#i can take leomon he always dies
firedragon1321 · 8 months
Images That Convince Me Punching Giant Monsters is a Good Idea
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Disc 5
This volume is called "The legendary power of the digimental," so I guess we'll be getting an armor evolve? Also...what the heck is Taichi wearing on the cover. Looks kinda silly...
Ch. 29
-We get a Taichi-free chapter where it's Leomon's turn to shine! Of course he dies, because Leomon always dies lol. I felt bad for the baby digimon who lost their mentor :'c
Ch. 30
-Oh oops, I guess Leomon wasn't dead. Coulda fooled me! This time it was HolyAngemon/Seraphimon's time to shine. I thought it was interesting how HolyAngemon digivolved by removing his "seal." That's a new one.
-The "Super Ultimate" digivolution is confusing since "Ultimate" means something different in dub vs. sub of the anime. I guess they're going for the Japanese version where ultimate is usually the final digivolution.
-Seraphimon unleashes his attack!
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(Does anyone else remember that show? I never watched it but it used to be on all the time lol).
Ch. 31
-They did the whole "this is my REAL body" thing with Venom Vamdemon. Still one of my least favorite digimon designs. It felt a little anti-climactic that Zero ended the whole thing in one blow, especially after Leomon and Holy Angemon struggled. Kinda sus power-levels there.
-They reveal that Neo needs to find a digimental to get Arkadimon to "super ultimate," which threw me off. I thought Arkadimon was a special, artificially created digimon that was special BECAUSE it could reach super ultimate. Now they're saying that any digimon can reach super ultimate via a digimental? Okaaaay...
-Hideto enters the scene with his Omegamon. Another digimon that feels weird to be partnered with a tamer. It also feels weird to demote these boss-level digimon to mid-bosses. Kinda makes them feel less impressive.
-Never heard the name "Hideto" before, but a quick Google suggests it's normal...sounds kinda weird to me.
Ch. 32
-So I uh...literally got spoiled about the siblings twist right before I read this chapter because I looked something up in the wiki and saw Rei's last name. D'oh! I guess it's not that shocking when we know next to nothing about her anyways...
-I found it kind of interesting how the gang question if they're on the right side or not since Omegamon is supposed to be "a force for justice." It's a little annoying that this franchise keeps flip-flopping on whether some digimon are just innately good or not. They also kind of implied that Omegamon being a vaccine digimon means he's good too...I just want some consistency.
Ch. 33
-So we get Hideto's backstory in the chapter. The fact that the first 2 Alias characters were all quirky and he's just some normal, cool guy tells me he'll be a little more fleshed out.
-They really thought "Warg" and "Melga" were good names for Digimon (I get that it's from WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon but still...I guess everything sounds better in Japanese).
-So Neo's main motivation for taking over the digital world is to cure his sister's paraplegia? Uhhh...pretty sure wheelchair bound people still live very fulfilling lives, so that's weak.
Ch. 34
-A very interesting explanation of how digimons' lifespans work. Essentially, digimon express themselves by rapidly overwriting their data and digimon that process these overwrites at a faster rate have the downside of have a shorter lifespan. They used the analogy of how overwriting DVDs/CDs can degrade them. The part that threw me off is that Hideto was like "that's right, Zero has a short lifespan, meaning he can't digivolve any further." I thought they meant short lifespan as-in, he'll die soon, not a digivolution limitation? (Do digimon die of old age in this universe?)
-I like that Hideto seems to have some compassion while battling and tries to get Taichi to give up. He's a nice contrast to Neo who's always in crazy villain mode.
This volume felt really short and like not too much happened, just a bunch of battles with some backstory peppered in. It seems like the whole Neo Saiba thing won't go on for 4 more volumes, so I wonder where the story will go after his defeat? Maybe Demon would be next? I honestly keep forgetting about him because he never shows up lol.
P.S. I still don't know what Taichi's wearing on the cover lol
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Jou Week 2022 - Day 5: Protective
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: The Accident Characters: Jou KIdo, Gomamon, Mimi Tachikawa, Himawari Mizushima (OC), Hikari Yagami, Taichi Yagami, Katsuo Hashimoto (OC) Summary: Jou's first aid bag really comes in handy when one of the Chosen Children gets hurt during a trip. Jou went through his bag for the fifth time in a row. He knew he was running late to meet the rest of the Chosen Children. They were going on a small trip to celebrate another anniversary. It was also the first trip they were talking with all their respective girlfriends and boyfriends. “Jou, what are you doing?” Gomamon walked into his room. “If we take any longer, they are going to leave without us.” “I know. I know.” He said a little frustrated. “I have checked this bag several times and I still feel like I’m forgetting something.” “What?” “I have no idea. It’s probably nothing.” He shook his head and closed his bag after putting the last item in. Then he stood up and passed its strap over his shoulder. “Let’s go.” “What did you have in there, by the way?” “First aid kits and other things I might need if something happens.” “But, Jou, we’re just going to the beach. Do you really think an accident can happen?” “If there’s anything I’m sure of, is that something can always happen when you least expect. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories that brought patients to the hospital. Besides, when Leomon got injured by MetalEtemon back in 1999, I blamed myself for days for not having anything useful to help him. I only had toilet paper.” “I remember that. It was a heartbreaking moment. Him dying, not you not having proper emergency supplies.” “Yeah, but we were lucky he died in the Digital World and could be reborn. And ever since then, I promised myself I would walk around carrying everything I could, no matter if my bag got heavy or not.” “I wouldn’t expect anything less coming from you.” Gomamon smiled. “Now we really have to go. I’m surprised none of them had called you yet.” “Me too. Did you get everything you need?” “I did. Don’t forget your bags.” “I couldn’t do that even if I tried.” Jou couldn’t help but laugh before the closed the door from his apartment. “That’s true. So are we going to pick Himawari up before going to Taichi’s house, right?” “That’s right. And also Mimi and Hideaki. Everyone is sharing cars, except Takeru. He and Kimi are going straight from Kyoto.” “I see.” Jou shoved his hand into his pocket when he heard his phone ringing. He took it out and looked at the screen. “It’s Mimi. Hello?” “Hey, where are you?” “Sorry, I’m a little late because I was having trouble checking something. I should be arriving at your place in fifteen minutes.” “Okay, great. I’ll see you soon.” “Sure.” “Jou?” “Yeah?” “Were you checking your first-aid kit?” “No.” He replied in an awkward tone and swallowed hard. “Maybe.” “I knew it.” She giggled. “I’ll see you very soon.”
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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analyzingadventure · 3 years
I’ve wanted to write about this for ages and Psi has kind of made relevant so
I always thought it was weird if we saw a Digimon die and then come back as the exact same species of Digimon.
(This isn’t specific to any series though I do use Adventure a lot in this discussion. May also contain spoilers for Psi)
Now admitedly there aren’t too many examples of this in the franchise (Patamon and Leomon being one of the few notable ones), but that is mainly because deaths are fairly rare, and even deaths we do see, it’s even rarer to see them come back (even when we know the mechanics of the world should make it totally possible)*. But nonetheless, it always felt weird to me when it did happen (or when us fans assume the Digimon would come back as the same species)
To properly explain why it feels weird to me, I first need to ramble about Digimon as “persons” and evolution as a whole
The thing that makes people who they are, are their memories. It’s their life experiences and their feelings of those experiences. It’s not where you’re born, the community you live in or the culture you’re raised in- of course these do affect who you are, but all they do is influence your life experiences and feelings about everything. They are incredbly imporant, and they play a factor in making you “you”, but those things aren’t “you”; “you” are your memories.    And an imporant note here, is that who you are changes as you grow older, as you gain more experiences, feelings and memories. That’s why the “10yo you” is different from the “20yo you” or "40yo you” (etc), and why you will continue to change, even if it was ever so slightly, as you get older. Hell, the “you” who started reading this essay minutes ago is already a different person from the “you” who is reading this sentence right now. “You” are everchanging, ever-evolving.
So what makes a Digimon “them”? Or, more specifically, what makes each Digimon the species they are?    Yes, this is a deeply related question for me, because we humans (I swear I’m not a robot) do express “who we are” outside, through our actions, our interests and how we appear to others, though not just what clothes we wear but also stuff like how we do our hair, tattoos, bodymods etc, not to mention things people don’t have control over from eye color, race, bodytype, height, all the way to disablities.
So if we as humans express so much (and so little) of “who we are” through how we appear, how would Digimon do it? How do Digimon express who they are?
It always just made sense to me if that was through evolution. That just as a Digimon experiences things, their evolutions will reflect the person they are, their feelings, memories, who they want to be.
Honestly this is one of the main reasons why I’ve always hated strict, Pokémon-like evolution lines (not even trees, just lines!!) in Digimon, the idea that these non-physical, A.I. data monsters can only appear a certain way through their lifespans based on whatever they were born as is just depressing to me. And while one might argue “it’s just how they are”, that rule only exists if you specifically go out of your way to write it in, otherwise there’s no reason for it to exist, but I’m getting super sidetracked ranting right now
Like just as an example of the kind of freedom I like to think Digimon could and should have, I want you to picture in your mind an Agumon.
Just a regular ol’ Agumon, living in the Digital World, minding their own business. This Agumon starts travelling for fun, enjoying seeing the world and whatever. During this time they realize they’re not really built for travelling and while their stamina increases as they go on and they get better at hiking, they still kind of wish they were more “built” for this type of activity so that they could enjoy their life more- And eventually they evolve into a Centarmon! Now they can move faster (etc) and enjoy their travelling life more, and they do just that! Life is great!     Until one day they come across the ocean, a beautiful, vast “world” of its own, but one... they can’t explore, at least not any longer than they can hold their breath. They still spend their time exploring what they can, near the beaches etc, until one day their wish to explore the ocean is fulfilled and they evolve into a MegaSeadramon! And now they have great access to the oceans!
Like this example is very extreme, but you get what I mean, with the idea that the evolutions reflect the type of person the Digimon is, what they enjoy and who they want to be. It’s the ever-evolving reflection of their heart that I love
**(Sidenote at the bottom)
And this is why I think it'd make sense if Digimon came back as a different species entirely.
Because while death may have reset their evolution stages back to zero, if the Digimon retains all their memories from their previous life, all their experiences, hopes, wishes and dreams, all of their feelings... Then why would all the growth the Digimon had gone through in their previous life be reset? Shouldn’t their new life continue their previous growth and take different forms to reflect any new paths the mon might take in this life?
Just to use the Agumon from above as an example, if this mon died after spending quite some time as a MegaSeadramon, loving being a sea serpent and living in the ocean, wouldn’t it make sense they came back as a Sangomon instead of an Agumon (and yeah I think the Baby forms could be different too, depending on what they were but I’m skipping these)? Now of course, if they were happy living in the ocean and just totally content there, it’d make total sense if they then evolved to Seadramon and finally back to MegaSeadramon, I’m not saying they can’t come back to where they started at. What I do think is that it’d be weird if this mon went through the same Agumon -> Centarmon -> MegaSeadramon lifespan all over again if they wanted to be a sea-dweller from the get-go.     And of course, as I alluded earlier; what if this Digimon, while living in the ocean as a Sangomon during their second life actually felt like they had seen what the ocean had to offer? What if they started hoping they could explore the skies? What if that wish helped them evolve to Airdramon instead, and they never go back to being a MegaSeadramon?    This is what I mean when I say the second life would be a continuation of their life and their growth, it shouldn’t reset those things.
Now of course, from a simple writing point of view, it’d be confusing if a Digimon we were previously familiar with died and came back as a totally different Digimon, and even more confusing for kids. It’s easier to keep it simple and leave the Digimon the same species as they were in their previous lives
Additionally, most of these characters that we’ve seen die have always been minor characters with limited to non-existant histories; characters like Leomon, Whamon, Scumon+Chuumon, Piccolomon etc, while they’re all really well characterized with distinct personalities, they don’t have histories, backstories, they’re not deep characters. And making this many minor characters with deep backstories for a kids show would be really hard to pull off when you have deadlines to meet and no budget. So showing “the growth” these Digimon have gone through is not really do-able, not with these characters at least.
The Digimon with the most potential here would be Orgamon (the best developed minor character in Adventure) but he never died, Nanomon for sure, and possibly Wizarmon (esp. since his data could be like mildly busted, due to not being a Digimon originally and then dying in the Human World; if anything I think it’d be fun if Wizarmon could “come back” but as a Bakemon or something)
And as far as Patamon goes in Adventure, I do think with him it’s fine he came back in the same Digimon forms.    Like my previous examples with “the Agumon”, this would be like natural evolution that happens over long, looong periods of time, years upon years no doubt, as the Digimon grows as a person. But the partner Digimon, they don’t really have the time to grow naturally, their evolutions aren’t really reflections of their growth. Rather, their evolutions are just powered up versions of who they are, with some reflection from their human partners. So with these partner Digimon (especially the Adventure-type “soul fragment” Digimon, less so with other series like especially Xros Wars), the evolutions being super linear does make sense and work just fine. And as an extention of that, these Digimon dying and coming back in the same species works out, like with Patamon in Adventure
Psi however, makes things a lot more interesting, because in Psi, the partner Digimon have backstories of their own.
Now for the most part, since the partners had lost their memories of their time fighting Mille as the Warriors, their growth being totally reset and them going through the same steps all over again does kinda make sense, it’s maybe a lil dull but that’s probably just my bias from being overly familiar with these characters.
