#i dig the shading style so hard too
ozzgin · 5 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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teapartyprincess4two · 5 months
heyy <3 I am absolutely in LOVE with your writing. I was wondering if you had ever written a 5+1 fic? I noticed that you like to write really lengthy fics with slow build ups which would be perfect for 5+1 style fics!!
I have a request if you would accept it ^^
5 times y/n denies having a crush on Matt (she's just oblivious to her feelings) and 1 time she didn't (when she finally realises)
or it could be the other way round and you could write in Matt's pov. whichever one is easier for you! (or u don't have to do this at all and just write a completely different 5+1 fic based on your own idea. I'm sure it will turn out perfect!)
In Denial- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: PopularStudent!reader x Student!Matt
classification: angst, fluff
warnings: slight angst, rejection, jealousy, use of y/n, slight cursing, childhood memories/flashbacks/setting, VERY VERY VERY slow build up, characters are in high school for a majority of the story
inspiration: request^^
summary: It’s hard to admit when you’re in love, especially when the person you love is so different from you. But, as they say, opposites attract.
“Are you guys inviting any friends from school?” The triplet’s mom, Marylou, asks as she mindlessly prepares the vegetables for her soup. Nick, Matt, and Chris were buzzing with excitement as they sat around the kitchen table with crafting supplies sprawled everywhere. The three of them were working towards creating invitations for their 10th birthday party. Ten was a big number because they’d finally be in the double digits so they had to make sure everything was just right. Most of the invitations were illegible and their mom would definitely have to redo them, but as long as it kept them occupied while she cooked she was happy.
“I’m going to invite Jackie,” Nick responds as he digs through his pen pouch for the perfect shade of purple. Most of Nick’s invitations had so many random doodles on them that you could barely see any of the words. “Oh Jackie’s nice,” Marylou murmurs, only half listening as she continues stirring away at the soup on the stove. She had to make sure it wouldn’t boil over.
“I like Carlos better so I’m inviting him,” Chris chimed in, his tongue poking out in concentration as he decorated his invitations with random scraps of craft paper. Chris’s invitations were covered in so much glue that every time he picked something up it stuck completely to his hand. “That’s so mean, Chris!” Nick responds in a whiny voice which puts a smirk on Chris’s face. Chris actually liked Jackie too because she was a good friend and sometimes she did his homework for him, but he also liked annoying his brother. The two were about to break out into an argument, but were swiftly checked by a stern look from their mother.
Matt was too immersed in creating the perfect invitation for you to care about the conversation surrounding him. He worked diligently to ensure that it was legible and nicely decorated, ensuring to include doodles of things he knew you liked. Once the other two calmed down, Marylou turned towards Matt and asked, “Who are you inviting, honey?” Truth be told, Matt was inviting a lot of people from his class, but he really only cared if you showed up. If it was only you and him at this birthday party he’d be the happiest ten year old on Earth.
“Probably just Jason,” Matt replies nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. This answer seems to satisfy his mom because she doesn’t ask any further questions and immediately returns to the pot on the stove. Nick and Chris, on the other hand, hear this and immediately jump at the opportunity to expose his crush for you to their mom. “He’s probably inviting y/n,” Chris snickers as he pokes Matt’s sides teasingly, his sticky fingers gripping Matt’s t-shirt in the process.
“No I’m not, Chris. Shut up,” Matt replies as he pushes his brother’s hands away from him aggressively. This was his favorite shirt and Chris was getting his gross glue hands all over it. Nick laughs at this, making kissy faces towards Matt to annoy him. “Matt and y/n sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Chris and Nick sing loudly, both of them working hard towards pushing Matt past his breaking point. At this point Matt’s face is burning hot and red from embarrassment.
You were a new student in their class who moved to Boston from out of state. For whatever reason you were placed in their class and seated right next to Matt, the only available seat left in the entire classroom. From that moment on Matt’s been absolutely obsessed with you, but he didn’t need his mom to know that.
“Who’s y/n?” Marylou asks, true curiosity in her voice. She was now facing the three boys, providing them with her full attention and turning the stove off for safe measure. “Oh just Matt’s GIRLFRIEND!” Chris screams, once again poking at Matt’s sides. “I love y/n soooo much. She smells soooo good and has the prettiest smile,” Nick quotes as he gazes dramatically into the distance and pretends to swoon. Their mom is amused with their antics, but is mostly curious to learn more about the girl who has her most timid son so ‘in love.’
“I never said that, you idiot!” Matt retaliates, pushing Chris off of him and standing up abruptly from the kitchen table to make his way towards Nick and push him too. The table shook in the process causing some of the markers to roll onto the floor. Matt was beginning to get genuinely upset from the pure embarrassment that he felt. “Then why do you guys always play alone at recess!” Chris rebuttals, feeling as if he had just won the greatest argument of his life.
“Just admit you like her, Matty!” Nick chimes in, throwing his nickname in there to further push his buttons. Matt is furious at his brothers, but he doesn’t understand why if everything they’re saying was true. He did have a crush on you, you did smell good and you did have a pretty smile.
“Boys that’s enough!” Marylou steps in to Matt’s defense, earning both Nick and Chris a smack upside the head. Nick and Chris yelp in pain, rubbing their heads to alleviate some of the pain. “You guys are so annoying!” Matt says one last time before grabbing his invitations and storming off to their shared room.
The kitchen is silent after that, both Nick and Chris realizing that they had taken it too far. Marylou is more than displeased with the outcome of her sons’ teasing, but she understood that it came with the territory of having triplets. “You two need to apologize,” she says sternly, giving both Nick and Chris a disapproving look. The two boys didn’t understand why they had to apologize, they were just telling the truth plus everyone in your class knew about Matt’s crush on you.
“But he called me an idiot…” Nick grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and slumping in his seat. This earned them both another smack upside the head.
Matt didn’t end up handing you the invitation himself, too embarrassed to be caught alone with you again by his brothers. Instead he instructed Nick to do it because over the course of your time in Boston, you and Nick had become very close. Matt was a bit jealous of this, but he never showed it.
“Why don’t you just give it to her?” Nick asked, continuing his walk towards the playground. Their class was currently at recess and there was only 15 minutes left, if Nick wanted to have a turn on the swings he couldn’t slow down now, not even for Matt’s sake. “Because you’re her friend!” Matt replied as he followed closely behind Nick, his feet pushing against the wood chips of the playground as he struggled to keep up.
“You’re her friend too! Plus you sit right next to her!” Nick was not backing down, especially because he did not like doing favors. His pace didn’t slow either, he needed to get at least 5 minutes on the swing before he was ready to go back to class. “Just do it please,” Matt pleaded, fully expecting his brother to deny his request and force him to give you the invitation himself. Nick’s mind lit up with an idea, he’d only agree to give you the invitation if Matt agreed to push him on the swing, “Ugh! Fine, but you have to push me.”
“I’m not pushing you, Nick,” Matt responded matter of factly. Matt didn’t want to spend his last 15 minutes of freedom pushing Nick on the swings, he wanted to rush back to Chris on the field as quick as possible so he could race him. “Okay, that’s fine. You can give her the invitation yourself then,” Nick said as he finally arrived to the swing set, taking a seat on the warm plastic.
Matt looked between Nick and the field, desperately trying to figure out if this was worth not beating Chris in a race. “Your choice, Matt,” Nick’s voice was taunting, almost like he was telling Matt that if he didn’t do this one thing his entire life would be ruined. Matt sighed, deciding that if you didn’t get this invitation his life would, in fact, be ruined. So, he decided that he’d just have to race Chris another day and he stood behind Nick, pushing him reluctantly.
Nick ended up giving you the invitation later that day, pretending like it was his idea to invite you. When you realized it was your first invitation to a party in Boston you couldn’t contain your excitement. Nick felt like your first true friend here and you couldn’t wait to see your friendship blossom. Nick, of course, was excited for you to come too, but no one was more excited than Matt.
“I gave your girlfriend the invitation by the way,” Nick commented to Matt as they walked home from school. Matt perked up at this, becoming excited at the prospect of you coming to their house. “Not my girlfriend,” he responded in a feign tone of annoyance that completely contrasted the excitement he felt bubbling inside.
“Whatever you say,” Nick huffed, shrugging his shoulders and pulling his backpack up by the straps. Nick picked up his pace to catch up with Chris who was already down the street. When Nick’s back was fully towards him, Matt couldn’t help but smile. He really couldn’t wait to turn 10.
10 came and went and before they knew it, the triplets were 14 and nearing the end of middle school. The friendships they made in elementary didn’t seem as important anymore, only a few friends remaining a part of their immediate friend group. You were one of those friends seeing as you and Nick only became closer over the years.
You spent countless nights texting and talking over the phone with Nick gossiping about people in your grade and fangirling over the latest teen heartthrob. One of the solidifying moments in your friendship was when Nick came out to you as gay. It was a moment that bonded you two and you’ve been inseparable since. Because you two are so close, you would often go over to their house to work on homework, study, or just to hang out.
“Mom, can y/n come over today?” Nick asks his mom, praying that she’ll just say yes so he can rush up to his room and text you to come over. “Sure,” Marylou replies nonchalantly. You were always over and she had become accustomed to your presence. She liked that you were respectful and you seemed to be a good influence on her kids.
Nick immediately rushed upstairs to relay the news to you over text, but bumped into Matt on the way to his room. “Watch it, dumbass,” Matt huffed, stumbling backwards a bit from the force in which Nick ran into him. “Sorry,” Nick apologized quickly, moving past Matt to continue the walk to his room. From the way Nick was acting Matt knew that you were probably coming over, he always got super excited when you were coming over.
Matt turned on his heel, following Nick into his room just to make sure his suspicions were correct. “Why are you so excited?” Matt asks, leaning on the door frame as he watches Nick type away on his phone. “None of your business,” Nick replies, laying on his bed as he continues to text you.
The both of you are going over your plans for the night in excruciating detail, discussing every thing beforehand so that you wouldn’t waste time once you arrived. “Is y/n coming over?” Matt asks again, a part of him knows the answer but he’s still itching to know. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” this time it’s Chris who speaks as he enters the room and sits in Nick’s desk chair.
