#hunger tw
miyamiwu · 6 months
From experience, there are four types of hunger:
Normal, physical hunger = hungry but still manageable. A little snack would do.
Moderate, physical hunger = It’s been at least 3-4 hours since you last ate. It’s gonna be uncomfortable for a while, and your stomach is gonna growl and maybe you’ll feel dizzy, but once you get used to it for an hour or so, it becomes manageable for the next few hours
Extreme, physical hunger = the kind of hunger that dulls your sense of shame and morality and makes you impulsively do certain things just to get a bite of something, anything. Even food you normally don’t like
And then there’s psychological hunger = you’re not really that hungry, but your mind thinks you are, and it’s difficult to focus coz you keep thinking about eating something
I am #4 right now. And it’s all because the smell of my roommate’s siomai sauce was soooo good that it’s making me crave siomai and other food that would go along with toyomansi and chili oil 😭
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
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she probably shouldn't be bothering her friend at work , but irina was shaking and trembling with hunger and didn't know where else to go . so full of rage towards so many in washington , irina's left hand was balled in a fist as she grabbed eric with her right . all she could think about was blood . "eric . i need to eat - now ." her black , dilated eyes scanned the nightclub . "let's get the fuck out of here ." / closed event starter for @strwbrrymccn ( irina & eric )
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usertiff · 4 months
anyone else jsut become sooo hungry it's incredibly painful and then because ur in pain and uncomfy you don't even WANT to feed yourself if you could because laying down and perishing is so much easier??? and it's like yes this is better but then it's awful again and ur hunger is like consuming u BUT bc you let yourself get to the point of perishing you have literally no energy to even function anymore so then you lay there like someone needs to force spoon feed you before you can exist again????
because same B)
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deathviolas · 7 months
Wrennly. Hey, I don’t know what to do. My stresses under the cut
I have close to no food at home.
My boyfriend essentially cannot help me both emotionally and financially right now. He’s got enough stress on him.
I came to my manager about my stresses and she didn’t care. She blamed me for my lack of hours. Said I wasn’t productive enough and that I talk too much to the customers. Okay, noted, I’ll change my behavior.
I’ve canvassed the town I live in for a second job and nobody is hiring. I don’t have a car to drive places.
I’m close to a breaking point because I feel all alone. And I’m dangerously close to snapping.
I have .78 cents in food stamps (that won’t renew until December). And $-35 in the bank.
If anybody can donate, I’d be endlessly grateful.
PayPal: @samanthahyphen
It has deadname listed.
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maddies-chronicles · 8 months
i am so hungry‼️‼️
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deppressedkitty · 1 year
Hunger nausea the dumbest shit like girl I’d feed you if you’d let me!!
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vuulpecula · 1 year
✖ @acharnemcnt​ cont.
      Fox shook her head slowly, moving out from behind the stall counter to crouch down to the young ones height. Careful in her movements, slow, tentative, ready to calm should it appear the boy was skittish as well as hungry. She knew she was at his age. Unlikely to trust that any hand was not going to grab or pull or hit.
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      “Do not worry about the credits,” she smiled. “Hold onto them in case you find a trinket you might like.” At his age, even starving, she had wished she could afford something nice. Something to hold on to, to make the world around her seem less loud. “Here, this is all yours.” Fox offered out the steaming stuffed loaf once more. “If you insist on paying, however, a name will suffice--careful, it is still hot from the fire.”
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actress4him · 1 year
Gimme 'Gilded Cage' for the bthb
For 'anyone' *wink wink*
This totally isn't someone you know o.o
Who could this be from?? And how did they possibly know that the very day this ask was sent, I was talking with Izzy about wanting to write something for the new AU using this prompt??
You must be psychic, Anon.
Introducing the new (well, not SO new at this point, but new to Tumblr!) Brumaria universe, The Royal AU. This piece is pre-Bruno, however, and hopefully sets up Kamaria's side of the story well enough that it doesn't require extra explanation. If not, feel free to ask questions, I love to ramble about ocs (especially Brumaria!) and aus.
Also this got, uh...really long, so, yeah.
Taglist: @painful-pooch (who obviously had NOTHING whatsoever to do with this ask), @badthingshappenbingo
Shadow of Death Masterlist
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Fandom: Original Work
Prompt: Gilded Cage
Contains: fairly mild whump of a minor (14yo), lady whump, referenced parental death, referenced war, referenced fire, manhandling, non-graphic stabbing (not of the minor), hitting, prejudice, hunger, corporal punishment
Kamaria slips in and out of the throng of people like a shadow, unnoticed by most. It’s market day - the perfect opportunity for making a living. While the people of Ethorcon shout and haggle and admire stalls full of goods, she eyes their wrists and belts. 
