#hikaru hitachiin x male reader
banzaitaka · 2 years
I'll just copy paste while changing it to one fandom ^-^
Hello! Can I please request Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru in a hurt comfort fic where the male reader realizes they're bi because they've fallen in love with the character, but the reader is afraid their friendship with the character will end if they confess?
Preferably a sort of comfort fic where the character actually does love the reader and they end up together?
Thank you very much for writing and not being mad ^-^
Hooh hooh hooh hooh hooh okay okay okay okay I got this
This was way harder than it had to be q_q
Ouran Highschool Host Club Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Hikaru Hitachiin x male! reader
Kaoru Hitachiin x male! reader
Tamaki Suoh x male! reader
Bi panic
(Y/N) broke out in a cold sweat. This wasn't really happening, was it? No, the bi panic felt too real, as he eyed his friend from across the room. Damn, he looked good in that suit...The girls around him ruined the picture, though. The amount of jealousy crawling up inside of the male was almost suffocating. It hadn't been long since (Y/N) started to feel this way whenever he saw the host doing his host thing, and he really hoped this phase would go away soon.
There was no way he could like his friend that way. He never even considered being into guys too, and this was a terrible way to find out. What was he supposed to do? Wait this out and let the feelings build up inside him until he eventually gets invited to his friend's wedding years later? Or come out of the closet and confess his affection and make things awkward between the two? (Y/N), a pessimist, was going crazy.
Wait, did he just admit liking his friend? Fuck, shit. No, this was bad.
It wasn't until said friend pulled him to an empty room one day that his mind completely shut down before it could explode. "You haven't been acting like yourself...", is how he explained his worry.
(Y/N) bit his bottom lip, his heart pounding so hard it was almost painful. He didn't even react when tears of panic and fear rolled down his cheeks.
"I...I like you, okay?? And- And I think that's why we shouldn't be friends anymore...", that was a lie, he would never want this friendship to end. But the words just dripped out of his mouth, rejecting himself before the host could. "I get if this makes you uncomfortable, and I swear I just recently found out I was bi. I didn't befriend you because I wanted to date you-"
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"Shut up.", Hikaru's words came out way harsher than intended, but he couldn't help the anger. (Y/N) flinched, immediately shutting his mouth. He was too occupied holding back his tears, he didn't notice Hikaru holding back his own. "Why the hell would you think that?", the brunette was met with silence, he clenched his jaw tight, "(Y/N), look at me!", he grabbed the shaking male by the shoulders and forced him to look at him, "How dense can you be...?"
Hikaru looked frustrated, flustered, angry...the sight shocked the (Y/HC)-haired. Both of them froze once their eyes locked, suddenly overwhelmed by the situation. It was like they both got woken up by a sudden loud noise. The host felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter, as the other's words finally started to sink in.
(Y/N) liked him...he liked him. He had been too angry to hear (Y/N) assume such things that his actual confession was secondary to him. But now it started to hit him. And that embarrassed him. It was Hikaru that he liked. Not Kaoru. It was Hikaru, and Kaoru wasn't even in the picture. Multiple people confessed to the twins and couldn't care less about which twin they ended up being together, but (Y/N), he cared.
A little yelp escaped (Y/N)'s throat, suddenly pulled close to Hikaru's chest in a tight embrace. "I like you too...dumbass...", a shiver was clear in the male's voice, which made him hit himself on the inside, "About time you came out and said it..."
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"I thought you would never notice me."
(Y/N) snapped his head in Kaoru's direction, disbelief clear in his teary eyes. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but being met with Kaoru's sweet smile, and a blush adoring his cheeks, it was hard to disprove. The brunette laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, "I was trying really hard to make you realise how I feel about you, you know?"
The (Y/HC)-haired began stuttering nonesense, nothing that could be recognized as words at all, overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events. Kaoru laughed again, "You're so cute.", he cooed and booped (Y/N)'s noise, playfully. But no matter how calm and collected he seemed on the outside, the host was doing cartwheels of unbelievable joy on the inside. He just felt he should contain himself, seeing how struck (Y/N) was.
The two of them sat in near silence for a few moments in order to calm down, with the brunette giggling and the (Y/HC)-haired letting out gasps instead of words, with a small smile appearing on his own face nonetheless. And once they did cool down, Kaoru gently grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, "So...wanna go on a date?"
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For another minute or two (Y/N)'s rambling went on, avoiding any eye contact with Tamaki. Said male initially didn't know what to do, what to say. He himself only recently had his bi discovery, and didn't expect his crush to feel the same. (Y/N) was always there for the blonde and supported his dreams and goals, no matter how ridiculous they seemed to be.
Tamaki zoned out. He still heard (Y/N)'s voice, but didn't hear the words he was saying. A hand rose to his face to cover his mouth, while the other supported his elbow. Was it getting hot in here? His face felt incredily hot.
Only once the (Y/HC)-haired dared to look him in the eyes, the host snapped out of it, "So, you like like me, huh?", he stuttered out, definitely not the way he wanted to sound, but he just didn't seem to get the needed confidence, still in shock, "Wait, why are you crying...?", he moved his hand to wipe away the male's tears with his thumb, now concern adoring his face instead. (Y/N) swallowed, repeating his words, "Yeah, I like like you, but...You can just...We can just forget this and-"
"What do you mean 'forget this'??", the blonde's sudden loud voice made him flinch, "I could never forget this." Clearing his throat, Tamaki pulled (Y/N) into a stiff, yet loving hug, "I'm new to this whole guy likes another guy thing, but I will be the best boyfriend ever for you. Just you wait."
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
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Hitachiin Twins - "Devil Twins' Property!"
For: @jaythes1mp
I hope this is okay for how long the wait was. I apologize for that, my drafts are so backed up it's ridiculous. —Benny 🐰
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When Kaoru had jokingly brought up the Idea of purchasing a decorative collar for the host club's Gentle Type, Hikaru had already dialed up their mother before his twin could even finish his sentence
Their mother had immediately jumped on the project, as it was a request from her precious sons and finished it within a few days. The two ginger headed boys then sent it to [Name]'s residence.
And when the next day rolled around...
They didn't think that [Name], meek and soft spoken as they were, would be so bold and wear the collar to school the next day.
The entirety of the school day, not once had [Name] taken it off. Not even during club activities.
. . .
The two had quickly made their way to the h/c-ette's station, not caring at the moment if their guests needed tending to or not, and leaned over the sofa on either side of them.
[Name] looked up and smiled softly at them.
"Hikaru. Kaoru. Thank you for the gift, I appreciate that you both thought of me." They said gently.
They both were taken aback. Not even a bit of embarrassment could be seen on the Gentle Type's being. [Name] was genuinely grateful for the collar that he was wearing so proudly.
