the-time-lord-oracle · 3 months
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One thing that's interesting to note about Human Nature/Family of Blood is that it challenges the notion that everything was better in the old days. That story shows that 1910's England was in fact not a pleasant place to live in at all. John Smith, Joan Redfern, Mr Rocastle, Baines and Hutchinson are all embodiments of everything that was wrong with society in that era, as all four of them were complete arseholes! This is one of the story's strengths, as seeing those characters makes you think about just how bad we were as a society in those days and how we need to take care not to slip back into those bad ways.
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rydecimbulz · 13 days
Alright. We had a whole drumblr exists moment, and I did some scrolling, and there just isn't ever any jazz posted out there! Sooo in some semblance of but not exact order, here are a handful of my favorite jazz drummers:
Ari Hoenig, the only guy I hear and still find myself wondering if I'm counting right. Master of time, maximizer of sounds, and king of empty space... and this is a relatively simple example of it!
Brian Blade, my OG inspiration when initially getting into jazz. This is one the most tasteful, brain-connected-to-the-hands, clever notes in clever places drummers I've ever heard. I used to copy him shamelessly, and with good reason.
Greg Hutchinson, as to the point as a drummer can get without compromising approach and chops. Wherever you stick him, he shines, and he never pulls the limelight from the unit unless he's going solo. This is the guy to be in any group setting.
Elvin Jones, the top of my list in a long line of long gone legends. This dude was the opposite of bashful, and unlike Blade where I found myself copying him after listening, I got into Jones after spending years with combos, being told I sounded like the guy, and was dumbfounded to indeed hear a lot of ME in HIM.
Bill Stewart, every rudimental guy's jazz king. He's big, chopsy, solid as a steel beam, and has a decidedly busy feel without ever seeming to lose the groove. I adore his cymbal sound and confidence around the kit. Here he is grooving like a sonofagun with (one of my fav guitarists) Scofield.
There are so many more, but I'll call it at five for now. Listen if you care, enjoy if you dare, and never stop practicing...
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casasupernovas · 1 year
Oops. Uploaded in November. It is now April. In my defence, a LOT has happened in my life. Too much for such a short amount of time. But I'm back with Part 2 of my Doctor Who 'Human Nature' commentary, so here we go! Long post incoming!
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So onto the next! We last left off with Martha and Joan in the corridor. We now move onto the two racist boys from earlier, Baines and Hutchinson and a third. Mind, referring to one another by surname specifically is old fashioned (duh) and done in a very formal way. It seems insignifciant but I feel like pointing it out because while I understand that not only is it accurate and would have been something the boys parroted by the teachers, I feel it works even better to showcase just how stiff upper lip this school is. It's all so impersonal. In this scene we are introduced to the eternally baby-faced Thomas Brodie Sangster playing 'Latimer,' who is Huntchinson's 'fag' - not the offensive slur or just the Brit way of saying 'cigarrette.' In this case, the word means a 'junior pupil' who often does chores for more senior pupils. Builds character. For any who used to read Enid Blyton, think of when the twins at St Clares had to go do chores for the Fifth Formers. That sort of thing. They already have servants at the school but even their own pupils have a way or reigning over others. But it's not too disimilar fo the modern age - Hutchinson is making Latimer do his homework. Latimer also calls him "sir" very politely. It's at this point we find out that Latimer isn't like the rest of the boys after he is shown to know specifics about Huntchinson's life without any real reason. The musical cue and Brodie-Sangster's performance make it clear that Latimer doesn't know this information because he overheard it elsewhere. Our Latimer seems a little psychic. We see that this strange ability gets him into trouble as Huntchinson responds to his apparent prying with violence, shoving him up against the wall. We also see that this boy has a calmer, quieter dispostion than the others but also a kindness and depth, speaking to Hutchinson about the 'beauty' of Africa. Very important considering the references to war there that will come up in the future. Baines swiftly changes the subject and showcases some sterotypical 'boys will be boys' behaviour by sneaking out to get beer "none for the filth" in reference to Latimer. This decision for naughty behaviour will end badly for Baines.
