#i have fhree
gurorori · 10 months
↓ the guy says all dat while still sheddin a tear whenevr som1 points out his speech
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ftmbruce · 1 year
when you do choose an app to open a savings account with and youre locked out of it the next day
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okiedoketm · 9 months
“So,” Zoro says, “Future Pirate King, probably needs a decent-sized crew, right? How many so far?” “Fhree!” Luffy says with his mouth full. “I-It’s just us,” Koby clarifies. “You’re shitting me,” Zoro says flatly. “Do you at least have a decent ship?” “Yeah!” Luffy declares, at the same time Koby says, “No.” Zoro runs a hand down his face. “What the hell did I sign up for?” He mutters. “Whatever, no going back now. Where are we headed next, Captain?” Luffy beams at the title. “The Grand Line!” He says, spitting crumbs across the table. Zoro chokes on his drink. Koby lets out an undignified squeak. “L-Luffy, we really need to get a decent ship first!” Koby insists, “And a proper navigator.” “Eh? Koby can steer us!” Luffy declares. Koby blanches. “No, I can’t! I barely got us here!” “I have a decent sense of direction,” Zoro shrugs, “Can’t be that hard.”
Read the new chapter of Koby’s Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day on AO3!
The third chapter of my Strawhat Koby fic, in which Koby travels back in time to save Luffy from certain death, and ends up becoming part of his crew this time around. This chapter, the boys are headed to the Grand Line! Orange Town!
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
Warm & fuzzy
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Funny Sonny x Reader
You just love him, who cares what the others think.
Two trailers is enough for drabbles, right? I have nothing better to say than I just love him. Also sorry for the Daryl tags!!!
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Sonny went inside the truckstop while you waited by his bike. You were early for the meeting since he picked you up and decided to take you along instead of taking you home first.
"You want me to come along? They've never met me before.." You were unsure how the others would react to you coming to a meetup without being introduced first, but he insisted. "They'll love ya. It's gonna be fine."
So here you laid out in the sun, over the length of Sonny's bike as you listened to the increasing rumble of multiple bikes coming closer. You heard them ride up next to where you laid and quickly question among themselves.
"The hell are you doing on that bike?" One of the men called while another one wasted no time threatening you. "You deaf? Get the fuck off or I'll cut that pretty face of yours so bad your own momma won't even recognise you!"
You knew coming along was a bad idea. You made quick work of sitting up and getting off the bike when a voice caught everyone's attention.
More folks had gathered by now when a loud "HEY!" Sounded from beside the gang.
"Leave her be. You touch her, I'll cut your tires."
With the group turned away from you you jumped up and ran to your boyfriend and sulked against him. "Told you it'd go bad.." You clung to hin as he wrapped an arm around you and walked you back to his bike. "Come on, baby. Tell the boys who they're threatening."
You looked around the group and quickly got anxious the intimidating men all stared you down, but you still managed to give them your name and introduce yourself as Sonny's girlfriend.
The whole group stared in shock while you curled further into Sonny's jacket and he held you proudly.
"You're with him? Seriously?" You nodded yes and softly smiled. Your hands had found the fringe on his sleeves to fidget with while his hand patted your hair.
"You. Are dating the hot chick?" The tension died fast now that they knew you you belonged to one of their group's members and you were welcomed immediately.
"No but seriously, how? Why? That man's a walking mold infestation." One of the younger members kept pressing for answers to questions everyone had.
You just looked at him like he had fhree heads. "What? No! I love him.." you leaned against his side and kissed his cheek on the small patch of skin between his beard and sunglasses.
The group kept throwing what felt to you like inults at you the two of you and you weren't having it. "None of you even think the good might outweight the bad in my eyes?" The glimmer of adoration was clear in your eyes.
"Yeah? Good like what?" A huff of laughter came from the questioning guys yet again.
"Well, he's clearly way more kind than you guys. Less judgy, too." Looking to your side you noticed he was in a conversation of his own and not paying attention.
