#i feel so crowley /neg
crowzirawho · 6 months
when I said I wanted to feel like the main character I didn't mean crowley
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knaccblog · 9 months
Aziraphale and "I Forgive You"
So after I watched the first season a few times however many years ago, I noticed something, wrote up a bit of a meta about it and then never posted it. I thought that it was either very obvious or very silly and either way, no one needed to see it. But now it's several years and another season later and again, I'm noticing the exact same thing so here it goes- I think the reason Aziraphale keeps saying that he forgives Crowley has overall very little to do with what Crowley has just done right before Aziraphale says it and much more to do with a secret Aziraphale hides deep within himself and has for thousands of years, a truth that he hates to acknowledge and is terrified to speak aloud: he thinks God is wrong to have not Forgiven Crowley.
Get settled in because this is gonna take a bit.
The first time I started noticing this really clearly is the Bandstand Breakup scene. Crowley starts by cussing God literally out- "For the record, great, pustulant, mangled bollocks to the Great blasted Plan." To which Aziraphale says, "May you be forgiven." And yes, Crowley has just sinned and Aziraphale is a stuffy angel but the way Aziraphale says it is like a hope, atleast to my ears. Like he's really wishing that God will see how good Crowley truly is and bring him back to Heaven even though he keeps doing stupid stuff like this
Anyway, Crowley then responds with, "I won't be forgiven. Not ever. Part of a demon's job description. Unforgivable. That's what I am." And Aziraphale responds again with a hopeful sounding, "You were an angel once." At this point, I was almost sure that he's talking about his personal wishes here. It sounds like he's saying, "Come on, Crowley. There's a chance." To which Crowley responds, "That was a long time ago," basically saying it's impossible and shutting that whole bit of the conversation down. And you can just watch Aziraphale's face fall at that, like it kills him for that to be true. 
The next time the topic of forgiveness and Crowley comes up is when Crowley shows up to beg Aziraphale to run away with him one last time. In this conversation, Aziraphale is very adamant that if he talks to the right people, they won't want the apocalypse and they'll stop it. He, of course, thinks this because his most core belief is that God is good and that even if we don't understand how what God is doing is good right now, it will lead to goodness eventually via the Rube Goldburg machine which is time and the universe etc aka God is ineffable. But even Aziraphale can't imagine how the ineffable Rube Goldburg machine could turn an event where everything on earth dies into a good one so therefore, he's certain that God doesn't want the Apocalypse.
Crowley responds to this hope with, "You're so clever. How can someone as clever as you be so stupid?" to which Aziraphale responds, "I forgive you" in a very gentle but sure tone. And now yes, while it is entirely possible that Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for calling him stupid, I've always felt like that would be a rather weighty response considering how mild an insult it is. It's also possible (and I feel slightly more likely) that Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for his lack of faith, his inability to believe in the goodness of God anymore. 
And that could definitely be it, but if we think about the way Aziraphale had talked about forgiveness at the Bandstand, the hope and desire that he seemed to put into the idea of forgiveness and Crowley and the fact that Crowley had dismissed it as entirely impossible for him to ever be forgiven, than a third read of Aziraphale's "I forgive you" emerges: one in which Aziraphale is saying, "While God might never forgive you, I do". It's "I might never see you again since you intend to run away to the stars but if this is the last time I ever see you, I want you to know that I think you are deserving of forgiveness. That I see the good in you even if God can't." It's a combination "I love you" and small rebellion against God, because while Aziraphale can't bring himself to give up on Her completely and run away with Crowley (even though a part of him clearly wants to), he is willing to say that She's done this one thing wrong and it's never forgiving Crowley, who Aziraphale can see clearly is more kind and good than any of the angels he knows.
So yeah, that was about where the idea rested at the end of the first season but now we have a bunch of new historical scenes and a new "I forgive you" following a very loaded conversation in which Aziraphale got extremely excited by the idea of Crowley being reinstated as an Angel and I felt like this idea has even more legs than before. 
To me, it's very clear that Aziraphale's pitch for Crowley to come back to Heaven isn't him hoping to "reset" Crowley to how he was before the Fall or him being incapable of loving Crowley as a Demon and instead was him being overjoyed to have this secret truth (Crowley is deserving of God's Forgiveness) that he's been observing for 6000ish years be acknowledged and have a chance to come to fruition. After all, as we saw this season (and honestly last season too but less pronounced), Crowley, current Demon Crowley, not the angel he knew over 6000 years ago, has proven over and over again just how truly good he is to Aziraphale.
For example, in the Job sequence, Crowley does a truly good thing that no Angel (beside Aziraphale) would do or even think that they should do and that is save Job's children. And through the entirety of this bit, Aziraphale basically always believes that he will. There are even two moments where Crowley tries his best to scare Aziraphale away, to play up being the bad guy (so as to better hide the con he's running and protect Aziraphale), but Aziraphale's faith in Crowley's goodness does not falter. At the end of the day, it seems clear that Aziraphale has more faith that Crowley will do the good thing, the correct thing than God. Conveniently for Aziraphale's faith in God though, not understanding how something horrible he hates will eventually lead to goodness in the long run is a foundational principle of said faith so his faith in God remains strong even after everything She and Heaven do to Job. 
But his faith in Crowley doesn't require such a complicated work around. He believes Crowley won't kill children and he is correct. Though unfortunately, this very simplicity leads to a new problem, a problem that we can see eventually solidify in Aziraphale's mind, becoming a running theme of their association and leading to the eventual "I forgive you"s.
Aziraphale can clearly see how kind and good Crowley is, how he does the right thing as best he can, even when he could (and sometimes does) get into immense trouble for it. But for some reason, despite repeated evidence that Crowley is everything that Aziraphale believes Angels are and should be, Crowley continues to be a Demon. And once you realize that Aziraphale has noticed this contradiction and that it most likely haunts him and is a constant challenge to his worldview, it colors a lot of what he says in a new light. Many of what seem like simple, self-righteous statements reveal themselves to be Aziraphale trying to protecting himself from a massive logical inconsistency he keeps stumbling across. 
"It must be bad, otherwise you wouldn't have tempted them into it," Aziraphale says, clearly not quite sure why it's bad actually. 
"You, I'm afraid, are evil," Aziraphale asserts, basically stating that Crowley is evil because he's evil. It's tauntological and therefore doesn't have to make sense. (He says this one shortly before Crowley saves Elsbeth from suicide, poverty and damnation.) 
"So this is all your demonic work? I should have known," Aziraphale says, thinking, "Aha, this time Crowley must have done the bad thing and therefore continues to deserve being Fallen." (Crowley has, in fact, not done the bad thing but shhhh, worry about that later.) 
Once you notice this self defensive habit, you can't unnotice it really, it's just so present in Aziraphale's logic and speech. Aziraphale even at one point says, "Still a demon, then?" after the Ark and Job and Jesus because on some level he probably doesn't want to actually evaluate, it makes no sense to him that Crowley is still a Demon, especially when he has also sinned in a few ways (lied to Gabriel, thwarted the will of God, technically gluttony etc) and nothing has happened to him, to say nothing for all the things Gabriel has done (or has just let passively happen without a thought to interfere).
So yes, I think the entire final argument plays out the way it does because Aziraphale thinks Crowley is good and deserves to be reinstated, to be forgiven by God more than anything. 
He comes into their final conversation nervous but excited, to the point where he stomps right over what Crowley is trying to say. "You see I... I have some incredible good news to give you." The good news is for Crowley, you see, because Crowley deserves this and clearly being forgiven like he so deserves should logically make Crowley happy. It will make Aziraphale happy after all. 
Aziraphale then starts to describe the conversation that he had with Metatron, stating that he thinks he might have misjudged him. And why would he think that he misjudged the angel who had told him point blank to his face that "The point is not to avoid the war, it is to win it" about the Apocalypse? Well, it's not because he's offered the job of Supreme Archangel, that's for sure. As we can see in the flashback, Aziraphale seems nervous and uninterested in the job at first. He says clearly that he doesn't want to go back to Heaven and even brings up a very half assed excuse to try and weasel out of it, a soft no of, "Where will I get my coffee?" 
No, instead, the clear, obvious point where Aziraphale changes his mind about the job and about the Metatron is when he offers to reinstate Crowley as an Angel. Metatron has, quite accidentally (I think? I don't think he actually knows Aziraphale's secret soul), just said one of the most faith affirming things he possibly could to Aziraphale, "We can correct that little error that's been bothering you. You are completely correct that Crowley deserves God's forgiveness." 
Given that, it's understandable that Aziraphale is absolutely bubbly about Crowley's reinstatement when he mentions it to him, like the best thing ever has just happened to him even though he's talking about something that will happen to Crowley and not him at all. "You could come back to heaven and- and everything. Like the old times, only even nicer." (Nicer because this time, they are in love. Nicer because they'll both be powerful enough to make a difference.)
