#hell the stamp thing was something i had been eyeballing for like 2 years because everythings like 30-50 bucks minimum
kelocitta · 22 days
I'll be honest if youre a strictly digital artist you should pick up some sort of physical hobby art. Stamp carving/needlefelting/etc. Maybe get a single carving knife and just start whittling twigs like some sort of cowboy. Having something more tactile to do with your hands can be a lot more relaxing and grounding than paper or screen art is in my experience its really good for nerves
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 1 Part 4
Jesus this chapter kicked my arse for a fortnight. OK, resume.
Warning for cartoony body-horror, just in case.
Link to next part at the end.
(last part)
Chapter 1, cont.
Crawly wouldn’t stop snickering. It was getting on Aziraphale’s last nerve.
The cart went over another bump. Aziraphale’s head wobbled off and rolled onto the floor. He shot Crawly an imploring look from near the demon’s ankle.
Crawly tutted and picked him up. “Alas, poor angel,” he said solemnly, holding Aziraphale’s head at arm’s length.
“I appreciate the sympathy, but please could you reassemble me?” Aziraphale dreaded to think how this must look to the driver.
“All right, all right. Mind you, I don’t know how long it’ll stay on this time. There are more potholes out here than on the road to Hell. I keep telling them to get it paved.” Crawly propped his head back on top of his torso. It wasn’t precisely on-centre, but both of them had given up on precision some time ago. Aziraphale’s body was entirely held together by string at this point, and occasionally bits of him swapped places. Right now he had a right foot for a left hand. [1] They had concealed [2] the rest of him under a rug made of animal skins that, he hated to say, was a bit whiffy.
“Heaven will definitely know how to patch you up, right?” Crawly eyed the ambiguous collection of shapes under the rug.
“Oh yes. A quick spritz of holy water should fix this up in a jiffy.”
The demon nodded, and draped himself back down on the floor opposite Aziraphale. “Heaven’s really behind the times, here,” he said, in the tones of one recently given a shinier work computer than the coworker he is addressing. “You should tell your side to get into the sixth century. Making us trek miles across a desert wasteland just to drop off a prisoner? Totally inefficient. Practically everything’s a portal to Hell nowadays.” His eyes clouded over thinking about it.
“Heaven has more of a ‘don’t call on us, we’ll call on you’ ethos,” said Aziraphale.
“I remember,” Crawly said darkly.
They fell silent. Aziraphale wished Crawly hadn’t mentioned the prisoner. He’d tried not to look at her since they’d boarded the cart. She radiated an air of sullen martyrdom from the back corner. Crawly had tied her up and chained her to him for extra security with a set of miraculously acquired manacles. He had cursed the chains with supernatural density, pinning the Nephilim to the floor of the cart by the ankle. [3]
Aziraphale forced his gaze away. He wanted to fidget. It bothered him that he couldn’t. He did the next best thing and changed the subject.
“This isn’t a desert wasteland. It’s nice actually. I think.” Turning his head to watch the passing scenery was out, but he was getting a pleasant enough picture. He blinked in the direction he wanted Crawly to look. “Look, they’ve farmed it. Slightly. See, plants. Of some kind.”
“I don’t care about plants, angel.” Crawly did still look, though. His yellow eyes flicked over the scrubby proto-vegetables.
“Humans are clever, aren’t they?” Aziraphale beamed. “They’ve domesticated so much of the Earth’s natural flora. And the results are very impressive.”
“Mm. Bit slow. Let’s help them along, shall we?” Crawly snapped his fingers and a sad-looking tree erupted into vibrant good health as they passed. Oranges sprouted among the leaves. Crawly held out an open hand, and a perfect round fruit fell into it. Crawly’s golden eyes shone, even more luminous than the orange. He nodded approval and tossed it over the side.
Aziraphale gasped to watch it go. “That was wasteful,” he said, plaintively.
Crawly pulled a face. “Don’t tell me you eat the food.”
Aziraphale paused. He hadn’t checked with his superiors whether it was ok to eat the food. He’d just done it. A lot. Which perhaps he shouldn’t admit to the enemy.
“Ugh. Your funeral. You know it goes through you?”
Aziraphale knew, and saw no need to discuss it further. “You should have kept it and given it to her. Humans need to eat.”
The Nephilim shot him a glare that could melt rocks.
