#honestly this is Damien aesthetic
knox’s teacher AU
David is a principal.
He scares all of the students because of his scheer size and general scariness of him. However, the moment a student comes up to him with an issue, he is doing everything in his power to help them. He is secretly a softy. His office is actually quite comforting.
additionally, Angel is the secretary that everyone likes, they have candy in a bowl for anyone that comes in. David acts like he is irritated with them, but they are secretly engaged (they wear the ring on a necklace). The students keep trying to set them up.
Asher is the Physical Education teacher.
He is specifically the one that everyone likes. Class with him isn’t a competition. It is a matter of not sitting on the sidelines. He makes it a safe space for all people of all types. Asher goes and argues the fact that “benchmark testing” in gym is beyond idiotic and has no measurement on how much a kid improves. He refuses to do any tests related to that. preac
Milo is the tech ed teacher.
He without a doubt refuses to go by “Mr. Greer”. He specifically tells the kids to call him Milo. David isn’t pleased with that, but when Milo says that “Mr. Greer” sounds like his dad. David doesn’t argue after that point. He lets the kids have creative liberty over their projects when they get to a certain point in their skills.
Lasko is an English teacher.
Lasko teaches specifically creative writing. He has lamps all over his room because he understands that LED lights trigger headaches. He has one of the aesthetic, cozy rooms. He constantly has kids in there hanging out and making themselves at home. He has a drawer full of a variety of drinks and snacks for his kids. He wants them all to be aware that he is a safe space.
Huxley is an Environmental/Biology teacher.
Hux is the kind of science teacher that is able to explain the different concepts in understandable ways. Rather than explaining it in the long winded terminology, he does projects and experiments to better cement his lessons in the classroom. He isn’t judgemental and has the most easy going personality. Every school in the area has tried to get him to transfer at some point. Not a single one has been successful.
Gavin is the health/anatomy teacher.
Okay, everyone knew that this was happening. However, he is honestly the best to fulfill this role. He would be able to handle it without making it uncomfortable. Gavin goes over consent, in fact it is the first topic discussed within his class. He teaches inclusive sex ed courses, as well as actual sex ed and offers ways to be safe. He is blunt about it, but he still makes jokes about things to lighten the mood. I wish I had him for sex ed instead
Damien is a math teacher
He likes definite answers. He likes certainty that comes along with math. There is rarely more than one right answer while everyone is scared of him at first, they realize that he is a lot like David. They seem so harsh at first and rough, but once they open up they are just big softies. He focuses more on the impact he has on his students and providing a positive role model rather than following the curriculum. Makes deals with his students for movie days for good grades on exams.
Guy is a theater teacher.
Tell me where i am wrong with this? I dare you to tell me I am wrong. He is the most qualified to be licensed drama queen and teach his students how to do it. He is not a theater kid, he is a kid in theater. There is a difference. He also plays the most fun acting games, not the uncomfortable cringy games that makes everyone hate acting classes. I would love him. He would have fun projects too, he would make options because not everyone wants to be in theater. He would also be super open and just tell his class every little detail. He would always have a coffee too.
Geordi is the on-campus therapist.
Offers so many actually helpful things not just “have you tried drinking water?”. Offers a safe space for students, allowing them to speak out without any sort of judgment. Would offer hugs if the kid is okay with it, because you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t be so comforting. He is close to the students’ age and is able to relate to them all with some of the experiences and actually gives good advice, is willing to sit down with parents/teachers to sort issues out. Checks in on students, plans fun events.
Elliot is an art teacher.
He loves clay and making non traditional things. He teaches the basics, but then he loves to see what the kids create. He does not grade based off of skill, but instead on how much effort they put into their projects. He also loves a good laugh with projects, and has students pick the music. At the end of the year, he presents the spotify wrapped so they are aware of the really interesting music taste that they all have. He is like a big brother to most of the kids.
Sam is the school nurse.
First of all, he has a room dedicated to those students that are sleep deprived. Would take so many classes to make sure he is up to date on different medical information as well as different signs for bad situations. Has protection in his office to give out in order to prevent teenage pregnancy. Has so many things for periods too because he understands how much those things are and he knows that not everyone comes prepared. He always looks so cozy. No judgment passed.
Vincent is history teacher.
He makes it interesting, like he sticks to the curriculum, going over the basics and vital information because he has to. However, he also has “Weird History Wednesdays” where he teaches events in history that are really weird. Makes it into a game, where he groups up the students and they have to guess what happens next. The prize is opting out of an homework assignment. He spends hours setting up teams. Has an organized spreadsheet. Yes this is based off of Puppet History. Don’t judge me.
Avior is the physics and astrology teacher:
He loves space, would take field trips to the nearby observatory. He would be the teacher that even the “outcasts” because he is able to make it such a fun environment. Refuses to give individual tests, instead gives group projects and group tests. He makes sure that everyone participates and ensures that it is a safespace. He teaches classes on the stories on the different constellations as well to break it up from the more serious class work.
if you want to read more of what I’ve written, you can find my masterlist here!
if you want to ask for something to be written, you can find my guidelines here!
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holymusicalmothman · 13 days
I know I’ve been feeding my fellow Spencer girlies, and I’ve got another one in the works for y’all
But how about something for Damien???
