#i did this one real quick because i wanted to post something before going to bed... i have to feel productive or i die
How did s!Dappleduo came to the Shelter ?
Ok, so, I wanted to get on s!Dappleduo theories and questions. 
Quick note : through this post I’ll stick with “s!Dapper” and “s!Pomme'' to make it easier. But just so you know, in general, I use Shade and Dapper, and Lumi and Pomme interchangeably, and still refer to the same characters. 
First of all some basics : 
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It is confirmed Shelter is a place where people were all brought by the tree, besides of a few possible exceptions, and came from different minecraft universes. The kind of the universes can be really diverse going from one character to another : other dimensions ? made up minecraft universes ? Or even, already existing minecraft universes. 
I’ve been getting into figuring out where everyone came from, why and how they came to the Shelter. A lot of hints made me think some characters could have died before being resurrected by the tree, thus reincarnated. And surely there is something that all of them must have in common to be chosen by the tree, but we can't confirm yet the process is the same for everyone. So for now I think the "death and reincarnated" scenario is only "one way” possible among others. 
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Going onto s!Dappleduo’s case. My first and biggest interrogation was whether or not s!Dapper and s!Pomme, and q!Dapper and q!Pomme, were the same characters.
I know in /meta, they rp and act the same, but the real question was to know if lorewise, the 2 versions of their characters have a shared backstory, thus meaning s!Dapper and s!Pomme were actually the continuation of q!Pomme and q!Dapper ?
A quick /meta note on this : I wanted to get into s!Dappleduo’s lore for a while. But I had a lot of hesitation because I was debating whether or not everything was just /meta references, and if there was even a lore talk to have to begin with. But then we had more lore, thus more hints to make up my mind.  
Now, I think the answer is yes. 
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Recently, s!Pomme heavily hinted she came from the QSMP’s universe, and that she misses people from there, during her dialogue with s!Mine.
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And both s!Pomme and s!Dapper referenced the events they went through in QSMP during Shelter's /rp moments, meaning it actually happened to their current characters and they remember it :
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s!Dapper referencing the punch card and the free cookie jar xD
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Their character seems to be basically the same, altho a bit different. s!Pomme hinted a lot this idea of a new chapter, of a “rebirth”. 
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And I think the same goes for s!Dapper, as I consider s!Dappleduo siblings to have shared lore in general.
I see all of this as hinting they went through reincarnation, after all didn’t they have a parent who used to reincarnate over and over again ?
They still seem to have memories of their "previous life", altho it's not sure yet they fully remember everything. They’re still the same, but not completely. And they both came from the tree. 
Thing is, they’re not the only one hinted to be “reincarnated” from the tree. s!Ryan, s!Luh and s!Heiwa's hints mostly, made me think their characters were reincarnated from the tree after “dying”. Did s!Dapper and s!Pomme died aswell and were reincarnated in Shelter ? 
That's where having the confirmation that q!Dappleduo and s!Dappleduo are the same makes a whole difference : Dappleduo had 2 lives before.
q!Dappleduo came up to life with the constant threat of perma death upon them, making it an essential part of how they grew and evolved as characters. Especially for q!Pomme ! Her being the only one with 2 lives, growing up stronger to fight for her life and those she cares about, is one of the most fundamental element of her character. 
But now, both of them ended up in Shelter, and are now immortal. But still, their character backstory is still based on them having only 2 lives and struggling to stay alive. My point being, if they canonically had 2 lives, why not anymore ?
And as much as there is an obvious /meta reason why it's this way, lorewise, I think we can still ask ourselves how come they did get rid of the 2 lives limitations ? In general, how did they came from one state to another ?
Could q!Pomme and q!Dapper have died, and been reincarnated by the tree ? But if so, how did they die ? Last thing we know, they both still had 2 lives, what could have killed them both twice ? And was the reincarnation itself enough to get them rid of the 2 lives limitation, or is there even more to it ?
There's still an unknown timeline gap between q!Pomme and q!Dapper having both of their life and still no official death/reason for their death, and current s!Dapper and s!Pomme being immortal. And as much as I think reincarnation occured here, I’m still not 100% sure they had to die for it. Well, let’s say something is still strange about this. 
Another element I had, but was kinda cautious to use since I wasn’t sure how much "in character" it was (but that I’m now using, you’ll see why) : it is said that s!Dapper one of the first residents along with s!Jean and s!Ana. Meaning that s!Pomme came after ? And if so, why did they come separately ?
That’s all we had for s!Dappleduo for a while. But recently, more came to it.
During the conversation between s!Mine and s!Pomme, s!Pomme said she didn't know how she came here (surely no memory loss has ever happened to her before) but was glad s!Dapper "found" her.
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And when s!Mine asked if they both came from the same tree, or just ended up finding each other (the exact same interrogation I had about them), s!Pomme answer was that s!Dapper has "his own ways" of doing stuff, that he is a creative fella and has a lot of tricks.
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That’s all, she didn’t explain more after.
What "trick" from s!Dapper is she referring to right there ? Is that "trick" the whole reason why they found each other ? Could it imply they were not supposed to be together at first if it wasn't for s!Dapper ? And if so, why ?
The fact that it is implied they went through seperate ways before coming here is really intriguing. Why was s!Dapper the first one (apparently) and what did he do, both to get there at first and then to "find" Pomme ? That’s the reason why I’m not entirely sure they died. As much as it is possible, it looks like there is even more to it, especially about s!Dapper whole involvment in this process. After all, the Halo family is known to have this habit of playing with life and death’s rules, right ? 
And I kinda covered everything I wanted to say. Again, not so much happened, and we're still in the dark. It's still just some questions and comments here and there.
I mainly wanted to bring your attention into those hints and mysteries about them, and how it seems like we’re missing a part of the timeline of event that explain s!Dappleduo whole presence here. And I can’t wait to see what they’re cooking :D
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divorcedwife · 2 months
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the murder sisters
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cy-cyborg · 2 months
How your disabled character's allies react to their disability can make or break the representation in your story: Writing Disability Quick Tips
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[ID: An image with “Writing Disability quick tips: How your character's allies react to their disability matters” written in chalk the colour of the disability pride flag, from left to right, red, yellow, white, blue and green. Beside the text are 2 poorly drawn people icons in green, one is standing with their hand up to the face of the other, who is in a wheelchair. /End ID]
Something I brought up in my big post about Toph Beifong was how the other characters reacted to Toph pointing out that things were not accessible to her and setting boundaries regarding her disability, which were ignored. I had more to say about it than I thought I did, as it turns out (when isn't that the case lol) but I feel like this is an important aspect of disability representation that is all too often over looked.
You can write the best, most accurate portrayal of a specific disability ever put to screen or page, but it won't mean much if all the other characters, specifically those we're supposed to like and empathise with, treat your character terribly for being disabled and having needs relating to said disability, especially if the story justifies their behaviour.
You see this most often with autistic characters and especially autistic-coded characters. The character in question will be given a bunch of autistic traits, most often traits relating to not understanding certain social dynamics or sarcasm, and when they get it wrong, the other characters we are supposed to like jump down their throat, tease them or outright abandon them. Autism isn't the only disability that gets treated this way, but it is one of the more common ones that get this treatment. It doesn't matter if you do everything else right when creating an autistic character if the other "good guys" constantly call them annoying, get angry at them or laugh at them for the very traits that make them autistic, or for advocating for their needs.
Likewise, if you have a leg amputee character who is otherwise done well, but is constantly being criticised by their allies for needing to rest their legs or taking too long to get their prosthetics on, it undermines a lot of the other work you've done. Same goes for having a wheelchair user who is accused of being a bore or a stick in the mud because they point out the places their friends want to go to on a group holiday have no wheelchair access, or a deaf character who is accused of being entitled for wanting their family to learn to sign, or anything else.
This isn't to say you can never have moments like these in your stories, but its important to remember that a) people with the same disability as your character will be in your audience. If you spend a whole season of your TV show shaming your autistic character for real traits that real autistic people have, they're not exactly going to feel welcome and may not want to hang around. b) it's going to very, very heavily impact people's perceptions of your "heros" who do this, especially in they eyes of your audience members who share the character's disability or who have had similar experiences. This isn't like calling someone a mean name or being a bit of a dick when you're sleepy, it's going to take a lot to regain audience appeal for the offending character, and depending on exactly what they do and how frequently they do it, they may not even be able to come back from it at all. And finally, c) there should be a point to it outside of just shaming this character and saying the other guy is an asshole. Like I said before, you're character is criticising real people's real disabilities and the traits or problems that come with them, things that they often have no control over, it shouldn't be used as a cheap, quick way to establish a quirky enemies to lovers dynamic or show that one guy is kind of an ass before his redemption arc. If you really must have your characters do this, be mindful of when and how you use it.
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giamee · 11 days
... aka something super self indulgent because i'm going insane right now
༊*·˚ featuring ➻ the hsr men
༊*·˚ gia's notes ➻ this is probably gonna get posted way after exam season is over but here it is!!! my coping mechanism!!! i have 3 exams in 8 days im gonna explode bro. and before that i had a THREE HOUR STATISTICS EXAM 😀😀
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you've been running yourself into the ground recently with revision- yes, it's important and you need to study to get good grades, as he is more than aware of due to your multiple stressed rants to him when he suggests that you take a break.
it doesn't bother him, not really. he knows that you're beyond stressed right now and don't mean to be so snappy. he just wants to make sure that you're still taking care of yourself despite everything.
he's in your dorm room, not really making much noise, scrolling through reals with his phone on mute, just present to keep an eye on you and get you to take a break whenever it's been a little too long since you've moved from your desk.
it's some time where it's debatable whether it's very late or very early- both of your sleep schedules are fucked- and there comes a little thunk from your desk that interrupts the otherwise silent room.
your boyfriend glances up, smiling in triumph as he sees that you've finally succumbed to the nap that he's been trying to convince you to take for the past... 36 hours? something like that.
and now that your body has finally given in to exhaustion, he springs to action.
you'd been studying for days, you'd done more than enough for your upcoming exam, and a solid few hours of uninterrupted sleep is exactly what you need right now.
he slips off of your bed, his movements quiet and calculated as he sidles up next to you. your glasses are smushed against your face, and he gingerly removes them as gracefully as he can. you stir a little as he does so, and he grimaces, waiting for you to settle again.
it looked like you would wake up if he carried you to your bed- looks like he'll have to improvise.
he snags the fuzzy blanket folded neatly at the foot of your bed, wrapping it around your sleeping form still sat at your desk as best as he can. he then takes one of your smaller pillows, coaxing it between you and the solid wood of your desk as best as he can before admiring his handiwork.
hopefully, you wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck.
and finally, as a cherry on top, he places a kiss to your squished cheek and sits back down to let you take a well-deserved nap.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ BLADE, gallagher, BOOTHILL ++ your faves!
you don't have to lift a single finger when he's around. luckily for you, his exams finished a lot earlier this term than yours did, leaving him ample time to help you as much as he is capable of.
and what an attentive boyfriend he is! amidst all the stress, you can't help but swoon for him all over again because of how attentive he's being towards you. he just wants you to help you study and not worry about anything else!
if you're hungry, he'll have a plate of food ready for you before the request has even left your mouth. your back or neck is aching due to being hunched over? his strong hands are rubbing circles into the muscle, making you sigh contentedly as the stiffness melts away.
he's honestly like an angel in your time of need.
you feel guilty about how one-sided this all is, but he merely smiles, giving you a quick kiss and assuring you that he understands and just wants you to do well. you almost cried because of how sweet he was being.
once these exams are over, you're definitely going to make it up to him.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ GEPARD, jing yuan, sunday ++ your faves!
despite not doing your degree, he's clever, and he knows enough without googling to help you out when you revise.
he's an advocate for the "teach someone about a subject until they understand it as well as you do" and luckily for you, he's all ears... and even if he does get some things a little quicker than your fried brain can explain, he still bites his tongue and plays a little dumb to probe you further with questions to test your understanding.
it'll help in the exam.
you've decided that this is way better than being cramped in a booth in the library- you have the freedom to wave your arms around and pace the room, to fully illustrate your thoughts and knowledge as he flips through the colourful flashcards that you made, reading the answers on the back of each of them, grilling you on the questions like a tiger mum.
he'll be damned if you don't get an A.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ dan heng, DR RATIO, welt ++ your faves!
in the days leading up to your exams, it was best to describe your stomach as a pit of nerves. it was honestly distracting you from revising, all the pent up anxiety that churned within you until you were on the verge of a meltdown.
and while you may be too stressed to realise all of this and do something about it, your boyfriend's watchful eye realises this.
and so he does what he does best- he makes you feel better.
he pulls your body to rest against his where he lies in your bed, his large hand drawing comforting circles up and down your spine- and after a few minutes he can feel you melt into him, your body finally releasing the pent up stress that it's been holding for too long.
