#i like ganyus but had no idea for xiangling...
whispereons · 10 months
Oracle!Reader Part 9
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 8, Part 10
Warning! This chapter has some gore and death! Remember my sagau has darker worldbuilding and it's an imposter au! Yanderes is a warning in itself.
Muffled thumping and talking bothered your slumber. Feeling groggy you opened your eyes slowly. A groan slips past your lips as your head pounds when you move to sit up. What happened last night?
Memories of the night before coming back to you in a trickle before it rushes your mind all at once. Your mask!
Urgently you feel your face and relax a little at it still being there. But what if Kazuha took it off and put it back on? You would be put in a cell, right? The bedding underneath you were still soft and warm in fact something even warmer was on your legs too...
Looking down you see a head of white and red hair resting on your leg. The sleeping face of Kazuha with bed hair was sitting on a chair letting his upper body rest on the bed.
As cute as he was, sleeping very content on your legs you needed answers to whether he removed your mask or not. Why he was sleeping here was secondary.
"Kazuha? Kazuha, wake up!" You shake his shoulders gently as you call his name. He wakes up almost immediately no doubt due to his sensitive hearing.
"Y/N? Why are you-? Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry." It doesn't take Kazuha long to realize the situation as he jumps away from the bed in a hurry. The slight red to his ears as he turns his head away from you is an easy indicator to his embarrassment.
"It's fine really. You carried me back to my room, right? Thank you for that." His reaction was technically positive while referring you by name meaning he didn't take it off. You should be fine... for now.
"It was no trouble Y/N, especially as you had done the same for me the first night. It's just a little worrying how tired I got once I laid you on the bed. I must have been exhausted from the battle since I didn't drink anything."
Kazuha's complexion starts to cool down as he speaks about the sudden sleepiness. It's quite convenient, a little too convenient. Teyvat probably had a hand in this. You were grateful for it either way.
Politely you dismiss Kazuha who is more than eager to escape the situation. Packing up the last of your stuff and freshening up, you leave the room and climb the stairs.
The cawing of birds become clear, and you look to see the bustling pier of Liyue Harbor. You recognize it as the farthest pier from the city entrance. Unlike the game where you only saw a few people and sellers, it was much busier now.
People of all colors and clothing walked around buying, selling, playing, and working. Liyue was said to be home to many people meeting, so it was nice to see an actual busy port.
Tightening your grip on the strap of the bag, you hope that the crowd will help you escape from meeting any acolytes. Zhongli, Ningguang, and Yelan were the top people to avoid. A smart, well connected Ningguang is far more dangerous than the isolated adeptus Ganyu or Xiao.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Turning around at the sound of your name, a hug from a very excited chef and panda nearly topples you. Smiling a little you hug her back.
"Woke up fine after passing out like that Xiangling?" She pulls away with a pout at your words. Guoba is still clinging to you, and you pet his head while smiling at Xiangling.
"I'll be able to handle more next time! I swear it." You nod along to her determination before asking her a question.
"Where's Xinyan? I know she had a performance today; did she leave already?"
"That's correct. Xinyan had to leave around the same time Beidou left for business. Furong relayed her message to me about it."
Kazuha strolls to where you're standing with Xiangling. He's carrying a small bag with him hinting that he might be staying in Liyue for a while.
"That's a shame, maybe I'll get to see her when I'm in Liyue Harbor. I'm guessing you both have your own ideas on what to do in Liyue."
Speaking casually, you begin walking off the boat onto the port, Kazuha and Xiangling follow behind you.
Xiangling speaks about fishing before going to Wanmin Restaurant where she can go back to helping her dad. Kazuha's calm voice mentions a trip to the Lisha area where he had yet to explore.
Keeping your tone light, you vaguely speak of traveling around and the possibility of visiting another nation. It's best to have a flexible track record to avoid being stuck in any minor lies.
The crowd around you seems to grow thicker. It pushes the three of you together into a clump in the crowd. The smell of fish, sweat, and salt is grossing you out.
Kazuha's featherlight grip on your wrist and Xiangling's warm hand on your shoulder are what helped you all stay together and escape the masses. You sigh in relief at the cool breeze sweeping away the hot sticky feeling.
Quickly you begin saying your goodbyes to them only to be surprised by their slight clinginess.
"Why are you leaving so fast? I can treat you to a meal at Wanmin Restaurant first." She keeps her hand on your shoulder as she inches closer. Trills come from below and you look to see Guoba clinging to your leg. When did he come over?
"I agree, we don't have to split so fast. If anything, you can explore the Lisha area with me." Kazuha changes his grip from your wrist to your hand with ease.
