#i am shooketh to the core
bro-atz · 2 months
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markantonys · 11 months
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they're everything to me
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Did i start watching Life for Erin Kellyman....yes
Am i now completely invested three episodes in with that twist i DID NOT SEE coming? Also yes.
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praetorqueenreyna · 2 years
Not to be Like That but the book Wicked is about a thousand times better than the hit Broadway play
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
Hello darling, it’s been a while hasn’t it? I’m sorry for my absence but I kinda burned myself out at the end of last year and had to step back from a lot of my activity.
I’m popping in because you remember that lil Beel drabble I wrote for you? Well, you might notice it’s been posted as a proper drabble but taking out Beel and making it generic for many characters… the reason I’m letting you know is because I didn’t want you to think I had been plagiarised.
If you do notice then you’re gonna know who I am 😅 but hey ho! Lots of love 💗💗
- 📍
Hi Hi Hi 🌻🌻
It's been an age! But it's ok, I missed you! But I also didn't want to stress you out or bother you. 💕
How could I forget it? It was a delicious little morsel I thoroughly enjoyed 🤤🥵
I nearly had a heart attack when I saw this message. I was like oh my! The big reveal is finally happening 🥳🥳 and then I spent like an hour trying to work out who you were! (Daddy Satan is pissed that my sleuthing skills are still pitiful 😮‍💨 I'm hoping my punishment is serve 😏)
Dare I say it? I couldn't possibly! 🫣🫣
I can't believe you are my thirsty little anon 👀👀
I will say, I've sent you a few different emoji anons 😏😏 you probably know which ones I am though! 😂
P.s um I love you! And I think you're amazing, did you know?
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caveiras · 4 months
congrats on receiving cock. sexuality and self discovery are a joy to behold. isn’t it wonderful to think that every day we can find a new form of pleasure ? to think that the pleasure is actually endless? anyway. yeah i’m genuinely very happy to see you have fun with sexuality even if we don’t know each other i hope dick continues to bring you happiness
i will now be saying "congrats on receiving cock" to myself any time i get laid. and say it to mates that get laid. thank you for the new catchphrase, it's probably gonna become a problem for me
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dilucsflame33 · 1 year
I just had this idea! Though um if you up for it. It can be NSFW. Its how the turtles will react to an innocent S/o who unknowingly made a naughty joke. She never makes these jokes as she had no idea how!. Also she had accidentally texted the joke!.
Well oops on her part👀
This be how they react after that almost awkward text chat when she arrives at the lair. Thats all i can think of for now. This is gonna be good. Work your magic!
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Innocent Turned Naughty 🔥
Ohh, honey, I have been waiting for this! I decided to do it head cannon style, so we're going with that. I hope this to your liking. Some of these aren't really jokes, just messages that could go into two ways. Obviously they took it to the deep end because they're men. 😂
🔞 Warning 🔞 NSFW 18+ Only
Dirty talk and some crack because we all need humor. 👌🏻
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Your turtle terrapin was relaxing in the lair when his phone buzzed at a random. He would usually do his favorite type of activity during these times, so relaxing on the couch was a new norm he would get used to.
When he opened the message, however, was when his eyes widened at the message you've just sent to him.
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• "Wanna go to the dojo and give me a private lesson?"
• Mouth dropped, eyes wide
• Went complete shut down
• This poor man doesn't know what to do
• But he will admit that he's intrigued
• You are his innocent, little blossom. Why did that line made his heart race?
• He doesn't text back
• That man calls!
• When you picked up, however, you were all cheerful as ever.
• "You do realize what you have done, right?"
• Confusion on your end, until he told you about the message you've sent. You started panicking.
• "O-Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry! I was actually wanting to do some training since you have an off day. So I thought that you could teach me."
• Awkwardness falls.
• Leo rubbed his face, completely embarrassed about thinking of such things of you like this.
• "I apologize, blossom. I kind of went to the deep end." He chuckled nervously as he looked around the room, hoping no one heard their conversation.