The h/c-ette fiddled with the metal tag, making sure to flip it over to display the word 'Hitachiin's' that was ingraved into it in a lovely cursive. It was as if they were flaunting it to their guests without even realizing.
Kaoru's cheeks flush a light pink at the display, while Hikaru's take on the same hue with a smirk coming to his lips.
"You know, if you wanted us to claim you so bad, you could've asked us instead of this little show you're putting on, [Name]." He purred into the e/c eyed teen's ear as he takes their chin between his fingers.
"Not that the sight is unwelcome; I like this bold side you've been showing off today. Where's that been, hm?" Kaoru adds in, brushing [Name]'s cheek gently with his index and middle finger.
The h/c-ette smiles widely as they grap each of their hands and smiles up at them, intertwining fingers with theirs.
"I'm not showing off... it just reminded me of you both and both of you make me feel safe." They chirp, giving them a lovely close-eyed smile.
"..." for once, Hikaru and Kaoru were the one's left speechless.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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gelus-ugs · 11 months
male! reader going to the host club to find out what all the buzz is about and seeing Hikaru and calling him a pretty boy/ flirting with him and flustering Hikaru half to death? (maybe he bounces back or smth)?
(also the saiki one shot was super good! :) )
Pretty Boy~ Hikaru x Reader
Male reader
I’m sorry if this is ooc and awkward- I haven’t written for OHSHC in a while 😭
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You stared at the large, pink doors before you, questioning why you were even here. You had agreed to visit the Host Club on behalf of your friends’ begging, but now that you were actually here, you were confused on what to do.
You had no idea how a host club worked, you’ve never even heard of one until your friends began to yap about the one at your school. You sighed, beginning to reach for a door handle.
These doors aren’t gonna open themselves.
You had no idea what to expect when opening the door to the music room, but it definitely wasn’t a face full of petals falling from god knows where. You were inside, so where did the petals come from?
The room was buzzing with life. Women were everywhere as they crowded in groups, seemingly for the purpose of getting flirted with from one of the few men. You had no idea what you were watching as you spotted your friends squealing over a blonde haired kid innocently eating cake.
What the hell is this club..?
As you continued to scan the room, you spotted a familiar redhead sitting alone, his attention focused on a small gaming console in his hands. You quietly made your way over to the male, suddenly placing your hands on his shoulders as you uttered a, ‘Boo!’
The male flinched, his gaming console nearly flying out of his hands as the screen displayed the large words ‘GAME OVER’. He turned around, only for his eyes to widen in confusion,
“[Y/n]? What’re you doing here?”
You simply shrugged, taking a seat next to the redhead,
“Well, my friends insisted that I visit the Host Club and said that I’d like it, but I have no idea what I’m doing here. All I see is women fawning over some men”
You looked around the room before looking back at Hikaru,
“So, what is this ‘Host Club’? What’s the point and what do you guys do?”
Hikaru’s breath hitched as he bashfully looked away,
“Well..we basically flirt with girls”
You raised your eyebrow in interest,
“Oh? And why aren’t you flirting with any girls?”
“I don’t have any clients at the moment”
Hikaru mumbled, embarrassed that he had gotten caught being apart of such a club. You smiled, placing your index finger under his chin and turning his head to look at you,
“Well, I can be your client for the time being, pretty boy~”
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joonie7007 · 5 months
I wish they made another ouran highschool host club
At first I didn’t watch it cuz of the weird trans jokes and the twins 🗿… but after I watched it I loved it I still cringed but oh my gaaaad w show ♥️
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I WISHHH ESPECIALLY WITH MORI SENPAI “it could be like bro can care about to 2 things”
I need more MOREEE ( haruhi and mori ) RAHHH
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Also bro look like Ren 😭🙏🏼♥️♥️‼️‼️‼️
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THERES SO MUCH POTENTIAL// especially in today’s time the slight changes they can do or something/
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Also theirs a musical 💀💀💀❗️❓❓ION BOUT ALL DAT 🗣️🗣️🗣️
I’m just saying random stuff :p
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hikaru x male reader x Kaoru
Where the reader is apart of the host club and the trio are known to prank each other.
Maybe the girls at the club all ship the three together so they do a “three-for-one special” as a prank on the girls but end up getting a little too into it.
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Everyone knew the trouble making trio of Ouran High School. The Hitachiin twin and their "best-friend" (Name). Hikaru. Kaoru. (Name). They're childhood bestfriends and in the same club. Ouran's own Host Club. It's never a boring day in there with the trouble trio.
Another long day for the Hitachiin twin. They were making their way down the hall towards the club room. They were looking for (Name). They hadn't seen him since lunch and final period finally ended. "Where is he?" Kaoru shrugged and looked at his twin. "Not sure. Some girls surrounded him at lunch. Something about how they love the "Trouble Trio" and can't wait to see more of it."
Hikaru chuckled and shook his head. "The Trouble Trio? Is that what they're calling us now? Okay we may play pranks from time to time but we don't cause too much trouble." Kaoru stared at Hikaru. Hikaru nodded and looked away. "Okay maybe we do cause trouble. But it always makes people laugh!" Kaoru shook his head and looked up. "Club time I guess."
They walk in and see (Name) with a huge grin. When he noticed them he grabbed their wrists and ran to a couch and sat between them laughing softly. The twins looked at each other then (Name). Hikaru smiled softly and raised an eyebrow. "Anything interesting happen (N/n)?" (Name) giggled and nodded. "I did something Kyoya is gonna kill me for later."
The twins shared a look of curiosity then turned to excited. "New prank?" They asked in union. (Name) nodded quickly. "Wait till club starts! I got in his little black book and might have made a Three-for-one. Instead of us going back and forth I figured we'd save them the "trouble" teehee." (Name) giggled with a mysterious look in his eye.
The twins laughed and shook their head and each wrapped an arm around (Name). "Oh~ this is gonna be a good club day."
When club started Kyoya didn't notice anything different until he realized something. "It's too quiet." He looked at the table around (Name) was usually at. He wasn't there. So he looked at where the twins were at. They weren't there either. Then he heard it. The giggles or their very own trouble trio. When Kyoya looked at where Tamaki usually sat he found them. Hikaru, Kaoru, and (Name).
With multiple customers around them. All the girls fangirling over the "ship" that apparently became real. When Kyoya went to demand an explanation he realized. That's more customers then they usually had. He looked through his notebook and there in (Name) handwriting was "Trouble Trio. 3 for 1". Kyoya chuckled and shook his head.