There’s a lady who doesn’t belong in this part of town, some noblewoman entertaining herself by watching how the simple folk live. It’s fairly common. Kamaria follows closely behind her and the girl who’s probably her maid, reaching easily between them to release the clasp of her golden bracelet and let it slide silently into her palm. She disappears immediately into the crowd again, waiting until she’s out of their sight before opening her fist and transferring the trinket to the hidden pocket she created for herself in the folds of her tattered skirt.
Brushing by a busy stall of dried meats, she tips a piece off the edge and into her other hand. It goes into her pocket, too. There’s already a pouch of roasted nuts nestled inside. She’ll eat one herself, and save the other for Aisling. The orphanage workers do what they can to feed them, but it’s never enough - which is why Kamaria takes to the streets as often as she can.
She won’t be able to stay for much longer, though. Too much time in one location is just asking to be caught, so she needs to make her last finds good ones. 
There are actually a few brave Navarians out today, risking the scorn of all the true Ethorconites and the prices that the merchants raise as soon as they see them. She skirts around the small group, letting her eyes linger for just a moment on the rich earth tones of their clothing. She misses when everyone around her was dressed like them.
Once she’s put some distance between herself and the other Navarians, not wanting to risk any possibility of them being accused of anything, she spots her next target - a man with a large shoulder bag. There’s not as much of a guarantee that she’ll snag something of great value, but she can’t help the curiosity that pulls her toward it. She sidles up nearly beside the man, waiting until his head is turned the other direction before she sticks her hand inside, fingers closing around the first item of substance she feels and smoothly sliding it back out.
She doesn’t look at her new treasure until she’s in a nearby alley. It’s…a knife. Small enough that the tarnished brass hilt fits in her not yet full grown hand. Carefully, she removes it from its sheath. The piece may be old, but the blade seems to be in good condition, and she can tell just by looking at it that it’s sharp. 
Thoughtfully, she tucks it into her pocket alongside the other items. This one she won’t sell, maybe. She likes the weight of it in her hands, the feeling of safety it brings. 
She takes her usual route back to the orphanage, crisscrossing through alleys and abandoned back streets. No one looks up when she walks inside. For the most part, the workers allow the children to come and go as they please. It’s up to them to arrive on time for meals if they want to be fed, and to come in before the doors are locked for the night if they want a bed. At first she thought she would hate it here, and she does hate that she’s stuck in the capital city of Ethorcon, no longer within the borders of what used to be Navar. But she can’t pass up the food and shelter the orphanage provides, and at least they don’t try to control her.
She hasn’t thought of leaving, anyway. Not while Aisling needs her.
The small girl’s brown eyes light up when Kamaria enters the bedroom they share with four other Navarians, the room next door reserved for several Ethorconite children. “Did you bring anything interesting this time?” she whispers in the language the two share.
The room is currently empty, so Kamaria sits down on the floor mat with her and begins to empty her pocket. She holds out the two food options first. “Which do you want?”
Aisling hums, considering, then taps her finger on the pouch of roasted nuts. Passing it over, Kamaria takes a bite of the dried meat before reaching into her pocket again. “I haven’t checked to see what’s inside yet,” she explains as she drops a small purse into her lap, tugging it open. The two girls eagerly count out the coins inside, then hurriedly put them back, Kamaria running to hide it beneath the broken floorboard before returning to the bed. 
“Look at this.” She displays the bracelet, and Aisling gasps in delight. 
“So pretty! Can I try it on?” Giggling, she holds out her hand.
Kamaria smiles a little and acquiesces, slipping the dainty, expensive piece around her frail wrist.
The girl laughs again, twisting her hand so that the gold catches the light. “Someday, I’m going to be a rich lady and own hundreds of jewels.”
Snorting, Kamaria takes the bracelet back. “Being rich isn’t anything to strive for. The rich think they’re better than everyone, but their lives mean nothing. Strive for…independence, instead. And a position where you can help those who can’t help themselves.”
She turns her back to place the bracelet inside the hiding spot with the purse, trying not to think too hard about Aisling’s future. The way things are now…she may not live to be Kamaria’s age, much less to achieve riches or power.
“Tomorrow I’ll take a bit of the money and buy us some more food.” She returns to the bed, settling down next to Aisling and leaning her back against the wall. She can still feel the weight of the knife in her pocket. “Is there anything you’d like me to look for?”
Popping one of the roasted nuts into her mouth, Aisling chews thoughtfully. “Apples,” she declares finally. “And chocolate!” 
Kamaria elbows her in the ribs, not too hard. “I stole the chocolate, you goose. We can’t afford luxuries like that.”
Aisling pouts, but it’s obviously playful. “Well then, can you steal some more chocolate next time you go out?”
Huffing a bit of a laugh through her nose, Kamaria shakes her head. “I’ll do my best.”
