#head children my beloved I deserve you but you don't deserve me ^^;
7nessasaryevils · 12 hours
Things that made me scream during ep 5 of Wandee Goodday
- Dee can remember every single person's birthday but he hadn't memorized Yak's yet
- Yak pouting when he realized Dee didn't know his birthday
- that whole fucking interaction with Cher and Yei (yes babes! Complain that you haven't gotten fucked for a while you deserve to be dicked down!)
- Kao being the King he is and offering valuable suggestions for Dee and Yak on how to improve their lives (and sex lives) using his furry accessories ♥️
- Dee offering good fashion advice... sir thank you for your service in getting Yak out of those (delectable) elephant pants
- grammammamamamamamana I love her and she is now the communal granmama
- DICK PLUSH TOY (seriously where can I get one??)
- granmama knows
- STEPPING OVER THE LINE!!! THE GASP I GUSPED (also wandee my precious my baby protect your heart please yak is gonna be a little stupid I know it)
- brb screaming crying throwing up because NEITHER of them can sleep without holding each other
- the pouting, cuddling, "need you to recharge me" YORYAK!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR PERT ASS YOU DUMB JOCK! This is boyfriend level behaviour!
- Dee's smile as he curls into Yak 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- the only time I screamed in rage: how dare you ask Dee if Taem would like while you hold motherfucking Wandee in your arm- I'm going to snap a boxer's neck (what did I say about yak doing something stupid?!)
- ... he took Yak to see his parents... I'm fine gwenchana gwenchana
- SJAXHWKZNKSJXNWKSW YORYAK YOU BUFFOON- don't you want to introduce your BOYFRIEND to your parents?! someone hold me back before I smack this idiot
- Cher doing the sneaky sneak and failing 🤣 also Yei not taking Cher with him because he knows his boyfie doesn't like the macho assholes 🥹♥️
- Yak dressing the way Dee told him to... fucking hell
- yak showing up to help his boyfriend thanks I wanna throw up
- Dr. Wandee using his and Yoryak's furry sex personas to help tell children a story was not on my 2024 bingo card 👀
- yak wanting to celebrate with Dee rather than his friends... this idiot
- domestic food fight my beloved (also yak refusing to let Dee do anything cooking wise because he doesn't want to poison Granmama 🤣)
- I do so love an aptly placed song that perfectly explains the conflict of our main characters ♥️♥️
- sir. Yoryak. For someone who claims they like Taem, you sure do lean in to kiss Dee a lot 👀👀👀
- THAT CAPTION... gonna go yeet myself off their building thanks
-... couple toothbrushes... COUPLE TOOTHBRUSHES
- wandeeyoryak vs. Yoryakwandee... help me
This show is everything to me right now and I will hold onto it with my dying breath
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
idk why my brain is suddenly hung up on torturing dism but i'm here for his fraught and tortured questions :)
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bomberqueen17 · 10 months
So in 1944 my grandpa got tuberculosis. It was bad enough that they sent him to a sanitarium up in the Adirondacks for a rest cure, which was what was recommended at the time. He'd been married to my grandmother for just a little while; they had a son, my uncle, and she was pregnant with my dad.
While he was there he wrote letters daily. He wrote a lot of letters, I think, to his parents and sister and friends. But the ones he sent to his wife, my grandma, she kept.
I don't know the chronology of it all, but after Grandma died, probably my dad found the packet of letters, as he was the one who went through her effects-- might have been his little sister, my aunt. Anyway the packet got circulated around, and then came back to my dad, who carefully organized all of the letters into a binder with individual plastic archival sleeves. Someone asked after them recently, and Mom found them and pulled them out. I was over there today, feeding her cat while she's on vacation, and so I leafed through them.
Grandpa's handwriting is similar, a bit, to my late father's, so I was able to read it reasonably easily. He started strong, the first letter he recounts how he fared in the rainstorm he'd apparently left home in, and then asks how Grandma fared.
How are you, my Baby? Did your schooner of sleep bear you safely thru the storm? If it didn't then you won't be reading this sorry excuse for a letter.
In that same letter he goes on to say,
Zounds! How can I create in this infernal bedlam? All the patients are up (as far as possible) and braying, the phone is ringing, Ma is delivering the Gettysburg Address + Pa is making more noise with a piece of wrapping paper than I could make with a hammer and a piece of steele [sic].
It rapidly escalates from there, and in a later letter he explains that the rest cure was so boring he had literally nothing to do, nothing to write home about, and so in an effort to keep from dwelling on how much he hated it there, he would write these flowery, possibly-repetitive love letters, because he simply had nothing else to talk about.
Your accounts of the marital woes of the [illegible, probably neighbors] are really hair-raising, but I don't think that the happiness of our marriage is due entirely to good fortune. As I have always said, we were made for each other a long, long time ago and our hearts refused to love anyone until the right one came along.
Looking at the postmarks, I realized they dated from right around the time of my father's birth, so I found the one that was sent the day after Dad was born, and it did not disappoint.
My beloved Words cannot express just how I feel this morning; I am all mixed up. You are so wonderful that sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve you. You are the one who is increasing our fortunes, for truly our children are the treasures that make us rich. You are so brave, so cool that I hold you in undying amazement. I am sure of one thing, My Darling; I know your sons will love you, not just because you are their mother, but for your own precious self, for the truly great woman you are. For the ordeal you have gone thru to bring these precious lives into being, rest assured of the eternal devotion of your menfolk. Last night all I could think of was you. I heard the night train coming into the station and my heart said "Run, run and catch the train before it is too late. Run to your loved ones and to hell with the results. Run, let nothing keep you from their sides." But my head said, "No, don't undo all that has been done. They also serve who stand and wait. Wait, and by so doing, prove your love to be more than the reckless love of youth, prove it to be the wise, guiding love that lives on long after passion has spent itself and thus spent, dies." And so I waited and the train left without me + my heart hated me for it.
Oh boy I cried, I sure did. (I had to look it up; "They also serve who only stand and wait" is from John Milton's Sonnet XIX.)
He always uses beloved or darling or somesuch as the salutation, but he often refers to her as Red within the text of the letters, because she had red hair. He occasionally made saucy references to their sex life, elsewhere in the letters. But mostly it's absolutely banger shit like this:
My thoughts and deeds, my smiles and tears, my happiness, my loneliness, my joy, my sorrow, my every breath, yea, even the final beat of my loving heart are poor blossoms placed on my altar of adoration, raised in humble gratitude to you.
Her name was Margaret, and I never knew her to have any nicknames, she just went by her name. Except to him, apparently. But as for him-- his government name was John, as was my father's, but my father never had to have a nickname, because there was never a day in his life Grandpa went by John. His name was Buddy, everyone called him Buddy, and he signed his letters as Buddy.
He died in January of 1978 of complications related to the damage to his lungs from the tuberculosis (not directly, but it was related). Grandma was standing in the hallway of the hospital, watching him sleep, waiting for him to wake up so he could meet my older sister, his third grandchild. He never did meet her.
She died in 2002 of congestive heart failure; I'd spent much of the preceding week with her and she'd spoken mostly of him.
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mybutcheredtongue · 3 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius x fem!reader
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (see full series list here)
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Giving an elf clothes is basically the same as throwing them off a cliff. Life-ruining. You think about this as you leave Winky sobbing at Crouch's feet, turning to return to your tent. Poor Winky. First she had to deal with that awful man as a master, and now she's being set free by said man. It's a tough life for house elves, you'll give them that. This all just reminds you of Bitsy — you'll have to go visit her first thing when school starts.
You glance to your left, spotting Mr Weasley escorting the kids back to their tent, and feel guilt gnawing at your gut.
"Give me a sec, will you?" you say to Minerva, jogging over to their group. "Mr Weasley?"
He looks up, raising his eyebrows when he sees you.
"I'm sorry for all that...I'm sure it was a shock to the system..." you say warily. "But please, don't think of me any differently. My — my past has no effect whatsoever on my work, and I can assure you that I will always do what is best for my students and — "
Mr Weasley brings up a hand, waving you down with a shake of his head. "Don't worry, professor. The boys — they speak very well of you. And Ginny too — I'm not worried."
You're surprised at that. You half expected him to look at you in disgust and steer his children away from you. It warms your heart to know he doesn't think you're bad.
"Thank you, Mr Weasley," you say genuinely. He gives you a small smile. "And I'd really appreciate it if maybe you...kept this to yourself? It's just — my job is everything to me, and if others found out..."
He nods understandingly. "You have my word."
You smile at him, nodding nervously. You glance at the three kids behind him, hoping your concern for them is communicated well enough. You head for Mr Diggory, giving him the same story, and he just nods like he wants to get as far from you as possible. That hurts, but you'll take what you can get. You scamper back to Minerva, and the two of you head back to your tent.
The rest of your summer break is...boring. Believe it or not, it can get very lonely in your house with just Dubh as company. You consider going to visit your parents again, but part of you feels guilty when you think about leaving. What if Sirius tries to contact you but can't reach you at your parents'? It's too much of a risk.
You and Remus spend your time together, like you've always done, but it's still not the same. It's not like you spend every waking moment together — and you miss him when he's not there. You miss the company of your best friend. The silence of your little home is deafening when you wake to do the exact same things you did the day before.
One evening, your mind wanders to Harry. You wonder how he's getting on. You hope he's safe and not still shaken after the events of the Quidditch World Cup — that night definitely set you on edge and worried for your godson. Perhaps it's time you should actually make an effort to contact him — now that he knows well who you are, he doesn't deserve to just have that be it. Right now, your relationship is still very professor-studenty...and you don't want that. You're his godmother and you want him to see you exactly as that — someone he can trust, someone he can confide in and talk to without worrying about school or work.
So, with all this in mind, you grab a quill and some ink, fishing out a piece of parchment and setting it all down on the table.
Dear Harry,
Too formal, you think. You scratch it out messily, starting again.
Dearest Harry,
No, that's not right. You scratch that out.
Hey, Harry!
What are you so excited about? This is just setting him up for something interesting, and you really have nothing interesting to tell. Scratch that.
What's up, Hazza?
My beloved godson,
Scratch scratch.
To: Harry
Scratch scratch scratch.
You look down at the parchment, realising you've just about scratched out the top half of the parchment. Nice one. You crumple it up, throwing it towards the rubbish bin in the corner of the room and missing it by half a mile. You groan, getting up and begrudgingly tossing it in the bin properly and getting another piece of parchment. You take a deep breath before starting this one.
I hope you're well, and that you're enjoying your stay with the Weasleys'. Do tell Ron and Hermione I said hello and I'm really looking forward to seeing you all in September! Hopefully there's a year ahead where the three of you aren't getting up to too much mischief...though perhaps that's an impossible thing to ask for.
I hope you're doing okay after the World Cup. I won't mollycoddle you and say you have nothing to worry about because you're old enough to know better, but you can always talk to me, Harry. I mean it. I'm your godmother and it's high time I start acting like it.
I'm afraid I don't really have anything interesting to share. The summer can be quite boring for me — it's just myself and Dubh. Remus comes 'round a lot, but I think that's because he gets a free meal out of it.
There's a room here for you, y'know. When we were made godparents, Sirius demanded that you have your own room here because it was a 'necessity'. Personally I think it was just so he could get the chance to put the idea in your head that tying your dad's shoelaces together would be a good thing. It's lucky one-year-old Harry had little-to-no dexterity.
Write back soon with all the news! I could do with a little excitement.
All my love and best wishes,
You sign your name, tapping your quill against your chin thoughtfully as you read back over the letter.
P.S. If you hear anything from that daft dog will you please let me know? I've gotten no word and can't help but worry. Enjoy the photo!
You spend five minutes rummaging around for a photo, eventually landing on one of a young Lily smiling sheepishly, her cheeks rosy, clutching a copy of her potions textbook in her arms.
