#i don't think canon actually specifies how exactly those function
dutyworn · 1 year
                    @detectiveconnor    /    cont. from ↷
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She thinks she’s alive. Didn’t... expect to be. Still expects it to  not be over,  expects a fight. First instinct is to reach for her pistol, but she barely manages to make her hand twitch; it wouldn’t be on her, she supposes, anyway. Her omni-tool is non-responsive. Figures... Slowly, she gains better awareness of herself: nothing feels broken, but everything hurts nevertheless; trying to move makes her groan in pain. The remainders of her armour feel heavy on her torso and limbs.
There’s someone... Wren tries to force her eyes to focus, blinks slowly, fails at attempting to sit up.
It nearly fails to register that Ms Shepard is meant to be her. It’s the miss that sounds alien, unfamiliar.
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Her instinct tells her something is  wrong,  but she’s too out of it to put two and two together.    ❝ Did it work? ❞    she croaks, as she processes the stranger’s words. Did she do it? Is it over? How many casualties? Her friends... did they survive?    ❝ The Crucible... ❞  She trails off. Ms Shepard. Connor. Remember how you got... A civilian? Where is she? This... isn’t the Citadel. Maybe the blast... But this isn’t Earth, either. Maybe she’s missed time. Someone must have moved her. But... It doesn’t make any sense.
❝ I’m fine, ❞    she tries to reassure, but her head’s swimming, pounding, and she can’t sit up, as she tries, again.    ❝ A concussion, I think, do you... Sorry, do you know... what happened? ❞    She means with the Reapers. She means with the  war.  He... A human civilian?    ❝ Where am I? ❞    Because this is not the Citadel, this is not Earth... is it? It couldn’t possibly be; it’s too silent. Too calm. Something about that scares her in ways she cannot wrap her head around.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
If you think Daemon cheating make no sense you didn't pay attention and i can see you watch the show only with shippers eyes cause Daemon being unfaithful is set up there from the beginning. Rhea ok he hated her but then he leaves Mysaria for Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra for Laena at the wedding and again Laena for Rhaenyra. Daemon is fickle man, when he gets something, he gets tired of it faster and desires something new, that's cause he's that chaotic that can't stand to be stucked with one only thing, one only person, he needs new emotion to feed his fire. “fucking is a pleasure, marriage is a duty but that doesn't stop you from fucking who we want” he wasn't talking exclusively about Rhaenyra, which set up with definitely the possibility of him having affair with Nettles in the future, if they want, it wouldn't be random nor surprise cause would make perfectly sense leading to that, and to be honest, i don't think they portrayed Daemyra to be goals. Rhaenyra thinking they're soulmates it's cause she is his victim and he made her believing that. It's the consequence of grooming. She sees him as her only support, he made himself to her necessary, that makes her easily vulnerable and eventually manipulated. They're not healthy. They never was and never will. It's not about hating, you're no rational just attacking some people who don't think the same way as you, cause fairly they see the abusive side of the relationship that you conveniently ignore with your own headcanons. Not only you, all the Daemyras lack of rationality making up stuff that nor cast, writers or the author ever said.
This dialogue in episode 4 is literally just there to show that Rhaenyra can do whatever she wants in a marriage that is supposed to be a DUTY at the time instead of a pleasure. A way to find comfort and freedom in a forced relationship. I doubt anyone with a functioning brain would have thought that this was proof that Daemon was a fundamentally unfaithful man in any type of union he had in the future. That's an overinterpretation to fix your biased vision of a horribly villainous Daemon.
Then Daemon didn't leave Mysaria for Rhaenyra. It's not even clear how they actually broke up on the show. (In the book, it's mainly Viserys' fault) Probably because he was away at war for 3 years maybe? You don't know anything about it. I do not know ? It's not specified in the series what exactly happened between these two.
Then, Laena flirted with Daemon during the wedding in episode 5, but Daemon had originally come to look for Rhaenyra, except that we learn in episode 7 that he wanted to "spare" her for stupid storyline reasons. Rhaenyra apparently being a child when she was 19 years old, an adult by our standards and those of Westeros. When I say that this show is written haphazardly... Whereas in the book, after asking for Rhaenyra's hand, Daemon was simply exiled by Viserys under penalty of death if he ever returned to Westeros.
Then, as already said : for a man who apparently all of season 1 has been preparing him to be a future cheater for season 2, it's a bit stupid that we've never actually seen him cheat and in reality faithfully to every woman he's been with in couple in a consensual manner. Wow. What an incredible set up indeed.