You would be more than happy to, but you really didn't want to attract more vision holders. They would inevitably ask about you since you awakened most of them. That would lead to more questions, more lies, and less freedom.
"I'm sorry but I do have things to take care of in the city first. I don't want to hold either of you back. Xiangling, the fish you want are only around this time of day and Kazuha, I won't have you waiting hours or even days for me." You speak with firm tone and escape their holds.
Xiangling and Guoba wear matching sad puppy looks while Kazuha seems calm. The slight tremble of his hands as he waves goodbye to you doesn't go unnoticed.
He really can't understand just why he's so attached to you. It's not like him to get this troubled by saying goodbye to people he's met during his travels. His hand shook resisting the urge to hold you again.
Perhaps some time away from you would be good. For you and him.
You turn the corner around Hanfeng's Ironmongers and release the breath you've been holding. Relaxing your shoulders, you resist the urge to groan as you walk along the stone floor.
This was certainly a new pattern that you've begun to notice in your acolytes but not unwelcome. Being clingy and attached to you will help blind them from any slip ups you might make. It was nice to feel loved by your comfort characters too...
The headache you've been sporting since you woke up pulses as if reminding you of its existence. Drinking on a boat was not your best decision but you wouldn't count it as your worst yet. That spot belonged to your moment of weakness with Gorou that gained Yae's attention.
Sighing you keep walking trying to remember the first stop you had planned.
"-thank you for supporting the Adventurers' Guild." Your ears perked at the end of the sentence and a person in the signature green outfit.
That's right, you wanted to finally join the Guild since you never got the chance to in Inazuma. With renewed vigor you walk further and climb up the stone steps.
As you begin climbing the wooden staircase (was it always this high?) you see a black hat and two long twin tails as you climb up. The body gestures and promotional voice are a clear indicator to who is gracing Lan, the Liyue Branch Master, with her presence.
"This new proposal is designed to make anyone, especially you agree to it. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is always up to date, so we increased the number of coffins you get with your first order to 150 wooden coffins due to departure of Rex Lapis."
You get to the top of the stairs letting you have front row seats to the amusing sale performance.
"I hope you remember the on-site cadaver collection service covering almost every region in Liyue. Because I'm proud to say that we now cover them all. The fee is still very affordable of course!"
Hu Tao smiles perfectly as Lan only gets more annoyed.
"Even when you had the traveler, I still rejected you."
"So, you do remember! That's perfect as now I won't have to drag her here to be a reference again. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor fully understands why you may be hesitant to agree due to the social ideals. Despite the fact that everyone and everything ends. But it truly is in your best interest to agree to my proposal."
Hu Tao seems to get a little more desperate as Lan presses her hands to her temple.
"I mean, she isn't wrong." Your honest thoughts are spoken aloud drawing the women's attention to you.
Unlike Hu Tao's cheery and overly persuasive voice, you take on a more relaxed tone.
"You want to keep your adventurers safe and making them agree to this would look bad is what you're thinking right? But don't you see how Hu Tao's proposal is making them safer? An adventurer agrees to this job knowing that their life is in danger, if they get scared at the thought of signing that waiver then they aren't cut out for adventuring. How would they survive when attacked? They won't, so this may help prevent needless deaths."
Hu Tao's eyes sparkle at your words as Lan seems dumbstruck. You don't blame her, a random person coming up and taking Hu Tao's side on her business practices is a rarity.
"Now if you agree, you could prevent a lot of heart ache for those who are connected to the adventurers too. Someone has to pick up the bodies, Hu Tao's on-site cadaver collection is the best option. If not them then you'll need to have a different adventurer pick them up, have the family pick them up or pay a bigger fee for the Parlor to do it. You wouldn't want someone who was friends, coworker or family to deal with that corpse if you don't have to, right?"
This was all stuff you've wanted to tell Lan when you saw this scene in Hu Tao's story quest. It felt good finally getting it off your chest. Hu Tao's idea was really more like insurance similar to those who worked dangerous jobs like construction.
"Someone that recognizes my genius! I thought I had a way with words until I heard you speak of possibilities I couldn't even fathom. Tell me what's your name?"
Hu Tao shakes your hand excitedly and before you can even open your mouth to respond she looks back to Lan.
"But before that, I would like to seal the deal with Miss Lan on the offer. Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has a long and detailed history of honoring the client's requests on their death bed. So, agree to this now and reap all the benefits!"
"I said no, I'm not telling you again Hu Tao. Say what you will but I'm not changing my mind. And you, do you have any actual business with the Adventurers' Guild? If you do, speak to Katheryne if not then leave."
You chuckle at the way Lan stubbornly rejects Hu Tao with a scowl before piping up coyly.
