#i can't get enough of it i never though id find media this personal this is so important to me
hefcumin · 7 months
I started reading what happens next and I need an update right fucking now
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chaotic-on-main · 11 months
Hi Sky! I was so excited to see you’re having an event. Congrats for the 250 followers!
I’d like a matcha with cookie crumbles (Levi hurt/comfort). My mother passed away this time four years ago, and it’s always a hard time for me. I was hoping you could write something with Levi helping me through, or maybe us helping each other, since we’ve both experienced that loss.
Order up!! One matcha with cookie crumbles for Sailor!!
Sky's Summer and 250 Follower Event!
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ hurt/comfort, implied (best?) friends to lovers, parent death mentions, grief
☾ Author's Note ➼ Hi Sailor!! Thank you so much for sending in a request! Sorry it took me some time to get to it though. I was struggling a bit as I have a hard time connecting with this kind of grief. But I think my little sad one-shot about Levi dying opened the floodgates for me so to speak lol. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, I can't even imagine. I hope this brings you some comfort. <3
Oh shit I forgot to credit @humanitys-strongest-bamf for helping me with the text message convo! Big thanks to her!! Sorry for fucking up your AI tho :c
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.2k
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Sleep doesn’t come easily to you the way it did a month ago. It’s nothing you’re surprised about though; this was normal for this time of year – as it always had been the past 4 years. At this point, it felt as if your body internalized a clock specifically for the month of June. And you hated it.
You find yourself staring up at the dark ceiling. The streetlight right outside your window filters in through your curtains and hits against the wall to the left of you, lighting the room up in a yellowish-orange hue. When you turn your head to the side, you see the clock on the nightstand that reads 1:19 AM in bright red numbers. A car drives past the window, headlights glaring into your room momentarily before driving off into the night.
With a huff, you roll over to your side and grab the cellphone that sits on the side table, unplugged with the charging cable missing. When you click the side button, your eyes squint from the sudden brightness.
A few notifications occupy half the screen, all from the various social media apps that currently sit idle in the background. None of them substantial enough to warrant your attention, of course. No, the reason you grabbed your phone is to message the one number that belonged to the one person you knew would be up at such a late time.  
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Your ringtone goes off suddenly, the loud noise causing you to flinch. Levi’s caller ID pops up along with the picture you had chosen without his consent – his face half hidden in a rain jacket hood as he looks over to you. It was from a day a couple of months ago when you both got left at a bus stop and had to find your way back home. It was a snapshot from one of your favorite days with him.
You tap the green icon and press the phone up against your ear as you sit up in bed.
“Hi.” He says back, his flat tone flowing through his mouthpiece and right into your ear. The calm that comes with Levi washes over you instantly.  
“You didn’t have to call.” You scoot back to lean against your headboard as you stare ahead into your room. It’s small and decorated minimally. Mainly because you barely spend much time here to begin with, generally opting to stay in your very personalized office a couple doors down.
“You sound like you need company. Want me to come over?”
“No!” You say quickly as well as a little louder than intended. You clear your throat before continuing, “No. No it’s okay. This is fine. I don’t want to trouble you.”
“If you didn’t want to trouble me, you wouldn’t have texted.” A hint of playful sarcasm slips into his deep voice.
“I- yeah. Again, that’s fair.”
Silence falls upon the room. It’s never uncomfortable for you two. Being friends for years comes with perks like that.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He mumbles from the other side. There’s a slight rustling from his end before it stops and all you hear is his soft breathing.
“I don’t know if there's anything else you don’t know.”
“No, but sometimes it helps to talk.” That makes you purse your lips. Raindrops hit your bedroom window, soft but loud enough to reverberate through the room. You don’t recall rain being in the forecast, but that’s summer you suppose. Random thunderstorms at 1:30 in the morning.
“I’m just really frustrated with myself.” You huff out eventually.
You pick at the soft throw that sits on top of your plush comforter. It was a gift from Levi a couple years ago from his own apartment. You said you liked it so much and would claim it every time you all had your weekly group hangouts at his place. He cut out the middleman and gifted it to you. You never struck up the courage to tell him you liked it so much because it smelled of him and it was ironed just right.