Chris always had the tendency to show up out of nowhere, especially in moments when he could potentially annoy his brothers. It was like his brother senses tingled every time the perfect opportunity to bully his brothers appeared. A smirk is already plastered on Chris’s face because he knows that Matt’s crush on you has only grown over the years. “Whatever,” Matt replies already annoyed with Chris, waving his brother off and pushing himself off the door frame. He leaves the room and returns back downstairs to do whatever he was planning to do in the first place.
As he makes his way downstairs, Nick calls out to him from his room in a sing-song tone, “Y/n is coming Matt!” This immediately puts a smile Matt’s face. Even if we wasn’t going to spend one on one time with you, he was content with the fact that you'd be in his house.
"He's totally in love with her," Chris snickers, twirling around in Nick's desk chair. Nick hated the thought of Matt being in love with you, his bestfriend. "That's so gross," Nick replies, but even he knew it was true.
When you finally arrived to their house 20 minutes later, Nick was already outside waiting for you. “Bye mom!” You said, hopping off the car and waving goodbye to your mom as you ran up to Nick. He was sitting on the front porch, patiently awaiting your arrival. You two had so much planned for the night and if you played your cards right you might even be able to have a sleepover!
“Hurry, y/n! Time is ticking!” Nick called out as he watched you quicken your pace to make your way to the front porch. You were carrying a large tote bag filled to the brim with magazines, crafting supplies, board games, and a pair of pajamas in case you were allowed to stay the night. “I’m hurrying!” You replied, adjusting your heavy tote bag against your shoulder
Finally you two made your way inside, where Matt and Chris were playing video games on the living room. Chris was locked into the game, but Matt was only half immersed in the game on the screen. He was waiting for you to walk through the front door so he could greet you in the most casual, cool way possible.
“Hi guys!” You greeted, offering the two boys a small wave before rushing upstairs to Nick’s room. “Hey y/n,” Chris replied casually, too occupied with his game to fully acknowledge you. Chris was used to you always being at their house, so he didn’t get excited anymore when Nick announced you were coming over. “Hi y/n!” Matt greets you, sounding a little too excited causing his voice to crack slightly.
When Chris hears this he immediately pauses the game to look at Matt. “Hi y/n!” Chris mimicked Matt’s voice crack, exaggerating it so every syllable contained a higher octave than the last. Matt pushed Chris slightly by the shoulder, unpausing the game to avoid diving deeper into this topic, “Shut up, let’s just play.”
Chris wasn’t having it though, he quickly pauses the game again before saying, “just admit you like her, bro.” It was so much easier said than done, if he admitted his feelings for you there was always the possibility that you didn’t feel the same way or that you’d find it weird, or both. “I don’t like her,” Matt grumbles, unpausing the game once again.
Chris doesn’t miss a beat, quickly pausing the game for the third time since you had arrived. “You do like her!” Chris teases, poking his brother’s side like he always does when he wants to annoy him. Matt wasn’t annoyed anymore, but he was upset. “I DONT LIKE HER, YOU IDIOT! I COULD NEVER LIKE HER!” He shouts, shoving Chris off of him and standing up from his seat. He storms off into his room, forgetting completely about the game and that his sudden outburst could probably be heard by you.
“Geez, what a sore loser,” Chris mumbles, unpausing the game and continuing the onscreen quest. Unbeknownst to them, you were going downstairs to grab a snack and had heard the whole thing. Your heart shattered at Matt’s words. You had never thought about Matt in that way before, but for some reason when you heard him say he could NEVER like you it hurt worse that anything you’d ever felt.
You didn’t even descend all the way downstairs for your snack, instead you returned to Nick’s room and informed him that you weren’t up for a sleepover anymore.
Before the four of you knew it, you were freshmen in high school and although you all became a part of different friend groups, you still remained close. Everyone in your school grew to love you, causing you to become really popular really fast. Both you and Nick were friends with everyone including freshmen and upperclassmen. Plus you joined as many extracurriculars and clubs as possible which opened the door to many new friendships.
“No we can’t hang out that day, we have art club,” you told Nick, as the both of you worked hard to schedule a time and date to hang out outside of school. You were both currently in the library enjoying the down time study hall granted you. “What about Wednesday?” He asks, flipping through his school planner to try and find an available date for the two of you.
“Nope. NHS meeting,” you reply, pointing to the Wednesday in question where ‘NHS MEETING 4:45PM’ was highlighted in bright yellow on the top of the page. “Oh right. What about Friday?” Nick asks again, hoping that you two will finally be able to hang out. Ever since entering high school it was like you guys never had time to just be friends because you were both too busy with your after school activities to hang out.
“Friday might work, I just have to work concessions during 8th period. You can meet me there after class?” You say, examining your planner thoroughly to make sure you weren’t misinforming him. “Okay, I’ll walk over there and then we can meet Matt and Chris in the parking lot,” he informs you, gathering his things to shove them back into his backpack. You do the same thing before replying, “I thought your mom would pick us up?”
The bell rings, signifying that the period was over and it was time to walk to your next class. You both stand from the table, slinging your backpacks over your shoulders before making your way out of the library. “She was, but Matt’s getting his learners permit,” he replies, pushing the library door open for you to walk through before following closely behind. You hum in response before offering Nick a side hug and parting ways, both of you heading to your next class.
On your way to class you catch sight of Matt and Chris, they’re leaned against their lockers having a conversation. Matt’s back is to you so Chris is the only one who notices you. “Y/n!” Chris shouts excitedly through the hall, ushering you over to them with his hands. You light up with a smile, hurriedly making your way over to your friends.
“What class do you have next?” Chris asks once you’re close enough to where he doesn’t have to shout. Matt is avoiding eye contact with his head hung low, he didn’t even greet you and you were standing right next to him. You tried not to let it bother you.
“I have math,” you reply, offering Chris a quick hug. It was normal for you to hug your friends, especially friends that you knew for so long, but you were never able to get to that point with Matt. He always got super awkward about it, so after a while you just stopped hugging him altogether. “Oh cool! I think my class is next to yours,” Chris replies, looking expectantly at his brother who was still looking at the floor. All Chris wanted to do was shake his brother by the shoulders and yell at him to at least acknowledge you.
“We can walk together?” You ask Chris hesitantly, not wanting him to feel forced to leave his previous conversation with Matt. The bell was about to ring soon anyways so he quickly dismisses himself from Matt before joining you on your walk to class. Matt’s about to do the same thing, but he’s stopped by his old friend Jason.
“Chris stole your girl, huh?” Jason jokes, slinging an arm over Matt’s shoulder as the both of them watch you and Chris disappear down the hallway and into the crowd of students. “She’s not my girl,” Matt huffs, shrugging Jason’s arm off his shoulder aggressively. “Well she’s gonna be someone’s girl soon if you don’t step up,” Jason replies, only half joking.
You were one of the prettiest girls in school and every boy was dying at a chance with you, Matt knew this and it made his blood boil. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being someone else’s ‘girl,’ but you were so popular now that he didn’t know where he fit in with you. Jason’s comment bothered him more than he’d like to admit, but he waved him off and made his way to class.
After school Nick waited for you at the concession stand just like he promised. Since you knew he was going to be waiting for you, you snuck a frito pie for him. You even got two sodas, one for you and one for Chris, and a pack of Matt’s favorite candy. “For you, sir,” you greeted Nick in a posh accent, handing him the Frito Pie as you two started walking towards the parking lot where Chris and Matt were. “Why thank you,” he replied, doing the same posh accent as you before stirring the frito pie so that the chili and cheese were evenly coating the frito chips.
You two made light conversation as you weaved your way through the cars of the parking lot in search of Chris and Matt. The both of you said goodbye to friends as you passed them, hugging a few of them and wishing them a good weekend. Matt was watching you from his car, leaned against the trunk. Chris was standing next to him mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
“Bye Jason, have a good weekend,” you called out, waving goodbye to your friend as you and Nick continued to make your way towards the car. This made Matt’s jaw clench as he recalled what Jason had said to him earlier, ‘she’s gonna be someone’s girl soon if you don’t step up.’ Matt wondered if that was Jason’s way of saying that he was going to make a move on you if Matt didn’t do it first.
When you and Nick finally approached the car you immediately handed both Matt and Chris the snack you brought for them. “What’s this for?” Matt asks, gingerly taking the candy from you. He noticed it was his favorite and thought that maybe you chose it on purpose, but he decided it must’ve been a coincidence. “Just to be nice and for giving me a ride,” you smiled at him, handing Chris his soda in the process.
Matt was about to thank you, but Chris interrupted him by cracking his soda open and immediately chugging it. This was followed by loud burps which made the rest of you laugh. “You’re welcome, by the way,” you say sarcastically towards Matt and Chris. Chris ignores you, walking towards the passenger seat to join Nick who’s already waiting in the car. “Thank you,” Matt says shyly, a blush creeping onto his face.
Matt turns to join his brothers in the car as you say, “you’d think you have a crush on me with the way you’re blushing.” He stops dead in his tracks, going stiff as a board. Had he been caught? Was he that obvious? “Jeez, Matt I’m kidding,” you chuckle jokingly, patting his back to ease his nerves. He shies away from you, not wanting to go into a state of shock from your mere touch.
You notice the way he avoids you and it breaks your heart. Was he really this repulsed by you? The only words ringing through your mind were the ones you heard that day in middle school, ‘I COULD NEVER LIKE HER.’
“Ease up, Matt. I was joking,” this time you say it seriously and decide to just get in the car. “Oh, yeah sorry,” Matt felt like an idiot, but so did you.
High school was a blur for you, filled with countless memories and so many new friendships. You were now in your senior year and busier than ever as you juggled school, a social life and work. You, Nick and Chris remained close and over time you warmed up to Matt again, deciding to put his comments and actions towards you in the past.
Prom was just around the corner and after that was graduation. The four of you were excited, but didn’t know what direction life would take you in. You’re currently sitting with Chris, Nick, and Matt at lunch discussing all the plans you have for the remainder of your senior year.
“Who are you going to prom with, Y/n?” Nick asks as he pops a fry in his mouth and wiggles his eyebrows at you teasingly. You scoff and roll your eyes in response. So many boys had asked you to prom at this point that you were debating on not even going at all, but Nick insisted on you being there. “Probably just you guys,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders. Chris and Matt were listening intently to the conversation, Chris was waiting for the perfect moment to interject.
“So boring,” Nick says dramatically, he felt like you had to take advantage of the wide range of options you had. You could pick any boy to go to prom with and here you were choosing to go with a group of friends. Matt, on the other hand, was relieved with your answer, happy that no one would get to claim you as their prom date. Maybe by the time prom finally rolled around he’d grow the courage to ask you to be his date and finally admit his feelings for you.