"Well lucky for you Lan, I'm Y/N and I'm looking to be an adventurer." The smile you have seems to annoy Lan even further. She mutters something sounding very similar to "of course they are" and points at Kathryne.
"Miss Lan may be unwilling to partner up with me but the same can't be said the same for you Y/N. Those eyebags, slumped shoulders, and frizzy hair. All of that to point to you being chased by something intangible. Why don't you come over sometime and I can get you a 30% discount on a nice coffin as thanks for your help?"
Were you really that haggard looking or was Hu Tao exaggerating it to sell to you? The speed Hu Tao can switch targets from Lan to you is bit startling. Her elemental ghost creeps around her back to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to her.
"Much like you said earlier, an adventurer's life isn't easy! If you agree now, I can promise a special on-site cadaver collection that can extend as far as Monstadt and Sumeru. Buy now and save later, it's the families that regret not buying a coffin or spot for burial."
Well, you did vouch for Hu Tao's proposition earlier so it would be hypocritical to refuse now. But what if you're dragged back to Inazuma and die there? Or worse your identity is exposed leading to you not being allowed a funeral?
The furrow of your brows and finger on your chin as you mentally compare the pros and cons makes Hu Tao smile wider. Until an employee from the Funeral Parlor runs up the stairs calling her name.
"Director Hu Tao, we need your help with the same customer from last week. She keeps trying to change the plan last minute!"
Sighing in annoyance, Hu Tao releases you and steps backward letting you have your personal space back.
"It seems this must be all the time we have together Y/N." She keeps her hand over her heart as she speaks dramatically before wistfully continuing. "A meeting with someone like you is once in a lifetime, so here!"
A business card with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor name, symbol and address is thrusted in front of you. The address changes to something readable as your fingers brush over the words and her cold rings as you take the card from her.
Do you even want to keep this paper? It's like a guaranteed ticket to meeting Zhongli who you've felt very conflicted about since you arrived here. He and Venti have had thousands of years to grow as worshippers while watching the cult grow. If anyone could pick up your lie, it would be them. Maybe burning the paper would be the best option.
You wave in slight befuddlement as the employee drags Hu Tao away in a hurry. Once she's out of sight, you turn back to the Adventurers' Guild front desk.
"So how do I start?"
After filling out the stacks of paperwork Katheryne handed you, you give it back and crack your wrist. It had asked all manners of questions from 'do you have any control over the elements?' to 'which of the three mushroom types is edible?'. Something tells you Lan made it purposefully harder.
Katheryne disappears into the building with Lan and after a few minutes she comes back out with a smile.
"Congratulations, you've been accepted into the Adventurers' Guild. I am unable to draw up an adventure rank for you but here is your adventurer handbook."
You take the familiar handbook from her and wince at the way her voice glitches when speaking about your adventure rank. Katheryne has always been a meta character so perhaps with your isekai'd statues the system is struggling. Or Teyvat is doing this to protect you as it's heavily implied Kathryne was created by Sandrone, the Fatui Harbinger.
"Due to your lack of adventure rank we will skip that area. Instead, we can give you the choice of wearing your regular clothes or the adventurers' uniform. It's made of material designed to stand against attacks, the weather, and long durations of time."
You smile and shake your head. That uniform would be a dead giveaway to your new job. Plus, it was kind of ugly, there was no way you would run around looking like Tingle from Zelda.
Wait why did they never offer the traveler the option to wear the uniform?
"Then let's get to the main aspect of adventuring, which is commissions. Between the choice of a single daily commission or four weekly commissions, you chose the latter. You are free to pick up your commissions tomorrow morning. Any questions or concerns?"
There was no option for four daily commissions on the paperwork. They must have given it due to the traveler proving their strength using the Dvalin stunt that happened right before the 'Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild' quest. Or because it's a game.
"Just one, will I have to fight abyss mages and hilichurls? Since I wrote that I could control some elements and fighting skills."
"Yes, you will have to face such monsters since you said yes to both questions. Of course, you won't be facing strong ones as all new adventurers start with easy monsters until their adventure rank rises. Unfortunately, since we can't assign you a rank, you will never be assigned commission focusing on stronger enemies."
What a relief! You already felt horrible at the thought of fighting against the cursed khaenri'ahs. Making the fight more difficult would just make it worse.
"Then ad astra abyssosque, Adventurer! With effort, you shall reach the stars and conquer the abyss!"
That signature phrase makes you smile at the robotic woman before leaving down the stairs. That had to be the simplest job interview you've every applied for!
Not to mention this is the only one you've ever successfully gotten hired for. Most deny you for not having a high school diploma and the rest for not having a GED. You would have gotten one if your old boss ever let you. But the way a gang keeps you trapped is by cutting off any other options. If you never get better, you can never leave.
