lavampira · 15 days
15 + 29 for the fic writer asks? :o
fic writer ask meme
ty beloved!!
15. how do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
by staring at the doc and crying until the words come to me :o) shgdshd titles are so hard for me, and it’s rare if I have one planned before I finish, but I do sort of take a look at the whole piece once I’ve written it and consider the overall theme or whatever, and then I go from there. sometimes a word or phrase leaps out from the fic, or feels reminiscent of it, so that’s often what I’ll use.
29. share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (if you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
“Talk to me.”
The soft voice behind her, still thick with sleep, does make her jump. A large arm gently encircles her waist in apology as Kaidan rolls, pulling her flush against his warm chest as much as pressing himself closer to her, and the bed creaks in protest under their shifting weight.
“I thought you were asleep,” Malena mutters.
“Not for a while now.” Which, of course, means she woke him. Again. As if sensing her thoughts, he places a kiss against her bare shoulder. “So, talk to me.”
She could deflect. In fact, deflecting has been her default more often than not lately. Chin up, back straight, and smile—Commander Shepard hasn’t crumbled in the aftermath of the war. But in the dark of the room, she can’t bring herself to do it this time.
“I saw my mom today.”
“How did that go?” Kaidan asks.
“Oh, you know, the usual. We danced around the future in the Alliance topic again. She looked at me like she wanted to cry over how broken I am.”
The arm around her tightens. “You’re not broken.”
It’s an old argument after all these months.
“You’re not,” Kaidan reiterates, firmer this time. “You survived… Well, you went through hell and survived, Mal. That doesn’t come without its scars.” He pauses as another roll of thunder echoes through the room. “She’s your mom, though. She’s just worried for you.”
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galadae · 4 months
8, 15, +17?
thanks gigi 💗 I heard your food wasn't salty enough so I hope this helps!!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
okay buckle up akdbkd Idk if it's common across fandom bc he's not super popular but I've seen it enough times to wonder where it came from. And perhaps I am misunderstanding the trope. But I don't think I am. So please I just want someone to explain... how Hien is a himbo. He can be fanciful and maybe a little silly at times, but it doesn't mean he's always head empty! He's still young, he should be at the club if not for the horrors! He's had to play 5d political chess with unlikely and volatile allies and yet some people think he's a clueless idiot and I'm just. so confused how they came to this conclusion. Has he always made the best decision for everyone in every situation? No, but not because he was clueless. At most he might have a himbo moment or two, but how is that his entire personality? I'm sure he'd like to not have to think about anything because he has so much to deal with all the damn time, but that's not the same! But seems to be a popular interpretation (well, as popular as Hien gets, which isn't much.) People are just blinded by Arm I guess. Thanks for coming to my salty Ted Talk!
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I'm by no means saying people can't be thirsty. I'm thirsty too. And boobs are great. But I am a balloon titty hater 😭 this isn't specific to ffxiv but I feel like if people are gonna draw pinups of characters I like when they clearly have skill and thorough knowledge of anatomy, that maybe the tits should look like real tits instead of orbs glued onto a body.
To anyone who genuinely enjoys balloon titties, no shade, you can like what you want. Just don't show me the art akbfkdjf
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I mean. I would love more variety in terms of what characters get focus? This is partly selfish ofc 😂 but I love when I see art about specific side quests or little job quest moments, or lesser known npcs. I just think more character variety is good in general!
also, bc I feel the need to be positive too akdbkdkd I absolutely love hyper specific headcanon art even if I don't always understand it. Just the fact that people put that much work into it is inspiring. Give me more of that!
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scionshtola · 5 months
6, 8, + 11 for the fic questions? <3
ty gigi!! <3
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
hmmm most things I have already started and not finished 😂but ones i haven't started yet...i would like to start over the corishtola first kiss fic though, so maybe that one! or the two part fic i have in mind set during the alexander raids where cori gets upset with shtola while they're grieving haurche and make up after the end of the raids (i had to give them something to do otherwise cori would have apologized immediately alkdfj).
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
answered here!