You can complain all you want, but it's a fact that we've never seen Daemon cheat on his companions in the series. And it's not this quote that you take out of context that proves anything, and even if Daemon cheated on Rhaenyra in the rest of the show, it would still be a shitty set up, and in fact, not one set up at all. And even less the stupid shit excuse that the writers came up with to explain Daemon's departure for years, even though they literally had the book on hand for that.
Also, I'm repeating myself, but the show canon will never interfere with book canon or you'll never be able to know for sure whether Daemon cheated on Rhaenyra or not.
And I never denied that there was a toxic aspect to Daemyra in the show. (impossible that this is not the case with the OCC strangulation scene of episode 10) On the other hand, in the book, apart from saying that it may seem problematic in view of the differences in modern morals that we have, there is nothing fundamentally unhealthy / problematic / toxic about Daemyra's relationship in Fire and Blood. (Besides, @horizon-verizon did an excellent post on this specific subject that I recommend if you have the courage and open-mindedness, which I doubt)
And once again !
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Also, I highly recommend @horizon-verizon educate you on all things historical context, daemyra + grooming bullshit, daemon being a predator of young women, with Daemon seemingly being a pure villain instead of the gray character he is, Daemon and his relationship with Nettles and much more.
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karume-everything-else · 10 months
What are your thoughts on this idea? https://www.tumblr.com/aikoiya/722157861322604544/yanganondorf-x-sheikah-femoc-prompt-meeting?source=share I don't recall if I've asked you this before, so if I have, please just ignore this. This isn't a request for you to write it, just a request on your thoughts about it. Like a review or critique. I'm asking because I find that different people have a lot of amazing ideas, so I've been going around & asking those who enjoy writing GanondorfxReader stories their opinions in the hopes of further expanding on the story concept.
So, after reading it... you seem to be working with a nebulous timeline. The references to Ganondorf being Gerudo King doesn't line up with the BotW timeline if the Yiga are a thing. Its easy enough to work around for most story purposes but that by itself can be a little confusing.
As for Nemma as a character, she definitely has a set dynamic arc in learning to trust others. But I'd give her some kind of crippling fear or serious Achilles Heel to keep her more grounded. Something like a fear of bugs/spiders or maybe she just gets weird about giving/selling her creations, which would make her gifting a hand-crafted sword that much bigger of a gesture. Other than that, I would have her carry around exactly one trinket that has no usefulness in battle; that being a small metal Shiekah Eye pendant that her great-grandfather/ grandfather made for her. Perhaps as a necklace or charm on the end of her favorite sword. I could also see her keeping a small bag of Deku Nuts, not necessarily for herself to disappear but as a distraction for stealth missions.
And considering how much she sounds like San from Princess Mononoke, the downward triangle tattoos would look better, also doubles as an allusion to the Shiekah Eye she wants to unlock.
Not entirely sure why you specified Ganondorf being yandere, I think most people put him as such when he is in the height of his powers. He is a king after all, being told 'no' isn't going to be common for him.
All that said however, I thought I'd break up every other thought by what timeline it would happen in. Two strictly canon timelines centered on BotW and TotK, the nebulous timeline you created, and things that would happen no matter which timeline its in. With the stricter timelines having the "necessary" tweaks to Nemma's backstory/motives. This is just how I would handle the story, so please take this all with a grain of salt. <3
Things that Happen no matter what
Ganondorf gives luxurious gifts, but he doesn't make as big a fuss over clothes and jewels. They just show up in the closet/ jewelry box and he has Nemma's usual outfit made of "better" materials with the stipulation that it's still just as functional if not more so. (If nothing can be done to improve it or the finer materials make it less effective then he leaves it alone)
Ganondorf still tries to keep up appearances however and does give over-the-top, extravagant gifts in front of others knowing Nemma won't actually use them. Things like large decorative vases or crowns specially made for her.
Like Nemma, the important gifts are given in their chambers and usually consist of new weapons, cookbooks, maps, things she can either use or would be interested in.
There would be several "fights" before Ganondorf takes Nemma as his wife. Both as a test to see if she's truly a worthy queen/ warrior and because he can't stand the idea of someone being stronger than himself.
He has seen her fight against monsters and that's what sparked the "I must have her" mentality.
The only reason he walks away from these fights is because he makes it very clear that this is just a sparring session between warriors. His way of showing respect... even if his compliments of her skills are sincere.
The only time Ganondorf would ever consider asking/ forcing Nemma to do something would be dressing up for Royal Affairs. Something Nemma would begrudgingly do... but she'd have several hidden weapons and her favorite sword at her side.