Maybe this will cause less trouble with them all together. Usually the 3 would yell/flirt across the club room. But with the trio getting more and more customers. The club was getting more and more money. Maybe he'll just let this pass. For old time sake. Since he did owe (Name) a favor.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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An introduction to the first note | OHSHC x Male Reader
Prologue time!! Enjoy!! My Wattpad and Quotev!
Description: Of A Melody there once was
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note | (You are here)
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Warning: Any chan is used in a gender neutral way
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(Play this song when I say too)
(Play this song when I say too)
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Y/n was walking up to the new campus he was going to be attending. He was here to show the principal his talent. Sure, Y/n's scholarship was set in stone, but the principal wished to see what kind of person he was admitting into his school. Y/n wore a suit to impress the man he was going to be playing for. He had his ebony violin, case in hand, taking deep breaths.
Y/n was hoping it was only the principal who would be there, but this wish was not granted. As he opened the door gently, Y/n was faced with the principal along with someone else. He seemed to be a year older than Y/n. The boy had bright blonde hair as well as matching violet eyes full of gentle passion. Y/n was startled at his presence. Y/n spoke up in an anxious tone.
“Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt..”
Y/n had a soft blush and the teen in front of him found it cute. This boy didn't realize that this interaction would start an obsession in his heart.
“It's quite alright, L/n-chan. Tamaki, you may leave now.”
The blonde boy refused, insisting that he stay. Only someone like the H/c haired person in front of him had his interest. Looking at the stature of the s/c boy, Tamaki had noticed him holding a case. It was a violin case.
'Was this the boy who had been offered a scholarship on talent alone? Father seems to have high hopes for this boy.'
“You may now play Y/n L/n”
That's when Tamaki learned the boy's name. It was a name he would never forget after witnessing this boy at his best.
(Play the song now)
As Y/n pulled out his ebony violin, and the bow, he rhythmically played the song he had prepared. Sure, it wasn't his own, but it was a song he loved. With each bow of the strings, Y/n had swayed rhythmically. Each note hitting the small audience with a passion of which they had never experienced. They felt the emotions that Y/n was feeling.
They didn't understand the effect that this boy had. The sweet notes seemed to have more of an effect on Tamaki. He felt Y/n's sadness, which he didn't understand.
That's when he looked at Y/n's s/c face. He noticed the crystal tears brimming his closed eyes. Tamaki's interest was peaked even more. Why was this boy crying when he played such a beautiful melody? He was going to ask Y/n after he had finished, that was his goal.
Y/n still played, not bothered by the stares he was receiving. His thoughts drifted to his mother, the time he practiced this song with her. The tears overwhelmed his eyes as they gently fell.
Tamaki had begun to worry, should he have interrupted this beautiful peace to comfort the boy in front of him? He hesitated, but Y/n picked up the pace. His fingers placed themselves on each note beautifully. It was as if flowers were blooming around Y/n as he delicately played the song he loved so dear.
And then came Y/n's least favorite part. The moment when the song would end, and his melody would cease. He found so much comfort in the melodies he created, even if they pained him when he played.
Y/n had started to slow down as the bow came to a stop. The song had ended, and it had left the two in front of him amazed. Suoh-san expected highly of the boy in front of him, but not this much talent entering his school. He clapped for Y/n as Tamaki did the same. Tamaki was amazed, and had to befriend this boy in front of him. And just as if his father read his mind, Suoh-san had spoken up.
“Please escort Y/n out of my office, Tamaki.”
This flustered Y/n a bit, and Tamaki couldn't help but be consumed by cuteness aggression. He took the boy's hand and gently lead him out of his father's office. He then turned to the y/h boy in front of him.
“You played beautifully! But I have to ask if it's alright little prince, why you were tearing up? Were you that enchanted with the song you played, as well?”
This question stung Y/n's heart a bit. Should he have trusted this stranger? It didn't help that Y/n was flustered at Tamaki's nickname for him. Lucky for Y/n, a black haired boy had interrupted this small conversation. Tamaki was a bit disappointed, and Y/n noticed this. Y/n reached for the blonde boy out of intimidation of being stared at by the black haired teen in front of them. Again Tamaki was enveloped in his own world of cuteness aggression from this h/c haired boy. Y/n had recognized the boy in front of him to be Kyoya Ootori. His fame was from his family's multiple facilities in Japan. Kyoya seemed to chuckle at Y/n in the situation he was in.
“Who is that behind you, Tamaki?”
The two boys were here on account of their parents asking them to explore the school to make sure their classes were all memorized. But they only went because they had host business to take care of before they had gone back to school. The two also were intrigued about the new student they were getting from America, and they only knew about it because Tamaki's father would not stop talking about it. And the gossip had gripped the Ootori family as well. Was this the real reason behind the families pushing them out of the house? Who knows, only their parents of course. Tamaki had finally answered the question.
“This is the famous musician Y/n L/n! I just heard him play, and it was magnificent!”
Y/n blushed, trying to hide his face. He hadn't gotten this much praise from many, and when he did, Y/n rarely ever reacted like this. What was wrong with him? Kyoya had looked at the tear stained face behind Tamaki. He was taken aback at how someone so elegantly presenting could be so cute to him. Kyoya wished to address something, however.
“Well, it's no good for this elegant musician to be crying now, is it.”
This startled Y/n even more, making his face even more red. What was going on? He was so confused, and Tamaki looked back at the h/c haired boy behind him.
“I had asked him about that, but Y/n has yet to answer.”
The two looked at Y/n which made him anxious. He was seriously debating telling these two about the reason his tears struck when he played. Then Tamaki created an offer.
“Hey Y/n, why not join us to our clubroom? We do have some duties to attend to, and you could tell us over some tea!”
Y/n did really like the idea of tea. It would calm him and make it easier to tell. He was never one to keep secrets about his past if he was asked about him. Y/n nodded and Tamaki excitedly took Y/n's hand and ran with him to the clubroom, with Kyoya insuite. Once the trio had reached the music room, Y/n's gentle voice perked up, which had startled the two boys.
“Why is the clubroom a music room?”
Tamaki had enveloped Y/n which overwhelmed him, gushing about Y/n's sweet voice and how it matched him. Y/n was struggling against Tamaki suffocating him, but Kyoya had begun to explain.
“This music room is abandoned, so we had asked the principal if we could use it. He had said yes, and now it resides the host club and most of its clubs events.”
Y/n nodded in acknowledgement, which made Tamaki blush even more.
“You are too precious, L/n-chan! Come inside!”
“Please don't call me L/n, you can just use my first name Tamaki-senpai.”
This made Tamaki stop in his tracks, leaving Kyoya the one to open the door for them. As if one cue, an overwhelming scent of roses met the boy's face. He was amazed! The elegance of the clubroom astounded him! He also noticed a piano covered in curtains. He so wanted to play it. Kyoya then spoke up.
