could respond yelling was heard from inside
“Damn it, Yukio stop breaking the glass ornaments and Maki stop recording and help me!” Shinji yelled. 
21st- 4 Days till Christmas 
“Shinji what the hell do we do!” You said pacing.
“Hold on stop talking I’m thinking.”
“Like hell I’m trusting your brain! We just have to ask them to let us take pictures anyway.” You said with determination. You see everything was going well until and elf said something to Haru that Jun took as bullying. A fire light in that boy like you had never seen he was on top of the elf giving him the business in seconds. After he just mumbled things like ‘Bakugou said you can’t let people bully you.’ And ‘gotta put bullies in their place.’. Then when you tried to get him to apologize he glared and said ‘no, I can’t let that bully win’ and just like that y’all were kicked out.
“No look let’s just disguise them! Tetsuya and Haru stitch clothing and Haru and Umi switch! Then Maki will take them and her pictures with them.
“What about Maki though they saw her!” You said not believing you were actually going along with his crazy plan.
“Oh I have a change of clothes, gotta be prepared when you’re going out with uncle Shinji!”  She said cheerfully.
“That’s my girl! Now go do this thing!” He said giving her and high five. Someone how Shinji’s ridiculous plan worked and the parents didn’t even notice, they were all too drunk or tired. 
22nd - 3 Days until Christmas 
“There is no way I'm taking pictures wearing this.” Sora said as he pulled the clothes from the box.
“Yeah mom, why did you make Sho pick clothes this year you know he cant even dress himself! It’s because you babied him so much, you know.” Shojiro said, looking as equally as disgusted at the clothing.
“Hey now! I put my baby in charge of the clothing and you all are gonna wear it, end of discussion. Also if anyone babied him it was all of you so blame yourself.” Mina said, ending the discussion as Shouta wore a crazed grin.
“I like the clothes Uncle sho’ta.” Nozomi said rocking on her heels.
“They are pretty cute huh?” He said ruffing her hair.
“Ah ah ah! Don't you go infecting my kids with your bad fashion sense!.” Saika said, covering Nozomi's ears. At this you all broke out into laughs before heading to put on the outfits and prepare for maybe the most embarrassing photos known to man.
23rd - 2 days till Christmas
You were not an artist by any means but when you heard the winner got the honor of passing out presents you were purposely trying to lose. You knew them apart mostly but if they were all wearing the same pajamas with their hair tied back it was going to be a stuttering mess. However your plan of making a 3 out of 10 gingerbread house was foiled quickly. Aizawa wasn't really a competitive man or so you thought but when you to were paired against Shinji and Shojiro he went berserk! You looked at the gingerbread MANSION with a sigh.
“Shouta i’ve never seen you so invested! It's amazing.” Said Shizumi the resident artist in the house.
“Yeah uncle Shouta and L/N! You definitely got my vote!” Daisuke said smiling at you, you smiled back at him warily. The family all wrote down the people of their choosing and put it into the Santa hat. Now as names were being drawn you were biting your nails.
“Shouta and Y/n will be our Clauses this year.” Hirohito said with a small smile.
“Yay y/n wins.” Haru and Jun danced around you. You giggled before glaring at Aizawa in a way that said when we get home your sleeping on the couch, he just kissed you sweetly.
24th - 1 Day till Christmas
“Uncle Shouta stopped making so many cat cookies! Santa wants other shapes too!” Tetsuya said, hitting Shouta repeatedly on his legs. You laughed evilly as you formed another cat cookie and wrote Shouta’s name on the corner.
“I like your cat cookies.” Nozomi said, playing with her hair. Aizawa picked her up and spun her around.
“Okay, yep that's weird Baby brother! Why is Nozomi clinging to you? What did you do?” Shiori said looking back and forth from you and Shouta.
“Nothing.” Shouta said with a smirk. The family then looked at you hopeful.
“Well would you look at that! It's about time to watch the Grinch isn't it, Rei?” You asked the young boy. He eagerly nodded wanting to escape the situation. 
“You got Rei too? What is happening!” Saika said as she grabbed Rei bringing him to her chest.
“Huh where is your DVD player? I got to put the disk in.” You said completely ignoring her.
25th - Christmas Day
The gift giving had been going pretty successfully. You only Stuttered a few times but you hadn't given anyone the wrong present and let Shouta take the ones with Nicknames you didn't know. But this right here was the moment of truth, the moment you had been preparing for. In your right hand you had a gift for Shizumi and in your left one for Saika. You looked at the two twin like sisters and handed the gifts to each respectful sister hoping you were right. They opened the gifts and smiled so you guessed you were correct had everyone's eyes not been on you, you would have done a happy dance.
“Alright last gift before Mom and Dads are for Miss Nozomi!” Shouta said signaling you to get the present you and him picked out for the young girl.
“Alright this is from me and Uncle Shouta!” You said to the girl handing her the blue box. She said a quiet thank you before tearing into the box. Inside the box was a note which she took out.
“Look at your favorite uncle.” She said before looking straight at Shouta making all the other brothers gasp. In Shouta’s arm was a cute 3 legged kitten which had the girl darting toward him but slowed when she got to him so as not to scare the cat.
“Thank you!” The girl said, rubbing at her teary eyes. You and Aizawa had been teaching her how to care for cats knowing she wanted one. In all honesty she knew she was getting a cat she just didn't know when. You had asked her parents as well but didn't tell then when either so as to have a bigger reaction from the family.
“No need to thank me! Just promise me to take care of him real well.” Aizawa thumbed away the last of her tears. She nodded rapidly before snuggling the kitten who seemed to enjoy the attention. The last arc of gift giving went well as did the extravagant breakfast you had all prepared together. Now you were all saying goodbye.
“Y/n dear I do have one last parting gift for you.” Mina said as you rounded the corner with your bags. You placed down your bags and went to her side.
“I know you and Shouta haven't been together too long but I want to thank you. He acts tougher than he is. He would rather bear all the responsibility and pain and suffer alone. Not to mention the way he puts himself in danger rather than ask for help. With you he seems different, and you put him in his place. You’ve made me feel at ease for the first time since he entered UA as a student. So welcome to the family, we're so glad to have you.” She said putting something into your hands. You bowed at her and opened your palm to see a key to this house and a few pictures taken over the course of the week. You waved goodbye to them all and got your bags and made the short trip to your car where Shouta was waiting.
“Why do you look like you're going to cry.” He said worried.
“Because there are 365 days till next Christmas.” You said to him smiling.
MHA Masterlist
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aussiearrow · 3 years
Last Name - E. Phantasmo
A/N: Okay wow, this has been in progress for months with so many changes, so many doubts, so many other things. But it's finally here. Thanks to @bitterendbrutalizer for forever listening to my ideas the last few months and encouraging this to see the light of day sooner rather than later.
If you want to be added to the taglist on this please let me know.
This is part of a series called ' Waking Up In Vegas ' , it started out as a 2 part but as things went along it became a 3 part. So hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: I curse a lot so there's a few thrown in, alcohol , elp ( yes he's a warning cause look at him)
Last Name - E.Phantasmo x OFC
" Last night I got served a little bit too much of that poison baby. Last night I did things I'm not proud of and I got a little crazy. Last night I met a guy on the dance floor and I let him call me baby. "
Kal walked through the doors of the airport ready to just get this vacation started already. She must have had the week from hell with dealing with terrible people who consistently told her how she should do her job that she's only done for the past 10 years now but since it wasn't what they wanted to hear it was all wrong.
She met up with her group as she gave them all quick hugs.
"The rest of the group should be here soon." Kasey said as she led Kal over to the seat next to her as the two sat down.
"Rest of the group?" Kal asked her with a confused look," I thought it was just going to be me, you, Jay, Toni, Bea, and Juice?"
"It was until Jay over here said it out loud and a certain headbanger overheard followed by an invitation from Juice which than somehow now Will is coming too and Taiji and who knows whatever other club member or Chaos member or former at this point." Kasey said as Jay cheekily looked over at them.
"I'm sorry I got excited." Jay said.
Kal just nodded while she didn't exactly know any of them, she knew of them when she watched New Japan Pro Wrestling every week to see her friends. And sometimes they would be on the show and they seemed like they were a pretty fun group to be around.
"Okay did they say when they should be here? I think I needed to be in Vegas like yesterday." Kal said as the three of them laughed.
It was soon broken up by a loud commotion at the other end of the airport as they all looked over to see the one who Kal knew as Kenta who she met a number of times and got along with greatly. Kenta laughing as he walked away from Taiji who was picking up his suitcase off the floor with a flushed cheeks as a guy who Kal only knew by his wrestling name El Phantasmo stood there watching him and laughing. Will on the other hand made his way over to the group more so Bea.
"And that would be them." Kasey said as she greeted Will and re introduced the two.
"You're the infamous Kal we hear a lot about yet never seen was starting to think they all made you up." Will said with a laugh.
"Hell of an imagination. I'm Riley. This is Taiji and Kenta." Riley said as Kal offered them all a small smile.
"We've met." Kenta said as he offered her a hug that she returned.
"And you held out on us?" Riley said.
"Do you blame him?" Jay said from behind as he stepped forward to greet them.
The whole plane ride was filled with jokes from the group some of which Kal was included in on. Most were ones that Kal never got due to leaving wrestling to pursue her other passion that was slowly making her unhappy now. All the jokes that seemingly came from a certain group of guys.
Kenta sat next to Kal as he always made her feel welcomed in the group of wrestlers as he was the first one she met aside from Jay and Kasey.
"How's work?" Kenta asked her.
"Starting to feel more like a job if you ask me."
"Oof that bad?" Kenta asked as Kal nodded," Well than that is the last mention of work you'll hear from me this weekend?"
"Mention of what?" Kal said as Kenta laughed.
"Exactly." Kenta said.
The rest of the plan ride went more like the first half. As they got off the plane and checked into a hotel almost all of them decided on dinner and bed so that way they can spend the whole day tomorrow doing what they want to do. And just with Kal's luck her room ended up being right next to Riley and Taiji's room.
" And I don't even know his last name. My momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And than it turned into,' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know his last name. "
They all decided that it was a pretty good idea to meet up for dinner after everyone got settled in. But to no one's surprise Kasey and Jay decided that they were going to do a bit of a date night. Kal had known Kasey for years having went to school together in Florida. And being there the night she met Jay cause she wasn't sure if it was truly him or not.
When they all met up at the restaurant everyone was talking about things they wanted to do things that didn't exactly excite Kal. Her main goal this trip was to hopefully not remember a single thing by the end of it all.
"What about you Kal?" Kenta asked.
"My goal is to forget about anything I did this trip."
"I mean you definitely came to the right place for that." Bea said with a laugh.
"I'm more than okay with doing that, will you be able to hold off until tomorrow?" Will said.
"I can get started alone."
"In Vegas? Absolutely not. Kenta?" Toni said.
"I'm out, for once. I'm actually tired." Kenta said.
Kal sighed as that meant Bea, Toni, Juice, Kenta were out. Kasey and Jay were off doing whatever.
"What about me and Taiji?" Riley said.
"I wouldn't make her go through that. And while I trust Taiji you'll probably end up just as wasted as her and we'll have a hard time finding both of you in the morning." Taiji said.
"Okay what if they both go with me?" Kal said kind of surprised she even entertained the idea even in the slightest.
"I'm down." Riley said as he shot Kal a smile and a wink.
If it wasn't for Taiji agreeing Kal would have taken it all back but she really did want too enjoy her first night here.
"Than it's settled. After this the 3 of us are going to hit the town. You into strip clubs Kal?"
"Absolutely not. At least not the first night." Kal said as they all finished their dinner.
