#i have 2 sections to finish. one needs about 2k words with the scenes i want to include plus finishing the ones i’ve already started
imaginarypasta · 1 month
editing long fics is so difficult 😫
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Hello! I just found ur game today and i finished reading the demo <3 I LOVE IT AAAAAA here's the list of things i like:
1) Ash. ????? He's so sweet help?!?!?! I LOVE HIM. Dear ash u have successfully own my heart, u have them wrapped in ur pretty fingers the second page u appear
2) Dad, I love you w/ all my cold dead heart<3 DAD?! DAD!!! DON'T DIE PLS DAAAAAD NOOOOOOO tHE ANGST HELP ME I'm so sad now :( pls i need a snippet w/ happy moments to heal from this trauma :')
3) Uncle Luka strides across the lobby as if he owns the place. Oh wait, he does.
AHAHAHHAHAHA I'M DYING uncle i love you too :'D
4) Mom, respectfully, 🖕🏻
5) Also, mr. Takashi u r freaking me out a lil bit...... you're uh.... A little bit uhh... creepy...?
6) Well, actually, he has the bad habit of blinking in near someone without any warning and scaring the shit out of them.
😂Uncle u r my soulmate
7) oh no, there's rin!..... and they stole my heart too! What do i do?!??...... haaaaaaaaaa
8) oh god the fighting scenes are so cool!!?! perfercto<3 oh mc is so cool. I'm so glad we can be cool<3 hehe
9) awww yeah my first kill! Scratch that, it's five!!! I killed five people yall!
10) oh my god please stop flirting right in front of us! You guys r cute, really but gods,
Alright, that's already too much detail about your uncle's sex life for tonight.
Not for tonight yo, for ever.
11) #the reason why i killed 5 ppl bcz i rlly rlly don't want to disappoint uncle & grandpa help #cuz mc is morally dubious/grey character, yay? yay!
.... Hmmmmmmmm oh lastly!!!!!
Thank you so much for creating this
Magnificent, beautiful, absolutely trophy worthy game! I love it so much mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh! I i love all the characters (oh they have so much life!) I love the fighting scenes (superpower badass?! Count me in!) I love how we can choose revenge as our main goal (f u distorted voice person. I will hunt u down to the ends of the earth. And I'll take everything u ever hold value, then let you live, cause life can be ur greatest blessing or ur cruelest nightmare, and I'll make sure you'll never have a peaceful dream for the rest of your counting days.), i love the family dynamics <3, i love how ur game can make me feel (oh the moral dilemma.... i almost almost let the cop live... but what abot uncle+grandpa disappointment?!?! I-i can't live with that! So off with ur head lil hypocrite police officer man!)
....sorry that's another paragraph......... I'll uh I'll stop now.... heheh... Sorry again if this bothers you, i won't send it again if it is.... :')
Okay! Have a good day/night/life dear author <3! Here have a 🍰🍩🎠 to light up ur time! Adios~
Aww thank you so much for the kind words 🥰 And don’t worry! I love reading these little snippets of comments on sections of the demo! 😁
Ash is only sweet for MC and Luka for now, of course ☺️ They’re mostly prickly and abrasive towards other people 😆
And yes 😭 Viktor… He’s such a good and loving dad 🥺 In case you haven’t read it yet, I recently released one of the Patreon side stories for public in celebration of hitting the 2K followers here! Here’s the link to the story! It’s a wholesome and fluffy side story, so hopefully it’ll help you recover from the angst 😆 I also have another 2-part side story from Viktor’s POV on my Patreon 😄
Please forgive Takashi, he’s just still a bit heartbroken about Viktor 😔 He’s usually a (pretty deadly and ruthless) himbo 😄 And glad you’re loving Luka as well 😂 He sometimes takes too much liberty with his teleporting/blinking ability 😆
It is indeed hard to not get charmed by Rin 😩 You might not have to choose between Ash and Rin 😉 (And yes guys, Ash and Rin poly is currently planned although might not get implemented right away yet since I’ll need some additional planning to accommodate it).
And yes, gotta make MC fight with style, you know? 😂 Gotta be cool and all, like Luka. Also, I’m a bit touched that your MC agreed to kill 5 people to make Grandpa and Luka proud 🥺 They would most certainly be happy to hear about it later on 😉
🤣 Luka agrees with your sentiment that it’s enough detail about his sex life for the entirety of MC’s life 😆
Ooh this is the second time I’ve seen someone wanting to let the killer live but not out of compassion and forgiveness, but to make them suffer even more 🤔 Interesting…
And wholesome family dynamics is just my weakness 😭 I have to include it in my first ever IF.
