#hollywood abuse
the-desolated-quill · 11 months
Given a chance, I would love to do a reboot of the Sleepy Hollow TV show and do it properly. I still have so many fond memories of Season 1 and there was so much potential squandered by mismanagement, casual racism, and general incompetence behind the scenes.
It’ll never happen sadly.
Also every Black actor and writer that worked on the show deserves a fucking apology. Especially Nicole Beharie. 😡
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rrahuntersblog · 6 days
This is unrelated to Janneel, but have you looked into the P Diddy and Cassie stuff? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it was all kept under wraps, even though so many people knew about it (that's just Hollywood for you *couch* Epstein *cough*) but still... The brutality of everything is so terrible, if there weren't footage and statements corroborating her, I'd be convinced it was something out of a Lifetime movie
Hello anon.
I have heard about what happened! I'm sadly not surprised, given P Diddy's history in his past. (Lots of sketchy incidents.)
Sadly, you are not wrong--Hollywood buries a lot of stuff like this. What does piss me off is the fact the hotel employees also buried it, near as I could tell. Not a single one had the courage to break from management and call the police? Good gods.
Then there's Hollywood burying sexual assault left and right--be they children or grown adults, it happens. (Kevin Spacey, anyone? Harvey Weinstein?)
I truly hope Cassie got some help after that incident and that she's in a better place. And I truly and sincerely hope P Diddy gets the book thrown at him--and those trying to use statute of limitations to say they can't charge him for the assault are such assholes. Some crimes should never have limitations.
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knifefightscene · 2 years
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If cancel culture is real you guys would have stoned this fucker
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Kids shouldn't have to be our heroes. Not in reality, and not on TV.
The recent news of Jennette McCurdy coming out as yet another child star abused by Hollywood made me want to say it outright: I don't want an Animorphs adaptation starring actual kids.
I want an animated series voiced by adults, or by kids who work <10 hours a week. I want a movie where babyfaced adults play pretend. I want a digital deaging of unionized talent who earn a living wage and want to be there. If nothing else, I want a movie made like the Narnia series: filmed on a yearlong string of Saturdays so that the child stars never missed a day of school, letting the voice cracks and zits happen as they would. I want a pretend version of my favorite pretend story to be made by people who have full sets of citizen rights, the skills necessary to negotiate their own contracts, and the ability both to enjoy the work they do and to walk away if necessary.
I just want to say it because in the past I've poked fun at AniTV for having a 27-year-old play a 14-year-old, and because I've loudly advocated for diverse casting that matches actors' identities to characters'. But I'm mocking the unconvincing 14-year-old in the same spirit I'm mocking the unconvincing skunk puppets and tiger stock footage. And I'm advocating for disabled parts to go to disabled actors, who are adults who can self-advocate. I'd rather my 14-year-olds were played by 27-year-olds than have any 14-year-olds ever star in TV shows, with all the scrutiny and body-shaming and missed education and exploitation that comes with doing that kind of job while also not legally allowed to own property or get a different job or renegotiate your own contracts.
Anyway. That's all.
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emmmsie · 3 months
I hope every victim of those sick bastard adults at Nickelodeon keeps coming forward. Please don’t be scared anymore. Come forward. You are victims. You are BELIEVED. You have so much support behind you all. Take your time to work up your bravery, your courage, your strength, but please keep coming forward. This is all so disgusting and horrible. I hope one day the Olsen Twins come forward and expose everything…. I fully believe those 2 brave women have so much they want to say…… I can’t imagine…… what they know…. What they went through.. even though the Olsen twins deserve happiness, peace, and to be left alone - to be respected and protected- I fully believe that if Mary Kate and Ashley came forward with everything - they would end Nickelodeon studios all together.
Why the FUCK is our government worried about TikTok when we have bigger issues at hand right now - and one - needs to be to bring Nickelodeon the FUCK DOWN and get justice for every victim of Dan Schneider, Brian Peck, and every sick adult there who played a part in all of this.
WHY THE FUCK was Dan Schneider paid off to go away???????????
In case yall haven’t seen this yet, please spread it around. This is new and just came out. More coming forward…. SICK.
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tropicalfreckles · 3 months
Quiet on Set keeps solidifying why I think people whining about teenagers not getting to play teenage characters should shut the fuck up. Hollywood does not care about children, that much is clear.
They haven't since the beginning if we take a quick look to Judy Garland and Bobby Driscoll for examples.
Until someone makes Hollywood as a whole, all these production companies and execs, producers and crew members take responsibility for all problems dealing with kid and teen actors, in PROTECTING THEM and their rights and selves, along with going after actual abusive stage parents, I think it's better we don't have kids and teens acting.
I know that is an extreme but I am tired of hearing these kids who I grew up watching being around the same ages as them now as adults, coming out about trauma that has followed them their whole lives.
The same people you probably had a crush on as a kid, loved watching, they were hurt. And we never knew until now.
I don't want to take away something that makes kids and teenagers with natural talent that love the job itself from them, but even now people still don't respect what kids say while filming.
I just want the safety of kids to be priority so badly. Kids have so little rights and it makes me so FURIOUS.
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in-flvx · 4 months
Okay the house of Black in Hollywood though... Producer or filmmaker Orion, who marries his own cousin, the legendary actress walburga, after she got horrifically abused by the regisseur of a movie she starred in. Their marriage is respectful, but cold and there's many rumors about infidelity going around. The cycle of abuse then continues when their children get born. Both parents try to sculpt them into their image. Walburga books Sirius role after role, and model opportunities, with strict diet plans and early access to drugs. He is talented, if only he wasn't so opinionated. Orion rejects both, despite his sons talent on orions side of the camera, so he continues to ignore his wife and eldest son. The younger one is lacking, but he tries so hard to appease his parents... When the eldest turns and runs away both parents forget they had another son as well...