“She’s only half-human,” said Crawly. “Maybe she only needs half the food.”
The Nephilim turned her glare on him. Crawly, who had bested her in battle a handful of hours ago, flinched.
“Fine, I’ll get her something before we reach head office,” he muttered. “Which should be sometime later this week,” he added in a raised voice.
The driver cheerfully ignored him. The donkey pulling their cart turned its head to eyeball Crawly. Its ears were pinned to its skull. It had the look of a beast that knew an apex predator was nearby, and was biding its time until it could catch him unawares and stamp him into a pancake. Aziraphale suspected Crawly felt similarly about the donkey. For his part, he tried to be charitable toward all God’s creatures, but there was no denying the animal’s loose definition of walking in a straight line had accounted for half his head-displacements so far.
“I hope no-one Upstairs is looking out for us,” he sighed.
Crawly raised an eyebrow. “You’d be ok, surely? You haven’t done anything wrong. Except fail to capture Heaven’s lovechild, I guess, but they’ll take one look at you and reckon you put up a good fight. Look, if they ask awkward questions, you can say I kidnapped you and the bastard offspring and you did a daring escape at the front gate. Problem solved. If anyone’s in trouble, it’s me. I’m aiding and abetting the enemy.”
Aziraphale sighed again. “That’s not what I mean. I just… This looks rather bad, that’s all. Me, here, in the enemy's presence. No offence. I should be… at least trying to thwart you.”
“Um, rude? I’m the one who paid for the taxi. Anyway, thwart me how? You can only move your eyebrows.”
Crawly was correct. Aziraphale didn’t really want to thwart him. It would be ungrateful. Still, there were… expectations.
“I could bargain with you,” he said. “For Sabrael.”
Crawly tipped his head back and laughed. “You mean Sabrael Junior?”
“That is Sabrael,” Aziraphale said stubbornly. He met the Nephilim’s eyes. He looked squarely into the golden gem in her forehead. “Look, they’re right there. Plain as anything.”
Crawly shook his head. “I don’t think so, angel. I’ve met human teenagers, they’re all reckless and rebellious and pissed off all the time. Does that sound like anyone Upstairs? That’s not an Archangel, that’s pure human adolescent.”
“Sabrael could get a little testy when the minutes weren’t submitted on time -” Aziraphale tried. Crawly cut him off with a look. “Oh, fine. But that is Sabrael’s gem!”
They both looked at it. It glared in the sunshine. The Nephilim glared too, less blindingly.
“If they were discorporated -” Crawly began.
“For fifteen years? And that’s not all,” Aziraphale plunged on, before the demon could come out with a counterargument. “Have you stopped to think what Hell will do to her?”
Crawly’s mouth worked soundlessly before he managed, “Well, that’s not my department, is it? I don’t do interrogations...”
He trailed off. Aziraphale gave him his most guilt-inducing look, with all the parts of his face that still worked.
“Look, she’s doomed either way!” Crawly’s voice jumped an octave. “What do you think your side’s cooking up for her, a welcome home party?”
“We certainly don’t torture people, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Got that in writing, have you?”
“You cannot possibly believe she’ll be better off with you.”
“I can, actually. And anyway, it’s irrelevant. My kill, my keep. Metaphorically.”
“I don’t expect you to understand, but could you try to look at it from doog retaerg eht fo evitcepsrep eht?”
Aziraphale knew that hadn’t come out right. He tried again.
“Dnous I od woh?”
Crawly didn’t blink. Carefully, he pulled back the rug covering Aziraphale’s assembled body parts, and searched through them until he found the angel’s right hand. He held it up and peered at the gem.
Aziraphale felt a flicker of nerves. “Ees uoy od tahw?”
Crawly breathed in and out, steadily. Like a heartbeat, although neither of them required blood or breath. It was calming.
“The crack is bigger,” he said, finally. He placed Aziraphale’s hand back on the seat and tucked the rug back around him.
“Oh?” Aziraphale’s voice wobbled.
“Not by much. You’ll be fine.” Crawly leaned over the side of the cart, squinting into the sun. “We need to go faster, though. Come on, you useless beast.” Suddenly his voice was a snarl. “She only designed you to lug things around. I would know, I was there. Get. On. With. It.”
