#i don’t think this counts as jeffmads but
if-men-were-angels · 8 months
here’s jefferson & madison but in hamilton
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NOT historical guys😞😔
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zhydoesart · 4 years
the only reward for love (JeffMads)
ships: QPR JeffMads
warnings: brief mentions of abuse, bullying, internalized a(ro)phobia, mild burn
word count: 3.5k words
AO3 Summary: "The only reward for love is the experience of loving." - John LeCarre. | Thomas is in love with his best friend James, who doesn't, CAN'T, want him back. And yet, James still feels a prickle of jealousy whenever Thomas flirts with someone else in front of him. 
Whenever James sees Thomas flirting with other people, he grits his teeth and keeps himself from saying anything. After all, it’s not like they’re dating.
It’s not like James is even in love with him.
Still, he can’t stop the jealousy from clouding his head whenever he sees couples engaging in PDA. He wants that, he really does, but as hard as he tries, he can’t make himself feel the right way.
But if James is incapable of love, what is it exactly that he feels toward Thomas?
He’s wondered that before. Often, actually, if he’s being honest. For whatever reason, no matter how hard he tries, it just can’t be that simple for him.
James thought he was normal until third grade. Sometimes, in kindergarten, kids would have “romances” on the playground where they’d kiss each other’s cheek and hold hands while they played, and he’d thought nothing of it. In third grade, a friend had started pestering him, asking him who he liked. They’d gone around the group, asking everyone else, and everyone else had an answer ready to go.
And James had realized—he’d never felt like that.
What does it mean? To “like” someone? To “love”? He’s asked himself those questions many times, but he never has an answer. He doesn’t know.
James is in high school now. Shouldn’t he have experienced a crush by now? Would he even know it if he did?
He sees his friends grow up around him, mature, even start to fall in love. They start prioritizing their relationships over their friendships, and he becomes an afterthought, a name tacked on at the end of a statement when they look over and realize they’d left him out.
The only friend he’s spoken to in years is Thomas.
Thomas. It’s a name not unlike a happy sigh, it rolls off the tongue with ease.
James met Thomas in seventh grade.
He’d always been sickly, especially as a child, and sometimes other kids bullied him because he wasn’t strong enough to fight back.
He remembered the day they met. Another boy had pinned James against the wall and was threatening to hit him if James didn’t hand over his lunch money.
James looked around desperately for one of the lunch ladies or a teacher, but there weren’t any adults nearby. He had sighed, internally preparing to go another long afternoon without food.
It had been at that very moment that someone had stepped in.
“Leave him alone,” purred a voice. It hadn’t been loud or demanding, but still, it made the bully stop and look.
James squinted at his savior. The other boy was backlit by the sun, and all James could make out was the fluffy mass of curls on his head and his posture, confident with his hands on his hips.
“Why should I?” sneered the bully.
The boy who’d come to rescue James took a few steps forward into the shade, and then James could see his face.
“Because if you don’t, I’ll make your life a living hell.” James didn’t know how anyone could say something like that so sweetly, but the bully’s face whitened.
“Okay, jeez, man, I’ll leave him alone.” The bully backed away slowly, looking slightly nervous. Both James and his rescuer watched him go.
“You okay?” James registered the boy’s voice, closer to him than before, and he looked up to see the boy right in front of him. His voice was soft, and it instantly put James at ease.
James dusted off his knees—a habit, something he always did once the bully left, whether or not he’d been knocked to the ground. “Yeah.” He was somewhat subdued, and he stared at the ground.
“You sure?” The boy sounded genuinely concerned for James. That’s never happened before. No one asked if James was alright, not when he got his lunch money stolen and was threatened with violence. Not when his dad started yelling and his mom protected him. Not when his dad yelled behind closed doors, and his mom left the room with bruises on her face and a sad smile on her lips.
James thought about the question. “I don’t know.”
The boy paused. “Can I touch you?” James liked the boy’s jacket. It wasn’t something that he himself would wear—too brightly colored for him—but it looked nice on the boy. He nodded.
The boy put an arm around James’ shoulders. “Hm. I’m Thomas. You look lonely. Wanna be friends?”
James smiled. “Yes.”
“Hey, cutie, you did well in Debate yesterday. Keep it up, and you’re gonna go places.” Thomas winks, and the girl—he thinks her name is Katherine—blushes.
“Thanks,” she mutters, staring at her hands, and runs off to gossip with her group of female friends, all of which were huddled around their lunch table watching the exchange. He watches as she starts excitedly talking, and he shakes his head.
Thomas strides back to his table on his long legs, settling down on the bench across from his friend. His spoon is still sitting on his napkin where he’d left it earlier, and he picks it up, glancing at James.
James… looks almost sad. In fact, if Thomas didn’t know better, he’d think James was jealous.
As it is, he does know better. He’s not sure James has ever liked anyone, let alone him. Unless he’d just been very good at hiding it. And while James is generally a quiet person, there’s an exception when he’s with Thomas. James tells Thomas everything, and vice versa. Well, he can’t tell James about this. So… not everything, he supposes. Not anymore.
The reason why he flirts with other people isn’t because he isn’t interested. In fact, it’s the opposite. He flirts with other people as a distraction. A distraction from the fact that the person he really wants to flirt with is right there, a literal arm’s length away, and he can’t.
(Thomas isn’t actually interested in girls, so perhaps it isn’t right for him to get their hopes up—although it is common knowledge that he’s gay, and the girls still giggle and blush when he flirts, so it isn’t entirely on him.)
James has this wistful look on his face, and he’s gazing at Thomas. When Thomas makes eye contact, he blushes and looks away.
Thomas is too trapped in his head these days to know what to make of it. Maybe it’s finally time for him to talk to someone else.
Angelica stares at Thomas in a way that makes him slightly uncomfortable, like she’s trying to read his thoughts.
He clears his throat. “I came here to talk, remember?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, Thomas, I remember.” Angelica shifts in her chair, uncrossing her legs. “So what’s the problem?” she whispers, grinning.
Thomas is starting to regret this decision already.
Then again, who else would he talk to? Burr? Hamilton? Despite how popular he is, he doesn’t have many people he can confide in. Other than Angelica and James, there isn’t anyone else he’s on good terms with and talks to often.
“Okay,” he begins, stopping to gather his thoughts. Thomas is an eloquent person, and English is his first language, but whenever it comes to feelings, or James, he forgets how to speak. “Okay. It’s entirely possible I may have developed. Feelings. For someone.”
Angelica’s eyes narrow, and she leans forward. “You? Feelings? I thought you didn’t have those.”
“Hah.” Thomas rolls his eyes. “Very funny. May I continue?”
“Yes, you may.”
He glares at her, but there isn’t any malice. “As I was saying. I may have feelings. For.” He swallows. “James.”
Angelica’s eyes widen. “Oh.” Suddenly she seems awkward and possibly even guilty for teasing him. She lowers her voice. “Really?”
Thomas looks down, playing with his hands in his lap. “Yeah.”
Neither of them speak for a minute or two.
“Wait, why is this a problem again?” Angelica finally asks. “Isn’t he your best friend?”
“Yes, that’s part of the reason why it’s a problem.”
“I don’t think he’s ever liked anyone,” Thomas confesses. “I’ve known James for four years. He’s never once mentioned a crush.”
“Maybe he just didn’t tell you?” suggests Angelica.
“No, we tell each other everything. And I mean everything,” Thomas almost leaps to his feet, but instead takes a deep breath and remains in his chair. “He would have told me.”
Angelica shrugs. “Well, then, you might be right.” She pauses, examining Thomas’ body language. “What kind of response do you want from me?”
“I’m… not sure.”
Angelica straightens up. “You know that I know a lot about the queer community and its various labels.”
“Yes?” Where is this going?
“From what little I know about your, uh, ‘situation,’ I think James might be aromantic.”
“What’s that?” He thinks he knows, but he wants to hear it from the mouth of the expert.
“Aromantic means you don’t fall in love. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t feel any kind of love, however; platonic love is still very much there.” Angelica is watching him carefully—gauging his reaction?
“I see.” Does James know he’s aromantic? Is James aromantic? Is Thomas just jumping to conclusions? When he gets home, he should do some research. Knowing more never does any harm, unlike not knowing enough.
“Does that help?” Angelica asks.
“I think so.” Thomas pushes his chair back, getting to his feet. “Thank you.”
The whole walk home, Thomas is lost in thought. He’d honestly be doing research on his phone if there wasn’t a serious danger of walking into things and people—he’d learned his lesson in the past.
The minute he gets up to his room, he drops his backpack on the floor, leaps into his spinny chair, and uses the momentum to roll up to his desk.
Thomas does a few Google searches for aromantic, then a few more for aroace. He’s reading an article on aromantic-related vocabulary when he comes across the word queerplatonic.
What it says is “queerplatonic: a form of love that isn’t inherently romantic or platonic. It’s different for each person who experiences it.” And a little farther down the page: “QPR: a queerplatonic relationship.”
Is that something he could have with James?
He reads a few more articles, then a few more, and a few more, until it’s dark outside. He retires to bed, but he doesn’t fall asleep for half an hour. He lies in the dark, thinking.
Unfortunately, Thomas and James don’t share any classes this year. Junior year means they have to start thinking about college, and thinking about college means having to take different classes depending on what you intend to major in. James isn’t going to major in the same thing as Thomas, so they’re taking different classes, which means the first and only time they can see each other during the school day is during lunch.
“Hey,” Thomas says as James sits down. James doesn’t give a verbal response, merely nods. “I said hello.”
“Hello?” James says uncertainly, and Thomas chuckles.
“Okay, that’s enough, we’re not doing this again!” exclaims James, and Thomas cackles. “Are you done?” Thomas shakes his head.
“I can’t breathe,” he wheezes, slapping the table, and James catches his water bottle as it falls. Thomas gasps for breath, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Okay. So how was your day?” he asks, trying to recover.
“I will never understand you,” James deadpans. “My day was fine. Uneventful. How was your day?”
“Boooring.” Thomas unscrews the lid on his thermos, and James eyes it suspiciously. Thomas has had his fair share of spills, and it’s never a good thing when he brings in soup. “Oh, relax.” Thomas covers one of James’ hands with his own, and James attempts to regulate his breathing, since it had suddenly become more difficult. “Look, I  haven’t spilled anything in two weeks!” Right as he says this, he nudges his thermos with his elbow. “Oh, shit—”
James lunges for the thermos. He catches it before it tips over completely, but can’t stop the soup from splashing onto his hand. He sets down the thermos and stares at his hand. It takes a moment for the liquid to start hurting.
“Jesus Christ.” Thomas grabs James by the wrist, using the napkin from his lunchbox to dry James’ hand. “We should get some cold water on that, I’m so sorry—”
That’s another thing. Thomas rarely apologizes, even when he goes too far during Debate club. (James is always there to watch, but never participate.) And yet, he doesn’t even think twice when he apologizes to James.
“Come on.” Thomas pulls James along behind him.
The bathrooms in their school are generally awful, both in hygiene and in upkeep, but the ones by the cafeteria are the cleanest due to food-related health regulations. That being said, the moment Thomas and James walk into the bathroom, one of the three lights blows.
Thomas mutters a curse, and James jumps. “Damn janitors. Maybe they should be paid more, maybe then they’d do their jobs.” He pulls James the over to the sink, holding James’ arm under the water. “Sorry again,” he says quietly.
“It’s okay.”
“No, maybe you have a point. I never spill at home, but maybe I get too excited when I’m talking to you.” Ha. Is this another instance of Thomas’ infamous flirting? James is just his friend, after all.