Meets reader at a bday party or an event and she’s a Party Princess (probs the best jobs I’ve personally ever had) and is there doing face painting or whatever as Elsa and he walks her out at the end of her booked hours and asks her out and just. Isn’t ready for her to have such a punk rock aesthetic outside of the costume.
Or base something off an Amazing Devil song. Honestly, I can never hear Joey Batey without thinking about Damien
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southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 30: Witch
Celine had been called a witch many times. She’d found her abilities early when her and Damien had been young. And she honestly liked the dark gothic aesthetic and style. She’d also been called an ice queen but witch was much more common. It was mostly in childish insults or whispers around her, there were very few that dared to shout it in her face for fear of what she’d do to them. But one of those few it turned out was her husband.
It had been another argument, for what reason she couldn’t remember clearly now as she stalked through the manor with anger bubbled in her veins. But the last part of it rang in her head like the echo of a gunshot. ‘Don’t you try to play innocent with me you conniving witch!’ Her hands shook as she threw her suitcase open. She felt the burn in her veins, the sparks of energy at her fingertips. She wanted to show him what the word really meant. What someone could do with powers like hers. But Celine still loved the proud man she’d fallen for, she didn’t want to hurt him that way at least. But she needed to leave, at least long enough to cool them both off….
Dark blinked once as the memory faded to the back of his mind from where it had been brought out. As he looked at the so called ‘hero’ in front of him. Still in that stupid red suit with that arrogant smirk on his face at what had left his lips. ‘Celine was nothing but a conniving witch!’ Dark’s face twisted in a mocking sneer as he loosened his stance and moved forward in a predatory prowl. The righteous anger of a protective brother filled his words as a hand clenched into a fist.
“A witch was she? Little more than someone who performed parlor tricks or was someone to blame when things went wrong? Well..”
Dark had a vicious pleasure summer in his veins that was shared three fold as he felt the bastard’s nose crack under his fist. As he watched him fall to the ground. He smirked as he felt the brother step back. As his body shifted and changed to match the pulse of fury that only a scorned and betrayed woman was capable of making.
She looked more elegant, the suit fell against her curves with a sensual sort of ferocity. Dark rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck as she set her heel on his throat. Magic, so much stronger, darker than it had been before leapt into her hands with barely a thought. She smirked at the furious, shocked and…..yes afraid look on Actor’s face. He hadn’t expected to deal with her and the strength of venom in her voice, if it had been possible, would have killed him from necrosis ten times over.
“Maybe I should show you how much of a witch I really am.”
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thenameswinter99 · 6 months
Get to know me!
Many thanks for the tag @whitedarkmoonflower and sorry for the late reply, but the university took almost of my free time!
Nickname: TheNamesWinter, Winter, WinterStorm
Sign: Pisces
Height: 160 cm
The last thing I googled: "House of the dragon 2 trailer" (I was so in hype lol)
Amount of sleep: Between 4-5 hours when I have to travel by train and go to university, generally 7-9 hours.
Dream job: I'm a cinephile, a film lover and a theatre lover. My dream job is to become an actress. I know it is silly, but I’ve been acting since high school and I used to do school recitals when I was a little girl. I do have a plan B, though. I'm a design student, I'm finishing my university studies and I think I'll study to become a VFX Artist and work in the field of special effects at the cinema, or become a video game developer.
Favorite song: I have several favourite songs, but in this period I'm obsessed with "Cinnamon Girl" by Lana del Rey.
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: Book: I don't know, honestly... Maybe Mrs Dalloway by Virgina Woolf. Movie: La La Land by Damien Chazelle
Favorite instrument: I can't play, but I love piano and guitar.
Aesthetic: I am not a fashionista, I rather prefer simple and comfortable clothes. I love purple and black things, as they are my two favourite colors. I also love Medieval, Norse and Viking aesthetics.
Favorite authors: J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, Isabel Allende, Suzanne Collins, Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche, Luigi Pirandello, Alda Merini, C. S. Lewis, Licia Troisi, and many others.
Random fun fact: I'm obsessed with dragons. Please, look for a way to create real dragons, I would adopt one right away!
Tag: @sihtricsafin @verenahx
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knightinink · 1 year
Pip and Damien for the ask game of course!!
1: sexuality headcanon
I’ve never really given it much thought before, so I can’t really say. He liked Estella, saying she was “a beautiful girl, with a kind heart!”, but I think he’s just happy when someone genuinely enjoys his company & companionship.
2: otp
Dip! (as though that wasn’t obvious if you’ve been around this blog for any length of time). I found them through fanart & quickly fell in love with the opposite yet similar dynamic between them, one being of darkness while the other shines with positivity. They are able to fill in what the other is missing, and can empathize in being an outcast with an unstable familial life. They are also very aesthetic *chefs kiss*
3: brotp
Honestly? I’m gonna say Pip & Pocket. They have a very interesting relationship (that was more fleshed-out in the novel mind you), and their dynamic seems fun. They complement each other well, albeit not being “opposites” as he is with Damien; they are more similar to one another. Herbert would supplement the confidence & intelligence Pip lacks, while Pip would be able to provide more work-intelligence, as he was apprenticed as a blacksmith for a time.
