#hes busy being unwell about bruce lmao
cleromancy · 9 months
i think its so funny when ppl ship jason/black mask bc like. they're clearly going for like a fucky toxic badtimes yaoi for jay a la dickslade or rastim and you know what i respect that i do but jason does not lend himself to that at all man. jason was running circles around black mask all through utrh he was walking that man like a dog from the beginning and it wasnt even hard. you need to understand that the thing youre shipping here is bugs bunny/elmer fudd
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Same anon and hvsbfbbf that Cinderella comparison was apt because just like how Cinderella lost her shoe and magic once the clock struck twelve I had more thoughts I wanted to reply to your answer with but then I suddenly fell asleep and now my brain is static and all the thoughts are gone. rip. but I still did wanna reply so it's just that this is kind of missing the middle part with the main thoughts (I'm sure I'm gonna find them again later though). It's still super long though so sorry for that lmao
So first of all the thing about hating Harvey in TDK...oh yeah same, he's just so? Nothing? He feels so flat and he's not likable as a character because he's just presented as this kind of prick who is seen as this good incorruptible guy but is really just an asshole. Like, him getting violent and aggressive in the courtroom and then later threatening to kill a guy (before he was TwoFace) without feeling any remorse or shame about it and not even being worried about how that would affect his perfect image was clearly only there to set up his villain arc (can you even call it an arc when it was only like half a day in universe though?) and as a result just made his whole 'good guy' thing come off as shallow and fake, which really took the impact out of his fall. It also made Batman trusting him and wanting him to be Gotham's 'white knight' seem weird and like he's only doing it because he's got no other options, because not only does he not like or care about Harvey as a person, he also caught him in the act of threatening to murder a guy so it makes no sense that he'd still be willing to help him become a symbol for Gotham?? And speaking of Bruce not caring for Harvey: that was such an awful decision? It took away so much from their dynamic and their personalities AND took away the impact of Harvey's turn, that instead of seeing him as a friend or at least as a genuinely good guy/someone that genuinely wants to help the city Bruce just is so "ugh that guy, huh? Well ok then :/" about him? When Joker tells him he's kidnapped Rachel and Harvey and that Bruce can only save one of them it should've been a tragic dilemma, but instead there was no tension at all because Bruce didn't care wether Harvey lives or dies, it felt like to him it would've only meant loosing an asset to use as a symbol for Gotham and not loosing a friend - or, y'know, loosing a human life - because Bruce basically just went "eh, if he dies he dies" about him. that's not only bad writing it's also entirely against Batman's whole thing of, well, oh, idk, caring about human lives to the point that he doesn't want to kill even the worst criminals because he still believes they can reform and become harmless and happy? Y'know. Just one of his most important character traits? And then that gets even worse when Bruce just straight up kills Harvey by shoving him off a rooftop and instead of being upset about the whole tragedy of his death and what he became - like you'd expect someone who has a no kill rule to be after having to kill anyone but especially someone they knew personally - he just goes "we better make sure the press doesn't find out about him going bad so that we can still use his name and image as a symbol" and that's just ...honestly messed up. That he cares so little about the loss of someone's life, he can just shrug it off with no issue and essentially only sees it as a wasted business opportunity? It made Bruce seem so cold and uncaring it's honestly sad.
So I really hope that new Bruce isn't gonna end up like that, but instead develops into someone who truly does care so much for everyone - the kind of guy that would go out of his way to help victims, but who'd also try to reform his criminals rather than just punish them, who'd see his villains have a mental breakdown/ be clearly unwell and would try to get them the help they need instead of just using the opportunity to beat them senseless or kill them without a second thought. And I hope that him and Harvey are portrayed as genuine friends, or at least as two people that share a connection and mutual understanding and respect for each other rather than just "Bruce and the douchebag rival for the attention of his love interest" like they were in TDK. I'm not sure if they're gonna have them be childhood friends in this version, because this new Bruce is just too much of a recluse and seems to be very uncomfortable interacting with people, so he might've not had any friends as a kid (- but also if they do make them childhood friends it would work so well because this Bruce just has so few people that he's comfortable interacting with that meeting his childhood friend that he used to be comfortable with again would give him a social anchor in public situations as Bruce, similar to how Jim or Selina are his social anchors as Batman...Also 'Bruce's safe person in a sea of judgmental strangers' Harvey would just simply be a fun concept in general) And imo it would be nice if they met through Mayor Real, wether they were childhood friends or only just met, because she's an interesting and imo should become a recurring character (same for Martinez), and her criticism of Bruce at the funeral as well as Batman saving her at the end of the movie would be a great setup to have Bruce's first action as a public figure be meeting up with her and trying to figure out how to reestablish the renewal fund and use charity to help the city and its citizens. Mayor Real then could've invited Harvey to the meeting to hear his opinion as the new DA - that way having him and Bruce meet- and maybe the three of them would then also just generally keep working together as a team? As a dynamic trio. Like what Bruce/Harvey/Rachel could've been if their writing was better.