Children run and crowd the platform at King's Cross, hugging parents and grimacing as their mothers press sloppy kisses to their cheeks. You push your own trunk and Dubh's crate through the crowd, finally managing to get onto the train and into your usual compartment in the Prefects' carriage.
You sit down with a sigh, taking out your books and doing what you usually do: touch up lesson plans. Then you pull out a fictional book, written in French, hoping to brush up on your skills in the language before the arrival of the Beauxbatons students.
This year, something big is happening at Hogwarts: the Triwizard Tournament. One of-age student from Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons is selected and the three participants compete in three tasks to win a grand prize of a thousand galleons. You're quite excited for it — especially to meet the new teachers from the other schools. It's something to look forward to!
After a while, you decide to get up and stretch your legs. You'll go for a walk down the train, maybe have a quick word with your seventh years and see how they're doing. Off you go, and luckily you do spot a gaggle of your seventh years in a compartment with the door open. Inside, you find Cedric Diggory, Molly Milvy, Elisa Catchweld and James Smith. All Hufflepuffs. They tell you about their summers, the holidays they went on, their hopes for this coming year, their worries about exams. Molly Milvy seems especially worried about her Astronomy exam, pulling out a thick textbook from her bag and flipping it open.
"I've just — Professor, how in Merlin's name do you analyse spectra? I just — I cannot wrap my head around it — "
You chuckle light-heartedly. "Oh, Ms Milvy, we'll cover it, don't you worry. I'll explain it all when we come to it."
"When will we come to it? I'm seriously just beginning to worry — "
You gently take the book from the blonde girl, closing it shut. "I'll make a note to get an early start on spectra with your class this year, and I'm happy to spend time going over it outside of class with you if needs be."
She smiles, some of the stress leaving her face. "Okay, okay. Thank you, Professor."
You glance at Cedric Diggory. Did his father tell him about you? If he did, he's not showing it. He's looking as friendly as he's always been. You nod and smile at the students, bidding them goodbye before continuing on your way down the train. You pass students, giving them all greeting smiles, before eventually you near a compartment, peering in the window and spotting Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting inside, chatting away amicably. You knock on the door, smiling when Hermione stands to open it.
"Professor!" She immediately starts to smooth her hair down in an effort to look more presentable and you chuckle at her antics.
"I hope you don't mind my interrupting," you say, and they all shake their heads. You slide the door closed behind you, wondering if you should sit down or not. No, maybe not. Surely they don't want their professor butting in like this. "Anyways, I'm just popping in to say hello...Harry, did you get my letter?"
Harry nods. "Oh, yeah, I did, thanks. I meant to send one back but it only arrived a few days ago, thought it best to just leave it 'til now..."
"Oh, that's fine. Nothing to worry about," you reply with a smile.
"Professor, I wanted to ask you something," Harry questions and you nod. "At the Cup, when the Dark Mark was conjured...do you think that means Voldemort is back?"
You bite your lip, shrugging. "Honestly? I don't know, Harry. But I do know that with Wormtail free to do whatever the hell he wants, it's best to keep your wits about you."
"Do you know who conjured it?"
You scoff. "Sure if I knew, don't you think I'd have said something that night? I haven't got a clue, I'm afraid."
There's a brief silence, and you nearly consider leaving them because you think you're boring them, but Ron asks you a question.
"How come you're not an animagus?"
You blink in surprise at him.
"Y'know, 'cause all the rest of them were."
Your legs are tired from standing and you decide to forego all previous worries and just sit yourself down next to your godson, smiling across at Ron.
"Oh, Ron, you think the boys would have let a girl in on their little tricks?" You chuckle. "They had their own little club of...animals, and none of the rest of us were supposed to know. Though I will say that they did choose a terrible spot to perform their little ritual."
"Ritual?" Harry asks curiously. You can spot the glow in his eyes at the prospect of hearing about his parents and godfather and it warms your heart to see.
"The animagus one," you answer. You look over at Hermione. "Hermione, I'm sure you know of this already — " the girl swells with pride, " — but the spell for becoming an animagus is incredibly complicated. First, you have to keep a mandrake leaf under your tongue for an entire month — Sirius found that one especially difficult — "
You laugh. "Well, one, because it's awful to eat and drink with that in...and two, because Sirius had a fondness for snogging every girl in the castle."
Hermione's eyes widen and her face flushes. Ron and Harry share a look as both jaws drop.
You grin at their shocked faces. "Yes, Sirius was quite the ladies man back in his day. Couldn't keep him away from a pretty girl! Anyway, then the boys had to say this chant every day...oh, what was it? I can't remember — "
"Amato, animo, animato, animagus," Hermione says and you nod.
"Yes, that was it. Every sunrise and sundown, those boys were chanting that incantation. They had to make up this potion and drink it during a lightning storm. Which, took quite a while...but the night there finally was one, they went up to the Astronomy Tower, for ease of access or something, I guess. And well, I spent practically every night up there in the Tower and may have walked in during their transformation."
"Really?" Hermione says, engrossed in your story.
"Oh, yes. It was weird, honestly, going up there and seeing Remus standing around these three familiar-looking animals..." you smile, remembering the memory. "But that's it, really. I mean, I already knew Remus was a werewolf before that, and now I knew the rest of 'em were transforming into animals whenever they pleased! But to answer your question, Ron, I had missed the chance to become one, and I wasn't as committed as they were. Though I would love to see what animal I'd be...James used to joke that I'd be a sea urchin, but I reckon I'd be something cooler like...like, I don't know, a dragon."
The three laugh and you smile.
"So, Harry, have you heard anything from Sirius?" you say, worry knotting your gut.
Harry nods and you feel a wave of relief washing over you. "Yeah, I have. He sent me one a while ago, kind of at the beginning of summer? He — uh — he said he's fine. And well, I sent him one a few weeks ago, before the Cup — but I haven't gotten a reply yet."
You nod thoughtfully. "Alright, thank goodness. He — he can't send me letters, you see. The Ministry are monitoring our house."
"Wait, really?" Hermione says in surprise. "That's awful."
You shrug. "It's nothing I haven't had to deal with before. They just — they're desperate. Desperate to get something on me."
"But you've been proven innocent!" Hermione exclaims. "And Dumbledore trusts you. Surely that's enough for them?"
You shake your head grimly. "I'm afraid not. The public hates that Sirius managed to escape, and the Ministry are just hoping they'll catch me out on something and make everyone think they've done something worthwhile. It'd also be a good jab at Dumbledore because he trusts me — Fudge worries he wants to become the Minister of Magic. Not that I think Dumbledore has even the tiniest shred of interest in that position anyway."
"Why wouldn't he want to be the Minister of Magic?" Ron asks incredulously, scoffing.
"He says it's because he has everything here, at Hogwarts," you say with a shrug, before adding with a small smile, "but if you ask me, I think it's because when you have control over everything like that, you don't have to fight for anything. Dumbledore likes that fight."
You roll your jumper's sleeves up, sighing. You should probably get going. Someone might accuse you of favouritism, sitting here with these three. Which...wouldn't be wrong, of course, but still not a great look for you. Hermione lets out a small gasp, looking at your forearm. You follow her gaze, landing on a tattoo.
"What's that for, Professor?" She asks curiously. Ron and Harry both lean forward to get a better look. It's that same painting of the pottery that Remus did for you, now permanently etched onto your skin. It's a jug, a plate and two cups. Upon the jug, is a pair of antlers, and on the plate, a lily flower.
You smile fondly, brushing over the art with your fingers. "It's pottery. Y'know, for the Potters..." you smile over at Harry. "There's Lily and there's James." You point to their symbols respectively. "S'pose I'll have to get another for you, eh, Harry? Wonder what it'd be."
He beams back at you, like it's the greatest honour in the world. The corners of his eyes crease behind his glasses.
You stand with a sigh, brushing over your jumper and pulling the sleeves back down over your tattoo. Not your only tattoo, by the way. There's another much bigger one on your back, but that's a story for another day.
"Well, I best be off," you say. "I'll see you all at dinner."
With that, you leave the compartment, slipping down the corridor again. You glance over your shoulders to see Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle standing at their compartment doorway, a jeering sneer on Draco's face.
Ah, teenage drama. Happens to us all.
The Great Hall is alive with great chatter and excitement. Inside, students buzz with anticipation, yapping away to each other as they reunite. You sit yourself down at the staff table, greeting everyone after the holidays. There's an empty seat beside you, Minerva's usual spot. On your left, sits the tiny Professor Flitwick, who greets you cheerfully.
"Hello, Filius!" you chirp back, smiling at him.
Hagrid is of course, busy with the first years, battling their way across the Black Lake. Minerva, you saw, is busy supervising the drying of the Entrance Hall floor — which had previously been assaulted by Peeves' water balloons.
You glance down the table, wondering who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is. You scan and scan for a new face, but are stuck with Severus Snape's ugly scowl as your eyes meet. You wave condescendingly at him, bending your fingers like you're waving goodbye to a little toddler. His nostrils flare and he looks away from you. Poor baby. Holding onto that grudge against Sirius all these years, he must have an awful dull life.
Professor Dumbledore sits in the middle, smiling contentedly out at the students as you all wait for the first-years to arrive. Professor Sprout sits on the other side of Flitwick. You like Pomona Sprout — she's that kind of funny and friendly woman who won't take any bullshit. It's great.
"Pomona, long time no see!" You say, leaning to talk to her while Flitwick charms his spectacles to dance on the table for his enjoyment. He claps his hands excitedly, ignoring the two of you.
"Aye, that'd be right!" She exclaims heartily. "By Godric, you wouldn't see such rain if you prayed for it! I was absolutely drowneded outside!"
You chuckle, choosing not to correct her use of 'drowneded'. "Honestly! I had to use about three drying spells before coming in here. Madness."
No sooner have the words left your mouth than the doors of the Great Hall swing open and Minerva strides through, leading a trail of young first-years behind her. They're positively drenched, shivering from head to toe with the cold. There must have been no time to dry them off, you suppose. One young lad is covered in a large mass of fabric, one you recognise as Hagrid's moleskin overcoat. He's practically swimming in the massive piece of clothing, his head just barely poking out from the top of it.
The first-years look around in wonderment, gazing up at the sky, looking nervously out at all the older students, looking back at the teachers. You smile and wave at the ones who look at you, hoping to ease their nerves a little bit.
Minerva places the Sorting Hat on a three legged stool before the first-years and you suppress a groan.
A thousand years or more ago,
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards of renown,
Whose names are still well known:
Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from fen,
They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts school began.
Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues
In the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw the cleverest
Would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.
While still they did divide
Their favourites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?
'Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!
Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong!
The Great Hall erupts into applause and you applaud too, thankful that it's over. Truth be told, you think the sorting is a whole load of hogwash. No one person is just cunning, no one person is just intelligent...it makes no sense. You like to think that though you were placed in Gryffindor, you were a sort of Jack-of-all-trades. Kind, clever, cunning and brave. Of course, you know that perhaps you're setting yourself too high...but who doesn't have a fantasy?
The Sorting begins, and you drum your fingers on the table in front of you. Thirty-three years old and you feel just as impatient as the other students do, desperately hoping for Minerva to hurry it up a little. You can feel your stomach gargling loudly, glancing around to see if anyone noticed. Sprout did, and she's nodding bleakly at you as though she feels your pain.
This is the one thing you don't like about the feast — the lack of one while you wait for the Sorting to finish. Sometimes, you try and use your intuition to guess what house they're going to get. A young girl hops up onto the stool, and Minerva places the hat on her head.
Ravenclaw, for sure.
Yeah, well, I was going to say that.
Time drags on and on, and you're seriously starting to consider taking a chomp out of the wooden table in front of you. If you squint just right...it looks like a bar of Honeyduke's chocolate.
But thankfully, it seems you won't have to go that far, because Minerva finally plucks the hat from the stool once the last student has been sorted and carries both the stool and the hat out.
Dumbledore stands, arms opened wide in welcome. "I have only two words to say to you," he tells you, his deep voice booming around the hall, "Tuck in."