"Another good thing.." Your hand moved over to your side. "Is this." With a quick motion your hand swooped down and grabbed at his crotch. He jumped at the touch, almost dropping his beer with an "Ey! The hell?" but still sporting a smile, wasting no time to wrap his arm around you to hold you close and pull you into a kiss.
You returned the kiss and made a scene of grabbing at his clothes and deepening the kiss, keeping up till you were out of breath and your point was made.
When you looked back into the group everyone turned their gaze away so quickly you were surprised no one got whiplash from it.
But now you could spend the rest of the time relaxing in Sonny's lap, playing with all the loose bits on his clothes while the group finally went to discuss important business.
A/N: I have no clue what to tag this as. Cuz I don't wanna tag it as Daryl??? Sorry for the Daryl tag, folks!!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 month
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Going Through Changes
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, insults, threats, very recent murder, slightly graphic description of kills, awkward conversations, Kells in denial, boys trying to be mature, ish, kisses, teasing, almost fingering, getting caught, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature with a hint of explicit
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
The ride home was strange to say the least. Dom was still riding high after having his urges met- though a little disturbed he hadn't been able to complete his entire ritual. It was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that- one, he hadn't actually killed the one that pissed him off, and two, it hadn't been done exactly right. His elephant necklace felt heavy around his neck though it weighed almost nothing. He knew it shouldn't bother him especially because he'd been seen and accepted by his mate… or so he'd felt while in the building.
They'd held each other and shared come-down kisses until his knot let them separate. The moment the omega was free he smiled at Dom before the Alpha watched the mask fall back in place. They got dressed in near silence as Colson called someone. The cleaners he said, that way they could go ahead and leave. They were expected somewhere and had already lingered over an hour. The killer was sure it would be fine. Tom liked methodical activities like packing.
Dom assumed the facade would drop away once they were safely hidden in the back of an oversized SUV but something was obviously on his lover's mind and he was scared to push. He was a mate though, wasn't he supposed to help his omega with his thoughts? Was he supposed to ask? Talk? How did people do it? It wasn't as if he had a good example, he knew enough to know his duty wasn't to punch his partner in the face like his dad would have his mum. Though his lip still twinged from where the other man had backhanded him the night before.
“You gave ‘em me address yeah?” He finally spoke into the darkened car. There wasn't even music playing. And he was supposed to be the sociopath here? He picked at a string on the seam of his pants and waited to see if he would get anything in return but all he heard was a soft noise he assumed meant ‘yes’. “Do… you want me to stay at it?”
Kells huffed and furrowed his brows, finally turning to look at the guy he just helped to kill two people under his employ. The boy he'd just let bite him. The psycho he could still feel inside him every time he moved. Shit he was still full of his cum, he could feel it soaking into his pants and probably staining the leather seat. He could see worry in Dom's eyes and he knew he was pulling the same shit he had for the last month. Or more. “Why the hell would you ask that? I just asked you to move in. You think I'm such a bitch I'd let my pussy talk for me?” That hadn't been how he had meant to react. Fuck.
Dom took a breath and shook his head, his fingers moving to his neck to fiddle with the charm there. Hormones or just his mate? He was starting to wonder. “I fink we was boff caught up in the moment and I don't want to make you feel suffocated. You used to living on ya own and now you gonna ‘ave two new people, fhree so-”
“I will rip your dick off if you finish that statement.” Kells growled and he internally smirked when the Alpha crossed his legs. He should know better, Col enjoyed that part of his lover more than that. “Are you saying you were caught in the fucking moment and you don't want to move in with me?” He was surprised at how scared of the answer he was. Dom had become his only way to sleep. His safety. His damn home no matter how much it annoyed him.
“I been living wiv yas. Jus’ wiv’out me clothes which ain't been fun. Course I wanna move in. We making a family. I jus’ don't want you to realize I'm a cunt over summat small like I leave the toofpaste cap off.” The boy shrugged. He was trying so hard to be honest.
“Do you leave the cap off? Cause I can train that out of you.” Colson half teased, he was sure he could easily break any bad habits the other man had.
“Not on pur- tha's not the bloody point! I got ADHD, sometimes I'm dumb. Wha' I don't want is you ‘ating me.” He took a chance and dropped his fidgeting hand to his mate's lap, hoping for Col to meet him basically halfway.