But then there’s Patamon and Tailmon, two Digimon who retain their memories from their previous lives and the growth they’ve gone through. That growth, was own their own, from their own lives without any influence from any humans. But now, they have human partners, who influence them and their growth. And Psi has seemingly kind of spoiled the endgame for us, at least to some capacity?
We know in their previous lives Patamon and Tailmon were a Seraphimon and an Ofanimon, but based on the new key visual/poster, it seems Psi wants to use Goddramon and Holydramon as their final evolutions instead! And honestly, even if these evolutions didn’t come as a result of all the stuff I’ve rambled about in this post, it’ll still work for me for those reasons.
Additionally, while we know Patamon was only temporarily taking the form of Pegasmon because he lost his power and was literally unable to evolve to Angemon, for previously mentioned reasons if they had kept the Pegasmon evolution for the rest of the series it still would’ve worked for me, as it could’ve been seen as Pegasmon being a reflection of Takeru’s childlike innocence influencing Patamon’s evolutions
But yeah. I can’t remember if I had like a bottom line when I started writing this but it sure as hell is gone from my mind now, point is, I kinda wish Digimon’s evolution was seen slightly differently and written slightly differently, and explored more, especially through the Digimon who had previously died (who I would also like to see come back when the rules of the universe allow it instead of just ignoring the fact that they should be alive and well). And generally speaking I wish Digimon were written with more depth. Thank you for reading this incoherent mess
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*Sidenote; arguably I think this could’ve applied to tri. as well, the Digimon who had their memories wiped completely could’ve totally evolved into different Digimon and maybe even should’ve
**Sidenote, this wouldn’t mean there’s NO limitations to what species a Digimon could evolve into; for example, just because you want to be a super powerful heroic Digimon like Omegamon it doesn’t mean you CAN evolve into Omegamon; if being valiant and heroic at heart were requirements to evolve to Omegamon, then unless you’re truly valiant and heroic at heart then you probably wouldn’t be able to evolve to Omegamon, if anything you might end up as Omekamon instead. Similarly if a certain species have other specific requirements, be it like Jogress requirements or Digimentals etc, then unless those requirements were met the evolution wouldn’t be possible     So what I’m getting at is that limitations/requirements could totally still exist (depending on the rules of the specific setting), but being “the right species” to go from A to B wouldn’t and shouldn’t be one, at least not in my heart, but I digress
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Ep 19!
Wow! That certainly was an Episode!! It was pretty fun from start to finish, though nothing mind-blowing, but it was definitely the ending that made me gasp. Not wholly unexpected to an old turnip like me, but promising lots of fun (and angst!).
Picture of the week: MIKO, THE TRUE STAR OF THE SERIES!!
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no for serious are the writers reading my reviews? they keep giving me what I want. within reason I guess. They seem to have an extremely limited budget as usual x’D
but Miko is still adorbs
ok I’m really looking forward to recapping this one so let’s get to it!
So last week I thought the kids sans Taichi and Yamato were abducted by Devimon, but apparently that either isn’t the case, or it was, but then Devimon decided it’s best just to dump the kids back on Earth and hold on to their partners. Because that’s the current situation. While concerning that the kids are separated from their partners, it’s probably best this way, since Devimon appears to be sending Gesomon(?) and Parrotmon(?)
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to the human world, if I remember right. It’s hard to remember what happened in the first fifteen seconds kay So when the kids find their partners it will probably be in the human world and they can fight back.
Meanwhile Taichi and Yamato are alone and very Confuse
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Taichi tries frantically to contact Koushirou. The others too... but especially Koushirou.
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Finally he gets him!! He’s so happy!! My Taishiro heart flutters!
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But I was fully expecting it to be a trap. When I saw this still here, my first thought was “Devimon’s forcing him to tell Taichi a lie by threatening him with a gun!!”
of course thats not whats happening. Koushirou is relatively fine and there are no guns (yet). What’s happened is the other kids have been sent back to the human world for reals this time!
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This show is not even bothering to hide its Taiyama angle.
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They spend the entire episode giving each other Significant Looks like this. The entire episode.
Now where’s Jou through all of this, you ask?
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He went to talk to the police. He’s shocked they don’t believe his story about monster attacks and the world ending (well, at least Tokyo ending). I freaking love how taaaaall Jou is. Though it makes Koushirou look like a bean x’D
Jou = beansprout / Koushirou = bean
Koushirou has a much easier time dealing with the news that the police don’t believe them. He’s a denizen of the Internet. He knows how people’s minds work. And he has tons of chat logs to prove it.
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People are chatting and spreading gossip and disbelief and complaints, but my favorite is the comment that just says “It’s a flood of fake news” xP
The home team runs into Mama Yagami! Who Sora literally calls Mama Yagami! x’D I mean I know that’s how kids generally refer to their friends’ parents but I still lol’d.
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So un... Jou is almost as tall as Mama Yagami. LMAO. I’m gonna assume she’s short. Jou might indeed be quite tall for his age but Sora and Mimi are pretty close to Mama Yagami’s height too. I guess we haven’t seen Taichi standing next to his mom yet! With his hair he’s probably taller than her.
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So Mama Yagami is HILARIOUS and I’m so glad that’s a continuing thing in the reboot! She was already that way in 99 Adventure, but we’re just seeing a lot of it now - like every time she’s around. (And we didn’t see it in Tri so I missed that.) Basically she seems like a basketcase. Not a totally irresponsible one, more like just... generally the carefree go with the flow type. Which is not bad. She just also seems a bit, uh, ditzy?? I think Taichi probably grew to be so serious by necessity. Dad’s busy with work and someone’s gotta make sure mom doesn’t leave the house without her keys!
The way Sora just stares at Hikari like “explain??” after Mama Yagami thrusts Miko at her and runs off to get her car with a big smile as if they hadn’t all nearly died recently... bahahaha.
also I love how she doesn’t even bother asking her son’s good friend if she knows where he is after not seeing or hearing from him for three full days
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^The face of a boy shouldering the weight of nuclear family life and all its batshitness
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Taichi and Yamato determine their priority is find the Holy Digimon. I wish they were a little more concerned with what happened to their friends’ partners, but I guess this is the only goal with solid clues. Anyway before they can do anything they are attacked by Bulbmon Looks like subtitlers went with Valvemon which also works, who looks like a Lego monster creation by an eight year old (and probably is).
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He has the Domo face. Grrraaah
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Domo is NHK mascot by the way. bahahaha
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Next these guys come swarming out of Valvemon. (And if we didn’t already get it, apparently Digimon can construct other Digimon as we’ve seen before.) Nothing is quite as freaky as gas masks. They are commanded by Minotaurmon/Mintaromon whatever.
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They too have the aim of Stormtroopers though so our heroes will be fine...
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... probably...
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... then Leomon finally shows up!! Yay! He looks good! All beefy and scarred and sounding exactly like Zaraki Kenpachi. Uhh. Is it the same VA?? Nothing comes up in the Google search so maybe not but it sure sounds like him. (Minotaurmon and Ogremon also sound like Leomon... while it’s normal for VAs in kids shows to voice multiple characters esp minor ones, it literally sounds like Zaraki Kenpachi is the voice of all the characters in this episode besides the main ones. And Mama Yagami of course because that would be weird.)
Leomon may look cool, but his ride... and his friends... uh, less cool x’D I want to strangle that ostrich thing with its own scarf somehow it inspires violent emotion in me
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In the smallest, most shocked voice, Yamato says, “Leomon...?” It’s honestly kind of adorable. He’s clearly remembering what Neemon said about Leomon leading the resistance way back when.
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Leomon helps them escape. Taichi very considerately and cutely helps Agumon aboard the fashion disaster ostrich emu thing.
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Yamato also considerately helps his partner but rather less cutely xD
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Leomon takes them to his hideout and gives them your standard fare of weird-looking Digi fruit. He then proceeds to tell them about Devimon and that he is trying to infiltrate Valvemon yadda yadda.
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Taichi is freaking ADORABLE, immediately concerned that by saving their asses, Leomon’s battle plans have been ruined. Leomon waves that aside though. Yamato is equally adorabibble when he asks after Neemon and gets told that they made it to Leomon safely.
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Leomon plans to try to get into Valvemon again because he knows Devimon’s put something related to the holy Digimon in there. Taichi is determined to join in. He doesn’t have much of an argument as it why they should be allowed when they just got their butts kicked so easily, but he has a trick up his sleeve: the Burning Eyes of Fiery Passion.
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Not to be outdone, Yamato shoots off his Icy Eyes of Cold Determination.
Faced with this twin assault, Leomon has to give in. Ahh, I remember last week when we saw the trailer for this ep and I naively thought Leomon would train them like Piximon did in 99 Adventure. Nope. They’ve just met and they’re already spy buddies.
Okay, okay, yeah Leomon does seem to have some knowledge of the “Chosen Children” and that’s his real motivation. Still.
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They break into Valvemon and we get the excellent invention of Agumon riding on Garurumon. I assume because of Garurumon’s advantageous speed. That seems to be recurring thing in this show.
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Idk I just capped this because he’s so darn cute
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I don’t know why I capped this one though.
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They enter some sort of central space where Leomon tells them something relevant to the holy Digimon is being kept. (Lol I already forgot the details of what he said.) There are two protectors, Minotaurmon and Bullmon. Leomon tells the kids to take Bullmon while he faces down Minotaurmon. These guys might have been somewhat intimidating if we hadn’t already got Perfect level evolutions mastered, not to mention the occasional Jogress :P Sooo I didn’t feel too worried.
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... uh, never mind x’D Taichi what are you doing
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Yamato saves his idiot butt and almost gets in a bind himself. Once again I’m just wondering why they are sticking at Adult level. Whatever. They win of course
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Leomon uses his Fist of the Beast King to maim Minotaurmon. His brilliant one-liner? “I have more than one first.”
Bully: *punches you*
You: ow
Bully: *smirk* I have more than one fist.
You: That’s funny, I only have one, but it’s made of titanium *You punch the bully straight through the stratosphere* Quality over quantity!!!!
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Our heroes approach the secret compartment supposedly holding something to do with the holy Digimon... Yamato gets a look inside and gets the black shadow of true terror over his eyes
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becaue floating inside like some kind of Weapon X experiment is... Takeru!!!
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Hold on while I put in my ear plugs. Okay, ready, screech all you want now.
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So... okay. First of all, baby Takeru is sooooooo cute <3 I had two predictions about what happened to Takeru last week. Either he ended up in the digital world and was now on his own, or he got abducted by Devimon. I thought the former was more likely, but in hindsight, it should have been obvious that it was the second. This show misses a lot of points where I feel like they could have developed some relationships or thrown in some drama, but it never passes up a chance for Yamato angst.
So yeah, this is pretty much gonna destroy Yamato xD Not only is the baby brother he wanted to protect no longer at home where he can easily protect him, he’s now in the digital world and in the enemy’s clutches.
I BETTER SEE REALLY TRAUMATIZED YAMATO NEXT WEEK. Of course, I expect him to be cool-headed enough to try to save Takeru, but I will be very disappoint if this goes off with no break downs at all. Takeru is always Yamato’s number one priority!
Super exciteddddd
So I give this ep 7.5/10. The .5 is pretty much for ending with a killer cliffhanger. My one real complaint about this ep is how highly plot-based everything is - we finally got the team all together only to split them up, and on top of that, once split up, we don’t even get all that many character moments between Taichi and Yamato. As I said, they give each other lots of Signifcant Looks, but man cannot live on bread alone. However this is par for the course for this show and I know I should stop mentioning it every week because I doubt it’s changing. We will get the big shockers when we get them and not a moment before.
I just want Yamato to cry in front of Taichi and make him all uncomfortable x’D That’s what made 99 Adventure so great bahahaha
Some cool bits from next week’s trailer:
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Surprise surprise, Angemon is the holy Digimon! Or one of, anyway. And he is indeed trapped. This makes the “Angemon is Devimon” theory less likely. Let’s not forget that our heroes’ Digimon partners were evidently a band of powerful warriors in the past, but they’ve forgotten much of it. I won’t be surprised if the result of that war played a part in Angemon’s abduction.
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Next week they’ll have to fight to save Takeru from being drained, I guess.
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And then!! Digi egg! Excite. Also I only just noticed that his hate says TK!!!
