#i don't think i can handle this nasty ass smell any longer
lover-of-skellies · 1 month
I need,, some advice (once again)
@ anyone who's owned a gerbil or rodent in general: how do you help them get better from a super bad ear infection? Like... to the extent that there's pus and it makes the entire room smell like the bowels of hell itself
It's my room that's being stunk up, and it smells worse than my cat's litter box after I've given him wet food. My sibling doesn't want the gerbil upstairs in their room because they have health concerns about the gerbil (the gerbil herself is super old), but she's been in my room for more than a year now
I feel like an ass for wanting the gerbil out of my room because she's very old and sick and might die soon, but the smell is so bad that it's starting to make me feel unwell, I stg
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
I found you (Yazukza Eren J x fem!reader)
Basically, you've been messing w his yakuza group anonymously, n he finally finds you (why did i think of the "me when i fucking get you" meme)
Content: Angst, eren's a bitch, suggestive, kidnapping, language, cocky-ish reader, a lil fluff, plot twist btwn u n eren
Oml this prob the darkest thing I've written
banner by: cafekitsune
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It hurt to open your eyes, so here you are in this dark environment; more specifically a cold floor. There's a blindfold over your eyes, not that it matters because once again it hurts to open your eyes.
The smell of mold is so powerful that it's the only thing you take note of. Where the fuck are you? You aren't even sure how long you've been— where ever this is.
Creak, thump, thump, thump. That tiny voice was telling you to pick your head up because someone is coming, the louder voice was reminding you that you answer to no one so you will not pick your head up.
The blindfold was removed and you let out a groan. The light hitting your eyelids already feels bad enough, opening your eyes is going to be a pain in the ass.
"Open your eyes." A soft spoken voice commands. You do so out of curiosity, and boy, are your findings humorous.
"I refuse to believe I was kidnapped by a thin, blond, boy such as yourself." You attack him with your words. Those baby blues widen, the blond smiles maliciously.
"I didn't kidnap you, my friend did. I'm just here to get answers from you." The blond runs his hand through his short hair.
"So you're supposed to torture me? How cute." He only has shown enthusiasm to your behavior, which pissed you off a little.
"Precisely, I may not seem all that scary but I know how to get answers from people." He say intimidatingly.
You say nothing in return because you don't believe him at all.
"F/n, L/n, is it? That little sister of yours is very pretty. Wonder what would happen if I sent some guys-"
"My sister is more than capable of kicking ass, she learned from the best." You imply yourself as the best.
You're twenty-three while your sister is twenty. She's learned self defense and offense attacks in case of an emergency.
"Interesting, most people crack when a family member's life is at stake." He grins.
You are a little bit worried, but you know your sister better than anyone. She can handle anything thrown at her.
Armin, you learn, keeps asking questions, trying to get information out of you.
"You might want to just tell me because my buddy Connie isn't as nice as I am." He threatens.
"Let's hope he doesn't hit like a sissy." You respond.
Armin laughs like he's crazy. Then once again asked, "why have you been stealing our shipments and sabotaging our missions?" His voice no longer held any softness it had earlier.
"Like I said the last time, because I wanted to." A smirk creeped onto your face. Armin was getting impatient with you and your annoying back and forth with him.
He clicks the little earpiece and starts talking, "should I send in Connie or Mikasa? She's refusing to cooperate."
He was silent while the person on the other end spoke.
"Oh... alright I'll wait for you to arrive." Armin smirks at you an evil look in his eyes.
"You've done it now, have fun speaking to him." Armin crosses his arms and begins to whistle.
Excitement flows throughout your body, who are you going to encounter next?
Within a few minutes a man with long brown hair, emerald green eyes, and a well fitted suit walks in with a woman who has short black hair and a red scarf, the other man has a growing buzz cut and a nasty scowl on his face.
"It still surprises me that one woman has been able to cause so much chaos in my group." His velvet voice shook your soul.
"Never underestimate a woman, Eren." The black haired girl speaks, she has the voice of an angel.