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In the next scene we see Martha and Jenny at the back of a pub, outside in the cold. Clearly the servants aren't allowed inside. Maybe only the black ones aren't and Jenny is showing solidarity, who knows? But we know they're not sitting outside with their pints on purpose. They'd rather be inside. Martha vocalises this, to which Jenny responds with laughter telling her that Martha full well knows they can't, attributing her defiance to her being from London, with a topical reference to the stirrings of the time - the Suffraggettes no less (black women didn't grt the vote until a decade later). Martha voices her frustration at the situation but in a amicable way to Jenny, trying to get her to be more rebellious, question why things are the way they are. It is very on brand for Martha, someone from the 21st Century to see how backward their situation is. But for Jenny it's too far away. Martha doesn't have time for reluctance, or easy dismissal. Jenny isn't a bad person, but her insistance that change can't happen here is part of the problem. Jenny does not know if she wants it, or see how it is feasible. But Jenny is clearly inspired and awed by Martha's defiance. In one of my favourite quotes, Martha expresses how is glad thay she doesn't have tp stay under such conditions for much longer. "One more month and I'm as free as the wind."  This gives us another little tibit into the Doctor and Martha's plan. They are on a time limit. She may be a servant and he may be human now but it is not supposed to last forever. We'll get our normalcy back soon. I also like the running of gag of the only way people from the past can comprehend Martha Jones and the way she acts against the norm is because she is from a completely different country. Mentioned in 'The Shakespeare Code' and now here despite the fact that Martha Jones was born and raised in London. Can't hide that accent if she tried.
MARTHA: Anywhere. Just look up there. Imagine you could go all the way out to the stars.
JENNY: You don't half say mad things.
MARTHA: That's where I'm going. Into the sky, all the way out.
I do love the show's homage to the whimsy that is Doctor Who. For all its horrors, the show sure has a way of capturing the imagination. The Doctor is the man from the stars after all. Consequently, the companion's eyes are opened and have a foresight and experience that no one else has. I made a post about how Freema Agyeman does this part in particular very well, Martha feels older, and her wistful comment feels like make ypu truly believe this person really has seen the wonders of the universe. I think even Jenny senses it while she tries to understand it in her own perametres - Martha's a bit odd (in a good way) because she's not from around here. Of course as Martha looks up at the sky, thinking of all the possibilies that the Doctor has taught her can be possible and more, the script flips and we see a flash in the sky. Something that immediately snaps Martha to attention, reminding the audience that the Doctor and Martha are not here for a holiday. They are hiding. They are in danger. And in this moment, they have been found. And I think the scariest part, is we never find out how exactly the the enemy located them. Joan also sees the light on her way to the pub.
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Martha asks the appearing Joan, and John if they too saw the light, Jenny did, thinking it a pretty display of natural phenomena. John Smith has a almost boringly analytical response - "All gone. Commonly known as a meteorite. It's just rocks falling to the ground, that's all." It's robotic with a tinge of humanity at the end. All the more indicators to whoever this 'John Smith' is. His speech isn't very natural. He dismisses it away and leaves with Joan while Martha attempts to investigate - in the dark, something Jenny tries to dissuade her from doing so due to possible physical harm "you can't just run...you'll break a leg." We also find out that someone else saw the light. Baines. Looking for the bloody beer, buried in the fields before stumbling on something else entirely - the invisible spaceship belonging to, who we can clearly guess are the advesaries that the Doctor and Martha have been running from. He disappears inside around the time Jenny and Martha arrive. It's creepy to realise they are so close without realising.
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Inside the craft, Baines is huddled in a corner of a green tinged spacecraft, seemingly alone. The only person we can see is him. But he is clearly speaking to someone, a female voice. "But I don't understand. Who are you?" He is afraid, in that way where the reality of a dire situationn slowly creeps over you. I always found it creepy how Baines appear to not be in any immediate danger - there is no one there, but he is sitting on the floor, knees drawn up, hands around himself. It's a much younger image than the boy who was looking for beer, and we can see from his body language that he is clearly uncomfortable and scarier still, we just hear the voices of who are making him so uncomfortable. We also find out in this exchange that Baines' name is Jeremy. Jeremy Baines. Remember what I said about informal/personal name calling? Jeremy pleads to leave but the female voice apologises (not sincerely) and decline - he can't ever leave. Jeremy Baines then speaks for the audience; "But, who are you? Why can't I see you? A male voice responds this time, asking why Jeremy wants to see him. Why? Because he and the audience want to see who these people are, put a face to the aliens that the Doctor and Martha have gone to such lengths to hide from. The woman responds that this should be easy to do - "because very soon we will look so familiar" with a fast zoom onto a screaming Jeremy Baines. Is he dead? Have they teleported him away?