"it's ok to take a break, honey."
you sigh into him, and he hugs you tighter.
"c'mon, let's go outside for a few minutes. it'll help you feel a lot better."
you shake your head.
"you wanna just stay here for a bit?"
he feels you nod against his chest.
"ok, then let's do that."
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SAMPO, luocha, AVENTURINE ++ your faves!
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IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY ... do you want somebody like i want somebody?
the sweet and caring nature of the hsr men is also shown through them being your roommate <3
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
kpop fanboy!eren who runs a famous stan account for his favourite kpop group — but mostly only famous himself because most fans stan him instead
kpop fanboy!eren who regularly posts dance videos or makes fan based tiktoks about the group. kpop fanboy!eren whos even been noticed by some of the groups on twitter when they do occasional menpas.
kpop fanboy!eren who makes a group chat for a meet up at a concert for his favourite group in his city. kpop fanboy!eren who adds you into the chat, unknowing of how cute you are. he doesn’t realise at first — being chat admin comes with it’s responsibilities and for awhile he’s unaware of who you are.
but one day kpop fanboy!eren checks your account out of curiosity and it’s absolutely star struck by how pretty you are. kpop fanboy!eren who dms you privately to get to know you. kpop fanboy!eren who no longer talks in the chat but never fails to text you throughout the day.
“fuck, you’re much cuter over the screen.”
kpop fanboy!eren‘s voice is deep as you cover your giggle with the back of your hand. why exactly was he facetiming you again?
kpop fanboy!eren who’s chats are suggestive despite his constant tweets about turning down advances from other fangirls. kpop fanboy!eren who asks if youd like to meet up a few hours before the kpop concert.
kpop fanboy!eren who takes you out for a meal at the kbbq place not too far from the venue.
“damn, you’re even cuter in person” he says as he hugs you hello.
kpop fanboy!eren who tells you to slip with him into his section of the concert venue so that you’re closer to the stage. kpop fanboy!eren who tells you to come with him to the toilets real quick before the concert starts — something about one of his contacts flying out.
however, once you step out of the arean seating area, kpop fanboy!eren softly leans you up against the wall of the hallway and you have to ask him what’s wrong.
“can i kiss you right now?” he asks, breath hitched and hands warm on your waist.
“what happened to your contacts? they’re okay now?” you muse although you can feel your heart picking up at his advances.
“they were always fine.” he rolls his eyes. “just wanted an excuse to get with you alone.”
and you figure that was the idea but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. regardless, youre leaning in first so that he can get the message. kpop fanboy!eren takes the initiative and lightly kisses you as he meets you half way.
but the kiss doesn’t stay innocent for along and soon the both of you are gripping at each others faces and pressing into the other.
“okay, now i need to go to the bathroom.” he breaths and you understand what he’s getting at.
kpop fanboy!eren ends up fucking you over the sink in the communal toilets. his moans are so loud, garbling on about how he’s been waiting so long for this.
every time someone accidentally steps in, you have to abashedly cover your face because most of stan tweet were literally at this show. but kpop fanboy!eren didnt care about who saw, and that aroused you even more because he had more to lose than you did.
the both of you hear the thundering opening of the kpop act coming on stage and you want to get angry at the man but you cant! he was digging you out so good that maybe missing just the first few minutes werent so bad.
“ren…ren…t-the show.” you whine with the back of your head leaning against the mirror.
kpop fanboy!eren doesnt let up — he just continues fucking into your wet cunt.
“fuck the show. right now…im f-fucking…fucking you.”
kpop fanboy!eren pulls out at the last minute and ends up cumming onto your concert fit. you have in mind to be mad at him but the sparkling glow in his eyes and the way he still reaches in for a kiss changes your mind.
both you and kpop fanboy!eren go back to the arena area to watch the rest of the concert and you enjoy it regardless. you just both make sure to mute your usernames on the timeline once it’s finished.
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dreamermonica · 1 year
“how much do you love me?”
in which you question the extent of their love out of the blue.
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—includes itoshi sae, itoshi rin, michael kaiser, mikage reo, nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, barou shouei
—gender neutral reader, isagi is the only normal one AGAIN, trigger warning for kais*r himself, established relationships, fluff, crack, nagi’s got a bit too real for a sec, some swearing, yeah this is reminiscent of my most popular post on genshinblr what abt it😤
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SAE surprisingly ponders your question. years of your random questions getting ignored has its effects, and it is definitely the reason you're now staring at him like a madman, ready to catch his response in an instant. oh my, you think your heart isn't ready for this. what could your lovely and handsome boyfriend say that'll effectively swoop you off your fee—
“as much as one would love a rock, i guess.”
you whine as you throw your head back in frustration, sliding off the couch dramatically, earning him a scoff. “so mean! and unromantic too! pick a disability, not multiple!”
“well, you're as dumb as a rock. can't have too much in this world, unfortunately.”
a pout makes its way to your features, before suddenly switching into a suspicious frown when you see a small smile creeping on his face.
wait...you're as dumb as a rock?
“oh...?” your face immediately looks up at him. “and how much do you love this stupid rock exactly...?”
seeing that you finally caught on his antics, a heart-fluttering chuckle escapes his lips, his eyes shut in amusement as your heart beat quickens at the melodious sound.
“a lot—as in more than anything in this world.”
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RIN ignores you. acts like you never spoke in the first place. why? hah, his pride's too high for him to even properly answer that. even if he said something that's relatively joking or teasing, it'd be lying in a way, right? so what purpose would it solve in answering your question? exactly. none. so you get no response, whatsoever.
“rin-chan, answer my question, please?”
radio silence.
“rrrrrrrrrin. rinnnnnn. riiiiiiiiiiin. RIN!”
he still continues on walking, gaze still ahead whilst you struggle to waddle along with his wide strides, opting to grab his arms as to not get left behind.
“itoshi rin! just how much do you love m—”
he places his gloved hand flat against your face, shutting you up as he moves you away from his line of sight. his teal stare still bored and unbothered.
“any louder and you'll attract attention. i don't want paparazzi stuck to us for the rest of the day.”
you narrow your eyes at him as he practically drags you along, legs unable to keep up with his pace. “i don't see how that refrains you from answering my question, though.”
“i won't answer a question you already know the answer to, so shut up.”
you blink twice, swearing you just saw his cheeks go a bit red for a quick second. were you seeing things...?
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KAISER, the mischief, always has to edge you on for a bit before giving you what you want. (🤨📸) it's how he functions as a partner—never failing to be an infuriating piece of shit who gets on your nerves whenever he gets a chance. what makes you think now would be an exception?
“hmm...” he hums with that annoying curl of his lips once more, feigning thoughtfulness. “what do you think?”
“more than you love yourself?” you guess expectantly.
but with how he gasps dramatically at you, all your expectations of the narcissistic king drop like dead flies. your expression must’ve also dropped without you noticing, because now, your asshole of a boyfriend is cackling at you. you mercifully resist the urge to hit his annoyingly pretty face as you pout and face away from him with a huff.
“what’s with that glare? i didn’t mean it, you know.” yet he continues to snicker like a child.
“what did i even expect from you…" you sigh, visibly deflating in disappointment as you stand up to leave. “i’m an idiot.”
“yep, you are for even believing i’d—” wrapping his arms around your frame, he pulls you onto his lap with yet another shit-eating grin of his. “—let you go like that. now gimme a kiss, chuu—”
pushing away his exaggerated puckered lips from your face, still glaring at him. “what do you say first, my liebe?”
he chuckles, half of his face flat against your palm that’s pushing him away. “i’m very sorry. i love you more than anything. well, except my side chicks—” your glare turns into a scowl. “—just kidding! i love you, baby. so much that i’d give up anything in this world just to see you smile.”
removing your hand from his face, you finally let him attack you with his kisses.
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REO smugly raises his black card. well, it would’ve been a lot more cool and impressive if he didn’t practically jump out of the couch in his pajamas and full-on sprinted to his bedroom to fetch it. was he waiting for this question for a long time now?
“…what’s that have to do with—”
“i love you, as much as the amount within this baby right here. if not, then more!” he slaps the who-knows-how-much card onto the coffee table, gazing at you with excitement not much unlike a puppy waiting for the coos and praises of its owner after fetching them a stick.
adorable. so goddamn cute. ahhhhh. you want to rip your hair out.
“how long were you waiting for this moment…?” why does this scene seem so familiar?
"a long time. i saw this while reading one of the romance novels you had, and i just had to do it.” he smiles sheepishly at you. “was my excitement a dead giveaway or…?”
that explains the feeling of deja vu, then. you remember getting giddy over that specific scene. mindlessly, you snort at the fact that this man has more achievements than anyone you’ve ever known yet he’s still trying to impress you. jesus. he’s so…
you lean over to him, grasping his hand in your own. “you know, you look so kissable right now.”
he perks up immediately. “heh—then, don’t mind me if i do.”
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NAGI hums, animatedly tapping away at his game, not sparing you a glance. “would it be bad if i said that question’s a hassle?”
“…? why do you think so?”
“well…you’re only asking that because you want me to say something that’ll uh…make you blush or something right?” he starts, voice remaining bored as ever. “but if i don’t manage to, you’ll be dissatisfied or even use it as leverage to get mad at me to get my attention.”
you frown. “what are you—”
“i don’t mean it in a bad way.” he finally looks at you, a bold ‘victory!’ visible on his phone screen. “it’s not that i’m not willing to indulge you—it’s just that i don’t really know how to be romantic, and i also don’t wanna make you sad so…”
you blink when he performs a beckoning motion with his fingers, silently requesting for you to come near him.
complying with a raised brow, your confusion is immediately replaced by shock, and maybe a tad bit of warmth as the tall boy’s arm wrap themselves around your form, pulling you down with him with a small ‘oof’.
“n—nagi!?” you squirm.
“i love you a lot, [name].” he nuzzles his face onto your hair, his next words a bit muffled as they left his lips. “so don’t get mad at me, please?”
how in the world are you going to get mad at this goddamn sloth when he’s acting like this??
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ISAGI blinks. scanning your face for a moment for any uncertainty or insecurity that might’ve influenced your posed question. but when he finds none, redness takes control of his entire face like a infectious parasite.
“why do you want to know?” his voice is meek, most likely caught off guard by such a direct question.
“just curious.” you reply, smiling at the way he seems so wrapped up in your finger despite it being so loose. “you don’t have to answer though. it’s quite an open question—vague and has a lot of possible answers.”
he stares down at his palm, carefully planning out his next choice of words for your inquiry. he really wants to provide an answer, something that shows he’s completely confident in your relationship. but…
how much he loves you? how is he even going to start?
“i’m not really sure how to put it but,” he starts, determination on his expression as he turns to look at you. “i’m certain i love you a lot. not sure just how much exactly but…”
“if it could go by anything, i think about you so much that my first instinct in the morning is to grab my phone and text you a good morning,” he adds on while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “i-i don’t know. was that a good way of putting it? there’s also the fact that i always unconsciously brew two coffees even when we don’t live together, and oh! there’s also that time i—”
too caught up in his mind to recount the times his love had overshadowed his rationality and normalcy, he fails to see the lovestruck gaze given by a certain someone, completely and utterly in love with the man chatting away that you could probably see hearts in those [e/c] irises.
just wait till you start on sharing your side of the relationship.
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BACHIRA grins impishly as he takes out a ruler, pulling down an imaginary board from thin air whilst putting on some nerdy glasses from nowhere. he points the tip of the ruler on an equation, your face now deadpan.
what is he doing…?
“the formula for measuring my love for [name]! note; very easy!”
you snort at his antics, before deciding to play along as you nod for him to continue.
with his ever-present grin, he taps the board with his ruler, adjusting his glasses as if to catch your attention like a typical teacher. “now, [name], can you try to answer this equation for me? these glasses are kinda blurry.”
n-no teaching or guides at all? uhm, okay.
you suck in a breath, gazing at the imaginative board with an unperturbed focus.
[name]’s infinite beauty x [name]’s infinite kindess x [name]’s infinite funniness equals N…what are these variables?
this shouldn’t even be a working equation but if you’re playing with how bachira’s mind works, then…“infinite?”