You walk back down the stairs and stuff the handbook into your bag. What to do now? Visiting Hu Tao is not an option, and this was Liyue for crying out loud! You couldn't explore Inazuma in fear of being seen but the problem didn't exist in Liyue... for now at least.
Glancing at the teleport waypoint in the middle of the city, you make sure to keep a good distance from it. Accidentally activating it would be the worst thing especially with all the people around.
Pushing back any worries you begin exploring the Harbor while checking stores for anything useful. The red of the building frames were such an eye-catching design compared to the monochrome and neon buildings on Earth.
The lanterns and lights were off, but you could already imagine the sight of them illuminating the city. One thing you did note was how everyone walked on the stairs and avoided the smooth stone. Wasn't that one reserved for royalty or rather the Archons? Best that you avoid it too.
Unable to read the signs you took to spying the wares to see if the stores have what you need. Camping supplies like a tent, sleeping bag (the closest thing was a sleeping mat and a blanket), travel-sized hygiene tools, a lantern that holds a candle and a multi tool. Were the first things on your list.
You couldn't stay in hotels or get lucky enough like you did to stay with the Kamisatos so it's best to be prepared to sleep outside. Hotels and even motels are expensive so it's best to save money until you have a general income established.
Having a game bag was such a blessing. The shopkeepers looked surprised when you stuffed the whole tent into it but not to the point where it's absurd. The adepti inventions and the traveler seemed to have made all these things rare but not unheard of.
Another high priority was medical supplies. There was a chance that the Statue of the Seven could heal you but that could summon the respective Archon too. You didn't want to bleed to death while walking to one either. Unless you could teleport to them too...
With a good-sized medical kit, you go to the Wanmin restaurant and merely order from the outside. A good heaping of raw ingredients is added to your bag along with a cooking pot.
Second Life, the store nearby is perfect for some of the missing items like milk. The bag is timeless, so nothing ever rots or spoils. If you had something like this on Earth, you wouldn't have spent years going hungry.
You end up near Xigu Antiques and take out Beisht's scale from your bag. If you ever got low on money, then selling Beisht's scale could work. But using it as a bargaining chip or as a verification of being an oracle would be ideal.
"This scale is unlike I've ever seen. It's not only in perfect condition but it's overflowing with hydro energy. Inventors would pay around 5 million mora to power inventions using it. While jewelers like us would pay up to 2 million mora for it. Are you interested in selling it?"
You give a polite refusal before being extra careful in storing the scale. The last thing you want is its price tag going down. Only one thing left on the checklist of items you wanted to buy.
As you ran around looking for that particular shop, you slowed down near the toy seller. Granny Shan smiled at you with wrinkles crinkling as you admired the kites and toys on the bench.
"Hello young one, interested in any of the toys? The ready-made toys are all child sized but I'm open to commissions for specific toys as well."
There wasn't any point in buying anything. The money could be better spent on living expenses rather than kites or fireworks. With a well-mannered smile you're about to decline until you spot a toy design on a piece of paper.
The air in your lungs struggle to leave you as your hands gently pick up the paper to see it closer. A grey cat plushie design with black and white patches graces your eyes. Your lips are dry, and your throat feels tight.
"This design... Can I get the first finished product?"
"I would be happy to. This kind of toy must bring back some childhood memories, right?"
Granny Shan is oblivious to your inner turmoil as she writes down your name and takes the appropriate mora from you. "It'll be done in around two days. Feel free to pick up that day or the day after."
Thankfully it wasn't that expensive, and you leave the stall trying to regain your bearings. The reminder of your beloved Ashtray was sudden but bittersweet. You had a similar plushie in Earth that comforted you, maybe having one here would help you too.
After walking in a daze, you find yourself in front of a shop that was hidden away. It wasn't in the game but maybe that's because it would have been useless to note. Entering the shop, the sight of wind gliders sends you some excitement and nervousness.
Wind gliders of different designs and colors are hung around the shop as protective gear is stationed around on tables. The metallic of the middle structure of it are cold to the touch. A contradictory to the soft cotton hiding the bendable mechanics of the wings.
You're quickly attended to by an employee as they explain the functions and unique color schemes behind each glider. Some designs have monochrome colors to let the buyer color it themselves while others are bejeweled to hell and back.
The one you end up buying is a mild colored glider that suited your color scheme with gold and black mechanical parts. Hopefully you won't regret skipping on the protective gear, Teyvat would protect you from hurting yourself... right?
