#i had. so much fun with it up until sai crashed and made me loose everything :'D
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
For the requests, could we possibly get a cute lil Nighty (passive)?? :D
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happy tears(?)
nightmare belongs to jokublog
(requests still open! )
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sailtomarina · 2 months
Here is Where I Want to Stay
“Fred, do you have a mo–”
Before you could finish your sentence, the office door crashed open with the arrival of his twin.
“We have a problem.”
The tone in George’s voice made it clear the problem needed immediate attention, and the two of you rushed out without hesitation. Fred squeezed your shoulder in passing, however, reassuring you that you’d find another time to speak.
Except, it seemed like everything and everyone was out to interfere. 
No matter the time or place, whenever you approached Fred, something would happen that would pull one or both of you away. Not even the shop closing gave you the privacy needed, as not even half an hour after locking the door and cleaning up, Ron clattered down the stairs trailing soot from the flat.
“G-Ginny! Th-the baby! It’s coming!” He gasped out the news and bent at the waist as he attempted to catch his breath.
George scrambled to join Ron as they ran back up, but Fred paused just long enough to throw you a look.
“What are you waiting for? Go! I’ll close shop.” You shooed him along with your hands, earning a grateful smile and wink.
“Thanks, love! We’ll chat later, yeah?”
Then he was gone, leaving you alone in the now quiet store. It felt strange to be the last one, despite having worked there for over a year now as you finished your Runes mastery.
What you didn’t expect was how fun each and every day was with the twins. They didn’t hesitate to pull you into product development and testing, and you found modern applications for runes that you never would have considered in the past. You were so invested in your projects with them, that you neglected your post-graduation job hunt as months passed you by. It was easy to forget about the outside world when working with the twins, especially Fred.
Fred, with his crooked grin and easy laugh. Fred’s eyes that sought you out without fail. He didn’t just look. He saw you with all your insecurities and curiosities and knew just what to say and do to fire you up. Everyday, you went back home alone, and everyday, you told yourself you’d tell him how he made you feel the next time you were alone together.
With a wave of your wand, the lights went out in the shop, but instead of leaving, you took one last look around. Just enough light from the street lamps outside streamed through the window to cast a glow over the polished wood shelves. Maybe it was time for you to bid farewell and move on.
 “You’re still here.”
You whirled around at the familiar voice, nearly crashing into his arms as they flew up to catch you. “Fred! What are you doing back already? What about Ginny?”
You felt as much as saw the quirk of his lips in the shadows. “She’s good, as is the baby. It’s a boy. They named him Albus.”
He had yet to drop his arms. They remained circled around you, hugging you close enough to breathe him in. Citrus, smoke, home. You felt faint. “Good. That’s good.”
“What was it you wanted to tell me all day?” His breath tickled your ear. 
You didn’t expect his face to be so close to yours when you turned to answer. He’d bent down towards you and now you hovered mere millimetres from one another. The air around you almost tripled in density, fighting your attempts to draw in one damn breath.
“I…” You stuttered to a stop, uncertain of how to phrase your longing.
“You?” His palms smoothed up your back to press you even closer.
“I want…”
How could you think with the way he brushed back a loose curl, or how he brought that same hand to the base of your neck, fingers threading into the strands and thumb rubbing circles against that sensitive spot behind your ear?
“What is it you want, love?” he murmured, lips nearly brushing your own.
“You.” The answer escaped before you could hold it back, rephrase it into something more eloquent.
His thumb stopped its circling and slid down to press upward against your jaw until your eyes met his. “That’s good.”
“It is?”
He hummed in assent. “Otherwise what I’m about to do would be very awkward.”
You had only a second to register the wicked grin that spread from cheek to cheek before you felt a yank to your navel. With a snap of his fingers, the lights turned on just enough for you to take in your surroundings. 
“Is this…your flat?”
You knew the answer before he even gave it; there was no questioning in whose room we stood. Those were Fred’s work boots next to the door, and there was his coat hanging on one of the hooks lining the wall. A small pile of books on Runes and Arithmancy sat on the nightstand of a bed made up in navy blue and cream.
“I didn’t bring you here under any pretence. I just wanted to give us a bit of light and privacy since George should be home soon.” 
“We could have walked up here,” you teased.
His cheeks turned a delightful pink. “I might have been showing off a bit.”
He barked out a laugh when you shoved him back onto the bed and he bounced in place.
“A bit? You cast those spells wandless and wordless.” 
Then you were on him, straddling his hips and tilting his face up towards your own. His reaction was instantaneous, hands grasping your hips and squeezing tight.
“I meant what I said. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” His hands said otherwise as they slid down to cup your bottom.
Riding high on the confidence you’d lacked earlier, you saw no further reason to hold back. “Well, with your permission, I intend to snog you breathless.”
You squealed at the sudden shift as he rolled you both over and caged you in place. “You have my whole-hearted permission.”
Except, it was him who dived into the kiss first, tasting of whatever sweet treat he’d had earlier. It was him who pulled back to gaze down at you with a soft smile. It was also him who confessed, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you like this for months now.”
“Well, why didn’t you?”
With a little laugh that you pocketed to cherish later, he admitted, “There always seemed to be something coming up: rampant Pygmy Puffs, rogue frisbees, the nonstop disaster that is my family–” He caught his bottom lip between his teeth, the usually bright blue of his eyes darkening as he stared at you.
“What?” You couldn’t help but feel nervous at his continued silence.
“I’ve fantasised about us countless times, but to have you here with me still seems too good to be true. I’m going to wake up any minute now and find that this was all a dream.” He leaned forward, brushing past your cheek, to bury his face in the loose waves of your hair. A hand swiftly followed, burrowing and kneading and relaxing all the muscles in your body. “But this feels so real.” 
“That’s because it is real.” You cupped his cheek, thumb catching along the stubble lining his jaw, and brought him up to look at you. “I am here with you, and here is where I want to stay.”
So, you did.
WC 1242
Cross-posted on FB, Tumblr, and AO3.
4.18.24 Hump Day prompt: “Can I speak with you for a moment?”
More second-person POV. It's been fun writing reader insert, mostly because I get to imagine it's me experiencing these moments ;) I hope you don't mind!
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I would love a fic of Pedro taking his daughter hiking, sort of like the end of tlou (but not as dark obviously) where they walk and talk and have fun but eventually get into a kind of deep emotional conversation, that would be amazing
Taking it All In (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Word Count: 2,077
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Warnings: mentions parental abandonment, depression, and hints of self-harm
A/N: I hope you enjoy reading this!! Requests are open to anyone who wants to send something in!
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“It’s just around the corner,” Your dad said as he glanced back at you. 
“You’ve been saying that for the past three corners,” you groaned. 
Pedro watched as you began to catch up. He thought it would be a nice change to take you hiking while in Los Angeles. He heard about some of the amazing views in Santa Monica and he decided it was just what you needed. 
“Well, this time I mean it.” 
“Can you slow down? I’m not as tall as you are,” you grumbled, “One step for you is like three for me. There’s more work that goes into it for me.” 
Pedro couldn’t help but chuckle, “Alright, I’ll slow down.” 
Lately you’ve been distant, not saying much to him, or even reacting to some of his jokes. He’s seen it happen to you before and now he feared it was happening again. He was loosing you again. Pedro checked how you acted when he touched your wrists from time to time, making sure you weren’t hurting yourself. You had never started, but it was one of his many fears that you might. 
None of this was in the parenting book he heard when you were little. Once you had caught up, Pedro made sure to slow down his pace so you wouldn’t feel the need to push yourself. 
“I hate hiking,” you commented as you swatted a couple of flies away from your face.
“Can’t hate it when you haven’t fully experienced it yet, Cariño,” You rolled your eyes, “Trust me, the view is going to be worth it.” 
“I swear, if this view is not worth it, you owe me about twenty Starbucks drinks,” you complained. 
“I won’t have to, because it’ll be worth it.” 
“You know, we never hike in New York and there’s a reason.” 
“What’s the reason?” 
“Because it’s New York!” 
You didn’t say anything else until you got to the top of the mountain, you quickly stopped to catch your breath. You missed New York with every atom in your body. Your dad comes to Los Angeles every once in a while and he suddenly takes up a new hobby. 
Suddenly takes up a new hobby… Oh no, you thought. Your mind began to race, was he dating someone again? 
“Y/N, you have to see this!” Your dad called out. He was near the edge of the cliff, which the thought of the height did frighten you, but you were curious to see the view. There was a bench near the cliff in which your dad walked over to sit on. 
You walked over to the bench, letting out a breath at the sight. You had to admit to yourself, the view was worth it. “Wow,” you whispered. 
“Told you the view would be worth it,” Pedro said with a grin. “Sit down, take it all in.” 
You sat down beside your dad, “I admit it, the view is worth it.” You could hear waves crashing from the distance, the sound was peaceful and in a way therapeutic. 
“Something on your mind?” Your dad asked. He knew there was, he could see it in your eyes. The way they danced around as if they were communicating with each other. 
“Are you dating someone?” 
He sighed, “Mija, we’ve been through this. You know I’ll talk to you before I ever start dating anyone.” You nod, “I’m always gonna keep you in the loop, what makes you ask such a question?” 
“Well, you suddenly took up a new hobby and you usually do that if it’s because of someone.” 
He chuckled, “Well, you can thank Oscar for the idea.” He watched as you gave him a nod, he knew there was still more your mind was occupied with. “What’s up?” 
“Hmm?” You looked over at him, “Nothing.” 
“Now, I know that’s a lie,” Pedro sighed, “Y/N, I know you like the back of my hand,” he lifts his hand up. “There’s something on your mind, nows the time to just say it.” 
You remained silent for a few seconds, there was a lot in your mind. Mostly things about your mother, especially with all the holidays that recently passed, you couldn’t help but wonder what life could have been if she had stayed. If you were holding your dad back from finding true love or if your mom was his true love. What was your mom even like, everytime you brought her up your dad would be quick to change the subject. The only thing you knew about her were the things your tia knew which was limited. 
You knew you had her eyes and her laugh. Part of you wondered if that’s a reason why your dad made so many jokes, to hear her laugh again? Did he miss her? 
“What was she like?” You abruptly asked. 
Pedro didn’t need to ask who you were asking about, he just knew. He cleared his throat, “We should get goin-” 
“No! Please, Papi! You always avoid telling me about her and I know only five things about her. She has Y/E/C, I laugh like her, she was smart, she was your college sweetheart and that she left and I don’t even know why. I deserve to know why my mom didn’t want to be my mom.” 
“Mija, she loves you, she wanted to be your mom-” 
“Then why did she leave?” 
Pedro sighed, “she felt like she wasn’t good enough to be your mom. She felt we deserved better.” 
“But how does she know if that is true? Look at us! You still haven’t found anyone and I still have no mom.” 
“I know,” Pedro let out a shaky breath, “your mom, she struggled. She struggled a lot with her thoughts and she always had depression but after you were born it was like it just took over her and she no longer had control. I tried everything, I made sure to be the one to get up in the middle of the night, I always made sure she was getting her rest, but it was like it made her feel worse.” 
You began to feel tears well up in your eyes, “I want to know when she left.” 
Pedro looked over at you, quickly noticing the tears in your eyes, “No.” 
“Papi, por favor.” 
“Mija, no quiero mirar te tan triste, no puedo. It still hurts to talk about it-” (I don’t want to see you so sad, I can’t)
“Papi, I want to know, I deserve to know.” 
You did deserve to know, Pedro knew that. He had hoped by now that the wound would be healed, but over the years it was as if the wound couldn’t heal. Maybe it was because he always saw her in you and she was always in his mind. 
“I know,” he said softly. “She didn’t have a lot of things to begin with, she was the kind of person who didn’t like to hold onto things. Always giving things away and maybe I should have noticed it, the way she was giving so many of her things away the weeks leading up to her disappearance, but I was so focused on being a new dad that I didn’t. You came into my world and I was whole,” He touched your cheek, wiping away the tear that escaped. 
“One day, I decided I was gonna go visit my sister for the day. I took you along to give your mom a break, I thought I was doing something good. We were gone for maybe eight hours and when we came back, everything she had left was gone. All that was left was a note and that necklace.” he pointed to the necklace around your neck, the one you always wore. 
“In her note she apologized for everything. She said she couldn’t do it anymore, that it wasn’t us but it was her, she just needed to go out and breathe. That maybe some time away will do her some good. For months, I checked newspapers, I called hospitals, police stations, looking for Jane Does or even anyone under your moms name and nothing. It was like she never existed.” 
You leaned against the bench, “After a while, I kind of gave up. She just didn’t want to be found.” You sniffled, trying your best to hold the tears in, “She loved you, Y/N. She really did, she just struggled with herself.” 
“How do you know that she loved me?” Your voice trembled 
“Because when you were first born, all she did was hold you and look at you and everyone in that room knew how much she loved you. She thought she was doing the right thing by protecting you from herself.” Pedro sighed, “It still hurts to think about it, maybe that’s why I never wanted to talk about her.” 
“Right person, wrong time?” You asked, he gave you a nod. “When was the last time you looked for her?” 
“A few years ago.” You nod, “Even if she was the right person but the wrong time… I don’t regret ever being with her and I don’t regret you. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/N, Y te quiero mucho.” Your dad pulled you closer, you leaned your head against his shoulder. “It’s okay to cry,” he whispered. You let out a shaky breathe, letting the tears flow down your cheeks. 
“There’s three things that I got from her,” you began to say. 
“My eyes, my laugh, and like her, I struggle,” you said softly. 
Your dad let out a deep breath, for a while he had known you were struggling and he knew it was depression. Part of him was in denial for a while because he didn’t want to know that you felt that way, he just wanted you happy. Now he needed to do something about it, he wasn’t going to lose you the way he lost your mother. 
“We can get you help,” He suggested. “Talking to someone about all of this, it will help.” 
You wiped away a tear, “I think I need help.” 
“Come on,” He began to get up, “Let’s  do something I’ve always wanted to do.” You gave him a puzzled look, “Come on!” 
You got up and followed your dad to the edge of the cliff, “Uhh, I’m not sure about this.” 
“Trust me,” Pedro cleared his throat before he began to yell as if no one was watching. “That felt good!” He exclaimed. “You’re turn!” 
“Someone’s gonna think we’re crazy!” 
He gestured around, “No one’s here, Muñeca!” 
You rolled your eyes, you thought he was crazy, but a part of you was dying to let out a scream. You took a deep breath before letting it all out, screaming at the top of your lungs. You stood there for a few seconds, “Okay, I’ll admit, that felt great.” 
Pedro smiled from ear to ear, before turning back to the cliff, “I LOVE MY DAUGHTER!” He yelled out. You laughed, “Come on, yell out something! Let it out! Like this, I WISH I KNEW WHY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE LEFT ME!” He yelled again.
There was a sense of embarrassment, but at the same time you liked how the instant relief felt right after. “I WISH I HAD A MOM!” You yelled, laughing slightly at the feeling of relief. “I WISH I WAS GOOD ENOUGH!” You felt tears well up, your dads arms pulled you in for a hug. 
“You’re good enough for me, mija,” he whispered as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. Your breath began to shake, as you held onto your father tight. He began to rub your back, “Maybe that’s enough for today.” 
“It felt good,” You choked out. “Thank you,” you looked up at him, he gave you a big smile. 
“Of course,” he let go of the hug, “let’s go home.” 
You looked over at the cliff once more, it felt as if you were leaving those thoughts here and you were leaving with a new heart. You didn’t know if you will ever find your mom, but maybe this is where that journey began. You did know that you knew you needed help and you were okay once you did ask for it and maybe, just maybe for once everything will start to feel okay. 
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screechingkroh · 11 months
Thinking abt Honkai Star men being dragged to a concert.
(Can be read platonic or romantic)
Sampo is so totally down for it. He just gives the energy of someone who wouldn’t say no to a free concert ticket (AND HONESTLY?? ME TOO BESTIE)
100% gives his all because why the fuck not? And it’s so much fun. Like— BABES. When I tell you that this man probably hypes you up hella hard when you start belting it out— I MEAN IT.
He’s taking pictures, he’s taking videos. (He’s 100% taking advantage of your excitement to get a few free drinks)
Okay— but Sampo would totally be happy for you. And he’s also really happy. Like you’re yelling your lungs out. Singing screaming— it does not matter. Both of your throats are GONE by tomorrow.
Speaking of— Sampo probably almost made you two late. By accident. He just kept forgetting things or tried buying stuff.
It’s fine, after the concert he was a gentleman with guiding you back to the room. You both knock the fuck out though. Your heads hit those pillows and you were GONERS.
It’s NOT Gepard’s first concert. I refuse to believe that man has never attended any of Serval’s concerts. He’s got the best tickets, the best placing, he knows when to get ready and when to go— Dawg is your best man to be with for concerts.
He’s not good at singing, but fuck that. You’re both singing and losing your voices. Both of you are standing and fucking rocking out to the music.
And if Serval is trying to get people onstage?? SHUT UP, YOU TWO ARE TRYING TO GET THE OTHER ONSTAGE. It’s such a funny mess because you guys are too high on energy and pointing at one another.
Doesn’t matter— neither of you are chosen. But that’s okay bc you two are laughing so hard and leaning against each other. Like jfc you guys lost a lung AND your voices.
Gepard had to awkwardly tell Bronya that he couldn’t make it to work today. Why? Oh… you know. No voice, haha.
She knows and is happy he’s getting time to have fun.
Dan Heng?? How tf did you get him to go?
It’s not that hard actually. March and Stelle tag teamed his ass into going.
But that’s fiiine. He’s perfect for navigation and knows where stuff is. He’s got your back with the good hotels and restaurants.
At first, this man is QUIET. He’s nodding his head to the beat, but that’s it. It isn’t until later when the energy is really out there, that you catch him standing.
He probably doesn’t yell or scream like you, March, and Stelle. Dawg probably smiles like a dumbass though and is shaking his head. You guys won’t have voices for shit tomorrow. That’s okay, he can help soothe your sore throats in the morning.
He won’t admit it (he does but not verbally), but he enjoyed the concert. Like he loved seeing you guys let loose and go wild. Makes him feel like shit is gonna be okay.
After the concert is so funny tho. March is riding that energy high, Stelle wants to devour food (and probably inedible stuff), and you’re slowly crashing. So he’s got you leaning against him while trying to convince the other two to get back to the hotel room.
He’s semi-successful.
NOW JING YUAN— I am so biased towards this man. You guys don’t even know.
But he’s slightly unsure what to do, but whatever. He’ll follow your lead.
Fuck the before— DURING?? His hand is hovering over the small of your back. Any open drink you have is covered so it doesn’t spill on your outfit. He’s watching out for you with the softest and happiest smile. Because he’d trade the world for you to be this carefree.
You’re yelling, screaming, singing— you definitely have a sore throat. But that’s okay. He’ll take care of you. He promises.
Bro probably is laughing and smiling so hard. Like— you take his hand and start scream-singing the lyrics and he’s for it. Do that sway stay-in place dance with him. Please. He’s overjoyed every time you face him with that smile.
Okay, but afterwards, he’s probably still dealing with lingering energy. You two are clearly dropping in energy levels, and he’s urging you to the hotel room. Saying stuff “we can see it tomorrow, just rest for now,” while helping you deal with a very sore throat.
… this man has my heart wtf. I am so biased with him.
For Blade? Good luck. I actually don’t know how you’d get his ass to go. But if you do, you’re the safest motherfucker there.
Your drinks? Safe. Your items? Safe. You? Safest person to exist. He’s responsible for your ass now… much to his dismay.
I don’t have a good grasp of his character yet, but I think he’d be a bit irked. Irked… but slightly smug knowing you chose him over Kafka and Silver Wolf. Because, hey, that’s shit he can say he’s done that the other two haven’t.
Oh, but he’s so over it at the end. “Get your merch and let’s go” type bs. Literally picks you up and makes his way to the hotel room— bc we all know he wouldn’t settle for some cheap ass hotel. Dude made sure it was nice enough where there was two beds and easy to secure.