The donkey brayed like one of the damned [4], and broke into a canter. The cart lurched and bounced from pothole to pothole. Aziraphale kept his head by sheer luck. He suspected they only weren’t capsizing because of infernal manipulation from Crawly.
He probably only had one chance to say this. He thought through each word he needed Crawly to listen to, sounded them out in his head one by one. “...Craw. ...Ly?”
Crawly’s head snapped around. Aziraphale licked his lips and focussed his entire brain on speaking backwards. “...Don’t. ...Hand. ...Her. ...Over. ...To. ...Them.” He paused. “...Please.”
Crawly didn’t meet Aziraphale’s eyes. “Not long now. Save your strength,” he said, gruffly.
Aziraphale sighed. That was all he could do.
The driver craned her head back. She’d been loyally ignoring every weird thing that had happened behind her since the start of the trip, since the tall skinny gentleman gave her a gigantic tip up front, but now the poorly gentleman under the rug seemed to be speaking in tongues and you had to draw the line somewhere.
“You gents feeling all right?”
“We’re fine,” said the dapper one. He was glaring at Pebbles the donkey. There was something funny about his eyes, but her mind slid away from noticing what.
“Pot-pit etiuq,” said the other one. That was definitely what he said.
“Only…” The driver cleared her throat. This was awkward. “Is he possessed by a demon?”
For some reason, the one in black grinned at this. “Well -” he began.
“On,” the other one said, sharply.
The man in black looked chastened. The driver recalled the size of the tip. She could probably keep ignoring them for now. And if the sickly one got any ectoplasm or whatnot on the backseat, she’d charge them extra.
[1] Crawly tried to make a ‘two left feet’ joke, but Aziraphale refused to accept it on grounds of inaccuracy. Ten minutes of arguing preceded fifteen minutes of the demon sulking. It was the low-light of their journey so far.
[2] Or, rather, stacked.
[3] It was doing the same thing to Crawly. It was pretty uncomfortable. He was trying not to let on.
[4] Aziraphale assumed.
(Chapter 1, Part 5)
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rustdream · 7 years
Fanfic Generator 2: THE SHIPPING CRONGE [No Commentary]
I am Sackboy. 
 I was sitting behind my desk. I felt the tears well up in my eyes . After Our last adventure, I found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How nasty and inconsiderate real humans actually were. I stared at a picture of a polar bear. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill me ripping him limb from limb, but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on me when I was at my weakest and darkest moment. When I needed my friends the most. But there had been one tiny ray of light in this whole . I remembered fondly the day I discovered it. It was a tuesday morning I rememberanced. The memories surfaced before my mind's eye and took the most wonderful shapes. Before I well knew it, a single tear welled up in my eyes and trickled down my cheek. Because even when all my 'friends' betrayed me there was one consistant factor in my life: Newton. And I knew that the rising aspirations between them could never become true, the feelings I had for Newton were the only thing in this world that still felt true to him. No lies, just that single, pure sense and feeling for Newton.Our relationship would probably only ever be physical. Alas, I thought to meself hopelessly. Why must they battle? Why must I be destined to destroy Newton? Can I ever tell Newton how much Newton means to me? If only I could. Then all my pain would be over. No more betrayal. No more suffering under the laughter from Franz (who told him she loved me, only to stab me right inti the heart at valentines day!). No, only Newton and my true feelings for Him. A/N Lol this has all been so depressive lol! My next bit will be less dark! In the darkness of that night, away from the preying eyes and ears of those who would judge, some strangers slipped by unnoticed. But they were not strangers, they knew each-other. And they knew each-other much closer then any of their friends did realize. They knew each-other both inside and out. But their friends did not know this. Their friends could not know. Their friends should not know this. Nor could they know. Because it was night, and thus away from their viscous, judging eyeballs. "Is it safe?" said the first stranger, who was not a stranger to the other stranger but will remain a stranger to us for the moment. "I think so. Its dark so none of the others should see us here, even if they are nearby. I think our secret is safe." "Good. I couldn't take their judgement right now. My life is too stressful as it is. If it wasn't for you I don't know what Id do." "Don't worry Sackboy, I will always be here for you - waiting in the dark" "Thanks, Newton. I will always be in the dark for you too" With that the two shadows embraced - an embracement in the night full of passion and romance. Fortunately Oddsock worked at a newspaper nowadays and he used the database of the newspaper to find out home turf of Newton's ruffians. Their search led to a gay night club in the darkiest and stormiest part of Pod. I was a little hesitant to go. It was rather scary and it was dark and stomy in that secting of Pod. But the courage in me was greater than my fear because with my The Popit I should be able to accomplish anything, right, I thought to myself. And Oddsock would join me. So not to fall out