gloomzi · 5 months
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This will take time after Sam escapes and is in readers dorm.
The reader ends up taking Sam out to a local place like Walmart because earlier Sam said he wanted to get out for once a be a normal person. But the reader wasn't one to get out themselves or evening party, so they did the best they could. Take sam to Walmart. Once arriving the reader pulls out a shopping cart, looking over at sam with a half smile "wanna get in and I push you around?" Which leads sam being pushed around a Walmart in a shopping cart by the reader. So they takes him down different isle with the frozen snacks, spicy chips, drinks, etc and this kid looks like he is in mfing disney land but the characters are actually the characters.
(I ended up taking sam to the toy isle and he picked out a monster high doll and I educated him on the lore to which he picked frankine. Boy got taste)
waaah thank u for the request! sry it took longer than expected, shit just kept coming up in my life TvT but regardless i hope u enjoy it!
WARNINGS is primarily fluff but ends on a bit of a hurt/comfort note (sry), prose heavy
Ever since Sam had started staying in your dorm, he had been asking to go out and do something normal for once—nothing big, just something to get him out of the building, like grocery shopping or going to a party. Something where nobody would be paying attention to the people around them or would be too drunk to remember anyways.
Unfortunately for him, you were a bit too paranoid about your current predicament to want to bring him out in public—you wished that you could, but you knew all too well the lengths others would go to to hurt Sam, to bring him back to the woods, and you didn’t want to risk that—and you didn’t really have friends that were the partying type anyways. Or well, not anymore. Not since that last party where Andre nearly killed someone and Marie was almost expelled.
So, that left you with two options: keep telling Sam no while he gets more and more frustrated at being stuck in your cramped dorm room with little entertainment, or drive him far enough out of town that there was a decreased chance of him getting caught. 
You chose the latter.
As soon as you came back from classes that Friday, you were throwing an oversized hoodie at the boy and a plastic package containing black face masks, “C’mon Sam, we’re going on a trip!”
He was ecstatic, immediately dropping whatever it was he was holding—upon second glance you realized it was a few of your minifigs, embarrassing—to get dressed.
Seeing him struggle to change into his not so stellar disguise, you giggled, helping him tug the edge of the hoodie off his elbow where it had been stuck and over his stomach, flattening the fabric for him before handing him a cheap pair of readers off your desk and the masks which had fallen to the floor.
“Ground rules, Sam, okay? We’re going to be heading out of town, but until we cross town lines you have to keep all of this on, got it? And when we get there you can’t leave my side, you gotta stay where I can see you.” You said, watching as he slipped on the glasses, which were, admittedly, a bit silly looking on him, but it was endearing in a way.
Sam nodded quickly, grinning down at you, “Yeah, yeah, of course! Whatever you say!” Sam paused, tearing open the packaging on the masks before looking back up at you, “Where are we going again…?”
You chuckled, turning on your heel to switch your school bag out for a smaller one, stuffing your necessities in it, “Walmart, honey. You been before? When you were younger maybe?”
Sam hummed, thinking for a second before shrugging, “I mean, probably…the name sounds familiar, but I don’t really remember.”
You found that Sam didn’t mind talking about stuff he remembered from before The Woods or Sage Grove Center, in fact he usually recalled those times fondly, but his memory seemed pretty spotty before then.
“Fair enough,” You shrugged back, “Ready to go?” You held out a hand for him to grab, tugging your bag onto your shoulder with your other hand.
Sam nodded, smiling softly and taking your hand, allowing you to lead him out of the building and to the parking lot. 
Not many students on campus had cars, you yourself having only got one from your parents which you pay them back for monthly, meaning it was fairly easy to find where you had parked earlier in the week. Your car was on the older side, nowhere near glamorous—the thing didn’t even have an aux cord, so CDs were practically your life line now—but it ran well enough and you kept it clean and nicely decorated, from bumper stickers to stuffies in the backseat.
Sam peaked in the window, seemingly intrigued by the unreasonable amount of plush toys taking up space, but quickly snapped out of it when you pulled open the passenger door, waving him in.
