#hearbreak high x you
kaivenom · 29 days
Hey may I request a spider x fem reader where it's the map scene and I said something bad about the reader ( u can make it up ) and she has atusim like quinn and the reader runs away with quinn and Darren chasing after her and neither one can make her not cry anymore so they go to spider as he's the only one they know that can make calm down as he has a big soft spot for her like he has for ant please
In need for comfort
Summary: when the map is discovered, the actual girfriend of your ex tried to make you feel bad about it. Not knowing how to handle it, you run away from everyone, until some blonde appears.
Pairing: Spencer "Spider" White x autistic!reader
Warnings: sexual themes, mention of previous smut, mean people.
A/N: i will try to write an "autistic" reader but i don't know if i will do it well so please be kind. I will guide myself by Quinni's behaviour on some scenes.
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Five minutes ago someone screamed about some incest map and everyone started a crazy race to see what was going on, you and your friends included. Once you get there, you discovered a wall full on names and connected with lines that defined the sexual act the two persons did. Fast enough you searched for your name, discovering it's only connected with one person. You sighted with relief knowing nobody speculates about your secret relationship with Spider.
The only person they connected you with was your ex-boyfriend. The gold line of sex and the green line of... your heart skipped a beat and you couldn't catch a breath, pressure on your chest building up. The green line is for anal, your cheeks are burning from embarrasment. Everyone is laughing, you don't know about who but it feels like it's about you.
"Wow, it looks like someone it's a little slut," you can't think straight, your vision starting to blurr as you look to the wall.
The voice that sounded on the background sounded like the new girlfriend of your ex, this can't be worse. The attetion it's starting to get officially into you.
"So, you let my boyfriend enter the back door." her voice sounded closer every second. "what a fucking slut, maybe that's why he dumped you." You feel like floating, expecting to fall every moment now, not being able to continue listening to the girl, which is closer every second.
People are around moving like ghosts to you. The air is escaping and entering your lungs faster that you can asimilate, it feels like you are about to fade out while the blood rushes at high speed thru your ears.
"(Y/N)," Darren's voice sounded distant.
You don't knwo how to handle breathing, seeing or feeling anymore, your legs started moving without warning, trying to get you out of there as faster as possible. Darren and Quinn's voice following you from behind, but you don't care, you only want to run from everyone.
You get to a hidden spot, nearby some trees. Your friends got there not so long before you, keeping the distance as you place your back on the wall trying to catch your breath. Uncontrollably, you started shaking your hands and moving you head in a poor attempt to shake everyhing outside your body.
"(Y/N)," there it is, Darren's voice again, you aren't able to speak now and they know.
Movemment around you, they left you alone?, that's strange, that's sad, you started to cry again, remembering all the people that left you because you were to "strange or "difficult to treat". You never expected that from Darren since they already had Quinn as a friend.
"Here she is, i can't do anything, she is not respondind, please, do something."
Darren's voice appeared on screen but with someone new, a familiar shadow formed in front of you. It's not touching you but somehow, it has a little calming effect on you, it's Spider.
"I don't know what to do, this is not my strong point, tell me what you need." you denied with your head, unable to speak, only going back to the wall.
He got next to you, but instead of hugging you, Spider sat on the bench next to both. You didn't even realized it was there, now you know you let your legs fade out and sit abruptly on the bench with him. Suddently, your favourite song started to sound on the background, apparently Spider put it on with his phone.
Your breath finally started to calm down a little, but your heart still races to fast for your pleassure. An object got in your view, an anti estress ball. You took it between your hands, brushing slightly Spider's hands in the process. Your fingers finally stopping to move around uncontrollably as you feel how wet your cheeks are from crying.
You didn't felt all that things before, but it's a good thing you are feeling them now, it's a sign that you are regaining control. You don't know how much time has passed, but the song played all the time and Spider didn't left your side.
"Are you better now?" his voice sounded more clear that has been the previous four times he asked you, maybe you are prepaerd to answer now.
"I think ... yes." the words are difficult to get out of your mouth.
His figure moved closer, sliding himself next to you, now your shoulders touching slightly. His hand moved slowly to your thight, which makes you shiver for a moment. HIs fingers don't stop moving to your leg, they only slow down, just to make time for you to adapt.
Now his touch is firm, moving up and down with confidence, making you feel better every second he is close to you. Finally, you found the courage to look at him, a smile forming on his lips seeing you finally.
"I am glad i didn't make you feel worse."
"I think... you would do that." speaking to him is still a little difficult.
He extended his hand to interlock your fingers together, kissing your knuckles in the most gentle way. You couldn't help but smile and giggle, now you kiss his cheek making him blush.
"At least they didn't catch us." you let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, you're right."
"And don't worry, i won't leave you like that idiot, i think you aren't too much... you are just the perfect amount to me."
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Never stopped loving you (Pedri x Reader)
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Part 2
**Welcome to another hearbreaking request. That’s your warning, this might break your heart like it broke mine when I wrote it. A little free pro-tip: do not write about someone making these "mistakes" and then try and revise what you wrote while he’s in front of you playing 😅 It’s a weird feeling. Also, please request fluff now 😔😊 And enjoy!! ❤️**
Word count: 6106
"Hello beautiful lady, what are you doing around here all alone? Someone could come and try to kidnap you".
"Oh yeah? Who would do that?"
You laughed when your boyfriend hugged you, half tackling you on the sand. He knew how much you loved seeing the sunset and whenever he got home from training early, he joined you there.
"I might let you kidnap me".
"Lucky me".
As always, you forgot all about the sun and the breathtaking views because you found each other way more interesting.
"We need to talk", said Pedri, worrying you slightly.
"Ok. What about?"
"I'm leaving. It’s official now. I'll sign for Barça".
"That's amazing!"
You hugged him, so happy to see his dream coming true. Noticing your happiness, he relaxed. He had been worried to tell you and what your reaction would be.
"So, are you coming with me?"
That wiped the smile off your face. It was a lot to ask from you. You had already left your island to join him in Las Palmas. But Barcelona…that was far. Really far. Even if it was the same country.
"I don't know…it's…it's not so easy".
"I understand but you already came here with me so what's another move?"
Your sarcastic laugh didn't impress him.
"What's another move? For you maybe it's nothing but what about me? I have to switch universities, go away from my family, …I don't even know if I'll like Barcelona".
"I would do this for you", he said.
"What do you mean by really?"
"If I told you to stay here with me, would you do it?"
"It's not the same".
He got up, moving away from you. He was so annoyed by your attitude.
"How is it not the same?"
"Because you can easily move. I can't control what team I play for".
"And even if you could, you wouldn't do it for me. It's always been me making sacrifices for you, Pedri. I lost a whole year of high school for you. I moved away from my parents for you. And that's not enough apparently".
"So you're not coming with me?"
"I don't know!", you screamed, tired of the way he was speaking to you. "I need time to think about it".
"What do we do if you don't come with me? Break up? Is that what you want?"
"Of course not", you said, now crying. "But I don’t want to do long distance. You know that. Maybe we could take a break while we see what we can do. I don't know. I don't want to lose you but it's not that easy".
He stopped walking by the sea, kneeling down to put his hands in the water and then splash it on his face.
"I'll go home for a couple of days. Talk to my parents and all that. They'll probably be able to help me decide".
"Sure", he said but didn't look back at you, which broke your heart.
Holding the tears, since you didn't want people to stare at you on the way home, you left him there and walked to your place.
Pedri stayed on the beach for a while longer. He couldn't lose you, he knew that. So when he went back home, he was ready to talk to you. But then he saw your suitcase and he only wanted to kick it. How easy it was for you to leave him. What did that mean?
So instead of talking to you, he went to sleep in another room, slamming the door shut. The sound made you flinch when you heard it.
The tension in the house meant both of you stayed awake most of the night. So when your alarm went off, you felt thankful for the excuse to leave the bed.
Breakfast was another thing you just did by default. You weren't even thinking about what you were putting on your bowl.
Why wasn't Pedri up? He needed to go to training but you didn't know if you should go tell him or not.
"Will you be gone when I'm back?", was the first thing he said to you.
"Yes. I'll call you later…".
"Don't bother. I wouldn't want you to put your whole life on pause just for that call".
"Please, don't be like that".
"It's not me who doesn't value what we have".
"How can you say that?"
But he didn't listen. He just took his things and left to go to training.
Throwing the rest of the food in the bin, you also took your things so you could leave and catch the boat that will take you to your family. But before, you left a note for your boyfriend. You couldn't just leave without telling him that.
Te quiero y siempre te querré. Por favor no lo olvides.
(I love you and I always will. Please, don't forget that).
And then you left.
Talking to your parents, and to Pedri's, helped you a lot. Seeing how they all sided with you didn't help your boyfriend. He was getting tired of being the bad guy in this story.
First, you broke up with him. Or not, he wasn't even sure. And what did being on a break mean? Was this an episode of Friends? And then his parents told him that he had to understand you. But who tried to understand him?
He was also leaving to go far away. He didn't know if he was going to play at Barça or if he was going to adapt to the team soon and do well. His career could go from a future Ballon d'Or to another one who didn't make it in two matches and no one seemed to care.
One thing he knew was that the news of his signing for Barcelona meant he was getting attention. A lot of attention. From the press, from people around him…from girls. All footballers get that type of attention to a certain extent, even in lower divisions. But when someone from a small island signs for a team like Barça…well, the attention grows a lot. And not everyone knows what to do with it.
[You]: going back home tomorrow. We need to talk. I hate this.
Pedri stared at your text for what felt like hours. But it was just a couple of minutes. Though the guilt made everything feel so much worse.
When he heard noise coming from his room, your room, he turned to see the girl coming out of it.
"Good morning!", she said, approaching him.
"Get out!", was all he said.
She stared at him, surprised by his tone. He didn't act like that the day before.
"But…", a glare stopped her from saying more and she just picked her things and left.
"Asshole. It already got to his head", he heard her mutter before closing the door on her way out.
What had he done?
"Hello?", you felt weird going back to your house but feeling like you were not somewhere that also belonged to you.
You walked towards where the voice came from and the moment you saw Pedri's face, you could tell something was wrong.
"Have you been ok these last couple of days?"
He shook his head, not daring to look at you.
"Yeah, me neither. I've been thinking and you were right…".
"There's something you need to know before you keep talking".
His words made your stomach drop. Was he going to dump you now? Tired of waiting for you?"
"I…I made a mistake".
"What kind of mistake?"
"I slept with someone".
You dropped the keys you forgot you were still holding, startling yourself even more. How could he do that to you?
The moment you lifted your head, you saw him approaching you.
"Don't get close to me. How could you? You piece of shit. You disgusting cheater!"
"I didn't even know if we were together. It was a mistake but don't call me a cheater", he tried to defend himself.
