#hunter x hunter theory
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I wondered why Feitan has straight hair now for way too long.
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twinkylilstar · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Discussion, Hisoka Theory
I cant help but wonder if Hisoka will eventually "change his ways" later on in the manga. Not entirely, perhaps. But in a sense of Hisoka finding his own worthiness on a deeper spectrum.
Due to the fact Hisoka is probably a protagonist (Togashi's Hxh's birthdays = protagonist layout), the thought of Hisoka making an entire 180° (or close to it) and becoming "good"/"improving" in some way, lives in my mind rent free. Leaving Hisoka's strange and inappropriate strength attraction out of the matter, maybe a character such as Gon, for example, reminds him of a person he wants to be or a persona he presented in his past before his upbringing?
(I'm fully aware that we may never learn about his past)
In addition, there must be some sort of symbolism with Hisoka's views on a person's strength and how he deems those possessing it as attractive or worthy. SPOILERS below,
Possibly, his near death experience via Chrollo altered his perception on those qualities, and applied them to himself. That could explain the chastity belt get up, right? He isn't focusing on others anymore, he's focusing on himself- besides being a sexy clown slut with a horse penis
This device eliminates the SCHWING!
Hisoka is well known for exhibiting self-destructive and impulsive acts in order to carry out his passion; his love for fighting strong opponents. What if this event triggers Hisoka into changing, but it's only the tip of the iceberg? He finally realizes that it isn't logical to "play" while fighting. He changes in the sense of being able to fight others, while also reflecting on himself to feel that "thrill". He wouldn't allow himself to make rash decisions that leads to injury or death if he found himself worthy.
The thought of Gon inspiring Hisoka to change or even sacrificing himself (on his own terms) in the future is STRONG. I feel as if this would happen after Hisoka "kills the Phantom Troupe" on the Black Whale.
Gon is well known for impacting others in a positive nature, including his enemies, and its tends to be unexpected. It's plausible to say that this is possible, right?
Hell with it. Maybe the character that changes him wouldn't be Gon, but someone associated with him. But, it just feels right to say that it would be our sun child that often brings darkest people/situations to light.
Feel free to have a discussion with me or add your thoughts 😉 nicely.
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epraim1992 · 5 months
Gon's Loophole
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Gon lost his ability to use Nen in the aftermath of his fight with Neferpitou.
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It was the result of the vow he made with his Nen, and it was foretold by Neferpitou. But I wonder if he will get his Nen back through a loophole.
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I got the idea from further developments in the story. Chrollo made a bookmark, Double Face, so he could use both hands.
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And Kurapika's theory that withdrawing a prince from the Succession Battle could end the ritual.
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When Gon contacted Ging to get his assessment Ging tells him he just went back to normal as the price for the power to defeat Neferpitou. He asked him if it wasn't enough and that he should be content with how he was.
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But I wonder if this was a secret test, according to Ging's words hunters are selfish people who cast aside everything for their own wants. There is a contradiction and makes me wonder if he is really saying that he should be happy to be ungrateful.
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Nen abilities and manipulation can force a person's Nen to awaken, and I wonder if that would be the way to do it. But that seems too simple of a solution.
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I think there is a correlation between Ai and Pap since they attach to humans, Pap seems like a parasite while Ai more of a symbiote. Since Nanika who seems very likely to be an Ai healed Gon I have a theory that Gon might use Pap to remove his curse.
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It seems like a Pap is in the world since the International Permit Agencies have victims of it. Pap reduces its victims to shrunken bodies reminiscent of shrunken heads. The purpose of shrunken heads is to harness and compel the spirit of an enemy. I think maybe it will be able to extract Gon's curse.
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ihateliterature · 3 months
The angrier and more tragic the boy the prettier he has to be
Killua? Completely heartbreaking life story. Stunning package. Dude's etherial
Kurapika? Literally alone in this world, posses the wrath of a thousand angry nightmares. Women want him, Men want him, perfect masc-androgynous beauty
Chrollo? Literal child trafficking in his backstory. Perfect combination between shitty goth and silly pretty guy. The poster boy of the "charming loner" group (according to Hisoka)
Illumi? Don't know nothing about him except for the fact that his life was most probably shit. Out of this world beautiful
As a contrast Leorio and Gon? Tragic lives for sure, but in a more typical, every day way. Less manga tragic and more the casual tragedy of our boring reality. Leorio is handsome in a conventional way, but nothing too crazy, and Gon is really cute but he doesn't have that ethereal quality
To give another example Hisoka is even more mysterious than Illumi and tragedy can be guessed but it's given no canonical hint to except for a probable lower class childhood and possible abrupt loss of his family (in the One Shot, unfortunately non-canonical as of now). And Hisoka is not quite beautiful but also not quite handsome, he also doesn't have that ethereal quality but possesses a sort of whimsy also present in a lower extent in Pariston. He is beautiful in the campy and a bit unsettling way (to certain predispositions) drag performers are
Conclusion: Togashi likes tragic pretty boys, the prettier the boy the more tragic the life
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pigcatapult · 1 year
HxH Heaven's Arena Theory
The announcer box ladies for the 200th floor and up know exactly what nen is but their contract has an NDA about it so they have to pretend for the audience that they have no fucking clue what's going on.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Chrollo is Silva's son?! Discussing the Theory that Chrollo has Multiple Personalities! @hamliet @aspoonofsugar
youtube comment
Chrollo is the Sensui of the hxh have showcase similar view point
Chrollo shares similarities with Shinobu Sensui, a villain from Yoshihiro Togashi's other well-known series, YuYu Hakusho: both are the leaders of their gang; both are the smartest and most polite of their gang; both have religious references. Sensui is known as the Dark Angel, Chrollo has a cross on his forehead, an inverted cross on his coat, and a last name very close to Lucifer; and in the manga and the 2011 anime adaptation, a young Chrollo is seen playing with a videotape, possibly a reference to the Chapter Black tape stolen by Sensui.