You probably had at least one argument the entire day. Maybe more bc it’s Blade.
It’s fun though bc you’re smiling and don’t put up that bad of a fuss. Especially when he tosses you onto the bed and almost threatens you to sleep.
You knock out about thirty minutes after.
Blade just lets you sleep and debates if he wants to let you deal with that sore throat or not. (Spoiler; he doesn’t)
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stillsaltyaboutmcr · 1 year
They get like this when they’re drunk: Bradley Bradshaw and Jake Seresin
I had an idea where the reader and Phoenix have to take care of the boys of Dagger Squad at the Hard Deck and they all have little secret quirks when they’re all drunk but the reader gets stuck dealing with Brad and Jake and now Y/N is stuck in a love triangle
(i hope that explanation made sense)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, heavy touching (non sexual), exhausted reader, Phoenix laughing at you 24/7 when you turn into a babysitter for two grown men, Rooster being very flirty (a little sexual)
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Every Saturday night, the Dagger Swuad went out to the Hard Deck to celebrate making it another week.
It was a way for us all to let loose and have fun without the stress of the Navy on us.
But this meant that some members got a little too heavy with their drinking, aka, the boys.
Phoenix and I usually flipped a coin to see who took care of who and I usually got lucky. Fanboy, Payback and Coyote were easy to take care of. Coyote usually got the munchies when he was drunk, so I would make a stop at a Mcdonald’s or something alike to get him food and he’d pass out, like a toddler. Fanboy usually had to be pulled off the dance floor, but he’s get a McFlurry and constantly tell me how much he loves me for buying him ice cream and that I’m the best mom ever, even though hes 2 years older than me. Payback liked to hit on girls, so you’d have to apologize and pull him away and repeatedly tell him “you don’t even know her name.”
He’s rebuttle and say “It’s Kathy!” But every girl’s name was Kathy if you catch my drift. But he’s usually comply and immediately pass out as soon before you could even start your car.
Phoenix usually got stuck dealing with Rooster and Hangman, who according to her are a handful. I pray the day for me to take care of them never comes, and tonight is no different.
When the coin flipping occurred earlier this morning, I got my usual 3 boys and she groaned. “Why can’t you take them this once, give me a break?”
“Because my 3 are easy, I get them some food and they take naps until I drop them off. It’s a breeze! I don’t ever wanna give that up!” She furrowed her brows and pointed at me.
“One day, you’ll get stuck with them and I’ll laugh. It’ll be the best day of my life watching you tackle that chaos.”
But alas, here we were, quickly approaching the time of the night where the boys crossed the threshold of tipsy to drunk. Fanboy was already dancing his little heart out and Payback was already hunting down his next Kathy. I always kept an eye on those 3 so I could swoop in and get them out as quickly as possible.
I was nursing a margarita, sat at the bar talking to Penny when Phoenix came up to me. “Hey, Coyote just puked everywhere, I have to take him home. I’ll be back though to retrieve Roos and Hangman.” I nodded and told her good luck. She had just lightened my load and saved me a stop, so I couldn’t complain. Penny sent one of her employees over to clean his mess as we continued our conversation.
I explained to her how Phoenix and I watch the boys and take them home. She laughed. “You both flip a coin to see who you babysit?? Let alone, you’re babysitting fully grown men?” She covered her face with her hand, still snickering as I explained how they all acted once drunk.
“That’s priceless! I couldn’t imagine having to babysit-“ Just before she could finish hee sentence, we both turn to see Maverick fall off his barstool, taking his beer bottle with him with a crash. “I take that back, looks like I can imagine babysitting a fully grown man. Be right back.” She tossed her towel over hee shoulder and walked off to help Maverick off the ground. I couldn’t help but chuckle. He was obviously very out of it, the alcohol showing it’s full effect.
“Hey, where’s Nat?” A slur of words appeared behind me and there was Hangman, a beer in hand. He had to be well done for. His eyes were glazed over and he had a permanent smirk etched on his face, but his words were slurred beyond belief.
“She had to take Coyote home, she’ll be back to come get you and Rooster.” I stood up and faced him, deciding I should probably keep an eye on everyone since Phoenix was gone for the time being.
“Oh, thank you, you’re the best.” Hangman brought me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. It was sudden and out of nowhere, leaving me in shock. He bummed contently and added, “You’re very warm, it’s quite nice.” I sat there in his arms for a minute, patting his back lightl, waiting for a release that never came. I slightly tried to step away but he whined and his grip became tighter. “Nooo-“
“Hangman, you gotta let me go dude.”
“But I don’t wannnaaa.” Oh. My. God. Hangman was a Level 5 clinger when he’s drunk. He was a fucking cuddler!! Big, tough and scary Hangman turned into a softy when drunk! You loved this revelation and would totally use it to your advance at work.
“Hangman, buddy, you gotta let go.” You finally managed to push him off and he pouted.
“Fiiine. But I’ll be back for more hugs!” He walked away and you were left baffled. This was NOT the Hangman you knew. Coming back for more hugs? Who the fuck was this guy?
You continued on with your night, eventually making your way to the dance floor. You hadn’t seen Phoenix come back and to think about it, you hadn’t seen Fanboy or Payback either for awhile. You decided to text the group to see if anyone would respond with their location when you saw the text.
‘I took Payback and Fanboy too. We’re still at Coyote’s, he’s really sick. I’m so sorry hun, it’s your turn to deal with Brad and Jake. xoxo”
Oh my god, she totally screwed you over. You looked up in a panic to try to find the two boys. You located Hangman with no issue, he was talking to Penny at the bar, probably getting another drink, but could not find Rooster anywhere. You started to panic and type a text to Phoenix to see if she took him too when two arms wrapped around your waist from behind and pick you up, slinging you over the shoulder of the stranger and walking you outside to the patio before setting you down.
“Hey gorgeous.” Bradley was the mystery man. “Thought we could get some alone time.” Bradley was a flirt, of course he was. No wonder Phoenix had begged you to take them. Jake was a clinger and Bradley was a flirt. You could only imagine what hell you’ll be in once you have to tackle both at the same time later.
“Rooster, you scared the shit out of me!!” You hit his arm and he quickly covered the impact spot with his hand, sarcastically wincing. “What are you doing?”
“I’m just trying to see if a fine lady like you would wanna get out of here?” You sighed and punched the bridge of your nose.
“Listen, no one has to know C/S. I’m really glad Phoenix took everyone, because now you and I can go have some one on one.” He took a step closer to you. “I’ve been meaning to ask you for awhile. I see you at work all the time in that flight suit, the way it hugs your-“
“Bradley!!” You stopped him before he could continue. “I think you’re cut off for tonight. Give me your credit card, I’m closing your tab.”
“But baby, don’t you wanna go have a dance?” You rolled your eyes and decided to just reach into his pant pocket and take his whole wallet. “Woah!! At least let me take you to dinner first sugar! No need to rush right into my pants, but if you want it that bad, just say so.” He stepped closer once again but you put your hand out and placed it on his chest.
“Stay right here, I’ll be back.”
“Ooo, okay honey. I’ll be waiting.” He shot you a wink before you headed in to collect Hangman’s wallet and close all three of your tabs. You were at the bar, closing yours and Rooster’s when a warm presence came up behind you, arms resting on your shoulders, breath on your neck.
“Hi Hangman.” You didn’t even need to look. Peggy took the two cards and you turned around to give yourself some space. “Can I have your card? I’m closing out tabs so I can take you and Rooster home.” He smiled and handed over his card.
“Can we drop Rooster off first? I really want you to stay over so I can hold you all night. You’re so warm and comforting and I can’t keep my eyes off of you.” You turned around and gave Penny his card and put yours and Rooster’s back.
“No, I have errands to run in the morning so I need to get home as soon as possible so I can get good sleep.” You heard him whine behind you. He placed himself on you again, resting his head on top of yours. You sighed as you signed for him. Turning around and pushing him off once again, you gave him his card back and took his arm so you could go retrieve Rooster and get the hell out of here.
Rooster was right where you left him and when he saw Hangman trailing behind you, his smirked. “You wanna bring another man into this huh? New to me but whatever gets you in the mood sugar.” You rolled your eyes as you dragged both of them to your car and practically shoving them in the backseat.
The whole carride consisted of Rooster making innuendos and Hangman whining about not being able to reach you.
You dropped Rooster off and Hangman took the chance to move to the front seat while you were away helping Rooster get inside. You cursed yourself for not dropping him off first. “Mm, finally.” He rested his head on your shoulder and his right hand traced up and down your thigh while the left hand rested under his chin. He stayed like that, making content little noises. “I love you.”
You about crashed when it came flying out of his mouth. You pulled up to a stoplight and looked down, he was unphased like saying that was an everyday occurance for him. Where did that come from?
You quickly pulled up to his house and got him to the front door and he wouldn’t let you go, begging you to come inside and stay so he could hold you a little longer. You were able to step away and give yourself space before he said it again, “I love you, I really do.” He seemed like a lovesick puppy. You had no clue how many times he’s done this to Phoenix, or how many times Rooster’s hit on her like he did to you at the bar. You finally understood why they were such a handful.
You got him in and headed home when your phone rang. “Hey girl, what’s up?”
It was Phoenix.
“Well I was calling to check in on you, see how things are going?” You could hear a very miserable Coyote in the background, Fanboy giving him small reassurances. It was quite funny to be honest.
“I just dropped off Hangman, I’m man free and headed home.”
“How’d it go?”
“Well,” you started laughing. “Rooster tried to hit on me, telling me how good my flight suit hugged my body and made all these innuendos. He kept telling me how he’d been waiting for forever to admit that he’d had his eyes on me for awhile.”
“Wait what?”
You thought you’d broken up during your explanation, so you began again when she stopped you. “No, no, I heard you. I’m just shocked. He’s never been like that. He usually hits on me a little but it’s more just asking for a dance and calling me baby. He’s never confessed something nor commented on my body.”
“Well, he’s probably scared of you Nat.” You chuckled trying to make an excuse.
“Do you think he was telling the truth?”
You swallowed hard, hoping she was joking. “No, maybe he just had more to drink than usual.”
“I-“ she sighed. “What about Hangman?”
“He’s a Level 5 clinger.”
Her laugh rang through the phone, “Oh, I know. He is so touchy it’s adorable.”
“I totally plan on using it for blackmail. He tried to get me to stay over so he could ‘hold me more’. He also told me he loves me twice.”
“He said he loves you??”
“Please tell me he does that to you too.”
“Uh…no, nor does he ask me to stay over. He usually just whines because he wants cuddles.
“You know Y/N, drunk words are sober thoughts.”
“Shut up, they do not feel that way towards me. They were drunk, that’s all Nat.” You did not want to be caught up in this mess, especially with those two.
“You never know, but hey, Coyote’s throwing up again, I gotta go. Get some rest girl, thanks for taking them!” She hung up just as you were pulling up to your place.
Could they really feel that way towards you? Or was it just the alcohol talking?
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thebunztalk · 9 months
A Breaching Situation
4140 word count
Chapter 1: Thank you for visiting
Chica finishes her guitar solo and with one final strum, the crowd cheers. She always had fun when she’s on stage, everyone is so happy and excited when they’re performing, especially when they cheer for her solo but really, she couldn’t have done it without the encouragement from someone who knows guitar playing.
She would rather do nothing but perform and practice even if her bad habit gets in the way.
She kept on beat with her guitar, Freddy is about to sing but something is wrong, very wrong, his head is twitching then he falls over.
*THUD* Chica goes to Freddy to check on him while the other Glamrocks gathers around them she is not sure how is he malfunctioning but she hopes he’s okay,
Someone else kneels down next to her.
Roxy jumps off of the floating platform and the crowd gives a cheer, they should be afterall she is the best out of everyone in this plex. She gives the keys a few presses on the keytar, focusing nothing but her performance and the cheers of her fans.
*THUD* a sudden thud stops her playing, she turns to her left only to see Freddy laying down on the stage floor, twitching his eyelids and head.
Chica kneels down next to him, displaying a worried and confused look.
How Freddy is malfunctioning now? She’d say he ruined it but that wasn’t really his fault, she sits next to Chica, someone is behind them, he’s in shock.
Monty sways his tail from side to side while playing his bass, he’s enjoying the feel of the song and the energy of his friends’ performance.
Normally, he’d skips the performances so he could explore the plex, that and people don’t really like him too much because he replaced…whatever! He should be happy doing this…right?
*THUD* he quickly turns around to see the noise came from. Freddy’s laying down, twitching aggressively. Monty walks closer to Freddy, Chica and Roxy, he had his mouth agape. How did this happen? Is he malfunctioning? Is it the same thing what happened to….
Well he knows what he’s destroying tonight.
Gregory tries to escape from the guard, he looks around in the crowd, seeing if she lost him but as soon as he thought she did, he got caught.
“Finally! You really thought that you could get away with this!”
She gripped his arm so he couldn’t escape
“Let go of me!”
Why does nobody hearing this?
“NO! Just wait until I get yo-“
*THUD* both whipped their heads to the stage, Freddy fell over, he malfunctioned
Gregory able to get loose from her grip once again
Gregory runs away from the guard as fast as he can. He made it to the entrance of Monty golf, he sees one of the Glamrocks, Freddy being put on a hand truck by an employee, they pushed Freddy near Monty golf which is also next to Rockstar row. While the staff is busy with the customers and the Glamrocks including the guard, Gregory remembers that Freddy can open his stomach, for birthday cakes and things like that. He slowly opens the stomach so Freddy won’t wake up and freaks out, he climbs in and closes it. Two employees appears to carry Freddy to the Rockstar row, Gregory sighed in relief that he made it there just in time.
“What happened back there?”
Gregory heard one of the employees questioned
“It’s probably a system crash, y’know how technology works these days!” The other said.
They start to push the hand truck, making creaking noise as they wheeled
“Hey! You two!”
Gregory heard a yell, it’s that night guard lady! The employees stops the hand truck
“Hello there, Officer”
officer? Who calls a night guard an officer?
“Listen, there was a kid stealing food in the atrium area and now he’s probably wandering around backstage! Have any of you seen him?”
A silent pause occurs in the air
“Hmmm, that depends, what does he look like?”
“Ugh! I don’t know! Messy brown hair, um-bandage on his face, blue polo shirt with two stripes and cargo shorts?”
Wow, good eye
“Yyyeah, we haven’t seen him but! We will report to you if we did find him”
“Fine…just look for him before the ‘plex closes”
Gregory hears the footsteps sounds fainting away
“Bye! Officer”
the hand truck starts wheeling again.
Gregory could barely see a thing, a little light peers into the linear hole but the only thing he could see is the wallpapers of the entrance to Rockstar row, suddenly the hand truck moves left to right. Gregory holds onto Freddy for dear life
“I wonder why they’ve built a bunch of walls that we have to zigzag through”
“I think you should ask that question to the construction team”
“they’re still here?”
“Well, they’re building the new Roxy raceway tracks, so yeah”
“Huh, I haven’t seen them for while, tho”
Gregory hears the garage doors sliding open
“Y’know, it’s must’ve been cool to be the only night guard in this huge Pizzaplex and control its system”
how can a person control the entire building?
“That doesn’t really make it fun, though”
“how would you know that?”
“You just don’t know about the Night Guard Experience™️”
“Trademarked by the Five Nights At Freddy’s game franchise”
Gregory raised an eyebrow, Five nights at Freddy’s? They have their own game AND it’s a franchise!?
“How does that relate to what I’ve said?”
“That being a night guard is not actually easy and the fact there’s killer animatronics trying to kill them”
“We don’t know if the Glamrocks are killers, tho”
“Well, it’s not like people just go missing for no reason, especially kids.”
That thought chilled Gregory for a little
“And besides, maybe that’s why the good Officer wants to find that kid so badly.”
The silence is pretty deafening, sounds like that other guy doesn’t know what to say either
“Welp we’re here!”
They continue to wheel the hand truck until a beep occurs
“Okay on three, you’re gonna catch him and put him in his standing position”
“Got it!”
A slight thump from the behind, one of the employees caught Freddy from falling, luckily, he didn’t see who’s inside the stomach.
“Ok, that’s all of the work for today!”
“It’s too bad we didn’t find the kid”
“Let’s just hope it ends well for him”
“Hm…if you’re hearing this, good luck kid!”
The door slides shut. ‘good luck’ huh? The only luck he needs is how he’s gonna get out of here, Gregory tries to find a way to open the stomach, he puts his hand on the side of the hatch and slowly pushes it open but then a robot machinery hums, it’s sounds like Freddy’s booting up. Gregory pulls his arm, trying to stay quiet while the Glamrock bear wakes up.
Freddy slowly opens his eyes, his system is on safe mode.
“Showtime already? I am experiencing a malfunction. The recharge cycle is not complete.”
If he’s talking this loud, then Gregory could get caught in any minute and he’d have nowhere to go…
“Shh! Will you shut up?!”
Freddy got stunned by a child who is talking directly in his ear?
“Who said that?”
“I did! I’m down here!”
Freddy looks down to the floor but there is no child
“Down where? I still do not see you.”
“Okay listen, you were sleeping so I opened your stomach hatch and climbed inside.”
Freddy puts his hand on his chest cavity
“My stomach hatch? That place is reserved for oversized birthday cakes and piñatas! It is not a safe play area!”
He knew Freddy would freak out. Freddy turns around and opens his chest cavity, Gregory sees the inside of the bear’s green room, he steps out of the hatch, Freddy grabs his shoulders and turns him around.
“There you are!”
Freddy scans him with his eyes, Gregory squints his eyes from how bright it is.
“Scanning complete.”
He lets go of Gregory’s shoulders, putting him down
Tumblr media
“How odd, your…guest profile is unknown to me…who are you?”
He tilts his head. Gregory becomes a bit nervous, he never talks to a robot before, let alone a robot that’s four times as his size.
“I- I’m…Gregory…”
Freddy blinks curiously
“Gregory…hm, I will notify the main office.”
His ears starts to spin around like satellites and a humming machinery comes to a play but two sudden beeps stops it.
“Huh, connection error. I cannot connect to the main network.”
Gregory’s eyes widen, if those two employees are right then the night guard can control the whole system and she’s trying to get him!
“It’s her! She cut you off. She’s not going to let you call for help until she finds me.”
Freddy wiggles his ears and raises an eyebrow as Gregory looks around the green room
“Who? Who is looking for you? Your mother?”
Gregory turns to the curtain closed window
“Shh! I hear footsteps!”
He runs to the window to see what’s outside along with Freddy, a woman walks past the window wearing a security outfit. It’s the night guard!”
“That is the security guard. She can help!”
“No! No, I don’t trust her.”
Gregory whispers. It’s one thing that she can control a system and two if she’s half of the reason on why people have gone missing.
“Why not?”
Freddy tilts his head once again
“I don’t know who she is but she’s trying to get me.”
Gregory looks back at the window, seeing if she noticed Freddy was talking loudly
“Isn’t there some other way for you to communicate with me besides talking so loudly?”
Freddy looks up to think
“Take this”
He gets a present from the corner of his desk.
“It is a novelty Freddy Fazwatch.”
Freddy lends the present to Gregory. He looks at the box, seeing there���s a music box handle on it, he spins it around, Freddy looks at him with excited eyes. The present opens like a Jack in the box but with confetti, small confetti. Gregory looks of what’s inside the present and it’s the Fazwatch, he puts it on and- *BEEP*
“What was that?!”
“I am sending you a encoded message”
Gregory turns on his Fazwatch and sees a camera, map, and message tab. The message tab has a star notification, Gregory goes into it and it has a audio message, he plays it.
“Hello Gregory! it is me, Freddy! I will escort you to the main entrance. However I am unable to leave this room, you should have no problem! There is a button on the wall that will open to the back room. I will make it accessible to you now!”