“What about this time?”
“I just- it’s been years and my body still won’t let me sleep during this time of year. Once the months turn warm, it’s like I’m not allowed rest. When is this supposed to get easier?” You mutter softly. The rain starts coming down harder, painting your window with rainfall. The yellow glow from the streetlight turns hazy and adds an interesting effect against your wall.
“Grief is funny like that.” Levi mutters back.
“Funny?” You raise an eyebrow; not like he could see it.
“Yes, funny. It’s different for everyone. But one thing stays the same and it’s that even though it may feel like it’s disappearing, it will always come back when you least expect it.”
“What does it mean when I’m expecting it though?”
“That just makes you weird, I guess.” Levi jokes back dryly, though you hear a hint of a smile on the other side, so you know he’s not being serious.
“Your mom meant a lot to you. She was your best friend. Pain like this takes a long time to heal from, you just need to be patient with yourself.”
“Levi… how long did it take you to… you know. When your mom passed?”
There’s silence besides the soft breathing coming from Levi’s end.
“Longer than I’d like, but eventually there came a day where it didn’t hit as hard. I woke up one day and suddenly, thinking about her didn’t ache as much. It worried me at first, actually.” He mumbles.
“Why?” Your eyes drift back over to the window. A distant roll of thunder sounds off.
“It made me feel like a bad son.” He clicks his tongue. A habit he does when annoyed.
“That’s so silly, Levi. You know that’s not true.”
“Yeah, well. It still made me feel like I didn’t love her as much as before. I couldn’t stop thinking I wasn’t as upset because I was moving on from her.”
A soft sigh.
“I realized it was because I had grown to accept her passing. And in truth, I love her even more from it. Every sad thought of her being gone is replaced with the memories I have of her. That will happen to you one day. You’ll wake up and suddenly it won’t hurt as bad.”
“You think so?” You mumble. You don’t notice the tears dripping from your chin onto the soft shirt you were ‘sleeping’ in. Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, you sniffle as you tuck yourself into your blankets a little more. “Thanks, Levi.”
Instead of a response from Levi, you hear a rattle of keys as well as the closing of a door through the speaker.
“What are you doing?” You bolt upright, your sheets flipping over from the force of your body.
“I’m on my way to you. You said you bought a new tin of tea that I want to try. I’ll see you soon.” He says quickly before clicking off the line. You pull the phone away from your ear and stare down at Levi’s contact screen.
Tea, huh?
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mwebber · 11 months
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (sebi please?)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
ty for sending this, anon!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
ahhh the only actual wip i have is girl!seb because the others are incoherent scribbles that i've marked down as In Progress... F. so far i think i've finally completed the story from 2005-2010, but from there things kinda fall apart--i'm trying to build up enough of the damage from 2011/2012 so that 2013 will hit harder, but atm those years are kinda falling through, mostly bc i don't know how to write jenson. i might have to re-do 2011 depending on how the rest of writing 2012 goes.
i feel like i keep talking about this project but haven't got anything to show for it so 💀 here's a snippet!
Indianapolis, USA - June 17, 2007In her Grand Prix weekend debut, Seb goes fourth fastest in her first practice session, qualifies seventh, and nabs eighth place, even after a messy start. She rises out of the car as the second woman in history to score points in Formula One—and the first to score a full point.  BMW is ecstatic with the achievement, immediately attaching their brand to her moment. Red Bull is right on their heels. To that end, Lewis’ win might as well be overshadowed by the media attention that flocks her way, but he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered, pulling her into a friendly handshake and half-hug in congratulations before being swept elsewhere. It feels just as good as a win. Seb is practically soaring, with nothing to kill her mood from the end of the race to the end of the day, even when Scott Speed almost dislocates her shoulder as he struts by, even when the boys try to take her out bar hopping and don’t succeed.  “I’ll head back to the hotel, you stay and have fun,” she says, waving them off as she tucks her ID back into her wallet. An idea is forming in her head on how she can celebrate, anyway. “Are you okay to get back on your own?” Beat looks torn, like he knows the responsible thing to do is accompany her, especially when she’s dolled up in a thin white shirt and short little tennis skirt, her legs bared to keep cool from the mid-June humidity. But the party is in full swing at the Slippery Noodle. “I’m going to get a ride,” she assures him, and fishes out her phone.  . ⋅ ˚̣- :  Twenty minutes later, Mark shows up in a taxi.