And tuck in you do. You eat to your heart's content, glad to finally be rid of the rumbling in your tummy. You clink your goblets against Sprout and Flitwick's cheerfully, beaming when Minerva finally joins you at the table, huffing something about Peeves and his antics.
Finally, when the last of the desserts have been cleared and plates have been licked clean, Dumbledore gets to his feet again. Wondrously, the buzz of chatter ceased almost at once, everyone turning to listen to what he's going to say. You wish you had that kind of power over a room.
"So!" he says, smiling around at everyone. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention while I give out a few notices."
"Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden in the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises some four-hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr Filch's office, if anyone would like to check it."
Filch is standing down the bottom of the hall, eyes flitting about the hall suspiciously. He lands on the Weasley twins and gives them a dark look — you expect he hopes to really catch them out this year. Not a chance.
"As ever, I would like to remind you all that the forest on the grounds is strictly out-of-bounds to all students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all those below third year. It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."
Now this sets the students off. There is loud whispering and muttering, a few outbursts of 'What?'
"This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers' time and energy — but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts — "
At that moment, there's a deafening roll of thunder and the doors to the Great Hall bang open.
→ all kinds of interaction are appreciated ♡
a massive thank you to all my taglist loves for all their kindness and support:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @hyperspeedo @carpe000diem @jennifer0305
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cyrusthedragon · 11 months
Teen And Up Audience
Let's talk about Simon Riley being a gentleman for you but not the way we usually think about gentlemen.
Relationship: Simon "Ghost" Riley / f!Reader
Tags: domestic fluff, no "Ghost", established relationship, married couple, playful bullying, newborn children, Simon Riley being BIG and SOFT (and bullied), husband material
Please, comment if you liked it, it means a lot to me!
Reader is from a rich family, but still joined the military
Reader and Simon serve(d) together
Simon Riley without his mask
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Stand up so you can sit down; take off your outer clothes; pull up a chair for you; kiss the back of your hand; do not raise voice at you; if you walk on the sidewalk, then stand by the road; make sure you feel comfortable when you go out; if you bend over to pick up something under the table, then cover the corner of the table with his hand; lay his head on your shoulder just because; make two cups of tea anyway; try to say when he feels uncomfortable (not just swallow it cuz he don't wanna bother you! mister it's-not-that-deep); talk with you when something is wrong; when you look good — say out loud that you look good; ask if you need some help and actually help you, massage your tired feet.
Yeah, he doesn't really know about the etiquette and other stuff, but he knows exactly how to cherish you, trying so hard to give you that normal life he knows you deserve, even though he's so dumb that he didn't really understand you do not need 'normal life', you're as battle-scarred as he is, you just need life with him. Civilian or not, you don't give a damn about it, maybe he didn't know how to use that god-awful melon spoon, but it's okay as long as he is happy, cuz the melon spoon never was so necessary. You just love watching him, so clumsy with small and delicate things, that you can't help but just stay silent and admire how he's trying to deal with that nappy for your tiny little newborn baby daughter, who literally can completely fit in two his palms.
He was big compared to normal guy, was huge compared to you, and now he's damn giant compared to your daughter.
"Fatherhood suits you," you said, looking at him from the threshold, and laughed when he literally shuddered. The man on purpose lowered his guard down, 'cause he felt himself safe with you. Both of you, now.
"The hell are you tolkin' about... Help me instead, I can't understand how this shit works.." grumpy, messy, baby powder on his cheek, brows furrowed. If Johnny saw him right now, he'd definitely shit his pants from how scary Simon looked at that poor nappy, like it, idk, killed his beloved puppy. But as how scary it was for everyone esle, as much it was funny for you; you couldn't resist your laugh coming out, trying to hide your face with your palm, when he looked at you as severely as physically possible.
And blushed.
"Shut up."
You smiled at him widely, coming closer: "I said nothing, baby." but that wasn't true. Technically, that wasn't a lie, too. You said a lot of things, but not with words. "You can't handle one diaper?"
"I didn't say I can't handle it, dammit," he groaned, focussing on swaddling the baby who couldn't stop giggling and twitching from side to side; you rested your elbow on his shoulder, and he theatrically sighed, looking at his daughter: "Rocket fuel in your veins..." and, stooping to kiss her on her belly, added: "Just like your mother."
"I don't get it, are you bullying her?" before he realized it, you pucked girl up. She giggled, sucking on her own petit fingers, moving her legs. "You're bullying my daughter, Simon?"
"Oh goodness, love..." he clicked, you cackled, holding baby closer and moving two steps away from him, "you wanna start a fight now?"
"I don't", but considering how you smiled and looked at your daughter's very pleased reaction, you obviously wanted this: "Do you?"
"I don't," he answered, "but if you're going to continue whatever you're doing, I'm-"
"You what?" and you moved the child in your arms accompanied by her contented laughter, so Simon could see it:
You sly thing.
He can't do with you anything when you're holding the baby.
"What, you swallowed your tongue, darling?" your footsteps were coming closer to the living room, and he followed at your heels, looking almost the same as on the military, about to scold one of his soldiers. "Love..." almost growled, making the baby laugh harder, clapping; the fluff on her head swayed when you moved left and right, skirting the furniture: "Love?" you repeated after him, looking directly into his eyes without a single blink, "Now I'm love?"
"You always were my love..."
"No, five seconds ago you were threatening me!" you smiled, moving your gaze to your daughter. "He was threatening your mama, sunshine, look at him!"
"No-o!" Simon exclaimed, holding out his hands to the little one, "Princess, don't listen to her! She's lying! She was bullying me!"
"Bullying you? How can I bully you? I'm a victim here!"
"You're not!"
"Of course I am, princess saw how you were telling me you're going to do something!-" laughter, quick steps, radio talking in the kitchen, child's giggle, Simon's sighs, and two grown-ass adults argument in which each of you tried to convince a three-month-old child which of you is really a victim.
Was that the life you were expecting from joining the military?
That was the life that Simon Riley gave you without your request. He just was there, silently, very bad at any good feelings, not knowing what exactly to say or how to act in some situations, learning from you by just watching how you talked with everyone, and simply remembering small things. From small things about how to interact with people, who are not broken as fu-. Ahem. To small things about you, and one day he understood — you became his healing pill. Somehow, by doing literally nothing, only existing in the same universe as him, winking to him, talking to him — actually talking, not just having some nonsense chat about the weather or your job, but discussing with him, asking about his opinion, you became a person who was so damn comfortable to him, that he couldn't deny how he's attached to you anymore.
This man appeared in your life like a silent company, then your partner on missions, then your partner for life, then your husband, and then the father of your child.
And now you were testing his limits, 'cause you wanted so.
This girl in your hands — she was the third most precious woman in his life, after his mother and you, and you knew exactly what you were doing by teasing him, not letting him go closer to you, or take her from your hands.
"What? What? Wanna say you're not bullying me? Princess, look-"
"No, princess, don't. Look at your daddy, daddy loves you, daddy would never bully your mommy."
And then once again: he sighs, you giggle, baby girl made her baby sound, and the three of you were whirled around the house, from room to room, until finally, he cornered you. Literally. You pressed yourself into the corner of the bedroom with your whole body, never stop smiling, but knowing for sure that this man would not leave it so easily. You blinked, he towered over you like a mountain, put his hand on the wall and you automatically bit your lower lip, chuckling: "Are we like... In some kind of third-rate young adult drama?"
"Give her to me. Now."
A hoarse, hot, deep voice sounded right in front of you. His blue eyes into yours, and you had to tilt your head to keep eye contact, but it was completely worth it.
"Or what?" you whispered; the little one's eye's shifted from you to her father, from him to you again, Simon leaned over to you, and before this whole situation started to get too spicy, you quickly gave him the child and came out from under his quite skillful confident kabe-don. Ah, but you remember times when he was too shy to kiss you... "You can have her," you said, looking innocent, watching him trying to handle girl as delicate as possible, hissing at your actions as if scolding because you simply cannot treat such tiny, fragile creatures like that.
You can break her!
Scolding you.
For not being gentle.
Holding her so, so gently, carefully, holding her head straight, because she didn't know how to do it yet, frowning at you, you, an irresponsible woman!
This behemoth of a man with such a little girl in his hands.
"She's already daddy's girl, isn't she?" You murmured. Simon put her on the changing pad, you followed him. "Try again," you said, when he took the open diaper.
He sucked air deep into his lungs and began to swaddle this little giggly monster.
Action after action, extreme care, total concentration, as if he was defusing a bomb, unblinking stare until the last details, and only when girl was laying there, completely swaddled, with a pacifier in her mouth, he exhaled, closing his eyes.
"Holy f-..."
"Good job! It was that hard, baby?" You chuckled, stroking his back, when he turned to you, hugging your waist softly. "No," he whispered, breathing in your scent, mixed with perfume and the smell of a hair conditioner, "I was trying not to hurt her. She's so tiny..."
Oh, that man drove you crazy.
The level of happiness in your blood exceeded all permissible norms, you pressed into him, cheek on his cheek for a second, and kissed his cheekbone, smiling like a fool.
Or it was just him?
Big protective fool, so scared to hurt his little daughter...
You love him like this: in your arms, mumbling about how afraid he is that one day he'll do something to her, due to miscalculated strength. You weren't afraid. You knew he simply won't let it happen.
"You wouldn't." You answered, gently running your fingers through his short blonde hair, "Wanna know why?"
Simon looked into your eyes, moving away a little, so you could see him properly: "Why?"
You smiled: "Because she's our daughter," and before he let himself relax, you added, grinning nastily: "If you'll ever try to hurt her, she'll kick your ass, like it's a fucking football, darling."
Maybe... Just maybe... Maybe he wasn't a liar...
Maybe you truly enjoyed bullying him, so he can "get angry" and finally shut you up with the most delicious kiss in the world.
Simon's lips pressed to yours, your hands over his hot red cheeks, because someone's still too easy to tease, his hands around your waist, just to be sure you're not going anywhere, your eyes closed so you can remember every moment, every note of his taste. And the softness, but the conference of his movements.
Simon Riley was the best example of the word "self-control".
You never saw an another man with such power over himself that he can hold the most fragile teacup tightly and not break it.
And he was afraid?
Oh, you were planning to live a life beside him and for once and for all make him see how amazing he really was.
Yes, he doesn't have some fancy private university diploma, maybe he's not a philosophy Ph.D., but, god forgive me, was he less incredible because of it? Not even a little.
He doesn't know about a melon spoon, he doesn't really like all these luxurious restaurants, he can tell nothing about Gucci house, then fuck it, fuck it all, fuck the etiquette, fuck high table manners, fuck meticulous elegance, prim ideality — the way Simon kissed you, keep you close, the way he looked at you with his eyes go wild, the way he was sucking your scent, burying his face in your neck, after holding your common child, as if both of you were priceless treasures from the depths of the sea.
Squeezing you, carefully touching her chubby pink cheek with a pad of his finger, and slowly, lightly kissing the back of your hand, pressing her close while rocking.
Yeah, he wasn't a gentleman.
He didn't have a fantastic talent for anything, couldn't distinguish Manet from Monet, and mathematics wasn't one of his strengths.
But he had his stubbornness, willpower, desire, and love for work.
Simon Riley was a hard-worker.
And that's exactly what you love in him.
"We should..." you swallowed, licking your lower lip after that disastrous kiss he gave you, "We should go on a date..."
"Why so?" just his hoarse voice made you snuggle into him, hugging his neck so tightly, as if you wanted to kill him with your own hands — that's how much you loved him. But you did nothing.
Just breathing heavily, feeling him lift you by your hips, seating you on the windowsill in your bedroom. "Because," you murmured, smacking him on the lips, "I want you to eat molecular crap in your only black suit, and grumble that this berry foam is not a real food."
And when you laughed, already hearing his old man's grumbling, his huge hands grabbed your waist again, squeezing tightly, as if purposely ignoring your mouth-watering sides.