Beep can be heard from the wall, it’s near the skateboard arcade machine. Gregory looks at Freddy
“You could’ve just directly told me”
“I want to make sure the audio speaker is working”
Gregory pushes the button and it opened a whole new room. Dark room.
“Well done, Gregory. There is an open air vent inside the maintenance room. You will have to climb through the ventilation system and release me from the outside.”
Gregory stood in front of the maintenance room, he starts to get a little nervous again.
“I-It’s…pretty dark in there”
He looks back at Freddy
“There’s nothing to be scared of. You can do it”
Gregory nods and goes inside the back room.
He looks around and sees a bunch of boxes stacked up to the vent, he climbs up and crawls into the small space.
He goes through the vent until a voice echoes
“Your performance was perfect tonight! Thank you”
Gregory sees a ventilation hatch and what’s outside of it is Roxanne Wolf
“Your hair is beautiful, your tail is beautiful”
Gregory scrunches his face
“Everyone was watching you, everyone loves you, everyone wants to BE you. You are the best! Thank you. I am the best. I am the best”
Gregory rolls his eyes and decides to crawl left
“Your fans are watching you right now”
He hopes she meant that metaphorically. The vent around Gregory became darker and a green light piercing through, another voice echoed. This time it’s a bunch of grunts and yells, it sounds like Monty?
Gregory tries to see through the ventilation hatch but it’s so dark, he decides to bail until an object almost hits the hatch. Gregory panics and crawls even faster. A sharp sting pierces his skin, he stops to look at his left knee, there was a small metal that scratched it. He licks his thumb to wipe the blood off his knee, then he continues to crawl, slowly this time.
He hears a guitar playing through, it must be Chica. The vent hatch shows Chica practicing her instrument, she’s really good at it and maybe the most normal one out of the three.
Gregory finally founds a way out from the vent, he jumps down and looks around the Rockstar row, he sees all of the museum stuff was from the old pizzerias. Gregory passes the green rooms to get Freddy out, he looks at Freddy’s window and he’s staring back at him with his glowing eyes…it’s kinda creepy. *BEEP* the Fazwatch got a new notification, did Freddy send a new message?
Gregory opens the notification and it said
CUSTOMER COMPLAINT - We paid for the Glam Freddy Mega Deluxe Party Package and Freddy broke down as soon as he got on stage. We paid to have him at the table and sing happy birthday. He was supposed to give her the cake! My daughter’s birthday has been ruined. I demand a refund.”
Gregory walks to Freddy’s door while he’s reading it and it looks like some people were pretty mad about Freddy getting malfunction. He tries to open the door but a beep comes out of it, Gregory sighed
“The stupid door won’t open!”
He shouts through the door
“Oh? You are going to need a Photo Pass to open the door. Apologies, I assumed you had one already”
Freddy spoke through the Fazwatch
“Of course I don’t have one”
“Well, you should be able to find one at a convenience counter.”
“Where’s that?”
“There is a roll up door near my room. I’m sure you can find it there”
Gregory goes to the garage door but it stayed close, he tries to lift the door open and it’s surprisingly light, he goes inside and sees a Glamrock Freddy cutout says one free Photo Pass! And a spotlight shines down on a present. Gregory grabs it and winds it up just like the Fazwatch present, it opens with small confetti then he gets the Photo Pass.
He goes back to Freddy’s door and slides the pass on the door handle *BEEP*
“Way to go Superstar! I knew you could do it.”
Freddy puts his fist in the air after the door was open, Gregory smiles a bit
“I know how to get you out of here, climb back to my chest cavity. There is still time so we must hurry. If I am spotted, I will certainly be taken back to my room. I will escort you to the main exit through the utility tunnels, it is the safest path.”
“Ok but you better be careful moving around. I don’t want to be crushed and twisted into a meat pretzel”
Gregory crosses his arms
“I will be sure of that”
Gregory climbs into his stomach hatch and tries to be comfortable as he can
“Oh! You can also look in my perspective through your Fazwatch”
Gregory opens his Fazwatch only to see what Freddy’s seeing right now. That’s more convenient than the little hole!
Freddy starts to walk to the door that has his symbol, he opens the door. It has a set of stairs.
“Freddy, did you send the message about you getting malfunction”
Freddy’s eyes widen
“No…I did not.”
“Did someone else did it?”
“That is not possible. The only one that is connected to the Fazwatch is me”
“How did I got the message then?”
“It could be the main network. It can send past messages from the staff and customers to whatever connected to it”
“So someone that’s connected to the network sent this?”
Freddy walks down the fourth flight of stairs.
“Hello! Little boy? If you’re down here, say something!”
“She’s down here! We have to go back!”
Gregory whisper-yelled
“Do not worry Gregory. Even if we are spotted, you are safe with me. She would never suspect we are traveling together. However we should still do our best to avoid her. If I am sent back to my room, we will never get to the lobby before midnight.”
They made it to the tunnels, if Freddy can be fast enough, Gregory can get out of here! *BEEP* *BEEP* Freddy and the Fazwatch starts to beep
“I am detecting blood, you are injured!”
Gregory looks down at his knee, it’s bleeding again! It’s because he climbed into the hatch earlier.
“It’s just a scratch from the vent, I’m fine”
“No, I must take you to the first aid station.”
Freddy walks faster to the right instead of the tunnel
“There’s no time! I’m fine!”
Freddy goes to the area that has the first aid station and he opens his chest cavity, Gregory comes out of it.
“Freddy, I said I’m fine!”
“Nonsense, now let me treat the injury”
They go to the station. Freddy grabs the first aid kit and opens it, he takes the alcohol and pours a bit into the cloth
“It will sting a little, but I hope you can handle it”
Freddy pats the wound with the cloth, Gregory scrunches his face, holding in the pain. Freddy grabs a bandage and tries to get the bandaid from its wrap without ripping it, squinting his eyes.
“Can you just rip the wrap off”
“No, I may have got it”
Footsteps can be heard from the stairs, Freddy wiggles his ears
“Stay here please.”
Freddy went out from the first aid station. Gregory opens the curtains a little and sees Freddy standing at the entrance, he rips the wrap off and put the bandage on his knee.
They hear the steps echoes through, the security guard came out from the right side of the room, she notices Freddy after she locks the gate behind her.
“Freddy! You’re supposed to be on lockdown!”
Gregory watches the conversation behind the curtains.
“O-officer Vanessa. U-uh-I do not know how I got here”
So her name is Vanessa?
“Well, you totally blew it tonight, you know. Your system crashed and you ruined the show. Now parts and service have you reduced power, they said it’s a safety precaution. Just one more thing to deal with…”
Freddy looks down
“Ok…look, we’re like- 15 minutes from closing and some kid sneaking around backstage. If you see ANYTHING, notify me immediately. I already alerted the others, now go back to your room!”
Vanessa walks pass Freddy, heading to the utility tunnels. Freddy looks back down after she left. Gregory is starting to think Freddy’s different. He just don’t know what. He doesn’t feel like a robot, that’s for sure.
“I told you she was after me”
Gregory comes out of the first aid station, Freddy looks up
“I’ve said nothing! I will keep you safe, let us go.”
Freddy opens his stomach hatch, Gregory rolls his eyes while he climbs in. Freddy walks into the tunnel again with no Vanessa in sight.
“Where are we?”
“We are now under the Pizzaplex, these utility tunnels connect ALL the attractions”
Freddy says in awe
“We can go anywhere in the building?”
“Correct! Fazer blast, Monty golf, Roxy raceway. They are all accessible to S.T.A.F.F -with high enough clearance, of course! Guests are never allowed down here but uh-“
Freddy sees at the end of the tunnel and there’s staff bots surrounds a broken one behind the gate, he decides to not take note of it and continues to walk up the staircase.
“Yours is a special situation”
Gregory raises an eyebrow
“I can see that”
Suddenly Freddy’s vision is flashing with the low power sign, he walks faster to exit the utility tunnels. As soon as he found a recharge station, he opens his chest cavity to let Gregory out.
“I am terribly sorry. The recharge cycle had not yet completed when I first found you.”
Freddy’s voice suddenly sounds droopy
“You must continue without me. I will guide you on your Fazwatch in case you get into any trouble.”
Freddy walks into the recharge station
“I don’t know if i can do this alone!”
“Do not worry”
Freddy’s voice became muffled
“You can ask for my guidance on your Fazwatch”
Gregory sighs
As Gregory opens the door, *BEEP* he got a new message and it reads
ATTENTION KITCHEN STAFF - All food materials must be securely stored at closing. Chica has been caught eating from the kitchen garbage after hours. The maintenance repairs are costly and will come out of kitchen staff paychecks -MANAGEMENT”
So it tells him that he’s gonna deal with Chica. Turns out the most normal one is the most NOT normal one. He opens the bathroom door and-
“It’s Chica! Maybe I can distract her with something…”
Gregory looks around and sees a stack of paint cans on a table, he pushes it
Yes! It worked. Gregory crouches down and goes to the bathroom, he walks pass as Chica tries to look around at the table. Gregory runs through the hallways and he made it to red lit tunnel.
He sees the lobby sign, he must be getting closer. He hears a growl behind him, the gate suddenly gets clawed open
“There you are!”
Monty found him!
Gregory runs through that place, he sees Roxy gets barricaded by the gate
“Are you lost?”
Of course not!
Gregory opens the door to the lobby, he found a way out. He hears Monty roaring and growls as he chase him, then suddenly a stack of boxes broke through
“Lost boy over here!”
He thought he had Chica distracted!
Great, Now he’s getting chased by two robots! He runs to upstairs, he can hear the clanging noise from the robots’ footsteps.
He sees some sort of room and runs towards it and closed the door. He’s really out of breath after that one.
“Well done, Gregory. You found a security office. You should be quite safe here! The doors were designed to keep our highly-trained security staff safe in the event of an emergency. A-as long as the doors stay closed, which they will! As long as there is ample power…”
Gregory looks at the power gage that is right next to the door…seriously!
“Freddy!…the power is only at 15% and they’re pounding on the door! How am I going to get out of here?”
“Do not panic. You should see an interface on the security desk. Hold on while I make it accessible to you”
Gregory looks at the Freddy shaped button on the desk
“There, you can now activate security protocols.”
*BEEP* Gregory pushes the button
“Your Fazwatch is now connected to the security camera system. Check the map on your Fazwatch.”
Gregory opens his Fazwatch and the cam tab is working!
“Those boxes on your mini map are nearby security cameras. When movement is detected by the cameras’ motion sensors, you should see red alert icons. Switch between the cameras to find a safe path out of the office and to the main lobby.”
Gregory presses one of the red alert cam and he sees Monty banging on the door.
Gregory quickly goes out of the office, he notices a laundry cart…he could hide there if he ever gets caught. He checks the cams again, Chica is right there, she’s also eating the garbage out of that room. Gregory runs into the room and goes in the opposite direction where Chica is going.
He finally opens the lobby door but sadly
“Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex is now closed. Initiating nighttime protocols.”
Gregory runs to the entrance
“No! No, I’m still here!!”
His voice echoed through the lobby…he didn’t make it.
“Now what I’m supposed to do?”
He sits on the cold floor of the Pizzaplex
“How unfortunate, Gregory. You missed your chance, but there is still hope! You should be able to escape when the security doors reopen at 6 AM. Until then, keep moving and try not to draw attention to yourself. If there’s another way out, I will help you find it, I promise.”
“Okay! I can do this!”
Gregory stands up for his exploration in the Pizzaplex.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Take a Chance On Me Chapter 8: Slipping Through My Fingers - also on AO3
Wheeler muses on the meaning of family, and finds his answer through the ones he loves the most.
Wheeler takes a second to right himself. Kris sometimes forgets her own strength. “What? I don’t know.”
“He seemed…nice,” Kris decides. “Is he nice?”
“I think so,” Wheeler says.
“You seem kind of freaked out, though,” Kris says. “Do you want to go for a walk?”
He doesn’t realize just how much he needs one of their silent moments of companionship until it’s offered. “Yes. Oh, my god, yes.”
“When we get back to the hotel, we’ll go,” Kris says, voice quiet and comforting. “We just need to get out of here, first.”
They all pile into Lee’s rental car and get back to the hotel, where Kris immediately grabs Wheeler by the arm and steers him toward the back exit that opens up to the beach.
“Nyla, be back soon,” she says over her shoulder. Wheeler doesn’t know how she knows Nyla heard, but when he looks behind them as they walk away, Nyla’s got a soft smile on her face.
They walk along the beach for a while, the cool breeze settling Wheeler’s nerves. Kris’ hand bumps against his from time to time, a silent reminder that she’s here, that they’re steady, that he’s okay.
 When they turn around and head back toward the hotel in silent agreement, Wheeler actually grabs her hand. It’s loose enough that she could pull away, if she wanted, but she turns her hand so she can hold it more tightly.
“You okay?” she asks quietly.
Wheeler nods, and he realize from the sting of the breeze on his cheeks that he’s crying. “Yeah.”
Kris stops them, and looks at him in that way that makes him feel like a far off star she’s just discovered. Being the recipient of that depth of examination has always been intimidating. But it’s always felt like home. “This is a lot,” she says. “I can tell.”
“I thought I’d know who it was,” Wheeler finally says. “I – I feel like I’m a bad person or something because I didn’t know on sight.” He squeezes his eyes shut, wishing he wasn’t feeling this hopeless the night before his wedding. “Maybe this was a mistake.”
Kris is quiet for a moment. “Maybe,” she says. She’s always so honest. “And that’s okay. You did what you needed to do, right? And even if you don’t figure out which one it is,” she pauses, and he can see the way she searches for the words in the moonlight, “it’s not like it changes anything. You’ve always had the best dad, of anybody. That doesn’t change because you do or don’t find the other one.”
Wheeler isn’t sure words are enough, so he steps into her space and hugs her with enough room for her to step away if she needs to. She doesn’t, thank god, and pulls him close. “It’s all gonna be great,” she whispers into his ear. “I promise.”
Kris doesn’t make promises she can’t keep, doesn’t say things like that unless she’s sure.
“I believe you,” Wheeler says. “I believe you.”
It’s not horribly late when he gets back to his hotel room, but he barely slept that morning and won’t be surprised if he crashes well before eleven. Claudio isn’t back, though. He decides not to press. Instead, he puts on his pajamas and curls up in the tightly made hotel bed, sliding in between sheets that don’t quite feel like home. There’s some old reruns of The Nanny on, ones his dad used to play when Wheeler was home sick and couldn’t sleep, and it feels like a good lullaby.
He’s woken up some time later by a soft hand on his arm.
“It’s just me, Schatzi,” Claudio murmurs, kissing his shoulder. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
Wheeler shuffles back so he’s pressed up against Claudio, and suddenly it feels like home again. “Glad you’re back,” Wheeler mumbles through a haze of sleep. “Worried you’d be out late.”
“It’s two in the morning,” Claudio laughs, “so I kind of was.”
“You came home,” Wheeler says. “All that matters. Have fun?”
“Yeah,” Claudio says, “good to catch up with my friends.”
“Going back to sleep now,” Wheeler says, already drifting off. “Love you.”
He thinks Claudio says something back, but he misses it in the haze of sleep.
He wakes up with one thought in his head: he’s getting married today. He turns over to tell Claudio, to celebrate with him, but Claudio is snoring like a lawnmower and drooling on the pillow.
Slowly, the memory of Claudio coming in comes back to him, and Wheeler dresses and sneaks out of the room as quietly as he can so he doesn’t disturb his fiancé. His almost husband, he thinks with a grin.
Unsure of where to go, he makes his way downstairs to grab a bagel from the continental breakfast, then meanders over to back deck, overcome by a sudden desire to stand where he will that night.
“What’re you doing up so early?” Chuck asks, frowning. “Everything okay?”
“What? Yeah,” Wheeler says. He didn’t realize anyone else would be out here. “Why are you up so early?”
Chuck wiggles his phone. “My friends – the ones I live with – won’t stop calling me. They keep forgetting I’m on the west coast right now.”
Wheeler nods. They sit in a strange silence for a few minutes, and Wheeler hopes he’s not the only one searching for some sort of conversation. He decides to dive in. “So, uh. Can I ask a weird question?”
Chuck shoves his phone in his pocket. “Shoot.”
“Do you, um,” Wheeler wishes Claudio were next to him. Or Lee. Or, hell, even Danny. It’s always easier to ask these questions when he has his backup. “Do you see any of yourself in me?”
Chuck stares at him, really stares. It goes on for longer than Wheeler particularly feels comfortable with, almost long enough that Wheeler begins to regret asking. “Dude, I don’t even know,” Chuck finally says. “To be honest, I never, uh. I didn’t really ever plan on having kids or getting married. Not into that kind of thing, you know? Your dad and I, we had fun that night, but I really haven’t had a relationship before. Or since.” He shrugs. “Maybe this makes me a dick, but I didn’t really think about it after it happened.”
Wheeler tries not to feel too stung by it. “Yeah. Right. Of – of course.” He fiddles with his hands. “I’m sorry if I made things weird by inviting you.”
Chuck leans against the post. “I don’t think it’s weird, exactly,” he says, frowning. “I think it’s unexpected. But, I don’t know. I don’t have any kids, so thinking of you as mine is kind of fun. My best friends and I have our own pod together.”
Wheeler must have some sort of expression, something that asks the question he’s too scared to, because Chuck follows it up with, “I’m not married or anything. Don’t plan on it ever.” He taps his fingertips on the wood, eyes on the ocean. “Took me a while to figure it out, but I don’t do the whole partner, sex, things. Aroace, as the kids call it.”
“Cool,” Wheeler says. “You live with your friends?”
“Yeah, my best friend, some of our buddies.” He grins, shaking his head. “They’re a weird group of people, but I love them, you know?”
Wheeler thinks of Danny, of Kris, of Lee, of Claudio. “Weird is the best,” Wheeler decides.
The silence falls heavy, with Wheeler desperate for something else to say but unable to figure out what it is.
“Well,” Chuck says, clapping Wheeler on the shoulder. “I better get inside. Gonna try to get a nap in before everything goes down.” He smiles. “I, uh. I know you were hoping for me to be there at the wedding, and I will be. But I wanted to ask…” He trails off a little. “Well, I’m not sure exactly how to say it, but if you want me to do something at your wedding, I’m there. Just tell me what it is.”
Wheeler feels something well in his chest, something a little like dying hope as he still can’t find himself in Chuck’s face. “I will,” he promises, smiling at the man who might be his other father. “I’ll let you know.”
Chuck walks back inside, and Wheeler is left at peace with the ocean and his bagel. He eats slowly, letting the sunshine warm him and the cool salt air calm him, and he’s almost done when he hears a familiar voice.
“Hey there, Potato.”
Wheeler turns around to see Mox there with a smile. “Hey, Dad.”
“Thought I’d find you out here.” He leans against the railing, and it’s bizarrely similar to the way Chuck had been leaning earlier. Wheeler doesn’t allow himself to be frustrated with the way he finds echoes anywhere but in himself of the other possible fathers.
“Having breakfast,” Wheeler says, and he pops the last bite into his mouth. “What’s up?”
“Can I tidy up your beard for you?” Mox asks, and it’s hesitant in a way Wheeler’s not used to from his father.
Wheeler reaches up to his face. He’d shaved a few days before, thought it was fine. “Huh?”
His dad scrubs a hand through his hair. “I, uh. There’s nothing wrong with it. But it might be nice for us to have some time together. Before everything gets crazy.”
Wheeler nods. “Yeah. Course.”
They make their way up to Mox’s hotel room, a bit smaller than the one Wheeler shares with Claudio, but nice either way. It really did pay to be a small business in a small town with connections, even if those connections required making nice with the Jacksons.
He sits silently as his father meticulously trims his beard. He watches the movements in the mirror, and it reminds him of when he was in elementary school, when the gym wasn’t going as well as they’d hoped, and his dad had made haircuts at home like a fancy day out. Whatever cartoon Wheeler wanted, some popcorn, and ice cream at the end.
