#hinny christmas
valleyian · 6 months
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Scorbmas day 4!! Joint Potter-Malfoy Christmas.
Lily L. Potter : “You cheated! I saw your card!”
James S. Potter: “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
Albus S. Potter: *sigh* “They’re always like this”
Scorpius H. Malfoy: “I think it’s kind of wholesome”
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starlingflight · 6 months
Killing time while I wait for my husband to finally finish work for Christmas, and very in my feels about both Hinny and Drastoria, so here is some Christmas fluff of the Malfoy and Potter families meeting on the Platform at the start Al and Scorpius' first christmas holidays (in which there is no blood curse, because I said so 😤):
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters was in chaos, a great mass of children, carrying owls, cats, and luggage far too big for most of them to safely manage, having descended upon it moments before. The confusion was not helped by the chorus of greetings, the hooting of owls, and the thick smoke billowing from the Hogwarts Express adding to the general mayhem. 
“He's there.” 
Astoria's gaze followed the direction of Draco’s nod until her sights settled on an identical, though much shorter, pale blond head, struggling against the crowd. She smiled at the sight. 
“He looks skinny,” Draco added, frowning. 
Astoria rolled her eyes. “He's always been skinny – he grows like someone's cast a stretching jinx on him.” 
Draco's frown remained in place, “I knew he wouldn't be wearing a cloak. He's going to freeze to death.” 
“Well, thank Merlin you insisted on bringing that, then,” Astoria inclined her head to the scarf clutched in Draco's hand, the concession he'd made to the fur-lined cloak he'd wanted to bring. One that Astoria had only agreed to because she'd also suspected Scorpius’ forward planning would not extend to the weather. “He's coming – don't fuss him in front of his friends, you're going to embarrass him.” 
She had no time to press upon Draco the severity of her warning before Scorpius came barrelling out of the steam, grinning broadly. “Hello! Merry Christmas!” 
Scorpius’ arms immediately wrapped around Draco's waist. A hug that was not returned only because Draco was preoccupied wrapping the awaiting scarf firmly around Scorpius’ neck and looking extremely unsatisfied about the warmth it would provide. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” Astoria bent to kiss the top of Scorpius’ head. 
“How was your first term?” Draco asked. His wand was out now, no doubt casting a silent warming charm. 
“It was awesome!” Scorpius declared, a word he'd evidently picked up from his new friends. “They have all these cool plants in the greenhouses and the library is huge – the librarian is the worst though – and Al and I found a secret tunnel that leads to –” 
Scorpius stopped speaking abruptly, evidently realising a moment too late that this was not information he wanted his parents to be privy too. 
Draco raised a question eyebrow, “...leads to…?” 
Scorpius shrugged, “A place.” 
Astoria had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. He had never been a good liar, apparently a few months away from home hadn't improved that. 
“Will you come and meet Al?” Scorpius asked suddenly, apparently seizing on a change of subject before any follow up questions could be asked. 
Astoria's eyes flew to Draco. He tried and failed to hide the grimace this question brought on. Fortunately, Scorpius was too busy searching the crowd for any sight of his new – and oft-mentioned in his letters home – best friend. 
“We'd love to, darling,” Astoria said smoothly. “He's probably busy with his family right now, though.” 
Scorpius shook his head. “He told me to come and get you – there he is!” 
Astoria followed the direction of his pointed finger, her eyes settling on the family huddled a short way down the platform. A small boy with untidy black hair was pointing in Scorpius’ direction, their stances identical. 
Astoria slipped her hand into Draco’s and squeezed. She smiled at Scorpius, “lead the way.” 
He was off like a shot, dodging other students and their parents, in his haste to reach Albus. 
“This is proof karma is real,” Draco muttered to Astoria, following Scorpius at a much more sedate pace. “I'm not sure what Potter's done to deserve it though.” 
Astoria elbowed him gently in the ribs. “This isn't proof of anything. It's not about either of you at all, it’s about the kids.” 
Silently Draco nodded. There was very little he would not endure for Scorpius. 
They reached the Potters. Scorpius and Al were already chattering excitedly, as though they hadn't just spent eight hours on a train together. Harry Potter's arms were crossed firmly over his chest, his wife was on her tiptoes, whispering furiously into his ear. Astoria wondered if he was receiving the same reminder Draco had just been given. 
“Mum, Dad, this is Al,” Scorpius stepped back, waving a hand in front of Albus Potter as though he was a painting Scorpius was especially proud of creating. “Al, this is my mum and dad.” 
“It's a pleasure to meet you,” Astoria said, painting a wide smile on her face. 
Draco rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Hello.” 