Some other bits of Aziraphale's dialogue from this scene that make so much sense through this lens are:
After Crowley tries to reiterate his constant stance that both sides are bad actually, and mentions how he rejected Hell's offer to work with them again, Aziraphale misses his point completely and says, "But well, obviously you said no to Hell, you're the bad guys. But Heaven, it's the side of truth, of light, of good." Aziraphale's faith in the potential goodness of Heaven and the actual goodness of God is unflappable but so is his belief that good is what Crowley wants to be doing. Like of course a good soul like Crowley would reject working for Hell again but why would he reject a chance to do good like he's sneakily been doing all along? (Aziraphale here ignores the fact that he's also had to sneakily do good on the side sometimes even though he was always working for "the side of good" but that is very par for the course for him sadly.) 
The lines, "Come with me- to heaven. I'll run it, you can be my second in command. We can make a difference," are a particularly telling set.  Everything about these from the high position he's offering Crowley to the "We" scream that Aziraphale trusts Crowley, a Demon, to guide Heaven the correct way more than any angel already in Heaven.
Aziraphale's final, desperate argument also lines up well with this (as well as featuring Aziraphale more completely referencing how he wants him and Crowley to be together romantically). "Come back, to heaven. Work with me! We can be together. Angels... Doing good. I- I need you! I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." Like is the "I need you" here romantic? Definitely. But it's also Aziraphale again affirming that he trusts Crowley to lead him the correct way ie goodness, because, as it's been shown to us many times (and focused on particularly in this season), Crowley will do and always has been doing the correct thing as best he could while Aziraphale would dither and be locked into passivity (like in The Resurrectionists).
So yes, after many attempts to explain to Crowley how he should be in Heaven, doing good and Aziraphale needs his help and one last desperate kiss from Crowley, we reach the final dreaded, "l forgive you." And yes, maybe Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for not having faith that they can fix heaven, for abandoning him, for kissing him so suddenly. But I hope, after everything I've laid out here in this essay, you can also see why I think Aziraphale is saying, "Even as you reject God's forgiveness and leave me behind, I still see that you are good and know you deserve it so I will forgive you anyway." And maybe, even though it's still blasphemous to disagree with God, it's less scary for Aziraphale to say "I forgive you" one more time than tell Crowley that he loves him for the first time. He is very good at forgiveness after all.
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heavenfelled · 10 months
feeling a bit off today, i'm sorry if i'm not around much besides replying to ic things <3
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gaysails · 10 months
is this how people who didn't like bj felt about goodbye farewell and amen. it must be awful being you
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sitzfleischh · 10 months
Ok ok ok but the THING the thing that GETS ME about Aziraphale and I feel like I don't see as much about it written on here is that yes we all know that Crowley pretends to be cynical and dark because he wants so badly to be joyful and optimistic but he's been hurt & let down too many times so he puts up the cynicism as a facade.
But Aziraphale is ALSO DOING THIS, just using the opposite tactic.
Crowley assumes everything will go badly because he's protected from disappointment when it does, and gets to be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't.
Aziraphale assumes everything will go well because he's unBELIEVABLY anxiety-ridden ALL THE TIME and cannot deal emotionally with even the prospect of things going wrong. So not only does he optimism his way out of seeing issues that are right in front of him until he absolutely can't avoid them any longer (see: dancing in his bookshop surrounded by demons), but he also actively gaslights himself into thinking that the bad things that happened to him or that he was involved in weren't that bad, and pretends that he doesn't have negative emotions and is just fine and happy all the time because he doesn't know what to DO with those feelings-- he's an angel! He's supposed to be placidly happy forever! What do you mean he's angry or sad or disappointed or disgusted or lonely? Angels don't feel those things!
Season 2 showed us Crowley getting in touch with his feelings of love and care, and I think season 3 is going to show us Aziraphale getting in touch with his feelings of anger and disappointment, and I for one CANNOT WAIT.
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halemerry · 10 months
So there’s understandably a lot out there examining the painful/emotional parts of this season, but I just wanted to take a second to acknowledge something really important that is a bit... maybe not lighter in tone but something worth celebrating.
Because like, even if he seems a bit directionless and frustrated, Crowley actually is pretty happy this season?
He’s making progress. He’s letting himself have things he wouldn’t have ever before - even if it's not exactly the thing he wants the most. He's letting himself be himself. He's not censoring instincts and impulses to nearly the same degree and it's actually pretty remarkable.
Like, okay, yes, Crowley is pretty lost now that he exists outside the toxic structure he has been operating under for millenia. And, yes his safety net with Aziraphale and the structure they operate in has also crumbled a bit because so much of that structure was built around what they were and weren’t allowed to safely do within the toxic structure. But, I actually do think this season does a lot to show that even if this struggle is very real and has consequences that aren’t all objectively good, freeing himself from that structure is a net good.
He smiles more. He laughs more. He sprawls more. He seems generally more physically relaxed and comfortable trusting his instincts without having to check everything he’s doing or saying against Hell. And this state of existence isn’t dependent on Aziraphale being present either. It’s just him being him and becoming comfortable with what that means.
And it wasn't a snap your fingers bam you're better situation either. It takes work and time to break old instincts. I mean, years have passed and we’re still struggling to let anyone say that we are nice. But significantly his instinct isn’t to snarl or physically lash out. It’s to roll his eyes or half heartedly object or maybe throw in a light growl for old times sake. And, sometimes, the instinct is to grin like a self satisfied loon as you contradict the nice human who implied you were nice.
Crowley is now in a place where his impulses to be kind are things he’s allowed to give into now and, even if he’s doing so under a veneer of snark and sneer, he is letting himself do that. He’s making sure the people around him are caring for ducks properly. He’s admitting he was worried about Aziraphale and cooing at his own car. He’s apologizing for accidentally locking people into coffee shops and openly helping them get out without even stopping to think about how maybe doing so might clue them in that he’s not quite what he seems. He's helping Shax learn her way around earth, even when she’s actively working against him and Aziraphale.
Even when interacting with Jim, who brings out the most of Crowley’s negative reactions and masks, his instincts are just as often to be gentle as they are to be angry. So long as Jim isn’t actively setting off alarm bells in Crowley’s head Crowley is so patient with him. He explains gravity unprompted and proceeds to include Jim in on his planning to get Nina and Maggie together. After his initial explosion at Jim’s presence the next two are immediately followed up by him getting upset and then backing off of Jim. He starts to threaten Jim when he’s reminded Aziraphale is in danger and then nearly immediately backs off of that, acknowledging there’s no point in it. And then, of course, after he nearly talks Jim into jumping out a window and pressures him into extracting more information from his brain he feels guilty enough to then offer Jim an act of care and service. It's such a stark difference from the guy we see even this season needing to put a layer between himself and anything good he does by either denying thanks outright or putting the blame on being under some influence.
And it’s startling how much we see him smile this season and how many different versions of that we get. From the genuine delight on his face when he thinks Operation Lovebird is working to the pleased little smirk he gives Aziraphale through the window when he watches him bring order to the arguing angels and demons in his shop, to the little smile of familiarity when he wonders what happened to Mr Dalrymple - Crowley smiles a lot compared to the first season. And it doesn't matter where he is either. He has a delightful time in Heaven, snickering and grinning to himself nearly the entire time he's prancing around there. And that’s not even getting into his dorky little snort laugh that pops up a few times throughout the season.
And I just. It’s so nice that this show doesn’t want to deny that what Aziraphale and Crowley are doing is hard but also that it doesn’t want to wallow in that struggle either. It never wants to frame that what they earned at the end of season 1 has doomed them but it isn't afraid to show the speed bumps that the system they were in is causing them on their way to happily ever after. They’re allowed to be happy. They're allowed to struggle with getting there. This is allowed to be a good thing for them, even if it sometimes takes work.
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neil-gaiman · 9 months
hiii :) firstly i’d just like to say i love your story very much and the representation in it has mattered to me a lot and made me feel really seen and also loved, in a sense, and i really hold it close to my heart. my question might seem a bit odd, and i’m sorry if it does, but there’s been a bit of debate about this lately and in the faqs i didn’t see any mention of this so i think it’s okay to ask ??? if it’s not obviously you can just ignore me but my question is: do you think it’s okay for lesbians to view and discuss aziraphale and crowley through a lesbian lens ? is it welcome for us to discuss them with a sort of imagining of them as lesbians ? this isn’t a request to make that canon or anything, because genuinely i think not explicitly labeling them is wonderful, but i do wonder about it since it tends to get a more negative reception in the fandom space (at least on twitter, i’m not on tumblr enough to know if it receives the same level of negativity here).
I can’t see why not. They aren’t men, even if they are played by male actors.