^Things Ganondorf both expects and respects. The second anyone says something about how a queen shouldn't have weapons on her person, Ganon draws his sword and openly challenges the commenter because "How dare you disrespect my wife!? She isn't merely a queen, she's a proud warrior and will be respected as such!"
^Something Nemma is on the fence about how she feels because on the one hand; she can fight her own battles and she's used to negative comments about her life choices. On the other; it is nice to have someone openly call her a warrior and defend her honor even if it's over something small.
Two of the most useful gifts Ganondorf gives to Nemma are a well-trained Sand Seal and a well-trained horse. The horse would be much smaller than his own, unless he could get the Great White Stallion to match his Great Black Stallion. But it would be up to Nemma if she even uses either. For all intents and purposes, the horse would be reserved for the Royal Convoy while the Sand Seal would be actually useful when Nemma wants to get somewhere remote to explore before the sun goes down.
Cooking is the first way Nemma starts working with and trusting other people because while Ganondorf tells her about the cooks in his employ; he respects her do it myself attitude. Though Ganondorf does attempt to help, he sucks at cooking. Thus Nemma teaching him.
It was a slow process, but eventually Nemma started cooking for herself and Ganondorf pretty much every night. The only time she doesn't cook is for Royal Affairs, or when she isn't there but that's a given.
Nebulous timeline
Assuming that Ganondorf can, he is constantly going with Nemma on her outings. If not, then he does so once in a while to hone his skills and attempt to keep her safe.
Strict Ancient Timeline (Before the sealing)
Instead of Nemma lamenting the loss of culture, she fears it. Worries that the allyship with the Hyurlian Royal family will bring about the loss of the Shiekah culture.
She would have a decent mentor in Monk Maz Koshia. (I know the timing isn't 100% perfect, but it would be hella cool for her to learn all of this from the master before he becomes a mummy)
Ganondorf would see her fighting a Lynel or some other massive creature, or else bringing in the monster parts to sell/ trade within the Castle Town markets and he would make some quip that seriously pisses Nemma off and leads to their first fight. (Overseen by Rauru and the Hylian Guards since they don't fully suspect Ganondorf of treasonous activity... yet. He gets one chance)
Ganondorf does mellow out some, not to morally dark grey, but he delays his attempts to take over in hopes of corrupting Nemma a bit more. Getting her in on his plans to possibly better them altogether.
Rauru suspects this however and attempts to persuade Nemma to turn against Ganondorf. (This would be after the wedding and around the time the Gossip Stone Earings are gifted.)
When all else fails, Rauru straight-up kidnaps Nemma and seals her away underground. Something Ganondorf didn't fully catch because he was arguing with another royal.
At first, all the Gerudo people are with Ganondorf in his attempt to storm Hyrule and take it by force to save their beloved queen, but too many are maimed/ killed. When Ganondorf tries to rally them a second time, they refuse and mourn the loss of their queen.
Ganon however refuses to let go, fueled by his own pure hatred that is amplified by Demise's curse and the fact that he can still hear Nemma's heartbeat through the Earings.
It isn't until after he falls into the underground that Ganondorf even finds Nemma, and his time waiting is to build up the power needed to break the seal on her.
However, Rauru's seal can only break when the Hero is in great need. (IE when Ganondorf's rage peaks) This causes her seal to break right when Ganondorf is at his most monstrous as Rauru hoped she would see this and turn against him.
But... Rauru couldn't account for how fast Ganondorf would crumble at seeing Nemma hail and healthy again, more focused on apologizing for not being able to help her when she needed him most and the hundreds of years spent in isolation...
The Yiga Clan would revere Nemma just as much as they do Ganondorf and try to find/ resurrect her as well. She becomes known as the Queen of Darkness/ Monsters by them... if she ever finds out, she hates it.
Strict Post-Calamity Timeline
This would be a Nemma all too aware of the stories about Ganondorf and all the more desperate to learn her cultural roots.
She would be extra wary about the first meeting with Ganondorf, even if she did just take down a Boss Bokoblin and his crew... this man was far more deadly.
Ganondorf would consistently seek her out after monster fights, a little annoyed that someone so small can take down his best like this.
It would all be a test, with the last of the fights ending with Ganondorf mentioning how the next fight will be their last. Either due to Nemma killing him, or by him claiming her for his wife.
This could terrify Nemma, or make her question her own need for a partner who can best her/ stand toe to toe with her. But it could just as easily excite and intrigue her.
