#i just think clu is very possessive of rinzler
measlyscrapofseafood · 3 months
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I'm a lover not a fighter and I don't wanna have to get rough
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reworks of this piece
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i can't be the only one super confused about how young xehanort split toy box in half, but i can't actually find many people talking about it... what's your take?
So I have a few ideas on this and one of them actually involves the possibility of Data Riku actually being in 3 despite what we are told
I talked about the evidence to suggest Data Riku is actually the Riku we see in San Fransokyo in these posts if you are interested in getting more context as to why I think Data Riku is in 3: here and here
TLDR: I find it weird that the Riku in San Fransokyo can summon bugs from the Datascape (We actually see him do this in game). Data Riku, as we know, can create portals between the real world and the Datascape as he brings Mickey and co. into the journal around the middle of Re:Coded. We know from DDD that YMX knows about the Datascape bc he mentions it himself. Maleficient also says the Datascape may be connected to the BoP, so YMX (and possibly Luxu) why be interested in the journal and thus Data Riku (since he is the journal) bc of its connection to the BoP. At the end of Re:Coded, there is a very strange, hooded Riku that speaks very strangely to Sora as if he knows of future events.
Anyways, why do I think that world spilt may be connected to Data Riku (take a shot everything I say Data)
So let’s look at some key cutscenes from Toy Box (luckily I had these ready bc I was thinking of writing this theory a while ago) 
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So according to YMX, the Organization split the world (or created a copy of the world made of Data and inserted hearts from the real Toy Box into the Data Toy Box) in order to recover a vessel
So who is the vessel exactly? Well, let’s look at the scene where Sora confronts Xehanort after he kidnaps Buzz (who is compared to Riku)
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This scene is a bit strange. We can surmise it is a reference to KH 1 and how Riku fell to darkness because he felt alienated from Sora, but why reference that now? Riku is part of the light now. Way to Dawn broke. He already reached dawn. He’s immune to darkness. The fear of him succumbing to darkness is gone. Also, although Mickey says the other Riku in the Keyblade Graveyard is Riku Ansem it turns out that is a lie so the Riku being referenced here most likely is not KH 1 Riku in any sense.
So Buzz parallels Riku… but the real Riku can’t be vessel…
So we can assume it must be another Riku the Organization is after. A Riku who would fall to Darkness if he was separated from his Sora. Moreover, a Riku whose world could easily be copied. Because it’s Data.
This also makes me recall a very strange scene from DDD that is never explained. In it, Xemnas explains to Sora how Data behaves.
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We are given this exposition of how Data can be manipulated in DDD, and yet it never goes anywhere in this game itself. It’s as if Nomura was planting seeds for later.
It may be the case that much like Tron who is manipulated to to do “dark” things by CLU, Data Riku may have been manipulated and even Norted through Data by the Organization. Remember, Riku was always planned as a vessel, but his immunity to darkness complicated this. It would make sense for the Organization to look for another Riku. Moreover, it is possible that through The Grid, a Datascape, the Organization may have accessed Jiminy’s Journal, another Datascape. They could have possessed Data Riku like this and may have even separated him from Data Sora in a way to make him fall to Darkness.
Also note this line from Woody to Buzz
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Hmm, did someone switch Data Riku into “dark and stormy” mode like they did with Tron to turn him into Rinzler?
Also keep in mind that in DDD, particularly in Riku’s story when he’s in Prankster’s Paradise, we see a hooded Riku
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………… who Riku explains is his past-self………… 
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but if that’s the case…. why didn’t we see past versions of Sora and Riku in Traverse Town? Moreover, as Sora himself notes, Prankster’s Paradise is a world that existed in the Realm of Light before Sora and Riku adventured through Monstro in KH 1
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Also keep in mind that Riku and Sora for the most part inhabit the same time in DDD as they often influence each other’s actions, like in County of Musketeers when Sora and Riku work together to stop that big crate from dropping on Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. So in this instance, Sora and Riku are also most likely seeing events unfold in the world at the same time. Thus, when Riku goes through Monstro it is not based on his memories of Monstro. This is a past dream version of Mosntro that Riku never necessarily interacted with.
I would suggest that the Riku in Prankster’s Paradise is actually Data Riku after he was captured
(or it’s just a nightmare and i’m reading too into it good night)
Anyways, what do you guys think?
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