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etheries1015 · 3 months
As requested by @mellowwillowy who asked me to do some dark Yandere content. I'm gonna try my best, but be prepared to probably be incredibly disappointed since I've never written Yandere stuff and it's not my forte. Really went out of my comfort zone for this one LMAO.
Featuring: Yandere!Jade, Yandere! General Lilia, Yandere! crowley
TW: DARK CONTENT. Non-consensual, Stalking and obsessive behavior, Sexual assault, hair pulling, mentions of cannibalism, reader locked up, toxic relationships, toxic behavior, degradation, manipulation, hair pulling, abuse, forced "pregnancy" Although only mentioned as being pregnant not describing gender or sex.
anybody experiencing such things in real life, please reach out for help <3
WARNING: I don't typically write stuff like this on my blog, so I will say this now: Any hateful comments WILL IMMEDIATELY BE BLOCKED. If you decide to read from here on out, that is ON YOU. I will NOT tolerate any bullying, harassment, or negativity. These are EXTREMELY sensitive and triggering topics and you have been thoroughly warned.
Yandere! General Lilia
♡ Yandere! General Lilia who found you at your most vulnerable. You were on the ground after being left behind by your comrades, frail and barely moving. He looked down at you with pity in his eyes, using the tip of his foot to lift your head to look up at him. While you sneered at him with distaste, a dark idea flooded his mind. Lilia smirked down at your body before stepping on the top of your head, pushing it into the mud.
♡ "Poor, pathetic human...Look how they left you behind..." He removed his foot and bent down to your level, using his hand to grab you by the hair and lift your bloodied face. "Ohh..if we clean up this blood, I'm sure you're not a horrible sight to look at. How about I take you in? As my little human 'pet'?"
♡ You didn't have a choice. Lilia was eager to knock you out and drag you to a misshapen house that was obviously thrown together on a whim, throwing you inside. He cleaned you up while you were passed out, noting all your properties. You were unaware of this, though. He convinced you that you had simply passed out and he had kindly lay you to rest upon the bed. What a liar.
♡ the first week while you were too weak to move, Lilia would keep you in a warm bed and spoon-feed you food. Although he often seemed cold, you would describe him as warm at the time. It was shocking how kind this fae could be, too kind, really.
♡ He practically nursed you back to health and you completely forgot about the fact he had dragged you there in the first place. A fae helping a human seemed out of bounds, but he was just so...different. So you thought.
♡ Although, he thought you were escaping once when you stepped outside of the home for the first time simply for some fresh air. He quickly let down the facade he had held and gave you a reminder of why you shouldn't trust him.
♡ He'd punish you by pulling you by the hair and dragging you back into the house kicking and screaming, placing you in front the mirror nearby. He would force you to look up while he degraded you.
♡ "See this?" He grabbed you by the cheeks roughly, pressing hard, "Who would want a pathetic and ugly human such as yourself? what do you think will happen when you go out? You will be left behind just like they did before." He let go, a smile replacing his anger, "But not me...I told you if you stayed here nothing bad would happen, but you were trying to leave me, weren't you?"
♡ No matter how much you cried and told him that wasn't your intention, Lilia tsked and refused to believe you.
♡ As a continued punishment for your defiance and retorts, General Lilia would roughly tear your clothes off and force you to look in the mirror as he violated you. Your hands were bound with magic and your mouth gagged, Lilia pulling your legs apart roughly and unzipping his pants.
♡ "How does it feel to be filled to the brim by a fae? It must feel better than any human could ever make you feel. If you stay, You get to feel like this all the time...any human would be elated, wouldn't you agree?"
♡ "We would make such beautiful mixed children, wouldn't we?" He groaned as he came into you for the 6th time that night of your punishment pressing his hand against your stomach, "right here. Swollen with bastard children..."
♡ After your attempted "escape", you were chained up and typically naked. He would feed you, cleanse you, and bring you random gifts and food...Truly keeping his word on treating you as if you were his pet. It was debilitating.
♡ If you were good, he would let you sleep in that warm bed that you first got to sleep in upon arriving. He'd even sleep with you...not without his hands wandering around your body and having his way with you a time or two.
♡ He makes a point to frequently shower you with gifts and affection, even bringing you clothing and allowing you to walk around the house.
♡ On other days he reminds you of how useless you are as a human, reminding you how he found you and kindly took you in when you were abandoned
♡ Tells you how much he loves you and going back would never do you any good... you could never leave his side.
not like he'd let you any time soon, anyway.
Yandere! Jade
♡ He starts out by watching you from afar, admiring you. You always felt his stare at times, but you could never quite see him or put your finger on it.
♡ You will find random things inside your locker. They started out innocent enough, cards professing love for you, flowers, random things he would find in the mountains. You thought it was rather cute, even if you couldn't tell who was leaving it behind for you to find.
♡ Then soon it progressed to photos he took of you with notes on the back. The first time you pulled out a photo of yourself anticipating a letter, your smile quickly dropped. Jade, however, was smiling in the corner watching you unravel his plan.
♡ One was a picture of you changing through a window of Ramshackle, behind the letter is said "Every part of you is my favorite, but I'm particularly fond of your bare legs."
♡ This becomes incredibly worrying to you. You still weren't sure who this mystery person was, and of course you went to someone you were close to for advice. That person was Jade, as he predicted enough.
♡ He's your white knight. He acts all worried and panicked on your behalf, stating he would "take care of it." After about a week when the letters and pictures stopped, you thanked him with a hug.
♡ that single hug sent shivers down Jade's spine. Just being in close contact with you in terms of an embrace wasn't enough...he found himself quickly rushing to the bathroom to release himself, pulling out his phone using the same filthy pictures he took of you to pump his cock dry.
♡ His behavior only worsened from there. That single hug gave him this itchy feeling that wouldn't leave him about being close to you- soon noticing other items of yours going missing. Your underwear, specifically.
♡ You thought it was only a little bit weird when he gifted you a set of new underwear, but you talked it up to just being super close with Jade and he was trying to be helpful with your missing hosiery and was sympathetic to your issue.
♡ Upon visiting his dorm room, you took notice of a specific notebook. He had walked out per Azuls request for assistance, and you took this opportunity to snoop around. Inside this notebook, you found a bunch of pictures of you- ranging from the ones you saw in your locker, to other more disturbing photos such as your sleeping form in revealing night clothing and one in which you were preparing for a bath.
♡ The dread truly set in once you read all sorts of insane things Jade had put, but one that stood out to you the most was an entry in which he detailed how if he couldn't have you, he would have to chop you up and put you in his favorite dishes to fully make you one with him.
♡ "I've never felt more connected with someone before. I know we must truly be fated for one another, and I can't bear this burning in my heart to have them nearby. Perhaps in order to fully reach a level of togetherness, the only way to become truly one with one another is if I were to cut them up and consume-"
♡ You wanted to throw up. You had to stop reading, but before you even had the chance to react, the unexpected occurred.
♡ "I see you've found my little secret," A voice from behind you startled you, dropping the notebook and stared up at the tall male with a deadly pale face and dreaded wide eyes. His expression was difficult to read with an uneasy smile spreading cheek to cheek
♡ "What happens from this moment on," He said, grabbing you by the chin and leaning into your face, "Is entirely up to you."
Yandere! Crowley
♡ You had always been seen as Crowleys favorite. It wasn't like he made it particularly difficult to tell, the way the students would spot his crows anywhere you were.
♡ He was constantly monitoring your every move. If you were with someone else, he'd always inquire to you about your conversations and why you were so engaged in talking with someone other than himself.
♡ "Don't you think you're getting too close to my students?" He pouted, "I think this was a bad idea. How about I allow you to stay with me? Oh, how kind I am to invite you open arms into my home!"
♡ It really wouldn't be much different than now. You were always aware that he watched your every move- the crows in your window while you were stripping for bed were an obvious sign that you were never alone or away from his prying eyes.
♡ Crowley is incredibly coy and risky. He doesn't care what anybody else says or thinks when it comes to you, he wanted to make it painfully obvious specifically to the staff that you were his prey and his alone.
♡ This includes having his way with you anytime, anywhere. If you were just bringing papers to him, he'd have you on his desk with your legs spread at a moment's notice without as much as locking the door.
♡ This wasn't uncommon. He was always testing your patience, a hand crawling up your skirt in the middle of a meeting or taking you in a classroom after hours. But he's never done anything this extreme before...
♡ While you're completely bare and naked on his desk for anyone to walk in and see you in all of your glory, Crowley only unzipped his pants to free his cock from his confines. He's quick to push himself inside of you without prepping you first, leaving you to yelp out in pain.
♡ "Hush, now...we wouldn't want anyone else coming in and seeing you in such a state, would we? If you aren't quiet and another teacher comes in..." He tsked, smirking and swallowing your whimpers with his mouth.