4: notp
Pip x Christophe. He’s French, that’s reason enough for Pip to despise him. And Pip would be too bubbly & cheery, & would get on Chris’ nerves very quickly. They would be in agreement that they wouldn’t work together, both being a negative experience for the other.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He and his whole family have a terrible immune system, & each year when illness is being spread around the school, he’s forced to be bedridden for nearly a week. (it was weakened further by his once contracting scarlet fever back in England).
6: favorite line from this character
“Being a gentleman doesn’t mean learning to dance, or proper table manners. It means being a gentle man. Gentle to everyone!”
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I was always that kid who was just kind of there, unless you got to know me. I’m not too sure that I like his character because I relate to him, however; I think I like him because my common trope is liking characters that have suffered in some way and desperately need a hug.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The fact that his episode (s4ep14) is the most hated/worst episode of the entire series. I quite like it, and it’s what got me interested in reading the novel it’s based off, which has quickly become my favorite book. And I do find his “Wickershams and Deklers” song quite annoying.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Pip’s a sweetie who wears his heart on his sleeve. He only has the best intentions & tries to see the best in everyone despite it all. I don’t think he was given enough of a chance while during his run on the show to be developed enough to be seen as problematic. He was more of a static character who rarely got the spotlight, but one that I love, nonetheless.
1: sexuality headcanon
Again, I’ve never really given it much though, but maybe he’ll take after his father. He likes Pip & Pip likes him, that’s all he cares about.
2: otp
Dip! I like to think Pip’s the first one in his life to show him any shred of friendliness who wasn’t ordered to by his father. He has a difficult time making friends due to his father constantly being on the move, but with Pip it felt different. Despite this, he still blew him up to gain acceptance from the other boys after learning about Pip’s social standing, but of course, he had to leave his new friends soon after. Once Pip died, they reunited, and Damien was very apologetic about his actions towards Pip, the other soon forgiving him & accepting his friendship.
3: brotp
Damien & Kenny. When Kenny shows up in Hell for a bit, it always brightens Damien’s day (though he will never admit that, he has an image to uphold!). He’s glad that for at least a little while, there’s someone kinda like him his own age who will stay and play for a while. Damien will act like Kenny gets on his nerves, but he’s just happy to have someone to talk to who’s not one of his father’s lackey’s or consorts. He can relax & be himself around Kenny too, dropping his “son of the Devil” façade, if only for a while.
4: notp
I’m not sure, this may be more of a crackship, but Cartman..? I guess??? I could see them being paired because they’re both “evil” in a sense, but they are two very different kinds of evil. Damien only does evil because he has to, being the antichrist. This doesn’t mean he necessarily wants to do evil, but he needs to, to keep his father happy (although this is more headcanon-y but whatever). Cartman on the other hand does evil for a myriad of reasons, far too many to count here. Cartman doesn’t need to do evil in the way Damien does, but rather, he often does so of his own volition.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Despite being the son of the Devil, he’s actually quite sensitive & introverted, often putting up a tough front to protect himself. This is why it’s so difficult for him to make friends, & he rarely shows his vulnerable side. Pip is one of the very few who has seen this vulnerable side.
6: favorite line from this character
“Because I’m the son of the Devil? Because I- burn them & kill them?”
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Liking fire, I guess? I’m not as prone to it as he is, but I do enjoy a good bonfire.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Nothing really? I’d say his voice, but I find it oddly endearing, like someone would say “That’s a voice that only a father could love!” & Satan would be like “And I do! I love him very much!”
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Similar to Pip, he wasn’t given enough time on screen for development, so he’s also kinda static. I don’t think he’s problematically written character, but I don’t think cinnamon roll is necessarily the right word for him either. I think I’d affectionately call him a firecracker.
Thank you for the ask!
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iso-draws · 1 month
If the main cast or Staryon had ONE pokemon each, what would their pokemon be? :]
OKAY FINALLY ANSWERING THIS HUSIUDHD SO SORRY I keep forgetting to answer these IUSUSHD. Okay hmm...For one thing I definitely think Lium would have a rockruff/lycanroc, rock dog fits him :). Hmm..Sena would honestly have an Espeon! Very regal and all-knowing in my opinion. Plus it's light purple and matches his aesthetic. Now I do think Demo would be basic and just have like, a Charizard, but he'd give it a cool hat and spiked arm bracelets to match his aesthetic. Clythe ... hmm... he'd have a Quagsire. He'd fucking love Wooper too. And then I think Seconds would have a...Oh y'know what my pmd fans that follow me will appreciate this i'm assigning Seconds Grovyle. Grovyle seems mysterious and awesome enough to be with Seconds they have the same energy. Okay now...I think Tetris would either have a Sylveon, Slurpuff, or a Hatterene. All three of those match his vibe tbh. And as for Zen? I think he'd have a Milotic actually! Big sea serpent with mysterious nature? Yeah that's his vibe /pos. Now for the rest of the URs hmm... Damien would have a Luxray!! Evil devious Pokemon that looks menacing and strong :). I honestly think Damien would be one of those villains that sits on a throne in an evil way while petting a little kitty. Except for him it'd be Luxray. Hmm and as for Aratsu... probably Solrock! Ik shitty choice but I think it matches his vibe...Also alternatively Polteageist!! IK that might sound more like a Damien thing but Damien doesn't want a small pokemon he'd definitely want something big. OKAY UHH Tila! Tila would maybe have a.. Oh fuck yeah she'd have Houndoom. Girlboss material. And last of the URs is Comet! And I think he'd definitely have an Avalugg. Now Lastly I wanna do some extras: Pad: Lanturn Lillith: Infernape Centura: Gengar Arbor: Duraludon Zeo: Aegislash SORRY I FUCKING RAMBLED FOR THIS RESPONSE BUT UHM!!! YEAH I'm so sorry for how late this response is you sent this eons ago SOIDJOISJD
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fvckroach · 1 year
Not just Damian, Helen from TAMA and Blackwood from TCT are all cluster b villains who are treated terribly. TBS has a constant cluster b issue.