Who are you kidding? You didn't have a clue on how to use it. Gliding in the game and gliding in real life were two different things. Although they explained the basic of attaching it to the back of your clothes and how it'll automatically deploy at certain velocity. That didn't fix the fact that you don't have a license to use it or any actual knowledge.
There's a bookstore in Liyue right? You already needed to buy some books on camping and the in-depth flora so you can pick up a more detailed gliding instruction manual too.
Feeling a bit lost you climb the red staircases vaguely remembering that the bookstore should be above ground floor. What you end up coming across first is the Heyu Tea House where Yun Jin usually performs.
It's a lot bigger than it was shown in game. This one actually looks like it can hold her performance. A border is set around the stage as a paper is stuck to it. Getting closer you run your fingers over the words.
'Yun Jin performing in less than two hours! The final act to the opera: The Lonely Chameleon!'
Great, now you know exactly where not to be in two hours. You would undoubtably miss whatever story she would be telling as it's the last act. Why be there and potentially draw attention and embarrassment to yourself?
Continuing your journey, you end up being forced to walk past the Northland Back. Vlad, the daytime guard that you were cheering on to end up with Nadia, the night guard was a lot more intimidating in person.
You walk past quickly as the memories of meeting Childe, learning the truth of Zhongli and stealing the chest inside the bank enter your mind. It was years ago that you did that quest, but it felt nostalgic with you walking past it like this.
Confusion is clear on your face as you look across the staircase and see the bookstore much farther than you thought. Slapping your hand lightly on your face you audibly groan at the realization.
You climbed the wrong staircase.
After backtracking, getting a little more lost and finally climbing what you think is the right staircase you are greeted by the bookshelves. A sigh of relief leaves you as your fingers trail against the spines of the books to read the titles.
Most of these you already have in the game screen and can access anytime. An in-depth gliding book, natural Liyue flora book, and a camping book are all paid for with your mora pouch that is much lighter than when you first arrived at Liyue.
Unfortunately, you had to give up on finding a book on tracking and hunting. Seems someone had already bought the last copy.
Slowly you walk back to the area where the bridge connected to the Harbor. The sun was close to setting with the orange hue embracing the sky. Most people are already home with only a few children and the usual dogs hanging out on the bridge. Passing by the alchemy table and pond your tired thoughts begin to wander.
To think alchemy was a real thing in this world. In some ways Teyvat surpassed Earth's technology using it while they were also limited due to it. You could probably make a lot of money by inventing the most useful tools you saw on Earth. Like the creation of a bicycle or at least a tricycle was revolutionary during this era.
"I'm happy to walk ya back Yun Jin but I really can't stay."
"I understand Xinyan so thank you for escorting me back to the Heyu Tea House."
You freeze at the foot of the bridge as the faint figures of Xinyan and Yun Jin walk from the other side of the bridge. Yun Jin must have gone to watch Xinyan's performance but wasn't hers supposed to start in less than an hour?
A loud bang catches your attention as the sound of electro crystalizing is heard from the city on your left. Two geovishap hatchlings speed out of somewhere from the city as Keqing chases them. The hatchlings circle around Keqing as she continuesly dodges their attacks.
"Everyone be careful! Please keep a clear distance from this area for your own safety!"
Watching in surprise you stand at the foot of the bridge as the kids and dogs get closer to you. Seems Beidou wasn't kidding when she said that the monsters and Ley lines were acting strange. The game has had monsters get close to the cities but never inside it.
As Keqing continues to block and attack the hatchlings, Xinyan and Yun Jin get to the halfway point of the bridge. Heavy footsteps of multiple guards can be heard from the direction Keqing came from.
The geovishap hatchlings startle at the vibrations and curl back into balls moving in a fast pace toward the bridge. The same bridge that you were in front of!
Urgently you're about to move out the way when the children hold onto your clothes in fear. Combine that with the two dogs blocking your feet, moving out of the way was impossible.
Did you have enough time to get your sickle out of your bag? Was there anything else you can use?! The hatchlings speed up as Keqing notices your predicament and rushes over. You can already tell that even if she used her skill, she wouldn't make it in time.
Trembling the kids close their eyes and bury their heads into your clothing. The dogs bark and growl at the approaching hatchlings. Gritting your teeth, you close your eyes and hold your arms out in some form of defense.
The rough rocks of the hatchling scrape your hand and you swing your arm to the side from the pain. The hatchling makes a pitiful whimper as it's pushed back by the sickle appearing in your hands.
In surprise you examine the sickle in your hands. Did you really get the ability to sheathe and unsheathe your weapon without manually holding it? It's quite late seeing as you could have used this during Beisht's battle but better late than never.
Did the creatures really not recognize you as the creator?