You rounded the car quickly, hopping in and starting it up so you could show Sam how the radio worked and help him readjust his seat until he was comfortable.
“See, you can pull this thing right here backwards or forwards to bring your seat closer or further away from the dash, and if you pull this other one behind it it’ll adjust the back of your seat to recline more.” You guided him, holding your hand over his to make sure he felt where everything was, “And if you want to change any of the CDs, I keep all of mine right here in the center console, you just need to hit this eject button here to take out one and then the load button to put in the new one!”
Sam nodded along, asking questions about your CDs and which ones you liked best, fiddling with the volume to hear better before settling on one.
“Alright, ready to go now? Seatbelt on?”
“Yeah, let's go!”
Pulling out of the parking lot, you and Sam talked lightly, him mostly staring out the window and asking questions about the town and little stores you passed while you focused on driving, answering with fond amusement.
The drive was a bit longer than you were used to making, but you had to get out of town, so you knew it would be at least an hour, CDs seeming to come and go faster than you remember them being, though you guessed it might have something to do with Sam being there to talk over them.
By the time you had made it to the Walmart Sam had changed out of his sad excuse for a disguise, the hoodie being thrown into your backseat in favor of just wearing a white long sleeve with a graphic tee over it, glasses tucked into your sunglasses compartment and mask shoved into your glovebox. Both of you were getting a bit hungry at this point, so you felt relieved to see there was a Dunkin inside the Walmart as well, ordering you and Sam some hash browns and a vanilla bean coolatta to split.
Just based on his reaction you could tell he wasn’t used to having anything as sweet as that drink, his lips puckering as his eyes went wide, “Jesus christ, this shit must be loaded with sugar!”
“Oh yeah, that’s why we’re splitting it, I’d get sick otherwise,” You laughed, “You like it though, right? If not, I can buy you something else.”
“No, no, it’s really good! I like it!”
You hummed in acknowledgement, starting to walk towards the carts, knowing Sam would follow. Grabbing one of the large carts, you tapped the side, “Wanna get in? I’ll push you around.”
Sam’s eyes lit up, as he practically bounced up to the cart, “Hell yeah!” He cheered, throwing a leg over the side, cart wobbling lightly as you tried to hold it steady before he finally fell the rest of the way in, drink held in the air to keep it safe.
You giggled, holding your hand out for the drink so you could take a sip before handing it back to him, “Do you want to get some snacks for the dorm first? Anything you want as long as it’s not ridiculously expensive.”
Sam nodded, sipping on the drink once more with a small smile. He looked like a kid on Christmas, eyes lit up as he looked at practically every item you came across, trying to decide whether or not he liked the sound of different chip flavors and microwave noodles.
Maybe I should just get him one of those mini stoves that plugs into the wall…does he even know how to cook though? Probably not. You thought, rolling the cart into the drinks aisle and grabbing a case of water bottles.
“Hey, do you know how to cook?” You asked, starting to push the cart again. You had cleared all the food aisles, so now you just needed to grab him some clothes and maybe check out the toy aisles too. You always liked looking for figurines and board games in there, Sam would probably like that stuff too if you had to venture a guess.
“Sort of? My mom taught me simple stuff when I was younger.”
You nodded, “I can show you how to do some other stuff then, I’ll just have to get you something to cook with in the dorm.”
“Thank you…” Sam muttered, pursing his lips like he had more to say, but decided against it. You didn’t push. If Sam really wanted to say something, he’d say it in due time.
Finally arriving in the men’s section, you pushed the cart to the side, motioning for Sam to get out. He looked confused, but got out anyway, clambering over the side with about as much grace as a baby deer.
“You’re gonna have to try stuff on or at least hold it up to your frame to make sure it fits,” You said.
“Ohh, okay.” He said, putting the coolatta down in the cart’s baby seat.
For the next few minutes you watched him pick out clothes and hold them up to himself, pulling them on over his own shirt occasionally, but mostly just sizing up if he was unsure. He didn’t seem too picky, but you could tell he liked the more colorful patterns, only picking up darker clothes for “outings”, as he kept referring to them. He even picked up a few anime shirts, asking if you were familiar with the shows and if they were any good before deciding to just get a Naruto shirt anyways, thinking the design was cute, which got a hearty laugh out of you.