“I'm Ginny!” Ginny leapt forward, cutting through the awkward silence that threatened to overtake the little group. “I don't believe we've officially met.” 
“Astoria, it's lovely to meet you.” Astoria took her outstretched hand and quickly shook it. 
“And this is Harry,” It happened quickly, but Astoria could not help but notice Ginny's booted foot quickly step on her husband's shoe.
Harry did not unfold his arms to greet Astoria. He did, however, offer a smile that was quite clearly strained, before his eyes flicked to Draco. “Malfoy.” 
Astoria resisted the urge to hide her head in her hands as Draco's mouth formed a thin line that she knew to a casual outsider looked incriminatingly like a sneer, but was actually him trying –and most likely failing – not to fall into a shame spiral she'd spent years pulling him out of. “Potter.” 
They stared intensely at one another. Astoria silently wondered if she was going to be forced to hex the head of the Auror Department and her husband in the middle of Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. 
Fortunately, Al, who was apparently impervious to the tension unfolding around him, chose that moment to speak, “Dad, can Scorpius come to the Harpies match with us on Boxing Day?” 
Harry's eyes finally broke from Draco's. Astoria breathed a sigh of relief. She took the moment of distraction to dig her elbow into Draco's side once again. 
“Er,” Harry struggled to find a suitable answer in the face of Scorpius and Albus’ pleading expressions. “He could, but I'm sure he has plans with his own family, Al.” 
Scorpius’ head whipped around, staring questionly between Astoria and Draco questioningly. 
“We have to go to your Grandparents',” Astoria said apologetically. She didn't know which of the three of them were looking forward to it the least. 
Scorpius' face fell. 
“You don't have to go,” Draco said quickly, “to your Grandparents' house, I mean. You can go to the match – if Al's parents are sure?” 
Harry looked at Ginny. She shrugged. “There'll be plenty of room in the box – and it's hard enough to drag Al to a match usually.” 
“Scorpius loves Quidditch,” Al announced, apparently in explanation for his newfound willingness to attend. 
Scorpius flashed Al a grin before turning his attention back to Astoria and Draco. “Can Al come to our house too? I want him to meet Artemisia!” 
Harry frowned. “Who's Artemisia?” 
“She's our hippogriff,” Scorpius explained. Harry and Ginny shared a look of shock that made it clear they were both thinking of one of Draco's worst school-aged transgressions. “Mum looks after loads of them, but Artemisia is special.” 
“I'm sorry,” Harry rounded on Draco, not looking very sorry at all. “You have a pet hippogriff?” 
Draco cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well, she’s Astoria's hippogriff. She's had her since before we got together. The rest of them, she adopted after we got married, but…” 
Draco trailed off, clearly deciding he'd been speaking for too long. Harry was staring at him as though he'd just grown a second head. 
“She's very safe,” Astoria said, bringing the conversation back on track. “She loves kids. I'm sure she'd be delighted to meet Al.” 
“He could stay over after the match!” Scorpius suggested. 
Astoria nodded. Looking to Ginny for confirmation that this was alright, their husband's both seemed to be struggling too much internally to contribute anything further. 
“That should be fine. Merlin knows I don't plan to do anything more exciting than eat as much chocolate as physically possible between then and New Year.” 
“Oh, that's practically mandatory,” Astoria agreed. “Do you want us to drop Scorpius to you before the match or –” 
Ginny nodded. “My brother can probably arrange a Floo connection between our house and Malfoy Manor, he works at the Department of Magical Transportation.” 
“We don't live at Malfoy Manor,” Draco cut in, apparently having recovered the ability to speak once more. 
“Al has our address,” Scorpius added, making it abundantly clear they'd planned the whole thing already and were asking their parents only as a courtesy. 
“Right,” Ginny shook her head, clearly coming to the same conclusion as Astoria. “In that case, we'll see you on Boxing Day, Scorpius – Now, we need to go and find James, his absence is only more concerning the longer it continues for.”
This seemed to shake Harry – who had been staring, puzzled at Draco since the revelation of Artemisia's existence – from his reverie. “I'll go find him. It was nice to meet you, Scorpius.” 
“We need to go as well,” Astoria said even as Draco tucked him securely under his arm. “Have a lovely Christmas,” she added, smiling from Ginny to Al. 
“You too,” Ginny grabbed both of Al's shoulders, spinning him to face the opposite direction. “Go and get your sister, she's talking Hugo's ear off.”
Al waved enthusiastically at Scorpius before disappearing into the crowd.
Draco wasted no more time, guiding Scorpius and Astoria towards the barrier that marked the exit of the platform. 