You told Simon last morning that even though it's been three months since you gave birth, your pelvis still hurts sometimes —
What a gentle man he was...
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mrs-snape5984 · 4 days
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“I'll meet you on a day that never ends. I'll greet you in a way that heaven meant…”
“I hope you don't break my heart of stone. I don't wanna scream out loud and wake up on my own…” (“Idler’s Dream” by Oasis)
Considering, that I don’t see any way out of the misery, which my life has become since this cruel and inexorable disease ME/CFS has robbed me from being myself, I’ve started to commission some of my beloved artists of Snapedom with a special project of mine. I explained to them, that I’m slowly fading away from my life as well as from other people’s lives. It started two years ago, when this sickness got me into her relentless grip, forcing me to let go of the life, I’ve known before. Losing more and more of my abilities and strengths with each passing day, I’m finding myself in an unstoppable spiral of torments.
Nowadays, I’m not capable of leaving my room and most of the times even my bed anymore. Day in, day out I’m surrounded by darkness, silence and solitude. Participating in social activities, in milestones of my children or even in longer conversations with friends isn’t possible for me anymore. My presence has lost its meaning and purpose.
Whereas my phone didn’t stand still in the beginning of my disease, when friends and colleagues were worried about me…it’s getting more silent now. People are starting to forget about me…and yes, I can absolutely understand them. It must be frustrating to send messages or attempt to call me without getting a proper reply. My former boss told me some weeks ago, that people are feeling speechless about my situation, so it’s easier for them to forget about me…letting me become a faint memory in the back of their heads. This is exactly, what I meant, when I said, that I’m fading away…and it’s okay. I can’t be mad about it. I understand.
It’s also happening here on tumblr…and yet, here are still some kind people, who seem to notice my silence. I was astonished to hear, that my friend @capysnapeart, whom I commissioned for this beautiful artwork of Severus and my highly self-inserted OC Jules, searched me in a sweet post on their blog, after not hearing from me for several days. I was even more dumbfounded, when I realised, that other lovely people of Snapedom had also noticed my absence from my online life. This was very unexpected, but - indeed - touching and heartwarming to me. Thank you for not forgetting about me.
The project, which I’ve commissioned @capysnapeart and some other artists for, should show the different stages of the life, I’m expecting to have after my final breath, which doesn’t seem to be so far away anymore. I’ve set myself a limit…a certain point of no return, at which I won’t be able to accept and endure my pain and my suffering anymore. Well…let’s just leave it like that.
In my imagination, I will be able to choose, how my afterlife will look like. I will be with Severus, the character, I’ve been clinging on for the past 21 years, already. I imagine, that we will meet at the age of 11 years and from then on, we will spend the rest of our lives together...growing old together. It may sound strange and pathetic, but this is all, that I'm wishing for. I want to come home to him...
I asked Capy to draw Severus and Jules as a middle-aged couple…sitting on a bench in front of their little cottage at the sea. I’d love to see them being happy together…finally living the life, they’ve always wanted to live…the life, they’ve deserved to have! They’re cuddling on this wooden bench…feeling like home in themselves.
Capy, my dear friend, I’m beyond grateful for your understanding of my wish for this mesmerising artwork. You’ve managed to capture the peace and the silence of this scenery so perfectly, that it made me shed countless tears of longing. A longing for this fantasy to become true one day, when I will let go of my existence, eventually. Thank you for your talent, your kindness and your acceptance of my ideas. Feel hugged! 🫂🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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butterrats · 5 months
I love 2012 Donnie
I severely dislike 2012 April, one could say I hate her.
I am allowed to have my own opinions on these not-real-people characters because it. Is. A. Cartoon.
No, I am not a misogynist because I hate 2012 April. I actually love literally all five female characters they put in the show except her (Wow writers...) I'm a fucking feminist lesbian. Disliking a female character does not make you a misogynist. I honestly think a lot of her slander is undeserved, but I'd be a goddamn liar if I didn't say I kinda (ok I love it) enjoy participating in it. HOWEVER, I do not think she is a bad person. Is she snippy, rude, entitled, and kinda a brat in my eyes? Yeah, no dip. Do I think she's evil and intentionally trying to seduce every guy she sees into being her man slave? Uh no. I think she's annoying and I dislike her, but I don't want her to burn in hell. I want what I want for every character I see on a show: *clears throat* OWNING UP TO THEIR SHIT AND CHANGING FOR THE BETTER AND NOT BEING A MARY SUE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DON'T FEEL LIKE GETTING INTO AT 11:30 PM. This goes for literally all the characters on the show. I wanna see Donnie and Casey apologize to April for being weird with her, AND I want April to apologize to them for being weird with them. THEY ALL DESERVED BETTER. They all could have developed amazingly if the writers didn't stick their heads up their asses and spew whatever shit they inhaled onto the script. I have so many other examples of this: I want Splinter to realize the generational trauma he's inflicting on his sons, Karai developing her relationships with all her brothers, Casey going into his backstory, insert other example.
No, I am not encouraging "nice guy" behavior by loving on Donnie. Oh wow, a kid with zero social interaction outside of his three brothers an strict dad gets weirdly obsessed with the first person he develops romantic feelings for? Who could've seen that coming? He should have left her alone when she wanted to be left alone and given her space, yes, but goddamn people, these characters are children. They're always making dumb choices. It's TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles. My boy never once tried to force himself on this girl. Never tried turning her no into a yes. Never wanted her to do anything she wasn't okay with. He's not a "nice guy" or an "incel" or a "stalker" he's a smart boy who made some very dumb choices. So did literally every other character in the goddamn show. You wanna talk creepy? Leo knowingly had the hots for his motherfudging sister but that's a whole 'nother can of worms I ain't touching tonight baby. I just personally think Donnie has so many more redeeming qualities to his character. Honestly, in my opinion, his apology to April was good enough for me. Not perfect by any means, but good enough. Donnie is literally one of the only characters who quickly owns up when he messes up, I think that' worth something considering the characters. Honestly, Donnie is a sweetheart, super smart, sassy, and fun to watch, and I think his qualities outweigh his flaws, unlike how I feel about April. (How I feel about her.)
My morality should not be called into question when I have an opinion on a fictional character for fuck's sake. This franchise is beloved, BELOVE IT. Have your opinions, love April, hate April, love Donnie, hate Donnie, just enjoy yourselves (except you, Tcesters, stay the fuck away from me and my son.) These characters aren't perfect, they're flawed, they're young, they're children. It's not their fault they were written like shit. They're ALL good people at the end of the day.
I hate 2012 April's guts and I love 2012 Donnie to death. But that doesn't mean you have to as well. LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS.
Holy jumping Jesus on a hoagie sandwich why did I waste an hour of my life writing this? I need to get to bed, I have work tomorrow. Anyways, hope this gets to someone who needs it, love yourself, love characters, don't fucking ship siblings, eat your homework, and enjoy your life. Love you <3
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madrigaljail · 3 months
Would you like some celebrity AU in these trying times? Have some nonsense; don't worry about Eli, he's an OC, it's fine.
“Finally tonight, my producers won’t let me end the show without discussing the most compelling story in the nation, a tale of intergenerational drama which begs the question: which speaks to you most? Do you like a redemption arc, recognition coming after decades of struggle? Or a reward for raw, young talent the likes of which has never before been seen? These questions will possibly be answered Sunday night, when the Emmy Awards give a trophy to…a Best Supporting Actor in a Drama.
“On the one hand you have Bruno Madrigal, whose offscreen exploits have overshadowed his work for decades. In recent years, however, he’s become beloved by children as the voice of Hernando the Crab in the animated Shore Thing film series and attracted critical acclaim in indie films such as The Collaboration and onstage in an off-Broadway revival of Endgame. Now he’s nominated for his role as Oscar Ramos, a pedicab driver with a secret in AMC’s thriller Upper West. 
“Then there’s his nephew, Camilo Madrigal, who has veered away from the music careers of his mother and sister to follow - cautiously, we hope - in his uncle’s acting footsteps. He has more than a knack for it, given his star turn as nine different characters…or maybe it’s the same one in different phases, who knows what’s happening on Max’s scifi-horror hit Idle Hands? My nephew’s tried to explain it several times, but I’ve given up figuring it out.
“So, where do you fall: Team Camilo, or Team Bruno? Personally I think we as a society should have moved past these hashtag labels a long time ago, but if I were a betting man? I’d say the Madrigals are going to split the voters and we’ll get the winner we deserve, the venerable J.K. Simmons.
“That’s it for me this evening, stay tuned for the latest headlines on ‘Nightbeat’, and I’ll see you back here bright and early Sunday morning for ‘Mas with Guzmán’. Buenos noches.”
The news program theme music played, and Bruno would have continued mindlessly playing Candy Crush on his phone but-
“You know there’s a rumor you slept with that guy.”
Bruno glanced to his right. Eli was slumped the corner of the couch, smirking, light brown hair tousled and hazel eyes glancing his way with a mischievous twinkle. Bruno scowled.
“You don’t- that’s ridiculous. I can’t help it if people think we had chemistry or there were ‘sparks flying’ in that interview or whatever, but it’s all…fanflick?”
Eli laughed and gently kicked his shin, he retaliated by pinching his knee. “Fanfic, boomer.”
“Everybody really does forget about Gen X,” Bruno muttered, then shook his head. “Anyway. The point is I can’t believe people still think Pulitzer prize winning reporter José Guzmán would risk his journalistic integrity by hooking up with me.”
“Depends.” Eli straightened up to lean closer, waggling his eyebrows. “Is ‘journalistic integrity’ what he calls his-”
“Guys! I’m still right here!” 
They both cringed and glanced over the back of the sofa towards the kitchen, where Mirabel had taken over the island in a flurry of embroidery floss. She’d swiveled around on the barstool to give them a glare, but a smile still tugged at the corner of her mouth.
“Sorry, Mira.”
She nodded, satisfied. “Thank you.” A moment or two slipped by, a perfect pause, before she went on. “But you totally did hook up with him, right?”
Bruno blinked, turned back to the TV, and picked up the remote. “I am changing the channel. It’s a metaphor for changing the subject.”
Shortly after that Mirabel presented him with a baseball cap emblazoned with “#TeamCamilo”, and a black necktie which she’d decorated with symbols representing all of the Madrigal family…and a blue, pink, and white striped heart for Eli. Bruno happily wore both on the Emmys red carpet two nights later.
A/N: he did totally hook up with him. Celebverse!José is basically Anderson Cooper. Yes he does get stuck doing New Year's Eve with Andy Cohen still, it's fine. As for who wins the Emmy, it's been almost two years and I am still not sure.
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lionlena · 8 months
Headcanon: How will they react if you tell them about CDD? (Pedro Pascal characters) 👰💔😱🤕
I accidentally found a website about CDD (Christian Domestic Discipline) and I read a few fragments of articles by a certain moron. And I don't know what scared me more. Lack of basic respect and love for wife. Spanking is a form of punishment to correct the wife's behavior. Or the fact that the wife is always supposed to be willing and obey commands like "kneel" and willingly take his cock in her mouth... 🤢 🤮 I just felt sick (like someone punched me in the stomach) and I needed some therapy, so I went to my "Pedro's boys' comfort zone".
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Joel Miller:
Joel is shaking with anger. He clenches his jaw and fists. It's not just about you, but also about Sarah. His blood boils at the thought that his beloved daughter's future husband could be such an idiot as this Christians perverts. Joel feels like breaking something. He'd break that dick's hands if he even tried to touch his daughter.
Then he looks at you in shock and asks, almost pleadingly, "Tell me you don't believe this nonsense? That you would never want me to treat you this way... I'm your husband, not some fucking medieval pastor!"
So of course you assure him that you would never want that. You like the fact that Joel is sometimes dominant, that he is decisive, but... At the same time, you know that you can do what you want. Joel would never take away your right to be yourself.
