#i hope everyone's aware that he's 10000% serious about this
patrick-mahomes · 4 months
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NFL Super Bowl LVIII Mic'd Up
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disaster-j · 2 years
Reveal your Watch and Rewatch drama list!
Tagged by @joblessquinoa thanks 💜💜
Currently Watching:
1. Kinnporsche- if you follow me you'll know how much I love this show it's giving EVERYTHING i needed it to give and i am so glad i watched it live bc i would have binged it in one night and lost so much sleep lmao
2. Sky in Your Heart- I'm a little behind but hoping to catch up this weeked. I love this show. Mek in a bl was already enough for me to get excited but I also loved Fah in Star in my Mind so it was even better seeing him in his own show. FahPrince are so cute together they have so much chemistry right from the first meeting and i love love love them so much. Highly recommend it to anyone who liked atots too bc the vibes are identical.
3. Mama Gogo- y'all know i love this show soooo much. It's cracky and over the top but very much self aware. The cast is incredible and storylines are really fun and interesting. The chemistry between the two main leads is already pretty good even tho i believe it's a slow burn enemies to lovers but like IT'S THERE okay. And everyone else in the cast has great chemistry too. So invested in the drama between Annie and Tina like i want them to get in a physical fight so bad i think it would be extremely funny. 10000/10 HIGHLY recommend this one!!!
4. Astrophile- the only way this show could redeem itself is if it turns out Kimhan is secretly a villain and ends up alone in the end, like 500 Days of Summer. Otherwise this is a complete and utter failure. Not only is the main plot mind numbingly boring but the main character is so insanely unlikeable even Bright stans i know refuse to continue watching it. There's zero chemistry between the supposed main couple and the guy is literally a walking red flag. Every single character and side plot other than Kimhan's whole thing is genuinely pretty good, but they get so little screentime and we are instead constantly forced to watch Kimhan use his past trauma as an excuse to be a fucking incel while manipulating the female lead into building a relationship with him. Don't watch this show or if you do just skip every Kimhan scene idk what else to say. There's a reason it flopped across all media platforms not even halfway through. I haven't even been able to get past what 2 eps? Shit sucks.
5. Ghost Doctor- i started this forever ago and even tho i genuinely love the show i have been slacking on finishing it. Kdramas are soooo long and I've been busy so 🤷‍♀️ but it's on netflix now so hopefully that can be a good motivator to finishing it. The story is about this genius doctor who falls into a coma and starts possessing one of his residents whom he has a hate relationship with to treat patients. Very funny and at times cracky show but balanced out with a serious thriller ish plotline going on underneath. Would recommend this to anyone who likes kdramas.
I simply do not have the time to rewatch shows rn 😔😔
Looking forward to-
Vice Versa, U.M.G, GAP, Eclipse, 10 Years Ticket, Warp Effect, 3 Gentlebros, Home School, Midnight Series (mostly the OffJan and NanonFilm ones bc Moonlight Chicken just isn't my thing)... that's all i can think of rn
Tagging: (i feel like most people have done this recently so ignore this if you have but) @magicaldreamfox1 @onstoryladders @piningbisexuals @demiromanticmickey @ralbeleren @paalove @catravandece @mineonmain
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wishful-soda · 2 years
Firstly I want to state that this ask is going to be long rant dear wishful-soda but I feel like your blog is such a nice and safe space for this type of renting, especially for us daniel girlies❤ So here I go...😅
For us Daniel girlies this season has been so difficult😭Daniel might not be performing very well this year-and I'm sure every fan is aware of this- but he doesn't deserve this treatmeant either. He has been basically through hell this year and there are people saying that he deserves this and also criticize us fans that we are going over the top to defend him. Like is this people are real?? Do they read the same things as we do?? Of course we might be little biased sometimes because because he is our favorite driver but I genuinely think that these people are just horrible. He has been slandered and dragged through entire media. I feel so sad for him because when things like this happen in any type of sport, people forget the past achievements and the talent of the said person. Honestly, I am on the fucking verge of a mental breakdown because of this news that are coming out everyday. Then I think if I am like this I CAN NOT imagine how this situation is like for Daniel.