"You can go Armin, thanks for the help." The brunnette dismisses him.
"Of course, if you need anything I'm in the main building." Armin smiled at you as he walked out, it was more of a childish 'you're in trouble now' kind of smile.
"Do I look familiar to you?" Eren asks.
You knew an Eren when you were a young girl, that was a long time ago. This man doesn't look the Eren you knew.
"No, am I supposed to recognize you?" Eren looks at your chained arms and he chuckles.
"You should recognize me, does 'Eren's famous mud pies' ring any bells?" He asks folding his big bulky arms.
"I didn't want to believe it was you." Is all you say sighing.
"What was your reasoning, if you didn't know I was the head of this group?" When Eren had found out his childhood crush was antagonizing him, he thought that you were trying to get his attention.
"Your father." Eren's eyes widened.
"My father?" He asks.
"Yeah, at first I thought he just didn't like my family. Recently though, from the test results it turns out he killed my father and once attempted to murder me in my sleep. I was only returning the favor. Seems the old geezer retired and put you in his place to save his ass." Before Eren could respond Connie spoke up.
"How do we know she isn't lying?" He asks.
"That would be a very sick thing to lie about." Mikasa counters.
"So Dad wasn't lying about that..." Eren whispers more to himself than to anyone in particular. You hear it anyway and your eyes squint.
"You knew?" Betrayal starts to seep through your body, even if you haven't seen Eren in a long time he was still somebody you used to trust your life with.
"Well yeah, but when he confessed it sounded too ridiculous to be true but now that I know it's true, I'm angry. I can't believe he tried to fucking kill you." The look on his face is lethal. You understand his anger but it makes you upset that he's more concerned about you than the fact that Grisha killed your father.
"It doesn't matter to you that he killed my dad?" Venom is laced in your voice, Eren's emerald eyes flicker your way and they soften for a moment.
"That's not what I meant. Of course I'm mad he killed your father. I'm... I just- I'm pissed he tried to kill the girl he knows I love! Even if that bastard is my father, he's going to pay." Eren blurts his love confession to you and everyone else is shocked, including you.
"Love? Eren what the actually fuck? Why didn't we know about this?! I thought we were like family!" Connie shouts he sounds more betrayed than angry.
"Yeah Eren, what the hell? Saying you love me won't bring my dad back." You're smug now, it hurts thinking about him but you won't cry, especially not in front of the son of the man who killed him. That would only make his death more pitiful.
"You can't seriously be implying you don't feel the same way." Eren's voice holds none of that comfort from earlier.
"Eren, don't do this. Not everything will go your way." Mikasa reminds him calmly.
"I wasn't fucking talking to you Mikasa! Answer the damn question!" He screams at you.
It seems he's the same as he's always been, your little maniac.
"Eren you are so pathetic, why obsess over someone like me?" His hands ball up into fists and it looks like he might bust a vein.
"Quit stalling, you can't tell me you don't love me after all those years we spent together." Connie grips his shoulder, but it does nothing to ground Eren because he's lunging at you in rage.
"No Eren, I don't love you. How could I? You and your asshole father can rot in hell." You're lying straight to his face, you want nothing more than to kiss him right now. It's not possible, maybe in another life where your father is still breathing.
Mikasa and Connie use all their strength to pull him back. You watch as they escort the love of your life out of the basement. He's screaming and cursing at you. The only thing you seem to tune into is, "This isn't over! I know you love me! You can't punish me for something I didn't do! I still love you." The last part was spoken quietly.
Your heart was beating loudly in your chest from everything going on. When he's out of sight, you mouth, "I love you too."
pt 2??? maybe?????
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Bad Batch (+ Rex) x Drunk Reader HC's
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x GN Reader
Warnings: 18 + (This is about alcohol after all)
Author's Comment:
My last drunken state was quite a while ago (years I think), but I still just thought about it and wondered what if. So these HC's concern a drunk reader and some of our favorite clones and how they would handle it, in my personal estimation anyway. On that note, a word of warning, NEVER drink alcohol in an unsafe environment! NEVER drink alcohol when you are surrounded only by strangers or people you can't trust! Alcohol dulls the senses, slows reaction time and often negatively affects the decisions you make! Do not drink and drive! Basically, alcohol is harmful to health! Something not so fluffy, but funnily enough, quite sobering under the cut.