The episode moves back to the school, specifically the boy's dorm. Latimer is polishing shoes while the others play cards as Hutchinson complains about Baines' tardy behaviour only to get a knock at the window. Who is it? Only one scene before a student had been seemingly killed. Is it one of the murderers? "There he is. Let him in." Baines is back? Is it a trick? As one of the boys let him in, it is very clear that something is very very wrong. From the camera angle to Harry Lloyd's (Baines' actor) performance, it is very clear to the audience that sonething has happened to Baines. His expression is...unsettling to say the least. A strange smile across his lips and a curiously wide eye stare. As Hutchinson questions Baines, more annoyed about the lack of alcohol, not apparently noticing the very odd behaviour of his classmate, Baines responds simply "there was no beer, it was gone." A simple answer, his tone almost curious rather than matter of fact. At this point I think it's accurate to assume the boy has been possessed. Almost as if what has got him is learning.
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HUTCHINSON: Damn it all, I've been waiting. Pretty poor show, Baines, I have to say. What's the matter with you? Caught sniffles out there?
BAINES: Yes, I must have. It was cold. Very cold.
See? The agreement, said in an equally strangely empty but also careful tone. The last two bits are the creepiest to me. Baines does a sniff after this and Hutchinson assumes he has caught a cold whereas Latimer looks at him due to his odd behaviour. Safe to safe Baines isn't sniffing because he has a cold. I feel that it it clear that whatever has gotten Baines' original environment, or maybe their ship was cold. It makes me think of the episode 'Midnight.' Maybe whatever was there is a sub species of these creatures? Keep notice of this temperature motif, it comes back later.
In the next scene, we see Martha on a bike as her one of her many tracks from the soundtrack plays. It sounds idle and soothing, just like a bike ride would honestly. But where is she going? Martha dismounts and heads into a stone alcove and! It's the Tardis! Hidden away. She uses her key to unlock it and greets it, before dismissing herself, "I'm talking to a machine" and - the Doctor never told Martha his ship is sentient? Martha looks up and around - she might not have been here in a while. The lights are dimmed and it's certainly strange to see it without the Doctor dashing about the console, flicking switches and pulling levers. As Martha looks up the scene flashes and changes - a flashback admist the same lilting melody, it's parts of the scene the episode starts with.
DOCTOR: Get down! They're following us. They can follow us wherever we go. Right across the universe. They're never going to stop. Martha, you trust me, don't you?
From this alone we are told why the Doctor and Martha are hiding. They are being hunted down and whatever if hunting them won't stop - unless they stop them? Find a way to foil them?
Admist this the scene cuts back to Martha, clearly disturbed by the memory. This is how it all starts isn't it? The music changes, minor notes come into play and the music almost slides downwards, in a mirror to the twist you get in your gut as you realise something is very very wrong.
DOCTOR: Those creatures are hunters. They can sniff out anyone, and me being a Time Lord, well, I'm unique. They can track me down across the whole of time and space.
MARTHA: Huh. And the good news is?
DOCTOR: They can smell me, they haven't seen me. And their life span'll be running out, so we hide. Wait for them to die.
So much information all at once. Firstly, the adversaries they are running from are hunters according to the Doctor. I said it because it seemed to fit but the confirmation makes it a lot creepier. I have always thought of the opening to the Fox and The Hound regarding this story. How you can hear a dog barking in the distance, the peace of the woods until bang - Todd's mother is found and runs for her life. The idea of the Doctor and Martha being chased for what? Sport? What do they want? Them as some sort of sick trophy? Is it just for the thrill of the chase? The imagery of being hunted is reinforced again as the Doctor states that the reason they are so damn good at it is due to their sense of smell - see? Fox and the Hound. Hunting dogs chasing a doe or a rabbit. I inagine Martha as the doe but the Doctor as the Hare. Now we're heading to Watership Down territory.