Will we ever stop vilifying cluster b characters?
I haven’t listened to TAMA or TCT, since tbs already lost me shortly before the finally and honestly haven’t interacted with the fandom in literal years but i remember it rubbing me the wrong way back then and now have the right vocabulary to pin point my issues with the show.
Like, for a show that prides itself on being inclusive and morally good, it really only made itself easily digestible, creating a bunch of characters to work as the good victims whose trauma only manifests in ways that are easy to understand and like in contrast to Damien who should just try harder to have his symptoms be socially acceptable, because there is a right and a wrong way to be mentally ill and if your diagnosis can’t be turned into an aesthetic, you’re fucked.
It’s obviously a product of its time, you can see the 2016 tumblr ethics written all over the text. I just honestly hope that some of the people who were very open about their hatred for damien have since recognized the writing for what it really is.
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richieshusband · 5 months
i saw someone say other people thought mean girls (2024) was bad because it was made for the people who watched the musical/are musical fans. i completely disagree with this because i watched the musical first and i'm a musical fan, and it literally sucks ass??? they removed so much stuff and they tried to modernize something that didn't need to be modernized in the first place. i like the musical better yeah but they should've at least kept in at least most of the things from the movie. i have so many things to say about this movie and i'm gonna leave nothing unsaid
they changed janis' whole aesthetic and just made her seem like a main character but of another movie. she was goth in the first movie + musical (well, in musical she was somewhat goth) and that felt like it was good for her character. in the 2024 movie, they made her more like of a cottagecore lesbian aesthetic. i don't feel like that fits with her personality because she just acts like a goth person if that makes sense??? i know goth doesn't really have a personality and you can't act goth, but she just acts goth.
they also removed the girl falling in the trust fall scene and no one catching her just to make janis sing. i feel like they should've kept that in cuz it shows that the girls in the scene don't really want to catch her?? if that makes sense
THEY REMOVED MOST OF THE PLASTICS SONG. they only included regina's part and that made me so mad. like, yeah, it explains regina but not the others. gretchen and karen were the best part of the song honestly. i feel like that doesn't help the new audience know who these people are. it's like karen and gretchen are just there. yeah, damien and janis explained them but barely. like karen being dumb is just one thing about her personality, she could've been like anything else than her actual personality is and the audience could've just ran with it.
THEY REMOVED THE "we're going shopping" IN THE "get in loser, we're going shopping" LINE. you can't just remove an iconic line like that and expect everyone to run with it.
they removed the conversation regina and cady had before she got hit by the bus to have janis sing a longer song. that was one of the most iconic conversations in the whole movie and one of the most important. it shows how regina wasn't sorry that she leaked the burn book to everyone and didn't care when she first joined her friend group. the new audience will just believe the conversation was filler and didn't mean anything. that's so annoying, you don't even understand.
they made karen brown?? i'm not trying to be racist at all. but like making the dumb blond brown feels so racist? and honestly she wasnt even a good actor they could've found someone else to make it seem like they were just the best actor and that's why they weren't white.
they tried to like make stupid with love a calmer version of the song. i feel like the fast speaking and loudness made the original song so much better and made much more sense. it was meant to be her thoughts and it was like they were overwhelming, and that's how you feel when you talk to a person you like. a calm version of the song felt so off because your thoughts aren't really that calm when you're talking to a person you like, especially when you're just meeting them??? the 2024 version feels like a comma and the original version feels like an exclamation point, if that makes any sense.
the movie also changed the song they preform to. it was originally jingle bell rock, but they change it to something like stripping around the christmas tree or something i don't even know it was something stupid like that. it could've also been like rocking around the pole??
they also cut out the scene where the girls were talking about the plastics. ("one time regina punched me, it was awesome.") i feel like this also gives the new audience no backstory to the plastics and it just ??? that's so weird.
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cxncrie · 4 months
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Anonymous asked: 7, 9, 11
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7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
I don't have one, lmao. I favor all relationships. Though I will admit my current favorite dynamic is whatever the fuck is going on between Adam and Nimue because it's the first time I've touched a " toxic " sort of relationship. Granted it's supposed to develop into something less toxic but there's gonna be a lot of work in it. I do enjoy platonic and romantic ships, don't get me wrong, but I also enjoy more " problematic " ones so to speak. Of course in a sense where they don't get along at all or they tolerate each other because of the circumstances. It's interesting to me to see a relationship go from one side of the spectrum to the other and I hope I get to do it more honestly.