“You should come over today.” Thomas isn’t looking at James, instead paying attention to the water and the slightly irritated patch of skin on his arm.
“I have homework today,” James says noncommittally.
“Come over! Do it at my place.” Oh no. He’s about to bring out his pout. “Please?” James can’t say no to him, especially not when he pouts.
“Okay, I suppose I can. I don’t know how much we’ll be able to hang out, though. I have an essay to write.”
“That’s fine.” Thomas beams at him.
“My arm is very wet,” James says, and Thomas startles.
“Oh, right, sorry.” He turns off the water, moving to grab a wad of paper towels. James never liked the cheap brown paper towels they have in schools. They’re scratchy and poor quality. He lets Thomas pat his arm dry, vaguely registering how odd it is that his friend is proceeding to do all of this for him and yet ignoring the fact that it’s at all out of the ordinary.
The rest of lunch happens uneventfully. James listens to Thomas rant about Hamilton (like he does every day), picking at his salad. Thomas almost knocks over his thermos again, nearly giving James a heart attack, but at the last second Thomas realizes what he’s about to do and carefully moves his thermos far enough away that it isn’t a threat anymore.
Thomas is waiting for James outside his classroom after the last period of the day. Thomas doesn’t have a sixth period, and James idly wonders if he’s been standing there all period.
“Hey,” Thomas greets him.
“Hello.” James can’t help but smile.
“Ready to go?” Thomas asks, and James nods.
They walk home together, for the most part in silence. Occasionally, something will occur to Thomas, and he’ll chatter on for a minute or two, but then James won’t be able to think of anything to contribute, and the conversation fizzles out again.
“Look out!” Thomas says suddenly, pulling James in close to him, and James flinches as someone on a bike nearly clips him. “Watch out, dumbass!” Thomas yells after the biker. “Are you okay?” His voice softens as he speaks to James.
“I’m fine, thanks to you,” James says, keenly aware of how close he is to Thomas.
“That’s good,” says Thomas.
James pulls back a bit, and they continue walking. But Thomas, who’d grabbed his hand to pull him out of harm’s way, doesn’t let go, and James looks away to hide his smile.
Thomas pulls his hand away once they get to his house, and they both proceed to act like nothing happened, but James is secretly pleased, and he’s positive he sees Thomas hide a smile behind his hand.
Thomas settles on his desk chair, and James takes a seat on the bed, pulling out paper and a pencil. He begins to draft his essay, but in his peripheral, he can tell Thomas is watching him.
“Did you need something?” he says finally, head snapping up to look at Thomas.
“I have to tell you something,” Thomas says.
“I… I love you.”
James’ blood runs cold.
“I don’t feel the same way.” There’s a lump in his throat.
“I know.” He doesn’t understand the way Thomas is gazing at him.
“You… know?”
“I talked to Angelica. I’m not just assuming that you haven’t been in love before, right?”
“No, you’re correct,” James says cautiously, furrowing his brows. Does Thomas know something he doesn't?
"Like I said, I talked to Angelica. She thinks you could be aromantic," Thomas says carefully.
"There's a name for it?" James asks, aware both his voice and body are shaking but unable to do anything about it. "I'm not… broken?"
Thomas' arms wrap around him, and he takes the opportunity to take a few deep, shuddering breaths. "No, you're not broken." He can hear the sad smile in Thomas' voice.
"If I'm aromantic…" The word sits just right on his tongue in a way nothing else has. "Then what do I feel for you? If it isn't romantic?"
Thomas pulls back, taking James' hand in both of his own. "I did research, you know. Something I came across was the term 'queerplatonic.' Do you know what it means?" James shakes his head. "It's a kind of love that isn't platonic or romantic. That's the best definition anyone could give me, apparently it's quite subjective."
James sniffles. "Oh."
Thomas smiles again, a little sadly. "There's something else, too. There's a thing called a QPR, which stands for queerplatonic relationship." James is suddenly very much interested in what Thomas is saying. "That's also subjective, and what you do in a QPR varies from couple to couple. It's all down to boundaries."
James laughs, a little breathy and a little disbelieving. "Really? Do you… do you think we could have that?"
"Actually, that's what I was hoping for when I asked you to come over today." Thomas looks down at his hands.
"You wanted to ask me to be your partner?"
Thomas instantly turns red. "Yes, well, um, maybe even boyfriend, if you'll have me?"
James nods fervently. This is happening, somehow. This is real. Thomas wants to be with him, even though James isn't in love with him. There's a way for them to be together. "What kinds of things do, uh… queerplatonic?" Is that right? Thomas nods.  "Queerplatonic partners do together?"
"Oh, literally anything a couple could do." Thomas starts listing activities and quickly runs out of fingers. "Some go on dates. Some hold hands. Some kiss or cuddle. Some have sex." He sees the look on James' face and laughs. "Ok, so a no to that, you might be asexual then too. Some get married and even have kids together. Some are exclusive, and sometimes one or both partners date other people. It'd be entirely up to us."
"Well, then… could I kiss you?"
Thomas notices how close James is to his own face and turns red. "Um. Yes," he gulps.
And they kiss, and it's everything they both hoped it would be. It's James' first kiss, and even unrealistic expectations from the media don't set him up for disappointment because Thomas is wonderful (and also apparently really great at kissing).
"So are you my boyfriend now?" James teases, and to his credit, Thomas manages to keep a straight face.
"I suppose so," he answers, equally as smoothly.
Something clicks in James’ brain. "Wait, if you love me, then why did you flirt with all those other people?"
Thomas grimaces. "It was a distraction. I knew you didn't like me back."
"Oh." To think he was so jealous for so long, and now he gets to have Thomas all to himself. "I think I want this to be exclusive, if that's alright."
"That's perfectly fine." Thomas brings one of James’ hands up to his mouth and gently presses his lips against the skin. “I love you, after all.”
James pulls himself into Thomas' lap, and the taller man has the audacity to look surprised as James presses their lips together, winding his fingers in Thomas' curly hair. "You're mine now," James murmurs, and a thrill runs through him as he realizes it's true.
Tomorrow, they'd discuss the idea of announcing their relationship, and their boundaries, and what they'd even call it. Tomorrow, they'd tell Angelica, who'd ruffle their hair with a laugh, even though Thomas is taller than her, and he’d pretend to be annoyed. Tomorrow, Hamilton would bitch about the fact that Jefferson got a partner before he did, and Laurens, beside him, would look away.
But for now, they're free to do whatever they want, and right now, that's kissing.
Well… tomorrow, James has an essay due, and the usually quiet boy swears atypically as he remembers.
But they'll still have tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and every day going forward. It doesn't look like they'll break up any time in the near or far future, and who knows, maybe they'll stay together forever. Get that dog Thomas always wanted. Move in together. Wake up next to each other every morning.
But for now, James has an essay to write, and Thomas has a beautiful boyfriend to stare at/encourage/tease.
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noplceinheaven · 6 years
Jeffmads ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So this ended up... super long. Click here for the AO3 post. It’s 1.6k. Sorry to mobile users if the read more doesn’t work.
James sniffled. He hated spring so much — flowers were everywhere and it got him sick. “My nose is blocked again,” he complained.
His boyfriend looked at him. “Water?” Thomas inquired, eyebrow arching. Madison sneezed in response.
Thomas shoved his hand into his bag, handing water to his boyfriend."Jeez, bring your own if you know your allergies are gonna act up.” he commented. James gave him a look as he took a swig out of the bottle, letting it clean his throat. It still itched afterward, but it was slightly better. "Spring sucks,” he mutters, handing the bottle back to Thomas.
"I still say you should get some pills for that," Thomas recommended, sounding slightly concerned. James shrugged. "Eh, I'm alright." When he was a teen he got a vaccine that stopped his pollen allergy altogether. He stopped getting it when he was seventeen, and he didn't get medication for it because he was sick all the time already. An allergy didn't make much difference, did it? 
"I'm lucky enough not to be allergic to anything." "You're lactose intolerant. That's pretty similar to an allergy," James pointed out. Thomas stuck his tongue out at him and picked up a flower.
“Don’t you dare,” James hissed.
“I do dare,” Thomas said, smirking and bringing the flower closer to his boyfriend.
“If you do, I’ll tell everyone about how for thinking you were supposed to get diarrhea after drinking milk. And by everyone, I mean everyone,” James threatened.
“Oh, fuck off!” he said, shoving his boyfriend away from him affectionately. "At least I don't have to worry about mixing meat and dairy with that," Thomas jabbed, knowing that James had made that mistake one too many times. "You worry too much about kosher," James muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You aren't even that practising." "Compared to you, I'm not practising at all," Thomas teased before a laugh escaped his mouth. James' cheeks burned and he pushed him away. Thomas got closer to him again and they laced their fingers together. James put his free hand on his necklace with the star of David, the one that Thomas had gifted him after he finished the conversion process. "I know," he said, tugging on it. He took a tissue from his pocket and blew his nose. "My throat feels like it's on fire. Can you hand me the water again?" "Sure," Thomas replied, giving him the bottle. He drank a lot from it and then handed it back. He coughed a couple times before sneezing. "Gesundheit," he said immediately.
James blinked. *Can't you say labriut like all non-Ashkenazim?”
“Gesundheit is more fun to say,” Thomas pointed out. “Besides, at least I’m not saying bless you like I’m a goy or something.”
James smiled and shook his head. After a few seconds of silence, he went, "Does Washington’s place have flowers?" he asked, fixing Thomas’s tie. "There's a garden," he said, running a hand through his boyfriend's short hair. "But I don't think there will be flowers in the table." "Alright." James nodded, pulling away and admiring his boyfriend. Thomas was wearing a bowtie with his suit, and he looked dashing, as always. His curly locks fell to this shoulders and he was wearing thick-rimmed glasses. "You look amazing,” he said, smiling at him. Thomas smiled back and bent down to kiss him on the lips. "You look amazing too," he told him, patting his head again.
He was wearing a plain black suit, with a gray tie — in his opinion, he looked boring. But he never liked to stand out, unlike his husband with his damn hot pink suit. Standing out used to mean people noticing he wasn't like cis men; that hadn't happened in a long while, but the fear was still there. "Okay, we're here," Thomas said after a few minutes of walking. He opened the door to his boss' house and was greeted by his main rival, Alexander, who smiled and fixed his tie. "Hello, Hamilton." "Hi, Jefferson! How are ya?" he grinned and moved to the side so they could enter. James and Alexander eyed each other for a few long seconds. "Hey, Madison. Welcome." "Hi," James replied sharply, fidgeting with his hands before shoving them in his pockets. "How long until dinner?" Alexander shrugged. "At least twenty minutes. Mrs. Washington's taking care of it. Why?" "I just wanted to count how long I'll have to deal with your face," James said bluntly, turning up his nose. Thomas chuckled before patting his back and going to the living room, a stupid smile plastered across his lips. Alexander rolled his eyes. "So that's it, huh. You see, you —" He was pulling up his sleeves when Washington put a hand on his shoulder. "Son," he said. It might've been one word, but it was full of warning. Alexander snorted and said, "Alright," before stomping off to the living room. Washington went back to the kitchen. James scratched his throat and pouted as he drank more water. He hated being near Alexander, even though the only times he saw him were when something happened with Thomas' work. And with the allergy to top it all off... "You'll be better in a few hours, babe," Thomas said, kissing his temple as he held James' hands on his.
