#i accidentally deleted it lol
s2pdoktopus · 2 months
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Jiang Cheng in Seclusion
Jiang Cheng: *squeezes his belly where his golden core is with a pained expression*
Jiang Xie: *watches him with furrowed brows*
Jiang Xie: *in the kitchen, talking to the head cook* Ayi, about A-Die...
Jiang Cheng: Hao Fei, this is the fifth day you've given me congee.
Hao Fei: I'm sorry if the food is not to your liking, Sect Leader, but young mistress Jiang had insisted that you only eat food that can help with your upset stomach.
Jiang Cheng: I don't have an upset stomach.
Hao Fei: Perhaps if Sect Leader communicated this with his daughter, he wouldn't have to endure four days of eating bland food.
Jiang Cheng: Are you telling me how to handle my kid?
Hao Fei: Xiao-Xie has been running around with the three trouble makers looking for the person responsible for your seclusion, sect leader. I heard she reached out to Jin Rulan and asked him to, and I quote "use his sect leader powers" to find a perpetrator.
Jiang Cheng: Nosy brats.
Hao Fei: I wouldn't dare ask sect leader why he chose to lock himself up in his room but I expected our sect leader, whom raised his home from the ashes while caring for his nephew after losing his family to be strong enough to be there for his children, especially at a time like this.
Jiang Cheng: ... *eats his food* Tell Jin Ling to bring his cousin home immediately. Otherwise I'll go to Carp tower myself and break their legs.
Hao Fei: Right away, Sect leader.
Jiang Xie: A-DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (slams to Jiang Cheng's legs)
Jiang Cheng: *sigh* A-Xie, what did I say about running by the docks?
Jiang Xie: You never told me you have a big brother!
Jiang Cheng: I didn't?
Jiang Xie: You do! A-Ling called him Dajiu which makes him my Dajiu too!
Jiang Cheng: Bofu, your Bofu. And who's Da-jiu?!
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo! *Gasp* but doesn't that mean that insect really happened in our family???
Jiang Cheng: In...sect...? You mean incest? Where do you even learn these?
Jiang Xie: Do not change the topic, A-Die! You have a brother and you never told me!
Jiang Cheng: I... did have a brother.
Jiang Xie: hmph!
Jiang Cheng: But I don't have one anymore. It's complicated.
Jiang Xie: Is it that "you'll get it when you're older" thing?
Jiang Cheng: ... yes.
Jiang Xie: But Senior Mo was your brother?
Jiang Cheng: No?
Jiang Xie: No?
Jiang Cheng: Senior Mo... is possessed by my brother. No, Zidian can't make him leave.
Jiang Xie: Oh... is that bad? What about Senior Mo?
Jiang Cheng: I don't know. (I don't care either.)
Jiang Xie: *nods* But what should I call him now A-die? He's like, Senior Mo and your brother at the same time!
Jiang Cheng: Jin Ling will be annoyed if refer Wei- his DaJiu with respect before you do to him.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling is A-Ling. Senior Mo is your brother, I want to leave a good impression!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. (You already left a horrible impression I'm sure.) I don't know how you should address him.
Jiang Xie: It's complicated. (Nods sagely)
Jiang Cheng: It's complicated. But you can just ask him how he wants to be called and do as he says to make it simpler.
Jiang Xie: Oh! You truly are wise, A-Die! I'll go ask him!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. Wait. Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling are here?!
Wei Wuxian: Ah, Xiao-Xie, to what do I owe a visit?
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo, can I call you Bofu?
(Jin Ling in the background: *offended gasp*)
Wei Wuxian: ... YES OF COURSE! I'd be honored-(Glows)
Wei Wuxian: But, Ah... wouldn't your A-die mind?
Jiang Xie: A-die said I should ask you.
Wei Wuxian: *Glows even brighter*
Jiang Xie: A-Die?
Jiang Cheng: What is it this time?
Jiang Xie: If Senior Mo-
Jiang Cheng: Wei. His, my brother's name is Wei Ying. Courtesy name Wuxian.
Jiang Xie: If Senior Wei is my Bofu, doesn't that make Hanguang Jun my shenshen?
Jiang Cheng: (torn between accepting Lan Wangji as family and how funny it would be if his daughter calls him shenshen) Maybe. Ask your uncle how to address him.
