#i am a proud Wally hater!!!
ventablxck · 1 year
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My friends requested I draw Wally without his hair (BALD) and another with the Black Hat eyebrows this happened lol
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fate-magical-girls · 7 years
DC Fandom for the ask meme!
Character I first fell in love with: Wally West and Kyle Rayner! I first got to know Wally from the DCAU cartoon. He stood out because he was very different from the other heroes he fought alongside. He was funny, silly, and just a little bit of a jerk. However, he was as competent as any other hero. He was also the heart of the team, the cute little brother that everyone loves, no matter how annoying he can be. As for Kyle, I mostly like his concept. He was an artist hero! And his power was to make his art come to life with his ring!
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Hal Jordan. Kyle Rayner was my Green Lantern. I never really got the love for Hal since all his fans just called him a perfect hero and his haters called him a callous jerk. Then I read his stories as Parallax and Spectre and became fascinated with his redemption arc. GL Rebirth was a bit of a letdown for me. It seemed to drain lots of complexity out of his character. However, looking back on old comics, I saw lots of scans of Hal acting dumb and decided to check his stuff out because it looked funny. And now my blog is filled to the brim with Hal….
Character everyone loves but I don’t: Cassandra Cain. It’s not so much hate as it is apathy. It’s not because she’s a bad concept or badly written, but intensely personal reasons. I am Asian American. I keep in touch with my heritage, and I am proud of my ancestral culture, as well as my current adopted culture. To me, being able to enjoy the culture of your origins means you are proud of yourself and comfortable with what you are. On the other hand, Cassandra Cain is an Asian American very cut off from her origins, and with little reason to go seek them out. She also gets lots of publicity on tumblr, and she has a lot of fans. She is held up as THE character I should identify with, THE best example of diversity in comics. Yet, she reflects little of me as an Asian American, and the constant juggling I have to do between my current culture and my ancestral culture.
Character I love but everyone else hates: I can’t say Hal twice, can I? I promise you he’s not actually a racist misogynist bad touch asshole fratboy. Nor is he boring and perfect. Actually read the old comics and he’s pretty adorable. But just so I don’t repeat myself, I do like Terra. The original, treacherous Terra. I feel Wolfman wrote her off as evil way too fast. Also, with the way the Titans acted around her, gushing over her while she was obviously insulting them with every line, they deserved to have their asses kicked. I also like the late 70s Teen Titans and Infinity Inc, two groups of badly neglected teen heroes.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer: I liked Max Lord in JLI, but absolutely hate how he’s written now. What’s wrong with a businessman who’s ruthless but not criminal, and capable of being friends with superheroes?
Character I would kiss: I would kiss Damian Wayne or Jon Kent on the forehead and that’s about it. I would also want Wonder Woman to kiss me on the forehead, like an older sibling to a younger sibling.
Character I want to slap: Hal Jordan Oliver Queen. Sometimes his constant stream of tirades or bouts of self-pity make me want to slap him upside the head. Of course, Ollie has plenty of people lined up in canon would happily give him a wake-up call.
A pairing I love: I HAVE TOO MANY. Just so I don’t repeat myself, I’ll say Lois and Clark. This is the love that has withstood the test of time and several resets. Lois is a witty banter partner and workplace rival to Clark the man, and a grounding force for Superman the hero. She is the one who keeps Superman from becoming Supergod. I also like Hal Jordan/Carol Ferris, though that pairing is not remotely healthy. However, they’re too stubborn to leave each other for good, and honestly, too broken to be paired with anyone else.
A pairing I hate: Jessica Cruz/Barry Allen. Between two-timing womanizer Barry (even if he wasn’t dating Iris during his first date with Jess, he was cheating on either Meena or Patty with her) and manipulative gold digger Jessica who doesn’t even have anxiety anymore, this pairing was a shitshow that I hope gets buried and forgotten.
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