• "Oh, no, you're fine! I mean," you paused as you brought up the last bit of courage you have. "I was actually like to have a lesson, if you know what I mean." He could hear that teasing tone, even though your voice wavered a bit.
• *Que Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen* Mother, I've just killed a man.
• He took in a deep breath, exhaled slowly. "I was going to let you off the hook but, since my little one wants to tease, I expect you down here in 20 minutes. Do you understand me?"
• He laughed when he heard you scurrying around your apartment. This is going to be fun.
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• "Bench press me?"
• The man was shooketh to the core!
• Had to placr his phone down just so he could breathe.
• That text can go into different ways and he's thinking of the naughty kind.
• Oh, he can bench press you alright. He'll press you into a mating press, that's what he will do!
• Another vibration was heard and he looked the text. It was from you.
• "I'm so embarrassed. I just realized on what it sounds like and I'm so sorry!"
• He ain't having it. Oh, heck naw! You've poked the bear and you're gonna get the grizzly.
• Eat you up until there's nothing left, babe!
• He called you.
• "H-Hello?" You spoke with uncertainty. He hasn't responded until he called. You're a little nervous right now.
• "What kind of pressing are we talking about here? Cause all I'm thinking of is you, in a mating press, and you screaming my name until my brothers complain about the noise."
• You've just died happy.
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• "Teach me some anatomy, love? 🥰"
• Donnie raised a brow as he read the message you've just sent.
• Anatomy, huh?
• "Which part of anatomy?" He replied back as he continued to read until you've messaged him back.
• "Reproductive system."
• His brain short suricated.
• "And the muscles and tendons. To see what they do if they go passed their limits."
• Oh, he's trying so hard not to go to the deep end. But it's hard to when the conversation is like this!
• He called.
• "Darling," he replied when you've picked up his call. "Re-read what you've just said to me."
• You were confused until you've spoke the message out loud. He can't help but smirk when he heard your voice being covered by your hands. "Now, to answer your question. I will teach you, but it's best if I could demonstrate. If you don't mind."
• He laughed when he heard you scream out away from the phone. Oh, this is entertaining.
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• "Which type do you prefer? Sweet or spicy?"
• Mikey pondered in thought. "I like sweet!"
• "Sweet is nice, but I like to have some spicy. ^^"
• Oh, you all know where this is going.
• This man has a dirty mind, so don't be surprised when he replied something naughty in return.
• "Ooh, spicy, huh? I will definitely spice things up, if you know what I mean." He sent a smirking emoji after that.
• You were a blushing mess when he sent that smirk emoji.
• "That's not what I meant!" You replied with a blush.
• Mikey chuckled as he called you.
• When you answered however, he groaned deep from within his chest. "Angel, if you want spicy, I definitely got the spice! Come over here and have a taste!"
• But what shocks him was when you replied back.
• "Oh, really? You're big talk, baby. Give it to me then."
• Now it's his turn to blush. He didn't expect you to counter back like that.
• "Come over and I will!" He challenged.
• He could hear keys and a door slam. Oh, you're serious!
• Let's just say the man rushed to his room and done a quick clean up.
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@turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @happymoonangel @hotredphoenix @pheradream15 @scholastic-dragon @tmnt-tychou @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @turtlesmakemehappy @nittleboo @fyreball66 @akesdraws-blog @rin-rin-winter @ashleighclark98 @sharpwindow
Here's my Master List!
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legacyshenanigans · 11 months
Sebastian: I'm fucking shocked to be honest..
Ominis: *Dramatic chest grab* I am SHOOKETH to thine VERY CORE!!
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altocat · 8 months
“Elfe’s words shake Sephiroth to his core, for though people call him a hero, he is still just Shinra’s pawn.”
So he knows! He fucking knows, and if EC goes well, we will soon learn how he really came to first see this. Elfe and her words were another big wake-up call for him. He immediately saw that something was wrong. Our boy was shooketh.
I am also seriously reconsidering everything we saw in Crisis Core now, especially with Sephiroth refusing the missions that would lead to Gen and Angeal and his subtle acts of treason.