“I heard Jason say he might ask you,” Chris mentions casually, stealing a fry from Nick’s tray and popping it in his mouth. Nick slaps his hand away and shoots him a glare. You scrunch your face in disgust at the idea of going to prom with Jason. Sure he was cute and nice, but he was a football player and he was known for leading girls on, plus he’s had at least 8 girlfriends since freshman year. Matt’s also disgusted by the idea because he can’t imagine you going to prom with anyone other than him, especially not Jason.
“I thought he was dating Katrina,” Matt chimes in, attempting to shake the thought of you and Jason out of his mind. What if you did end up going with him to prom? What if Jason ends up pulling something weird? What if he tried kissing you?!? Matt’s mind was racing and he felt himself growing more and more upset at the idea.
“Apparently they broke up,” Chris shrugs, trying to steal yet another fry off Nick’s tray. “Oh yeah, Katrina told me about it yesterday in 3rd period. She seems sad,” Nick informs you all, only confirming the promposal rumor Chris had just dropped on you guys. “Poor girl,” you mumbled, picking mindlessly at the food in front of you. If Jason asked you to prom you’d feel almost obligated to say yes considering he was one of your oldest friends and he’d surely make a spectacle of it.
There was only one person you wanted to go to prom with, but he was too oblivious to realize it. “There’s only one person I would go to prom with,” you say quietly, your gaze landing on Matt and staying there for a little too long. He doesn’t notice though, too caught up in your words to look up. ‘Does she want to go to prom with Jason?’ he thought, the anger bubbling up inside him like a volcano about to erupt.
Suddenly he felt overwhelmed by the situation, grabbing his tray and standing from the lunch table abruptly. The rest of you stared in shock at his sudden actions, wondering what had gotten into him. He was always the type to evacuate a situation as soon as it became too much for him to handle. “Um, I have to get to class,” he grumbled, walking away and throwing his tray away in a nearby trash can aggressively.
“Geez what’s his problem,” Nick scoffs dramatically as he watches his brother disappear out of the cafeteria. “He’s just a nerd,” Chris responds with a chuckle, not putting too much importance in Matt’s actions. Instead he used this moment to sneak as many of Nick’s fries as possible. You sat there in silence, a wave of sadness washing over your body as you realized lunch was nowhere near over.
Prom was getting closer and unfortunately for Matt, Jason ended up asking you to be his date before he could muster up the courage to. Jason’s sentiment was very sweet; he decorated a huge poster, held a bouquet of flowers, and even had a speaker playing some sappy love song. Because he’d made such a big scene of his promposal you felt obligated to say yes. The whole school was watching, many of the students commenting on how you were going to be the power couple of the year.
Matt was in the crowd and had seen the whole thing, he was horrified, angry, and jealous. He actually wanted to ask you that day, he didn’t know how he’d do it, but he knew he’d do it. Matt had even bought you a rose to accompany his promposal. He felt slightly pathetic as he stood there holding his singular rose, watching as Jason held an entire bouquet for you. Chris, who was standing next to Matt, offered him a sympathetic smile and a pat on the back. Nothing would make Matt feel better. “Sorry bro,” Chris says sympathetically, offering Matt yet another sad smile. “Whatever, not like I like her anyways,” Matt grumbles, at this point it was like he was trying to convince himself.
“Are you excited?!” Nick asks, waiting for you to appear from inside the dressing room. You’re currently trying prom dresses on at the mall, trying to find the perfect dress. You check yourself out in the mirror, smoothing the dress out and adjusting the straps slightly before replying, “eh kinda.”
“What?! How are you only KINDA excited?! You’re going to prom with Jason!” He exclaims, sitting forward in his seat as if you could see him through the dressing room curtains. You were excited to go to prom and if you would’ve had it your way you would’ve just gone with a group of friends, seeing as Matt never asked you. But being pressured into doing things you don’t want to do comes with the territory of being popular.
“He’s just Jason,” you shrug, finally opening the curtain and doing a silly, dramatic pose for Nick. “What do you think?” You ask, twirling so he can get a full look at the dress. You could always trust Nick to be honest with you, especially when it came to fashion. “It’s cute, but it’s the wrong color,” he replies, you nod in agreement and retreat back into the dressing room to try on a different dress.
“Also, he’s not ‘just’ Jason. He’s quite literally the star quarterback AND the hottest guy in school,” Nick says, using his fingers to do air quotes around ‘just.’ You pull another dress on, zipping it up haphazardly before opening the curtain once again and walking out of the dressing room.
You motion towards the dress, silently asking Nick what his opinion about it is. “Too short,” he says, earning a groan from you. You trudge back into the dressing room, closing the curtain dramatically in the process. “What’s the real reason you don’t want to go to prom with Jason?” Nick asks because he’s almost certain there’s an underlying secret reason he doesn’t know about.
You sigh, jumping as you struggle to pull on the last dress. “I was hoping someone else would ask me,” you admit, being completely vulnerable and honest with your best friend. This was news to Nick, as far as he knew you weren’t interested in anyone at school. “WHAT?! Who is it?!?! Do I know him?!” He asks excitedly, wanting nothing more than for you to spill the beans and tell him who you were secretly crushing on.
“Yeah, you know him,” you respond, adjusting the strap on the dress you were currently trying on. Finally you fix it and take one last look in the mirror before opening the curtain and showing Nick the dress. His mouth goes agape, this was the perfect dress for you. “Girl, that’s the one,” he says, taking in all the small details of the dress and how they complemented you perfectly.
“You really think?” You ask, looking at yourself in the dressing room mirror again just to make sure he’s not lying. It did look good on you and the color was really nice. “Yes! Now tell me who your crush is!” He’s quick to dismiss you, too eager to find out who you’re crushing on. This causes you to roll your eyes, but he’s being so loud that you have to hold back your laughter as you hold onto him and shush him. “Nick you’re so loud!” You whisper through laughter, trying to keep your own voice down so you don’t get kicked out.
“Don’t shush me, woman!” He replies dramatically, earning you both a couple of stares from the surrounding customers. You continue laughing, going back into the dressing room to change so you can take the dress to the front counter and pay.
As you do this, Nick is on the other side of the curtain trying to guess who your crush is. He begins listing the names of all of boys in your class. He lists every person he can think of before giving up. “You’re never gonna guess it,” you say in a sing song tone as you exit the dressing room, dress in hand.
“The only people I didn’t say are Chris and Matt,” he scoffs, he feels almost 100% sure that you’d never have a crush on either of his brothers. You don’t say anything, instead walking in front of him so he can’t see the blush forming on your face. “Oh my god! You like one of my brothers!” He exclaims in realization, somewhat grossed out at the thought of it.
“Never said that,” you reply, reaching the cashier and plopping the dress on the counter. The cashier cashes you out, placing the dress in a bag for you. “You never denied it,” he replies. As long as he didn’t guess which brother you’d be fine.
Nick is thinking long and hard, trying to figure out which of his brothers you have a crush on. ‘It can’t be Chris,’ he thought. You and Chris had always been close, but never close enough to raise any suspicion of a crush. Plus Chris was always doing weird gross stuff around you that he only ever did around Nick and Matt. ‘Maybe it’s Matt,’ Nick’s so deep in thought that he doesn’t realize that you guys are now in the food court. You and Matt always had a slightly awkward relationship, but Matt did have a crush on you since forever so maybe you returned the feelings.
“It’s Matt,” Nick states simply, both of you now waiting in line for Chinese food. You go stiff, how had he guessed it so fast? It was a 50/50 chance and he guess correct on the first try. He watched you and noticed your change in body language, realizing that he was right. “It’s Matt!” He exclaims, he feels like he just won the grand prize on a game show.
“Quiet down!” You whisper shout, looking around the food court to ensure that no one from school was lurking around. If word got out that you had a crush on Matt it would travel around the school like wildfire, especially if you were going to prom with someone else. “So I’m right?!” He’s still yelling, he can’t help it he’s excited and also grossed out. Nick’s going through so many emotions right now thinking about his best friend and his brother having secret feelings for each other.
“Yes, now shut up,” you grumble, moving forward in the line. “That’s so cute! But also so disgusting,” he comments with a chuckle and a fake gag, earning an eye roll from you.
Finally it was the long awaited day of prom. You took an extra hour on your hair and makeup than usual and your mom steamed all the wrinkles out of your dress. Everything had to be perfect because once you walked into that venue with Jason all eyes would be on you.
Jason picked you up an hour before the event started, walking you to his car carefully and politely. This drive to the venue felt so impersonal and awkward that you kind of wished you had rejected his promposal. If you were with your friends you wouldn’t feel this way.
The two of you walked into the venue hand in hand and even if you were nervous, you held your head high in confidence. You greeted so many people on the way in that it felt like you were on the red carpet and everyone wanted your attention. The two of you made your way to a table and situated yourselves before the real party began.
As soon as the dancing started Jason disappeared somewhere with his friends, but you didn’t mind because it gave you time to look for your friends too. You must’ve lapped around that building 10 times before giving up, you couldn’t find a single person worth talking to that wasn’t already busy or just plain missing. Nick was nowhere to be found, Chris was dancing with his date and you didn’t even know if Matt was here or not.
You made your way back to your table, slumping in your seat a little. You felt so alone. From the corner of your eye you noticed Jason making his way towards you, you silently hoped he’d at least ask you to dance so you wouldn’t be so bored. What he actually says catches you by surprise, “Hey, Katrina asked me to dance. Is that okay?” You were taken aback, was he really asking his prom date if he could dance with his ex?
“Katrina? As in your ex Katrina?” You asked, bewilderment evident on your face and in your voice. He doesn’t say anything, instead he just nods and walks away in whatever direction Katrina is. You sit there in shock, had you just been ditched at prom? “Fuck this,” you whisper to yourself as you grab your purse and walk out of the venue.
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, how had this become your prom night? As you make your way out of the venue you feel all eyes on you and the tears begin to brim at your eyes. Finally you’re outside and you sit on a nearby bench, not noticing that Matt was already sitting there. As soon as you feel like no one is watching, you let the tears flow.