“You okay, Potato?” Mox asks gently. “I didn’t nick you, did I?”
“No,” Wheeler says, and he’s surprised at how much this is choking him up. “I just – thank you, Dad. I –” He loses the words, and turns, burying his face in Mox’s chest, like he did when he was a little kid.
“Hey, buddy,” Mox says, hand resting on the top of Wheeler’s head, “what’s going on?”
Wheeler lets it wash over him, the way his dad has always made him feel like nothing could hurt him.
Mox shushes him quietly, just like he had after a nightmare or an injury. “Wheels, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Wheeler manages. He pulls back a little to look into his father’s concerned eyes. “Just. Thank you for being the best dad.”
Mox grins. “Nah, thank you for being the best kid.” He leans down and kisses the top of Wheeler’s head. “You made being a dad easy, once you got past the colic and the puking on me all night.”
“Yeah, but, like,” Wheeler tries to find the words, tries to figure out what exactly he’s trying to thank him for. “I know it couldn’t have been easy, raising a kid in your situation.”
“You stop,” Mox says, holding up his hand. “I chose you. I made the decision to be your dad and it’s the best goddamn decision I ever made.” His smile goes a little watery, and Wheeler is suddenly taken back to the day he graduated college. First in his family to do it. “Easy wasn’t the end goal. Beautiful was the end goal.” He looks at Wheeler in the mirror, their eyes meeting. “You were the end goal. That is all that mattered.
Wheeler can’t hold the eye contact, and his dad is generous enough to not push, just hands him a tissue and rests a reassuring hand on Wheeler’s shoulder. After a few moments, he dries his eyes. “Love you, Dad.”
“Love you, too.” He checks Wheeler’s face in the mirror. “Fuck, I missed a spot. Hold still so I can make you look all handsome and shit for Claudio.” He grins. “Your almost husband.”
Wheeler feels butterflies, wiggles in his seat a little bit. “Yeah. Eight or nine hours, right?”
They’re quiet for a while as Mox touches up, making sure everything is right. It’s comfortable, safe, and something about it takes away the anxiety of the day, of the weekend, of life.
“Alright,” Mox says. “Looks good. You okay with it?”
Wheeler looks. “Yeah.” He checks his face and, honestly, it looks better than it has in ages. Possibly ever. “Thanks. It looks great.”
Mox grins, a little smug. “Yeah, I know.”
Wheeler jumps out of the chair and shakes out some of his anxiety. “I, uh. I should probably go check on Claudio. He got in late last night and he’s probably waking up now.”
Mox nods. “I’ll see you later, kiddo. Have fun out there.” He yanks Wheeler in for a kiss to the top of his head. “Love you.”
When he gets back to his hotel room, Claudio is still snoring on the bed.
“Right where I left you,” he says. He takes a running start and leaps on the bed, jostling the bed enough for Claudio to roll and wake up.
“What the – what are you doing?!”
“It’s almost eleven,” Wheeler says, grinning down at him. “You’ve had plenty of sleep. Get up.”
Claudio pouts. “It’s my wedding day. Don’t I get to sleep in for my wedding day?”
“Again. It’s almost eleven.” He yanks at Claudio’s hand. “Come on. Let’s get something to eat. Last meal officially single.”
“That sounds rather ominous,” Claudio mutters, but he lets Wheeler grab him out of bed and down to the breakfast bar, still clad in pajamas.
Kris and Nyla are there, too, sharing fruit and a Danish and looking cuter than possible.
“Morning, lovebirds,” Nyla says. “Freaking out yet?”
“We aren’t freaking out,” Wheeler says automatically. Then he turns to Claudio. “I mean, I’m not.”
“I’m all good,” Claudio says. And he looks it, too. The drinks and the late night haven’t left their mark on his smiling eyes, on his perfect face.
Wheeler shakes his head a little. He’s pretty sure Nyla’s saying something important.
The conversation is easy, like they’ve all known each other their whole lives. Wheeler suddenly thinks about how it might look a few months or years down the line, when they’re having a conversation during the morning of Kris and Nyla’s wedding. It makes him feel warm, cozy. Like forever is an option for all of them.
They finish and leave, and Wheeler realizes this is the last time he’ll be seeing Claudio until they meet on the deck later that day.
“So,” Wheeler says.
Claudio swings their hands. “So.”
“Probably the last time we see each other before we’re getting married.”
There’s words that probably need to be said, something that ramps up to the crescendo where they fuck on the balcony or get caught by somebody’s mistress/
Instead, Claudio pulls him in for a devastating kiss, and Wheeler thinks that works.
“I’ll see you at the altar,” Wheeler says, grinning at the dazed look in Claudio’s eyes.
“Hmm?” Claudio blinks, looking a little stupid about it. Wheeler preens a little bit. “Yes. Right.” He shakes his head a little. “I’m so glad I get to marry you.”
“I’m glad I get to marry you.”
Wheeler stands on his toes and pulls Claudio down again, because maybe, if he kisses him hard enough, he can still feel those lips like a brand throughout the day.
“I love you to the moon,” Claudio says, starry eyed.
“Love you even farther.” Wheeler squeezes Claudio’s hand, and watches him walk in the opposite direction, toward Drew’s room. He’ll be there until the ceremony begins, getting ready with his friends while Wheeler gets ready with his.
Wheeler’s about to go upstairs to get started, a little ahead of schedule, when someone clears their throat. He turns, and there stands William Regal.
“Oh. Hi.”
“You look dashing, young man,” Regal says. He pats Wheeler on the shoulder gently. “The wonders of a beard trim.”
“My dad did it,” Wheeler says, and he’s beginning to wonder if his beard has been a mess the past few days and nobody said anything. He’s also wondering if that was a compliment or an insult. He couldn’t guess if his life depended on it.
Regal still has a mild, pleasant smile on his lips. “Any jitters?”
Wheeler shakes his head. “No. Well, not about the wedding.”
Regal studies his face. “Something else troubling you?”
“I mean,” and Wheeler can’t help himself from laughing, “I invited three men who may or may not be my other father, to my wedding, and now I still can’t figure out which one of you it is.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “It’s the dumbest idea anybody’s ever had, and yet, I pulled it off.”
“If it’s any consolation,” Regal says, “I would have to say any time in your presence would be a gift. To any of us, your father or not.”
Wheeler stares at him. “Really?”
The way Regal nods is almost solemn. “My time around your father, while brief, was some of the best of my life.” He drops his head. “My regret around leaving due to my own fear has haunted me every morning since my departure. Knowing you may have been the result of our one moment together…” He trails off and meets Wheeler’s eyes. “Well, it grants me some solace knowing I may have helped in creating such a beacon of light in the world.”
It's a compliment Wheeler doesn’t know how to take, or how to interpret. “That’s, uh. That’s some pretty big words from somebody who only met me a few days ago.”
Regal’s smile is gentle. “It doesn’t take a man long to recognize goodness.”
Wheeler opens his mouth, unsure of what he’d planned to say, but his phone alarm goes off. “Shit,” he mutters, looking down. “Shit, I have to go get ready.”
“Of course, my dear,” Regal says. “I wouldn’t dream of keeping you. Go prepare for your wedding, Wheeler. May this evening be the foundation for a beautiful life.”
Wheeler waves and darts off. The whole time he’s getting ready – Nyla offers to style his hair, and he thinks he’ll kick Kris if she doesn’t lock her down sooner rather than later – he’s stuck on the four conversations, the four possible fathers.
“Dude, your head is in space,” Danny says, legs kicked up as he’s texting somebody. He’s lounging on one of the nice hotel chairs, looking comfortable and relaxed as possible. “You okay?”
“Just – how is getting married the least stressful part of my weekend?” He checks his reflection in the mirror. “Holy shit, you got that cowlick under control.”
“Part of my talents,” Nyla says, grinning. “You look great.”
He stands, and Kris does his tie for him, like always. “How do I still not know which is my dad? Like, does that make me a bad son?”
“No way,” Lee says. “I mean, I grew up with my mom and my dad, and sometimes I have trouble believing I’m their kid now that I’m grown. Adults are weird, man. Just because they’re in your DNA doesn’t mean they’re in your personality.”
Wheeler nods as Kris tosses him his jacket, thinking about how Seth and Roman and Eddie were also his parents, how they went to school meetings with him, how they’d taken him to the doctors, their family trips. The time when Seth carried Wheeler out of the car to the emergency room while Mox parked when Wheeler had the flu in first grade, singing old Patsy Cline songs to calm him down when the fever made him hallucinate. The time Eddie went toe to toe with a homophobic principal in tenth grade, daring the guy to hit him first for how he treated Wheeler. The year Roman spent dedicated to teaching Wheeler how to ride a bike, even when it was hard, picking him up and kissing his knee when it was bloody from the pavement. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“It’s all about safety,” Kris says, touching up her eyeliner. “If they make you feel safe, if they make you feel like home, then maybe they’re all your dad.”
Wheeler laughs. “Funny.”
“I’m serious,” Kris says. When she turns to him, she’s got that look again. “You guys are all my family, right? But we’re not, like related.”
Wheeler blinks, and scans the room. Danny, grinning at a text inevitably sent by Wheeler’s own uncle, whose companionship during freshman year of college saved Wheeler from four years of panic. Lee, who has been a brother to him since they were young enough to be wetting their pants in daycare, who refused to let their relationship collapse when he moved to LA to follow his dreams. Kris, who took one look at Lee and Wheeler on their first day at the big middle school and claimed them as her people, who named a star after her three best friends. “Holy shit…Seth and Eddie and Roman aren’t, like, technically my uncles.” He looks around. “Family doesn’t have to be DNA.”
“Are you just realizing that now?” Danny asks, and it’s not mean, exactly, but it’s not really kind. “Dude, family isn’t blood. Family is who you choose.” He goes pink. “Or whatever, I don’t know.”
“Family is who you choose,” Wheeler says, a little under his breath. “I can choose all three of them.”
“Yes,” Kris says, lighting up. “That’s exactly it. You don’t have to pick one to walk you down the aisle. You can walk with all of them.”
Wheeler feels the weight of the world lift off his shoulders, sees the sunrise at the end of this. “I can choose all three of them,” he says quietly.
He stands up and gets a good look at himself in the mirror, adjusts his tie, straightens his jacket. “I’m getting married today,” he says, and he can’t help the grin across his face. “Holy shit.”
He gets half tackled by his three best friends, almost crashing into the fancy hotel mirror, but it’s worth it. It’s so fucking worth it.
If you caught the Pirates of the Caribbean reference, I owe you a ficlet <3
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Brothers Accidentally Make the MC Cry
Hello, this is the obligatory italics blurb that I have to put under my titles or else things look weird and it bothers me. Don’t mind the blurb. The blurb is a friend. (Though I could start writing pieces of a little story up here just to see if anyone even reads them… Hm…. Ideas, ideas...)
Warning: Angsty
If he were being honest, he’d say that a part of him had always feared this would happen...
Lucifer likes to tell himself that he’s invincible, but everyday stresses can get to him just like anybody else. And like other people, he may not always act his best when he’s dealing with a full plate…
The MC hadn’t meant to make his day harder when they told him that they accidentally broke a lamp. It was a genuine accident! But Lucifer was still dealing with the fallout from another one of Mammon’s failed schemes, Satan had cursed all of his ties again, and Beel had eaten every scrap of food in the House… for the second time that week...
In comparison to everything else, a broken lamp was quite minor, but for Lucifer it was just the last straw and, for just a moment, he lost control…
His palm slamming against his desk hard enough to snap its legs and send it crashing to the ground. He scarcely knew what kind of look he had on his face, but whatever it was, he had made his human jump back in shock...
Really, it was silly for them to assume that he had gotten that upset over a lamp, but he saw tears starting to gather in their eyes all the same as they stammered out a quiet apology… 
It felt like an ice spike to the heart. Damn his temper… He really ought to have been more careful with them after… well, everything he’d done before…
He was quick to go over to them, catching their face with his hand and giving them the most sincere apology he could muster while wiping away their tears… Overreactions aren’t becoming of him and he hated to cause them pain… 
He, of course, took care of the lamp himself as penance and on the surface that seemed to be it (but to anyone paying attention, he had softened up on the MC considerably for at least a week. They probably could have sworn in front of Diavolo and he’d let it slide, he felt that bad about it...)
“I’m sorry, MC, I shouldn't have reacted like that… You haven’t done anything wrong, I promise… Please, there’s no need to cry…”
Oh? What's that? His heart is now in a million pieces now...? Well, that seems fair…
He and the MC were out on one of his gambling nights and he was actually on a killer winning streak for once! Jackpots around every corner, he was rolling in it!
The MC had tried to convince him to just throw in the towel early, take his winnings while he had them and bail, but he wasn’t hearing any of it.
In hindsight, their insistence must have really shown how much the MC cared about him and wanted him to keep his earnings... but in the heat of the moment all he saw was someone trying to spoil his one night of fun.
To be fair to Mammon, it’s rather rare for him to lose control of his anger like he did. But when they tried to pull him away from the roulette table, he genuinely snarled at them and told them to get lost...!
Fortunately, he regretted his actions immediately after he saw the hurt in their eyes…
If their goal had been to get him to step away from the table, they achieved it. But only because he got up to pull them into a hug while stammering out apologies… Watching them actually shed tears hurt worse than any rope Lucifer had ever tied around him...
He spent the rest of the night away from the casino and trying to cheer up his human like his life depended on it... Seeing them in pain just tore him up that much.
"Ah, come on MC… I'm sorry, honest…! Please don't look at me like that, I'll do whatever ya want okay...? Just no more cryin…"
Now thinks he's the worst, literally the worst. Lower than lesser demon spit. Lower than Cerberus' shit. Lower than… well, you get the idea…
Levi can get very… intense when things involving his passions are brought up. This can be a fairly endearing quality… but it also means he gets disproportionately impassioned about seemingly minor things.
Levi ended up snapping at the MC when they let him over-sleep one day. This wasn’t unusual for them to do as Levi’s sleep schedule was notoriously shitty, but they shouldn't have done it that particular day…
An item he wanted on Akuzon was going to go live that morning and he had to be awake to participate in the bidding. He had mentioned it to the MC the day before, but he blew past it so quickly they didn’t actually remember…
He found out that he missed the bidding after he woke up and he was pissed. Genuinely enraged that they didn’t remember to wake him up to the point that he was shouting and baring his fangs! 
… Really it was not a good look and he should have known better.
The look of fear and the tears gathering in the MC’s eyes snapped him out of it like a hard slap to the face, and somehow, it stung even more than that would’ve... It wasn’t long before he was crying along with them, practically begging for forgiveness...
He made it up to them by having a private showing of their favorite movie using a projector in the Planetarium, cuddling with them under a blanket while still, occasionally, muttering apologies under his breath.
“M-MC…? MC don’t cry…!! Please don’t cry, I- I’m sorry!! I… MC… I’m so sorry…”
Like Lucifer, he always worried this would happen and he hated when it finally came to pass…
He’d spent all his life learning how to restrain his temper, but it’s not a perfect science. There are the occasional times where the heat of the moment gets the better of him and he does something he regrets…
The MC had walked in on him one morning while he was fuming about Beel leaving the fridge empty again. It hadn’t been the first time they’d seen him like this, but this time he was absolutely furious.
He had told Beel again and again and again to get his snacking under control or to, you know, get up early and get more food so the whole family wouldn’t spend the morning starving but noooo! Mr. I’m Hungry never thinks about anything but his own stomach and then leaves whoever’s on kitchen duty to pick up the slack like some dimwitted muscle-bound meathead and THEN-!!
When the MC tried to take his arm to calm him down, he jerked their hand away from him and roared right in their face. He may not be a lion, but the full sound of a pissed off demon could make humans have breakdowns all on its own…
Which was more or less what the MC began to do as he gripped their wrist, panicking while taking shallow, stuttered breaths…
Satan's anger left him swiftly and he let them go, only reaching out to touch them again when he tried to wipe the tears from their cheeks… He had to coo and beg for them to calm down, which was only so successful because he was fighting back tears himself… 
On a scale of 1-10 of the worse things his temper has ever done, he'd rank this a firm 200... He refused to touch them for about a week afterwards and it took a long time for him to trust himself again… He just didn't want to hurt them...
"MC?? MC…? M… Oh no… MC, I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you! I… I wouldn't dare… please believe me..."
Oh baby! Sweetheart! Love of his life!! No, please no… don't subject him to this…
MC and Asmo were out dancing and some witch came by to try and flatter him.
Now, Asmo is a flirt normally, but get a few drinks in him and well… Let's just say his love of attention overrides his better judgment far more often than it should and friends don't let friends go home with creepy witches.
When the MC told the witch to scram, Asmo was confused and, frankly, quite irritated. That lovely lady had been stroking his ego in all the right ways and his human just scared her off so rudely!
Under most situations, Asmo would have kept his cool better but the haze of Demonus made his tongue loose... which let the venom fly…
He couldn’t quite remember what he said. The words left his mouth so quickly that they slurred together on his clumsy tongue, but it must have been enough because the MC flinched away from him.
That hurt all on its own, but as he started to process the pain in their eyes… he had never sobered up so fast...
He had their cheeks cupped in his hands and were kissing away their tears within the instant. Though the loud music at the club should have drowned out his apologies, the MC could see it written all over his equally tearful face…
He pulled them into his arms and then out of the club shortly after, the fog of Demonus that plagued him just moments before had long left him and all he knew was that the MC needed to be brought home and cuddled… stat.
“M-MC…? I’m sorry was it something… did I…? I’m so sorry… Please don’t cry…!”
He really didn't mean to shout so loud… honest... 
Beel becomes a completely different person when he’s hungry. He’s not entirely to blame, as his hunger can get so intense, but he still can snap from time to time when he really doesn’t mean to…
It was right after one of his practices and Beel hadn’t gotten a chance to eat in a few hours by the time the MC came to grab him from RAD. That already had him in a bad mood, but practice hadn’t gone too well for him either… 
He honestly didn’t realize how sharply he snapped at the MC when they asked him how he was. The irritation and frustration of the day all hit him at once and he became much harsher towards them than he ever intended…
It must have been the shock of seeing ever-sweet Beel suddenly get so aggressive with them that startled them so. He saw a couple tears gathering in their eyes before they could hide them and his heart just sank…
The MC was picked up in a crushing bear hug before they even let out their first sniffle. Beel didn’t even have to say how sorry he was, they could feel it in every squeeze he gave them. All while he completely ignored the growling of his stomach...
Beel wouldn’t let them go until he was certain they’d forgiven him which, honestly, took a while. Mammon was the one to ask why he had carried them all the way back to the House like a baby but… well, he didn’t need to know, now did he?
“MC, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have shouted… Are you alright...?”
Stubborn boi is stubborn and trying really, really hard not to crack right now...
That's not going to last long.
Belphie can be a bit of a brat and since he's the baby of the family so he's used to getting his way. He and the MC don't argue a ton, but when they do, he always digs his heels in and refuses to budge an inch on anything.
So what started out as a simple disagreement on how often Belphie would flake out on his chores turned into a kick-the-door-down argument over how much his laziness left the MC to pick up the slack...
It ended as all their barn burning arguments do, with demon-form Belphie sitting cross-legged on his bed refusing to look at them and the MC angrily pacing about the room until he cools off…
And then he heard it.
First a sniffle… and then a hiccup. Another sniffle then muffled whine…
Oh no… not this… Why are they crying…? They don't normally cry…
To his credit (or perhaps discredit), he managed to hold out for about two minutes before he finally glanced back at them. Seeing the MC wiping their tears all alone on the floor crumbled his resolve real quick.
The MC found themselves enveloped by Belphie's arms before they even noticed he got up. Naturally, he was pouting and trying to make it seem like "not a big deal or anything" but they could tell by the nervous twitch of his tail that he was hurting too…
Needless to say. Belphie started remembering his chores a lot more after that.