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The Night Security
Danny decides to tag along with Dani and travel around the world. With him now being in his late twenties he decided he could use a break from all the craziness back home, and he's been wanting to spend more time with Dani.
Dani despite it being years still looks the same, they had gone to Frostbite to make sure nothing was seriously wrong, Dani was completely healthy but it seems Vlad's messy attempts at cloning alongside her also being a halfa had made it so Dani would age a lot slower than a normal human would.
Danny until that point hadn't realized that he also looked very young for a man who was almost 30, but he could just get away with it by just saying he had a baby face.
To gain money for their travels Danny decided to start doing random jobs normally he would end up with being night security since those positions weren't very popular and always had a position open or where willing to have an extra pair of eyes on the job.
With that being said Dani and his sleep schedule were completely flipped over now being practically nocturnal. They would go out shopping or have fun while the moon was still high in the sky.
Now with that being said, he had no clue why there always was at least that one person at whatever job he would have that seemed to believe he was a vampire,
Yes a vampire, and he could brush it off if it had only happened once or twice but no! This has happened in the majority of his jobs.
And look he gets it, he only gets night jobs, he hangs out with Dani outside only when the sun is nowhere in sight, and yes both he and Dani were sensitive to the sun but that was normal for people with pale skin they would burn easily and considering that pale blue eyes tend to struggle seeing with too much sun clarity especially since they're not used to being around the sun as much as before.
See he gets all those can kinda be vampire things but they where also just very normal and common human things as well.
So yes he was out here fighting vampire allegations instead of ghost ones like when he was young.
" Mr.Kent sir you dropped this."
Clark turned around slightly spooked he hadn't heard the young man a moment ago, which should be impossible with his super hearing. Focusing on the man In front of him he realized that the heartbeat he was now hearing was... too slow, unhealthily so. If he had just been hearing the heartbeat he would have been sure it was from someone dying, but the man In front of him showed no struggle or weakness in spite of that.
Clark snapped back into the present. "Oh! Right sorry about that, it's been a very long day usually I'm out of here long before the sun sets."
"No worries man I totally get that, I just saw that you dropped your glasses case near me and wanted to quickly return it."
"Well thank you Mr.?"
"Fenton, Danny Fenton I work the night shift here."
Danny doing his job
His coworkers spraying holy water to prove he's a vampire:
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check my tags for some extra ideas I had on this
Just an Idea
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daisiesonafield-blog · 5 months
For everyone who thinks Harry (or any celeb) doesn’t need PR 🥴
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anthroxlove · 3 months
Culturally, we are still doing the 'tortured genius' routine, so if a guy is a piece of sh*t, then he must be so good at his job.
— Scaachi Koul, Culture Writer #QuietOnSet
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cowardstiel · 1 year
it’s “believe all women” and “yes all men” until it’s your favourite actorman and then it’s “well we don’t know all the facts yet. let’s not ruin this man’s career”
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leighlew3 · 2 months
Regarding the Harvey Weinstein news in NYC of that conviction being overturned… “unfairly tried for past behaviour” ?!
What a f’n joke. The “justice” system believes that witnesses testifying to a pattern of abuse to make a case for a perpetrator’s guilt are inadmissible. But yet when it comes to a VICTIM? The defense can do a full character assassination and bring up their past, present and freakin’ future relationships, behaviors, choices and more in order to make a case to paint them as a liar. It’s all so absolutely sickening.
The system is fully set up to revictimize victims (especially women and children) and to protect (usually male) predators and abusers. It’s just a fact. And it’s insane.
Even if you come forward, even if MANY come forward, and finally secure a well-deserved guilty verdict, this just shows victims everywhere that it can STILL be reversed or even (what’s likely to come next and has happened before) a victim be sued by their own own rapist or abuser.
Fuck the NYC court system.
Fuck Harvey Weinstein.
Fuck predators and their enablers.
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pyaasa · 1 year
the news about jonathan majors is very shocking & I hope the woman he assaulted is doing ok. but what really winds me up is when people say “if people already knew this man was an abuser, why didn’t they speak out sooner” when we’ve seen so many times now what happens when people - especially women - accuse men of abuse. like maybe if society would be kinder to women who speak up about abuse, abusers wouldn’t be able to get away with it for as long as they do?? but no instead we call every woman who comes forward a liar and make memes out of their testimonies and harass everyone associated with them so 🤷🏽‍♀️ i will support every woman who speaks up against her abuser but I will also defend the women who don’t
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maneslion2 · 2 months
So, everyone is just not gonna talk about how Jojo Siwa and her mother Jessalynn Siwa absolutely exploited child actors and their families during the production of Siwa’s Dance Pop Revolution show?
We're not going to mention how Jojo continues to defend and associate with proven child predators and groomers Colleen Ballinger and James Charles??
We're not going to mention that Jojo defends the abusive coach of Dance Moms, Abby Lee Miller?
No? Just gonna talk about the obviously manipulative and calculated rebrand designed to cover up and drown out the serious accusations of abuse of children and their families?
Okay, yeah, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool co-
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sleepynegress · 14 days
HIGHLY recommend this podcast about Pam Grier's life, in her words. It is riveting.
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bel-frost · 19 days
TW, this talks about CSA that was talked about in the Quiet on Set documentary although does not go into detail.
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