Matt recognizes your sniffles and immediately looks up from the ground to find you sitting next to him crying. He was out here to avoid seeing you with Jason. “Y/n?” He asks softly, leaning forward to check if it was actually you or not. You jump at the sound of your name and work to wipe your tears away as quickly as possible. The last thing you needed was people knowing you were crying at prom.
You lift your gaze slowly to see who had caught you crying only to find Matt. He’s offering you a small, sad smile and opens his arms to engulf you in a hug. You don’t second guess it, you just fall into his arms and let the tears flow again. Finally, after such a lonely night, you’re in the arms of someone familiar.
“It’s okay,” he whispers repeatedly into your hair as he rubs your back in an attempt to calm you down. Usually Matt wouldn’t allow himself to be this close with you, he always let his nerves get the best of him before he could get too comfortable. His soothing seems to work because your breathing steadies and you pull away from him with one last sniffle.
“Sorry,” you whisper, wiping away the stray tears. Your makeup was definitely messed up at this point, but you tried not to dwell on that thought too long. “It’s okay,” he repeats for what seems like the 100th time that night before asking you what happened.
You explain the whole situation to him, taking him through the emotional rollercoaster you had just been on. By the end of your story, he’s so mad. How could Jason toss you to the side so easily? “You deserve better than that,” he says, both in an attempt to make you feel better and to reassure himself that he would never treat you that way. You hum in response, not sure what to respond to such a vague statement. I mean, it seemed like the typical thing to say in a situation like this.
“I would never do that to you,” Matt says, but it comes out as an almost inaudible whisper. If you two weren’t sitting so close you would have missed it, but you still have to be sure that he actually said that. “What?” You ask, now it’s your turn to lean forward and look at his face. You’re trying to read his expression so you can figure out what he meant by that.
“I would never do that to you,” he repeats it louder this time. His tone is firm and confident because for the first time since he was ten years old he isn’t doubting his feelings for you. “Matt, what are you saying?” you ask, still unsure if he’s aware of what he’s saying right now. Maybe someone spiked the punch and he was drunk right now because the Matt you knew would never be so bold.
Seeing you cry was his last straw, his push to finally tell you how in love with you he was, “I’m saying that I would never do that to you. I would never mistreat you, I would love you and take care of you for forever if I could.” When you hear this, the butterflies in your stomach begin going crazy and if you don’t ground yourself now you might just throw up from excitement. Just when you think he’s done, he continues, “Y/n, I’ve loved you since we were ten years old when you walked into that classroom and sat next to me. I’ve just been too in denial to admit it until now.”
You don’t respond because you’re still registering everything and it’s driving Matt crazy. Had he just messed everything up? “You don’t have to say anything,” he attempts to backtrack, his mind racing with the thought of you being disgusted with his confession. He wishes he could read your mind and control time because if you didn’t feel the same way he could just rewind time and take it all back. Fortunately for him, you were internally jumping for joy.
He’s about to stand up and walk away like he always does when a situation becomes too uncomfortable, but he’s stopped by your hand on his shoulder. “I wish you would’ve said something sooner,” you say with a slight chuckle, the world’s biggest and brightest smile plastered on your face. Matt lets out a sigh of relief, immediately taking you face in his hands and doing the unthinkable.
His lips are on yours before he can stop himself, but, to his surprise, you kiss him back almost immediately. In that moment you felt every cliche take over your body; fireworks, sparks, butterflies, everything.
“I’ve loved you too,” you whisper when you two finally break away. This was the beginning of something beautiful.
A/n: thank you for this request, it was so much fun to write! I hope it was what you were looking for & that you enjoy!!! Also, because you asked for a 5 in 1, I made this much longer than expected haha. I’m working on a few other stories/ requests, but if you guys are looking for something in particular feel free to ask! K byeee
- L.A.M.B 👼🏻💗
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papajscupcake · 9 months
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PAIRING: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
SUMMARY:being tired around JJ and him being such a gentleman
WARNING(S): suggestive stuff if you squint hard enough but mostly fluffy stuff
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The sun was going down making the sky shine with different shades of orange getting darker as the sun goes further down the stars started to become clearer in the beautiful sunset, the calm waves splash against the golden grains of the beach while seagull’s give the silent air a melody as they caw in the late evenings sky.
On the gentle swaying hammock she was practically lying on her boyfriend then the cotton made material.
Her head was laid on the steadily breathing chest of her JJ as his soft finger tips massage the roots of her head whilst her arms were wrapped tightly around his waist snuggling him closer and her legs intertwined with his ones, her eyes were holding onto dear life trying to stay open however she found herself closing them every minutes resting her eyes for a moment then opening them again looking at the slowly going down sunset.
“You tired cupcake?”JJ asked the girl leaning his head down making his hair fall over his eyes slightly but that didn’t stop him from looking at his half asleep girlfriend.
“No…”she denied but her eyes betrayed her and began to close out of tiredness he noticed the betrayal and a cheeky grin fell upon his face.
“Yeah sure cupcake, come on let’s get to bed”he commented as he began to move from under her making her groan in response and dig her face further into his chest
“No…no baby I’m comfy”she whined as JJ swung his leg out the hammock and onto the sandy floor
“we’ll be comfy in bed too”JJ foretold her sitting up bringing the tired girl with him practically cradling her like a baby in his muscular arms she looked up at him and nodded wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Want me to carry you cupcake?”The girl nodded making JJ tighten his grip under her legs and place his arm around her back before standing up and carrying his girlfriend back towards the small house bridal style
the girl shuffled in his arms slightly at the discomfort of her bra digging into her back
“Ugh this bra is so uncomfortable”she muttered as her fingers played with the ends of his blond hair at the back of his head but her fingers moved down to his shoulder blades when JJ leaned his head down towards her ear,
“Oh is it now?, I can help with that”JJ whispered making a shiver go down her neck and red blush dust onto her cheeks to which she tries to hide by pushing her face into her chest however JJ had already seen it and he let out a little laugh just as they got to the door of their little home
She reached over and opened the door JJ stepped inside and closed the door with his foot then headed towards the bedroom once they reached the small bedroom JJ gently sits her on the cold bed and puts her arms in her shirt and unclips her bra before slipping it off her and onto the floor
The girl sighs in relief as the once tight sensation is now gone, JJ puts her arms through her shirt again.
“Lie down baby”He whispers lying a hand on her back gently helping her lie down as he watches her eyes close out of tiredness
Once she is lying down she turns to her side facing away from him and snuggles into the cool pillow, JJ takes his denim shorts off leaving him just in his boxers and climbs onto the bed next to his almost asleep girlfriend,
the girl felt his presence and shuffled to him instantly wrapping her arm around his neck and the other on his waist she intertwined her legs with his warmer ones making him get goosebumps at the cold sensation but doesn’t care
He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her closer and puts his face into her neck sighing happily as she plays tiredly plays with his hair
“Goodnight Jj, I love you”she mumbled giving his bare chest a kiss, JJ smiles and kisses her neck
“Goodnight baby,I love you too baby” with that the two fell asleep in each others arms
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If you have any requests you want me to do either dm me or comment :)
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I'm tempted to make a 1970s TMNT AU.
Imagine Splinter watching Mork & Mindy, Dallas, Good Times, The Love Boat, Charlie's Angels, and Three's Company every week.
Imagine Leo being obsessed with all the martial arts movies coming out, and watching "Drunken Master" so many times that Splinter has to scold him for adopting Jackie Chan's fighting style.
Imagine Don watching Martin Cooper present the world's first portable phone... then going on to make a much improved version, himself when he was just twelve years old.
Imagine Raphael going out into the richer parts of the city during the gas crisis and siphoning fuel out of businessmen's cars and putting it into cars in the poorer parts of town.
Imagine Mike filling out those "do you want to be an artist" ads in his comic books and sending them in, hoping to get to be a professional comics artist some day.
Imagine all of the Turtles trekking out into the Blizzard of 1978, completely bundled up to both keep warm and keep from being seen, to help the locals dig their cars and homes out of the snow.
Imagine April's apartment all in shades of avocado and gold, with bean bag chairs and macrame and shag carpet; and her having pin-straight hair but trying out the Farrah Fawcett look, ultimately finding it too labor-intensive.
Imagine Casey Jones with a Tom Selleck mustache and a mullet, riding a Harley-Davidson XR750, and having a massive collection of 8-Tracks.
I mean, the 70s was a fascinating decade. It was a time of rising crime and political turmoil, television was in a state of great flux, there was a gas crisis that brought out the absolute worst in people, New York saw blackouts and arson and unprecedented weather events, the Bronx was compared to a war zone and looked like one... terrorism was on the rise, the music industry was reaching out and stretching its legs, the battle of the sexes was in full swing, gun sales were on the rise... Watergate, Vietnam, the Son of Sam...
It was a hard time, but also an interesting time.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Hello, this is a really cool blog you mods are running. I wanted to ask this question; do you have any headcanons involving the dog people of Paldea. Arven is 900% a dog person and already got a few headcanons revolving his Mabosstiff, but if possible, could you provide a couple headcanons involving the other dog people and their dog pokemon (which include Nemona - Lycanroc , Ryme - Houndstone, Tyme - Lycanrocs, Clavell -Houndoom, Giacomo - Mabosstiff, Mela - Arcanine & Houndoom, Ortega - Dachsbun, Eri - Lucario, etc.) Sorry for the long post and thanks if you answer!
Under the cut bc it got long
Slight disclaimer I didn't include Eri and Lucario bc that's a jackal-man idk how to mentally handle a Lucario acting like a dog. That's a person. Featherless biped
Nemona: - She caught Lycanroc as part of her new team. Lycanroc hits hard and fast and mostly acts as her hazard setter or revenge killer. Bitches love stealth rocks - Off the field, they often exercise together! Lycanroc LOVES to run. Nemona has a chronic illness and can't jog, but she does bike or ride a Cyclizar while Lycanroc runs alongside her. They love to race around Mesagoza together - They have the same personality
Ryme: - She is the biggest dog person in Paldea, she loved her puppy so much she rapped it back to life. No one is doing it like her really and truly. When she raps about love? She's talking about the dog - She hosts an adoption fair in Montenevera every year. It's a musical festival centered around getting strays adopted and it's had RESOUNDING success so far - Ryme's semi supernatural powers are actually related to her Houndstone-- she spent so much time along it and all the other soul draining ghost types that she built a resistance to their effects. Now she can (and does) play with entire packs of ghost puppies! And sneak them too many treats
Tyme: - All her pokemon are named after numerical prefixes (kilo, giga, nano, etc). Her Midnight and Midday Lycanroc are named Deca and Deci respectively - She spoils her puppies rotten just like her sister, always sneaking them table scraps and letting them run around in the schoolyard while she's teaching classes - Deca and Deci are bargaining chips to get kids to come to extra help. Who doesn't want to snuggle with two cute dogs while you go over math problems?