(she gives him a lap dance. they fuck nasty.)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (sebi please?)
loathe as i am to call seb a character that i have headcanons for--i do very much find myself enjoying the idea that he can be more calculated (and cold?) than he lets on. similarly i don't know if i really like the whole, yknow, bratty-subby-tearful-cute thing that's popular in fanon? which, sure, it has its own basis, but i personally find it more interesting to see his more deliberate side and dissect him from that angle, kind of like an autopsy of Red Bull Seb, The Frat Bro Who Wasn't. i think charlie @sebrrari nails this in the whole "whether the medicine is enough" series! and though it was very much a reactionary fic, i think i get at the idea in and an and, and an and, and the end.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
LOVE CONFESSIONS. i can't do them well but in my head they are sooo emotive. like in the nayq prequel when mark finally says it and the words absolutely destroy seb. or in wrestling in dirt pits when seb and mark admit they're still in love with each other in a moment of weakness. and i'll just spoil a bit of this girl!seb au, they say it after fuji 2007 and it's like the Crux of their entire relationship and not to toot my own horn but it works in the overarching story and i need to bash my head against a wall whenever i think about it. anyway
writer emoji ask game!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Hi Liza. Have you heard the rumours that Seline is coming back, I can't see the purpose of it unless she has had a personality transplant and will help Eda. I guess they need a new PR person though.
Also which way are you leaning, memory loss or time jump or both or neither?. If time jump do you want to take a guess at how long before they reunite ?
I noticed he said it was 10.15 when he left and it would take 2 and a half hours to get there 2 hours of business and then back. When they got the breaking news it was dark outside so he must of been on his way back? But then again why would he not phoned Eda when he had got to Italy? Maybe he never got on the plane and was kidnapped ? Now I am just being a drama queen!!!
I have heard the rumors that Selin is coming back, but I have not seen one concrete piece of news about it. So far it’s just fans spreading it.  It’s true that the cast and crew have been a bit quieter on social media while filming 29, and one might think that’s because they don’t want spoilers out there for this one. So I suppose it’s possible she’s been on set and filming and we don’t know, however, it also feels like we would have seen or heard something of her if that were the case. Why hide it? Bige has so many friends among the cast and crew that you think someone would have celebrated her arrival.  Even with their being less social this week, we’ve still seen video/photo of both Hande and Kerem where we can see their ring fingers, we’ve seen the new character on set, so why would Bige’s return be such a secret?
On one hand, in the fictional world it would make sense that Selin might make an appearance in such a situation. If her childhood friend and former boyfriend has been through a huge trauma. But to me it seems like an unnecessary complication.  Unless they plan to show Selin’s growth in that she’s over him and doesn’t try to use a situation where he will probably be vulnerable and confused to prey on him and is instead honest about the situation.  But even then, I don’t want Serkan to find out he loved Eda from Selin. You know? 
We’ll see.  As for speculation between time jump and amnesia, I assume it’s both. That there will be memory loss and a return of pre-Eda Serkan.  If not, what is all this for? I assume the point of this is so that the show can go back to the beginning and recapture the magic of falling in love again. If he doesn’t have amnesia that doesn’t work.  I also assume there will be a time jump, but I’m hoping it’s small. A month, or a couple of months. Long enough where despair has set in, but not so long that its feels they’ve been cheated out on a part of their lives.  Id’ like it to be long enough that we can pretend Eda is past her schooling though. 
As for what happened when Serkan left, great questions. I assume he got on the plane since it went missing. No reason to make a plane he didn’t board go missing, you know? And so far that’s all it is. We don’t know that it crashed, only that its missing. I think the theories that someone (Babaanne or Prince) had something to do with it are very plausible and even likely. They both gave up too easily after their introductions.  
EDITED TO ADD: Right after I post this there’s a fan claiming she saw Bige on set. So we shall see. 
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