“We're back gentlemen.”
Y/n had saw 4 boys that walked up to Kyoya. Two of them were identical and seemed to be Y/n's age. One was really tall and seemed to be a 3rd year. The last one he looked at was short and had blonde hair, and didn't seem to even be in high school. The two twins were the ones who noticed Y/n first.
“Who is this Kyoya senpai?”
Y/n stared at the two with fascination. And it seemed to show, since the two twins were curious about the boy in front of him.
“This is our newest member of the host club, Y/n L/n.”
This shocked Y/n. He didn't agree to join the club, and he was never asked. The two twins noticed the shock in Y/n's eyes. It was clear he was trapped by Kyoya.
“Uhm, I don't think you ever asked me to join.”
Kyoya looked at Y/n with a small smile. He knew everything about Y/n and how he wasn't of a rich family. He also knew the reason Y/n had tears in his eyes when he played.
“My apologies, I did intend to ask, but it slipped my mind.”
No it didn't.
Kyoya knew Y/n would join. All because Tamaki was the leader of the group. Tamaki had perked up from his stunned, flustered shock. He grabbed Y/n's shoulder.
“Let me introduce you to all the hosts here! Kyoya, the cool type. Mori, the wild type. His companion Honey, the boy lolita type. And the twins Hikaru and Koaru, the little devil types. And you know me, the prince type.”
After this statement, he took Y/n's hand, making him even more flustered.
“And if you were to join us, little prince, you would be the musician of our group. What do you say?”
Y/n was shocked. He didn't want to remind himself of being a musician. He was trying to separate himself from it because of all the emotional baggage it had on him. Before Y/n could answer, Honey had jumped on his back.
“Wow Y/n-chan you're a musician? Can you play a song?”
Y/n looked at the doe eyed boy. He couldn't resist him and he nodded.
“Maybe, but not right now.”
Honey looked a little dejected, and walked over to his tall friend Mori. This gave the twins a chance to tease Y/n around.
“Aw, come on, Y/n!” 
Hikaru had started the sentence. 
“Play for us!” 
Kaoru had finished it. Then they both spoke in unison that unsettled Y/n. “Or are you too scared?”
Tamaki had pushed the twins away, enveloping Y/n into another hug.
“Leave Y/n alone! Don't listen to those twins, my little prince, you don't have to play.”
This gave Y/n an odd sense of comfort. Tamaki had reminded him of his mother, and this made his heart hurt more than it did now as the tears well in his eyes. He brought up both his hands to try to push the tears out of his eyes. This had made everyone freeze, and Tamaki went into a panic. Even with the brief time they spent together, Tamaki felt incredibly close and enchanted by Y/n.
Tamaki had thought the twins caused the tears of his little prince, so he chased them, saying things like “You made my little prince cry” and “Go apologize to him.” Honey had gone up to Y/n and gave him a big hug of comfort, and Mori towered over the two comfortingly.
“Please don't cry, Y/n-chan! How about you have some cake with me and Usa-chan! Here! You can hold Usa-chan too!”
Honey handed Usa-chan to Y/n and took his hand as they went to the table Honey and Mori were stationed at. Y/n perked up at all the sweets that were presented elegantly. As Y/n took a bite of the cake Honey put in front of him, he was amazed.
He didn't realize that the three boys that were running around stopped as they stared at Y/n. A blush met all their faces as they all found Y/n so cute when eating the cake with Honey. Kyoya then took this chance to ask Y/n something.
“Why not give us a small presentation of your musical talent? Then you can have your tea.”
Y/n really wanted that tea, especially if it was a rich, fancy kind of tea. He took a deep breath and spoke gently, which had surprised everyone due to the tone. They all found it cute.
“Only one song?”
Kyoya nodded, intending to keep his deal. Y/n then got up and looked at Kyoya which made everyone freeze.
“May I sing instead?”
They were all shocked by this. Tamaki had thought Y/n could only play the violin. But he was wrong, and Y/n proved it. Then Y/n had a request.
“May I borrow a guitar too?”
Kyoya nodded, as he went to look for a guitar. Honey looked super excited. All the hosts did as they gathered around where Y/n was sitting. Even Mori's eyes showed excitement.
“What are you going to sing Y/n-Chan?”
Y/n thought on his answer, not knowing how to respond. He then thought of the answer, and it was perfect.
“A song that reminds me of my mother.”
If Y/n was going to join this club, then he had to get over the tears that fell when he sang. Everyone froze again. From the way Y/n's e/c eyes had looked, they knew it wasn't something of happiness. And this whole scene was why Tamaki wanted Y/n to be a host.
(Play the 2nd song now)
Once handed the guitar, Y/n gently strummed it to make sure to tune it. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Then Y/n plucked the strings of the rough guitar as he placed his fingers on the board. Tamaki was reminded of how Y/n beautifully held his violin and played each note. Then his voice started singing the melody. This caught all the hosts' attention. Each one forming a blush on their faces. Then he started fully singing.
This love it is a distant star Guiding us home wherever we are
The tears started to well, but it was faint. His tone was that of a sad one, but Y/n kept going.
This love, it is a burning sun Shinning light on the things that we've done
Everyone was enchanted by his voice. Y/n had kept singing. Only ever looking at his audience only faintly. The emotion was clear in the playing.
I try to speak to you every day, But each word we spoke The wind blew away
The intensity had grown, then came the chorus. This was when the tears started to threaten to fall. Y/n tried to hold it in. And they all noticed.
Could these walls come crumbling down? I want to feel my feet on the ground And deep behind this prison we share Step into the open air
As the chorus ended, the tears fell. Y/n's gripped the finger board as he pressed harder into the instrument he held. It hurt, but it didn't stop him. The hosts had noticed Y/n's face as it shifted. They all felt sympathy.
How did we let it come to this What we just tasted we somehow still miss
Y/n's voice was still smooth, even when he was crying. The guitar had tears slightly pooling, and it was beautiful in a way. The strumming became faster as more emotion was put into the playing.
How will it feel when this day is done? And can we keep what we've only begun
The hosts had focused so much on Y/n. They noticed his state and all looked at him with sympathy in their eyes. They were all amazed that such a simple song could cause so much emotion in them.
And now these walls come crumbling down And I can feel my feet on the ground Can we carry this love that we shareInto the open air
Here it was, Y/n's least favorite part. The ending of his song. He didn't stop, though. His voice slowed and the strumming of the guitar did too.
Into the open air
There was a slight release of the finger board, and the strumming wasn't as harsh. But even when it was, it was still very delicate. The boys around Y/n were all amazed with the talent Y/n possessed.
To the open air
Y/n's voice softened more as he opened his eyes. He looked at the audience as the final lyric came from his lips. The boys in front of him looked even the more amazed.