"So what do you expect to do than?" Riley asked Kal as they said their goodbyes to their friends as Riley and Taiji got the run down of making sure that they all come see them for lunch tomorrow since they certainly won't be making breakfast.
"Drink. Don't care where as long as it's not a strip club. I was thinking of starting at that new place that opened up on the strip and I'm just going to let the night tell me where else I should go." Kal said as she turned to look at them.
"We can go there." Taiji said before Riley could even respond as Kal smiled.
"I like you already." Kal said.
"What about me?" Riley said with a slight pout.
"I think I might be still warming up to you. Ask me tomorrow." Kal said as Taiji laughed as the 3 of them headed down the strip.
"Okay please don't lose anyone, not in Vegas at least." Taiji said as they all sat down at a table.
"We won't Bone Daddy." Riley said in a mocking yet playful tone.
"Who calls someone Bone Daddy?" Kal said as she gave them both a confused look.
"Just a running joke about his gimmick." Riley said with a slight shrug.
"Is there a running joke about you?" Kal said as Taiji laughed causing her to look over at him.
"This guy get a nickname that he didn't give himself? Good joke." Taiji said as Kal laughed and Riley shook his head," At least nothing that anyone says to his face."
Riley threw the closest thing on the table at him as Taiji continued to laugh as they put their drink orders in," We can let Kal here come to a decision on whether or not I get a nickname."
"I think I'd much rather join everyone else and keep it behind your back, makes things that much more interesting." Kal said as she smiled slightly when he looked at her as she sipped her drink.
"How did you meet Kenta?" Taiji asked
'"Yeah how? We've been around him for the past 2 years now, heard of you but never saw you." Riley followed up.
"I met him when Jay brought him to be my date cause I was visiting Kasey when he dropped by unexpectedly."
"You don't wrestle?" Taiji asked as Kal shook her head no.
"Trained a little, but at the same time I was pulling for my other dream job. That opportunity came knocking first and spent the last 10 years doing that."
"You don't seem too thrilled about that." Riley said.
"Cause lately I'm not, it started feeling like a job when new people starting coming in pitching ideas that I tried to pitch for years and since they are younger I guess they decided they were going to listen to them all while treating everyone else like shit." Kal said with a sigh remembering the argument that ensued at the office the night before she left.
"So you mentioned a date with Kenta?" Riley said of course bringing it back to her love life.
"Yeah, we hit it off." Kal said blankly as Riley nodded his head the playful look in his eyes slowly going away," As friends."
Taiji raised his eyebrows as another round of drinks came and went as Riley grilled Kal on her life.
"Okay that's enough. I think I entertained you guys enough. We should go back to the hotel so we can get some rest for tomorrow." Taiji said as he stood up.
Kal booed at him but still stood up knowing that he was right, the way she saw it is if she went to bed now she could get an early start tomorrow. Riley on the other hand had completely different plans and if he could just get Kal to look in his direction he could have it play out.
As the group paid and left the bar, Taiji hailed for a cab. Once one pulled up, Riley made it seem like he 'dropped' something and couldn't find it once Taiji got inside. As Kal turned to help Riley out, he waited long enough to the point the cab pulled away.
As Riley pulled his phone out of his pocket," Oops, must have been here the entire time."
"You're a mess." Kal said as she turned back to see the cab now half way down the road.
"Oh no, looks like we missed the cab. I can get us another one." Riley said as Kal heard the totally did that on purpose tone in his voice.
"Or we can go to that other bar?" Kal said with a hopeful tone.
"Lead the way." Riley said das he held his arm out for her to go first as she smiled mischievously as she walked by him and he followed closely behind.
" We left the club, right around three o'clock in the morning. His pinto sitting there in the parking lot. Well it should have been a warning. I had no clue what I was getting into so I blame it on Cuervo. Oh, where did my manners go? "
It only took a couple of more drinks before Kal found herself hanging onto Riley as his hands wrapped tightly around her waist as they left the club at 3 in the morning.
"Do we have to go back to the hotel?" Kal said as she slurred her words a little bit as she pouted up at him.
"Well where else would we go?" Riley said as he looked down at her.
Kal shrugged," We're in Vegas don't people party until like Tuesday or something?"
Riley laughed," I don't think that's the saying but I'm sure we can come up with something." Kal sat there with a pout as she didn't let go of Riley's arm.
"I'm going to need my arm if you want me to find some place we can go." Riley said.
"No you don't, you're talented with just one hand aren't you? You're cocky about everything else so." Kal trailed off slightly as her eyes wondered the strip completely missing Riley's invitation to keep messing around like that and she can find out.
"Okay let's go there's a place down the street and apparently it's one where you have to keep a close eye on whoever you come in with think you can handle that?" Riley asked her as the two began walking.
Kal tucked herself into his side some more, I think I can handle you."
"Not what I asked but good to know." Riley said as he held the door open for her as they walked in.
Neither of them were completely sure when things started but Riley got protective when Kal who said she wouldn't leave that spot while he went to the bathroom ultimately left that spot and found her way to the bar. It took him well over a half hour to get to her and when he saw a hand on the small of her back daring to go a little lower he shoved the guy.
"What the hell man?" The guy said as Kal turned around to see Riley.
"Where did you go? I lost you." Kal said as he took the spot the guy was just in.
"Chris this is my husband, the one I told you about the wrestler that can kick your ass if you touched me again."
"Husband?" Riley said at first as he slowly caught on," Oh. Did you really tell him that?" Kal nodded her head.
"Looking at you now I'm certain that I made a good choice when I decided not to listen." The guy who was named Chris said.
"Well it's a damn shame you don't believe it. And even more of a shame that I'm not out here to try and prove anything to some random mark in Vegas." Riley said as Kal put her hand on his bicep to get his attention as he looked down at the girl who decided that instead of proving by argument decided to plant a kiss on his lips.
Riley was taken by surprise at first and while he may have felt a little buzzed before, he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that was still fresh on Kal's lips or just her in general that he now was completely over the edge and absolutely drunk.
By the time they pulled away Chris was no longer around and if you asked the two of them they didn't notice much of anyone else either.
Neither of them wanted to say anything to the other about wanting to end the night and possibly go back to the hotel together. So they did the smart thing and continued to bar hop and make out.
It wasn't until Riley pulled away once as he looked down at Kal," So I'm your husband right?" He really meant it as a joke but in their drunken state it was more of a statement.
Kal looked at her left hand as she showed him it," I don't see a ring."
"We can change that I mean we are in Vegas."
" Today I woke up thinking about Elvis somewhere in Vegas, I'm not sure how I got here or how this ring on my left hand just appeared outta no where. I gotta go, take the chips and the pinto and hit the road. They say ' What happens here, stays here, all of this will disappear. There's just one little problem. "
Kal opened her eyes and immediately shut them with a groan as she slowly regained all thoughts from the night before, but sadly got no where when her head once again started to pound.
She looked at the time and sighed, not only did she probably miss breakfast with everyone but lunch too. As she slowly sat up and put her hand on the bridge of her nose.
She was about to get out of bed when she heard the shower turn off as her eyes went wide. Hoping that the walls were just very thin. But when the door opened to Riley walking through with nothing but a towel around his waist.
"What are you doing in my room?" Kal said as she looked at him.
"Good afternoon to you too. You definitely weren't saying that last night or well this morning. Nice chest by the way, happy I get to see it when I'm sort of sober to remember it." Riley said as he smirked.
Kal rolled her eyes as she looked down to see just exactly what he was talking about as she hurried up to cover herself," I've only been in Vegas a day and I'm already making horrible decisions."
"Well if you already made one, than what's the issue with doing it again? Maybe we both can remember it this time." Riley said.
"Well it seems like you also forgot that I said the whole point of this trip was to not remember anything about it, especially this."
"I'm only joking, I'll be over here getting dressed. You might want to call Kasey. Jay called me like 20 times since this morning and when I picked up he said Kasey has been freaking out cause you weren't answering."
"Well did you tell him that you were with me so she wouldn't freak out anymore?" Kal said as she looked up at him.
"Told him that I haven't seen you since you ditched me and Taiji and didn't get in the cab with us last night." Riley said.
"You did not." Kal said as all he did to answer was shrug.
"Guess you'll find out when you call her."
"I hate you so much." Kal said as she searched for her phone.
Once she finally found it she looked at the screen to see 25 missed calls from Kasey as well as a handful of text messages and a few voicemails. Than there was some from Jay and Bea. As she sighed and pushed Kasey's contact.
It took her all of a ring to pick up," Well, well, well look who finally decides to bring herself to answer the phone."
"Ugh please don't be so loud, my head can't take it." Kal said.
"Yeah, Riley told us that once you join the living you'll probably have a massive hangover after last night. Speaking of Riley, care to explain why he was in your room earlier?" Kasey said in a teasing tone.
"I'd rather not talk about it." Kal said as Kasey laughed.
"That's okay, Taiji filled us all in. So when you're doing rolling around in the sheets together and actually want to be with the rest of us we're meeting in the lobby in a half hour to get lunch somewhere."
"I'll be there." Kal said as they said their goodbyes and hung up. As she laid back down and sighed picking up her hand to run it over her face, she gave a weird look when she felt something cold hit her face.
As she pulled her hand away from her face and looked at it. It all seemed normal until she got to her ring finger, one that was just bare last night was now no longer bare.
"No, no, no Fuck. No." Kal began to say as she quickly put a oversized shirt on and went to the bathroom completely forgetting about the man that was still very much in her room.
"Everything alright?" Riley said as he watched Kal wash her face before looking at her hand again before once again repeating what she said before," Woah hey, care to tell me what's going on?"
Kal stopped her string of curse words as she walked over to Riley and took his left hand where a ring also sat on his ring finger. One that matched hers.
"This. This is what's going on." Kal said as she brought his hand up and just about shoved it in his face.
"Well shit." Riley said as she dropped his hand and sat down on the edge of the bed.
Kal felt so many emotions as she put her head in her hands.
"Kal? We got to talk." Riley said.
"No, not right now. Right now what we have to do is get ready and meet up with our friends."
"So you're going to act like this just never happened?" Riley asked, Kal could hear the hurt in his voice.
Choosing to ignore it, " Yeah I am until we can figure out how to make it disappear. But we aren't telling anyone got it?"
"Yeah got it." Riley said as Kal closed the bathroom door just as he sat down on the bed," Lovely wife I got myself." Riley said with a sarcastic tone that was meant to be under his breath but Kal heard it loud and clear as she got in the shower.
" I don't even know my last name. Oh my momma would be so ashamed. It started off,' Hey cutie, where you from?' And then it turned into, ' Oh no! What have I done?' And I don't even know my last name."
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channieskzlove94 · 3 years
Rubber Ducky
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Pairing: reader x bang chan Warnings: mentions of being naked and removing clothes. although there is no explicit smut, it’s probably better to be safe so under 18 do not interact! Soft soft boyfriend Chan A/N: Someone please teach me how to make better banners i have no artistic sense.
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It had been a long day at work. You were still fuming over a coworker who complained about her workload constantly when the rest of the office knew she was barely doing anything. Tomorrow you were supposed to give her critiques on some projects she had been working on. You weren’t looking forward to it. At this point, your brain could barely function. Your shoulders ached and you were ready to get out of your uncomfortably stiff clothes and into something more relaxing.
“Hi sweetie,” Chan hummed as you came in the door. He was in the kitchen, washing up some plates leftover from breakfast.
You raised a hand, too tired to get out a full sentence.
“Ah,” He said. “One of those days.”
You padded into the bedroom and dropped onto the bed and began slowly taking off your pants.