They sit in contented silence, munching their food, until a loud knock sounds on the front door of the house. Kamaria tenses, sitting up straight.
Aisling grabs onto her arm. “What is it?”
“I don’t know.” She tries to keep her voice calm, despite her body language. “Someone’s here. But no one ever visits.”
There’s a murmur of one of the workers answering the door, and a louder man’s voice responds. “We are here on behalf of His Majesty King Alaric, ruler of Ethorcon.”
Aisling’s grip on her arm grows tighter, whether in fear, shock, or excitement, she doesn’t know. Kamaria personally feels anger start to bubble in her chest at the mention of the man’s name. He’s the reason all of their parents are dead. He’s the reason that her home is a pile of ash, that she’s had to steal and beg and dig through rubbish for the past two years in order to survive. He’s the reason that they each take turns waking up during the night, gasping for breath with tears pouring down their cheeks.
“His Majesty requires a child. A Navarian child, to be exact.”
Another voice, slightly deeper. “King Alaric wishes to show his goodwill toward the former people of Navar by taking in one of their orphans as his own. They will be raised in the castle as royalty and afforded every advantage.”
“What a marvelous opportunity for one of our poor young ones!” That’s one of the workers. She sounds blown away. “They’ve all been through so much. Well, I can take you to see our boys over here, there are four of them -”
“Not a boy,” the first man interrupts. “We’re not looking for an heir to the throne. A girl will be more…suitable for him to bestow his goodwill upon.”
“Of course. We only have two Navarian girls, I believe they’re in their room.”
Kamaria jumps up off the mat and places herself in between Aisling and the door, allowing them to still see her but not come near. Her mind is racing with the conversation she’s just overheard. The king wants to adopt one of them. To turn them into a…a princess. It sounds too far-fetched to be true. All the Navarians know that he hates them. He invaded their kingdom solely to conquer it and extend his power, slaughtered them by the thousands, and now claims that they are citizens of Ethorcon but sits idly by while the real Ethorconites treat them like the dirt under their feet. And now he wants one as his daughter?
The door opens, and her hands clench into fists. The worker enters first, beaming. “Ah yes, here they are.”
Two men in rich attire enter, glancing back and forth between the two of them. The bald one looks her over closely, from her frizzy brown braid and dirt-streaked skin to her patched clothing and bare feet. “How old are you?” he demands.
She considers not answering, but doesn’t see the point in the end. “Fourteen.”
He sighs heavily. “That’s older than I was hoping for. Harder to train.”
The other man, the one with the deeper voice, nods toward Aisling. “The little one looks to be around the right age.”
The bald man doesn’t even glance her way. “She’s sickly, can’t you tell it just from the look of her?” He turns toward the worker, clearly exasperated. “You said these are the only two Navarian girls you have?”
“She wouldn’t be if you took her.” The words are out Kamaria’s mouth before she can fully decide whether she should say them. “She’s frail now, yes, but with proper food and access to a physician she’d flourish, I’m certain of it.” And she’d be able to be a rich lady with hundreds of jewels, like she wants.
She doesn’t want to be separated from Aisling, she’s become like a little sister to her. She isn’t sure, either, that the castle is the best, most loving place for her. But if it means guaranteeing her survival…
Besides, she has no intention of going with these men herself, and if she’s taken then there will be no one to look after Aisling, to bring her extra food. This is how it needs to be.
“I’m not taking that risk,” the bald man grunts. “The older will have to do. Come.” 
He nods his head toward the door before turning to walk out, as if he expects her to follow him just like that. Kamaria stands rooted to the floor, heart pounding and thoughts swirling.
“Come,” the other man repeats, holding out a hand to her. “You’ve been chosen. This is a great honor for you.”
The bald man turns, and they both stare at her. “No?”
She lifts her chin, gathering her courage. “No, I won’t go with you. I don’t want to go, you’ll have to take her, instead.” She looks briefly back over her shoulder at Aisling, who’s watching everything silently with wide, fearful eyes.
Taking two slow steps toward her, the bald man huffs. “You behave as if you have any say in this matter, girl. We are acting on behalf of His Majesty, and you will do as we command.”
Kamaria’s anger flares. “His Majesty has never cared anything about my existence before, and he can live without it now. I want nothing to do with him. If he wanted to extend his goodwill, then he should have refrained from murdering my family and my people.”
The fury in her heart is reflected back at her in the man’s expression. As the other man mutters something like, “Are you sure that you want this one?”, he stalks toward her. She takes a few quick steps backwards away from him.
“I haven’t the time for this.” Lunging forward, he grabs her by her waist and yanks her into him, wrapping one arm around her and beginning to drag her toward the door.
Kamaria forgets how to breathe. For a moment, she’s one of the women that she sees in her nightmares, being carried off by laughing soldiers while the town burns around them.