♡ It was as if he was purposefully trying to make you fail, as if he had some sort of plan. Pressing his cock into the deepest parts of you practically slamming his hips against yours. It hurt more than felt pleasurable, you felt tears prick your eyes and a loud yelp of pain escape your lips.
♡ It wasn't a surprise when Crewel walked in to see what was going on. Upon this sight, Crowley tsked once more and looked at you with distaste, not even phased at Crewel's appearance. As if he was practically expecting it.
♡ "Look what you've done...I suppose it's time for your punishment now, isn't it?"
♡ You were soon gagged and hands tied in front of you, Crewel now having his way with you as if it were the most natural thing to occur while Crowley watched. Tears were pouring down your eyes, looking over to Crowley unable to tell what he was thinking behind that mask of his.
♡ When your body stopped resisting and you went limp in giving up, Crowley walked over and instructed Crewel to stop. Crowley untied you and ungagged you, holding you in his arms and petting your hair.
♡ "I recall you saying you found Crewel handsome. Was it everything you ever wished for? Are you satisfied with him? or have you learned your lesson?" although he was gently stroking your hair, the frown on his lips was enough to tell you this punishment was for that purpose. Your answer would determine his mood, that much you knew.
♡ You nodded in response, choking out a feeble cry "I'm sorry, I won't say it again. You're the only one that can pleasure me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." As you babbled your apologies, Crowley smiled and kissed the top of your head, and carrassed your body.
♡ "Good...I'm sorry I had to punish you like that, my little crow. I promise to make it up to you. How about a fancy meal tonight? Hmm? I'll take you to the expensive one you like. Kind of me, isn't it?"
♡ It was twisted and messed up, you knew this. You knew it was just a way to ensnare you, another way to keep you bound to him. You've convinced yourself that he had your best interests in mind, for although he would subject you to ridiculous punishments... He would also treat you like you were the most precious cut of an expensive gem.
A vicious cycle, indeed.
♡ You nodded feebly, Crowley smiling and lifting you in his arms. Gone in a puff of smoke, he took you to bathe in warm water and give you that sly smile and gentle facade that always draws you back in.
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very-normal-abt-this · 7 months
I want talk about how much love was nonverbally expressed *after* their last conversation in S2 Finale. Yes, you heard right. AFTER.
Sure, they ended the conversation completely pissed at each other. Broken hearted. But, like in any solid relationship, they don't hold grudges. Only a few short moments later, all the anger is gone from Aziraphale's face, and the only emotions left are: love, longing, fear, regret. He can barely pay attention to Metatron, because he keeps looking out the window at Crowley. I think I counted 7 times of him turning his head to look. And of course, he is close to changing his mind several times. (BTW, I would *kill* to know what thoughts were going through his mind right before he committed to leaving, right before he said "nothing at all" with that fake smile)
And Crowley. Most humans, when they feel they've been rejected and/or abandoned - they slam the door and they leave in a huff! They don't look back, they get in their car, and drive away as fast they can, possibly with a middle finger pointed in the direction of the offending party. (Unless they're the type of person who would stand by the door, cry and beg them to stay, but obviously that behavior could never be exhibited by Crowley).
But Crowley does not leave. He does not even try to hide in his car. He stands there, intentionally on display, waiting and watching. Why? Because either A) He is not viewing this as a rejection and abandonment, but as a [huge] difference of opinion, so he is not reacting like someone who has just been rejected. Or B) he IS viewing it as rejection, but he loves Aziraphale so much that his main priority is still to make sure that the Angel is safe, regardless of their current relationship status. His love for Aziraphale is literally unconditional. Crowley wants to watch him walk into that elevator with his own eyes, and make sure that he's not doing so under duress. Or there is option C) He is standing there defiantly, to communicate his disapproval and disbelief at what Aziraphale is doing, like "I can't believe you're actually doing this, I have to see this shit with my own eyes to believe it." Or option D) He is hoping to influence Aziraphale to change his mind, because he knows that its incredibly hard for Aziraphale to leave him. Standing there to send a message of "I'm still here. Are you really sure you are okay with being separated?" Or maybe even E) A small part of him wondered if he (Crowley) might change his own mind about going, once he saw Aziraphale actually walking toward the elevator, once he saw that it's actually happening.
I don't think it's option C because of Crowley's facial expression and body language after Aziraphale gets in the elevator. I don't see any anger, frustration, disgust, or judgment there. All I see is...utter despondency, numbness, melancholy, hopelessness. So, I'm thinking its a combination of reasons A, B, and D. Maybe a little E.
And, I wondered the same about Aziraphale. As he is walking to the elevator, he is not acting as someone who is angry at their significant other. I imagine that a lot of people who feel angry after a fight, and feel their partner is completely in the wrong - they would walk into that elevator without looking back at the offending party. They might put on the happiest face and try to hide all traces of negative emotions, just to "stick it to them." But Aziraphale does look back at Crowley. And, this last nonverbal communication with his partner is also very intentional; he wants Crowley to know that he is looking at him on purpose (just as Crowley's behavior of standing by the Bentley and watching him leave is very intentional). Aziraphale stops and makes eye contact with Crowley, right before he walks into the elevator. Just as Crowley, he is trying to send a message with that pause and look. What message? A) "I can't believe you're not coming with me, I'm hurt and disappointed in you." B) "I want you to know that it's very hard for me to do this, I'm torn about it, and I'm thinking about you." C) "I just found out very bad news and you're in danger." Or option D) "I just found out very bad news and I'm definitely going to need your help. I'll be back."
My opinion is that its a combo of B, C, and D. I do not think its A, based on Aziraphale's behavior and emotions right after Crowley walked out.
So, to summarize the point I am making - despite their deficits in communicating with words, Aziraphale and Crowley continue communicating their feelings nonverbally. They remain committed to each other, even in the face of the biggest rift they've ever experienced in their relationship. Their behavior shows that their first priority in the relationship is not "to be right" or "to win the argument." Their priorities are - taking care of each other. Letting each other know that, "no matter what happens, I am here, and I'm thinking about you."
Thanks for reading! please leave a comment.
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tismrot · 8 months
Give yourself a point for everything that applies to you.
LEVEL 1 [ ] I have seen both seasons.
[ ] I can name at least one character that isn’t Aziraphale or Crowley.
[ ] I know that Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman wrote the book. Points: [ ] of 3
LEVEL 2 [ ] I have seen both seasons more than once.
[ ] I know I can write “Aziraphale” without spelling it wrong. Bonus point if you have actually written the name anywhere, for any reason.
[ ] I have had a conversation about Good Omens with a person outside of the internet in the last 3 months. Points: [ ] of 3 + [ ] bonus points --- LEVEL 3 [ ] I experienced any negative feeling beyond "ouch, that sucks for them!" after the ending of season 2.
[ ] I have looked up anything related to Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Michael Sheen or David Tennant in the last 3 months.
[ ] I know what #payyourwriters refers to.
[ ] I have had at least one (1) thought about Crowley or Aziraphale (or both). Bonus point if you told anyone (Tumblr counts).
[ ] I read the book before the show came out. Points: [ ] of 5 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 4 [ ] I have seen both seasons more than three times and some scenes more than that.
[ ] Somebody watched Good Omens because of me. One extra point for each additional person!
[ ] I catch myself thinking about Good Omens when I should be thinking about other things.
[ ] I have listened to Queen more than I usually do during the last 3 months.
[ ] I have read or listened to the book (don’t have to have read/heard all of it for 1 point) after season 1. Points: [ ] of 5 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 5 [ ] I have analyzed the lyrics of most of the songs and experienced moving emotions.
[ ] I have either made a new account or revived an unused account somewhere ONLY to browse Good Omens related media. One bonus point for each additional new/renewed account. (Renewed = you haven't touched it in at least 2 years)
[ ] I have watched at least 5 videos on YouTube about Good Omens.
[ ] I no longer blush while reading fics.
[ ] I have a stash of saved images on my phone/IG account/Pinterest/other I would very much not like anyone to see.
[ ] I have made any game character look like characters from the show. Three bonus points if you googled 'south downs cottages' while playing The Sims. Points: [ ] of 6 + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 6 [ ] I have genuine, tangible heartbreak due to Good Omens, and I have experienced heartbreak before - so I know what it feels like. (Friend/platonic/aro heartbreaks count, ofc.)
[ ] I have shared my support for the strikers multiple times.
[ ] I know more than I’d like to know about the anatomy of male snakes.
[ ] I have published Good Omens related media - fics, artwork, big metas (spent more than three hours researching/writing it), music, videos. Bonus point if this happened on a recently created or renewed account.
[ ] I have had dreams about something Good Omens-related. If this was a spicy dream, collect 3 extra points.
[ ] Things that shouldn’t remind me of the show, reminds me of the show. (Flies, clocks, ducks, classical music, drinking coffee, anything related to England, biblical references, etc.)