“yes!" he swoops in lowly and sweeps you off your feet, a yelp escaping your lips as he lifts you up bridal style. “looks like i have to add [name]’s infinite smartness into the equation too, what do you say?”
“whatever you want. but i think i need to mention that infinity isn’t actually a number so i think you’ll have to make a different formula—”
“jokes on you, i won’t let the laws of math deter me from figuring out the estimate of my infinite love!”
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BAROU sneers. making quite an ugly face that forces you to be wary if he’s about to spit in your face or not.
“hah, when and where did you hear that i, the king, loved you, a mere peasant??”
raising a brow at him, you quickly throw a glance at the bouquet of flowers delicately placed onto a polishes and refined vase, the glint of its glassy appearance reminding you who it undoubtedly came from, and whom it was given to.
“at the front of that bakery you like, around 3pm on a sunday a few weeks ago, after i gave you flowers, you replied to my confession by saying—” you’re promptly cut off as an oven mitt is unceremoniously thrown at your face.
“what the hell?” he says breathlessly, letting out an unbelieving scoff as he crosses his arms. like a tsundere. “why do you even remember all that? creep.”
“well, you see, it was the first time king barou had bared his feelings towards me. an extremely rare moment, even though we’re basically dating right now.”
his eye twitches. “WHO THE HELL SAID WE WERE DATING?!”
“eh?” your sarcasm is immediately gone. “you said you loved me back, so i thought that—”
“is that why you’re always in my goddamn house unannounced??” he cuts you off, again.
“it’s kinda late to retract my view of our status now though. your sisters really like me as your lover for some reason.”
he responds with a groan, muttering something about how his soccer is now doomed by some outsider. silly king. he doesn’t even notice that he could always kick you out, yet simply chooses not to.
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no i didn’t add a part where they’d explicitly have to theoretically choose between you or soccer because lets be fr they’d all choose to kick a ball forever over some head
its 3am rn (no beta we die like men) so if theres a few typos or pronoun and grammatical errors that ive missed, please do tell me!
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billthebullfrogs · 2 months
sure thing.
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“Hey, firecracker,” a voice—unmistakable, to you, at least —calls from behind, and you instantly knew who it was. “Need to talk to you.”
There was only one person that would call you that nickname. Luke Castellan, the bane of your existence, thought it was extremely funny to remind you of that one time you almost burnt down the pavilion. The moment they figured out it was you; you had earned the nickname you dreaded so much. He loved reminding you of embarrassing stuff you did. You desperately wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smirk off his face. What did he even want? Didn’t he have something better to do than to bother you?
He leaned against one of the posts in the arena, eyebrows raised expectantly. He just needed a change from training the newbies. He wanted to go all out, and the best person to do that with was sadly you. Well, at least the satisfaction he’d get from beating you—because he would beat you, obviously, was totally worth it.
You sighed, “What?”
“Need a sparring partner, that's all,” he said, a smirk still tugging at the corner of his lips, now accompanied by a raised eyebrow. “And I'd rather have you than anyone in this camp.”
“That sounded too nice for your standards... Are you that desperate?” Your eyes narrowed; you were skeptical.
“Desperate to beat your ass, yes," he said, an easy laugh breaking past the steely look on his face. Luke was aware of the fact that he often annoyed you, and maybe he liked it just a little. "Besides, I wanna try some new sword techniques I came up with. So, whaddya say? Pretty please?" His head tilted a little when he said that, he was giving you that look.
You were silent, biting your lips just like you always did when you were focused. After a moment, you gave in. “Fine,” you said. Maybe you’d benefit from this, too.
"That’s my girl," he said as he casually walked toward you. "I promise not to go easy on you. If you feel like you're gonna trip and impale yourself with my sword, just say the word, alright?" A smirk flitted past his lips, though his words seemed genuine enough. Luke knew you would never stop being rivals. But the feeling of respect he had for you was real. He trusted you and even cared for you, but he’d rather commit war crimes than admit that.
“Fuck you,” you spat as you got into your signature fighting stance. Maybe this was a mistake, but if you gave up already, he’d think you’d gotten cold feet.
“If you ask nicely.”
That smug bastard. You hated him with all your heart. You hated his stupid smile and the way he made everyone around him feel comfortable, even you. You hated the butterflies he gave you. You hated his guts.
With a smooth slashing motion towards his torso, you started the fight. He blocked it with ease. Without a further word, Luke went in towards you with a quick and precise strike, sword arm extended forward in a tight grip with the tip aimed towards your sternum. He wanted to overwhelm you, thinking you hadn’t improved since the last time you sparred. But oh, was he wrong.
You’ve been watching him, his rather aggressive style of fighting, and the look in his eyes when he tried a certain move for a long time now. You’ve fought him many times before, and you were getting the hang of it. You’ve been training a lot, and while he was busy with the new campers, you had developed your own, unique fighting style. He knew you as a pretty good fighter, who could almost keep up with him on a good day. Almost. But now, you’d surpass his expectations. You blocked his hit, your body moving smoothly like liquid. Instead of using all your strength to try and withstand his attacks, you just gave in. Let loose. You used the force of his hit and channeled it, transferring it into your own with ease. He did not see that coming.
You'd always had a strong sense of intuition and your body would respond accordingly, as if it had a mind of its own. Luke was quick to counter, his body leaning back with a fluid motion to avoid any of your quick strikes, all the while trying to find an opening. The back-and-forth movement that was once just a spar has now become a deadly dance of swords, the two of you constantly in motion, no pause in sight. There is a certain excitement in the air, almost a spark that has ignited your mutual hostility and aggression.
Your movements were fluid as if you could predict all of Luke's moves in advance. You were a master of timing, of anticipating all of the demigod's strikes. Not once could he match your fluidity, his movements jerky compared to your graceful flow. There was something about the way you both fought so elegantly that made you feel like you were part of an agile performance, each of you matching the other's movements perfectly. It felt less like a fight and more like an art.
Yet even as you moved with effortless ease, the clash of swords kept you both on your toes, your bodies moving in such perfect sync that neither could find a flaw in the other's defense. Your movements almost appeared as if you were both working together, but this was not the case—in fact, Luke was becoming more frustrated by the second as he strained to find a way to slip past your guard.
“You’ve improved,” he breathed out while you fought. “I like it.” The way he said that sent shivers up your spine. It was embarrassing how these words affected you so hard that you made a small mistake. It was a mistake that could happen to even the best swordsmen in history, but a mistake nonetheless. And it led to his sword held at your throat. You fucked up. And he made you feel it, the cold tip of his sword gently tapping your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You prayed that he didn’t notice the color on your cheeks.
“You're distracted too easily.” He looked serious for once, that glint of smugness had left his eyes for just a moment. “I win again.” And there it was again, that stupid smile of his. He dropped his sword and held out a hand to help you up. You let him pull you up, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “Did you get what you wanted out of this fight?” You asked, and he nodded. “Much better than trying to teach the newbies not to drop their swords while fighting.”
“Good,” you turned to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist. “Same time tomorrow?”
You could’ve said no, could’ve walked away, could’ve done ANYTHING, but instead, you looked at him and said, “Sure thing.”
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wiltedivinity · 4 months
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ㅤ⨯ characters : dom!childe;tartaglia, al haitham, kaeya alberich, diluc ragnvindr x sub!fem!reader (separate)
ㅤ⨯ if any of the following trigger you, please click off : FOURTH-WALL BREAKING, bold letters = referring to YOU (the one reading this), implied praise and degradation kink (all), usage of “sweetheart/honey/naughty girl/lovely girl/sweet girl/dirty girl/baby/good girl”, unprotected s3x & creampies (all) vaginal s3x (all), LOTS of dirty talk (all), professor/student (al haitham), hickeys and biting (childe;tartaglia), possesiveness (childe;tartaglia), clit play (childe;tartaglia), drunk!reader (diluc), fingering (diluc), implied breeding kink (kaeya), roommates with (kaeya)
ㅤ⨯ a/n : this was originally reposted from my archived blog. i wanted to make more of the archived posts for the rest of the genshin men so i decided to do this.
ㅤ⨯ archive :: taglist :: inbox / appeal information :: 18+ ONLY
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How did it turn into this…? You were pinned on the desk by your professor exploring your body with his lips. You swore that you just wanted to ask him about the project but he looked so stressed and frustrated, you assumed that it was the last straw and he decided to take it out on you.
You couldn’t do anything but stay quiet. You didn’t want to get caught as well and you didn’t want to make him angry. “Or is it because You’re secretly enjoying this? Wanting to know how this scene proceeds with its advances?”
Huh…? That wasn’t part of the story… Why is he going out-of-character? And why can he hear your thoughts? “Do you think I’m stupid enough to not know what’s really going on?” He growls, slamming his fist next to your face, causing you to sweat. “The person behind the screen seems to really enjoy it at first. Wanna know how downright bad She is just for me?”
You looked away from Al Haitham but he forced your gaze on him. You gulped when he leaned in closer to unbutton your shirt and throw them on his chair. “You seem really needy for me to fuck you quick.” he looks towards you while his face was on your chest. “Patience, sweetheart. Every smut fanfiction has to have a bit of foreplay before getting right into the scene.”
What is he talking about? Why is he talking like this? “Are you seriously still thinking about that?” he sighs, “You’re ruining her mood. Why don’t you just get into character and satisfy her neediness?”
With a harsh rip of your panties under your skirt, you were bare for him. He knows you’re already fucking yourself while reading this right now. Al Haitham finds it amusing that you’d rather be going through multiple works of fiction instead of getting a real lover to take care of your needs. Not like he’s complaining, he feels a bit flattered that you were reading something of him.
“Take it nice and slow. Though She probably prefers it rough and fast once I’m fully inside with a few degrading and praising words.” you were completely dumb on why he’s talking in a weird manner. You thought this was supposed to be about you, but he seems too focused on someone else. Someone that’s watching but not actually there.
“Don’t think I’m neglecting your pleasure, though. You’re a counterpart of her. Just not as aware or accurate.” you watch as Al Haitham unbuckles his belt with one hand before fully taking his jeans off. Showing his hardened cock that was leaking with precum, it was curved a bit upwards and there were two bulging veins on the side. “Are you seriously getting in detail on how it looks?” he smirks at you.
“Please- put it in…” you pleaded, but he only brushed the tip on your wet cunt. Getting all the juices before entering inside of you. Your walls clamped around his tip and then the base, causing him to groan into your neck. “I’ll be gentle. Unless she wants me to be harsh with you.”
“G-go slow, Al Haitham.” you whined, gripping onto his shoulders as he sets a pace with his thrusts. He groans when he feels you clench around him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he litters your skin with hickeys. Al Haitham’s eyes were focused on You, reading this right now.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” he sighs pleasurably, thrusting in and out of your pussy as he held onto your waist to support you. He didn’t notice how your legs were shaking from the immense pleasure you were feeling in your bottom half, how good he felt when his tip kept poking every good spot you have.
“I wonder what You’re feeling right now. Probably not as good since I’m not really fucking you, huh?” Al Haitham bugs You, laughing at the way Your face contorts after you read that sentence. “Don’t be timid now. You weren’t this shy when you searched for ‘Genshin Smut’ or ‘Al Haitham Smut’ at first and now You’re getting nervous?” he smirks.
Your soughs were cut off with his lips connecting with yours, drinking up your sounds as you gripped onto his back firmly when he rammed into you at a relentless pace. “I wonder if your fingers or grinding would suffice after You read my part of the fanfic. Or will you be left unsatisfied and read the next one to fulfill Your need to release some sexual frustration?”
You hate how he was right. Hate that he can read what You’re thinking and feeling. “Since I want the best for You, I’ll let you come in this part.” you felt thankful, letting out appreciative wails as he rams into you harder and harder that your sight blurs and sees white. That your pussy was clenching on him that you were sure his hands on your waist would have bruises after the session.
You could feel yourself creaming on his cock, your body shook as he pumped your pussy full of his seed. “Like what You’re reading, lovely girl?” he teases, “I know You’re expecting more rounds, but this is all Your dirty mind deserves to have. But you can always find more fanfictions in the recent tag in Tumblr, honey. Make sure it’s about me, though.”
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“Dirty, dirty.” Ajax tuts, lifting your chin up as your lip quivers. “Did You seriously think you’d go unnoticed?” he smirks, making you straddle his lap. “Searching for Smut like that? Aren’t You a bit shameless that You read other parts of various men when I’m supposed to be Your favorite?”