Obviously she would have to deal with the Yiga Clan suddenly revering her as their Queen the way they have always preached about Ganondorf being their true King. Something she could use to her advantage or outright despise... or both
It would cause a lot of friction between her and all the other Shiekah, no matter whether it was her decision or not.
There would be no way out of being Ganondorf's wife because he would refuse to kill her himself and keep her from being able to perform Senpaku.
Even if she attempted to escape, it would be all too easy for Ganondorf to track her down...
Making this the most similar to the Yandere tag for Ganondorf.
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ourimpavidheroine · 1 month
My oldest friend (45 years and counting) is a successful indie author, and is currently attending the Content Entrepreneur Expo 2024 in Cleveland. She's an incredibly smart, savvy businesswoman, and I've been following what she's been learning at the Expo with interest.
One of the things she's relaying is how indie authors need to stop thinking about themselves as "authors" and rather think of themselves as "content creators". And she has a lot to say about marketing and newsletters and social media, etc. Obviously, one of the big things that all content creators have to do is put their finger on the pulse of what their potential consumers actually want, and then provide that. In that way, she says, indie authors need to get with the times and do the same.
She's been trying for years to get me to sell my writing. (I blog outside of Tumblr, most of which is non-fictional and autobiographical.) But the thing is, I'm not a content creator. I'm no good at self-promotion and marketing, and I have things to say, whether I'm writing fiction or non-fiction. Things that are important to me, as a person, and especially as an author. These things are meaningful, to many people. But they are not necessarily well-suited for content creation.
Last summer I was at a con and sat in on a reading by two (traditionally) published authors. One of them was in her 50's, an award winner in the sci-fi and fantasy genres, who has been writing for over 30 years. The other was in her 20's and had just gotten her first book published.
The younger author stated, during the Q&A, that part of her traditional publishing contract was that she was required to not only have an active social media presence on certain platforms (including keeping up her own website) but that she was to be available for certain tours/speaking dates. She said, with a laugh that sounded a little desperate, that she was having a hard time actually sitting down and writing her second book with all of the marketing requirements that her contract specified. She stated that her publisher doesn't market her writing very much at all since her contract specifies that she will be doing that.
The older author said that she'd been on a few book tours (including showing up to our con) but that self-marketing wasn't a part of her contract at all and never had been. In fact, while she does have a few of the usual social media accounts (Instagram and Bluesky) they are only updated once a month or so, and she usually blogs sporadically on Dreamwidth, which she's been on since LiveJournal imploded. (Dreamwidth is not exactly known as a social media trend.) Her website is pretty bare bones and is updated only when she publishes something new. She doesn't have a newsletter. Someone from the audience asked her about TikTok and she just waved her hand and laughed and said it wasn't for her. She said that her publisher had always used their own marketing team for her and that it worked for her.
I've reblogged before what others have said about tropes being more important to (younger) fanfic readers than the take on the original works - and I do agree with that. But I think it goes further. Popular fanfic today is content creation. It is written to appeal to a broad audience, and it is marketed via social media.
It's why so many of the canon characters are so completely out of character and why the worldbuilding is so often ignored. In content creation, those things aren't what matters. They don't matter to the writers, and even more importantly, they don't matter to the readers. What matters is the hype. Many of these readers have no idea how to use the search function on AO3, and furthermore, they don't care. They want their reading curated for them, and fanfic has the distinct advantage that it is free. If they can go on TikTok or Twitter/X or even here on Tumblr and be told by someone else to read such and such fic because it has these tropes, then that's what they are going to read. And since those fics were written with content creation in mind, it's going to cover whatever is currently popular at the time. Is the fic meaningful to them? Does it make them think? Does it take the canon characters on thoughtful journeys or improve upon the worldbuilding? Sure, maybe some of them do. But for the most part, they are easily consumed so that the readers can move on to the next fic on the curated list.
I remember some X-Files fanfic I read 30 years ago that still haunts me. Fiction that was beautifully written, that explored the worldbuilding and the characters in ways that the confines of TV broadcasting and the showrunners was never going to accomplish. In fact, I have a collection of fic I really loved that went from floppy to hard disk to CD to USB to the cloud. I still read them, all these years later. My very favorite fic, the one I read aloud on cassette tapes and then sent to my (then) girlfriend across the world, I had printed and bound into hardback format and gave it to her as a wedding present. I keep it on my bookshelf, nearly 9 years after her death. I put a handwritten quote from it into her coffin. That's the kind of impact that fanfic had on me.