You made sure he picked out some sweaters and sleep clothes as well, boxers and socks, a few pairs of jeans and a pair of sturdy shoes, since his old ones were pretty beat up. The perks of working a part time job while having only a couple expenses meant you could pretty much splurge on him all you wanted and thank god for that, you didn’t know if you had the heart to say no to him.
After he had been satisfied with all his selections he had climbed back into the cart, pushing the growing pile of stuff around until it surrounded him like a nest of clothes and food.
“Do you want to check out the toys now? Or maybe some books?” You asked, lightly pushing him through the rows between the aisles. You figured you would be passing the section anyways and you had caught him reading once or twice in your room, maybe he’d want something newer.
“Could we do both? I think I’ve read through most of your collection already and Emma doesn’t have anything that isn’t from 2013 or earlier,” He groaned.
You huffed a laugh, smacking at his shoulder, “Just because Emma is reliving her YA fantasy doesn’t mean you get to shit on her taste!”
Sam whined dramatically, rubbing his shoulder as if you had actually hurt him, “Owww, careful or I’ll never even make it to the books!”
“‘Owww, careful’,” You mocked, snorting, “go pick out a book you menace!”
Sam rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t stop the grin on his face as he climbed back out of the cart, perusing the aisle, muttering to himself about each book. 
As he looked at the books you watched fondly, leaning against the cart until he was finished debating and set two thick hardcovers into the growing pile of items surrounding the empty spot he quickly climbed back into.
“To the toys!” Sam whooped, fist pumping the air as you pushed off in the direction of the aisle. 
You giggled, ruffling his hair, “To the toys!”
As soon as the aisles of toys came into view Sam was practically throwing himself out of the cart, tripping over his shoes until he was picking up a couple Barbie dolls, looking them over with excitement, “How many can I get?”
“How about we look at everything and then you pick out a few, okay? I can always get you more if you want.”
Sam nodded, beginning to saunter down the aisles, not checking to see if you were following as he picked things off the shelves to inspect before putting them back. After what was probably 10 or so minutes he started going back through the aisles and making his final selections, at which time you decided to actually look at some of the games and cheaper action figures.
By now you were pretty confident he wouldn’t wander off so you didn’t mind turning your back to him, grabbing a couple packs of cards to replace ones that had been ruined by a drunk Jordan months ago.
Shuffling a bit to the side you crouched down to check out some of the board games, tracing your finger over the price strips as you checked each one. Just as you pulled out one of the monopoly boards you heard Sam’s voice from across the aisle, anger clearly laced into his words, though he was quiet enough that you couldn’t make out the whole sentence.
Standing slowly, you padded over to the boy, making sure you were loud enough that he heard you approaching before you crouched at his side, a hand sliding over his back to squeeze at his shoulder, “You good?”
Sam took a deep breath, his shoulders wracking as he exhaled before a small no fell from his lips, the plastic packaging on the doll he was holding creasing under his hold.
“Did you want her?” You asked softly, your other hand sliding over his wrist softly to ease the toy out of his grip. It was a Ghoulia doll. 
Sam nodded shakily, letting you take the doll and place it in the cart before you went back to help him up, “You wanna go now?” You asked softly, already knowing the answer, but wanting to give him the choice rather than just saying you were leaving. He was quick to nod. 
“Let’s go through self checkout then, okay?”
Sam nodded once more, shuffling to stand by you, one of his hands looping around your arm as you started to push the cart.
You weren’t exactly surprised the trip was ending like this, Sam was still easily overwhelmed by new things, not to mention his still untreated illnesses. It wasn’t the first time you had taken him out to buy something and he had been triggered or had a hallucination, but you didn’t mind helping him through it in any way you could. He still needed to get out sometimes, if not for him to start to readjust to normal society outside The Woods, then for him to pick out his own things. You didn’t want him to keep living like a prisoner who didn’t even get his clothes anymore, let alone a choice in his dinner or snacks.