Your blood from the scrape drips down your hand and hits the ground. You could tell that something changed within the geovishap hatchlings... The one that scratched your hand started to spin around in circles for seemingly no reason.
The second hatchling lunged at the first one with teeth and claws barred out. It pins the first one to the ground and brutally stabs it as it bites chunks of rock out of its skin.
Everyone around stops at the scene and watches it in horrific disbelief. The blood splatters all over the floor and the smell of copper invades your nose. The bloody barely moving corpse of the hatchling starts to weakly crawl to you.
The kids shriek and the dogs whine as the chipped bloody geo claw reaches toward you. Unlike how threatening it felt earlier, the sight of it trying so desperately to reach you had grief swelling up inside.
The second hatchling with bloody rocks and crimson flowing out of its jaw follows it as it's club like tail raises. The tail is slammed down onto the it's victim with no remorse repeatedly. As the rocky exterior is beaten away blood flies off the body.
Your body takes the brunt of the splashing blood as you cannot stop staring at the corpse. By the time the tail is lifted off the body, all that's left is a bloody pulp of rock, scales and flesh.
Everything is silent for a moment as the sole Geo hatchling looks up at you. It seems happy? Maybe even proud of what it did. It rips off the gold horn from the corpse and places it at your feet.
You stare down at the item as you shakily pick it up. It's still warm. Whether from the blood or the newly deceased creature, you aren't sure.
The background seems to blur as you stare at it. The children running to their parents, Keqing yelling out orders, Yun Jin and Xinyan trying to get past without attracting the attention of the hatchling. All of it fades away.
What caused this situation to happen? They didn't recognize you until your blood dribbled out. Teyvat was calling strong creatures to protect you so maybe the weaker ones hadn't got the message yet? Should you be mad at the hatchling that stands at your feet looking at you with adoration?
If a person did this, you would be appalled. But nature was never kind and Teyvat had its own laws. Even if you did kill the geo hatchling for murdering its brethren, it wouldn't stop anything. They aren't like humans who can understand your words and worries. Besides the hatchling didn't do it in your name like the acolytes' sacrificial events, it did it to protect you...
You snap back into attention as Keqing teleports using her skill above the hatchling. It curls up and rolls around you to escape using the bridge. The faint trail of blood in its wake is only mildly off-putting compared to earlier.
In its hurry it slams into Yun Jin's chest. Her clothing is smeared with blood, and it rips from the rocky scales. She stumbles back with a pained cry as Xinyan growls and summons her weapon.
"Get away from her!" Xinyan barely misses the hatchling as it digs under the ground and reappears behind them. Xinyan is about to give chase, but you grab her arm in a haste.
"Just leave it be, there's more important things to worry about! Yun Jin's show is starting in less than an hour."
Yun Jin stands up from the ground and the damage had already been done. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was smudged, and her clothes were torn with a blood smear.
"Oh no, oh dear. I was supposed to perform in these clothes, I had no costume prepared. If I go back now, they'll be so caught up in fixing me that the show will be ruined."
Yun Jin's despair quickly captures Xinyan's attention, and you glance at the geovishap hatchling that flees the area. Some of the Millelith guards are about to give chase but Keqing stops them.
"I think we still have a chance to fix things." Your voice has a glimmer of hope as you take in Yun Jin's appearance. "I don't know how to do your hair, but I have experience in makeup and clothing. If we all work together, we could get it fixed up in time."
"Is that really a possibility?"
"Don't give up hope Yun Jin! Y/N is right, if we go somewhere and fix it up, you might make it! You know I can help with all that stuff too."
Yun Jin smiles feeling a bit better with Xinyan and your reassurance. Before you can start looking around for somewhere to work on it Keqing walks up to your group.
"Hello, I wanted to come over to amend the situation that I could have prevented if not for my own lack of skills. Situations like these may not be under the Yuheng's responsibility but as a member of the Liyue Qixing who was here, I should have been able to stop the geovishap hatchlings.
As much as I would like to properly introduce myself, it's best that I cut to the chase. Yun Jin, you are performing soon, and your friends want to help you fix it correct? I'll pay a room for you in the Yanshang Teahouse and have someone bring over any material you might need."
This was a real lucky break, but Keqing keeps glancing at you, as if she knows or wants something. Everyone saw how the hatchling presented the horn to you, hopefully she's not suspecting you to be behind the Geo hatchlings attack.
Xinyan and Yun Jin are quick to agree as you all hurry to the teahouse. The hostess that you remember being really bitchy before Yelan took over was pleasant at the sight of the very popular vision holders. You ignore the side-eye she gives you as you all pile into a room.