That joke of a man named Zak Brown is doing everything in his power to push Daniel out of his seat while Lando gets royalty treatment from him. Please don't get me wrong on this sentence. I don't hate Lando, on the contrary I like him very much and I think he is a very talented driver but I'm just using it to make a comparison how badly Zak treats Daniel.
Not only he treats Daniel very poorly, he is giving Mclaren a very hard time. This is is very old and respectable one and now it is nothing but a mess and needs to do a very serious PR damage control and I say this as a person who studied Business Administartion.
This PR suicide leads me to think from a company-point as well. In this day of age, PR and Marketing is everything and after all Mclaren Racing is a company under The Mclaren Group and it has it's owners and board members. My mind is LITERALLY BLOWN AWAY that how are this people allowing him offering a seat that is already taken to a lot of people?! It is beyond unprofessional. He makes them look very bad. It doesn't matter that he is the CEO unless he owns 51% of that company(which I don't have the knowledege of), he will do what the board members tells him to do-for this type of big decisions. At this point, I think that he keeps it up like this, the only person that is going to be replaced will be him because he is getting a lot of criticism and hate at the moment because the team is like a circus right now.
Okay my rent is done dear wishful-soda😅 And I will be going back to my corner, thinking about how nice it would be that Cyril to return to F1 and reunited with his baby boy Daniel and save him from this horrible situation ❤️‍🩹 #cyrilwouldnever #cyrilabiteboulsupremacy💯
And let us not forget to do a prayer circle for Daniel everyone. Let us hope and pray that he will get over this horrible situation and afterwards that he will enter his villian era to prove this people wrong 😉🙏🏻✨️
Hi baybes! You are absolutely right, this is a safe space for ranting.
You are totally right. This has been a tough season for Daniel. And somehow having a tough first half of a season, erases all the good he's done in the past in some people's eyes. It's incredibly illogical, but that's exactly how he's being treated now. As if he's never done anything worth shit in his career when he's actually done quite a bit and is a fucking damn good driver.
Meanwhile, we're hearing how legendary and amazing Lando is. I'm not saying he's not a good driver, but to simply compare the two, Lando just doesn't have better results except for this first half of the season. So the narrative is stemming from somewhere, it all comes from somewhere and I think it's 10000% from the toxicity of McLaren. Right in line with the PR nightmare you mentioned. They are not showing that they value Daniel and think he's worth working with. They're not showing that they know he's a killer driver but is just struggling with the fucking tractor beast of a car they've given him this year.
I would fucking LOVE to see Zak get replaced as CEO. As an American, I don't love the picture he paints of us. He fulfills a lot of shit stereotypes. He's also just a garbage human in general so there's that too. I will legit throw a party if they replace him, regardless if Daniel is on the team or not, I just want to see him GONE.
and you're right; CYRIL WOULD NEVER.
Hope you have a good rest of your day bby, and Daniel girl rants are always welcome here 😘💖💖
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hisuperb · 6 years
Interview - 2D Star Vol.11
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Big thanks to @yukimuzic for the scans. If you were to use and/or repost this page, please ask her first.
Q. It’s Hi!Superb's first appearance in MY★STAR, isn’t it~ First of all, please introduce yourselves.
LEO: Yes, so I’ll go first! I’m Leo! Hi!Superb’s leader, the positive king from Naniwa!
RYO: Wait a minute! Isn’t your rank a bit high?! (lol)
LEO: From now on, instead of positive thinking, I thought I’d go with “positive king“. (lol) Since I’m from Kansai, I’m doing it to make anything look funny! RYO, you’re up next!
RYO: Everyone, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m the natural malicious puppy ✰ Hi!Superb’s lively RYO!! There’s no mistake that if you support me, it’ll make you happy forever! I’ll be in your care!!
LEO: That’s a lot of english there! Whatcha say, SION?
SION: (laughs with a gentle smile)
RYO: I thought it’d be okay to say that with feelings (lol). Next! Let’s go, OMI-kun!
OMI: Hello, Hi!Superb’s OMI here.
RYO: .... Eh-, that’s all!?
OMI: Since I’m introducing myself.
LEO: As usual, OMI-chan is so serious~ (lol). But, let's talk a little bit more!
OMI: There are many things that are said to change, but I’m not aware of having any.
RYO: The things I don’t understand are OMI-kun’s good points, I must be a weirdo!
LEO: And now, MAGU-chan!