She’s brought back to the present by Aisling’s screech. “Kamaria!” 
“No! Let go of me!” She fights, digging her heels into the floor as best she can, hitting and scratching his arm and anything else she can reach. “I’m not going anywhere! Let me go, I will not be your stupid princess!”
The knife in her pocket knocks into her leg as if politely reminding her of its existence. She clamors for it wildly, somehow managing to get it out and fling the sheath to the ground. 
“I said let me go!” She has no idea how to properly use a knife, but she has plenty of access to drive the point of it into his arm near the elbow. 
He curses loudly and she’s suddenly free. Knife still in hand, she runs back toward Aisling, who’s sobbing uncontrollably, only to be tackled to the floor by the second man. He pins her there, and she screams, memories from the night of the fire washing over her again. 
“The little minx stabbed me!” the bald man roars. “Get that knife away from her! You let these children have weapons?”
She can’t see anything but the wooden floor, but she tries to stretch out her arm so that the knife is out of reach. It doesn’t matter, though. The man on top of her holds down her arm and wrestles the knife out of her grip, handing it off to someone else. 
She should have just left it for Aisling. Now it’s gone to waste, like the bracelet and coins hidden underneath the floorboard that the little girl won’t be able to sell. 
“Get her out of here!” the bald man growls. “I clearly have my work cut out for me, teaching this one even basic manners.”
She’s flipped over onto her back, large hands holding her wrists tightly, then yanked up off the floor and thrown over the man’s shoulder. Beating and scratching on his back and kicking her legs doesn’t seem to faze him at all. Aisling screams her name again, and she cranes her head up to find her tear-streaked face. 
“Ai-Aisling…stay strong for me, okay? Stay…stay strong.”
The younger girl sobs again. “Please don’t leave me!”
She’s carried out the door and around the corner before she can respond. 
The carriage ride through town is tense. Kamaria is too angry and afraid to enjoy the novelty of it, crushed in between the two men on the bench seat. She tries to fling herself out the door at one point, and gets backhanded across the face so hard that she falls into the opposite wall.
It’s the first time anyone has ever hit her. With all of the violence she’s seen in her life, it shouldn’t feel as sickening as it does.
She spends the rest of the ride in her seat, staring at a spot straight ahead of her with her mind racing with thoughts of what’s ahead.
The second man walks her into the castle with a firm grip on her arm that she wants to shake off but tries her best to ignore. It’s obvious she’s not getting away from them anytime soon. She’s never been anywhere close to a castle before, much less inside of one, and despite her determination to hate every inch of it she can’t help but gape. Every surface seems to shine. The floor is cold beneath her feet, and when she looks down she can nearly see her reflection in it. Above her, the ceiling stretches almost as high as the sky itself, and staircases with polished railings wind up toward long balconies. 
“This way.” Her arm is jerked, and the bald man leads them through a door and into a series of hallways and stairs that seem to never end. Kamaria tries to memorize the route, in case she gets the chance to escape.
At last they go through another intricately carved door, into a room that looks to be a bedroom but is so huge it could fit an entire house inside. There’s a bed against one wall, with a blue canopy over it and heavy curtains at each post. Pillows are piled on top of the covers. In the corner sits a dainty table with two matching chairs, and on another wall a sofa with even more pillows. Opposite the bed, nearly the entire wall is taken up by glass doors leading out onto a balcony.
“These will be your chambers,” the man holding her arm announces. He glances over at her dumbfounded expression. “See, this arrangement isn’t all that bad, is it?”
She quickly reins in her shock, throwing a glare back at him. “I don’t want any of this. Not when it comes from him.”
The bald man whirls around and slaps her cheek, not nearly as hard as the first hit but enough to turn her face to the side. “We’ll start your first lesson now. You will refer to His Majesty with respect and honor at all times. Understood?”
She clenches her jaw and stares him down, refusing to respond.
Taking a step forward, he grasps her chin hard between his fingers, tilting her head back to stare down into her face. “Answer me.”
“Yes,” she spits. She understands. That doesn’t mean she’ll do it.
A quiet knock sounds on the open door behind her, and the bald man looks up and releases her chin. “Come in, let’s hurry this along.” 
Several women appear, most wearing matching plain dresses. Kamaria watches them warily. 
“Lord Roderick,” the one who doesn’t match the others begins, addressing the bald man. “This is she?”
“Yes. Get started right away, there’s no time to waste. You -” he turns his attention to the others, whom she guesses are maids -“go draw a bath. She’s absolutely filthy, and this hair is a disaster.”
She wants to snap something back about how he’d be the same way if he was forced to live on the streets and actually had hair, but decides to keep her mouth shut this time. It would likely only get her slapped again, unless he wouldn’t do it with the maids around.
A few of the maids curtsy and disappear through a door on the other side of the room. The woman who spoke approaches her, and the man finally lets go of her arm, going to shut the door to the bedroom. 