Chan chuckled from the doorway. “Need help with that?”
You nodded, groaning as you twisted your body the wrong way and pain shot through your back. “Ow.” You finally mumbled.
Chan kissed your shoulder as he pulled off your jacket and began unbuttoning your shirt. “You know what’s a good cure for aches?”
“Chan I swear if you say sex-“
He laughed, moving down to unbutton your pants. “A bath. With Epsom salts. Though if you want sex…” He wriggled his eyebrows.
You pushed him away lightly. “A bath sounds lovely.”
He smiled, tossing a warm blanket over your undressed body. “Coming right up love.”
You heard Chan turn on the water in the attached bathroom and you curled into the blanket. “But will I even want to leave the bed?” You whispered to yourself.
You listened as Chan softly sang a new melody he was working on, as he finished the dishes, waiting for the bath to fill.
“Do you want some tea?” Chan asked.
“Who are you? What have you done with my boyfriend?” You joked back at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
The warmth of the blanket and the softness of the bed began to lull you. You closed your eyes and were about to drift to sleep when Chan grabbed your shoulder. “Bath’s ready.” You blinked up at him, soft brown curls framing his face. Chan offered you a hand and you slowly climbed out of bed, blanket still wrapped around you. Chan bowed. “This way your royalness.” You giggled and strode into the steam filled bathroom.
“I’ll go grab your tea.” Chan left, leaving the door only slightly ajar. You finished undressing and slipped into the warm bath water. You sighed, closing your eyes, feeling the stress of the day fading away.
You silently thanked your lucky stars for a man like Chan. He’d always been the romantic and caring type, but even more so the longer you had been dating. It had been the exact opposite with the other men you had dated. The longer you were together, the less interested they had been in really taking care of you. Chan should teach a class.
You felt something bump your toes and you realize Chan and put his favorite rubber ducky in the bath for you. You knew he would sing that absurd song as soon as he came in. You would groan and pretend to hate it and he would laugh and keep singing it until you laughed along. At this point it had become routine anytime the duck was pulled out, even if it wasn’t for a bath.
The door opened and Chan walked in with your cup of tea absolutely naked.
“What happened to your clothes?” You gestured wildly.
“I thought I might join you.”
“Chan, we’ve had this discussion. The bathtub is too small. Last time the neighbors got water damage to their ceiling!”
“Meh, ceiling, shmeiling, it can be replaced!”
“I don’t have the energy to argue.” You sighed.
“Yay!” He nudged you forward and slid in behind you. You settled back and he began to massage your shoulders.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day.”
You shrugged. “That’s life. You win some, you lose some.”
He kissed your neck. “I love that about you.”
“What?” You turned back to look at him.
“You’re so realistic. You don’t let days like today hurt you.”
“Well I don’t know if that’s true but I do try to think about perspective. I have a cutie like you here waiting for me.” You smiled. “And in the end, it’s only bad for me to hold on to things that stress me out. It doesn’t get me revenge or make the person I’m upset with feel bad. So, as the saying goes, it’s water off a duck’s back.”
“Speaking of ducks,” Chan reached for the rubber ducky.
He laughed, brought it up to your face, and began to sing.
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gryffinslut · 3 years
Drinking games- Sirius Black x Reader
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Song: Drinking games- Silver Sphere
warnings: underage drinking, angst, heartbreak, my writing, swearing, like one slut shaming word, vomit,mention of food, wee bit of smutty actions.
At the party tonight
You said you couldn't leave my sight
'Cause you don't seem to like
The way the boys say I have pretty eyes
Isn't that right?
So we go for a ride
You'll cry, say that I make it alright
Gryffindor won the match against Slytherin and you already knew there would be a huge party in the common room to celebrate. You and your friends were really looking forward to it as Gryffindor throws some of the best parties at Hogwarts. The one and only Sirius Black had invited you as his date. He was one of your closest friends but you always had a crush on him. But you guys were only going as friends.
He came to you about things that he wouldn’t even go to James and Remus about because he always thought they would make fun of him for it. He swears up and down that he doesn’t like you more then a friend but you always think differently. Why else would he go to you for everything? Not to mention you were his first kiss.
Despite him saying he didn’t like you more than a friend, he always got pissed when people would flirt with you. Anytime at a party he would keep an eye on you to make sure no guy flirted with you and when someone did, he would tell them off. That’s what made people believe that you guys were dating.
Before the party, he asked you if you guys could talk about something. He expressed to you that he got an owl from his mother saying really awful things to him like how she wished he was never born and shit like that. It broke your heart once Sirius started crying.
“ I can’t take it anymore,” He cried.
“Sirius stop. You know damn well you’re a much better person than her. She says that because she’s so stuck in her old ways. Who the hell is she? Nobody,” you said and went to hug him.
He melted into your hug. This is why he came to you about things like this. You always knew what to say at times like this.
“Everything will be okay bubs, I promise,” you whisper.
“Your hugs are the best, Y/n,” he giggled.
You dance with our friends
Shining, shining
Laughing with them like you
Weren't just crying to me
But you know what I see
When you're looking at me
I am reminded that we'll never be
As you were getting ready for the party, you had a lot of thoughts going through your head. Why did Sirius say he didn’t like you, but he was so protective over you? Why does he flirt with you if he doesn’t like you that way? Why did he come to you for everything? Why are you wasting your time chasing after him?
“Hey Y/n! You excited for the party tonight?” Marlene asked.
“Yes! You need to help me pick out an outfit,” you replied.
“How about a red dress?”
“I knew you were going to say that,” you smiled.
“Yeah so we can be matching!” Marlene exclaimed and you raised your eyebrow.
“Ugh and so you can try and impress Sirius,” she added.
Marlene and a few other people knew about your crush and they always thought you guys should get together. Sirius had his suspicions about it but never said anything.
Once the party had started, Sirius’ attitude changed, especially when he got some liquor in his system. He was laughing and dancing and acting completely different opposed to how he was acting 10 minutes ago. He was dancing with some random girl that you never even exchanged more than a hello to. It kind of pissed you off because Sirius always did this.
He would always act like a different person once he started drinking. He’s a player and you know that you’re wasting your time trying to be more than friends but it’s just difficult to just walk away from him.
Next thing you know, Sirius and that girl were snogging. The most you’ve seen him do is just flirt with them or touch them while he’s dancing. You turn your attention towards Lily, James, Remus and Marlene. Aka the only people who know how you truly feel about Sirius and they look at you with worried expressions.
“Y/n i’m really sorry about him. You know how he is when he drinks. He just flirts with any cute girl,” Marlene says.
“No don’t worry about me. Don’t let me ruin your night,” you reply. “Let’s do shots,” James suggests. “Yes please,” I exclaimed.
Everyone has had about 5 or 6 shots but you’ve had about 12 or 13. You were pissed by that point and you felt so bitter towards Sirius and you wanted to make him jealous. “Remmy come dance with me!” You shouted over the loud music and grabbed his hand with a bottle of Vodka in your hand. “Y/n you need to slow down,” Remus said.
“Nah i’m fine,” you lied. You started to grind against him and you felt his cock growing hard in his pants. You took a long swing of the bottle and went to kiss him. You knew Sirius was watching the whole time and that’s exactly what you wanted. Suddenly you felt a hand grab your wrist and being dragged towards the boy’s dorm.
I wanna know if you're not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don't care if I get home safe
'Cause I'm just another player in your drinking game
I wanna know if you're not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don't care if I get home safe
'Cause I'm just another player in your drinking game
Sirius was dragging you to the boy’s dorm by the arm. As you’re walking, you’re yelling at him to let you go but he doesn’t listen. He opens the door to his dorm and sits you on his bed.
“Sirius what the fuck are you doing?” you yell.
“What was that little stunt you were trying to pull with Remus, huh? Are you trying to get a rise out of me because I was snogging with that girl?” he snaps.
“I wasn’t trying to get a rise out of you. I was just having fun! And why can’t I dance with Remus but you can put your lips on any slag you want to? you sound like a hypocrite!” you yell.
“It’s different for me! I know what i’m doing, you don’t!” he spits back.
“I’m leaving. I’m going back to the party.”
“No you’re not”
“Yes I am. But before i leave, have you got anything else to say to make yourself like sound like the most daft bloke on the planet?” you questioned, clenching your fists. He stood in silence and glared at you.
You exit his dorm and go back to the party. Once you got back to common room, you go to where the fire whiskey is and down the rest of the bottle. You felt yourself getting dizzy and soon your vision goes black.
Why do I chase you like
The distant rush of a first line?
Why do I waste so much time
When I know you'll never be mine?
You woke up to the sun shining right in your eyes. Your eyes scan across the room and you see that Lily and Marlene are already awake. Suddenly, your head starts pounding and you get a bad feeling in your stomach. You get up and run straight to the bathroom and throw up all of the food and dark colored drinks you had the night before.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself.
You make your way back to your dorm and plop down on your bed.”Damn it why did you guys let me drink so much last night?” you groaned. “There was no stopping you honey, by your 15th shot, you passed out,” Lily says. “I think you were drinking your anger away,” Marlene adds and you groan again.
“Who brought me back up here?” you questioned. “Remus helped us carry you back up here,” Marlene replied. “ A real lad he is,” she added. “Oh my god Remus,” you groaned. You remembered what you did to him last night and he still helped you to your dorm. The embarrassment is haunting you now. “You should have seen his face, Y/n,” Marlene laughed.
You blushed. “Did Sirius ask about me?” you questioned. “I’m sorry love but he didn’t,” Lily replied. Your heart shattered. Even though you guys got into a fight, you thought the least he could do was check on you or ask one of them if you were okay. You didn’t know if you should feel pissed or sad.
Treat her right
Lying, lying
Like you weren't with me last night
Crying, throwing a fit
But you know what? That's it
I am better than this
And you say once we're sober we should just forget
You guys made your way to the great hall for breakfast and Lily and Marlene filling you in about what you didn’t remember about last night. You make your way to the table and sat next to Remus and avoiding eye contact with Sirius who was sitting next to the girl he was kissing last night.
“Remus, i’m really sorry about last night. I was really drunk and I didn’t know what I was doing,” you said.“I told you that last night but you didn’t listen to me,” Sirius chimes in. “Sorry I don’t recall your name being Remus,” you snapped. “Don’t worry about it love,” Remus replies.
As breakfast continues, all Sirius does is flirt with the girl and talks about how “good” his life is. You all know how much of a lie that is. His life is far from good. His family treats him terribly just because of the different views he has. It was all just an act. He’s such a liar. A liar and a player. But you still loved him.
Tomorrow when I wake up I know what you'll say
Say that you care but that it was a mistake
And I'll be so upset for the rest of my day
'Til you call me cutie and ask if we're drinking
'Til you call me cutie and ask if we're drinking
'Til you call me cutie and ask if we're drinking
The next party Gryffindor was throwing was tonight and you were debating if you wanted to go. Sirius and that girl were not together anymore and deep down you were thrilled.
As you and your friends got to the common room, Sirius looks at you with a sorrowful look. You decided that it was time to stop ignoring him and talk. “Siri, can I talk to you for a minute?” you ask. He nods and you guys walk into the hallway.
“I’m sorry for freaking out on you like that,” he says. “You were right about me. I’m a daft bloke and you have every reason to be pissed at me still and if you don’t want to be friends anymore I understand.”
“I’m sorry too. I should have never called you that. Or said anything about the girl you kissed. It wasn’t my place to tell you what-,” you were cut off by Sirius grabbing you by the waist and kissing you. You were shocked at first but kissed back. You both pulled back and you were a blushing mess. “It took you long enough to come around,” you giggled.