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
Writing and rules, hands down. I'm the type who doesn't care if your blog is aesthetic or not, because your blog can be pretty af but I might not agree with your headcanons or takes, how you write, or your rules. And if I don't vibe with those? I'm not going to inflict it upon myself. Granted I usually have an open mind when it comes to headcanons or takes because I know everyone has their own kind, but some I just don't vibe with. When it comes to muses I usually don't care because I have a habit of wanting to rp with ALL the muses. 
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
I don't have many " end games " planned out, the one I'm working on with Sam is still a VERY big work in progress. However there IS one end game that my friend and I have planned for the plot with Nimue and Adam and because of it we're purposely making sure nobody joins in the plot unless WE ARE TALKED TO because the idea is that Nimue's going to get Adam back home and trade her " life " to ensure his safe return, also Damien's gonna get his shit pushed in for not only being the Anti-Christ but also his threat towards Adam. It will end with Nimue getting redeemed for her selfless actions, but she will have to be killed by Damien before that happens. There are still a lot of things that need to be hashed out but we'll work on those as we go. I just know I'm looking forward to the plot when we get around to it.
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
Redacted characters nails/nailart headcanons:
inspired by this post by @cadamari
Gavin - he has natural demonic claws, they're black and slightly hooked, but this man has definitely done every single possible nail design under the sun. His favourite are probably dark pink with a sparkle.
Huxley - keeps them short for his sports and to not collect dirt under them, likes to have them in natural colours but all nails different. Definitely has painted them in his team colours.
Lasko - poor baby bites his nails too much, so he usually has them short as well and painted only by that transparent polish that's supposed to be bitter. Honestly, it's just an acquired taste.
Damien - keeps them the perfect length and perfect shape, often just polished, but sometimes likes to paint them some neutral calm colour with minimalistic geometrical stamping.
Caelum - saw Gavin's nails and wanted to have something similar, of course, asked Gavin himself or the freelancer and they painted his nails in different bright colours. It didn't stay long, because of how much he likes "crafty projects" and because, I would assume, you have to make a conscious effort for a d(a)emon to keep something like this in physical form.
David - keeps his nails in okay state, has several times indulged Angel and let them paint his nails. Only black though.
Asher - pretty short well trimmed nails that he usually has either black with sparkles or black with metallic - to fit with the collar (and e-boy aesthetic /hj).
Milo - never cared about his nails much - he can have claws any time, always liked Sweetheart's sharp nails though.
Vincent - perfect nails, shorter than Gavin's but pretty long and with sharp endings - full stiletto. Usually paints them something dark, but never pure black.
Sam - used to have very short and well kept nails when he was a practising healer, but then stopped caring about them. Started caring again, when he tried to scold Darling for messy/broken nails.
Avior - naturally good demonic nails, shorter than Gavin's but still sharp.
Cam - same as Avior, but likes to keep them oval or almond - just sharp enough for good scalp massage.
Elliott - moderately long square nails with sparkles. Always sparkles or reflective foil - because stars, of course.
Ollie - unfortunately their office doesn't let them have painted nails, but he keeps them covered with transparent polish and paints them super bright/current-hyperfixation-themed during vacations.
Aaron - keeps them polished without actual cover, never paints them. (Has painted them bright pink once during a vacation on a bet with Smartass.)
Geordi - pretty short nails, likes sliders with different funky pictures. Definitely had a Tetris themed nailart at some point.
FlyBoi!Ivan - he and original Baby used to paint each other's nails as teenagers, but then he moved away and stopped doing it especially when he started working at the office. When he came back they've returned the tradition.
Guy - can't really do much with his nails, since he's working in the kitchen (hi, Arsenal), but definitely lets Honey do whatever they want with his hands during his vacations. Doesn't mean he won't whine that they're trying to pull his fingers or something.
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finiffy · 2 years
Thompson and Black lore dump
Matthew Thompson
doesn't talk much and looks intimidating but is kind and loyal
When he was starting out in the Foundation he was a site security guard and had protected Mikell (who he did not know was an o5) during a breach and had lost his leg in the process (Mikell then offered him a prosthetic leg replacement, and later offered him a job as his bodyguard)
has a brother: Damien Thompson (younger twin, part of another goi)
trust fund kid, from a rich family and was supposed to be the next in line for the family company but decided not to. Joined to work in the Foundation instead
Still on a decent relationship with his family (him and his father have the same kind of attitude and will sit in the same room not talking for hours and can look at eachother for one moment and agree to get some italian food for dinner)
the braincell in the polycule
Sergei Black
First to be hired as o5-6's bodyguard before Thompson (never made lore how he got the job, family line of being guards for the o5s?)