Anyway, the Doctor being the Last of his Kind, makes him a very specific smell, and they've clearly got it. In fact, they have narrowly avoided being caught. The Doctor is in the more immedate danger here and it's not exactly shocking that the Doctor is the hot ticket here.
But luckily for the Doctor, they didn't see him. This is why at the start of the episode, the Doctor stresses to Martha that it is important that 'they' haven't seen her face. Moreover, these hunters have a life limit - it's running out. The Doctor doesn't need to fight. He can just wait. They're both being pushed into a corner but they don't necessarily nedd to fight. But still, it's worrying that the only option they have to get out of this scenario in one piece is for these hunters to die. That implies they are that dangerous.
MARTHA: But they can track us down.
DOCTOR: That's why I've got to do it. I have to stop being a Time Lord. I'm going to become human.
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Aha! That explains John Smith right? He's not just an avatar walking around with the Doctoe's face. He really is the Doctor, just a human version. The music is getting a bit louder, drums have come in, and it's no less unsettling now, actually now it's become anxiety inducing. The musical track is called - 'Only Martha Knows.'
DOCTOR: Chameleon Arch. Rewrites my biology. Literally changes every single cell in my body. I've set it to human.
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Timelord tech am I right? But also - what other settings does this thing have, slitheen???
DOCTOR: Now, the Tardis will take care of everything. Invent a life story for me, find me a setting and integrate me. Can't do the same for you. You'll just have to improvise. I should have just enough residual awareness to let you in.
I wonder why it can't for Martha? Also to all those who hate that the Doctor 'chose' 1913 - look at that. He beat the allegations, it was the Tardis' fault. The ideation that the Tardis sends the Doctor places he is 'needed' leaves it up in the air once more.
Crikey Martha has to do a lot here. Improvise? This is a lot but there apparently is no time. More scary still - "I should have just enough residual awareness to let you in." That, I feel isn't reassuring at all. "Should," being the operative word here.
MARTHA: But, hold on. If you're going to rewrite every single cell, isn't it going to hurt?
DOCTOR: Oh, yeah. It hurts.
Martha then has flashes of having to watch the Doctor scream in agony with nothing she can do to stop it. Martha really gets the best adventures doesn't she? She hasn't said it yet, but we know at this point she really - really loves this Timelord right? So all of this is definitely traumatising for her. Traumatising for the Doctor too, but at this point in the Doctor's life, this is any old Tuesday. He did get possessed and frozen last episode. These guys are not having a great time. But there, a chunk of the mystery has been sold. 'John Smith' is a biologically rewritten Doctor. They have travelled to 1913 with Martha 'improvsing" as his maid, all to wait out the deaths of yet unnamed hunter creatures who want the Doctor.
Martha attempts to shake off the memory and switches on the monitor and the Doctor suddenly pops up on this screen. "This working?" Wait - is the Doctor back? No alas, these are pre-recorded instructions for Martha. Nice to know she got a bit more information to go on. She smiles as he loses count at 3, (see?) but number 4 sets my teeth on edge - "don't let me abandon you." That's a possibility? Even scarier stakes here. But it makes sense. This 'John Smith' has residual memory of her. But they have no bond.
Martha has apparently seen this video numerous tines, fast forwarding it (maybe she comes here everyday) "but there was a meteor, a shooting star. What am I supposed to do then?" Good question.
"And twenty three. If anything goes wrong, if they find us, Martha, then you know what to do. Open the watch." Cut back to John Smith in his study. It's the watch that is the key. There's a perception filter on it. Which is why Smith picks up the watch, then puts it down. It's not important to him. It's also just on his mantle. In plain sight, a ruse. Nothing suspicous. No attention drawn to it.
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DOCTOR: But don't open it unless you have to. Because once it's open, then the Family will be able to find me. It's all down to you, Martha. Your choice.
No pressure. Martha is under a lot of stress here. Her Doctofication continues. She is the one with the power. What other companion has been put in a situation like this? Others have been sent away for their own safety. Either he doesn't care or, and most likely, the Doctor is keenly aware that not only can he defeat these guys with someone's help, he can't do it without Martha's. I strongly believe no other companion could have done this story, especially as the story goes on. What's more - if the Doctor's favoured choice is to literally rewrite his own biology to hide away from these hunters - but all Martha has to do is get John to open the watch exposing them to the Family - what would happen? The Doctor rather wait for them to die. Would he fight them? We still do not know what exactly these creatures want from him.