Joel confirms all this. You are his Princess. He knows he's grumpy sometimes. He doesn't like it when you do something he thinks is unwise, but he would never dare punish you for it.
He has great respect for you. You are the woman who takes care of him, the house, and the children. And if you feel like having a little fun sometimes... If you don't make him dinner, or you oppose him, Joel will accept it with humility. He will wait it out because he knows that in the end, you will always be a married couple full of love and mutual respect.
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Javier Peña:
Javier thinks you're joking at first. You must be joking, right? These are some erotic fantasies, not the truth...
When he realizes that some men actually see their wives this way, he is disgusted.
He always respected women, even those he paid for sex. He wouldn't force any of them to do anything.
Would he be able to force you, his beloved wife, to do anything?
He knows perfectly well that he is not a saint. He has many "sins" on his conscience. How the hell would he be the one to correct your behavior? Who would give him the right to do that?
He sees spanking only as a form of short play during sex (with mutual consent).
But as a punishment? Hell no!
He would never stand up to you. He treats you as an equal... In fact, he even thinks that he is the second in the marriage. He often thinks that he doesn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve your patience and care.
And if you get angry at him if you oppose him... You're probably right.
To him, these "Christians" treat their wives like slaves. He is disgusted by them.
And as for kneeling... He's the one who will kneel in front of you and make you scream with pleasure with his mouth.
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Marcus Pike:
Marcus gets angry and raises his voice saying, "What fucking nonsense?! How can these morons treat their wives like this?! Don't they even have one brain cell?!"
You're really surprised by his outburst of anger, which obviously isn't directed at you, but it's still surprising that your sweet and calm husband could get so angry.
But that's because for Marcus, marriage is sacred, but not in a religious way... You are his wife, the woman who fixed his broken heart.
You gave yourself completely to him, not because he forced you to do it... He would rather shoot himself in the head than force any woman to do anything.
You gave yourself to him because you wanted it because you found him worthy.
That's why Marcus is ready to kiss the ground you walk on.
You are his calm, warm, and safe place. Your kisses calm him down.
So Marcus can't imagine himself raising a hand against you. Punish you? Treat you like a child or someone less than him? He can't imagine how he could take away your right to decide about yourself.
He's seen a lot of horrible things in his job, but this... It's really high on his list of disgusting things.
He can't stop thinking about these men calling themselves Christians...
Only your light kisses on his face calm him down. He also kisses you sweetly, assuring you that he will never be such a husband because you are wonderful to him. You are his soulmate.
But Marcus doesn't have to tell you that, you already know it.
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Agent Whiskey:
When you tell him you found some nonsense on the Internet, Whiskey expects some funny nonsense. You always find them and you always laugh together.
He didn't expect that this "nonsense" would turn out to be some fucking bullshit that made him feel sick.
He feels disgusted, irritated, and angry at these men who call themselves Christians and do something that, in his opinion, has nothing to do with Christian love.
Sure, he likes to spank you, he likes to mark your ass. He's a territorial guy, but... For God's sake, you're his Sugar, his wonderful wife. He never spanks you without your explicit permission, and of course, he doesn't do it to punish you. He doesn't treat you like his property.
Jack loves you like he thinks any decent man should love his wife. You are his queen. He will never force you to do anything. In fact, your simple "no" would be enough to immediately remind him where the boundaries are.
He wants your marriage to be full of love, comfort, mutual understanding, and trust. He hugs you protectively and says:
"I never want to treat you like this and take advantage of you. I want us to be equals, lovers, best friends, and partners. But these men practicing Christian domestic discipline do not love their wives, they want control and domination over their wives. And the Bible quotes they use are probably taken out of context just to justify their own pathetic actions.”
Then he showers you with kisses and spoils you even more than usual throughout the day. This is the only way he can get rid of the thought that men who don't know manners have the nerve to walk around the ground his Sugar walks on.
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Javi G:
If you want to give Javi a mental breakdown, then go ahead... But in general, yes, you will cause him to have a mental breakdown if you tell him about it. (So think carefully about it.)
The poor puppy will take a year to recover.
At first, Javi won't understand at all what you're telling him. "Is this a script from some crazy movie? Really distasteful."
When he realizes it's true, he still won't understand it.
Obedience? Duties? Humility?
Since you became his wife, Javi's only goal is to make you enjoy life, not fulfill some marital obligations.
You, according to him, have no obligations. Unless you consider laughing as an obligation. Because that's all Javi wants: to hear you laugh.
And raise a hand to you?! Javi wouldn't even do that in erotic play. He just can't. Just the thought of him intentionally hurting you brings tears to his eyes.
Once he accidentally hit you with the door when, as usual, he was leaving the room too vigorously and you were just about to go inside. Nothing serious happened to you. He punched you in the shoulder.
When he saw your red skin, he panicked. He kissed your shoulder and apologized over and over again. He felt like a husband abusing his wife. He even begged you not to divorce him.
It was downright funny for you. How could you divorce him for such a reason?
You calmly assured him that you were fine. But he still insisted on calling a doctor, who, of course, said there was nothing wrong with you and recommended applying a cold compress.
Javi, of course, obediently followed the doctor's orders.
And in the evening he would cuddle you on the couch while watching "Paddington 2" with you. But for the first time, while he watching this movie, he wasn't paying attention to the screen. Instead, he would glance at you, at your shoulder, and every now and then he would place a sweet, gentle kiss on your shoulder.
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Oberyn is shocked and disgusted when you tell him about the existence of a new sect in Westeros that practices domestic discipline.
Dorne is a land of great respect for women. In Dorne, from the very beginning, the oldest child sits on the throne, regardless of gender. Subjects respect princesses as much as they respect princes. According to the Dornish people, the dick between the legs doesn't matter when it comes to ruling.
Dorne is also the land of love. Even children here rarely get spanked. Most of the time, their parents let them run happily in the Dornish sun and splash in the fountains.
That's why what you say is a shock to him.
Would he treat you, his wife, this way? You are his Queen.
Yes, he is the Prince of Dorne, head of House Martell, but he has nothing against your desire to rule or dominate. And he's not going to correct your behavior. That's not what he is for.
Besides, why would he waste his time on something so nonsensical when he can spend his time making love to you?
Oberyn believes that he is created to satisfy your desires. To carry you in his arms and be your shield and spear if necessary.
He doesn't have to force you to do anything either. He is persuasive enough for you to always agree with him. What if you didn't agree?
He will respect that. He is a man of honor and will tell you:
“This is what the love of my life deserves… Always being there for her, always supporting her, always protecting her… My love… I can't always be in charge… I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around me to express your thoughts out loud. Because we are not just husband and wife. We are also friends and equal partners united by love.”
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safic4-m · 1 year
💙Happy Anniversary
Pairing: Alma Lefay Peregrine x Fem Lector
Author's Note: Request made by MilagrosLucero072, this request was made on Nov 22 and let's just say it took me a little while to do it...*-*.
Number of words: 1579
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~Master list~
There were rare occasions when you had to go to town, as usually the house was self-sustaining, but on this occasion you needed to get some things for your anniversary with Alma, the problem was that she had to go with you. Initially you were not in the Peregrine loop, so the locals had not treated you in the most welcoming way and to avoid incidents like that, Alma would accompany you every time you went to town.
-You don't have to do this,- you tell the woman, putting an arm around her back.
-I don't want a repeat of what happened last time,- giving you a smile.
To put them in context, the last time you tried to leave without Soul, you decided to use your peculiarity, which is similar to Millard's, instead you can do it at will, only someone saw you and well... nothing good came out of it. You could say that many people died that day because of what happened.
You stop in front of a store and ask Alma to stay outside, a few weeks ago you had sneaked out during the night to look for a worthy gift for the ymbryne, then you found it, a beautiful pocket watch.
-Good morning,- you greet the old man behind the bar.
-Good morning miss, how can I help you,- he asks kindly.
-I would like to buy the pocket watch,- you answer pointing to the one you want.
The man hesitates a little before following your request.
-May I know who is the lucky man who deserves something like this?- he asks packing the object.
-It's for my wife,- taking the small box and handing him the exact money for the watch.
You leave the store leaving behind a man quite surprised by your confession and finding your beloved.
-Do you have what you needed?
-I do.- Showing a wide smile
-Okay, then we can go back to the house,- placing his hand on your lower back.
-I thought we could go to the bakery,- you suggest, knowing that the children needed more time.
-I'm fine with that,- starting to walk towards the store.
Once there, you meet the woman who runs the bakery, but you regret your decision when you realize who is there.
-Good morning Miss Peregrine,- greets the man with a flirtatious smile.
-Good morning,- replies the ymbryne, offering him a smile.
-Who are you?- asks the man with disgust.
-Y/n is a friend who came to visit us,- answers Alma being polite.
-Иди на хуй, идиотка, она моя -(fuck you asshole she's mine).
-What's that?
-Says it's nice to meet you- elbowing you in the ribs.
They come out with bread in their hands and Alma confronts you about what happened inside.
-I hate that I can't show openly how I feel because outside the house, then no one knows we are married and they think you are available. -You think I don't want to do it too, that it doesn't hurt me not to be able to kiss you in public, I wish our time was like that about us- taking your hand to go back home
- - - -
The children had tidied up the house while they were away to celebrate their anniversary and honestly the day had gone by pretty fast, Peregrine loved your gift exchanging her old pocket watch for the one you gave her, but there was still one last gift that could only be given in the privacy of her room.
-Y/n...Where have you been?- the ymbryne asks the air as she enters her shared room.
Suddenly a pair of arms encircle the woman's body, taking her a little by surprise.
-Here I am,- you say, resting your head on her shoulder.
-I was looking for you while I put the children to bed,- turning around in your arms to face you.
-I was preparing something,- carefully taking her face and placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
-What is it, may I ask?- with his hands snaking inside your open shirt.
-Come with me,- leading her into the bathroom where the bathtub is ready with some candles and bath salts.
-This is perfect,- she says with a smile as you help them take off their clothes.
Alma gets into the bathtub and sits on one side of it to watch your every move while you take off your clothes, until you are completely naked and get comfortable behind her.
-This feels good,- Peregrine says with a moan as she settles herself on your body.
-You deserve the best, honey,- leaving a kiss on her shoulder.
You start washing her hair, massaging her scalp, after having kept that hairstyle all day, you continue with her back, massaging the pressure points, receiving a moan in return.
-You've been so stressed lately,- you say in her ear, seeing her close her eyes.
-Mmmhhh,- she lets go, taking your hand that is on her waist.
-Every day you do your best to take care of the children,- intertwining your fingers with hers.
Your other hand begins to roam her body, every curve, birthmark, scars that represent her battles.
-Let me take care of you sweetheart,- planting a kiss on her shoulder.
-Please..,- she says, releasing your hand and guiding it to her legs.
Her breath catches as your fingers find her core, you comb her hair back with your other hand to leave a kiss on the nape of her neck. Alma couldn't help but move her hips forward to meet your touch, her breath caught as you began to slowly and gently circle her clit.
-Do you like it?
Another moan was her only response, ending with a sharp inhale as you slid two fingers inside her, making you swallow a moan at how tight and warm she was.
-You're doing great,- you breathed, leaving a kiss on her shoulder.
Her hips began to roll to assist and guide your movements.
At one point Alma let out a noise that started as a moan and ended in a sob. Moving her hips harder and faster, dropping her head on your shoulder.
You pushed another finger inside, pulling another moan from Alma, she was breathing fast in your ear, clinging to the sides of the tub
-You look so beautiful like that honey- murmuring in her ear making her come undone.
You pushed your fingers deeper as she squeezed them and her body arched against yours, stealing your breath. Your teeth sank into her lower lip and drawing a little blood.
You helped her down from her height, whispering words of love in her ear, splashing kisses on the skin you reach.
-What do you say we take this to bed?,- Peregrine asks, turning to look at you
-Okay, the water's getting cold anyway,- helping Alma out of the tub.