As soon as you got to the self checkout Sam let go of your arm, letting you ring up everything and bag it as he watched in relative silence, tugging at strands of his hair in an attempt to self regulate. Once you had finished paying, you were quick to lead him back to the car.
Just as you were pulling open his door, you just barely caught the sound of him speaking, his voice wavering, “‘M sorry, (Y/N).”
Shaking your head, you reached up to cup the side of his face, tucking his hair behind his ear, “You did good, Sam, really. There’s no need to be sorry, these things happen. Let’s just get home now, okay?”
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bongjooce · 11 months
nice and stoned right now 😮‍💨i think it’d be a shame if someone were to send me some filthy asks <33
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gloomzi · 6 months
A Little Death
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PAIRING sam riordan/emma meyer/gn!reader
SUMMARY (Y/N) comes back from class to find their partners, Emma and Sam, have started having fun without them.
WARNINGS sfw despite what the summary might sound like, reader is somewhat more dominant in the relationship, they/them pronouns for reader
NOTES this is my first fic on this blog + my first x reader in many many years, pls go easy on me 😭😭 i don't think this is my best work by any means but i wanted to write something gen v so here it is! title is from a the neighbourhood song btw :p that being said, hope yall enjoy!
Sam's hands rested gently on Emma's waist, fingers rubbing small circles over her hip bones as she kissed down his neck gently. Though he was mostly distracted by the sensation of her lips ghosting over his adam’s apple, he could just faintly hear the sound of (Y/N) entering the room, his eyes opening slowly to meet their gaze, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched them stand stock-still, bag slung over their shoulder. Emma had stopped briefly too, glancing over her shoulder to smirk at their partner before picking up where she left off, sucking a bruise right under Sam's jaw.
"Why do you guys always start having fun without me?" (Y/N) whined, walking over and forcing their way between them. Emma laughed, shoving their shoulder gently before allowing herself to be pushed out of the way, watching fondly as they pushed and pulled at Sam until he was sat in their lap. Though Sam was much taller than (Y/N), they were always eager to dote on him, this position becoming common between the two. From an outsider's perspective it probably looked silly, but Emma found it sweet and loved seeing the dynamic her partners had fallen into.
Sam huffed, crossing his arms, "We always start without you because you're always late,” He pouted.
Emma giggled, “Like seriously, do you just chat with everyone on your way back from class, or…?” (Y/N) rolled their eyes, ignoring Emma’s comment to squeeze Sam’s face lightly.
“Whiners, the both of you.” They muttered, kicking at Emma’s shin lightly.
Groaning, Emma moved closer to the pair, her legs propped up on either side of Sam’s, chest pressed into his back. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but she wanted to be close, so she’d deal with it for the moment. Wrapping her arms around Sam’s waist, she placed her head between his shoulders before loosening her grip so (Y/N) could maneuver him as they pleased. Using the hands that were already on his face, (Y/N) pulled him into a soft kiss, gentle and slow, his eyes fluttering shut as a hum of content slipped from his lips.
(Y/N) smiled slightly into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of the other boy's fingers sliding up the sides of their neck and settling behind their head. Sam nipped at their lower lip, smirking when he felt their fingers flex against his cheeks before trying to pull him in deeper. Emma watched them continue to kiss for a few more seconds before latching her own lips onto Sam's shoulder, biting lightly. The boy's breath hitched as he pulled away from (Y/N), a strand of spit following him back as he gripped Emma's thigh tightly in his left hand, his nails digging into her skin. His other hand held a handful of (Y/N)’s shirt, who watched the pair with half lidded eyes, their hands falling to Sam’s sides as Emma moved up his neck slowly, small bruise's starting to form a trail.
(Y/N) huffed a laugh, squeezing the boy’s waist lightly before smacking Emma’s knee, "First you start without me and now Sam gets all your attention," They pouted, though the lilt in their voice made it clear they didn’t actually mind.