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morgaseus · 13 days
Sunday has you wrapped around his finger.
You love the man too much to even second guess him. Yet it is not him that you swore your oath to but to the family and the harmony. To harbor something other than disgust to a traitor, a follower of the Order at that, is tantamount to a sin, borderline blasphemous. He's always been virtuous, dedicated in upholding his duties for the family and the whole of penacony. You feel a dull aching emanating from the cavity of your chest; You'd never guessed he was the traitor all along. 
When you caught him in the middle of escaping from his cell, along with the wine purple haired woman- Kafka, a stellaron hunter, you surmised, you've seen her posters plastered in walls enough for you to recognize her anywhere. They’re recruiting him, you think. They're taking him away. Your mind tells you to uphold your duties as a member of the family. He’s a traitor to the family- to the harmony. He tried to usurped Lord Xipe! Your heart (aches to see him go, to leave you) tells you to let him go. To let him live, to experience everything for himself. 
You've always been the family's dog, always following their orders as if you were merely born for them and not for yourself. But this time, you decided to choose for yourself.
You let the halovian go. You clenched your hand, crescent shapes left at its wake. You don’t want him to leave, you never want him to leave because that would mean you would no longer see him. But if he were to stay here.. If he were to stay here, the family will capture him, hand him over to the IPC for trial (he will most likely be found guilty), imprison him until he rots in prison, until he serves his sentence. You don’t want that, you will never want that for him. Sunday has been nothing but kind to you. He treats you as if you were the most precious and fragile thing in the whole asdana system. He makes you feel, wanted, needed, loved. Even if you think his words were lies. So, you think, that is the best possible outcome.
He lived his whole life believing the sickly sweet poison instilled to him by the dreammaster (You’ve always thought there was something wrong with Mr. Gopher Wood). Nobody really sees how his left hand, that he always keeps at his back, would clench his right arm. Nobody sees how many nights he had to stay up, worrying, wondering, who could've killed his sister, why they killed her. Nobody- nobody sees his struggles. All they know is that he's sunday- the perfect, meticulous oak family leader. Sunday the traitor. Sunday the order’s remnant. He needs this. He needs another chance. So, you decided to let him go. Maybe then, he would learn to live for his sake. 
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dreamsandrosies · 1 month
To the “Tech is alive” truthers — all of them — I hope you’re okay. Some of you stuck it out to very end. Some of you still haven’t given up. Your theories were amazing and you actually got me to believe that there was a possibility Tech would come back. You’re all awesome.
To the 130 people who voted on my “Bad Batch Finale” poll: none of you chose the “watch the finale and then dropping the show for good” option and I’m so glad because that was not the correct answer.
And thank you to the entire Bad Batch fandom: I likely wouldn’t have gotten too into this show without you. Thank you for making this experience more amazing than I possibly could have imagined.
That being said, since we have no confirmed answer on CX-2, let’s just all agree he was the soup clone so we have some closure.
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i used to be all for illumis eyes being that way becos overtime as he had to endure more and more torture his eyes jus became completely lifeless and thats y theyre devoid of any color and all black n shit. but i came to the conclusion that that could jus be his thousand yard stare from everything hes had to endure. not that his eyes had "lost all color and life" sorta thing.
its evident that millukis eyes are also as black as his, so the black eyes are definitely a genetic thing (probs from kikyo) but i think the reason illu looks like *that* is jus a case of thousand yard stare from being traumatized beyond belief, and the black eyes jus kinda add onto it. and maybe thats y hes so fucked up compared to the rest of the zoldyck children.
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anitachristinita · 1 year
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“Her name was Evelyn”✨
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mysandwichranaway · 1 year
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who needs pain when you can have a cozy morning with sun coming through the window?
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p1nk-matter · 2 months
...debunking PT did it
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So let me preface this by saying this was 100% inspired by a tiktok comment in a hxh phantom troupe's religious symbolism video back in 2021 (:/). The person who commented made such an impact I screenshotted their comments which unfortunately are not in correct order and messaged them this year (i just know they think im weird) but they never responded. I'd give their @ but its their government name (I take it) so msg me for deets. All credit goes to them as I'm just polishing and tidying these thoughts.