As soon as you finish drying your body, you have Alma on top of you claiming your lips in a kiss full of passion, you take her face while you savor Alma swallowing a moan from her, while you move both of them to get to the bed.
Pushing Peregrine onto the bed, staying there for a moment to admire the woman you had decided to share your life with.
-You're fucking beautiful
The ymbryne was very particular about vocabulary, but in the bedroom things were different. You dreadlocks down Alma's body splashing kisses your way until you settled between her legs, making her move her hips instinctively towards you.
You left a kiss on her belly and pushed her hips down.
-I've got you
Rubbing slow, lazy circles with your thumb over her clit, little sighs came from the ymbryne trying to keep as quiet as possible, after a few moments, you pressed your thumbtip firmly over her center, making her squirm beneath you.
You slid the pads of two fingers up and down her center, between her folds, teasing her entrance.
-Stop teasing,- she reproaches, looking at you angrily.
You can't help but laugh at her words and turn away from her completely.
-I have to remind you who's in charge, sweetheart,- taking her jaw to look at you.
There were no words to describe how much Peregrine loved it when you were dominant with her, for a woman who was in charge of a house full of children, being in charge in the bedroom was not something she wanted to do.
-No,- you reply, pulling her thigh together to get some relief.
-Good girl- caressing her cheek lovingly.
After returning to your place between her legs, you teased her some more, you slowly pushed two fingers inside her and curved them. The sounds coming out of her mouth were heavenly, a sound that very few people had the joy of hearing.
You kissed and nibbled the inside of her thighs, a hand in your hair guided you to where she needed you most.
Your tongue begins to lick her moist folds as you gaze into her eyes, though your view is blocked repeatedly every few seconds by her rapidly rising and falling chest.
-Fuck...- she sighs as you speed up the rhythm of your tongue.
-Please... don't stop,- she begs, wiggling her hips.
You could feel her walls tighten around your fingers and you knew it wouldn't take long for her to cum, her back arches at the amount of pleasure she is receiving, her knuckles turn white from the tight grip they have on the sheets as she is pounded by her orgasm.
When Alma caught her breath again, her cheeks were turning a beautiful pink color as you took care of wiping away every last drop of her juices.
-Here, honey,- handing her a glass of water found on the bedside table.
-Thank you,- patting the spot next to her.
She immediately snuggled up to you with a sigh of contentment, with a little giggle you planted a kiss in her hair.
-Happy Anniversary
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fluffalpenguin · 11 months
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IT'S HERE AT LAST @arcvmonth AU DAY YEAHHHH never mind that this post is late
I managed to stuff 10 AUs into this bad boy, so this is a image AND text heavy post, be warned! (I genuinely hope you enjoy the ride)
Not arranged in any particular order, and hyperlinks lead to doodles I've posted on Twitter unless stated otherwise!
(CW: imagery of drug use in the first one and mentions of violence in another)
1. Triad AU
It's the 1800s and everybody* does crimes! (*Not everyone)
Raised in the Fusion Society from an early age, Serena has always had mixed feelings about the child trafficking that her foster father's involved in. One day, she comes across a red-haired street performer that brings dazzling smiles of unbridled joy to children and decides to cut ties with her current life. As she eludes the men sent to retrieve her, she runs into who but the leader of a rival organisation, the Lancers!
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This holds the distinction of being the only au that I didn't include pawn in some way or another because I can't figure out where to fit Yugo in (probably why my interest in it has somewhat fizzled out already lmao)
I wrote a short ~500 words fic of Serena announcing her departure to Dennis, Sora, and Yuri (conceptually the latter perpetually seethes about her audacity throughout the length of this au because that's funny)
2. Vampire Knight AU
Vampires and humans learning to co-exist in a boarding school is a genius set-up, thank you Hino Matsuri for giving me undying brainrot (pun intended) through creating this (albeit cursed) manga
Turned into a vampire against his will during a brutal massacre, Yugo curses his fate to be a blood-sucking monster every waking hour. And if his life didn't suck hard enough already, he's also forced to partner with (be the research subject of) a human with a set of morals worse than the most depraved vampire he's ever met. At least that lessens his guilt about drinking blood, because if anyone deserves to be a juice box, it's that smug purple-headed bastard! Life at the academy revolves around humans attending Day classes and vampires attending Night classes, but Yugo begs the headmaster to allow him some semblance of normalcy (denial) by letting him attend the Day Class, in which he dozes off often. Luckily, his roommate, Yuto, is there to poke him awake just enough times for him to pass his classes. Like his cousin Yuri, Yuto is also paired with a vampire through the latter's term in the academy. As one of the last surviving pure-bloods in the world, Yuya is uncomfortably used to his fellow vampires looking at him with undiluted reverence while fending off dubious intentions. The two quickly form a close relationship, a stark contrast to the other two boys that they share a house with.
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I'm still deciding between having Yuri and Yuya being seatmates or not because both have their pros and cons (Also Yoko is a human, but is also the Night Class teacher; Yuya takes a liking to her pretty quickly)
Yuto, Shun, and Kaito are part of the school's Disciplinary Squad made out of vampire hunters-in training that patrol the grounds after dusk (to make sure their vampiric classmates aren't running around charming guileless humans into being supper) and Yuri, of course, despite being human has asked his beloved Papa for permission to attend Night Class in order to observe his research subjects in their natural habitat! (He unnerves everyone, but they don't disturb him because the last time someone tried they learnt first-hand that he has an taser whip to protect himself)
I've recently posted (how recent is recent?) a compilation post of doodles for this AU then I realised I never talked about the plot so
Childhood friends Yuto, Shun, and Ruri are training hard to join the elite ranks of the Dogmatikan Order. When Ruri doesn't return from her Ascension ceremony, the two defy sect rules to search for her. Yuto comes across a mysterious red-headed boy incarcerated within the inner confines of the Order's keep and...
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I know it doesn't look like it but pawn is more of a background ship in this story, counterpart and swift take center stage (because Yuto and Rin are the main characters to me)
When I cooked this up in 2021, I was so desperate to escape from my schoolwork that I ended up making an 15+ chapter outline, here's an excerpt
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(Just kidding I do have half a prologue and one chapter written out, one day I'll revisit this for sure)
Oh also, Yuri and Yuya are twins separated at birth
4. Exorcist AU
This one is the multi-series AU, because everyone has one, right!
This started as my 2022 Halloween pawn piece and then over a five-hour midnight bus ride at midnight two months later I decided to make a bad decision that led me to dozing off while queuing up in a theme park in the middle of the afternoon
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(Yuto's design is so horribly outdated but I haven't digitalised his new one yet sorry, also shark and kaito heads are by @2-ennn)
In a world ravaged by demons, Yugo has spent his entire life on the tiny island he's called home learning the ropes of exorcism. His life is shaken up when he's assigned to show a visitor around, an exorcist from the mainland with a devilish smile that raises his hackles. He finally drops his suspicions and guard when Joeri sustains injuries protecting him from a demonic attack, and the two become closer... (They even have cute fluffy dates) Well, only until Joeri reveals that it was all staged and that he's a demon (and that his name is actually Yuri) before making off with the church's most prized weapon/artifact/thing/sorry I haven't really decided yet
If you saw my tweet from last year complaining about how I have to write 7 chapters first before I can write about my otp kissing I was referring to this au (joke's on my past self because I skipped ahead to write it anyway)
Yubel, Placido, and IV are the respective leaders of the three factions, but the island that Yugo (and Rin) grew up on is managed by Sherry because man am I hungry for Sherry Yugo sibling-like interactions
I love this AU, but writer's block crashes down like a brick (I've attempted to rewrite Chapter 1 more than two times and I'm still pulling my hair out because I need it to be Perfect)
What's up Ace Attorney fans, do I have a fangame in the works for you! It's based on The Great Ace Attorney/Daigyakuten Saiban, but there's no spoilers for it if you haven't played it
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I can't talk too much about the plot since I do want to make a playable version one day but I will say that the first trial is defending Yugo from a murder charge (lol)
It's also one of the rare AUs where there's barely any explicit romance(?), only murder and mystery here! (you bet I'm going to write so many allusions for my favourite ships though winky face)
I started writing trial scripts for this but then I got really overwhelmed when looking for a good AA game maker so if anyone has recommendations please send them my way (Ideally they'd have the DGS UI...)
6. Casino AU
The Yuboys are dealers in a casino, and maybe it's a fun goofy little vn (it's a vn)
I have a whole thread on twitter for this one for the drawings i've made, but I'll post some on here so I can ramble a little
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It started out as a concept for gacha cards, but then became its own monster (that's currently slumbering)
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Originally Reiji was the owner of the casino, but I'm trying my best to include Ray and Zarc more into my aus when I can because I just want more excuses to write/draw my trophy wife (zarc)
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this drawing is so old but clutches head i love u4 so much rrrrrrr
I wanted to make little acrylic standees back then (honestly still do a little)
Speaking of little acrylic standees...
7. Rune Factory AU
This one is roughly based on Rune Factory 5, but all you need to know is... nothing, actually; I can't even reference the plot because I've barely played the game myself lol but i just really wanted fantasy farming yuboys
(and then none of the characters ended up being vegetable farmers, even outside of the yuboys)
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Harvest Moon/Rune Factory is a game where you live on a farm and eventually maybe marry someone, so one day when I've done all of the full body sprites (pauses and looks to the horizon) I want to make a uquiz that tells you who your destined Bachelor/ette is
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It'd be one of the AUs without any 'canon' ships but Ray and Zarc's backstories are kinda tied together so... yup anyway here's a list of things that are true in this AU:
yuya zarc siblings and zarc is a mean older brother
i was going to make zarc the cool mysterious guy that you rarely see but gap moe is one hell of a drug
yuzu and her dad own the grocery store, yuya helms the local inn with yoko, who manages the baths within, zarc opens his diner for business when he feels like it (he's actually so good at cooking), yugo and rin are a blacksmith/carpenter duo, kurosakis have a bakery, though ruri spends her time playing detective, yuto runs the local clinic and sawatari is the town mascot
every monday night, a mysterious phantom thief with orange hair stalks the streets!
the squad that reiji captains serves to fix problems like monster infestations, but they usually have a lot of free time on their hands (well, not reiji) so yuri is constantly annoying yugo and yuto for fun and serena spends her time befriending the girls
ray only returns to town and opens up her flower shop when you defeat the 2nd boss and yuri can be found loitering there often, ray is the only person that makes him remotely uncomfortable
i was going to make yuto the 'protagonist' with amnesia (it's a RF thing) but then i was told he'd be funnier as a doctor (and now I can also give him glasses)
8. Gunvolt AU
Azure Striker Gunvolt is a fast-paced 2D action sidescr-- okay you know what, all you have to know is that the yuboys are villains belonging to a mega corporation that aims to control society through the power of virtual idols and music (yes, this is a real plot point from the original work) and Serena storms their hideout to kick their asses in order to truly free Yuzu (who escaped and was found unconscious in an alley by her now gf) from their clutches
Yuuri: Well, well. Maybe today won't be boring, after all. Serena: Is… Is he in a straitjacket?  Yuuri: I'd really appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like that to my face, thank you. Serena: If I did, would you move out of the way? Yuuri: If I did, would you free me of these restraints? Rin: That doesn’t seem to be the wisest thing to do. Serena: Yeah. Dream on. Yuuri: Then we only have one choice left, don’t we?
(Yeah I put him in a straitjacket)
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The grey numbers are for the design notes I wrote alongside when drawing this, here's a pastebin! (It's not required reading, but I would deeply appreciate it if you checked my rambling out)
Reiji is the final boss for some light AkaSere, but I'm still figuring out his character (and everyone elses', tbh)
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The main fun of this AU for me was definitely making parodies of the skill cut-ins! (Yuri's one is due for a remake... I also really need to get around to finishing Yuto and start on Yugo's to complete the set)
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Yuya's second one is for when you beat his first form and he uses his last resort to merge with the other three or something (His pose and cape is a nod to Astrograph!)