“Dad, can we go to Diagon Alley and get some chocolate frogs? They're Al's favourite.” 
“You want to go to Diagon Alley on the Saturday before Christmas?” Draco's tone made it clear he thought this was a horrifying idea. 
Scorpius nodded, apparently unconcerned. Astoria leant closer to him, speaking quietly enough to only be audible to Draco. “Pick up more wine while you're there. I'll need it to endure your mother's reaction when she learns she's not seeing Scorpius for Christmas because he's with Harry Potter's son.” 
Draco shook his head. “Wine won't be strong enough.” He smiled at Scorpius who was still happily chattering away about the plans he had for Al's visit. “He looks happy though.” 
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takearisk-x · 6 months
i have no update, no timeline, no progress really… just a new moodboard and a dream
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ginnyw-potter · 7 months
Scarf Written for @hinnymicrofic, November prompt 11: Scarf
Harry looked at the knit scarf. He let the soft wool slide through his fingers. He didn’t look up. “That’s what you’ve been knitting?”
Ginny nodded. “Yes. I think I did okay.”
“You did.” He looked up, blinking rapidly. “It looks just like my mum’s.”
“I know it’s not the same exactly and it’s not as good as having the original but…”
Harry pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly. “I love it.” He released her again and his hands slid further down the scarf, tracing the details.
“Mum had to guide me here and there because I wanted to get the details right,” she explained, watching his expression.
He nodded softly. She saw a tear drop onto the scarf. She reached out and wiped another tear away.
“Thank you.” He smiled at her, wiping under his eyes. “Happy Christmas.”
“Happy Christmas, honey.” She kissed his cheek.
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dazymaisy · 26 days
Are Harry & Ginny married when she gets pregnant???
“I suppose we should get married, then,” Ginny suggested later that evening, as they pulled back the sheets in the guest room at Grimmauld Place that they’d made their own. 
Harry groaned. “Oh, the press will think it's a shotgun wedding.”
“A what?”
“A shotgun wedding,” he repeated. Ginny looked confused, and he realized it probably wasn’t a wizarding term. “It’s a muggle thing,” he clarified. “It’s, er… it’s when two people get married in a hurry because they’re pregnant.”
Ginny laughed and climbed into bed, pulling him down beside her. “Wizards don’t have those,” she explained.
“I gathered as much.”
“Why’s it called a shotgun wedding?” Ginny asked. “That’s a weapon, right? We’ve seen them on the telly, in that Christmas movie…”
“That was Die Hard,” said Harry, “it’s not a Christmas movie.”
Ginny scrunched her nose. “But it takes place at Christmas!”
Harry smiled, recalling a similar conversation with Ron. He let it slide, this time. “They call it a shotgun wedding because the father of the bride holds a gun to the groom’s head while she walks down the aisle.”
Ginny looked horrified. “Why?”
“Well – er – in a lot of religions it’s a sin to have a baby out of wedlock, I suppose.”
Ginny’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Harry blinked. How had he got to talking about religion?
“Nevermind, don’t worry about it,” he said hastily. “It’s just a figure of speech.”
“I like it,” said Ginny, “I think we should put it on our wedding announcements.”
“Oh, that we’re going to send out after we elope?” he joked. Half-joked.
“Uh-huh.” Ginny laughed. “Oh, the boys will be so sorry they missed it once we put shot-gun in the name.”
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hinny-canons · 5 months
@hinnymicrofic prompt 25: Christmas
Lily’s excited scream rang through the house. “There’s presents!” She bolted to the gifts under the decorated tree and started looking for the ones with her name on it. She wasn’t gonna waste any time!
“Lily, be careful,” her mum chuckled, settling down on the couch with her dad.
Lily payed no attention and continued collecting all her gifts. Her brothers looked for theirs, but Lily thought they were being boring since they were so slow.
She opened her first present. It was a cute little doll. “Aww! Thank you!” She ran to her parents to kiss them on the cheek each.
Her dad laughed. “You’re welcome, princess.”
Gift after gift, Lily was so happy! She had the best parents ever!
She noticed the way her mum cuddled against her dad and they kissed. Her brothers thought it was disgusting, but she thought it was cute, like in the fairytales she read.