MC’s close bonds with Luka and Ash and Grandpa might be one of the little things left that MC really holds on to after the death of their dad, their mother figure (Cara), and their grandma. And loyalty to their remaining family is one of the core cornerstones that all MCs will share with one another no matter what.
I’ve always seen close family bonds between the Morozovs to be one of their most defining characteristics and strengths (and also weakness at the same time).
It’s the reason that Viktor couldn’t cleanly leave his past behind and sever Luka and Cara completely out of his (and MC’s) life after he ran away.
But at the same time, it’s also the reason MC survives the attack and is able to grow up to become the person they are today, loved, cared for, sheltered, and protected from the harsh underground world by combined efforts from Grandpa, Luka, and Ash.
This will also be the reason that Vigilante and Superhero MC won’t be able to turn against their own family. And the reason Luka and Grandpa and Ash wouldn’t leave MC behind and abandon them even when they chose those paths for themself.
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millennialgrandma · 3 years
August Wrap Up
I've been struggling to find a visual way to quantify this aspect of my life, so I straight-up yoinked this idea from @mightbewriting because it looked like a great way to wrangle my chaos. Thanks, babe <3
Things I Wrote
I've written exactly one fanfic and it was in July, so it doesn't count for this month. I really had no plans to ever write creatively, but I was inspired by art and bada bing, bada boom: a little smutty one-shot was born. I still don't think I have any real plans to write fanfic, but I'm leaving this section as a reminder to myself that I can and should write about anything. This month my writing was limited to a sunrise journal entry and some late-night thoughts in the notes app on my phone. I'll use this as a gentle reminder that journaling is good for my soul, and that I should do it more often.
Things I Read
Clearly this was a month where I craved some comfort. Zero books finished, only fanfic. To be fair, most of the months the past 2 years have looked like this. I've read 18 novels so far this year, though. I just haven't picked up anything with the intent to finish it since April.
Complete: (approx. 474k words)
Teas & Clichés by @viridianatnight (dramione, E, 5.2k)
Again and Again by @viridianatnight (dramione, E, 4.8k)
Stay by @smozark (sirmione, E, 5.3k)
Unconventional Courting Methods by @graceful-lioness (panville, M, 2k)
Just Like That by @smoke-and-plume (dramione, E, 1k, NSFW art)
The Cape by @monsterleadmehome (dramione, E, 4k)
Seven Minutes in Hell by @kajeput (dramione, M, 4.7k)
A Pale and Pointed Mirror by @willhavetheirtrinkets (dramione, M, 42.9k)
Sitting Pretty by Palio (dramione, E, 6k)
Coming Out On Top by @one-equaltemper (dramione, E, 6.8k)
Seasonal by @provocative-envy (charcissa, M, 3.4k)
Push [Fanart] by @saph-xxi (dramione NSFW art)
West End Kisses by @raven-m-3; art by @dragonlyart (dramione, E, 5.9k)
Intimate Familiarity by @dreamsofdramione; art by @jaxx-in-a-box (dramione, E, 4.8k)
It was only just a dream by weestarmeggie (dramione, E, 1k)
Every Drop by @willhavetheirtrinkets (hansy, E, 1.5k)
Match Point by @tumblintofu; art by @artofcrumbs (dramione/panville, M, 2.2k)
Quiet as a Mouse by Kittenshift17 (charmione, E, 4.9k)
Watch Me by Shamione (dramione, E, 7.2k)
Eucalyptus by rosenymphadoraweasley5 (dramione, E, 1.8k)
Tongue Piercing by @one-equaltemper (sirmione, E, 2.6k)
Hand in Hand in Hand by @willhavetheirtrinkets (dransini, E, 2.3k)
The Fallout by everythursday/sage (dramione, E, 313.3k)
Restraint by @misdemeanor1331 (dramione, E, 5.8k)
Blind Scene by @misdemeanor1331 (dramione, E, 3.6k)
Tentative Explorations by @dreamsofdramione; NSFW art by @mignon-chignon (dramione, E, 1.3k)
Coming Down by @raven-m-3; art by @nikitajobson (dramione, E, 4.4k)
If You Ask Nicely by @roseharpermaxwell (dramione, E, 5.1k)
Something Gold About the Darkness by Megan_P_Cook (adrimione, E, 6.2k)
Taste of Affection by @dreamsofdramione; NSFW art by @jaxx-in-a-box (dramione, E, 3.1k)
Black as Night by @one-equaltemper (sirmione, E, 10.9k)
WIPs: (approx. 64k words)
Measure of a Man by @inadaze22 - Chapters 29 & 30 (dramione, E)
Let the Dark In by @senlinyu - Chapters 1-3 (dramione, M)
Good by @lovesbitca8 - Chapters 1-3 (dramione, E)
Things I'm Currently Reading (Heading into September)
I've been slowly reading Vaclav Havel's To The Castle and Back for probably a year. If nothing else, I need to finish it to get it off my coffee table. I'm embarrassingly behind on book club books, so I also need to finish (and by finish I also mean start) Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South, Erin Morgenstern's Night Circus, and Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles.