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Hunter: His first reaction is "Oh Crap" of course he is the first to notice that something is wrong with you, he smells the alcohol and what it does to your body. You can rely on him to make sure you get home safely, that no one else takes you home and that you sleep it off later.
However, he will reject you if you come on to him in this state or become insinuating. He can hardly stand the smell you have on you due to excessive consumption and would feel uncomfortable if he exploited this condition in any way. He will turn you down rigorously, at least as long as you are in this state. Being drunk is not at all sexy to him.
He will probably stay with you until you wake up again, among other things, of course, to make sure that everything is okay. He doesn't like it, but he gets it, sometimes you have to blow off steam, he's not judging you.
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Echo: Feels overwhelmed as you may be much more hyper and active than usual, or maybe the opposite, both scenarios are uncomfortable for him as you are no longer the cyare he actually knows and loves at the moment.
He gets very quiet, but keeps a very close eye on you. He makes sure that you don't drink any more, that no one tries to take advantage of your condition and of course brings you home safely.
You will get a reproachful look from him the next day, he will tell you how strange you were in the drunken state and that he was very displeased and ask you not to overdo it anymore, also concerned about your health.
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Tech: Takes the situation quietly. He watches out for you, but hardly interacts with you directly; similar to Echo, he is uncomfortable with the situation. Should you hit on him in this state, or otherwise become pushy, you might even scare him away, at least temporarily.
Tech doesn't think much of mind-altering things, including alcohol. He doesn't like to drink and shakes his head at others who do. He doesn't judge you directly, but you can't have fun with him when it comes to alcohol.
The next day, however, he has everything ready to fight your hangover and he won't mention with a word if you said or did something stupid or ridiculous, he can't handle awkward situations too well.
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Crosshair: He's been drunk from time to time too, but rather quietly and mostly alone, he's not particularly sociable anyway. When you're drunk, he's more amused by your condition, allowing himself small, harmless jokes with your currently deteriorated reaction time. But he remains attentive, he may have a nasty streak now and then, but he wouldn't let anything happen to you.
When you hit on him, he plays along without batting an eye, flirts unabashedly with you and the thing could well end up in a rather wild bed story. however, he goes to make sure that you REALLY want that, he can be an ass, but consent is a thing he'd never ignore. Besides, he really likes you, he doesn't want to ruin that. So if you are way to drunk to really communicate, he willl push your touchy hands aside and try to get you just to sleep.
He stays until you are back to your senses, takes care of you, but not without holding your escapades against you and amusing himself about how you squirm in shame.
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Wrecker: Probably drinks happily with you, roars a few songs with you, and flirts around with you. If you go out with him and you start drinking, he happily joins in, though he can take a lot more than you can.
He's basically always looking out for you anyway because to him you're so small and fragile, you could have the biggest muscles and work out every day, to him you're still fragile and need to be protected. So even now, even if he's had a drink, he's watching out, no one dares approach you under his watchful eye.
You stagger home together at some point, fall into bed together and after getting up, Wrecker is fit again, he can take a lot. Of course, he's happy to take care of you, lovingly and with zeal. "You shouldn't try to keep up with me, mesh'la".
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Rex: Oh dear, Rex is strict. Discipline is his middle name (at least in CW times), if you go over the top and get drunk, he will look at you with a piercingly stern gaze all evening.
He's paying attention, for one thing he feels obligated, and for another, of course he likes you a lot, even though he sees drinking as a weakness, he doesn't love you any less. If you get the stupid idea to hit on him, he will look at you so sharply that even in a fully drunken state - you will want to be sober again, instantly.