"Humans are so fragile… I didn't mean to make you cry, you know? I'll get things done just… Don't cry… please…"
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Not on my boat
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | whilst helping Sam fix his boat, during the midst of its progression, Bucky corners you within the old Wilson heirloom, leaving your friend and future captain, rather disgusted in the both of you.
Warnings | tfatws spoilers, mentions of death, some angst, smut, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, bit of choking, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Hearing the waves crash against the side of the boat brought a smile upon your face, as you felt the breeze brush against your face. It was peaceful, fixing something rather than leaving it broken in order to save lives. If you weren’t swarmed with the government on your tail about how you were not allowed to use your powers, you’d be living out a free and happy life with the man you loved.
You were enduring a break from your assistance on the old Wilson vessel, your legs plodded around its platform, as you surveyed every piece that was in progress. Soon it would be in tip top shape, and when Sam and Bucky’s relationship was on par with that, that was when the two of you had planned to leave. There were plenty of things the two of you had to make up for before you could reside in peace; one of those things was that list of his.
It was a ledger of the amends that he had to make, a reminder of all the lives that had either taunted his own, or he had stolen from whilst he was not himself. James did not deserve the grievance that he was pardoned with, he was struggling, that much was clear. He had lost Steve, and then he was forced to watch as the shield had been handed off to some wanna be cap. To say he had been furious at Sam was a deep understatement, but as said, he was making amends.
Sam was a good man, you had learnt that much from the time that you had spent avenging to him. You had yet to tell him, but you weren’t planning on going back to that life after Karli was stopped, you wanted to continue working in the small shot bar slash grill, where Bucky and Youri would visit during your hours for lunch, and remain in that partition of worlds. Having Bucky and normalcy was a fine balance, which was a deep seated structure that you deeply needed.
If you did not have that then you were sure you’d explode, and hurt someone, or break something. That was no longer your duty, the fighting that you had spent most of your life giving into was coming to an end, and you were more than fine with that. A civilian life sounded good enough, and something that you could definitely settle for, though, you weren’t sure that Bucky would do the same, you hoped that he would.
That gleam in his eye was far too noticeable every time that he looked at that star striped shield. It had brought him much pain, but it had been there in the corner of his sight everywhere he had went. And now, Sam Wilson, the man that his best friend had entrusted with it, finally accepted the mantle, holding it in his firm grasp, ready to become the next captain to walk the earth, and both you and him knew that he would do far better than Walker could.
He was already a hero, he’d been fighting the Sam foes as Steve for some time, that was enough to know that he was ready. His hesitancy had been understandable, more so after listening to Isiah, though, it was nice to see Sam take his own path on this one. There were pictures of his younger self assembled upon the wooden walls, he was with his sister Sarah. She seemed like a nice woman, a part of you wished that you get to know her better, but she wasn’t a buyer into the whole superhero get advantages agenda, and nor were you.
From what you could tell, Sam had his advantage right here; his family. Sarah was supportive of him, always aiding him necessary, whilst she simultaneously raised to young boys, that looked admirably up to their uncle, and feeding the kids that they went to school with because their parents had no intention to. If you could, you’d buy a replica of her life, her head was above water, although the boat almost wasn’t.
The boat. It was an heirloom, something that you did not have of your own family. Everyone was gone, the only person you had was Bucky, and thinking of him caused a light chuckle to fall from your lips, he made you endlessly happy. But neither of you could have the picture perfect life, and that was why the pair of you worked, you were each well aware of the restrictions that taunted you both, and had both been down dark roads on more than one occasion.
Things were turning brighter though, as the sun glared through the old glass, casting luminosity to stroke the high points of your face. A gently creak had your head diverting to the door way, where no other than James Barnes was leant up against, his metal arm pressed to the frame as he adoringly swept his oceanic pools over your form, slowly stepping closer.
“What are you thinking about doll?” He asked you, his tone genuine, as you sighed from his words, rubbing your eyelid as you felt a small itch. You puffed your cheeks, as you placed your hands on the super soldier’s waist, rubbing small and vigilant circles through his grey shirt.
“Too much.” It was an honest answer, everything was rattling around like pins in your mind, sinking in and letting loose to their own will. They could not be organised, they would only tumble about again, until the box was empty, though, for now, you had nowhere else to put them.
“Sarah said we could spend the night.” At his words, you hummed, taking note once more of how generous the woman indeed was. “We get the couch, so you best be on your best behaviour baby girl, nothing dirty goes on inside.” A small smirk crept its way onto his handsome face as you gasped at his spoken intention, lightly hitting the vibranium of his arm.
“Why do you blame me for not keeping it in my pants?” You interrogated him, glaring up at the man with a furrow between your brows. “You’re the one that corners me, a lot like this actually, so that you can get your own way and fuck m- oh, that’s exactly what you’re doing now, isn’t it?” You scoffed, crossing your arms and stepping away due to the man’s hormonal impulses. “Why am in not surprised?” You asked yourself, shaking your head at the behaviour of your partner.
“Hey, I’m doing us both a favour. Sex in someone else’s house is not exactly appreciated, and there’s kids, that i would rather not risk getting caught by.” He moved towards you, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand, as he pulled you closer by his grip. “At least then, there’s a chance I can survive the night, without being woken up by you sucking me off, or riding me.”
He was pushing your buttons, and he far well knew that, almost too well. It was his technique to get you riled up, that way, there’d be no dismissal of his current proposal, though, you continued to wear that adorable frown that he loved so much, and so, he gave your ass another firm squeeze, causing you to gasp against his chest. “Fucking on their dead parents’ boat isn’t exactly respectful either.”
“We’re helping fix it, may as well take our break on board, let loose a little, release all that’s clouding your mind.” He shrugged, knowing that his words were tempting you into complying with his lustrous whim, and so, to put another step in to helping his cause, he stepped back, reaching behind him to pull his shirt over the back of his neck, leaving his muscular torso bare, and free for your eyes to roam.
“That’s not fair.” You whined at him, not stopping yourself as you moved closer, and smoothed your hands down his stomach. “You’re such a tease Barnes, why couldn’t you have just fingered me in the public bathroom and waited until tomorrow?” A groan slipped from your mouth, as you peppered kisses over his warm flesh, tasting the sweat on his skin as your tongue swiped over the ridges of his six pack.
“Where would the fun have been in that?” He watched you roll your eyes, but continue to work your way down to his navel, stroking his v line with your fingertips. “We’ve had sex on a plane, might as well add a boat to the list.” Bucky remarked, groaning as you put your weight down onto your knees, looking up at him with your pretty eyes, as you palmed him through the denim of his jeans.
He could feel his cock stirring beneath the material, wanting more, eager to breach the layers that were keeping your tongue from rotating around him. But he remained still, as you swept your hair out from your face, the noise of your pulling down his zipper audible, as you sent him a naughty grin. The man above you licked his lips, breathing a sigh of relief when you tugged his jeans and boxers down, his erection swiftly bouncing up, the leaking tip pointing rudely at your face.
With a quick hand, you grasped his length, rubbing over his veins as you pumped him, spreading the moisture of his precum over his rigid skin, aiding you in your movements. As you proceeded to jerk him within your grip, your mouth moved forwards, your breath fanning over his balls before your tongue slipped out to stroke them, swiping up the droopy skin, as you suckled one into your mouth, contently moaning from the flavour of his skin.
Your eyes had shut as Bucky opened his own, watching you through a hooded gaze as you happily assisted his genitals, sending him into a crusade of pleasure as you used your well adversed skill set upon him. Your bottom lip ran up his shaft, slowly dragging along his reddened skin, until your reached the tip, your hands fleeing down to fondle with his sack, as your mouth stuffed itself full of his cock.
“Baby girl.” He breathed, his chest feeling tight as he stood there, practically naked aboard your friend’s boat. James gritted his teeth, watching as you effortlessly bobbed your head up and down half of him, lazily grinning as gagging sounds eventually emitted from your throat as you had him down the back of your throat, saliva slipping down your chin as you shook your head from side to side with him choking you with his dick.
Though he worried not for your struggle, not as you moaned against him, your lashes fluttering though your eyes were shut. He reached his vibranium hand down, stroking the side of your face with the cool metal, a high whine whistling it’s way out of your nose. Your spare hand reached up, cupping it against you, as you hollowed your cheeks, steadily breathing your nostrils.
A light frown covered your face as you focused on smoothing your tongue on his underside, causing Bucky to throw back his head, his stomach sternly clenching as he felt his balls twitch; and then, before he could fathom it, he was filling your mouth, cumming down your throat, as he pulled out, the last of his seed falling upon your tongue as he manhandled himself, feeling sensitive as he watched you fumble your tongue around your mouth, swallowing the mix of your spittle and his cum.
“Taste so fucking good.” You spoke, laughing lightly as you stared up and saw his dazed expression. Bucky pulled you up, his hand cupping your ass again, as he backed you up against the dash, your back lightly hitting against the window as he pulled at your shorts, whisking then down your legs, rubbing you through your underwear. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting himself as he located your clit, your arms grabbing at his shoulders to push him down, to which he complied.
His noises echoed through your mouth, as he pressed kissed along the top of your thighs, his fingers surpassing the seams of your panties, swiping at your entrance, until his prodding ceased, and he sunk his middle finger into your pussy, feeling you clench around him instantaneously. His teeth bit into your skin, emitting a squeal out of you as you harshly tugged his hair, making him rut his loose cock against nothing but the air.
“So wet.” He mumbled against your skin, as his vibranium snapped the sides of your underwear, letting the damp material fall to the floor, as he licked circles around your clit with his tongue, pulley airy sounds of pleasure of of your lungs. He slipped in another finger, his nose being pressed against your mound as you tugged him even closer, feeling as though you were almost there. Then you came, his fingers quickly exiting you as his tongue plunged in your entrance, cleaning up all your juices.
“Need you to fuck me Buck, please honey”. The man stood, stroking his hard cock as he teased your entrance. He swiped it through your slit a couple of times, before slapping his head against your clit, making your mewl against his lips, as you licked your essence from around his mouth. “James...” His cocky demeanour returned, as he watched you glance down at his cock, pressing your lips together in desire.
“Thought you didn’t want to fuck me on the boat.” He sneered dominantly, gripping your throat with his vibranium fist, giving it a tough squeeze, finding it endlessly hot as needy tears pooled in the corners of your eyes. Your lips pouted as you sputtered to speak, but you were just so hungry for him. “Guess I’m just gonna have to take pity on you doll, aren’t I?”
With that,he wedged his way through your folds, filling you to the brim as he bottomed out, gently releasing your throat to paw at your tits through your shirt. “Move baby, move.” You mumbled, your head feeling dizzy as your nails dug into the back of his neck, pulling him closer so that you could place tender and supple kisses across the front of his shoulders.
And so, he began to thrust into you, keeping a grip on your hips as he raised your leg around his waist, driving into you deeper, your head tiredly lulling as you chanted his name in soft and delirious pants. “So damn tight angel.” The soldier muttered, biting down onto your chin as he kissed his way up to your lips, abusing the swollen flesh a little more. The kisses were sloppy and downright needy, his vibranium hand held your chin up so that it would tip in rhythm with his movements, making access to the inside of your mouth easier.
“Buck.” You mumbled against his lips as your eyes rolled, your own hand circling your clit as you jutted against his exceeding administrations, one hand crawling up into his scalp as you let our small screams. You were indefinitely close, and as Bucky swerved his head around your own, moving his lips to nip at your earlobe, you came, coating his cock in your wetness, as he continued to hit his hips against your own.
It wasn’t long until he followed after, your clumsy hands trailing down to roll his balls in your palms being the last thing to push him over the edge. Bucky remained standing between your legs, each of your heads resting over each other’s shoulders as you felt each other, eyes closed, and smelling how the aroma of your sex wafted around you, like a personalised perfume.
“Hell no.” And the peace was broke, as Sam’s voice broke it. He had his hands on his hips as he shifted his gaze away from the two of you, unimpressed by what had happened. “The two of you get a break and you - not on my boat!” He practically screeched like a falcon at the pair of you, his arms flailing about like a bird’s flapping wings.
Although he was maddened, it didn’t settle well with you. You were too far out of it to acknowledge what he must have thought about the on deck dick that you had gotten, you were too lost in Bucky, the feeling of him still inside of you, and the falling of his cum out from beneath you both. “You know what, I’m outta here.” Sam left, quite glad to do so.
“You alright doll face?” Bucky asked as he pulled out, making you wince from the feeling of emptiness. You nodded as he reached for your underwear , leaving them be when he registered he had torn them, and instead opted to picking up just you’d shorts, pulling them onto your legs, redressing himself afterwards.
“I love you Buck.” You smiled tiredly, humming as he pecked your lips a few more times, combing his hands through your sex hair, as he returned the facial expression, seemingly calm. It looked good on him, the pair of you had momentarily forgotten your traumas, and it was bliss.
“Love you too darling.” He pecked your nose, staring lovingly into your eyes as he helped you down, and abled you with support to stand. “Unfortunately I think our breaks over beautiful.” He spoke, his hand upon your waist as the pair of you walked from the scene, going to fetch a bottle of water from Sarah, whom you hoped had not learn of your oversea adventure .
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jadepetals · 2 years
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i had a really good april and i hope you did too!!!
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ashestoashesjc · 2 years
Loosen Up, Scott Greenburg!
“Scott, you’ve gotta loosen up,” my wife, Mae, tells me. It’s frequently proffered advice—from her, my therapist, my chiropractor—and tonight, in this dimly-lit, tightly-packed LES dive bar, it’s advice I’m finally heeding.
I look around, over a motley sea of facial piercings and partly-shaven, partly-dyed scalps and wonder if I’ve erred too loose. 
And probably I’m overdressed. 
Mae assures me the only person made uncomfortable by the stuffy guy in the button-up is the stuffy guy in the button-up. But after thinking a moment, she undoes the top button. 
“There,” she says, mussing my collar a bit. “People will think you’re being ironic.”
Mae, on the other hand, needs no adjusting. She could fit in anywhere donning any old number; a hot social chameleon. Mae takes offense to this—“Specifying a ‘hot’ chameleon is redundant.”
We’re each about two pints deep in a lager as dark as the lacquered mahogany of the bar when the band we’ve come to see (at Mae’s suggestion) steps onto stage. 
Calling it a stage is somewhat misleading. It’s not spacious or even elevated—more a portion of the back of the bar patrons have wordlessly and communally agreed not to crowd. Not that the band, radiating grim unapproachability as they are, would have trouble demanding space.
“Wait, I think I went to college with that guy,” Mae says, trying to make them out. She sets her drink on the bar–my hand forming an instinctive awning over the rim–and wanders toward the stage for confirmation.
‘That guy’, as it turns out, is the bassist; shaved head, two full, busy sleeves of “ink”. At nearly a head above the next tallest band member and sporting the glower of a mafioso, it’s unsurprising to me that Mae has no qualms inquiring about his personal history. 
They’re chatting, Mae and the bassist, and from here I can see his face soften as she speaks or gestures or chuckles. The Mae Effect, professionals have termed it. It’s incurable.
Not long after, the band at the ready, Mae squeezes her way back through the crowd. 
“False alarm. He dropped out of high school,” she says, reclaiming her mug from beneath my palm. “I told him he hadn’t missed much and he called me ‘cute’. Still not sure which definition he was using.”
I slip my hands into her back pockets, guide her until we’re pressed together. Her lager splashes benignly. “Well, very many apply,” I say.
She kisses me softly and it’s wild daisies and toasted caramel. “You know, I should marry you,” she says.
Just then the frontman, a thick mop of dusty curls with lips, introduces the band as “The Ne’er-do-Hells” and when they begin they are, in keeping with their naming conventions, utterly terrible. 
Nigh unlistenable, really. 
I wonder if perhaps I haven’t had enough to drink–
–and, yes, that was it. Two pints later and they’re not so bad, actually. I’m tapping my toes even. Not necessarily on beat, but then the drummer and I have that in common. The blonde guitarist seems at least to be giving it an honest go, but there’s no saving a sunken ship.  
Mae loves their set. She smiles when she sees me bobbing along and says, barely loud enough to discern over the racket, “Told you they were unique!”
I smile back and, covered by the din, shout, “That should’ve been my warning!” 
But I’m having fun. Hard not to when it’s being had in every direction, when you’re drowning in the stuff. It’s one of few instances of a positive infection. 
Over the course of the show, with beer’s frothy encouragement, we surge to the front of the audience, an inebriated wave tossing against us. Each song feels more raw and less concerned with structure than the last, and they’re better for it, honestly. Polish is for people living in Poland. 
Then comes the raucous final cymbal crash and an eruption of cheers, earsplitting in the cramped venue. Swept up, I join in. Mae nudges me—“See?”—and when she looks me in the eyes, her cheeks flushed and her hair windswept, beaming in that conspiratorial way that makes her nose crinkle, I do see, and I’m glad I took my chiropractor’s advice.  
As the band walks “offstage”—really, a slight shuffle to the right—I’m near enough, I realize, to read the lead singer’s sweat drenched stick n’ poke: “Live Fast, Die Faster” scrawled on his forearm in a shaky hand. I decide, at that, to call it a night. 
Except that’s when I notice the bassist.
His head buzzed, bristling with peach fuzz. 
His eyes marshes, alive with jewelweed, cranberry, fern. 
They meet mine and hang for a too-long moment where I don’t smell the spilt tequila and mildew and close bodies and I’m made suddenly and acutely cognizant of being the stuffy guy in the button-up. 
I’m driven to rebutton and straighten my collar. 
I swallow–a dry, sandpaper swallow–and shoot Mae the matrimonial Can we go now? brow furrow. The mild disappointment in her nod is undercut by a stifled yawn. 
“Yeah yeah, you baby,” she says. 
The rest of the night is sort of a blur. 
Before leaving, we both (at my insistence) take a shot—or so—of Chef’s Choice: a mix of spirits the bartender declines to reveal the contents of. I suspect tonight’s was vodka and paint thinner. Then I remember sad attempts to hail a cab and it being oddly chilly for March. Mae said it was nor’easterly winds and I said Easter wasn’t until next month and Mae dropped her head into her hands and moaned “We haven’t bought the Easter Bunny anything yet.” Chef’s choice, indeed. 
It’s the state the bassist walks up to find us in; huddled on the curb, cackling, choking, sobbing over the Easter Bunny. I’m startled into genuine choking, Mae can’t stop wheezing with laughter, and it’s about here that I black out. 
When I awake the next day, Mae and I are flung across the bed like corpses shot from a canon, the duvet half sprawled over us, half on the floor. I pinch the bridge of my nose, get my bearings, check my phone: it’s 12 pm and my bank account is short one Uber fare. I rack my brain to remember the previous night and as I go to shake Mae and compare embarrassing recollections, I think to check my texts. A red ‘1’ glows over the inbox icon.
A new group chat? 
Me, Mae, and someone called “Danny”. 
Just one message in the chat.
make it home safe - the bassist
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝔹 𝔸 𝕂 𝕌 𝔾 𝕆 𝕌  𝕂 𝔸 𝕋 𝕊 𝕌 𝕂 𝕀
     ⇴ male reader [22, virgin]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ summary: Bakugou is a 34 year old pro-hero. He had been single since reaching his thirties until one inexperienced, young pro-hero caught his attention a few months ago – [Your.name]. For the past six months [Your.name] and Katsuki have been dating and without knowing it, both of them are struggling with their feelings and emotions, until it all explodes eventually.
↣ rating: / ↣ warnings: Age Gap (12 years), older Bakugou (34), shy virgin reader, cute, sexual tension, sexual things implied
Standing in the kitchen, you were setting the table while your eyes wandered to your boyfriend every now and then. Bakugou was in front of the oven, adding finishing touches to the dinner he had cooked, not really realizing you were looking at him.