This love it is a burning sun
And with that, silence fell as the ringing of the last string being plucked ran through the room. It was only for a moment as the whole host club applauded Y/n. Honey was crying and jumped into Y/n's lap across the table. Y/n held the boy in a very motherly way. This caused everyone's blush to deepen.
“Wahh! Y/n-chan! That was so sad!”
Y/n smiled at the small boy he was holding. He couldn't believe Honey was a 3rd year. He learned about this while Kyoya went to get the guitar for him. Honey looked up at Y/n.
“I'm sorry it had made you sad, Honey-senpai. I'll give you my cake if it'll help you feel better.”
Before he could do anything, Tamaki lunged at Y/n which startled Honey and Y/n both.
“That was beautiful, my little prince! You did wonderful!”
Even if Tamaki had tears in his eyes, it was replaced with a big, bright smile that gave Y/n more comfort. Tamaki was now rubbing his cheek against Y/n's as he brushed his tears away. This made Y/n blush a bit, but everyone around him had this jealous aura. Well except for Kyoya, because he went to get the tea he promised Y/n. The twins were quick to react, however. They pushed Tamaki to the side, which caused him to feel rejected, and put Y/n in the middle of them.
“That was truly amazing, Y/n”
Hikaru spoke, as he took a plate in his hand. Then Kaoru spoke, causing Y/n to look at him cutely.
“Would you like some cake as a reward~?”
The tone was for two things. One was to upset Tamaki, and the other was the pure emotion both twins had felt for Y/n. It was small, and it formed rather quickly, which intrigued both of them. As Tamaki watched in shock.
“Here Y/n, let us feed you!”
Y/n was too flustered to move, and he just accepted them feeding him. Hikaru had gently placed a chunk of the vanilla cake into Y/n's mouth. As Y/n chewed, he was amazed with the flavor. This made Hikaru blush as Y/n chewed slightly.
'His facial expressions are so cute!'
Then Kaoru took a chocolate mousse and a spoon. He gently grabbed Y/n's chin to make him look into his amber eyes. Kaoru placed the spoon to Y/n's lips and fed him the mousse. Y/n was in utter bliss. This helped so much with his feelings directed at his mother. Maybe if he did join the host club, things wouldn't be so bad. Kaoru looked at Y/n's smile.
'That smile is so pretty!'
Both the twins wanted this moment to last forever, but Tamaki didn't. So he pulled the twins by the collars and had a talking to too them. Then came Kyoya with the brewed tea. He poured Y/n a cup and sat down In front of him.
“So, tell me, why were you crying when we first encountered each other?”
Everyone's ears perked up as they once again surrounded Y/n. They all felt panicked that the new boy they all gotten close to was put into tears. They were ready for a fight if anyone had caused it. Y/n froze, and then his story began.
He shared about his mom and his friend, though he didn't mention her name. He shared why he sang and why he stopped. He shared about his father and how they moved to America for a new life. Y/n shared everything and didn't realize everyone looking at him with sad eyes again.
This time Mori was the one who went to comfort him. He stood behind Y/n and pat his head gently. Y/n looked up at Mori and his expression had Mori blushing a bit. Then Y/n spoke again.
“I think.. I'll join your host club.”
Everyone was really happy. Tamaki hugged Y/n tightly, and so did Honey. Both were really happy that this musician would join them. Kyoya smirked, he knew Y/n would join, but it wasn't for the reason he thought. The twins then piped up.
“You'll need the school uniform if you're going to join Y/n”
Y/n giggled at what the twins said. Did they think he didn't have one? This giggle was that of sunshine when everyone around him heard it. They were all stunned.
“I have one, though I didn't plan on wearing it.”
“Why not?”
The twins had questioned him. This boy In front of him had piqued their curiosity in more ways than one.
“Because I quite like this suit better.”
They looked up and down on the figure. It was a f/c suit that fit the boy really well. But it wasn't all that eccentric. It screamed commoner.
 "Nonsense my little prince! I'm sure you will look dazzling!”
Y/n blushed. And from just this interaction, he knew high school would be an experience. But a good one. Y/n decided to wear the uniform and left the room. Tamaki insisted on walking Y/n home, but Y/n gently declined his offer. However, the twins forced themselves on Y/n as to walk him home. 
And Y/n couldn't escape them so he gave up in trying to refuse. They walked Y/n up to the apartment and they said their goodbyes. As Y/n got ready to sleep, he thought about all the boys he met, and how they treated him. Then his mind went to his closest friend, Haruhi. He missed her a bunch, and hoped to see her at school. They were in the same class after all. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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oh-allie · 2 months
Hi pooks I would absolutely love a fanfic with a trans male reader x Hikaru (ouran highschool host club) where Hikaru and the reader r already dating and the reader has a nightmare due to childhood trauma (maybe getting yelled at by their stepdad? And the thing the reader is being yelled at is kinda dumb (ie. Messing around with the TV remote, spilling tea on accident) but still super duper scary) and Hikaru comforts the reader with gentle cuddling and soft, comforting words 🙏🙏 (I know this is sorta a lot so take all the time you need pooks 🫶)
its quiet here
hitachiin hikaru x male reader
asshole stepdad yelling, comfort, does this count as a blurb idk
a/n: HI POOKIE !!!!! sorry if its not up to par 😣😣 i didn't know how to incorporate the readers trans identity into the story since i write in the second person so im really sorry abour that ☹️💔 I HOPE YOU DTILL LIKE IT !!!! (ignore how long it took to write i had ummm aummm uemmm EXAMS thats a good excuse)
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it's a quiet night, the air outside is misty and the faint light coming from hikaru’s bathroom is the only thing illuminating the bedroom you're sharing.
its loud. its really loud. your head is spinning and the air is caught in your lungs, you can’t think, everything is just too loud. what did you even do? why does this always happen to you?
but its quiet here. the only noises are the stirring of the bedsheets and hikaru's quiet breaths.
“you always find a way to ruin things, don’t you?” his voice is laced with venom, and its all too familiar. “you can't even handle a cup of tea.”
he storms off, not far enough that you can't hear him complain about you.
"our son is a fucking wreck! god, it's like he can't do anything."
you have so many things you want to say, but you don’t want to say anything. you could scream and cry and shout, but the only noises you make are the ragged sobs that spill out as you try to maintain your breathing.
and then you’re awake. and you’re back in his peaceful room, you’re back with him. your face is tear stained and slightly sticky and your breath is shallow.
breathe in for 4 seconds
hold for 7
exhale for 8
breathe in for 4
hold for 7
out for…
you’re interrupted by your boyfriend's careful movements.