Got very insecure when Thompson was hired and basically bullied the guy for the first few months then chilled the hell out. Thompson didn't know he was being hazed at all, or honestly probably just didn't care
The guy is so performative,,,,,jfc the insecurity in this guy and the need to prove he is useful
Stole a peacock from the zoo bc he wanted to give something to his bfs. He becomes so dumb when it comes to them and got wrapped up in scams trying to find gifts (Wondertainment kept getting the guy to buy from them)
A chill guy, but flamboyant doesn't care too much titles and shit so he calls his boss "dude, man, etc"
Plays as Mikell's informant and tells him the random going ons since the man is a social butterly
Dear god the guy has the worst choice in music and Thompson carries ear plugs whenever Black is driving and has music privileges
Has glasses that are those transition lens but hardly wears them and just keeps them hanging on his breast pockets for aesthetics
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—1— What would be in your character's inventory if they were in a video game? for Cedric :)
—3— What word best describes your character? for Seyonna
—8— What would the title of your character's memoir be? for Damien
Thank you for the ask! :D From this ask game.
—1— What would be in your character's inventory if they were in a video game? for Cedric :)
Yeah, what if. Let's take a look. Ignoring the fact that he's a flax farm char...
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[ID: A screenshot of a part of the inventory in guild wars 2, showing 3 bags with 20 slots each. The first bag holds an assortment of various books, the second a mix of trinkets from a shiny gemstone to a broken shovel, and the last contains a mix of books, trinkets and feathers. End ID]
Honestly, that's not too far off. I've been keeping all the unique story-related items and books on him, which really matches the antique shop aesthetic. He'd also absolutely hold on to every gemstone (but those do go in account storage in this game ^^"). Lastly, absolutely a spare staff-like weapon (as cane :D).
—3— What word best describes your character? for Seyonna
Talkative, lol.
—8— What would the title of your character's memoir be? for Damien
It. It would. It would be.
... Glass Shards.
(Or, to be fair, some other word play around that, but honestly, this one's too good to pass up.)
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vileintcnt · 1 year
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾»»»»» muse master list, so after about a month of hiatus and false return promises, I've finally got my shit together! I've removed a few muses, added a few muses, and ultimately categorized them into six groups. I've done this because I often feel like my muses would know each other, now I can keep up with those connections with a filing system, effectively. It also helps me separate what is an otherwise quite large selection of muses that would likely overwhelm me were they all just mashed together into one big list. this is mostly for me, honestly, but I thought I'd have it posted up as a way to share a little bit more about my muses, whilst my muse page is being reworked. I'm gonna link cheat sheets to each muse, they'll include basic information like name, age range, connections, orientation, headcanons and kinks, and also maybe plot ideas as they come and go. muses below!
categorized by muses with an abundance of wealth.
Harrison Abbot. cheat sheet. ( fc > alex fitzalan )
Remi Windsor. cheat sheet. ( fc > savannah lee smith/ryan destiny )
Tobias Wilkes. cheat sheet. ( fc > keith powers/algee smith )
Valentina Ferreira. cheat sheet. ( fc > camila mendes )
Fitzwilliam Aldridge. cheat sheet. ( fc > charles melton )
Charlotte Montgomery. cheat sheet. ( fc > valentina zenere/sarah michelle gellar )
Elijah Anthony. cheat sheet. ( fc > daniel ezra )
Mali Saetang. cheat sheet. ( fc > n/a atm )
Brandy Vega. cheat sheet. ( fc > penelope cruz/salma hayek )
the ranch ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who live and work on the buffet ranch.
Ted Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > jeffrey dean morgan )
Wade Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > drew starkey/rudy pankow )
Barbie Buffet. cheat sheet. ( fc > diana silvers/hailee steinfeld )
the tour bus ‣‣‣
categorized by muses that are adjacent or involved in rockstar culture.
Otis Beckett. cheat sheet. ( fc > sebastian chacon/will harrison )
Bowie Romero. cheat sheet. ( fc > alexa demie )
Roman Romero. cheat sheet. ( fc > tyler posey )
Martina Rossi. cheat sheet. ( fc > camila morrone )
Penelope Quinn. cheat sheet. ( fc > nicola peltz/suki waterhouse )
Patrick Spence. cheat sheet. ( fc > joseph quinn )
the cell block ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who are morally corrupt. this includes muses who are violent, toxic, murderous, criminally versed etc. fair warning that these muses usually have the most intense set of kinks.
Connor Hawthorne. cheat sheet. ( fc > jacob elordi )
Claudia Jagger. cheat sheet. ( fc > maggie lindemann/barbie ferreira )
Vanessa Guerra. cheat sheet. ( fc > melissa barrera )
Wesley Loomis. cheat sheet. ( fc > felix mallard )
Bunny Brandt. cheat sheet. ( fc > mikey madison )
Damien Vaughn. cheat sheet. ( fc > dylan obrien )
the motel ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who incapsulate the 'daisy dukes' and 'pabst blue ribbon' americana aesthetic.
Colt Warner. cheat sheet. ( fc > david harbour )
Candy Waterhouse. cheat sheet. ( fc > sydney sweeney )
Duffy Maye. cheat sheet. ( fc > grace van dien )
Abigail Ramsey. cheat sheet. ( fc > madelyn cline/sabrina carpenter )
Angelica Dean. cheat sheet. ( fc > mia goth )
the apartment building ‣‣‣
categorized by muses who I could see inhabiting a dingy apartment in the middle of a city, spending most of their paychecks on takeout and wine.