"But you are. You just said you didn't know what was going on. And…is this what you plan on doing? Every time there is a small problem you go out and find someone else to spend the night with? Did you also do it in the same bed we've been sleeping together for months?"
He looked away, telling you all you needed to know.
"I hate you. I hate you so much".
You turned to leave but he grabbed your arm to stop you and you hit him with all the strength you could gather.
"Don't touch me!"
"You need to listen to me, please".
"I don't need to do anything. I'll get my things when you're away for a match. And have fun shagging random girls in Barcelona. Maybe you can fool one into believing you love her like you did with me".
"I love you!"
"You don't do this to someone you love, Pedri".
The only good thing about this was that before leaving to meet Pedri, you had only told your parents you wanted to talk to him. Not that you had decided to go with him to Barcelona. They would have been even more confused when you told them it was over.
The heartbreak was bad enough. They wouldn't stop telling you about how you two were meant to be together and how you should go with him. Barcelona was a great city, you could study there.
But you only told them no. Lying and saying that things hadn't been good for a while. You could have told them the truth and made him the bad guy he actually was. But you didn't.
Whenever you were alone, you could only relive your last interaction with Pedri. And the conclusion you reached was that maybe it was for the best you knew about the real him before leaving home to go far away with someone like him.
Someone you couldn't lie to was Pedri's brother. He had been your friend since you were a kid. And you promised to yourself you wouldn't neglect your friendship no matter what happened between you and his brother.
"Hey", he said, sitting on the bench next to you. "How are you doing?"
"Never been better", you told him, making both of you laugh.
"I'm sorry about this. But just know we can still be friends ok".
"I know".
"And maybe you and my brother can be friends too…", your reaction to his words surprised him. You were both acting so weird about this break-up. "What are you not telling me?"
"I don't want to talk about it".
"I can't help if I don't know".
Saying it out loud, to someone else, made it even more real. You didn't feel strong enough for that step. So what you did was hug Fer, who hugged you back immediately.
"You're scaring me, you know?"
"He cheated on me".
"No, he didn't", he said and you looked up to see the anger on his face. "Tell me he didn't".
"He did. He told me himself".
"Next time I see him, I'm going to punch him so hard our mum won't recognise him".
"Please don't. I don't want our parents to find out".
"I just don't", you said firmly. "My parents love him as if he was their own son. It's bad enough I have to suffer. I don't want them to suffer because of it too".
You could tell Fer didn't like your plan but was going to respect your wishes anyways.
"My parents love you too. You know that".
"I do. It'll probably be easier for me to hang out with all of you once Pedri is away".
"He asked me to go to Barcelona with him".
Of course he did.
"That's ok. I'm sure you'll love it there".
"I'll come back often".
"I know. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine".
                            2 years later
And you didn't lie. You were fine. Back in Tenerife with your parents and friends. Back in the uni you loved. Life was good.
Except for that little detail of how you couldn't forget about your ex-boyfriend. His family was still like a family to you. And his worries about not doing well for Barça proved to be stupid because he adapted to the team so well, it seemed like he had always been a part of it. The individual awards kept coming and everyone adored him.
Slowly, it was getting easier to be surrounded by the memory of him that you couldn't hide from. And it also became easier to be happy for him. It didn't mean you had forgiven him. Not Pedri the person, the ex. But it was so easy to support Pedri the player. The kid from your small town that made it big.
The cliché that time heals was actually true. You cried so much after what Pedri did…and then one day you didn’t cry anymore. But that didn’t mean you fully moved on. You met other guys, sure. But none were Pedri. None felt good enough for more than something casual.
[3 missed calls: Alicia]
That was odd. Alicia was the person who got you your apprenticeship but it was your day off, why was she calling?
“Hi, Ali. Everything alright?”
“Yes, darling. I just got a good job offer for you and wanted to chat about it. Could you come around today?”
A job offer? “Of course. I’ll be there in 30”.
You changed into something more work appropriate than the shorts and top you had been wearing while working out and drove to Alicia’s office.
“Hi, sit down please”.
“Hey, you mentioned something about a job. That’s exciting. I wasn’t expecting that so soon”.
“Well”, she smiled, “when someone works as hard as you do, it can happen”.
“Thank you”.
She started to explain what the job was to you and you couldn’t believe such a great opportunity was been offered to you.
“You would have to move, though”.
“Oh, where?”
You almost laughed when you heard that. Of all places, Barcelona. But you weren’t going to let that get in the way of your career.
“That’s fine”.
“I know your ex is there…”.
“Barcelona is a big city, I don’t have to see him. I didn't even think about him when you mentioned the city. I never do”.
“Honey, you think we don’t know you watch all of his matches?”
Even though you tried to hide it, her comment hurt you. So what if you did?
“If I have to move there because of my career, I will. Just like he did”.
The pity on her face upset you. Everyone thought that was it, that he left you there without a second thought. A part of you wondered what he thought of that. He knew you could have easily told the world about his cheating but you didn’t. What did that mean to him? And most importantly, what did that mean to you? Why were you so worried about protecting him?
Telling your parents about this new job was exhausting. You could tell they wanted to ask about you potentially meeting Pedri again. They were hoping you would date again, of course they did. But whenever his name was mentioned, you changed the subject.
If it was up to you, Pedri would never find out you are in the same city as him. But there was someone you wanted to see. Someone very close to him.
"Where are you going?"
"Just meeting someone. I won't be back for dinner so maybe order something for you".
"Meeting someone?"
Fer tried not to react to his brother's teasing. If only he knew…
"Yeah, see you later".
"Should I wait up for you?", laughed Pedri.
Fer left the house to go pick you up at the airport. He was so happy to finally be back in the same city as you. But lying to his brother was going to be tough. However, he didn’t deserve to know you were there. They had fought about it so much and he made it clear to his little brother that he was never going to forgive him for hurting you like that.
“Hi!”, you run to meet your friend, hugging him tightly.
“Hello you. It’s so good to have you here. Let me take your suitcases, they look heavy”.
“Thank you. And yes, it is. Like old times”.
“I can’t wait to show you the city. You’ll love it”.
You smiled at your friend, and he kept telling you about his favourite places while driving to your place.
“What did you say to your brother? About where you were going?”
“Just that I was meeting someone. He thinks I’m on a date”.
That made you laugh. “Do you go on many these days, little heartbreaker?”
“A few. What about you?”
“Yeah, a few too. Thank you for not telling him I’m here”.
“Of course, I understand. I wouldn’t want to see him either”.
But that was the problem. You wanted to see him. You just didn’t know what would happen if you did.
Avoiding Pedri was easy. You went to work and hung out with some friends you made, but not at places where he could be. Fer made sure of that. You could have stayed there forever without your ex finding out.
"Where are you going?", asked Pedri when he saw his brother leaving again.
"Meeting someone again?"
"Yeah, what do you care? I'm just seeing a friend".
"Fer, you can tell me if you have a girlfriend, you know? This whole sneaking out is a bit stupid. I'm not mum".
"I don't have a girlfriend. I told you I'm meeting a friend".
"Who is a girl".
How did he know that?
"You took my jacket the other day and when I picked it up again, it smelled like women's perfume".
"She was cold. It's just that. Are you smelling my clothes in search of clues?"
"No. This just caught my attention".
"How so?"
"It smelled familiar".
Fer tried not to show worry at that moment.
"All perfumes smell the same".
"No. This is the one she wore", he didn't need to say who she was. "I will never forget that scent".
Fer excused himself saying he needed to go to the toilet and left his phone on the table, near where Pedri was sitting. When it buzzed, he looked at the screen and saw a very familiar name.
[You]: sorry I'll be a bit late. Don't leave without me 😝
He was still in shock when his brother got back to the room, grabbing his things and leaving.
There had to be an explanation for this but…it had been weeks since his brother started to act weird. And, he guessed, that meant weeks since he began to see you. Why were you even in Barcelona?
"Jesus! You scared me", said Fer when he got home at midnight and found his brother waiting for him.
"Are you…are you fucking my ex?"
"You've got to be kidding me".
"What?", asked Pedri, now raising his voice. "You were always weirdly obsessed with her, it wouldn't be a shock".
"Obsessed with her? She's my friend. A friend that literally dated my brother for years. Do you think I was having fantasies about her or something? That'd be sick because she's like a sister to me. And could have literally been a sister if you hadn't done what you did".
"Stop throwing that at me. Don't you think I regret it?"
"Why is she here?"
"Work. But she doesn't want to see you so leave her alone, ok?"
Pedri understood that but also it hurt. You always managed to avoid him when he went back home and now this.
"Is she ok?"
That question made his brother's gaze soften. "You know? It's the first time in two years you've asked me that".
"I was worried you'd punch me if I mentioned her name".
"She is fine. She's strong, you know that".
"Does she…ever mention me?"
The look on Pedri's face would have made his brother laugh on any other day but this was serious.
"To curse me?"
"No. To ask about you like you just asked about her".
"Cool. Don't worry…I…I won't bother her. I'm glad she has you here to help her. It's a big city".
"Yeah. I'll go to bed now. Good night little bro".
Pedri had never stopped thinking about you. How could he? Losing you was the biggest mistake of his life. It didn't matter how many girls he met because none were you. But he knew you had moved on. He saw you once with another boy when he was back in Tenerife. The memory of you two together, laughing and kissing, still hurt him. But you were doing nothing wrong.
And now you were here, in Barcelona. He wanted to see you but you didn't want to see him. Why force it and hurt you more? He already did enough damage and you deserved so much better than that.
"My brother knows about you".
"How did he find out?"
"He went into detective mode when he noticed me not telling him who I was meeting and ended up putting two and two together".
"It's ok", you said, surprising even yourself because you meant it.
You turned to look at Fer and saw he was thinking.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
"My birthday is in a few weeks".
"I know".
"And I'll have a party. I wanted to invite you but obviously I have to invite my brother too".
"Don't worry. We can celebrate just the two of us any other time".
"Why don't you come to the party? He knows you are here and he's respecting you not wanting to meet him. He'll respect my wish to not get close to you at the party".
Now it was your turn to think. It should be an easy decision but it wasn't.
"I'll go. I mean. I'll have to see him again at some point in my life, right? Let's just get it out of the way. And the party is about you, not about me or your brother".
"Thank you. I really wanted you there".
"And there I'll be", you told your friend with a big smile on your face.
A couple of weeks later, you found yourself in the shower, staring at the tiles and thinking about everything that could happen that night. It was only when the water turned cold that you woke up from your daydreaming.
You didn't want to overthink your outfit because that wasn't you. But yet you had seven different options on the bed and were staring at them not knowing what to choose. So you went back to your closet and picked up some jean shorts and a nice top. You wanted to feel like yourself, not like you were making an effort for…who? Pedri? That'd be stupid.
"Hi! You're here!"
