#house of tricky: trial and error
dinhui · 3 months
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atiny-for-life · 3 months
Xikers Full Storyline Explained - Part 5
We Don’t Stop
Before we begin, I'd like to point out that the first track on the album is already providing us with some additional information
By titling it "Trial and Error (whereabouts)", we're already getting a hint toward the setting of the video/album (this also plays into Xikers' entire concept which I explained here) and the instrumental itself is very much in line with other music we've heard in association with TRICKY
Tricky's world, which we got to see in "The TRICKY's Secret", is now the one we're stepping into while Xikers has already grown accustomed with it since they've long since been living inside the Tricky House
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The first cutaway from the Tricky House itself takes us to a warped grid floor which has become associated with TRICKY, the being who's given Xikers their powers in Rockstar, and who I talk about more here
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We spend the majority of the video witnessing the absolute wackiness that is TRICKY's world, i.e. how it's breaking physics with the sheer scale of its spaces or how this elevator with only buttons for five floors has already reached a floor in the 400s by straight up exiting the building and getting shot into the stratosphere
Shoutout to the elevator interior for continuing the skater boy aesthetic from previous videos and having Jinsik say "Hands up, high up / Never die" while his members are being blasted into outer space in the background
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And not just that, we also get straight up punched in the face by him while the others watch on and then stand over our broken body with shocked faces as if they hadn't been a part of the assault - thanks, guys
This is where I'd like to point out that it was also Jinsik who put the headphones on their victim in Tricky House, meaning he's likely the instigator behind a lot of their schemes/"pranks", maybe even a leader of sorts
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The lyrics also further reinforce their dokkaebi/goblin concept by referencing their powers and tendency to play pranks/tricks on people:
Everyone's gonna be smiling, even that clown over there [...] Faster, teleport (Ayy, ayy) Blink and I disappear (Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy) Follow me if you don't want to miss it, shout it [...] Bewitched by me, let go of the reins
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We also get this neat shot in which they use a practical effect to insert Hunter into the frame by using a mirror the others are holding
While this is cool to look at, it's also a nice nod to the paranormal wherein mirrors are considered portals through which supernatural beings can travel
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Similarly to the grid-floor room, we also get a performance shot of Xikers in another liminal-space looking room with a geometric line design that feels surreal and shares the same color-scheme as TRICKY's world in 'The TRICKY's Secret'
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From here, we often return to the same shooting locations but do also get to see the world and their powers in action some more, such as when Minjae (and later also the others) manipulate the buildings around them so they would move along to the song
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Toward the end of the video, we move into black-and-white territory as the beat slows
During this section, we get this nice little nod to the Tricky House choreo from Hunter who then also becomes the center at the very end which is reminiscent of past videos where he was also a focal point
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chronosik · 2 months
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eutherianz · 3 months
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oh my god park junmin. i pulled him TWICE in my album yesterday. TWIIICEEEEE one wasnt a photocard BUT STILL I GOT THE PC OF HIM HOLDING HIS OWN PC AND THEN I GOT THE HIKER VER PHOTO STRIP THING UHHGGG i love him so bad stfu hes the most an ult bias has ever ult biased before
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alexssikkeuro · 15 days
tall bestfriends in black suits 🦒🐕
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Screaming abt xikers' comeback as we speak its SO GOOD
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prplocks · 3 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: xɪᴋᴇʀs
trial and error
reblog if you save
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mixontrack · 3 months
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lucky-cat-cafe · 3 months
The new xikers album is pretty damn awesome!
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kpopmartcom · 4 months
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xikers 3RD MINI ALBUM - HOUSE OF TRICKY : Trial And Error 🎈
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astrobydalia · 4 months
by astrobydalia
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There’s a lot of emphasis on the ‘delay’ aspect of Saturn. It is true that the house where you have this planet are themes that might be delayed in your life until your Saturn return (your 30s) or until you’re mature enough (age and maturity don’t always go hand in hand). Up until then, you could struggle to find stability in these house’ themes to the point where you might think you’re not cut out to have them like everyone else since nothing here seems to come easily or naturally.