"I know," James said, putting the empty bottle away. "You should pray for me or something. Maybe HaShem can take away my allergy once and for all." Alexander raised an eyebrow from the other sofa but didn't say a thing. James guessed he wasn't used to his ex being so Jewish , considering he was agnostic back when they dated. "I'll consider it," Thomas murmured, kissing his tight curls. "Hi, Angelica!" he said suddenly, getting up at the sight of his ex and close friend. "Hey, Thomas!" she replied, hugging him. “How are you both?” she asked excitedly, looking at both of them.
"I'm alright!" James replied, smiling as Thomas sat back down and put an arm around his shoulder and James snuggled into him. Angelica looked at Thomas and winked, realizing what was going on between him and James. Thomas winked back, grinning, and James smacked the back of his head.
"Have you found a girlfriend yet?" James said, ignoring the nonverbal conversation they were having. "None of the girls I'm interested in want a Muslim girlfriend. It's sorta sad. But what can you do?" She scratched the back of her neck and sighed. "I'm still glad you two found each other. I don't think I could've married Tommy boy right here." She teased, booping Thomas’s nose. James looked between them confusedly. They were quite comfortable with each other, for two exes. "Hey!" he complained. "I'm husband material!" "That's doubtful," James said, and Angelica laughed. "See? She agrees." James grinned like an idiot and fiddled with his ring. As much as Thomas had money, their rings weren't the most expensive. "Well, at least you’re husband material," Thomas said, poking James. James chuckled and looked away. "Aw, you're embarrassed?" Thomas teased. "Stop being all coupley, some people are single," someone interrupted them, and James whipped his head around to see Angelica's sister, Eliza. Her hair and neck were covered by her hijab, and James had to admit she was stunning. "Aren't you dating Maria?" Thomas asked. "Yeah," Eliza nodded. "I'm talking about my sister." Angelica laughed, to then have her sister turn around and start to talk with her about girls. "Dinner's ready!" Washington called from the dining room. Thomas squeezed James' hand and the group sat down on the table, bantering while Alex sulked and looked excluded.   "Try not to bicker, alright?" Washington said, looking at Alexander and Thomas. "Also, I made beef, I hope you all can eat that?" he said, glancing at James and Thomas and then at Angelica. "Yeah!" Angelica and Thomas said at the same time. George smiled and started serving everyone before his wife sat down. "It's gonna be a long night," James said, loud enough for Thomas and no one else to hear.  Thomas snorted. "I guess so," Thomas replied, smiling at him.
“I know so,” Alexander said, glaring daggers at them both. James grinned, made sure neither of the Washingtons were looking, and graced him with his middle finger. Alexander scowled. The first part of dinner passed in relative silence, Eliza and Angelica talking about girls. Washington smiled at that; he'd been out as bisexual for a while now and most of the staff of his café was also LGBT in some way or another. "James, honey," Martha said, and he looked up. "Aren't you getting a hysterectomy soon?" Shrugging, he went, "Yeah. It's scheduled for May. I'm not all that excited — it's just sort of... needed." He glanced off at Thomas and winked, who blushed before coughing a little. "Isn't that right?" "You two disgust me," Alexander said with mock distaste. "You disgust me too," Thomas replied without a second thought. His voice was flat and he wasn't joking. "Where'd your boyfriend go? Did he leave you too?" "Thomas —" Washington warned, but Alexander’s voice cut through his. "Aaron was taking care of our daughter, which is why he couldn't come," Alexander replied with an edge to his tone, cold and polite. Thomas raised his eyebrows. "A daughter? What's her name?" "She's from a... past relationship of his," Alexander explained as he cut some of the beef. "Her name's Theodosia. She's two and a half." "You should share photos sometime," Martha said, trying to ease the tension. Alexander ducked and flushed pink. "We're like a little family," Angelica said, fixing her sister’s hijab. "An always-arguing, interfaith, interracial family," James noted. "Wouldn't change it for the world," Washington said, smiling. "Never in my life I'm going to be in a family with Thomas Jefferson of all people —" "Alexander," Eliza softly chided, her voice gentle but assertive. Alexander sunk into his chair. "Fine." James laughed. It surely was an always arguing, interfaith, interracial family. And even though Alexander might be insufferable, he wouldn't change it for the world.
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Think you could do an x reader fic? Just wondering
Jeffmads x Reader Drabble 
Since there was no specific person I had to use in the x reader, I did an underrated one. Here’s some Jeffmads x reader and I hope you like it.
Word count: 1379Warnings: Fluff (because that’s the evilest thing in the world)
You had just gotten home in the early evening after a much need grocery run. Last night proved this was needed when you returned home to your apartment to find James eating some fruit from a can with a dab of whipped cream. James hated canned fruit because of the syrup, but when there wasn’t anything to eat, he didn’t care as much. Jefferson was eating a grilled cheese with one slice of cheese instead of four slices since he loved the golden substance in obsessive amounts. Your two boys looked like zombies before hearing you come inside with a cluster of plastic bags.
The sound of the plastic rubbing against each other cause Thomas and James to jump out their seats and practically lunge at you, engulfing you in their arms. Each planted multiple kisses on both sides of your face, thanking you for shopping. It’s not like they were broke or anything, both had well-paying jobs, they just got too lazy and hungry to do anything. You also preferred to do the shopping so your fridge wasn’t filled with cheese and coffee cream and the cabinets were filled with just macaroni noodles and extremely sugary cereal.
Thomas grabbed all of the bags from off your arms, flexing his muscles to impress you like he was Superman. You giggled at the gesture with a slight blush because his physique was quite muscular and you loved the detail in every feature on his person. As Thomas put groceries up, since he was tall enough to reach all the shelves, James still had his arms wrapped around you, enclosing your body in the warmth of his sweater and body. James was on the smaller, rounder side, but you loved your sniffling teddy bear that helped you and Thomas keep a level head. You lead both of you two into the kitchen. Thomas smiled at you two and you were soon again covered in hugs by the two as Thomas planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you darlin’, you’re a lifesaver. I don’t know how long James could have gone without his sweets.”, Thomas said teasing his boyfriend.
James shook his head and nuzzled it into your neck“My sweet kick get fulfilled every day with [y/n] around”.
You smiled and somehow slipped out of their grasp. Thomas found himself wrapped around James.
“Alright, since it’s already past sunset and we haven’t had a full meal in three days, why don’t we make a mini breakfast buffet for dinner?”, you suggested pulling out some bowls and pans.
“Only if I make the bacon and sausage, Jemmy makes those godly blueberry muffins, and you whip up those fluffy pancakes.”, Thomas said smirking.
James agreed and you nodded saying, “It’s a deal”.
Everybody shared a loving smile with each other as they got their stations in the kitchen and started cooking. Sometimes James found you stealing a blueberry or two from the sweet batter he was preparing. Thomas was wondering why his bacon mountain wasn’t growing until he caught James behind him, taking a strip every once in a while. You even found yourself splitting a mini pancake while you were cooking after they guilt tripped you with their big brown eyes. You could never say no to James’ chubby face and dark eyes or Thomas’ dimples and clean cut stubble. After finally getting the plates and trays of food laid out across the counter, all three of you made your plates, each towering in pancakes, and bacon with some eggs and fruit you threw in to help balance everything. You swapped one of the four muffins on James’ plate for a couple slices of peach since James’ muffins tasted like they had nine cups of sugar in them, but they were always gooey and warm.
You found yourself between James and Thomas on the couch with your plates in your laps as y'all were watching some cringe-worthy sic com about childhood friends meeting up again as adults and being oblivious to the love they shared for each other. You threw a pillow at the tv out of fake rage causing an outburst of laughter from everybody.
“Finally, somebody did what we all wanted to do”, James said sighing in relief.
As you all finished your food, James took the dishes into the kitchen to wash them as he always got them sparkly clean like nobody else. James normally cleaned the house so well you could eat off the floor, which also allowed him to follow the five-second rule. You found yourself alone with Thomas on the couch and decided to have some fun. You climbed over to him and crawled on top of him as you laid on top of him with your stomach on his face.
“[y/n], what are you doing?”, Thomas asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You let out a loud, over-exaggerated yawn before resting your head on the pillow of thick, pomegranate scented curls. “With this big food baby I’m brewing, I’m getting ready for bed”. You said trying not to get discovered.
“On my face?”, Thomas asked lifting up your shirt and landing a kiss on your stomach.
You blushed and nodded as you stretched your arms and legs out across Thomas and the couch. Thomas let out a playful groan as he was getting smothered by your body. James walked back into the living room, staring at the sight in confusion. You tried your best to signal him to join you in the smother fest. He figured it and gave a small smirk before climbing on top of both of you. He was a bit lower on Thomas to cover more of Thomas’ legs. Thomas let out an “oof” from feeling the extra weight surprisingly land on him.
“Alright, Y'all wanna play games; I’ll show you games.”, Thomas said as he began to move. You and James felt your bodies rise and Thomas lifted you guys up as he got up. You two felt his strong arms wrap around you and pull you close to his body as he began to tickle you guys.
“No~”, you let out with laughter. You looked over at James, who was hunched over from the laughter, red in face, and knew there was no hope them. You tried to wiggle your way out.
“Oh, we have a brave one trying to escape the grasp of the tickle monster. Well [y/n], you can’t escape that easily.”
The tickles increased, leaving you defenseless against the larger man. Tears ran down your face and you were finally able to breathe after he slowed down and came to a stop. You were breathing heavily as James was using his inhaler to catch a breath. You rubbed his back to help him relax. James didn’t laugh that much or that hard often, so when he did, he had to pull out his spare inhaler from your purse. After your chest stopped hurting and you got your last couple of giggles out, you found yourself actually tired. You all decided to camp out on the couch so James wouldn’t have to go upstairs. You jumped upstairs to change into your pjs and grabbed some blankets before going back down. James was standing, waiting for you to get into Thomas’ lap. Since it was three of you, you guys made a sandwich, usually with you in the middle. You liked being the middle spoon since you got cradled by Thomas and got to snuggle and hold James. You also enjoyed the warmth wrapped around you, especially during the winter. You climbed in Thomas’ lap, nuzzling your head and back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You opened your legs a bit to let James slide in between before laying his head on your chest as your circled your arms under his and across his chest.
You leaned forward to leave a kiss on his forehead, “Love you Jemmy”, then leaned back to leave a kiss on Thomas’ chin, “and love you, Tommy”.Both men simultaneously said, “I love you too [y/n]”, as James left a kiss on your hand and Thomas left a kiss on your ear. All three of you found yourselves asleep not too long after.
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smoljamesmadison · 7 years
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
who hogs the duvet: Jefferson (DAMMIT THOMAS)
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Jefferson checks up on Madison a surprising amount, especially when he’s sick (but when is he not?).