When he tells Zack that they will “fail” to eliminate their friends, it’s very sly and secretive. They want to help them get away in time before the army shows up. Seph was literally doing everything he could to save his friend’s lives, and finally it culminated with him seriously considering running from Shinra on the eve of the Nibelheim mission.
He was SO close to waking up and gathering the courage to escape, and his friends’ desertions were so much of what fueled that. I think he will see the first hints of him being “corrupted” like this in EC and that’s why I would say your theories about Shinra stopping him from acting on his own in the story is probably pretty valid.
I just want to know what happened to make him so hesitant to desert besides the obvious train of brainwashing and conditioning, because this thing with Elfe really tells us that Seph knows he is a pawn and doesn’t act according to his own will. What will they show us in EC that could explain why someone aware like this would be reluctant to flee? Hmmm.
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This scene, albeit very brief, is one of the pinnacle Sane Seph scenes. It brings up some VERY interesting ideas about his character, which I think EC is definitely cementing more and more little by little.
Either Sephiroth is loyal to Shinra solely because they raised him and he has no other alternative in mind, or something extremely traumatic is about to happen in First Soldier. With Sephiroth being shoved off into the Wutai War shortly after and the subsequent meeting of Angeal and Genesis, something in this narrative is likely to break him, while still leaving room for him to take in the lessons he learns from the FS trio--namely compassion and opening up to others. They may very well be the reason he is still able to gain friends in Angeal and Genesis, though his resignation towards bloodshed and his lack of a purpose becomes all the more pressing.
I'm hoping we see another update before Halloween. I think they're purposefully going to have the story completed before Rebirth, so we're going to have some very exciting new lore coming up soon, and rife for new Sephcanons!
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daensa-fangirl · 8 months
We Missed THIS in Ahsoka Part 6! Filoni Revealed It a Year Ago!
My God!!!
This is the fucking rant against Star Wars Meg and Anti Wolfwren shippers
(You people supported Reylo, Maulsoka but can't stand Wolfwren. Such hypocrisy !!)
Star Wars Meg is telling otherwise that Shin and Ezra will be proxy Mara Jade and Luke for Filoniverse. They can be romantically involved.
I am shooketh to the core by seeing this video. What weed is she smoking?
If Filoni really goes this way , then why so many scenes between Shin and Sabine in the show?
Then he would have just omitted the staring scenes and the hand holding scene . Dave should have just done the almost killing part and shoot the fighting scenes without intense stare as he did before in his animated shows .
If Filoni goes that way that will be a big middle finger to all of Wolfwren shippers as well as Sabezra shippers too ( as they are pissed of us in regarding Wolfwren).
I know Disney won't allow Wolfwren to happen on screen and I don't have hope on them as they are homophobic.
P.S : Some of you people told me to have hope as we saw in Andor , Velcinta is canon and one WLW couple is canon in Lucasfilm's Willow. Thank you for giving me hope.
Uff... I have typed a lot 🤣🤣
That's my passion for Wolfwren
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imstalkingurblog · 1 month
Your honor, I am shooketh to my core and I regreteth everything 🙃
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pjisskullourful · 7 months
They are on their way to Australia! How you feeling? 😏
honestly my brain right now
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i am excited, in disbelief, just generally shooketh to the core. i cant believe its finally fucking happening
im currently charging some of my crystals in the moonlight to help me manifest a way to meet them 🤞🤞
everybody keep me as updated as possible please with any information regarding them in sydney. i'll love ya forever ❣️
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emsuemsu · 7 months
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Threshold by @kbrick
Words: 126,402
Unspeakable Draco Malfoy finally gets his chance to consult with the Auror Department when a series of mysterious doors covered in runic symbols appear all across the country, only to fade away minutes later. Draco’s eager to help solve the mystery of the doors until he’s partnered with Harry Potter, who still treats him like an enemy.
Things go from bad to worse when the reluctant duo find themselves on the wrong side of a door, trapped in a world where one wrong move might prove fatal. Between the menacing forest creatures and the bloodthirsty ruling class, no place seems safe.