Fer ran to hug you, relieved you were actually there. You were always on time so he was worried you wouldn't show up. Not that he would have blamed you.
"I am. Happy birthday! Where should I leave your gift?"
"I'll take it to my room. Yours is special, I don't want to mix it with the others".
You were still smiling at him leaving with your gift when you felt a presence next to you.
"Hi Pedri, you ok?"
"Yes. You?"
You nodded, suddenly incapable of forming words. What did you expect? That seeing your ex-boyfriend after two years would be easy? When your last interaction was him telling you he had cheated on you? Time heals but doesn't make miracles.
"Are you having a good time in Barcelona?"
Was he trying to make small talk with you?
"Yes. It's been good so far".
"Right. Good".
"This is weird".
That made him laugh and seeing him do that made your heart hurt. How many times had you made him laugh? You loved his laugh and his smile. But mostly being the reason why he was happy.
When he noticed you staring, he allowed himself to stare back.
"You're even prettier now. How is that even possible?"
When you looked at him with wide eyes, Pedri noticed he actually said that out loud. But you were thinking the same. He was even more handsome than when he left.
"Sorry. I don't want to make you uncomfortable".
"It's fine. I'll go find Fer. See you around".
Pedri closed his eyes so he wouldn't see you leaving again. This wasn't the same as last time but it felt like a rejection as well. And what else did he expect?
"You look like you've seen a ghost", said Ferrán.
"I have".
"What?", laughed his teammate.
"My ex is here. She's been here for weeks but avoided me. She's only here today because of my brother".
"Did you have a bad break-up?"
"But you still love her".
He turned to look at his friend and nodded. He never stopped loving you. Probably never will but it was something he had to live with.
You met so many people in one night, it was overwhelming. But Fer only introduced you as his childhood friend, which you were. The only mentions of Pedri came from people asking if you had been friends with him back home. And you just said yes and changed the subject.
"Are you having a good time?"
You turned to see who was speaking to you. The voice didn't sound familiar.
"Yes, thank you".
"I'm Ferrán, I play with Pedri".
"I know, I've seen you when I watch the matches".
"So you watch his matches?"
You nodded and seeing his smile annoyed you. He probably thought you were the idiot ex who couldn't let go and was pinning watching Pedri's matches or whatever.
"He still feels something for you, you know?", you frowned at his words. Why was he telling you this? Did Pedri send him? "Just thought you should know".
"Thanks for the information".
Your attempt to leave was prevented by Ferrán grabbing your arm.
"This is the first time I hear about you. Why?"
"Ask your friend".
"I did and he didn't answer. Someone so important he's still in love with and he never mentions you. It doesn't make sense".
Still in love with? Your breathing was getting faster. Ferrán's words were too much on a day of too many emotions.
"Probably because he doesn't want to tell you why it all ended".
That shut Ferrán up and allowed you to leave. Thankfully, you found Fer quickly and told him you were heading home.
"Did something happen?"
"No", you said, showing him your best smile so he wouldn't worry. "Just really tired. But I had a great time. I'll see you soon for our birthday lunch, ok?"
He nodded, not fully convinced about what you said. So he went to find the only person who could tell him if something had happened.
"Did you talk to her?"
"Yes", said Pedri. "When she got here hours ago. Why?"
"Not recently?", he asked and his brother shook his head. "She left and looked a bit agitated. I thought you two could have fought or something".
"No. Our conversation was a bit weird but not a fight. Last I saw her she was…fuck".
"She was speaking to Ferrán".
They both walked towards where their friend was and Pedri pushed him.
"You can never just mind your own business, can you?"
"I was just talking".
"Is that why she left the way she did?", now it was Fer who was confronting Ferrán.
"It's actually a good thing she did".
The brothers looked at him as if he was insane.
"Listen, I told her you still love her…".
"You what?"
"And she got all nervous. Because she loves you. So now you know you should ask her out again".
Pedri closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing.
"It doesn't matter, you idiot. I cheated on her, she'll never want me back. No matter what feelings are left".
"You…oh", now he understood what you meant by how the relationship ended.
After that, the party continued but Pedri could only think of one thing: you. Did you still love him? Despite everything? What did that mean?
He wished you could just give him one chance to speak to you. But he knew it was too much to ask.
People knew you watched all Barça and Spain matches. But what they didn't know was that you also watched the interviews Pedri did. At first, you had avoided them. But lately, you felt as if watching him as if he was someone else helped you move on. Of course, he wasn't just someone else.
While checking Twitter a few days after the party, you spotted a new radio interview Pedri did and wanted to test if watching it after seeing him again was good or not.
You were smiling at the screen because how could you not? He was so charming. That's why even rivals loved him. But then your smile was gone when you heard him say he didn't want to be in a relationship right now.
You didn't know he did that interview before the party or that he only said that because the press wouldn't stop trying to find him a girlfriend. You didn't know that statement excluded you. He wanted a relationship with you. He wanted everything with you.
But you didn't know any of that. Only that Ferrán's words had made you think about maybe talking to Pedri. That you couldn't stop thinking about how his friend told you that Pedri still loved you. But clearly, Ferrán was wrong.
Or that's what you thought anyways.
"I'm leaving!"
"Where are you going? Are you meeting someone?", Pedri ran to the front door to catch his brother before he left.
"Yes. You can guess who".
"Please let me go with you".
"Fer!", he pleaded.
"I'm not losing her trust in me. You've been a mess since you saw her, little bro. She doesn't need this".
"But I need to see her. To talk to her".
"I'll try to convince her to come back home later. But you're not ruining our plan. She works a lot and deserves to have some free time without whatever drama you bring into her life".
"Has she been ok since the party?"
And those words made Pedri feel even worse. He didn't want to make you unhappy again. But he couldn't lie and pretend he could let go of you. Not when there was a small chance he could have you back.
“So umm…any plans for dinner?”
Fer’s question surprised you. You were only meeting for coffee.
“Not really. Probably a frozen pizza and a salad to pretend I’m healthy”.
“I could cook for you. You could come home later?”
“There are no away matches”.
The only time you went to their house, apart from the party, was while Pedri was away in Italy.
“I know”.
“You want me to have dinner with you and your brother”.
You could tell how uncomfortable your friend felt asking this of you, which made you consider the idea more.
“He wants to see you”.
“He does?”
Fer nodded and you really didn’t understand what was going on anymore.
“I mean…I guess we could try? It’s not really fair on you to have you divided between us. We’re older now, we should be able to be in the same room like adults”.
So half an hour later, you were on your way to Fer’s house. To Pedri’s house.
“We are back!”
We? Pedri’s heart started to beat so fast. And he didn’t know what to do but he had to go meet you. He couldn’t just stay on the sofa.
“Hi”, you said back, feeling so out of place but also at home. He still had that effect on you.
“Do you want to help me cook or stay with him?”
“I’ll help you”, you told Fer. That was the safe option.
Pedri didn’t want to bother you but hearing you laugh with his brother was killing him. That used to be what you two did. Why wasn’t it him with you making you laugh in the kitchen?
“Just here to get a drink. I won’t bother you”, he said when he got to the kitchen, using the drink as an excuse.
“Actually, we could use some help”, said Fer and when Pedri saw his expression, he understood he was trying to help him be with you for a little longer.
“What can I do?”
While you and Fer did the actual cooking, Pedri was tasked with peeling potatoes and chopping vegetables. But he got to stand next to you and he could barely believe it was happening.
“Can I have those?”, you asked him, pointing at the carrots.
“Yeah, I’m done with that”, he said, passing the bowl to you. It wasn’t an accident that his fingers touched yours. He did it on purpose. He needed to touch you after so long. Even if it was just like that.
“I’ll be right back”.
When Fer left, the weight of being alone fell on the both of you at the same time.
“It’s great to hear you’re doing well. With your job, I mean”.
“Thank you. You aren’t doing bad yourself”.
“Yeah, I guess”, laughed Pedri. “Thank you for being here. I know it’s not easy for you but I…I’m glad I get to see you and talk to you”.
You nodded.
“I saw you once in Tenerife. When I went back in the summer”.
“What? When?”
“You didn’t see me. You were with someone. Some guy. I obviously just left”.
You didn’t know what he meant exactly but the town wasn’t that big. And neither was the island. It actually surprised you that you hadn’t bumped into him before.
“Have you…are you seeing someone?”, he finally asked.
“No. I’ve never really been with anyone after you. Just you know, casual stuff”.
“I know”, you said, laughing in a way that he didn’t like.
“What do you mean you know? Did my brother tell you?”
“I watched that interview you did saying you didn’t want anything serious, just to have fun. It’s ok, it makes sense”.
You watched his interviews?
“It’s not because of me wanting to just have fun that I haven’t been with anyone else”.
“Why then? Worried you’ll make the same mistakes?”
“No, I was waiting for you”.
His confession made you turn fully to face him.
“Why would you wait for someone you know you’ll never get back?”
“Because the heart wants what the heart wants. It doesn’t have to make sense”, he said. “I knew I wasn’t getting you back but it didn’t stop me from hoping”.
Your eyes were closed now while you tried to process his confession.
“Or I guess I at least hoped for the closure of getting to talk to you. We never got that”.
“No, I guess hearing about what you did made me not want to hear more from you”.
“I don’t have an excuse. I’ve had 2 years to think about it and I still don’t have one. I was stupid. Overwhelmed by everything that was happening and so afraid I was losing you. And then I did the thing that was for sure going to make me lose you”.
“Well, that’s disappointing”, you laughed. “All this time I hoped for a big excuse. You were drunk, she made you do it, you felt like I didn’t support you enough…but there isn’t one”.
“Would you prefer it if there was one?”
“I don’t know, Pedri. I don’t know what I want right now”.
He couldn’t stand seeing the tears in your eyes. Not again. So he pulled you into a hug and when you held onto him instead of pushing him away, he let out a big sigh of relief.
"Why did you lie to everyone making it sound like it was your fault we broke up?"
"I told myself it was because I didn't want people to know I had been cheated on but…I wanted to protect you. I don't know why but I did. Especially from our families".
He had to do it. Now was his moment.
“Give me another chance”, he whispered, holding you tighter. “Please”.
You moved back to look at him, seeing the hope in his eyes, which was the same one that could be seen in yours, and nodded.
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Record Shop Funk - Pt. 4 - R U Mine?
A.N. : Hey guys, i'm so incredibly happy that you love this new series so much, love ya <3
Words: 4,1k
Pairing: camboy!Steve x Reader, roommate!Bucky x reader, Stucky x reader (as the story goes)
Warnings: sex, double penetration, toys, heartbreak, cheating, audioporn,
Summary: Who knew that having a secret crush, then a hearbreak will end in such a sweet thing..