MAGURA: Yees! Hello, MAGURA here. I’m the youngest, but I’m relied on and depended on a lot.
RYO: Cute MAGU-chan!
MAGURA: I’m not just cute, I also have a manly side, so watch closely, okay? ♪ Next up, SION!
SION: Hello, everyone. I’m SION. I think it was the fans who removed my veil, so take care of me?
Q. About three months have passed since your debut stage, what is the impression you have of each other?
RYO: Hmm. I think OMI-kun’s weirdness has passed the standard definition!
OMI: ......
RYO: OMI-kun, you’re scary, SCARY!
SION: OMI-kun, glaring is no good, haha.
LEO: For example, what kind of things are you referring to?
RYO: Hmm, like, rare moments that make you go “Eh-, at a time like this?!“ For example, recently, after recording, everyone was “Good, let’s go home~“ and as we left the studio he started eating a lunch box (lol). It surprised me, like “Now!? Rirght now!?“
SION: OMI-kun goes at his own pace.
OMI: Well, SION, I think that you have a quite unique personality, though.
SION: Is that so?
LEO: While you talk, you suddenly start yapping in english, give me a break (lol).
SION: So, does having the same strange aura mean that OMI-kun and I are fellows?
OMI: No, it’s totally different. Stop it.
RYO: Here we go again~! The bashful OMI-kun ☆
OMI: Am not. I’m tootally not shy.
Q. You really get along, huh?
LEO: That’s right. Even on stage we talk eagerly. (lol) As you can see from the flow of the conversation just now, OMI-chan has established a unique world.
MAGURA: Even though there are only 10 minutes left until the stand-by, OMI-kun checks the steps by himself.
RYO: Today too, I was wondering where did he run off, but once he came back he was all sweaty (lol). “Huh!? Did you just come back from a sauna!?”, said Leader to poke fun at him. (lol)
MAGURA: Leader’s comedy acts are always running high, haha. 
SION: That’s true!
LEO: Huh? Before I knew it, it’s my turn? (lol)
RYO: Even when Leader is the MC, he sets up his silly booby traps! He’s really  reliable! OMI-kun and Leader have totally different personalities, but when they’re standing together on stage they show a really reliable side of them; it gets us all fired up and make us want to work hard! 
MAGURA: LEO-kun’s leadership is really something. He pulls us together.
RYO: That's not an aggressive sensation, it’s natural. If I were a girl, I would definitely fall for a guy that has Leader’s qualities~!
SION: But if it’s about being natural that we’re talking about, aren’t you also pretty straightforward, RYO-kun?
LEO: His switch is always on after all. Especially the tension when there’s a meal in front of him is remarkable. (lol)
RYO: I like catering, that’s all!!
MAGURA: Indeed, haha. In front of a catering, RYO-kun’s tension is at its MAX. I think it’s really cute when that happens.
RYO: Eh!?
SION: There’s no mistake, since Hi!Superb’s cute one says so.
RYO: ! Ah, thanks!!
LEO: Also, when I’m the MC you take the lead telling me I gotta be lively during our scenes and enhance the mood, so I’m always saved by that.
RYO: I was praised by Leader! Yaay!
LEO: However, there are also moments when you rush things up, so there’s room for improvement, haha.
RYO: !!
OMI: Because you push your way through as if you’re in a bulfight. I’d be happy if you could calm down a little.
RYO: Uwaaaah~~ I was body-slammed~~ (cries).
SION: I think that having a challenging spirit is amazing.
RYO: Thank you, SION!
A question from Leader that’ll cause the youngest members to be in a pinch.
LEO: To MAGURA and SION in particular, if you were to work with someone from Hi!Superb, who would you choose?
MAGURA: Hmm, let’s see...
LEO: It’s okay if it’s just from your current impressions!
RYO: No, no, I’m scared!
SION: Ehh, It’s troubling because I want to be with everyone.
RYO: Well then! When I went out to eat with SION before, I was told that "I feel so comfortable with RYO-kun!"
SION: I wonder if I really did say that, haha.
LEO: So, is SION saying he’s fine doing things together with RYO?
OMI: Somehow, the pressure here is amazing.
MAGURA: I really want to try being together with everyone, so it's difficult to answer..... But, I'm sure that here “I want to be with you all” is the right answer, right?