of fashion we both stripped and squeezed into their most gothyest clothing. I had to admit that Oddsock looked kind of sexy in that outfit of his. But I didn't dare to comment on that (I had only just discovered I am bi, and I was a little angxious over that. I wans't sure if my othre friends would accept that!. I instead poored down my soul into my make-up. I bore incandesent blood-rose coloured finger nails with black streaking strips and gave Oddsock the same treatment. Oddsock gorgeous eyes met mine and for a moment we were both swimming in a pool made of a lovely combination of their eyes colours. It was romance we knew, but we didn't know whether it was a forbidden one or not! Oh hell, Newton could wait. Now I looked upon Oddsock with lust filling my meat thermometer . Newton could be taking over the world for what I cared, now it should be all about me and Oddsock. But little did I know that in fact Oddsock had been lusting after me as well! With force and lust Oddsock threw me onto the closet  and thrusted himself right into me. I moaned. We came. Then we went off and defeated Newton. For a moment time seemed to slowed down. Sackboy wondered why. Sackboy turned around slowly (due to the time seeming to have slowed down). Then the explanation - Newton was secretly looking at him. Looking at him in that special way. Sackboys soul lit up like a beacon in the night - even though it was day. In all of this. In all of this mess. They had eachother, even if eachother was the only ones that knew. Newton turned away at that moment - Time jumped back to normal as Sackboy was no longer transfixiated by Newton. Fortunately no one else had noticed. Some time later in their secret hide-away ; "I am glade we found a way to survive all that and still be together" "Yes, our plan seems to have worked despite all the events" "Do you think anyone spotted us?" "No" "No" "Yes" Emerald emerged from the shadows of the darkness. "I know everything" she said. Sackboy and Newton gasped. Their secret was finally revealed! "I dont love Newton like you do" said Emerald "but I have always lusted a bit after them. So you see if Newton spends the night with me - I will never tell anyone." Sackboy breathed a sigh of relief. That was, after all, a reasonable request. They agreed to the bargain. "Phwee...thats something we can go along with" said Newton relieved. Emerald was happy, and Sackboy and Newton thus got to live happily ever after together. With no one but Emerald and themselves ever knowing. We exited my wheels and we stood before the place Newton had been assembleing his forces. It was the gateway to hell. And finally we got confirmation for what we had been expected all along... Newton.... was satan! But that did not deter me. I could press on and  my friends too found the strenght in themselves to push themselves to the limit . But then we heard a loud noise, like the stamping of feet or like a bad car engine or when they try and make the ground flat enough so they can build a side-walk. All around us, hisdemons appeared! Newton had us. And I know that what he was going to do with us, it wasn't going to be pretty!or involve much clothing! or suitable for children! But then I saw pure white wings sprouting from my bottom. Where had once been the golden and silver tattooes, I had wings! I spread them out before me and stretched them. They crackled with power. They were at least 5 meters in windspan. I then turned to Newton. He gawked in awe at me. It was a power he had not seen before. "This power," Newton said, "This power is... I have never... seen... such power." Even Swoop looked in awe at me. And then she said what everyone (including me) had been thinking but didn't dare to say: "You're an... you're an... an..." "Say it, I said" "Tell the truth, I can take it!" I said as I felt the burning nerves in my body floating in my stomach. "An Angel," said Newton in absolute and utter awe. "THis I... I never have seen before" Toggle and Oddsock were just as much in awe. Though with Toggle, I knew it was because he just loved me so much. When I looked in his eyes, it was like I was drowing in a puddle of the deepest of colours.  When he takes me every evening, ravages my buttom. And every night he asks me, "Are you truly from heaven" as his trouser snake lays there, resting from a long and hard struggle. Now he knew the answer. And deep inside of me, I was happy. Happy that he could finally have me as how I am, not what I pretended to be. I stretched my wings further and light came from beneath them, surrounding everyone in the syrinic light. The demons had to hide their hideous eyes beneath their wings as not to be blidned by the beauty of my light. Newton fell down on his knees and raised his arms in prayer: "Oh god, let me live. Let me be a part of the light again." And I looked down upon him and took out a katana that I had been carrying on my back all this time and with one quick sweep I cut Newton head clean off. In intimidation, all demons also lost their heads. Before us the portal exploded in rays of light and blue and greens and cyans. It was a wonderous spectacle to behold! Toggle ran into my arms and whispered naughty things in my ear. That was what we were going to do tonight, after we're back and rested a bit. Then he would bang me so deep, his fun stick would come out the other side. I was looking forward to it. Then I was crowned queen of Pod
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Psychic War Part 10. No Exit Part 1.