“See? I told you who the bitch is here. I'm not upset with you dumbass, I'm just upset. I feel like I'm fucking up everything with work and I probably don't have long before I'm outed.” The omega sighed and took his lover's hand in his own.
“So you can admit it?”
“I was meaning the fucking bite on my neck. It's pretty obvious you're an Alpha.” He was lying of course but to himself just as much as to the other man.
“Alphas mate. Sure it's rare but…” Dom shrugged and trailed off, he was trying to support his badass boss bitch but it was hard because he didn't want to add to the lies Kells was telling himself. If this was how he worked on accepting their fate he would help as much as he could. Without half truths he hoped.
“I know. It'll be fine, I'm just… I don't know. Not used to this shit.” He laughed mirthlessly. He didn't want to make Dom think he wasn't happy with him but he couldn't even navigate family relationships, how was he supposed to figure it out with him? With lots of sex preferably but they couldn't exactly use their bodies to work it out in the back of a chauffeured SUV. “What's freaking you out right now?” He decided to ask instead, the fingers of his free hand tracing the mark he left on the boy’s arm.
Dom knew Colson was trying and he was starting to see this was how the omega opened up. Basically every time they shared the Alpha had to open up first. “Tha’ you scared of wha’ you saw or summat. Tha’ you refinking us. Tha’ you pissed about the bite. And…” He sighed. If they were going to work he had to be honest. “I didn't kill ‘em right. It's fucking wiv me.”
Col nodded as he thought, he tried to give it a moment and let everything filter through before he answered. He looked up his lover's cases after their first meeting so he knew what monster was after him. It's why he'd felt safe since. Yungblud was fucking terrifying- the crime scene photos on Tom’s blog were a Jackson Pollock of blood. Glasgow smiles showing broken teeth, so many small cuts, and deeper ones showing bone. It was methodical but the finishing touch of his pachyderm charm burned into the victim's skin was an almost comical cherry on top. All that nightmare fuel he knew but he also knew the why. “You don't scare me and I'm sorry I interrupted. I'm not rethinking you, asshole. Did you not catch me helping at the end? Even saying that though and knowing I need you, it changes a fuck ton in my life. Plus I might be gaining a pet psycho but I could be losing a lot. But please don't feel like you can't do whatever the fuck you need as long as you don't get caught.” It felt like too damn much, he wasn't used to talking unless it was to his mom.
“It's okay to be scared. I'm scared… I fink. I'm ‘appy too but you a big arse change. I stayed away from me sisters to keep ‘em safe from wha’ I do and now I can't do tha'. I can't leave yas.”
“Yeah but this shit doesn't bother me as long as you don't get stains on my stuff.”
“You still pissed about tha’?”
“Uh yeah, that was an expensive rug. You have zero respect for the finer things in life.”
“I got respect for you, me.” Dom smiled, kissing his mate's cheek. He obviously wasn't meaning Colson when he was talking about being scared but he didn't know how to say it without triggering another fight. Obviously their kid would grow up around violence but not the way he had. They might tease each other but there was love and they could do this right. Right?
“Stop it. We're almost there and you're not gonna say whatever the fuck you're thinking about.” Just as Kells finished his sentence the vehicle pulled to a stop. He let his mate kiss him before he turned to open the door.
“Wha' if ‘ey an Alpha?” The boy’s voice sounded so small, terrified, and as young as he appeared. Col squeezed the door handle tight as his heart started to race. His foot was already out on the ground and he could easily ignore the query. He should. He had literally just told him no.
“With you as a dad there's no way they'll turn out like them.” The omega's voice was barely above a whisper and Dom barely caught it over the noise of LA life around them. He didn't look back and he didn't say anything else, he just stepped out of the car and shut the door in his lover's face.
There was something warm in Dom’s belly trying to fill the pit that had been forming there. Something wet touched his cheeks and he had to wipe them clean. He knew how hard it was for the older man to say those words, how difficult he was finding it to admit. He almost didn't want to exit the SUV because he knew outside of it they'd have to act like that comment was never made. He took a breath to steel himself because he knew the mask would be back in place. So he was shocked when he finally joined the omega after a moment and Colson took his hand.