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xaori · 3 years
fic writer review
I wasn't going to do this until tomorrow, but I couldn't wait. The fantastic @defaultjane asked me to answer, so here I am. I won't tag any particular writer, I'll just forward her invitation to do it if you feel like it ❤
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Eleven. Now ask me how many I have on Ffnet lol It's fifteen.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 
624573 words. Not bad for someone who started writing chapters no longer than 2K hahaha
3. How many fandoms have you written for? 
Officially, just one: Resident Evil. But I used to write some The Legend of Zelda/Pokémon Crossover stories (including self inserts) when I didn't even know that fanfiction was a thing. Thankfully you will never get to read that lol
4. Top 5 fics by kudos? 
Family Portrait
Just Friends
Merry Un-Christmas
Inside, Outside
A Third Chance So happy this one made it on the list, too hahaha
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! There was just one comment I never replied to and it came from a troll. I will be forgiven. I also used to respond to replies to my own comments, but I'm getting pretty lazy lately LOL
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending: That's a hard one. My fics always have flowery happy endings. I guess the one with the angstiest ending so far is Secrets.
7. Do you write crossovers? 
No Crossovers since the TLOZ/Pokémon thing, I swear ✋🏻 
8. Ever received hate on a fic? 
Not sure if I would call it hate or braindeath, but I received very creative troll comments on Family Portrait chapter 22. They even wrote a scene about me being raped by Wesker and Chris and posted it in the comment section. I was so proud lol
9. Do you write smut? 
Yes. Fluff and smut is basically all I write.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Yes! Drake Oskars stole Inside, Outside and published it on Amazon. He even copied the A/N with all the messages to my readers. Thanks to all the people who helped get this shit removed. I seriously hope nobody ever paid for reading it LMAO
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11. Ever had a fic translated? 
Sadly no, but I've been asked very often to translate my fics into Spanish 😊
12. Have you ever co-written a fic? 
I have many helping hands, but no co-author :)
13. All time fav ship? 
I'm almost sad to say that my favorite ship doesn't involve my favorite character, Claire Redfield, but I'm sure that my all time fav ship is Valenfield ❤
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The only valid reason for me to leave a fic unfinished forever is death.
But there are some sequels I promised to write and which will probably never see daylight.
15. Writing strengths?
My fabulous beta says that my writing improves when it's smut. I believe him lol My strength is smut.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Everything but smut? Lol. Dialogue, probably. I hate when people have to talk.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? 
I did that a couple of times myself. I'm not against it as long as there's no important content locked in a foreign language. I'm the kind who goes to Google Translate whenever there's something I don't understand anyway, but it shouldn't be a message of importance.
18. First fandom you wrote for? 
I mentioned the Zelda/Pokémon thing, right? 
Resident Evil!
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far? 
Too much, never enough. It probably needs a rewrite, but it's a super solid idea I'm ridiculously proud of and it NEVER got enough love. 
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writerwrites · 4 years
Had Spoke, Had Woke
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x named!Reader
Summary: You’re a new waitress at a famous restaurant in New York City and you’re still trying to get your footing. Little do you know, when the hostess seats a single male patron in your section of tables it’s a bit of hazing. Notorious lothario, Ransom Drysdale, is a regular. Will you end up as another notch on his bedpost?
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Sexy flirting if you squint, but no written sex scene. Mentions of boss’ voyeurism kink and implies Ransom might have an exhibition kink... again, that’s not written in here. Language. Cliffhanger?
A/N: *THIS IS A ONE SHOT* This is the Week 2 prompt to the Optimistic Captain Donut Challenge created by @captainchrisbaby​��@captain-a-rogerss​​​ , @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​​​ , and @donutloverxo​​​ … The Week 2 Prompt will be in bold in the story. PS. Jammies!
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Getting a job at the hot new Italian restaurant in Boston felt like pure luck. Aaliyah had no experience, few recommendations, and an odd availability because, in her senior year of college, she had an internship on top of her classes. Her life was a delicate balance of maintaining high grades to appease the donors of her scholarships, presenting well at her internship in hopes of a foot in the door, and working as often as possible to keep a roof over her head after graduation. That plucky attitude worked well, quickly getting Aaliyah into the position of a waitress, but the attention had consequences.