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian allowed my kid to call him uncle. What does this mean????
Wei Wuxian: Jiang Cheng allowed his kid to call me uncle. What does this mean????
Jiang Xie: A-die! a-Die! Did you know that Bofu has a son?
Jiang Cheng: A... WHAT???
Jiang Xie: A son!
Jiang Cheng: A son?
Jiang Xie: *nods* isn't that great? Our family doubled in just a year!
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian: Yes, A-Cheng?
Jiang Cheng: If I learn one more life altering secret about the family from one of my kids again, consider this fledgling bridge we've been building broken.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling, A-Ling why are you sad?
Jin Ling: Nothing, I just-
Jiang Xie: Just?
Jin Ling: I just wish I have parents too.
Jiang Xie: We have A-die.
Jin Ling: He's your A-die. Mine is...
Jiang Xie: (contemplates) (with determination) A-Ling, swear brotherhood with me.
Jin Ling: Huh? Why? And what does that have to do with anything.
Jiang Xie: (brightly) If you're my brother then my A-die is your A-die too!
Jin ling: I'm not replacing my father.
Jiang Xie: yeah you're just getting two fathers now. Your Baba and my A-die.
Jin Ling: that's not how it works.
Jiang Xie: It is too! My brother should naturally my father's son too, no?
Jin Ling: that's not- sighs
Jiang Xie: well?
Jin Ling: (hugs Jiang Xie) I'll think about it, thanks A-Xie.
Jiang Xie: (hugs Jin Ling back)
During a Cultivation conference
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji, cowers behind Jiang Cheng a bit* A-Die? Why is Hanguang Jun always mad at you?
Jin Ling: *winces and drinks his tea*
Jiang Cheng: ... He's not mad at me.
Jin Ling: *spits his tea* jiujiu?!!
Jiang Cheng: he looks at nearly everyone the same way. He's just born with that face, no need to put meaning on his stares.
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji again* oh, you're right.
Jin Ling: he's no-
Jiang Cheng: Sect Leader Jin, if you're so eager to correct my words, I'm sure you wouldn't mind educating my daughter for the next hour or until her curious mind is satisfied.
Jin Ling: ah, *looks at Jiang Xie's eager eyes* of course, sect leader Jiang is right, the chief cultivator does look at everyone the same way.
Christmas (kind of)
Jiang Cheng: 'To make it clear, this wasn't my idea. A Senior Disciple came to me one day. "Sect Leader, how about we do something to boost the juniors' morale?" The proposition was thus: We tell the children that if they work their hardest, some of them will be given the chance to have their wish granted by some magic man, or something, Jiang Cheng isn't pivy with the details other than the magical wish grantor is actually just him using the magic of money. It was supposed to be a one time thing but it was a very effective motivator so it became a tradition.
In this year's conferences the Yunmeng Jiang Sect continued to rank among the top in competitions. And now, Jiang Cheng has to complete his end of the bargain.
Jiang Cheng: Next time someone asks to be whipped by Zidian, I'm going to do it so hard no one will ever ask for it ever again. *Picks up a letter separate from the stack* Xiao Xie has been loud but otherwise good this year. Maybe I'll give her something she wants
Xie's letter: I wish to have a Didi.
Jiang Cheng: I thought she already moved on from that... Jin Ling performed very well in the last archery competition. He's A-Jie's son so he's technically Yunmeng Jiang by blood. *Picks up Jin Ling's letter* why is it heavy?
Jin Ling's Letter: I wish Jiujiu and Wei Wuxian to reconcile.
Jiang Cheng: that brat, he should learn to mind his own business- *a gold drops from the letter* is he bribing me?!?!
Jiang Cheng: *massages his temple* picks up a letter from the pile. Yu Meilai, *nods* she more or less carried the sect during those competitions. She deserves to-
Yu Meilai: On behalf of lotus Pier, I humbly ask our wish grantor a torture dungeon. With-
Jiang Cheng: *puts it back in the pile. Picks another letter.* Ah, XinXue. She has been very good with the new Shimei and shidi, I'll try my best to-
XinXue's letter: I wish all demonic cultivators a slow agonizing death
Jiang Cheng: Ah, that's impossible. Even for Sandu Sengshou. I mean, I would attempt it but that would but the sect in danger considering who the chief cultivator's husband is. Yes. That's why I can't do it. I can but I can't. Sorry XinXue. *Picks up a different letter* Please for the love of every deity protecting lotus Pier, let this be something I can actually grant. *Read the letter
Jiang Lian: Our sect Leader works too hard, I wish him a day or two of rest.