“So, are we drinking tonight, cutie?”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Backseat Bingo
Summary: Turns out the lead singer from your favorite band is really handsome. 
Do or Not Series
Word Count: 2,448
Hui X Reader [Featuring: Shinwon and Changgu as siblings]
50s AU [What I wish the 50s were]
“This place is the antsville,...” I muttered to myself when my siblings and I entered the bar. It was jam-packed with people no more than a few inches away from each other as they tried to crowd around the stage. Who was going to play? I had no clue, but I knew they were going to be big. So I pushed myself between people and squeezed to the barrier as the musicians came onto the stage. That’s when I saw him, his eyes glimmered under the pink lights. Carding his hand through his hair, he stated, “Tonight, folks, we’re going to play a few of our hits. Let’s see if you know them!” And with that, he holds up his fingers and signals, ‘1, 2, 3, 4’! 
Surprisingly, I knew every song as I listened to the radio as often as possible. It’s only when my parents are busy listening to the news playing on the Morning Radio that I miss the hits. Whenever everyone was outside, I would find an excuse to be listening to the radio on the inside. Would I get in trouble for it? Yes, but it is worth every second. Finding out the voice I found attractive belongs to a handsome man? Made it well worth getting scolded for listening to the radio, ‘too much'. While I sang along, I found myself getting lost in his demeanor; how his voice would ring out on high notes, how his voice sounded like pure honey. I couldn’t get enough of it. So when their concert ended, my heart broke. I wished to see him again, but I knew I was getting my hopes up too fast. I found Changgu and Shinwon, my two younger siblings, perched at the bar.  
They were drinking two milkshakes, and when they waved me over, they ordered me one. Which I gladly accepted, "Did you germs enjoy the concert?" They smirk at each other and nod at me, “You were ogling the crooner~” Changgu teases me, “He’s not a crooner, you germ.” Changgu shrugs at me, and I roll my eyes. Shinwon gets up, flips his collar up, acting like he’s hot shit. And says, “Well, it was nice knowing you oddballs, but I see a looker at 10 O’clock, and I don’t want to miss my shot.” I roll my eyes yet again and shrug, “Later, guess it’s just you and me, Changgu.” He shakes his head, “It's just you, I’m gonna talk to the drummer, Wooseok.” I gasp, “You know him?” He nods, “I’m not introducing you to the lead--” I groan, “Later, Germ!” I groan, into my straw and watch the clock. Three more hours before my siblings and I need to be back. If we are late, I am so blaming it on Changgu. 
While waiting on the two, a grubby guy comes up to me and asks me questions like, ‘How’s my night going’? to which I answer 'Fine.' And, ‘What’s my name?’ to which I don’t respond. On the fifth question of, ‘Do you come here often?’ I finally have enough and ask, “Are you writing a book?” Doesn’t he get that I am not interested? I groan internally. What will it take for him to leave me alone? When this gorgeous guy comes up to me and asks, “Is he bothering you, Baby?” I nod, and the guy quickly backs up and goes, “I was not--, I did not know they were yours. Actually, I hear my buddies calling, so I’ll be splitting.” The guy smirks and sits down at the bar next to me when I recognize him. He was the guy singing up on the stage, “You have a bad reputation or somethin’?’ He shrugs, “Depends on who you ask.” I smirk to myself, “Well, what if I’m askin’?” He smirks over at me, “Well, I’m as bad as you want me to be, Baby.” I conceal my smile and wink at him. 
One thing led to another, and I was in his backseat making out with him. Don’t know how it happened, but I’m not complaining. I drag him on top of my lap and suck a bright red hickey on his collarbone. He's not one to be outdone, which leaves me, two bright red hickeys, on my neck. I have my hands fisted in his dress shirt, pulling him closer and causing wrinkles. When we hear a knock on his passenger window, it's the drummer, Wooseok, “Can I catch a ride from you?” Hui groans into my neck, “Can’t you see I’m-- Yes, yes I can. Give us a few minutes, okay?” I laugh as Hui gestures to the two of us, and Wooseok gives me a small wave. When Wooseok leaves, Hui slips off my lap, and I whine, making grabby hands at him. He chuckles, "I'm sorry to cut this short I don't want this to end." I pout, "Me neither. Why can't he get a ride from someone else?" Hui laughs, "I have a feeling the others already took home their dates. Plus, Wooseok can't drive--" I interrupt "What eighteen-year-old can't drive?" Hui laughs, "He's learning." I cross my arms over my torso and say, "Well, I was learning what your lips taste like." Hui smirks and pulls me back in for another kiss, "I know I won't be able to fall asleep in this class." I smile as we part and help him fix his dress shirt as he helps me fix up my hair. He asked if I needed a ride as well, and I shook my head. Since I'm taking Shinwon and Changgu home, I’m going to need to get a turtleneck to cover up this damage. We part ways with one final kiss, and he asks, "Will I ever see you, again?" I smile, "Depends. Are you asking to stay?" He smiles, "I live ten houses down on Maynard." I nod, and with that, I'm gone like the wind. 
I find my way back into the bar and find Shinwon lying on a bench. While Changgu is laughing at whatever the bartender is saying. Shinwon catches my eye, and with a smirk, he says, “I heard you were doing back seat bingo with Hui from Wooseok~.” I roll my eyes, “Oh shut it, Shinwon. Can you give me your turtleneck? So our parents don’t see my marks?” He shrugs and goes to the bathroom and comes back with his coat covering his chest. And hands over his turtleneck which I slip over my shirt. “What happened to the ones you guys had an eye on?” Changgu groans, “They had a girlfriend and did not want anything to do with me.” I squint, “I thought you were talking to Wooseok.” He shrugs, “I was, but I saw a cutie, and I went after them, and it was a complete bust.” I laugh, and Shinwon shakes his head, “Mine wasn’t much better.” He tells us with a sigh, and I ask, “How so?” He smirks, “I got a date next Friday, suckers!” I roll my eyes, “Of course.” Changgu groans even louder into the table, “Am I the only one whose night out didn’t go well.” I shrug, “I mean at least you aren’t working this shift.” He shrugs, “You have me there. So do you have a way to contact Hui?” I nod, "I am striking out this week." In unison, Shinwon and I go, "You should try out for baseball then." Shinwon is celebrating his victory, acting like he won when I am the one that hit a home run. I ended up snogging and giving hickeys to the lead singer of a famous hometown band. 
The daylight couldn't arrive faster as I watched the clock, waking up every so often to see only twenty minutes have passed. I wanted to scream, but that would alert the whole house I was anxious about tomorrow. What if he turns me down? What if he only wanted to be with me for that night, and Wooseok ruined his plans? It made me nervous and restless. The clock could not tick faster to reach 9 a.m., could it? I wish to know more about him. Like what is his favorite time of day, what keeps him up at night. What makes his heartbeat fast? Where did he learn to sing? The questions raced around my mind so much, I finally crashed. 
I wake up and stretch out my limbs to see it’s eight-thirty in the morning. Which leaves me enough time to get up, have some breakfast with my family. Get dressed and walk down my street and over to Mayard and to the tenth house on the right. When I’ve brushed my teeth and headed downstairs, I find my mom and Shinwon sharing a cup of coffee. They wave and tell me there is more in the coffee pot and toast if I would like some. I grin and pour myself a cup and join the two at the table with a piece of toast in my mouth. My dad bounds down the stairs and sighs, “I’m gonna be late.” My mom shakes her head, “Honey, you live right across from the school. I hardly doubt you can’t make it on time.” He shakes his head and kisses her on the cheek. Changgu comes down the stairs with a whine, “I want to go back to bed!” We shake our heads at him, “It’s your last year in school. If anything you should be grateful.” Our parents laugh, “Yeah, when we were in high school, they canceled our senior year due to the Spanish Flu. So be glad.” Changgu groans, “I would much rather they do that--.” My dad shakes his head, “Alright, grab a cup of coffee, and we are off to school, bud.” Changgu groans again, and they leave the house in a rush. 
My mom turns on the Morning Radio and says, “I heard you and the lead singer of that group you like so much,... What do they call it? Backseat Flinging?” I groan, “Shinwon---!” Shinwon shakes his head and says, “I did not tell her it was called that.” I shake my head, “We just made out.” She smirks, “Yeah, that’s why you’re wearing a turtleneck in the middle of Spring. I remember what it’s like to be a teenager!” I shake my head, “Are you sure?” It’s her turn to laugh with Shinwon. “Shinwon, you’re acting like you didn’t score a date last night!” Our mom’s jaw drops, “So you were just gonna leave this out, Ko Shinwon?” She scoffs, and I smirk at him, “Oh yeah, you should have seen him last night, Mom!” It’s his turn to groan as I fill her in on the details. We tell her how Changgu’s catch was a complete bust. She pouts, “I want my kids to be happy. Come on! These people need to step up their game. We’re the best-looking family on the whole block.” I laugh, “You got that right, Mom. Well, I gotta get goin’, or I’ll miss my chance.” They nod and bid me goodbye. 
I walk down the street, trying to ease my nerves by looking at the different types of flowers. The daffodils are beautiful this time of year. I pluck one, hoping Hui and I can start a new beginning. I knock on the door, my nerves wanting me to turn around and run down the block with all I got. But I steal my nerves and smile as his father opens the door. With a warm timbre, he asks, “Who are you here to see?” I tell him softly, “Hui.” He yells for Hui to come downstairs that a good-looking person standing on the porch wants to see them. I hear loud footsteps resonate throughout the house. And quicker than lighting there, he stands in front of his dad. Thanking him and shuts the door behind him, I hand him the flower. His cheeks turn red as he accepts the flower as his sweater falls off his shoulder, revealing the hickeys I gave him. He catches me staring at them, and he smiles, “I was hoping to see you again.” I grin, I didn’t expect him to wear my hickeys proudly, but I’m pleasantly surprised. I blushed and traced them with my fingers, my heart beating out of its chest as my touch sent shivers down his spine. He places the daffodil behind his ear, and my heart warms at the act. 
He leads me over to the porch swing and asks, “What do you say, if you’re free, of course. Would you want to spend the day together?” I shrug, “As long as you bring me home for dinner time at my folks' house. Then, yeah.” He smiles, “I can do that.” We split a milkshake at a diner, cranking out the latest hits from the jukebox that fills in our pauses. “No, you would not believe how fast Shinwon ratted me out to my mom that I was snogging you.” He laughs as I sip from our milkshake and tells me, “The band came over for some midnight snacks while my dad was still up. They went ‘Look at what your son was up to’ those bugs.” I laugh, “What did your dad say?” He grins, “Said, ‘Thank Lord Almighty that he’s finally gonna settle’.” I grin, “Is he right?” Hui scrunches his nose up and tilts his head from side to side with a smile playing on his face as he tells me, “Depends.” I playfully roll my eyes and say, “Okay, Dreamboat.” He smirks, “Ahh, you think I’m dreamy?” I shrug, “I don’t think you’re a boat if that is what you're asking.” We snicker as our fries come out, “You’re unreal.” I lightly pinch myself and let out a tiny ‘ow’ and tell him, “I feel very real to myself.” He grins, and that’s how we spend the rest of our day. 
When we reach his house, I go to kiss his cheek, and he turns his head fast, and I kiss him by accident. He smirks as he pulls me in for another, “One is never enough.” I can’t stop the smile from dancing across my lips. I grab his collar pulling him deeper into the kiss. When we finally pull away, I ask, “So what do you say to going steady?” He leans his forehead against mine and says, “You got me pinned, Baby.” I smile and kiss his cheek successfully this time and rush off, “Well, I gotta split baby, I’ll see you in my dreams!” He yells out, “I’ll see you there!” 