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
hmmm i don't really usually set out to write a specific trope or genre so i'm not sure! i do have a wayfarer fic i'd love to write that kind of has a mystery as the main plot driver but i think i need to learn how to actually plot better before tackling that 😂
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hylfystt · 7 months
sydney i must ask what leida’s retirement plans look like 👀🩷
thank you gigi!!!!!!!! 💜💜💜
i think.............well leida will never give up adventuring completely. it's just not something she wants to do. i do think after the next expac (we'll see what happens in it, ofc, so this could change) she would be at the point where she wants to kinda step back from being the big hero that people call when they need someone to put their life on the line, however. she will answer when called, of course, should people/the world have need of her but. yeah. there's less of this need to be the sole person making the sacrifices.
anyways, leida and aymeric will get married sometime after dt. she'll take on the borel name and title and officially make ishgard her home. she'll spend a good chunk of her time there, likely taking on the restoration of the city as her main cause, but definitely takes lots of week-long trips to visit friends and the like. before the kiddos are born, and then again once they're old enough, i think she takes at least a month or two out of every year to dedicate to traveling. that's pretty much a non-negotiable lol.
aymeric absolutely joins her, if not for the full term then at least for a few weeks, as i think their marriage kinda lets him start to take those few steps back from his work. as the years go on i don't see him every really stepping back completely, as he is passionate about seeing lasting change in ishgard, but there will definitely be a time to pass the torch, you know? much in the same way that leida would be content to step back from her role as the warrior of light and let the next round of heroes have their moment while she focuses on her family and friends and home.
but yeah! marriage, family and travel. lots of travel.
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zylphiacrowley · 1 month
☾ sleep headcanon pls <3
:D Thank you for the ask~!
When sleeping alone, X'vahl is a stomach sleeper. Also two pillows and blanket up to his chin to stay warm.
When he's sharing a bed with someone he will inevitably end up cuddled up to them or pulling them closer to himself because he instinctively seeks out heat.
The man hates being cold and he will make it his partner's problem (or maybe not so much a problem? :eyes: Erenville wouldn't say it out loud but he might actually like having this problem).
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ravensgard · 1 year
happy birthday!! 🩷
thank you sm!! <3
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fandans · 2 months
azem and emet selch is so spongebob and squidward coded
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katarh-mest · 2 years
an honest thought
On meeting Hythlodaeous, and seeing him next to Emet-selch:
Ah, now I understand why Hades was considered homely by his art designers.
Because anyone is considered homely compared to Hythlodaeous, who is so pretty he almost hurts to look at.
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zanarkand-s · 4 months
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for @hythlodaes - thank you again <3
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coldshrugs · 19 days
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and then @hythlodaes showed me a woman so beautiful i started crying. thank you, beloved!!
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this-is-ris · 7 days
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Woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Thank you @hythlodaes for letting me pose the darling and handsome Emile! Ris thinks he makes a great dance partner! ♡
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lavampira · 7 months
‘kissing your lover so gently, worried that if you pull away for just a second, they might disappear’ for mindrien? 🩷
ty beloved and good luck 🖤
kissing your lover so gently, worried that if you pull away for just a second, they might disappear | swtor • cadrien x minaiph • 907 words [prompts]
They had been separated for too long. It’s been like this for some time, but it never gets any easier. The Sanctum sends Cadrien somewhere offworld while Min remains tied to Dromund Kaas, and after a frustrating stretch of loneliness and worry weighing over him, never assuaged until his boots are cast off in the doorway and layers of his armor are peeled away, and Min’s vibrant figure flits before him in the Force.
This last mission had been simple enough. Cadrien returns with only minor bruises, and perhaps a burning ego from being wasted on pithy assignments, another form of punishment for the Claws’ failure on Nar Shaddaa. Not that it matters. Given the choice, Cadrien would still choose to bring Min back alive than finish it.
And the reminder of Min alive and well, and back in his arms, rips him from his thoughts. He had never hoped to have this with him, still floods him with shock with the knowledge that he’s allowed to want it after so long, even let himself sink into it, replacing everything else with relief and love.
Min is the first to close the gap between them. His hand cradles Cadrien’s cheek with fingertips brushing the edge of his mask, and though his kiss is gentle and languid, almost reveling in the reunion, Cadrien is nearly dizzy with it. His own arms encircle Min’s back and shoulder for purchase, recognizing the absurdity yet unwilling to let go or else he may dissipate like mist in his hands.
“Missed me that much?” Min teases when he finally breaks away to speak.