Jiang Cheng: Jiang Lian has always been my favorite.
(Jiang Cheng slept soundly that night and then the next.)
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purerae · 2 months
warnings ;; nsfw themes, creepy behaviour, overall yandere themes
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who didn’t really believe in love at first sight. ‘People were horrible and mean, loves not real at all!’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who immediately disregards his previous statement the moment he saw you, his ears perking up at the sound of your voice speaking to your fellow classmates.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who’s enamoured with you the first time you ran into the lecture hall, hair messed up, books all jumbled and bag almost falling off. You looked so perfect and sweet!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who watches you so intently as you work, he stares at you as if he’s an eagle. Everyone notices him staring at you and thinks he’s a perverted freak, but you don’t pay any mind to it. That must mean you think he’s okay!? that must mean you like him..<3
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who doesn’t even have a conversation with you for months but just practically eye-fucks you. He remembers all your outfits and if you ever rewore them. Your favourite sweater, which he wants to steal so he can do god knows what to it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who almost whimpers when you sit next to him, He secretly thanks the person who stole your self assigned seat.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who’s eyes widen as he realises he’s going to have to speak to you. shit shit shit what should he do?!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who after 30 long minutes, has the courage to shyly ask for a pen. quickly hiding his stationary; he stutters, pauses, and whispers the 7 words. It’s practically impossible to understand him. “d..do you have…a p..pen that i can borrow..?”
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who almost combusts when you give him a polite grin, saying ‘of course!’ and lending him a pen before focusing back on your work. To you it was a conversation you don’t think twice about, for him? It made his entire month.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who can’t even focus on his work as he notices the bite marks on top of your pen. your lips and teeth touched the lid…his slender fingers slowly brush the bite marks, hands quivering with delight. Even a streak of blood couldn’t compare to how red he was. He’s keeping this pen no matter what.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who gasps in relief when you leave forgetting to ask for your pen back, he quickly puts it in his bag and beams happily all the way back to his flat. The happiest he’s been in years!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who places the stolen pen on his night desk, and kisses the top of it every night like a routine. ‘I’m practically kissing her~!’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who slowly collects the things you accidentally leave behind. Half drunk water bottle? His. A tissue you used when it was getting a bit cold? In his pocket like it’s his hankerchief. A core of an apple you chucked into the trash can before walking into the class? Treats it like it’s Gods gift
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who built a mini shrine of your belongings at the back of his closet. His harmless little secret, no body, especially you needs to know.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!PERV who loves you so so so much! he’d do anything for you! ..even if you guys have only ever spoken once or twice.
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“Mmm hey! Can you help me with this question…?”
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tripamania · 16 days
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for them, it was a tuesday
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fakegamercomics · 2 months
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Commissions are open!! ^^ I don't get my first pay check from my new job til the end of the next week, so any support helps a lot!
If you'd like some cute art of yourself, your oc, etc. please consider getting a commission from me and helping me out a bit! I'd super appreciate it! Commissions start at $60, but I offer a few different options! ❤ link here!
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likegoldintheair · 2 months
oooh for the sentences game: bucktommy + "You can stay the night, you know, if you want to."
"You can stay the night," Buck breathes out, tilting his head just so to give Tommy access to his neck. The man is clearly on a mission and who is Buck to deny him that. Besides, the light scratch of Tommy's stubble against his sensitive skin felt amazing, and it makes Buck wonder for the umpteenth time how he could ever live without it before. "You know, if- if you want to."
Tommy pauses then, mouth hovering just above Buck's pulse point. He hums quietly before pressing a quick kiss into Buck's skin. Then he leans back and just... looks at Buck.
"I-I mean, we're both off duty tomorrow, right," Buck says, words rushing out to fill the silence between them. "And- and it's already late, so I thought maybe- but you obviously don't have to-"
Tommy's voice is gentle as it cuts him off, his gaze softening into something that Buck can't quite describe. It does something to his inside, though; a low, steady humming spreading throughout his body, something entirely different from the fast, hot thrumming that's been buzzing beneath his skin for the past hour or so. Buck almost feels dizzy with it.