“I’m going to measure you for a new gown,” the woman explains, holding up a measuring tape. Without waiting for a response, she sets to work wrapping it around various parts of Kamaria’s body while the two maids that are left assist her and write down the numbers she calls out. Kamaria stands stiffly, unsure of what to do or where to put her arms. She’s uncomfortable with all the hands in such close proximity to her, but at least these are female and aren’t hurting her right now.
“I have everything I need,” the seamstress announces eventually. “The fabric and trim is already chosen, and we’ll all work on this tirelessly until it’s done.”
“Good.” Roderick gives a dismissive wave of his hand. “See that you do. If all goes well I want to introduce her to His Majesty by tonight.”
The three of them curtsy and exit the room. One of the other maids peeks out from the door they’d exited through. “Her bath is ready.”
Roderick places a hand on her back and prods her forward. A bath…actually sounds rather nice. She is filthy, though she’d prefer that not be pointed out by this horrid man, and she’s certainly not going to let on that she’s grateful for anything they’re forcing on her. 
The bathtub in the next room is, of course, also fancier than anything she’s ever seen. Roderick ushers her inside and leaves, and the maids immediately descend upon her, hands grabbing at her clothes. With a wordless shout, Kamaria swats them away, backing up until she bumps into the wall. 
“We only wish to help you undress, Your Highness,” one explains, as if that somehow makes their intrusion better.
“Keep your hands off me! I’m not a Highness, and I definitely don’t need help getting undressed! Nor do I need you watching me get undressed! I’m not a child, I can bathe myself perfectly well.”
Roderick throws open the door and steps inside again. “Lower your voice, girl. You’re a princess now, there will be no shouting and causing a ruckus.”
She glares at him, arms crossed protectively over herself. “I’m not a princess, and I’m not staying here so there’s no need for me to adhere to all your stupid rules. You may have conquered Navar, but that doesn’t mean that -”
Stepping forward, he grabs a fistful of hair on the back of her head. “I said to lower your voice, and unless you want your head shoved into the water in that tub, I suggest you also keep war talk out of your mouth.”
Kamaria snaps her mouth shut, fury sparking in her eyes. She doesn’t want to follow this man’s orders, but she has no doubt at this point that he’ll follow through on his threat and she’d rather not be drowned.
This can’t last. She keeps hoping maybe it’s a nightmare that she’ll wake from soon, but even if it is reality…it can’t last. Either they’ll realize that this is a terrible decision and send her back, or she’ll escape somehow. There’s no way that she’s actually going to be stuck here for more than…a few days, maybe weeks. 
So maybe, for now, she should just play along. Not enough to make them think that this actually is a good idea, but enough that she doesn’t keep getting hurt by this man. She can let her displeasure be known, but learn to stop before he gets too angry.
He stares her down for a few more seconds before deciding she’s done talking for now and releasing her hair. “Behave yourself and do as your maids say. Just hurry up and get in the bath.” Exiting the room, he slams the door shut behind him.
Kamaria narrows her eyes at the maids. Her maids, he’d called them. Well, if they’re her maids, and she’s supposed to be a princess, then they should listen to her, right? “I will undress myself. I don’t want you to touch me.”
The maids glance at each other. “I suppose it’s alright this time,” one replies. “In the future, though, Your Highness, your gowns will be much more complicated, and you’ll need help removing them.”
There’s no way she’s letting anyone put their hands all over her like that, ever. She’ll just have to figure out the so-called complicated gowns herself until she can get out of here. “And I don’t want you staring at me while I undress, either. Do royals have no sense of modesty, or is that an Ethorconite thing?”
Reluctantly, they turn their backs and allow her to undress and slip into the hot water herself. In all honesty, it feels extraordinarily nice, but not nice enough that she’s ready to turn her back on her people to indulge in it for the rest of her life. 
An awkward hour later, Kamaria sits in front of an ornate mirror, wearing undergarments that cover nearly enough of her to be an actual gown and are made of the softest fabric she’s ever touched. Each of the maids is yanking a comb through her still-damp hair, trying to get rid of the never ending tangles, while they discuss how to style it when they’re done.
“A braid,” she says simply.
One of them frowns at her reflection. “A braid is too simplistic, Your Highness. You’ll need something regal to meet His Majesty.”
“Then multiple braids. That’s how the Navarian nobles style their hair.”
The maid sighs, turning her attention back to a particularly stubborn snarl. “You’re a princess of Ethorcon now. Not Navar.”
Kamaria jerks her head away, putting a hand to her sore scalp, and glares into the mirror. “So? What is the point of the king adopting a Navarian if you’re just going to try to turn me into an Ethorconite?” She reluctantly lowers her hand, allowing the combing to continue. “We all know that he doesn’t actually care anything about ‘extending goodwill’. Which means the only reason for him to do something like this is to try to fool people into thinking that he does actually care about us.”