Note:  I do not own any of the Supernatural characters or stories, but I do own Dakota Winchester. Please leave comments and let me know if you want to be tagged.
Summary: Sequel to Dakota Elizabeth Winchester
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4    Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8
Dakota was sitting on the hood of the Impala outside of the Roadhouse while her brothers packed up the trunk.
“So, what’s in L.A.?” Dakota asked, referring to the case Dean was looking into.
“A young girl’s been kidnapped by an evil cult.” Dean said.
“Yeah? Girl got a name?” Sam asked.
“Katie Holmes.” Dean said as he closed the trunk and walked towards the driver's door.
Dakota jumped off the hood, “You’re hilarious. Truly.” She said.
“That’s funny, and, for you, so bitchy.” Sam said.
Dakota perked up all of a sudden as she felt a cloud of anger coming on, “Uh oh.” She whispered.
“I’m going.” She heard Jo yelling from inside the Roadhouse.
“Over my dead body!” Ellen responded.
“What’s all that?” Dean asked, but Dakota didn’t answer, just started walking to the bar.
Dakota walked in as Ellen yelled, “I am your mother! I don’t have to be reasonable!”
Ellen and Jo were standing on the raised platform the housed the pool tables. In true Ellen fashion she was still clearing tables and picking things up as they fought. “You can’t keep me here!” Jo stamped her foot.
“Don’t you bet on that, sweetie!” Ellen snapped.
“You gonna keep me chained in the basement?” Jo sassed.
“You don’t want to stay, fine, don't-go back to school,” Ellen said. Dakota pinched the bridge of her nose, they had been fighting over Jo dropping out of college all weekend.
“I don’t belong there! I was the freak with the knife collection!” Jo argued. Dakota walked over to a table and sat down.
“Getting yourself killed on some dusty back road- that’s where you belong!?” Ellen snapped then turned to the three Winchesters, “Bad time!”
“Yes ma’am.” Sam responded immediately.
“We rarely drink before ten anyways.” Dean said.
“I want to know what you think about this.” Jo said walking over to them.
“I don’t think we want to get involved.” Dean said.
“Trust me, you don’t.” Dakota agreed.
The wall phone started ringing and Ellen and Jo stared at it, as though willing it to catch on fire.
“Jo wants to start hunting and dropped out of school.” Dakota whispered to her brothers.
Ellen finally gave in and went to grab the still ringing phone and Jo grabbed a file off the bar counter.
“Three week ago, a young girl disappeared from an apartment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” She said holding the file out for Dean, who just looked at it, “Take it. It won’t bite.”
“But your mom might.” Dean argued. Dakota reached up from her seat and grabbed the file.
“She wasn’t the first. Over the past 80 years six women have vanished. All from the same building, all young blonds.” Jo explained as Dakota flipped through the file of police reports and maps, “It happens every decade or two, so the cops never eyeball the pattern. So we’re either dealing with one very old serial killer…”
“Who put this together? Ash?” Dean asked and Dakota looked over to see her brothers reading over her shoulders.
“I did it myself.” Jo stated standing up straighter.
“Pretty good.” Dakota muttered.
“I’ve got to admit, we’ve hit the road for a lot less.” Sam pointed out.
“Good. If you like the case so much, you take it.” Ellen said walking over to them.
“Mom!” Jo whined.
“Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. I will not lose you too. I just won’t.” Ellen said calmly.
Several hours later they pulled up to the apartment building and Dakota went to talk to the supervisor about letting them tour the place, which he gladly agreed to. He let them into the apartment then went back down stairs to front desk, telling them to head back down when they were done.
“I feel kinda bad, snaking Jo’s case.” Sam confessed as they walked into the livingroom.