9. Obelisk Force AU
Okay, before you continue, go and get this song playing in the background first (I will give you a cookie if you read the lyrics too)
Okay, let's go! (with the energy of an excited tour guide)
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It'd be an absolute understatement to say I love the concept of Obelisk Force Yugo; one time I made a 10-minute TED talk trying to pick apart why I liked it so much, but back then I still didn't have a good grasp of what my ideal ObeFo Yugo/Pawn was... Until I came across that song on Spotify and asked a friend for help on brainstorming (lost if u see this HI) and the rest, as they say, was history
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Yugo is picked up (kidnapped) by Academia at an early age (think like, 5-6) after they witness his duelling skills (Leo really needs LOTS of child soldiers)
they erase his memories then for better assimilation into the academy, though he still retains a sense of stubborn individuality
he's constantly bullied by the other students for being an orphan from the Synchro Dimension, and he gets into fights often
eventually, Leo orders Yuri to take care of the matter (children will be children, but Academia MUST have order)
when Yuri approaches Yugo, he's just finished throwing hands against yet another crowd of students
Yuri attempts diplomacy, even challenging him to a duel, but Yugo is exhausted from his earlier fight and turns him down brusquely, stalking back to his room
Yuri attempts to block his way and gets shoved aside, falling to the ground and cracking his duel disk
he snaps, as the duel disk had been a gift from the professor, and how dare you?
he's beating Yugo half to death when a lightbulb goes off in his head
he proposes to Yugo to personally take charge of his education because he is so gracious and charitable and it's the least he could do for someone who shares his face
Yugo, of course, is completely dumbfounded but faints from a combination of blood loss and fatigue before he can reply no
when Yugo has recovered, Yuri pops the question again, and the two decide to settle the matter through a duel
Yugo loses (duh)
time flies as Yuri teaches Yugo how to stop students from coming back for revenge, among other things (it also helps that the other students are already creeped out by him) and significantly raises his quality of life at Academia which Yugo is thankful for
time skip! Yugo successfully joins the Obelisk Force and promptly unbuttons the jacket instantly (it's a tight fit, okay)
Yugo can feel his serpentine gaze drill into him from where Yuri sits cross-legged on a chair a distance away, his chin cradled thoughtfully in one hand. He waits for a comment, but nothing but silence comes. Finally, he mutters, "What, you're not going to scold me for desecrating the uniform?" A wide smile crinkles Yuri's face. "Not just your wardrobe, but even your vocabulary's upgraded, hm?" Before Yugo can form a retort, he goes on, "Actually, I think I like it." His chair barely makes a sound, muffled by the carpet as he stands up and makes his way across the room. The footsteps stop when teal and magenta are inches away. Lightly, he fingers the lapel of Yugo's new jacket as he rakes a half-lidded gaze from head-to-toe. "It makes you stand out from the others in the Force. And that's fitting. After all..." "You're not the Professor's. You're mine."
One day, Yuri and/or Yugo are sent to capture... Rin! Her picture gives Yugo a sense of deja vu, but he doesn't understand why...
Yugo's memories come back in a flood when he makes eye contact with his old childhood friend that he hasn't seen in almost a decade
The capture is successful, and back at Academia Yugo begs the Professor for the authority to be in charge of her incarceration (In trying to mold Yugo into his shadow, Yuri has unknowingly created a competitor for the Professor's acknowledgement)
Before the Professor can respond, a girl of Yugo's age steps into the room to report to the Professor as a fresh recruit
Leo introduces a brainwashed yandere Ruri as Rin's appointed jailer
Yeah that's right I managed to fit apple and swift in here thumbs up emoji
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Anyway it's now a romantic comedy with a love triangle (it's not)
10. Hades AU
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No deep thoughts nor any plans for this one it was more of a costume design exercise but I'm including it here because I still like them quite a bit
If you've actually made it this far, I don't know what to say... thank you!
If you'd like to see more of any of these (including some of the ones that I didn't manage to include but might have posted before like the Alice in Wonderland one, or the Dark Signer one, or the university one, or the Yuri half-turns into a Starve Venom dragon boy one, or the the Monster Hunter one (less of an AU and just a hey they are gaming), or the Z-arc suddenly has four toddlers and they are the yus and he has to juggle parenting and pro-duelling one, and whichever ones I might have forgotten, my ask box is open!! Again, thanks for reading!
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 1 year
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tw: character death, mentions of alcohol, mentions of car crash, crying, double funeral, cursing, mentions of theft
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"Our deepest condolences, my dearies," the mothers in law hug the unfortunate men, tears staining their eyes and cheeks.
"It's still so....hard to swallow," Junhui gulps down nervously, "Both of them....Gone just like that."
"We need to stay strong, my friend," Jeonghan rubs his shoulder in a comforting manner, "Neither of them would want us to be miserable and....Fuck."
He can't wrap his head around the fact that his wife and her best friend are lying in their coffins, looking devastatingly serene and peaceful, having already crossed the bridge.
The older man almost breaks down, plops down on his chair and grips his hair in pain.
"Please excuse us for a second," Junhui flashes a strained smile towards the older ladies and they take their leave, silently showing their understanding.
"Hyung, please, keep it together," the half blond man whispers to Jeonghan and hugs him closer to comfort him, "It will all end soon, I promise."
"It feels so....painful..." Jeonghan sobs, "We don't deserve this, Jun, we fucking don't," he almost growls, looking around at the many unfamiliar faces who say their final goodbyes to the eternally resting women.
"I know, hyung," Junhui cups Jeonghan's face, "Just be patient and it will end soon."
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"Well fuck me, you were absolutely right, Junnie!" Jeonghan snickers as he undoes his tie and pops the first buttons of his silk black blouse.
"I told you so!" Junhui pats his back, "Just a bit of crying and it got everyone!"
"For real though - I just pretended to stumble down and sob and boom! The aunties were puddle on the floor!" the older man laughs loudly.
"I did feel sad for the mothers though," the younger man grimaces, "It must have been devastating to see their children lying dead in a coffin."
"Ah, Junhui....." Jeonghan runs his hand over his face, "Were you feeling that remorseful when you cut the brakes of the car? Hm?"
"Were you feeling that remorseful when you found out that a million won were missing from your bank account and your beloved wife took them?"
"Answer me, Jun." Jeonghan steps closer to the cat-like man, demanding an answer.
"No. I fucking didn't - And I do not regret doing what I did," he boldly replies and his older friend grins wickedly.
"Thought so," Jeonghan pats Junhui's back.
"Now, shall we go grab a few drinks? Need to let the whole world I am single now."
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sanityshorror · 7 months
Ooo more Killian and Negan relationship HCS? (I really loved the idea of Negan being one of Killian's child)
AHH THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS AND I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY SILLY HCS OF MY BELOVEDS!!! That reminds me, I am meaning to start an illustration of them together tomorrow. I want to draw something based on an HC I have, actually 👀 okay, sooo, more Killian and Negan HCs! Just a reminder that my Negan HCs are all based on the comic, not the show! And yes, Negan is absolutely one of Killian's children IT'S MY HC DON'T TRY TO STOP ME!!😂
Negan's last name is Lynch now PFT.
The only single person capable of wrangling Negan is Killian, change my mind.
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Mfs definitely have duals with their weapons, Lucille (Negan's barbwire bat) and Bethany (Killian's hardwood cane that's embedded with glass shards on one side).
They definitely have gotten into fights before and beat each other with their respective weapons.
Feel like Julius has gotten knocked out by getting accidentally smacked in the head by both weapons at once....(don't feel bad for the shit head, he deserved that.)
Killian and Negan both have a soft spot for children in their canon, but also have no idea how to behave and act around children... Definitely not babysitters but...eh, at least children are extra safe from any predators if Killian and Negan are both there. (Downside is the children would probably be given weed brownies by Killian...)
God help anyone who they team up together to insult 💀😭
It's interesting to ponder how their canons would cross paths🤔 then again, Killian is a 4th dimensional being in his canon, meaning he can travel through time like space. Therefore could likely visit a multiverse? It would be hilarious to see him fighting zombies I cannot lie💀😭 Negan constantly sweats in fear because of the dead body factor with Killian💀
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allkordelia · 1 year
Keep Me in Your Thoughts (27)
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As winter melted away spring sprouted like a blooming flower, so did rhaelle and daemon new found courtship. As the days pass, the lovers have been making themselves comfortable with domestic life, so have her children.
Valaena was happy her mother was happy, Aeron disapproved of the courtship still not liking daemon and thinks his mother could do better no matter what his sister says, Baelor didn't mind just as long his mother was happy and he was happy. As for Corwyn, well there was a bit of a heated conversation that lead to rhaelle feeling ashame and sadden, daemon and aeron glaring death stares at the prince, and valaena scolded corwyn as she pull him away by his ear. The young queen had hoped that telling them over dinner was better than having them hearing it through gossip, but nothing good ever goes her way but that feeling didn't last long when daemon comforted her when they were alone in her chamber.
Rhaelle had found it easy nowadays to open up to daemon, he was ever so gentle and understanding as he held her against his body. Each day, they were together made the castle feel brighter and her heart felt lighter and not heavy like before, and daemon felt the same way when he was around her.
It have been five full moons since the lovers been together, and five months of them making love and creating new memories together as well. One memorable moment was when the family went to the beach:
Rhaelle on the sand watching her son and god daughter run around on the beach, daemon was just further up a few feet away from her with valaena and adrielle as they played in the sand. Corywn and Aeron was on the left of her far enough to see them swinging their swords at one another, it was a beautiful evening the sunset was gorgeous.
These were the rare moments were they would be together in harmony without a snide comment being thrown at one another, she tilt her head to the sky as she close her eyes taking in deep breathe before exhaling as she listens to the sounds around her. She was in paradise. If everyday could be like this she would give her left arm and right leg for it to happen, she deserves this even if the small voice in the back of her mind whispers she doesn't.
"My belove." Rhaelle open her eyes and turn her head forward to look at daemon, "Want some company?" Rhaelle smile and motion her head to the spot next to her making daemon take a sit.
"Are you having fun, my love." She ask when daemon sat down next to her, he nod as he lean back on his elbows as he watch her baelor and marra splash around in the water.
"I have to say you were right, who knew the beach could be fun." He chuckle making rhaelle grin as she lean back so she was on her side looking at him.
"I'm sorry I thought I said heard you say, I was right." Daemon roll his eyes facing away from her as she laugh, she move her hand so her fingers would trail his naked arm and neck making him swat it away, "Say it again, dae. I wish to hear you say I was right again, come on, my handsome prince. Tell me I was right."
Rhaelle giggle as she taunt him, daemon shook his head as he refine from smiling.
"I came to keep you company, and here you are being mean." He tsk before move to get up making rhaelle watch with a small pout.
"Where you going, my love. I was just teasing." He grunt looking down at rhaelle.
"I'm going back to building my castle with Addy and Val, and away from your malice." Rhaelle gasp when daemon turn on his heels and kick a bit off sand on her breeches, she had on for their outing.
"Dae." She calls as he begin to walk, "Dae, don't be like that, my love." She said with a smile as she move to get up, she hurried along the hot sand to her lover.
"Oh, my love. Don't be mad at me." She said finally coming up behind him to wrap her arms around his waist making him stop, "I was just teasing, you know I like to tease you," she whisper into his skin before moving to bite the little flesh on his back causing him to snort.
"Please, look at him." She says pulling back a bit making him look over his shoulder at her, "I'm sorry," she said in a low voice with a hint of a smile, she lean up and kiss the corner of his mouth making him smile.
"I can never stay mad at you," He grins turning around fully to hold her by her waist, rhaelle pucker her lips waiting for a proper kiss, daemon smile and lean down.
Rhaelle close her eyes waiting for a pair of soft lips, but was only meet with everything upside down.
"Dae! What are you doing," she gasp as he open her eyes to find herself staring at the sand and daemon bare legs.