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whinlatter · 5 months
i MUST hear your thoughts on "im your man" by mitski and how it's the ginny/harry/sirius trio anthem in "beasts"...must hear
what have you done asking me about this...... a great and terrible mistake........ the air is thick with sirens...........
basically i'm your man is an absolutely perfect song about feeling unworthy and undeserving of the love someone gives you, and a feeling of great dread that one day the other person will realise it and leave. it is - for this reason - so eye-wateringly ginny-sirius-harry coded i simply cannot bear it. that whole album (the land is inhospitable and so are we) is heaven and there are so many songs on it that have been absolutely dynamite for getting the juices flowing with this fic (the frost and star are my hinny anthems for chapter 12  👀)
so i am taking a short dissertation writing break to offer an entirely unhinged rant about i'm your man complete with some mild beasts spoilers because apparently i care a lot about this inexplicably. thank you so much for humouring me!
you're an angel, i'm a dog or you're a dog and i'm your man you believe me like a god i'll destroy you like i am
the first verse plays with the idea that there are three tiers of being - dog, man, angel/god - that all exist in relation to each other. the narrator sings the song to put themselves down. you're an angel, i'm a dog - meaning, i'm lowly nothing compared to your pure divine greatness. in the next line, a twist and advance on that idea: you're a dog (faithful, honest, loyal, loving easily and with such trust) and i'm your man (the one who is responsible for you, who you look to protect and sustain you, who is unworthy of that kind of adoration). you believe me like a god - you trust and believe in my power and ability to take care of you and guide you. but then: i'll destroy you like i am - the only real godlike power the narrator identifies with is the capacity for destruction and ruin.
ok partly it's... you know....... the dog thing because i am very on-the-nose. (obviously sirius as padfoot, but also the distinctions in the wizarding world between beings as the moral civilised entities vs the beasts, the wild and lawless and violent magical creatures). but it's also this suggestion of hero worship and adoration from one character to another, and the object of that kind of love struggling to feel worthy of it and fearing the power it has given them over the other person. it's such a huge vibe for how i'm thinking about these characters !! i feel like it works both for harry and sirius' relationship as well as harry and ginny's: the love and reverence harry has for sirius, when sirius is filled with so much self-loathing and guilt and awareness of his own failings as a parent figure, and the way harry comes to love ginny and think of her as this pure singular light and symbol of all his hopes for a bright and good future, which (i think!) would be a lot for ginny to take on and live up to and feel deserving of. there's even shades of it in how i imagine ginny feels about sirius in the flashbacks - little ginny looking up to sirius like he's a god, hanging off his every word, sirius backing away from being responsible for this child's admiration and desire for guidance from him.
i'm sorry i'm the one you love no one will ever love me like you again so when you leave me, i should die i deserve it, don't i
i mean this is a pure sirius verse imo also with such harry shades to it ('i deserve it don't i' pure ootp harry angst). but i see some of ginny in this too ('i'm sorry i'm the one you love' - her wish that she could just be such cool and chill and easy and trying to live up to this idea harry sometimes as of her as so strong and stoic and able to deal with things, and then her feelings when all that comes crumbling down....)
i can feel it getting near like flashlights coming down the way one day you'll figure me out i'll meet judgment by the hounds
the feeling of being hunted! sirius and harry as wanted men! ginny getting found out and caught in her secrets and half-lies! 'i'll meet judgement by the hounds' god. god
people always gave me love others were never to blame after all you believe me like a god i'll betray you like a man
i think of this verse as the sirius and ginny verse. here the narrator locates the source of their unworthiness internally, not in being deprived of love by others, but in something fundamentally broken and tainted inside them. sirius as a character can't blame a total absence of love for what he's become - he was loved, he blames no-one but himself for the loathing he feels for himself. ginny, too, could not have been more loved, both before the TMR ordeal, but also thereafter - she comes from a family that adores her, she is widely liked and admired; but still, there's something missing in her sense of self. i do not wish to spoil future chapters but yeah this is bit is a Big Mood as we come closer to understanding ginny's war and what it asked of her
in chapters 10 and 11 of beasts, i started to play with this idea of the traitor, of a person who has made a great and terrible choice to betray the people close to them and in doing so revealed a true self that was there all along but lay dormant. so far in the fic, i've tried to thread in a lil drip-drip-drip of questions about the self, who a person really ever is, and about the choices characters make because of their sense of who they are, especially moral choices, in a war and under a regime that must, ethically, be resisted.
of sirius, harry, and ginny, so far it's sirius who knows most about what it is to be a traitor: someone who spent the bulk of his life assumed to be a turncoat, who is consumed by his hatred of wormtail and the memory of his treachery, who can't even begin to grasp the layers and dimensions to his own brother's betrayal, and who fundamentally still thinks of himself as a traitor to his best mate, believing himself to having 'as good as' killed lily and james. harry is the one who's full of trust, throughout the war:
'“No,” Harry said out loud, and they all looked at him, surprised. The firewhisky seemed to have amplified his voice. “I mean . . . if somebody made a mistake,” Harry went on, “and let something slip, I know they didn’t mean to do it. It’s not their fault,” he repeated, again a little louder than he would usually have spoken. “We’ve got to trust each other. I trust all of you, I don’t think anyone in this room would ever sell me to Voldemort."'