“You shouldn’t talk about His Majesty that way.”
She continues on without pausing. “And if that’s the case, then shouldn’t I actually look like who I am? Doesn’t he want to be able to show me off and make sure everyone knows that it’s a Navarian he’s taken in?”
These thoughts have been occurring to her through everything that’s happened, but saying them aloud makes them much more terrifying and sickening than turning them over in her head. She’s a trophy, that’s what she is. What he wants her to be, at least. A shiny new thing that the king can wave around and use to prove how wonderful he is, while continuing to do absolutely nothing to actually help her people.
“There will be an announcement of your adoption in due time, and the people will be informed of your heritage then. But Lord Roderick and His Majesty want you to look the part of the princess of Ethorcon. And braids are not part of a traditional hairstyle here.”
“But -”
The door opens, and Roderick strides back into the room. “Are you still arguing?”
She snaps her mouth shut, transferring her glare to his reflection before finding her courage again. “I will have a braid somewhere in my hair.”
“You will do what you’re told, or you’re going to regret it.” He walks up beside her, and she wraps her arms around herself, trying to hide her immodesty. He just grabs her chin again and turns her face toward his. “At least you clean up decently, though you’ll look much better once that hair is dealt with.” His other hand comes up to brush across the purple bruise that has begun forming on her cheek, and she flinches away. 
“Would you like us to do something to cover that, my lord?”
“Don’t bother.” He turns and walks back toward the door. “His Majesty will understand. I’m going to check on the seamstress’ progress and attend to a few other matters. Be sure her hair is finished by the time I return.”
She’s never had to sit still for so long in her life. It feels like all of her hair is going to fall out of her head by the time they’re done, but she does have to admit - to herself, at least - that they do a good job of making her curls look soft and shiny for the first time in two years. And the updo that they settle on is elegant and regal - for an Ethorconite, that is.
When she’s finally allowed a moment alone in the privacy of the bathroom, the first thing she does is tug out a section of hair on the side and braid it, then pins it back into place. She studies herself in the mirror. She’s thinner than she used to be. The last years have hollowed out her cheeks and made her collarbone more prominent, though nothing like poor Aisling’s. And now she looks ridiculous in this fancy foreign style, and she hasn’t even put on a gown yet. 
At least she has the braid now, though. She’ll cling to any part of Navar that she can, no matter how hard they attempt to strip it all from her.
Eventually the maid knocks on the door, probably worried that she’s doing something drastic like destroying all their hard work by adding a braid to her hair. While she was inside, the second maid brought up a tray with lunch from the kitchen. Kamaria can smell it as soon as the cover is removed, and finds herself drawn to the table where it sits. 
There’s so much food, and it’s all supposed to be for her. Poultry with a golden sheen, steaming vegetables, bread with butter pooling on top. For the longest time she just stares at it all. She wants it. The hunger that’s been a constant presence in her life for two years suddenly lurches to the forefront of her mind, demanding that she stuff everything on the tray into her mouth as quickly as she can. 
But she also can’t stop seeing Aisling’s face. She’s the one who needed this, not Kamaria. It isn’t fair, that she should sit here in luxury and eat her fill of the finest foods, while her friend stays behind and continues to suffer. 
“I can’t eat this.” She takes a step back, hand pressed against her stomach, eyes still fixated on the overflowing plate.
The maid sighs. “Why not, Your Highness? I understand that it’s not the cuisine you’re accustomed to -”
“I’m not accustomed to anything except scraps of whatever happens to be available!” she shoots back. “I just…I can’t. I can’t.” How can she explain that eating this food would feel like betraying the only person she’s cared for since losing her family? They wouldn’t understand, and they don’t need that kind of personal information about her.
“Well we’re not going to feed you scraps, Your Highness. You must eat.” She gestures to the food. “You don’t have to worry about going hungry anymore, all your needs will be provided for here.”
That’s the whole problem. But she’s right about one thing, she has to eat something. Especially if she ends up needing to escape from this place, if they don’t just kick her out, she’ll need energy and strength.
Reluctantly, she walks over and takes a seat and begins picking at the food. It’s delicious, but it’s so rich that she can barely stomach it, and guilt accompanies every bite. She only makes it through a small fraction of the pile before she’s pushing it away. 
“I’m full.” She waves a hand without looking at the food again. “The two of you can have the rest if you’d like.” This isn’t the orphanage, food isn’t a rare and precious commodity. It’s doubtful they want to eat your leftovers, Kamaria. Among the children it was incredibly rare for someone to leave any of their food, but on the occasion that it happened there would always be a tussle to split the rest.