"You know you don't have to convince me, right?"
"I just-" Buck swallows, his hand flexing involuntary where it rests on Tommy's waist, the feeling of his naked skin against Buck's palm calming and exhilarating all at the same time. "I didn't want to assume."
"Yeah, I figured." Tommy's mouth curves up into a smile then, a small and private thing, as his hand smoothes over Buck's shoulder. His eyes flitters over Buck's face before falling to his neck. Carefully, he presses his fingertips into the tender skin there, the same bruised spot his mouth had occupied mere moments before. "But-"
"What?" Buck exhales shakily, feeling like his entire body is set alight. Tommy drags his eyes away from his neck, then, his gaze heavy as it locks with Buck's. He uses his hand to pull Buck closer and presses a kiss to his lips.
"But," he murmurs, his breath hot against Buck's mouth, "you can assume."
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byunbqbes · 2 years
tw: some crying. nothing too sad tho
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♡ suna. laces his fingers with yours and carries you to the bed when you begin to cry a little harder. lies down beside you and runs his long, slender fingers through your hair as he lets you cry into his chest. when you begin to feel better, suna flashes you a rare, uncharacteristic smile and asks, "do you wanna talk about it?"
♡ oikawa. freezes and the smirk on his face immediately drops. did he cross a line while teasing you just now? he makes his way towards you, apologies spilling from his lips and a box of tissues on his hands as he offers them to you. when you reject the tissues and hug his waist instead, he feels something stirring in his stomach as he quickly wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you into his lap. as he coos soft little nothings in your ear, oikawa can't help but wonder what it would be like for you to finally be his, and for him to comfort you for an entire lifetime.
♡ ushijima. blinks slowly and unsurely as he gazes at your slumped figure, broken sobs threatening to overtake you. he walks up to you and takes a deep breath before enveloping you in his large, warm arms. he pats your back a little awkardly as you lean closer, burying your face into his neck and wetting his collar in the process. when your tears stop, you realise he's still rubbing soothing circles on your back, and you smile to yourself because you know ushijima will always have your back and give you a shoulder to cry on.
♡ bokuto. his hair droops down and the light in his sparkly eyes quickly diminishes. he pouts and cups your face delicately, wiping away the tears that spill out of your eyes. he tells you his favourite bedtime story that his grandmother used to read to him, and his slow, soothing words somehow calm you down. when your eyes are no longer wet, bokuto finally perks up and rubs your noses together while he gives you the biggest smile you've ever seen.
♡ kenma. feels a pang in his chest when you fall into his lap in a dishelved heap. he hums very softly, playing with the ends of your hair whilst giving you tiny smiles occasionally. when your sobs become soft sniffles, he makes you your favourite hot chocolate and gently places it in the palms of your hands as he offers, "wanna play legend of zelda together?"
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honeyrosepetals · 2 months
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lui-the-cute-snek · 11 months
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I know that this had already been done, but I really wanted to make my own version
I tried to make Noah look as much like him as I could, but my face blindness wasn't exactly helping lmao
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pink-vacancy · 5 months
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Shin Yuna - 'Killshot' SBS GAYO DAEJEON 2023
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kondietorei · 7 months
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"I think the rain is letting up."
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lavender-phannie · 5 months
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*exits gamingmas covered in blood* so how we feeling phannies?
Idea from @elorca
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malewife-cas · 8 months
hope no one has done this yet
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dreamingalto · 2 months
I was slightly bored and couldn't decide on what to do... and then I remembered the Hunger Games Simulator existed.
And I have been watching too much Dan and Phil lately...
One thing lead to another and I eventually ended up with the following:
The Phangry Games
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Naming logic went something like this: Hunger to Hungry. Gotta insert the infamous Ph at the beginning. Phangry.
Also yes Pastel Phil is accidentally named Punk Phil I didn't notice the mistake until after I began.
And it turned out 1000% more entertaining than I ever thought it could be.
So right off the bat, we have BIG Dan and Craftie Dan planning their fishing trip while Hiatus Dan is staying in character and fucking right off.
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Then a couple of them are fighting for bags but the bloodbath is staying pretty safe right now.
In fact, there is only 1 death during the bloodbath.