Takeruuu <3 My first fav when I was 10. Though my heart has belonged to Taichi for many long years, I still have a special spot in it for Takeru only <3 Even if he does dress like a celery stick
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tharrb · 3 years
Digimon tamers retrospective- Episode 47
Well, it’s the moment you’ve all been dreading
Hey Jeri’s starting to respond
“Where is…leomon? Not here…”
Oh nevermind
Jeri’s scream fading out to the flashback is just…haunting man
Both the original and dubbed versions try to connect the flash back with Jeri’s mother’s death to leomons death
In the dub, Jeri’s father tells her that a part of her will always be with us. In the original, he’s talking to himself(ignoring his daughter, which is par for course) saying that her death was inevitable
The original also had no music during this scene, except for the sound of a heartbeat
I think the reason this scene is so disturbing is not because of the scene itself, but the context surrounding it: jeri has been forced to relive her worst memories(that have been warped into nightmarish fever dreams) by the eldritch horror for days on end
Seriously, jeri was treated so unfairly in tamer(not from a writing standpoint, but in-universe) tamers makes a point to show how the actions of adults lead to their children suffering, and nowhere is that more apparent then with jeri. The chain of events that led to this moment was caused by the actions of characters-shibumi unwittingly awakening the d-reaper, Hypnos letting the devas in, Zhuqiaomon sending the devas to steal calumon, beelzemon killing leomon, and even takato unleashing megidramon- and Jeri has been forced to carry the collective pain of that chain
The worst part is that jeri has done NOTHING WRONG. She’s a completely innocent life, and is still made to suffer because of the actions of others
Jeri just…doesn’t deserve this. Save her
Also the dream is intercut with the d-reaper growing, showing that it’s feeding off her misery…
In other words https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_rek1TzX2vw
So the tamers and their families have all decided to move into Hypnos new headquarters
Daisy has managed to rebuild the arc and give it battle equipment, while also naming it grani
(From he on out, I’ll be referring to grani with they/them pronouns)
Oh looks, it’s mr. hardass supreme katou
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On a more serious note, how the hell did yamaki break the news to Jeri’s family that the persons that came back on the arc wasn’t their daughter…or even a person
“They must be devastated by her disappearance” “I don’t knows looks kinda mad to me” fortunately mr.katou isn’t the kind of douchebag to victim blame his daughter for getting kidnapped
“No you’ll hurt her” “huh” “what if Jeri’s in there, you’ll hurt her” god bless you takato, all you want is jeri to make it out of this in one piece
And he immediately goes to tell Jeri’s dad not to be mad at her
And we have Rumiko and Jeri’s step-mother talking about how hard it is to be a good mother. This is especially relevant in the formers case, seeing as how she wanted to be a good mother for jeri…she was just completely out of touch with what her daughter wants or needs
It could be argued that Jeri’s stem-mom is too passive, do to her just letting jeri take her fathers punishment despite her objections
Rika herself contemplates just how blind to Jeri’s own problems. I can’t help but wonder if she thinks she deserve Jeri’s fate more, given how she acted at the beginning. Leomon only died because he tried to save renamon
Plus that’s another thing. Not once does rikas father ever show up or even try to contact his daughter, despite her fighting a war. Assuming he’s still alive(which is what rika states) does he just…not care?
And now Jeri’s dad attempts to ram a van into the eldritch horror, attempts to fight one of its agents himself, and demands to be taken in Jeri’s place. It dosent make up for how he’s treated her in the past, but it’s still an effort
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“Now I see the consequences of my actions” yes you were a shitty dad and now your daughters been assimilated by a monster, I hope you’ve learned your lesson
And now we see the freakiest agent(barring the j-reaper) paratice head. I cant be the only one who sees similarities between it and siren head right?
It can also produce cameras which i headcann is how it sees m(I also headcanon that it uses echolocation)
Paratice head seems to be repeating Jeri’s thoughts on destiny, but doesn’t seem to understand what it means(or maybe it’s still trying to fuck with the tamers)
It falters on the term father do to lacking one(outside of the skunks in Silicon Valley that created it) again, it could be repeating Jeri’s emotions to fuck with her friends
Seriously, nobody thinks of how messed up it is that the big bad as a little girls voice. The voice of one of the main protagonist that it had stolen no less
I’m surprised jeri can even stomach hearing herself speak after all of this is said and done, as instead of hearing a voice that’s distinctly hers, all she hears is that thing that nearly destroyed the world
So the d-reaper is projecting images of the battle into the kernel, possibly as a way to torment jeri further
Shibumi suggest the d-reapers want to learn more about familial ties because it’s scared of the unknown, but I think it’s just trying to find out how much pain it can inflict using them
And now it’s showing jeri that her friends are getting they’re asses handed to them by the agent. No doubt it’s trying to gaslight her into thinking that it’s her fault they’re getting hurt(not that she doesn’t already believe that, but the d-reaper is just rubbing salt in the wounds)
A lot of the d-reapers actions become a lot more insidious upon rewatch
“Lonely is my destiny” no don’t say that(on a side note, jeri tenses up upon hearing that word, as she’s starting to become more lucid)
And the agent still repeats what she, almost as a way saying “this is what she has to endure. Every moment you waste is one where jeri suffers)
They finally manage to get that thing to shut up… and it’s replaced by the biggest agent yet, the optimizer. A powerful dragon like agent that can produce bubbles from itself
The good new is that grani has fully bio-emerged, and latches onto to gallentmons power to become comple(even gaining a red and gold color scheme)
Jeri hears takato’s name(probably via his psychic powers) once again starting to break free of her trance
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uniarycode · 4 years
Takari Week, Day 3- Digital World Visit
The discovery of an old memorial sets Takeru and Hikari on a not-so-happy trip down memory lane.  Set about a month after the end of 02.  Written as part of @takariweek​
It had been sent in good faith.
Ken couldn’t possibly have known, no one would have told him.  And Daisuke would never have sent it to her, if he’d been smart enough to collect the dots.
“Beware, poop monsters may be nearby” attached was a picture displaying a crude statue of sorts, rocks piled together to create the vague facsimile of ‘digital sludge’.
Or at least, that’s what she had been going for, when she was eight.
Ken wouldn’t have known that.
Daisuke wouldn’t have either, not explicitly.  She had only said she’d made a shrine to the Numemon, there was no need to explain what it looked like.
It should have been reformatted anyway.
Iori had chimed in with some wisdom about how most Digimon didn’t want a fight, and that any conflict at all should be avoided.
Miyako was muttering about meeting with Mimi later, and not wanting to go smelling like poop.
There was no more reason for them to know than Daisuke.
And if she was being fair, the lingering odor of digital sludge was not something anyone wanted to deal with for the rest of the day.
The point of it was to smell, to identify an aggressor to other Digimon, and if nothing else it would annoy an attacking Digimon. There was a host of Digimon that relied on the sludge as a defense, as they were too weak to scare off even lower level attackers.
No, not weak, she scolded herself.  They were never weak.  They were simply not suited to combat.
A ping notified her of a message from Takeru: “Do you need to talk?”
She typed a single world in response “Yes”
It was risky to go anywhere in the digital world without your jogress partner.  Most Digimon would not stake their lives on a fight, and the appearance of a perfect level would be able to scare off even more powerful attackers.  There was no evidence that Tailmon or Angemon could evolve if needed, and less that Aqualimon or Ankylomon could.
Both she and Takeru tended to be a bit conservative in these matters, so when they requested to pair up, it was taken seriously.
Iori had been understanding, but Miyako looked a little hurt.  It wasn’t that the older girl was insufficient or inept, it was just easier to talk about this with someone who already knew.
Someone who had been there.
Pegasmon and Nefertimon flew in silence after the tradeoff.  Even with just the two of them and their partners, Hikari was unsure what to say. Nefertimon suggested they head to the memorial, and the group had quietly departed.
It was odd:  a grassy meadow, between two trees, with a river flowing a few feet away.  It was nothing like the wasteland she’d first constructed the memorial in.  A less attached observer may even claim it was the statue that tarnished the otherwise picturesque landscape.
Hikari would be too kind to correct them.
“It shouldn’t be here.” She said.
“I know.” Takeru answered calmly.
“Why wasn’t it reformatted?” she asked, the question directed as much at the wind as at her companions.
“I don’t know.” Takeru responded.
She waited for a few minutes, still trying to get her emotions in check.  “Do you think they were able to be reborn?” she asked.
“I do.”
“Why?  If this wasn’t reformatted properly, then why would anything else?  How do you know they are okay?” she accused.
“I don’t.” he responded “But Whamon, Leomon, and Piccolomon were.  There’s no reason they wouldn’t have been either.”
She felt a small comfort at that.  Admittedly she’d never met Leomon the first time, and had only a brief encounter with Piccolomon.  Still they had by all accounts died, and then come back.
“The digital world is not like your world.” Tailmon said, “Forests, lakes, even mountains can be destroyed in a particularly fierce fight, and they are rebuilt within months.  Perhaps this monument is part of the code now.”
“So it will be here forever?” she asked wistfully.
“Maybe.” Tailmon responded.
There was a break, as she collected her thoughts.
“Do you think, do you think they regret it?” Hikari asked. “That they hate me?”
“No.” Takeru said, wrapping his arms around her. “It was their choice, and it was Mungendramon who did it.  If anything, I think they’d thank you.”
“Thank me?  For getting them killed?”
“For freeing them.”  Takeru clarified. “For giving them the ability to fight back.”
She felt tears begin to pool in her eyes. “I still dream about it sometimes, all those Numemon rushing in and then vanishing in a flash.” She closed her eyes, letting darkness console her.
“Sometimes the dream ends there, sometimes, it goes further. Agumon doesn’t evolve.  I just watch as he takes you out one by one.  First Taichi and Agumon, then Sora and Biyomon, then Koushiro and Tentomon, and finally you.  All of you.  Until I’m the only one left.”
A soft squeeze reassured her of Takeru’s presence, as Tailmon began to brush against her leg. “It’s fine.” Takeru said, “I’m here, we’re here.  And he isn’t.”
“I know.  He can’t hurt us anymore.  None of them can.  But that doesn’t stop the dreams.” She cracked a sad smile. “Pretty lame, huh.”
“No!” Patamon cried out. “Not lame!  It’s cool.  Like a battle scar.”
The flying hamster’s enthusiastic denial forced her to open her eyes, show her not only his serious face, but Takeru’s face, which was wracked with torment.
“You too?” she asked incredulously.  It shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise, given what they’d all went through.  And yet, Takeru had always seemed so calm to her, so brave.  Especially three years ago.
“Some nights.” He admitted quietly.  “Not Mungendramon normally, but others.”
“Who?” she asked. She regretted the word as soon as it left her tongue.  It somehow seemed too intimate to ask.
If Takeru shared her opinion, he didn’t show it. “Devimon mostly.”  Hikari nodded in understanding, she hadn’t heard the full story herself, but had overheard enough rushed conversations to piece it together. “But others too,” he continued, “playing hide and go seek in Pinochimon’s mansion.  Endlessly running away in Piemon’s castle.”
“And also,” he paused, studying her face. “When Vamdemon took over the city.”
She let out an involuntary shutter at the name, and Tailmon’s hair began to stand on end.
“I thought so.” Takeru said sadly, pulling her close once more.
It took a few minutes for her to rally enough nerve to speak, but takeru merely held her patently.
“It’s been getting worse.  Ever since, you know.” She couldn’t say it, but it should have been obvious. “He just doesn’t seem to die.  No matter what we do, no matter what prophecies we fulfil.  He just keeps coming back, stronger than before.”
“Third time’s the charm.” Takeru offered a paltry attempt at cheering her up.
“I’m being serious.” She scolded “We barely beat him last time, and Tailmon, Patamon, all of them, they split into all their evolutions, and then every chosen in the world came together.  If he were to come back stronger, how could we top that?”
“I don’t know, but we would.” Takeru replied.
“You’re just saying that.” She pouted.
“I’m not.  It’s based on history.  We’ve fought foe after foe, each more powerful than the last.  And in the end, we always win.  And if Vamdemon or Devimon, or any of them come back, we’ll beat them again no matter what.”
She held him tighter, as if she could absorb his optimism though osmosis alone.  
They stood like that for a few minutes, finding comfort in each other’s arms, not caring what might happen if one of the others found them and misinterpreted the situation.
“We should say a prayer.” Takeru said suddenly, breaking them out of the moment. “Right now.  We’ll pray for the Numemon.  Since we’re already here, it’s the least we can do.”
“I thought you said you thought they were alive.” She asked meekly.
“I do.  You can offer prayers for the living too, Hikari.  Most of my prayers are sent to those around me.” Takeru said, turning her around. “We can pray that they are happy and healthy, wherever they are now.”
She knelt in front of the memorial alongside Takeru, as he began his prayer.  Somehow it seemed so much smaller than it had three and a half years ago, when she’d first made it.
And yet, that wasn’t the only thing that had changed.
When she had first constructed the monument, it was in a wasteland tarnished with darkness.  Made on a world warped and mutilated by the Dark masters, and then reduced to one quarter of its size as the Dark masters died out.  A monument to some outcast Digimon, who had met their end valiantly, but seemingly vainly, against a far more powerful oppressor.
But now it sat in this green meadow, framed by a pair of trees, with the calming sound of a nearby river flowing past.  The oppressor was long gone. And those memorialized remained, living lives full of joy and happiness.
A testament to the peace they had all worked for.
Takeru finished his prayer and turned to her. His face turned first to confusion, before it began to light up.
“What?” she asked, looking away from his gaze.
“You’re smiling.” He said simply, it’s infectious.
She almost didn’t believe it, even walked over to the river to see a grin reflected on her face.  And not a sad smile, or a somber grin, but a warm, gentle smile.
She turned back to Takeru, “Better?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She said nodding. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.”  He said, as he began to collect their stuff.
“Do you think we could mark this place down somehow?” she asked. “I think I might want to return sometime.”
“I’m sure we could.  I’ll ask Koushiro.”
She smiled, not looking away from the monument as Tailmon and Patamon became Nefertimon and Pegasmon and flew off.
From that day on, she had one less nightmare to worry about.
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takatofan · 4 years
For the first time, I just got done watching Digimon Tamers, subbed, and I really wanted to talk about it. I know I don’t have many people following me but I wanted to talk about this anyway, just put my thoughts out there. (Don’t expect major dub bashing, because I’ll always love my dub, but I may point a couple things I don’t like.) Note: I will always use Dub names out of habit/it’s what I know best.
The dub has a special place in my heart. It was one of only two anime's that I ever got up on Saturday morning for as a kid. (I didn’t get the WB in my area, so I couldn’t watch Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! as it aired.) I was an outcast in school, and Tamers made me so many friends online, a friend I even called once a week for a few years, and a few years later, a boyfriend, who I’m still with. (I didn’t get into Digimon until a month before Tamers came out, and I didn’t get connected with the fandom until then.)