When the tall, broad shouldered blonde came in for the third Thursday night in a row, she’d picked up the hint that all of the staff had an opinion about the guy. Assuming that he hadn’t been placed in her section because the manager didn’t want a regular having a meal spilled on him, Aaliyah went about her own business, no time to engage in the whispers every time he came in. The decision to keep out of the restaurant gossip made her few friends and in a lush restaurant social climbing was a key focus of the menu. With confident strides, Aaliyah maneuvered through the bustling restaurant taking orders and slinging them back. Then her gaze landed on the only table left in her section, a booth that could have sat four, now occupied by the attractive blonde that never seemed to be in short supply of cable knit sweaters.
Chewing her lip, she swallowed down her options. First, she could go back to the floor manager and verify it wasn’t a mistake. Not the best choice but the man could make it out unscathed with a more experienced waitress. Second, she could play it off to the best of her ability and show the managers and staff that she was determined to do her job well. It didn’t seem like much of a choice and when his eyes landed on hers, an impatient squint demanding her to cross the room and assist him, her feet were already making their way to him. “Good evening, I’m --”
Her words were cut off, “I know who you are, Honey.”
The pet name rolled off his tongue like melted butter and Aaliyah shivered. Just as she picked her mouth off the floor and went for her pen to take his order, the man carried on again. “I’ll have the pan-seared halibut.”
Unfazed by the cutoff it was the pet name that bit and the waitress bit back. “Then you must have mistaken me for the midnight cocktail waitress in the underground. It’s Aaliyah, actually. You have the choice of two sides. I recommend the braised fingerling potatoes with garlic shallots and fresh herbs.”
The man was processing the cheek and Aaliyah’s mouth went dry as he watched her through long lashes, teeth nipping his own tongue. “Fine. Any drink recommendations, since you’re feeling so complimentary.”
She was no sommelier, but she didn’t miss a beat. “We have a sauvignon blanc from New Zealand if you would prefer a fruit note to the herby dinner, or a sauvignon blanc from France that stays with the theme of the meal you’ve chosen.” Aaliyah smiled, proud of herself, like a well studied student at an exam.
“I’ll have it with the Oregon Pinot Gris.” His tone was surprisingly amused, making the young waitress all the more unsettled by his unblinking gaze.
“Yes, Sir.” It was his turn to squirm, though she didn’t notice the way he moved his legs to adjust himself under the table.
Aaliyah turned on her heel and walked away, all too aware of the pair of deep blue eyes still on her. He unashamedly carried on that way through the entire meal, summoning her back now and then for more wine and then a glass of her recommended sauvignon blanc after a couple of bites of his halibut. She didn’t move when she brought it, stubbornly waiting for him to admit he was wrong. A few coworkers stared at her shocked with her behavior. When he brought the wine to his lips she stared at the lingering droplet and his gaze was back on her, tongue lapping it up, some unspoken incantation that it wasn’t just the food he found satisfying. “Sir.” Aaliyah purred with smug confidence and left him to finish his entrée.
When the manager pulled her from the floor by the wrist into the office she thought she was in for it. Instead, he dropped a key into her palm. “Mr. Drysdale will ask you for dessert, Chef will make it, the staff will clean and leave. He’ll take his time and pay in cash. You’ll need to clean up his mess and lock up so that we don’t have to wait on you tonight.”
“You just let him do that?” She scoffed.
“There are few patrons that tip as well as Mr. Drysdale and his family could tear down this block with one bad review. No stunts, just give him what he wants, clean up, and send him on his way. It’ll be a long week for you to know whether you cost us our best customer or not, so don’t.”
It wasn’t harsh, a clean cut and matter of fact plan no different in presentation than the specials on a chalkboard outside the restaurant, but it left Aaliyah with more questions than answers. Her eyes fell to the key, tucking it in her pocket before heading back to the floor to wrap up her other patrons and check on her sweatered guest. “Would you like a dessert tonight, Sir?”
The plate of halibut and vegetables was clean, his wine glass low. “That depends on whether you would like to join me with more of the sauvignon blanc.”
“I’ll bring you the bottle and the tarte aux fraises for dessert?” Her tongue twirled over the French with ease, this time noticing how his hips picked up briefly out of the seat. “If that pairing sounds satisfactory, of course, Sir.”
He gave a nod and Aaliyah walked away with confidence that she had survived the ordeal of having this patron in her section. She came back with the wine, pouring him a glass and leaving the bottle on the table, letting him know that she would be back with his dessert and to wave her down while she helped the other waiters. But, as soon as she was in the back of the building, the hostess caught her eye from the staff locker room. Aaliyah slipped in, opening her own locker to put the key in her bag. It wasn’t until her back was turned and other waiters came in that she heard their bets. While she may not have made out every detail she knew whatever was going to happen wasn’t over.
