ottosbigtop · 17 days
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thinking about Hera and her two not platonic not romantic but secret third thing relationships. As you do.
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herawell · 8 months
In my ever-growing list of parallels between Herawell and Kepcobi, Hera doesn’t want Minkowski to shoot Maxwell despite Maxwell having just hacked into her mind and used her as a weapon against her friends, and when Pryce & Cutter arrive at the Heph, Kepler immediately praises Jacobi to Cutter despite “Dirty Work” having happened less than 24 hours prior.
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radioelly · 11 months
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rough herawell drawing i did for a yuri olympics bonus round fill (this one) (op's songs rock i highly recommend checking the playlist out)
i can't write to save my life it is a nearly impossible uphill battle 4 me HOWEVER. i did like this little paragraph. here's your prize for clicking read more.
She wished Maxwell just went away, but she didn't. She couldn't just leave it at betrayal, or disappearance; she had to go and fix her, first. Maxwell nestled between her lines of code, somewhere between a list of Minkowski's favourite musicals and Eiffel's ranting about why Star Wars trumps Trek. Somewhere around where Hera thinks her heart would be, if she was a person. Somewhere that her absence would feel like she'd wrecked half of the motherboard on her way out.
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a lil herawell for @herawell bc seeing them mentioned in my dash so much reminded me how much i liked them ;o; ♥ best w359 yuri fr fr fr
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avesmonster · 4 months
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some herawell for evil femslash feb day 15: haunting
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mihrsuri · 2 months
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Dauphine of France. Princess of Scotland. Princess of Albion. Queen Regnant of Scotland. Queen of England. The Half Breed Heathens Whore Of A Wife. My Darling Wise Thistle. Little Wise Eyed. Jeanne.
Though Joan’s father died not six months after her birth his love for her was remarked upon - indeed it was said that he could hardly bear to be apart from her. His death was something her mother Mary never recovered from despite two subsequent marriages and the reminder of him in her black haired and grey eyed daughter seems to have been a mixture of grief and solace to her. Joan proved to be a serious child - interested in books, archery and riding but with a keen talent for music she was included in and educated in rulership from a young age, particularly by her paternal grandmother who remarked that she saw ‘very much of Marguerite of Navarre in her’ she was excellent at politics, at rulership and in her concern and interest in the lives of all her people but she was not warm and nor did she have the charisma and ability to draw the eye of her mother, something that drew unfavourable comparisons. Her marriage was made out of pragmatism on her part and no one was more surprised than Joan when it turned into love.
(inspired in part by this edit by @emilykaldwen (ABBY MY BELOVED))
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munchiezxx · 1 year
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am i the only herawell left on this god forsaken planet
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vague-herawell · 8 months
Started this blog (inspired by @vague-wolf-359) where I post vague references to Herawell, Hera, and Maxwell!
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reygunsandreynbows · 1 year
is it just me who like
don't ship eiffera
imo eiffel sees hera as an extention for Anne, yes he calls her darling but talking to her are the few moments when he tries to be sweet and caring and paternal. he doesn't see her as a lover but somewhere between a child and a best friend- she's infinitely smarter than him sure yet he feels he has to care for her
equally hera sees him as the loveable bumbling idiot- her actions are because she cares for him not that she loves him. she's trying to protect him but there is no romance there
then again the herawell content is cute af so keep going lmao
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
herawell Is it okay to rb your posts that are tagged with slashes? Bc this is really fascinating!
Yeah for sure! I slash out a lot of tags because I'm paranoid about posting directly in maintags and attracting attention but if I really didn't want something reblogged, I would turn off reblogs. It's kind of you to ask though!
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dansnotavampire · 11 months
Airplane, trident emblem for Connor, Laurence, and Ella! (Also a bit of backstory about them would be nice, as I don't think I've read any posts about your OCs before!)
First - some backstory!