Clavell: - When he was a teenager, he used to work for the Pokemon Daycare. (I saw a whole hc where he was a delinquent and got sent to the daycare as part of detention and honestly? Canon in my heart). He found his Houndoom there as a Houndour-- it had been abandoned and adopting it taught Clavell a lot about nurturing others. It's what inspired him to eventually be a school director! - Clavell and his Houndoom are always locked in a constant battle, since Clavell likes to garden and Houndoom likes to dig. For the record, Houndoom is winning - Clavell no longer has his pompadour, seeing as Houndoom took matters into his own paws and lit the wig on fire
Giacomo: - He taught his Mabosstiff, Beethoven, to DJ. He's not good at it by virtue of being a dog but the gimmick is very funny - Beethoven has a tendency to nod its head back and forth, so during concerts, Giacomo will get him little earplugs, a hat, and some shades so he can jam with the crowd. Plus he likes the vibes of the raves - He's the vaccuum cleaner for all the crumbs or snacks Giacomo happens to leave lying about. It's a win-win
Mela: - All her puppies are from the academy itself. She just happens to bond well with those pokemon and uses them on her team despite them not technically belonging to her - The Pokemon world has an ultimate frisbee esque game that involves running with your partner pokemon-- Mela and the dogs are the academy champs. They're unbeatable - Don't tell anyone, but Mela really likes styling their fur
Ortega: - That dog is a purebred (purebread?) and definitely cost like 10k. This dog is worth more than most people's kidneys - Daschbun is a total brat and has very specific diet requests. He can, will, and does pick the carrots out of his food mix and spit them out. God forbid Ortega tries to give him dry food? Oh there is hell to pay - Both Ortega and Daschbun are drama queens. Daschbun is a lapdog and knows it and will sit there haughtily. They're having too much fun
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storkmuffin · 3 months
Oh what ballets have you gone too and would you recommend them? The ones I do want to go to havent been put up locally yet so im thinking of widening my horizons until im in a better position to travel.
OKAY Omg I'm so happy to spout off about this!!!!!!!
My absolute favorites are ballets by the choreographer Balanchine, who founded the New York City Ballet. To start I would recommend Serenade (Tchaikovsky music to die for), Concerto Barocco (Bach), Symphony in C (Bizet), Jewels and Chaconne as entries. He has GREAT leotard ballets set to modern classical music but you have to like dissonant or atonal music (like Hindemith) and have patience for no costumes no sets no story and only movement which is not friendly if you don't already know his style. He also made a wonderful Nutcracker and a Midsummer Nights Dream if you want a story ballet. The New York City Ballet owns that repertory but! The Paris Opera Ballet has for years been doing a FABULOUS job of it too as have Stuttgart Ballet.
I have been to 4 types of ballets (my own categorization) put up by the following companies - New York City Ballet and other Balanchine type ballet companies, the American Ballet Theater, the Marijnsky, the Bolshoi, the Royal Ballet, the English National Ballet, the Royal Danish Ballet, the Paris Opera Ballet, the Korean National Ballet, Universal Ballet, San Francisco Ballet and the Bulgarian Varna Ballet too.
The four types of ballets are
1. Story ballets. 2. No story ballets 3. Modern ballets (sometimes story sometimes costume sometimes neither) 4. Total reworkings/Broadway adjacents
The Story ballets are Nutcracker, Giselle, Swan Lake, La Bayadere, Romeo and Juliet - that most companies will cycle through and put on. Oh Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty too - I like the English National and the Royal Ballet versions of these a lot.
The English, French, Danes and Russians all have very distinct styles from each other in terms of how they like to do movement and narrative using very similar steps and the same music so I would start anywhere and just dig in. I wish I could say stuff about the Italians like the Scala but I have only seen individual dancers like the IMMENSELY AMAZING Roberto Bolle and Alessandra Ferri doing guest spots with the ABT so I can't say.
The no story ballets are mostly Balanchine to me bc I see them as separate from the work of Jerome Robbins who sometimes had little plots and sometimes didn't.
These I would call Modern Ballets. Jerome Robbins is another WONDERFUL choreographer who is known for West Side Story which is sad bc I don't like those dances and his modern ballets are so much better! Like Afternoon of a Faun (two dancers meet in an empty rehearsal room and have a whole compact romance), Dances at a Gathering, Goldberg Variations. Fancy Free puts three Ballet boys in sailor outfits doing the cutest moves ever. He also made The Cage where female insects kill their males after mating. I recommend all of these but for Goldberg - the pianist can have a hard time lol.
Roland Petit made a Carmen for Paris Opera Ballet which is super sexy, which I also recommend.
Once you've seen a couple Swan Lakes - I would go with Bolshoi and Paris Opera just for comparison - and you like more Broadway type dancing you might want to watch Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake with boy swans. Completely reworked but so good.
I want to know more about Danish Ballet because of Bournonville- there's this wonderful friendly energy, a relaxed elegance to Danish Ballet that is very unique to that country but I haven't had that much chance.
Shading over into straight up modern dance, Twyla Tharpe made In the Upper Room which I saw danced by the American Ballet Theater which I found so cathartic I went into a crying jag of hysteria in the elevator down to the parking lot of Lincoln Center. Jerome Robbins also made a Ballet set to music by the same composer, Phillip Glass, Glass Pieces, which is so fun and feels very loving to New York City.
Uhh I think I have to stop even though I can say more. Anyway Ballet is great and I think everyone should go. Even bad Ballet performed badly is always worth it to me
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computerpeople · 1 year
small chainsaw man analysis
Chainsaw man will never be able to be correctly made into an anime because its art style fundamentally doesn't work animated. so much of the chainsaw man characterization and humor comes from fujimotos ability to draw exaggerated expressions and poses. And animation frankly can't capture it in the same exact way, it's too fast paced, too nuanced. The art style is much harder to translate to animation too, and ends up with these sort of results:
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Kobeni ends up being much more round, with a fatter neck and rounder cheeks, thicker fuller less greasy hair, less disheveled, less.... everything that makes kobeni kobeni. and it's not exactly the animes fault, despite them making some choices i don't exactly understand. Her hair for example is much easier to look greasy and stringy if you're using hard blacks, but if you're coloring and shading with extremely thin lines, like the anime decided to, it's much harder to get that "stringy" look across withoiut it being deemed 'too unattractive' and there for not removed entirely. Heres another example
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The expressions just don't translate. They've been too cutsie-ified, likely because a lot of the expressions in chainsaw man are hard to read, unpleasant to look at, and not very relatable, and they're fucking hard to animate i'm sure! But i think it deeply deeply damages the entire tone of the story; Chainsaw man is dramatic, it is, it's serious and dark, but the anime, likely due to the art direction, takes its self so so so seriously. I couldn't put a finger on why, but it's because they removed all of the vocal jokes, anything that would come off as goofy or non serious, Denji says in this very shadow the hedgehoggy weird serious boy voice. And I thought, thats okay, there isn't TOO much of that in the manga, and Denji frankly is a very sad character, i could dig this interpretation of him. Less silly, more serious, like he is at the end of the first series and the begining of the continuation.... but then I realized they removed ALL of the comedy, or at least a big chunk of it, and I couldn't figure out why? Why would they do that?
And then I realized it's the art style. There's no more silly expressions, or physical humor. The scene with Kobeni being called a monkey?
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It's a joke. It's physical comedy, like a cartoon, it's absurdist humor because of Kobenis facial expressions, her generally disinterested and failgirl posture, the fact that the Kobeni we've known up until then was fucking pathetic as shit. And then she starts pulling this out of nowhere? That's the joke. That's what makes the monkey comment funny. But the issue is, the scene is so serious. It's so fast paced to try and get the effect the comic is going for, but i think it falls flat on its face. That was supposed to be a small comedic relief moment in a relatively serious scene, but without that physical humor, and with the line read of the "what is she, a monkey?!" line, he says it so seriously, there isn't any shock in his voice. It's more of a statement than anything. And without any of that- added without any of the verbal humor (other than power, but I have things to say about her in a different post) the entire anime feels so empty compared to the manga.
They're changing the chainsaw man director, for presumably, what I assume are these issues, especially the fact that a lot of the humor is just seemingly absent from the series. But I think an anime of chainsaw man is doomed to always be inferior, due to the fact that it is simply just not a series that works well for animation. The end bumpers are BEAUTIFUL, i think they perfectly encapture the feeling of chainsaw man, but i think thats the most you can do with animation. I don't think you can TELL the story of chainsaw man without Fujimotos art style, specifically his physical comedy and gags.
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trickstarbrave · 8 months
Better art ask: What Brushes do you use?
uhhhhh oh fuck
well mostly i use csp and custom brushes from the asset store. for details and jewelry and blood splatters and more i kinda just go ham with a bunch of them. but as for brushes i use all the time unfortunately some arent available anymore :( but sure i'll show them
most lines i actually use this brush:
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its more of a pencil but was in fact designed for lines. at a small size and on a large canvas you dont notice the texture that much it just gives it a lil smth smth. outside that i also use what im pretty sure is the default textured pen bc i just like my lines with a bit of texture.
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for sketching i will use the standard colored pencil default brush
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to get the basic shapes as it is pretty light to start off with and i dont want anything too detailed, before i move into
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uhhhh this one i also can't find. i know its kind of a graffiti style marker supposedly (at least based on what i can read of the name tho i am illiterate rn given i am abt to pass out)
onto coloring--i will fill in colors with a standard hard-round/g-pen or the textured pen depending on what im coloring. and as for shading it is almost always
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before fully moving to csp despite liking pretty much all of it more i struggled with coloring as i was deeply attached to the watercolor tool in csp. i tried and tried over and over to find a brush that worked the same and finally found one which was close enough. over the years i have tweaked it here and there. but when people say "i love your rendering!" it is almost always this bad boy doing most of the heavy lifting.