But all these years, I wanted to eventually see the sub. I had been aware of some edits, but even besides those, I always wanted to see my favorite anime the way it was intended to be seen. But first they weren’t available, and by the time they were, I got to a point where it was harder for me to focus on subs. But I finally watched it.
I will always prefer my dub, but watching the original was just fascinating. First off it amazes me how quiet the sub is. The dub usually filled it with something - In earlier seasons a joke, but in Tamers while it could be a joke, it was also quite often exposition.
I knew the sub would have less random jokes, but I wasn’t prepared for just how reserved and polite the kids were. The thing that got me the most was, in ep 21, when Leomon first appears, when Juri tells Takato that Leomon is her partner, and Takato says congratulations, and Leomon in the dub says “Now hold on...” In the dub, Takato replied a - NOT sarcastic, but funny, serious/intimidated “Sir yes sir...” But in the sub, Leomon says “Wait a second” and what does sub Takato reply to hold on? .... “I will.” ..... That... is just a level of politeness I was not expecting. If someone asked me to wait a second, I would either not say anything and wait, or maaaybe say ‘okay’, or ‘what?’. But to SAY “I will (wait a second)?” I just XD. I’m all for polite but that's too much XD.
Since the dub leaves all the references to them being in Japan, I’m not entirely sure why they didn’t leave in Henry being half Chinese. They left in the Chinese Zodiac and something about Hong Kong later in the show, I wonder if the dub just thought that wasn’t important, or what? And I mean, it really doesn’t change anything to me, but it’s interesting. (If you’re curious the conversation was just changed to how good Guilmon and Terriermon were getting along, and the fight that just happened with Rika) The tone was more serious, which I expected to a point, but I wasn’t expecting this level. Terriermon was a perfect angel compared to the dub. Dub terriermon is a big selling point of my enjoyment, but even so, it was interesting to see how reserved he was.
I had known of changes and things for years, like the rooster was serious and in the dub it was THE DEVAH!!!!! but actually kinda creeped me out in the sub. I’m glad the dub made it more humorous.
Interesting thing I noticed even before watching the sub, was that they cut less stuff out than previous seasons. While Adventure and 02 cut out any references to guns and cigarettes, both made its way in Tamers. In ep 19 or 20, Impmon gets a gun pulled on him by a cop, and it wasn’t edited. I wouldn’t think adding the line “Should I tell him I don’t have any ammo?” would have made leaving it in okay compared to adventure and 02? So it’s interesting. In ep 8, a guy is trying to light a cigarette before Impmon appears to try and light it, and while trying to light it was cut, when we see impmon and the guy, you can still see the cigarette in his hand. Meanwhile twice in later eps we see Yamaki’s apartment and we see a huge ash tray filled with butts. Surprised that wasn’t edited.
My biggest surprise for something being edited came with episode 23. I had always heard that part of hypnos collapsing was edited, which makes sense, since this aired just a couple months after 9/11, but what I didn’t expect was the end to have a 20-30 second scene of just the tamers + Kazu and Kenta, on a blue background, running with determination. Wasn’t a big thing or a big deal, but it was interesting. Not sure it wasn’t shown.
One thing I think the Dub added to it that it got right, IMO (Though I don’t think it was planned ahead of time) : When Leomon died, and when Juri’s mom died, Fate was mentioned, but the dub, in both instances instead said: “A part of (them) will always be with you”, and to me that was more powerful, especially when Juri’s mom died, and she ran around the hospital in the memory saying “WHERE?! WHERE IS THE PART THAT’S WITH ME?!” Looking for it. And then, that was called back in the last couple eps, when Grani sacrificed himself to give Gallantmon wings, and Takato said “A part of you will always be with us.” - where as in the sub there wasn’t a reference to fate. It was just a really good recurring theme, to me.
There were a couple things that I was curious about watching the sub. Namely, if Calumon knew about his power all along and the dub messed it up, and how they were going to get back from the digital world.
With Calumon, the first time Takato asks him, in the dub, what Takato asks comes out wrong and Calumon gets offended. In the sub, it seems more like he knows what Takato’s talking about but doesn’t want to talk about, but as the show goes on, it seems more that he really didn’t know.
As for the digital world... in the dub, Ryo tells them he can take them home, but they have to go through another world first, then Shibumi tells them they have to go to the highest plane of the digital world, where the four sovereign are. But then neither of those things ever come into play, and they just have to wait for the arc. I was really curious if the dub screwed this up, or if the writers just didn’t know what they were doing. The verdict? ... I think the dub was confused - I don’t think they understood what was being said. I didn’t get it at first either. When Ryo said it, he, Kazu, Kenta, and Rika, were all in the giant clock. Kazu says “Do you know how to get out of here?” and he says “Yes, but we have to go through another area.” - I’m not even completely sure I have this straight as I type this (and I just rewatched the sub scene) but I think what it was, is sub Kazu was asking how to get out of the clock, but just “Out of here” and the dub took that as “Out of the digital world”, in which Ryo said, “Yes, but we have to go through another world first.”. With Shibumi in ep 32... that one I do blame the dub, going home was kind of inserted into the conversation about getting to the sovereign out of nowhere.
I’m sure there are other things I would have commented on. I wish I took notes while I was watching. (I watched it slowly with my bf over the last 2 months.) But over all, watching the sub was a very interesting experience, but I will always love my dub. Also even when it was new, I liked the darker aspects that the dub left in, but I’m not sure I would have liked a faithful translation at the age I watched it. I need my Mona Marshall Terriermon jokes, my Steve Blum innocent Guilmon, and most of the dumb jokes.
Ending this with random: A few of my fav dub jokes:
Random man: “It’s just a toupee...” Random Woman: “Yes but you wear it on your chest...” Guilmon: You’re ear is tickling my foot. Terriermon: You’re foot is tickling my ear. Calumon: ....I wanna tickle something!
Terriermon: If I was a big red Dinosaur looking for fun I’d go.... .... .... ... OH WHO KNOW’S WHERE HE’D GO, DINOSAURS ARE WEIRD!!!!!!
(Guardramon was GOLD in the dub.)
Kazu: Two sad girls.... I haven’t even started dating yet.... and I’ve got to deal with two sad girls.... Guardramon: Once you start dating I’m sure you’ll make MANY girls sad!!!!
Kazu: Where’d Suzie go?
Guardramon: She flew away! Kazu: SHE FLEW AWAY?! BUT HOW?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING HER!!!! Guardramon: I was! I watched the whole thing!
Many others, but I’ll stop there. :) Sorry for my rant, if you read, I hope you enjoyed. :)
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the-digimon-tamer · 5 years
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Chapter 23 - Visitors Not Welcome is out now on FanFiction.Net and ArchiveOfOurOwn! Check them out with the links or find it after the break!
Title: The Tamer v2.0 - In HIs Name
Fandom: Digimon
Rating: T
Synopsis: In the next adventure of the Digimon Tamer, the lives of Juri, Rika, and Henry change forever when digimon begin crossing over into the human world. But it’s all just a story, right? Just a book series by an author no one has seen in a long time. Why are they here and can they save their world before something worse follows the digimon?
The Tamer v2.0: In His Name
Chapter 23: Visitors Not Welcome
Everyone screamed as they felt themselves pulled down, up, back and forth in an endless void of swirling colors and blinding lights. A few times, it felt like they were drowning in water. Other times, it felt like they were suffocating from air. And sometimes, it just felt like standing on solid ground. Through it all, Kazu screamed, “What the hell is going on!?”
“Really Henry?”
“I’ll do what the hell I want! You’re not my mother!” he spat out. 
“Where even are we?” Rika shouted out. 
“The space between worlds!” Takato’s voice rang out in the endless voice, “This gate is a little sloppier than my usual ones. Give it time! It’ll get better. Probably. We should land whenever we get there.”
“Land where? All I see is bright lights!” Terriermon shouted back. 
“Maybe there?” Juri pointed at what looked like a floating piece of land. As soon as she said that, they all found themselves flying towards the ground at break neck speed. Or falling. The perspective was just plain messy at this point. And as quickly as it started, it subsided as they gently rolled into a mound of sand in the desert. Rough, coarse sand blowing straight into their clothes and battering their face as it struck them. Then the wind died down and they were able to gather their bearings.
Juri dusted herself off, coughing as she tried to get sand out of her mouth, “Is it always like that? If it is, then I don’t want to do it anymore.”
“Only when you’re crossing the boundary between worlds,” Takato answered, poking his head out of the sand and trying to clear it out of his hair to little success . Rika scoffed, “So all the time is what you’re saying.”
He clicked his tongue, “I didn’t say that at all. Ah! Home sweet home! It’s a lot dustier than I remember. Andromon, how long was I gone for?”
Andromon spun his limbs and his neck to remove the sand from his joints, whirring and beeping grotesquely. Once he finished, he scanned around the desert, “Information: The Digimon Tamer’s last recorded sighting in the Digital World was...Error. Time dilations detected, unable to verify passage of time since last sighting.”
“Oh that’s bad. That is very bad,” Takato frowned, retrieving his digivice from his pocket to examine it carefully, “Okay, better be quick then. We don’t want to spend too much time here.”
“Hold up! What was that about time…dials…whatever?” Kazu asked quickly. Takato put a hand over his eyes to block the sun and started scanning the horizon, ignoring Kazu’s question. Kazu called again, “Takato?”
“I thought I already explained this Kazu. Time’s become convoluted,” Takato answered back, “We may have been here for about a minute, but that doesn’t mean time is flowing the same back in the human world. Days, weeks, months, years could’ve passed. And we’re a few days behind Makuramon in that world. Who knows how far behind we are here! Or how far ahead we are! We could be here before Makuramon arrives, which gives us an advantage but it’s not like we know which is which.”
“Okay, that hurt my head,” Leomon grumbled. Frustrated, Terriermon shouted, “Are we going to just sit here and talk about this or are we going to go find Calumon already? This heat is killing me and I don’t like sitting around here doing nothing!”
“Terriermon’s right. We should get moving,” Henry agreed solemnly, wiping his brow, “The sooner we get out of this heat, the better. Where to first?”
“If I had to guess, that would be a good place to start,” Rika pointed off into the distance. Somehow, in the confusion of their arrival, they all missed a giant glowing orb of light over the horizon. It was almost like a second sun, but closer to the ground and nowhere near as blinding. Takato took a good look at it and asked, “Hey, Andromon. When were you going to tell me about the big glowing light in the Digital World that wasn’t here last time?”
“Answer: The light was not present during departure for the human world. This light is unknown at this time,” Andromon answered flatly, staring at it intensely, “Optical Zoom at 50. Moving figure spotted. Unable to identify at this time.”
Kazu pointed straight at it, waving the flag in his hand, “Well I say we go that way! I betcha Calumon is right there.”
Rika raises up her digivice “What about our digivices? I mean, it can detect and identify digimon when they come from the other side, right? Why wouldn’t it be able to find Calumon here?”
“Maybe?” Takato examined his own, “My old one broke and I can’t still figure out how this specific model works. It’s like…going from a computer to a calculator.”
Rika cycled through the options on her digivice but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. In truth, she hadn’t done much to experiment with the digivice since she got it. It usually just set off alarms whenever something happened and powered up Renamon when she swiped cards through the card reader. And from the looks of it, neither Henry or Juri had either. Renamon folded her arms at their hesitation and grunted, “We’ve been sitting idle for long enough and I’m not hearing any better ideas. Let’s go…and everyone stick together. The last thing we need is to get separated from each other in a dangerous place like this.”
“Hang on!” Kazu shouted aloud to stop them. He reached into his bag produced a collapsible pole that he reassembled and a piece of cloth that he mounted on top. With a firm shove into the ground, he shouted, “This is one small step for ‘mon! One giant leap for ‘mon kind!”
“Alright! It’s picture time!” Kenta added happily, waving a digital camera in the air excitedly, “Come on guys! What are you waiting for! Kodak moment for our first time in the Digital World.”
“What is he talking about?” Leomon looked at the rest of them in confusion. Rika closed her eyes, “It’s a thing people do in our world. They take photos of every little thing to make memories of whatever. It doesn’t matter how unimportant it is.”
“Oh don’t be like that Rika! This is important! It’s our first time in the Digital World! Come on!” Juri cheered excitedly, taking hold of the poor girl and dragging her over to the flag. Rika wanted to protest but saw Renamon already perched atop the pole. Rika couldn’t believe what she was seeing, “Not you too, Renamon!”
“I’m curious Rika. Besides, I get a pretty good view from up here. I can scout for danger while our photos are taken,” Renamon answered flatly. Rika sighed in defeat and went along with getting their pictures taken, watching the others assemble beside the flag. Kenta took his time with each photo: first everyone, then just the humans, then just the digimon, the girls, and finally just the boys. Once they were done, Kenta excitedly started examining the pics only to groan, “Oh, what? What happened to my pictures? They’re all fuzzy and blurry.”
“That’s never happened before,” Takato called out, snatching the camera to see for himself, “I definitely remember Dizzy’s computer worked fine. I wonder what happened here?”
“Well we are in another world. Maybe it’s messing with the electronics?” Henry assumed quietly. 
“That sucks. I brought this camera for nothing,” Kenta sighed in defeat. Kazu picked up the flag and declared, “Don't worry about it. We got a lot more stuff to do. Let’s just bring home some souvenirs while we’re here!”