I dunno, but something about the way the Doctor said "your choice" made me a bit pensive, anxious. Especially considering the end of the story. Because clearly the one person here who would have any kind of power to put an end to these creatures would be the Doctor. We have seen him do it countless time. Is he almost not-so-subtly letting Martha know that if she wakes him before the hunters die, that she is giving him the okay to do with them whatever he sees fit? I feel there is more to the Doctor simply saying 'be careful if you restore me early, they'll find us and everyone will be in danger.'
The Tenth Doctor has always struck me as a darker incarnation - from series 2 there is a strange air or apathy about him (which works very well with his overall arc) and even a meanstreak. All his "one chances." Not to say I think he is a horrible person. I just think that while the Ninth Doctor's worst moments very clearly read as coming from a place of pain, the Tenth's overall demeanor seems from a place of complete indifference.
I don't know when tbis happens exactly - it's there before Doomsday and The Runaway Bride. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it was apparent from 'The Christmas Invasion.'
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See, understandably, I don't think the Tenth Doctor takes too kindly to being forced into a corner, a place of vulnerability, of being exposed. The Tenth Doctor's story literally starts with him being hunted down by 'pilot fish' who were working for the Sycorax. His energy attracts them. He''s down on the job, vulnerable. But he also defeats them with ease.
Theorising aside. The Doctor leaves the recording, but comes back because he remembered to say something. "Oh and thank you" with the kindest smile before the screen switches to a blue with gallifreyan symbols.
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The nation swoons, and Martha says what we are all thinking.
"I wish you'd come back."
Stay tuned for Part 3!!
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gigifluidcat · 28 days
Thinking of Jake repeatedly calling his kids and when one of them picks up the phone finally, he asks them "Guess what?", awaits their response, goes "Chicken Butt", and then immediately ends the call with the biggest smirk imaginable.
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nightsidewrestling · 5 months
Moodboards 4 the MLB & NWA
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(Face Claim: Salma Hayek) Aza De Angel / Azahar Gutiérez: "Tour. Get new outfits. Get better game."
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(Face Claim: Theresa Randle / Ronin Givens / Maia Campbell) DJ Deja / Deja Dickson: "Everyone in my life seems to run away, I'm looking for people who'll stay."
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(Face Claim: Kellie Williams / Tatyana Ali) Hutch / Esther Hutchinson: "Three things. rage, music and fashion, baby."
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(Face Claim: Cameron Diaz / Drew Barrymore) Krystal / Kristine Cobb: "Music is my life. I make it, i sell it, I use it as my emotional release.
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(Face Claim: Vanessa Williams / Denise Vasi) Mz Lola / Dolores Park: "Your Skin is your armour, whether it's bronze, porcelain, silver, silver, onyx or golden."
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Ice Cube / O'Shea Jackson: "Westside for life, Californian 'till I die."
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Dr Dre / Andre Young: "Isn't it funny how everyone who wasn't born in California, wants to be in California?"
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Eazy E / Eric Wright: "All these motherfuckers see a million fuckin' postcards and don't see the reality of the world."
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MC Ren / Lorenzo Patterson: "Live the high life while you can, fame easily slips away."
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DJ Yella / Antoine Carraby: "California is a non-Californian's paradise, and hell for the Californians."
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britishguy10 · 8 months
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One of the girls we love.
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luckydiorxoxo · 1 year
President Biden on Tuesday formally announced that he will seek a second term
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unteriors · 2 years
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E 3rd Avenue, Hutchison, Kansas.
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moltenicycling · 1 year
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FORD FRANCE HUTCHINSON T-SHIRT 😀❤️ Available at: moltenicycling.com #hutchinson #ford #campagnolo #france #cyclingporn #Eroica #brooksofengland #eroicabritannia #retrocycling #fashion #lepeloton #cyclinglife #cyclingtshirts #eroicacalifornia #vintagecycling #rapha #steelbike #velopress #cycling #cyclist #bianchibicycle #bianchivintage #velopress #vintage #steel #steelisreal #moltenicycling https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNdyiIvB63/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fallouttrait · 1 year
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......Remind you of someone?