Emma snickered, shaking her head, “Ohhh, poor baby! C’mere, I’ll give you all the attention you want,” She said, pulling away from Sam to lay beside the pair. After a moment of shuffling (Y/N) had been pulled into Emma’s lap, Sam’s face pressed into Emma’s collarbone, a barely noticeable smile on his face as he stared up at them. (Y/N)’s face had gone red, arms crossed tightly over their chest, still unused to the switch in position. Sure, they could appreciate being the one on the receiving end of the doting from time to time, but it wasn’t common, especially from Emma. Still, Emma cooed at their awkwardness, finding it cute as always, uncrossing their arms quickly and linking their hands together.
“Better?” Emma teased, swinging their hands with a grin. Sam chuckled besides them, muttering something about them being cute into Emma’s neck. 
“Just kiss me already!” (Y/N) whined, pulling their hands loose to slip into Emma’s hair, tugging lightly.
Sam giggled, rolling his head out of the way slightly, “God, you two are ridiculous.” He smiled, reaching behind (Y/N)’s head to push them together, “Just get it over with.”
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mortermelon · 2 years
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Need money for groceries! i’ll draw dnd oc’s!! please dm me with references, prices are usd
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videodrxme · 5 days
in the ageplay server im in they dont want me to put monster energy in my baby bottle </3 this is sexual/impure little erasure
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gloomzi · 1 month
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Okay one of idk how many(I've been asleep all day but now let me send these requests in!)
A more soft/fluff one can be where a afab reader comes out as bigender to emma one day. So it's three months into their dating relationship and the reader takes Emma to a bookstore which the two often did. The bookstore is a small family owned one and they'll go since there's a space in the back set up to just sit down and read like little bean bags and all that, so the two go with each other to just have a little escape. When reading emma notices the reader had drifted off because they had been staring at a page for 3 minutes, which makes emma check up on them. The reader ends up saying something like, "you deserve to know this, but it's one of the scariest things I have to do because I can't lose you" because the reader fear of losing emma is big enough to blind them from the fact emma wouldn't care. So when the reader tells emma, emma just smiles telling them "hey, I don't care for how you look or what you say you are. I like you for you. It's the you in the inside with the big heart, not to you I see on the outside"
(This may be based off me recently finding out I'm bigender and my love for emma🧍‍♂️)
im so sorry this has taken so long 2024 has thrown me for a LOOP...regardless, here's tha fic :3
WARNINGS light angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff
When you and Emma had finally started dating just a few months prior, you had never expected an issue to arise so quickly.
Well, issue might be a bit of a stretch, since it was mostly an internal debate on whether or not to tell her, but if and when you did tell her, it could become a real issue and that was what had you stuck.
For awhile now you had been struggling with your gender identity, going back and forth with yourself about what felt right, what labels made most sense for you, playing around with gender expression and so forth. It had taken years and years of unlearning gender stereotypes just to feel comfortable with your own self expression, but now that you had finally found something that felt right, you didn’t know how to come out.
Maybe if you weren’t in a relationship it would be a bit easier—the risk of losing friends over your gender felt a lot smaller when you already knew multiple of them were queer. Hell, even Jordan was genderfluid, but something about coming out to your girlfriend, Emma, just felt so…daunting.
Because what if she didn’t understand it? Or if she stopped being attracted to you because of your gender?
Deep down you knew that was unlikely, she had always been open about her fluid sexuality, but you still felt unsure. Maybe things had changed or maybe she wasn’t as open to other genders as it seemed based on her past partners…they had all been cis after all.
Shaking off your worries, you threw your messenger bag over your shoulder before jerking open the door to your dorm. You had made plans with Emma to go out to your local bookstore, a common date for the two of you, and you weren’t going to bail over what ifs.
In fact, you were starting to think it might be the perfect opportunity to come out…
The bookstore had plenty of corners where you could just sit and read or chat quietly, the atmosphere feeling warm and cozy, almost soothing in a way. It always calmed your nerves to go there after classes ended and kick back with a book, so maybe it would work for this situation too.
Checking your phone, you saw that it was time to start walking over so you let out a heavy sigh and set to it. You and Emma planned to meet around four and if you waited any longer, she’d end up wandering around without you and worrying herself half to death. 