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Jefferson always buys Madison the most expensive, impressive stuff. It’s not exactly “creative”, but it’s the thought that counts.
who gets up first in the morning: Jefferson. He needs a lot of time to make himself look perfect.
who suggests new things in bed: Jefferson. Some of the shit he thinks up is WEIRD.
who cries at movies: Madison.
who gives unprompted massages: Jefferson.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Jefferson goes into full husband mode when Madison is badly sick. No one believes Madison when he tells people.
who gets jealous easiest: JEFFERSON. Don’t even LOOK at his Jemmy the wrong way.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Jefferson, but he feels no shame.
who collects something unusual: Do weird magenta coats and copious amounts of mac and cheese count as “unusual”?
who takes the longest to get ready: Jefferson. He takes WAY too long.
who is the most tidy and organised: Madison.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Jefferson prides himself in having the most extravagant Christmas light set up ever. He ends up competing with Hamilton for it.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Jefferson is the big spoon, Madison is the little spoon.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: Jefferson, of course.
who starts the most arguments: Jefferson. That man is a nuisance sometimes.
who suggests that they buy a pet: Jefferson. Constantly. He and Mads will see some weird, dangerous animal on TV and Jefferson will be like “I WANT ONE” despite the fact it could kill him with no trouble.
what couple traditions they have: Jefferson always makes Madison mac and cheese. He doesn’t want it.
what tv shows they watch together: Madison likes documentaries, and Jefferson watches them with him. Jefferson likes those overly dramatic reality shows, which Madison gets roped into as well (no one tell Jeffs that he actually wants to know what happens next).
what other couple they hang out with: Burrdosia (everyone prepare for the drama).
how they spend time together as a couple: Roasting Hamilton, mostly.
who made the first move: Jefferson.
who brings flowers home: Jefferson used to, until finding out that Madison is allergic.
who is the best cook: Jefferson. It’s a shame that he refuses to cook anything but mac and cheese.
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monami-laurens-blog · 7 years
I’ll Always Be Here - Jeffmads
Author’s Note: Mon ami! This will get you in the feels if you are a hardcore Jeffmads fan, this took and hour or so to write because I cannot spell for the life of me haha but prepare yourself for a part two tomorrow ill be posting other stories later today. Don’t forget to send suggestions!! Here is my prompt list ill be glad to satisfy your needs! <3
Word Count: 1168 (get used to it bbys I will always write 1000 or more words <3)
Warning: Some swearing and depressing thoughts
Prompt: None, all from my little mind :)
After a hard long day in class, Thomas felt like his legs were about to give up on him and he would collapse, he wasn't feeling all that well either. He wasn’t even that excited to debate with Alexander today. He just wanted to go home. So, he did. He told his debate teacher, Mr. Benshon that he wasn’t feeling well and went home immediately. James finished his classes already so he was already in their dorm room, attempting to make the perfect mac and cheese meal just like Thomas’s. The door sung open sometime after he gave up and grabbed some cereal.
“Hey, why are you here so early? Don’t you have two or three more classes?” James asked, his mouth full of cereal.
Thomas grunted and ignored James and walked to their bedroom. He threw his backpack on the floor next to his bed and covered himself up with his blanket. James was not concerned at the time, he just assumed that Alexander won a debate in class or he lost a fight. But it never usually lasted long, Thomas would then get up make some mac and cheese and watch tv. Thomas never got out of bed, he stayed there listening to whatever James was watching on tv even though was hard to make out the words since he was so far away. James walked in a few minutes later and sat on his best friend’s bed.
“Are you okay Thomas? You have been in bed for the past hour…” James said, his eyes filled with concern, “Was there a fight or maybe Alexander hit a nerve?”
Thomas didn't reply, he instead shifted in position to the wall so he wouldn't face James. Had he done something wrong? James stood up and walked back to the kitchen getting leftovers from Thomas’s macaroni from the previous night. He put it in the microwave and while he waited James thought of what he could have done to Thomas to get him to not say a word to him. The microwave beeped interrupting his thoughts, he grabbed the food and brought it to Thomas
“You haven't eaten since you got here and...I warmed up some mac and cheese…”
Thomas again didn’t answer, he wasn't mad at James he just wanted to be left alone...to think.
About what? How lucky you are to have a friend like James and treat him like an outsider? Or how you screwed up with Martha? Or--
Thomas covered his ears as if it would silence the voice that spoke the truth in head. James took it as a sign that he was annoying Thomas so much to the point where he couldn't take his voice any longer. James sighed in sadness, and placed the mac and cheese on the bedside table.
“If you want to eat it it's right here...I'm gonna go...do some home work.” James said, walking out of the room and closing the door.
James didn't have any homework, he just needed some excuse to get out of the room. He sat on the couch and turned on some random tv show, and fell asleep. Thomas, slowly opened the door and put the empty dish in the sink which was the food James put on the bedside table for him. He saw that James had fallen asleep on the bed purposely, he knew this because how the actions he used on him might have hurt his feelings.
Yeah, you did hurt his feelings. If you think about he may ask to change dorms just to get away from your ugly ass self.
Thomas glanced at James with worry, was he actually going to do that?
Of course he will, with how much you bother and confuse him with you feelings he probably just wants to get away…
“You are lying and trying to hurt me…” Thomas says under his breath walking back to the bedroom, “James cares about me...he won’t”
James doesn't care about you, he pities you…
Thomas got in bed and tried to fall asleep so he could wake up the next morning but the voice kept reminding him how useless, pathetic and ugly he is...and he slowly started to believe it. The next morning Thomas didn't get up because of how late he fell asleep. James on the other hand woke up early enough to get himself for class. He decided to wear the same clothes as yesterday but with a hoodie because he didn't want to bother Thomas, and made his way out. As James walk to class he spotted one of his friends, Hercules Mulligan with his boyfriend Lafayette. He waved to them and they walked over to him with warm smiles.
“Bonjour, mon ami! Where is your boyfriend Thomas?” Lafayette asked.
Hercules nudged Lafayette whispering something to him in French, James blushed and spoke for Hercules.
“We aren’t...together we are just friends” the word friends felt weird coming out of James’ mouth...Herc knew why.
“Uh, Anyway! James how is Thomas? Alexander said that he didn't show up to class.” Hercules says.
James was surprised by the new himself, Thomas missed class? Why?
“He missed class? I-I had no idea…” James said reaching for his phone.
Something was definitely wrong with Thomas, he was in some type of mood last night and he missed his favorite class? James told the couple he had to go to class and went their separate ways, he texted Thomas as he walked.
From: James To: Thomas❤
Why the heck did you miss class yesterday?
Thomas hears his phone ring he was still in bed playing with his hair. He stood up to grab his phone it was from James. He gave him a special sound effect so he knew who it was. He looked at the message and texted back.
From: Thomas To: James Mads
why does it matter to you, it’s my life
Thomas hand shakes as it hovers over send, instead of pressing send he gets rid of the sentence and throws his phone to the other side of the bed. He couldn't be aggressive to James, but he couldn't just explain over text why either and he was in no shape to talk over phone. He didn't know what else to do.
You are just a petty bitch who is gay and is dating a girl that you have no feelings for...how does it feel? To be hurt? Yeah that’s probably how James feels right now since you didn't respond.
James sees that Thomas read the message but there was no response so he texted back.
From: James To: Thomas❤
If you don’t text back I’m coming home to find out what’s going on.
James doesn’t get a message back so he runs back to the dorms. He was worried about Thomas, he wasn’t his cute-- or demanding self. He gets to the dorm and unlocks the door and it looked fine. James then realizes that Thomas might be in class. James curses under his breath and was on his way to leave, when hears cries of his name.
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Domestic jeffmads/lams au: Chapter One
Credits: @hxxtile Lucy is their character, I just decided to make a story.
Word Count: 2000
Warning: Swearing
Plot: Lucy Jefferson starts Junior high with Philip Hamilton (who she hates) and is pretty sure she has her life figured out, until she meets Theodosia Burr Jr. (that’s it, it’s basically Lucy just figuring out her sexuality and who she is and having her dads be there every step of the way)
A/N: I hope you enjoy ??? maybe ???
      "First day of junior high! Are you nervous?" Thomas handed Lucy a plate with toast, scrambled eggs and sausage links. "It's totally fine if you are, you don't have to go if you're not ready! We can call the office and tell them you're sick or something." He was rambling now. Lucy looked up at her dad and took a bite of her sausage. This was a thing that he did every time she hit some big 'milestone' in her life.
     "Of course my daughter isn't nervous, she's a Jefferson! Isn't that right, Lucy?" James came into the dining room, still in his maroon bathrobe, and ruffled her hair. When he tried to pull his hand out, it got stuck. "Jesus, do you ever brush this head of yours?" He asked once he had finally released himself from her hair.
       Lucy was about to respond when Thomas scoffed, handing his husband his plate, "You never seem to complain when you're pulling on mine." He raised a brow. James blushed. Lucy gagged and threw a wadded up napkin at him. Thomas gave her a challenging look and threw it back. Lucy stuck her tongue out and her father copied before they both began laughing.
       "God, you guys are basically the same person." James took a seat next to Lucy and Thomas sat on her other side. They began eating while their daughter, on the other hand, was halfway finished.
      "Philip should be here in about half an hour, have you picked out what you're going to wear?" James asked. Lucy looked down at her current outfit which was an oversized pink hoodie that almost covered her purple skirt. Her matching purple flats awaited at the door. She looked back up at James as he looked over her outfit. "Lucy, it's your first stay of school! Don't you think what you're wearing is..." He looked over at his husband for help.
        "Absolutely adorable!" Thomas gushed. Lucy smiled at her dad. "Don't listen to your dad! You look just fine, you're going to be the most popular sixth grader there I can see it now!" Thomas looked at Lucy with hearts in his eyes. He felt so proud, it was like he was staring at a younger, smaller, female version of himself.
       "Thanks, Papa,” Her voice was small and smooth but strong at the same time. Thomas fell apart at the large smile she offered him. “Also, I don’t see why junior high is such a big deal?” She turned to James, “From what I’ve heard, it’s the same as elementary. High school is where the real juicy stuff happens. Dances, sports, dating…”
       James choked on his orange juice, “Dating?” He asked, looking down at the eleven year old. She nodded eagerly.
      “Yeah, papa! Dad said the two of you met in high school, right?” Thomas nodded and sipped on his coffee, “He told me that you guys met at a party that aunt Angelica threw! Apparently you were playing truth or dare and Alexander dared Papa to…”
        “Mr. Jeffersons!!!” Philip’s squeaky voice was heard from the other side of the front door, “The doors unlocked but mom told me it’s impolite to walk into people’s houses unannounced so this is me announcing myself!” Thomas sighed in relief. He never thought he’d be so happy to hear a Hamilton’s voice.
       He stood up gave James an apologetic smile. Lucy stood as well and gave James a kiss on the cheek. “Wish me luck, dad!” She gave him a toothy grin. James smiled gave her a thumbs up. She ran over to Thomas who was holding her Powerpuff Girls backpack and a twenty dollar bill.
      “Make sure no bully tries to steal your lunch money,” Thomas whispers, “And by bully I mean Phillip.” He handed her the backpack and cash and kissed her forehead. Lucy nodded and saluted Thomas before closing her eyes, taking a deep breath and opening the door.
       “Dramatic much?” Philip asked when Lucy let the breath out. She opened her eyes and looked Philip up and down. He wore a plain blue short-sleeved shirt, with a turtle pin on his chest. His hands were in the pockets of his cargo shorts and he wore sky blue vans to match his shirt. He wore his curly hair in a bun, but a few strands fell out of it and into his face. He also had a turtle shell backpack. “You ready to go?”  When Lucy walked past him without a word he shrugged and turned to the door where James and Thomas stood, watching their interactions. “Bye, Mr. Jeffersons! I’ll make sure your daughter won’t get bullied!”
      James waved and closed the door, turning to Thomas, “Why do I feel like it’s going to be Lucy protecting Philip?”
       Thomas shrugged, “It probably will.”
        “Okay, first things first! Stay away from the back of the bus.” Lucy gave Phillip a confused look, “That’s where the eighth graders sit. The very front is for the fifth graders, who only come to the junior high for band. Then there’s us, the sixth graders, then seventh. And then the back four seats. Basically thrones.”
     “You know this how?” Lucy asked as they approached the bus stop.