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midwestphotography · 1 year
Josie Sanken live at McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, MN- 8/19/22
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eveningnetwork · 2 years
Hutchinson Testimony Jolts Justice Dept. to Discuss Trump’s Conduct More Openly
Hutchinson Testimony Jolts Justice Dept. to Discuss Trump’s Conduct More Openly
Washington — For the past year and a half, the Justice Department has tried to overturn the 2020 election results with a strategy that follows evidence that critics appear to be bordering paralysis. Worked on the effort. His role, even within the department. Then came Cassidy Hutchinson. The Inspiring public testimony Delivered to the January 6 panel by former White House aide Hutchinson, who…
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What every parent should know about Hutchinson’s teeth?
Hutchinson’s Teeth is a dental developmental anomaly characterized by peg-like or screwdriver-shaped teeth. Most teeth form abnormally as a result of calcium metabolic abnormalities. Hutchinson’s teeth, on the other hand, are the result of an infectious illness known as “Congenital Syphilis”. unexpectedly it is usually passed on to a child by his or her mother. How does Congenital Syphilis…
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casasupernovas · 2 years
Here it is. My commentary for 'Human Nature' and 'The Family of Blood'. Part 1.
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Whew. I have been putting this off for a while because I have a lot to say. Lots of missed opportunities, questionable choices and more. Without further ado, here are my thoughts.
Let me preface this by actually saying what the story is, or was. This story is written by Paul Cornell, based off of his book of the same name from the 90s Virgin New Adventure's Doctor Who book series. After the show had been cancelled, it was this material amongst Big Finish that kept the fandom going. The story featured companion Bernice Summerfield and the Seventh Doctor and is basically the same plotline: the Doctor becomes a human teacher named John Smith in the early 20th century. Due to being a book, it's a lot more detailed and the villains are a lot more intense but that's the basics. I'd also like to note that despite Cornell's credit, showrunner Russell T Davies made it clear in 'The Writer's Tale' that he contributed/edited and signed off on stories for Series 3, even going so far as to not have his name on some, something he did not have a grudge over. So bear that in mind when I discuss some choices the episode makes.
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So, off we go and in a pretty solid and gripping opening scene, we are thrown right into the middle of a pretty intense scenario featuring the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. They are being chased by something and the Doctor has to make a pretty quick choice to throw them off. So, the Doctor chooses to so something that entirely depends on Martha. His life depends on Martha. Hands out the watch. I'm invested immediately. It then cuts off to a different scene where confusion. What. Where. How? The Doctor is speaking funny, saying he dreamed of being a traveller. Why is Martha dressed as his maid? Why is she calling him Smith? Why is she saying he's human. Why on earth are they in 1913. We the audience are left to ponder what the hell is going on as the credits roll to reveal the title: 'Human Nature'. One thing I do really like about this story is how it doesn't immediately answer questions, but trickles through, and uses flashbacks to weave it all together.
We learn pretty quickly that this isn't a conventional Doctor Who story, and for the first time in the series, the Doctor is largely absent for TWO episodes, which is quite a bold decision to make. But a great way to ensure that the audience understands his importance and want him back. I read somewhere that David Tennant was actually sick during the filming for this, which added another layer of the Doctor being gone, due to him being obviously less like himself and quieter, something observed by the crew.
So, this is not the Doctor, but John Smith, a history teacher, who notably in the only lesson we actually see him teach, tells the class about battle, combat, the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. Remember this episode is set in 1913, November 1913 to be exact.
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I do remember wondering if Martha had also changed, but being convinced that it was a story where she was the only one who knew the truth, due to her being the one to dismiss John Smith's dreams and tell him he is human. And we see her once more, performing the role of a maid. Martha Jones. Brilliant Martha Jones is having to be a maid. In 1913. Wow. I wasn't mad at this at first, mainly because this just reinforced to me how deep in trouble the Doctor and Martha must have be in. The stakes are high. I had already realised he has changed into a human to avoid these advesaries, just not known why. Martha clearly wouldn't have had to do this without good reason. To be placed in such a hostile environment as we begin to see, only fortifies the idea that this is the most dangerous scenario the Doctor and Martha have faced.