He harshly pulls you in by your hips, “What? You’re waiting for my part of the Smut to start?” he chuckles at your frustration. He can see how You’re getting impatient but flustered at the same time, seeing that he knows what You’re up to. “Being the dirty and naughty girl You are, getting desperate for other men even if You’re supposed to be mine.”
“Ajax, it’s not like that- I swear!” you waved your arms in a panic manner, but he only found it cute. Seeing that you in the fanfic is still naive and a bit innocent but You who is reading this is quite the opposite. You’re much dirtier than Your counterpart and You know what You’re doing when searching for more of those so-called “Smut” on Tumblr and Ao3.
“Why don’t I satisfy You to show I’m much more worth reading for?” Ajax whispers seductively, slowly taking your panties off under your skirt as he has you undo his belt and pants. Once the both of you were bare, he pinned you on the bed, putting both your wrists in one hand while the other pulled your leg up over his shoulder.
He wonders what You really looked like outside the screen. All he knows is that You might be in a dark room alone, trying Your best to copy the movements he’s about to do to the supposedly ‘you’.
You gripped his back as Ajax slowly entered his fat cock in, taking in the sight of your mouth agape and eyes widening as he filled you to the brim. He moaned a bit from how tight you clenched around him, snuggling his face into your neck as he bit into the skin, causing you to groan pleasurably and arch your back.
He thinks of how cute You are right now, probably fingering or grinding on Your bed or chair to the thought of him. You’re no different from the other readers. They’re as desperate to be fucked by some fictional character than getting a real lover, but he doesn’t mind it though. It’s nice being Your favorite and Your go-to character to be fucked from when You’re feeling aroused.
But he does know You have other favorites and he gets jealous at the thought of them. Especially seeing that this is fanfiction that has various men in it so others can pick their most favored men among the six makes him envy the others in here.
Just at the thought of that, he grows rougher with you, thrusting into you so hard that the bed starts creaking and you screamed in delight. Feeling how good he is when poking all the sensitive spots inside of you.
“Mine. All fucking mine.” Ajax growls, “Don’t read any other parts except for mine, please.”
You feel him giving your neck and collarbone open-mouthed kisses, they were wet, your body is probably stained with his saliva by now. “Just not Your body. Unless You actually want that.” he smirks, looking to the side to gaze on You.
He seductively licks your neck until it reaches to your lips, forcing your mouth open as he slides his tongue in your throat. You almost gagged at the feeling, his hand on the back of your head, guiding you on the pillow as he grinded his hard-on into you, moaning as you tightened around him.
“Fuck. You must be feeling good but so flustered at the same time knowing that this isn’t your usual smut fanfic, huh?” Ajax smirks, pinning your hips down on the mattress. “Why don’t You enjoy reading this while it lasts?”
He had enough of teasing You any further as he rammed into you, hard and fast. Keeping your waist still and steady for him to properly fuck you. He watches as your face contorted in pleasure and smiles in delight, he probably had You smiling shyly or completely unfazed since You’re probably used to reading so many smut fanfics that You learned a skill to act normal when reading one, especially when you’re in public.
Ajax’s digits teased your cunt by massaging it with the pad of his thumb. He absolutely loved the way your breasts jiggled with each brutal thrust. You feel him hitting all the right spots with his cock, he was so fucking deep you couldn’t help but ululate.
“You’re likely wet right now while reading this. It’s so sad that no one is able to help you when You’re aroused. Or You’re embarrassed to ask? No need though, because if I were to ever lay my two feet on earth, You’ll be the first one I’ll find and do.” he hugged your waist tightly, both your pelvises flushed against one another as he emptied his seed into you. “Fuck, fuck-”
Ajax let out profanities as he kept grinding his hips, riding out both of your highs. He wanted to feel a bit more pleasure from your sensitive pussy that was milking him greedily. It almost left him shaking from how good it felt.
He flopped on you, both of you letting out uneven breaths as you laid on each other. “H-hope You enjoyed my part, sweet girl, just don’t enjoy Kaeya’s. I see the way You admire him, hell, everyone admires him. And I only want Your eyes on me.”
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“Diluucc~” you whined as the red-head took the bottle away from you. “C’mon! I promise it was the last one! Pleasee!” you pleaded with him but he only shook his head. “You had too much to drink, besides, you almost broke the place last time you had too much in here.“ Diluc reasons, cleaning the last glass for the night and placing it on the shelf.
“You should call your friends to pick you up. It’s getting late and I don’t know where you live. Even if you did tell me, you’d end up saying nonsense.” he huffs, wearing his jacket that was hanging nearby.
“My phone doesn’t work! It broke on my way here!” you struggled getting up on your two feet to walk towards him and you ended up bumping yourself on the counter and fell into his embrace. You only looked up at him with a stupid grin that had him feeling some type of way.
“Then take a taxi. Don’t go flirting with the driver, though.” he cited but he only got a kiss in return, it was surprising seeing you this bold with him now. Most likely from you being drunk.
He kissed you back, having your back stick to the counter to trap you on it. You moaned as you felt Diluc grind his crotch on yours, his hand gripping your hips and forcing them to sit on top of the counter.
“Strip.” demands the big man and you laughed at his commanding tone. Seeing how desperate he is for you as You are for him. “Not yet~” you sang out, “I don’t think You’ll be saying that when You’re the one searching for dirty literature of me to get off to.”
You let out a groan as he pushed you down further ‘til you’re laying on the countertop, your leg over his shoulder as his digits started teasing between your thighs. You instinctively pressed them against each other but he only parted them, tutting at you with his finger on your lips. “Don’t be shy, both of us know You like this.”
“Don’t worry though, I’ll be gentle with you. Unless…” his smirk widens when knowing how You like it rough, but he didn’t wanna give it to you that easily. You’re going to have to earn it for yourself. You whine as he peels your panties off and bunching your skirt up.
“So wet already.. I wonder if You’re more wet behind that screen of Yours.” His lengthy digits play with your clit before slowly entering themselves inside of your wet pussy and curling them, meeting a sensitive spot that causes you to moan.
You tightened around him as he continued with his advances, thrusting his fingers in a slow pace until he was ramming them into you. He inserts a third finger in and you feel so full, so good.
“I bet I pleasure you better than You do for Yourself.” Diluc unbuttoned your blouse, revealing your pair of breasts that he snuggled into. “I think you’re ready for me. I can see You getting impatient for me to fuck this so-called you.”
You couldn’t think of him as a dirty-talker of all the Genshin Men You’ve read about. “I know You don’t, I just think You like it that way. If You want me to stop, I can.”
“N-no, please continue, Diluc.”
“As I figured,” he smirked as he unbuckled his pants with one hand. “This might hurt, not like You’ll actually feel me entering inside You. You could only wish.”
Yeah You wish You could, but instead, you’re reading NSFW fanworks of fictional men that You wish to be fucked with but never got laid because of it. Deciding to just fuck yourself at the thought of them while reading multiple works from other people from Ao3 and Tumblr. Grinding or fingering would never suffice.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick with you. Each part has to be short because the author seems to be lazy right now except when it comes to writing ‘Childe’.” he scoffs, hopefully he’s Your favorite out of all the guys. You read him more than the others, right?
Your sounds were muffled from his lips connecting yours, his cock entering inside of your tight pussy. He groans and tries to grind upwards to get deeper into you. His dick curved upwards to hit all the right places you didn’t know were there. “Archons, you’re so fucking tight.. You must feel good despite me not actually being there, right?”
Diluc was practically fucking you onto the counter, your hips most likely will have stretch marks if he continues to grow rougher with your body. Your moans echoed inside of the empty bar, the piece of furniture you were laying on started creaking the faster Diluc thrusted.
“You must be great at imagining things, especially when it comes to smut scenes, huh? What a dirty girl.” he breathes out, you clenched around him from what he said. Your whole body was shaking the closer you got to the edge. You tried to tell Diluc you were about to come through slurred words but couldn’t from his mouth still kissing yours.
“How lonely must it be to have no one to satisfy Your sexual needs and desires that you go searching for it around the internet?” he mocks, caressing your thighs with his free hand and the other holding your waist tightly to keep you still as he plunges his cock over and over again.
“You close, baby?” he pulls away from the kiss, seeing a string of saliva connect the two of your lips. You only nodded with a heated face, most likely from the alcohol you consumed and the session you guys were in.
“Make sure You come at the same time she comes, or else, I’ll be disappointed and start a second round. But knowing You, You’ll very much like that.” he slips his cock out before plunging it back in, making you wail in pleasure.
With just a few rough thrusts, you started spasming on his cock, instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck as he continued rolling his hips into yours. Diluc groans as he pours his seed inside of you, twitching a bit from how you milk his cock dry.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” he shudders, pulling himself out to see your hole dripping with his seed. “Wish I actually filled You up to the brim though. You’ll look so pretty fucked out of Your mind by some non-existent dickening.”
You whimpered at his words but he brought you comfort by cradling you in his arms and hanging his jacket around your shoulders. “There, there. That was only to bring Her craving for more and read another one of those fanfictions after this.”
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“What do we have here? Another one of You reading dirty fanworks of me? It’s not rare seeing you guys barge in, begging to be fucked without actually saying it. Though I must say, You’re my favorite out of all the readers.” your roommate walks in, catching you in the act before you could close the tab of your computer.
You chuckled nervously as he walked closer, caging you in his arms. “Don’t get jumpy now. It’s exciting seeing that I can finally let You know that I know what You’re doing when searching through multiple NSFW works from other people. Especially when they include me in it.”
He loved seeing you get flustered right in front of him. The small but obvious uptight smile you have on your face shows how excited you are with how he’s gonna advance. I mean, You did read this post just to get railed by fictional characters who aren’t even there, so why act so oblivious about it?
“Let’s start with you stripping for me, You must be struggling with all those pent-up frustrations and I’m more than happy to help out.” he begins to take off his jacket slowly, smirking seductively as you watch him discard his clothing.
“Like what you see? Who am I kidding? Of course you do.” he chuckles at your eyes, eating up the view in front of you before snapping out of your daze. “I don’t mind you staring at all. In fact, I actually like the way You admire me.”
Once his clothes were on the ground, he sat down on the office chair you were sitting, making you straddle his lap with your hands on his shoulders. You can already feel him pulling you down to grind on his clothed cock.
“I know how needy you are for me. You just wanna get straight into it, don’t You?” he tilts your chin up, his lips meeting yours as his arms wrap around your waist. Kaeya’s hand meets the back of your head to deepen your lips together, both of your bodies were so flushed that you can feel his hard-on so well.
“Be a good girl and take off your clothes.” You let out a coy sigh before doing what he says. He helps you out as he himself is impatient and desperate. When discarding the last piece of clothing on the floor, he idolizes your body before snuggling his face in your neck, biting on the skin and sucking it sweetly like nectar.
“You’re so beautiful for me.” he caresses your face before bringing them down to massage your cunt that’s already wet from the so-called foreplay. “Gosh, I might wanna fuck you right now.” he groans as his hands get stained from your wetness.
“Then do it.” you heave with a small grin, he chuckles and looks at you with his eyes hooded with lust. 
“You’re really challenging me, huh?”
“What if I am?”
“You’re bold. I love it.” he smirks, unbuckling his pants in one move along with taking his underwear off. His curved cock slapped his abdomen, you whimpered seeing at the sight of it. “Don’t worry, it’ll feel good. Much better than grinding or fingering Yourself while You read those naughty works of fiction.”
You shrugged, feeling embarrassed. But it looked like he wasn’t bothered by such a thing. “Get ready, baby. You’ll wish You were actually getting fucked by me than just imagining it in that mind of Yours. It’s amazing what the human mind can do. The brain itself didn’t know it was used to being fantasized getting railed by a fictional character.”
He lets out a satisfied thrum as he lowers your hips, feeling your wetness coating the tip of his cock before staining his whole length with him filling you to the brim. “God- You gotta admit- It feels tiring going through different NSFW accounts to search through their masterlist for any fanworks of me.”
You pant as he started pumping into you almost instantly. His thrusts were accompanied with loud slaps as he grew deeper into you. The chair would’ve almost fallen down if it wasn’t being supported by your bed. To be honest, why didn’t the both of you just do it on the bed instead? You worry for the author’s choices in this work of fiction.
You let out pleasurable soughs and tighten around his dick as he began going rougher with your body. Your pussy was spasming around him each time his tip hit your g-spot. God, it felt like you were in heaven except You actually weren’t. You’re just sitting around your house reading whatever thirsty fanfictions You can find and he knows that.