“No, I think you’re like James,” said Lupin, “who would have regarded it as the height of dishonour to mistrust his friends.” Harry knew what Lupin was getting at: that his father had been betrayed by his friend, Peter Pettigrew. He felt irrationally angry. He wanted to argue, but Lupin had turned away from him...'
ginny, of course, knows what it is to be betrayed - by her first real friend, by her own brother. but i just think these two final lines, the twist on the first verse, are such a huge huge mood for drawing some of these ideas to the surface as the plot inches (v slowly lol) forwards - the idea of a character who has had every faith put in them by someone who loves and believes in them, who fears that they wll buckle under the weight of it and betray that love and trust in terrible ways. to betray you like a man - for the great moral sin to be something inherent to no other creature or being but man - is just such a powerful cool as shit line that is really gettin me going for writing the next bit of this fic.
wow i didn't even know how much i cared about this song but turns out it's a lot???? troubling for me!
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tomjamesavery · 3 months
Christmas preparations at the Potter's Written for the Ginnyversary Bingo Challenge with the prompt: #N35 — I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there. Read on: AO3
“Gin! They’ll be here any minute now!” Ginny heard Harry’s voice from downstairs as she was finishing packing up the last present. It was Christmas and soon the entire extended Weasley clan would show up at their doorstep. Ginny and Harry had been extremely busy over the last week, with both work and preparation for a hungry mob of red-haired family members, but they had decided to celebrate together this year, and Ginny was happy to see her family come together again.
She bound the last knot and quickly scribbled “Merry Christmas! Love, Ginny and Harry.” Onto the note that was attached to it, before she quickly put it where the rest of the presents were already lying, ready to be given out. With a spring in her step, she made her way downstairs into the kitchen where Harry was busy cooking up a storm. She stopped in the doorway observing her sweating Husband who was way too concentrated on his current task to notice her staring. “And, how is dinner coming along?” Ginny called out, a bit louder than necessary, as she watched in amusement how Harry almost dropped the pan he was handling. “Goodness Gin!-” he quickly put down the cooking equipment and leaned his back against the kitchen top. “-You almost gave me a heart attack.” He used the back of his right hand to brush the sweat off his forehand. Ginny only chuckled as she closed the distance and chastely pecked him on the lips. “I am sorry, I forgot how concentrated you get when you’re in the kitchen.” She brushed a loose strand of messy black hair out of his eyes as his hands came up her waist pulling her towards him. She was about to lean in for another deeper kiss when they were interrupted by a high-pitched voice coming from the living room.
“Mommy, Daddy! Jamie said Aunt Muriel would be coming too, is that true?”
Ginny sighed rolling her eyes as she watched her husband’s grin forming. She spun around and faced her second oldest son, who was looking at them with annoyance on his face.
“Al, I told you, Aunt Muriel will be there, it is just one evening, she’ll be gone by tomorrow!” Ginny tried but her son didn’t seem to care much how long Aunt Muriel would stay with them, the fact alone that she showed up, was enough for him.
“I don’t want her to come, she is not nice. I don’t like her. If she comes, I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I am not there.” He crossed his little arms in front of his chest and before Ginny or Harry could say anything else he stormed out of the room. Ginny meant to go after him, but Harry quickly took her hand. “Let me talk to him Gin, you already had to convince Jamie earlier that we couldn’t set the Christmas tree on fire to grill marshmallows on it after dinner, and that discussion alone must’ve been enough for a week.” Ginny only shot him a thankful smile before he quickly followed after Albus. She ogled his bum until he disappeared through the doorway, just as a knock sounded on the front door. It seemed like the evening had officially started.
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matrixaffiliate · 1 year
New Story! FFN and AO3
Snooping for presents is a common pass time around Christmas, especially in the Potter household. A fluffy family Christmas story featuring Harry, Ginny, and all the kids. Hinny Fluff. One-shot.
A little fluffy Christmas drabble.
For the amazing @thisismegz ! Congratulations, darling! You're beautiful and I hope everyone treats you with the same kindness you've always given to me. Love you!
“Hurry, Lily! Mum and Dad are gonna be home any second!”
“When snooping for Christmas presents when your parents aren’t home, shouldn’t you be more worried about me?” Teddy poked his head into Harry and Ginny’s bedroom. “Besides, Ginny wouldn’t lay them out in plain sight when she knows you’re her son.”