“Shut the fuck up. Don't give me those eyes. You're on thin ice but I'm not gonna be a dick to you in front of Tom. Dude is like scary good at what he does and I'd like to keep my money where it is.” It was partially another lie, he'd genuinely just craved the Alpha's touch after what he'd said but he couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he was needed.
The flat was chaos as they entered, but Dom could see how it was controlled. His brother had a method to his madness and he couldn't fault him. That would be hypocritical as hell. As he shut the door behind him his mate pulled out his phone and he watched as Kells ordered someone to bring a U-Haul truck to help. The man might not be able to say the word love but he could fucking show it. As soon as he was done he was backing the boy against the wall.
“Mmm, ‘ello luv.” Dom smiled, his arms wrapping around his partner's waist to tuck his fingers just inside the back of his pants. The combined scent of them was like perfume on the man, he couldn't help but wonder how drenched he was between his legs.
“‘Ello.” Colson tried to fake his accent but it was atrocious even to him. “Ya know… I haven't been here before.”
“No you ain't.”
“Which means I haven't been to your room.” Kells hummed, flicking his tongue over the Alpha's plush lips. He could feel Dom growing hard between their pressed close bodies already and he ground his hips harder just to watch those jade eyes flash red.
“You right. Wanna see?” The boy didn't know where this conversation was going but he was starting to understand where it ended up. Them naked and panting and tangled together on his mattress. He just hoped he wasn't too judged on his décor.
“I do. That also means your poor bed has never been christened properly and you're about to abandon it. Isn't that shit tragic?”
“Y-yeah. Should- we should-” Dom's voice broke off in a whine when Col reached for his arm and tried to press his hand deeper in his slacks. “Fuck- so wet for me.”
“Don't get too big an ego bitch, most of that is your cum.” Kells laughed before it turned into a gasp. His mate's touch teased between his folds and exploded his hole with a surprisingly sure touch.
“I dunno about tha’. Fink ya pussy is begging for me.” It was rare for Dom to feel safe saying something like that but he wanted to try being more secure. The only problem was they'd both somehow forgotten they weren't alone.
“Boss?” Mod’s voice was dripping with awkward trepidation.
Colson just dropped his forehead to his mate's and cursed under his breath. “God damnit.”
“That's what you get trying to fuck in the front room like horny brats instead of helping me pack.” Tom's gentle chide surprisingly made the other omega laugh.
“Can someone explain what the fuck is happening?” Poor Mod, Tom hoped they didn't kill him for their mistake.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Sorry these have been a little shorter, I haven't been feeling very well. And I know I'm covering a lot of one day but it's an important one I think. We'll move on soon. I love them trying so hard to talk stuff out but still being catty with each other. Poor Mod, let's hope they let him live (I think Tom might enjoy him too much) I hope you're all enjoying it 💣🖤
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comedydoctor18 · 1 year
Hi Opal I hope you're having a good day
HIIIII!!!!! I ate fhree (3) cookies! And Koda eat some too!! FINALLY!!! so happy!!! How you????
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stalkerkyoko · 1 year
(For lucy, Levy, and Juvia) "You seem shocked about that idea? I mean, forgive me, but how many times have we shared a bed," Ron teased the fhree as he gave Juvia and Levy kisses
"Why am I naked again?" Lucy asks
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heedra · 5 years
ok to be fair there’s also tobias and to a lesser extent norm and prophet
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btsjimln · 7 years
It’s not a day if I haven’t teared up over Jimin yet
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reaperkaneki · 3 years
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leandraderaven · 5 years
Entwined Sneak peak chapter 22 - Avarice
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Two month later...
It rained fhree days now...they weren't able to hunt for three days. The tempers of the other village and clan member.  Sure everyone wanted to eat. Everyone was hunger and with every grey rainy day and cold bleak winter night, their spirits changed from being compassionate into being egoistic. Why shall they understand that women and kids needed to be fed first. Hunger elicited avarice and envy... Jughead thought.