Saturn in 4th - could face early abandonment from family (emotional and/or physical). May spend a big chunk of their lives feeling like they have no support or quite literally no family. Constantly feeling rejected by the people and places they try to call home and lack a sense of belonging. Eventually they learn what it really means to become a support system for themselves and the people they love, this might have come at the expense of their own comfort, but learned to build this stability within themselves once they mature
However, that is the most forgiving manifestation of Saturn in my opinion because it can actually do the exact opposite. Saturn placement can also show themes that are imposed on you very early on and you have to stick with for a veeeeery long time until you’re ready to mature out of it or until you know better. In other words, a karmic lesson. This is because Saturn also represents burdens
Same example:
Saturn 4th - could actually have a strong bond with their family and have a stable place to call home, but they could be inseparable from family/roots in a way that is detrimental for the native. Could feel the pressure to stick up for family and what they want at the expense of their own needs which results in another form of emotional abandonment. Family is limiting, could feel like you can’t escape from them or their influence. Ultimately the lesson is the same cause it’s the same placement, but instead of learning it through trial and error like the last case, they learn it from being hands on in a less than ideal situation
There’s also a combination of both: having to deal with a certain burden because you it’s like you lack the possibility of anything better in the long run. Following the example: could be the case that your whole family is gone and you only have one relative to relay on but they’re abusive
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Saturn isn’t here to make sure your life is crap, it can actually bring blessing if you’re patient and resilient. After all it rules karma, so it eventually delivers what’s fair. That’s why Saturn’s exalted in Libra and also because the concepts of boundaries, respecting the common rules and detaching for the sake of compromise are things both Saturn and Libra understand perfectly. “time ends up placing everything where it should be”
It’s true that Saturn is tricky because it’s all about prioritizing growth over comfort. It’s about the sacrifices that make you tougher, stronger, bigger. So at its worst it actually be very bad. The shadow of Saturn is all about doing whatever it takes for growth and benefit. In the case of Capricorn that relates to climbing the social and economic ladder. For Aquarius, that’s detaching from your humanity in order to be more ‘evolved’. It has a lot to do with detaching from your heart and soul in benefit of the 3D world, that’s why Saturn is debilitated Aries, Cancer and Leo, because these signs are all about checking in with yourself and staying true to yourself and your heart so don’t like accepting Saturn’s limitations in terms of these things. I’d argue that it can even be worse than the other ‘malefic’ planet because it’s associated to all of the things that can be devastating for any human in a permanent basis: loneliness, depression, coldness, abuse of power (saturn=limits, control, authority)
On the flip side, Saturn at its best represents everything a healthy person needs: stability, structure, boundaries, the barriers that keep you protected and responsibility. The growth over comfort motto is actually positive when channeled healthily. As we all know, in order to mature and be a better person, we have to take responsibility and compromise some of our comfort zone, we need to learn to ‘tame’ and take control of ourselves and that’s not always a walk in the park but it’s worth it at the end. This is what helps you build a solid ‘you’ and that’s what Saturn can teach you. Saturn also represents the matrix, the rules and limits of this big game so at its best, it can be the most helpful planet when it comes to teaching you how to navigate this world and to grow from your lessons. It other words it can help you manifest!!!! Saturn gives you clues on what you can do to materialize what you want, how you can translate things into reality
Saturn is actually very rewarding and liberating in the long run if you embrace the process of growth and take responsibility for yourself in the themes it is influencing in your chart. It gets to point in your life were Saturn’s like “yeah it is what it is. It sucks. Too bad. But the ball’s in your court now, what are you gonna do?”
Anyways this was a little spontaneous ramble of my thoughts. As always, don’t hesitate to share yours :)
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by astrobydalia
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dinhui · 3 months
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p-osse · 2 months
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hehehehhee hey guys so the first paragraph of this was deleted and i JUST noticed so im gonna retype this whole thing.
okay hi, again, so in honor of me hitting 200+, i made a poll and one of the top choices was an event, so here u go :3 this event is based off of xikers' new album: HOUSE OF TRICKY: Trial And Error, aka one of the best releases so far hehe anyways thank u guys for 200 and im working on the server with someone rn giggles.. okay rules are down below
first youll dm me a number, 1-10, which will be your xikers member, and then 1-6, which will be your song / track your moodboard will be themed off of. "3 and 6" lets say thatll get you yechan and supercalifragilistic, youll listen to the song (if you havent) and make a mb based on the vibe you got. you get it, i think.
if you dont know any of the songs on the album, i think its pretty obvious that you should listen to it atleast once or twice, or maybe watch one of the stages so yeah.. heh..
your moodboard must include lyrics from that song and that song only, if theres any other lyrics from a song you didnt get, it doesnt count. same with member, but, if you make specifically gg moodboards, ill find a gg member thats close to xikers' vibe :3
reblog this post and tag 2+ friends, comment joining, and tell me your favorite kpop song + your favorite emoji !!