Read the third part here:
Pt. 3 - Coffee and cigarettes
Pt. 2 - Let's pretend
Pt.1 - Like real people do
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It was Steve's birthday this weekend and Bucky tried to convince you to come, as "it would be the greatest gift ever" that you somehow forgave him. Looking back to the past months, there really wasn't anything you needed to forgive him for. All he did was confess in his weird way that he and Bucky got feelings for you. Of course ever since then you know Bucky's side.. Listening and dancing to music in the shop soon enough turned into well... spending your breaks in the back, having sex anywhere you could. In the shop, in bar's bathrooms, behind bars, in alleys, all around your apartment. Really anywhere you wanted to.. and hell you did, you couldn't get enough of the other. You needed to touch any given moment, as if your life depended on it.
-So did you tell Steve?
-Tell what doll?
You pointed a finger between him and you. - Us?
-No i didn't i thought we'll tell when the time is right.
You felt a little pang in your chest. Sure you never exactly said what are you two, but somewhere deep inside you had hoped he told his bestfriend about you. You didn't want to be a little secret. Gathering a small but fake smile, you said - okay, i'll go.
Then Saturday came, Bucky said he had something to do before the party so you two can just meet at the bar. Now you had all afternoon to do anything you wanted. Then you got the first notification since forever. Steve uploaded an audio. Your finger hovered above it a little bit, before sighing and tapping. You put your airpods in, and closed your eyes, listening to the man you deep down missed as crazy.
*in the audio*
Hey honey, i'm really sorry to disappear on you, i fucked up something good real bad, and didn't have the same enthusiasm as i did before. But now i am here, and i have a little helper to get you reach the heights you missed so much. Baby, come say hi...
it's a pleasure to meet you doll...
Your eyes shoot open, you cover your mouth with your hand not believing what you just heard. You are 100% sure that it was Bucky's voice. You felt your heart break. Sure you never said you were exclusive, hell you never even said that you are going out, so basically you didn't even had the right to feel jealous about it, but you did. You couldn't help but feel heartbroken over Bucky getting all hot and heavy with Steve.. That's it. you thought and decided to wear the new dress you got, and thought to wear on your 3 month anniversary... (funny huh? you were keeping it in mind, thinking it meant something).. When you entered the bar, you fell all eyes on you, the men's full of lust and the women's well.. full of hate, some with lust. The new dress worked just as you thought. You were wearing red high heels, with a red, bodycon dress, with spagetthi straps, your hair was in a messy bun, near the back of your neck, showing off your neck, you had put on light makeup, just foundation, mascara, and a wine red lipstick. You put on your favourite perfume Daisy by Marc Jacobs. You were out to kill.
When Steve saw you his eyes lit up, you were carrying a present bag, and smiled warmly at him, ignoring the look on Bucky's face as he looked you up and down (you already knew his dick will be twitching just at the sight of you) and then how his jaw clenched as you sat beside Steve.
-Hey Stevie. - you hugged him, and he hugged you back, so thightly you thought your back will break.
-Hey peach. Listen I.... - you didn't let him finish, you put the gifbag in his hands.
-Happy birthday, i knew you always wanted one of these so..
His eyes were sparkling as he looked at you in disbelief. It was a vinly of led zeppelin. It was his favourite band, and this was exactly his favourite album. He got up, and picked you up, spinning you around in the air.
-Thank you so much sweetheart. I don't even know what to say... i thought you..
-No Steve, theres nothing to apologize for, and there's nothing for me to hate you for. We're good. - you said one hand cupping his face, while you gave a little kiss to his cheek. Then smiled and headed to the bar - Next round's on me. -as you swayed your hips, making them shift in their seats uncomfortably.
You didn't come back for 15 minutes and they started to worry. Then when their eyes found you the bartender was flirting with you, and you were giggling around, practically already having him wrapped around you finger, as well as the two guys next to you. After taking a tequila shot with them, you took the three whiskeys, and headed back to the booth Bucky and Steve where in. You put a drink before each of them, as they were watching you wordlessly.
-Doll, what was that?
-What was what Bucky?
-Why were you flirting with them?
-Are you jealous my sweet little tiger? - you said as you run a finger along his jaw. You were getting drunk and well you were getting petty, not being able to hide the hurt he caused you just this afternoon.
-Did you two have fun this afternoon? It was a fun little record Stevie.
Bucky's jaw clenched, Steve nearly choked on his whiskey.
-Wh-what? Did you? - He asked visibly uncomfortable.
-Oh yea i did. Glad you could get moans out of him i couldnt.
With that you headed to the bar, back to the bartender, where you remained for a good hour, listening to his pathetic flirting, taking all the drinks he decided to give you for free. You were way too drunk, and all the men that gathered around you noticed. It suddenly became a silent competition, and the winner gets to take you home.
Steve and Bucky wanted to leave so they searched for you.. Only to hear the drunken conversation you had with the man next to you.
-Oh Petey, Petey... you wouldn't do that to me would you? - as you had one hand on his chest and one caressing his cheek - Breaking my fragile little heart like that, fucking your best friend after fucking me stupid everyday for months... You wouldn't cheat on me would you...
You were about to kiss him when a strong arm yanked you out of his hold.
-What the fuck are you doing (y/n)? - asked Bucky, anger visibly in his eyes.
-Let go of me, Buck. I don't want to be your worthless hook-up anymore, that you can throw away whenever to be with Steve.
-Hook-up? What the fuck are you talking about? Doll...
-Don't you doll me... You know how i felt, you know i never wanted to be just a hook-up, you know i thought that either of you would really want me.. and then you went and did just what i was afraid of. so don't you fckin doll me Bucky... - you ripped your wrist out of his hold, and run out the door. You didn't wanted to stay, and you didn't wanted to go home either. It was hard finding a place where you didn't had memories of being with Bucky, so you decided to just roam the streets until you found the strenght to go home.
You left your phone at the bar so whoever tried to reach you had to find you, which of course noone managed.
You thought they just didn't wanted to find you. It was around 11 am when you got home, sober finally. Sadly you weren't drunk enough to forget the events of last night. When you opened the door, you saw Bucky and Steve anxiously pacing around the living room. You didn't as much as glance at them, taking a waterbottle, and heading towards the bathroom.
You heard the door open, but you couldn't care less.. If it was Steve he'll have a good day, finally seeing you naked, if it was Bucky, it wasn't anything he didn't already see yet.
-Doll... will you please listen to me? - asked Bucky.
-No. I don't wanna hear lies about how much you wanted me, how important i was, when i wasnt.
-I never lied to you.
-You know.. i know we never said we'd be exclusive, you never even asked me to go out with you, so technically you didn't even cheat on me, yet i feel just as betrayed. I saw how you looked at him, and him at you.. I was stupid to ever think that i will be able to surpass that..
-Doll just listen to me. I know you hate me now, but you need to know how much i love you. I really do. I can't deny that i love him, i had since the 40's, but i love you just as much, and i don't wanna lose either of you.
-So you're asking me to share... thats just great. - you laughed while stepping out of the shower, Bucky's jaw hit the floor everytime he had seen you naked, this wasn't an exception. You put a towel around yourself, another went on your hair, as you left the bathroom, heading for the livingroom where Steve sat, quickly standing as he heard you aproach.
-So let me just test something, dear James, you wouldn't wanna punch a hole in the wall or throw stuff at me, if i do this? - you asked as you grabbed the collears of Steve's shirt, yanking him towards you, chrashing your lips on his. He was surprised at first, then his hands fly to your waist.
Bucky tried to hide his erection under his palms as he stood there watching you and Steve kiss for the first time. When you let Steve go, you looked at Bucky. He was next to you with two long steps, taking a handful of your hair, guiding your head and kissing you harshly, all teeth and bites. While you lost in Bucky's kiss, Steve watched as the flimsy towels fell to the ground, revealing a very naked you. Bucky felt it, and he smiled into the kiss, slowly pushing yourself backwards, until you hit something warm and hard. You were sandwiched between them. Four hands roaming around you, as Steve's lips were leaving little marks on your neck, and shoulders, and Bucky's were still hungrily biting at yours. You were angry, you desperately tried to hold back a moan from all these sensations. When Bucky's cold metal fingers gathered some slick from your aching entrance, you couldn't hold back anymore. You threw back your head, moaning sinfully as ever. It was the prettiest sound Steve have ever heard. With the gathered slick Bucky rubbed circles around your clit, while Steve massaged your breasts, occasionally twisting and pinching one of your nipples. It was almost too much.
-Are you still angry, or are you gonna be a good girl for us?
-Oh i'm fuming. - You said between breaths.
You suddenly felt a sting on your butt, then immediately after a shooting caress.
-Guess we'll have to tease that out of you then.. brat..
You clenched around nothing at the sound of your new pet name. You became so wet, it glistened on your thighs.
-Oh Stevie.. look at her.. so angry, yet already soaking her thighs for us..
-I bet she tastes sweeter than how she behaves.. - said Steve, while teasing your etrance, dipping in a finger a few times. You whimpered when he removed his finger, only to have him showe it to your mouth..
-Tell me how you taste princess.. - he said, as you eagerly sucked on his finger, eyes not leaving Bucky's. -I won't tell.... go taste yourself... - you said between moans as Bucky continued to attack you.
Another slap on your butt, and you knew there probably will be red handprints, but as the pain turned to pleasure you couldn't care less.
- What do you think Buck... should we edge her until she begs, or should we make her cum so many times she pass out?
-Hmm... I'd say the latter... She needs to learn not to be a brat, the same time she needs to know how much she means to us...
Steve then smirked, and threw you over his shoulder, giving a few slaps on your butt.
-This red looks good on your ass peach.. -you couldn't help but blush, and bite back a moan as he inserted a finger in to you, pumping a few times, keeping you on the edge before throwing you on Bucky's bed. You laid there with Steve between your legs, hot breath fanning over your aching cunt as Bucky kissed you softly. YOu moaned into his mouth as Steve started to lick you. Hungrily as if you were his last meal. Soon inserting a finger, then two, fucking into you, curving just the right way to find that sweet spot. Your back arched off of the bed, while Bucky had a firm hand around your neck, kissing you still. Then your orgasm hit you. Your legs closed, keeping Steve between them, his strong hands now keeping them apart, as he continued licking mercilessly. There was a slap on your tit, as Bucky undid his belt with one hand.
-No moving princess. For every move like that we're adding another orgasm to the list.. or do you want me to tie you up?
-She clenched on my fingers... tying up it is then. - Said Steve and you let out a moan. You didn't know what got into you, but this, with them.. it just felt right. All your anger vanishing with your orgasm.
While Bucky tied your hands together then to the bed, Steve pulled another orgasm of you, your release all over his face.
-Here, use this while we tie her perfect legs as well. - said Bucky, as he gave a hitachi wand to Steve, which he took from him with a smirk. He put it on your clit, as he was helding a leg while Bucky tied them to the sides of the bed, as you laid there, all for them.