You tried catching your breath with each pant you took, Kaeya was practically fucking the air out of your lungs from how hard and rough he is. “You feel so fucking good, I swear I might fuck you ‘til dawn right now- But knowing You, You’ll definitely like the idea of having multiple rounds since You’re so pent-up You can’t suffice with one.”
You whined as he pulled his cock out of your pussy before plunging back in, making you ululate into his ear. Kaeya loved every sound you made, it just had his blood rushing in his dick again from how cute you are.
“Your moans are so angelic. You’re basically whoring out for my cock right now.” he chuckles at your hot and bothered state, you looked absolute fucked out of your mind, just like how he wanted and expected.
“I wonder what you’ll sound like when I’m done with you. But from what I know, You always stay quiet and act unfazed when reading these naughty fanfictions, right? You don’t wanna get caught being a dirty girl by other people when they see You reading these.” Kaeya simpers, he likes calling You out. Showing how much of a whore You are for him and other fictional men that he secretly despises.
You let out babbled words that even he can’t comprehend because he reads along with You to understand what he’s supposed to do.
That aside, he’s more focused on reaching his high with you. Desperate to fill your pussy up to the brim with his seed. Just imagining it got him more motivated. “Hold on tight, princess. Gonna fuck you ‘til you can’t take it anymore. Which is probably never seeing that You never get tired of reading smut fanfictions.”
He grabs your ass tightly and gives it a slap before holding your hand in his and giving it loving kisses. Kaeya’s thrusts were relentless and rough as ever, your body was quivering and sweating. You continuously bounce on his cock until you fall on him with uneven breaths.
You stared at nothing as Kaeya threw his head back, groaning out loud as he twitched and came inside of you. Your sight was blurry from tears and your sudden orgasm. You were calming down a bit and felt tired until Kaeya started thrusting upwards again, making you let out a stuttered moan.
“Like I said, I’m not stopping until you can’t take it. To be honest, You can’t read the rest of this because this is the end. I feel sorry if You still feel pent-up, just wait a little longer and hunt the ‘Kaeya Smut’ tag for new works. I promise it’s worth it, princess.”
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© wiltedivinity 2024. reposting, plagiarizing, translating, claiming authorship or any form of unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. legal action may be taken against violators.
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circeyoru · 3 months
Suddenly I had an idea for the series unwanted soul (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
what would happen if the reader encountered cursed cat Alastor and saved it the same way they saved Alastor. The cat will cling to the reader and will bite anyone who tries to get close, including Alastor him self <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
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Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}.
OMG!!! That's a good doodle!!!! I like calling it Bambi. (it's not like Alastor knows what Bambi means, am I right?)
Okay. 2 ways this can go. Before and after Alastor's save that you found Bambi.
If it was before finding and saving Alastor.
You would get attached to it quick. And you saved it too? It's attrached to you. The creature was something of an odd cat to you because it had the ears and tail of a deer, so you had to call it Bambi. Yup. There's nothing against you distanting yourself from animals, they were something you like when you were alive. But you never had a cat before and want one. So this was the perfect opportunity! You got it healed up quick with your powers and gave it a nice home or hospitality for a while. When it was all healed up, you opened the door and asked if it wanted to leave. You watched with bated breath as Bambi took slow steps to the opening of the door. It paused and stared at you, you thought it was saying goodbye so you waved bye to it. Then it somehow managed to close the door shut and cling to you after scaling you like a cat post. "I guess means you're staying, Bambi!" Then Alastor enters your life. You save him the same, but Alastor got annoyed when there's a cat version of himself in your care. His fixation on you was even faster and stronger when there's Bambi around you. Even worse when you showed it more affection than Alastor himself and the cat was taunting Alastor all the time.
If it was after finding and saving Alastor.
The meeting was a bit funny. There was a weird sense of deja vu when you saved the cat thing. You thought it was Alastor trying to get your attention again but in a cat form. So you picked it up and gave it a weaker healing so it wasn't dying on you. "Come on, Alastor, let's get you home." You got home and set Alastor into the sink, washing off the semi-dry blood on it. You mutter and scolded it, still thinking that it was Alastor. When the front door opened and closed, then there were quick footsteps to where you were, you got confused real quick. Turning around, you saw Alastor. "Dear! Why did you leave without me!? What if some lowly demons were preying on you?! What would I— What is that?" "I thought this was you." You blinked twice, looking at the cat in your sink. "Guess it wasn't?" Alastor was against you keeping the thing, even offended when you named it Bambi. Why does it have a cute name that doesn't match its disgusting appearance? (the pot calling the kettle black....) He was fighting for your attention already, now he has to share? No!
No matter the cases, in the end, Alastor and Bambi set aside when it comes to protecting you and making you happy. Their personalities are the same, just different forms. Their obsession is the same, you.
But when it comes to fighting for your attention and affection. All's fair in love and war.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
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hii anon, accidentally posted it first without finish it (just had two lines) so here it goes again, I hope you like it
being pregnant with Ethan's baby
just like the last one, there's no ghostface in this
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You and Ethan knew each other due to you being best friend with his sister Quinn
Thanks to that you use to spend a lot of time on the Bailey household
Even if you were there for Quinn, Ethan and you often shared some glances that ended up in the boy with his face red
Soon the glances between each other started to be more flirtatious
Quinn found that gross
When it was time to move to university, the three of you ended up in Balckmore University in New York
Wanting to be roomies, you and Quinn ended up sharing an appartment with the Carpenter sisters, while Ethan went to the dorms ended up being Chad's roomie, which was friend with the sisters
Things continued to be the usual between you and Ethan with the flirtatious glances and some casual touches
Certainly, everyone in the group noticed the sparks between Ethan and you, but Chad was the most annoyed by that
"Dude, you have to move real quick before she finds someone", Chad exclaimed while walking around campus
"She is my sister's best friend", Ethan responded, "Quinn will kill me if she find out I'm hitting on her best friend"
"You're overreacting"
"One time when we were eight years old I accidentally eat her popsicle, and you know what she did? She decapitaded almost all my action figures"
"That's scary, but you still have to try"
Still a little scared, Ethan decided to listen to Chad's advice
So he started to talk to you a little more, which made you happy because you kinda like him
Things continued like that, until the night of a themed frat party came
Of course the theme had to be only underwear
(A/N: the idea came from The Sex Lives of the College Girls, i love that series)
That night you decided to wear a baby blue lace lingerie set with a black robe on top
During the whole night, Ethan and you spend it together talking and sharing drinks, even kissing at some point
Due to being a little drunk, both of you decided to look for a little more intimate space, so without saying anything to the others, the two of you went upstairs finding an empty room
Of course, the inevitable happened, Ethan was no longer a virgin
The next weeks, everything went their normal way, but you and Ethan continue to see each other without Quinn's knowledge
Until you started to feel sick
At first, you thought it was for something you ate during a dinner with the whole friend group
But Quinn had another theory
"Quinn, what is this?", you asked after she threw a pharmacy bag in your bed
"I know for a fact that you aren't sick for the food of the past week", Quinn started, "And that you've been fucking with some mysterious guy for the last weeks, and that your period is late, this bag is full of pregnancy tests"
"Oh my God!", you exclaimed hiding your face on your hands, "Are you serious?"
"Totally", Quinn nodded, "And I won't leave you until you take all of the five test"
Sighing in defeat you took the paper bag to start walking to the shared bathroom, feeling a little nervous because the only person you had sex in the last weeks was Ethan
With Quinn following you, both of you entered the bathroom where after fifteen minutes, the results came
It was positive
"I'm pregnant", you murmured in disbelief
"You're pregnant", Quinn nodded, "Who is the father?"
"You are going to kill me"
"I won't, just tell me"
"Fine, is someone from our group"
"Well, Chad isn't because he's head over heels with Tara, and the other boy is...motherfucker"
In a second, Quinn bursted out of the bathroom in the direction of the living room where the group was, with you following close
"You are the worst brother ever!", Quinn exclaimed scaring everyone, mostly Ethan, "Not only you have been fucking my best friend for weeks, you've got her pregnant! I'm going to fucking kill you!"
After finishing that sentence, everything went silent in the appartment due to the shock of the sudden news, still shocked, Ethan turned to look at you with questioning in his eyes asking if it was real, at what you responded nodding with your head
After half an hour of Quinn chasing Ethan around the appartment with Sam and Chad trying to stop her, and you being consoled by Mindy, Anika and Tara, things calmed down
While the others tried to calm Quinn, you and Ethan locked in your room to talk about the situation, and after an hour of talking both of you decided to keep the baby
Telling the decision to the others was easy because of what happened earlier, Quinn, who was a little upset for all the revelations simply went to lock herself in her room, which made you a little sad because she was your best friend
That same weekend, you and Ethan went to tell his dad the news, arriving at the police station where he worked, both of you waited for a while until Wayne let you go to his office
"So, what do you bring two you here?", Wayne asked organizing some papers, "It's weird not seeing Quinn with you"
"She's kinda mad at us right now", you responded a little nervous
"Don't tell me you are dating?", Wayne asked with enthusiasm, "She shouldn't be mad at that, this is good"
"There's actually more than that", Ethan spoke slightly trembling, "Y/N is pregnant"
Hearing that sentence, Wayne sighed sitting in his chair and covering his face with his hands
"What are you going to do with the baby?", Wayne asked after a few seconds
"We decided to keep it", you answered
"In that case, Ethan you'll start working here with me on the weekends to have money when the baby comes, I'll talk to Quinn later about her attitude, have you told your parents about this?"
"Not yet", you sighed
"You have to do it soon", Wayne said
Because of your parents spend time traveling now that you were in college, the only way to contact them was by a videocall, telling them the news about the pregancy weren't good for them, their response to that, was telling you that they were dissapointed with you and that they didn't wanted to see you again, leaving you with a week to take your things out of their house
After finishing that call, you cried all the afternoon while being held by Ethan in your room
That same weekend, you along with Ethan, Tara, Chad and Mindy went to your house were you packed almost all of your things (and slightly influenced by Tara, you took some of the money your parents kept in their safe box)
One thing that happened during the next week, was that Quinn appeared in your room
"Hi", Quinn greeted standing in your doorway
"Hey", you responded folding some clothes while sitting in your bed
"I heard about your parents, I'm sorry"
"Yeah, they were shitty sometimes, but at least I took some of their money when I went to take my things"
"That was badass", Quinn smiled entering to your room taking a sit in your desk chair, "And I want to say sorry about my reaction when I knew about the pregnancy and your relationship with my brother, it was wrong for me to ignore you for days, like we are best friends and this is such an important moment in your life, and I acted like a bitch, I'm really fucking sorry and I hope you can forgive me for that"
"I agree, you acted like a total bitch, but your reaction was understandable, we should've tell you the moment we started", you said
"So, now that we make things up, can I ask when this whole thing started?"
"Remember that only underwear party, the one you didn't attend because you had a date with the guy from political sciences?"
"He was from law, but yes, I suggested you to wear that cute blue set", Quinn nodded but then she closed her in eyes, "Did you two fuck in that party?"
"Yes", you answered fearing for her reaction
"If you excuse me, I'm going to puck", Quinn said standing up to walk to the door
Now that things were good with your best friend, you were more calmed
While Ethan started to work at the police station with his dad on the weekends, you decided to work from home using some of your graphic design knowledge for some small bussiness
When the second thrimester started, everyone slowly started to bring small things for the baby
Ethan also started to live in the appartment with you so that way he could be with you and the baby
Chad was sad for his roomie leaving
Morning sickness and the vomit were the worst symptomes of all, which leave you sleepy during part of the day
And since you couldn't drink coffee, you started to drink iced chai tea with caramel
So, everyday before college, you and Ethan would go to the college cafeteria for drinks and snacks
And if he couldn't, someone from the group would go with you, even sometimes all the group would go
When the time to know the gender of the baby came, you and Ethan entered the consultory, while Wayne and Quinn waited outside
It was a boy
From the moment everyone knew the gender of the baby, things were started to be bought for the moment the baby came
Quinn was the most excited of all for having a nephew to spoil, and soon that excitement was extended to everyone
Soon, the room that was only yours at first, then shared with Ethan, it was now filled with baby stuff
Also, some parts of the apartment were filled, like the kitchen with the formula and the baby bottles, the living room with some baby entertainment stuff, etc
While sleeping you used a special pregnancy pillow for your comfort, Ethan liked to sleep with his head next to your growing belly and circle your waist while one of your hands were tangled in his curly hair
Entering the third thrimester, things started to be a little chaotic because of the stress of the soon arriving
Most of all, making the apartment baby proof, even if it was to be a new born
Little by little the rest of the group started to move to the apartment, first was Chad with the excuse that he missed his roomie, and then it was Mindy and Anika saying that they wanted to be there in case of a sudden birth
Towards the last two months, Wayne started to spend part of his time in the apartment because he knew the baby will be born soon
At first the friend group was a little scared to have a police detective in their apartment, but after he started to tell embarrasing stories about Quinn and Ethan childhood, everyone was more relaxed
Except them
Honestly, you were relaxed, even if the due date was arriving soon, that's why during the spring break, instead of going to a travel like most of the students would do, the whole group organized a small lunch in the apartment like a late baby shower
"I miss eating sushi", you commented sitting at the table
"Just three more weeks", Mindy said, "After the baby is here you can eat all the sushi you want"
"That sounds beautiful", you exclaimed
"We'll have a sushi marathon", Quinn spoke
"So, my grandchild is arriving soon", Wayne said, "Have you chosen a name?"
