#i have so many asks to answer still……… i’m sorry 🧎
mattodore · 26 days
I found this and immediately thought about your ocs….. would mind answering them someday? hope you don’t mind :33
Ultimate Relationship tag with Theo and Matthias
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1. Who is more likely to raise their voice? 
2. Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Neither of them.
3. Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
4. Who trashes the house?
Neither of them.
5. Do either of them get physical?
Not with each other.
6. How often do they argue/disagree?
They disagree a lot, but it’s not often that disagreements turn into arguments. They bicker, if anything. Theo is kind of always at a defensive 100 and Matthias is at a steady 30… Matthias is very good at talking Theo down.
7. Who is the first to apologize?
1. Who is on top?
Matthias, mostly.
2. Who is on the bottom?
Theo, mostly.
3. Who has the strangest desires?
Matthias… respectfully.
4. Any kinks?
Too many.
5. Who’s dominant in bed?
Matthias in their twenties, Theo as they age.
6. Is head ever in the equation?
Matthias is between those legs and on his knees daily.
7. If so, who is better at performing it?
Matthias for technique, but Theo likes deepthroating and choking on it, so… if that’s your thing then… :)
8. Ever had sex in public?
Yes 💕
9. Who moans the most?
Matthias early on in their relationship. Theo tries very hard to keep himself quiet.
10. Who leaves the most marks?
11. Who screams the loudest?
12. Who is the more experienced of the two?
13. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Theo thinks they fuck. Matthias thinks they become each other.
14. Rough or soft?
15. How long do they usually last?
Multiple rounds. Matthias is a fan of control and delay…
16. Is protection used?
Always when they first start seeing each other, but down the line they’ll go without semi-regularly. It depends on Theo and whether or not he’s in a hurry. He has to have enough time for Matthias to clean him up properly afterwards.
17. Does it ever get boring?
I don’t think so. Matthias is a freak and they’re in love.
18. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Matthias’s parents’ marital bed. No further questions.
1. Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
No, both of them are firmly against having kids. But for the sake of not just skipping all these… let’s play pretend.
2. If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
In a world where they do want children… Theo would only want one but Matthias might want more. Two seems like a solid number. They’d only have one, though.
3. Who is the favorite parent?
It’d be Matthias. Kids really like him in general. It’s the way he talks to them.
4. Who is the authoritative parent?
Hm… I think Matthias. Matthias doesn’t believe in any sort of adult superiority over children—he guides, he doesn’t command. So there’s always going to be communication and an openness to his hypothetical parenting style. I think Theo would be almost too lenient in fear of being like his own parents. Better to just let Matthias take on that responsive caretaker role.
5. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?
6. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Both of them. 
7. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?
Both of them. 
8. Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
Both of them, but if Theo can’t make it because he’s busy then Matthias will be there himself.
9. Who changes the diapers?
Both of them.
10. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
Matthias. Theo needs his sleep and Matthias would be awake anyway.
11. Who spends the most time with the children?
Matthias… he’d be a stay at home dad.
12. Who packs their lunch boxes?
13. Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
Matthias tries to go for it and Theo is like, “…I’m gonna stop you there.” Theo gives ‘the talk’ and keeps it PG.
14. Who cleans up after the kids?
15. Who worries the most?
16. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Matthias. They’d copy after him while he’s talking to himself in Polish and would have no clue what he's saying... 😭 Theo would never swear in front of them.
1. Who likes to cuddle?
They both do, but Theo craves physical reassurance more.
2. Who is the little spoon?
Theo. He likes to feel safe and held. 
3. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Matthias, but to be fair… Theo is really into PDA as their relationship progresses. He encourages it.
4. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  
When he gets more comfortable with his desires it’s Theo, for sure. 
5. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
They’re disgusting. Hours and hours. I think Theo would be the first to pull away, though.
6. Who gives the most kisses?
7. What is their favorite non-sexual activity?
Theo loves to play with Matthias’s fingers. Matthias loves bathing Theo.
8. Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
In bed.
9. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?
When they’re further into their relationship, Matthias. He smacks at Theo’s ass all the time…
10. How often do they get time to themselves?
Depends on Theo’s schedule.
1. Who snores?
Neither of them.
2. If both do, who snores the loudest?
3. Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
They share the bed, but they’re hardly ever asleep at the same time.
4. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Close together. Theo will curl into Matthias’s stomach and Matthias will sleep with his head in Theo’s lap.
5. Who talks in their sleep?
6. What do they wear to bed?
Theo wears boxers and socks, sometimes topless if Matthias is there but most likely in a t-shirt or tank if not. If Matthias falls asleep incidentally then it’s just whatever he’s wearing for the day, but if he intentionally lays down for sleep he’s either nude or just in briefs. 
7. Are either of your muses insomniacs?
Matthias 💕
8. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Theo uses them in the summer. Matthias uses them year-round but they don’t really work for him.
9. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
All wrapped up.
10. Who wakes up with bed hair?
Theo’s hair gets crazy since he’s a side sleeper and tends to unconsciously nuzzle down into his bed. I imagine one side of his hair is almost always sticking up.
11. Who wakes up first?
Matthias… since he was already awake anyway.
12. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Matthias. He’s the one who does the cooking in their relationship. He likes to show off as much as he likes to take care of Theo.
13. What is their favorite sleeping position?
Theo likes when Matthias reads to him and lets him wrap his arms around his waist and press his forehand to Matthias’s hip. Matthias likes sleeping on top of Theo with Theo’s hands carding through his hair. 
14. Who hogs the sheets?
Theo! He likes burrowing into bed whereas Matthias doesn’t like feeling smothered by fabric.
15. Do they set an alarm each night?
Theo has a lot of alarms on his phone for when he’s staying over at Matthias’s place but when he’s at his apartment he uses a clock he keeps by his bed.
16. Can a television be found in their bedroom?
17. Who has nightmares?
Both of them. Theo doesn’t remember his, though. He doesn’t even realize he has them.
18. Who has ridiculous dreams?
Well… I guess Matthias’s could be a little ridiculous if you’re, uh. Unwell.
19. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Theo stays very contained while he sleeps and is often curled up into a ball, so it’s Matthias by default. 
20. Who makes the bed?
Matthias. Theo doesn’t believe in making the bed and hasn’t done it since he left his parents’ house... he's a little chaotic and messy. Matthias on the other hand likes for things to be neat.
21. What time is bed time?
Lateee. Theo passes out in the A.M. and Matthias doesn’t sleep regularly. 
22. Any routines/rituals before bed?
They brush and floss beside each other. Theo watches Matthias do his nighttime skincare routine. Matthias reads to Theo until he falls asleep or… uses other methods to help tire him out. Matthias hushes and hums to Theo when he starts having nightmares.
23. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
1. Who is the busiest?
2. Who rakes in the highest income?
Matthias… on account of his dead daddy.
3. Are any of your muses unemployed?
Matthias 🥰
4. Who takes the most sick days?
Theo will force himself through anything, no matter how sick he is. 
5. Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Theo would never be late if he could help it.
6. Who sucks up to their boss?
Theo isn’t a suck-up exactly but he’s… fawn response. You get it.
7. What are their jobs?
Theo is studying to become an investment analyst at his father’s company.
8. Who stresses the most?
Theo by default but also he’s, uh, always stressed.
9. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Theo feels physically ill even thinking about it. 
10. Are your muses financially stable?
Matthias is, but Theo is financially dependent on his parents. His parents are stable, but they use money against him.
(So many of these aren’t applicable because Matthias pays his staff to take care of these things… I'll just strike them out. I’m answering these for later in their relationship when they’re living together.)
1. Who does the washing?
Matthias will if he’s sent the staff away for alone time with Theo.
2. Who takes out the trash?
3. Who does the ironing?
4. Who does the cooking?
Matthias enjoys cooking for Theo personally. He wants to be the one to feed him.
5. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Neither of them. Theo’s taken care of his own meals since he was a child and Matthias is a very good cook.
6. Who is messier?
Theo, easily.
7. Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
8. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
9. Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Neither of them unless Theo is intoxicated in some way.
10. Who is the prankster around the house?
Neither of them.
11. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Matthias is the only one who drives but he doesn’t lose things, like, ever… he has scary good memory.
12. Who mows the lawn?
13. Who answers the telephone?
Theo uses his cellphone. Matthias has one as well, and the landlines at his place(s) are normally answered by staff.