-I don't know Buck, something is missing... What do you say we make this sweet torture even sweeter and highten her senses?
-You know it bud.. - then he took a blindfold from the desk, and blindfolded you, before kissing you passionately.
They stepped away for a bit, mentally taking pictures of you all laid out before them.. Then Bucky lowered himself between your legs, wanting a taste, while Steve kissed you passionately, massaging your breasts..
-Will you be a good girl and take care of Steve? - You clenched around his fingers, and nodded.
-I didn't hear you princess..
-Yes, please, let me take care of you.. - you said whimpering under their touch. YOu heard Steve's pants fall to the floor, then you felt his velvety sof tip on your lips, as well as a bit of pre-cum he already head. You stuck your tongue out, slowly swiping over the head of his cock, then licked along his shaft, trying to somehow measure him, jsut to see what you're dealing with. Then there was a bite on your inner thigh, near your pussy.
-No teasing for you peach... as you slowly took all of Steve in your mouth, nearly gagging as he reached the back of your throat, slowly starting to bob your head. His hand soon finding it's place in your hair, guiding you along his shaft.
Bucky, slowly lined himself up at your etrance, slowly easing into you, while rubbing circles on your aching nub. Your moan sent vibrations all over Steve's cock, as it twitched in your mouth.
-God peach, your mouth feels like heaven.. - as he continued fucking into your mouth. As Bucky was roughly pounding into you, while keeping the wand on your clit, occasionally leaning to kiss your neck, or play wiht your nipples. Soon enough your third orgasm washed over you, clenching down on Bucky's cock, trying to milk it.
-Gosh doll, so thight, i can barely move.. You feelin' good huh? We're not nearly done with you... - as you whimpered and trembled as you were getting down your high..
-Come Steve feel this heavenly pussy... - then they switched... Steve was more gentle but he too found all your sweet spots, relentlessly pushing on them. At this point you couldn't even say a sentence, you were only capable of moaning their names..
You continued to lick Bucky's cock clean after your orgasm, as Steve pounded into you, hands grabbing your hips and thighs so hard, that you were sure it will bruise, but you couldn't care less. When your next orgasm washed through you, they stepped away, letting you breath for a bit. You heard them whispering among themselves, them rummaging through a drawer.
You flinched when you felt a pair of lips on yours, quickly easing into it, biting on his lower lips.
-Well princess, what do you say, do you want us both to make you full? - asked Bucky in a low voice.
-Yes please..
-Yes please what baby? - asked Steve.
-Please make me full, fill me to the brim.
-We're gonna train you bit then..
Then they untied your legs,turning you around, but instead of the pillows, you found yourself on top of Steve, straddling him, with hands still tied above your head. You felt something cold at your etrance but it wasn't Bucky's metal digits. It was something metal nonetheless. You figured out what it was after a few pumps into your pussy, while Bucky licked a few on your back hole, making it wet, while he gathered enough slick to the plug from your sweet pussy. Then he slowly, inserted it leaving it for a min before slowly pushing and pulling. Your back arched, which ended up with your nipple in Steves mouth as he rubbed your clit to keep you on edge.. Then he slowly lowered you on his cock. You felt full already, not knowing how you'll deal with both of them splitting you open. As Steve fucked into you from under, Bucky turned on the vibrator part of the plug, then gave a few slaps on your butt, earning sinful moans.
-She's close... milking me so hard i can barely push inside again.. god.. such a good girl, taking my cock...
-Turn her around, let me see.. - said Bucky, while he removed the plug.
After they turned you around, Steve slowly entering for the back, making you try to close your legs, Steve grabbed them, holding them apart, as you laid on him, all laid out for Bucky to see, with Steve's dick in your ass. Bucky never thought he'd get to see this, let alone hear you beg for this... He then slowly entered you, he was more gently this time. You were so full, already clenching around them, biting on your lip trying to hold back the moans.
-Fuck, i wanna see you cum..- said Bucky as he removed the blindfold, eyes then never leaving yours, as he increased his pace.
As your fourth orgasm hit you, you threw your head back to Steve's shoulder, who was still gripping your thighs, holding them apart, arching your back, while Bucky caressed your body with love. Steve gave a kiss on your temple. They were fucking into you, mercilessly ripping you open, yet in these little touches you could feel the love. Maybe you imagined it, but you wished it was there. As you got down from your high, you heard a chuckle from Bucky.
-Well well princess... four and we're didn't even cum yet... give us one more..
-I... i..... can't... it's... it's too... too much... - you said between whimpers.
He leaned in close, and whispering on your lips - i know you have a few more in there - before kissing you passionately..
He took the wand and pushed it to your overstimulated clit, you started to thrash on Steve, trying to get away from the sensation, but he held you in place.. They continued and soon enough your fifth orgasm came, just in time with theirs. They fucked you through their (and yours) high, before stilling, but not pulling out, as if to make sure you had even the very the last drop of cum they had to offer. Your body limped on Steve. He chuckled while untying your hands, kissing your red, bruised wrists with such love, a tear escaped your eye. Bucky then came back with a damp towel to clean you and Steve up a bit, while you heard the shower running.
- Come baby, let's get you cleaned up.
-Noo i wanna sleep. - you said as you snuggled further into Steve, and he put his arms around you.
-You can't sleep this stinky doll, at least let Steve carry you there.
-But will you come with me? - you looked at him under heavy eyelids.
He just smirked, then followed Steve as he carried you to the shower. You were glad you had a shower this huge. They both fit in beside you. You whimpered as they cleaned you, you were so so sensitive.. When they were done, he put a towel on you to dry you off. You somehow managed to get both of them to sleep with you on your bed. You were laying between them, snuggling to each of them.. Bucky chuckled again, while caressing your face and giving a kiss on the tip of your nose.
- not so angry anymore huh?
-mmmmmh... - was all you managed to get out before hiding your face on the crook of his neck.
That's how you fell asleep, arm on the waist and chest of Bucky, head in the crook of his neck, while Steve spooned you from behind, hand on your waist, pulling you close...
You woke up, feeling sore, and really sweaty.. Then you saw why everything was so hot, you were sandwiched between two very naked, very godlike bodies. When you sat up, to leave, two hands reached for you, yanking yo back between them..
-Don't you dare leave.. - said Bucky with his raspy morning voice as he and Steve held you thighter.
-But i need to pee... - you giggled..
-Pee on me, but you're not leaving us ever again..
-Geez, i'll just go pee and make coffee, i'm not leaving the house..
-Okay okay, but come back after...
You gave him and Steve a quick kiss, then you ran to the bathroom. You had hickeys, and bites all over, as a sweet reminder of yesterday. You then made coffee, and brought one-one for the men in you bed too.
Slowly sipping it, smoking on your balcony, they came out too, Steve picking you up, and putting you in his lap, so you all fit on the small balcony. His hands draw lazy circles on your thighs, as you all sipped your morning coffee..
-So doll... we were thinking...
-Oh god, when did that ever go well...
-Shhh... so we were thinking, would you want to... maybe.. go out with us?
Your heart stopped for a bit, anxiously waiting for them to laugh and say this was a joke..
-You're not kidding right?
-Jesus baby why would we...
-I.. i thought... i ...
-Baby.. we want you, we have loved you from the very start, and continue to fall in love with you deeper and deeper ever since.. We made stupid mistakes, and god knows, we all have a lot to learn... but we want you. be ours.. not for a week, not for a month.. forever.. I don't wanna go to jail for murdering the bartender flirting with you again..
You giggled as you placed a kiss on Steve's cheek, earning a happy smile from him.
- sure sure.. but i don't know you might have to convince me a little further...
They looked at eachother with devilish smirks, and you giggled while Bucky threw you over his shoulder this time, spanking your butt along the way...
-Okay okay.. i will... i will be your girlfriend... - you said as he dropped you on his bed, tickling you..
-Oh look baby.. where did your clothes go? - he asked then you realized you were naked again... with two very naked men on each side of you...
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morkofday · 4 years
thank you for tagging me @ashenwren ♥ 
Rules: Tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
i’ve actually done this (or something similar) once before so i won’t tag anyone but it’s fun to do this again ^^ maybe i’ll tell you something new!
Pingxie (i am not moving on from this for a little while. there is just so much hearbreak and softness in them and. i feel like drowning)
Weilan (i really have discovered them again after a year of absence. i don’t know what to do with these feelings tbh)
any BTS ship, honestly. i can’t pick one that would occupy my mind all the time. i have so much to write for everybody. my head (and heart) is full. 
beauty is not a need, she is an ecstasy [respirate] by Crywolf and Charity Vance x (Crywolf is one of my favorite artists ever. this song is a newer one but absolutely breathtaking. it has accompanied me while i’ve written both xicheng and wangxian)
i just finished my DMBJ marathon where i basically binged all of the dramas available for this fandom (The Mystic Nine, TLT 1 & 2, Tomb of the Sea) so i am currently having a short break :’D i am still rewatching Guardian tho. and i wish to return to my rewatch of The Untamed! and maybe rewatch The Lost Tomb Reboot too :’D also, i just started watching this new BL drama called Manner of Death. it seems... good enough, i think? very different at least. i don’t have high expectations but it’s interesting to see where this goes. 
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fuzziemeltz-blog · 5 years
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Love fate's series : 1 of 10
(Jey uso x female reader)
The usos gif cred goes to: @leakees
Y/N was a soft hearted also kinda of a smart ass but that all changed when Y/N's ex  had broken your heart in pieces. Months past as sadness and hearbreak slightly started disappearing, she fell for someone that she never knew looked so Attractive.
Y/N walks out of the womens locker room, then walks to the centering a few seconds later as was about to sit down the guy Y/N admired for a couple months now walks past her, Y/N glaces at him as he walks futher away down the narrow hallway; Y/N's heart skipped more then one beat every time he was near you, it was like destined to be. 
   Y/N got something to eat then headed back to the women's locker as Y/N was walking back the guy Y/N was in love with was leaned up Against the brick wall on his phone. You breathed as calmly as you could and stud next to him.
  "um so.. You excepting someone Y/N boldly but shyly asked."
  The guy slowly looks up from his phone and looks at Y/N.
   " nope, just waiting for me and my brother's match."
   " my name is Y/N whats your name."
" my name is jey but you can call me anything you want." Jey says in a silvery voice
  Y/N blushes and turns the other way then trys to hide the blushing and smile.
    "So shortcakes are you single, just asking." As jey glances at Y/N
  Y/N glances at jey " i actually am single sweetie."
Jey chuckles "wanna be ringside at the match tonight you could be my goodluck charm."
  "Sure, hot stuff i would love to since its with you." Y/N chuckled as jey smiled.
   Jeys brother jimmy walks towrds jey and Y/N.