With a small gulp you hastily turned your head again and stared onto one of the plates, your heart racing and blood rushing down south – just by looking. Though, who could really blame you? Katsuki was, despite your age gap, so fucking beautiful and handsome, it was hard for you to keep your cool around him. It also didn’t help that you hadn’t had any sexual experience yet. Thus, you were even more sensitive to… simply everything.
“No! Think about something gross!”, you yelled inside your head, because one glance to your boyfriend made your stomach cramp with all the happy, fluffy feelings that were rushing through your body. (Together with the very horny, very desperate feelings that made their way down south.)
“[Your.name]?”, Bakugou suddenly called your name and touched your shoulder, hence a yelp escaped your lips. You were way too caught up in your own thoughts.
“K-Katsuki-san!”, you stammered, an instant jolt wandering down in your lower abdomen making you gulp. He was so close, smelled so nice, looked so sexy, the way his plush lips looked so soft, his muscles from all the hard work, his pecs and yet the small waist and just-
“Are you okay, [Your.name]? You’ve been silent for a while…”
“No!”, your voice went high-pitched, “I am completely fine!”
With a raised brow, Bakugou looked at you, the pro-hero not really convinced. You didn’t know, you couldn’t know, but your weird behavior worried him. He didn’t want to show or say it, but he was insecure.
“Okay… Dinner’s ready soon.”
“Okay! Thank you, Katsuki-san!”, with that, you quickly turned around and almost fled into the bathroom.
He wondered if you felt awkward due to the age gap.
Biting his lip, he also turned back to the oven. Since he was already 34, Katsuki hadn’t even wanted to date you in the beginning, despite there being obvious sparks between you. But, having a 12 year age gap was not something that could be easily overlooked – at least that’s what he thought in the beginning. Now, he was very comfortable with you, however, some things started to feel a little… iffy.
You had been dating for almost half a year at that point and there had been NOTHING sexual happening between you two. By now, he was rather insecure and wondered if you just simply didn’t find him attractive or too old. But then again, you were the one who was persistent until he gave in to try and date you. So why was it so different now, a few months later? Did you not like him anymore?
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to initiate things. Fuck, he hadn’t had sex in like four years after his last relationship ended horribly and he needed time to be ready again. So to be dating and not have sex was bizarre to him, because if you would just try, he would willingly jump you any second – but seeing you so passive, he worried he would overstep a boundary if he dared to try something. You were so much younger after all.
“Ugh! I fucking hate this. Relationships are way too fucking hard.”, he thought while quietly sighing.
It all came crashing down a few days later.
Bakugou was freshly out of the shower and still drying himself, when he heard his apartment door being opened and your voice calling for him.
“Katsuki-san? I’m sorry for the intrusion, my friend just got me two tickets to-“, you said excitedly while walking into his home, however, stopped immediately when he came around the corner with a mere, short towel around his hips.
“Two tickets?”, he said so casually, not realizing how hard it was for you to stay calm as all your blood was rushing south.
“No- I- uh- uhm! I-“, you helplessly stuttered before turning around, literally about to just run away, when Bakugou, however, decided enough was enough.
And thus, he grabbed your arm, stopping you from fleeing yet again.
“Wait! What’s the fucking problem?!”
“No- it’s nothing, I just-“
“Kiss me!”, Katsuki then suddenly demanded, catching you off-guard.
You swore you were about to explode, but in the end, you complied and nodded. You WANTED to touch and kiss him, you were just too shy to act upon your pent up horny feelings. So once you stepped closer again, you leaned down to just peck his lips.
And Bakugou seriously thought you wanted to make fun of him. Thus, he grabbed your neck and pulled you down further, this time however kissing you fully on the mouth – hot, passionate and fiery. Thankfully, you immediately kissed him back and it truly seemed like you had relaxed a bit.
“Why don’t you stay the night, [Your.name]?”, he finally asked after pulling back, panting a little. However, he did not think your reaction would be so strong when you stepped back immediately.
“No, I can’t- I, Katsuki-san- and… uhm-“
And that’s when Bakugou simply snapped. Being rejected was one thing, but being rejected from the one who you were dating was definitely hurtful on another level.
“What’s your fucking problem, [Your.name]?! If you don’t like me anymore, just say it and LEAVE. I am done putting up with your shit. I am too fucking old for that!”, he was furious and yelled, before turning around and walking into the living room.
Now you’ve done it.
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you realized how stupid you had been acting the last couple of months, ever since that desperate horny feeling was taking over you.
“No! Wait- Katsuki-san!”, you hastily ran after him, “That’s not it at all! I really, really like you-“
“Oh really?!”, Bakugou interrupted you.
“Fuck, [Your.name], you won’t even fucking kiss me properly, do you REALLY think I am believing you??? Don’t waste our time and just be straightforward and find someone else who suits you better, huh?”
“Katsuki-san, no! That’s not it! I swear it’s not you, it’s-“
“Then what the fuck is it!?!?”
“I am a virgin!”, you then suddenly blurted out, cheeks flaming hot.
“And you’re so hot and amazing and I don’t want to disappoint you with my non-existing skills and you’re probably weirded out because what 22 year old is a virgin nowadays, you know? Hahaha aha.. so-“, though before you could ramble on more and embarrassingly laugh at yourself, a hand on your cheek and soft lips on yours suddenly stopped you.
Once more, you melted into the kisses, your hands awkwardly placing themselves on his exposed waist. His bare skin underneath your fingertips felt absolutely amazing, you would probably short circuit if you were to touch him deeper.
“You’re so stupid and cute…”, Katsuki then whispered, all his worries and insecurities falling off his shoulders.
“You’re not… disappointed, Katsuki-san?”, you sheepishly mumbled.
“Why would I? I don’t fucking care. I was just… worried. Like you regretted asking me out and you weren’t into this anymore.”, now he was slightly looking to the other side, a soft pinkish hue on his cheeks.
“NO! I like you so much, Katsuki-san!”
Catching him off guard you suddenly hugged him so passionately you both stumbled back a bit and Bakugou’s little towel loosened and eventually fell to the floor. Which you immediately noticed due to the fabric landing on your feet.
Though before you could pull back in embarrassment, Bakugou had cupped your face and kissed you – quick and soft, a mere peck really. But it made you stop in your erratic movement, even if your cheeks were warm and your [eye.color] eyes shimmered with embarrassment.
“So… how do you feel? Wanna stop running and finally try?”
“YES!”, the way your voice cracked and was all high-pitched was enough for Bakugou to grin widely – you were so cute.
“Good, because I was so fucking close to just jumping you in the next days.”, and with that, Katsuki pulled you down again, lips colliding and tongues meeting in a passionate embrace.
Your raging hormones were all over the place, but now that Bakugou knew, it was easier to let loose and not feel like you had to catch up to him. Because in the end, it was impossible to catch up on a 12 year old age gap, but at least today you could embark on your sexual journey filled with lots of love and lust.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I just find shy reader and older baku so cute. idk if I will write the nsfw to this but I am kinda wanting to… see how experienced baku just completely wrecks yn hmmm so yeah let me know what you think!
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patd--phan · 3 years
Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Dadsbestfriend! Bucky (mid/late 40s) x reader (in early/mid twenties)
Summary: Y/N surprises bucky on a business trip and he promises to be hers.
Warnings: SMUTTY stuff (18+ only pleasee), unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (m receiving), riding, teasing, significant age gap, reader takes charge, “Doll/sweets/baby/sweetheart”, some cute ass shit at the beginning and end tho
WC: about 3K im sorry I was really H*rny yesterday and I was unable to do anything about it as i was stuck in the car all damn day
Note: So I was really h*rny yesterday and this happened lol I’m sorry. Loosely based on the song wanna be yours-arctic monkeys. Also this will probably be the only smut I ever write bc I don’t wanna become an 18+ blog or make anyone uncomfortable (not that 18+ blogs are bad tho lemme set that straight, most of my fav blogs are)
PS thank you for the love on my first ever fic with Peter Parker x reader, it made me so happy that ppl didn’t think I suck lol ( and i guess i lied saying i would probably never write another one shot lol)
You do NOT have my permission to repost this anywhere, I will come for u if you plagiarize ok bye
It was no secret that Bucky liked to be in charge in the bedroom, and you had absolutely no problem with that. After all, he was older and more experienced; he knew how to make your body sing. But this week you were craving something a little different. Bucky had been away on a business trip all weekend and you really missed him, not just the sex (but I mean…) but just cuddling and talking to him about your day; you were feeling clingy. You decide to text bucky even though you knew he couldn’t answer right away because he was currently in a meeting.
Y/N: I mis youu :( when will you be back tomorrow?
You just wandered around your apartment for the next 20 minutes, casually checking your phone about every 30 seconds just in case bucky was able to sneak in a text. He finally replied after 30 minutes, right as his meeting was ending at 3.
Bucky: Hey doll, I miss you too <3
Bucky: unfortunately one of the investors this morning had to push their meeting to late tomorrow afternoon, so I’m not gonna be home until very late tomorrow night :(
Y/N: dammit :(
Y/N: well good luck at the pitch meeting tomorrow, I love and miss you <3
Bucky: don’t gimme that pout I know your making doll, ill see you tonight on facetime! :)
Y/N: haha u know me so well, and yes you’ll see me tonight ;) (but I still miss u)
Bucky: I know doll I hate it too, see you tonight. Love you <3
Y/n: love you too <3
You didn’t know if you could go until late Monday without seeing bucky. As you laid on the couch smiling sadly about missing your love, an idea popped into your head. He was only two and a half hours away, and he wouldn’t be back at his hotel for another 4 hours at least. Fuck it, you were gonna go drive to his hotel and surprise him. You couldn’t be away so long, you felt super clingy this weekend and you needed to be on top of with him.
You quickly ran around your apartment, packing an overnight bag and you saw the package that arrived earlier on your floor that you completely forgot about because you couldn’t stop thinking of Bucky. You remembered its contents e(a completely evil lingerie set) and threw it in the bag with a smirk on your face.
The drive to Bucky’s hotel felt like forever and you had to remind yourself to stop speeding because you were so excited. When you finally got to his hotel, you had to convince the manager to give you a key to his room, proving that you were the man’s girlfriend with several pictures on your phone which was slightly embarrassing because in almost every picture, at least one of you was half-naked. Worth it. You thought. When you arrived in his room you quickly went into the bathroom to change into a little black dress (with a surprise underneath). Then as you were sitting on his bed waiting for him, you realized it would still be a while before he would get back, so you decided to tidy up his things, packing his clothes and organizing his suitcase. Pleased with your work, you sat back down on the bed and looked at your phone for a while. You finally got pulled out of your Instagram daze when you heard Bucky’s voice in the hallway laughing at something a coworker said. You quickly threw your phone on the dresser, straightened up you dress, and sat at the edge of the bed with a huge smile on your face, giddy to surprise him.
As he turned the doorknob he was still looking behind him talking to the man. When he finally said goodbye and turned his head around, his eyebrows raised up and his jaw dropped, which was quickly replaced with a smile even larger than yours.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, running towards you and throwing his briefcase on the floor.
He picked you up in a tight hug and you squealed, legs immediately wrapping around his waist.
“I told you you’d see me tonight!” you said, still clung to him like a koala.
“W-what?” He replied, still in shock. Letting your legs fall back to the floor.
“I just missed you too much” you shrugged.
If any human could embody “heart eyes” it was Bucky at that moment- he’s such a softie for you. He pulled your face towards him and gave you one of the most loving kisses you’ve ever had in your life. You were expecting it to be passionate and rough, but it was soft, delicate and loving, and your heart melted into a puddle. After your lips parted, you gazed into each other’s eyes before being pulled up in another tight hug. You giggled and wrapped your legs around him again.
“I guess you missed me too huh?” you laughed.
“Oh doll, you have no idea.”
You wrapped your hands in his hair, massaging his neck and he moaned loudly.
“Mm, that feels nice.” He hummed.
“You tired baby?” you asked, he seemed like he needed some TLC (and you were ready to give it to him).
“I am so exhausted.” He replied, making you frown behind his back.
You slowly slid down his body, back onto your feet again, and kept massaging his head. He looked at you lovingly before looking around his hotel room, his eyebrows pulled in confusion.
“Did you clean up in here?”
“Yep, while I was waiting for ya,” you replied, smiling.
His whole face softened.
“Oh, I really don’t deserve you doll.” Making you smile and shake your head.
“Oh yes you do.” You replied making him smile and his heart flutter in his chest.
He pulled you in for another kiss, this one with more fire and longing in it than the last one. His large hands grabbed you ass to pull you closer to him and you moaned into the kiss. You pressed your body against him even tighter and ran your hands through his hair making him moan. You could feel his pants tent start to grow against you and you smirked and moved you lips down to the side of his neck making him groan.
You pull back and look at him, hard and eyes half lidded, it turns you on so much you feel your panties dampening.
“Hey Buck?” you whisper, lips mere inches apart.
“Hmm?” he hums in response.
“I have another surprise for you.” You whisper into his ear before pulling back to look at his face.
“What’s that, doll?” he whispers.
You smirk and step away from him, noticing the confusion on his face before you pull your dress over your head and throw it onto the floor.
Bucky’s jaw drops, making you bite your lip and smirk even more. This was gonna be fun.
“Oh, fuck me,” He groans.
“Oh, I fully intend on it, Buck” you smirk.
He just groans and starts walking towards you.
“Yeah sweets?”
“Wanna be mine tonight?”
“Fuck, I’ll be yours forever doll.” He says, making you whimper. You pull him against you by his tie, pressing your bodies together.
Your lips crash and tongues swirl together fighting for dominance. Hands moving up and down each other’s bodies like animals. Bucky squeezing your ass so tight you know there’s gonna be marks.
You both pull back enough so you can shimmy off Bucky’s tie and throw it over his head before unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off him. You then sink to your knees and undo his belt quickly before slowly unzipping his pants, kissing the outside of his member though his pants making him exhale a breath sharply.
“Fuck” he breathes out.
You don’t want to tease him too much (yet) so after another kiss, you shove his pants off and lay down on the bed, his body caging you under him.
The passionate makeout session resumes with Bucky still hard in his boxers pressing against your clothed core. You suddenly remember what you wanted and pull back from the kiss.
“Wait, no” you whisper.
Bucky pulls back, confused and nervous he did something to hurt you.
“What’s wrong?” he whispers.
You take advantage of his confusion and roll him over so you were straddling him with a smirk on your face.
Bucky moans at your actions, core pressing tight against him.
“You said you’d be mine.” You breathe over his lips. Moaning as being in charge is giving you a whole rush of feelings and confidence.
You kiss him, and he lets you dominate the kiss this time, biting his lips and grinding on him. He bucks his hips onto your and you pull back.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make you feel so good.”
Bucky moans at your words as you start to kiss all the way down his body, leaving little hickies down his chest. When you get towards his boxers he thinks your gonna kiss his member or pull down his boxers, but instead you go back up his chest, licking a stripe from his belly button all the way to one of his nipples, up his neck, to his lips.
Bucky moans, loud. You give him one more kiss before deciding to stop teasing him (kinda). You quickly kiss down his chest again and then plant a few kisses on his aching cock through his boxers. He bucks his hips and is whimpering under you. Fuck, that turns you on. Your big strong boyfriend who could probably crush you with one arm, whimpering and practically begging under you. Your panties are fucking soaked and you don’t think you can deny your own pleasure too much longer. You pull down his boxers and his cock is throbbing and dripping precum.
“Shit” you moan at the sight.
You lick the precum off him and he gives a high pitched moan that goes straight to your core.
“Baby please, I- I can’t.”
“Don’t worry baby I got you.” You reply as you take his full member into your mouth, sucking lightly.
Bucky moans and bucks his hips into your mouth. You push them back down and suck a few more times before getting off of him. He looks worried for a second before you slide your panties off and straddle his cock.
“Still wanna be mine?”
“Always” he replies.
You sink down onto him, jaw dropping and eyes closing at the feeling. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to him no matter how many times he’s been inside you. You both moan as his whole cock is finally buried inside you.
“Fuck Bucky, you feel so fucking good in me.” You moan, starting to rock your hips.
“God, I’m so fucking wet for you.”
Bucky continues to give low moans as you start to ride him.
“Fuck baby, I love you like this.” He says, making you start to ride him harder, moaning at his words.
His hands come grab your hips to help you ride him faster, harder.
“Baby- shit I’m close already.” He pleads.
“All for me? Shit baby aren’t I the lucky one?” You moan.
Bucky’s grip on your hips tighten and he starts to fuck up into you. He was about to blow.
You moan loudly at the feeling. “Cum in me baby please I need it.”
After a particularly hard thrust into your wet pussy you feel him spilling inside you. He lets out one of those vulgar high pitched moans and grunts that make your brain short circuit and your eyes roll back while your pussy clenches around him. You feel yourself getting close, but you want to give him another orgasm, so you sink down on him fully and slowly ride him, hearing him whimpering and moaning. You feel him get hard in you again (thank you supersoldier serum) and you rock back and forth on him. You reach down to rub your clit, but Bucky sees it and swats your hand away, replacing it with his metal one.
“Oh fuck” you moan at the cool sensation.
You start to bounce up and down on him again, the knot in your abdomen building and heating up. You feel yourself close to being undone as you ride him and his other hand runs up your body and squeezes your nipple through your thin lace bra. You moan and feel yourself clench around him, making him moan.
“Fuck- I’m gonna c-“ you get interrupted by the white hot explosion of your orgasm. Your eyes roll back, jaw hangs open and toes curl as you feel that release knock throughout your whole body, making you shake. You let out those high pitched moans and whines that only Bucky makes you feel.
Feeling you clench around him and watching your completely fucked out face, you feel Bucky’s thick cock twitch inside of you, and you moan as you feel him release in you again. Fuck that makes you feel good. So good you can’t think or move and you start to collapse on top of Bucky, but he slightly catches you and lays you down on his chest, both breathing heavy, with his cock still inside you, cum dripping all down your legs and onto Bucky.
You can’t speak, can’t think, the pleasure totally ruining you. After what feels like forever, you feel your breathing start to return to normal, as does Bucky’s, and you feel his hand rubbing up and down your back, grounding you back to earth from wherever on cloud nine you were.
You hum as you feel yourself finally calm down.
“Holy fuck, doll” you feel him lowly whine in your ear. You can only moan lowly in response.
“Baby that was fucking amazing.”
“Mmhmm.” You hum.
“…but I think I’m gonna lose my mind if you keep clenching around me.” He chuckles.
“oh shit, sorry,” you mumble out. You try to push up off of him but the farthest you got was placing your hands on his shoulders before your body gave up on you.
“Oh my God, I can’t move” you whisper. You’re so fucked out, your body won’t respond to your brain anymore.
Bucky moans at your words and slowly rolls both of you so youre on your side facing him. He reaches down and pulls his soft cock out of your pussy, moaning when he sees a burst of cum leaking from you.
You moan at the feeling of him exiting your body. You look him in the eyes and give him a lazy smile. His eyes sparkle back at you and his hand comes up to rub your cheek.
“Mm” you hum at the feeling.
“That was fucking incredible” he says, making you smile wider.
“I’m not disagreeing” you quip.
He chuckles lightly before saying “you gotta do this more often.”
“What, surprise you on business trips?” you question.
“No” he rolls his eyes and smiles, “Well yes actually, but I was talking about you absolutely taking charge tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” you smirk.
“Fuck yeah doll, I don’t think I’ve ever cum as hard. You looked so damn sexy in charge.”
You look away from his eyes, shying at his words, but also they were giving you the confidence to look right back into his eyes and say “I agree” with a smirk.
“I love hearing those high pitched moans you make, It turns me on so much” you admit.
“You know, only you can get those noises out of me, doll” he chides. You blush and smile at him.
He chuckles and you bring his face towards yours and kiss him deeply, tongues meeting together. You both hum into the kiss as his hand rubs down the side of your body.