14. Who does the vacuuming?
15. Who does the groceries?
16. Who takes the longest to shower?
Theo, so long as he’s not in a hurry. He’ll be in there for forty minutes at a time just letting the hot water ease all the tension and soreness in his body.
17. Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Matthias. He primps and preens. Turns this way and that. He’s vain.
1. Is money a problem?
Not even close.
2. How many cars do they own?
Matthias owns two.
3. Do they own their home or do they rent?
Separately Matthias owns his own places and Theo rents his apartment (…his parents are paying that rent, to be clear).
4. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
5. Do they live in the city or in the country?
6. Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Theo doesn’t think about that. Matthias likes where he’s at. 
7. What’s their song?
If I’m the one picking it, then it’s Putting the Dog to Sleep by The Antlers.
If it’s their pick, then it’s Miroirs: III. Une barque sur l'océan composed by Maurice Ravel. Matthias occasionally plays it low to help Theo sleep. It takes Matthias a bit to notice it, but Theo doesn’t have nightmares as often if there’s soft music playing.
8. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Theo attends classes, studies, sees his parents, goes to networking events, parties at clubs. 
Matthias visits Imani, spars with Sehyuk, throws parties, bird watches, reads in his personal library.
9. Where did they first meet?
…Matthias’s home.
10. How did they first meet?
Spoilers 😁
11. Who spends the most money when out shopping?
12. Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Not intentionally, but Matthias.
13. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Theo. He likes when Matthias kind of breaks character.
14. Any mental issues?
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15. Who’s terrified of bugs?
Neither of them.
16. Who kills the spiders around the house?
Theo kills them, Matthias pays them no mind. 
17. Their favorite place?
They like being at Theo’s apartment together.
18. Who pays the bills?
Matthias pays. 
19. Do they have any fears for their future?
Theo is all fear. Matthias doesn’t have a care in the world… he should, though.
20. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
21. Who uses up all of the hot water?
22. Who’s the tallest?
Matthias is 193cm and Theo is 173cm.
23. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
24. Who wanders around in their underwear?
Matthias. COVER THEM UP 💥
25. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Theo with the help of alcohol. Matthias will sing along with him to make him smile wider.
26. What do they tease each other about?
Matthias teases Theo a lot but it’s mostly just during sex because he’s evil. Theo doesn’t really tease Matthias… it’s more like he’s a little mean.
27. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Neither of them. They like how they dress.
28. Do they have mutual friends?
Not at first. Theo does end up getting close to Imani after dating Matthias for a while.
29. Who crushed first?
30. Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Theo has substance abuse problems.
31. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
32. Who swears the most?
Theo, probably.
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daaydreamy · 1 year
on my knees begging for the absolute filthiest most obscene blurb about rimming sub!h for the very first time and how the idea gets brought up 🥺🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♂️ sorry for being weird, love your work ❤️
trembling still
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summary: harry and y/n try something new. 
warnings: coarse language, smut, rimming (m receiving)
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“Oh f-fuck, yeah, please.” Harry sighed out dreamily, burying his face into the pillow beneath him to hopefully muffle his loud whines and moans, arching his back and pressing himself against Y/N’s face even more, before he even realized that was what he was even doing, quickly curving his back upwards once more as his cheeks grew hot in embarrassment. He glanced over his shoulder for a second to look at Y/N, and he felt one of her hands slide up the back of his thigh all the way up to his back, sliding it down again slowly whilst pressing down, as if she was encouraging him to arch his back. She wanted to see how much he was enjoying it since his face was facing away from her.
“Just relax…” She chuckled softly after pulling away, looking over at where he had squished his face into a pillow, “Does it feel good?” She asked as she started mouthing at the soft flesh of his ass, gently biting to see what reaction that would elicit from his body and a subtle way to make him answer. 
“So good.” Harry replied airily, letting his grip on the pillow loosen, his back now arched downwards beautifully and Y/N hummed in satisfaction.
“You want me to eat you out?” Y/N asked as she put her phone down on her lap, where she had been scrolling on Pinterest for quite a while. Y/N had always been open to trying new things with Harry, sexual or not, and she wasn’t exactly sure why he was still so nervous despite her telling him exactly that many, many times. She liked trying new things with him, practically loved it.