She spends the rest of the afternoon being trained by first the maids, then Roderick, on the perfect curtsy with which to greet the king. Despite her disdain for the idea - and her great desire to come up with the most disrespectful greeting she can to substitute - she tries her best to copy them and follow the instructions, especially once Roderick arrives and starts threatening to slap her around again. He’s still not happy with her performance by the time they end the lesson, but throws up his hands with a sigh and declares that it will do for now.
Finally, the seamstress arrives with the finished gown. She’s forced to let the maids help her slip it over her head and lace it, partially because Roderick is still lurking and she doesn’t feel like being hit for arguing again, and partially because they were, unfortunately, correct, and she probably wouldn’t be able to wrangle all of the fabric and reach the laces herself. The dress is a deep red, and it feels expensive, silky and smooth and so much skirt that she feels twice as heavy once it’s on.
Roderick stares her down critically, a scowl permanently painted on his face. “I suppose you’re as ready as you’re going to be. You look the part, at least.”
“How did this braid get here?” a maid gasps, and Kamaria can’t keep a smirk from quirking her lips.
“Never mind, it’s hardly noticeable and we don’t have time,” Roderick growls. “Let’s go.”
Her nerves rise as she’s led through the castle halls once again. She’s only a commoner, she’s never met anyone like a king before, and certainly not King Alaric, whom she’s heard so many stories about. Obviously she doesn’t care anything about making a good impression on him. She’d rather he take one look at her and immediately order Roderick to send her back. 
But…this is the man who destroyed her country. This is the man who ordered his soldiers to kill her family and burn her home. 
At one point, as a foolish, grieving child, she’d sworn that if she ever stood in his presence she would kill him herself. Now she’s expected to pretend to be his daughter.
The doors to the throne room tower over her head, ornately carved and inlaid with gold. They swing open suddenly, and she finds herself in the largest room she could ever imagine, with the king staring down from his throne a great distance away. 
She freezes. Her feet won’t move forward, refusing to carry her into the same room as her mother’s murderer. 
A hand on her back shoves her through the doorway. She nearly trips over the long skirt of her dress, but still can’t take her eyes off the man at the other end of the room. He’s as stern-faced and intimidating as she’d imagined, face pale beneath his black hair and beard and eyes bright and intense. They watch her every move as Roderick gives up on her walking herself and drags her by the arm. 
The walk seems to go by in an instant and take an eternity all at once. Suddenly they’re at the foot of the steps that lead to the throne, and Roderick is pinching a bruise into her arm. Right, curtsy, she’s supposed to curtsy. Was she even planning on doing so? Maybe she was going to just stand here and refuse. It’s too late now, she’s already moving. Everything that they taught her this afternoon has escaped from her mind, though, and whatever motion she makes is clumsy and awkward. She can hear Roderick sigh quietly next to her.
“Your Majesty, may I present the Navarian girl that you requested. I’m afraid she will require quite extensive training before she’s ready to make an appearance as a princess, but rest assured that I am up to the task.”
King Alaric just keeps raking his eyes over her, stoic expression never changing. “How old is she? I thought you were getting a little one.”
There are so many things she should say to him, but they all stick in her throat. The emotions swirling through her chest are fighting against each other. She feels at once everything and nothing. 
“Fourteen, I believe she said. I was originally planning for younger, but unfortunately she was the best option.”
The words finally take shape and burst from her lips. “No, I wasn’t! Aisling was the best option, I told you so right then and there, she would have flourished here and she would have been happy to do whatever you wanted.”
Roderick grabs her arm in the same place he was pinching it earlier. “You will hold your tongue in the presence of the king,” he hisses.
She tries to pull away from him, glaring daggers. “I told you I didn’t want to come here. If you want a perfect, obedient princess then you’ll send me back, because I will not be her.”
“Shut up, girl!” He twists her arm hard, wrenching her shoulder, and she gasps in pain. “I apologize on her behalf, Your Majesty. As I said, she requires extensive training. And the other child she’s referring to was sickly and frail, so don’t let her deceive you. She was the best choice…” He throws her a disdainful look. “Such as she is.”
King Alaric leans back in his throne, expression still unreadable, as Kamaria continues to glower at them both. “I must say I’m disappointed. I was hoping to have something I could present to the people sooner rather than later. I trust that your outing was discreet, at least?”
“Of course, Your Majesty. The orphanage worker was the only one outside the castle who knew of our mission, and she was paid handsomely to hold her tongue until the proper time.”
The king sighs, looking her over one more time. “Fine. Start your training and make sure absolutely everyone knows that she is to remain unknown until I make the announcement. I’m counting on you, Lord Roderick, to make this work.”
“Yes, Your Majesty, I will not fail you.” He bows his head, still firmly gripping her arm.
“Does the feral child have a name?”