He won't leave you alone, he'll watch you, he'll take you home, but fun is different. As soon as you are sober, he tells you how nonsensical he finds the consumption of alcohol and asks you to refrain from it. He will threaten you not to take care of you next time (of course he will, but you shouldn't do it again), you should be careful to pull yourself together, if this happens more often, it may well be that you sink in his respect and he will eventually distance himself from you, albeit with a heavy heart.
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You Get Sick in the Back of an Uber
AN: so this was a story i have had in my drafts for like three months and just never found motivation to finish it. i decided to finish this first out of my drafts because it was one of the ones that had the most already written for it. unlike some of my others that don't have much written yet. and this was supposed to be longer but i got lazy and ended the end with no dialogue and shorted the story. but i guess that's fine because the main part of this was the uber incident and not necessary the aftercare. (i just love to always include aftercare whether its with sex or getting sick. unless its a blurb) @harryhoney-bee suggested number 1. on my voting post so thank you for requesting i finish this one shot idea that was in my drafts.
This story contains: puke, drunken person, caring husband
{ husband!harry - dad!harry - Grammys 2021 Harry - 4 kids (any age you imagine) }
word count: 1765
When you drink too much at the Grammys, you end up having to get sick in the uber ride home and Harry cares for you.
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Back Story-
After the Grammys, Harry and I decided to go to the little after party that was being held for the Grammy attendees. We knew we couldn't stay too long because we had to get back home to our kids. They were currently with our babysitter but she couldn't stay all night. She has to go home at some point. So we made sure to watch the time.
At the afterparty, drinks were flowing. I haven't drank in a while due to the fact I had been pregnant not too long ago. This was the first night I was allowed to drink and I decided to do just that. Harry was aware of me drinking and promised to watch and take care of me. Though we were at this afterparty for him, he wanted me to let loose and have some fun as well.
But what he wasn't expecting was for me to drink the amount I did. I didn't mean to go over board. It just kind of happened. People handing out drinks left and right and next thing I knew, I was drunk. Not tipsy, drunk. When Harry noticed how drunk I was, he decided it's best to go home.
And because Harry also had drank some alcohol, he wasn't in a state to drive either. By no means was he as drunk as me though. Maybe just tipsy but he didn't want to risk it. So he decided to call an uber for us.
We're sitting in the back of the uber on our way home. It's about an hour drive since the city is crowded with traffic due to the Grammys. Right about now is when I regret drinking any alcohol tonight. Because I haven't drank in over a year, my body isn't use to the poison running through my veins. So you could say I'm a lightweight now. My head is throbbing. My vision is blurry. My stomach is turning. Lets just say I regret all my decisions tonight that lead to me feeling this way.
"Harrrrry I don't feel good." I manage to slur out.
"You probably should have stuck to champagne instead of vodka my love." Harry responds, while stroking my hair out of my face in a gentle manner.
Another 10 minutes pass and I'm feeling very nauseous. I'm trying to focus on my breathing but it's not working.
"Harry my stomach hurts." I whisper with hooded eyes.
"Like you're gonna be sick?" Harry questions with panic.
I nod my head and hear Harry asking the driver if he can pull over.
"Can you pull over? My wife is feeling ill." Harry frantically questions the uber driver up front.
"I'm sorry sir but this freeway is packed and there is no way I can get to the side of the road right now." the driver says with a bit of an attitude.
Hearing that made me and Harry both start to panic.
"Well do you have any sick bags in here?" my husband asks.
"Sorry I don't." the driver retorts in a uncaring tone. What kind of uber driver doesn't carry sick bags for when drunks potentially need a ride but feel like they are going to be sick?
I just barley hear Harry let out a frustrated sigh and turn to me.
"Try and relax love. Take deep breaths for me, alright." Harry whispers while rubbing my back as I'm slumped over his body, too disoriented to even hold my head up.
About 3 minutes later, I feel vomit rise up my throat. There isn't much I can to do. The driver already said he couldn't pull over, nor does he have sick bags. I sit up from my slouched position and clasp a hand over my mouth. My legs are bouncing up and down. I'm trying desperately not to puke but I'm doing a poor job. Harry is sitting up with me, trying to comfort me but his words are all a blur at this point.