[ ] I have a set of beliefs and theories that I stick to - example: coffee theory, body swap theory, Crowley is Raphael, etc. Bonus point if any of these are genuinely from your own head.
[ ] I have a favorite Crowley (Bildaddy?).
[ ] I have listened to other people’s Good Omens themed playlists/music on YouTube or Spotify. Points: [ ] of 9 points + [ ] bonus points ---
LEVEL 7 [ ] I have experienced a spike in learning/skill after watching the show. (Read Shakespeare, history, philosophy, books mentioned, shown or referenced l, learned or improved a craft and any other neuron connection boosting activity).
[ ] I have experienced an increase in my preferred destructive coping mechanism after watching the show, but I’d rather have it this way than not having watched it.
[ ] I have been sad that I am not an immortal, celestial being fighting for the opportunity to finally be with my soulmate and lover, another immortal, celestial being forced to work for a rival oppressive government, after 6000 years of queer yearning and forbidden desire. I have been sad that I - due to human life expectancy, at the very least - can NOT experience such love. Ever.
[ ] Good Omens has affected my sexuality (kinks, roleplay, thoughts, type of desired partner, etc.)
[ ] I know what the archangel Michael’s ring looks like, and what it’s modeled after.
[ ] I have made my own playlist with music reminding me of Good Omens.
[ ] I have had trouble sleeping because I thought about my fic narrative (even if I haven’t started writing it yet), unfinished drawing, video idea or similar.
[ ] I can, with worrying accuracy, correctly guess the episode when watching a scene from the show.
[ ] I read an insane amount of layered theories and possible references and so on, into every word said by Aziraphale and Crowley, to the point where watching is difficult because I get so many fan theories in my head I have to write down.
[ ] I want to travel to London. Bonus point if you already have been to London pre-brainrot and hated it. If you live in London, you get a point if Good Omens made you visit Soho even though you know it wasn’t filmed there. If you live in Soho, you get a point if you've been to the South Downs because of Good Omens.
[ ] I have thought of or prepared a Good Omens costume for Halloween. Bonus point if you have already found a reason to wear it. Bonus point if you wear it casually. Bonus point if the costume is inconspicuous enough that you can go to work/school without it being too weird. Bonus point if, when wearing your costume, you sat on a bench on purpose. Points: [ ] of 11 + [ ] bonus points --- INSANE LEVEL [ ] I have been a fan of the book since 1990. [ ] I read queerness into the book independently (be honest). [ ] I have made money creating Good Omens-anything. [ ] I have met and/or talked to Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett(RIP)/the actors outside of social media (mail and cons count, Tumblr does not) specifically about the book or later, the show. [ ] I have hosted a Good Omens themed event (wedding, birthday party, con, baby shower, etc). One point for each event.
[ ] The amount of text I’ve written (fics, metas, song lyrics, poems, whatever) is equal to or greater than the amount of text in the book. Points: [ ] of 6 + [ ] bonus points --- GOD'S FAVORITE-LEVEL [ ] Michael Sheen retweeted you or referenced something of yours in any way. This one is worth 25 lazerii, which is more than all the other points combined. You only need this one checked to have 100% fatal Good Omens brainrot. --- Total points: [ ] of 48 + [ ] bonus points = [ ] points SCORE 1 - 3 points: Why did you take this test? Go do something better with your life, you don't belong here. Enjoy your freedom, the lightness in your heart and the fresh breeze upon your unbothered, youthful face. 3 - 6 points: I bet you still know how to feel happiness. It's still time, you can turn this around. I suggest you just leave this now, and come back whenever you see an ad for season 3. Let yourself be happy in the meantime. 6 - 16 points: You've ventured into dangerous territory, but none of your loved ones have realized you have a problem yet. And you might not... The lines are blurred here. You can still come off as an adjusted person when you talk about the show or anything related to it. 16 - 23 points: A scan of your brain reveals that almost 20% of your prefrontal cortex has rotted away. Friends and family have a negative kneejerk reaction to any mention of Good Omens related subjects. You spend most of your free time on your phone, browsing Good Omens media. The only possible cure at this point, would be a new hyperfixation. 23 - 36 points: 33 % of your total brain volume has been affected. The rot has infected almost every area, and trying to introduce any unrelated hyperfixation causes anxiety, confusion and depression. Doctors are baffled to discover that there is a fungi growing from the rot - it seems to connect with your brain, allowing for an extreme learning curve should you hyperfixate on any subject in any way related to Good Omens. If you ever wanted to read up on Shakespeare, this would be the time to do that. 36 - 48 points: 89% of your brain is affected by rot and mostly replaced by fungi - the only uninfected areas are the reptilian brain (the words 'reptilian brain' reminded you of Crowley) and the medulla, which means it hasn't affected your breathing and your instinctive reactions. You still flinch when cars almost hit you, as you wander aimlessly roadside - lost in thoughts about Good Omens. 48 - ?? points: I'm here if you need to talk. No therapist will understand this without labeling it as a severe breach with reality. (I mean, excuse me - the show is right there on Amazon Prime, it’s real.) The medical field is far behind, years and years will go by before they recognize your diagnosis; 100% fatal Good Omens brainrot. It controls your breathing, your heart rate - everything. This condition is fatal because it lasts until you die, and then you'll have a Good Omens themed funeral. 25 lazerii: How does it feel to be loved by God?
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queerfables · 8 months
Taking away the glass?
Oh gosh I'm actually so keen to talk about this so thank you for the opening!
Context: Responding to akaitsukicat's artwork of Crowley and Aziraphale separated by a glass wall, I said that the reason we're all such wrecks over their kiss is because after 6000 years in canon and 33 years in real life, that kiss was "taking away the glass".
The glass is a metaphor that media scholar Henry Jenkins uses to explain the appeal of slash, originally published in 1993. Here, "slash" refers to queer re-interpretation of heterosexual media, including transformative works exploring those readings.
This is what Jenkins says about the glass:
When I try to explain slash to non-fans, I often reference that moment in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan where Spock is dying and Kirk stands there, a wall of glass separating the two longtime buddies. Both of them are reaching out towards each other, their hands pressed hard against the glass, trying to establish physical contact. They both have so much they want to say and so little time to say it. Spock calls Kirk his friend, the fullest expression of their feelings anywhere in the series. Almost everyone who watches the scene feels the passion the two men share, the hunger for something more than what they are allowed. And, I tell my nonfan listeners, slash is what happens when you take away the glass. The glass, for me, is often more social than physical; the glass represents those aspects of traditional masculinity which prevent emotional expressiveness or physical intimacy between men, which block the possibility of true male friendship. Slash is what happens when you take away those barriers and imagine what a new kind of male friendship might look like. One of the most exciting things about slash is that it teaches us how to recognize the signs of emotional caring beneath all the masks by which traditional male culture seeks to repress or hide those feelings.
The vid I refer to, inspired by Jenkin's comments, is The Glass by thingswithwings. It's a beautiful vid, sad and hopeful and empowering, with a very moving commentary on fandom history. It was originally published in 2008, which is relevant to understanding the position it takes in the dialogue around queer relationships in media.
Here's thingswithwings' summary of the vid, as it appears on YouTube:
Henry Jenkins, speaking of the Spock death scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, said, "slash is what happens when you take away the glass." It has been said, in response, that death also happens when you take away the glass. ie, if you took away the glass Kirk would die of radiation poisoning too; the barrier between desiring men cannot be removed on pain of death. Homosexuality, or just loving touch between two people of the same gender, is equivalent to death in this media narrative. One of the interesting things about slash is the way it takes away the glass, then puts it back, then takes it away, then puts it back, often pleasurably. I think this is both problematic and powerful. It is problematic because it reasserts the impossibility of the touch (it fetishizes oppression in a negative manner); it is powerful - and good - because it dwells on and thinks about and removes the glass (it fetishizes oppression in a transformative manner). One of the interesting things about mainstream media is that it continues to put the glass back up, no matter how hard we try to tear it down. Queer desiring touches have been, and remain, imaginable but impossible. TL;DR ALTERNATE SUMMARY: THERE SEEMS TO BE SOME KIND OF INVISIBLE BARRIER IDK WHAT IT MIGHT BE
In regards to Good Omens, it's relevant that this entire conversation about homosocial relationships in media takes place within the 29 year period between the publication of Good Omens the book and the adaptation of the story to screen. The vid was created 15 years ago - which is to say 18 years after the book was published and 11 years before season 1 was released - and it talks about realised queer desire in mainstream media as being so impossible that it is equivalent to death. That is the kind of resistance that queer representation in pop culture has been up against, these last three decades.