To get home in one piece, Draco and Harry must put aside their differences and learn to rely on one another. Easier said than done.
My jaw is on the floor. I am shooketh to the core. This is some epic fantasy shit and I'm left speechless. I finished this in one sitting and jfc I don't know how to continue my life. The world building was out of this world (lol), and the oc's!!! Like I was rooting for Draco and William and was ready to throw Harry under the bus at some point, and I think that speaks volumes of the way these characters found their way into my heart. Lia!!! Frankie!!! I'm in tears. An absolute joy. 🫶
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ivashkovadrian · 4 months
I just learned joncon Toby Stephens is Maggie Smith’s son
I am shooketh to the core
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dotthings · 2 years
They lure you in with the monster club playing dress-up to go under cover, oh it looks like so much FUN.
That was A Lot.
“Fighting the battle between good and evil isn’t easy, especially when the first monster you have to face is the one inside yourself.”
This was powerful on its own, but also a reminder, this is Dean looking into the past, it’s the story he’s telling, his exploration to understand his parents, what helped shape them, and him, and then expressing what he’s learned.
There’s a lot of Dean echoes. The most pointed was John punching the bathroom container, when he’s spiraling from a PTSD incident, reliving Murph’s death. We’ve seen Dean react to grief that way—beating the Impala with a tire iron after John’s death. Punching a picture frame in the hospital when Bobby is dying. Punching a sign on the wall of a rest-stop after Cas’s death in S12.
There’s a lot of Sam echoes. The anger in Sam, the dangerous edges. Sam’s temptation towards using darker forces, accessing the darkness inside himself. To hone himself into a perfect weapon against Lilith.
We have seen both Sam and Dean spiral and be drenched in blood. It’s not simple or a clean line that oh John is like Sam or oh John is like Dean. The point with Sam and Dean is how they may have their darkesses but ultimately both don’t go too far down that path, they pull back out. They don’t lose sight of themselves. Who they are. The love is the strongest part.
There’s also some major Cas parallels going on. Instead of god of war, Cas’s father, God, made him to be a weapon and Cas thought that was his one and only purpose, to be the perfect obedient angelic warrior. Cas has been tempted by darkness too, needing power to save others, or latching onto a mission in order to feel useful. We’ve seen him drenched in blood, we’ve seen Cas let himself be transformed. Cas is also both John and Carlos in this ep (more on that below).
God of war feeding John a speech about John’s anger being honed into a weapon and how this is necessary to defeat the Akrida, trying to convince him that his anger and killing defines him, needs to define him. And there’s another pointed Dean echo, to do with all of Dean’s worse fears about himself. Cas’s farewell confession to Dean in 15.18 in a way is the antithesis of the god of war’s speech. It’s Cas’s plea to Dean to never lose sight of how loving he is, that is what defines him, not war.
What John eventually does to his children is him finally accepting that helm of Mars. The god wanted to make John a weapon. Years later, John will try to turn his oldest son especially into his blunt instrument. To force Dean to put on that helm. Eventually Dean makes his own choice to hunt. But in Dean’s childhood, it’s John as that god of war, pressuring Dean.
While there’s goodness in this young John, he’s spiraling we’re already seeing him give into it in ways Dean didn’t, it’s like the darker parts of John are so much stronger, while in Dean it’s the light. The only time Dean gave in was after decades of torture in Hell. While John’s spiraling surrounded by friends, and a loving parent, in his hometown. Mary and Dean both had weapons put into their hands when they were children, and had drill sergeant dads who taught them this was their highest and only purpose. Yet somehow they don’t become what John becomes. Not that John completely lost sight of the loving parts of himself, but he let the obsession with the hunt, the kill, revenge, eat him.
The most evident mirrored pair in this ep is John and Carlos. Reflections of each other, in ways that show differences. Carlos is a lot more similar to Dean, despite all the trauma, loss, being a hunter, Carlos doesn’t lose that core of himself, he knows how to find joy, and his loving nature is strong. Carlos’ love being strongly defining for him is a Dean thing, but it’s also a Cas thing.