Jogging up to the door of the bookstore, you could see Emma just inside past the glass windows, a crisp new book in her hand as she read over the summary. Pushing open the door, the bell above it chimed causing your girlfriend to whip her head up, face splitting into a grin when she saw you had finally arrived.
“(Y/N)!” Emma whisper yelled in excitement, rushing over to greet you with a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “how was your day babe?”
You smiled lightly, grabbing both her hands in yours and swinging them lightly, “It was okay, Em. You?” 
“‘Bout the same…just a lot of professors droning on about PR and optics, you know how it is.” She sighed, squeezing your hands before dropping one, using the other to drag you back to a corner of the store, “I brought some homework to work on, but if you want to go find a book before we sit down, go right ahead!”
You nodded, letting go of her hand as she sat down and started pulling items out of her bag, “yeah, let me go find…something. Maybe I’ll be adventurous and try a different genre for once-”
Emma giggled, shaking her head, “Yeah, fat chance.”
You giggled as well, nodding, “yeah, you’re probably right—I’ll be back in a second though, you get started.”
You smiled lightly, stalking off to go take a look at different books in your favorite section of the shop, thumbing over the spines before picking out a few to test read. Though usually you’d take more time to consider which books you grabbed, you were still too caught up in your own head over coming out to Emma.
It almost felt as if it had to be now, as if waiting any longer would be a betrayal of some sorts, like you owed it to her. A part of you, somewhere way in the back of your brain, knew she wouldn’t be mad—she’d never even raised her voice at you—but you were just…inexplicably nervous.
Sighing lightly, you tucked the books under your arm before slowly walking back to the corner where Emma sat, already engrossed in her homework. Placing down the books beside your girlfriend, you slowly sank into the beanbag next to her, watching as she finished typing up a sentence before turning her attention back to you.
“What’d you pick out?” She spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper so as not to disturb the other students in the area who seemed to have the same idea as them. They weren’t too close, but Emma didn’t want to accidentally distract them.
“Some of the usual, you know me.” You chuckled awkwardly, waving the books so she could see that they were the same sort of thing you tended to pick up, at least based on the covers. Emma nodded, cocking her head to the side at your tense laugh, before deciding to brush it off for now.
“Well, why don’t you get to reading? You seem like you need some time to destress…and I’ll just get back to…this.” She groaned, gesturing at her laptop.
You nodded, before leaning back into the plush of the beanbag. Pulling open the first book, you started reading—or at least you attempted to, though your brain couldn’t seem to get past the first sentence, leaving you to reread and reread as you tried to push aside your worries.
It didn’t take long for Emma to notice between your distant gaze, the way you had started chewing on your lip and your previous nervousness. At first she had chalked it up to anxiety about school, or really anything else—you could be prone to overthinking—but usually a good book and some time with her had you right as rain within minutes.
Now she watched as you could barely even read, your eyes trailing over the top of the page, pausing for an unusually long stretch of time, only to retrace the same sentence. She was getting anxious herself, to say the least.
“Hey, babe, you okay? You’ve been reading over the same sentence for like…20 minutes.”
You sighed lightly, closing the book and pushing it aside to wring your hands, “It hasn’t been 20 minutes yet, Em, stop being dramatic…”
Emma pursed her lips, sliding her laptop off her legs to grab your hands and hold them between hers, “not the point, (Y/N). Seriously, what’s up? You’re worrying me.”
“Nothing, it’s just…it’s no big deal, really.” You muttered, shaking your head, staring down at your clasped hands. Could you really risk telling her and losing this? Losing the closeness, the touch, the comfort she provided? The love she seemed to have in abundance?
“Well that’s just not true!” She whisper yelled, smiling at you softly, tucking some hair behind your ear, “If you’re so worried about it that even a book and some me time won’t relax you then it must really be serious, so let me have it. Give me the dirty deets, or whatever.”