"Not yet", Ethan mumbled
That answer left everyone shocked because the baby was arriving in less than a month
"You're kidding", Tara stated
"Actually not", you laughed nervously, "I mean, we've thought of some names, but we haven't decided"
"Dude, the baby is about to come out of you any time now, and you don't have a name yet?", Mindy exclaimed
That small chat sparkled a small discussion between everyone about the lack of the baby's name that lasted for a few minutes until you felt some pain in your belly, causing everyone to stop arguing to look at you
"What's wrong? Are you alright?", Ethan asked with urgency
"I think this are the contractions that the doctor mentioned in the last appointment", you responded taking strongly his arm
Hearing that sentence, caused a comotion in the appartment in which everyone started to panic for a little bit, until Wayne decided to go down and prepare the police car to go to the hospital, while you were coming down to the first floor with Ethan and Chad help, with Quinn behind carring the bag for you and for the baby
Once that you, Ethan and Quinn were in the car, Wayne started the road to the hospital
Thanks to be in a police car with the light and sound on, you were on the hospital in a record time, so they quickly put you in a hospital room to prepare you
During the next hours, you spend it having contractions, sleeping, eating and distracting yourself thanks to the rest of the group who arrived an hour after you
The next day, early in the morning, you started with the labour with Ethan and Quinn by your side while the others stayed outside waiting
For the next two hours, the only things that could be heard were your screams and the instructions from the nurses
"I can see the head", your main doctor exclaimed, "Keep pushing, Y/N, you're doing amazing"
Feeling a little curious, Ethan aproached the space between your legs to see what the doctor said, passing out the moment he saw the scene
"Did he just pass out?", Quinn asked in shock
"Fucking idiot", you murmured watching how some nurses dragged him to a corner
Fortunately, he was awake in a few minutes, but he didn't dare to look at that again
By eleven o'clock, your baby boy was born, and hearing his small cries made you and Ethan cry in happiness, while Quinn just hugged you and messed up with her brothers hair
After they cleaned him, they put him in your chest, noticing some curls in his head
Seeing your baby boy finally in your arms, Ethan and you looked at each other deciding what of the many names that both of you discussed will be, Anthony Bailey
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drchucktingle · 11 months
Is there a reason you didn't include an acknowledgements section in Camp Damascus?
yes actually, as man name of chuck i have spent a lot of time FINDING MY IDENTITY through masking and unmasking. in early days there were many more layers hiding me away and it took a while for me to understand WHY. over the last ten years buckaroos have very much seen me find myself through art, accepting and talking about my sexuality, neurodivergence, and gender.
there is ALWAYS a layer to protect my privacy, and to allow myself room for POETRY. example i like to give is that if i post 'i pet a dog today' i might have actually pet a cat, but everything i say is true is some sense. in the early days that truth was stretched farther because even i did not quite understand it my dang self, and it has been my journey to strip away as much of this mask as possible (sometimes called removing my skin) and BECOME MYSELF on this timeline (which is something i have always talked about)
if you have been following chuck for the last decade you will see my older posts were much more abstract and difficult to parse, they reference themes that i have since come to terms with, and this journey to find myself is WHY i have been able to do this. some could say it was the journey of a reverse twin adapting to their new timeline, others could say it was the journey of a neurodivergent artist allowing themselves the freedom to find a healthy expression and conquer their chronic pain from constant neurotypical masking.
FOR INSTANCE this is why i am wearing buckaroo suits on tour now, an outfit that is more true to the INNER ME. i used to answer interview questions with metaphor and now i just answer, only hiding certain details when i need to. i talk less about figures in my life back in billings who were REAL IDEAS and PARTS OF MYSELF but sometimes not flesh and blood or ghostly buckaroos. this is my trot, and this is why i am so strongly against gatekeepers in the buckaroo community. i have been becoming myself long before i knew what that meant.
so when it came time for acknowledgments i realized i would have to acknowledge buckaroos who helped along the way but also ABSTRACT IDEAS who helped along the way, symbols and themes that i have since decided i wanted to leave behind. it was important to me to create a new era of my expression where those abstract layers are respected but also stripped away. i have to respect the inner truth i am trying to cultivate, for way of my mental health and also my physical health.
so i DID write out acknowledgments and sent them to my buckaroos privately, then i said please do not include this in the public book. these days i want to hide behind as few layers as possible, that is my artistic journey now. buckaroos were very respectful and supportive.
very quick before we finish, there was one other small and important reason. i am so sincere ALL the dang time it is kind of my natural state to get very emotional and thankful, that i kinda thought 'i am going to give myself space here to NOT stress out over this for once'. i am constantly thinking about acknowledging others and i LOVE this part of my trot, but doing it in a way that is so defined and specific and maybe even performative (gotta write your acknowledgments now bud. HAVE to do it) felt at odds with my inner way.
anyway thank you for this very good question what a dang treat to talk about this detail and how much it means to me to find truth in my inner trot.
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the-modern-typewriter · 8 months
You're writing is amazing!! <3 If possible, is it alright to do something focusing on an embarrassed/shy sidekick that got injured in battle, and has to let the (flirty) hero tend to their wounds/wash hair/feed them because of how weak they are at the moment? Bonus points for a very touch starved sidekick, and some tension.
"Sit down."
"It's fine, I can-"
"Sit." The hero met their eyes. "What sort of mentor would I be without giving you the appropriate post-battle aftercare?"
"You don't have to phrase it like that," the sidekick mumbled. They did sit, though.
"What?" The hero grinned, opening up the first aid kit. "Aftercare?"
The sidekick looked down, horribly aware of the heat radiating off their face.
The hero laughed quietly; warm and fond.
"The injuries aren't that bad," the sidekick said. "I'm just tired." So very, very tired. Their limbs felt like melted marshmallows; pitiful goop.
"Mm, no wonder. You were very impressive out there."
"Just doing my job." They shivered as the hero began to make quick work tending to their minor wounds, touch warm and strong and confident. They tried not to lilt into it. They blamed the exhaustion in the fact that they did.
"And now I'm just doing mine, hotshot."
The hero pressed closer, shifting so that they could take the sidekick's weight. They stroked their fingers, entirely unnecessarily, entirely lovely, through the sidekick's hair.
The sidekick's eyes fluttered closed. A small, embarrassingly needy sound left them. "S-sorry."
"Don't be. You're sweet."
"I'm useless like this."
"I think it's adorable." The hero placed the last plaster over a cut on the sidekick's temple. "You never let me look after you normally. I like it."
"Well, I'm supposed to be supporting you...."
The hero pressed a kiss to the sidekick's temple.
The sidekick's eyes, for all of their tiredness, snapped open. They glanced up at the hero.
The hero smiled again. "Kissing it better. Did it help?"
The blush returned full force. "You're ridiculous."
"I could kiss the rest of them too. Just one might be a fluke. It's not scientific."
"So stupid." The sidekick covered their burning face with their hands.
"So cute."
"Don't tease me." It was another mumble; torn between the delicious squirming feeling that the teasing left in them and the sheer horror of it, that the hero might be mocking them.
They didn't think the hero was mocking them, though. They weren't the sort. Did they flirt with possibly everything? Yes. Were they unkind? No. But that didn't make it real. That didn't make the desperate rise of hope in the hero's chest any easier to bear.
"You are cute." The hero did a last check over the scrapes and scratches, before moving. They pulled the sidekick up into their arms, cradling them like they weighed nothing. "My cute little absolute devastation of a powerhouse."
"It was nothing." The sidekick clutched hold, stomach swooping.
"You saved my life."
"You save them. I save you. It's nothing."
"Hey." Some of the flirting dropped. The hero waited for the sidekick to meet their eyes. "It's not nothing. Thank you."
The sidekick swallowed, but managed a nod.
The hero carried them through to the spare bedroom, and for all of the sidekick's flittering nerves, they were half-asleep by the time they arrived. Sapped of strength and energy. It made it easy to go along with the hero for once, to let them tuck the sidekick beneath the sheets.
The world felt lulled.
The hero caressed their cheek, taking another moment to study them, gaze intent.
The sidekick slid theirs away, breath catching.
"I'm not teasing you," the hero said, softly. "I'm quite genuine in everything I've said or done. I wouldn't tease you. Not like that anyway."
"Get some rest, hotshot. Good job today. I'll be in the other room if you need anything."
The sidekick wanted to stay awake. They wanted to tug at the string of the hero's earnestness, whatever the hell it all meant. Their eyes were already closing again, the room tunnelled at the corners.
Their last act was to reach out, woozy and weak, and take the hero's hand. It felt like the bravest thing they'd ever done. Far bolder than that day's fight.
The hero stopped. They mattress dipped with their weight.
"Okay," they said, stroking their thumb over the sidekick's knuckles. "I'll be here."
And, even when the sidekick woke up hours later, they were.
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z3rinn · 10 months
featuring : leona kingscholar and malleus draconia !! fun fact! Ever since you bid Malleus or Leona goodnight, they literally can’t sleep without you saying it.
aaaaa I'm sorry for not posting in so long!! but I hope you all enjoy ! mwah !
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Everyone knows that the second prince of the savanna loves to sleep. Everyone knows he'd drop anything he deemed unimportant just for a quick nap. But nowadays he found it harder to sleep than usual. The prince couldn't even figure out why. Maybe it was because all these Herbivores were annoying him. Or maybe it was because Jack was following him around.
So here he lays, in the middle of the botanical gardens. His thoughts completely consumed by one thought- and one thought alone. You.
He wouldn't admit it- but deep below Leona knew it was you who was the problem. It was all your fault. You were the whole reason he couldn't fall asleep. And it was all because you bid him goodnight.
It was on a day just like this. A perfect evening for napping. A perfect evening to sleep with his Herbivore. Leona rested his head on your lap, eyes closed as you nonchalantly ran your fingers thru his hair. "Yknow I gotta go right? I'm gonna miss class- with no excuse. Do you know how mad Riddle would get?" You sighed, looking down to the lion unimpressed.
He just dragged you out to the gardens. Making the both of you late for class. It wasn't even the first time he did it. And you doubted it would be the last. Leona just rolled his eyes at your comment, soon closing them as he shifted around. "Shut up. Riddle's not even your housewarden. And you can miss one class."
You groaned, throwing your head back against a flower pot. Your hands tugged at his hair causing him to hiss.
A small, mischievous smile formed on your lips as you looked down at him. "Oh Leona- what if I just leave real quick... and then later on today I'll come visit you in your room and we can chill there. Or you could come to Ramshackle if you want?" Your hands ran down the side of his cheek, a soft hum leaving your lips. "And then you can lay on me allll you want."
Leona tched, "No. That's too bothersome. I'd rather be sleeping at night."
"Uh- bro so would I??"
Leona narrowed his eyes at you. "What did you just call me!?"
You hummed, slumping further. "Oh nothing."
It was silent for a moment, and it was right before Leona fell back asleep when you spoke. "Goodnight, you little Lion." Before grabbing one of his braids and pressing a kiss to it.
The Lion's eyes opened wide, his eyes immediately falling to yours. He could feel his body gaining heat, freezing in place as he flushed. That was when you smiled and stood up. Leaving him on the floor, dazed, and confused.
Ugh. This was all your fault.
A heatwave rushed across Night Raven College, hot and annoying. Heatwaves were common yes, but in winter? Well that was something completely different. The sudden change in temperature confused many, winter had just begun- why would heat of all thing suddenly consume the island? Only a few people knew of what caused this, or rather who.
It was none other than a prince, the prince of briar valley, a prince who had just been hit by the effects of love.