Oh and because you mentioned Harvey's fall happening just as Bruce comes into his public persona: what if Bruce decided to host a big public charity event for the first time, with Harvey as his friend emotionally supporting him or guiding him through his social interactions...and everything goes well, Bruce finally figures out how to be a public figure despite how uncomfortable he is with strangers...and then in the same night, maybe even right after Bruce holds his first public speech, Harvey gets attacked by some mob grunt that had snuck into the gala...
ANON HI!!!!!!! hi i was hoping i'd wake up to another anon this is so exciting!!
you're gonna get my hard hitting thoughts on tdk now i'm sorry anon <3 see the thin about tdk harvey is that he IS nothing because he's set dressing in the story about rachel, which i'd be mad about even if the story was followed to its natural conclusion (batman learns that he can't let other people be ignored because he likes one person) except.... that wasn't what he learned? he learned 'i am going to be Batman... FOREVER' which is just sooooo not the moral of the story bestie! and harvey having underlying issues is like a Thing that they should have explored more! i don't CARE that the film is already two and a half hours long i want it to be three hours or more. get into it mr nolan! was he abused in this universe? if so, does the coin play into it? following that because i'm always going to take the answers to be 'yes': why does rachel not know about it? she didn't know the coin had two heads so presumably she doesn't know he was abused either and that means that they're not openly communicating (which tbf you can tell from their vibes anyway) which means that harvey asking her to marry him at the party is UNBEARABLY sad like!!! she doesn't know anything about him!! he would kill parts of himself to let her think he was normal!!! and like the threatening a guy WOULD have been alright IF they'd emphasised how much of a good person he is. which they didn't! like i don't want to hype up gotham tv but they DID have harvey be good AND showed that he was not entirely hinged like you can do both but you HAVE to make him a person who's genuinely trying to do the right thing first!!
and yeah like you're so right that the choice between rachel and harvey should have been a dilemma!! sorry i know it's paragraph 2 of tdk analysis but bear with me. the fact that he made that decision so quickly is, again, part of the 'he put his feelings before the safety of others' story except!! that throughline wasn't given proper development!!! so what we get instead is a comedic sequence in which rachel goes 'they're going to let our friends choose who to save' and then it cuts to harvey, who looks like a man who's remembering 'oh shit. i have no friends' and when bruce gets there they're just both like UGH. THIS guy. which really cheapens it? whereas if they'd let them be friends they could have them both being slightly relieved while also immensely guilty that it wasn't rachel being saved.
anyway in the new version... i do think you're right that bruce has trouble interacting with people but GOD i do think that childhood friends would also be so fucking good. uh personal cringe moment bc they're childhood friends in the comics i hc that they were really close as little kids pretty much up until the wayne murders, at which point bruce just fully stopped trying to pretend he was good at interacting with people and was in the usual 'bruce wayne poor mental state' for like. years. but before that, when they WERE friends, i think it would be cool if kid harvey played pretty much the same role he did as an adult where he's one of bruce's safe people and they just did Whatever because it was easy for both of them to hang out, even if they were mainly friends because their parents were friends (i uh. also hc that martha and harvey's mum were pals.) and then being reintroduced by mayor real would be SO good bc i loooove her i think she was GREAT and it would tie in to the whole idea that they're trying to do the right thing either through the system (harvey) or as their public persona (bruce with the wayne foundation) and working WITH the city, and building it up like it's something that could actually work! everyone is approaching it with their best intentions! and all the while bruce is making/regaining a close friend and maybe he could tell this guy he's batman to make things easier for alfred! this is great! AND THEN IT ISNT!!!!
