#hellblazer dead in America
conjobthehellblazer · 1 month
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he drink
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petty-d4bblr · 2 months
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Look at this smug git
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bobbole · 4 days
So caught up in the beauty of this panel that I didn't notice the two black kittens
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galaxywitch9-screams · 3 months
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There are many good John faces in this issue but this might be my favorite
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chaoswxlson · 4 months
POSTING TOO MUCH IK BUT- May I just say that this run is returning John his personality? Hello?? Hes so fleshed out man
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viktorreadscomics · 4 months
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Hellblazer: Dead In America #2
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pablohunie1993 · 2 months
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serving Father and father
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sam-the-zam2 · 4 months
Si Spurrier continues to prove that he's Top 5 Hellblazer writer with Dead in America.
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hbosscreations · 1 month
I am not an artist. I cannot draw for shit. Even my tracing looks juvenile. I understand that art is not easy, that being 'talented' is more skill/training than anything else, but I am losing my mind reading Hellblazer: Dead in America just like when I read Hellblazer 2020.
Why is the art team incapable of drawing Noah with a consistent face? Why does he always look like a 30 year old man or a weird doodle? His skin tone is always different (and yes, I am aware that time of day/lighting would make a difference, but the art team is able to be consistent with the white characters).
I have bitched about whole pages of different issues being near illegible thanks to filters and extremely dark coloring, but that's not what's happening with Noah. Why does he keep changing? If there was a single other black person in Dead in America at this point, I might actually struggle knowing who's who, simply because his face is always different.
I get that drawing is hard, but they couldn't have picked a celebrity or someone to use as inspo? Fuck, I would deal with Noah looking like he's thirty instead of sixteen if his face was consistent and didn't look like something I could draw.
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soranatus · 8 months
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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) Variant Cover By Matías Bergara
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robinasnyder · 4 months
I'm like losing it over this idea, but!
(And I'm sorry to people in the John Constantine tag who just want Constantine. I feel you, and I'm sorry.)
So, in the John Constantine Hellblazer (2019) by Spurrier and Campbell, and in the current John Constantine Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024), there's a pretty huge, big, important plot point where Constantine has died. Like he for real died. His body's dead. His soul is still occupying his dead body. He's still moving around like he's alive, but his body's rotting. (Spoilers for Dead in America from here, btw)
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Not to get into the plot too much, but for the 2019 run, there's something Constantine promised his soul to when he dies, and to escape that, he astral projected by having someone stop his heart, with the plan to revive it later. And he does get his soul back in his body, but the body's dead.
As of right now (Dead in America #2) we don't know why exactly this happened.
At the end of 2019, we get this:
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Now, mind these panels comes before John realizes he's dead (by like a page or two), but I do straight up love the idea that he's pissed off so many people that no afterlife actually *wants* to take him anymore.
Now, from Dead in America #2, we get this:
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Implying that there's something keeping his soul and body going despite the whole being dead thing. I'm assuming that we'll be told eventually, but no idea yet.
All of that to say this: John Constantine is basically possessing his own dead body, atm. So that means he would fall under the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Acts, right???
All I'm saying is that I love the idea of an entire government organization hunting John Constantine. All I'm saying is that I really, really need to see John Constantine being captured and experimented on by the Drs Fenton.
All I'm saying is that Danny would try to get him out, especially if he was trapped in the Fentons' basement. All I'm saying is that this would be such a perfect set up for some interesting darker fic.
The current run is pretty seperated from all other DC stuff. It's basically just Vertigo comics, just Constantine, Sandman, and Swamp Thing. Which means that if we're fully running this idea, then it's not like there's the Justice League or Batman to come fix things. It's just Danny, John Constantine in his own dead body, his son Noah who is mute, doesn't seem to know american sign, and doesn't know he's John’s son, and Nat, John's "bodyguard" with a hair-trigger temper.
So, yes to a Constantine vivisection/disection, yes to Danny having to run from home bc he's just "stolen" a "government resource", and yes to Danny either having to run off without his friends or tell them and drag them on the run too. Also yes to not just having an easy way to solve the government situation (especially bc John and co are also wanted for murder).
I'm just saying that there's never been a better time to write a darker or angsty Constantine and Danny Phantom crossover.
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conjobthehellblazer · 3 months
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John in Hellblazer Dead in America #2
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petty-d4bblr · 2 months
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Good ol' Con Job
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gothgrlgrabbag · 20 days
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Yeah John fucking "I sold my soul to several demons to get out of dying of cancer yeet" Constantine - it's always a con with you
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galaxywitch9-screams · 3 months
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I missed her
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alphacomicsvol2 · 6 months
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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #2 Cover Art (Stevan Subic Variant)
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