Crowley/Aziraphale, as depicted in the book, is such a classic example of slash. I've seen some people who read the book in a contemporary context saying they didn't necessarily pick up on any subtext between the characters, and I suspect this is a mark of cultural expectations. Firstly, because the cultural references that the intentional subtext relies on have become obscured over time - see Neil Gaiman's explanation of the "consenting cycle repairmen" line. But more importantly because the audience's frame of reference for unintentional subtext has shifted, too. What is unsayable and which silences are emotionally loaded has changed over time. Even if you are intentionally using a queer lens in your reading, you might not see subtext in the same places that someone would even 10 years ago.
For example, take this passage from the book:
On the whole, neither [Aziraphale] nor Crowley would have chosen each other's company, but they were both men, or at least men-shaped creatures, of the world, and the Arrangement had worked to their advantage all this time. Besides, you grew accustomed to the only other face that had been around more or less consistently for six millennia.
On it's face, this line suggests that the relationship between the two of them is a matter of convenience more than desire. Maybe that's the intended reading and maybe that's how it started or how they justify their association to themselves, but taken together with how deeply they know each other and how they are always each other's first thought in a crisis, suddenly "neither would have chosen the other's company" sounds like an extremely British way to say they care about each other far more than they were supposed to. Plus, this is Aziraphale's take on their relationship, and it plays rather beautifully against Crowley's much simpler expression of the exact same sentiment:
Aziraphale. The Enemy, of course. But an enemy for six thousand years now, which made him a sort of friend.
To go back to Henry Jenkin's wise words, what we're seeing here is Aziraphale thinking about Crowley through the glass - through the "aspects of traditional masculinity which prevent emotional expressiveness or physical intimacy between men". If you came up in slash fandom at a time when seeing queer relationships in canon was unthinkable, you probably find it easier to identify the gap between how Aziraphale thinks about his relationship with Crowley and how their relationship actually functions. That gap was where a lot of slash lived.
You might say that the book shows Crowley and Aziraphale watching each other through the glass, and season 1 is them pressing up against it. They're still prevented from showing the full depth of feeling between them, they still hunger for more than they're allowed, but they are reaching for it. We see the history of their relationship developing through the ages. The unsayable is still left unsaid, but we feel the weight of it in everything they do. They come so very close but they still can't cross that threshold.
And then there's season 2. Within the text, Crowley and Aziraphale are not just pressing against the glass, they're actively trying to dismantle it. They're searching for a door to the other side. They're inspecting for weak points where they could cut their way through. And then suddenly they're out of time and out of options and the glass is still between them, and there's nothing they can do.
As the audience, you feel that desperation. You feel that grief. And if you're someone who's been watching the glass go back up on every relationship you thought might stand a chance of tearing it down, it hits hard. You're longing vicariously with the characters, but you're longing for yourself too, to see queer desire made possible. To see queer touch made not just imaginable but real.
And then, with all hope lost, Crowley throws himself through the glass. It doesn't matter that it doesn't save them. They kiss and it changes everything. Queer desire is no longer up for debate. Queer touch is no longer impossible. They kiss and the glass shatters, entirely and irrevocably.
This is why it matters so much that they did kiss, even though the love between them was already undeniable. For thirty years, Crowley and Aziraphale were part of a media landscape that relentlessly reinforced the glass at every turn and flooded fatal radiation through any crack they couldn't fix. In a different context, that kiss would be less vital to affirming their relationship. But in the world we live in, with the specific history that this story has, I don't think anything else could have done what it did. The glass between these characters had been reinforced over decades, in a culture that made the barriers to open intimacy between men inescapable. Their kiss was what it took to break it.
And by shattering the glass, this story has fundamentally rewritten what is possible. It proves the rules preventing true affection between people of the same gender can be defied. Queer people are already becoming more visible in pop culture; we're no longer reliant on slash reimagining queer longing between heterosexual leads. But Crowley and Aziraphale's kiss is cathartic and vindicating in an entirely different way. It turns slash into intentional queerness. It takes a fetishisation of oppression vacillating between problematic and transformative, and finally stands up on the side of powerful, empowering transformation. It confronts the barriers that once rendered this desiring touch impossible, and breaks through them once and for all.
That's what taking away the glass means. That's what Good Omens did.
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blues824 · 6 months
🏃‍♂️💨 I Was TAG so of course I'll be joining in this mutual event~
All I can think about is Rollo F. With a sweetheart!s/o with number twenty~ I find it a bit funny but sweet, I just need more Rollo writings 🤧
Hoping you have a good winter holidays, I'll be back to request more~
You requested: Fake dating for Christmas Ball.
Gender-neutral reader
Tumblr media
Rollo Flamme
It came as a surprise to no one that Crowley wanted to host a Christmas Ball for all the schools to attend to, just because Noble Bell hosted the Masquerade Ball. 
There was a bit of a twist, however: Everyone attending needed to have a date. It could be a friend, it could be a romantic partner, it could be someone’s parent just to piss them off. However, everyone needed to go with someone.
To say that you had received many letters asking you to be someone’s partner would be an understatement. You have turned each of them down as politely as you could, making sure that you parted on friendly terms.
There was one that you were looking for, but if you did not receive it in three day’s time, you would accept someone at random.
Well, your silent prayer was answered in the way you didn’t expect, nor in the way you wished.
Rollo Flamme had sent you a letter via a pigeon. You rushed to go get it some food after you untied the letter from the bird’s leg. Opening the letter, you read it, just to feel your heart beat a million times and break just a few seconds later.
Dear Y/N,
I am writing to you to ask if you would be my partner for the Christmas Ball. It has come to my attention that in order to attend, one must have a partner. I would like to keep up appearances that say I am not letting the past… events… affect me or the social relationship of our respective schools negatively. I am hoping that we come to an understanding on this, as I am coming as a guest on behalf of Noble Bell College.
Should you accept, I would forever be in your debt. After all, you helped me here in Fleur City as well, and I do not believe I have paid you back for that. Ask anything of me afterward, and I will see to it that your wish is granted.
I apologize for the inconveniences this may or may not bring you.
Rollo Flamme
Well, a win is a win. You were gonna be able to go to the Christmas Ball with Rollo, the man you had harbored a crush on since the Masquerade Ball. He made you feel appreciated when no one else did, and while that was because you had no magic, you were going to take what you could get.
You immediately wrote a small note in return as the pigeon feasted on small breadcrumbs. Your hand was shaking a bit, but that might have been because your wish was finally coming true… in the most heart-shattering way possible.
Dear Rollo,
I accept your invitation to be your partner for the Christmas Ball. I await your arrival with eagerness. I ask for nothing in return, as this is what friends do for one another. 
By the way, I fed your pigeon so that it may not be tired on its way back to you.
This does not cause any inconvenience to me.
Rollo kept clicking his pen as he read your note. The brevity of it was appreciated, but it was the way in which you said that you were excited for him to be there that made his face feel warm. He was lucky that no one was around because they would have seen blush on his face.
Preparations were being made for his departure, and he was glad that he finally had a partner so that he may attend the event. He originally did not want to go, and should you have refused him, he wouldn’t have gone. Now he had a reason to go, as he did not want to disappoint you in any way. 
His bags were packed, but his mind was unpacked. Ever since you had saved him from the dark space he had succumbed to, his mind was filled by you. Images of casual dates with you flew about in his brain, and all he wanted was to be with you.
However, what would everyone think if he began dating you? Everyone would know that he had a soft spot, and he would be with someone from a rivaling school. There were too many risks with that. Plus, your friends would think you were insane by choosing him. To be fair, he would think you aren’t right in the mind either. After all, who would want to be with a person who set his entire school on fire out of pure, blind rage (you, apparently).
The day eventually came, and the cafeteria was completely cleared for the event. It was transformed into a festive room, an elegantly gothic Christmas tree in the corner to match with NRC’s aesthetic.
Grim opted to skip this event, as you bribed him with some fancy tuna. You had spent hours making sure your outfit was perfect, and that you had everything waiting to go.
Everyone was gathered outside of the cafeteria, waiting for their partners to arrive so that they may be admitted into the building to escape the cold. You were looking around to find Rollo, and you were thinking that maybe he didn’t come after all.
After a few moments of searching around and giving up, heartbroken, you started to head back to your dormitory. However, a hand reached out for your shoulder, and you jumped in surprise. You turned to see the man you had been waiting for with an apologetic look on his face.
“I apologize for making you wait this long. I couldn’t find you in this crowd of idiots.”
His statement made you laugh, as you knew a few people who would agree with him.
“It’s alright, Rollo! I’m just glad you came. I’ve missed you!” You pulled him into a hug, and the man was too stunned to speak. Your perfume or cologne that you had chosen to wear brought a feeling of comfort in his heart and lungs, making him feel as though he could actually breathe.
Once you pulled away, he extended his arm out for you to take, and you wrapped your hand around the crease in his elbow. Then, you both were allowed into the room at the Christmas Ball. It was definitely very grand and elegant, and you found yourself twirling about to take in the entire venue.