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Anniversary - Topper Thornton
Request: A date with Topper at a nice restaurant on the mainland?? - @letsgofullkook 
A/N: When I wrote this I kind of thought of it as a continuation of Flirt.
Outer Banks Masterlist
In your wildest dreams you had never thought that one date with Topper would lead to anything more than that. But here you were, sitting in an office in Durham when you were supposed to be celebrating your one-year anniversary. It hadn’t occurred to either of you when you made the appointment with the Dean of Admissions that your college interview would conflict with your anniversary mainly because the relationship was still new and you didn’t think it would last passed a few dates around the island. 
You were wrong, of course, much to your mother’s happiness. You admitted that in the beginning you just liked him cause he was hot and sometimes, occasionally, funny. But now all the things you liked about him outweighed the things you didn’t and those were all niche complaints. The sort of things couples get annoyed by when they’ve committed time and energy to their relationship. 
He’d texted you early in the morning as you were making your way to the ferry. Happy anniversary and good luck. You texted back a sad face, depressed enough that you weren’t going to see him no matter how many times he promised you could do something when you got back. 
“We could even just have a pizza or something?” 
“You want me to eat pizza, no doubt while I’m two seconds from passing out, on our anniversary. Pizza anniversaries are for married couples with kids who just want to eat something that doesn’t taste like five different vegetables puréed together!” You had ranted at him when he offered. 
“Okay, hey it’s okay. No pizza anniversary...yet.”
“What? I’ll only purée four vegetables into our future childrens’ food too.” He promised. 
“I hate you and you’re not funny and I inadvertently ruined our anniversary.” 
“You didn’t ruin anything...this is an important interview.” Topper had been thrilled when you told him that you had an interview at Duke, it’d been all he could brag about to anyone for weeks. His girlfriend, going to Duke. As if NCS was a chump school. 
The day of the interview and your anniversary you woke up in the morning to flowers delivered to your house, your favorite cupcake from Whole Foods sitting in the refrigerator and the rosé slushies you liked already in the freezer. 
-did you break into my house?- you had sent him a snapchat of you eating the cupcake for breakfast accompanied by a pan down to show off the fact that you were only half dressed in a bralette and short shorts. He might not be there for your anniversary but you could still reciprocate on the gift giving. 
-your parents gave me a key-
-you’re joking-
-you wish-
You continued texting and snapchatting with him as you got ready and as you boarded the ferry. He promised that you would get to celebrate but you knew it wouldn’t be how you wanted. A nice dinner at the only high end restaurant close enough to the OBX to not take practically a day to get to. 
“I just want fancy Italian food.” You told him as you stood outside the campus after your interview, waiting for your dad to pick you back up. 
“All I asked was how the interview went babe,” he teased. 
“It was good. I felt like all my talking points came across well and I didn’t freeze up on any of his questions.” You said, “now if only my dad would show up.”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know...he was supposed to meet me outside and I don’t see his car anywhere. Hold on, some asshole with tinted windows just honked their horn at me!” 
“Sounds like a dick.”
“Honestly,” you knocked on the window of the sports car, fully prepared to lay into whoever was in the drivers seat because the interview went well but the rest of your day was shit, only to find Topper sitting there smiling at you, phone to his ear. “What are you doing here?” Realising you spoke into the phone you rolled your eyes, hanging up and repeating the question, “what’re you doing here?”
“I came to take you to dinner. It is our anniversary.” 
“Stop, this is so fucking sweet!” You climbed into the car, leaning across the dash to give him a kiss.
“I’m glad you like it, Rafe told me I was a pussy for doing all this.” 
“Rafe’s never dated a girl long enough to finish a sentence.” You replied, giddiness kicking in again as you realised he’d played along to missing dinner while planning this the whole time. “I can’t believe you did this!”
“Short of flying to Italy to actually have Italian food there’s not much I wouldn’t do to spend the night with you.” He admitted. 
“Flying to Italy sounds like a second anniversary kind of thing.”
“I’m sure it does.” 
The restaurant he took you to was in Durham, not too far from campus, which you pointed out as a viable future date spot when you were both in school next year. You had been thinking about both of you being in college a lot lately. You had even joked with Topper about being one of those midway through college couples on house hunters looking for an apartment that was unreasonably nice while still being within distance to everything important in life. 
“We’ll get you an apartment that has a big mailbox and a second room that you can use as a closet.” Topper had teased, knowing your unmatched ability to online shop. “And in walking distance to a coffee place.” 
“So you can walk there for me?” You had asked, smiling. 
There was a lot of future planning that you found yourself doing. Whether Topper was truly thinking that far ahead as well or just appeasing you whenever you shared a crazy future plan with him you weren’t sure. You wanted to think that you were on the same page but you had hardly expected to like him enough to have spent a year with him, thinking about the future was new to you. 
“I’m telling you right now if this tiramisu is as good as the waiter said I’m never going anywhere else for Italian food.” You told him, reaching across the table to nab a piece of bread that he had leftover. 
“I figured that anyway.” Topper replied, moving his plate away from your hand. 
“Stop! I want your bread.”  You pouted, trying to poke at him with your fork.
“You already ate like four pieces!” 
“What are you trying to say?” 
“That this is my piece.” He said, taking a bite of it. 
“Unbelievable. You think someone loves you and then they pull this shit.” You complained. 
Topper rolled his eyes, “do you want your present now or?” 
“You did too much Top; all the stuff this morning and showing up here and dinner, I don’t need anything else.” You insisted. You were happy enough just thinking dinner was your gift.
“Well I got you an actual present too so,” 
“Honestly after dessert I don’t think I’ll be able to make it all the way to the ferry...” you trailed off, realizing how late it was getting already, “how are we?”
“We’re staying over.” 
“God you really thought of everything.” 
“I even brought you regular clothes for tomorrow so you don’t have to wear that dress back.” He replied. 
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
“I mean I don’t hate hearing it.” Topper replied. 
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom 
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: mutuals 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: miyoshi kazunari/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.9k words, 2 images
𝐚𝐧: me? back w/ fluff? it’s expected at this point! his speech is hard for me to replicate, but I rly do love Kazunari so I hope I did this scenario justice! I, uh, got too excited at the prospect of “insta mutuals” oops~ hope you don’t mind the additional media TT
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The Insta notification that popped up on the top of your screen distracted you from the game you were playing. Normally you’d flick the notif away, but as soon as you realised what it was about, you rushed to finish the rest of the stage.
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You and Kazunari have been Insta Mutuals for nearly a year now, ever since he hit you with a follow and you proceeded to stalk his readily-available socials. 
The two of you had been liking and commenting on each others’ posts for weeks on end, starting off with you praising his most recent graphic design work to him sending a paragraph of heart emojis on the most recent fan art you drew.
Somewhere in between following each others’ spam accounts to tagging each other on Insta story games, he finally slid into your DMs and the rest was history. Sort of.
You knew what people said about online dating, or even just long distance relationships in general, but try as you might it was hard not to fall for Kazunari.
The more you talked to him, the less he stayed as your “funny artist mutual” and soon enough he progressed into the “still funny but also really sweet and cute artist online friend, 10/10 would date if asked” category.
You didn’t bother stifling your laugh as you looked at the message he sent you, immediately liking his selfie before saving it on your phone.
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Okay, no. He can’t just hit you with an “I do wanna meet u already” and then take it back but not fully commit to it!
You waited for him to respond through text, but instead got hit by your ringtone blaring loudly at such an ungodly hour. At the sight of your contact nickname for him, you eagerly answered his call. You rushed to get the first word in, him doing the same unbeknownst to you.
“Babe, I-“
The both of you paused, his eventual laughter easing up your tension as you let out a giggle of your own. You mentally told yourself not to be so nervous— Kazunari and you would have this conversation eventually anyway; besides, it wasn’t as if you didn’t want to see him in person. It was quite the opposite, actually. You just figured that conversations like this needed to happen in call, at least.
“Shoot, should probs shut up so Mukkun doesn’t wake up,” Kazunari commented, his voice volume already lowered, “do you wanna go first?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you replied with resolve. You gathered up your thoughts, formulating the next set of sentences that would leave your mouth, before ultimately deciding on one question. “I just need to know first… how serious were you about meeting up irl?”
“I mean, that wasn’t what I meant when I sent the message? But like, it’s still valid, you know?” he paused, but when you didn’t say anything he decided to continue, “it’s not the first time I’ve thought about meeting you. I think about it a lot, actually.”
It was a bit of a shame the two of you chose to voice call instead of video call. You would’ve loved to see your boyfriend’s face just about now, though you supposed it wouldn’t be a good idea to have a heart attack a quarter to 4 in the morning.
Plus, you weren’t sure you could handle him teasing and throwing compliments at you due to your clearly visible elation, if the upwards stretch of your lips was anything to go by.
“Babe? You still there? Did you pass out, or…” In reality it had only been a few seconds, but still you didn’t want to leave him hanging. Not when the two of you were talking about something that meant taking the next step in your relationship.
“I’m still here, Kazu,” you reassured him. Your voice shook slightly, a sliver of your excitement slipping through the cracks. “I’m the same. Like, no lie I was shocked we brought it up like this, but, um… I’m ready, and if you’re ready, too, I want to meet up with you.”
“Wait, wait, wait— hol’ up! So we’re finally going—“ he laughed for the second time tonight, a fuzzy-wuzzy warmth escaping as its sound equivalent. “Wahh! Of course I’m ready! Can’t wait to finally see what a cutie you are irl♪ Hngg, how am I supposed to sleep now? I’m too hyped up!”
You rolled your eyes, despite understanding exactly how he felt. His infectious cheerfulness amplified the blossoming commotion occurring inside your brain. Despite not making any official plans yet, the prospect of finally meeting up had you frenzied.
Still, one of you had to be at least slightly responsible. While you wouldn’t claim to know his daily schedule, if Veludo Arts was anything like your university, he should be as swamped with workload as you were. Actually, maybe that was the reason he was up so late? That’s how it was for you, anyway excluding the fact that you took a break to stamina clear.
“It’s nearly 4 am… do you wanna continue planning this tomorrow? Err, rather, in a couple hours? After our lectures end, maybe?” You asked, though by the tiny whine Kazunari let out you had a feeling he wasn’t going to agree so quickly.
“Ehh? Why don’t we do it now? I have so many ideas about where we could go, and what we could do… oh! I could introduce you to everyone in Mankai! I’m sure they’d love-“
“I’d love to meet them too,” you cut him off, tone as firm as you could manage at this time, “and I want to hear your ideas, really, but I just know if I let you keep talking the sun will rise before we’ve even decided on a date.”
You chuckled as Kazunari let out a sound of protest, though you had a feeling he knew you weren’t wrong about your assessment. “Zuzu~ Let’s go to sleep now, okay?”
His phone microphone picked up on an audible gasp. “Ehh, how come you rarely call me Zuzu? It’s cute when you say it!”
“Because it sounds like a nickname you’d give to a Pokemon!”
“Uwu, maybe I’ll get Itarun to lend me a copy? Then I’ll catch the cutest Pokemon and name it after you~” you nearly groaned at how fluffy he was being. Seriously, he was distracting you from your agenda of going to sleep!
“Kazu! Stop flirting with me at 4 am or we might not fall asleep!”
Though you couldn’t see him, you were 200% sure he had a wide grin plastered on his face right now. “Me? Using tactics to get you to keep talking with me? Never,” he claimed, professing his false innocence.
“Well, I’m not falling for it! I may not be able to physically tuck you in bed right now, but I can in spirit!”
