hisoleolumi · 2 years
illumi: why are you lying on the floor? hisoka: i'm depressed. hisoka: also i was stabbed, can you please get leorio?
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mysterypond · 1 year
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Submissions from the interest check are in! Can’t wait to see what people come up with :)
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HxH Ot3+ Event!
An event focused on poly ships
When? April 22, 23, 24
April 22: Hurt/Comfort or Dancing
April 23: PDA or Misunderstandings
April 24: Free Day!
1. Don’t harass other participants
2. Use community filters if applicable
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soulsam · 2 years
What's a ship you've wanted to talk about headcanons for, but you've never really had an excuse to? Well, here's your chance!
also this isn't really gonna be headcanons so much as it is gonna be an entire shipping manifesto so strap in
okay so anyone who knows me or has seen enough of my blog is well aware that I LOVE hisoillu. like I'm obsessed with them. HOWEVER. within the canon of hxh, I think that hisoka and illumi actively make each other worse.
the one time we see a glimmer of humanity in hisoka, it's in the dodgeball game on greed island, when he brings home the win just for gon. hisoka finds gon's sportsmanship admirable and intriguing, so he indulges it.
the things that he finds interesting about illumi, however, are not the type of qualities a well-adjusted and functional person has, his obsession with killua & his bloodlust being two obvious examples. in election arc we see hisoka consider killing killua to get illumi riled up, because that's what hisoka wants to see from him. but hisoka never attempts to "corrupt" gon in any way. in fact, what hisoka seems to like most about him (besides his potential) is his optimism and his friendliness. all his generally positive traits which should theoretically make him weak in such a cutthroat world, but instead become strengths that make gon memorable and uniquely powerful. gon's almost naive humanity inspires hisoka to be better (perhaps for selfish reasons but the outcome is essentially the same)
on the other hand, because illumi acts with basically zero humanity, when hisoka matches his energy, he either stays the same or is even worse than usual (again, he considered killing killua just to see illumi get angry). so basically hisoka & illumi are constantly feeding off of each other's bloodlust and depravity, sucking each other deeper and deeper down the more entwined they become.
which is fine, like it's extremely interesting to me and obviously I love them (not in spite of that, but frankly because of it). however, they are very much the epitome of "I can make him worse."
you know who I think could fix hisoka or illumi though?
mr. leorio paladiknight.
leorio has a "fixer" personality. he's gonna be a doctor, for god's sake, and we've seen how he tries to take care of kurapika in his own way. he's hot-headed, recklessly brave when it comes to protecting those he cares about. I think if he saw something human in hisoka or illumi, he'd want to fix them.
we already know he's not really afraid of hisoka. certainly not afraid enough to avoid picking a fight with him while being well aware that he could get fucking murdered. I don't think he'd be afraid of illumi either. disturbed? maybe. enraged? yeah, we already know he is. we've seen him try to tell illumi off for the way he treats killua. but leorio knows how fucked up the zoldyck family is. I think if something happened that flipped his idea of illumi from "another dangerous and unreasonable person who's out to get killua" to "a deeply traumatized young man who's been manipulated constantly since the day he was born," he might start to feel sympathy for illumi.
I personally cannot believe that there's nothing human left in illumi. as twisted and warped as his idea of "love" is, and as cruel as he can be, I think he honestly, truly does love killua. and there has to be some way to take that one tiny, miniscule chink in his armor and use it to crack him open. I think if anyone has the power and the courage to do it, it's leorio.
as for hisoka, I think leorio has a lot in common with gon personality-wise. both stubborn and a little reckless, both sometimes act without thinking and will sacrifice themselves for their friends without even stopping to consider other options lol.
we know leorio passed hisoka's "test," whatever the hell that was about. although hisoka is fixated on gon, I think now that leorio has learned nen, he'll be very interesting to hisoka, even more than he already is. and like I said above, hisoka seems to match the energy of whoever he's currently allied with. while leorio is a little, uh...well, you know, he has a huge heart and he cares deeply about others. I think he could inspire hisoka to act more like he did during the dodgeball match; he was cooperative, helpful even, he took it seriously, and he let himself be injured for the sake of gon's wishes. not even to prevent someone else from being put in harm's way. he did it because it would give them the win that gon wanted. if there is anybody who can bring out that side of him again, it's leorio.
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clood · 2 years
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dabbling in hisoleolumi and i must say it’s delicious :)
read here!!
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
leorio: are you the big spoon or the little spoon? illumi: i'm a knife. hisoka, from across the room: he's the little spoon.
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
[hisoka watching leopika]
kurapika: [sneezes]
leorio, carrying a box of tissues: omg are you okay are you sick? come here-
[hisoka goes to illumi]
hisoka: [fake sneezes]
illumi: [turns to face hisoka]
illumi: ew
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
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(illumi also has his own. he says it hits different like this tho)
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
kurapika: i am deadass one of the greatest lgbtq+ allies. do you know the mental strength and stamina it takes to be around hisoka, leorio and illumi and not be homophobic?
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hisoleolumi · 1 year
illumi, reading a recipe: beat three eggs? hisoka: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. illumi: ohhhh-- leorio: both of you get out of this kitchen.
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hisoleolumi · 1 year
leorio, to hisoka: me? i'm the bee knees, but, you? you're just… illumi: cockroach ankles! leorio: ye- uh, what?
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
hisoka: how did none of you hear what i just said? illumi: i’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. leorio: i got distracted about halfway through. kurapika: ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
illumi: i think we're missing something. leorio: teamwork? kurapika: cohesion? hisoka: a general sense of what we're doing?
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
illumi: what is love? leorio: an emotional minefield. kurapika: a neurochemical reaction. hisoka: baby don't hurt me
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
illumi: christmas is canceled. hisoka: you can't cancel a holiday! illumi: keep it up and you'll lose new year's too. hisoka: what does that mean?? illumi: leorio, take new year's away from hisoka.
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
illumi: you think i've gone soft since hisoka and i got married? is that it?
leorio: that's not it. i think you shouldn't try to assassinate someone while wearing a wedding dress. i don't think hisoka would be able to, either.
hisoka: perhaps not. but i would look radiant
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hisoleolumi · 2 years
hisoka: can i have your number leorio, visibly texting: i don't have a phone
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