“...Yeah?” Harry replied tentatively, cheeks still insanely hot and insanely pink. He just wanted to try it since he saw a porn video about it a little while ago when Y/N was on a business trip for a week, which ended with a hand over his mouth, eyes squeezed shut tightly, his toes curled deliciously, and his phone long forgotten beside him because he got so lost in his thoughts and filthy fantasy of Y/N eating him out until he was all sensitive, shivering and squirming.
“Then relax, let me make you feel good.”
a/n: super not weird at all, i hope this was okay!! loved this concept and i’m so glad you enjoy my work!! i actually have a longer version of this in my google docs that i never got the motivation to finish... should i finish it? but thank you for reading, feedback is always appreciated! mwah mwah 💋
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @sadqn1, @sad1esgf, @taylorsreputationsversion , @violetsandfluff, @purplefishingline, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite, @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run, @velvetrylie, @vamprry, @ellie-loveshs, @conssurnorthli
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xshinigamikittenx · 3 years
I have no idea if this is still open if not ignore this
but kyotani and yellow
Okay first of all I’m SO sorry this took so long. I have been SUFFERING with writers block for a min but I wanted attempt this. I hope it doesn’t suck. 🥲🧎🏽‍♀️
tw/cw: jealous kyotaniiii 😩 otherwise none, this is pretty fluffy. Eluding to a lil something at the end. 😏
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“Kyo, you’re being an asshole.”
He snaps his head over at you, golden fiery orbs boring into your glaring eyes. “What?” He growls, knuckles turning white from his grip on the steering wheel.
“We’re together, you and me. I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. You can’t act like this every time some other guy talks to me.”
The image of Tsukki standing so close to you, actually fucking smiling down at you after you congratulated him on his performance during their last match was like a stubborn flame he couldn’t put out. It fucking burned, even thinking about seeing you with someone else. Their hands on your skin, your lips turning up at the corners before you laugh, your eyes softening around the edges when you’re genuinely happy. Those moments were for him, he wanted them all, he cherished them. He doesn’t understand what you don’t understand about that. And he sure as hell doesn’t know how to put all that shit into words.
He shifts his eyes back to the road ahead, eyebrows furrowing angry grooves into his sharp features. “I’m not acting like anything,” he snaps, “I’m being who I’ve always been and if giving a shit about you makes me an asshole then fuck it, I’m an asshole.”
You sigh, the tightness in your chest loosening it’s grip as his words settle into you. You could hear it, just under the grit of his voice, the chasm of vulnerability nestled between his lungs, the well of insecurity he tries so desperately to mask in pointed words and clenched teeth.
You feel the car decelerating as you look out at the traffic ahead, your eyes fixating on the yellow light signaling everything to slow down. You take a breath, inhaling the deafening silence that hung between you steeped in so many words you both wanted to say but weren’t sure how.
You both sit like this as the car stops, for what seems like infinite moments, and then his hand slides over the center console, reaching for you. His touch is so soft against your skin, you almost don’t realize he’s grazing your knuckles with his finger tips, wordlessly asking permission to hold you in the best way that he can.
You look over at him, meeting his amber eyes, probing you for a sign that this was okay. The ferocity most people see during warm ups, the vicious force of determination and will he radiates during a game has always been his answer to feeling inferior. What the general public viewed as intimidating you marked as passion. When he cares about something he gives it everything he’s got and you were no exception.
You interlace your fingers with his and he exhales, flooding the air with relief before he leans over, bringing the back of your hand to rest against his forehead.
“I’m an asshole,” Kyotani grumbles, his eyes closed as he speaks.
“Yeah,” you say, leaning in to cup the side of his face with your hand. His eyes fly open at your touch, his jaw clenching as he lift his head to meet your gaze. “But you’re the asshole I fell in love with.”
His eyes widen at your words, and it’s as if you can see them sinking into him, his shoulders loosening like the tension stringing him up has been cut.
Then the sounds of car horns blaring behind you snap him back into reality. The light ahead of you glowing green as cars pass by while you remain still. His eyebrows furrow before whipping his head around.
“Alright! Alright! Shut up already!” He yells to the traffic behind you.
You stifle a laugh as he looks back towards the road, keeping his hand interlocked with yours while he hits the gas with a vengeance.
“Babe!” You squeal, your body pushing back into your seat.
“What?” He smirks over at you, “I’m tryin’ to get you home so the ‘asshole you fell in love with’ can show you how sorry he is.”
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