I wanted, when I wrote my own fanfic, to create stories that would not only capture the canon characters and worldbuilding but would expand on them. I wanted them to be meaningful. I wanted to make my readers think, I wanted to make them feel, I hoped that my work would do for them what some of that X-Files fic did for me. My fic took a long time for me to write, and I did drafts and revision. I was really invested in it, and I wanted it to be good, not popular. It was the process that gave me a lot of personal satisfaction as an author.
Am I capable of writing content creation? I don't know. Not for my current fandoms, for sure. I care far too much to just write whatever would be popular for the sake of being popular. Could I do it for a fandom I didn't care about, or could I write something original, like other indie authors? My oldest friend keeps encouraging (sometimes it's less encouragement and more bullying) me to do it, but I genuinely don't know if I can. It's a different skill set to do content creation. And let me be clear here - I do, in fact, think content creation is a skill. Absolutely it is. Curating an online experience is hard work, I am in no way denying it. Really popular TikTokers and Instagrammers have talked about how it takes over their lives, how they have to constantly be on top of every trend, how they have to adapt to survive. And that's not even including how they are expected to interact with their fans as if their fans are actual friends of theirs instead of strangers on the internet. It is a skill and it is work.
But it's not a skill that I have. As an Autistic, it's probably not a skill I would be able to pick up, even if I wanted. My particular brain does not adapt well to constant change and constant input. In fact, my brain shuts right down when confronted with too much change and input. It is what it is.
I had a reader chastise me once for not doing a better job tagging my fanfic. Not because I wasn't tagging for trigger warnings - I do give trigger warnings. However, my tags are pretty minimal. The reader told me that if I did a better job tagging my fanfics with all the various tropes and if I wrote a summary that summarized the whole fic, I'd get more readers. And you know, they were absolutely right. No doubt about it. But see, I want readers to go into my fic and have the story unfold as they go. I want them, the first time they read it, to enjoy where the story is going - and for them to experience the surprise of a twist as well as the delight in guessing the twists ahead of time. I want, if readers read it again, for them to find more surprises. I want them to find all of the foreshadowing, all of the little easter eggs I've inserted here and there. I want them to come back a few years later, read it again, and due to their own life changes, get something new and different out of the story. It's what makes writing fanfic my particular joy. It's why I write. My stingy use of tags comes out of this desire on my part. It's not laziness or incompetency or even an older generational thing on my part. It's deliberate.
Do I think everyone needs to write for the same reasons I do? No. Not even close, not at all. I want writers to write for their own reasons. I have enjoyed fanfic for many different reasons, and not all of them are because the writing makes me think. (Sometimes I also just want to read some really delicious smut.)
But content creation fanfic isn't something I'm interested in at all. Not writing it, not reading it. It's just my thing, I have no expectation that everyone else has to think the way I do. However, as much as my old friend keeps trying to get me to write as content creation - she keeps enticing me with how much money I can make, which is certainly a selling point for her - I just don't think I have it in me.
It is a bummer on the financial front. I could use some extra income, like most of us. If I could throw together some urban fantasy Omegaverse, slap it up on Amazon and market the hell out of it on social media maybe I could afford to do a lot of things I'd like to do. (My oldest friend has a lifestyle I very much envy, including financial freedom and stability, plenty of travel, and she's even founded her own magazine, which is quickly becoming an industry standard.) But I love writing too much. I'm invested in writing, not content creation. In today's world that's a problem, not a positive. Passion has given way to marketing. Just a sign of the times, I guess.
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captain-astors · 1 year
for the tg head canons
Thank you! Why did I get so many 1's you all know my favorite critter is Furuta and I know most of you hate him (fairly) but I'll take it.
1. His whole thing is kind of just layering himself in caricatures full of the hypocrisy he finds so evident in those surrounding him while simultaneously mocking and irritating them despite how arguably he's exactly within the lines set for whatever position he's placed in. Hence the swing from compliant yet cowardly subordinate, to annoying, overconfident and toxically masculine V agent, and so on and so forth. That's a lot of words, allow me to summarize: Nimura's functionally intentionally ticking off everyone at once, but technically he's always the ideal person for whatever role it is. The Washuu King Kichimura is much the same because arguably he's the culmination of everything they wanted in a Bureau Director. He's commanding, intimidating, he's charismatic, he's terrifyingly efficient and if it was actually his intention I have no doubt he could've wiped ghouls off the face of Tokyo but it's not, and no one actually likes him because they're not supposed to. He plays the perfect role not because it's what he wants, but because that's how he shows how truly disgusting those people are. He's efficient but he completely lacks morals and boundaries, he's very masculine and commanding but effeminate and ridiculous in a conflict, he's intimidating but he's so evidently taking none of this seriously, dressing up in a ridiculous costume and calling it a party because really that's what the CCG does, it dresses up the atrocities so that no one has to feel uncomfortable about it. Kichimura dresses up the atrocities so that you feel uncomfortable about the present ones, and have to start thinking about the ones of the past- though it's kind of a thing that works only in retrospect because I imagine all the investigators were a little too focused on "Oh my god what is this guy doing" to realize it was exactly what they've been doing from the start cranked up to 100. All this to say it would be entirely in character of post-clown siege arc Nimura to wear heels and the added height would make a good distinction from the meek persona of Rank 1 Furuta. I REST MY CASE!