When you break the kiss, both of you needing a breath, he pulls your body towards him, resting your head on his chest. You hum in peace as he rubs your back.
“I love you so much Y/N” he says and you feel your heart absolutely burst in your chest.
“I love you so much too Buck,” you reply, lifting your head to peck him on the lips before placing your head back on his chest.
You lay in silence for a minute before your mind begins to wander again.
“Did you mean it?” you ask.
“Mean what, doll?”
“That you’ll be mine forever?” you ask. “I mean not just in the sexy way but that you’ll be with me forever?” you ramble out.
“God yes sweetheart, you’re the one for me.” He responds and you didn’t think your heart could explode anymore, but it just did.
You squeeze his shoulder with your hand before coming up to kiss him passionately again, almost crying at all of the love going though you.
“I promise I’m all yours forever too, Buck” you smile at him.
“Good,” he smiles back, and you rest back on his chest, eyes getting droopy.
“Night-night sweetheart.” You feel yourself smile in your sleep.
“Goodnight my love.” You reply, further cuddling into his chest. Bucky feels his heart combust in his chest. God, wasn’t he lucky to have you. He didn’t know what he did to deserve you, but he knew that he was going to assure you that you deserve the world every day for the rest of his life. He kissed the top of your head before falling into a deep sleep, content with his favorite person tight in his arms.
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
Ah shit here we go again
Btw this is moth shigaraki
So imagine this you work at this place that’s like a zoo that has moths and other creatures ( u can tell I’m struggling) so ur coworkers were trying to get this baby moth inside it’s cage but it kept panicking and crying ( I think u know who is this baby moth) u went to see what’s up that’s how u saw the most beautiful moth u ever seen, you picked up the baby moth ( meanwhile ur coworkers were panicking) it just calmed down everyone was 👁👄👁 long story short u were now in charge of shigaraki, u took care of him feed him u did everything, until he was literally taller then u are ( moths grow up fast ok?) shigaraki was in love with u even when u had ur days off ( he absolutely hated when u had to leave home boy would throw tantrums) he would never let anyone touch him if anyone did they might of lost a couple of fingers, when u came back from ur break he would be attach to ur hip he would not let go not to mention he probably scratched the hell out of his neck so u had to deal with that, oh yeah he was overprotective of u won’t anyone touch u
Let’s just say u were super sick so u had to take a week off, u were devastated that ur not gonna be able to see shigaraki (u had to admit that u have fallen in love with him) so for now u were trying to get better, meanwhile shigaraki was losing his shit he thought u left him ( or dead💀 lmao) he couldn’t wait anymore so he escaped, it was easy finding where u lived since he memorized ur scent, u suddenly heard a noise come out of room ( u went to get some water or something idk sis) as u entered u found shigaraki, shigaraki ran to u and just hugged ( basically crashed u with his two sets of arms) he started to cry he wouldn’t let go, u got super worried and asked him what’s wrong, so he explained what happened then u suddenly felt super weak and almost fainted shigaraki was panicking asking if ur ok, u said that u had a fever thats all, shigaraki just put u back on the bed, shigaraki finally had the opportunity to repay u, he had read somewhere that sex can help ( it’s totally not an excuse for him to see u naked) he just wants to please u( his mommy 😏) his wings vibrated at the thought of pleasing u, let just say u had no problem with it. ( so when shigaraki is done reader flops shigaraki on the bed and fucks the shit out of him as a thank u gift lollll)
Kinks umm sub shigaraki whos eager to please and dom reader, this one hundred percent has a mommy kink umm I cant think of anything, this isn’t my best ideas so feel free to ignore this 😔😫
Tomothura :) 🦋
I'm sleepy, and I want milk and cookies. Not to flex, but I only have to see my therapist every other week cause ig I'm just perfect.
Update I now see her once a week and have to take dbt a THIRD (?) time
I have a bad smell and taste in my mouth and nose from covid. It reminds me of meatballs but in the worst way :/
Warnings: masturbation, heat, vaginal sex, humping, loss of virginity (both parties), breeding, & mommy kink.
Master List
I have rewritten this six times. No matter how much I write, whether it's 100 words or 1,000,000 words, I can't create a smooth transition between y/n's like caregiver (?) relationship with Shiggy to a romantic/sexual relationship with him. To put it simply, I give up 💀 . HOWEVER, I did cook up another scenario in my mind, so even though I have strayed from the original blueprint, I will still deliver a moth Shigaraki fic to all of you <3
To those of you brave people who aren't scared of storms:
1) I envy you.
2) I apologize because I need y/n to be scared of storms for my plot.
Thinking abt writing a poly relationship with y/n shigaraki and dabi. It’d just be so cute.
On another unrelated note: why did I get put on the gross end of scent kinks (yes, those exist)? Instead of being like, “mmm sexy cologne,” I'm like, “Dabi reeking after being on a long mission and cuddling, so I have to smell him and get his sweat on me, ” like Claire. Control yourself.
It was a beautiful night. The only light around you was the moon, the stars, and dozens of fireflies. It was warm and calm, no wind, no rain, not even a chill though the sun had set. You walked further through the forest. Your friends had gotten tired and retired to the campsite. You, however, had chosen to wander some more. You found clarity in the woods at night.
You stumbled upon a beautiful pond surrounded by luscious green trees. Lily pads floated in the water, and frogs croaked. The number of fireflies had increased, and little fairy circles littered the ground (you were careful not to step in them). There was a little cabin up a small hill. It had wooden walls and small windows which stopped you from seeing the inside.
You checked the time, 12:55 a.m. As you walked back, it started to rain. Great. A little rain never hurt anyone, right? But then it began to storm. The kind of storm that knocked loose widow makers, that made the ground shake, and could cause mudslides. You had to get inside and fast. You were closest to the cottage from earlier, and the trees got thicker by your campsite. You ran back as fast as you could and knocked on the door.
“Hello? Is anyone in there? It's storming, and my campsite is too far away, ” you called.
“It's open, ” a voice called.
You opened the door and shut it quickly, not wanting to be out in the storm for a second longer. Then, you took off your shoes.
“I’m making tea for us, ” the voice said.
“Oh, it's ok. You really don't have to-”
“I didn't ask you, ” the voice said again, “just accept my hospitality, ”
You sat down on the couch and scrolled through your phone. Even though you had sworn it had 50% left, it was now nearly dead.
“Do you have a phone charger I could borr-” the lights flickered off, “never mind, ”
Here you were, trapped in a stranger's house as it stormed with nothing but a dead phone and no power. The stranger walked into the room, and your first reaction was to scream.
“Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you, ” Shigaraki said, setting down your tea.
“You're- you have- what are- y-you have, ” you stuttered in shock.
“Yeah, I've got wings and shit. Calm down, ” Tomura said, taking a sip of his tea.
You sat in silence for a moment as you processed.
“I'm tomura shigaraki, ” he said, “if we're stuck here together while it storms, we might as well know each other's names, ”
“I'm y/n, ” you said.
“Pretty name, ” Shigaraki said.
“Thank you, ” you nodded, “so how long do you think the storm will last?”
“No idea, but here it can rain for up to five days, ” he said.
“Oh, ” you said.
“It’ll be fine. I've got food for both of us, ” Shigaraki said.
“No, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm just scared of-” thunder roared, and lightning struck. You nearly jumped out of your seat.
“You're scared of storms, ” he finished, “you can come sit next to me if it would make you feel better or whatever, ” he offered.
You nodded and sat next to him. Despite looking...strange, his presence was very comforting. More thunder and lighting caused you to jump. He wrapped one of his soft wings around you.
“You're fine, y/n. Don't worry, ok?” Tomura said.
Did he know why he was letting you sit so close to him? No. Did he know why he wanted to comfort you? Also no.
“You're wet, ” he said.
You nearly choked, “what?”
“I’ll give you some clothes while yours are in the dryer, ” he said, getting up.
“Can I come with you?” you said, “I don't want to be alone, ”
He sighed, “sure, come on, ”
You both headed up to his room, and he threw you some clothes. Shigaraki looked at you, waiting patiently.
“Well?” he said.
“I'm not gonna change in front of you, ” you said, cheeks glowing bright red.
“I don't know why you're making it a big deal, ” he muttered, turning away.
Truthfully he'd never seen anyone naked and had lived alone most of his life. When he thought about you naked or even just in your underwear, he felt strange.
“I'll be right back, ” he muttered, heading to the bathroom.
He had a strange urge to touch himself, so he indulged. After unzipping his pants, he cupped his hardening cock gently and hissed at the new sensation. It felt weird but good. So good. He wrapped a hand around it and started stroking it gently, nearly moaning out loud.
He turned on the sink to mask any accidental noises. He kept stroking for a while longer, stifling even more noises. Soon he felt an intense tingling sensation in his balls that seemed to grow stronger and spread throughout his cock. As he finally burst, his whole body relaxed, and thick, white sticky liquid shot out of his dick. It was foreign to him, but it felt wonderful.
Meanwhile, outside, you had heard everything. You sat on the bed awkwardly as Tomura came out of the bathroom. He took your wet clothes.
“The um dryer is just downstairs, ” he said, looking towards the floor, “if you want to come with, ”
“Sure, ” you nodded, following behind him.
With your clothes in the dryer, you both sat downstairs on the couch. It was silent until you decided to try and lighten the mood.
“So what um do you like to do for fun?” you asked.
“I like games a lot, ” he said, taking a carrot off a plate of vegetables he'd gotten the two of you.
“I like games too, ” you smiled.
The both of you talked about games for a while until you nearly passed out.
“Hey, head upstairs. I'll take the couch, ” Shigaraki said, noticing your eyelids fluttering shut.
“No, I don't want to take your bed, ” you yawned.
“Get upstairs y/n. I'm serious just sleep in my fucking bed, ” Shigaraki ordered.
“But-, ”
“No, no buts, ” he interrupted.
“The least I can do is let you sleep with me. Won't you crush your wings on the couch?” you said.
“Fine. If it makes you feel better, I guess, ” Shigaraki mumbled.
You both walked upstairs. Shigaraki found a toothbrush for you, and you got into bed with him. You slept back to back, but it was cold. No, frigid. He could tell by the way you were shivering. He turned towards you and held you with both pairs of arms. A wing draped over you, and he rested his chin on your head.
“Don’t make it weird, ” he grunted.
“Ok, ” you said, sleep clouding your mind.
By the following day, you had turned towards him, and you both were completely tangled in each other. It was still storming when you woke up. You pulled Shigaraki closer, savoring his warmth.
“Morning, sleepyhead, ” he said.
“Morning, ” you responded.
He stroked your hair gently, wings humming quietly. He flipped on the light, and to your surprise, it worked. The power was back on!
“I’ll make breakfast, ” you said, getting up.
He pulled you back down, “ten more minutes. You're warm, ”
Ten minutes turned into an hour as you dozed off again. You couldn't help it, he was warm, and his nimble fingers traced designs on your back. The bed was so soft, and so were his wings. After a while, he woke you up, poking your cheek.
“Can you still make breakfast?” he said, smiling down at you.
You looked so beautiful with messy hair and tired eyes. Shigaraki couldn't help himself as he traced a finger over your lips. He saw the blush on your cheeks and rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You have nice lips, ” he whispered.
“Thank you, ” you said.
He sensed your breathing pick up along with your heartbeat.
“Your heart is beating really fast, y/n, ” Shigaraki said, bringing his face closer to yours, “are you alright?”
“Yeah. yeah, I'm fine, ” you said, “don't worry about me, ”
He nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“If you say so, ” he said, getting out of bed.
You already missed the warmth of his body; it was still freezing from all the rain. How could the weather change so quickly? You followed him downstairs and began to make breakfast. As you were cooking, you felt him put one of his zip-up hoodies over your shoulders.
“You look cold, ” he said, “take it, ”
“Thank you, ” you responded, pushing your arms into the sleeves immediately.
It smelled just like him. This was your routine with him for the next three days. On the morning of your fourth day, the rain had stopped. The thing is, neither of you said anything. You just went about your day together like normal. The truth is, you liked it here. You were so much happier with him in his little house than you had ever been anywhere else.
“The rain stopped over a month ago, ” he said one day, “why haven't you left?” that definitely didn't come off the way he wanted it to.
“Oh well, I can leave if you'd like-”
“No. Stay, ” he said, “I want you here,”
He got up and wrapped both pairs of arms around you.
“Stay, ” he whispered.
“I will, ” you said, pushing your face into the crook of his neck.
He held you like that for a while, savoring the feeling of you in his arms. The months flew by. Soon the leaves turned orange and red and fell to the ground. Next, the ground was bright white from the snow, and tulips began to bloom in the spring.
‘Shit,’ Shigaraki thought, ‘its spring’
He'd been feeling strange lately, and after googling his symptoms, he realized he was going into his first heat. He googled many things that night, some disgusted him, and some did quite the opposite.
“Hey y/n, you should probably head back and get your things. You've been here a while, so I'm just assuming you're staying, ” Shigaraki said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“I'm alright, ” you smiled, tending to the little garden you'd started, “I've gone into town a few times. I have everything I need, ”
“No, really, I think it would be good, ” he said.
“Shiggy, if you want me to leave, it's ok, ” you said, standing up and stroking his cheek.
He loved when you did that. It always made his wings buzz happily.
“No!” he said, “I don't want you to leave, please stay, ”
You smiled, “I'm not going anywhere, ok? You don't have to be so anxious; I'm staying, ”
He nodded, “I just- um, ”
“Go on, ” you urged, combing your fingers through his hair.
“I um think I'm going into...heat, ” he whispered the last part, “and I don't want you to have to deal with that, ”
“I don't mind, ” you said, “if it's alright with you, I’d like to stay. I'll take care of you, ”
He smiled and wrapped both pairs of arms around you.
“You're amazing, ” he said.
You giggled, “so what even happens during your heat? Do you get sick or something?”
“It’s hard to explain, ” he muttered.
“How am I supposed to take care of you if I don't know what's wrong?” you said, pouting up at him.
He shoved his phone in your hand, “here, ”
You read the screen, eyes widening and cheeks getting hot.
You looked up at him, “so you um, ”
“Yeah, ” he muttered, “as I said, you don't have to stay. I’m serious.”
You took a deep breath, “I want to stay. I want to help you in any way I can, even if it means letting you take my virginity. Truthfully I’d be happy if you did, Tomura, ”
“You would?” he asked, “are you sure?”
You nodded, “I think I've liked you for a while now. Even if you don't feel the same way, I just want you to know that I'm okay with whatever you need to do to me, ” your breath hitched at the last part.
You'd never seen yourself as submissive. You never took shit from anyone. Shigaraki didn't see you as submissive either, even with all the things you’d said. When they mixed with your tone and personality, they sounded caring but not in a submissive sense.
You were dominant, but not in the way he'd always thought of it. You were like...
“Mommy, ” he whispered.
So soft and gentle. Calm and caring but independent and strong.
“Can I call you that? It just feels...right, ” he said.
You nodded, “um sure, ”
“Mommy, ” he sighed, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
You reached up to run your fingers through his hair. Shigaraki groaned quietly.
“About what you said earlier, I like you too, y/n, ” he said.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. After you pulled away, he pressed his lips to yours again immediately. He grabbed your hair, pulling you closer as you yelped in surprise. He laughed softly, starting to slip his tongue into your mouth. Tomura tried to dominate the kiss to no avail. Instead, he fell victim to the way you were able to move your tongue around in his mouth, leaving almost nothing untouched.
You pulled away, admiring the dark blush on his cheeks. He's so pretty.
“I'm sleepy, mommy, ” he said before yawning.
He picked you up and carried you upstairs. You laughed and kissed him on the cheek. He put you down on the bed and practically laid on top of you. He wrapped his arms around you, letting his wings act as your blanket.
“Goodnight, ” you whispered.
“G’night, mommy, ” he mumbled.
You awoke to something rubbing your thigh.
“Mommy, ” he moaned, “mommy, please. Please, it hurts so bad, mommy, ”
As you became more conscious, you realized that he was humping your thigh. He’d already made a sticky mess in his pants and on your own. You kissed him gently. Letting your soft lips contrast between the rough humping of your leg.
“Want, ” he moaned, “need to mate, mommy. I need to please, ”
“It's alright, sweetie, ” you said, pulling him between your legs.
He began humping your crotch, panting and drooling.
“Mommy, ” he slurred, “I want in. I want in you, ”
His wings had been buzzing violently ever since you agreed. One set of hands cupping your face and the other holding your hips in place as he rubbed his cock on your clothed pussy. You wiggled out of your pants with his help, and he practically ripped off his own pants. He pulled off his boxers and ripped off your panties. He shoved himself into you, nearly screaming at the way your warm wet cunt sucked his cock in. The way you clenched because he was big, so fucking big.
“Mommy, ” he chanted, “mommy, mommy, mommy, ”
He lasted a surprisingly long time, wandering fingers finding your clit. He slammed into you, slapping skin and squelching filled his ears, but all of this was drowned out by his moans and whimpers. Finally, Tomura pushed you over the edge. You clenched and came all around his cock with a loud moan.
“Mommy, ” he sobbed, “breed mommy, I need you to take my cum mommy. I need you to let me breed you and make you all pretty with my kids, ”
“Yes, Tomu, go ahead, sweetie. Breed, mommy, ” you moaned.
He gasped and sobbed as an absurd amount of cum flooded your cunt. It began to ooze out of your cunt around his cock. He collapsed on top of you, panting as his cock softened inside of you. His heat was over. His need to breed you was met. He was exhausted, couldn't move to bathe, only pass out with you safe in his arms.
Over time you did swell up with his kids. He was so excited to start a family, to claim you with his offspring. If you had his kids, you were his, end of story. No one was allowed to look at you or touch you.
‘Mommy’s so pretty when she's bred,’ he thought to himself as he kissed your stomach.
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blissfulparker · 3 years
Pairings: construction worker!tom x rich!reader
Summary: in the hottest summer London’s ever experienced, tom and his team are used to help build onto your house. Working for the richest family in London, he gets a view of their daughter by the pool every single day. New day, New Bikini. And when you’re looking for sun fun and he’s looking for a break, you two know right where to fine each other
Warnings: explicit smut: unprotected sex, sneaking around, rough, Dom!tom. bit of dorky tom and a cocky reader 
Wc: 2k
A/n: thank you to the wonderful @tommyunderoos for the amazing idea that boy I’m running so far with. No thoughts. Head empty. Just Tom using tools all day😩
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(Pic is not mine)
London's hottest summer day fell during the mist of June. Short skirts and crop tops made up your summer, letting loose and drunk every night was the best part. Or so used to be the best part.
While your summer was made up of fun, reckless adventures where you made a mess of everything, Tom cleaned it up. For his hands were all on deck for building the new section of your house for your family.
The name you hadn’t heard since high-school made a special summer reappearance. No longer was the boy scrawny, dorky, constantly fixed on his homework, but was now built and had a soft tan from the summer sun beating down in his skin. You never sought the boy out to be working in construction, for you always remembered him to be more brains than body but your father promised the team he was on was one of the best in town. They would get it done quick and fast and wouldn’t even bat an eye in your direction.
As you remembered tom differently, tom remembered you the same. Preppy-rich girl who was just a tad nicer than the rest. Still occasionally using him for his homework like the rest, you had at least told him ‘thank you’ and acknowledged him in the halls. He was just like every other boy, everyone wanted to fuck you but no one truly did for it was rumored you were a virgin all of high-school. None of that was his business but when he got the call saying the summer project was under your name he swallowed extra hard. Already imagining what you looked like now and how hard it was to control himself then. How hard it would be for now.
Working for you was one of his worst jobs yet. The physical work was fairly easy, your father only requested two extra rooms built on so the project would be over by late July the latest. But that wasn’t the problem, the problem was you sitting each day by the pool in a new tiny bikini. Taking advantage of the London’s sun right in front of his face. Rubbing sunscreen all over your body only made him wish his belt was looser around his pants. Oh how you would sometimes arch your back to stretch—
“Tom!” Nearly hitting his finger with the hammer so distracted, he pulled himself out of his daydream when he heard his brother's voice. “The screw!” He demanded annoyed watching him eye fuck the girl he hadn’t even spoken to yet.