"Ay yo brotha whatsup.. Wait who's this lil shorty." Jimmy says in a thickly voice
Jey shakes his head in embarrassment
"Y/N this is my brother jimmy, jimmy this is Y/N."
Y/N shyly says hi with a small smile
Jimmy raises a eyebrow at jey
" well seems like Y/N been eyeing you for awhile now give her a chance bro." Jimmy pats jeys shoulder and walks off
" sorry about that Y/N, hey maybe we could hangout sometime if thats okay with you."
  " that sounds like a good idea, ill see you when your match starts, don't stare to long."
  Jey smiles after slighly bites his lip then walks to the mens locker room.
* the new days theme song comes on as the new goes out and daces and throws pancakes ect..*
   *the usos theme song comes on*
And there opponents at a combined weight of 479 pounds jimmy and jey THE USOS and incompanyed by Y/N *
   Y/N walks to the announce table then sits down as the bell rings to start the match. Jimmy goes one on one with kofi frist then Jimmy tags in jey, jey closeline kofi then goes to the top rope and high flys onto kofi. Jey then waits for kofi to get up half way then do knife edge chops after that. Jey trys to pin kofi 1..2 kofi kicks out. Jey gets frustrated and looks over to Y/N, Jey Gets up and tags in jimmy. Kofi crawls to tag in Big E then Big E gets tagged and runs at jimmy then gets samoan dropped by jimmy. As the match went on jey stared at Y/N for a few mins winked here and there before getting tagged back in and jey pinning Big E for the win.
   *And your winner for this match THE USOS*
Y/N smiled widely as jey walked out of the ring and walked towrds Y/N. Jey pickes up Y/N and lookes into Y/N eyes saying..
  "Y/N can you be my good luck charm for forever."
  Y/N chuckles "of course i would be silly."
Jey smiles happly then puts Y/N down and inter lockes his hand with Y/N's then walks backstage and squeals in happiness before picking up Y/N again then saying " im the luckiest man in the world to have someone so adorable like you Y/N."
Tag list: @roman-the-rat @grumpyroman @dayoneish @dayone-glow @raenizza @ladycynthia @justicehound @finnbalorsbabygirl @jimdrugfree @wrestlingsmarkmatty
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babybirdgyeom · 6 years
how to survive a hearbreak ✧
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✎ jb x reader » lowkey angst, lovers to friends
✎ summary: breaking up is hard, getting over it is harder and becoming friends again was the hardest challenge you had to face yet.
✎ word count: 3.5k
✎ warnings: jaebum crying y’all, it’s emotional and shit
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Emptiness would be the best word to describe your current situation. Since you and Jaebum broke up emptiness was all around you. You were well aware that you were over and there was no way of getting back together. You broke up for the better, your relationship was slowly going to pieces and both of you couldn’t deny that so one day, a few weeks ago, the two of you sat together, both too afraid to speak the truth out loud. In the end Jaebum made the first step, just like he did when the two of you became a couple, and addressed the situation.
A few hours, many tears, harsh truths and a few goodbye kisses later the two of you decided to bring your relationship to an end. Certainly it was a big and unfamiliar step for the two of you, both of you were suddenly faced with being alone again after having a loving relationship for many years and you could swear the sky was getting a bit darker when you parted your ways.
The worst thing of it all was that you couldn’t be mad at anyone, there was no one who you could hate or blame for the pain you were feeling In the end the bitter truth was that there was nothing you could do once the magic dies. So now you were trying to get over Im Jaebum, the man you shared a bed with for many years so you and him could become friends one day. That was the shared goal both of you settled for when you broke up.
You haven’t seen Jaebum since this day, you didn’t hear from him and you stayed strong and didn’t ask any of your mutual friends about him - but today you had to face him. Your best friend and her boyfriend, Jaebum’s best friend were moving in together today and of course it was mandatory for both of you to be at their housewarming party. Actually, all sadness aside, today was actually a day you were looking forward to since weeks - not only did you have a reason to get out of bed and dress up but also you’d see all of your friends and everyone will be in a good mood, your best friend has been planning this for over a month and was beyond excited.
So you took a long shower, trying to wash the exhaustion away and got ready - today you’d go full on make up and hair, not shying away from maybe using a bit too much blush or hairspray. Of course there still was a small desire in you to impress Jaebum but more importantly you wanted to impress yourself.
And you did. You haven’t felt that good in a long time, at least not from the outside. Your hair was falling perfectly and your make up looked sharp. “Good job.”, you said to yourself before leaving the house.
Arriving at your friends house you felt your jaw dropping down bit, you knew she really knew how to decorate but what she did to this small flat was literally breathtaking.
“(Y/n)!”, you heard Sara screaming out of the kitchen, “Wait, I’ll be there in two seconds.”
When she came out of door she was wearing an apron, a spoon in her hand and a bit of flour on her face, making you chuckle a bit. She might be the softest person you ever got to meet, always smiling and ready to lighten up everyone’s mood. “Damn girl, you look hot. You really wanna take revenge, huh?”, she asked laughing while walking down the floor to you before giving you a hug, “Welcome to my new flat. Get used to it, you need to visit at least three times a week.”
“If you pay the gas money, sure.”, you joked while looking around, “You really have magical hands.”
“Oh, that’s nothing.”, she winked, “Wait until you see the rest. But first follow me to the kitchen, I’m baking.”
The next hour went by almost in no time, helping Sara prepare the rest few things before the party could start was definitely giving you joy. In the end a good friend is worth more than any money. 
After the two of you were finished she let herself fall down on her couch, “We’re done bitch.”, she said laughing, “Thank you.”
You sat down right beside her giving her a high five.
“So, today is the great reunion, hm? Are you nervous?”, she asked you worried, taking your hand.
“I had four cups of coffee, I don’t know if I’m nervous or if I’m having a heart attack soon.”
“Oh, shut up.”, she said while playfully hitting you with a pillow, “I’m being serious. I’m worried about you, babe.” 
You knew she was worried but you were just starting to enjoy yourself so you didn’t want your mood to be killed again, “I’ll be fine. I miss him so seeing him might be even a good thing.”, at least you wished it was.
Within the next hour the whole flat was filled with people, some of them you knew but most of them you didn’t. It always amazed you how many people Sara and Mark, her boyfriend, knew - it wasn’t like you didn’t had a lot of friends but their apartment was currently having a party with at least a hundred people. It started to become dark outside and the music was getting louder, cups were filled with alcohol and more people started to dance.
While you were chatting with some people here and played some drinking games with some other people there you always caught yourself looking for Jaebum. No matter how much you tried you couldn’t stop yourself. And you weren’t the only one who noticed. 
“He’s not here yet. He wrote me he’ll be here soon.”, Sara raised her eyebrow at you, “You’re way too obvious.”, she laughed.
“I have no idea who you’re talking about.”, you said sarcastically before downing your drink.
While turning around to get another drink your eyes met a pair of eyes you knew too well, the two moles on his upper eyelid and his strong eyebrows, the almost black colour of his eyes that you used to stare at for hours - his gaze hit you like a sword and you were sure that actually being hit by a sword would feel just as painful. You swallowed when he nod his head at you, a small smile on his face that was nothing compared to his usual smile that was shining so bright - he was being polite, you knew that, but you felt like stranger. You forced yourself to smile at him, a proper smile, not a small and weak one. As soon as you did you could see his smile growing a bit wider but before anything else could happen between the two of you Jaebum was getting company by Mark and a woman you’ve never seen before. Remember when you thought seeing him hurt? Well, seeing a woman right beside him where you used to stand was worse than that. 
You knew that whoever this woman was she didn’t mean anything to him, you knew him well enough to be aware of the fact that he still was hurting too and the last thing he’d do would be sleeping around, he knew just as good as you it wouldn’t help him. There was not a single reason to be jealous - he wasn’t your boyfriend anymore and he definitely wasn’t the boyfriend of this girl beside him but in the end it was still not a nice sight to see. 
As he hugged Mark and this random girl you found yourself staring so you fastly shook your head looking away just as Jaebum’s glance found yours again - Right now all you could think of was fleeing, not the most mature thing but then on the other hand, you always tried to act mature so it would be fine if you didn’t for just one night. So your feet carried you straight to the table with the alcohol. Sometimes you just gotta drown your feelings. 
You tried to drown them and for a hot minute you were sure you did - as the room around you was rotating and you felt your cheeks turning red and warm you sat next to Sara and another friend, laughing and chatting loudly, dancing stupidly and enjoying yourself. In this moment you didn’t think of Jaebum, you were convinced that this pain will pass soon, just like you always told yourself. 
And so the night continued, you barely saw Jaebum which made you a bit more relaxed even though the thought of him and the blonde girl truly made you furious everytime it came to your mind. Even though you lowkey had the urge to talk to him you stopped yourself from looking for him until the bitter end that was around 3 a.m. for you. 
“I’m leaving babe.”, you said to Sara while hugging her, clearly not sober, “Where is Mark? I want to say goodbye.”
She laughed at you, “Alright honey. He’s on the balcony. Get home safe. Don’t talk to strangers. Go straight home.”, she nagged.
You let out a sigh, “I promise, mum. I’ll write you when I arrive.”, you mumbled.
“Good kid.”, she said as you turned around to walk to the balcony.
“The queen is leaving!”, you said with half closed eyes as you stepped out. What you didn’t expect was Jaebum right beside Mark and as you saw him you suddenly felt stone cold sober, your eyes opening wide, followed by a small ‘Oh’ that was escaping your mouth. Next to Jaebum was the girl, next to Mark a male face you’ve definitely seen before but you couldn’t remember who he was.
Mark let out a chuckle, ignoring the awkward vibes between you and Jaebum. “Looks like the queen had a few drinks. Is she sure she can go home alone?”, he said while standing up and hugged you.
“You are just like Sara, always worried about me.”, you laughed at him, “I appreciate that.”
“You’re just our favorite.”, he messed up your hair, “Text us when you’re home.”, he sounded almost commanding.
“I will, I will.”, you said while rolling your eyes, “Goodbye!”, you said while waving to the rest, gathering up all your courage and looking Jaebum straight in the eyes, “Much fun.”
As you made your way to the door you were looking for your headphones in your bag, trying to untie them as soon as you left your friends apartment, ready to go home and just let yourself fall into bed.
Just as you put your headphones and tried to have a peaceful walk home, enjoying the chill breeze someone took your wrist. You immediately turned around, ready to punch someone if you had to just to find no one else but Jaebum looking at you with an amused glance. “Just how much booze did you have?”, he asked soft and you wanted to puke when you felt the butterflies in your stomach. This didn’t seem fair. You were doing just fine the whole evening thinking you could actually get over him but as soon as he was standing in front of you all the confidence vanished and you felt small.