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We are also introduced to Jenny, Martha's only friend in 1913. People have spoke of the 'Doctorfication' of Martha Jones this season as she has to take the reigns multiple times in ways many companions never do. So, like the Doctor, she gets her own companion in Jenny. Jenny who points out Martha's Londoner accent and admires her boldness. Because she's clearly the first person to challenge the roles they both are placed in, as women but also as a black woman. Martha and Jenny is then patronised and talked down to by Baines and Hutchinson, two boys attending the school in the most snooty, pompous, blood boiling way possible.
One of the positives of this episode is how it does not shy away from calling out just how arrogant and downright vile the attidudes of the country could be, especially during this period of time in British History. Baines and Hutchinson were not born that way. We see later exactly what kind of education these two are getting. Hutchinson then makes a racist remark to Martha, comparing the colour of her skin to filth before laughing and leaving. Martha is clearly riled by it but chillingly and accurately says (more to herself than Jenny) after Jenny points out the bleak apparent truth that boys like that would be the leaders of the country, that that may not be the case, knowing in the next year, a whole generation would be killed in a bloody, unnecessary and tragic war.
It's at this point it's made crystal clear that Martha Jones knows. Whatever is going on here, why she is here, with the absent minded John Smith, who flits by, 'head's in the clouds' says Jenny, Martha is the one who is in the know. And knowing the war is coming and being in this environment has to be so emotionally draining, especially as she knows there is nothing she can do to stop it. Not that they would listen to her, according to Martha, Jenny and Mr Smith are the only people who show her kindess here. Which is interesting, because John Smith doesn't seem kind to Martha at all in these episodes. Just polite. There is a difference. Not once does he ever defend her from condescension from the staff. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
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We are then introduced to a character that also was in the original book - Nurse Joan Redfern. In some typical cutesy/awkward banter between her and John, it's pretty clear what is going to happen in this episode. I remember literally saying out loud "NO!" When Joan said "we make quite a team." Because I knew that I was gonna get a love story and I didn't want it. Mainly because it would take time away from the main companion, Martha, something that happens far too frequently this season. In fact, Martha is not just mainly reduced to the woman pining on the outside, but the woman pining alone. Martha Jones is seperated from the Doctor for most of this season, no doubt to reflect his literal emotional distance but all this achieves is a isolated companion. Which, as a viewer who is always excited to see who the Doctor meets next and how they interact, is a huge disappointment. And kind of maddening. Especially as this new woman is a racist. The scene before literally told us bold faced that this school has racists in it. Baines does not call out Hutchinson for his comments but laughs with him. The school is clearly full of racially prejudiced people and no doubt the staff. Which includes this lady. So I immediately knew she was going to be one so I automatically didn't like her and certainly was not going to invest in whatever love story they were going to push. I've seen many people say making her 'complicated' by showing her accurate prejudice for the time period is a good thing because it makes for a complex chatacter reading. Which I only agree maybe 10% with. Because it's true. People are complex beings. We see with Joan in her first scene that she is capable of being empathetic, polite and helpful. But we are later confirmed that she's also a racist. And as a black person, I am quite frankly tired of having to give characters like this grace. Because that courtesy is never extended the opposite way. I've made up my mind and being a racist is a pretty good reason to not like someone. Anyway, during this scene John Smith falls backwards down the stairs.
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Martha bursts in as Joan tends to his wounded head because of course she does and Joan pointedly reminds her of her position, saying it is rude to enter "a master's study without knocking." To which Martha hilariously, mockingly, knocks on the already open door and comes back in. As Martha queries what happened, John Smith looks away and mumbles that it wasn't that big a deal, probably embarassed because it only happened because he was flustered by Joan. Again, even though what Matron is saying is accurate for the attitude of the time, the person that Martha says is 'kind' to her doesn't exactly defend her from Joan's little rebukes. Doesn't say "it's okay it's only Martha." When she enters his study, doesn't say "she's just wants to make sure I'm okay" after Joan cuts Martha again after she asks if she's checked for a concussion. And most cutting of all, Martha can't even use her medical knowledge to help because Joan knows more than her. Yeah, 20th century Matron knows more than the 2007 medical student. It's not just because Joan is older, or because Martha is a servant either. I'm sure Martha wanted to scream in frustration. We are immediately shown just how difficult Martha's role here is. We know she's clearly looking out for the Doctor here, but how is she supposed to do that when she is looked down on by everyone, so much so her voice is not heeded as useful or needed but borderline impertinent.