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bad example but it can do hard or soft edges depending on the pressure. its soft, kinda transparent, and easy to control (for me anyways). you can also drag the colors around when blending which is helpful because i also use this to like. erase and redefine shadows too. i would link you but uhhhh i think i found this brush in. 2018-2019???? and i havent found it or the others mentioned unfortunately. problems that come with people deleting or privating brushes and also dling a bunch of them but i might have also changed it so much its not really the same thing anymore LMAO
also honorary mention for the standard round airbrush for gradients and to get very rough shading and form down. and also i will use the standard default colored pencil brush for highlights sometimes on skin or shiny fabric because i feel like it looks???? more realistic???? cause skin and fabric has texture. yknow.
if you guys find any of these feel free to link them bc i havent had any luck even googling the name or digging around my downloads history
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wildcards1407 · 1 year
Travel Documents 129: Bang Bang Bodhisattva
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by Aubrey Wood
Genre:  sci-fi, near-future, cyberpunk, bio-punk
Publication Date: May 9 Pre-Order At This Link
The Dust Cover Copy
Someone wants trans girl hacker-for-hire Kiera Umehara in prison or dead—but for what? Failing to fix their smart toilet?
It’s 2032 and we live in the worst cyberpunk future. Kiera is gigging her ass off to keep the lights on, but her polycule’s social score is so dismal they’re about to lose their crib. That’s why she's out here chasing cheaters with Angel Herrera, a luddite P.I. who thinks this is The Big Sleep. Then the latest job cuts too deep—hired to locate Herrera’s ex-best friend (who’s also Kiera’s pro bono attorney), they find him murdered instead. Their only lead: a stick of Nag Champa incense dropped at the scene.
Next thing Kiera knows, her new crush turns up missing—sans a hand (the real one, not the cybernetic), and there’s the familiar stink of sandalwood across the apartment. Two crimes, two sticks of incense, Kiera framed for both. She told Herrera to lose her number, but now the old man might be her only way out of this bullshit...
A fast-talker with a heart of gold, Bang Bang Bodhisattva is both an odd-couple buddy comedy that never knows when to shut up, and an exploration of finding yourself and your people in an ever-mutable world.
Quick heads up: this book is in pre-release, so this is a spoiler-free review. There’s more depth I’d love to dig into, but I’m hands-off until more folks have read it!
The Scene
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Hooooo BOY. Buckle up. Here we go.
A high-octane story in the cultural tradition of Snow Crash, Minority Report and Blade Runner, Bang Bang gives folks in the queer community what they’ve been waiting for: a look at the cyberpunk world through their eyes.
In worldbuilding, Wood has taken cues from all your favorite wouldn’t-live-there-if-you-paid-me futures: the tech that argues with you has shades of The Fifth Element, the use of bionics and implants is reminiscent of Repo Man. And the harsh reality of gigging for a living and running on ice? Well that, we’re living right now. Mixed together, they make for a world I really enjoyed reading, but definitely don’t want to visit.
The Crowd
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Wisecracking, fast-moving Kiera is the POV character we’ve been waiting for. She’s clever, quick-tongued, a little bit of a spaz and an absolute sweetheart. She’s the type of quick-thinking trans girl who’ll yell ‘I got a dick!’ when a skeez wolf-whistles, just to watch him walk into a wall. She’s thirty years old, sick of the grind, and sweet-natured under the armor her world impels her to wear. Her foil is Angel Hererra. No wait, sorry, he changed that name, and that face, to get the world to give him a bit less of a hard time. It sort of worked…sort of. But it cut him off from part of himself too. And that’s never a good thing. On their side are a clever assortment of allies: the android studying law, the classy dame with all the threads to the underworld in her hand, and the indentured servant who really just wanted a better life. Underpinning the story is the sweet support of Kiera’s polycule, waiting at home with snuggles and bingeable TV. Cueing up the ominous music for this piece are Detective Flynn, who gives new meaning to being a dick, and several other impressive baddies. The characters, even those who aren’t fleshed out, are well-written and interesting. The ones who get more time on the page are rounded into wonderfully whole people. Most of them don’t fit society’s definition of ‘people’ for some reason. And with every move, they prove why they should.
Writing Style
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Fast paced and sometimes brutal, this work is full of bright one-liners and witty zings. Like it says on the dust cover, it definitely has echoes of The Big Sleep going on, along with Snow Crash and similar zany takes on a dark future. But the author pulls on this setting like a favorite coat and wears it with style, making it fresh. I particularly enjoyed the showcasing of authority using legalism as a weapon against people who don’t fit: it’s a nasty part of the LGBT and minority experience that needs to be addressed. But I enjoyed watching our characters find their way around it even more!
The Moves
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I’ll say this up front: I was not expecting these twists and turns. And I bet you won’t see what’s coming either, not until it’s right on top of you! Or, in most cases, right on top of Kiera. Poor kid.
(cue Kiera shouting ‘I’m thirty, dammit!’ in the background) In the classic neo-noir style, you have your crime, you have your slueth, and you have your unknown criminal. But the twists and turns that take us from ‘oh crap a dead body’ to the last page are nothing like you expect, and everything you want to read.
Overall Rating
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A high-octane race through Cyberpunk City, with pit stops for queer love and solidarity.
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spottys-rathole · 7 months
8, 25 and/or 30 for the ask game ? :]c
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
Pour n'en choisir qu'un qui ne me rendrait pas triste en y repensant :
Une animation sur Raccoon sur la chanson "The Other Side of Paradise" de Glass Animals dont j'ai écrit le script en Juillet 2021 (avant de rejoindre le serveur Commu RPZ oh wow) Le script est tout écrit, l'audio de la vidéo est mixé, les placeholders posés, mais juste avant de commencer à la storyboard je me suis relu et j'me suis dit "hmm c'est yikes hein ouais allez hop ça dégage"
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25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
Mostly used in real life from various people, but they seem to like to use the term "Disney-like" when describing my artstyle- Which is a broad ass term to use btw. I definitely grew up with these movies so maybe there's a touch of inspo in it whether I realize it or not, but it is also really not something that I try to get close to- (I love expressionism way better lol) I assume it's the way I sometimes draw eyes, combined with a clean coloured lineart + my simplistic 2D shading style that reminds them of that Though it is far from an insult, it remains a term that I do not embrace as my art teachers like to use it when they actually mean "bland/too tame/too generic"
Couple of pieces that got qualified as such by people in the past :
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If I have to name one conscious inspo of mine that inspired me to model my artstyle after theirs though, is Skailla's. And it becomes even more obvious if you dig into her ~2014 art and compare it to mine from back then 30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I believe I absolutely do NOT suffer from lack of success at all Whatever I do, no matter if I actually try hard or not, I have always received positive feedback from people, strangers or friends I have overheard conversations of people praising my work without knowing who the author was It is something I feel very priviledged but also feel very guilty about, because whenever people validate my work but overlook that of a colleague, I get to hear them compare their own work to mine Long story short : I could only call a piece "underrated" in comparison with my other more popular fanart pieces (which obviously get recommanded because people actually look for them) but I am more than satisfied and overwhelmed by the attention I already get
I guess take this one animation, it took me over a year to finish it, and I put way too much effort into it. It's far from perfect but I still like it, it taught me stuffs, and it features two of my OCs who's relationship I really really enjoy
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catovyen · 2 years
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oh god, it's been more than a year since I stayed in this fanbase. As I look at my old arts, the way I drew some of these characters did change a lot and some are still similar to each other- Note that most of the characters here are either from the original RH or AU version made by me!
I think the way I draw Joe changed a lot lmao, I was too dependent on the Rhythm Heaven art style so I use thick lines. I start to experiment with my art style to be more comfortable with it around May 5, 2021. My style is leaning toward anime or those who play with lighting to create a specific ambiance. Yes, I did use a circle tool for May 8 and August 8 because I just gave up that time HSDGDS I kinda wish I could have the style from July 12, 2021, for me that looks perfect!!
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I definitely didn't do well from April 3 to May 13 holy shi- If I can show the full picture, the hair looks unbalanced and shaped like a cone. I became more satisfied with the style on September 7, 2021. I start to add some hair shading on August 4 to show the light source, a little kind of experiment. I also noticed his glasses bridge is getting thinner every time I drew him and it gets less detailed- I don't have a personal favorite style yet, I'm still trying to experiment on him.
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This dude is so hard to draw, deadass. I was in pain trying to get a perfect circle without using a circle tool 😭 I also realize that I drew his legs very long when I redesigned Stomp Farmer. I believe I still do that until now, along with the arms- frequently they appear to be long or short. I remember I always struggle drawing his hat jfc- Now I am getting the hang of it! Not to mention that 99% of the artwork is just his face being " >:( " LMAOO I need to work on other expressions more,,, I am digging the October 31, 2021 art style, but I am not a fan of drawing with extremely thin and colored lines.
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I have barely drawn Samurai since 2021, I only have drawn him 11 times. But drawing him makes me want to develop his story more (both headcanon and AU). I always struggle to get his head shape and hairline right and I still do until now- My style always changes on him, it might depend on which Samurai I am drawing. August 2, 2022 deadass looks like a Disney Pixar movie dad, my friend told me that... I mean??- 😭 It's probably that version is way younger than the others I have drawn.
I have drawn other characters but I never draw them as much as the 4 characters above. Hopefully I will draw more variations in the future!
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Here are my v1-3 redesigns for Team RWBY! Yang is kinda out there lol, still deciding if I like hers or not-
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Alright this is going to be fun. I’ll go in chronological order of team RWBY
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Ruby Rose.
Right off the bat the color red is still dominant so we aren’t losing that, a more protective black dress/skirt I’m digging it. The tad bits of yellow is a lovely way to incorporate Yang’s color without making it a eyesore. It’s hard adding Yellow to Ruby but you did good! It’s even harder adding gold and silver together.
Silver as outlines and clamps to her shoes is pleasing to the eye, it even makes her silver eyes stand out more.
Now with the top in giving her white/light gray sleeves I do wish some was in the bottom too, maybe as white shoes to balance it out. I think maybe a darker gray would be better or just black since I have paranoia from the show in her arms being too close to her sleeves/skin color.
Overall Ruby is super cute and looks much more protective in combat, I just really love the black dress style and her boots. She’s ready to slay Grimm.
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Weiss Schnee.
Oh thank goodness we got white than multiple shades of blue, it’s such an easy trap to make blue look dominant in Weiss but you got the good shade of pale blue to blend in perfectly with the white in her look.