“Don’t feel too bad, Sammy, they have been having that fight for years now.” Dakota said as she pulled out her EMF detector.
“Well, maybe she put together a good file, but could you see her out here working on of these?” Dean asked.
“She’d be a great hunter, but Ellen’s never going to let her.” Dakota said.
“You two getting anything?” Dean asked.
“No, not yet.” Sam said, then a moment later, “What is that?”
Dakota turned and saw that Sam was staring at the wall, she walked over to where he was standing and saw that he was studying the lightswitch.
Sam reached forward and swiped his finger across the light and came away with black goo.
Dean followed in suit, “It’s ectoplasm. Well, I think I know what we’re with. It’s the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.”
“Who ya gonna call?” Dakota sang.
“Can you two please take this seriously? I’ve only seen this stuff like twice.” Sam commented.
“Well, you have to be one major pissed out spirit to make this stuff.” Dakota pointed out.
“Let’s find this badass before he snags anymore girls.” Dean said.
They walked out of the apartment and started making their way down the hallway when they heard the supervisor's voice.
“It’s a great building.” He said.
“Yeah, I love the furnishing.” A familiar voice said and Dakota’s eyes widened.
She rounded the corner s fast as she could and saw Jo walking towards them, talking to the supervisor.
“Ah, Miss. Moore. You didn’t tell me your roommate was stopping by as well.” He said smiling at Dakota.
“Yeah, well, that’s Dakota for you. She’s such a scatter brain sometimes.” Jo laughed and Dakota glared, “Did you guys already see that place?”
“Yeah, it was great. The boys seemed to like it too.” Dakota grumbled crossing her arms.
“If your brothers approve, it must be good. We’ll take it.” Jo said pulling out a wad of cash and shoving it at the supervisor.
All four hunters sat in awkward silence in the livingroom, no one willing to start the conversation.
“...So who wants the couch tonight?” Dakota finally asked.
“Does your mother know you’re here.” Dean asked turning to look at Jo.
“I told her Dakota and I were going on a girl’s trip to Vegas.” Jo shrugged.
“Two things. One, why did you have to drag me into this? And two, do you really think she bought that?” Dakota asked.
“I got Ash to lay a credit-card trail all the way to the casinos.” Jo explained.
“Well then let’s wrap up here and have a girls’ weekend in Vegas!” Dakota said.
“You shouldn’t lie to your mom. And you shouldn’t be here.” Dean scowlded.
“Well, I am, so untwist your boxers and deal with it.” Jo said.
“Where did you get all that money from anyways?” Sam asked.
“Working at the Roadhouse.” Jo explained.
“Hunters don’t tip that well.” Dean said.
“Yeah, they don’t play poker that well either.” Dakota said, “I mean, that’s how I get all my money.”
“What money?” Sam and Dean asked.
“The money I have hidden away for emergencies.” She elaborated.
Dakota’s phone started ringing and she grimaced as she saw that it was Ellen.
“Hi Aunt Ellen!” She answered cheerfully.
“Is she with you?” Ellen snapped, “She left a note saying you two were going to Vegas and I don’t believe it for a moment.”
“We are heading there right now. The boys think they caught wind of an unrelated demon case in California so they are dropping us off on the way. We’re at a gas station in the middle of nowhere right now.” Dakota lied.
“Okay, thanks hon.” Ellen said before hanging up.
Dakota turned and glared at Jo, “I hate you.”
“I know.” Jo teased, “Now, let’s talk the case.”
Dean walked over to their bags and grabbed the file Ellen had given them earlier and started unfolding the papers on the kitchen table they were sitting around. Jo sat down and grabbed the knife she kept with her at all times and began twirling it between her fingers as she went over the facts.
“The place was built in 1924. It was originally a warehouse, converted to apartments a few months ago.
“What was here before 1924?” Dean asked.
“Nothing. Just an empty field.” Jo answered.
“So, most likely scenario, someone died bloody in the building and now he’s back and raising Hell.” Sam said.
“I already checked, in the past 82 years zero violent deaths.” Jo explained, “Unless you count a janitor who slipped on a wet floor. Would you please sit down?” She snapped at Dean.
“Have you checked the police reports, county death records?” Dean asked as he sat down.
“Obituaries, mortuary reports, and seven other sources. I know what I’m doing.” Jo continued.