     “I’m in band, duh! I left my violin at mom’s house though so she’s dropping it off later today.”
      “Nerd.” Lucy giggled under her breath. Phillip glared at her but she only continued to laugh, which made him even angrier. He balled his hands into fists and stomped ahead to the bus stop. He doesn’t even know why he bothers with her. Lucy caught up to him, still laughing, and looked around, “Hey, braces, how come we’re the only ones here? This stop used to be filled with kids.”
       “That was for elementary, idiot. We’re like, the only sixth graders in this part of the neighborhood. We’re also the first stop, so we get good seats. Don’t sit next to me though, I have friends.”
        “That’s a lie,” Lucy laughed and turned when she heard the bus coming down the road. ‘Here we go’ she thought to herself. The bus pulled up in front of them and the doors opened to reveal an old, fat, white man who was a few years away from losing his teeth. Lucy could tell, because when he smiled down at them, his mouth was a mess of brown and yellow.
         “Well, hello there, Pip! Who is this?” He asked.
         “Mornin’, Bill! This is Lucy, I’m supposed to be showing her the ropes!” Lucy rolled her eyes behind Philip who was smiling proudly.
        “Oh! And I see you got a little upgrade over the summer?” Philip was confused at first, “Your braces, kid. You didn’t have them last year if I recall. When’d you get those?”
      “A few weeks ago,” Philip began to talk about the experience, but Lucy was honestly trying to get to school.
       She cleared her throat, “Excuse me, Bill? Don’t you have other stops to get to?” Philip rolled his eyes and mouthed something to the old man, which got him laughing hysterically. Lucy crossed her arms and glared at the two.
        “I’m sorry, ma’am, won’t happen again.” Bill said through laughter, he high fived Philip before the curly haired boy began walking down the aisle. Lucy sighed and followed. She took a seat two seats in front of Philip and on the other side of the aisle, not wanting to sit next to him. When the bus started moving she smiled and looked out the window and at the passing houses.
          After three stops, the bus was almost filled with kids talking about their summer and new outfits and whatnot. Philip’s friends were even on the bus as well. Everyone knew everyone. Except Lucy. She mentally cursed her dads for making her go to a private school, but also thanked them, because a majority of the kids on this bus were in desperate need of a shower.
       At the fourth stop, though, the boredom was knocked right out of Lucy. After a few eighth and seventh graders, a sixth grade girl walked onto the bus, looking down at her phone with furrowed brows. She had her dreadlocks pulled back into a high pony-tail and wore a pink shirt that read “#Vote4Burr!” in blue lettering. She wore dark blue denim shorts, black flats and a stitch backpack that was covered in pins from shows such as Bob’s Burgers, Adventure Time, she even had a few Melanie Martinez ones. “This is the bus to WJHS, right?” She had asked. A few kids in the back laughed but she seemed to either ignore them, or not care. Lucy liked that.
      When Bill nodded, she smiled anxiously and began typing vigorously into her phone, walking down the aisle. Lucy wanted to say something when she passed her and walked to the eighth grade section, but she was too late. The whole bus had gone quiet as well and watched her.
        “Hey, you, what grade are you in?” An eighth grader, who Philip had referred to as Mia, asked, the bus began moving, causing the girl to stumble a bit.
       She looked up from her phone and stuck it in her back pocket, “Sixth, why?” She asked. Lucy thought that the girl was genuinely confused, but Mia took it as sass.
      “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but I’m gonna need you to lose the attitude.” Mia replied coldly. Lucy was getting mad now.
      “Hey, leave her alone! She was just confused, you douche!” Lucy stood and turned around to glare at Mia from the front of the bus. A chorus of Ooh’s was heard from the bus, Mia’s face began to turn red and she stood up from her seat.
       Another eight grader, who had their ear buds in, heard the commotion and took them out. They took one look at Mia and the confused girl and sighed, standing up as well. “Mia, sit the fuck down. It’s obviously this kid’s first day, don’t make it as hard for them as it already is.” The person’s voice was calm yet stern as they spoke to Mia who crossed her arms and sat down and pulled out her phone with a huff, but it turned soft and sympathetic when they turned to the still confused and honestly bewildered girl, “I don’t know if you know this, but the back seats are taken for eighth graders, you can sit up front, though.” They smiled down at the girl.
        “Thank you,” She breathed out and turned around to walk back down the aisle. All the seats were taken except for (conveniently) the one next to Lucy. “Can I sit here?” She asked hopefully. Lucy felt her face grow hot and she nodded. Her first new friend, wow. “Thanks for defending me by the way.” She smiled after taking a seat.
        Lucy nodded back with a nervous grin and couldn’t help but peek over at the girl as she pulled her phone back out. Lucy wasn’t allowed to have a phone (Thomas disagrees but James thinks she too young) so she was nothing short of surprised to see that the girl had an IPhone 7 in her small hands. The lock screen was a selfie taken of her and a man (bald) laughing at how they looked with the snapchat dog filter. When she unlocked the phone (with her thumb print, which also amazed Lucy) the home screen was her and the same man with the flower crown filter, smiling whole heartedly. Lucy smiled, guessing that man was her father and turned back to look out the window silently.
       “I’m Theodosia Burr Jr., but you can just call me Theo.” The girl spoke as the bus finally left their neighborhood. Lucy looked over at the girl, who was smiling and holding her hand out.
       “I’m Lucy Jefferson, nice to meet you, Theo.” She smiled back and took her hand.
       “Nice to meet you, Lucy.”
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Can We Dance Again?
Pairing: jeffmads (jefferson x madison) and a little burrens (burr x laurens)
Request: will you do a jeffmads fic where they dance together? thank you 😃 - anon (a billion years ago, I’m so sorry)
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 857 (sorry it’s so short again)
“… But in all seriousness, John, you make Aaron so happy, and I’m really glad you guys found each other,” Thomas said, finishing his toast. He raised his glass in the air, and called, “To the grooms!”
“To the grooms!” everyone echoed, and drank their champagne. Thomas took his seat, pocketing his speech.
“Thanks, Thomas,” Aaron grinned at his friend. “That was a great speech.”
John leaned forward to look around his new husband. “It really was. Thank you.”
“Of course,” Thomas smiled back. “I’m really happy for you guys.”
Despite this warm regard, a frown soured Thomas’ face as soon as the newlyweds looked away. He truly was happy for his friends, but he had found himself feeling increasingly lonely.  He hadn’t dated anyone in a long while, but he had a huge crush on one of Aaron’s friends, James. Unfortunately, though he put on a confident demeanor, he was too shy to do anything about it.
“Are you okay?” Aaron suddenly asked, leaning toward his friend for secrecy.
“Oh… yeah, I’m fine,” Thomas said, glancing away to avoid eye contact.
Aaron rolled his eyes at the obvious lie.  “Seriously, what’s going on?”
“I’m going to die alone,” Thomas sighed dramatically, dropping his head onto the table.
“Oh my God, Thomas,” Aaron said exasperatedly. “Calm the fuck down. You’re handsome, smart, charming… you speak fucking French. You’re not going to die alone.”
“Ugh,” Thomas groaned, lifting his head so that he could swig his champagne. He dropped it back onto the table promptly after.
“Look, why don’t you ask James to dance? He obviously likes you, and I think you guys would hit it off…”
Thomas’ head shot up at the mention of James’ name. He hadn’t mentioned to Aaron that he had a crush on him.
“Wait – James likes me?” Thomas asked eagerly.
“Well, yeah. Isn’t it obvious?” Aaron shrugged. “Wait – do you like him?”
“Well, yeah! Wasn’t that obvious?” Thomas replied, causing Aaron to roll his eyes again.
“You’re supposed to tell me these things, Thomas! I could have set you two up ages ago,” Aaron groaned, and Thomas shrugged in response, a shy grin on his face. Aaron rolled his eyes for the third time, and sighed “Just go ask him to dance.”
“Yes sir!” Thomas said, saluting his friend. He stood up quickly and rushed over to where James was standing at the periphery of the dance floor. He sidled up smoothly, a blush in his cheeks. As soon as he was close, though, the doubt began to nag at his mind again. Was James really interested in him? All he had was Aaron’s guesswork. He began to back away, but then he caught sight of Aaron sitting across the room, shooing him forward. Thomas took a deep breath and approached.
“James, uh… would you like to dance?” he asked, his throat constricting with nerves.
James turned to look at him, his face breaking out into a giddy grin, his cheeks darkening. “Yeah!” he said enthusiastically before his face fell a little. “But I’m just – I’m not very good at dancing.”
“That’s okay,” Thomas replied with a smile, offering his hand. “I’ll lead.”
James took it with a shy smile and allowed Thomas to lead him to the dance floor. Thomas laid one hand on James’ hip and continued to keep the other occupied with James’ hand; interlocking their fingers. James let out a soft and shy laugh as Thomas began to step in time to the music.
James tried to copy Thomas’ movements, but found himself stumbling. Each time his footing faltered, Thomas would smoothly catch him and make it look like nothing had happened. Slowly, they each gained their stride, twirling and stepping gracefully (mostly on Thomas’ part) to the music. When the song changed to a much slower tune, they calmed their movements and began to sway to the music, their entwined hands resting between their chests.
Their eyes locked, and each man felt their heart flutter. James looked utterly flustered, but Thomas had found his confidence whilst in his element on the dance floor.
“Thomas, I –” James began when the song ended, but Thomas cut him off.
“Do you want to get a drink?” he asked, still holding James’ hand. The shorter man nodded eagerly, and was led off the dance floor toward the bar. As James ordered his drink, Thomas made eye contact with Aaron, who was holding John in his arms on the dance floor. Aaron gave him a withering “I-told-you-so” look, while John shot him a grin and a thumbs-up. Thomas grinned back at them before ordering a drink for himself.
Once they’d both been served, they went to go take a seat, and struck up an easy conversation. After an hour of talking, James touched Thomas’ forearm lightly. Thomas looked up and saw James’ smiling shyly.
“Thomas… this is probably the alcohol telling me to do this, but, I really like you.”
“I really like you too,” Thomas grinned in reply.
“Can we dance again?” James asked lightly, taking Thomas’ hand again. Once on the dance floor, they didn’t leave each other’s side for the rest of the night.
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emotivema · 7 years
Love Like You - JeffMads
\~If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love~/ Thomas watched. Watched every action, every movement, every reaction that James had in store for him. How can a human have that much affect on him? James thinks that he's so great, not even knowing the full story of it all. That scares him. \~When I see the way you act, wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love like you~/ He noticed the small details. How James would always wait near or right by the warp pad, waiting for Thomas to return. James would always have some sort of small story to tell everytime he came back. Thomas loved that, maybe even love him but he still didn't really understand what that's actually supposed to mean. Not yet. \~I always thought I might be bad now I'm sure that it's true 'cause I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you~/ Thomas wondered why he does the things that he does. War, chaos, broken gems. When will it end? He wishes he could just stop this. He wishes that he can stop being him and actually be a good person for a change. James...James is what he would want to be like. James is so perfect, so beautiful, so understanding. He's peaceful and wants everything and everyone to be happy and satisfied. Thomas is nothing like him. \~Look at you go, I just adore you. I wish that I knew what makes you think I'm so special~/ Thomas doesn't understand. How is James still here with him? He had to go through so much with him. James has seen too much stuff that a human shouldn't see and Thomas doesn't understand how he hasn't left yet. The words kept replaying in his mind like some broken record. "I'll never leave your side. I'm here and will always be here for you in your time of need. You don't understand how special you are to me." The words James had said was stuck in his mind and they don't seem to be coming out. Thomas doesn't understand why James thinks that he's so special. \~If I could begin to do something that does right by you, I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love~/ Now here he was, being pulled by James. He said that he wanted to show him something special. Something as special as him. Thomas just couldn't get it wrapped around his head that he was here with James. Someone who completely changed his life for the good now. Someone who he can fully trust and count on. James was special to him. So special and yet he just seemed to fully figure that out. \~When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took. I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you~/ The sunset. That's what James wanted to show him. It was beautiful. He has never been able to see it, due to the fact that he goes on missions everyday and night. Thomas was happy to have this new and perfect experience with James. This was also the day and time when Thomas told him that he wanted to change for good. The look on James' face was perfect. He hugged him so tightly and Thomas hugged him back. They shared their first kiss on that day. Thomas was willing to change. \~Love me like you~/ For himself and his beloved James.