finally its prizes time thank god
🥇 : 250 reblogs on post of choice, 4 moodboards with member and theme of choice, shout out, follow back, 3 tumblr prof sets
🥈 : 150 reblogs on post of choice, 3 moodboards with member and theme of choice, shout out, follow back, 2 tumblr prof sets
🥉 : 50 reblogs on post of choice, 2 moodboards with member and theme of choice, shout out, follow back, 1 tumblr prof set
🏃🆙 : 25 reblogs on post of choice, 1 moodboard with member and theme of choice, shout out, follow back (2-3 runner ups)
when posting your moodboard, use the tag #HOT : trial and error in your tags, otherwise it wont count (make sure to copy and paste it too)
since im a very indecisive person, ill have some of my closest friends help pick the winners, deadline is may 9th at 6 pm CST, anything after that will not count and will be discarded.
🏷️ :: @y-vna @sugarish @od-i @eun-luv @egorls @h-aewo @h-itomi @v-ico @vg-k @b4dobee @nwtzy @bambicito @p-oisn @i3vivi @i06gyu @i08wony @i04rei @raeceah @rkivefr @wiotas @dreaminju @aespoa @yumjins @yeribbon @inniie @solriis @shiolu @chaehrtz @chaeneuu @chaefilm
if u couldnt tell, i rushed this
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
I know you said you’d cry if someone requested it, but - like…
Would you write a short thing about Aemond cleaning his asshole? It’s definitely what the entire fandom needs, lol, and you would do it so well!
Here you go, my boobear. Thank you for waiting so patiently.
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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Pairing: Aemond and the privy, I guess? Warnings: This is a crack fic. The request is all the warning you need. Word count: ~1k
Author's note: This is written as a joke between a mutual and I. If you're easily offended I implore you to employ the liberal use of "don't like, don't read". Community labels are for cops.
Aemond strives for perfection in all things. Growing up, he is teased mercilessly by his brother Aegon and his nephews, Jace and Luke. They perceive him as weak and pathetic, a Targaryen without a dragon. Truthfully, a more shameful existence does not exist for those of Valyrian ancestry; born with the blood to ride a dragon, yet unable to claim one.
When Aemond becomes the rider of Vhagar, the greatest dragon in all of Westeros, he makes a point to ensure it is an accolade he is worthy of. He studies history and philosophy to keep his mind sharp, trains with the sword to mold himself into a fearsome warrior and works hard to ensure he is viewed as nothing less than perfect.
This extends as far as his habits in the privy.
“What do you mean you don’t shit? Everyone does! I do it all the time!” Aegon says with heated exasperation.
“Not me,” Aemond says simply. “I am above such things. That is concentrated evil that comes out of the back of you.”
Maintaining a flawless facade requires diligence and discipline. Through trial and error, Aemond has managed to uphold his stoic reputation as a man with no taste for depravity for almost a decade. 
There is a minor hiccup on his thirteenth name day when Aegon takes him to a pleasure house on the Street of Silk. The nerves that flutter in his stomach cause him to depart before he engages with any of the women that have been offered to him—not before he leaves a dirty protest on the floor, however, an offense for which Aegon takes the blame. His brother has to pay a fine of a golden dragon for the cleaning costs.
When Aegon questions him about it, Aemond simply shrugs and says, “I am above such things.”
Aemond awakens each morning in the space between the hour of the bat and the rooster, when the Keep is still quiet. As requested, the servants have left him a basin of water and a cloth, as they do every day. They know better than to ask why. Aemond carries it with great care to the privy and sets it on the floor, seating himself on the privy to move his bowels.
As he sits and strains, he ponders on the last time his Uncle Daemon had visited King’s Landing. He’d spent an age using the facilities, coming out afterwards with a smile that was almost proud upon his face, clapping Ser Criston Cole upon the shoulder and announcing, “I’d give that a moment if I were you, Ser Crispin. I’ve made quite the stench.”
He wishes he could shit so brazenly; Daemon is an accomplished soldier, an infamous dragon rider and shameless in his privy habits. Aemond both envies and admires him, but he is too deep into his ruse of not having normal bodily functions to backtrack now. Later that afternoon, Daemon had sliced Vaemond Velaryon’s head in half. Aemond is unsure of which act he is more impressed by; the thought of both makes his cock stir in a manner which disturbs and excites him.
Having had full elimination, Aemond sets about ensuring he is perfectly clean, removing all traces of his defecation from his person using the basin of water and cloth that he has brought in with him.