Of course I did, Cadrien thinks, but he swallows it down with a harsh bob of his throat, resting his forehead against him. It’s apparently the wrong response—or rather, Min reads his nonanswer too well. Threads of worry emanate through him and their noses bump together in Min’s hurried attempt to draw back enough to look at him.
“Cade,” Min calls so softly in spite of his deep voice, leaning only a breath apart. “Cadrien.”
His initial response is the slightest tilt of his head, but Min seems to understand, as only he ever does. I’m listening.
Min’s thumb sweeps a slow, gentle path from his scarred lip to his taut jaw before he tries again. “Talk to me.”
Cadrien briefly squeezes his shoulder before releasing him, running the same hand through his hair as he mulls over the tangled thoughts in his head. At this, Min allows him the reprieve to think, not often a patient man but always patient in this, understanding his need to process, to formulate his words before he shares them. He loves him all the more for it, even if he struggles to put voice to them now.
The truth is this: Cadrien hates being apart from him. It’s an unfortunate necessity in Min’s recovery, Cadrien still bound to his own duty, but Min’s absence on each mission gnaws at him like a phantom limb. Ever since the red sands of Korriban they’ve honed themselves as warriors at each other’s sides, been wielded by the Empire as two halves of a deadly blade. And he nearly lost Min before either of them ever knew they had each other’s heart.
He doesn’t need the Force to witness the emotional toll it’s had on Min, too. If not for him taking that horrific hit in his place, Cadrien would not be standing before him, and now Min must stay behind while he leaves, again and again, still not in his place beside him. The anguish roils through him fierce and murky even now.
Their greatest strength is their partnership, but their worst fear is losing it forever. A disjointed matching set of scars between his shoulder and Min’s abdomen proves that fact. But what right does Cadrien have to share his worry of him slipping through his fingers when Min carries the brunt of their predicament?
“I did miss you,” Cadrien tries anyway, pushing through if only because Min asked, and he had given up withholding himself from him somewhere in that alleyway in a pool of his blood. “Always do.”
A brief pause follows as Min absorbs the underlying frustration in his tone before he releases a breath. “Did anything happen?”
“Nothing that I couldn’t handle.”
“I should be there with you,” Min laments.
“Not soon enough.”
“Soon,” Cadrien repeats, more fervently this time, reaching for his left hand. As he expects, Min flinches ever so slightly before allowing him to take it. He brushes his thumb over the back of it, across the healing joints beneath it, as gentle as he possibly can. “And then you’ll be back to talking my ear off mid-mission again.”
A shaky laugh escapes Min as he leans against his shoulder in turn. “Someone has to keep you occupied so you don’t get stuck in your head. Might as well be my mouth.”
“Min—” Cadrien sighs, but he can’t quite stop the quirk of his lips pulling into a smirk. “You’re a menace.”
“Still missed me, though.”
Leaning close to brush his lips against Min’s once more, Cadrien tries to will away their worries, at least for the moment. Nothing may change how difficult things are and there might be no immediate answers or solutions that he can think of right now, but they have come this far together. He doesn’t let go of Min’s hand.
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galadae · 1 month
childhood headcanon for cala?
ah thank you gigi :D
▼ - childhood headcanon
Cala was one of those kids that's always coming back covered in dust or dirt. Probably late to dinner. No one's sure where she's been but she's absolutely had fun. She would often try to sneak into places, or out, but she was pretty bad at sneaking (she would end up sneezing or tripping on things at the exact wrong moment). She'd been caught sneaking at local chocobo stables, the blacksmith guild, the headmaster's office at her school, and the pantry in her dad's bakery (she tried to steal sprinkles to eat since she didn't think they'd be missed. They're so small, who would notice?)
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scionshtola · 4 months
i lost the post sdfsjdf slightly intimidating at first!! but now you are a hamster to me <3
🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
akjdsf okay but same for meee we are hamsters together now 💕bound forever by mike ross
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hylfystt · 6 months
8 for spotify wrapped? 🩷
send a number for this years spotify wrapped
oh look, one of the leida playlist songs hoisdhasida. fr tho, i do really love this song. simple and fun to sing along to.
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marzipanladyart · 2 months
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nsfw Estinien and Emile comm for @hythlodaes, thank you! (you can see my full 18+ art on SubscribeStar!)
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