The exposed shoulders to be reminiscent of her big sister Winter is perfect 👍 Ruby has a similar look to her idol Qrow, Yang has a very similar look to Taiyang, I love Weiss with the idea of mimicking Winter’s look too, she looks up to her.
The way to break apart the whites blending into Weiss’ skin is red and you got it on her collar so her head is easily visible. Her nails to distinguish her fingers apart. I just need MORE red on her boots and it’ll be perfect!
Also *bows* I think she’s my favorite of the four.
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Blake Belladonna.
Hold on a minute, a belt wrapped around her waist like Weiss’ design up above and a corset… You know what, I love it. Since these designs are from volumes 1-3 and the arc they have together in volume 1 I do like the idea of them having similarities to their looks but also still being very distinguishable.
Same but different. Weiss and Blake may not be so different 🤍🖤 sorry it’s just my Monochrome heart coming above.
It’s very similar to her original look but the one thing I do wanna note is the red jewels on top and the yellow jewels down. I would just make the four jewels the same color, personally yellow so it goes with her eyes.
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Yang Xiao Long.
Yang is a good START! Hear me out!
With a little adjusting to the colors this would be top notch, it’s hard working for the character representing the color yellow but it’s possible! Simply use the least amount of colors on Yang and it’ll be banger. I fall in that trap too, I tend to want to use brown, gold, tan, orange, and purple on Yang but the less the better.
The placements of purple on Yang is good, we’ve already seen purple bandanas on Yang’s waist before to balance her eye color but a purple cloth on her head to be reminiscent of Raven… I’m loving it!
Just a few tweaks to the colors and this would be a pleasant design for Yang. Other than that she screams Biker Chick vibes and I love Yang being fun with her look yet protective in combat.
In summary these designs are great! Great settle changes, great ideas, great executions of elements to incorporate to their looks from other characters they’ve encountered/meet. A few tweaks of colors and you should be set.
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m0ra11 · 5 days
Hey there! So, I know we’ve been talking a lot about our upcoming beach trip, and I’ve been obsessing over what to pack. I want to travel light but still be prepared for anything. The one thing I’ve decided is absolutely essential is a sarong. I can’t stop raving about it because it’s seriously the perfect beach accessory. Let me tell you all the reasons why.
First off, a sarong is so versatile. It’s basically just a large piece of fabric, usually rectangular, that you can tie and wear in countless ways. That’s what makes it so brilliant. When we get to the beach, you can use it as a cover-up. You know how it is, you want to enjoy the sun but also need a break from it. A sarong can easily transform into a skirt or a dress, so you can quickly throw it on when you want to walk around or grab a bite to eat without feeling too exposed. And it always looks stylish! There are so many ways to tie it that you can have a different look every day if you want.
But it’s not just about wearing it. Picture this: we find the perfect spot on the sand, and it’s time to settle down. Spread out your sarong, and voilà! Instant beach blanket. The fabric is usually lightweight but large enough to give you plenty of space to lie down and relax. Plus, it’s easy to shake off the sand when we’re ready to pack up. No more struggling with bulky beach towels that seem to collect sand like they’re magnetized.
Another fantastic use for a sarong is as a sunshade. You know how sometimes the sun can get a bit too intense? If we have a couple of sticks or even some driftwood, we can tie the corners of the sarong to them and create a makeshift sunshade. It’s a simple and quick way to get some shade without needing to lug around a heavy umbrella. And if we get too warm and want a bit of a breeze, the lightweight fabric will let the air through while still providing some protection from the sun.
Oh, and speaking of protection, a sarong can be a lifesaver if you’re worried about sunburn. Imagine you’ve been in the water, having a blast, but you start to feel your shoulders getting a bit too much sun. Just wrap your sarong around your shoulders, and you’ve got an instant shield. It’s great for those of us who might forget to reapply sunscreen as often as we should.
You know what else is great? A sarong can even be a towel in a pinch. I know it sounds odd, but hear me out. The fabric is thin, so it won’t be as absorbent as a regular towel, but it’s perfect for a quick dry-off after a swim. Plus, it dries super fast in the sun, so you won’t have to deal with a soggy, heavy towel for the rest of the day. And because it’s so lightweight, it doesn’t take up much space in your bag. You can easily carry a couple of them without feeling weighed down.
And let’s not forget the style factor. Sarongs come in so many beautiful colors and patterns. Whether you like bright, bold prints or something more subdued, there’s a sarong out there for you. They add a touch of flair to your beach outfit without trying too hard. Plus, they can be a great way to express your personal style. I always feel a bit more put together when I’m wearing mine, even if it’s just tied around my waist as a skirt.
But it’s not just about looking good. A sarong can be a handy tool for carrying things, too. Imagine we’re strolling down the beach, and you find some beautiful shells or other little treasures. You can bundle them up in your sarong and carry them easily without worrying about losing them. It’s also great for carrying snacks, sunscreen, or anything else you might need quick access to without digging through your bag.
Oh, and if we decide to do a bit of exploring away from the beach, a sarong is perfect for that, too. Whether we’re hiking to a nearby lookout point or wandering through a local market, it’s nice to have something that can transition from beachwear to casual attire without any fuss. You can tie it as a dress or drape it over your shoulders like a shawl. It’s great for those moments when you need to cover up a bit more but still want to stay cool and comfortable.
Now, I know this might sound a bit silly, but a sarong can even double as an impromptu picnic blanket or tablecloth. If we decide to have a little snack or lunch on the beach, it’s perfect for spreading out and keeping our food out of the sand. And because it’s so easy to clean, you don’t have to worry about stains or spills. Just give it a quick shake or wash, and it’s good as new.
Another thing I love about sarongs is that they’re so easy to pack. They take up hardly any space in your suitcase or beach bag, and because they’re so lightweight, you can bring a few different ones without feeling overloaded. This means you can have options for different days or activities, and they’re also easy to throw into your bag if you’re heading out for a day trip or a longer vacation.
And you know what’s the best part? They’re super affordable. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a great sarong. Of course, there are some high-end options out there, but you can also find beautiful, high-quality sarongs at very reasonable prices. This makes them an excellent investment because you get so much use out of them for such a small cost.
I almost forgot to mention one of the best things – sarongs make fantastic gifts. If you’re ever stuck on what to get someone for a birthday or special occasion, a sarong is a thoughtful and practical choice. It’s one of those items that people might not think to buy for themselves but will end up loving and using all the time.
So, yeah, I’m pretty obsessed with my sarong and think it’s the ultimate beach essential. It’s stylish, versatile, practical, and just so easy to use. Once you start using one, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. Trust me, it’ll become your new favorite thing, too. Plus, we can have fun experimenting with all the different ways to wear and use them on our trip. It’s going to be awesome!
I can’t wait for our beach adventure and to see you rock your sarong. We’re going to have the best time ever, soaking up the sun, exploring, and just relaxing. And with our trusty sarongs in tow, we’ll be ready for anything. So, what do you think? Ready to join the sarong fan club with me?
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guacamoleroll · 2 years
𝖆𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 「𝔞𝔨𝔞𝔷𝔞」 ༉‧₊˚
content. f!reader. reincarnation!au, implied/referenced death (poisoning), spoilers for the infinity castle arc, bittersweet ending. not proofread. 2.3k+ words.
author's note. i’m experimenting with a new writing style, and i thought it fit with this story. this is written in more of a third-person omniscient perspective instead of second-person like most of my stores, so if you liked it let me know.
would you like to see more? join the taglist or comment under this post!
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synopsis. he had little to no memory of his previous life as a human, but he was curious. what could've happened to effect his mindset in his current life. if only he knew.
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It had been a very long night, to put it carefully into words.
The demon that proudly claimed the title of "Upper Moon Three" had also failed at finding the blue spider lily for his master - for what seemed to be the hundredth time. In his mind, he found that it was probably impossible to find the said flower, seeing as if hadn't been spotted in almost a millennium.
He disregarded the thought quickly each time it resurfaced, if not from the fear of being punished, then because it would take him down a spiral of thought that he knew would lead him nowhere.
After his meeting with his boss, he was dropped into a farming village near his next mission. It was quaint but ample enough that he would probably find some decent prey if he looked hard enough - possibly some kind of thug or criminal, a drunkard or deadbeat. It had to have at least one of those.
The lantern lighting of the village streets could barely be seen from where he was standing in the fields, though would be beautiful from an upward view. They illuminated the sugarcane crops around the edge in an ethereal glow, bringing life to the dull navy shade of the night sky.
It would've been even more enchanting if he spent time paying attention to it, but the hustle and bustle of his work as a demon left little time for him to appreciate such simple wonders. One hundred years of existence made sights like these dull to men like him anyway, so easily snuffed out by plague or violence.
He made sure to keep his footsteps light, as to not disturb or frighten any wildlife or late-night worker that was finishing up collecting in the fields. They would also suffice as adequate food if he didn't have any other option, though he preferred to keep that spot reserved for some of the more ruthless people.
Though he knew that he had no room for talking, since he was the worst kind of human there was - a demon - something inside of him couldn't stand these weak creatures that benefited from taking advantage of those who hadn't been able to grow stronger yet. Something about it was so familiar to him, though he knew digging into that would only cause him unnecessary heartache. There was no need to look into memories of the past - they would only impede on his future.
He paused in his walking as he neared the edge of the village, the pitter-patter of footsteps coming closer to him as they skipped down stone stairs that led up towards the houses. He couldn't see the person through the thick stalks of sugarcane, only being able to make out a blurry silhouette.
They became louder, almost too close to him as he prepared to back away, only for them to stop ahead of him, followed by the shuffling of sugarcane leaves rubbing together harshly.
"Ugh." The voice of a young woman spoke quietly through the plants, breaking the tense silence like a hammer to glass, despite how light and low her tone was. "I can't believe Masako forgot to pick her basket up."
The woman mumbled a few more incoherent phrases to herself, though he paid little attention to them as he stared in an almost wondrous look. His entire form had unwittingly decided to relax, his muscles coming unbound by the effect of her voice alone.
It was so strange - the soothing effect a stranger could have on him, and it frightened him greatly. If he didn't know any better, he would claim that she was some kind of sirenic demon, though he would've been able to tell if that were the case. The tone of her voice was so lovely and familiar, honey-crisp with a sultry dash of teasing sass.