“W-what?” He pretended it was the loud noise of the drill that distracted him but in reality everyone knew it was you.
“The goddamn screw! It’s inside! Go get it!” His younger brother at a higher distance than him, normally the two would’ve bickered for about a half an hour fighting who would move to get the screw. But Tom didn’t know if it was the summer heat or the baby blue bikini but he couldn't focus for the life of him.
The house was almost always empty, or just so large that the space the team took up was never a space the family wanted to be around for every time tom went in he could never find anyone who actually lived around there.
But the house was as big as his entire flat complex. You could so easily get lost in here.
“Fuck!” Tom cursed as he searched through tool boxes but never noticed you came into the room. Wearing the same bikini he watched you in outside, you wore a long unbuttoned-button down to cover yourself. Or at least try to.
“Everything okay?” Your voice angelic to his ears and makes him completely stop. Sure he grew, he was no longer the small boy but his shy heart around you remained the same.
“Huh? Y-yeah. Need a screw?” Why his words came out in such a questions was embarrassingly beyond him. You laugh at his words realizing how sexual they were beyond what he meant.
“No, I don’t need one. Do you?” You teased. The iced beer melted in your hand. The way your fingers tightly wrapped around the beer only worsened his thoughts of it being him—
“Y-Yeah, sorry. The tool of course. I need the tool—“ he hated himself for rambling so much. Making himself a fool in front of the girl he crushed on since high-school.
“I knew what you meant, I was just teasing tom.” His name fell off your tongue so effortlessly. His name. You remembered his name.
“You know my name?” What he thought was in his thoughts was said aloud.
“Yeah...you always helped me with my maths. Who would’ve thought that the boy so smart in maths but couldn’t do P.E. Ended up in a job like this?” As you hoped you were flirting, his face fell down a little remembering the high school years where he wasn’t like he was now. “Sorry, I just meant you were so smart—“
“This job includes math, don’t worry.” He has a pressed-lipped smile and looks away. You still stood in front of him with that tiny string bikini that he just wanted to pull apart. See just how sturdy that counter top was that you stood next to.
“Right.” Feeling as if you made a fool of yourself, you shift on your feet. “Well, I’ll let you get to it. Can I get you a drink? Water? Lemonade? Beer? It’s so hot outside you must be thirsty.” You offered and boy was he but not for water.
“I’d love a beer but technically can’t drink on the job.” He shrugs. You look down at the beer in your hand before holding it out, offering a sip to him.
“One sip won’t hurt. I’ll make sure to get you some water too.” You grew a smirk and he took the beer from you, his lips meeting where yours once were as he allowed the cold liquid to run down his throat. Giving him the boost he needed for the hour.
“Thanks.” Something about the thought of how his lips pressed against the lip of the bottle made you shift your legs. You felt yourself grow wet at the thought of his lips where yours once were and what else his lips could do.
“We should catch up sometime.” You said in a calm voice. The same nervousness he had when he found out he’d be working with you, grew strong as he nodded.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “We should.” Picking up the screw that was needed all along he didn’t know how long he would last standing near you. Another second would feel like another year going by.
Before he could get out though, you grab him by the arm. You always knew how flustered he got but you didn’t know it stuck years later. You remember when he would trip over his words while helping you in maths. Now you were both nervous of each other but knew what you both wanted.
“How badly do you need that screwdriver out there?” You set the beer bottle down. His arms so big in your hands, freckles painted down his shoulders, the tightness of the white shirt he wore that had marks all over it made you only want him more.
“I’m not sure, pretty hot out there the boys want to try and get done early so we can—“ His face was close to yours, lips so close you could almost lock them. He looks from your eyes to his lips before moving back a bit.
“Tom,” you cut him off. “I noticed every day you staring at me. I might’ve sucked at math in school but I’m not completely stupid.” You tell. He wants to touch you, god he wants to fuck you on this counter but he can’t. Not right now.
“They’ll notice if I’m gone for too long.” His voice airy and you move your hands to his waist to pull him into you.
“Then let’s see how fast we can be.” Your lips crash into his. His hands wrapping around your waist pulling you close. While his hands went to your waist yours pulled his face in more, making up for all the missed years.
“N-Not here.” He pulled back already out of breath. There was a bathroom close by, plenty of space, one that was open for the workers to use throughout the day instead of the port-a-potties outside.
Pulling you into the bathroom, he locked the door. Quickly having you against the bathroom counter. His lips pressing against yours as the belt of his tools drop to the floor.
“Waited so long for this,” he allowed you to kiss against his neck. “Ever since you started asking me for help fuck—“ with the slip of your finger, your binki top fell right before his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Why do you think I always asked you for help?” You tease as you only shut him up. His hand came to run his thumb over the tip of your nipple before you tugged at his shirt needing it off.
“Tom,” you moaned as paid no attention to your needs for his shirt but rather paid full attention in making you feel good. His lips pressing kisses down your chest until he takes each breast in, letting your hands run through his hair pushing him down more. “I need you, inside me.” You breathe out.
“So fucking hot.” He said more to himself as he turned you around.
Now having a view of both of you, you could see the mess you already made of his hair in the mirror as he took no time entering you. Giving you just enough time to adjust to his size before moving, your eyes fell close.
“Uh-uh,” he wraps his free hand around your neck and pulls you right into his chest. “Watch.” His eyes meet yours, his hand still loosely around your throat as he finds a steady pace to fuck you in.
You struggle to keep your eyes open as you’re fully nude in front of the mirror, only his shirt off but not enough time for his pants but he still made due. Thrusting his hips at a steady pace, burying his face into your neck pressing kisses as he pounded into you.
“Fuck Tom! Please!” You cried out as you felt yourself coming close so quickly. Your hand going down to your clit, he quickly moves it so that his can come down and finally watch you come undone for him.
“So fucking tight.” He threw his own head back before he felt you tighten around him. “Keep your fucking eyes open.”
“I’m gonna—I need to—“ you start to cry but he shakes his head only going faster.
“Not yet darling,” he looks at you in the mirror, how badly you want to hold onto him and use him to get off but you would have all the time in the world, later. Now he just needed you.
As you almost couldn’t hear him, his thumb rubs harder at your clit and he almost finally snaps you back into reality as his words loud.
“Cum! Now!” He nearly demanded from you and you did, coming undone under him as you felt your legs go weak and your eyes fall shut, not being able to keep them open as he caught his own high.
The two of you catching your own breaths, your hands planted on the counter trying to keep yourself up while he was still holding you, making sure you were okay.
You turn around, looking at the haze in his face and the glow in his eyes all caused by you. You let your fingers run through his hair once more before he hears the shout of his name.
“We should get drinks sometime.” You finally speak and he has a small smirk grow to his face. “When do you get off?”
“Well just five minutes ago.” He jokes, taking your innocent words and making them in a teasing manner. Your hand playfully slaps his chest. Reaching down to grab the bikini you came in with, you tie it back on with his help. “I get off at seven darling.” He kisses your cheek. His name called by his brother louder this time making him groan.
“I know a place we can go.” You bite your lip, you never saw this version of tom and couldn’t wait to see all of it.
“Oh yeah? The place I’m thinking of is closer to my flat.” He suggested and you almost whimper at the thought of a night with him.
He hears his name being called again and he lets out a groan.
“For fucks sake! Hold on!” He shouts, making you jump a little but get excited for tonight’s drinks.
“I think you need this.” You pull the screwdriver you see from his back pocket and hand it to him. He gives you a playful glare and reaches for the door. On the other side stands a curly redhead with a look that goes from angry to shocked when he sees you.
Tom doesn’t even pay the boy any attention as he walks past handing him the tool he needed all along.
“Found your fucking screwdriver.”
please leave feedback it helps me out!
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sinswithpleasure · 3 years
The Playgirl (ft. LOONA's Yves) [Part 1] [Female Reader]
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This was supposed to be a lengthy oneshot, but I wanna have it out as I write, so... here's Part 1! Just so you know, it's futa!Yves, but I won't really mention it until at least Part 3.
Also, this is entirely female reader!
Can be found on AFF and AO3!
Everyone knows of Ha Sooyoung.
Most know her by her preferred name Yves, but it is the same either way—the people still have her deeply imprinted in the recesses of their minds. After all, who doesn't know of the campus fuckgirl that only goes for girls?
You are no exception to having knowledge of Sooyoung. After all, she is your seatmate for every class you had, and while she is regularly absent, she is a regular hindrance when present. During lectures, she likes to fling paper balls at unsuspecting classmates, flirt with any female classmate or TA, or play games on her mobile phone loudly. The fact that she is your seatmate only makes it worse, considering she has her feet on the table most of the time.
Now you have to tutor her. The bane of your existence. Ha Sooyoung. Yves. Tutor. Tutor her.
Your look of disbelief meeting your professor's determined gaze melts into a sigh of resignation. You know that no amount of whining or pouting would result in a win for you—Yves had the poorest performance, barely scraping through any of her tests, whereas you aced every test given during your course of study. It would only be natural for you to be tutoring her.
Yves flashes a smirk and wink from the front row of the lecture theatre, giving you a two-fingered salute as the professor leaves.
"Hey, babygirl. Guess you're my new tutor."
"Hi." You cannot help but let bitterness seep into your tone, but you bite down on the bullets you wish to fire.
"You don't seem that happy."
"No, but it's fine. Let's get down to business."
"Uh-uh, not today. I've got a party to get to. How about this, give me your phone."
You hesitantly pass her your phone, and she enters her number in.
"Call me." She flashes another smirk and a wink, pushing her hair back. The phone in your hand displays 'yves 💘'.
When you call Yves, you hear more of the chatter in the background than her voice. However, she is still audible, and that is all you need.
"Sooyoung. I'll tutor you beginning tomorrow."
"Oh, it's you, babygirl. Sure, see you after class?"
Huh. That was easy.
"Good, please bring along the Calculus textbook—"
Indistinct chatter rings across the line, and you vaguely hear the crowd chanting "Drink! Drink! Drink!" before Yves's voice cuts through the line again.
"Sorry, babygirl, I've got to jet. I ain't gonna win this game of beer pong talkin' to you. See you tomorrow."
Before you can even say anything, the call is cut. You take a deep breath, deciding to let it go. Maybe this would be the only time. After all, innocent until proven guilty, right?
With a long exhale, you throw yourself back into whatever work you were doing.
When Yves appears after class, she staggers into the classroom, clutching her head.
"Fuck, I shouldn't have drank that much last night."
She crashes on the chair next to you, immediately folding her arms on the table, resting her head on it. Her eyes open blearily when you request for her to take her Calculus textbook out.
"I didn't bring it."
You halt, frustration beginning to build.
"I thought I told you to bring it."
"Well, babygirl, I forgot. Looks like we can't do this today then." Yves rises, staggering towards the door. Repeated calls of her name fall on her deaf ears as she rounds the corner and disappears.
You take a deep breath. Tomorrow.
[You sent a message:]
Tomorrow, after class.
[yves💘 sent a message:]
Hey babygirl
I've got a party tomorrow.
[You sent a message:]
You're ditching your grades for a party?
A party in the afternoon?
[yves💘 sent a message:]
Come on, live a little, it's fun to cut loose!
Yeah, I need to go set it up.
Wanna come?
[You sent a message:]
I'd rather spend my time productively, thank you. I expect to see you after class. The same place.
Yves is absent again from class. Naturally, she is absent from the tutoring session. Every call you make to her goes unanswered throughout the afternoon.
You hate this. It wasn't as if tutoring her was a choice you made—the professor shunted the task to you, even after all your protests and reasoning for why you shouldn't take the job. The impression that she gives off already isn't anything good, and the fact that she actively is wasting your time only pisses you off even more.
The fact that Yves is your seatmate only adds to the frustration. Her shoes are all up in your face, the sounds of her games in your ears, her paper balls all over your table. Everything she did just pissed you off.
When you reach home, you immediately drop a call to Yves. Three rings of the phone is all it takes before she picks up the phone.
"Hey babygirl."
"Don't babygirl me. Where were you this afternoon?"
"I told you, I had a party."
"So you choose to waste my time?"
"Sorry, babe." The lack of sincerity is evident in her voice. "This is clearly more fun."
"You prioritize fun over your grades? Are you trying to fail?"
"Yo, yo, chill, chill! Cut me some slack! Take it easy. I've got time!"
"The final exams are less than half a year away."
"Precisely." Yves's smirk can be heard through the phone. "I have time."
"I don't. Stop wasting my time. Come tomorrow."
"Oh, fiery. Just my type." Yves chuckles, before she pisses you off even further. "I'll see you, just not tomorrow."
"Why not?"
"I'll be busy nursing my hangover. Ciao." The call is cut.
You growl in frustration, squeezing the pen in your hand tightly. How easily she dismisses you only serves to fuel your anger. How could someone give no shits about their future?
Yves was basically the opposite of what you stood for. To you, school was an obligation—something necessary in order to move forward and succeed. This meant that people had to possess the responsibility to keep to this commitment so they could succeed in life. The future is uncertain, so you should make every effort to ensure that you can forge a path that is as certain as it can be.
Yves, however, treated school like a waste of time. To be out having fun mattered more—life and the future is uncertain, so if she could afford the time to live in the moment, then she would take the time to. Why pressure oneself to engineer perfection when imperfection is how the world runs?
This was a constant argument between the both of you when Yves was present in school. On the days she came, you had to fight to pay attention to your professor since the both of you would argue. You hated having to defend your point of view against her, since she was deeply set in her contrasting view. You hate how carefree she is. How is it that someone can live without worrying that much?
When you let your vision focus, you take a deep breath and go back to your work.
You are ten minutes early for class. Chatter fills the classroom as per usual. When you reach your seat, your ears perk up at a familiar name.
"... you hear Yves took her home last night?"
"... sex … fucked her the whole night … best time of her life …"
You scowl. Even when she wasn't present, you had to hear about her, and even worse, her womanizing and hedonistic lifestyle. Who cares about her?
"Good morning, babygirl."
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The bane of your existence appears before your very eyes, leaning over your desk with her signature smirk. You give her a glare, but not before you fail to resist checking her out.
Yes, she is admittedly hot. But insufferable. But hot. Facts are facts.
Her hair slicked back, check. Leather jacket, check. Fishnets and crop top fitting her… appealing chest, check. Tight pants that fit her figure, check. Fuck, she looks so good.
"My eyes are up here." Yves pushes your head up to meet her gaze with a finger. The smug smirk on her face makes you want to slap it off her. "If you want me, all you have to do is ask."
"Why're you here?"
"Someone who places such importance in school doesn't want her seatmate present? I'm hurt, babe."
"Fuck off. Don't touch me." You shift away from her touch, and Yves grins.
"I came to see you, my favourite tutor. You're interesting."
"Put that interest in your studies."
"No, I don't think I will, not when you're this pretty."
You try to fight the blush that appears on your face, but it seems that you fail—Yves's cocky grin only gets bigger when she reclines in her chair, resting her feet on the table.
This is your second year with Yves as a seatmate. The girl next to you somehow managed to scrape past first year, and now here she is, staring at you with an amused smirk, annoying you just as she had since Day 1.
"Y'know, I mean it when I say you're pretty."
"Thank you." You grit your teeth, though how red your face remains betrays your hidden feelings. After all, girls don't really compliment you that often, let alone a hot one like Yves is.
"Mm, you're welcome." Yves smiles, resting her head on her chair. "I'll depend on your tutoring, babygirl. Goodnight."
"You're going to sleep?"
"Yep. I'll just listen attentively to you later, cutie."
"I would prefer it if you paid attention now."
"What, and stare at the prof's ugly mug? Why would I do that when I can take the time to stare at your beautiful face instead?"
"Fuck off."
"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Yves's grin shows how little offense she takes at your rebuttal. "I like you, baby."
You decide to ignore Yves. Ignore how she easily infuriates you. Ignore how hot she is. Ignore the compliments that make heat rise from your cheeks and neck.
Yves takes a long time to rise from her slumber. You try to shake her, but Yves remains steadfastly asleep on her chair.
"Yves. Wake up."
"Wake up, wake up."
"Five more minutes."
"No." You heave a sigh. "Wake. Up."
"Fine, fine, babygirl. You're such a killjoy."
"Do not 'babygirl' me. Let's start."
You pull out your Calculus textbook. Yves halfheartedly pulls hers out as well, and you flip both books to a summary exercise.
"Do these. I need to know your current ability."
"Only because you're pretty, babygirl." Yves picks up her pen, beginning to work on the questions.
"How are you getting all these wrong?"
Your tutee shrugs, leaning back on her chair. "Who cares?"
"I do! You're going to fail."
"Aw babygirl, you do care about me."
"Shut the fuck up. There's so much work I need to do with you."
"Meh, whatever." Yves stretches in her chair, leaning back to close her eyes. "Do your magic, tutor. Teach me."
"Fine. Let's begin."
Both you and Yves part ways at the gate of the campus. After a tense session involving multiple arguments when Yves used more of her phone than to attempt learning anything you were teaching, or when she started to look up girls on Tinder, you gave up and halted the session.
"See you soon, babygirl."
"Fuck you."
"Anytime, babe. You just have to ask."
"Fuck off."
"Calm down. It's not like we don't have time."
"We don't."
"Not with that attitude."
"Fuck your attitude."
Yves only grins when she hears your reply.
Another tutoring session, another Yves absence. This time, when you call her, you're met with the obscene sounds of Yves engaging in sexual intercourse.
"Hey babygirl."
"Yves. Where are—huh?"
Wet smacks echo loudly through the speaker on your phone. Someone moans on the other side. Regular thumps ring through your speakers.
"I'm a little busy now, baby."
"Wha—what the fuck?"
"As you can hear, I'm busy fucking someone. Bye."
The dial tone that enters your ears almost makes you smash your phone on the table to pieces. You instead settle on smashing your fist against the table instead.
This is the last straw.
The next time you see Yves, you pin her against the wall. Taken by surprise, Yves finds herself in a position she usually puts others into. Smirking, she relents.
"Didn't take you to be so forward."
"This is the last fucking time I'm taking your shit. I've had it with your constant excuses about parties, or whatever. Now, you choose to go fuck some bitch even when you know you have stuff to do. I'm fucking done. I quit."
"Come on, don't be like that, baby." Yves's cocky grin widens. "Maybe I need some more motivation."
"If having your life planned out isn't motivating enough, nothing will work."
"Oh, but I had this wonderful idea…"
You resist taking the bait, but having Yves pinned against the wall fucks with your judgement.
Today, Yves is clad in all black leather. Whatever she's wearing doesn't catch your eye—the fact that your face is so close to Yves's flusters you. The same slicked back hair, scarlet lipstick across her kissable lips, a cocky glint in her eye, catching your gaze before traveling down to your lips, then below…
"I've seen the way you look at me, babygirl. You say you hate me, but all I see in your eyes is lust right now. You want me so bad, don't you?"
"Sh-shut the fuck up." You curse at the slight stutter.
"So how about this? I'll be the best student you'll ever have, and if I ace the exams at the end of the year… hmm."
Yves lets her voice trail off, knowing she has your full attention.
"What the fuck do you want?'
"If I ace the exams, I get to fuck you."
You cannot believe your ears.
"I said what I said. I'll be the best student you'll have. I'll ace the exams. And when I do, you'll sleep with me."
"Why the fuck would I say yes to that?"
In an instant, Yves flips you around. Your back is now against the wall, your arms held against your will, held down by Yves's grip. Yves leans in.
"Because you think I'm hot."
You subconsciously lean in when you feel her hot breath on your lips, and Yves leans in as well. Something soft presses against your lips. Instantly, she is off you, smirking.
"See you around babygirl. Don't think about me too much."
So you agree.
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