“are you alright…?” he says hesitantly. is he scared to startle you or does he think youre annoying, are you annoying? does he hate you? oh no, what if he just wants to sleep, and you're interrupting-
your thoughts are cut short when he wraps his arms around you. he’s warm and soft and you can tell he's sleepy.
and he just holds you. just like you needed. you’re safe and loved and you're okay here. you're okay with him. you knew your boyfriend wasn't the best with words, but he was always enough. you lean into his hold a little more.
“i’m sorry.” you breathe out, “for waking you up n’ stuff.” you're overflowing, you’d rather die than have him asleep right now but how his head is leaning in the crook of your neck and his arms are loosely wrapped around your waist shows you how tired he is and god does it make you feel guilty.
“shut up. i love you.” and his hold around you gets a little tighter.
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sleepyboywrites · 3 months
OHSHC Masterlist
Hey so it's me ya boy, with another fandom I'm in that doesn't have enough xgn or xmale reader fics/ficlets! As always requests are open!
Tamaki Suoh :
Kyoya Ootori:
Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey):
Takashi Morinozuka (Mori):
Hikaru Hitachiin:
Kaoru Hitachiin:
Umehito Nekozawa:
Ritsu Kasanoda:
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obsessedace-jazz · 2 years
Debating whether or not I should make OHSHC X SMR headcanons or not.
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billie-rotten · 1 year
Alone Time
Featuring: Hikaru Hitachiin. Kaoru Hitachiin. Takashi Morinozuka. Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka.
Rated X: Intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised.
Contains: Male anatomy. Male masturbation. Ejaculation. Mentions of sexting. Mentions of pornography.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be older than 21 years of age.
| Part 1 |
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He mostly has a habit of jerking off first thing in the morning.
Baby just can’t stand having morning wood :( 
He probably has bought a Fleshlight (or some other toy in that vein) and found out pretty quickly that he doesn’t like it too much. 
He only kept it because he thinks it’s a funny item to have. 
He lays on his back with his phone laying on his chest. 
He doesn’t have too much of a porn preference, but he does love to watch oral sex in any direction.
(Especially if there is cum in someone’s mouth)
He typically uses two hands, one to stroke and the other to play with his balls.
When he’s alone, he doesn’t last very long. He has to actively edge himself to last any amount of time.
This started because he just wanted to get it over with. But now, on his days off, he takes some extra time in bed to tease himself.
His cum is thin and watery, but it comes out in powerful spurts, usually landing on his chest.
When he cums, he lets out a few quiet grunts, maybe a whimper. But never any moans when he’s alone. 
If you’re lucky, you might get a picture or two from him.
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He usually just finds free time, if he really feels like he needs it. 
But he doesn’t usually feel that way.
Most of the time, he’s focused on other things. Also, there’s rarely a time when you aren’t around to help him out. 
He doesn’t own any toys. Again, he’s just focused on other stuff and doesn’t think about it that much. 
He sits most of the way up, swiping through pictures of his partner.
No, really. He keeps every single picture you send him in a cute little folder on his phone. Password protected, of course.
He typically just uses one hand. He needs the other to be able to use his phone. 
He likes to go pretty quickly. No messing around for him.
Unless you’re on the other end of the phone, that is ;)
Just like his twin, his cum is very watery, but his dribbles onto his belly, rather than shooting anywhere on him. 
He also is virtually silent when he’s alone. There might be a sigh or two, but no real moaning.
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He used jerking off as a passtime when he was single. 
Like, he would get bored, go in his room, and immediately start fooling around with himself. 
But then he really started enjoying it. 
So, even now that he has you around, he still has toys and such to experiment with. 
He doesn’t usually like porn, but occasionally, he likes femdom or femboy stuff.
He takes his time when he can. He uses two hands with very slow strokes. 
He also loves the feelings of his fingers lightly tracing over his skin and giving himself goosebumps everywhere.
His orgasms are powerful, usually leaving him shaking. 
He tries his best to stay quiet, but he always lets out at least a whimper or two. 
His cum is thick and white, but there’s only a couple of drops at a time. 
And you can always tell when he’s been playing with himself because he always comes and cuddles you right after.
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It’s pretty rare that he really feels like he needs to jerk off. 
And even when he does, he doesn’t want you to know about it.
That’s why he typically does it in the shower. 
He doesn’t own any toys. To him, it makes him feel icky when he has someone as wonderful as you.
He doesn’t need them anyway.
Typically, he stands under the running water with one hand stroking himself. 
The other hand is playing with his sensitive nipples. 
His orgasms are pretty powerful. It’s usually difficult for him to stay quiet. 
But he must be pretty good at it, because you always seem none the wiser when he gets out of the bathroom.
His cum is thick, and there’s just about an average amount of it.
Not that anyone would ever know because it always washes down the drain with his shower.
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h8ani · 9 months
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, thank you.
I also wrote both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for but please try to keep the number of characters under 10 unless it’s like konoha 11
Selca Ships:
I will do these for both kpop & anime
Send in a max of 3 selfies of yourself
Request a max if 3 animes/kpop groups
You can mix and match if you’d like
Please no filters obstructing what you look like I will just delete it
I will do private ships as well just state that when submitting the ships
Poly Ships:
Max of 2-3 animes/groups
You can mix and match
Request If you’d like these to be private
This ship is me just shipping you with two characters of said anime requested or 2 members of a kpop group
Kink Ships:
Send in a kink along with a kpop group or anime
I’ll say who I think the kinks go with
Aesthetic Moodboards:
Request who you’d like the moodboard for (example: bestfriend mikey sano, date night jungkook, etc)
I’m okay with nsfw moodboards too
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gloomzi · 6 months
if a character is on this list that means i'll write for them! pls mind the category they fall under as some characters i will only write in queer relationships
italics for who i write best
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this is the x reader section <3
any gender reader: sam riordan, emma meyer
any gender reader: l lawliet, mail jeevas
only male or nonbinary reader: mihael keehl, nate river
only female or nonbinary reader: misa amane, rem
any gender reader: haruhi fujioka, tamaki suoh, kyoya ootori, hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, mitsukuni haninozuka, takashi morinozuka
any gender reader: adrian chase
any gender reader: duncan, scott, gwen, bridgette, noah, heather, lindsay
this is the canon x canon section :3
kirishima/bakugou, kirishima/bakugou/shinsou, bakugou/shinsou, kirishima/shinsou, momo/jirou, todoroki/bakugou, aizawa/yamada
mello/matt. that's it sorry.
craig/kenny, kyle/craig, pete/michael, kenny/henrietta, henrietta/wendy, bebe/wendy, wendy/stan/kyle
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hannahlily · 2 years
So i saw this, and ,, 😧😧 ooOH
I wanna request some tamaki suoh smut😁👍🏾 The most necessary thing, is that this takes place during episode nine or whatever episode it was that had tamaki wear that big red dress he wore, and the reader was his partner (reader is gender-neutral), and their relationship is secret. Well, not really secret because Haruhi and Kyoya know. Haruhi found out from walking in on them kissing, and Kyoya knows because he knows everything.