He looked out of manor and saw the tensed faces of their clan members an wives...
Jughead exhaled deeply...
“We need to do something Betts...” Jughead stated as his wife embraced him from behind.
“I know... our whole harvest is destroyed, we have to go hunt and try if we the gods are grateful.” She said quietly.
Oh hell no! There's no way he let his 6 or 7 month – at least that's what Cheryl and Ethel suspected, but he decided to tell her that later.
“I have a feeling that somethings going to happen...the are trying to tell us something...” Betty said concerned
“It's just rain M'lass. It's just the winter.” Jughead tried to calm her and kissed the crone of her head.
“Maybe I am paranoid. But I can feel it. Something unexpected will come....” Betty whispered fearful and shivered.
Jughead rubbed her arms tenderly to calm and warm her. But couldn't that he could definitely secretly relate too...
Something definitely is going to happen... he could feel it in his bones. Like a bad foreshadowing. He will protect his wife and  child at all cost. He thought as he watched the rain pouring onto the fields of Riverdale...
Coming soon on AO3
Until then catch up here...
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 11 months
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The Wicked Spring
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO (knots, slick, mpreg), Viking/god Col, fae Dom, plot heavy chapter, scared boys, PTSD, evil returns, MF being awful, groping, trying to find alone time, interrupted fun, Cia running off, baby in danger (only for a moment), uncovered secrets, Dom getting sick, mentions of underage sex (Col's past), hurt/comfort ☠️ rating: mature/verging on explicit ☠️ shared ideas by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Nothing had changed exactly since Kol'son and Dom had found time for each other again but they had. The world didn't feel so overwhelming when they felt connected, the threat hanging over their heads didn't feel so immense. The siren had finally slept, passing out for so long that his husband had to resort to resting their babes against his chest just to keep them fed. It was strange but he was thankful to see his wife feeling calmer. It had been a few days and the boy had slept for at least one of them but it had been a week since the vampire had appeared and… nothing. Gods it was starting to get on Kol's nerves. He didn't like waiting around for trouble.
He'd finally convinced Dom to leave the bedroom and they'd left the children under Mod and Tom's care. Ciarán was running around their feet, still stuck in his wolf form but he was obviously happy to be free of their home. The Viking was glad to see his mate breathing fresh air and they felt clean and cuddly after a shared bath and a little fun. "I missed you ástin min." He sighed softly, wrapping his arm around his lover's shoulders. Thankfully Dom didn't take the statement wrong and instead smiled up at him, twining his fingers with his daidí's where they rest on his skin.
"I missed me too." The selkie huffed honestly before shaking his head. "But I missed you more. I didn't fink I could get tha' scared anymore. I don't know why I let 'em get in me 'ead like tha'. And now I've broken our son." He didn't mean to be so open but it was surprisingly easy with his husband. Who would have thought such a brute would have a big soft heart?
"You didn't break our son, look at him. He's happy. He's just being a good little alpha." The god wouldn't admit to worrying too, he hadn't seen his little boy's precious face in over a month and he couldn't convince him to shift back. He was sure if he could access the same power in himself he could force it, but he didn't want the kid traumatized. Cia was trotting in front of them, his tail wagging and his nose close to the ground. Honestly he was one of the cutest things the man thought he'd ever seen but that didn't mean he didn't miss his human form.
"He shouldn't feel like he needs to be. We got a bloody alpha already, he can calm 'is fluffy arse down! I don't want 'im growing up too fast." The fae whined, resting his head against his mate's chest as they strolled together.
"Damn straight. I don't think he can help it though. He feels our stress. Let's just hope Kiva and Quinny don't go this hard so young or we'll be overrun." The alpha teased, nuzzling his lover's hair.
"Oh gods no, I can't 'andle fhree teen alphas at the same time. I refuse." Dom giggled, shaking his head and half hiding against his daidí's chest. "'Ey yours at tha' point."