“Oh!? Then can you give me a goodnight kiss in spirit, too?”
At this point, you were sure that even with just a poke on the cheek you’d be able to feel the heat beginning to envelop your face.
As Kazunari finished laughing, you let the quiet lull of the night seep in the conversation for a few moments before gently breaking it.
“I’d rather give you a kiss irl, though.”
And just like that, you claimed victory over the game he started. With how Kazunari sputtered, a part of you worried that he’d disturb his roommate’s slumber. Still, an even bigger part of you was smug to have him speechless for that much of a duration.
“Babeeeee,” he drawled, “you’re so, so, so unfair… I, like, really want to hold you tight right now…” he murmured, the rustle of his bedsheets discernible through the call. You found yourself nestling onto your bed, too, snuggling up to a soft pillow.
“Soon,” you suddenly yawned, your tiredness seeming to have settled in the comfier you got on the bed. “We’ll have a lot of time to plan tomorrow and the days after, yeah?”
Kazunari let out a hum in agreement, a comfortable silence following suit.
“Kazu?” You muttered quietly, careful not to disturb your peaceful atmosphere.
“I love you. Good night,” you said, heart aflutter as you heard his response.
“I love you, too, cutie~ sweet dreams♪” he said in an unbelievably soft tone, before ending the call.
After quickly connecting your phone to a charger, you fell back atop your bed and hugged your pillow tight, already anticipating the day you’d be able to hold Kazunari in your arms, and you in his.
Morning come, you hastily prepared for class as you always did. You fell into your usual routine— as soon as you were out of the bathroom, you selected an outfit and went over the things you needed to bring to uni today.
You stopped for a minute; taking a quick selfie to post on your story and emphasise your exhaustion to your close friends, before making yourself some breakfast. Within less than 5 minutes, your phone pinged— a recorded message from one of your favourite people this early in the morning.
"Mornin' piko☆ You're looking cute as always today♪”
There was no way you would admit to how many times you replayed it to Kazunari, but even so it was a good way to keep you positive for the rest of the day.
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You don’t remember Veludo Way being this rowdy, though it was hard to trust your memory when it’s probably been years since you’ve last visited. Somehow, it was not tough to imagine Kazunari walking around and performing here— the liveliness of the streets difficult to not associate with one of the liveliest people you knew.
While the original plan was to meet up at a cute and trendy cafe you saw all over people’s SNS, the two of you agreed to meet up somewhere less crowded and more meaningful to him— the theatre which he’d performed at multiple times in the past.
As you saw the building from a distance, you wondered when you’d be able to see him on stage, too.
A shout of your name pulled you out of your thoughts, and you couldn’t help yourself from running over to meet up faster with the figure that was jumping and waving around in your direction.
Had you any sense left, you probably would have told him that you didn’t want him embarrassing himself in public, but in reality it was quite apparent that you were just as excited to finally see him in person.
“Kazunari!” you can’t help the little shriek you let out as you finally embrace him, only joyous laughter and each others’ names escaping the both of your lips. When you finally got a good look at Kazunari, you nearly wanted to bury yourself into his shirt again.
Everything still seemed so unbelievable. That this was real. That it was finally happening. It almost felt like the dreams you’ve had of this moment many times before.
“How are you so beautiful in person, too?! It’s totes like I’m falling in love with you again♪” Kazunari exclaimed, squeezing you one more time before finally settling on holding hands with you. “Ahh! I super, duper love you!”
Except it wasn’t. There was nothing imaginary about his warmth, and the way his words made you feel, and the beaming sunshine of a smile he aimed at you.
“I love you, too!”
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want to order again?
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limjaeseven · 3 years
Fill My Heart With Liquor
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Pairing: Jaebeom X Jinyoung
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,079
Warning(s): Alcohol consumption, drunk JB, sad JB, JJP being cuties
Summary: Jinyoung finds out the day before that he's going to be busy filming on Jaebeom's birthday.
[a/n]:  Written based off of this tweet which came to my notice thanks to the wonderful fitbbeoming. They are an incredible artist, please check out their work, they deserve all the love. A huge thank you to @taetaesbaebaepsae​​​ for beta reading this fic.
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“Hyung,” Jinyoung calls out to his boyfriend who’s lying on their bed, his nose buried in a book as usual.
Jaebeom dropped the book to his chest, peering over to look at the younger who was sitting on the floor with his script in his lap and phone in his hand, a tensed smile on his face. The elder had known Jinyoung long enough to tell from just the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes that something was wrong.
Pushing himself off the bed, Jaebeom dropped onto the floor next to his boyfriend, groaning as a shock of pain ran up his spine, his back sore from his days of slouching in his chair in his studio.
“What is it, Nyoungie?” Jinyoung ignored him, his hands instinctively shooting to the elder’s back to massage the muscles and release all the knots, worry written on his face. “How many times do I have to tell you to stretch once in a while when you’re in the studio for so long?” Jaebeom waved the man off, turning to face him, his palms resting on the younger’s shoulders.
Jinyoung’s face flashed with a nervous expression as he let out a heavy sigh.
“I have a shoot tomorrow, I will be leaving early in the morning and won’t be back before midnight. Yoo Jitae hyung isn’t free next week so we’ll have to finish filming the next two episodes before the weekend.” Jinyoung’s guilty expression made Jaebeom’s heartbreak more than the repercussions of what the man was saying. It was Jaebeom’s birthday the following day and not once in the ten years that the two men had known each other had they spent it apart, come what may they did their best to spare at least a few hours to themselves.
“It’s fine, Jinyoung, just get me a good bottle of wine on your way back.” Despite Jaebeom’s attempts to console the younger, it didn’t stop him from feeling bad about leaving his boyfriend alone for his birthday.
“Hyung,” Jinyoung whined but Jaebeom just shut him up with a peck to his lips before getting up to cook dinner for the two of them.
“At least let me cook for you tonight.” Jaebeom had been busy cutting vegetables when Jinyoung showed up from behind to wrap his arms around the elder’s this waist, resting his chin on the elder’s strong, wide shoulders. Jinyoung always found comfort in the way Jaebeom was so much bigger than him, his broad shoulders protecting him from the rest of the world when wrapped in his embrace.
“And what, let you burn the kitchen down? Just set the table, you’ll need to sleep soon anyways if you want to get up early tomorrow.” Jinyoung pouted cutely at the elder, which was rewarded with another kiss and a soft push, urging him to pull out the plates from the cabinet.
“Hyung, can’t we wait till midnight at least, that way I’d be able to wish you a happy birthday?” Jaebeom just laughed, dragging the younger to bed once they were done washing the dishes after dinner.
“You know if you don’t get at least six hours of sleep you’ll be cranky in the morning.” Jinyoung’s pout vanished as Jaebeom took his hoodie off to change into a sleep shirt, his eyes zoning in on the man’s toned chest. “Stop drooling,” A wad of cloth came flying straight into Jinyoung’s face, causing the younger to fall back onto the bed. As he pulled it away he realised Jaebeom had thrown the hoodie he was wearing at him and had already changed into his pyjamas, much to Jinyoung’s dismay.
“I’m sorry, hyung,” Jinyoung whispered as he fell asleep in Jaebeom’s warm embrace that night, his heart heavy as he cuddled closer to the elder. Jaebeom just ran his hand through the younger’s hair, wishing him goodnight before turning the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into darkness.
Jinyoung desperately wanted to call Jaebeom up to wish him, or at least make him breakfast before he left but Jinyoung slept through his alarm and woke up with five minutes to spare before his manager would arrive with the car. Running to get changed, the younger blindly grabbed his things, combing through his hair just to make it look presentable and throwing on a random sweater with a pair of jeans. He sprinted out of their apartment just as his manager arrived, Jinyoung climbing into the back seat, being driven off to the location of the shooting.
When Jaebeom woke up to a cold bed, he couldn’t help but groan at the thought of a birthday without Jinyoung. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and scrolled through the endless list of wishes from his friends, family and fellow idols. Youngjae called him to talk to him for a while, Jinyoung had let the younger know of the circumstances the night before and asked him to distract the elder so that he wouldn’t spend too much time in his own head.
Eventually though the younger got called away for a schedule and the elder was left alone to his own devices, which meant that he stayed in bed till noon and threw together a simple meal for brunch. He considered heading to the studio to spend some time but recalled how he’d leant the space to a producer friend whose studio was undergoing renovations.
He decided to instead drive down to meet his parents and so he shot his mother a text, letting her know that he would be leaving soon. Unfortunately, just as he was slipping on his shoes, he received a reply from her, letting him know that both of them were busy visiting Jinyoung’s parents, a tradition that had started when Jinyoung and Jaebeom started dating. Every six months, Jaebeom’s parents would go to Jinyoung’s parents’ house and vice versa to just meet and talk, the four of them incredibly close.
He tried getting a hold of one of the members to hang out with but Yugyeom was out with his friend Seungyoun, Bambam was busy in the gym, Jackson had a meeting for his company, so on and so forth. Even his offshore friends had been too busy to spare him some time. Defeated, Jaebeom decided to just play some of his favourite LPs and read, changing into his comfiest pair of pyjamas and brewing himself a nice dark coffee in order to treat himself.
Half an hour into the process though, the words on the page in front of him refused to make any sense, no matter how many times he read them and the song, even  his favourite sounded like the blandest and most offensive piece of music he had ever heard. Frustrated, he grabbed his laptop to watch some anime on it but that too only entertained him for so long.
Jaebeom looked at his phone again, realising that Jinyoung hadn’t contacted him once since morning, not even sent him a text to wish him. Even though he knew it was probably because he was busy and maybe his phone would have died because Jinyoung always forgot to charge his phone, it didn’t stop the insecurities to brew in the back of his mind, dark as the coffee in his hand.
Jaebeom had many demons he battled every day, much like anyone else, many of them stemming from his persistence to overachieve and perfectionism and the waves of self-loathing that crashed over him when things didn’t turn out the way he wanted them to or the insecurities that exposed themselves like open wounds when he failed at meeting his own insane expectations.
Jinyoung to him was an angel, a creature from the heavens who had settled for someone like him. Even though he knew that Jinyoung loved him for who he was, flaws and all, he still refused to believe that he was nearly enough.
Before he could go too deep into that train of thought and get stuck in his own head till Jinyoung got home, Jaebeom decided a good drink was what he needed to clear his mind. Looking through the fridge for two bottles of soju and a glass, he sat on the couch, letting himself relax into the cushioned seat. Nora decided his lap was prime real estate for a nap and hopped on top, nuzzling herself against his thighs as he drank a shot, the liquid burning the back of his throat as it went down.
Jaebeom doesn’t remember how much he drank or when he picked up his phone to look through Instagram. Yoo Jitae, Jinyoung’s co-star for his drama had posted a picture of him and Jinyoung together, drinking coffee on set. Seeing Jinyoung in costume, dressed in a pair of tight black jeans, an oversized hoodie and a denim jacket made Jaebeom feel a pang in his chest. He missed his boyfriend dearly and he couldn’t do anything about it.
Opening up the camera in the app, Jaebeom took a picture of himself pouting with a cute filter on, wanting to send it to Jinyoung via dm but he accidentally put it on his story. Before long, posts of fans cooing over his appearance and expression came pouring in, many asking him for the reason for his pout. Jaebeom’s drunk mind decided it was a good idea to pine for his boyfriend via instagram and posted story after story, talking about missing a part of him, never explicitly mentioning Jinyoung, of course. He had that much sense in him, no matter how drunk he was.
The pouty selfies became teary eyed ones as he quoted lines from his favourite books, one that talked about feeling empty, lost and lonely. His fans expressed concern but he immediately shut them down, calling them ‘late night musings’. Just as he was about to get fed up of posting stories too, he heard a soft knock on the door.