Now onto the request., Tamaki wore a big red dress, like the other host club members. Kyoya noticed that Tamaki was acting a bit odd. Tamaki would always start smiling out of nowhere, and he would make faint noises, and he had his hands where his crotch was. Later, Kyoya asked Tamaki what was wrong with him. Tamaki told him that he shouldn’t worry. Kyoya then soon found out that the reader was under Tamaki’s dress, sucking him off.
Holy hell, YES. I really wish this wasn’t anonymous because I want to know you. This is amazing. Dear god, I rewatched this episode and dear god is it something else! I also re-read the post you mentioned and damn I did it’s been a while since I’ve written smut. By the way, I’m retconning the story so Haruhi is just friends with everyone and the female uniform is more similar to the boys than that awful dress. Also, the detail of Mori being the only one not wearing a dress is definitely another concept I should write about. Anyways … without further ado, the actual story.
16+ Warning: reference to smut (obviously), oral male receiving, that should be it
Tamaki x Hitachiin reader
(Kyoya’s POV)
Kyoya didn’t particularly like this idea but he supposed if it was necessary to keep Haurh around he would do it. But he almost drew the line at hosting like that. For some reason, this was where he ended up, in a dress at the back of the room trying to stay hidden. This gave Kyoya lots of time to observe. Kyoya knew something was off with Tamaki right away. When Kyoya tried to ask him afterwards Tamaki just brushed him off. Kyoya was interested now, he wanted to get to the bottom of this, but little did he know what he was getting into.
(Third POV)
The last guest had left the host club and the boys had changed into regular clothing.
“That was a funny guy but why didn’t you just wear the girls' uniforms?” Haruhi asks, causing all the boys to freeze.
“Come on that would have been so much easier” Hikaru complains.
“But it wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun,” you say with a smirk, side-eyeing Tamaki and making his whole face blush.
“What do you mean Y/N chan?” Honey asks.
“Just that those skirts don’t cover much, I mean it would be impossible to-“ you say before being cut off by a panicked Tamaki.
“It would be imposable for the guest to actually focus on us, that's all, right Y/N/N” Tamaki looks at you with begging eyes. His words and action made it clear he didn’t exactly want the host club to find out about the way it was a good idea to have the long poofy dress. You just wanted to get back at Tamaki for his wandering hands the last time you were with the host club. Well get back is the wrong word, you wanted to punish him. If he wanted to act slutty in public he could risk getting caught.
“Yeah that, I think there’s also something about the uniforms in the student handbook anyways,” you say which earns a realized sigh from Tamaki. No one seemed to buy it but they didn’t bring it up. Hikaru and Kaoru, two of the three who knew about your relationship because they saw you kissing, could infer what happened and fully intended to tease Tamaki about it later. Haruhi was the other one who knew but she didn’t care enough to think about it.
Kyoya on the other hand did a thing about it, and he just got more confused. He finally settled on asking you on your own later.
Almost everyone had left, you were helping Kyoya with the last of the paperwork for the upcoming gala the club was throwing and Kyoya thought it was as good a time as any.
“So Y/N, what were you going to say about the dress earlier?”. 
You chuckled a little, “Oh that, just that, oh wait I haven’t told you yet have I?”.
“Told me what?”.
“Tamaki and I are together, like romanticly”.
“Just romanticly?” Kyoya questions with a quirked brow making you blush. It was a nightmare when your brothers found out but you would take that over this right now.
“W-well sexually too I guess” you stammer.
“Alright, I get the picture, just be safe and how about not on club time alright, that kind of indecency is bad for business,” Kyoya says very calmly before packing up and leaving you alone in the music room very confused. 
You later heard from Tamaki about the ear full Kyoya gave him. “Honestly he sounded more like your big brother than the twins”.
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wakatoshislovebot · 2 years
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attack on titan
➸levi ackerman
➸jean kirstein
➸mikasa ackerman
blue period
➸takahashi yotasuke
criminal minds
➸aaron hotchner
➸spencer reid
demon slayer
➸any character except shinobu, tamayo, yushiro, and nezuko
final fantasy vii
➸reno sinclair
➸tobio kageyama
➸wakatoshi ushijima
➸hajime iwaizumi
➸kei tsukishima
➸kenma kozume
➸tooru oikawa
➸osamu miya
➸atsumu miya
➸i can do more haikyu characters i'm just most comfortable writing for the ones mentioned above
jojo’s bizarre adventure
➸any character except those from part 7 & 8
jujutsu kaisen
➸literally any character except for the newer ones from the culling games arc
kuroko’s basketball
➸atsushi murasakibara
➸taiga kagami
my hero academia
➸katsuki bakugo
➸shoto todoroki
➸tenya iida
obey me!
ouran high school host club
➸takashi morinozuka
➸kyoya ootori
➸kaoru & hikaru hitachiin
pacific rim
➸chuck hansen
➸raleigh becket
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~I won’t write smut anything(just because I suck at writing it not bc it makes me uncomfortable), yandere, incest, rape, pregnancy inserts, age inappropriate stuff, and anything that could be considered ‘dead dove do not eat’.
~reader x character only please(character x reader x character is okay!).
~i try to write to make the reader gender neutral as i don’t know how to write for a male reader so I will only do gn or female.
~i am not obligated to do your request especially if it makes me feel uncomfortable or uninspired.
~please give a story description or prompt you want.
~don’t give me criticism on headcanons, if you disagree keep it to yourself(my headcanons aren’t facts) :)
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notgraceful4 · 2 years
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Fluff alphabet letters K, O and R with Kaoru Hitachiin x male reader:
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K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yeah, despite having not actually kissed anyone before he is a really good kisser. He’s just a natural talent at it really. Being in the host club he’s never actually kissed a guest before, since he really only teases them, so his first kiss was with you. Of course it was since your the only person he hangs out with on a daily basis worth kissing.
When he leans in for the kiss his breathe is minty without being too overpowering that it feels like your putting toothpaste on your tongue. Hikaru made sure he had some mints before meeting up with you because he doesn’t want his stinky breathe to put you off.
The first kiss was very smooth and fresh. The kiss started off with just lip to lip contact with him slowly intertwining your tongues with each other. Very clean, well as clean as a kiss can be, there is no unnecessary slobber on his end making for an enjoyable experience. Out of all the hosts his kiss is probably one of the best because he doesn’t over think it too much and just gets lost in the moment, making there little room for errors.