It is a task that is tricky to manage with just one eye. Over the years, there have been incidents where he has accidently daubed the wall with feces, to be later discovered by furious maidservants who have the unfortunate task of cleaning it off. Thankfully, his mother automatically places the blame on Aegon and he goes free without suspicion or a scolding.
He is better practiced now, however, and leaves no trace of his misgivings behind. Cleanliness is next to godliness, his mother once told him; he sends up a prayer to each of the Seven as he dabs at his soiled ring of muscle. It passes the time and helps occupy his mind from the humiliation of what he is having to endure.
On this particular morning, Aegon throws open the privy door as Aemond squats over the basin of water, his eyes going wide first with shock then delight as he takes in the sight before him.
Aemond freezes, mortification shooting hotly through his body from head to toe. Aegon reeks of wine; he must have decided to stumble back to the Keep, instead of sleeping it off in the bed of whichever whore he’d taken for the evening.
“I knew it!” Aegon slurs with a grin. “That is concentrated evil coming out the back of you! Just wait until Jace and Luke hear about this!”
He staggers away, his laugh maniacal as Aemond shakes with rage and embarrassment, hurriedly pulling his breeches back up.
Aegon says nothing further on the matter as the days pass, and Aemond assumes he must have been too far into his cups to remember. He breathes a sigh of relief. His reputation remains untarnished.
That is, until he flies to Storm’s End to take one of Lord Borros Baratheon’s daughters as his wife. 
Luke arrives as they are getting acquainted, and Aemond wastes no time in ensuring he feels unwelcome. “Look at this sad creature, my Lord,” he says smugly. “Little Lucerys Strong. You are wet, bastard. Is it raining, or did you piss yourself in fear?”
Luke smirks and quips back. “Was your coat tarnished brown when you put it on, or did it get in the way while you washed your arse in the privy?”
Aemond flies into a rage. It is that day that Luke and his dragon, Arrax, meet their end at the jaws of Vhagar. To anyone that asks, it is a terrible accident, but Aemond knows the truth. So does Aegon. But his brother never says a word. And so, the One-Eyed Prince keeps his brown eye clean in private, and the matter is never spoken of again. 
The battle between factions of House Targaryen indeed began over a throne, but not one made of swords as the history books would have people believe.
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goldiesflag · 1 year
Writing things I found out by writing a lot 🥺
Correct me if I’m wrong 🤷‍♀️
1) Don’t put multiple strands of dialogue in one paragraph of text. It’s confusing. Start a new line when a new character speaks. Please.
2) When describing characters, try not to just describe them by hair or eye color. Use literally anything else: clothing, vibes, scars etc. This gives way more information about your character, regardless of if it’s fanfiction or not. Even if it is fanfiction and the reader is familiar with the character, the description of how they dress or their expressions can give away the impression you want your story to give the reader.
3) do not write with a word count in mind. Just write. That’s going to force you to add things you probably don’t need to add. Just write as you’d like, then go back to check the pacing and add/take away from there.
4) Write the simplest outline you can possibly make. Don’t put in too much details. Personally, I just write down whenever the setting changes. That usually gives me the idea of the things I want to happen. Ex:
1. House
2. Meadow
3. House
4. Tower of death
5) if you’re stuck on a scene, ignore it. Write another scene. Come back when you’ve came up with an idea for it. This may be tricky when you decide to write the scene you’re currently struggling with differently and that means you’d have to change the scene you’ve already written, but hey, practice :)
6) show personality and friendships through dialogue and action. It can get across more emotion when it’s shown this way instead of being described by the narrator. I’m going to cry more if someone dies after reading our narrator a lullaby, not after an infodump about how much they mean to the narrator.
7) last one cuz I’m sleepy. Change your font when you proof read. It makes it easier to catch mistakes you would’ve usually overlooked. 🕺🕺
If you think I’m wrong then maybe I am. I am mostly a fanfic writer with no beta reader. I learn by trial and error lmao.
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alicentive · 1 year
hi ☺️👋 love chu💕 ❤️ I'm really new to gif making too for my favorite shows so I hoped to ask how you make the backgrounds look so smooth in your gifs?I'd appreciate any advice, it's just for practice. thank you if you answer in advance ❤️💕
Hello hello, and big love right back at ya! 💕😊
How exciting that you’re new to gifmaking – it’s so much fun to get to experiment with that and try all sorts of things. I learned a lot from following tutorials or talking with other gifmakers back when I first started out, and I’m definitely still learning new things now.
I think it’s a combination of factors that makes the background in my gifs so smooth? So I’m going to talk about some of those factors and show you a few things and hopefully that’ll help! I use Photoshop CS6 for gifmaking, but I think the majority of this advice also holds up in other versions haha.