Connor Owen, Laurence Moncrieff, and Ella Brittain worked for some vague approximation of the SIS (Military intelligence) they met in service, and worked very closely for a number of years. This story is about them (By story I mean three-man play)
Connor Owen is a translator; he speaks four languages fluently, and a handful of others passably, and all of his years of service for queen and country have given him three things: PTSD, an alcohol problem, and a dead best friend. Oops. Currently he is a teacher in a secondary school, and we meet him nearly ten years after his honorable discharge, at an AA meeting, along with....
Laurence Moncrieff. Their stalwart IO, he was a tactical genius, able to keep calm in any situation. Now he's *also* battling a drinking problem, and repressed homosexual feelings. He cooks, he cleans, he only goes to AA because he was court ordered to after he drunkenly wrapped his car around a lamppost, injuring zero people in the process only by a stroke of luck. (Are you getting why my tag for this is untitled alcoholism project now). In youth he was a rich wanker with a first in PPE from Oxford, and the only thing that's really changed since then is that he's less of a wanker now. He's just re-learnt how to wake up before midday.
Ella Brittain? She's dead. It's not Laurence's fault. Maybe one day he'll even believe that.
In life, she was 5'2 of lean muscle, with a resting HR of 54, and the steadiest aim you've ever seen. She could kick anyone's arse six ways from Sunday, and never used this skill unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, that was often the case in her line of work.
Now she haunts the stage, doling out imagined advice and insults to the two men still trying to learn how to live without her.
Plane - do they like travelling, or are they more of a homebody?
Laurence has travelled so much it bores him now; unfortunately, being at home bores him just as much. One day he'll go on a non-covert vacation again. Maybe he'll even take someone with him.
Connor *liked* travelling. But the last time he stepped foot on a train was two days after the worst experience of his life, and he's not sure he can stomach it anymore. Maybe with good enough company he could bear it.
Ella never held down an address for more than six months, even when she wasn't an internationally jetsetting superspy. Or government murderer for hire. Depends who you ask.
Trident - Can they swim?
All three of them can swim; they have to, for the job. Connor can't touch water that's too warm, though. He showers ice cold.
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herawell · 8 months
Was checking out the Wolf 359 timeline to figure out how long Hera and Maxwell knew each other, and found out that Maxwell arrived at the Heph on October 5, 2015 and died on May 10, 2016. So they knew each other from 10/5 to 5/10.
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radioelly · 10 months
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BACK💪ON💪THAT💪YSO💪GRIND (more herawelling for this prompt)
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jasmineiros · 1 year
What did you think of Raya & the Last Dragon?
I actually really like it!
The plot has some cliché things, like "we all need to get it done together to save the world" kind of thing but the message of actually trying to trust people and see their POV is very interesting.
The character design is AMAZING (focus on Namaari, who is not only buff but very feminine at the same time) and despite some complaining SEA people about the mishmash of cultures (which is valid) I love the fact the movie explored deeply Asian ethnicities, showing they can be brown or even black. It's actually pretty diverse.
And the visuals are everything, the sceneries are beautiful and rich in details, we can navigate through very different emotions during the movie, since many different atmospheres are explored.
Also Namaari and Raya's dynamic is awesome, I love an aggressive lesbian flirting uwu
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avesmonster · 10 months
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cheesed to meet you
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mihrsuri · 6 months
Some Behind The Scenes Of The Fictional Tudors OT3 Verse Tudors TV Show:
@nocompromise-noregrets Ellie meeting Rupert Graves alongside thee Norwich Expert to give him a tour of Welles Hall. (This is made into one of the special features and also contains much of the ‘no one hates John Norwich like his actor’ content)
James, Natalie and JRM get to go and see the actual chest and contents that Maya found and it’s so emotional, especially because some of this are things the public does not get to see.
So in this world the Duchess of Cambridge is a bisexual Persian Jewish woman and she also wears the ring that the triad had made out of their engagement ring and gave to their oldest son to give to his wife and it’s been passed down ever since. So they get to talk to her and to see it up close and also the private garden that Henry had built for Thomas and Anne and then later their children - the garden that the current royal family uses.
Imaging Sophie Turner and whoever is playing Robert Dudley (I should work that out) going to visit an intact Kennilworth Castle aka Elizabeth and Robert’s other main residence.
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