“What souvenirs? There’s nothing but sand for miles,” Kenta pointed out quietly. He marched along with them but sounded entirely annoyed by the loss of his photos. Rika decided now would be a good time to message her mom. She was probably worried sick about her already and started typing her message. She pulled out the D-Terminal and opened the lid. To say it was like nothing she’d ever seen would be an understatement. It was like a crammed keyboard and screen but it ran like it was a brand new computer. Still, part of her was just a little excited to think that her dad used to be one of the characters in her favorite book and that this was his D-Terminal. Without even thinking, she started typing aloud as she spoke, “We made it and we’re all okay. We’ll message you more later.”
She wasn't sure which of the contacts were her mom so she simply hit send all. She closes the lid once the message was sent and noticed everyone was looking at her with the biggest of smiles. It was creepy in how unnerving it was, “What?”
“Just admiring how much more you’ve been opening up lately,” Juri answered, folding her arms behind her back as her smile widened. Rika grunted, closed her eyes and put the device away, “Whatever. Let’s get going already.”
“Leomon, is the entire Digital World like this? Just miles of desert in every direction,” Juri asked her partner aloud. Leomon grunted, “No. I don’t know where this is but I’ve seen a lot of the Digital World: vast oceans, thick forests, steaming jungles, high peaked mountains, frosted glaciers, and more. The whole of the Digital World is as varied and diverse as your world I imagine. Unless I’m mistaken in thinking your entire world is just one big city.”
“Yeah, I guess that would be silly if the world were just one big desert,” Juri giggled quietly. Takato pocketed his hands, “Don’t be too sure of that. There are lots of worlds that only have one kind of environment, if they have any at all.”
“And how would you know that?” Kazu rolled his eyes in disbelief. Without skipping a beat or even cracking a smile, Takato answered, “Got stuck outside reality for a while - it was an abstract void of nothingness. Took me forever to find a way back to the Digital World. Went through a lot worlds in the process. One with naked giants trying to break down a wall, another where the whole world was flooded and dry land wasn’t a concept, another where the only light came from a fire that everyone was really anxious to throw themselves into so it would burn a little longer. That world was…different. Also, does anyone else feel like something is off?”
“We’re in another world goggle head! What part of this isn’t weird?” Rika snapped at him. Takato laughed, “You have me there. No, I was thinking about how…I don’t know…it feels like your world still. Like we never left.”
“Well you said that there were two versions of our world sitting on top of each other. Maybe this is the same thing?” Kenta reasoned quietly. Takato’s eyes widened and he spun around to face him, “Say that again.”
“Again! Say it again!”
“I was just saying that maybe there are two digital worlds sitting on top of each other,” Kenta repeated quietly. Takato slapped a hand to his forehead, groaning in disbelief, “Of course! Of course! I’m an idiot! Henry! You’re dad said he invented digimon! But the Digital World is infinitely old! UNLESS! He didn’t build this Digital World! He built another one with his friends. And it started to intersect with this one! I’m an idiot! How did I miss that? It’s no wonder nothing makes sense! There aren’t three worlds sitting on top of each other! There are four! Not just two human worlds with conflicting histories and realities! Two digital worlds! That’s what all of this is!”
“He’s doing that thing where he’s not making sense again,” Kazu scratched the back of his head in confusion. The rest of them nodded in agreement but Terriermon chimed in, “He may not be talking sense but he‘s got more sense than any of us when it comes to this stuff. I say we keep listening to him and maybe we’ll all make it out of this okay!”
“So basically do what my parents did back when they were our age?” Rika took the chance to shoot him a dirty look. Takato frowned at that, throwing up his hands defensively, “Your mom has issues with me. Actually, so did a lot of them. That’s alright.”
“Wait, I thought you said you couldn’t remember much,” Kenta pointed out. Takato smiles back, “Yeah, but being in the Digital World is helping to make it easier to remember things. It’s like...oh! It’s like when you have a horrible headache that finally goes away for the first time.”
He said that with gleefully, and Terriermon commented, “Wow. That bad, huh? It’s no wonder you do crazy stuff some times.”
Juri had no idea what any of them were talking about. It was so confusing. But being in a strange new world like this was kind of exciting. And she was eager to learn as much about it as she could.  So she looked to her partner, “Hey Leomon. What can you tell us about the Digital World?”
A big toothy grin came across his face and he beamed at her “What would you like to know Juri?”
“Anything, really. I don’t know a whole lot about digimon. A lot of what I do know is just from what’s been going on,” she answered sheepishly. Leomon beat his chest proudly, “I will be happy to tell you any and all tales that would suit you, Juri. How about I tell you the story of the fallen hero? Or perhaps a tale of the Royal Knights? Stories of monsters and villains. I can even share a little history, but that’s not really my specialty.”
“A story sounds nice. What was that one about the Royal Knights?” Juri asked excitedly. She noticed Leomon begin breathing heavily with excitement as he began, “The Digital World has been home to many a hero in its time. But the Digital Knights were among the greatest of these heroes, gathered together by Imperialdramon during a dark time to help strike back and bring order. Of these heroes, one rose to become their leader: Alphamon, the Knight of the First Seat. In his absence, the Knights are led by Omegamon or some say Omnimon. And there were many strong digimon in their ranks: Gallantmon or some say Dukemon, Dynasmon, BanchoLeomon, Magnamon, UlforceVeedramon, Crusadermon, Examon. Together, they served to enforce order in the Digital World at the behest of its one true ruler: a being they call the king. That which is sublime, they preserve. That which is weak, they protect. That which threatens, they destroy. Some call them the first heroes of this world. But, as with all heroes and all unions, it was only a matter or time before they were driven apart - some say it started with The Great War, the war that threatened to tear our world apart. Each had their own ideas on how to end it, and their unity was tested by it. It broke, as they turned on each other. Some say they slew each other, others say they went into hiding - knowing their struggle was threatening to destroy an already fragile world. Whichever it was, they haven’t been seen in a long time as a result. It is said though, that they will reveal themselves when the Digital World needs them most, doing all they can to save it before disappearing again. In my time I’ve seen at least two: Magnamon and Imperialdramon. If I live long enough, I would like to see more.”
Kazu threw his arms behind his head, “That’s lame. They only show up when you’re already screwed. What’s the point?”
Juri didn’t agree. If anything, she felt the story was kinda sad. What would cause these heroes to turn on each other like that? “So...what was this war thing that drove them apart?”
Leomon sighed, “No one can say for sure. It was so long ago that few digimon remember what the reason even was. The few who did are either dead, in hiding, or no longer with us.”
“Isn’t that a fancy way of saying dead?” Henry looked back, joining the conversation too. Juri looked ahead to see the rest of the group looking back at her and Leomon. She was t sure when that had happened but she was embarrassed to suddenly be the center or attention. Leomon was much more welcoming of his listeners and answered, “Not at all! Life and death is different for digimon compared to you humans. I understand that human life ends upon death. But for a digimon, and all digital life really, that is much more complicated.”
“Yeah, you guys reformat or something, right?” Henry asked aloud, “I remember that part from the books. The weak lose their memories, but the strong can retain their memories and part of their personality, right?”
“That is only if our data is able to disperse freely. It takes time but it can coalesce back into an egg. But for others, that isn’t the case. You noticed I absorbed Indramon’s data when I defeated him. He is dead but not dead. It would be more accurate to say we became one. He is in me or rather, I have absorbed him into my being. We are one entity, sharing thoughts, knowledge, memories, and skills. However, I am the dominant personality. If you’re still following me.”
Juri’s head spun in confusion at that annoying explanation. If it even was supposed to be one. Rika must’ve understood it though because she asked, “Wait, does that mean you know what the Devas were up to? If you have his memories, why don’t you tell us? Renamon! Why didn't you tell us?”
”What else was there to add that we didn’t already know?” she replied matter of factly. Rika raised an eyebrow, “How would we know that? So does that mean you already knew?”
Renamon shook her head, remaining stoic in her answer, “Not at all. In truth, I’ve learned nothing I didn’t already know. Well, besides WarGreymon perishing. That is a serious loss to all the Digital World. And also explains why the devas were in such a panic. Other than that, there was absolutely nothing I could have shared that we didn’t already know. The devas are looking for the catalyst, there’s some kind of danger coming that scared them and the Sovereigns, and they were desperate enough to try and break the barrier between worlds.”
“Is that why digimon started showing up in our world?” Henry asked, looking over to Terriermon. Terriermon’s ears perked up, “Hey! You brought me to your world. That had nothing to do with me.”
“Many digimon knew there was a great danger coming, so we scrambled to become stronger. We turned on each other. How we ended up in the Real World is something I can’t answer though. For me, the gate just appeared and I felt a calling to you. You were looking for a strong digimon partner and i was the strongest there at the time,” Renamon said to Rika, her expression as unreadable as ever. Than didn’t help Rika from looking like she was trying to hide the biggest scowl ever. After an uncomfortably long silence between them, Leomon offered, “To be entirely fair to Renamon, I don’t think any digimon outside the sovereigns really know what’s going on.”
“The sovereigns. If I remember from the show, those are Azulongmon and three others, right?” Kazu asked excitedly, “So are we going to go meet them? Cause dude, that’d be so awesome to get to see those guys in real life! I even have his card! Do you think he’ll sign it?”
He excitedly produced his deck and scanned through it before holding up a card for them to see. On it was an azure dragon with long flowing white hair, wrapped in chains and curling in on itself. Upon seeing it, Takato snatched the card from him, “This was him! Azulongmon! That’s his name! Right! And Zhuqiaomon, the vermillion bird of the south! And there was...um...Ebonwumon! The tortoise of the north! And Baihumon, the tiger of the west! These guys are the protectors of the Digital World! It’s all coming back now! They were...I...uh...oh...”
“Spit it out gogglehead,” Rika snapped at him, “You keep doing that thing where you get excited and talk a mile a minute. Don’t also start pausing for no reason. What is it?”
“Sorry,” Takato shook his head, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with them, “Renamon, you said WarGreymon was gone, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“What happened?” Takato murmured. Renamon shrugged and looked at both Andromon and Leomon. Both shifted uncomfortably, but the silence said more than words could. Then Leomon added, “We wanted to tell you. We just...weren’t sure how to.”
Takato gave no answer, sheepishly handing Kazu his card back and continuing walking ahead without them. Kazu shouted to get his attention but he didn’t even look back, “Hey! Takato! What’s with him?”
“If he is who he claims, then it’s no surprise,” Renamon folded her arms, “The Digimon Tamer had a partner of his own. WarGreymon - one of, if not the bravest digimon in the Digital World. The two were close to each other in a way that can’t be put into words. Until The Digimon Tamer vanished. WarGreymon stood guard in his absence. If he is The Digimon Tamer, it can be said that he is truly alone now.”
“Why is that?” Juri asked. Renamon started walking after him, “I will explain as I walk...or rather, Leomon can since he was there. My knowledge is second hand.”
Leomon grunted quietly, “She is right, The Digimon Tamer is truly alone now. You recall that conflict I mentioned, yes? The Great War as it’s called. It didn’t just threaten our world. It threatened all worlds. The Digital World. The Human World. All other worlds. A long time ago, perhaps before even the sovereigns themselves, there was a race called the Digital Agents, but they had other names. Today, we refer to them as the Ancients. Although he seems insistent on calling them the Guardians. From atop their holy bastion, they looked down upon the lesser life forms of this world and others - sworn to observe and guide only when needed, for the Ancients had one thing that no other race could. They could see the ebb and flow of destiny: what was, what is, what could be, what must be, what can’t be, and what must not. But something came, something out of the cold dark outside their purview. What it was is forgotten today but the Ancients waged a war against it. A war so devastating that it spread across other worlds like wild fire. In the end, the war destroyed countless worlds and altered the very fabric of reality. The only survivors of that long forgotten war were The Digimon Tamer and his partner WarGreymon. Everyone else perished. And now, with WarGreymon gone, it would seem that The Digimon Tamer is the last. One can only wonder what that kind of isolation does to a mind.”
“All the more reason to keep up with him in case he does something really stupid,” Renamon added, hurrying her pace. Juri’s eyes were fixed on Takato now, wondering what exactly was going through his head. He always became uncharacteristically quiet when something was bothering him. And he was very quiet right now. 
They continued on towards the bright light in the distance in silence after that. Well, mostly silence as Kazu and Kenta chatted excitedly about what exactly they’d get to run into in the Digital World. And soon, they found themselves getting passed by a dozen small glowing balls bouncing along the ground, “What is that?”
“They look like tumble weeds. Digital tumble weeds? Is that a thing?” Kazu said aloud, watching them bounce along. Andromon finally spoke, “Information: These are data fragments from deleted digimon that haven’t reached Primary Village, coalescing into barely sentient entities with barely any will of their own.”
“Oh, that’s so sad,” Juri said quietly, watching the balls bounce along and wondering just who they were before they became this. Could they think? Could they feel? Were they even aware that this is what they were? It didn’t help that Renamon added, “This is the Digital World and that is its only real law: the weak die, the strong live. Don’t feel too sorry for them.”
“What happened here?” Takato asked at just above a whisper.
“Where are they going anyway? There’s no wind,” Kenta pointed out, adjusting his glasses to see what lay just ahead of them. Andromon pointed ahead, “Observation: they’re probably fleeing from that.”
They followed his pointed finger to see Takato still walking with his head down. And just ahead of him was a digimon whose body was made of bright orange flames. It slowly stomped towards him, spreading out his hands to create two burning flames as he shouted, “Who are you and what are you doing in my domain?”