The second the last whispering voice walked out and the patron’s dessert set gently in front of him, he asked her an unexpected question, “Care to join me?”
Aaliyah had to wonder if this was what the whispering was about, whether or not she’d sit with the guy, share a drink, share dessert, settling on the nagging question: What else did he expect? Careful not to show any sign of weakness or overt interest, she sat across from him, pulling off her apron and busying herself with folding it onto her lap. “I apologize your weekly entertainment has been left to me, Sir. The other waitresses were a bit upset to see the favorite regular placed in the new girl’s section.”
His fork cut through the tarte, popping a bite into his mouth as he watched her and he didn’t speak until he’d washed it down with the wine, pushing the then emptied glass to her. Aaliyah poured and he spoke. “They do this every once in a while. Think about it as… pulling out the weak ones by the root.”
She watched him twirl the fork in the air as he explained his view on the hostess’ decision. There was something wicked in the way he spoke about people, like everyone in service was just a hair above a stray dog in his eyes. Still, as she looked at him, really watching his eyes, she found herself drawn into him. Aaliyah found herself determined though, to do as her boss had asked, to appease him, but she was no stray dog. If anything, she was a feral cat, more likely to take what she wanted than to put up with anyone’s antics. Maybe that’s why she knew how this was going to go. “You weed out the weak ones every Thursday?”
Ransom looked up from his wine glass, but not to Aaliyah. Her eyes left his throat to where his icy blue gaze had moved. She hadn’t really thought about it before, the cameras all around the place. He didn’t speak again for a few more minutes, washing down the last of his dessert. “I’m friends with your boss, we went to college together. I know that he’s probably watching this little dinner in his bed on his laptop.”
Aaliyah poured the rest of his wine into his glass, surprised to not see her hand shaking despite her racing heartbeat, “Do you tell this to all your little weeds?”
“Sure, I’m not a monster. Though I’m sure anyone with more than two brain cells knows there are cameras in here. It’s logical to assume that a waitress that mistreats a customer when their boss isn’t looking should assume the boss is going to look at the cameras to see what really happened.”
“As much as I want to assume everyone I work with is logical…”
The corner of his mouth turning up into a sinister little smirk told Aaliyah more than enough about the man she was entertaining and what he knew about what he was doing. Ransom seemed to be done with the chit chat, throwing back the last of his wine. “The question is are you…”
Aaliyah cut him off, resting her hand on top of his. “You’re going to pay your bill and cross the street so that the camera for outside seating isn’t going to catch me leaving this place with you. While you wait for me to clean up these plates, you can decide: your place or mine. I’m sure if you like the thought of someone watching you fuck a waitress on a restaurant table gets you off then there’s plenty more we can do outside of this place.” She could see the gears turning, his lips pressing into a thin line. “Spank me later for being so bossy, Sir.”
She watched his tongue ghost across his lips and, for a moment, she wondered if she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. That was the problem with feral cats, no one could own them but they still liked their back scratched once in a while. Slipping out of the booth he got up too. His long, broad frame casting a shadow over her and the table. The proximity took Aaliyah’s breath away and she looked up at him, thinking she’d been outplayed, her thoughts already on him taking her on the table, plate and glass smashing onto the floor. Instead he slipped the money into her pocket, a wicked grin on his lips as a whimper passed her lips from the smallest amount of physical contact. “I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Then don’t make me take longer than I need to.” Aaliyah nodded to the door and he draped his coat over his arm. The second the door clicked behind him a string of curse words passed her lips as she picked up the table and took it to the kitchen, cleaning everything and setting it to dry. A decision had to be made, her dark eyes moving from the front exit to the emergency exit out back. His voice rang in her head and a knot in her stomach told her the repercussions would be severe, be it for standing him up or keeping him waiting. The thought alone told her she wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Pressing the restaurant key into her palm she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and took the anxious first steps toward her long evening, she’d endure the consequences tomorrow… Fuck it.