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fanciful-follies · 7 years
Madison slowly falling for a cocky but extremely nervous Jefferson is my life. Can you write some of that please? There is not enough Jeffmads in the world.
“Is this your pencil?”
The voice behind him makes James jump, causing him to almost hit his head against the side of his locker. Cursing softly under his breath, James spins around, his eyes landing on a vibrant purple shirt that makes him want to close his eyes immediately. But instead he lets his eyes lift up, lingering on the smirk of the guy in front of him before sliding them up to his eyes.
“Your pencil,” the guy repeats, waving one in James’s face. “Is it yours? I thought I saw you drop it.”
James stares at the number two pencil that is still being waved in his face, and is about to say it isn’t his when the guy just leans over him and places it on the top shelf of his locker, leaning back with an even wider smirk.
“Thanks,” James finally manages to get out, despite the pencil not even being his. But he supposes it’s the thought that counts, anyway. So he turns back to his locker, shutting it with force (it always gets jammed), and then turns back around, a little surprised to see the guy still standing there. Does he know him? “Uhm…”
“I’m Thomas, by the way. I sit behind you, in history.”
“Oh, right.” James remembers him now, or at least remembers how he always seems to be dozing off in class whenever James turns to hand him a paper. “I’m James. Nice to meet you.”
“I’ll bet it is,” Thomas shoots back immediately, and James hopes he manages to refrain from rolling his eyes. By the smug smile still on Thomas’s face, he’s guessing he does. “How come we’ve never talked before?”
James shifts on his feet, not really knowing how to answer the question. “I don’t know. We just…haven’t?”
“Well I hope that will change.”
“Right.” James shifts again and clears his throat, unsure of what to say next. When he looks back up at Thomas, he’s still staring at him with that same, smug smile. James can feel his skin starting to prickle. “I…I have to get to class, so…”
“Of course.” Thomas steps to the side, sweeping out an arm to let James pass, his smile faltering for a moment before it’s back full force. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon.”
“Yeah,” James says, laughing a little. “I’m guessing tomorrow in class.” And with that he steps around Thomas, walking a little faster than usual to make up for the time he lost chatting. But he only makes it a few steps before he’s peeking back over his shoulder, unable to stop himself. He catches a glimpse of Thomas through the crowd of students, still standing by James’s locker, looking down at his feet with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
James can’t help but think of that stupid smile the rest of the day.
Thomas’s inner monologue for the next week or so consists mainly of “oh my god oh shit oh fuckfuckfuck!” and it all has to do with James Madison. Stupid, quiet, beautiful James Madison.
Thomas has sat behind James in that history class for months. He’d even paid Angelica five dollars to get her to switch seats with him. He spent every class staring at the back of James’s head, daydreaming and trying to build up the courage to talk to him. But every time James turned around to pass a paper or a test to Thomas, he’d turn back around too fast for Thomas to even try.
So Thomas had sunk to desperate levels.
He had watched James walk out of class one day, hugging his books to his chest, and Thomas fished a pencil out of his pocket, determined to talk to James. And he did. He pretended that James had dropped a pencil, and he’d introduced himself. The only problem is, James had seemed completely uninterested.
He had barely spoken to Thomas, and his response to Thomas saying they’d see each other soon had made Thomas’s stomach tighten. Had James been making fun of him? None of this was going as planned. And to make things worse, a whole week had gone by since then, and James hadn’t made any effort to talk to him during class.
So when Thomas sulks into history class the following Thursday, he slides past James without saying a word, and plops into his seat with a sigh. He doesn’t even try to pay attention to Professor Washington’s lecture, and decides to stare at the pattern of James’s sweater instead. However, about half way through class, James turns in his seat to look back at him.
“Do you have an extra pencil?” James asks, his voice soft. He blinks at Thomas, having no clue what effect those eyes have on him. “Thomas?”
“Hm? Oh.” Thomas shoves his hands into his pockets, searching, and then realizes his only extra pencil is the one he had given to James last week, the one he had pretended James had dropped. “I don’t, sorry.”
“That’s okay,” James answers in the same soft voice, already starting to turn back around.
Thomas takes a deep breath before reaching out to touch James’s shoulder, hoping his hand isn’t shaking. “You…you can just borrow mine.” He holds out his pencil and smiles, a sudden thought entering his mind. “As long as you promise to let me borrow your notes.”
“You’re sure?” James asks after a moment, and Thomas can’t nod fast enough. He’s sure. “Thank you.” James takes the pencil from him, their fingers brushing against each other briefly, and Thomas thinks his heart is going to burst out of his chest at the contact.
“Anytime,” Thomas murmurs, and James smiles at him, causing butterflies to flutter in his stomach.
He spends the rest of the class staring dreamily at the back of James’s head.
Thomas follows James to his locker after class ends, a spring in his step and a smile still on his face as James hits his locker a few times before opening it. “So…those notes?”
“Right.” James searches inside one of his folders. “Just get them back to me tomorrow, if you can. We have that test coming up in a few weeks.”
“Do you want to study together?” Thomas asks before he can really think about the words. But when James looks up at him in surprise, Thomas feels his stomach drop. Shit. “I-I mean, if you want to. I’m pretty great at history, so I could help you out.”
“You can help me out?” James asks slowly. “You fall asleep in class like, every other day.”
Thomas scoffs. “Not true.”
“Angelica takes pictures and sends it to everyone in the class.”
Fuck. “Well…” Thomas searches his brain for another way to convince James to study with him. “I only sleep because I already know everything there is to know about that class.” There. He crosses his arms and attempts to smirk down at James.
“Huh,” is all James says for a moment, turning away to close his locker. When he turns back to face Thomas, he thinks he sees an amused smile on his face. “Fine. We can study some time after school next week.”
“Great,” Thomas exclaims, the butterflies coming back at full force. “I knew I’d convince you.” He throws all caution to the wind and winks at James. “No one can resist me.”
James just hums in response, but Thomas sees his smile getting a little wider. “Well, class.” James points down the hallway. “I should get going.” He sounds almost reluctant, or that’s what Thomas wants to think. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Thomas.”
“See you tomorrow, James,” Thomas murmurs as he watches James walk away. He waits a few moments, holding his breath, but then James looks back at him again, like he did the first time. Their eyes meet for a moment before James spins back around, but not before Thomas sees the slight embarrassment on his face from being caught. Thomas waits a few more moments before turning around, pumping a fist in the air. 
James is totally in love with him.
Somehow, without James really knowing why, he starts to hang out with Thomas Jefferson.
The guy is loud, always talking and waving his hands enthusiastically as he does. He taps his feet, his pens, his fingers, can never seem to sit still. It annoys James to no end, but for some reason, James doesn’t stop spending time with him. He evens finds himself enjoying being around Thomas.
They start eating lunch together, Thomas sneaking out of his study hall and sitting at a cafeteria table with James, trying to get him to eat whatever strange meal he’s made that day. (James refuses every time).
They talk more in class, James finding excuses to turn around to ask Thomas questions. He’s starting to notice that each time he turns around, Thomas’s whole face brightens up. It makes James’s face flush, and his heart flutter in his chest.
He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t understand why Thomas Jefferson of all people is making him feel this way. Thomas is cocky, obnoxious, bold…everything James isn’t, everything James thought he hated. But he doesn’t hate Thomas.
He doesn’t hate him at all.
“This is boring,” Thomas whines, tapping his pen against the table they are currently studying at in the library. “Can we take a break.”
“We just started,” James says, re-reading a line of his notes before copying it onto a clean piece of paper. “You’re not even trying.”
“Because I don’t need to try.”
“Right,” James says with a roll of his eyes. “I forgot, you’re a history genius.” He lifts his eyes to see Thomas smirking at him, and quickly looks back down at his notes. That goddamn smirk.
“I am a genius,” Thomas drawls out, clicking his pen closed and then open again. “I can teach all this to you in ten minutes, then we can go do something fun.”
“This is fun.”
Thomas outright groans at that, causing a few students to glare in their direction. “You’re the worst. Why do I even like y-" Thomas cuts off suddenly, and James looks up at him to see an almost horrified look on his face. “Never mind. I love to study. I’m going to do that now.” He flips open his history book and basically shoves his face into it.
James stares at him in confusion for a few moments, not understanding what just happened. What is Thomas freaking out about? James stares at him harder as he tries to figure it out.
“Stop staring at me,” Thomas mutters, looking at James over the top of his book.
“You stare at me all the time,” James says, his eyebrows shooting up when Thomas lets his book drop onto the table with a bang. “What?”
“I don’t, I do not stare at you,” Thomas splutters, looking distressed. “I-what? Who told you that?”
“Angelica sends me videos,” James says with a shrug. “You stare at me during class. Or at least my sweaters.” James peers down at the sweater he’s currently wearing. “Are they that weird looking?”
“No!” Thomas groans and rubs a hand over his face. “Why are we talking about this? I thought we were here to study?”
“I thought you were bored?”
“I’m not,” Thomas argues, clicking his pen again. His eyes dart up to James’s, and then back down to the table. “You’re the one who must be bored, since you’re the one starting conversation.” He pauses before smiling. “But then, it is me, I would talk to me, too.”
“Shut up,” James says with a sigh, looking back down at his notes. He makes it a few second before the clicking of Thomas’s pen makes him look back up. “Can you stop? Don’t you have a pencil you can use?”
“No, cause you took both of mine.”
“Both?” James asks, trying to remember the second pencil he took. He hears Thomas make a strange spluttering sound. “I only took one.”
“Right,” Thomas says quickly. “One. That’s what I meant to say. One, you only took one of my pencils.” He looks away.
A memory comes back to James, a memory of how him and Thomas first met. “Wait,” James leans over the table slightly, a warm feeling blooming in his chest. “When we met, you gave me a pencil, one you thought I dropped.”
“Did I?” Thomas asks casually, but James can hear how high pitched his voice comes out. “I don’t recall.”
“It was your pencil,” James says, a smile spreading across his face. “You’re a big liar.”
“Well you’re a…a…” Thomas bites at his lips, apparently trying to come up with a comeback, but then he throws his hands in the air, a wild look in his eyes. “Well you’re so goddamn quiet and stupid with your sweaters and your face and what else was I supposed to do? You drive me crazy, I was desperate!”
Silence falls between them after that, and James wonders if the whole library can hear how loud his heart is beating. Thomas is staring at him with wide eyes, his mouth hanging open slightly, and James clears his throat once…twice.
“You…” James licks his lips, feeling his face grow warm. “You…like me?”
“I fucking adore you,” Thomas says, his eyes growing a bit wider at the confession. He stares at James, hands fidgeting on the table. “Do…do you…like me?”