"Sure, as long as you raise the omegas. But it's cute you think I'm not breeding you again soon." The god's voice dropped to a growl and the fae shivered in his hold, almost tripping over himself. He was honestly surprised he hadn't felt the beginnings of his heat yet and that Kol hadn't already started teasing about whelping him. With that promise though they felt so much closer to their normal selves and it soothed something tight in Dom's chest. "Maybe make it an even ten?" Kol'son's hand disappeared from his shoulder and caressed it's way down his spine and the boy whimpered when that strong palm cupped his ass and squeezed.
The siren made a noise like a squeak but at the same moment their son barked and darted off for the tree line, shattering any play his parents were about to get up to. "Shite! Where'd he go?" The fae sighed, at first just from exasperation but when they lost track of the sound of his voice Dom felt nerves make his belly flip.
Kol'son's ears would have twitched if he were in his other form but as it was he tried to still himself and listen. His hand didn't move from it's bruising grip on his wife's ass, if anything he was hoping the pup would come right back and he could resume his attempt to fuck the fae against a tree but- "I can't hear him." He was focusing so hard on that one sense that he picked up the moment Dom's nerves turned to true anxiety when his heart started racing in his chest. He finally released the boy and pet gently up his back before letting go, ready to search out their son but they didn't have to.
"Hi daddy! Miss me?" A soft voice that was so sweet and fake it turned Kol's stomach sounded from the trees before she stepped into view, Cia tight in her hold.
The Viking couldn't help making a face and gagging at what she called him but it turned to a growl when he saw his little alpha. "Megna, put him down." He couldn't keep his voice level, he was honestly surprised he wasn't already ripping her throat out but he didn't want Ciarán to see him that brutal. Yet.
"Daidí-" Dom choked on his words, fear was clogging his throat and rage burning through his veins. His husband stepped in front of him but he couldn't help trying to peek around. He knew he shouldn't have let the babe leave their room. He knew he shouldn't have left.
'I've got it okay? When I tell you to run? Run.' The god's voice floated through his mind and he tried to nod but he couldn't leave their son. Sweat broke out over his skin, all his instincts telling him to do just that and escape but he couldn't. He wasn't sure why he felt that way anyway, he was always drawn to protect his young before himself.
"Aww but he's just so fluffy! Maybe I'll keep him as a pet." The bitch had the nerve to purr and Cia answered her with a snarl right next to her face. The pair couldn't help but feel pride but they knew she would just as soon hurt him as let him go. "Bad puppy. What else would I expect when the two of you are training him?" She huffed, rolling her eyes.
When the wolf went to nip her Kol could see her hand moving to slap his nose and he had to hold his wife back. He wasn't used to his own power and at times it scared him but he attempted to use it, snapping his fingers and praying the babe could escape. The moment happened so fast, almost a blink of an eye but he felt fur against his back and Megna was empty handed. Her bee stung lips pouted and her fox gaze landed on him like prey. 'Run.' He thought to his mate but before Dom could obey, a new voice echoed through the circle.
"I don't think so. Your mate shouldn't leave you alone with a woman, we all know how much a brute you are." It purred through the trees and the Viking furrowed his brow. Why did she sound so fucking familiar? The sound went straight through his body and he was ashamed at how his dick twitched. He thought he knew exactly who was talking, this was the god his mate had been promised to. But why did it feel like someone he'd always known?
Dom swallowed hard and pulled their pup close to his chest as he watched a goddess step up behind Megna. "Áine." He whispered, he couldn't help it. He knew who it was, he could feel it down to his bones that ached in her presence. Nothing about her felt kind or loving. He was honestly surprised she wasn't oozing black goo. He wouldn't bow to her though, he refused to show any respect for someone who could act as she did.
"Damhnaic. Don't worry, I don't want your alphas. I'll get you a puppy though Meg, would you like that?" The woman purred, kissing the human's cheek. She was- Dom supposed- objectively pretty, but not to him. He knew what that threat meant, she wanted their omegas but he'd fight to the death to protect them. Her dark eyes snapped to him, her lips curling in a smirk as she looked him up and down. He could see her entire form through the slip dress she wore but that was normal for his home. If he didn't know how disgusting they both were he might find them attractive but as it was… "You're sickened by us? You just thought that you would die for me, that doesn't sound like you're disgusted."