A few people let out gasps upon seeing you on the arm of Rollo Flamme, not sure what to make of it. You saw Ace and Deuce standing with each other as well, knowing that they went as friends. Attending the event meant that you got to skip the day’s classes, so obviously they were going to go.
About an hour into the event, the DJ hired took the mic off the stand.
“All partners, head to the dance floor. The waltzing is about to begin.”
Rollo was nervous as he put his left hand on your waist and his right held yours. You put your left hand on his shoulder, and you smiled at him with that absolutely radiant smile of yours. The sight alone had the man internally on his knees, praying to whatever being was up there that you would be his and his alone.
The music started, and he took the lead. It was simple enough, only having to go by a count of three. You turned to look at your friends all around you, and you could feel the awkwardness between everyone. However, you were completely fine with where you were… even if it was under a pretense.
“Those idiots don’t even know where to place their hands… How did they even get in?” He asked, seeing Ace and Deuce.
“They are my friends, and it’s because I didn’t want to go with them. A lot of people surprisingly ended up asking me, but I refused them.”
You telling him that just made jealousy bubble up in his chest, but the fact that you turned each of those bumbling fools down made him feel better. You accepted him.
“I can’t say that I blame you,” He said.
He pulled you impossibly closer to him, making you a bit flustered. He got close to your face, looking very serious.
“...I’m not sure how I would react to someone who isn’t myself dancing with you.”
“And why is that, Rollo?” He let loose on his grip to twirl you around before you went back into position.
“Because I have fallen in love with you and I am not sure I want to get back up,” You had never been so happy that his face was so close to yours because you placed a kiss on his lips as you both danced.
The man’s face went bright red, but he reciprocated the display of affection tenfold, happy that you were his.
Once you pulled away, you smiled and asked, jokingly, “Do you think we convinced everyone that there is a feeling of goodwill between our schools?”
“I think we did more than that,” He said, smiling as well.
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Hello! I am SO hyperfixated on the fact that the overblot form CAN be controlled??? That’s the case with Malleus isn’t it? And I guess on one hand I can see how Idia can control it too because of his “curse/blessing” (and sheer will and spite).
Maybe this is foreshadowing that maybe it’s possible for the other OB boys to do so as well???? I don’t know how it’ll work with them but I’m so excited. Overblot cards potential AAAH
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!
[Referencing this post!}
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Yeah, I definitely think that OB Idia battle segment opens the floodgates for potential SSR Overblot Troublemaker(s) cards 💀 (RIP to the OB gang fans)
As a refresher for everyone (since it has been a while), alllllll the way back in book 1, Crowley and Cater describe “overblot” as thus: “[… being] overcome by negative energy and[…] losing control of [one’s] magic and emotions,” and “evil berserk mode”.
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We’ve seen many examples of these traits in the main story campaign; oftentimes, the OB boy in question is impossible to reason with and has to be subdued via battle. However, it’s important to note that while the OBs may be primarily driven by their emotions, it is not purely rage but rather negative feelings in general. Yes, many OBs (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, etc.) do attack others—but other OBs demonstrate moments of calm (ie when their demands are met). For example, Jamil is tame when he believes he has banished Kalim, secured hypnotized Scarabia mobs, and reigns over the dorm as its new leader. I do believe anger is still a large component of the behavior of one who has overblotted though; that rage most certainly clouds a person’s judgment and compels them to strike out at the slightest thing.
Now, about the idea of “controlling” OBs… I don’t that that can actually be done?? We have to remember that Malleus is a VERY powerful mage—and this alone could give him an “edge” that others don’t when it comes to being fully aware while in OB (though I believe both Malleus and Vil indicate early on they notice their blot building). As Idia’s dad states, Malleus is drawing his magic from nature itself and therefore has a limitless supply it. Secondly, I wouldn’t call Malleus’s OB “controlling” it to begin with. It’s clear that he’s still running high on emotions and is unwilling to hear others out or have them interfere with his plans. These are still traits associated with OB; it’s not as though Malleus is “overriding” the unreasonable thoughts, he is still ruled by them and acts on them. I think what you (maybe?) mean is that Malleus has a much more calculating approach and more precise control over how he wields his power rather than indiscriminately smashing stuff in his path. This, again, could do with his insane power level compared to his peers. Unlike most other OBs, his goal (at least in his own framing) before he overblotted to begin with wasn’t to “take away”, but rather to “gift” happy endings to everyone. This sets him apart just based on interests alone, and that’s perhaps why he acts the most different in the lot.
Now let’s consider the circumstances under which Idia OBs a second time: it’s in a dream, meaning it’s questionable whether or not this would transfer over to real life. Because it’s Idia’s dream, he has more autonomy in it, particularly because he is now “awake”/conscious of the fact that it is a dream. Secondly, Idia bears the Shroud family’s curse/blessing, which allows him to “power up” the more blot is present, as it serves as fuel for his magic. This alone makes him a “special case” which could explain the unusual amount of control he exerts over his OB form. (Again though, I’d wager it’s mostly the dream environment.)
I do see maybe the other OB boys doing a similar “oh, lemme OB to help you guys fight” in a dream situation where there are fewer limits on what they can do, but not in a real world setting. It would put them all at risk anyway, as they lack Idia’s curse/blessing or Malleus’s fae powers. Is that worth the risk, knowing they could all die or potentially turn on their classmates?
I just don’t see OB becoming a “tool” or a magical girl transformation the characters could pull out for combat purposes in the story (though this is possible for like the gameplay outside of the story). I highly doubt OB is like something you could train yourself to control; it’s less like bulking up at the gym and more like pushing yourself to keep exercising while you’re high on adrenaline… Sooner or later, you’d burn out and injure yourself in that overexertion.
If there ever are OB cards, I can easily see them as being the type that don’t come with vignettes because… what reasonable story could you conjure up to explain the OBing again? If there are vignettes, then they most likely won’t fit into the main story canon. You’d have to frame the OB cards as “within the moment” of whatever book they OB’d in, and perhaps go more in-depth about the trauma or something along those lines.
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orphaned-accounf · 27 days
OVERPOWERED - twst [name] content.
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Synopsis: [Name] is known for their unique magic, ‘With a Snap of my Fingers’, which allows him to have someone melt to death on the spot when they make eye contact with them.
However, those who know better know that [Name] never used their unique magic after the incident from back then. And, it doesn’t automatically happen when they snap their fingers, it’s only when they activate their unique magic.
Format: Bullet Point, Established Relationship, Open to Interpretation,
Warnings: Thoughts and actions of the characters used below don’t reflect on the author. Also, this might be a little(?) OOC.
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They were called the Red-Rose Tyrant and his Guard Dog. When they were scared of Riddle before, imagine him together with his significant other, they would run away faster than a dog after a middle schooler.
If Riddle’s magic can make you feel like you’ve been beheaded, [Name]’s will make you feel like you’re being burned alive.
But what Riddle doesn’t understand—and is frustrated about—is the fact that they fear you even if you’ve never used your UM since childhood. What’s the big deal?
You aren’t the type to use it, even if you were angry, unlike him. And you were no dog! You were his lover!
“If I hear you two gossiping again, it’s off with your head!”
“You two can do better things, like doing Professor Crewel’s homework, instead of talking about such nonsense. Get back to work!”
Now let’s talk during the overblot. When fearful students told you to use their UM on Riddle… 
“Insert your own comment.”
Crowley forbade it. Riddle’s already dying, he can’t have more go down. In the end, with the combined effort of the Grim, the Prefect, Ace, Deuce, Cater, and Trey, Riddle is saved from the blot.
After the overblot, the air is awkward between you two, but you still help Riddle with turning a new leaf. Sure, students still feared you two, but not as much as before.
Progress is progress. Right?
You two were oddly paid. The big bad [Name] and the goody-two-shoes Jack Howl. 
Jack will always say:
“[Name] is not the type, you shouldn’t talk down about someone you barely spoke to. Have some decency.”
As much as you always tell Jack you’re fine with it, he will still always defend you every time he hears someone talk negatively about you. Whenever and wherever.
It’s sweet really, until it causes discord among his dorm mates and other people. No, please don’t start arguing with your teammate during track, Deuce keeps worrying.
(But the boy also took part in defending you, just so you know. You’re Jack’s lover, and Jack’s his friend, so he must!)
Now during Leona’s overblot, you were also told to try and use your UM which Jack is wholly against, not wanting you to dirty your hands and possibly go to jail:
“Insert your own comment.”
Jack reassures you whether you ask for it or not, and whether you’re upset or not. He always does at the end of the day. It’s repetitive but all the more heartwarming, and it shows just how much he loved you.
You two never got along at first because he’s worried you’ll use your UM on the people in his dorm, especially the people he’s loyal and closest to. Especially WAKA SAMAAAA and LILIA SAMAAA (and Silver).