We find out in this ep that Carlos is a vet too, while his experience is somewhat different than John’s. He was a medic, rather than a marine. Carlos’ role was to save lives, not kill. But he is no less shaken and scarred by the things he saw in Vietnam. The joy in Carlos and the love and self-expression is how he didn’t lose himself to it, but he too has unaddressed PTSD and I am shooketh we have an ep of an SPN show that has a hunter actually for serious signing up for therapy support group, not just playing at it as under cover for a case.
Carlos keeps trying to keep John from going over the edge in this ep, but the god of war sends John over the edge when Carlos steps on the landmine. Now Carlos is John’s dead friend Murph, and throughout the ep John has flashbacks to Murph’s death. We see the bond between John and Carlos growing in this ep (that hug!!!!). And then Carlos almost becomes Murph for a moment. No wonder John went right over the edge. And it’s not just Murph, it’s John’s attachment to Carlos and John’s anger about Carlos being in danger. It’s not just Mary being in danger that will send John spinning out. (And the Murph-Cas parallels are loud).
While Carlos’ fear equally is about losing his friend—and not just John dying but John losing himself, not being John any more, if he fights the war god and draws first blood and puts on the helm and becomes the weapon. It’s a given Carlos lost some friends in the war too. Maybe he saw some of them break from it, in combat. And probably there’s a lot of faces he can’t forget—like Mary remembering every person she couldn’t save—the people Carlos tried to save when they were bleeding in the jungle and he lost some of them.
Seems fitting that it’s Millie who breaks the god’s vase, freeing John and Carlos. Millie is a very warm, loving presence on the show, while there is something Dean-like in how she will dodge being too openly sentimental but then gives into it every time and wears her heart on her sleeve every minute. I really like that she got involved in the hunt this time. She’s lost her husband, she doesn’t want to lose her son, and she’s afraid of seeing John pulled into that world, but she’s not afraid to take action and to step into the field. She’ll do what she can to save her child.
It was good seeing Mary and Lata’s closeness in this ep—they have known each other for a while and they both knew Maggie. Mary and Lata have a shared grief, and it helps both of them process the loss of Maggie, until finally Mary is ready to let go a little. Learning from Maggie and carrying her legacy forward, as she and Lata write postcards the way Maggie did at the end, but also putting Maggie’s things away. Inviting Carlos into the Campbell home when he needs somewhere more comforting to stay than his van after his PTSD has been shaken loose by the monster hunt and Carlos confronting that.
John’s collapse isn’t something we have seen too often in the SPN universe. There have been big emotional breakdowns, but usually these are confessionals and dropping big, unhappy revelations. The revelations are already done for this week. Carlos’ trauma results in him unable to sleep in his van temporarily, where he doesn’t want to be alone. John’s trauma lands with him huddled in the bathtub under the shower fully clothed, shaking, and sobbing. As if the water can wash away the fear of what’s inside of him, the grief, the anger, the hurt, the PTSD. Millie holds her son, but no matter how tightly Millie holds him, she can’t stop what’s coming.
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toodrasticallydumb · 1 year
Thanks @pinkytoothlesso11 for the tag! ☺️
(Yoinking this from her post) Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
Surprise, surprise, mine’s from my current Trollhunter!Stickler fic, I’m sure u’re shooketh to the core with such a twisteth of the ploteth.
Still it’s way ahead in the story soooo
But phew, is this puppy a long one-
Barbara gently kept his hand from touching the sensitive spot and he let her guide it into her lap, a common occurrence tonight, it seems, though he had little to be upset about in that regard. Her warm, soothing touch was…nice, if any word could really describe its subtle and yet immense effect on his pacing heart.
Pretty cheesy outta context but still makes sense on its own……..kinda, right…?
Soft Barb and Walt moments continues to be my therapy.
I shall tag some more to join in! @joethehoeee ………..ummmmmmm I’m at a loss here, I am shy and I don’t know who writes and who draws and who does both…. @jmeestella ? I have no idea who else man, don’t be shy like me just join if u want to! I tag u in spirit!
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