"If you have to be sick darling, let it out. I'll pay to get this uber cleaned, okay." Harry states in my ear. I know he'd rather not have me puke on the floor of the uber, right beside him, but he can tell I'm struggling and in discomfort.
Hearing those words was all the conformation I needed. I remove my hand from my mouth and let out a gush of alcoholic bile spew from my mouth and onto the backseat floor board. Harry gathers my hair in his hands so it's not in my face. My vomit splatters all over my legs and on the bottom of Harry's Gucci suit. I'd feel terrible about that if I wasn't so out of it, but my mind is a mushed up blur.
"Shhh, that's it. You're alright." Harry reassures me. The uber driver lets out a sigh of disgust, but this is truly his fault that I'm throwing up in his uber right now anyways.
Heave after heave, I let out more of the alcohol that was poisoning my system, right onto the floor. It's not a pretty sight. I'm having a cold sweat and my body is trembling. Though Harry has a weak stomach, when it comes to his wife (me) or his kids, he can always handle a bit of throw up. Or a lot like currently. It's like a fatherly/husband instinct that comes over him and he feels only adrenaline, not yuck.
Finally I feel my stomach relax and I sit up, breathing heavy with vomit dripping down my chin. Without thinking, I wipe it off with the back of my hand and smear it on my already ruined dress. "Feeling better?" Harry asks in a low tone.
"Mhmm." I hum, not really feeling like talking. My drunken brain has cleared up some from the majority of the alcohol being out of my system, but I still feel the after affects drinking brings. I just lean my head on Harry's shoulder for the rest of the ride home and allow the cool breeze to blow on my face. The uber driver did us all a favor by rolling the windows down so we didn't suffocate on the nasty smell of my sick.
When we arrived home, Harry payed the uber driver, not giving much of a tip and told him that he'd have someone clean his car out in the morning. As well as a half assed apology for my incident beings it could have been prevented. Then carefully, Harry lifted me out the uber and carried me into our Los Angeles home. Good thing our kids were all asleep because they shouldn't have to see their mother like this. Covered in puke and half drunk.
Harry took me to our bathroom and quickly ran down stairs to pay our babysitter, hoping she didn't question my appearance when she saw my state as we came through the front door. She didn't thankfully and left soon after her check was handed to her. Harry came back up to where he left me and helped me clean up and get ready for bed.
He stripped us of our vomit covered clothes and helped me into the big walk-in shower we have in our master bathroom. Then after he delicately washed our bodies along with my hair, he helped us out and dried us off. We brushed our teeth, me with the help of my husband because I was still a bit dizzy. After we're clean of sick and smelt fresh, he helped me put some panties and a t-shirt over my nude body and boxers on himself; just incase our kids woke up and needed us for whatever reason.
Harry helped me into our large bed and tucked me in, bending down to kiss my forehead. Then he walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and a bucket incase I needed to be sick again at some point through-out the rest of the early morning. When he had all the items he intended to grab, Harry came back to our bedroom where I was already passed out with sleep.
So he just set the water on my night stand and the bucket on the floor, beside my side of the bed. Then Harry quietly exited our room and went to each of our child's bedrooms to make sure they were fine and still asleep like they should be, which they thankfully were.
When everything was done and taken care of, Harry turned the bedroom lights out and slipped in the covers with me. He helped my body scoot over and I cuddled into his warm body. I didn't realize it in my state of sleep but I knew when I awoke, I'll be thinking about how grateful I am to have a wonderful husband like Harry.
He takes such good care of me. He didn't get upset that I drank too much on his special night and accidently got wasted. He never once got upset that I basically got throw up on his expensive suit tonight in the uber. He didn't get annoyed that he had to shower both me and him past midnight, though he was exhausted. Harry loves taking care of me (and our kids) and wouldn't wish for any other life. Even when his life becomes chaotic and stressful. Harry loves his family dearly and his family love him just as much or more.
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series - One Shots & Blurbs Masterlist
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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