#how is he so beautiful
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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he's so 😩😩
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celtic-crossbow · 6 months
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Perfection. 🤌🏻
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nicoscheer · 1 month
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chris_bloodfilms Met my hero on a train.
This story is long so scroll if you cba reading.
It's 2005, a band explodes on MySpace. They're dressed like you and their lyrics are a mirror to your life.
Bleeding heck, who the fuck are the Arctic Monkeys?
After 19 years on repeat it's now 2024. Myself and @conor_bloodfilms are travelling back from Paris.
We arrive at Gare Du Nord and Duffy stops in his tracks. He whispers to me "I think that's Alex Turner."
"F**k off!" | immediately reply. I gaze over at a guy wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, his face adorned with aviators. We should probably stop staring as it's getting weird, sexually and aggressively weird.
Turns out it is bloody Alex Turner, the man who's provided the soundtrack to my life! He strolls past and disappears into the Parisian platform crowd. A missed opportunity.
We board our train back to London. We look to our left and there's Alex. Sitting in his seat accompanied by a notepad. He's probably writing the next Arctic Monkeys hit "Two gawping pricks on a train". We really need to stop staring.
I tell Duffers I'm going in, he stops me. Reminds me that I'm a fully functioning adult and not to create a scene. Christ, he's right! I feel like I'm 15 years old again, someone get me a Strongbow and whack Dancing Shoes on, kin hell lad!
Eventually myself and Con engage, it's a surreal experience. Alex is polite and returns conversation in a soft friendly manner. The whole situation is just bloody lovely.
I awkwardly ask if I can take his portrait, fully aware that it could result in an awkward exchange and destroy this wonderful moment. He smiles and obliges, he's effortlessly cool, asks for direction and I take a few snaps.
We disembark the train, I felt quite emotional and that's embarrassing to admit. Maybe it was the jet lag, the caffeine and croissant overload? Or maybe it was just the rekindling of my youth.
This all might sound trivial, however, for me these portraits are deeply personal serving a reminder that life is a series of fortunate events and when fully appreciated can conjure up some pretty awesome memories.
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tinogiehd · 1 year
crying at this, our georgie 😭😭
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taee · 6 months
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
i have a groundbreaking statement to make
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 11 months
“I see their stares, hun”
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You FINALLY had time to go out with your friends. Everyone’s busy schedules had never lined up quite right, and it didn’t feel right to go out unless it was all four of you.
Minho knew you wouldn’t be home for a while, but it was fine because he was going to be practicing with the guys for their next performance. He had his shit to do and knew you really wanted to get together with your squad.
The four of you made an evening of it; getting together as soon as everyone was out of work and meeting at one friends apartment to even get ready together. She was closest to the places you wanted to go and, since you know there may be drinks involved, you wanted to be able to walk back.
Your outfit was the norm for you. A tight black cropped tshirt with some dark purple joggers and your combat boots. But, apparently you hadn’t gotten the memo that you were dressing girly tonight. Which was not the vibe you were feeling.
So your friend, Minni, gave you a cute off the shoulder black midi dress so you could wear your combat boots. Although you are curvier than her, the dress fit fine. It might hug you better than her and stretch over your tits with a struggle, but you looked fire!
The night was great! Karaoke, Korean BBQ, a small dance club, and drinks were had. But now it was time to call a car to take you back to your house to end the crazy fun night. Hugs were exchanged, and some dramatic tears from your drunk friend. But you were just barely buzzed and laughing at her reaction to you leaving.
Home was quiet. Which was such a relief since your introverted battery was finally running dry about an hour ago. You took your shoes off and walked further into the house with your bags in hand.
“What are you wearing??” You heard from the living area, not realizing Minho had actually beat you home. You walked back towards him and showed him the dress Minni had let you borrow. He had asked, but already knew it was on your figure from the photos you had sent.
“Babe, that dress is so tight you can see your thong in the back in the right lighting.” You turned to inspect yourself and couldn’t see what he meant.
“How do you know?”
“Because that picture you sent me showed your bra with the flash on.” You flushed, not realizing how sheer your shape had made the material.
“Oh shit! Well at least it was just in pictures.”
He sauntered over to your form, not impressed one bit. “Maybe. I wasn’t there to see what the other lights did for your body.” He stood a mere few inches in front of you. Forcing you to crank your neck up to look him in his eyes. The annoyance was palpable. “How many men saw what was mine?”
He grabbed both of your ass cheeks in his hands and began squeezing them and rolling them together and apart. The action caused your thong to ride up and irritate you. “No one was looking at me. Don’t worry.”
He let up his movements in favor of placing a delicate finger on your chin. He rubbed your lips harshly with his thumb and just tutted to himself. “Everyone looks at you, silly. Men and women alike can’t help but notice your full tits. The way they stretch the material of everything you wear. Or the way your pants hang on for dear life.”
“I see their stares, hun.”
You blushed at the idea that everyone is watching you. “But, I-“
“I don’t care if they look. But remember who you belong to. You’re mine. You and your pretty kitty.”
The babes: @lyramundana @sweetracha @2chopsticks2eyes
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omar-bb · 8 months
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meadow-dusk · 1 year
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Neil playing "Alabama" in Harvest Time (2022)
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javierpenaispunk · 11 months
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I almost forgot how much I loved his look at the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" World Premiere.
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dragonflylady77 · 2 years
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livelydiver · 2 years
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Someone made the executive decision to put Captain Bonnet in shades of dark blue-grey, and Ed wants to shake them by the hand. His heart seems to whimper every single time he looks. It isn't fair. Stede is turning into the sort of gentlemanly rogue who flusters the dreams of young ladies all the world over.
- Hell or High Water by @mottlemoth
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indigostreaking · 2 years
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In this essay I will..
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sufjanista · 28 days
This boy is so beautiful and it makes me sooooo mad!
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peroxiideprinces · 11 months
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zhongrin · 1 year
Guess who's back, back again sheepy's back back again did you miss me rin 😁
Having Zhongli wear silk that is so sheer and barely cover anything adorned with jewels that shine as if they were made from the stars themselves but what caught your attention the most was the dance he's performing it was so graceful, so elegant so SO sinfully erotic with the way he moves and gazing at you with glowing eyes that shine like molten gold full of lust to ravage you after his dance.
For a brief moment you thought who, where and when did he learn to dance so eroticly with the way his hips moves that glide up and down his body teasing you as if to say come and fuck me until you're satisfied.
After ending his little performance for you he lets out a breathy chuckle
"I hope my performance was to your liking".
Snapping out of the trance he had put you under with his dance replying
"Oh it was more than to my liking and I wonder what other dances have you learned surely there must be a dance for you to teach me or rather where I teach you"
"Oh my dear there is a dance that I want to try with you but it involves me removing your clothes and making sure you're nice and stretched out for me"
As the saying goes it takes two to tango 😈
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i missed you lots ;;;;;
how do you not have a writing blog sweetie-
i love this plot hsldkjfsd what if it was a ritual for dragons to court each other by dancing?? but because we're not dragons, zhongli goes into thinking mode: what kind of dance would be good to court a human? he thinks and starts his own research, reading books and using his knowledge of how the people of olden times tried to appease him when he was still a god...
and this was the result.
so really, can you blame yourself for indulging in the sweet treat your lover is gladly presenting to you? ;))
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