#i can’t believe my mom never told me abt my diagnosis on anxiety
courviknight · 11 months
#i can’t believe my mom never told me abt my diagnosis on anxiety#how funny for me to find out while the insurance agent asked me and noted i had it on my record#like i’m surprised i got the minor diagnosis in the first place but also#it just upsets me that like. if i did have that they would deny it and refuse treatment in favor of not making me a liability#and the way they talk abt it too… the need for them to make excuses like the pandemic fucking everyone (it’s true and it fucked me over)#but it’s like. all this time you knew i could need help and they’re more concerned abt how it would look for insurance#and not really believing the diagnosis?? like idk. ik i am doing a lot better than i was last year and it was trial by fire#and i also don’t really think i should rationalize my behavior or who i am#but that anxiety diagnosis would make so much sense and why it was so hard#like there were so many things i didn’t or couldn’t do because i held myself back?#and maybe it’s anxiety. maybe it’s depression (i thought it was depression up until now and ik#doctors are capable of getting things wrong but. idk it just feels like#something like a betrayal? like not to the severity betrayal portrays but#a break of trust between my parents and i#but idk. like i’m in this scenario i would have expected this from them but also#but i’m surprised it happened in the first place and that i have the diagnosis (like maybe it’s bc#ik so many ppl who have anxiety so much worse thag the possibility of mine in comparison seems like. a joke i think)#but idk it’s not really supposed to be a competition right?#caw.txt#vent
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drake-the-incubus · 3 years
Post Note: This is long and I’m sorry.
I want to expand on what I mean but not use that post to do so.
Believe it or not, “x is a sign of y” isn’t as harmful as everyone is screaming about.
For example, my knees. I intermittently use a cane. Recently I haven’t had to use it- or I’ve forgotten it- but I have had days where I needed it.
I’ve had bad knee pain for a long ass time. Issues with pain in my legs in general.
But a lot of the time it would be a dull throb and I was fairly active as a kid and teen.
I also have a joint cracking problem. And I don’t mean I’m purposefully cracking my joints- though I do- I mean I’ve earned the nickname, “snap, crackle and pop” and “rice krispies”.
And my mom, when I was 12, went in for osteoarthritis and after years of pain finally found out she had a degenerating back that caused her back to create shards and she had a pinched cyatic nerve.
Forgive me as I’ve never seen this written down.
I’ve also had a problem with being incredibly sick as a child. Bronchitis to Bronchial Pneumonia almost yearly, and a couple of gland infections.
Do you know what mom tells me and I do?
Warning signs. Very common and not at all unusual warning signs.
I’m at risk for arthritis. In fact mom and I are both certain if it’s not there in my knees it’ll develop at some point.
In fact, earlier this year, I had back pain. God awful back pain. It ran down one leg at some point.
So I asked my mom because these were the symptoms for her issues. She told me to immediately see a doctor.
To most, that’s an overreaction. But it’s not.
I’ll round back to my sickly childhood.
I have a devil of a cough, I’ll hack up a lung if I have a fit. In fact if I’m ill I have the chance to seriously damage my throat- Halls my saviour.
I’ve had colds turn into serious medical issues because they don’t go away on their own, and what was considered a cold turned out to be an infection.
So now I’m hyper vigilant. A cold that last three days with medicine, I go to the doctor. If it’s just a cold, I’ll refuse their medicine, if it’s bronchitis, I’ve caught it early and now can avoid an emergency room visit.
Because of this sickly thing I’ve had for over two decades of my life- since I was an infant/toddler- I now have to tell people I live with, “hey if I’m sick too long tell me I’ll need to see a hospital”.
COVID came around and I literally got messages from multiple people worried I was going to die if I caught it, and I’m going to say, I’m terrified. I’ve been in the hospital multiple times due to illness, days away from being hospitalized.
The virus fucking terrified me. I’ve had more than ten scares of having it, with no idea what I should do, so I treated myself with care, waited for day three, when it didn’t come I was relieved.
I’ve nearly died twice to an allergic reaction, to this day, I’m deathly allergic to two things and I don’t know what they are.
I’m also allergic- but not even close to severe- to other things I can shrug off.
I’ve also had a negative general allergy test. It’s where I found out my blood type.
But I’ve had my throat slowly close up as I took a specific anti depressant. I didn’t notice until my tongue had started swelling in my mouth, that I had more itchy skin than usual and I was having breathing issues. I got told I was a few days out from actual death.
For mental health. I have very weird applications of symptoms.
I can tell if someone is angry or not, I can have genuine conversations with someone and notice minute details.
I’m also traumatized and was forced into recognizing emotions.
But I don’t know when to stop a conversation. I don’t know when to interpret someone’s polite way of ending something. I don’t know the social etiquette to not embarrass people. I can be sociable, but I hate people and I never seek them out myself.
I’m not the model someone looks to for an AFAB with autism.
My trans status really pushed the diagnosis.
But I do have the symptoms, they’re just not presenting in ways that make people scream autism- more like scream freak.
And as a teen I never knew I had it. But I found people who related to me outside of a psychological textbook who explained my issues and gave tips that worked for once.
I was Fourteen before it clicked in my parents were abusing me. That it wasn’t normal to stop and listen to make sure those were their footsteps. If they were coming to my room. How heavy? Is that anger?
I’d explain normal life things and get people telling me it wasn’t normal and I needed to be away from it. That the behaviour was terrifying.
That if my parents were threatening to beat me black and blue, I should be trying to get out.
Trauma causes memory issues? How would I know that as a teen going to the police and not being able to say anything other than, “they threaten me when I brush my teeth”.
A terrified seventeen year old, describing how they were punished and the police couldn’t take them seriously, as they sobbed and begged to not go back.