god also the idea of harvey getting attacked RIGHT AFTER bruce manages to work out how to keep people at arm's length in the public eye.... delishes.... anon please tell me who you aaarrreee you're so RIGHT
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Shaken Up | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Fluff, mild Angst)
Category: mild Angst, Fluff (Suggested) Age: 13+ Trigger Warnings: passing out, physical illness (fever) Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Bucky And Steve Find Reader Passed Out Request: “So a couple weeks ago I was really unwell and ended up with a migraine so bad I fainted… it was rough lmao Could you maybe write something about stucky x reader finding their girl passed out and how they’d react? I was alone when it happened to me and lord knows how terrifying it was waking up on the ground with a busted lip, alone, not knowing how long I was out for😬” Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 1,509
Just under two hours to go.
Two hours until her soldiers get back from the mission she really wished they weren’t on. She’s been counting down the minutes since they left at nine AM this morning, and now it’s six-thirty PM.
It was all going well until around midday when she suddenly felt very nauseous. Felt a headache coming on, her body was sweating yet she was shivering cold, she started to cough more often than normal, and that leads her to where she is now, curled up on the Bucky’s bed - that they all sleep in - in the American flag pattered blanket of Steve’s that Tony got him as a joke a few years ago on his one-hundredth birthday.
The TV is playing a show that the woman is no longer paying an ounce of attention to. She can’t. Her head keeps zoning out. The headache becoming progressively worse. There’s tears streaking her face that she’s not even acknowledged.
Part of her feels bad because she remembers what her two lovers remind her every time they go out on a mission without fail.
“You call us if you need anything, alright? No matter what it is, if you need us, ring and we’ll come back. Look after yourself, okay?”
They both tell her so many times whenever they’re going out for missions and yet here she is. She’s held the phone in her hand a number of times, finger hovering over both their names - trying to decide who’s most likely to answer - yet she ended up locking the device and dropping it beside her.
Sighing, (Y/N) slides off of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her, deciding to go and grab some water - and also see if Tony, Pepper or Bruce were around to see if they could recommend anything - but she barely manages three steps toward her door when the thudding of her feet on the carpeted floor becomes too much for her head and she’s falling. Then nothing.
“Hey, how’d it go?” Nat asks the two soldiers who exit the lift on the common floor.
“Eh, not bad. Wasn’t anyone particularly smart so it’s up to the court now.” Steve sighs, removing his helmet as Bucky removes his gloves.
“Cool. Fury wants a briefing tomorrow at eight.” She confirms, the pair nodding.
“(Y/N) around?” Bucky asks.
“Haven’t seen her all day. Probably in her room doing what she always does when you two are on missions,” She pauses, a small smile playing on her lips. “Waiting for you to get back.”
The two men chuckle and shake their head.
“She’s cute.” Steve grins.
“She’s definitely smitten.” Nat teases, receiving a playful punch from Bucky as they pass her to get to the lift once again.
“So she should be.”
The second Steve and Bucky are both in the elevator, their lips are together, hands wrapping around each other.
“Hello.” Bucky grins at the blond, Steve only chuckling in response and cuddling up against him.
“You okay?” His voice is muffled against the blond’s hair.
Steve nods.
“Better now we’re home.” He smiles. “M’tired.”
“Plus one to that.” Buck agrees.
The elevator dings and they exit, sighing as they smell her perfume that’s always lingering the hallway of their floor.
“Who’s room are we betting she’s in?” Steve chuckles.
“Definitely mine.” Buck grins, both of them heading over to the Winter Soldier’s room. “Friday, tell (Y/N) we’re coming in.” He calls, knowing (Y/N) always asks everyone to get FRIDAY to announce their entrance since she fears unexpected door knocks.
It’s not until the door opens and their eyes widen that FRIDAY responds.
“I’m afraid Miss (L/N) is unconscious right now, sirs.”
“Oh my God, (Y/N)!” Steve calls out, dashing to her aside.
“(Y/N)!” Bucky adds at the same time, also running over.
The pair drop to their knees, helping her turn over onto her back and acknowledging her sweat-covered body, heavy breaths and trembling. Then the blood. The blood on her head. The blood on the corner of the dressing table. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what happened.
“Friday, what’s wrong with her?!” The blond shouts, eyes scanning up and down her body. The blood makes sense - she fell and hit her head - but the sweating, the trembling, the obviously change in her skin tone.