You gave a humorless laugh, sucking your bottom lip back between your teeth as you considered just ripping off the bandaid. Tossing the thought around was starting to give you a headache at this point, weighing the pros and cons of just living with it and letting it eat you alive already becoming exhausting. On one hand, she could leave you, on the other hand, if you said nothing it would just continue to bother you more and more until you almost resented her for not knowing despite your silence. 
Fuck it, let’s just get this over with. You thought, heaving a sigh before looking up to meet her eyes.
“I don’t know if this is going to change anything and if it does then I’m sorry, but I think if I don’t say anything it’ll just make everything worse and I love you too much to let things fall apart just because I was too scared to say anything now.”
Emma nodded, her brows creased together as she leaned closer to you, allowing you to lower your voice even further so nobody else would overhear your conversation.
“Plus I think you deserve to know…I don’t want to keep lying to you because you mean everything to me, I just don’t want to lose you—I don’t know what I’d do without you, Em, I really don’t so please just hear me out, okay?” Your voice wavered, eyes burning as you blinked away tears.
Emma nodded again, cupping your cheek and giving your face a soft squeeze, her thumb tracing over the skin under your eye like it had done a million times before. Despite your words, how you were making it sound like you were about to reveal the worst secret ever, she was trying to comfort you through it. 
God how did I ever end up with someone as loving as you?
“So basically, over the past few months I had the…realization that I’m not- I’m not cisgender. And it’s really been a long time coming, but I didn’t have the right words for it, something just always felt off, but after really biting the bullet and doing my own research, I’ve found that I’m bigender and uh…I use they/them pronouns. I know you’re not like, transphobic or anything, but I’m not sure how you feel about having a partner that isn’t-”
“Sorry, honey, I don’t mean to cut you off, but c’mon-” Emma interrupted, rolling her eyes, as her hand dropped from your face. Just as your heart started to sink to your stomach she pulled you into a hug, your arms crushed against her chest at the suddenness of it all.
“I don’t care what your gender is, you should know that already…gender has nothing to do with my attraction to you, I love you because of your stupid fucking personality and your stupid fucking big heart, you know that right? You have to know that!” She chuckled, pressing her forehead against your neck, feeling your pulse hammer between her eyebrows.
You hummed noncommittally, pulling your arms out from between you two to wrap around her instead, nuzzling into her neck as well, “I suppose I do now…” You murmured. 
You could feel relief wash over you like a cool wave, your heart finally calming down as you found peace in her arms again. It was like nothing had even happened, the conversation in the back of your head now that you had her acceptance. That’s really all you needed for all your worries to fade into nothingness.
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videodrxme · 15 days
Fauxcest/incest but not in a "fuck people who are blood/law related to you" way. Fauxcest/incest in a "fuck your friends and get closer and more intimate with them than any family member could ever be" way.
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sleooo · 2 years
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No offense lmaooo
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gloomzi · 6 months
if a character is on this list that means i'll write for them! pls mind the category they fall under as some characters i will only write in queer relationships
italics for who i write best
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this is the x reader section <3
any gender reader: sam riordan, emma meyer
any gender reader: l lawliet, mail jeevas
only male or nonbinary reader: mihael keehl, nate river
only female or nonbinary reader: misa amane, rem
any gender reader: haruhi fujioka, tamaki suoh, kyoya ootori, hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, mitsukuni haninozuka, takashi morinozuka
any gender reader: adrian chase
any gender reader: duncan, scott, gwen, bridgette, noah, heather, lindsay
this is the canon x canon section :3
kirishima/bakugou, kirishima/bakugou/shinsou, bakugou/shinsou, kirishima/shinsou, momo/jirou, todoroki/bakugou, aizawa/yamada
mello/matt. that's it sorry.
craig/kenny, kyle/craig, pete/michael, kenny/henrietta, henrietta/wendy, bebe/wendy, wendy/stan/kyle
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mortermelon · 4 years
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commissions are open again, dm me if interested! usd through paypal invoice. only two slots available, grab both slots for a discount! 
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videodrxme · 15 days
Im an eldest sibling but i want to fuck my big brother who doesnt exist but also realistically I'd never fuck any of my irl siblings. The best part about fauxcest to me is that youre not related by blood or law and its all just pretend
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