“Oh.” James bites at the inside of his cheek, his whole body feeling like it’s vibrating. Is this actually happening. “Yes.”
“Yes,” Thomas repeats slowly. “Yes.” He says it louder that time. “Yes?”
“Yes,” James says again, laughing a little. “I like you.”
“Of course you do!” Thomas practically shouts. “I’m Thomas Jefferson!”
“Oh my God,” James puts his hands over his face, wincing at how loud Thomas is being. But he guesses he should get used to it. “Don’t shout, Thomas.”
“You like me,” Thomas whispers, and James lifts his head to see Thomas wearing the biggest smile he’s ever seen. “Huh.” He lunges across the table to take James’s hand in his. “We’re going on a date this weekend. I’ll plan it. It will be great, the best date you’ve ever had, trust me. When can I pick you up? Seven is best for me, but eight is alright too, or we can-”
“Thomas,” James interjects, squeezing his hand, which is warm in his. “Let’s study first, okay? We can plan our date after.”
“Okay,” Thomas breathes out, looking a little dizzy. He shoots James another smile before looking down at his textbook.
They study in silence for a few minutes, but James knows none of the information is going into his head. He’s too focused on the feeling of Thomas’s thumb brushing over the back of his hand, and the happiness spreading through his chest.
“Hey, Thomas?” James asks quietly.
“I’m keeping the pencils.”
Thomas laughs softly, lacing their fingers together. “Sounds like a fair trade to me.”
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Hamilton DJ Drabble (Jeffmads)
I fell in love with the idea of a Hamilton DJ/music au, so I made a drabble for it. I may do more if people want it or I think of something else. I hope you like it (it typed this on my tablet, so please pardon the errors if any)
Word count: 1808 Warnings: Nothing
The nightclub was booming to the sick beats and remixes that were being pumped out by DJ Thunderson. That was Thomas Jefferson's alias when he was at the local downtown nightclubs. He took his love for music and took it to the next level during his Junior year in college. His third year of music classes required him to learn the basic functions of how to make music via electronics and computers. It came naturally him and before he knew it, he was putting his own spin on the music game and began playing at college parties. Everybody wanted this man recreating their current smash hits from the radio and that was fine by Thomas. Even though the basic lessons were over, he learned more on his own thanks to videos on YouTube and listening to the current kings and queens on the scenes of dubstep, EDM, and house music. After his other classes, he would head to his dorm, which he shared with James Madison. There he’d pull out his set up of a few laptops and turntables in their makeshift living room and begin his nightly session of figuring out which songs to turn up and crank out. On those nights, he’d have his headphones on so he wasn’t aware when his roommate came out to get something out the fridge. He also didn’t notice that James would occasional nod his head to the muffled music coming from his friend’s headphones. James didn’t mind Thomas making music as long as it wasn’t ear-shattering and he wore headphones so James could read and study in peace. Thomas would retire around 2 a.m. on those nights so he decided to work on days where his classes started in the afternoon.
Word had spread like wildfire as young adults close to club owners suggested that Thomas play. There were videos on various Instagram and Facebook profiles broadcasting the soon to be aspiring DJ. One club owner decided to give him a chance since he noticed Thomas gathered a rather large following that could equal a rise in customers. Thomas received the email during lunch one day which quickly prompted going to Alexander and rubbing it in his face that he will get to perform and get in the club for free the running to his dorm and bouncing off the walls as he told James. Alex was secretly jealous and James was proud and slightly excited, but he always remained supportive of his best friend.
Thomas, now under the name DJ Thunderson, with his own designed gear he got Lafayette and Herc to create, would find himself in front of large crowds of teens and young adults jumping and head-banging to the rhythm. People were dancing with and on each other, groups were singing along, neon everything was swimming over throughout the crowd, and Jell-O shots were being downed like there was no tomorrow. It felt like that every time Jefferson played. He felt like he was making it amongst the in-crowd and was getting his name out there. The mixture of music, shots, heat in the building and the women jumping to be by his side and in his bed made him feel like he was on top of the world. He even thought about dropping out of college to make this a full-time job, as he was being paid pretty well, but decided to stay to not go against his mother's wishes.
After the parties ended and everybody was getting their last drinks in, James would come pick Thomas up, if he was hammered enough. James would slip in the back and guide him to his car and put him in the back. He would then get some help to pack Jefferson’s stuff in the trunk and head back to the dorms. After pretty much rolling Thomas and his equipment in and dragging Thomas into his bed, the smaller man would take a shower to wash off any smells of liquor and neon paints that may have gotten on him. Soon James would be asleep in his bed and Thomas would be hanging on his bed, drooling and snoring heavily.
One day Thomas woke up after being brought home and tested out his equipment to make sure it was still working since he had a gig right after his last class. James heard a loud scream and a thud come from the living room and jumped up to see what happened. It was Thomas holding his laptop and speakers which he could see had a blue screen and made disheveling static noises. Thomas didn’t realize that somebody spilled a drink on his stuff as he was packing up. It devastated Thomas as he didn’t know what to do. James comforted his friend and gave a smile, warm-hearted smile to try to reassure everything will turn out okay. Thomas sighed and got ready for class leaving James to his own activities.
By the time Thomas got back to his room, his head was lower due to the thought of not being able to perform that night. He raised his head as he heard music playing lowly from the living room and followed the sounds. He saw his laptop screen in working condition, his speakers were clear, and his turntables were clean and sparkled. His eyes widen and a smile quickly grew on his faces, but then his eyebrows furrowed a bit. He wondered who fixed his stuff while he was away. He thought James did it but denied the idea as James didn’t seem like a tech person. He wanted to figure it out, but pushed the thought aside as he gathered his stuff in his book bag, left a note for James telling him he can just use his card to order something to eat, and left for the club.
James would see the note later on that night and smile, happy that Thomas could continue what he loved doing. He was glad he didn’t get asked any questions because he didn’t want anybody knowing that he actually was receiving a minor software and electronic engineering. James was always fascinated with computers since they didn’t require him to physically be around people and it didn't get him sick. While Thomas was gone, James decided to order some Greek takeout and hide away in his room. He knew Thomas wouldn’t be back until late since he knew the earlier he left, the later he’d stay out. James opened up his laptop on the bed with his Gyros, Kokoretsi, and Galaktoboureko, on a little table nearby. He opened up a music program and put his headphones on. James began taking classical music like Beethoven and Bach and added his own twist to it. Though his creations were not as harsh as Thomas’, his music would get your hips moving and start making you listen to more symphonies during study breaks. James had gotten so focused on his music and in his food, he didn’t realize how much time had passed. Thomas was able to get home via Lafayette, who attended the club that night.
After Thomas got inside and collapsed on the couch, he laid back and let out a long sigh. He let his body relax before hearing some soft music come from his friend's room. He thought James just left some music playing while he slept. He thought that until he heard movement in the room and saw the light come on. He heard James go into the bathroom in his room, which wasn’t normal to Thomas. Being who he was, he decided to investigate, crawled off the couch, and cracked open his roommate's door to see where the source was coming from. It was the laptop on the bed, hooked up to a mini speaker and a small electronic pad. Jefferson heard a familiar classic being remixed and his mouthed dropped. James walked out the bathroom and was flustered and surprised to find his best friend nodding to the beat of the music. James quickly stopped the music and closed the laptop. Thomas looked with confusion and walked completely into the room.
“James, why didn’t you tell me you made music?”, Thomas asked.
“It’s a small hobby, Thomas. I like computers and seeing you do it got me interested, but I don’t like people knowing because I never thought it would be any good.”, James responded rubbing the back of his head.
Thomas sat there for a moment to think. “So you fixed my stuff?”.
James simply nodded,”Yeah, I hated seeing you upset, and I know how much you love playing, so I fixed it so you could continue going out”.
Thomas smiled warmly at his friend, then walked over and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you, Jemmy. You’re a lifesaver and you really are my best friend. You shouldn’t compare what you do to me. Don’t hide it and enjoy it.”, Thomas said in James' ear.
James grew redder and wrapped his arms around Jefferson before pulling away.
“Now come on and share some of that Gyro, I wanna hear what you’ve been workin’ on”, Thomas excitedly said as he jumped on James’ bed, next to his stuff.
James shook his head and chuckled before sitting next to the bigger man. He opened his laptop and switched off his headphones then began to play a few pieces he put together. Jefferson listened while snacking on one of the untouched Gyros and rocked his body to the rhythm. James smiled to see his friend enjoy his work. They sat there for hours until James was asleep on Thomas’ shoulder and Thomas had his arms wrapped around James, resting his chin on his friends small, dark locks.
After hearing James and seeing what he could do, Thomas got James to help him set up his equipment and asked if he could do routine checks on everything. James would run all the devices and software to make sure it was all up to date. Thomas would bring James along to early club setups to help make sure thing everything was in order and did sound checks around the place. Some of the employees began calling Madison “AfterMadd” since he always followed after Jefferson when they saw him. Jefferson loved the name and used it to give credit when he got James to crack and allowed him to use some of the smaller man’s music. James didn’t mind the name because you wouldn’t make the connection quickly that it was James. He never stayed long at the club since he didn’t drink or like being around a lot of people, but he would Skype Jefferson on his phone to listen and let the club music fill the dorm throughout the night.
Being DJs and making music brought the best friends a lot closer than they had ever been.
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M&M JeffMads Chapter 2: The Meeting
Here’s part two of my first fan fiction and I hope you enjoy it. (There will be a part three)
Chapter One Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Word count: 3242
Warnings: Cursing (one word), fluff
Jefferson heard a chirp from his phone and proceeded to check it before freezing in place after reading the unexpected message. He felt his heart begin to flutter in an unusual manner that slightly confused him. Not wanting to lose James’ interest in texting, he saved the number under “Jemmy” and responded with, “Hey James, glad you decided to talk to me outside the courtroom”. “Ha.”, James responded as he headed towards his bedroom. Jefferson found himself under a blanket on the couch with his eyes and fingers glued to his phone. Madison sat under the comforter of his full-sized mattress that cuddled the small man. Madison was not the type to stay up past midnight since he was an early bird, but that didn’t stop him that night. Madison and Jefferson messaged each other as the subjects were all over the place from political stances to color palettes to what they just had for dinner.
Thomas had become slightly hesitant before asking, “Would you like to hang out tomorrow? Well, later today?”. That caused James to look at his clock and realized it was 2:37 a.m. He was surprised his body didn’t give out on him and had left Thomas on “…”, but he was as awake as he normally would be. Thinking to himself about his work schedule, he was fine with staying up late since he could take a day off. He had accumulated enough vacation days, despite his sick days, to take a few off here and there. “We can do that”, James responded with slight excitement, but also worry as he didn’t know what Thomas may have planned. Thomas let out a long, held in, breath of relief as he was overcome with happiness that James agreed. A large smirk ran across Thomas’ face as he said, “I know a few places we could go to ;)”.  James’ reason for worry was justified after reading that.
Thomas jumped off the couch and went in his bedroom as he began scanning through his closet. He sent James a message saying, “Text me your address and wear something classy, but comfortable. I’ll pick you up around noon tomorrow”, as he pulled out an outfit, placing it on his dresser and placing his toiletries in his bathroom for later that morning. James simply replied, “Okay, see you then”, before putting his phone on the charger and finally heading to bed.
Despite going to bed at almost three in the morning, James still woke up at 8 a.m. like he did every other day. His job demanded him at work by 10 so he felt that 8 would give him enough time to clean up, eat a light breakfast, and take his 30-minute drive to work. But since he had called in to take the day off and wouldn’t be meeting his friend until noon, James decided to take a bit more of his time to get ready.