Cherilyn Langley. cheat sheet. ( fc > madelaine petsch )
Lola Calvo. cheat sheet. ( fc > jenna ortega )
Michael Ostreicher. cheat sheet. ( fc > joe keery )
Brooke McConnell. cheat sheet. ( fc > alisha boe )
Teddy McConnell. cheat sheet. ( fc > mason gooding )
Catalina Ortiz. cheat sheet. ( fc > maia reficco )
Sam Soo-Hyun. cheat sheet. ( fc > woo do-hwan )
Simone Bellefleur. cheat sheet. ( fc > laura harrier )
Tomas Nunez. cheat sheet. ( fc > pedro pascal )
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damienthepious · 1 year
I’ll bite! Commentary on the newest hb3 chapter, specifically the section from Arum’s POV? I am absolutely dying over this fic
oh wonderful thank you
[Arum refuses to think of this particular task as a distraction. He is busy, he is important, he is Lord of the Swamp, and he does not indulge in distractions.]
put a header on this section that is just "Arum lies to himself about something entirely unimportant while being PAINFULLY domestic". Maybe i was being self-indulgent, writing this bit. that seems fair.
[(He does not need to keep his mind entirely busy to avoid obsessing-)]
he is having a LOT of trouble thinking of.. things besides Damien. Which honestly. he didn't think through this tactic of distraction very well. he's over here like better make a present for damien's girlfriend! this is normal!!! this won't make me think of him a lot!!!
[However… he knew exactly what he wanted to do right away, for his gift in return to Damien's other- Damien's real romantic pursuit, and he is impatient to put it together. In honesty, it is very simple. The perfect task at which to bend his efforts while he waits for another project to grow enough for the next stage.]
The back-and-forth dynamic that Arum and Rilla are accidentally developing without meeting is......... interesting, to me. Arum has a habit of doing nice things and refusing to acknowledge them as such, and that's kinda spiraling out in this chapter in particular. Also, he's driving himself crazy a little comparing his own "arrangement" with Damien to his capital R Relationship with Rilla. It's a little bit of self-torment, really.
[The little lavender is acclimating well, taking to the encouragement of the Keep's magic with minimal strain, blooming at their prompting easily.]
Magic means you don't have to wait an actual appropriate amount of time before your flowers bloom :)
[(Of course, he could use his own lavender, other plants, for his gift, but there's something about… no, he wants to use the plant that she sent, for this.)]
lmaooooo the lizard is charmed. Or maybe he just thinks it has a pleasing circularity to it. Like how she sent him lavender particularly suited to flavoring drinks after he sent her a flavored drink. He's playing back in kind, which is something he has a habit of in general.
[Simple syrups live up to their name, of course, even when delicately flavored, and he's done simmering the concoction with plenty of time to spare. He candies the leftover sprigs, while he's at it. May as well. They look… pretty, like that. Sweetness frost-dusted over the already delicate white of the flowers.]
Arum appreciates beauty. he's impatient about a lot of things, but... i think he has an appreciation for aesthetics. also someone commented that this was his LEAST troubling coping mechanism and it made me laugh so hard and i can't stop thinking about it. they were RIGHT but also oh my god.
[He slips one into the bottle for the syrup on a whim, pleased by the way it looks when he pours the syrup down over it, like a thing preserved in ice.]
also dear god i wanna make some lavender sugar so bad after writing all this. some fuckin candies or something. lavender frosting. christ.
[He could stop there, of course. But-
(Eyes almost golden in the sunrise-)
(He is not distracting himself he is not-)]
I love arum and damien independently obsessing about seeing each other in sunlight for the first time. Also Arum finding something NEW to lie to himself about!!! he's telling himself the truth about Being In Love, so he needs SOMETHING to cling to with his big beefy denial muscles......
[(Will Damien laugh at the offering, this time? Will his eyes light, again? Can Arum amuse him with this, delight him, impress him? Impress his new mate?)
(Laughable. Idiot creature.)]
He still wants so badly for Damien to just... like him. not even love him, he's too hopeless about it for that, but just... to LIKE him. to have SOME affection for him. and he's so bitter towards himself about that desire. and the fact that it's bleeding over to this other human he hasn't met yet?? he's even MORE embarrassed about THAT.
[He shakes his head. He sighs.
He checks his storeroom, drumming his claws off his scales as he considers his options.]
The look of a lizard Definitely Not Distracting Himself. Also maybe! maybe i am delighted by arum acting domestic in any capacity!!! and that's FINE. Checking the cupboards....
[The Keep will help with whatever he decides, he knows. He can already feel it hovering, gently joyful at the idea of a more playful collaboration than they have had the opportunity for, lately.
He pulls out a pan he hasn't used in quite some time, and he pretends not to laugh at the unsubtle chime of song from above.