First op talks about Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist on any official records and are treated horribly from the outside, people are taken from Meteor City for crimes, prostitution, slavery and no one's doing a thing to stop it. People go outside and face racism, like the one guy accused of a crime he didnt commit and when the truth is shown no one does anything (think op meant The Bum Incident, vol 11, Chapter 102). These people get no justice, they're just used and this is where the duality of Chrollo comes in, he is a demon to the outside world because he is challenging the gods but also a Jesus figure for the underprivileged Meteor City. Even his reverse St Peters Cross on his jacket means that he feels unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Thats his way of saying he doesnt see himself as worthy of savior. His priority is the Troupe so they can together be seen to the outside world, they are literally a troupe of phantoms, trying to be recognized. This is why when he asks Neon if she believes in ghosts and she says no, she is the oppressor that doesn't understand the one hurt.
If you read the story with this idea in mind you start to observe that the Troupe only attacks people hazardous for the City (mafia, ants) or when they want revenge for one of them killed so its weird they are presented in a positive almost heroic light. Only exception that sticks out to the story? Kurta massacre.
The og commenter wondered why it was that the Troupe was always presented in a positive light. We've known the Phantom Troupe does acts of good alongside the bad but we also haven't seen anything entirely "evil" commited by any of them yet. Most of the legends surrounding them are hearsay. And though they could have easily killed Gon and Killua, they don't, twice. Also, Uvogin when taken by mafia/Kurapika says if freed, they wouldn't hurt them as they are not the target.
Op comments on how narrative should be filtered as its being commented via Gon- a non objective source, they claim that the 1st arc feels like a kid show whereas chimera arc feels dark, thats not to say it is actually like that but as Gon's perspective changes so does the narration. At first when innocent people die, he doesnt really care but in chimera we need a narrator to explain as Gon is too biased at that point. Regarding the massacre we only have Kurapika's word but what we are being told/shown about the Troupe is different. The characters talk about the Kurta massacre, how horrible and brutal it was but the narrative is keen and favors the Troupe, it paints them in a favorable light and why should the narrative do that, they don't become better people like the Ants after all.
From the moment they appear on screen, the narrative wants us to see them as underprivileged, both in York New and in the ship, even when they're fighting in Meteor City, they're fighting for injustice or when somebody hurts them. Then why justify their actions everytime they appear on screen if they massacred the Kurta Clan? If they are responsible for this why make them the underprivileged representation? Both Kurta and Troupe says the op are ostracized by the outside and seen less from people.
Say they did it. 3 ideas were proposed as to why.
1. for the eyes (Chrollo likes the eyes, like Hisoka said but Hisoka is a liar and also Chrollo has never shown interest in the show for them. For someone who steals things he likes, why make an exception and murder here?)
2. for money (that's not correct, we are told multiple times they don't care about it, neither money nor fame, they want to be recognized by the world but how would that work by killing a clan that's been hidden for 100 years, they dont get anything out of it.)
3. for revenge: Revenge for what? Kurta are a peaceful clan that hide for years. We know the Troupe left a note that is the motto of Meteor City (I'm adding here what op referred to: "we reject no one so take nothing from us"). Op says note means they serve justice to their city, when someone takes things away from them so what did Kurta take? From the thematic and narrative point they are not set up to have done it, op thinks thats 100% intentional.
Like said above, BOTH have the thematic of oppression from the outside world, they are a commodity for the rich and powerful (gods) but why is Phantom Troupe put in the light of both, the oppressor and the oppressed? Why would an oppressed group oppress another one for NO good reason? The Troupe doesn't kill innocent people if not necessary, they do NOT care about money or fame and the revenge aspect doesnt work because the Kurta were isolated from the outside.
If we look back at the York New Arc they never state the massacre, they simply suggest it and of course from a Kurapika POV they are guilty but if you look again you have to ask..are they really?
this took ages for me to coherently formulate and ik it goes back and forth but bless op's heart because it changed my perspective completely (more than any yt analysis found online) !
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catastrophiceventz · 27 days
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Post for Pariston!
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queenofspades6 · 1 month
The Bad Batch S3 Theory
I rewatched the Bad Batch S3 tonight, and all I can say is that I have the feeling it can’t be finished yet. There are so many things we still don’t know, so many things to say and reveal. And only one episode left? I won’t be surprised (and I hope with all my heart) if after this last episode, we have another series coming, not with the Batch, but following clones, and maybe why not Omega? What’s scares me too is that if it is correct, there might be people who will die in this last episode, which would explain why this series with our Boys ends, and another one maybe set years later???
Ps: Rampart is a drama queen in the last episode and I am here for it
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Illumi is already dead! Only the Japanese know the foreshadowing of Illumi's death.[HunterxHunter]
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timeskip · 4 months
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Liar liar
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