Takato didn’t answer. In fact, he didn’t even seem to register Meramon was there. He just kept walking right up to it. Guilmon had already rushed ahead to growl at him but that didn’t stop either of them from walking towards each other. Rika groaned, “That idiot! What is he doing? Renamon! You have to help him before he gets himself killed to that Meramon!”
Meramon. Juri looked ahead at the digimon and wondered just why Takato was ignoring it. And that was definitely annoying the digimon more. Just as Meramon raised his fist to deal an attack, Renamon and Guilmon dashed ahead, “Pyrosphere!”
“Diamond Storm!”
Both attacks took Meramon by surprise and he instead moved his arms to defend himself, “You fiends, attacking me with your numbers. You won’t beat me with such tactics!”
“Takatomon!” Guilmon called out to him, rushing at the boy and sliding between his legs to throw him onto his back. The boy didn’t even register that he was was on his partner now as the digimon started retreating back to the others - leaving Renamon alone to deal with Meramon. Guilmon slid to a stop beside the others and Rika scolded him, “What’s the matter with you Gogglehead? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Takato didn’t answer and was still spaced out. Henry waved his hands in front of his face and even snapped his fingers to get his attention, “He’s definitely out of it. Maybe we should leave him be for a while.”
“Leave him be? We’re in another world where the first person we met tried to kill us and he wants to...do whatever this is!” Rika shouted out angrily, “You know what? Forget it. Well take out Meramon on our own! Renamon! Kick some of this sand on him to douse his flames!”
“Excellent idea, Rika!” Renamon complied, whipping her tail along the sand to kick up a small cloud of want at Meramon. The digimon roared in disgust, covering his eyes, “More cheap tricks? You won’t get me with that! Learn to fight with honor!”
“I take offense to that,” Renamon spat out, charging straight into Meramon and kicking him across his jaw, “Take this!”
The digimon staggered back in surprise, angered that she’d gotten the drop on him, “Grah! You think you’re so strong! Take this!”
He threw a fireball at Renamon, who managed to leap over the attack and kick more sand at Meramon. Watching the fight play out, Terriermon couldn’t help but state, “I’m all for watching a good fight, but does anyone else think it’s kinda one sided? I mean, Meramon hasn’t even gotten a hit in.”
“And here I thought you would’ve wanted to join in,” Henry murmured. Terriermon shrugged at that suggestion, “I don’t know, I still might if Meramon gets a lucky hit in. If, Henry. If. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Well, I don’t think he’s going to anytime soon,” Kazu folded his arms behind his head just as Renamon got another good kick in, throwing Meramon onto his back. The fiery digimon lay on the ground, holding his hands up in defeat, cursing at them furiously, “You fiends! You’ve defeated me! Just go ahead and finish it already! You…you…dirty, vile cheaters! Using cheap tactics like that.”
“We’re not finishing anything,” Renamon answered seriously, offering him a hand to help him stand up, “As for cheap, you’re the one who attacked a defenseless human boy who didn’t even realize you were there. Now stop your whimpering and tell us why you attacked.”
Meramon became defensive, “You entered my territory! All I wanted was a little peace and quiet, but you crazy digimon keep coming here trying to pick fights. I don’t care if you want to fight each other until you’re all dead just do it away from me! But if you’re so insistent on fighting me to the death, then finish it already so I don’t have to deal with this conversation.”
“I ALREADY SAID WE’RE NOT DOING THAT!” Renamon said more loudly, but it still didn’t seem to register with Meramon. Juri looked at Leomon in confusion, wondering if all digimon were like this. Her partner shrugged back, just as lost as she was. Then Terriermon provided another observation, “Talk about melodramatic. Look buddy, we’re not going to kill you! We’re looking for one of our friends. A little digimon named Calumon. He was taken by a monkey called Makuramon. Have you seen them?”
“Wait, so you’re not here to kill me?” Meramon looked up at them with a raised eyebrow. Rika scoffed, “Are you kidding? We’ve been saying that!”
“He’s kinda slow, isn’t he?” Terriermon turned his head. Andromon shook his head, “Negative. Meramon’s speed is within acceptable parameters for his type. Renamon simply moved faster than he could.”
“It’s called a joke buddy, learn what that is,” Terriermon frowned in disbelief. Meramon pushed himself up, dusting the dirt off himself before answering, “Well, I haven’t seen a monkey ever. And I don’t even know what a Calumon is. Is that a baby digimon?
“I mean…you’re not wrong,” Terriermon answered, earning himself a smack from Henry, “Be nice.”
“What? He is kind of an odd ball,” Terriermon said in his defense. Henry just sighed, covering his face in disbelief at his partner’s own disregard for polite behavior. Juri giggled a little though. It was nice that the fighting was over, especially since it seemed like the only thing that got hurt was Meramon’s pride. Then she looked over at Takato who still appeared to be stuck in a daze. All this had transpired, and it seemed like he hadn’t noticed.
She could feel herself shaking, worried for him. But then the shaking didn’t stop. In fact, it seemed to be getting stronger. Kazu asked, “Is there an earthquake?”
“Not an earthquake, a stampede,” Terriermon said as his ears perked up. He pointed off into the horizon towards a small dust cloud and a beam of light coming towards them, “I can hear it! It’s coming from over there!”
“What is that?” Kenta asked, adjusting his glasses to get a better look. Juri felt her digivice beep again and examined it, watching an image come on screen of what looked like a dog covered in rocks with a plant for a tail, “Jagamon, a vegetable digimon that are known for migrating in large herds. Is that bad?”
Leomon explained, “Only if we get stampeded. Maybe we should move. Meramon, is there a safe place nearby where we could hide?”
“Sure, I’ll just invite you in,” Meramon began with an insincere tone, “It’s not like I said I want to be left alone. What’s with all these visitors I’m getting today? Forget that, JAGAMON! IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER, I WILL DESTR-Wait! I SAID WAIT! Uh-oh! AARGH!”
His threats fell on deaf ears as he was summarily run over by the stampede. Renamon leapt back  to Rika’s side before she could be trampled by the horde of digimon and warned, “We should get out of the way.”
“Good idea,” Henry said, already turning to run out of their path. Henry, Terriermon, Juri, Leomon, and Guilmon carrying Takato all moved to one side of the stampede. Rika, Renamon, Kazu, Kenta, and Andromon retreated to the opposite side. Both groups could only look on at each other and the stampede of Jagamon as they continued streaming past in some kind of collective panic. In fact, when Juri concentrated on what they were all saying, it sounded like they were all screaming, “Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!”
“What are they running from?” Juri asked Leomon, following the stampede back to see the pillar of light inexorably advancing towards them. Leomon pointed at it, “Likely that. It’s a data stream. They became a lot more frequent in the Digital World lately. We’re not entirely sure what they are beyond the fact that they just pull you to another part of the Digital World. Only it’s entirely at random. Don’t worry. Based on its path, it’ll go right past us.”
Juri traced the path with her own eyes, uncertain of Leomon’s assessment and gasped. It would miss them. It would also hit the others. And they didn’t even notice because they were too busy watching the Jagamon run past to notice, “GUYS! RUN! DON’T LET THE LIGHT HIT YOU!”
Rika shouted something back but it was hard to hear over the roar of the stampeding Jagamon. Juri pointed at the light and shouted again, “LOOK OUT FOR THE LIGHT!”
Rika shouted again. It was no use. They couldn’t hear each other. And then they started bickering - at least that’s how it looked from where she was standing. Henry tried his luck next, “Guys! Look out for the light!”
It was still no use. And then, like some kind of cosmic prank, they finally realized the pillar of light was coming straight at them. It was too late for them to run from it, and too late for Juri or the others to do anything to help them. All they could do was watch in silent terror as the light sucked them up into the sky. Leomon frowned, “Well. That’s bad.”
“We need to go after them!” Juri declared pointing at the pillar of light as it continued on. Before she could even try to run after it, Leomon grabbed her by the shoulder, holding tight despite her protests to chase after it, “I understand how you feel Juri, but that’s not a good idea. If we jump into the light, there’s no guarantee that we’ll go where they went. It’s better for everyone if we don't.”
“We can’t just leave them!” she protested. Leomon nodded, “I’m not saying we abandon them. I’m saying we look for them the old fashioned way. It’ll be easier to start from where we know we are than it will be for us to chase after them and getting just as lost.”
Juri felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. They'd only been in the Digital World for an hour and they were already separated. Takato was out of it. Half of them were lost, some place else in the Digital World. She hoped this wasn’t a signal of things to come.
2 notes · View notes
kingdomblade · 6 years
Long, long final thoughts on Digimon Tri
Now that Digimon Tri is mostly over, you know, barring the dubs of the last two movies and all, I’ve been chewing it all over for the past couple of days and decided to post my thought here in one giant word vomit.
Good points:
Regardless of the quality of the series it was great to see all of the characters again and see how they’ve started to change. Don’t tell me you didn’t tear up a little when Tai and Agumon were reunited.
The Digimon themselves got a lot of great moments too, from Gomamon’s conflict with Joe, Gabumon comforting Matt, to everyone watching Gomamon comforting Matt. Tentomon’s snark in the dub is a gift.
If we're being honest then everything Gabumon did was gold though
The dub getting a good chunk of the cast back down to random characters like Tai’s mom and Ogremon, with most replacement actors either able to honor the original voice while putting their own spin on it (Kari), or do a completely different take on the character but still be able to portray them well (TK, Joe)
The dub singlehandedly redeeming the dialouge in Loss and improving the movie (Fingers crossed for Coexistance!)
Seeing all eight kids have their Digimon reach Mega level is every 90′s kids dream come true
Brave Heart Tri version is amazing! Easily
Joe, Tai, TK and Mimi had some nice character development moments - even if Mimi’s had little to do with the overall scenario - with Joe being the standout for me. While Meiko’s story was handled rather clunky, it wasn’t a bad arc either - I'm lowkey Meiko defense squad.
The art style was a departure from Digimon as a whole but was fitting for the tone they were going for with the series. While the art and animation wasn't always consistent by any means it could get quite nice when they wanted to, with Vikemon/Rosemon vs. Imperialdramon and the bit with Meiko and Meicoomon near the end of Future being some of my favorites.
Maki is confirmed for weapons alchemist
"Little Matt"
Bad points:
The characters are written in a way that makes them seem like they don't care about anyone but Meiko for a huge chunk of the series. Leomon dies in front of them and the only one to mention him after the fact is Meiko once - the only one who truly reacts to Leomon's death is Kari, who wouldn't have even met Leomon beforehand.
Tai seemingly dies and there is barely any reaction from the kids for quite some time. Gatomon and Meicoomon fuse together into Ordinemon and only Meicoomon is mentioned until halfway through Future - not even Kari brings her up!
That's not even getting to the 02 kids. Keeping them out of Tri and focusing on the original 8 + Meiko is perfectly fine, but the way it was handled only drew attention to the fact that they were missing more and more. You can't tell me that Mimi wouldn't get in contact with Yolei right away after moving back to Japan, that Izzy wouldn't send word to the others that they met a new Digidestined, or that anyone wouldn't reach out to them after several Digimon battles and getting their own partners back because hey, maybe they know something or could help. Even seeing the Digimon Emperor was treated as seeing an old villain again rather than seeing their friend betraying them. Every instance of finding them or every hint we got towards them was glazed over so much that it reinforces the fact that the Digidestined just Don't Care about anyone anymore. If the 02 characters got the exact same vague MIA treatment and lack of relevance except the kids were actively worried about them, then that would have changed things drastically for the better.
Even with all the characters having grown apart at the beginning of the series, it's out of character that at the least TK and Kari aren't in contact with Davis and the others, considering they were closer with the 02 kids, go to the same school and TK lives in the same apartment complex as Cody and Yolei.
And we have to assume like how nobody noticed the 02 kids were missing, neither did their parents so they didn't reach out to anyone or call the police or anything.
Also the 02 Digimon partners aren't saved because Joe and Mimi just straight up murdered them
The writers had a habit of bringing a lot of lore and callbacks into the series but either not doing anything with them (Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Wizardmon are completely removable) or not doing enough with them. Leomon dying in Mimi and Joe's movie -the two who watched him die before. TK doesn't directly bring up losing Patamon for a second and maybe final time which could add to the overall emotion, and TK/MagnaAngemon battling Devimon again in Future would have been an amazing way to bring his character full circle, defeating an old fear and moving past it. But they consistently decide that bringing up an reference is all they need to do.
I'm pretty convinced that the only reason the Digimon lost their memories was so Sora could have some kind of story - the other Digimon end up rekindling their relationships with their partners so quickly that in both movies 5 and 6 I forgot a memory wipe even happened until it was brought up in the dialogue. Basically the only ramification it has is Biyomon's intense personality change for the movie. While it's still one of Tri's best moments, the whole bit of Gabumon telling Matt that they will always be together loses some impact when Gabumon has technically only 'known' Matt for a couple of days at this point.
Coexistence in it's entirety - not only stopping the movie one too many times to have the same reassuring 'everything will be ok' reassurance for Meiko, but then having her suddenly turn around after all that and decide out of the blue that Meicoomon needs to die anyway so it was all just pointless in the end.
The series ended with a lot of loose ends, which in context of a potential sequel isn't a bad thing but in context of Tri makes for somewhat of an empty experience.
RIP Tokomon and Koromon's dub voices, MetalGarurumon's Digivolution sequence and Garudamon's height
Joe's girlfriend unrevealed, 0/10 series
Making a blatant callback to Tai and Matt holding hands during the VenomMyotismon battle, except not letting them hold hands this time because That’s Gay Now.