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Thought that meant that Day 1 was going to be a slow start but I SPOKE WAY TOO SOON! First, one of the craftie boys bites the dust to an infection of all things. Apparently HE doesn't provide medical care for infections.
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Interactive Introverts Phil also tried to get rid of the current Phil but he managed to escape. So really, no harm no foul.
Then the Acid Rain started and DAMN DAN AND PHIL (spoiler: especially Dan) CAN NOT SURVIVE ACID RAIN VERY WELL AT ALL!
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The day ended with only 11 survivors. 7 Phils and 4 Dans. PINOFs, Punks, Crafties, and WAD Era have all been completely eliminated!
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At this point, I decide I am rooting for the 2009 boys, Sister Daniel, or COTY and Revival (AKA the Current/2024) Phil. But I was also just immensely amused at how quickly the simulator popped off this time.
The first night was pretty quiet with no deaths or anything occuring. Some of the Phils snuggled up together while Revival Phil snuggled up with 2009 Dan.
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Then almost immediately on Day 2, a group with both the 2009 Boys, COTY Phil, and Sister Daniel actually raid Revival Phil's camp. So 10/10 on the betrayal there 2009 Dan.
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It stays quiet the rest of day 2. AND INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH ON NIGHT 2!
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But besides the whole trust and betrayal plot with those two, we have both of the hiatus boys deciding that it was time to start the hiatus for everyone else.
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Hiatus Phil going for the more strategic kill as Pastel Phil is only Phil who has a kill up to this point.
Day 3 brings the feast. And just like BIG Dan tripped and died during the acid rain...
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Coming out of the closet apparently involved tripping out of the closet.
The feast also included the continuation of the Hiatus Boys kill streak with them getting rid of half of the remaining Dans.
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I really apperciate Hiatus Dan's commitment to lore accuracy.
This left only 6 tributes for the rest of Day 3.
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Which turned to the final five tributes almost immediately with 2009 Phil finishing off the TATINOF era team.
All that is left in the Final Five is the 2009 Boys, the Hiatus Boys, and Revival Phil.
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Night 3 is pretty quiet. But Day 4 ends up leveling the playing field with Hiatus Phil accidentally eating toxic berries.
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Nothing in particular happens on Night 4 EXCEPT for the fact that 2009 Dan is now snuggling up with Hiatus Dan.
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AND WITH A TASTE OF HIS OWN BETRAYAL MEDICINE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME, Hiatus Dan tries but fails to eliminate 2009 Dan in the morning of Day 5.
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After the failed attempt to eliminate 2009 Dan, Night 5 is actually pretty quiet. But on Day 6, Hiatus Dan sets his sights on the 2009 team again.
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This brought us to the final three. 2009 Dan and Revival Phil, who both have no kills so far. And Hiatus Dan, who has brought a hiatus to at least three other Dans/Phils.
I don't have that much faith in either 2009 Dan or Revival Phil, but anything can happen in this simulator.
And on Night 6:
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Revival Phil, in a bit of an ironic twist of following lore accuracy, put an end to Hiatus Dan while 2009 Dan actually ended up on fire.
No I am not sorry for that last sentence.
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The simulation turned out a lot more dramatic than I have experienced in the past (with the whole underlying Trust/Betrayal Plotline that ended up emerging with the final three) and was so funny to go through.
Here is a link to the simulator in case this post reminded you this simulator existed and you wanted to try it for yourself.
(The above link should load up the DnP Season as shown in the first image but it might not work after around three months due to the websites saving policy)
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m-eltdown · 5 hours
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sleepis4theweak · 9 months
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OKAY OKAY LET ME CLARIFY- I've noticed that I've gotten more suspicious followers lately, and a bot was dming me the other day so on Sunday- YES THIS SUNDAY SEP 24 2023- I am going to be going through my followers and blocking all (possible) bots.
I wanted to let you all know beforehand so that if you have an account that LOOKS like a bot (aka, having nothing on the blog/no pfp or anything) you can have time to change that.
I really don't want to block actual people by accident, so pls pls pls put something on your blog if you are not a bot... literally anything. Repost this if you want to, and then delete it Monday. (Tho really I do recommend changing something on your blog like your profile picture because I think most people are just gonna block you automatically).
Edit: I have successfully m*rdered 22 bots YAY!!
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ciderjacks · 1 year
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my personal #1 guy ever
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