Kaoru is actually quite calm and collected after the kiss with him only having a tint of blush on his cheeks, but on the inside he is quite happy that he got to have his first kiss with his boyfriend. The kiss itself was very slow and passionate, which is different from his usual teasing self, he knows when to dial the teasing back when it matters. He gives your hand a little squeeze before leaving since he wants to give you time to recover from the kiss.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When he is in love Kaoru acts how he normally would with everyone else the only difference being that he tries to hang out with you a lot more. When Hikaru is busy doing something you will be the first person he goes to, to hang out with and you will be the one he goes to for help when he has problems.
When Kaoru has feelings for you it actually isn’t easy to tell, Kaoru is really good at hiding it. The only way you could tell he likes you is if you look really closely at his face since he will have a small tint of blush when you do something he likes or if some people that are extra observant they could pick up on how he always chooses you has his partner when it is required for it or on days out with his brother and Haruhi (so he does not third wheel).
He expresses his feelings for you through being there for you. He will always be there to keep you safe and if you ever need a friend he will be right beside you. Kaoru will do his best to keep you happy even if you do not love him back. He doesn’t do this for many people, but because he has strong feelings for you your one of those people.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Quite romantic, he loves taking you out on dates because it helps keep a good connection in the relationship. Will plan different places to go to that you will love on these dates and other times will take you to local events that are happening at the moment, since not all dates need to be planned out.
To make you happy Kaoru will take you to your favourite place and do your favourite activity, which you told him about on one of your many date nights. He thinks if you do something you love it might relax your mind and refresh your head, so hopefully later you both can think of how to resolve the problem with clear heads together.
Well, Kaoru tries to get ideas from his twin , but he is not very romantic, so he tries to get ideas from the rest of the host club who just give him ideas they have saw in movies or dates to promote their businesses. For a host club you think they’d have better date ideas. Kaoru does end up doing some cliché date, but with a big twist to the cliché date to make it more fun and interesting without losing the romantic aspect, which a cliché date brings. His creativity doesn’t really go beyond that, but he is more creative with his dates than others. Overall, he has a good balance between cliché and creativity, they compliment each other when it comes to Kaoru’s date plans for him and you.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hikaru X male reader that recently started going to Ouran and walked into the host club wondering what it was?
Here you go! Hope you enjoy!
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(Name) looked around confused. He was lost. It was his first week here at Ouran High School. He was looking for the art club. See he was here on a Art Scholarship . His family wasn't as rich as most families here but his family wasn't exactly poor either. But he knew this school would help his future.
He was just opening random doors at this point. It's been like 15 minutes and he literally couldn't find the art club room. He opened another door and froze when rose petals fell down. Standing at the front of the room was about 7 guys. All posing and they greeted him in union. "Welcome~". They stared at each other for a few seconds when (Name) shook out of his frozen state.
"Excuse me! I didn't meanto barge in!" (Name) looked so guilty. "I was looking for the art club room. I'm new here and wasn't shown around...." (Name) bowed slightly when the tall male with glasses spoke up. "The Art Club room is 4 rooms to the right." (Name) lit up and it looked like he was surrounded by flowers. "Oh! Thank you...?" Kyoya pushed up his glasses and went to speak before Tamaki interrupted.
"Your so sweet! What's your name?" Tamaki was up in (Name)'s face and the others could tell he was uncomfortable. Luckily Hikaru was close to them so he pulled the (hair color) male away from Tamaki. "Sorry Boss but he looks extremely uncomfy with you all in his face." Kyoya slid beside them with his trusty black book in his hand. "(Last Name) (Name). In Class 1-B here on a Art Scholarship. His father owns an Art Gallery and the mother isn't in the picture."
(Name) looked even more uncomfortable now. "Um excuse me for being rude but what is this place and how did you know all that?" Tamaki brighten up getting in (Name)'s face again and went to speak when Hikaru pushed his face away. He looked down at (Name) and smiled. "Sorry about him. He doesn't know personal space. This is Ouran's very own Host Club."
(Name) looked confused. A host club? In a high school? (Name) shrugged his shoulders at his own question. "Well it your own business. I'm sorry for interrupting your club time so I'll go ahead and leave now." (Name) tried to leave when Hikaru wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Since we're in the same grade why don't I give you a tour of the school?" (Name) brightened up and flowers surrounded him again.
"Could you please? Although could it be done tomorrow? I'm quite late for my art club. It was nice to meet you?" "Hitachiin Hikaru. That guys over there is my twin Kaoru. The tall guys with the small Blond is Mori. The small Blond is Honey. The guy with the glasses is Kyoya. The guy with the brown hair is Haruhi. Finally the guy who doesn't know personal space is Tamaki."
(Name) nodded trying to stick names to faces. "Okay tall and short is Mori and Honey. Glass is Kyoya. Brunett is Haruhi. You and your twin are Hikaru and Kaoru. And the weird guy is Tamaki?" Hikaru nodded while Tamaki went to his emo corner. "He called me the weird guy!?" "Well boss you are kinda weird." The twins replied without hesitation. The other hosts laughed.
(Name) checked his watch and his eyes grew wide. "Oh god I'm so late! Bye Hik-kun!" (Name) ran out of the host club and to the art club room not noticing the blush on Hikaru's face or the smirk on his twins face.
The next day as promised Hikaru gave (Name) a tour of Ouran and ended it at the art club room. "Well that's all of our school." (Name) nodded with a smile. The school was huge but beautiful. "Hey (Last Name)-" (Name) cut him off with a bright smile. "Just (Name) please. I call you by your first name it's only fair." Hikaru nodded.
"Well (Name) can I ask why you wanted to come to Ouran of all schools? I mean Kyoya said you were here on an Art Scholarship. So that means you have to be incredibly good at it. But Ouran isn't exactly know for its art." (Name) smiled sadly. "My mother went here. Before she left she used to tell me about how amazing Ouran was. So I made it my mission to go to here." Hikaru had a troubled look on his face. "May I ask why your mother left?"
(Name)'s face saddned. "My father owns an art gallery. So he wasn't making as much money as she wanted so she left. Jokes on her though thanks to my art my dad is making more and more money." (Name) had a confident look on his face. Hikaru chuckled shaking his head. "You'll have to show me some of your art later then." It was like Hikaru turned on a bright flashlight.
"Actually Mr. Kyoya asked me to paint the host club members!" Hikaru looked confused. "Kyoya hired you to paint us? Why?" Well he showed up to my dad's art gallery yesterday after clubs and apparently he bought a lot of my art work and when my dad said who painted it he asked him if I could paint him and his club members! My dad was so happy...." (Name)'s smile was just so bright. Hikaru nodded. "Can't wait."
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