All in all I don't regret Tri and there are a lot of things to enjoy, a lot more than I wrote even. But the whole thing has been such a hassle from the beginning - If we 'nade nade' the egg enough then we'll get an announcement - but we did it too fast so they just full on stopped the counter. The teasers were sparse int he beginning, it ended up being a movie format where we had to wait several months between 'episodes' when what we got was still a TV quality show. And our reward for all the waiting was more bad writing, more inconsistencies, more handwaves and unexplained nonsense. It ended up being a mess similar to 02 with the difference being Tri was being written for people who grew up with the original cartoons and this was the result. It honestly kinda sucks that my list of dislikes is so much longer than my list of likes but it is what it is.Ironically enough despite all that, what they did worked. I watched all of the episodes as soon as they aired, went to (almost!) all of the movies in theaters, I'm definitely buying all the Blurays, and if they make a sequil with the 02 cast I'm going to be right there for that too. So I guess despite not putting out a great product, they're getting exactly what they're fishing for. I can only hope that things will be different next time, either better writing or making a TV anime like normal people. We'll see what the future has to hold!
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fanponyreblogsstuff · 7 years
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So a little backstory till up to where she is now. Yadaa yadaa here’s the basic backstory. As time went on though, the girl grew a rather nasty personality trait and got her shit stomped in. In exchange for not wanting to die and learning how to stop being such a bitch, everyone’s least favorite abuse goat asshole Hades took her under his wing.
Things were pretty normal at first. She did chores or whatever, he trained her. It was a good deal for the little zombie horse. But then ol goatfuck decided he wanted to suddenly get some sweet sweet revenge on some of his old god pals, especially Zeus. So he had his student start killing off gods and anyone that annoyed him, normal people and lesser gods first. She worked her way up, offing ol Aquaman himself with his own trident eventually (and making lots of nasty enemies along they way as well as losing a fair amount of friends and respect). 
As things continued, Hades became far more abusive towards Gear, who at that point only knew how to follow his orders. She became a husk, faking whatever emotion she needed for the moment. She changed for the worst. 
Eventually, she ran into this guy:
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His name’s Henry, he’s the god of forge, and he just.. He just fucking obliterated this dumb horse girl. And every time she came back the results were the same. Just the ass kicking of a century. Eventually he stopped and asked her why she was doing, to which she replied “Cause my master told me to.” He didn’t accept that answer and eventually, so did she. One more time she approached this Leomon ripoff, only instead of fighting she apologized and ran away. Henry is a cool dude tho and kept it secret from ol’ Hades, who he paid a small visit to.Wew.
So lil Gear is out there in the tundra or something, living off the wild and basically being a hermit when this griffin mother fucker shows up outta the blue and picks a fight with her.
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Gear is all “Dude go away you smell like stale chicken wings and anger issues” and he’s all “WE ARE THE SAME. I HATE MY TEACHER AND I ALSO AM LIKE IMMORTAL OR SOME SHIT”. Eventually Gear is sick of him speaking in all caps so she flees into a cave and is set on basically never stepping outside ever again. But then of course someone has to mess up her sweet new isolated life.
This time it was a good thing. These two tall horse(?) women approached her, talking about how they had to kill her cause she was evil or something. She wasn’t having that and fought and held her own pretty well before not doing that anymore. Turns out those two were Valkyrie.
Instead of killin’ old Gear, they invited her to join them cause man do they love them some strong independent women that don’t need no solitude.
So these two Valks, Hervor and Atalanta, really take a liking to Gear, who doesn’t care much for either of them at first. After living with and going on all these SICK ADVENTURES with them, she eventually warms up a little, slowly returning to her old ridiculous self, albeit a lot more sassy and confident. So confident in fact, that she eventually went back to Tartarus to confront ol Hades.
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So this dude is all “Ah you’re back. Good I need you to get back to work” and Gear is pretty upset that he didn’t even care she was missing. When she tells him that she’s not coming back and she’s through with him, goatfuck decides he doesn’t have any use for her, all the while explaining how the only reason she was even still around is because of him. So, he threatens to toss her soul or something in with the others and get rid of her, maybe find a new minion to follow through on his schemes.
So what does Gear do? She beats him. She beats the absolute piss out of him. Like, Hades had no idea what he had trained. So after beating this guy to a near inch of his life, she just stops. Says she’s done killing for him. She berates him, calling sad, lonely, the usual, and how she almost became exactly like him. She leaves and enjoys her life with the Valkyrie now.
Now she’s doing her own thing once again, being sassy and enjoying her freedom.
Some quick ol’ tidbits:
Gear eventually visited Hades again, who now has Sal staying with him. They patched things over and Ven has changed for the better. No more revenge agenda. She regularly visits the duo just to say hi.
Gear has some of Hades’ flame powers mumbo jumbo. She can’t actually use any of it, but sometimes her hair catches fire. 
She can no longer turn fully red. Only her hooves/hands will become red in color
She works more as the repairwoman for her comrades, fixing their weapons and keeping their equipment up to snuff.
Her main shtick for the longest was obsessing over Tweenlight Spackle. She’s long since stopped fanning over the mane cast, and instead now has an obsession over Maud which she keeps secret.
She’s been to the moon a total of 3 times. It’s also where she developed a debilitating fear of tentacles
Her biggest strength is well, her immense strength. That and her semi-immortality from being a zombie. Even decapitated she can come back. However if she dies enough times in a short amount of time she won’t be able to come back.
She first appeared/started her blog when she was 17 and died when she was 19. She now ages very slowly
She’s only had sex twice. Why did I need to share that I’ll never know
Hermes, one of her best friends, has almost always helped her from the shadows, even when she fled to the tundra.
Gear’s hair is cursed. She’s naturally blond, but because of some shenanigans, her hair was cursed to continue growing forever, unable to ever be cut. She wore a magic infused wig that kept her hair in check but gave up when it began spilling out. The tangles are her greatest enemy.
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gossipchii · 7 years
I rewatched Ketsui!!
Just like I did with Saikai, and of course I tweeted so much stuff. Here’s a compliation.
Now its interesting to see that the beginning island thing appears at the beginning of Ketsui and will reappear in Soshitsu 
Oh, the Digimon emperor now seems like a huge joke fuck him
Meiko's sneezes! She should consider getting a medicine
Daigo and Maki are such a married couple omg
I still cry at Takeru's ugly ass hat he wears to go to the onsen
Takeru is way better at flirting than me. He's 14.
I love Sora so much she's so pretty why is she so underrated I hate everyone
Agumon being a plush... yeah right
I love Mimi speaking English
Imagine Meiko in a sheep costume awe
the fact Sora texts Jou just to let him know Gomamon's having fun makes me wanna cry
Tailmon has always been too good for anyone
Hikari would be so addicted to Snapchat
I used to think Meiko and Maki were siblings LMAOOO
Sora saying Maki is super pretty is me
it still is super weird how they keep making emphasis on how similar Meicoomon ans Tailmon are
Meicoomon almost lost her mind when she lost Meiko for 5 seconds (Lost her mind as in, get the fuck infected)
Takeru and Yamato are basically twins and Meiko couldn't figure out they were family LMAO
Was Mimi really playing to touch Sora and Hikari's boobs lol
Meicoomon and Piyomon are so silly they are super cute together
Mimi singing in front of half naked grown man I CANNOT WITH THIS SCENE
Meiko: I CAN'T SEE 
Meiko: removes her glasses to check Taichi out
Maki is the coldest person I know I want to be like her when I'm older 
Takeru is the number one Mishiro shipper and Mimi is the number one Taito shipper I only speak FACTS 
I still can't believe Jou has real life parents
What if Meicoomon is a weapon created by the organization with super long name to fight Digimon omg 
Infected!Ogremon is so scary what the hell 
Taichi mocking Sora for being too polite and not eating donuts is still my favorite Taiora scene in tri.
The fact Sora always knows where Yamato is is a way of confirming they're still dating to me okay
Sora and Koushiro's friendship is so precious I'm so glad tri. decided to work with it
everyone is so mean with Mimi fuck those bitches
Daters = Hooters lmao
Mimi winks all the time is she okay
Meicoomon cries all the time she's such a baby
I hate the fact that Meiko also knows how to design clothes that Sora's talent back off
Yamato on his scooter giving Taichi a ride my angry boyfriends I love them so much
If I had been Mimi I wouldn't have waited either
Ogremon will always be Ogremon to Mimi RT if you're crying
I hate seeing Jou so sad he's so pure he doesn't deserve this
The mysterious man is everywhere
Uhhh the argument between Koushiro and Mimi gets heated up calling her selfish is huge
Reason 34567 why Sora's a queen: she choses no sides, and tries to make sure no one feels bad
In Adventure Taichi would've been the one mad about Jou, now tables have turned and Yamato's the one who's angry
Togemon is like a huge pickle
Leomon is basically Ogremon's babysitter
Koushiro was saying that there had to be a source for the infection, something or SOMEONE and Meiko had the nerve to stay still omg
The Digimon being so scared about getting infected without knowing that they would I'm sad
Sora is such a mom can she adopt me
Oh my God Jou and Mimi's scene in the rain is so good gives me chills everytime
And OF COURSE Hikari had to be there to spy on them
Mimi talking to Jou about Meiko when he hasn't met her yet interesting
Jou you're not a coward come here son I'll give you a hug :(
Hikari is way too mature for her age she's too wise teach me your ways
When Gomamon's a better cook than Mimi
I hate seeing Jou cry so much :(
Also, Jou is rich as fuck
Koushiro's ugly hawaiian shirt is so iconic they should start selling it
Maki definitely sent the prophesy message to Koushiro
Daigo is 100% a cinnamon roll can someone please protect him at all ways
Meiko and Mimi look lovely in their cheerleader outfits but its extremely OoC of Meiko to wear it if you ask me
The Digimon are such children
Gomamon's still the best Digimon he always has been
Maki is so mysterious I admire her so much teach me your ways queen Maki
Maki says Ken's name when she sees the Mysterious Man but she already knew he was Gennai WHATS UP
Leomon is a terrible babysitter 0/10 would let him take care of anything
lmao @ the Takaishida brothers with their sparkly teeth
Takeru isn't impressed with Mimi at all so rude
The costume contest is so funny specially when Yamato gets so pissed off  when Gabumon doesn't win
The whole conversation between Yamato and Taichi about Omegamon separating is so gay
Jou really broke Gomamon's heart
As a student I know exactly how Jou felt it's super hard
Meicoomon keeps complaining on and on all the time stop
I loved seeing Hikari and Jou interacting, something that didn't happen very often in Adventure
I wonder how getting infected works like do you have to spend a certain amount of time with Meicoomon or what
Imperialdramon is so cool tho
They totally didn't care about fighting against Imperialdramon it doesn’t matter if he was infected
What a Digimon needs to evolve to Mega is their partner to scream USE ALL YOUR FORCES this is a fact
Rosemon's boobs are overly distracting
The Mysterious Man deadass knew Meicoomon was gonna kill Leomon that's cold
It doesn't matter how many times we've seen Leomon die it always hurts
Maki's smirk when Leomon dies will always haunt me
As y’all can see I turned this film where Sora does nothing about Sora. LOL I HATE MYSELF.
Anyway, tomorrow I’ll be pretty busy so idk if I’ll be able to watch Kokuhaku. Hopefully, tho.
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analyzingadventure · 3 years
Okay let’s save that widdle baby from that test tube
That is a weird way for Devimon to ask Velgrmon to fetch Takeru considdering he was technically already captured by Devimon but okay I guess
Leomon please don’t die
Ah, they are acknowledging that the kids were missing for three days during a horrifying black-out, I was worried they wouldn’t like, acknowledge that at all
Koushirou’s hesistant to talk about his parents... Oh baby... ;_;
TENTOMON!! How’re you messaging to the kids?? IS GENNAI THERE TO HELP?? Or are you just in the Network messing with stuff?? Probably?
Oh, great, Algomon still isn’t fucking dead. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO KILL THIS FUCKER
Is that squid thing Calmaramon? It looks like Calmaramon??
Megumin Han.... I’m so happy to hear your voice ;___;
A beautiful reunion
Takeru seems to be taking... [/points at the DW and the Digimon] everything really well
Jesus Velgrmon is stronk
OHHHHH TAKERU IS ANGERY no talk to him he angy
God I love WereGarurumon’s nail polish, it looks fantastic yo
ANGEMON!!!!! Feather symbolism yeee
Is Angemon gonna spend all his powers to kill Velgrmon and die instantly? That’d be hilarious
Awe, no Giga Destroyer? Just Giga Storm? D’aww
Yamato I’m sure you could explain a few things to Takeru while you’re just chasing Skull Knightmon
Ah Devimon, your arms are as long as always, how wonderful
Ah, more Xros Wars rep! Splashmon! :D
Oh wow Devimon had prepared an Evil Incubator for Angemon’s Digiegg, how fast and nice
Poor baby is gonna get super corrupted, eh?
Oh wow did Koushirou just hack the Digivices, WOW
IT IS CALAMARAMON! I KNEW IT, FUCK, I am so enjoying the Frontier/Xros Wars rep rn, thanks Toei, I wub you
Is that another nuke? Are they launching another nuke? No? Just a massive crash at a dock?
I was just gonna complain about Psi having a serious case of Takuya & Kouji Show-syndrome but if Sora and co get to deal with the threat in the Network while Taichi and Yamato are rescuing Angemon’s egg, I’ll be okay with it
Takeru, your Powers of Adorable will not save the world, I’m sorry, you’re just gonna get yourself killed and/or kill Yamato a third heart attack, PLEASE GO BACK
A Digimon that was sealed away by Devimon or something? IDK it’s kinda scawy
A NEW METALGREYMON VARIANT? (Or a different Mode?)
