#hmm feeling nostalgic for a time I wasn't even alive <2
timetravelingcas · 1 year
So awhile ago I bought Season 2 and 3 of SPN DVDs from a thrift store and I'm finally watching it on my 14 year old computer that still has windows 7. Let's begin!
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Omg this is so nostalgic for me even tho when this episode came out I was 8 years old and never heard of supernatural.
When I first watched the season 1 finale I was shocked. Like I didn't see that coming and neither did Sam and Dean! Lol
We start off the episode with them in Impala almost dead and a demon confronts them. The graphics of the demon smoke is horrendous lol
I don't get how it was night and now it's already daytime when the ambulance and fricken helicopter show up like it really took the first responders that long? Anyway.
Sam asks "are they alive?!" But the real question here is HOW could Dean and John still be alive??
Dean's finds out that he's a spirit not in body currently and honestly sometimes I wish I could jump out of my body sometimes too.
Sammy is so adorable.
Wow I'm surprised how much Dean wants to live here. He hasn't been like that for many seasons I believe.
John has messed up priorities.
Oh Dean was watching the whole I didn't remember that part. He's got every right to be suspicious of that asshole of a father.
"What the hell kind of father are you!!" I'll tell you Dean, a peice of shit one.
How can a girl be on floor choking and calling out for help and one hears? Sheesh
Dean meets Tessa and she was a reaper no? I can't remember.
Ha Sam brought an Ouiji board 😁
Dean feels like he's at a slumber party but he's never been to one probably how sad really 🥺 he would have loved slumber parties.
I can't believe his own Father left him at the hospital. He's just so awful. Didn't even say what or where he's going.
Oh right she was a reaper like I remembered.
I don't care that John to make a deal for Dean. That's not what makes a good father.
Damn yelloweyes just jumped into a reaper and then brought Dean back to life. How??
"Can we not fight?" Hmm how about you start telling the truth! Look how John makes Sam feel guilty because John is trying to distract him from the truth! Such manipulation. He says he's done the best his could. Bullshit.
Dean was such a sweet boy even John can admit that. Where did he learn that from? Mary? Cuz it certainly wasn't John.
Imagine all the bullshit you've been saying for years and then on your deathbed you open up and say you're proud of your son? Probably said that for the first time ever? Ya that's a peice of shit father. Too little too late.
Then he tells Dean he has to kill Sam. Big YIKES. Johns dead, at what cost?
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seonghwapop · 4 years
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allbluesanji · 3 years
🌻 aksksksn I know people in the fandom are divided on qi rong. I can't stand him when he was still alive like the flashback chapters but demon qi rong hmm...a bit tolerable. Idk why but they way he speak in ALL CAPS I can't help but laugh. He's like problematic comic relief lol. I love mu qing and feng xin more tho!
I too will be watching the drama but I'm not going to have a high expectation, don't want to be disappointed later on. That's what I did with the untamed and I find myself enjoying it! They did some part better in the untamed.
Natsume is like my top anime. It's really comforting to watch 🥰🥰 and bittersweet and nostalgic sometimes. This show could go on forever and I'll watch it. It feel like home 🥺💖 Do you have any anime that you can always go back to rewatch and feel good?
Oh! I love taylor swift! She's my #1 top artist on spotify wrapped haha. I also listen to little mix and carly rae jepsen. What's your spotify wrapped top 5 artist and songs? 👀 I mostly listen to kpop/krnb and jpop/rock and bit of jmetal. Also, a few songs from my native language.
i kind of can't stand him period but he is hilarious sometimes!!! problematic comic relief sounds about right lmao. he certainly has a way of breaking up the tension. mu qing and feng xin are delightful but i am so glad they had the character growth they did! very, very necessary, that.
ah, the all caps... i wasn't much a fan of that particular decision. there's that one scene in book 2 where mu qing and feng xin scream at each other in all caps for like three straight pages and frankly it is Too Much. i hope the official versions will have ironed out that particular quirk.
speaking of, are you planning to buy/request as a gift the officially translated novels for mdzs and tgcf??? i love that first there were the web novels and then the various adaptations and now here we are! published books! i'm thrilled for mxtx; she deserves it(*´▽`*)
pretty much no screen adaptation ever measures up lol so yeah, baseline expectations for me too~ the untamed was excellent, but it definitely had its high and low points too. zhan xiao as wwx for example??? he was PERFECT.
awwwww i'll try to watch natsume over break!!! i've heard so many good things☺️ comfort anime hmm... around when it first came out i think i watched yoi 4(?) times in a very short time period but i would say that was more obsession than comfort, perhaps. i haven't watched it since. haikyuu is comforting for sure! i could watch gsnk on an endless loop and love it always, i think. i've even considered making a fanblog for it to attempt to boost it but the tags are so very dead that'd end up being a depressing prospect in the end🙈 and then run with the wind and ouran are lovely too🥰
taylor is my #1 as well lmaoooo. she has been ever since she approved her songs for spotify streaming a few years ago. it's odd bc i wouldn't call myself a massive die-hard fan or anything— bc i know ppl who are— but i've liked her for so long that her songs are very reassuring, idk.
top 5 artists: taylor swift, yuki hayashi, hiroyuki sawano, florence + the machine, and panic! at the disco
top 5 songs: 0 (zero) by LMYK, grand escape by RADWIMPS, stay with me by seven billion dots, you say run by yuki hayashi, and daddy lessons by beyonce.
2021 is the first year i’ve really tried to find anime songs on spotify and it shows rip
ohhhh those sound cool!!! native language, hm??? if it’d be too revealing obvs don’t tell me, but what would that be?🤔
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