Also this is less of a headcanon and more of a thought which is why I'm sticking it here, but I find it hilarious that he's not actually that much taller than I. Can't even joke about biting his shins because I know multiple 14 year olds taller than this man. 2. You didn't specify a character so random person it is! Uta and Itori made use of Uta's kagune disguising ability to pretend to be a pair of famous food critics they ate once upon a time, and it started as a joke but they're in way too deep to back out now. They give the wildest reviews you've ever heard, but as long as they dodge around describing actual flavors and just talk about the feeling people eat their stupid fabrications up, and they find it hysterical. They've singlehandedly demolished the reputation of 3 perfectly respectable restaurants out of boredom and they don't even know what steak actually tastes like, they're beasts unleashed having the time of their lives. 4. Ship unspecified... Mutsukanae? Mutsukanae. Sometimes the two just collapse upon each other after a long day and wrap each other in a spiky, tangled mix of Bikaku and Rinkaku and pass out for an hour. They will not be moving, do not disturb them. 9. Probably just rampant projection but Seidou feel very ADHD ish to me. I have more thoughts on this but I'm too tired to explain it and I don't want to seem like I'm just slapping it on so ambiguous reasoning it is! 12. Kagune cloning and facial copying exists as a byproduct of extremely advanced aggressive mimicry (when a predator acts like the prey animal, or the prey animal's food source so as to catch them off guard) only certain ghouls are capable of the process by nature and they're considered powerful to a fault, however a large number of the already very small portion of ghoul capable of this will go their entire lives without knowing, because their parents were killed before they could be taught how to do so, and/or they simply don't have access to the RC needed to make a branching puppet and then separate it from their main body. If you manage to get yourself to that point in the first place however, (such as Uta) you're pretty much never going to have an issue reaching it again because one ghoul with that many RC cells in their system is formidable enough, but if you're your own hunting party have pity to the poor souls deemed dinner. But such a ghoul comes around so scarcely and leaves so few survivors that it's not even acknowledged by the CCG. Ghouls without this evolutionary advantage occasionally still practice a rudimentary form of it, so people are often cautioned against chasing after a child's silhouette in an alleyway if it looks a little awkward, as there's always a chance it's really a bikaku's tail or something.
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birbliophile · 2 years
Can you write a MoU fanfiction of N's reaction to getting the message Colress sent about him being apart of Team Plasma? (Sry if this is worded weirdly)
Uh, sure? I don't usually take requests on this blog but it's a nice prompt and you asked politely so...yeah.
DISCLAIMER: absolutely NONE of this is official MoU canon, and I STRONGLY recommend sending any questions about the characters or plot decisions to @kynimdraws or the official MoU blog @mythsofunova. It's her comic and characters (or character versions) first, I just like her work so much that I write these little ficlets from time to time. Please do not treat me as an authority on MoU canon. I do welcome people who want to talk about the series with me though.
The Email
Nathaniel Harmonia did not use technology often. 
It wasn’t that he was afraid of it, per say, although it was rather overwhelming the first time Benga had shown him how to use an Xtranciever properly. He hadn’t even had one of those old fashioned cell phones before - any communication within Team Plasma was done by the grunts. So it was suffice to say that N wasn’t exactly in the habit of checking his email (also courtesy of Benga). 
“You should at least have one in case someone wants to send over like, a big file or something? You’re going to be with Ms. Lenora and Mr. Hawes, right? I bet they deal with stuff like that a lot.”
N had shrugged and let Benga deal with it. Thankfully the teenager was thoughtful enough to not give him a weird username, and the email had come in handy more than once with Lenora and Hawes’ work. Nobody else really sent N anything though - Benga and Alder preferred using the Xtrancievers, the former having quite the habit of double texting. 
So it was quite the surprise when he woke up on a Saturday morning to see a message appeared in his inbox from an address he didn’t recognize.