Jaebeom sprinted to the door, almost falling over multiple times before he made it there to open it. The elder all but fell into Jinyoung’s arms as he saw the younger standing there, smiling brightly. Jinyoung had to drag a very drunk Jaebeom back inside the house as the elder rested all his wait on the younger, refusing to let him go. Deciding to just dump him on the couch, Jinyoung fell with the elder as he continued to clutch onto the younger.
“Happy birthday, hyung,” Jinyoung whispered to Jaebeom, his phone in one hand indicating the time as 23:59. Jaebeom took a few seconds to register what was happening but as soon as he did, he resolved to smothering his boyfriend in kisses instead of answering him.
“Why didn’t you text at least? And how come you’re home so early?” Jaebeom practically whined, his words slurred. Jinyoung couldn’t help but coo at his hyung as he finally wriggled his way out of the elder’s embrace, instead sitting up on the couch and helping the elder to do the same.
“My phone died before I could text you and by the time I got a charger for it we were so busy recording I couldn’t get to it till like twenty minutes ago;” Jinyoung confessed, the guilt heavy in his voice. "As for why I'm back early, well someone decided to pine on their stories about how much they felt lonely and sad and all that jazz and I thought they were talking about me so I came here. Were they not? Should I go back?" All Jinyoung was rewarded with was a slap to his chest and a peck to his cheek.
"I did get the wine you asked for but I think that's best left for another day. Let's get you to bed, hyung," Jinyoung knew he couldn't carry the elder, so he opted to drag him to the bedroom, pushing him onto the bed before changing quickly and snuggling in close to his hyung.
"I love you, hyung. Good night" Jinyoung said, pressing a kiss to Jaebeom's forehead as he slept with his head resting on the younger's chest, his breathing slowing as he fell into deep sleep.
"Omg what was I thinking, last night?!" Jaebeom exclaimed, looking at the barrage of memes his group mates had made of all the pictures he had posted the night before. "Don't worry, I found them adorable," Jinyoung replied with a soft peck on the elder's cheek.
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Sugar, Sugar (Four)
In which Valkyrie and Clint meet Tony and fall instantly smitten, Stucky comes around with a decision for Tony and they spend a little time kissing. There’s literally a smidgen of a hint of plot in this thing, enjoy the pointless shenanigans. 
“Hello lovely.” Valkyrie rapped at Clint’s office door and poked her head inside. “Two things. First of all, how the hell did you convince them to give you an office? You’re like the back up water boy for the Robin Hood Brigade, that doesn’t require an office.”
“Hey Val.” Clint signed off an email with a very professional flourish, then negated the professionalism entirely by whipping around in his swirly chair a few times and shouting, “Wheeeee!” 
“Most days I don’t know why I like you.” she said flatly. “You’re being demoted to a regular chair.” 
“You can pry my spinny chair from my cold dead hands.” Clint retorted. “And by the way, first of all, I’m not back up water boy for the Robin Hood Brigade, as of today I’ve been promoted from Assistant Coach of the universities state and national championship winning archery team to Head Coach of the universities state and national championship winning archery team and that title deserves an office.” 
“You got promoted!” Valkyrie first pumped a few times. “Yes! Congratulations!” 
“Yeah that’s right.” Clint grinned and tapped at his brand new name plate. “Head coach. Tell assistant coach Sam Wilson of whatever he hell teaches to suck it.” 
“Will do.” she answered promptly. “So first of all, I’m very proud of your promotion and we should definitely get drunk to celebrate. And second of all, I got tapped to bring cupcakes to this office thing for Tasha and I’m the least domestic person in the world so I ordered some from Sweet Peach Bakery. Wanna go along with me and snoop in on that guy Steve and Bucky are drooling over?” 
“Oh oh no.” Clint frowned at the computer. “I have so many important head coach things to do today, I couldn’t possibly waste the day on cupcakes and gossipy snooping.” 
Valkyrie raised her eyebrows. “That sounds like assistant coach language to me. Tell me Clint, are you the assistant coach?” 
“My god, you’re right.” Clint spun one more time for good measure and leapt from his desk. “Let’s go do some snooping. Lead the way, my love.” 
“My love.” Valkyrie mocked and grabbed at Clint’s tie, first laughing when the clip on came right off his shirt, and then hooking her fingers in his shirt and dragging him in for a long kiss. “You are ridiculously stupid.” 
Whatever Clint said in response was muffled into the kiss and she laughed one more time before letting him go. “Come on Head Coach, I’ll even buy extra cupcakes if you want. Let’s go.” 
“So tell me something.” Clint shrugged into his jacket as he followed Val down the hall and to the elevator. “I know you and Tasha aren’t dating or whatever, and whatever super sexy shenanigans you get into when the rest of us aren’t around isn’t anything you’re going to talk to me about...” 
“You going somewhere with this, or just hoping I’ll tell you how hot Tasha is when she wears a towel and cooks me breakfast?” 
“...well I mean, now I’m hoping that.” Clint hustled to hold the door for her. “But seriously. Whatever you two are doing, she’s okay with whatever we are doing?” 
“We’re not doing anything, Robin Hood.” Valkyrie poked him in the side. “And I’m not riding bitch on your bike, we’re taking my car. Redirect to the other parking lot.” 
“Yep.” Clint changed directions without blinking. “And what do you mean we’re not doing anything? You spent the night the other day. I got to see your  boobies.” 
“Oh please.” Val slid into her drivers seat and unlocked the door for Clint. “Everyone has seen my boobies, they aren’t that special. Perky and appropriately proportioned, but not special. Didn’t mean a damn thing.” 
“Yeah, alright.” Clint shrugged. “So where’s this Sweet Peach Bakery at?” 
“Clint.” Valkyrie leaned over and kissed him one more time. “Why are you trying to ask what we’re doing? You and me and Sam and Tasha have done this poly- free love- hippie thing for like a year and a half. Why are you asking things like ‘is Tasha okay with this’ and ‘what are we doing’? It’s weird and I don’t like it. Don’t ruin a good thing, yeah?” 
“I got no intention of ruining nothin’.” Clint denied immediately. “I was just tryna make sure this wasn’t going to be weird.” 
“What isn’t going to weird?” 
“When we walk into Sweet Peach Bakery and I immediately fall in love with Tony.” Clint waggled his eyebrows. “According to Bucky, the guy’s got a belly button ring and a booty that is unequivocally redonkulous. I don’t want you to feel awkward when I ditch you for him.” 
“That’s all it takes, huh? A belly button ring and a great booty?” 
“Hey.” Clint sent her a look. “We both like Tasha, okay? Don’t act like it takes more than that to catch your eye.” 
“We both like Sam, too.” she argued, like that made any sense at all. “He has the booty but no belly button ring.” 
“Aw.” Clint patted at Val’s thigh sympathetically. “I forget you didn’t go to Vegas with us.” 
“I put the lime in the coconut and drank ‘em both up, I put the lime in the coconut and drank ‘em both up, put the lime in the coconut--” Tony sang to himself as he piped bright green frosting onto a coconut cupcake. “--I called the doctor, woke him up and said--” 
“Hello?” the doorbell chimed and Tony’s song trailed away when he caught sight of the couple coming through the door. “Anyone here?” 
“Uh, hey.” He wiped his hands on his apron and offered them a wave. “Sorry, I don’t keep anyone at the register and I’ve got frosting sorta everywhere. How’s it going?” 
“Aren’t you just the prettiest, poshest thing I’ve ever seen?” the woman looked Tony over and whistled quietly. “You must be Tony.” 
“What gave it away?” Tony scrunched his nose at her and laughed out loud when she actually blushed. “Was it the apron? The powdered sugar on my face? The fact that I’m the only person here?” 
“All of the above and then some.” she made a point of standing on her toes like she was trying to peek behind the counter, and Tony laughed again. “Your booty precedes you, cutie pie.” 
“I am standing right here.” the man scowled and kicked out at her foot. “I have a nice booty too.” 
“You must be Valkyrie.” Tony finally came around the counter and offered his hand to shake. “Three dozen cupcakes for the office party, right?”
“That’s me.”
“You sound exactly the same on the phone.” he explained. “Even though I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting your name to actually be Valkyrie. Is there a story there?” 
“I could make up a story if it would earn me a date.” Valkyrie teased, and the brunette next to her gave her a scandalized look. “Oh come off it, Clint. You’re just mad you aren’t half this charming.” 
“Clint.” Tony shook his hand as well, hmm-ing in interest when he felt the callouses in the strong grip and saw the miles of mischief in the blue eyes. “Tony. Nice to meet you. Did you order cupcakes too?” 
“I’m actually just along for the ride and uh--” Clint coughed. “-- the view. You ever get anyone in here that doesn’t try to hit on you?” 
“Its a hazard of the occupation.” Tony was entirely delighted by both Valkyrie and Clint, charmed by Clint’s easy smile and halfway to smitten by Valkyrie's suggestive smirk and quick laugh. “Pretty guy like me puts on an apron and bakes yummy stuff and people fall in love left and right. So far, no one’s been a creep, so no harm and no foul. I’ll get your order Valkyrie, and Clint? You look like a man who needs a sample.” 
“Annnnd you look like a man about to earn himself a marriage proposal.” Clint decided. “How dare you offer me a sample, don’t you know I’ll love you forever for that?” 
“Fully planning on it. I really like life long customers.” Tony lifted one of the freshly frosted desserts from the tray and handed it over. “This is a coconut cupcake, lime frosting. I’m trying to come up with a cute name for it, but for right now its just pretty and also, pretty damn delicious. Tell me what you think, I’ll be right back.” 
Tony hurried towards the back fridge and the minute he was gone Valkyrie clapped her hands a few times, “Good God, how did Big Buff and Stupid end up with Tony? He’s so pretty I could die. Did you see his apron?” 
Clint didn’t answer and Val turned to looked at him. “Clint. You see why those dummies are smitten, right?” 
“Can’t talk.” Clint shook his head. “Planning our wedding. Leave me alone.” 
“You’re stupid.” 
“And you’re missing out not having your mouth on this ridiculous cream filling, Jesus Christ, bury me with these things, alright? Bury me with this goddamn cupcake.” 
“You are stu--” Valkyrie straightened with a smile when Tony came back and changed mid sentence. “-- awesome for getting this order done so quick. Wasn’t sure a day was enough notice.” 
“It’s no problem, and I appreciate the business.” Tony took her credit card and ran it through the register. “Tell your friends, right? Special orders, super delicious cake--” Clint made a very inappropriate noise of agreement. “-- and you know, I’m adorable. All good things.” 
“You are certainly adorable.” Valkyrie agreed. “You got plans tonight, Tony? Hot date?” 
“No plans, and definitely not a date.” Tony said easily, and Clint and Valkyrie exchanged wide eyed looks. Steve and Bucky had been adamant they couldn’t come out to the movies with everyone because they would be busy with Tony tonight, but now the baker was saying he didn’t have plans?
“...really?” Clint asked slowly. “You don’t have anything going on? Nothing to stop you from say... turning down an invitation to the movies?” 
“Oh, just cos I don’t have concrete plans or an actual date doesn’t mean I want to go to the movies.” Tony deflected. “I have prep work to do and a butterfly cake to shape for an order tomorrow. And also, flirting and how scare-roused I am by Valkyrie aside, I don’t know either of you so why would I share my evening plans?”
“Scare-roused?” Valkyrie couldn’t resist. “Does that mean I make you scared and horny Tony?” 