Lily’s little head peeped out from under the bed and she blew her fringe from her eyes. 
“They aren’t here Jamie.” 
Jamie’s shoulders slumped forward.
“What about you, Al?” 
Al’s head popped out of the clothes in the closet. “Nothing.”
“Maybe they didn’t get us anything.” Jamie sighed.
“Don’t be silly.” Teddy laughed. “They’re your parents. They got you something. And even if they didn’t, you haven’t been so bad that Father Christmas would forget you entirely.” 
“But last year we found them, and the year before that too.” 
“Then they probably hid them really well this year. Come on, let’s go back downstairs.”
Teddy chuckled as all the kids filed out of the Potter’s bedroom. He remembered when he used to act that way, snooping around for presents at Christmas time. He was more mature than that now. Now he’s trusted to help set out presents at the appointed time; and he knows that his family loves him enough to find presents he’ll like.
Jamie’s head was nearly down by his shoes as he slumped down the stairs and his older brother took pity on the poor lad.
“How about I get out the biscuits and what’s left of the wassail from yesterday and we can play a game till your parents get home?”
“Alright,” Jamie said with a little shrug of his slumped shoulders.
The game and sugar worked wonders and by the time Harry and Ginny were home, Jamie had forgotten all about snooping for presents.
“Thank you for watching them for us.” Ginny hugged him. “I’m sure there were better things to be doing than watching your god-siblings.”
“I don’t mind.” Teddy placed their mugs in the sink. “Oh, and you should know Jamie had them snooping in your room for presents.”
Harry chuckled. “He won’t find them there.”
“I didn’t think he would.” Teddy nodded. “But I thought I’d give you a heads up.”
“Have you done all your shopping?” Ginny put her hand on his shoulder. “I could take you tomorrow.”
“I got everything with Gran when the train came in. She said we were already in London and might as well take advantage of it.”
“Smart woman, your Gran.” Harry smiled. “Now why don’t you run on up to bed and we’ll get you back home in the morning.”
Teddy wished them both goodnight and headed for the stairs.
“You know.” Ginny’s voice was quiet. “I’m going to take a lot of joy one day in telling Jamie that all the presents were right in front of him the whole time.” 
Teddy paused, curious if she’d reveal the hiding place.
After all, he should know so as to steer Jamie in the wrong direction.
“That spot only works for as long as I don’t need my cloak for work.” Harry’s voice was almost too quiet to be heard.
“I’ll be sure to ask Father Christmas to keep all the baddies away until Christmas.”
“You’ll need to ask him to keep the kids off the ceilings as well, then.”
Teddy’s jaw dropped, and he looked above him. 
His godparents had hid the presents on the ceiling and then covered them with Harry’s invisibility cloak? Jamie would never even think to check the ceiling! Teddy wasn’t even supposed to know Harry had the cloak, but he’d eves dropped from this same spot before and heard about it then. 
Satisfied that Jamie wouldn’t be able to ruin his Christmas surprises, Teddy walked up the stairs to his room.
“He’s in his room.” Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny’s waist and kissed her neck.
“Do you think he believed us?” 
“Of course he did, or he wouldn’t have gone upstairs.” Harry kissed her again, ready to move their conversation on to other things.
“Hold that thought.” 
Ginny slipped from his arms and laughed at the pout Harry gave her for that. She picked up her wand and brought the box of old mugs down from atop the refrigerator. Then pulled the last of the Christmas gifts from the bags and shrunk them down to fit inside the mugs. She placed the box back on top of the refrigerator.
“There.” She slid up against him. “Now, where were we?”
Harry pulled her close and spoke low against her ear. “Somewhere along these lines.”
Ginny’s response was a quiet moan as she melted into him.
“Take me to bed, Mr. Potter.”
“With pleasure, Mrs. Potter.”
Harry swept her into his arms and up the stairs to their room. No one was going to be finding their presents early, not even Ginny.
Jamie definitely got his snooping from her.
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aat2184 · 2 years
Slughorn wore them down again. The Potters have arrived.
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sedge64 · 1 year
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When We Were Young - Chapter 11
Harry swallowed, the nerves rushing back to him like a bucket of cold water over the head. How did other people do this regularly? And enjoy it? Was there something wrong with him?
He was NOT going to overthink it.
‘Right,’ he said thickly, though it was like his throat was closing over. He took a calming breath and followed her down the corridor.
Read now on AO3 or FFN Read from the beginning on AO3 or FFN
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starlingflight · 3 months
Ginniversary Drabble 2
Prompt: B7 - All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
This was the hardest prompt ever!