Tbh the new cannon kida clashes with MetalGrey’s oldschool design a lil BUT IT’S FINE, IT’S COOL
Agumon deserves a nap
I love the textures on his face, the pencil strokes look really cool
I think I’ve complained about this before but it has kinda bothered me before how the Digimon don’t have to rest or eat before entering into battle again, and like, while it’s been mostly fine up until now... Like ever since the kids entered the Fake Tokyo they have pretty much been fighting non-stop without resting or eating and like, it’s starting to get to me, their stamina to keep on fighting is a bit much and it’s just gonna keep on going until Devimon’s dead, isn’t it
How are you climbing this wall that’s this god damn steep, you are a little child HOW DO YOU HAVE THE MUSCLES FOR THIS, I’M A GROWN ASS ADULT I DON’T HAVE THE MUSCLES FOR IT
Gabumon is a sweetheart and I would die for him
Koushirou, why didn’t you have your partners evolve faster, jesus christ (like I’ll give Gomamon and Palmon a break but the other two? Jesus)
Oh that DigiEgg is getting so super corrupted, isn’t it? Oh yeah, Devimon is trying to turn Angemon into a fallen angel like him, amazing
I wish Skull Knightmon had like a personality... In fact I wish all of the enemies had personalities beyond Devimon being ominous and Orgemon dumb with lots of honor
Jyou is gonna get in such great shape from running up those stairs- he ain’t skipping Leg Day, not today
Skull Knightmon is so cool I wish he had more of a personality ;_; I wanna root for him but beyond doing cool shit he has nothing going for him
Ah, the upgrade to MetalGrey wasn’t permanent, just a temporary buff from the power of Courage
I hope Eldoradimon is okay with all this chaos happening inside him; like I hope he doesn’t get an upset stomach from this
Poor Calamaramon died without ever getting a personality ;_;
How the fuck is this infact making these gigantic leaps over great distances
God Takeru you are so cute, you widdle baby you
Oh man the hightech wings really don’t fit with the punk look of WereGarurumon at all
Welp the DigiEgg got dipped in the miasma like an egg in soy sauce, Press F for Patamon, say “hi” to Tsukaimon
Oooo the egg is exploding! :D
Oh, the egg... I mean it didn’t explode but it destroy the fortress
Devimon, are ya gonna finally show up in person
OOOO DEVIMON AND ANGEMON GO BACK? THEY HAVE A HISTORY? Well this is a ship I’m into, let’s go
Ohhh he is so OP, I love that, thanks
How’d MetalGrey and WereGaruru get the message to use the rubble as cover? Not that it worked really
Devimon can use finger beams, lovely
Sora and co should really evolve to Perfect, like they should’ve evolved earlier to begin with
OH SHIT, WE GOT EVOLUTION ALREADY! I mean it’s only Tokomon, which ain’t that useful rn, but okay
Oh Devimon just gave Tokomon this angry-ex look oh my god
I wonder if Devimon’s plan was to like, bypass the need to use humans directly to evolve, instead using the data from humans to forcibly bring forth evolution
NeoDevimon isn’t as cool and sexy as vanilla Devimon, F
Honestly I’m kinda sad he evolve to begin with because Devimon was already super OP, like he didn’t evolve because he was losing, he evolve because his ex made him angry (although I mean I guess that is funny)
Oh WereGarurumon can just do the wing thing at will? Seems OP but okay
Ah, but I know Devimon isn’t dead yet... Saw the new Digimon Bandai shared on Twitter, the new Devimon form that is VERY SEXY (IDK if this needs to be stated but I do say “sexy” here ironically)
OH, Dark Knightmon, you’re still alive? You gonna take lead from now on?
Ohohohohohoh let’s go, gimme that new Devimon
So I saw some memes on Twitter (along with the art of the new Digi), them including Taichi dying, dark evolution, a clip from the Adventure dub finale where Agumon’s like “next time I’ll evolve into one of the Dark Masters” so like
NEXT EPISODE IS GONNA FUN, also I’m kinda unsure if I wanna watch the preview or not... Like I already know so much out-of-context so I’m afraid if the preview is gonna tell me even more to a point it gets too much, or if it should be fine...
No, I have no chill, Psi has been teasing Mugendramon to me this whole god damn time, I NEED TO KNOW IF WE GET MUGENDRAMON LIKE THE MEMES PROPHESIZED, I NEED TO KNOW
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analyzingadventure · 3 years
Oh boy have I not watched Psi for a long time, oh man have I missed out on Some Stuff (I’ve only heard the names of like three Digimon mentioned but oh man did those names alone come with Some Package)
Let’s watch episodes 25-31 then and catch up!
So just to recap, last time Agumon evolved to Mugendramon, fucked some shit up because Taichi totally 100% legit died, temporary evolved to WarGreymon I think (I can’t remember man lmao) and beat the shit outta DoneDevimon
25! Dive to the Next Ocean!
Uhhh who the fuck yeeted ElDoradimon into the sky
This is so bad
They should die so hard
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Have I mentioned how much I love seeing the kids interact with their non-partner Digimon (and vice versa)? Because I do, I love this a lot (even if it ain’t much)
Ohhh Mugendramon was so sexy... I wanna rewatch episode 24 but I really need to catch up on this first
ElDoradimon’s gonna die from that fall, right? His joints are gonna get pulverized
Zurumon! :D I love these lemon jelly goops
HIKARI!!!!!! Baby!!
I wish Taichi and co would be like, trying to even think about how they’re gonna survive the fall- like I know Leomon saved them but they couldn’t like plan to just Get Saved, IDK it’s kinda off-putting how they’re so calm
Leomon to the rescue tho! Finally!
Patamon is so chumby, v good
Holy shit Leomon punches HARD, a single punch just straightened out ElDoradimon in one go, holy fuck
Finally they’re worried about dying from the fall
What happened to the Agu and Gabu being too exhausted to fight (I’m sorry this is just a massive pet peeve for me, ‘esp cause there’s like no reprecussions for the Digimon for pushing themselves here)
(Like it’d be one thing if they managed to evolve out of desperation but this ended up being like bad for them and force them to take longer rests later or IDK kill them, but when you’re just like “I’m too tired to fight- oh wait my friend is slightly in more danger now than before, I guess I can fight again”)
(This is an issue with most MotW shows and even some shounen series (I’m looking at you Bleach) so it’s not unique to Psi, p sure Adventure had this issue to some degree too, but still man, it’s a massive pet peeve and bothers me so much)
26! Break through the sea monster barricade!
God I love that the Cloud Continent is actually in the sky
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Quality content (slightly cursed maybe)
Seadramon! Honestly I really love Seadramon?? Like it’s such a simple, minimalistic design but... IDK man I love Seadramon, it’s such a cool Digimon
I’m sorry I am just so not interested in the real world crisis (in the show), it’s... I’m sorry it’s so Mundane and I’m here for the Fantastical
God I wish Psi just had perma-evolution, so many of my issues would be solved with perma-evolution
Aweeee yeah, MegaSeadramon’s here too, now we got both of them, yeeeeee
I love how Hikari is just quietly judging the other kids
Y’all okay with talking about Taichi being in a different world right in front of Hikari? I mean She Knows Things and they all just got taken to back to that world but still like, should you try to be more inconspicuous maybe
Oh my god how many times have they used that clip of Falcomon throwing bombs in this episode- four? That’s a lot yo
Taichi’s gonna get vored again, press F for him
The water is so deep how is Zudomon standing- oh I need to stop asking these things
27! To the New Continent!
"Hikari, who called you?” “I don’t know :)” Honey that is so ominous I love you
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This image has heavy Digimon Kaiser energy in it
I love how Psi!Jyou is like a try-hard in trying to help (while OG!Jyou was always struggling with figuring out what the right thing to do was etc)
Is... is the enemy a Tortamon? Oh yeah it’s Tortamons
Ikkakumon’s gonna get vored, F
You know I never thought Grounddramon would be so chomby based on the Bandai art but I guess Groundramon’s a real chomper
“Everyone, give Angewomon your power!”
OH IT’S THE BASTARD!! DARK KNIGHTMON!!! THE SEXY BASTARD!! The one I’ve heard an interesting theory about... But I ain’t saying anything fornow
PATAMON EVOLVES??? (On command which is kinda bs)
Ohhh this ending has such nice, soft but jolly energy c: Also yay Tailmon
28! The Children’s Fight for Survival!
BTW Patamon with angel wings was a lowkey hilarious visual, 10/10 would laugh again
Still don’t like how we just got Angemon on demand like that
Oh yeah, out-of-context I heard a theory that DarkKnightmon is Tailmon and hearing Dark Knightmon’s voice, yeah I can see that (not to mention their facination with Hikari)
Oh man those are some Big Wings
Whu happen, did the kids get yeeted back to the Human World?? Oh no they’re still here
I bet Angemon’s dead again lmao
Oh Patamon’s okay- REALLY TIRED (thank you Psi) but okay
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Hikari being worried for MetalGreymon ;__;
Aweee yeah HIkari’s special Evolution Powers are still here! GET ‘IM WARGREYMON!!
Whoop Hikari got spirited away, F (she’ll be fine, SkullKnightmon ain’t gonna do shit to her, I’m sure)
Hikari volunteered to go... ;_;
29! Escape the Burning Jungle!
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I mean at least they’re all just chillin’ and enjoying the bath instead of just staring at Jyou. I’ll considder that an improvement
Ooooo a single lil Lopmon, I wonder if this will be an important character later
I like Woodmon, Woodmon are cool and chill
What do you mean MetalGreymon hurt when the tiny Allomon bit him ON HIS METAL ARM
I- I need to stay quiet or else I’m gonna end up with too many questions. I mean I already have too many but the less I question it the better
Woodmon, Budmon, I love your energy, please aim for Tankdramon’s eye, you could blind that fucker with ease
Man I have been quiet through this entire episode so far lmao
ANYWAY CROSSMON! HELL YEAH have we seen Crossmon animated before?
GIGA DESTROYER AAAAAAAAAAA anyways I think this is the first tme we’re seeing Crossmon animated (unless my memory is garbage, which it might just be)
Aaaand Taichi is dead
Agumon....... I love you..........
Man this animator is making Crossmon look vaguely too humanoid for my taste.... And MetalGreymon’s super fucking jacked yo
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HOLY FUCK GAIA FORCE ANNIHILATED ALL OF THEM (but didn’t cause any environmental damage? Handy!)
Lopmon’s totally like Cherubimon or something, right? Reborn Cherubimon, right?
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PSIIIII where the fuck are you going yoooooo
God WarGreymon’s so fucking big holy shit
OH YEAH LOPMON’S TOTALLY LIKE CHERUBIMON OR SOMETHING (I mean it’s not a plottwist by anymeans lmao)
LMAO Skull Knightmon looked away when Hikari noticed them looking at her lmao tsundere ass fucker
Wait the temple was also on Cloud Continent??? Like that whole area was still a part of Cloud Continent?????????? The geography of this world confuses me yo
AGUMON EVOLVING TO MUGENDRAMON WASN’T JUST A CUTE REFERENCE TO THE DARK MASTERS, IS THERE GONNA BE THING WHERE AGUMON IS USED TO RECREATE MILLENIUMON??? (And they have to get Agumon Out Of There like they had to extract Tailmon (and Meicoomon until they gave up) out of Ordinemon in tri.???)
Oooo we’re on Eternal/Mugen Continent... Oooo :oc
I like how Sora is the Dedicated Character who will be there when we get like Backstory lmao
METALFANTOMON?! :O YEEAAAHHHH (Ngl when I saw the pink scythe for a moment I was hoping for Jokermon.......)
Oh wow that’s a lot of MetalFantomons
Man Kabuterimon sure is flying quietly (I mean adding the flying sound effect probbaly wouldn’t add much here but... It’s so quiet)
I am gonna say, because Psi is constantly moving, like there’s constantly an oncoming threat and the characters never get to take a fucking break (that’s longer than 5 minutes), it just... Because there’s no contrast between danger and peace, it makes the non-stop danger feel far less dangerous imo
There is one more episode out but sadly I can’t watch it yet because region lock. I do know there’s an interesting, familiar face in there tho and I’m excited for that!
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I... I... I can’t believe he actually said that...
“They’re cool pants!” KOUSHIROU LMAO
Anyways, episode preview!
Aaaand nothing of value was seen there. I mean I do know what Patamon probably evolves into because I do follow the Digimon Twitter so like, I saw the relevant art they shared but ye
Anyways  a lot of these episodes were dull as usual, I didn’t feel like I missed out on much tbh aside from the sexy animation and the lore
This really drives it home to me how not having a villian of somekind just constantly present and active really makes a story so much more flat for me... Like I ain’t gonna argue Devimon or MetalSeadramon were interesting villians, but even just seeing them planning their next moves outloud and talking to their minions drove home what kind of people they were, and they weren’t even the most Packed-With-Personality villians in Adventure.    And while SkullKnightmon is there... they’re just kinda standing around. I don’t know much about them really and it makes me sad
(Look I’m sorry I’m a filthy villian-stan and not having interesting villians to stan makes me sad)
Anyways, as always, I am definitely looking forward to whatever the fuck Psi is planning on doing because 1. Holy Shit It’s Milleniummon and 2. Holy fuck we got WarGreymon and it’s only episode 31, what the fuck are they planning on doing with the rest of the series and indeed 3. Patamon evolves into what
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