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luvdsc · 3 years
how long does it usually take for u to write fics that exceed the 5k or 8k word limit? do u write them in one sitting or is it done over a period of time? n omg ur jisung 19k rich kid fic (sorry i kinda forgot the name of it ><) and pussy blocked was ssooooo good and the way u wrote it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool i loved the separations between each events ?? idk but yea i loved it soo much
naur....i think i said ur jisung fic was 19k but its actually 30k
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point still stands!! help me
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hey, lovebug! 💞 honestly? it just depends on how pressured i am, like i wrote august (10k wc) all in one day (probably for around 12 hours in total? i wrote in between and sometimes during my work meetings that day aksdfasd) because i am an avid procrastinator, and i had signed up to post it on feb 22 for the collab, and i didn’t start until the night of and feverishly wrote the entire thing up until the second i needed to post it. likewise, with my jaemin not clickbait piece and chenle not clickbait piece, i wanted to post them for their bdays and wrote them the day of their bday and they’re both around 5k wc - that took like 3-5 hours tops. i wrote both of those in one sitting! 
for jisung’s rich kid fic (sweeter than honey), there was no pressure to finish it since there’s no set deadline. it took me like 2 months to write the first 10k of it because i was lazy, but then i was like “okay you need to sit down and write this” and i wrote the last 20k in a span of two weeks - i set a goal for myself to write one “scene” (aka one event or numbered section of the fic) every night, so i wrote 2k - 5k every night until i finished it! actually, i was getting lazy again near the end, so i made a post announcing that i was dropping the fic in 24 hours, which then forced me to write the last two scenes as fast as possible to meet that deadline.
for pussy blocked, it took me 3 months in total, but i actually took like two super long breaks in between writing it because work got really hectic at one point and the second time, i was having second thoughts about writing fanfic. for the second break, i literally had everything written except for the christmas scene up until the implied hook up part, like where they started making out askhdfkas i honestly didn’t feel comfortable writing that, hence i pushed it off and didn’t look at it for weeks. i wanted to just say that they kissed and leave it at that, but that makes a horrible transition into the next scene, so eventually, i decided to suck it up and write that part. i actually wrote that two hours before i posted the fic (like sth, i posted an announcement of when i was gonna post pussy blocked, hence it forced me to finish writing it). actually, i included an alternate ending for pussy blocked and it wasn’t complete yet when i had posted pussy blocked, but i figured i had time because the fic is 30k and it’ll take people some time to read until they got to the ending LOL so i had linked a blank post initially for the alternate ending and then went back to edit that blank post and add in the alternate like 30 mins later when i finished writing it askldhflkasj
thank you so much for enjoying both my fics and for loving my writing style, honey bee!!! 🥺💗💗 your appreciation means a lot to me 💕 you’re so sweet, and i hope my response answered your question 💞
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loudsilence99 · 3 years
An overview of my upcoming work
I am a Darkalina stan. #sorrynotsorry I'm not one of the crazy people on Twitter calling for Netflix to change the plot of the series for Darkalina endgame. I'll spare you the rant about why Darkalina would not be an appropriate ending for a YA series (though Malina isn't exactly the greatest either...). That said, I'm going to read and write as much HQ Darkalina as I can because I love the dynamics.
My first work, Stags and Sacrifice, was an AU set after Ruin and Rising in which Mal died but the Darkling lived. Alina and the Darkling set off on a quest to regain their powers. It was told from alternating first-person point of view and I also rewrote large sections of the original trilogy from Aleksander's perspective. Because these scenes were at the end of each Aleksander chapter, it almost had a "Last Five Years" vibe to it. Ugh. It turned out so good. There are things I wish I had done a bit differently, but it's basically the first long-form work I've ever done that I can reread without cringing. It was sweet, it was angsty, it was romantic.
And "The Last Queen of Ravka" (henceforth known as LQR) is a VERY different story.
It is my take on the (semi) oft-used "what if Alina didn't run after Baghra told her about Aleksander's plans?" AU. Mine is *slightly* different from the start in that Alina decides that rather than confronting him, she's going to use her knowledge to manipulate him into getting her own way--or at least doing things in a way she can live with.
I've given myself several challenges in this story, two of which are (so far) working out and one that is not (more on that in another post). These challenges are:
#1: Making each chapter 5k+ words (my S&S personal minimum was 2k)
#2: Including a lot of (at least from my view) smut. I don't regularly write sexually explicit content and I'm not super comfortable with it so this *may* be the last fic I ever write with it.
#3: Writing from a single first-person point of view (though it started as 3rd person and that didn't work so I changed it). This did NOT work out so I'm having to deal with massive rewrites/additions half-ish way through at 40kish words (chapters are separate documents and I'm too lazy to do the math to see how long this thing is currently).
How it's going
Okay? I let chapter one unfold organically as I got a feel for how I was going to write this and where the plot would go. Once I had a clearer idea and was sure this was something I wanted to pursue, I made an outline of the overall story.
I know some writers can follow their whims and let stories unfold organically. Trying this has CONSISTENTLY led to failure for me. Every. Single. Time. The pile of abandoned work on ff.net will show you this. Creating an outline--at least for me--is like using a roadmap: it shows me where I'm going, though I still have the freedom to change my route if I want/need to. And my story GPS has rerouted a few times already.