"Taking you for a swim to cool off," rhaelle started chanting 'no' as she struggling in his hold.
"No! Dae. It's too cold in there. I don't want to get wet," Daemon snort with a small smirk, rhaelle wave her hands at Valaena and Adrielle.
"VAL! HELP!" The second oldest laugh as she held the young baby in her lap.
"I'm sorry. I'm a bit preoccupied right now, mother. Have a nice swim" Rhaelle scowl her daughter, she saw baelor and marra making her wave at them.
"Bae! Marra! Help-"
"Sorry, mother. But, my hands are tied." Rhaelle look to Marra, "It's too cold in there to help you, my queen." Rhaelle growl as she pointed at all them.
"How could you. Traitors! A lot of you-" Rhaelle rant was cut short when daemon let go of her making her fall in the water.
She resurface gasping for air, she heard laughter making her move her hair out of the way to see all the childern laughing with daemon as he stood in the water holding the legs of his breeches from touching the water.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Laugh at this." She push at the water so it splash on daemon, he stop laughing as the impact made some of the water get inside his mouth.
The childern laugh louder when daemon started choking and splitting the taste out his mouth, they watch as rhaelle made her way to daemon to push him into the water making her lose her balance fall down onto her knees. The couple soon started splashing one another before they ended it, daemon smirk as stare his belove with a glint of lust as he could see her perk nipples through her tunic.
Rhaelle notice the stare and couldn't hide the smile at seeing daemon dripping in water making the sun making him shine, she shook her head and stomp through the water pass him. Not before giving him hard push before quickly making her way out before daemon could drag down with him.
Daemon was on the balcony over looking the city as he thought back on that day, it was one of his fondest memories to visit when he was alone. He was suppose to be with baelor but canceled his lesson for today (to the young boy relief) and sent the young prince off to play with his friend, so now he stood there waiting for the three jesters who attend to help him with the queen's upcoming namesay.
Daemon with the help from Valaena and the two servants that seem to always be around are planning on surprising rhaelle for her nameday, since the king is now up and about like his twenty again. The idea to put on a show for her at the "Black Citadel" was his idea, he wanted it to be perfect not only for her but for the king as well. Daemon for a while has been battleding with himself about asking the king for his blessing to take rhaelle as his wife, he always knew he wanted to be with rhaelle and he was okay being her whore if need be but now things have shifted and he wants to make known to the world that rhaelle was his and he was hers.
"My Prince." Daemon turn to see Marrio, Meleah, and Xoro walk on the balcony, daemon nod his head at them when stood in front of him.
"Is everything set and ready for tomorrow," he ask looking at meleah, the priestess nod with a wide smile.
"Yes, we have all her favorite entertainers coming all way from Dorne, and her favorite cuisine coming from Braavos and Volantis." Daemon hum nodding before he look to Xoro, the bard and rhaelle's friend.
"How is the play coming along, Xoro?" He ask making the young tan gentleman with silver blonde hair and pale blue eyes give a proud smile.
"Fantastic! They will talk about it for the ages, I can already hear the chants of an encore in the air." He said brightly as he imagines the crowd tomorrow.
"Yes, do you think she will like it." Daemon ask putting his hands to together in front of him and squeezing them anxious, Xoro scoff and wave daemon away.
"Of course, she will love it. I mean why wouldn't she I made it." He ran his hair through his wavy hair boastful, "It has everything anyone would want. Love. Comedy. Betrayal. Death. Redemption. It will be a grand performance. I won't be surpise if I get her to laugh. Hell! Even make her cry."
"I don't know about the last one, but I believe you." Daemon says, Xoro nod and turns to Marrio, daemon tone them out as they talk making him look away in thought, he hopes it does do good and that rhaelle likes it. She really deserve something nice.
"Daemon," Meleah say softly putting her hand on his elbow making him look at her, "Everything's going to go great tomorrow, trust me." She smile reassuring him, Daemon gave a firm nod, Marrio and Xoro started walking out.
Daemon and Meleah follow after them going back to court, so rhaelle wouldn't expect anything.
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @beggarsnotchoosey @watercolorskyy @avidreader73 @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @green-lxght
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We Are a Family
Glorfindel x reader
Warnings : They talk about pregnancy, reader is afraid of pregnancy, the reader wants a family but not right now, that decision isn't for everyone it's just what I decided for this fic, fem reader, a bit of nudity in the bath, but overall just reaching an understanding and fluff, no beta, not enough peace of mind or time to edit so sorry about any mistakes, also I don't have as much experience with the Silmarillion as other people on tumblr so I'm basically shooting in the dark with elvish words. It's hit or miss and I'm hoping hit.
A/n : it's 2:36 am and I should be sleeping but no...I needed some Glorfindel and I hope you guys can enjoy too! If it's alright to ask please no constructive criticism with this particular fic, it's not perfect, by far not perfect but it's my first attempt that I tried doing. I've been struggling with the confidence to write for a while so please go easy on me!
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It was no surprise to Y/N that Glorfindel had always dreamed of being an Adar, he fought bravely in the name of peace even having been reborn from that noble deed, and now that a time of peace has finally begun, Glorfindel wanted to experience the joys of creating and having children.
Small beings made from the love of him and his beloved. The pure joy, creativity, and laughter of children was the very image of peace and love to Glorfindel.
The peace he fought to earn.
He often asked his treasured Y/n what personality he thinks they might have or what mannerisms or even what interests they might inherit from the both of them.
Y/n always smiled and said "I'm not sure, only time will tell" with thoes words Glorfindel put his arm around her waist and pulled her close.
"Meleth nîn, you mean everything to me, I love you dearly" he whispered.
He often thought about how stunning Y/n would be carrying his child inside her.
Y/n smiled and pressed her head against his chest feeling the strength and intensity of his heartbeat, the heart that contained the bravery and courage this Balrog slayer.
However Y/n, as courageous as she usually is, could never find the courage within herself to tell Glorfindel something rather important about this wish of his and so time had come and chosen a time and place for her.
And that time and place was a late afternoon just after sparring practice. Glorfindel and Y/n were home in the bath as he leaned back slightly as Y/n washed his hair asking him about how he felt and all the interesting things he had to share.
He hummed in delight chatting all about his day as Y/n's nimble fingers were scratching and rubbing, thoroughly making sure his cascading golden locks were perfectly clean and scented to his preference.
Once Y/n rinsed it off, he walked out taking in the sight of her beautiful form in a thin dress, damp with water from the bath.
"Y/n, shall we try tonight? Starting a family I mean" he asked.
Y/n froze unsure of what to say, instead she averted her gaze.
"Melda, are you alright? Are you feeling unwell? Please look at me" he asked.
"Glorfindel, could we please go to the bedroom" she whispered. "Yes of course" he said, gently lifting her into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom.
He gently placed her on the bed and sat down himself, quickly glacing over her form, she seemed tense and trembling, he tried to discern what she might be feeling in this moment.
"Y/n, you do not need to answer my questions today, however, I'd like to ask if you feel ready to start a family, I'd like to hear your opinion when you feel ready to share it" he said.
"No no, you deserve an answer veru" she said taking a deep breath.
He patiently waited sitting by her and holding her hand. She looked at him and took a couple more breaths before starting.
"The long answer is yes but the short answer is no, truthfully I'm scared of pregnancy, but that does not mean I don't wish to start a family, just perhaps not right now, it doesn't mean that I don't trust you to be there for me and sit with me through every sickness and cravings, it just means I fear the changes that will happen to my body, I was once told I will never feel the same again after pregnancy, and thoes words stuck with me ever since" she explained.
Glorfindel held her close saying "Meleth nîn, you mean everything to me, I love you dearly, I'm sorry you felt scared to tell this to me, I promise I am not angry and I'm glad to hear what you have to say, and I don't mind waiting, we have all eternity until you feel ready melda"
He rubbed small circles on her back in a soothing gesture.
"I'm so sorry Glorfindel, I know you wanted a family" she said.
"Meleth, we are a family" he said as he nuzzled her neck playfully.
She wrapped her arms around him and said "Glorfindel, you're the sweetest husband anyone could ever ask for" as they enjoyed eachother's company well into the depths of the night.
Elvish words I googled
• Meleth nîn  (my love)
• Melda (beloved/ lovely, beautiful, desirable)
• Veru (husband)
• Adar (dad/father)
Honestly I don't know if this is correct I just googled these. I decided to take a risk and try to use what I could find.
Also this Glorfindel was basically molded by what little I read and understood in the Silmarillion, but mostly what I read on tumblr, especially by @icarus-fell-in-spring who has an incredible masterlist of fics and especially some beautiful Glorfindel ones (Hi! I'm the person/anon who asked for tips on writing Glorfindel a long while back! I finally attempted it! Still don't think it's good enough but I'm feeling brave enough to try posting it! And thank you for your reply too)
I also love how @lovefairymina writes Glorfindel and I was inspired to at least try!
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Rhaenyra is the rightful heir, do u support team green also because you think that aegon's claim is stronger because he is a man?
honestly, succession doesn't matter all that much to me, I'm not a political person even when it comes to fantasy shows. but let me have a spin at explaining my take.
Rhaenyra was the true heir, she was the first born and she was the named heir, I agree with that fully. but with the way we see her act, I personally don't think she would have been a good queen. she tends to expect a lot of others, give little in return except she she's desperate for aid, and picks self benefit over what's best for the realm (having multiple bastards, "killing off" her husband in place of another that will weaken her ally ship with the velaryon's, running of to dragonstone, etc.) and then will harm those who threaten to topple her house of cards (putting the blame and wanting the torture of a child after her own son cut out his eye, asserting her son onto the Driftmark throne even when he had no claim, killing an innocent man who stated a simple fact, etc.). I think she would have ruled with fear and very irresponsibly. at the end of the day, my thing is, is that Rhaenyra was never prepared for the throne and was coddled (that's Viserys's issues) and she was unfit for the throne because she could never seem to out the realm before her and her children. Daemon is also insanely cruel and rouge and Rhaenyra refuses to put him on a fucking leash which is another massive problem (if he could stop killing people that would be great in my opinion)
Now, do I think Aegon has a better claim cause he's male? no, I think men and women are equally capable of ruling. do I think Aegon would be any better? no not really. I do think that with the counsel of his mother, who served in Viserys's place for years and always thought of everyone else (the court, house, allied houses, and the realm while also thinking about image, money, etc), his wife (who was beloved by the people and had their interests in mind), Aemond (who was an excellent warrior and was well studied for the task of being king), Otto (if he could pull his head out of his ass was one of the best hands. key word, if, but it stands for something. he understood and played the game of politics for years), and Criston (he definitely wasn't made to be hand, no matter how much I love him, but he was always a good inside ally to the greens) could help him rule much better than Daemon could for Rhaenyra and many of her allies were similarly not well suited (most not all). again, Aegon and his court would be far from perfect, but they were much better suited for the task in my opinion.
but at the end of the day, the Targaryen dynasty was crumbling, rotting away day by day. I don't think either side could have saved it, I think both had flaws that were ingrained to their core. while Aegon's line might have kept it alive a wee bit longer, it wouldn't be substantial. war and bloodshed was biting at their heels and total death and destruction hovered over their shoulders.
neither was fit to be heir. Rhaenyra being the rightful heir by both birthright and by claim through Viserys doesn't make up for her not being fit. Aegon having a cock doesn't make up for him being unfit. that's the moral of the story.
I'm not pro green cause I think Aegon deserved the throne, I'm team green cause they're more interesting in my opinion, they also just happen to be my pick if I'm forced to pick a side in the war.
in a perfect world they would have come together as an actual godforsaken family, say their overdue apologies, strengthen the house as a whole, made up for the years of infighting and ruled together through Rhaenyra, that personally what I want, but it'll never happen in a million years. so yeah, that's my take on the succession war. throughout the whole timeline I may shift closer to one side than the other, but 90% of the time I was with team green, even when I wanted nothing more for Aegon to be allowed to run away to essos
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