“The jury’s still out on that one.” Dean sassed, “Would you stop messing with that knife?” Jo slammed it down on the table.
“How far back did you look? I mean, Pennsylvania is an old state, maybe something went down in that empty field.” Dakota pointed out.
“It could be a cursed object. We would have to scan the whole building.” Sam said.
“Great. Jo and I will take the top two floors, you two take the bottom.” Dean said.
“Why not just each take a floor? It’s faster if we split up.” Dakota said.
“Because  this guy is after young blonds who live in this apartment, so maybe the two young blondes living in this apartment shouldn’t go off on their own.” Sam said.
“Everyone gear up. We’re out in five.” Dean said.
Dakota walked up behind Jo, grabbed her arm, and dragged her into one of the bedrooms.
“What are you doing?” Jo asked.
“I’m going to give you a big-sister-little-sister talk full of advice that you are going to ignore, but I won’t feel guilty because I have given you this knowledge.” Dakota said sitting down on the bed and patting the seat next to her. Jo rolled her eyes, but sat down anyways, “Jo, I don’t care that you want to hunt. Your mom hunts, your dad was a hunter, and you’re eighteen with money so you can do whatever the Hell you want. But, you shouldn’t go behind your mom’s back to do it. And you should never just leave in the middle of the night with nothing more than a note. That’s what I did when I left my dad and came to stay with y’all and I didn’t see him again for almost two years. I never even got to apologize. If you want to stay out on the road, stay out on the road, but call home and visit every once in awhile; your mom wants what’s best for you and if that means letting you go then you have to tell her.” Dakota said wrapping her arm around Jo’s shoulders.
“...Can we be done now?” Jo asked.
“Yep. That’s all I got. Let’s kill this sicko and go to Vegas.” Dakota said.
“You know I didn’t plan on us actually going?” Jo admitted.
“Yes, but now you’ve talked me into this so you and I are going to get drinks by the pool while the guys go do something else.” Dakota said opening the bedroom door and motioning for Jo to head back into the livingroom where Sam and Dean were waiting with their EMF readers.
The next morning after a semi-successful search, Jo and Dean found a chunk of bloody blond hair and Dakota and Sam found EMF everywhere on the ground floor, Dakota woke up from sleeping on the tiny reading chair and looked around the room. She saw Dean and Sam still curled up ridiculously small on the two couches framing the sofa that Jo was currently sleeping on. Dakota sat up and popped her shoulder and back, then stood up and quickly went and got dressed in ripped jeans and a baggy sweater then fishtailed her long blond hair before grabbing Dean wallet and walking to the coffee shop down the street.
On her way back to the apartment building, arms ladened with coffee and pastries she sent a few texts to Andy letting him know what she was up to and inviting him on a possible weekend trip because, Jo or no Jo, now her heart was set on going to Vegas.
The moment she opened the door, Dean grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, nearly knocking over all the drinks in her hand.
“Whoa! Careful!” Dakota said, untangling herself.
“Where the Hell have you been!? We’re working a case where some sick son of a bitch abducts young blonds and you think you can just leave before any of us are awake!” Dean shouted.
Dakota looked down at the bag of pastries in her hand and held it out to him, “I got you a bear claw, De.” She said sweetly.
Dean looked at the bag, “If one of those drinks is a black coffee I might forgive you.
Sam groaned and sat up, “Ugh! Hey Jo, how did you sleep on that nice big sofa?”
“I only went to sleep at four. I’ve been going over everything.” She said and Dakota turned to see Jo at the kitchen table going through all the papers and spinning her knife.
Dean grabbed his bag from off the ground and started fishing through it until he pulled out a machete and handed it to Jo.
“Here, this will work a lot better than that pigstick you’ve been twirling around.” Dean said.
Dakota groaned and dropped down on the couch next to Sam who grabbed a drink from her, “The knife’s important isn’t it?” He whispered.
“It’s her dad’s. William Arthur Harvelle. He died on a hunting trip when she was a kid.” Dakota answered quietly as she turned to see Jo explaining that to Dean and giving him back the bigger knife.
Sam stood up and walked over to the window and Dakota saw him tense up.
“Sam?” She asked.
“There are cops outside.” He answered.
“Did another girl go missing?” Dakota asked.
@one-giggling-unic0rn @skeletoresinthebasement
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