There was a dull thud, followed by more rustling of leaves as they stacked and rubbed together in what he had assumed was the aforementioned basket. His fingers twitched as another sequence of thuds followed, succeeded by small cursing mumbles underneath the woman's breath.
"She needs to stack this better next time."
Without any thought, his body started to sneakily creep around the row of crops, his head peeking out comedically as he got a glimpse of the kneeling woman. Even from behind, he could surmise that she was attractive, even in spite of the dirty clothes that she was wearing. It somehow made her even more enamored with her. She had a petite figure compared to himself, though that was no surprise, but her arms were taut with muscle.
He thought that she was beautiful, but he felt any air that was in his body leave as she turned around, her face incandescent in the glow of the village. Some part of his mind recognized that face, though he couldn't place it from where - but he knew that he had felt this feeling before.
Bright eyes that were filled with life and curiosity and drawn in with long lashes, beauty marks that decorated soft skin in patterns that he longed to trace with his own fingers, plump lips that looked ever-so kissable in the moonlit beams of nighttime's grace.
It was an angelic face that brought a rouge blush to his own cheeks, cold and dead heart starting to beat from within his ribcage, almost loud enough that he assumed the young woman would hear at any moment and turn around to face him.
Why was he like this?
Who was this girl?
"...hello? Is someone there?"
In his mind, he was very glad that humans did not have the great night vision that demons had, the only light source anyone could see from was that of the village. He remained hidden in the shadows, some part of him hoping that she would leave and take these feelings with her. The other part wanted her to stay, he wanted to stay - something felt right about being so near.
Her nose shriveled up at the bridge with a concerned and almost frightened expression. Cute.
No. Why did he think that?
What was she?
The young woman rolled her eyes, bristling her back a bit as she turned around to call out to the other voice that had echoed far in the distance.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
She started to shuffle forward with the basket on her arm, only to stumble in her steps, resulting in another piece of sugarcane falling out of the already overflowing carrier. She groaned, her brows furrowing in irritation, the urge to just leave it there pushing her to go - but she knew her parents would be furious with her if she had left something behind in her sweep.
The stalked had rolled its way across the dirty ground, the night sky assisting it in its little game of hide-n-seek that she had no patience for playing. She squinted her eyes to the point that they hurt, looking into the leaves and debris with no luck.
"Hold on!"
She bent down in an area she had believed she had spotted it in, looking for it while simultaneously attempting to not lose anything else in her search. Her hands scraped over the ground, not too bothered by the specks of dirt that sullied her hands. It was normalcy at this point.
"I'm coming, give me a-"
Her eyes locked onto something foreign near one of the stalks, definitely not naturally there. Feet that were weirdly not covered by shoes, though her frightened heart ignored that as her gaze traveled upward to that of a whole man - no, something far more supernatural. A demon.
She buried a small scream that wanted to escape far back into her throat as if the noise would disturb the being in front of her - but then her eyes looked down once more. There in his hand was the stalk, which was lying on his palm almost gently, as if he were hesitant to touch it.
It was a very rash decision that he had made, and one that had caused him to overthink everything with his already scrambled mind as her figure had approached further. He hadn't even realized what had come over him, but he wasn't able to react any further as he picked it up - not dropping it or having the heart to leave.
He had completely expected her to run or scream - something that normal humans always did - him obviously being something not thought of in this world. She had probably also put two-and-two together, realizing that he had been watching her from the shadows the entire time - which even he understood was frightening.
But something unprecedented happened. Something he did not see coming.
The young woman stared at him for another moment, her figure unbelievingly sauntering forward towards his very own, a reaction he already did not expect. She didn't seem to believe what she was seeing, even though he could see his reflection in her very own eyes - her very, very beautiful eyes. There was an emotion that he could not recognize at first, not until she opened her lips to speak, in a tone that was too soft, almost as if to not break the world around them.
Eyes hidden behind pink lashes widened, knowing that name very well. That was his name. His human name.
She recognized him.
And then he recognized her.
She didn't look the same as she did before, but she didn't need to. He still felt the way her very soul drew his forward, the way it made him remember what being alive felt like. She had always been able to do that, was always able to ground him back into reality. Into the beautiful world that was made that way because she existed in it.
The pair of old lovers stood there, nothing but the cold, brittle wind hitting against her bare skin to confirm that this moment was truly real. That this wasn't some trick of the night, or some sort of elaborate, twisted, sick dream.
She lifted her calloused hand to his cheek with trembling fingers. The demon had also looked so much different from her memories, obviously not a human any longer, but the gentle voice was something she dared to remember.
No one had spoken that name with such softness and love in more than a hundred years, even though she had always expected to hear it around every corner since she was small. Everything had changed, with her being reborn into a new life, with new family and new friends.
But nothing could make her completely forget the past, not like many others. She could remember everything, both happy and tragic - even the last moments she spent with her father, those that made her weep and mourn a man that she hadn't met in her current life.
But somehow, by the grace of the gods perhaps, she was able to see Hakuji again.
The basket and her sister had been all forgotten for the moment, the only beings left in the world were the two lovers. There were no responsibilities too great, nothing more important than this reunion of souls. The blue spider lily could wait for another millennium for all he cared.
The shining glimmer of tears started to create luminous waterfalls down the cheeks of both of their faces, though he tried to wipe his own away in his stubborn sense of pride that had managed to persist through the century.
He really hadn't changed that much.
Her face melted into a somber, familiar smile as the world stopped turning for them. His hands clasped delicately around her waist as if this moment would shatter otherwise. There was a pause, not of hesitation, but of contemplation as the two seemed to realize the gravity of this - but it was none too soon broken by him leaning forward and bringing her lips in for a century-awaited kiss.
It wasn't perfect, but neither were they - but it was completely right. Their lips melded together, though they were two broken individuals, they found themselves whole in each other. Knowing that their other half continued to live on was enough for now.
The voice was even closer than before, and they both reluctantly came apart. A sense of dread fell upon the pair with the realization that they would probably be parting for good, even though they were desperate to be whole again - they couldn't be. Despite their past, they were two different beings with different goals than before.
These two flames would burn bright for each other, but only in the distance where no warmth could be felt. They'd be likes stars in the night sky, burning harshly and brightly, but so far away that no being could touch them - but they were there. They would always be there.
He looked into her glowing eyes for one last time, managing that cheeky smile that she had longed for and loved, before sprinting off quickly as if he were only a face in the breeze blowing by - like she would've missed him if she hadn't seen him at that very moment. He had always been like that.
The panting form of an even younger girl ran up beside her, using her knees to brace herself from falling to the ground as she caught up. They both stood there together, the older sister watching the breeze shift the sugarcane silently.
"That man." The young girl looked at her sister in concern, very uncomfortable with the unfamiliar tears that dripped down even further against her cheeks. "Who was he?"
The older woman's deep frown shifted into something softer, contemplative and melancholic. Her eyes grew into something much older than herself, recalling something far off in the distant stretch of time. Something that had been weathered and eroded across time - but never forgotten.
She sighed lightly with a small smile, watching for any sight of him, though she knew that it was for nothing. He had always been something of a drifter - always wanting something more, even if he wanted her. She would never forget the love that he made her feel, even if they had to go their separate ways.
"That was a boy that I loved a long time ago."
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© ɢᴜᴀᴄᴍᴏʟᴇʀᴏʟʟ 2022 — ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ʀᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ. ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇᴅ
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pennyserenade · 2 years
here’s some indecent thoughts i’ve had about tobey maguire’s peter parker, because i don’t see nearly enough of that content for him. he’s sexy, it must be said. 18+ only
he’s bashful - more reserved and quiet about what he wants - until he’s really feeling overwhelmed by how much he wants you. when his cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink, the tips of his ears get red, and there’s that look in his eye, then you know you’re in for something good
peter is good at eating you out. he likes it. there’s something so graceful about the way you spread your legs for him initially, and then the slow sensuality of what follows after. the teasing kisses up your legs, the kisses placed at the corners of your pelvis, the kisses over the cloth of your panties, all while you watch him with those eyes of yours. then there’s the holy grail of it all - at least, to him - which is the first touch of his warm tongue to your pussy. the air turns ripe with the beautiful scent of want and you never fail him with the way your breathe hitches in that moment. it’s a shock to your system, the best way he can duplicate the way you make him feel nearly all the time. he’s more than happy to do it for you, until your heel is digging into his muscular back, and you’re doing the best you can to tell him he’s getting you there
he’s a gentle lover, though not an unexciting one. while your sex life consists primarily of the missionary position, doggy style, and you riding him, these positions are ones he makes the most of. peter is masterful at taking things slow and making them all sensual. a slow drag of his cock as he exits your tight cunt, and the slow re-entrance, just so you both can watch the way you take him. the quiet whimpers that fall from his mouth as he leans over you from behind, so near to filling you with his cum, but not neglecting your own pleasure, fingers pressed against your clit. it feels like you’ve been at it for years during those times, and god. it’s agony, pure agony, until he moves his fingers a little quicker and he tells you what a good girl you are for him. then you’re shaking in his arms and he’s holding you firmly against him, breath hitched as he clings steadfast to his own climax for a moment longer, just enough so it doesn’t take anything from your own. call it what you will, but it really feels like the peter tingle when it comes to the way his body responds with yours because of it.
it doesn’t happen often, just because of general regard for his public image and his sometimes too good moral compass, but when he thinks there’s not an incredible danger of getting caught, he likes public sex. alleyways have been where this happens mostly, and in the dead of night. there’s something about the way, when he covers your mouth with his hand, and you hold yours over it, that really turns his on. he guesses it might have to do with the fact that you like it so much you need him to cover your mouth that really does it for him.
sometimes sex can be funny as much as it can be sexy. while there is so spider-webs coming out of his cock, peter is peter - an awkward, stumbling man-boy whom you fell in love with. these traits don’t vanish in the bedroom. you bump noses and heads, and sometimes his webs do go off when you’re holding his wrists down to the bed and he’s not thinking about it. but what’s really great about peter is that even in its awkwardness and hilarity, sex with him is the best you’ve ever had. for all the nose bumps and the sticky webs on the headboards you’ve had to tackle together, there is a beautiful moment you’ve shared where you maintain eye contact for long enough to understand it’s okay to laugh. it’s funny. it doesn’t matter if he’s rock hard in you or that you’re both naked and bare for each other, trying to be sexy. sometimes those moments where nothing is sexy and everything is funny are the most intimate you have. peter is a lover who understands you.
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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