Well. At least this pointless endeavor will make his Keep happy, if nothing else.]
also legit any excuse in the world for Arum to hang out and bond with his Keep. THey love each other so fucking much and. Augh. The Keep is so worried about him.
also also. uhm preview for the next chapter because it is SUPPOSED to cut back to Rilla and Damien's day here, buuuuut the scene was getting too long for me to finish for the day so it got pushed to the next chap. so that's what to expect! :) More kissies! and other stuff :) :)
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yaffles-world · 2 years
F/O Ask Game - Sonia and Gundham
Very excited to introduce my new F/Os Sonia Nevermind and Gundham Tanaka from Dangonranpa 2 (and to a lesser extent, my new S/I for this AU, the cooler version of me, Damien)
Based off this ask game:
❤️  [HEART]- What did the confession look like between you two? Who initiated it? Where did it take place?
Long story! Gonna bookmark this to write a story of!
💋 [KISS]- What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
Sonia would probably be giving and receiving gifts… she's not materialistic or anything but she does come from, you know, money and particularly likes to give gifts. She also is a great cook, and quite crafty, so those gifts aren't always purchased but are often made. Gundham and I often try and give her and make her gifts and it's often a disaster but she's so sweet and appreciative of it always. 
Gundham's love language would be quality time, I think, he doesn't connect with many people so the people he does connect with he likes to really foster that connection. Which means lots of group dates! 
My love language is acts of service, receiving and giving. I tend to get overwhelmed with stuff so if Sonia and Gundham chip in and do stuff for me once in a while if I'm too busy it's always nice. Also, if i see something that needs doing, I like to do it for them as well. 
🌹 [ROSE]- What flowers (or plants in general) would you compare your F/O to? 
Honestly as corny as it sounds, Sonia would be a rose. White rose. She's real pretty, but she's also tough like the rose's thorns, and uses those thorns to protect those she loves. 
Gundham… Black dahlia
💄 [LIP STICK]- What’s your favorite kind of date to go on with your F/O? Or what’s their favorite kind of date to go on with you?
Any date hehe as long as we're together. It is nice going on one on one dates sometimes but if we're talking about our favourite kind, we're all together. Probably going to like a nice park, climbing trees, messing around, going to a market and buying crystals, getting ice cream, etc..
🎃 [PUMPKIN]- What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate with your F/O? Or, what’s their favorite holiday to celebrate with you?
Halloween obviously!
🐹 [HAMSTER]- Do you and your F/O have a pet? If not, what pet would you like to have with them, or why wouldn’t you want a pet at all?
Hehe yes 4 hamsters - Sun-D, Maga-G, Jum-P, and Cham-P - as well as our cute little Pomeranian puppy, Snowy, hehe
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🍯 [HONEY]- What flavors or scents do you associate with your F/O? Or, what flavors/scents would they associate with you?
Hmm… Sonia smells literally like roses… smell associations for Gundham is that smell when rain is about to fall? And also, if you ever smell something that's clean and fluffy, and it sort of smells like something but also smells like nothing at the same time, that's Gundham. 
🌟 [STAR]- How do you and your F/O prepare for bedtime? Do you stay up watching TV until you fall asleep? Do you cuddle endlessly? Etc?
Either do a shared activity or we are all just chilling and calming down before going to bed doing our own thing. We all eventually climb into our specially designed polyamory bed, that has curtains around the framing very fancy, and we all cuddle pile until we sleep. 
🍃 [LEAVES]- What’s your favorite season to go on walks with your F/O? Why?
Autumn because the leaves falling and it's cold and very aesthetic. 
👖 [JEANS]- Do you ever wear your F/O’s clothes? How does it feel when you do, and have they caught you doing it before?
I don't really steal Sonia's clothes hehe I occasionally steal her bow if I'm feeling more feminine and she is always VERY excited and gushes over how pretty I am hehe. Gundham though, I steal his clothes more often, either his scarf or his coat. He tends to be a bit grumbly about it, but I don't think he minds, because he never asks for it back and he always blushes when he sees it.
🫐 [BLUEBERRIES]- What aesthetic do you associate with your F/O (or your general dynamic with them)?
Gothic witchcraft with a healthy spoonful of stupid decisions
👾 [SPACE INVADERS]- Do you play games with your F/O (board games, video games, other games)? If so, what do you play, and how do those playing sessions go?
Yes! Gundham is awful at video games but he always has fun, Sonia can get very competitive in combat based games. We love playing animal crossing together - our vision of the island lines up quite well, and so we don't have to argue much about it hehe. It's really fun just relaxing and playing together. We also play board games sometimes! Usually when there's a power outage though haha.
🔮 [CRYSTAL BALL]- What’s your dream future with you and your F/O (for example, where do you wanna live? would you like kids)? Think of this question as explaining your ideal happily-ever-after with them!
Living in either an absurd gothic castle or a rustic little cottage that isn't far from the markets. 
☔️ [UMBRELLA]- What do you and your F/O do when you’re trapped in rainy weather?
Animal crossing if the powers on, cuddling, reading to each other, playing board games, giving our pets an extra amount of attention!
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mymanymerrymuses · 4 months
Thinking of more muses that would be good to give hazbin verses too and so far I'm looking at:
-The other three tpn kids I have. If the triplets can be imps, so can Don, Conny, and Jemima.
-Viktor. Mad scientist. Need I say more.
-Damien. See his aesthetic would be PERFECT but, he's such a sweetie that I can't see him as a sinner, unless I class some things as sins that I kind of don't want to.
I think I'm most excited about Viktor, honestly.
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