James thought about what Thomas said about what kind of attire to wear, so he decided to pull out a short sleeve, black undershirt with a light grey sweater with dark grey diamonds across the chest along with some dark brown slacks and black boots. He laid his clothes across the bed before going into his bathroom and taking a luke-warm shower with a five-minute dental hygiene session in from of the mirror over the sink. Afterwards, he exited the bathroom, dried off, and put his clothes on before grabbing his phone, keys, and wallet and leaving the bedroom. He turned on the radio to fill the home with light classical blues. James went into the kitchen and turned on his coffee maker as he had poured milk in the pot to make a makeshift Frappuccino with a creamy froth that he has enjoyed for a while. He also threw some whole grain bread into the toaster, got a banana from the countertop and sliced it into some apple cinnamon oatmeal he made on the stove top. James sat at the small island in the middle of the kitchen and ate before going into the living room and sitting on the couch. He decided to pick up a book from under the table and read a few chapters. In the back of his mind he was curious and slightly anxious about what Thomas had planned for their meeting.
He considered the clothing Thomas picked out and marked off them going to some kind of club or party. He was hoping Thomas wouldn't take him to some of the large event since he had never been the best people’s person. James couldn't even comprehend the idea of going over to Thomas's house because he had no clue of how that would turn out. James shook his head and thought of more sensible ideas that didn't make his head spin. James was playing out different scenarios in his head and going back and forth with his book. Thomas, on the other hand, was just beginning to get up.
It was around 10:30 a.m., 30 minutes after the alarm Thomas attempted to set up, when he sat up in his silk sheeted king-sized bed. His many curls expanded into a large afro as he got out of his bed and slid into his house shoes. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he peered at his phone to check the time. Thomas's eyes widen as he realized he was running low on time to get ready. He normally got between 8 to 10 hours of sleep to bed but he wanted to be timely for James’ sake.
Thomas grabbed his bathrobe and went into his rather large, rose scented, magenta and purple bathroom. He took a long hot shower, completed a double hair washing, and had a two-minute tooth brushing session before he walked out the bathroom and put his clothes on. He sported a long sleeve, black fitted shirt with a magenta cotton vest with dark pink pants and black shoes. After combing and brushing his large curls out, he went into the kitchen and prepared a hearty breakfast consisting of leftover bacon with some waffles and orange juice. Looking at the time he quickly shoveled the food in his mouth, cleared away the crumbs on his face, grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet and got in his car. Thomas typed in James's address into his car's GPS and headed there. Thomas was tremendously excited about getting to go to Jemmy's home and getting to see where he lives. He was excited to pick James and spend the day with him. There normally weren’t butterflies in his stomach when he hung out with most of his friends, but getting to hang around James again felt different. It felt like he wanted this to become a normal thing and he wanted James to be around him more often like it used to be.
Thomas didn't realize that his GPS was telling him that he had a reached his destination until after finally breaking away from his thoughts. He looked out his car window at the apartments debating on whether he wanted to call James to come out or to go to his door. He decided to get out of his car and proceed to the short man’s door knowing James was ready as he was always a timely person.
Thomas knocked on the black wooden door. The knock at the door surprised James as he was expecting a message telling him to go outside. He closed his book making a mental note what page he was on then got up and gather his things. His opened the door and looked up to see a towering Jefferson looking down at him warmly smiling.
Thomas got a glimpse of the inside of the small apartment. It was full of neutral and dark colors being covered browns and dark blues and greys. The smell autumn forest and pumpkin filled his nose and the warmth of the small running heater glazed across his face. The homemade Thomas drift into the ideas laying on James' couch, holding him in his lap, as they spoke to each other and James read one of his many books to him.
James got Thomas back into reality as Thomas shook the idea away before smiling and asking, "Ready to go?". James nodded as the tall man led him to his black and silver Lexus. He opened the passenger door then went on the driver’s side and got in himself. James climbed in and sink into the large grey leather seat as he was hit with the scent of lavender and passion fruit. Despite the greys, the car felt vibrant and full of life, especially with Thomas in it. Thomas had driven off leaving the apartments behind them.
James stared out the window as the car passed through the city. Even though he had lived in the same city for so long he never really took the time to take in the architecture. He watched as people of all ages and races passed by in the street. They all had their own personalities and ways of moving and communicating. Each building had its own little story to tell and it fascinated him. The car was quiet as James looked out the window as Thomas stole a few glimpses of his small friend as he was in awe. The sight was something Thomas didn't want to forget. It felt like they were driving around the city for hours until James broke from his trance and took a glimpse at the time. “Where are we going Thomas? It’s been two hours since we left.”, James stated. Thomas smirked, “You'll see. I thought we could do some sightseeing first and it look like you enjoyed it". "I did", James replied sheepishly, giving a small smile.
“That tells me you don't get out as much Jemmy, but good old Thomas is here to change that.”, Thomas said proudly. James chuckled adding emphasis as he said “good”. Thomas laughed, “Aw, come on James, I'm a pretty good guy, but I can be bad if I want to be.”, he said with a large smirk across his face as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. James slightly blushed and playfully shoved the muscular man arms. “Tell me where we are going Thomas.”, the small man protested. “Are you afraid I'm going to take you to this loud large concert or drug filled night club James?", Thomas asked. James turned his head away a bit.
Thomas parked his car on the side of the street between two other cars and placed his hand under James’ chin to have their eyes meet. “Don't worry James, I remember how you are and I can make a pretty good guess at some spots you'd like. I also want you to have fun, that's why I drove around the city because I know you would enjoy taking it in. I know it’s been years and I really want to enjoy this time with you”. James’ face turned bright red hearing Thomas as he felt soft grip around his face. Thomas paused, looking into James’ eyes. He felt his heart race and he wanted to smash his lips into the other’s. He cleared his throat, “I brought us to a bakery and reserved a booth for us”. The excitement in the small man's face was visible and it helped to draw them away from the tension in the car. Thomas removed his grip and got out the car going around it and opening James’ door.
James had climbed out of the car and proceeded inside the building. He stood there and took in the aromas of different cakes and pies and other pastry assortments. Thomas was not too far behind him as he led them over to their seats as they sat across from each other in the booth. Both men look upon the menus before them and ordered. Thomas ordered a butter croissant with a sweet lemon tea while James ordered a small platter that allowed him to try everything and got a water on the side. As they waited on their food and drinks to arrive, Thomas asked, “So what have you done since the last time we’ve seen each other?”.
“Well from the last time we saw each other I got my degree in law and immediately join my father's law firm. It didn't take long to find a place in the city that was comfortable to me. After a few years of many small court cases and a few grand scale ones, my father decided that I was suitable to be a co-owner of the firm, so I run half of the division with him while remaining an attorney to represent the people” James explained. “Anything interesting actually happen? Any Mrs. or Mr. or friends?”, Thomas chuckled lightly. “No Thomas, I prefer to work go home and keep to myself. I have a few friends though, but nothing major.”, James said sitting there. “How about you? I'm pretty sure you have much more to tell me.”
“Where to begin? Well I’m a head therapist at a clinic downtown. The job is good for me since I can different people to open up and I give them my great advice.”, Thomas said with pride. “Great”, James sarcastically emphasized as he chuckled. “Hey, I got my degree in Psychology. It took some time because partying was fun, but a bitch to my grades, but I did it and the pay is great. Then I normally work on my own time, so unlike somebody I know, I go and hang out with the young and slum of the city and have fun.”, Thomas said poking James’ forehead. James shook his head in disagreement as he knew Thomas was hinting at him. “Aw come on, I'm going to take you to a night out on the town one day and you'll see my side of things Jemmy.”, Thomas said as he watched the waitress bring over their food and drinks. She gave a small wink to Thomas before leaving to assist another table. Thomas brushed it off as he was happy to see James enjoying his food. He scanned his body trying to get a feel for the other’s body shape, but since his clothes were thick, he couldn’t tell as clearly.
“Did you have any Mrs.?”, James asked between his fourth and fifth pastry. Thomas took a sip of his tea before answering saying, “There has been a fling here and there, but nothing too serious. So, have no fear my dear James, I am still on the market”. James drinking water to wash down the sugar responded, “You're so full of yourself. You haven't changed a bit”. “Isn't that why you're here? You get that same Virginian pleasure.”, Thomas said. James chuckle, “I guess I do”.
The Virginians continue to chat as they finished up their food. There was a small face off between the two on who would pay. Thomas won and left cash, but James did leave a tip for the service. They walked out of the bakery and got back into the car as Thomas drove off.
Sunset was soon approaching, and night had fell not to long afterwards as they visited a few more spots in the city. The duo visited an art museum where a discussion sparked from every piece they saw as they gave their own artistic interpretations. There was an antique shop where James really enjoyed the vintage items and how stories could be made from the time that passed. Thomas was somewhat creeped out by the large collection of porcelain dolls. Thomas even got James to go into a few clothing stores and attempted to get him some new tops that weren’t sweaters, but James stood his ground and denied. Thomas did buy himself some clothes that he let James critique. After the last shoe store, the moon was high in the night sky.
James climbed back into the car sitting deep within the cushions as his body was getting tired. James never did that much moving in one day and trying to keep up with Thomas was always a challenge. He was glad that the day was almost over and that he could relax for a bit as Thomas was heading back to his apartment.
“So, did you have fun?”, Thomas asked as he turned up the car heater since there was a chill outside. “I'm not going to lie, today was lively and I enjoyed it.”, James said giving off a small smile at the driver. “Victory! Score one for Jefferson.”, Thomas playfully cheering. James chuckled. “I'm glad you enjoyed hanging out Jemmy and this time without a sleeping bag full of medication.” Thomas said letting out a laugh as the small man crossed his arms. “My health was not great as a child and my mother didn't want anything to happen.”, James explained. “I know Jemmy. Mommy wanted her son to be safe.”, Thomas said as he sent his arm over to pity the sniffing the man. James enjoyed the comfort.
As Thomas turn into the apartment complex, James felt slightly sad as he didn't want to leave Thomas despite being tired. Thomas had parked the car and there was a quick moment of silence before he got out the car and went over to James’ side to open his door. “Do you want me to carry you inside?”, Thomas asked. “I’m a grown man. I can handle a simple walk to my door”, James responded slowly getting up, “but thanks for the offer’. Thomas helped the small man out the car and follow behind him as James searched his pockets for his house keys and opened the front door.
James turned around looking at the towering man before him. “Thank you, Thomas, for hanging out with me today. I know that I am not that fun or exciting, but I enjoy today, really. It was good to reconnect with my best childhood friend and- “, before James could continue, Thomas’ lips were on his. It was warm as Thomas placed his hands on the small man cheeks to bring him closer to deepen the kiss. James eased up and let the kiss become natural as he placed his hands on the taller man shoulders. James pulled away from Thomas looking right into his light brown eyes and stood there for a moment. “I’d love to go out together more often. Have a good night James.”, Thomas said warmly smiling with a blush across his face. James simply nodded at him before stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.
Thomas stood still at the door for a moment and collected his thoughts before heading back to his car. He took one last glimpse at the apartment before driving off and heading home. The car ride was silent with the heater on low as the car felt empty. Thomas did not feel right without James by his side whether James was looking out the window or having a discussion about questions that were asked on the radio. He wanted to be with James, hold him, spoil him, bring out that bright side he saw today. He felt balanced with James around and that kiss sealed those feelings. Thomas knew what he wanted and as James got ready for bed, he knew what he wanted too.
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