“A bit.”, you said silently, “Maybe a bit too much.”, you admitted, making him chuckle. In this moment you either wanted to punch or kiss him, the feelings you had were way to overwhelming, “What do you want?”, you asked a bit harsh even though you didn’t want to sound that way.
“I saw you leaving and I had the urge to walk you home.”, he admitted just as silently as you were before, he even seemed a bit embarrassed as he started walking, waiting for you to follow, “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
As you were a bit baffled by his actions he tried to lighten up the mood, “Your nosering.”, he mentioned, “That’s new.”
You chuckled at his bad try, “Yes. I thought that’s what people do after a break up. Get a piercing or dye their hair. So I wanted to try.”
Confused by how relaxed your answer sounded you immediately tried to be more serious again. Of course your plan was to befriend Jaebum again but you needed to be ready for that and you definitely weren’t at this point yet. “Jaebum, I can walk home alone, I promise.”
He shook his head without looking at you, “Let me walk you home.”, he almost insisted. His voice sounded weak but he cleared his throat and continued, “Can we talk this out, please?”
Your heart hurt while listening to his voice, your glance was glued to the ground. “Jaebum.”, you sighed while burrying your hands in the pockets of your trenchcoat, “Don’t.”
The two of you were slowly walking down the streets, the air between you two getting thicker. You hated that it had to be awkward between the two of you, it shouldn’t be - you dated each other for years and have known each other for even longer.
“You’re angry with me. I know.”, he said while kicking a stone away.
“I’m not.”, you said immediately and surprisingly determined, “I’m not mad at you. I’m still hurting. That’s it.”
“I’m hurting too. I’m sorry I am making you go through this. My goal was never to hurt you.”, he said and you felt his gaze pierced to you but didn’t dare to look at him.
You didn’t say anything even though you wanted to. Everything you could’ve possibly said wouldn’t be enough, too meaningless. Both of you were very well aware that you broke up for a good reason: There was nothing you could do once the magic was gone.
“We need to find happiness without each other before we can be happy with each other again, Jaebum.”, you finally said. It was harsh to say something like that, you never thought you’d have to. Jaebum immediately stopped walking, making you do the same, wondering what was going on.
When you looked over to him you found him looking up in the night sky, you saw him swallowing and immediately knew what was going on. Dating him for many years you knew by now what he looked like when he tried not to cry. To your own surprise you managed to stay strong and not break out in tears with him - after all you felt like you cried yourself out. 
“I can’t even look at you right now.”, he still was looking up, his voice was shaking and there were tears rolling down his cheeks. Your first instinct was to hug him but you knew you couldn’t. Your heart hurt just as much as his, not being able to feel and hold him even though he was right in front of him. 
“I miss you too.”, you almost whispered but he heard and swallowed hard another time before finally looking at you. As soon as he did you felt tears coming up in your eyes, “We’ll be friends again someday, right?”
You were afraid of the answer - you loved Jaebum so much and if you couldn’t have him as a lover you needed him as a friend. “The worst thing about this is that you might have been my boyfriend but most importantly you were my best friend. Not texting you and not knowing how you are kills me.”, you said while a tear rolled down your face. Jaebum’s facial expression almost seemed tortured under his tears and at this point he was almost sobbing. Both of you definitely wanted to hug each other but you tried to resist, knowing it would be too hard to let go.
He came a bit closer, standing right in front of you but didn’t dare to touch you in any way. This had to be enough for now. “(Y/n). How do I survive this heartbreak?”, he asked clearly and his words felt like sharp cuts. If only you knew what to answer to that. There you were at three in the morning, standing in front of each other, crying and trying to find out how to not lose each other. Who knew that love could be such a mischievious thing?
He looked at you, studying your face while waiting for an answer. You cleared your throat, “With me by your side.”, secretly you knew that you needed a break from him to get over him but how could you not be there for him when he needed you. 
In response to your words he hold your wrist, making you jump a bit since you didn’t expect any physical contact. “I can’t imagine my life without you, (y/n).”
Silence. Luckily, it was a comfortable one though. Both of you tried to calm down and thought about the situation. 
“This is so cheesy, huh?”, Jaebum asked after he wiped the tears out of his face, “The only thing that’s missing is heavy rain and we could be actors in the next big movie.”
You chuckled at him, happy to see he didn’t lost his humour. In this moment you were sure that everything will work out for the two of you once you’re ready. “We’re just too dramatic.”, you added laughing. His hand was still holding your wrist. “Are you a bit better?”, you ask him worried.
“I’m fine now. Not talking to you is killing me.”, he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, “It’s good to see you.”
“Well, don’t let the blonde girl know that you spend your evening with.”, you said half joking but immediately regretted it, ruining a moment like this. You’d definitely blame the alcohol for that.
Jaebum raised his eyebrow at you, “Jealous?”
Letting out a loud laugh while walking away from him you decided to ignore this question, “Do you want to walk me home now or not Jaebum?”, you asked walking away from him.
“I’m coming.”, he said while following you.
The rest of the walk was almost peaceful - you talked about light topics after you decided that there was enough crying for tonight. It hurt a lot to think that this might be the part where the two of you ended a beautiful and very long chapter but you could still smile about it, knowing the next chapter would still include him and would be just adventurous, exciting and breathtaking like the last one. Im Jaebum was your favorite person in the world and losing him as a boyfriend was suffocating - but having him as a friend made flowers grow in your heart. 
He’d always be there and you’d be right by his side.
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type-a-nomad · 6 years
Feb 20-- Tuesday
Feb 20
Today was the most fulfilling day I have had since setting foot on this continent.  I went to a school called Vissershook that is outside of the township, Dunoon, and tutored.  I have come to realize that I enjoy working with older kids.  The impact feels more real when I can have a conversation with them.  These kids are so different than any other human I have ever met.  Not in terms of how they act or even the social structure of the school.  It is all similar to a public school in the States.  The thing thats different is the mindset of these kids is something I have ever encountered.   Hopeless is a bad way of putting it because they aren't aware of the idea of hope.  The ignorance of opportunity is incredible. Nobody expects these kids to ever leave the township.  There are no hopes are dreams.  This is where you live.  This is where you have lived.  This is where you will be forever.  This is your community.  This is your poverty.  This is your culture.  This is your reality. When I was little, I wanted to be a princess.  These kids don’t even think of what they might want to be when they grow up because unemployment is so normal they don’t think of a job as something they are going to have necessarily.  Also, so many families are living hand-to-mouth that they don’t talk about tomorrow or next year— it’s just: how are we getting food on the table tonight.   When we showed up, we sat around for thirty minutes because sometimes you go to a classroom to get the kids and the teacher just isn't there so you cant take any kids because the teachers are touchy about it— especially if they come back and they're not there.  So, we waited until the teacher for grade 5 was back.  When we got the kids, we each had one 5th grader to tutor.  At first, we circled up and introduced ourselves to everyone by saying our name, age, where we are from, and our favorite food.  I said my favorite food was ice cream because everyone else before me had said pizza and I wanted the kids to actually engage instead of just saying pizza.  It sounds like a small thing but encouraging individuality really matters to me.   The tutoring itself was what made today so rewarding.  It was incredible.  I tutored two girls around 12 years old during separate sessions this morning and I kept reminding them how smart they were and how great it is that they love math.  These kids are never expected to do well or look for interest or future benefit from academia.  To put their realities in perspective, the average age to have your first child in these townships is 14 and when I tell people I am 18 they ask me how many kids I have or about my husband.  I told the girls I was tutoring that they can dream big.  “Maybe you’ll be a scientist” “You might be the smartest girl in the whole wide world, you just don't know it yet” “When I was your age, I was never this good at math You're amazing!!!” Lots of high fives and hugs.  Supporting these girls in school is so important because it is so easy to drop out and start a family, and at the age of 12, that reality is not too far off from being realized.  I tried to turn all of the math into a game, teaching them short cuts and tricks that make it fun and snappy for them.  I also wrote down all of the things I taught them on their worksheets so they would have a reference.  Below my list of rules I would put “A+, you're so brilliant!!!! Fantastic job!!!!”, with lots of smiley faces and hearts and flowers— trying to make my art school education worth something with my doodles. One of the girls I tutored was really clearly dyslexic.  Almost very time she would tell me an answer she would accidentally write it backwards.  For example, 9x5= ___.  She would say 45 and write 54.  I told her that it was okay and that everyone mixes up numbers but she should try and say the word/number out loud before writing it down and then make sure what she writes is the same as what she says.  Both of my girls were shy, excited, and very bright.  It was a fantastic day.  Turns out, I’m actually a really good tutor.  Giving the kids love that I can tell they don’t get at home is the best part though.  During break, I took out my phone to check the time and immediately all the kids wanted to take photos, so I let them.  I am including the photos below.  What you start to realize pretty soon, is that these kids don’t receive affection.  When you hug one or pick up one, everyone lines up to get their hug.  It’s hearbreaking.  You can tell they aren't held, kissed or loved, and they are so desperate for it.  I hug and hold all of them and play with them.  I think carrying children is my biggest form of exercise here.  Sometimes, break at the schools feels like that children’s book “Are YOU My Mother?”, because the kids are looking for maternal affection with such urgency.   This afternoon, I did skateboarding with more middle school girls and it was super fun.  I was awful but I started to get the hang of it towards the end and I didn't fall so there’s that.  The issue with skateboarding is that you're actually kinda moving when you're on one of those things.  I couldn't just walk next to the group as we skated to get ice cream.  I could either run with my board or suck it up and skate.  Needless to say, I did the latter.  I try to talk to the girls as equals, even though sometimes I need to tell them what to do.  They’re all so kind and cool and funny.   After my experiences today, I want to stay here as long as I can.
Peace out, girlscout,
p.s. song recommendations sentimental heart by She and Him If you want me to stay by sly and the family stone moon river by frank ocean I say so by Chloe X Halle Stevie Knicks by girlboi
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kaivenom · 2 months
Party Animals
Summary: you were drunk on a party and doing crazy things, next morning you think you made a huge mistake, but ends up being that it was the push you needed.
Pairing: Spencer "Spider" White x reader
Warnings: drunk people
A/N: conmemoring the release of season two of this amazing show (Heartbreak High) i have the need of writting about Spider and Ant, so expect about them the next days.
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Like always, Spider was being the soul of the party, drinking, dancing, laughing and being an absolutely pain in the ass. He was going around with Ant while you were in your corner drinking. He had been giving you small glances all night, it was frustrating because he will surely get to you and be an absolute asshole.
As if he had read your mind, Spider started to get close to where you are. You can't deny that he looks really hot with the lights of the club and that look on his face. It looked almost like he was possesed while he walks towards you. His eyes didn't leave yours once he notices you watching him.
After what looked like an eternity, he laid himself on the wall next to you, he was probably drunk, just like you... maybe that's why you can't decide if you want to go and ignore him or stay here and see what happens.