“Miss (L/N) has been showing signs of an intense fever since twelve-fifteen this afternoon, sir. It got progressively worse throughout the afternoon and she collapsed at eighteen-forty-two.” The AI confirms, Bucky’s wide eyes glancing at the clock that shows almost nine o’clock.
“Holy shit, baby. Come on, we’ve gotta get her too Bruce.” The brunet says to Steve who nods in agreement.
“You got her?”
The Winter Soldier nods and lifts the woman up in his arms, panicking at the sight of her pale face.
“Come on, doll, open those eyes for me.” He coos, shaking her slightly, hoping to get any response out of her.
“BRUCE!” Steve yells, practically shouting as he throws the doors open to the medical bay.
“Captain?” Bruce responds, coming around the corner with a raised brow at the man’s loudness.
“(Y/N)’s passed out - Friday says she has a fever - she’s also bleeding, think she hit her head on the dressing table. Please check she’s alright.” The blond pleads, Bucky laying her down on the bed.
“Friday, can you write up her symptoms?” The medical expert calls out to the AI.
“Of course, Doctor Banner.”
Bucky and Steve are hand in hand as they look over their girl’s trembling body.
“She was out for nearly three hours.” Cap murmurs.
“She’s dehydrated.” Bruce comments, scanning over the write-up of her symptoms. “That’s why she passed out, too low a blood pressure. She’ll be alright, I assure you both. The wound on her head is nothing, just a scratch.”
The pair nod but don’t look any less concerned. Eventually, Banner manages to get them to sit down in the chairs by her bed and just allow him to get her all fixed up.
It’s about an hour later when the woman’s eyes flicker and open, disliking the brightness of the lights in the room.
“Friday, can you turn down the lights by (Y/N).” Steve calls, both of them not having taken their eyes off of the woman for a second.
“Of course, Captain.”
“Hey, doll.” Bucky breathes, smiling down as he’s now stood over the bed.
“Welcome back, sweetheart.” Steve adds.
It takes the woman a second to recognise her surroundings and feel the faint pain in her head and sweat coating her body to remember everything that happened.
“You could’ve at least gotten showered and dressed whilst waiting for me.” She groans, sarcasm lacing her tone as she recognises their dirty uniforms from their mission.
The men can’t help but grin and shake their heads.
“Too busy being worried shitless about our girlfriend, doll. I can assure you, getting cleaned up and dressed was not at the top of my mind when I came in my room and see the love of my life laid face down on my floor, bleeding, sweating and shivering.” He responds, tone just as sarcastic. Teasing.
(Y/N) gives an apologetic smile to the men and shrugs.
“Sorry. I like to shake you up every so often.”
Steve chuckles and leans down to kiss her lips.
“Don’t. It was awful. I thought my heart stopped beating, I swear.” He shakes his head.
“Plus one to that.” Buck adds, also kissing her.
“You had a really bad fever, sweetheart. Why didn’t you call us?” The blond adds, his somewhat serious expression taking back over.
The woman glances away, too embarrassed to even respond.
“Doll, what’s wrong?” Bucky whispers, leaning over and stroking his flesh hand through her hair. “You know you can call us if you need to.”
“In case of an emergency. This wasn’t an emergency.” She mewls, subconsciously leaning into his strokes.
“No. You call us if you need us. Not if it’s an emergency. You needed us to look after you and that qualifies as needing us.” Steve explains, walking around to stand on the opposite side of the bed to Bucky, meeting her saddened, partially embarrassed, gaze.
“It was an important mission…” Her voice is quiet, knowing she won’t win this.
“Not as important as you. Never as important as you.” The brunet finishes.
“I love you both so much.”
“We love you too, sweetheart, more than words could ever describe. Now, do you wanna tell us what we can do for you?” Steve quizzes.
“Could really do with-“
“Some ice-cold water, with lemon, in that pint glass that Buck got me for my birthday, and a lot of cuddles.” Bucky finishes, mocking her voice and watching her grin, giggling afterwards.
“Am I that predictable?” She whispers.
“Nah, you’re just our girl, and we know what our girl needs.” He winks.
“Let’s get you to bed.” Steve chuckles, lifting her up into his arms.
“Yes, sir.” 
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