My original plan was for 15 chapters (of at least 5k words each. I'll leave the math to you), but now it is looking like it will be at least 16 due to some necessary rewrites (look for me to groan about that in a later post...). I would like to finish before the school year starts, but we will have to see.
My next post will likely include some chapter one excerpts and spoilers for how all THAT unfolded. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments :)
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kingsofeverything · 7 years
Lauren don't stress yourself too much, you'll get it done and enjoy the process 💕
so i’m sure that people have heard me say this before, but i’m new to this whole writing thing. that includes all of it. so like.... everything i’ve written has sort of just tumbled out of me. not even kidding:
my first fic? i bought some lamps. at an antique store. and decided to write a fic because why not? i thought it would be the only one i’d ever write, so i filled it will every larry/1d cliche i could think of.
second fic? (running over thoughts) i wanted to see what it was like to write in present tense. also we were in the middle of a hurricane and i was bored. also i live at the beach. also i may or may not have pulled a lot of that stuff from my actual life. also one day i’d like to write a sailboat fic, which that one actually started as (more irl stuff)
3rd fic (messtival) i wanted to see if i could write from someone else’s prompt and not have smut
4th fic (yours in fractions) was talking in my gc about tropes and asked for them to throw some out at me. amanda @alarrylarrie said bed sharing. there ya go. NOW, this is the first time that i struggled with writing. i split it up into sections as i was writing it, i mean maybe you could call them chapters, idk. but i got to the last section and I HATED IT. so i decided to do nanowrimo. yeah. so i dropped YIF and left it alone for 30 days while i wrote:
my 5th fic, but the fic that i held onto until big bang. (how fast you fall) when we were tossing around ideas and tropes before YIF, one of amanda’s ideas was a love actually xmas au based on the porn actor stand ins. i thought it was fucking hilarious and there ya go. i wrote my ass off for the entire month of november and let me tell you, that fic was a mess. A MESS. this was the first time i tried outlining or even coming up with a plot at all before i wrote anything. it was weird, but basically it was just some words in a list that i went back and added to as i was writing. and it really did take like 6 months to edit. 
OKAY so then i went back and fixed the end of YIF and i’m happy with it now. but so i had to take an entire month away from it to be able to look at it and find a way to fix it.
my 6th fic! so my real 6th fic is actually a fic that i don’t think i’ll ever finish. it’s a really sad fic and basically i went into it thinking “i want to try to write something that is angsty and emotional but with a happy ending” and that was the first week of december. we all know what happened that week and i’d rather not discuss it, but basically, i just dropped it and couldn’t write anything for a like 10 days. which brings us to my actual 6th fic
6- (going to set himself on fire) it’s very short. 2k. wrote it in a couple of hours. just needed something funny, light, pwp, just........... something to take my mind off of things and there it is.
7- my most popular fic by far - (fall at my door) - i started it the day after xmas and i think it took me like... 2 weeks to write. and all i started with was the idea that i wanted to write a famous/famous fic. i got like halfway through the first part (louis’ pov) and started thinking “ohhh i should show harry’s pov” BUT i didn’t start planning his pov or anything? ugh i’m a mess. seriously. going back and lining shit up was such a clusterfuck. but it was fun!
8- (collide) found out a drabble is supposed to be 100 words exactly, thought i’d try it out.
9- (mercedes boy) @louandhazaf nic’s bday fic. sometime around nye i decided to write bday fics for my gc. i think it was right after i posted a scene from famd for @nottooldforthisship b’s bday. and lol ash @unintentionalarry was like my bday is in 4 days lolllll so she got a scene from famd too! lol 
10- ok so right after famd i signed up for the hp1d exchange - my first exchange! and omg i hated the first like month and a half of it because i didn’t like what i was writing AT ALL. i ended up scrapping an entire fic. but i uploaded my 10th fic (the oldest magic word) in the end of march.
11 & 12 (with a word) and (possessing all of me) are pretty much pwp sequels to famd and mercedes boy. both are bday fics. for @someonethatsfunny and @fratboylouie 
13- (it had to be you) the when harry met sally au. really the first “idea” i’d ever had for a fic. like when i first read larry fic, i was like oooh this movie would be cool as a fic. and then i forgot about it. and then i was watching gifs of billy crystal with the boys when they were on corden and i was like... i should write this now. so i did.
14- (one of many) a pwp bday fic for @theonewiththebluemic :D
15- my vegas fic (stranded in a dream) - written because i was told we weren’t welcome so :P
16- (soft wings) - bday fic for @alarrylarrie and ngl i struggled with it. this whole writing “difficulty” started after the vegas fic. idk.