AO3 or read below:
The door to Harry & Ron's room burst open and a whirlwind of red hair and glitter flew inside. 
“Oi!” Ron sat up abruptly, glaring at Ginny. “Have you ever heard of knocking?” 
Ginny rounded on him, the gold tinsel draped artfully around her neck was at stark odds with the bleak surroundings of Grimmauld Place. 
“I'll knock when you stop taking my things!” She declared, plucking the copy of Seeker Weekly Ron had been reading while lounging on his bed right out of his hands. 
“You've already read it!” He protested, reaching for the magazine. 
Ginny practically danced out of his reach. Harry could see the indecision in Ron's face as he contemplated whether this was worth getting up for. 
Instead, he frowned at Ginny. “Why do you look like a fairy threw up on you?” 
“It's Christmas, Ron!” Ginny's tone made it abundantly clear that this blunt answer should be sufficient to explain her decision to apparently bathe in glitter and drape herself in enough tinsel to be mistaken for a Christmas tree. 
“Yeah, the season of goodwill,” Ron shot back. “So maybe you should share your magazine with me.” 
“Ask nicely and maybe I will.” 
Ron's only response to this suggestion was a scowl. 
Ginny ignored it, turning instead to Harry, who had been watching their argument silently from his own bed. 
“You live with Muggles.” 
“Thanks for reminding me,” Harry replied dryly. 
“Who's Anna Karenina?” 
“I–” Harry frowned, wherever he'd been expecting Ginny to go with her observation of his living circumstances, it wasn't this. “Why?” 
“I just heard Hermione quoting her to Sirius in the hallway… I wondered who she was.” 
“I don't think she's real,” Harry said, trying to remember why the name rang a faint bell in his memory. “She's from a book, I think.” 
Ginny snorted derisively. “Must be an awful book. I didn't have a clue what she was going on about.” 
“Why?” Ron sat fully up now. “What did Hermione say?” 
Ginny took a deep breath, standing up straighter, mimicking Hermione's perfect posture without fault. “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” 
“Bloody hell, Hermione,” Ron said, voicing Harry's thoughts exactly. “That's a bit heavy; Sirius is finally looking more cheerful, he doesn't need that.” 
He was already rolling off the bed, shaking his head as he reached for the door handle. “I'll go and get her.” 
He hurried through the door without a backward glance, intent apparently on saving Sirius from Hermione's literary analysis. 
“Don't you want to join him?” Ginny asked, turning to smirk at Harry. “Aren't daring rescue missions sort of your thing?” 
He smiled, relieved. Ginny hadn't appeared to hold any sort of grudge after he'd carelessly admitted to forgetting about the unpleasant events of her first year yesterday, but he'd been expecting her anger to last at least a bit longer, and hadn't exactly sought out any conversation with her just in case. 
“I'm going to sit this one out,” Harry said, waving a hand at her glitter-covered form. “It's Christmas; I'm on holiday.” 
She laughed. “Well, I'll try not to get into too much trouble until New Year, in that case.” 
“Thanks, I'll let you know when I'm back on duty.” 
Ginny nodded, already turning to follow Ron out into the hallway. She paused at the door, turning back to look at Harry over her shoulder. 
“I'm making Christmas cards,” she said; the reason for all the glitter finally became clear. “I know it probably lacks the thrill of whatever you and Ron were doing, but you're welcome to join?” 
Harry laughed. “I'm not sure Christmas cards fall into my skill set.” 
Ginny merely shrugged. “You taught me impediment jinxes, I'll teach you proper stamp placement, sounds like a fair trade?” 
Harry hesitated for a moment more, a thousand reasons not to accept Ginny's offer running through his mind, but he really was in an excellent mood since the revelation that he wasn't being possessed by Voldemort, and it seemed like a waste of a perfectly good December afternoon to remain locked in this dreary bedroom. 
Nodding wordlessly, he climbed off the bed, meeting Ginny at the door. 
She didn't move right away. Leaning past Harry, she threw her copy of Seeker Weekly back on Ron's bed. 
She shrugged at the questioning look Harry gave her. “It's the season of goodwill.” 
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hinnyweasley · 1 year
Hinny Smut Masterlist
better than firewhiskey
all I want for christmas
light magic
let go
Harry’s happiest christmas
a taste of victory
a snitch in time
all the way
the sea spills violently onto the shore, my love
all these things we do
need more
and if it’s sweeter, I’ma eat it til I get sugar diabetes
three times
a soft place to land
a lesson overheard
firewhiskey & happy endings
Harry’s need
the morning after
chicken sandwiches and firewhiskey
unwinding after work
perks of the job
meeting at midnight
let’s spend the night together
the thunderstorm
of recklessness and water
17, clumsy, and shy
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ginnyw-potter · 1 year
Mistletoe Written for @hinnymicrofic, prompt 16: Holiday (481 words)
Harry walked into the living room of the Burrow with a box of ornaments to decorate the tree. 