It was another late night at Ramshackle when the incident occurred. Another late night where the fireflies gleamed in the dark. Another night where you and Malleus could walk, feeling the breeze across your skin as you walked side by side. It was nights like those where you could just walk silently, basking in each other’s warmth as you shielded from the cold.
It was a night where no words were spoken, yet the fae prince had no trouble with that. He quite enjoyed these quiet nights together. No one bothering him, no one following him around, “guarding.” It was but a perfect night. Him and his child of man together.
However, he knew that these nights couldn't last forever.
You walked just slightly ahead of him, towards the patio of Ramshackle. Malleus listened as you crunched your feet against the leaves on the floor.
"This was fun," You spoke softly, giving the dragon a light smile, "I should go now though, before Grim gets hungry."
He smiled, "All right, shall we meet again tomorrow?"
Your smile grew, "Of course, I'll see you then?"
Fireflies swarmed the fae, signaling he was about to leave. "Very well, then I shall take my-"
"Ah! Wait, before you go!" You ran down the steps of the building, stopping right in front of Malleus. You had a sly smile on your face as you leaned closer into him. Before the prince could question you, a small kiss was pressed against his cheek.
He felt your lips on his soft cheek, gently pressing down into his face. He could feel his face slightly flush but just as it began, you suddenly pulled away from him.
You gazed into his eyes as you leaned away, that smile on your face growing tenfold due to his surprised expression. "Goodnight, Tsunotarou." And just as you came, you left. Leaving him alone and confused. And with dreams for days.
Malleus lied alone on his bed, holding a pillow to his chest, his face flushed. Thoughts of you and him consumed his mind. What did this mean? Where you trying to court him? Did you want to start planning for your future together?
All of his feelings and emotions poured out as he sighed into his pillow. Only for it to cause yet another wave of heat to rush across the school. It was honestly a surprise no one (Lilia) hadn't yet talked to him....
He wasnt quite sure what these feelings were yet.
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mistyacorn · 1 year
you remind me of the main protagonist
sypnosis; dan heng and his odd way of saying “hey, i think i like you”
pairing(s); dan heng + fem! reader ⟿ featuring; pure fluff, really blank and super indirect dan heng, reader is compared to a female character (hence, fem! reader)
a/n; this was such a random write lol. im so sorry that it’s a bit of a mess, im still working on more clear storylines heheh . i hope it’s still enjoyable! ૮(ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡ also i made beauty and the beast a canon fairytale here pffft u neva know
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⇢ DAN HENG is the type that literally nobody expects to like anybody, and therefore neither do you.
⇢ you’d probably even think that he dislikes you because whenever it’s just the two of you he never says a word. he’s dead silent. he only ever nods or gestures and barely looks you in the eye.
⇢ occasionally you’d get slightly jealous of how he speaks whenever march is with you guys (even though they always end up fighting verbally, it’s still talking!)
⇢ so you eventually take it as a ‘hint’ and try your best to move on.
⇢ though let’s be real, it’s not easy to move on from a crush if you see him almost everyday. especially when he has the most perfect emerald eyes and soft black hair….
⇢ one day, you’re in your room on the astral express and you’ve just finished the book you had borrowed from the express library recently.
⇢ you did borrow it without telling anyone though, so it kinda felt like you stole it haha…
⇢ but you definitely did not want to annoy dan heng with your request so stealing borrowing seemed like the best option.
⇢ you decide to head over to his room, hoping to secretly drop the book and go.
⇢ thankfully the boy is not in the room when you get there (which is super rare, go you!). you tiptoe as carefully as you can towards the bookshelf.
⇢ you quickly find the correct slot and insert the book.
⇢ just as you think you’ve accomplished your mission, you turn around and-
⇢ at the door stands dan heng, staring at you nonchalantly (as per usual). “hi.”
⇢ his sudden appearance immediately causes you to begin a five minute long explanation about how you got there. (yes, five minutes. idk how but you drag it on and on) its mostly bullshit you’re spitting out.
⇢ “…pom pom told me that there was this super cool book…. I just had to read it of course …..and it was really cool yeah yeah ….um about robots and science and…stuff….”
⇢ does pom pom even read?? you didn’t know!
⇢ and you definitely don’t notice amidst your frantic stories, but dan heng listens to you attentively in amusement. he actually has the smallest grin on his face, very well knowing you are making everything up.
⇢ to put it simply, he finds it endearing. he’s almost in a trance, just listening to you talk and talk and talk…
⇢ after you finish your story time, he snaps out of it quick enough for you to not notice anything.
⇢ and you bow repeatedly in embarrassment before dashing out of the room.
⇢ the following day, dan heng suddenly gives you a book out of nowhere. today, his signature cold face seems slightly nervous instead, but you don’t pay attention.
⇢ you see that the book is a fairytale, one that is right up your alley!
⇢ ‘Beauty and the Beast’.
⇢ you open the book to see a post-it note on the first page, with neat handwriting on it;
‘y/n, I saw you liked fairytales and the fantasy genre. I do not. But I stumbled across this book yesterday, and I remember reading the first three chapters sometime when I was younger. It seems like something you’ll like. The main protagonist reminds me of you. I hope you’ll like it.’
⇢ your face is red hot as you read his note. he wrote to you. he thinks of you. he said you reminded him of a princess. (what the fvck.)
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⇢ and secretly behind the scenes, dan heng is not as calm and collected as he seems.
⇢ after you put away the book and left that day, he took note of the book you had returned. fairytale…fantasy…
⇢ dan heng immediately started to think hard about any fantasy books he had read in his life. hours and hours of struggling later (he never reads fantasy, it’s too unrealistic for him), he finally remembers one.
⇢ he’d read the first few chapters of it before, and he remembers the main character all too clearly. she reminded him so much of you, yet he didn’t know why.
⇢ (truthfully, it was definitely because she was his first ever fictional crush. and now you were…… but he was never going to admit that to himself.)
⇢ he spends his night searching around the archives. 2am the next morning, he finds it.
⇢ dan heng goes to bed that night, heart thumping faster than usual, because now he realises just how much he likes you.
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© mistyacorn do not plagiarize or repost please, just enjoy it ykwim
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anadiasmount · 7 months
of course it’s real - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: what happens when he suddenly shows up on your doorstep? could be a leap of reconciliation or something completely different?
wc: 3.5k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
➡️ part one: is this real?
psa 🗣️: this is part two to the long-awaited is this real fic! this a +18 post, so minors dni as it contains fingering, and unprotected sex 🔞. just a small bit of smut since someone requested in the fic! hope you enjoy 🤍 once again, contains mature content for 18+!
“Hi… Uh- sure come in,” you stammered, your heart beating out your chest quickly. It came as a shock to you that he was standing there, after weeks and months of not seeing him. Why was he here? Did he come to ask for something back? Jude felt the same way, pulse rate quicker than before he knocked on your brown door, before seeing you dressed up fancy. He was followed by Duke, who quickly came into Jude’s embrace, kissing Jude’s cheek, and wagging his tail. 
“You know you can’t be here right?” you ask, crossing your arms against your chest. “Who says that?” Jude retorts, standing back up and fiddling with his pants. “Well, you just finished with your club, now going into the International break. Shouldn’t you be at camp instead of here?” you question, walking to retrieve your bag and shoes. 
“Going somewhere?” Jude said, a protective maybe jealous tone undermining the tone from before. He was curious, maybe small taken at back because of how stunning you looked. It reminded him when the two of you were together and went out on date nights. Holding hands, sharing kisses, hugs, and nights of passionate sex. The memory of him gifting you a necklace with his initial to you popping into his head.
All he could come up with now is either you going on a date or attending an important event. “Yeah, I was invited to an art show so I'm headed there with friends for the evening,” you offer a small smile, to which Jude cheered on the inside.  So you couldn't be dating again, or have moved on right? “My friend Giovan is waiting Jude… I don’t want it to seem like I'm kicking you out but I have somewhere to be.”
Giovan? Who the fuck was that? Jude thought. “I wanted to talk to you about us.” 
“What do you mean? We ended a while ago…” you reply, not failing to notice Jude wincing at your words. A small frown on his face, brows drawn in and him biting the inside of his cheek. “Please… I just want you to hear me out. We can go on from there… I really miss you ba- Y/n…” 
You felt your heart tighten and beat faster. A pang of hurt and betrayal took over you, and all you wanted was to now stay in as old memories resurfaced of your healing stage. Refusing to go out, the routine you built, constantly blaming yourself for not being enough, you weren't trusting Jude’s words anymore. 
“Uh-” you shook your head and laughed trying to hold back tears. If you would have heard this the day you broke up or even a couple of days after, you would have gladly accepted him back. Maybe you could've been in Spain with him, going on walks with Duke, taking care of his injuries, being the girlfriend he wanted. But this was reality, and as much as it hurt, you wanted to protect yourself from another heartbreak. 
“I don’t know Jude. I don’t know what you want me to say,” you said nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to another. Tell me that you miss me too, tell me that you still love me the way I love you, tell me there's still a chance for us, tell me you’re still mine, was what Jude wanted to say, but once again he was left without words. 
“I have to go-”
“What if I come with you? I promise I won't pull anything. But please, we can talk there, hang out, like old times,” he proposed the idea. “What, like pretending to be the couple we were? What if I don’t want to hear what you have to say? What if you are lying again?” you say finally, having built up the courage and patience to spit out how you felt. While it felt relieving, you didn’t want to hurt the man you still love. 
“I think you're trying to avoid confrontation Y/n. I know you. Plus, you still wouldn’t be wearing my necklace if it didn't mean anything,” he walked over, his index finger connecting with the charm, watching how he had an effect on you. Your breathing rapidly increased, watching how your chest pumped in and out trying to control it. Fuck, was all you thought, he caught you. 
You look up and see how his brown iris gaze into you, a dingle of hope plastered on them. His lashes reached his top eyelid, and then touched his cheek as he blinked. Unbeknownst to the two of you, but your bodies were closely together now, one move from the two of you, and you would be pressed up. You cleared your throat and backed away, playing with the charm as you spoke, “This is such a bad idea…”
“But why does it feel so right? So real,” Jude said, shrugging his shoulders. This could end badly, maybe you running out of the showcase in tears or cause a scene and embarrass yourself in front of your coworkers. But maybe it could be the opposite, who knows, only faith undermining the situation. “Please. I wouldn't be here if it didn't mean anything,” he begged again, to which you sighed and finally accepted. 
“I have a suit in my luggage, give me a couple of minutes to change and fix my hair and we can head out okay?” Jude said, but you were afraid to speak, only muttering a quick ‘okay’. Jude was like a drug, an addictive one, and as much as you wanted to let go, it was becoming difficult. It didn't seem real. It couldn't be real, right? But when you saw him come out now dressed, you knew there was no way to deny your true feelings. 
The Uber driver played slow and relaxed music, you leaned against the car window, your hand propped up to hold your head as you watched out. Jude being freakishly tall struggled with his legs, finally just spreading them apart and watching as you looked out. He wanted to reach over and pull you into him, kiss your head down to your neck, whisper words of encouragement, and hold you like he once did. But he couldn’t not knowing if you were willing to let him do so. 
When the two of you walk into the exhibit, a photographer takes a couple of photos, asking you to pose and embrace each other. As awkward as it may have been, Jude didn't let the opportunity of his hand coming around your waist and pulling you into a protective matter go to waste. His touch ignited a fire in you, a familiar sense of butterflies invading your tummy as his thumb drew circles over the material. 
You couldn't help but wrap your hand around his bicep, feeling the prominent muscles he built over the months as you walked inside the venue. He was huge compared to a while back. You smiled and guided him to your friends, to which you embraced and talked to. Giovan hugged you tight, too close for Jude’s liking, which made him clench his fist and jaw at the sight. But oh boy was he wrong. 
“And who is this handsome lad? Don’t tell me this is your man or I'll be upset Y/n,” Giovan said in a flirtatious tone, fluttering his eyelashes and extending his hand, to which Jude shook. A tint of blush and redness spread across his cheeks, making you smirk and giggle. “Not my man, just an old friend who has come down to visit me,” you intervene, standing aside to where Jude silently begged with his eyes. 
“Alright now Gio, settle down, don't scare him off now,” you joke, to which your friend just rolls his eyes and smiles. “Of course not! I'll see the two of you around, maybe you can buy me a drink,” he hinted to Jude who just nodded shyly. You look away laughing to which Jude embarrassed chuckles, “It's not funny.” 