TO: nathanielh
FROM: #479%!@$
SUBJECT: Posthumous arrangements - Ghetsis Tenebra
“Something wrong?” Matthias asked, ears flicking back with suspicion. N blinked. 
“I’m…not sure.” He stared at the subject line, eyebrows knitting together. Team Plasma had been disbanded for two years, and he was sure he’d resolved all their (illegal) business dealings with Alder and the authorities. And Ghetsis…well. N’s stomach turned as he remembered how that had ended. Whatever this was, it didn’t sound good. But he had to know. 
N opened the email. 
Mr. Harmonia. 
I was commissioned by your father and his associates some years back for work of a classified nature. Seeing as he is now indisposed, I must meet with you to resolve his affairs as soon as possible. I will be waiting at Unit #258 in the Warehouse District of Virbank City this following Saturday at 3:30pm. RSVP to this email address. 
No name. N stared at the message for a minute. The phrasing made it seem like this person had been hired by Ghetsis and Team Plasma rather than working directly under them. But they hadn’t specified what they were hired for, or what they wanted to talk about. Payment, maybe? N grimaced. He wasn’t exactly keen on going through all that paperwork again. 
The real worry was how this mysterious person had gotten his email address. The only people who knew about it were Alder, Benga, Lenora, and Hawes. And N couldn’t think of a reason that they’d just simply tell anyone about it. 
Well…only one thing to do then. 
N brought up the call function on his Xtranciever and selected Alder’s name from the top of the contacts list. He shouldn’t be too busy right now. 
That said, it took a few rings for the Champion to pick up. His grinning face filled the screen, and N suddenly felt a little more at ease. 
N, my boy, how are you doing? I hope Lenora isn’t working you too hard over there!
“Oh, not at all, I uh…actually really enjoy cataloging the artifacts and stuff,” N flushed. “It’s…calming.”
Good, good! Are you going to visit Floccesy this weekend? Benga would love to see you! 
“Uh, actually, I’m calling for a…different reason.” N swallowed. Alder’s smile turned into a look of gentle concern. 
Something bothering you, son?
N suppressed the jolt of confused yet oddly pleased feelings he always had when Alder called him son. “Uh, I got an email today…”
When N had finished explaining, Alder was stroking his chin thoughtfully, brows furrowed. 
“So…what do you think?” N fidgeted with the string of his necklace. 
Well…we definitely can’t just ignore this. Do you want to bring it up with the police?
N thought for a moment. “No. It’s my responsibility to deal with this. I’ll meet with…whoever this person is, alone.”
You can’t go alone, N. Alder frowned. I’m not letting you go to a private meeting with a stranger without backup.
“I thought you were going to be in Johto for the next two weeks,” N frowned.
I am, but you should still bring someone along just in case things get hostile. Alder said. Would it be alright if I called in Nina?
N’s entire body tensed up. “Wh-ah-huh? Why…uh, why her, specifically?”
The Elite Four are helping Iris cover Champion business while I’m away, and none of the Gym Leaders can be free on Saturday unless it’s an actual emergency. 
“No, I get it,” N said. “But uh…it’s fine. I’ll just bring Matthias.”
Alder sighed. I know the two of you aren’t exactly…close, but she’s the strongest trainer I know who could probably make it. And I’d feel a lot better if she was with you.
N gripped his necklace. “I don’t want to involve her in this. Not after everything I put her through.”
Alder was silent for a moment. You know, this could be a good opportunity for the two of you to actually talk a bit. 
N faltered. “I don’t…” 
In truth, it wasn’t just that he didn’t want to burden Nina with his own problems again. It was that if he saw her again, then…well, he was afraid that it’d be so horrifically awkward that she’d never want to speak to him after that. Not even in short texts every three months that made him want to lie down and stare at the ceiling for hours. 
(They didn’t talk much after his initial apology. She’d told him she was sorry too, could you imagine? She was the one who’d lost nearly her entire team because of him.)
Look, how about I just ask if she’s available, and if she says no, then I’ll ask Roxie to send one of her off-duty trainers, okay?
N hung up. For the rest of the day, his head was swarming with thoughts about a certain brunette, and not even the calming task of sorting through documents could ease his nerves. There was no way she’d want anything to do with Team Plasma, he was certain. So what if he still had a million things he’d never figured out how to say to her. So what if maybe he still had a glimmer of hope that they could still be friends? So what if he felt a desperate desire to talk to the one person who could understand what the ordeal of being a Chosen of the Dragons had been like? 
She didn’t deserve to have to see him again. Not when he was the reason she almost died. 
“You okay, kid?” Lenora asked as they closed up the storage room for the day. 