RYO: Stop make this look like it’s business! (cries)
LEO: Speaking of MAGU-chan, he has a refined ability to perceive and watch closely his surroundings, haha. Before, during Hi!Superb’s program Hi!SuPunch, I ate something very spicy, but when I was in agony MAGU-chan was the very first that brought me water.
RYO: Although they’re younger than me, I think they’re really reliable. During lives, it’s odd how I often go to the youngers’ (to MAGURA & SION) side, maybe it’s becose I sense safety from them.
LEO: You really love MAGU-chan, RYO!
RYO: True, sometimes I mistake him for a girl! (lol) But when I look at his abdominal muscles, "Ah..... I get it, after all he’s a man" I say, disappointed. (lol)
OMI: That’s obvious.
RYO: Here’s the straight man, OMI-kun getting colder and colder!
OMI: Stop! Don’t stick close to me!
MAGURA: RYO-kun...
SION: Yeah, and a bit of a M.
LEO: SION, what's your impression on MAGURA?
SION: Well... We’re the same age and we get along. It’s kind of like... if you get too close, he’ll disappear, as if there is a hole in one’s heart?
MAGURA: Such a thing, you’re formidable, SION. A natural charisma.
Q. Although the debut single “Turn Into Love” was released on May 30, please tell us about the most important part of the tune title.
LEO: The image and the songs are filled with all the charms that us, Hi!Superb, have now. It's a fascinating song, I think that you can enjoy this single even more if you do it together with us.
MAGURA: The parts of the lyrics, “We’re here now because we could overcome it”, “Shine on our tomorrow“, have this kind of  “We’re keeping an eye on the future so we’ll work hard!” feeling. I'd be glad if you noticed not only the performance, but also the rest.
RYO: It's a song filled with the refreshingness of 5 people working altogether for their dream and giving their 10000% in performances!
OMI: It's the song that symbolizes us. From now on, whenever we show off this song, I think that it will keep evolving rapidly. A fascinating song suitable for a debut, so please pay attention at the live and have fun.
RYO: I think it’s a very exciting song! I will do my utmost for the performance, so I hope you enjoy it when I’ll perform during the live. In the lyrics it says “Let’s believe in a world that we drew together”, but it’s filled with thoughts like “It’ll come true with all those who support you!”. I’ll be very happy if everyone can hear it with such feelings!
SION: “Turn Into Love” means “Come to be Love*”. Those who know us and those who don’t, I hope that if you listen to this song your love for Hi!Superb will deepen. It's our important debut song. I think it became a good beginning. In other words, amazing!
MAGURA: It’s our splendid debut song! I think that more songs will see the light from now on, but I think that this became the iconic song of Hi!Superb.
Q. “Turn Into Love” has a MV, but what are the points worthy of note?
MAGURA: There are a lot of  lip synch scenes, but each personality comes out amazingly. By all means, find out each of our personalities.
LEO: The lightning tone scene at the beginning leaves a strong impression.
RYO: Yep, yep! Me too, my switch turns on when listening to the thunder at the beginning!
MAGURA: RYO-kun’s lively switch?
OMI: It sounds different when it comes to it.
SION: Suddenly comical, haha.
LEO: But, it may be true that that sound surely contains feelings. At that moment, it really feels like from one we become five.
SION: Usually everyone separes this way, but in this MV a lot of sex appeal comes out.
Q. Thank you very much. Is there anything you would like to challenge yourself with in the future?
MAGURA: Since SION can speak english and chinese, it’d be nice to have a place to use that skill.
RYO: Sounds nice! I want to go overseas!!
OMI: How simple-minded, but I sure want to challenge myself and perform overseas as soon as possible.
LEO: Since our motto is to challenge anything, I'd also like the 5 of us to star in play someday.
RYO: Ah--!! That’s nice too! I wanna do that too! And I'd like to be on the cover page of a magazine! MY★STAR stuff, I’ll be in your care!!
SION: OMI-kun and MAGU-chan already said it earlier, but we shouldn’t stop in Japan; we’ll start up activities overseas and live the american dream (※Editorial note: It was a very good pronunciation....!)
OMI: There’s a part in Turn Into Love that says “To a world we have yet to see”, but I think that the future we can't even imagine is waiting down the road. A play, activities overseas too, precisely because we’re not known I want to challenge myself to see what I can do.