17- my summer exchange fic, which i finished like.... idk a while back. before it had to be you, i think? maybe right after? can’t remember. 
in between all of this i’ve started like..... idk how many fics that i’ve (temporarily) abandoned. a puppy trainer fic. the sad fic. an exes to lovers fic that takes place during a hurricane. a restaurant au fwb hate to love fic. the other hp1d fic. a soulmate fic. a drunken leg wrestling fic (idk? i’m sorry?). a praise kink fic. 
my current wips that i haven’t abandoned abandoned are my robot fic, maybe that exes to lovers fic, a camper famous/not famous fic....... i think that’s it? idk. 
ANYWAY, OMG ANON I’M SO SORRY.  i’ve just rambled and rambled. i just haven’t been motivated to write at all. and when i have i’ve felt very ehhhh about it. whereas everything else that i’ve written above, i’ve really had fun writing. so basically.... if it’s not fun, i’m not into it. and i think that’s really lazy of me. so there’s like this weird cycle where i’m like “but it’s a hobby so it shoud be fun, but if i don’t write i won’t write, and i should make myself write because sometimes it’s hard.........” blah. but also irl stress and bullshit and maybe that’s what’s bothering me. idk. 
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aurum-auri · 7 years
From the "Cool Asks for Fic Writers" thingie: 2, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18, 20!! :^DDDD
Since there’s a few duplicates, I’ll just copy/paste the answers.
2. Any specific ritual for writing?
Most of my rituals have to do with editing. I’ll write anywhere and everywhere, in notebooks, on computers, and on my phone, and it’s all the same to me. I love writing.
Editing is the thing I’m not sure about. So usually my ritual is to read it through in its entirety, then again section by section, add and subtract sentences as necessary for flow, check for grammar and spelling errors (which I somehow still miss), check dialogue, read it again, read it again, make more changes, read it again, change a few words, read it again. It’s basically rereading it far too many times until I decide that there’s nothing else that needs to change. And then, when I go to post it, I usually reread it one more time to make sure it is formatted nicely for AO3. Obsessive? I think not.
5. How many words can you write if you sit down intensely for an hour?
This varies in a big way by what medium I’m using and what I’m writing. My computer is the fastest, followed by my notebook, then my phone. If I’m typing out a fight scene like the battles in the Search for Spring, I can actually get around 3k words in an hour. If it’s almost anything else, I can do about 1-2k in an hour.
But that’s if I’m focusing intensely. Which doesn’t happen easily.
6. First pairing? Hmm. It might have been Tendershipping (Ryou Bakura x Yami Bakura from Yugioh). It isn’t exactly a healthy ship. It’s actually quite bad, and ripe for abuse, but it is what it is, and I cut my teeth writing quite a bit of embarrassing fanfics on an old ffnet account that I now pretend doesn’t exist. Wow. I probably started… what, 8 years ago now? Where has time gone?
7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.
Inspiration and motivation. Ironically, the less time I have to devote to it, the better I write. I think it’s a function of my natural proclivity to procrastination.
15. Guilty writing pleasure
Lately, smut. Before that, character building. God I have the biggest collection of characters. I keep them in reserve. I make them up on the spot. I write novels for my D&D character backstories, especially for high level campaigns. It’s a running joke at my D&D table. I love characters. I LOVE characters.
Give me your diverse ensemble cast. Give me Durarara turned up to 11. Give me the vast character web that is Kingdom Hearts. I love building personalities that play off each other in interesting ways. I love people who are influenced by other people and who mimic each other’s mannerisms after prolonged exposure.
But ah… anymore? Yeah. Straight porn. With lots of gooey feelings. Yes.
16. Do you have a structured idea of how your story is supposed to go, or do you make it up as you write?
I have bullet points that I will hit, an end goal, and a vague idea of pacing. Any more planning than that almost never happens until I hit the chapter. Sometimes I’ll plan out a chapter before writing it up. Sometimes. But often I’ll just go into it and write whatever feels right.
In contrast, the novel I’ve wanted to write for 4 years is plotted out perfectly down to the pacing of the character development. Maybe that’s why I’ve never been able to finish it. I’ve got so many plans that it will never measure up.
20. Four sentences from your works that you’re proud of.
-General Yakov was a broad man with a steely stare and a hairline that was retreating like a tactical maneuver.
-And so the boy slumbered on in his castle of coral and steel, of ash and lava glass, where he dreamed of his own glorious death. (For the record, this character is dreaming of dying in battle, Valhalla style)
-The grass was a sea itself, caught by the wind and churning like waves.
-There were songs that only flightless birds sang, and songs that birds forgot when they lost their ability to soar.
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