N nodded. “Yeah.”
When he got back to the apartment that Lenora and Hawes had set up for him, he flopped onto the bed and went to check his messages. One voicemail from Alder. N opened it. 
She’ll meet you at the Floccesy Clock Tower at noon, that’ll give you enough time to walk to Virbank. 
N fell off the bed. 
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leftski-if · 2 years
So genuine question after seeing that ask about customization, I completely understand what you mean about choosing taking time and pulling people out of the story. I was wondering tho about how some IF games have the option to type in your own answer, yours does it with choosing a name I think, wouldn’t that be a solution for customization? Like, you just give the ability to type out the color of things or length of something & it sort of covers all the bases? Not trying to come off as rude or anything, just wanted to get your thoughts on that being a possible option
Original ask can be found here for reference
No worries, I'm always happy to explain my thought process in more detail ^^
And I went into a lot of detail, so I'm gonna put it under a cut lol
First I should clarify: when I say I would feel the need to include a "large enough variety of options to feel sufficiently inclusive of the various possible interpretations someone could have of their MC" and that it would be a lot of work, I don't mean that it’s difficult to include a variety of options within a given choice (although it is a decent chunk of work). Rather, I’m referring to the number of distinct choices involved, and the fact that the work doesn’t end once a choice is made; you then have to actually make use of those choices in the writing going forward.
I don’t know if you have any experience coding with ChoiceScript, but basically, each choice the reader makes needs to have its own page*, and each choice that’s made and is going to be called on later is saved as a variable. For character customisation, skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, hair length/style, and hair texture would be the bare minimum to be included, in my mind, and that's already at least five additional pages dedicated to making these choices, each with their own variables to keep track of and take into account when writing the actual story parts.
To more specifically address your point about manually entering text to customise a choice, it’s definitely something I would make use of, were I to include appearance customisation. I think it’s a great feature that allows for a ton of freedom. However, I feel it's best utilised alongside a handful of predetermined choices. I would never want to only have an input field for a couple of reasons:
Firstly, I feel having some choices supplied beforehand really helps to contribute to the worldbuilding. By seeing what kinds of options are presented, it may help to form a baseline and inform the choices of anyone who wants their MC to be well-suited to the world in which the story takes place.
As someone who strives to make MCs who make sense within the canon of the world they live in, I hate being asked to input a choice without having any examples to base it on. The default names in RotC change depending on the MC’s race and gender for exactly that reason, for example, and I’d want to do the same for any appearance customisation. Otherwise readers might feel restricted by preconceived notions and miss out on some of the more unusual options that would be totally valid within the setting (eg: red orcs, purple hair).
There’s also the fact that custom-entered text can’t account for everything. If a reader wanted a character with, say, heterochromia, the game wouldn’t be able to acknowledge that unless they entered something vague like “odd-coloured” without actually specifying the colours they were. While technically functional, I don’t think I’d find something like that very satisfying.
Finally, and this is entirely down to personal quirks, but I just really don’t enjoy having to enter text manually in CYOA games. I almost always go with a default name and default appearance options for my MCs because taking the time to type something out myself just feels like a slog and really breaks my immersion.
I don’t know if there’s a single other person in the world who feels the same way, but since these are my games, I’m going to prioritise making something that I would want to play myself. Naturally, I want to enjoy my own work haha
So those are my thoughts on the manual text method of choice customisation. While I definitely agree it’s got some fantastic utility and it’s something I make sure to include where I can, I also wouldn’t consider it a catch all solution to the problems presented.
And, of course, I still stand by the points made in the original Ask as well. It would be an interruption of the story and its pacing to take the time to make these customisation choices, regardless of whether they were done via predetermined options, manually entered text, or a combination of both. An interruption like that should contribute to or elevate the experience enough that it justifies its inclusion, and as it stands right now, appearance customisation just isn’t something that would see a lot of use in my games. I’d rather have characters react to the MC’s words and actions than their looks, and I just don’t think there’d be any value in including customisation options when those choices would come up rarely, or more likely, not at all.
So yeah! TL;DR: Including character customisation is, on a technical level, doable; it just isn’t an appealing use of my time and energy, nor do I think my stories would make effective use of it, thereby rendering it not worth the extra effort.
Sorry this got so long, but I hope it made sense and helped to clarify my perspective/thought process, or at least provided a bit of interesting insight 😅
*technically it is possible to include multiple choices on one page but the code looks complicated as heck and I ain’t touching that; from what I can tell the one choice/page method is far more approachable and probably the one I’d choose to stick with
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