RYO: How nice! Like, basketball!? 
OMI: .... What?
MAGURA: Ah, I’ll make the teams.
RYO: As expected, I think that it’s good for the 5 of us to sweat over one spor...
OMI: Leader, the final words to you.
LEO: Eh-!! (lol)
Q. By all means, please give us a final message!
LEO: Understood (lol). Hi!Superb is a group of which charm lies in performances and team work. Said charm can be seen in lives, no matter how many times I say it!! So, anyway, come see us first. If you think you were deceived, I’ll say it one more time! There’s also the MV attached to the special edition CD released in May, so I think you can enjoy it more if you see the images and listen to the songs, that’ll make us happier than anything. But even without preparations, since we’re making a stage that you can enjoy, I’ll say it again, please do come and see us Hi!Superb.
ALL:  By all means~!
*Sion actually says “Turn Into Loveの意味は愛に変わるです”. “愛に変わる” means “Turn Into Love”, but in order not to sound redundant, it was changed to something with a similar meaning.
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ohnoitzhaley-blog · 7 years
my opinion on phan
okay so for some reason, I feel like I need to share my opinion on phan (dan and phil’s ship) because dan and phil are basically what my entire tumblr is based around. so, first of all, do I ship phan? ha, that's pretty funny. of course I ship phan! they are my absolute otp and if they were a couple, I think I would be obligated to jump off of a cliff or something. they are so cute together, I don't even know how to properly put it into words. now for the big question... do I think phan is real? this is a really complicated question. my answer is yes an no, I think phan is real to an extent. it’s kinda hard to explain what I think but I'm gonna do the best I can without making this 17 pages long. I feel like at some point in the 8+ years dan and phil have known each other, phan has been at least somewhat real at some point. there is quite a bit of evidence about the matter being true out there, some of which I think might be real, and some I think is just plain stupid. so what I think is, at some point in the beginning of them knowing each other, phan was real. dan and phil may have not even made it 100% clear to themselves like they may have not even been really dating, but I do think that they had lots of chemistry. I'm thinking that they may have kissed and even hooked up. there is a plentiful amount of evidence supporting this, around the timespan of 2009-2011ish. look it up if you want, I mean I'm talking there is some serious proof out there based around mostly tweets an other things they had posted and sometimes even said. going forward, I think that things began to get awkward for them as more people began shipping them and they were well aware of it, so their chemistry sort of faded although they probably had feelings for each other. flash forward to now, late 2017, I think, and this is just my opinion based on my observations, that they have more intense feelings for each other than before, but it’s like a not-so-clear relationship between them. I don't think they are dating right now, and to be completely honest, I don't think they were ever truly dating, but I do think they like each other and they might even know it, but it’s like a non-spoken type relationship. like they both really like each other and it may or may not be visible to the other person, but it’s not at all spoken about amongst them. I don't think they kiss or show affection in that sort of way now, but I think they really, really like each other. they just have something really special between each other and that's plainly visible, whether its friendship or love. whatever it is, they definitely love each other, but not in a super affectionate way. it is very obvious that they love each other, but that doesn't mean they’re in a lovey relationship with huggy kissy nonsense, and if they are, it’s hidden from everyone. and honestly, a hidden relationship would be pretty hot in my opinion. even if phan is 10000% real and they are dating and all lovey towards each other, it’s not obvious to anyone and quite frankly, none of our business. it does hurt me to say it’s none of our business because I want it to be, and if they are dating, I do just want them to tell us, but it truly is not the phandom or anyone’s business. this opinion thing was really long and extremely scattered, but I do hope you somewhat understand. I love dan and phil with all my heart and I just want them to be happy. it makes me happy when they are together because I know that they make each other very happy, as they have both said that the best years of their lives have been spent together. but for all we know, phil could be completely straight (I'm not saying dan because we all know he’s not straight, *cough* his diss track, *cough* his rants about homosexuality and himself, *cough* dan in general like god have you even seen him). in my opinion, I don't think phil is straight but like who am I to know his sexuality and even if he is straight, that's honestly okay with me. alright, I probably need to end this now, I know I'm getting really annoying and stuff. k bye, and btw if you don't agree with what I said in this, please don't come for me, I'm a smol, fragile child. baiiii <3
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