In a week I had to return because there was no where else to go.
I couldn’t tell the police office my parents threatened my life that night.
I couldn’t remember why I was convinced by my friends online to run away.
My teachers got mad: “Did you think of your grades, you’re graduating this year”
Not even thinking about how I was suffering so much I got sent to the councillor- and then dumped- multiple times for suicidal ideation and the absolute terror I had in ever speaking of my issues.
It took meeting someone who was traumatized to learn I had panic attacks.
“Go take Your medication they give you for anxiety, you’re having a panic attack”
I’ve had them since I was a child and it took frantically talking in a chat room to figure it out.
I got half my diagnoses from the people around me before medically getting them. And that’s not a joke.
I had abnormally painful periods for my entire childhood, and it took a friend telling me it was probably bad I needed my mom’s painkillers for her back sometimes to even exist.
And do you know what, extremely painful periods is a sign for something really bad. And about 1/3 of afabs have that experience.
It’s considered normal. And yet it can lead to a deadly disease if you’re not careful.
A painful boob can be breast cancer.
A cough and fever could be COVID.
People relatively will explain their experiences in a way that people see is normal.
Making it Hard to actually convey how these experiences are normal for US but they’re not normal.
“Haha I Just found out reading a lot as a kid was a sign of PTSD” isn’t someone taking the piss abt PTSD, it’s a common experience due to escape fantasies. I know a lot of people, most who hate reading now, that explained how they’d read for hours as a child to get out of life, sometimes pretending to be something better.
And so in good conscience, I can’t say that post is great.
TDLR; The post that insinuates “x is a sign of y” comes off as ableist, as my lived experiences I know where this comes from.
Sometimes minor things can be a sign of something major and ignoring it doesn’t help.
Physical and Mental health are hard to convey, and most of the time someone doesn’t have the language or forethought to in depth describe their experiences.
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stubbornjerk · 4 years
extremely personal mental health stuff under the link. if you’re not ok with reading abt suicidal ideation and more bad depression & anxiety symptoms  uh, keep scrolling, esp if you’re on mobile.
finally got my dumbass sister to fucking believe that her past suicidal tendencies and my very current and very, very active suicidal ideation are different things. 
my parents were talking about my niece, to start. they’ve been concerned that she might be autistic in the, y’know, boomer kind of concerned. and i was just keeping my mouth shut here because i mean, 1) my niece is barely two years old, not nearly old enough to be showing any actual signs of autism and, 2) they were getting a whole lot of wrong information from a fucking ableist scam video.
so i go to her mother abt it because, uh, yeah i snitch on boomers, esp since they’re my parents. and my sister gets all heated about how she’s been keeping her replies civil, and i tell her all the things my parents were saying behind her back. and it’s just. 
i know a lot abt autism bc i was trying to see if i had it before i got diagnosed this year. before my niece was born two years ago. and i was ranting about how ignorant our parents were, completely ignoring the fact that this is the same sister who wouldn’t believe me about my own mental health issues and told me i was selfish for wanting to get treatment. 
so she goes on about how she’s friends with a special needs teacher, how that same friend told her her daughter was fine. about how mom got this scam from a friend who was also a teacher with an autistic kid. i go on about how autism is diagnosed differently from amab and afab children, and how all the symptoms online are mostly to diagnose amab children all older than my niece rn
so then i go a bit quiet in the chat bc im trying to track down all the research i did two years ago and stumble on this post:
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[id: “I once sat in a therapy session with my dad to talk about the constant struggle we were having at home because he wanted me to help out more and do better in school. When he asked me why I didn’t do things, I broke down in tears, because I couldn’t explain it. “I just CAN’T. I want to, and I CAN’T.” Nobody listened.
My mom asked me why I don’t do things, and I said, “I just can’t. I sit there for hours trying to convince myself to do things, and I can’t. Move.”
And she said, “Don’t think about it, just do it,” completely missing the point.
When I got older I found words for the things I was dealing with. I got professionally diagnosed, and I’d look up information about my diagnosis and e-mail articles to my parents explaining what my disability is and why I can’t do things.
“My parents have firsthand information about my character (helpful, likes doing things for others) and my history with disability (can’t consistently keep things clean, can’t manage a daily schedule). I’ve talked to them extensively about my diagnosis and given them information about it. They have known me my whole life, and I’ve always been this way. And they still, STILL choose to believe I’m just a bad person who doesn’t try and doesn’t care.
My disability isn’t invisible, people refuse to look at it.
People like problems they can yell at. They like having a target for their frustration. They don’t want to admit disability is real, because they want problems that they can either solve, or blame someone else for. And the disabled person themself is  their scapegoat, someone who can’t ever opt out of their role because the disability is never going to go away.”] 
and she fucking. 
she understood.
it took years of arguments and everything else to, if not believe, then at least fucking humor me on this. she says, “it’s ironic that mom keeps pestering me about my kid’s mental health when she can’t even muster up enough fucks to care about her’s.” and i mean, haha, we’re fucking siblings, and yes i am paraphrasing. we’re all different facets of fucked up, having to deal with our parents but i’m glad she fucking came through with this revelation.
and honestly, im a bit scared right now. the first time i told her in 2015, back when she hadn’t even met her fucking husband, she fucking told on mom. and mom took it wrong. hell, her husband even fucking outed me a year ago because they found something on my instagram back when i was still with my ex. and mom took it wrong again.
if she shows mom this, trying to get mom on my side, how fucking wrong is she going to get it again? is she going to come crying to me about how i blame her for all of this and get mad when i say yeah, i do fucking blame her? it’s. 
it’s driving me nuts.
when will this quarantine end.
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