“Yeah, you’ve got this whole super sexy but definitely could kill me with a paperclip warrior-ess of Valhalla vibe going on.” Tony joked right back. “Gorgeous and literally terrifying.” 
“Aw.” she put a hand over her heart and batted her eyelashes. “That’s exactly the vibe I was going for!” 
“Mission accomplished.” Tony winked and Valkyrie had to suppress the urge to practically purr at him. “Clint, hows that cupcake treating you?” 
“Full disclosure, I’ve had a cupcake from here before.” Clint licked at the wrapper before tossing it in the trash. “But never one fresh off the tray and this is ridiculously good. Marry me. Immediately. I can move you into my place tonight.” 
“Shockingly enough, that’s the most romantic proposal I’ve had today.” Tony grabbed one of his to-go boxes and put another cupcake in it, pushing it into Clint’s hands. “Not the most romantic this week though, so you might work on your game some more.” 
“I’m literally too happy about this frosting to even care about the insult to my legendary charm.” Clint decided. “How much for this one, Tony? Val, pay the man.”
“On the house.” Tony waved him off. “What good is flirting with the friendly neighborhood baker if it doesn’t get you free stuff every once in a while?” 
“Got a stack of business cards I can leave around the office shin dig?” Valkyrie prompted, and Tony just motioned to the holder on the counter, so she stuffed several in her pocket. “Thanks, love. We’ll be back, yeah? At least for orders and definitely for some more of you.” 
“If you weren’t so hot, I’d be a little freaked out by how intense you are.” Tony admitted, and Clint chimed in, “Join the party, man. I’ve said that at least a hundred times in the past few years.” 
“Make sure you leave a good review on my page!” Tony called as they headed out the door and Valkyrie called back, “I sure will! Count on it!” 
And as soon as they were back out on the sidewalk-- “Ho ho holy shit, Clint. Steve and Bucky are sleeping with him? He’s gorgeous! That’s not even fair!” 
“Tell me about it.” Clint was staring down at his packaged cupcake. “Even though, I’m all for them marrying his ridiculously flirty ass so long as I get  constant supply of this goodness right here.” 
“Oh please, I’m not letting Thing One and Thing Two marry Tony.” Valkyrie snorted, shoving the bakery boxes in the backseat. “I’m gonna marry him. Gonna treat that booty right. Put it to bed good and sore.” 
“I don’t uh--” Clint made a helpless sort of gesture. “I feel like you’re hinting at strap ons and uh.. topping...? And I gotta say--” 
“You gotta say nothing’ cos you’re gonna get home and spank it to the thought of me riding that baker into the ground.” Valkyrie interrupted and Clint burst out laughing. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Get in, shut up, eat your damn cupcake.” 
“You want a bite?” 
“Yes, I want a bite. I thought you’d never ask, get over here and put that in my mouth.” 
“You say the weirdest shit, Val.” 
“Yeah, I love you too.” 
From Valkyrie: So we met your baker. Fuckin’ move on him or I swear I will
From Thing Two: I feel like you’re talking about a strap on. You talkin’ bout a strap on, Val? Stevie, I don’t agree with this at all. 
From Thing One: Valkyrie please don’t try to date Tony before we get the chance. That’s just messed up.
From Valkyrie:  Also, Clint is gonna marry him over a cupcake and I don’t think he’s joking. Consider your big asses warned.
“I said, Doctor! Ain’t there nothing I can take!” Tony topped each cupcake with a sugared lime wedge before putting them away for the night. “I said, ‘Doctor! To relieve this belly ache! And he said now lemme get this straight--” 
“You are goddamn adorable.” Bucky propped his chin up in his hands and sighed over the ledge at Tony. “Seriously, what the fuck.” 
“Heya Buck.” Tony grinned at the big brunette. “How’s the hottest Bronco this side of the Mississippi? Did you lock up for me when you came through?” 
“I got it, honey.” Steve tossed Tony the set of keys he’d left at the front counter. “You trust everybody to lock the door when you’re in the back?” 
“I trust Pepper and Rhodey and you guys.” Tony placed another sugared wedge on top of a mountain of frosting. “It’s either that or you gotta stand out there knocking on the door after closing like a couple of dorks until I figure out you’re waiting for me.” 
“You could give us your actual phone number so we could text you when we get here.” Bucky pointed out. “Or so we could text you when we feel like chattin’ or just wanna flirt a little.” 
“I could do that.” Tony agreed with a smirk half past devious. “But then you know, you’d have my number and could text and call me all the time.” 
“God forbid we talk to you outside of your place of work, hm?” Steve hooked his arm around Bucky’s neck and yanked him in for a long kiss, lingering over it until Bucky groaned out loud and he could ask Tony, “You telling me you’re willing to miss out on this sorta thing cos you don’t want us to have your number?” 
“Look, watching you two kiss is definitely the stuff dreams are made of.” Tony acknowledged. “But when I said I didn’t want to date a couple, I also meant I didn’t want to do date-y things like have mushy group chats or long phone calls, yeah?” 
“Yeah, alright.” Bucky risked a finger and quite possibly his life when he reached to swipe some frosting. “So we should stop talking and get to the part where we kiss a bunch like we did last night?” 
“Uh-huh.” One last decoration and Tony carried the tray to his walk-in. “Did you guys have all the appropriate conversations needed so I don’t step on any toes or cross any weird boundaries?” 
“Uh, yep.” Steve leaned against the register and folded his arms. “We had a real long conversation about what it would mean for our relationship to start spending time with you and we decided--” 
Tony yelped when Bucky bodily lifted him over the counter and right into his arms, the big brunette crushing Tony close for a toe curling, knee weakening kiss. 
“Oh god damn it, Buck.” Steve threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Words and then kisses! We talked about this!” 
“No no, this is fine.” Tony was laughing and breathless for the half a second where Bucky wasn’t trying to eat his face, and he took another kiss all sorts of willingly, standing on his toes and gripping hard at Bucky’s biceps, hmmm-ing in interest at the flex of muscle and even maybe whining a teeny tiny bit when they finally parted. “Oh holy crap, this is fine. Wow.” 
“Stevie, you gonna keep talkin’ bout how we’re sposed to do this, or you jus’ gonna come over here and do this?” Bucky asked lazily, sifting his fingers into Tony’s hair and mouthing kisses down his throat, along his jaw. “Cos fuck me runnin’, Tony tastes like a gotdang dream.” 
“What is that?” Tony shivered a little. “Is that a Brooklyn twang you’ve got going on right there? How come I’ve never heard that? I would’ve fucked you immediately if you walked through the door talking like that.” 
“It’s Brooklyn.” Steve confirmed. “We both are, but Bucky’s little speech impediment comes out when he’s real turned on.” 
“Ain’t a speech impediment.” Bucky scowled at his boyfriend and held Tony a little tighter. “Just for that, you don’t get to kiss Tony yet.” 
Tony giggled himself about half to death when Bucky glommed onto him again, nipped at his lip teasingly and then moaned half surprise and half approval when his mouth was full of tongue. 
“Fine fine fine fine fine.” Decorum and everything they’d discussed set aside, Steve slipped both arms around Tony’s waist and yanked the little baker back up against his body, spinning him around and pinning him in place with a firm press of lips, grasping fingers tantalizingly low on Tony’s rear. “Oh hell, you do taste like a dream.” 
“I uh--” For once, Tony was a little bit speechless and a whole lot dazed, not even able to raise a little snark to tease the boys. “Heh, yep. You guys must have had a hell of a talk to reach this conclusion, huh?”
“Well I mean--” Steve met Bucky’s eyes over Tony’s head. “--this is the right conclusion, isn’t it? You wanna kiss and we wanna kiss?” 
“Oh it’s definitely the right conclusion.” Tony pushed away that wriggle of uncertainty, that little bit of melancholy he got every time he thought about just keeping it fuck buddies with these two. They were beautiful and funny and so so sweet and in another life-- or even just a few years ago- he would have jumped at the chance to make this all real. But Tony didn’t do that sort of thing anymore, his heart couldn’t take that sort of thing anymore, so he pushed away any longing and just motioned for Steve to kiss him again. “In fact, if you took my apron off--” 
He shrieked with laughter when Bucky snapped the apron tie in two and tossed the offending material away. 
“-- I was gonna say it would be even closer to the right conclusion if I was wearing less clothing!” 
Yeah see? Just sex would be easier. Much much easier. 
“C’mere, sweetheart.” This kiss was gentler, maybe even tender, Steve strong and steady beneath Tony’s palms, lips warm and a satisfied sigh gorgeous on Tony’s mouth. Steve was an excellent kisser, honestly just a Grade A kisser, solid and knowing and damn near protective with the way he cradled Tony’s head with one huge hand and kept the other wrapped solid low on Tony’s hips to keep him close.  
And Bucky? Tony barely had a chance for a full breath before Bucky took another turn. Bucky kissed like a damn porn star, all tongue and loud moans and roaming hands, fitting a thick thigh between Tony’s knees and squeezing at his ass until Tony ground down against him and Steve bit back a curse at the display. 
Bucky was everywhere, tugging at Tony’s curls and rucking his shirt up to get to soft soft skin, mumbling into the kiss and directing Tony’s hands up under his clothes shirt as well so he could flex and make the pretty baker shiver in appreciation. 
And then oh back to Steve who could practically span Tony’s waist with both hands and lift him easily up onto the counter, stepping between Tony’s legs and crushing their mouths together. 
Bucky backed out of sight for a minute only to reappear behind the counter and at Tony’s back, and he shuddered in surprise when he was suddenly pinned in on both sides, sandwiched between Steve’s kiss and - gulp- body on one side, and held secure against Bucky’s chest and seriously groping fingers on the other. 
“F-f-fuck.” Tony gasped when Bucky leaned in to suck a bruise onto his neck, when his leggings were pushed an inch or so off his hips. “Ohhhh yes.” 
“Tell me about it, sugar.” Bucky muttered and Tony almost choked when Steve’s mouth found his waist, his belly button, soft kisses and a trailing tongue over the cupcake charm. “Fuck you’re so pretty.” 
“So so pretty.” The blond moaned, pushing Tony’s leggings down further so he could scrape his teeth along the tempting jut of a hipbone. “Jesus, Tony. You make us crazy.” 
“Should’a seen us tryna talk about you last night.” Bucky huffed a laugh into Tony’s ear, suckled at the sensitive lobe lightly. “Couldn’t get a word out till we fuckin’ got off together, couldn’t handle talkin’ about ya when we were so damn hard--” 
“AH!” Tony jerked in their grasp when Bucky’s hand slipped from his stomach down over his cock, and almost jumped right off the counter when Steve followed suit, stroking him through the thin material. “Fuck, you gotta warn a fella before you--” 
“Do we need a safe word?” It just wasn’t right how good Steve looked blinking up at Tony with those big blue eyes, all blond hair and golden skin and bright red lips parted like he was two seconds from giving a no doubt spectacular blow job. “Tony?” 
“Sweet thing.” Bucky tugged sharply at the dark curls, tipped Tony’s head back until it rested against his shoulder to ask, “We need a safe word? Not cos we’re gonna get rough with ya, just cos there’s two of us?”
“Um.” Tony wriggled on the counter and spread his legs a little more. “Frosting? Frosting’s good.” 
“Frosting’s good.” Steve repeated, and licked at his lips. “Bucky, hold onto that sweet peach, yeah?” 
“Trust me.” Bucky grinned when Tony made an excited noise. “I got it.” 
“For the record!” Tony blurted all the sudden. “I thought I’d be giving Steve a blow job first, not the other way around.” 
“The night is young.” Steve winked up at him. “We got plenty of time.” 
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