But the playful mood turned awkward again as you roamed the exhibit of paintings, photography and sculptures. You came across a painting of white swans who looked over at the sunset, cuddled into their embraces, far away and disclosed to where the exhibit was held. It was minimal lighting and no other people.
It reminded you of when Jude broke things off, leaving for Spain, and then again when he caught you moving out. You close your eyes and shake away the memory, but Jude sees. “Are you okay?” 
“Why are you here Jude?” you ask again, you’re tired of the constant confused signals and feelings for him. For once you want him to be straight on how he feels about you, instead of continuing this cycle of unsureness. 
“I’m here for you… to fix us…” Jude says you let out a laugh of disbelief. You find the strength to look him in the eyes as he talks. “There is no us anymore Jude, you broke that off.”
“That’s why I'm here. I want to fix us and earn you back. If it's not you then it's no one. I'm really hoping you can forgive me, for what I did and the pain I cost you. I never meant for all this to happen, I thought I knew what I wanted but I was so so wrong Y/n. You shaped me into who I am today, and I'll forever be thankful for that. You made me into the person I am and without you, I'm so lost,” Jude pleads, his eyes glossy as he reaches for your hands. 
“I was stupid to let you go, to lose all the trust you built for me. I’ll admit it, I was only thinking of myself instead of you when I broke it off, but I was scared of losing you. It's true I didn't know what I wanted but I do now. You being so distant from me right now is breaking my heart because I feel like I lost you. Did I lose you, baby?” he continued, your eyes brimming with tears at his soft tone when asking his question. 
What if it was too late? What if you couldn't love him or be enough like you expected? What if there was no point in trying again if it meant the same outcome? Were you seriously going to risk everything for a guy who proved in the past they didn't think of anyone but themselves? 
Your silence was killing Jude. Maybe he did hurt you, and he could never recover from that if that was the case. This whole time being apart, from the day at the park to you moving your stuff out, to now, the distance was becoming a long and heavy weight on his shoulders. To not know how you felt, to not hear your voice, to hold you close afraid of letting go always popped into his head. Spending his nights unable to sleep, or even go out. 
“You really hurt me… I never expected you to suddenly give up on us, especially when we were doing so good? We were happy, at least I was. I was not only watching you succeed, but I was watching my favourite person in the world, stay with me at my side, promising me that nothing would come between us. If you had those feelings why didn’t you ever say anything? Why couldn't you just talk to me, like I always said?” you finally break your silence, a tear dropping from your cheek. 
“It's hurting me that you're here. It hurt me when the only person in the world I ever trusted suddenly wanted to let go. It hurt me back when I moved out, knowing it was probably the last time I would see you. It hurts to be reminded of you, and remember the good times we had because I knew they would never come back. But most of all, it hurts me to see you sad and upset,” you sob, turning away from his teary eyes not being able to take the pain. 
You felt his arms hug you, his embrace warm and comforting, and as you found yourself leaning into it, you could hear his rapid heartbeat like yours. Feel the pain slowly disappear from your veins and finally gain control. The nights of constant terrors and crying, on a stream swimming away when he breathed into you. You felt at home. The butterflies and intimate contact now swarming your chest and tummy once again.  
“If I knew how to take your pain away, I would do it. To see you hurting because of me, is hard. But I want you to know I’ve matured, that I'm willing to do anything it takes to have you back and call you mine. It's not because it feels like it's something I have to do, or live up to, it's because I truly am nothing without you,” he held your cheek in his larger palm, his other arm securely on your waist wrapped around. 
“I'm not myself, my friends and family have noticed. If your presence isn't next to mine, it's like I'm running on my head overthinking, I'm just lost.”
“I love you. I've never stopped, and I don't think I ever will…” and there he said, the three words he once confessed to you before, repeated again. The three words that mean so much more than his confession, the words you've been longing to hear but are so afraid of because it will forever mean more than a simple “I want you back’ or “I miss you.” You gasped, taking a gulp of nothing because this was real. 
“Is this real?” you asked, pointing at the two of you, watching as Jude’s face softened even more. A small frown on his lips and brows relaxed, the wrinkle on his eyes as he blinked hard appearing. “Yes.”
“I'm saying is everything you're telling me now real? No bullshit. No more lies. No unsureness. Is this real, Jude?” A feeling of hope filled his chest, replacing the torture he felt before. “This is more than real. You’re the realest thing that I've ever experienced, and I want it to be like that, forever.”
“Forever?” you ask again, your brow raising as confirmation to which he let out a small laugh, “Yes. Forever. If we do this again, you're not leaving my side, and I'm not leaving yours. Forever.”
“Then what the hell are we waiting for? Kiss me Jude.”
He gave you one more look to confirm things but you quickly got on your tippy toes and smashed your lips against his. Jude pushed you up against the wall, hands roaming down to your hips where he gripped them tightly. His tongue brushed against your bottom lip tasting the familiar cherry taste he loved so deeply. Your hands moved all around his chest, finally gripping the back of his neck, drawing a small moan when he bit your lip. 
He kissed you again, lips never separating from you as he picked you up and once again caged on the wall. Your legs come around his torso, your core throbbing and rubbing against his upper abs. “Jude we can’t… not here. They will hear us…” you whimper when he kisses the inner corners of your mouth, and then down to your jaw. “Then you’ll have to be quiet. You can do that, be a good girl for me and be quiet.”
Your chin slightly trembled as he continued to kiss all the way down to your collarbone, inhaling your scent. Marking you as his, and leaving a purple mark on the hot skin. All you could do was move your hips around and try to feel the friction to get rid of the sensitivity you felt, but it was hard when Jude kept pulling back. “Is that what you want? For me to touch you?” he groaned, voice huskier and deep as he pulled you into a messy kiss. 
There was no way you could go back and let people see you like this. But you couldn't care, all you could care about was the way Jude set you down and dragged his fingertips from your calves to your inner thighs.His nails tickling and drawing shaped as he kissed and marked your boob once more.
His trail felt hot, he was teasing you, your legs squirmed around to find his touch. And when you finally grew enough of his games, you grabbed his wrist, and placed it exactly where you wanted him. “Here Jude. I want you to touch me here, please,” you whispered in his ear, biting the skin and pressing a small kiss. Jude ran his hand on top of your clothed core, noticing the wet material behind it. 
“Once I make you cum, you're all mine. Do you understand?” 
“I’ve always been yours,” and with that he dragged his fingers against your wet folds, rubbing a circle on your clit, making you let out a gasp. “That’s right baby. You've always been mine pretty girl,” he smiled against your lips, kissing your top lip. His fingers teased your entrance, groaning at how wet you were, causing you to clench your legs around his hand and look away. “Open your legs baby… Let me touch you just how you like.”
He kissed your cheek, and used his free hand to bring your face back to his gently. “Focus on me baby,” he pecked your jaw, “Focus on my touch,” Jude placed another kiss on your cheek, “Focus on my fingers,” he kissed your shoulder as his fingers finally drew inside of you, “Focus on my lips,” without hesitation you kissed him to hide the loud moan that would've left your mouth. 
His fingers were completely coated with your arousal, easily sinking them deeper as he drew them in and out. Your body shuddered, back arching against the wall as his fingers drew and now your clit were all being touched. You felt starved, completely vulnerable at his sake. 
“It feels s-s-so good, Jude,” you whined, your head thrown back as you kept a tight grip on his white blouse. “I know, but I can feel it, you’re almost there for me. So tight, always tight,” he moaned, his cock becoming harder than before. He heard your pants, small whines as you kept grinding on his hand, the cold tingle he felt down his spine as you shivered against him. 
Jude picked up the pace, sighing with pleasure when you felt his bulge, and almost shamingly came. “S-s-shit baby.”
He nibbled on your neck to quiet down the noises the two of you were making, leaving wet kisses all over your tainted skin, feeling your lips quivering in pleasure as he finally made you reach your high. You cried out, and sucked in a sharp breath when he hit that certain spot, the one he always found, either with his fingers or cock. 
“All mine.” 
Jude quickly untucked his belt, and took his hard cock out the tightness off his boxers, grunting at the cold air in the room. “Can you still be quiet for me? One more, just one more for me…” he kissed you and quickly picked you up again, holding you strongly so you wouldn't fall, but he couldn't help himself but pin you hands above your head. 
“If it becomes too much tell me,” Jude said, dragging the tip along your wet fold before finally sinking into you. Your back was completely pinned against the wall, sliding up and down as he began to thrust into you slowly but rough. He moved mindlessly, drawing out sounds from the two of you as he thrusted into you deeper. Your name fell out his lips, causing you to squeeze your legs around him, also your wet folds around his cock at the same time. 
You felt like heaven, and Jude was sure he would be cumming quickly. The two of you were close, so close that in a few more thrust the two of you would be moaning in relief. He let go of your pinned wrists, his two hands now on your hips as he slowly drew in and out, harder and deeper. “God, you feel so good. Doing so good for me… God I love you,” he kissed you, your hand resting on the back of his head returning the kiss. 
He continued to breathlessly move inside you, his forehead on your shoulder to reduce the sounds of his moans and groans. The art frames on the wall banging due the pace of his thrust, but he couldn't care. But when you continued to clench around him, Jude continuing the pace he was doing, your bodies trembled in pleasure, having Jude prep his hand in the wall so the two of you wouldnt fall. You could feel it, the way you pulsed around his cock, the ropes of cum he continued to spurt into you. 
“I love you,” he kissed his initial and then lips, now that were slightly swollen after making out for a while. You brushed the hairs on his temple that were messy back into place, smiling like an idiot as he remained still inside you. 
“I love you too Jude.”
➡️tags: @xjval 🤍
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schizoidcel · 7 months
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Ehmm so this is the req I accidently posted while I was like BARELY finished (awkward).
Anywho we don't care abt allat. Here it is 🙊 Srry for the wait anonsie !!
warnings :: Not proofread, and like. 0.1% angst on both of them
♪ JAX ..
Jax is one of the members that notices something is off
Your body language, the way you speak etc. is something that makes him think "Did I meet this person before entering this digital world or am I tweaking??"
He's curious on why he feels like this, so he hangs around you more
This includes you getting pranked more than the others, getting dragged with him to anywhere, and all that shit.
He usually sits next to you at the feast table aswell
But no matter what he does, he can't seem to figure out why you feel so familiar to him (And why your antics make him feel weird inside in a positive way but he pretends this isn't happening)
So the conclusion he just came up with was you being an old co worker, old friend, or anything like that in the real world
Once you two were walking around, trying to find some sort of item for the current in house adventure
Jax told you in that moment about how he felt like he met you before entering the digital circus, and if you ever knew someone who acted like him to confirm his theory
To his luck, you did!
What he didn't expect though was you saying he kind of acted like your S/O.
You kind of regretted saying that after in fear of things getting awkward between you two but Jax looked like he didn't give a single fuck
Infact, he looked like he was questioning everything right now while also not looking like he was questioning everything right now
Did this mean he had a S/O?? That is you???
Hes abit conflicted with that statement ofcourse, and thinks about it
It would make sense; The reason to why you make him feel weird would be answered too
Though even then I feel like he wouldn't be sure how to go on about this.
Give him some time, I'd say
Gangle also notices something weird, like she met you once before
But she thinks it's just her overthinking
Though, she did find it abit odd aswell because both of you got along immediatly
Like something clicked between you two.
You also defended Gangle alot, which was kind of suprising to her
You were interested in what she was interested, and even if you werent, you didn't go out of your way to look at her weirdly or make fun of it
So ofcourse she'll get attached.
But she still tells herself she's probably overthinking about the whole "I met you before entering the digital circus" thing
It would make sense, but it seemed impossible for her
She basically thinks that someone like you (Boss and shit) wouldn't hangout with her (Girlfail and shit) if it was actually both of you in the real world, even though you two regularly hang out in the digital one (Ik she is one of those people that think like that I just KNOW)
I feel like Gangle is also one of the few people that forgot almost everything about the outside world, this includes ofcourse having a S/O
And therefore, like the others, she'll also get upset when you tell her while you two were having a drawing sesh that you got here while helping the police investigate your S/O's missing person case
Gangle planned on confessing to you before you told her this
She didn't feel nervous around you, so she felt like that even if you rejected her, you could still be friends
Ofcourse, now she won't confess anymore, since she knows you already have a partner, and she dosen't want to make you uncomfortable in any way, shape or form (Oh girl)
Let's hope that if you both get out, Gangle gets her faded memories back and you see that your partner was literally in the digital world with you the entire time
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
This took longer than I wanted it to. I think imma quickly finish up some asks and then take a quick break lol
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