"I thought I would die to protect me kids from you! Do not mistake me mind when you steal fhoughts from it." The siren was surprised at himself but since his husband seemed to be frozen someone had to deal with them. "I'm sure someone else can bear ya children Áine, even Megna! Can't you jus' leave us alone? We won't come for you."
She laughed at that, a full throated deep sound that danced on his skin and gave him goosebumps. His heart leapt into his throat and choked him. "I don't think so sweet boy, she's human. Besides, you were made for me." Before he could take a breath she had vanished and appeared again in front of them, her hand outstretched to pet his cheek. "I don't like when my toys leave. Besides, she's already starting to bore me but I told her I'd get her revenge."
"Oh? And 'ow ya gonna do tha'? Kill us?" He spat, he swore he could feel his skin vibrating with her so close. His stomach was in knots and he felt nauseous. Even her scent smelled wicked. She should have smelled like fresh spring but instead she held the sickly sweet stench of decay. No wonder their land back home was dying, their goddess was turning bad.
"Of course not. She wanted you broken and Kol'son alone. I want you making me more omegas." She hummed, tilting her head as she glanced down at his belly before she finally looked to his husband. "I can do that so easily. Hello Kol, did you miss me boy?" She shifted her attention to him, her claws petting his cheek.
Kol'son bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. He wanted to shift and grab his family and run but he was frozen to the spot. He could feel his lover's confusion and he hated it. In his mind he was begging the universe she didn't say what he knew she was about to. They didn't hide anything from each other, he'd told his wife about his conquests but… there was no way he could fathom that. He knew it would break his queen's heart. "No."
"It's not nice to lie to your first love. Does your pretty little omega know I taught you everything you know about pleasing a woman?" The Viking growled, she was exaggerating but it didn't matter. As a boy she had taken his innocence and they'd shared an intense night together. He'd always thought about her but how could he know? How could he fucking have predicted this?
Dom felt dizzy, his head was swimming with thoughts he couldn't quell. This goddess had touched his lover before- before- oh gods had she seen his future? Did she know? His skin felt soaked in sweat and before he could stop himself he was stepping back and dropping to his knees to be sick. It wasn't that they'd slept together though, he wasn't that easily jealous or so simple to break. No, it was the fact he knew his poor husband had been so young and she was magic. Gods how long had she been torturing them both? And where were his parents?
"Meg sweetheart, take me somewhere to rest while we wait for the rest of our party? They'll arrive by boat soon. Kol, you should visit our bed later. If you think we had fun when you were young…" She winked, cupping his jaw with her claws and holding him still as shs forced a kiss against his lips. "You taste like bitch. My bitch. Yummy. How sad you've already ruined him. Now be a good puppy and welcome your in-laws. Remember, we're a visiting kingdom and you must be diplomatic." She purred, slapping his cheek but he kept from moving his head. He might not be able to speak against her yet but he wouldn't cower to her either.
Dom felt tears well his eyes as he heard the women disappear. His son was licking his cheeks and trying to soothe him but he felt mad with grief. The moment they were free the Viking dropped to kneel and tried to comfort his mate but he was scared to touch him. Maybe she had broken something between them. "I'm so sorry-" The siren choked out between sobs, throwing himself against the man's chest. "She 'urt you for me." He sniffled while the god just stared at him wide eyed. He'd been prepared to grovel for forgiveness. He'd remembered her mostly fondly all these years and he remembered telling Dom what an experience it had been. The first woman he'd bedded, the only pussy he'd been inside when not bleeding before his wife. He was so ready to say he was sorry but he didn't know how to handle the boy blaming himself. All he could do was shake his head and try to comfort his love and their son. Fuck he just wanted to get them home safely.
Author's Note/Tags: @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @manicpixiedreamb0y @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Eep! A little angst and plot to spice up the story. Our boys are strong though! They can handle it. Just in case you were wondering, yes I'm picturing Halsey for Áine. I hope you're still enjoying the story! 🖤☠️
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