"Hi." what a gentlemen you thought.
"Hi, why are you here?"
"Ant is my friend, he throws the party."
"I mean next to me, asshole, you don't quite like me."
"That's not right," he is looking at you so serious that you feel he is looking into your soul, "I may treat you a little bad but i treat everyone like that, the other thing is that you are different."
"Wow, that's your strategy to try to have sex with me?" clearly alcohol is kicking you both.
"And why do you think i will be with you?"
"Nothing, but trying it's free and i know you wouldn't do it in any other situation."
His face is closer to you every second, looking to your lips with a dreamy glance. For the first time you considered kissing him, you already thought about it but know you were starting to see it as a real posibility. You both were now really close, you can almost feel Spider's heat body, he was radiating an exciting warmth.
You don't know why but started to lift your hand and touch slowly his face, he closed his eyes almost instantly, savoring every second of your touch. Suddently his hand wrapped your waist and push you fully on to his body, now your lips are brushing and your breaths start to mix together.
"Tomorrow we can forget about this," he said before smashing his lips to yours.
His lips were soft and tasted sweet, you didn't spected that at all since you two were drinking for so long. Your hands running all over each other's bodies. Suddently you were trapped between the wall and Spider's embracing body. His lips traveling all the way up and down your neck, you were thankfull that the music was drowning your sounds.
You continued like that for a bit longer, lips pressed and bodies grinding onto each other, you didn't want that to end but suddently Darren appeared on scene.
"(Y/N)!!! we have to go, Amelie got us in problems," both of you were slow at processing what Darren said, "let's go, if you go now i won't say about this."
Darren's face showed their disgust really well, but hearing those words made you restart you breain and realize your actions. You got out of Spider's grip while he was still in shock and runned with Darren. At the end you didn't know if you run because of Amelie or because of your actions.
You spent all weekend coping with the embarrasment of what you've done and when the monday came, you decided to avoid Spider. That worked for three hours until he cornered you outside class.
"Hi, i need to go," this time you couldn't get away from him.
"No, we need to talk."
"You said we could forget it and i hope to do that, because we were drunk and we made mistakes."
"I don't consider it a mistake," you couldn't believe him but he was looking at you again, with those glowy eyes, "I know what i said but it was mostly to get you to kiss me but i... i can't forget about it and i don't want to do it because i dream about it a lot."
"You are saying you already thought about it?" his face was really red.
"Ye-Yeah..." he apparently doesn't know how to continue, you kissed his cheek, that was the only thing you thought of doing.
"I dreamed about it too." his face lightened up, before passing to a prideful smirk.
"So we can go out and take it where we left off."
"No, we will take it right and slow, and if we are going to start dating or something, you need to stop being a pain in the ass."
"I will do it if you give me a incentive to do it."
The bell rang and you surely know that your friends will be seeking for you, you kiss his cheek again and give him a little peck on the lips that left him static on place.
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kaivenom · 2 months
May I request something heart break high related please?
Pool Pals
Summary: a normal afternoon with Ant ended up with you two breaking into the Hartley pool
Pairing: Anthony Vaughn x reader
Warnings: breaking into places, usual parties and alcohol, they are canonicaly 18th so it's not underage drinking.
A/N: Answering this person (the first request on this blog) i am really happy to do this and contribute to increase the little amount of fanfics that this fandom has. Of course i will write about them and i will write more from now on.
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At first, you two were hanging out on his garage, doing dumb stuff and not caring, then he said "let's break into the school's pool" and you said yes. It was exciting, just the two of you breaking the chains of your high school and like that, you were right in front of the pool. Everything would be dark if it wasn't because of the lights that came from the low of the pool.
"Oh my, we forgot swimsuits," you said slapping your forehead.
"Why we need them?" he looked at you with a smile and stripped himself into his underwear.
He threw himself onto the pool and gave you a gently hand to get into the water, with that adorable smile. You were a little self concious about entering with your underwear but at the end you did, and took his hand into the cold water.
"Are you shivering?" he asked you laughing.
"No, of course not, idiot."
You splashed him jokingly and suddently you started a water war. It was very funny, like time wasn't passing at all, each moment your bodies getting closer with the excuse of making the other one wetter.
At some point he wrapped you around his arms trying to made you stop, but neither of you could stop laughing, but his face was closer every second he twisted you with his arms. That little fight made the noise outside go unnoticed.
"What we have here?" suddently the door slammed open and an incredible amount of people entered the pool room, that voice was from Spider, "Man, you weren't answering my calls, i though you were dead, but when i tracked your phone and saw where you were i couldn't resist."
Now your relaxed oasis was full of people, drinking, partying and making noise. You didn't have the courage to get outside of the water and Ant was dragged with Spider. Now you are alone.
You spotted Amerie, Darren and the rest of your group and tried to get their attention. Once they saw you, help was provided and you finally had a towel to cover you up and went outside the pool. The next couple of hours you were with them, trying to ignore the fact that Spider ruined a beautiful moment. You couldn't talk anymore to Ant but you noticed his gaze on you.
"The police is here!!!!!" that was the sound of chaos, everyone started running and screaming.
Many people ended up on the pool trying to escape and you almost did that if it weren't for Ant's hand catching you. You two started to run and the towel fell off, you couldn't care less at that moment. The escape went for a couple of miles, until you didn't hear the sirens of the police anymore and you were sure you were alone.
That's when you realized the absence of the towel and tried to cover your body. Ant was fast thinking for once and got out his shirt to put it directly on you.
"Thanks," you said nervously.
"Nah, don't worry, it looks better on you." both of you smiled.
His hand went to you face and carresed slowly your cheek, his lips met yours in a sweet kiss.
"I've been wanting to do this all afternoon."
"Yeah, me too, but Spider..."
"Don't talk about him right now, you want to take a walk and find a nice place to seat and finish our hang out finally?"
"I would like it very much, but maybe i should go by my house before because i don't have pants right now."
"Nah, you look very good like that, but i can give you mine if you want."
His hand interlaced with yours as you two started walking down the street and laugh at Ant's jokes.
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kaivenom · 2 months
can i request for some more heartbreak high ant fics, the last of it is killing me !!
A little competition
Summary: you get to a new recreatives on town and decide to try every game, apparenty one of the boys in your high school doesn't like someone beating his records.
Pairing: Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Warnings: none
A/N: here it is, since this precious men has so little content, almost inexistent, i decided to do it myself.
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You were new on town and your firsts days on high school weren't the best to make friends so you decided to get ot a new recreatives to try talking to people. You talked to many people and was really fun but the thing you succeded on was to beat game records, especially you beat up "Ant's" records in everygame he was on.
You had such a great time that you decided to go there again the next day. Some people greeted you in, it was great to feel a little included. You went to a new game and saw again, the highest record was "Ant". With a couple of tries, you succeded on surpass him, you couldn't help but imagine how the person would react when seeing the news. You went to grab a snack and talk to some people.
When you came back, you saw a cute guy with a cap and some other guys on the machine you were before, you recognized them from high school.
"Fuck man, i don't know who is this person but it's breaking my records in almost every game, if i catch them i will break some," you hide yourself behind one of the stalls.
"Men, it's not that important, but if you want, we can kick them for breaking your records."
That made you really scared and you had the sensation that every moment they could catch you. You got out of the local without catching their attention but you failed.
"Hi, are you the new girl from school, right?" you try to sound confident at his question.
"Yeah, i am Y/N, you?"
"Ant, you haven't by any chance saw a person on the machines getting really high scores, right?"
"What?, me? ... no. Why would i do that?" your nervousness was revealing you.
"There's no reason to be so nervous, unless..." he made a pause, thinking about it and then his face turned surprised, "You are..."
"i am a pacifist but i heard what you said i won't hesitate to fight." you form a punch and made a feint to prepare to fight.
"What? no. I was angry and with the boys, i don't want to hit someone so pretty."
"Ah , no?"
"I don't plan to do it, do you want me to?"
"No, of course."
"But i am still angry and i want to resolve this because i worked really hard to be that good."
"A competition on a two player game?"
He gave you his hand to shake it, sealing the deal and you both went inside. You decided to fight on a game that both of you weren't really good, to make things interesting. He won the first time, then you, then he two times, then you three... and continued to do so until the recreatives were closing.
"I liked doing this, maybe it's good to have a competitor that it's as good as me." he said with a grin.
"Wait, i winned you more."
"No, i winned more."
"We need to confirm that, here tomorrow, again."
"i am not going to be defeated by you pretty face."
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
"Because you are... well, if you win more tomorrow the i stop calling you pretty face but if i win, then i invite you to dinner." he said, giving you his hand to shake again.
"Okay, i will win but maybe the dinner it's still a good idea, but you pay."
"No, pretty face, if you want me to pay dinner the you have to loose."
You both laughed and went separatedly to your houses but really hoping that tomorrow gets fast to compete again.
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kaivenom · 9 days
How a movie night with each of Heartbreak High boys would look like ...
Spencer "Spider" White
His mother tries to get in everytime, its insufferable.
She says she Is checking if you are okay, because his son can be an asshole, but that makes you feel very angry.
Spider and you spent the night watching films wrapped one on the other until one gets asleep.
If he isn't touching you somehow, he dies, he starts pouting a little and getting close to you again.
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Since his family is religious, the movies are always on your house.
He tries to sneak thru your window, always (even when your parents told him thousands of times he is welcomed in the front door), but he wants to be romantic.
It doesn't matter what is the genre of the movie, i picture Ant getting asleep on your lap at some point.
Because he is tired of everything, because he feels safe with you or because the gummies he ussually eats.
Malakai Mitchell
He gets really excited everytime, maybe to much excited.
He makes a fortress with all the pillows and cushions of the house to make.
He fills It up with sweets and chocolate, puta his computer and is ready to watch a movie and have private time.
You are always amazed by how he manages to make the fortress stay still and be so big, because you two fit inside.
I picture him like the type he always stops the movie to comment something because he is very excited to share his thoughts with someone.
Douglas "Cash" Piggot
When you tell him Netflix and chill, It is Netflix and chill, dont try to change his mind.
Since he lives with with granny, he doesn't have a really good TV so you two improvise.
Talking the whitest sheet you could find, hang It on the ceiling somehow, putting some laps on you mobile, etc and you made a home cinema.
Ussually you burn the popcorn thanks to being distracted and granny gets angry because the House smell like smoke.
Dusty Reid
He tries to cook a whole dinner for you two, so sometimes you dont even see a movie, just cook and eat a lot with something playing on the background.
If you managed to sit and watch a movie, he tends to get a little theatrical when some scenes get in.
Sometimes you join him and you both end up doing a little representation of the movie.
Since Saint Bruno's policy doesn't accept girls and dorms for the night, movie nights don't happen many often, but they are ussually on your house.
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