There’s a pause, and Roderick shoots her a look, jaw tight with anger. She raises one eyebrow at him - oh now you want me to speak? Now that someone is actually bothering to find something out about me? - and the anger grows. He jerks his head toward the king, prompting her to answer. 
She lets the silence linger for another moment before answering. “Kamaria.”
The king scoffs. “Of course. Well, at least there will be no mistaking that she’s Navarian.” He waves a lazy, ring-laden hand. “You’re dismissed.”
Kamaria has never been so glad to leave a room, though she’s furious that her hope to be sent back right away has been dashed. Part of her wants to run back and argue some more, to show the king just how bad of an idea this really is, but even if she had the courage, Roderick isn’t giving her that choice. He doesn’t let go of her arm until they’re back in the bedroom that’s been designated as hers. 
Unfortunately, he’s just as angry as she is at how that meeting went. She’s gotten glimpses of what this new life under his control is going to be like throughout the day, but it’s that evening that she’s fully shown just what to expect from his training.
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ciderbitten-a · 1 year
Alistair doesn't really consider his vampirism to be a gift, is the thing. Turning somebody is a decision you can't take back, and even if he's happy now, his initial turning caused him a century and a half of fear, loneliness and hunger, and he doesn't even know how many missing parents, spouses and children he left in his wake. (He doesn't remember his feeding frenzies, only waking from them).
It makes seeking a partner a bit problematic, and is part of the reason he's been single since the 1970's. How can you ask for somebody's forever when you're being literal about it?
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lurkiestvoid · 6 months
it's 3 4 a.m. and I'm hungry and we're perpetually (very) poor so bc I can't help it here is a list of some foods I dearly desperately miss:
- almost every fast food. just, hot multi-ingredient satisfying meals acquired in under 10 minutes that require no prep, cooking, or cleanup (quality can vary drastically ofc but idgaf at this point)
- more specifically: giant fucking cheeseburgers, hot and juicy, fully dressed. Taco Bell. and Chinese food. And good pizza that doesn't come from dollar store freezers. And biiig thicc sandwiches from subway or similar
- boneless garlic parmesan chicken wings
- Arby's. Roast beef, curly fries.
- French fries in general
- Zaxby's/Panera salads
- only had it a couple times but chipotle/qdoba burritos or bowls
- restaurants. haven't been out to eat since before the pandemic but just, big complicated filling meals cooked by someone else
- more specifically: warm rolls with honey butter, chicken tenders and fries, enchiladas, chicken fried steak, a good hearty chili, fettuccini alfredo with broccoli and chicken, lasagna, fully loaded potato soup, loaded nachos, a good baked spaghetti and meatballs ...
- fried pickles
- homemade comfort food, like, a full "Sunday dinner" spread. Meatloaf, or pot roast with veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked mac n cheese, sweet cornbread, green beans with bacon, deviled eggs, a giant deluxe salad...
- a full breakfast spread. hash browns, pancakes, lots of eggs with onions and peppers, juice, sausages, biscuits and gravy, etc
- orange juice
- a wholeass veggie or fruit tray. mostly the carrots, or cantaloupe/strawberries/apples but give me the whole tray and leave me alone
- my "safe" foods
- banana nut bread 😭
- from-scratch home baked goods, more than just the $1-box-cake-and-$1-frosting every few months. All The Bars, All The Cookies, pies, the decadent brownies
- fucking. CHOCOLATE.
- snacks in general. Just, having them, and the ability to grab a handful between meals if needed or desired
- the delicious but "expensive" (>$5) grocery shit we can't splurge on. there's this amazing cranberry almond chicken salad...
- quiche
- hamburger helper
- polish sausage fried with peppers and onions and sauerkraut
- potato salad
- deli pepperturkey
- non-american cheese
- butterscotch pudding
- chili cheese tater tots
- pizza rolls
- donuts
- granola bars. trail mix
- yogurt with or without granola topping
- really anything that isn't plain rice and beans, bologna/cheese/PB&J sandwiches, ramen, hot dogs, oatmeal, toast, canned mixed veggies, generic boxed mac n cheese, butter noodles, and frozen waffles
- i have to stop now. if u read this far, thanks! pls go indulge in ur favorite foods and take your time to deeply savor them
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noisystudentheart · 2 months
your body counts every calorie even if you don't.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I was in the Hunger Games and the only other person alive was Lin-Manuel Miranda, and he was freestyle rapping everything he said. He killed me with a spear while singing something from Hamilton.
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foxdoodles · 4 months
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“you believe me like a god / i’ll destroy you like i am”
— i’m your man, Mitski
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sephirajo · 1 year
I'm so hungry
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maddies-chronicles · 9 months
i can't eat because i feel sick because i'm hungry but i can't eat because i feel sick because i'm hungry but i
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zanephillips · 7 months
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TOM BLYTH at the premiere of "The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes" in LA
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