“Lovely holiday, Christmas, don’t you think?” George said. 
“It may be my favourite,” Harry agreed, setting down the box. 
He walked back to the door to get the other box when he suddenly found himself glued to the spot. He immediately turned his head to glare at George, who smiled innocently. 
“I am telling you, someone nicked our box of garlands– Oh,” Ginny said as she almost walked into Harry. 
“Just in time,” George said cheerily. 
Ginny tried to walk forward but couldn’t move either. She almost fell onto Harry but managed to keep her balance. With much glee, George pointed upward and the pair looked up. Harry found they were standing under the mistletoe. He groaned. 
Ron came down the stairs and raised his eyebrows. “Uhm, what’s happening?” 
“I am convinced they are secretly dating these days so I thought I’d put that to the test. All the mistletoe needs is a little smooch.”
Ginny cleared her throat. “A little smooch?” She chuckled. “Let’s see what mum thinks of this.”
“Not so fast,” George said. “Because I am not releasing that charm unless you kiss and do you really want mum to witness that?” He grinned. “Poor mummy may get her hopes up.”
“That’s low, George,” Harry said. He sighed.”What do we need to do to get this charm to release?” 
George looked a little disappointed that he asked but answered. “Arms around each other, eyes closed and it will take… an undetermined amount of time.” 
Harry finally met Ginny’s eyes. She sighed and nodded. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Oof, that’s cold, sister,” George said. 
Ginny was about to retort but Harry went ahead and pulled her closer, his arms sweeping around her. Her arms came around his neck. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, careful not to do anything more than that. He counted in his head until he thought it was long enough and released Ginny. 
He was relieved to find out that he was free to move again. 
“Wait, are you guys seriously not dating?” George asked at the lack of passion. 
Ginny was blushing as she responded. “No. And you know I will get you back for this.” She turned around. “I am going to look for those garlands again, before you come up with another stupid idea.” 
Harry fiddled around with the first box, stalling for a bit and then followed her to the shed to pick up another box. 
“Found it yet?” he asked. 
She shook her head and looked at him. “No… Do you really think he knows?” 
“Well, if he suspected anything, he won’t now. That was the lamest kiss you’ve ever given me,” he said with a grin. 
She smirked. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
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norakelly · 11 months
More harry/Ginny/Hinny head-canons (cause i love them<3)
Ginny didn’t want to pressure him into saying i love you, knowing how hard it would be for him. Eventually, just a few days before she was to go to Hogwarts, he says it one night. It was when she cried about her anxieties on being separated again. And with the fact that she would be going back to a place that haunts her in her dreams makes Harry feel so protective of her. And the three words just blurts out as if they were surfacing for some time, longing to jump out. Just like their first kiss, he says it without much thought, but with so much depth.
And of course she says it right back. She gets very very emotional due to the fact that she manages to defeat Tom’s argument of her never finding love. They start saying it everyday after that. As much as they can.
One of the reasons Ginny wanted to go back to Hogwarts, other than to secure her quidditch career was cause she wanted to leave there with a good impression. Obviously her 1st year was shit and probably her 2nd year wasn’t the best with the trauma of it all, and for godsake her 6th year was unimaginably bad. So she wanted to give it another chance despite her parents’ and Harry’s concerns.
Harry and Ron comes to watch the Quidditch matches at Hogwarts and of course stay for the after parties. They would get drunk and get scolded by Mcgonagal for staying more than they were allowed to, and for sneaking up to secluded places lol
Harry and Ginny goes on a date to a muggle carnival for their first Christmas together. Its freezing cold so they drink hot cocoa and stays bundled together the whole time, laughing at muggle things and buying silly gifts for the Weasley brothers. This becomes a tradition where they would spend the day before Christmas at the carnival with the kids as well:)
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whinlatter · 9 months
Beasts chapter 8 this week out now!
i will simply never stop with the vibes 🚂🧣☕️🏔️🌨️
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art credits: sambourne house interior (royal borough of kensington and chelsea) | shakin steven by jerrybones | 155-oxford street in the late 1980s by warsaw1948 | picadilly by berk aksen | how soon is now/please please please let me get what i want by the smiths | the grapes by ron donoghue | modern life is rubbish by blur | sambourne house interior 2 | petit grand cafe by dutchamsterdam | a christmas carol by charles dickens
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