First off, I always try to use video files of the 1080p variety. You can gif with videos that have 720p, too, but 1080p will provide a smoother and clearer image because there are more pixels in 1080p. (There’s also 2160p, which is even higher resolution, but I’ve personally found that unwieldy to screencap and 1080p looks very good already!) This is the technical reason why the gifs look smooth: work with a high resolution video and get better results, that’s just how it is.
Another technical thing is the type of scene you pick to gif. When the scene is very busy with a lot of people and objects coming into focus at once (group shots, shots in heavily decorated rooms, etc), there’s very little in the scene that actually fades into the background focus-wise. With close-ups of a single face, the focus is entirely on the face and the background will fade to some degree. This really has to do with how the show’s made, like how the director and camera people and everyone else chose to portray/film the scenes. As a gifmaker, you can always choose to crop some things out of the scene when you want the focus to be on a specific thing – you’re essentially choosing a new focus for the viewer in that case. But yeah, overall, the way it’s filmed affects everything else about the gif.
Now, onward to the actual Photoshop things…
When I gif, I also sharpen the gif itself. This will make some details pop more and help move the focus to where I want it to be most, which is usually either a face or something important happening in the scene. I do think it might affect how you see the background as well – when everything in the foreground is sharpened, the background will naturally have a bit of blurriness to it. I have a sharpening action I use for every gif, but I believe its settings are as follows.
This is Filter -> Smart Sharpen by the way.
First Smart Sharpen:
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And the second Smart Sharpen (yes we do it twice!):
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Most importantly, I think the way you choose to brighten and color the gif will affect how the background will look. A show like House of the Dragon unfortunately can be very dark, so the urge to brighten it and fix the filters they put on these scenes is immense. 😂 But it’s also really easy to brighten it too much with that urge to see what’s going on, lol, and that’s when the background’s going to look grainy or pixelated! So it’s always a fine balancing act and a lot of trial and error (seriously, the undo-button is my best friend) when working with scenes like these.
There are a few ways you can brighten a gif. My preferred method is with the Curves layer, but I also use Exposure and Gradient Map as additions to that sometimes. Mostly when a scene is so dark that I have to take care not to render it too pixelated by adjusting the Curves, really. When a gif gets too tricky, I use all three. 😂 Below are some basics of each layer, but it’s really about trying and clicking and trying and clicking and trying and… you get the picture, lol.
The little eye dropper tools I marked with white – grey – black in the picture below are the most important. Select the white eye dropper and click on the section of the gif that’s closest to white (but not fully white). Then, select the grey eye dropper and click on the gif section that’s either beige or grey or at least in that neutral color zone. Finally, select the black eye dropper tool and click on the darkest part of your gif. You should see immediate results, but it tends to take me a few tries to get the best version! It’s not uncommon for me to zoom in on an image to, like, 600% just to see which pixels I should be clicking. This takes patience, haha!
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Use it sparingly, cos it’s going to be an asshole about how bright it makes some things. My settings typically are:
Exposure: between 0,13 and 0,22 (this brightens certain areas)
Offset: -0,0009 or -0,0019 (please don't forget to add the - to the numbers, this will deepen the black areas a bit)
Gamma Correction: 1,04 (I’ve found it ‘marries’ the light and dark parts a tad more and makes it look more natural)
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Gradient Map
Gradient map my beloveddd. It doesn’t always do the thing, but sometimes it really helps me add a bit of color correction or helps me lighten a certain part of a scene a bit more. Be careful with it, though, as using it too much might make the gif a bit grainy/pixelated (and we don’t want that). There are a few different ways you can use it, but my favorite way is the only good thing TikTok ever taught me (I’m old as dirt, y’all) and that’s this in a nutshell…
Add the layer and click on the gradient itself.
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Now, this is going to make the gif look scary as heck but bear with me? Select Noise, uncheck Restrict Colors. Click OK. Don’t cry.
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Go to the Opacity of your Gradient Map layer and set it to a percentage between 2% and 5%. Dry your tears.
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If it’s not to your taste, go back into the gradient map itself by clicking on it again and selecting the nifty Randomize button you see on the screencap. Click and click and click until you find something that makes the gif sing.
Soooo. Very long story short, all of the above is going to contribute to how a gif looks and to how smooth the background is. I hope some of it is helpful to you! 💕 (And if anything’s unclear, please ask!! I know I get a little wordy and technical about some of the giffing sometimes, haha.)
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