John Smith changes the subject though, and tells Martha how he was telling Matron about his impossible dreams and we get another plot twist. The biggest indicator that the Doctor is an alien are his two hearts. So the shock when Matron confirms only one heart. The Doctor is indeed human. How? We don't know yet, but we know it's tied to the watch. In another hint, John Smith says he dreamt he was hiding.
We then get John Smith showing Matron the journal showcasing classic Doctor Who villains, old faces officially making the 8th Doctor canon and of course, a callback to Rose Tyler, the sixth direct mention this season in episode 8 oh joy. I made a post before about what a missed opportunity it was to not show Martha's page. It does exist. I don't wanna watch John and Joan go all 'ooh' over his apparent 'fiction'. I want a moment where Joan finds the journal by mistake or purpose and finds Martha's page, because the journal doesn't just show crazy things but John Smith's lingering fears that something is not quite right. They're not just dreams, they're nightmares too. And in Martha's page he is clearly simultaneously disturbed and intriged by her. It's also an intriguing peek into the residual thoughts the Doctor has on her. That he doesn't know her too well (who's fault is that?) and that she wants to help. This is never addressed in the show and the page is never shown. Once again, Martha's character takes a backseat.
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It's not lost on me that in this racist period, even with a rewritten brain, Rose still gets a poignant emotional beat and Martha is left in the wings. Again. I'm tired of Martha getting the backseat in her own damn season. In 1913. An era where white people are supposed to be superior. Does this ever get addressed? No. It gets worse. And it's painfully clear that there were no black people in the writers room because the optics of this are crazy.
Martha is concerned by the book of course, they need to be HIDDEN. Can't very well stay lowkey if he's writing the sh*t down can they? I think it's also the first time Martha has seen the journal. It's probably the first time he's began to speak about it openly. Maybe he's only just begun to dream about his true self. We found out that they've been there for maybe a maximum of almost three months. This seems to be a new development, or maybe he has been writing all the time. So Martha tries to downplay it, lest Joan get too curious. But Joan rather alarmingly confirms to Martha that she knows something is wrong with him, "it's like he's left the kettle on." We also get the Doctor and Martha's cover story - she arrived with him and he got her a job as a maid, and they know each other because she used to work for the Smith family, he 'inherited' her. Yikes. And Joan, in a 'sorry not sorry' brusk manner says for her to back off essentially; "you sometimes seem a little familiar with him. Best remember your position." A loaded statement. Not just pointing out her being a maid. But a black one. Remember your place. He's not just a man but your superior.
Throughout most of this season, there definitely feels like there's a vendetta out against Martha. In her debut she's clever, brilliant, beautiful and confident. And for some odd reason, it feels like the show feels like that is wrong. So we need to pull her down a couple pegs. Have the Doctor aggressively reject her at the end of the episode. And in the next. Take her to the slums with drug addled versions of her human race. Then the Great Depression where we have remind the audience that she is only just a unrequited love interest. Separate her from him so they can't bond as a companion/Doctor duo. Have him dump her back home then return immediately because she is apparently something he can pick up and drop off like a doll whenever he fancies. Then, in the episode where we are supposed to get headway, we tear him away from her in the early 20th century.
Martha Jones is brilliant, but it sucks that she has to do so much alone.
I'm barely through the episode but this post is already too long, so this is part 1. Part 2 will be up soon!!!!!
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muchemovies · 2 months
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rewatching STRANGER THINGS: THREE holy sh*t f*ck this series is MINT. IMMENSE. TREMENDOUS. there's something about the developing characters & the changing friendships / relationships that is just fantastic & fascinating & captivating & enthralling. luvvit. and the stakes get bigger. and the setup huger. & the setpieces... holy sh*t Billy...
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
Icons Part 9 (Trio Icons 4, Quad Icons 1)
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