But in the end, he warmed up to you and also started yelling at people and starting fights when he heard people talk about you.
“How dare you! [Name] never uses their UM! AND THEY DEFINITELY WOULDN’T WASTE IT ON SOMEONE LIKE YOU—“
Sebek, my love, DON’T USE YOUR MAGIC ON THEM!!
(No he doesn’t resort to his UM. He’s not that crazy.)
Your dynamic is “HE SAID NO PICKLES” but you can actually tell them yourself, you just choose not to because this is how Sebek shows his love. He isn’t the type to do lovey-dovey stuff, he gets so flustered that he freezes up.
It’s kinda hot too. But you don’t tell him that.
During Malleus’ overblot, he is worried sick about you the whole time but Silver reassures him that you are strong enough to handle yourself and is currently dreaming a good dream. Right now, they need to find answers in Lilia’s dreams first.
“[Name] isn’t someone you need to coddle like a baby, Sebek. They’re your lover, not your liege.”
“That’s— I COULD NEVER! I’m their lover, it’s my job to make sure they feel protected!”
Yes, he has his flaws. You might want to talk to him about those. But he loves you, you know? Sometimes, he forgets that he doesn’t need to act like a bodyguard when he’s with you.
Yeahh, definitely talk about that while also reassuring him he’s doing his best. I guess.
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TWST As Lines I've Written/Said
Content Warning: Shitpost, suggestiveness(idk?) & swearing
Author's Note: These are either things I've said, or things that I've written down but haven't used... yet, might use them in the future, might not. Feel free to guess which is which.
Let the shenanigans begin!
Yuu, upon entering TWST
Yuu: “I’m motivated by spite and getting the fuck out of this damned place!” 
Crowley: “This damned place just so happens to be my school!” 
Yuu: “Yeah? Well, guess what Mr. Mystery Man, I fucking hate it here!” 
Crowley: “Rude.”
Typical Ace Behaviour
Yuu: “Behave, my friends are coming over.” 
Ace: “Weird. I didn’t know you were capable of having those.” 
Yuu: “You know what? You can go out and wait on the fire escape until they leave if you want to act like that.”
Capitalism Isn't Attractive
Deuce: “Do not fall for the pretty man with the fancy clothes!” 
Yuu: “Why not? He’s hot as fuck.” 
Deuce: “... He’s a capitalist.” 
Pissy Kitty
Leona: “Great, you again.” 
Yuu: “I’m thrilled to see you too, asshole.”
Floyd, just Floyd
Floyd: “Why not?” 
Yuu: “Unlike you, I don’t want to die!” 
Floyd: “Boo, you’re lame.”
Yuu Needs a Raise
Yuu: “My therapist will be thrilled to hear about this revelation.” 
Everyone: “What’s a therapist?”
Why Are You Like This?
Vil: “You are a blithering buffoon.” 
Yuu: “Takes one to know one.” 
Vil: “...Listen here you little piece of -”
Cryptid Hours
Yuu: *walks into room to find Idia sitting in the dark, facing the corner* “Did the voices win today?”
Idia: “Undecided.”
Yuu: “Okay then, let me know if that changes. Since I would like a headstart before you go all *insert demon noises* on me.”
After Any Overblot
Yuu: "I feel like a baked potato." *passes out*
The Adventures of Malleus
Malleus: “Tell me, Child of Man; do humans typically court through the acquiring and displaying of fish?”
Yuu: “Why?”
Malleus: *has been secretly using your phone for research and found himself on Tinder* “Just curious is all.”
Yuu: “... No, it’s not typical.”
Malleus: “Alright then, noted.”
Dear Professor Vargas, I regret to inform you that your attempts to woo a potential mate through your acquiring of fish may not be successful. And does the "DILF" shorts mean, "Darling, I Love Fish?" ... Asking for a friend. Sincerely, Malleus Draconia
Octopus Eyesight
Yuu: “Do you have astigmatism?”
Azul: “Do I have what?”
Yuu: “Astigmatism, like when you look at lights at night do you see lines? Since you have weird ass pupils.”
Azul: “...wait, that isn’t normal?”
Should I Be Nervous?
Yuu: “Have you ever been overcome with the lust for broccoli?”
Trey: ". . ."
Yuu: *squints, thinking* “Break glass in case of sudden lust for broccoli...”
Trey: "Should I leave?"
A Question to Ponder
Yuu: “Why do fictional men slap so hard? Like damn.”
Riddle: “Because they are not real and do not come with any of the negative consequences that often come with real men, also you can better idealize them… And anime, ‘Makes you go brrrrr,’ as you put it.”
College Life
Rollo: “I am running off 3 hours of sleep and a single croissant, do not test me.”
Baby Talk
Rook: “Ah, bonjour chatton!" *proceeds to babytalk to the cat in French*
Yuu's Type
Yuu: “I have 4 types; wet cat, malewife, girlboss, and whore." tag yourself
Crewel: "... You need to focus on your grades, not on some mutts."
What Do You Have?
Jamil: "What's that?"
Kalim: *hiding a cat that he stole from outside* "Uhhh, my love for you?"
Jamil: *annoyed* "Put it back outside, Kalim."
Kalim: *puts the cat in his face* "BUT LOOK AT THEM!! THEY BABEY!!!!"
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zeenelly · 5 months
(because I currently have it so---)
Tw: slightly angst, fluff, maybe suggestive? depression, negative feelings. This is for me, but I'll begin to take requests (and yes, I will make that WHB for you person) some are longer then others.
Riddle rosehearts
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Riddle noticed the way you were beginning to become distant from just about everyone. You called out of class the last few days saying you were 'sick'. He did worry about you, don't get it twisted, but he didn't exactly have a chance to go over to Ramshackle to check on you. Until he got Trey to take over for a few hours while he went out to see you. He even made sure to bring a few tarts Trey made for you. When he knocked on the door the 3 ghosts opened up
(I named the ghosts Eddie, Joe, and Markus because they old like that-)
"Ah you must be the dormleader of that uh-" the plump ghost Eddie said before snapping his fingers
"Heartslabyul." He spoke.
"Yeah that's the one. Now why are you here?"
"I'm here to see MC" he held up a basket.
"Oh, uh... well, they should be locked up in their room. Grims been worried, too. They say that they are okay, but it's a tale tell sign of burnout." The slimmer ghost Joe said.
Riddle heard the words burnout and shoved by them and into Ramshackle. He ran to your room knocking softly
"MC...my love...it's me riddle" he spoke and opens the door.
You laid in the bed that was, well, really uncomfortable. But you didn't care. You were so burt out on life it was unreal. Riddle slowly walked over to see you closer. He set the basket of tarts down and crawled into bed with you, his face red.
"MC.. I know it's hard to keep up with everyone, but know I'm right here with you." He spoke and held you in his arms.
You were already feeling better.
Leona kingscholar
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Leona has noticed you have been skipping out on lunch with him. In fact, he's realized you've been gone for the last few days. He slowly stood up and streched out. He slowly began to walk to Ramshackle. Leona just entered Ramshackles dorms without a care in the world.
"Mcccc! Are you sick my love?" He asked. And out came Grim.
"No they're fine just having burn out"
Leona eyes widened. Burn out? Mc was having burn out? He sighs
"Damn Herbivore...always taking care of everyone else and not themselves.." he sighs and texts ruggie something. "Grim will you go comfort MC for a bit. I need to grab some things."
"Hah? Your leaving?" He asked upset
"I need to get all their favorite things together. I'm gonna make sure they feel better. " he walked out towards savannaclaw.
Leona gathered his blankets as Ruggie put them in a travel bag. Leona threw in some stuff and hands Ruggie his credit card.
"Go and buy some sweets. And some new bedding for mc. You know what just buy them an entire new bed. Their bed is so uncomfortable."
"Shihihihi alright alright"
Leona was gonna make sure you were gonna have the best rest possible to make you feel better.
Azul ashengrotto
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Azul was working on contracts when he saw Floyd carry you in. Azul dropped everything upon seeing that all too familiar face. Burnout. He quickly tells Floyd to make some of your favorite food. And after Floyd quickly left
"Mc... you went and done it again.." he ran his fingers trough his hair and sighs.
Tears trickled down your cheeks and you hugged him tightly. He blushed brightly at the fact that you had hugged him so suddenly. He pets your hair slowly and brings you to his room to rest.
"You need to put yourself first sometimes, angelfish..." he placed a kiss on your head and wraps you in his softest blankets. "I'll be right back angelfish"
He walked out and into the lounge. He snaps his fingers and jade and Floyd came over.
"Find Crowley. I want him to know my angelfish is burnt-out because of him. They will be staying here."
"Fufufufu~ I'll make sure to give him a tight squeeze!~" Floyd smiled. Jade nods and they both walk off.
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