Xinyan is creating a list of necassary materials to remedy Yun Jin's situation with Keqing as you clear the table of all the decorations. The whole next 10 minutes is a blur. The only thing you focus on is cleaning the blood from her outfit and repairing the holes as Yun Jin sits in front of a mirror in some spare clothes. Xinyan is focused on redoing the hairstyle.
Keqing only stopped to drop off the supplies before leaving for work. She didn't ask you anything but the way she stared at you whenever she thought you weren't looking says otherwise. Knowing your luck, Ningguang will have heard of this too. And being in the teahouse that Yelan owns? Yeah, you're screwed.
Deciding to push it to the back of your mind, you focus on the dress in your hands that's almost done being repaired. You were no professional sewer, you just had so much practice in sewing your clothes that this came easily to you. Same with your make-up skills, your job on Earth required you to constantly change faces. So, your make-up skills were more in the contouring section. Always used to obscure your features rather than enhance them.
The dress looks brand-new as you examine it closely for any signs of imperfection. Satisfied at your job you stand up and go over to the duo. They've been chatting about how the Heyu Tea House owner would react to Yun Jin arriving so close to the beginning of the opera.
"Sorry to interrupt but I finished fixing your dress. Do you want me to help you with your make-up or are you all good?"
Yun Jin jumps at your appearance and nearly drops the brush she was using.
"Thank you so much!... Y/N? I'm so sorry I never even got to properly introduce myself to you and you were still kind enough to help me. Is there any way I can repay you for all you've done for me?"
You smile gently at the formal woman as she stresses out over her lack of manners. What a perfect opportunity served on a silver platter.
"Please don't worry about that. You're a friend of Xinyan's right? I came on the Alcor with Xinyan, and I was more than happy to help. The situation earlier left everyone quite frazzled. I really don't need anything as repayment. I just hope you can make it to your show in time."
Yun Jin only looks more regretful at your generous wish. Xinyan finishes her hair and scoots back as she grabs the hat. She takes the sewing needle you were using earlier and begins to repair the hanging tassels.
"Don't feel bad Yun Jin, Y/N is a good person! I never got to tell you in detail how the trip with the Crux went this time but after your show I can tell you all about it. Ya know that oracle I mentioned before? Y/N is that oracle!"
Careful not to mess up her hair, you begin applying the red eyeshadow as Yun Jin puts on the light red tinted lipstick. "Is that really true? I'm not doubting you, it's just incredible to hear."
"Yes, to put it simply I tend to resemble the creator due to the powers I'm granted. One of the major ones is how I can connect with the creatures of this world." Your downcast eyes make Yun Jin send you a worried look.
"Is something wrong Y/N?"
"It's just that I think the geovishap hatchling may have sensed the creator's presence on me and instead of attacking me like they do to the awakened acolytes, it reacted weirdly. I think the Yuheng may be under the belief that I did something to make them react like that."
You finish applying it and lean away from Yun Jin. The girls share a look with each other and begin reassuring you that there's no way you would get in trouble. It's when you hear a particular sentence from Yun Jin that your pursed lips curl into a grateful smile.
"I have a performance that requires me to speak with Keqing tomorrow, I can explain your oracle status and clear up any misunderstandings that may have arisen."
"I would be so thankful for that Yun Jin! You would really be my hero."
Calling her a hero makes her pale cheeks heat up a little as she stands up.
"Think nothing of it Y/N. Now I believe everything is repaired and ready. I'll change and meet you outside as soon as I possibly can."
Smiling happily, you wave with Xinyan and leave to the entrance of the Teahouse. Xinyan pats you on the back with an ecstatic smile.
"We might be able to arrive on time, we really couldn't have done it without you Y/N. If you have time, would ya like to watch her show with me? The final act usually has a quick recap and the story in this one is pretty simple."
Xinyan looks at you with expectant eyes as you remember her telling Yun Jin that she wouldn't be able to attend. What made her change her mind?
"That sounds like fun! I've never seen an opera before, would I need to buy tickets?"
"Don't worry about that! Yun Jin always has private tickets for anyone she wants to personally invite. I don't usually go since I've never been too fond of opera, but I want to support Yun Jin. It would be a lot more fun with you."
Yun Jin comes out at that exact moment looking nearly identical to her pre-attacked appearance. Xinyan keeps her fingers to her lips signaling to keep your agreement a secret. You nod back to her; it was nice seeing them get along so well.
Getting there at the last second, the troupe calls her over in a hurry. Yun Jin can only briefly wave goodbye before disappearing behind the topaz curtain.
The Heyu Tea House was packed to say the least. Fighting through the people, you and Xinyan managed to find a seat close enough that Yun Jin would notice you both immediately.
Eyes stare at your table or rather at Xinyan. You had only gotten this seat because they moved away in fear without either of you doing anything. Not that you were complaining, if they wanted to be chicken then that's on them.
If only they stopped glaring at Xinyan for simply existing. Now doesn't that bring up memories of your own childhood. No one really liked being saddled with the orphan kid.
Xinyan doesn't even react and only smiles when the curtain pulls away to reveal a few backup dancers and Yun Jin posing. Her voice rings out in Chinese as they start dancing and performing in harmony.
You don't miss how her eyes light up at the sight of you and Xinyan watching from the table. A separate narrator begins to recap the previous acts.
"A chameleon with no one and nothing left. What a pitiful existence. Yet it strives for some meaning or person to live for, it works tirelessly each day. Changing its colors, it's position and its soul for that singular purpose. Taken advantage by each animal requesting a color. At long last it's used every color and been rejected by each one. So now it's left to wonder; what color was its true color?"
Each animal that had taken advantage of the chameleon appears in costume around Yun Jin. The lanterns dim as the moon starts to rise setting a perfect backdrop.
The singing slows down as Yun Jin speaks mournfully.
"Not a single color keeps them with me. No matter how hard I try to blend in, to be accepted it is but a lost cause. Should I find my original color and live all alone? Or should I give one last ditch effort?"
Colored lights and decorations spin around Yun Jin at her last line. When it's pulled away her hat had changed to a multicolored fan of hairpins. A long robe covered her dress with flags in each color stood proud fanning out from behind her.
Her singing is high-pitched and melancholic. All the other animal performers crowd around her as she sings. After each verse she belts out and poses, they briefly stop and bow to her.
You couldn't understand what was being said but judging by their actions, it seemed the animals finally accepted the chameleon due to the rainbow of colors.
A last long note as the animals pose in various positions around her until only the moon shines down on Yun Jin. She looks up at the moon as she starts her speech with an empty voice that rises with emotion.
"I am loved, adored, and nearly worshipped so why am I as lonely as before? If the only difference between the me before and the me now is the color, I display then is my color the only reason they love me? Is this the life I want? Is this the love I desire!?"
The drums beat and the music rings louder. The animal performers move away in a fast pace as Yun Jin tears off each flag. The animals scramble to pick each colored flag and hold it out to Yun Jin but she ignores them. Instead, she grabs the hairpin on her head and tears it off.
The animals run around her in a dance as longer flags that cover the sight of her fly around. When she's revealed she's back in her normal clothes and a single dagger lies in her grasp.
"If that is the only way I will ever be loved then this life of mine is as useless as my colors."
With a single motion the dagger is 'stabbed' into her heart, and she falls backwards with the animal performers catching her. They gently set her 'dead' body on the ground and mourn her. The curtains close and the audience erupts into cheers.
You clap and smile as the curtains open and the performers bow with Yun Jin in the front. For reasons unknown to you, the play had shaken your heart like an earthquake to a fragile little house.
Xinyan excitedly congratulates Yun Jin as you compliment her as well. Cotten in your ears make what they're saying muffled. Smiling you say your goodbyes and leave them. The ghost of Xinyan's hand reaching for your shoulder is ignored.
Instead you focus on what matters, your identity and living situation. Yun Jin already agreed to clear up the situation with Keqing, the horn given to you was safely in your bag, your job with the Guild was confirmed, and you avoided any high-profile acolytes that you're wary of.
Hopefully Yelan will never investigate you seeing as you stayed at the Yansheng Teahouse.
Out of curiosity you check the price of a week at a small motel. You promptly leave after they tell you it would cost 210,000 mora for a single week. If you paid that, you'd be fresh out of money by the end of the month. Things were expensive since it's Liyue but that was just too much.
You make your way to the bridge where the whole geovishap hatchling murder happened. Sleeping in the tent you bought is the much smarter and better financial decision... Even if it was the more dangerous one.
Not a single soul is around as you cross the bridge. The grass crunches under your shoes as the uneven stone makes your footsteps ring out in the night air. It turns into a dirt path and the city lights fade from how far you've gone.
Lighting the candle in your lantern you hold it out in front of you as you continue walking. The path splits and you stay on the right side due to the faint lanterns that are hung around that direction.
Cobblestone patio on the left and two huge identical stone statues on the right can be seen as you stand in the middle. The spot of dirt you choose to camp out on the patio gives you a perfect view of the statues. The mist flower and what you think is an adepti machine goes ignored.
It's been a quite a few years since you've ever had to put up a tent. But the survival skills come back to you quickly. With the tent set up and a small campfire going, you set a pot over it.
Swiftly you open the game screen and find the needed recipes for any simple food to make. The matsutake potatoes and meat are put into the pot and you turn your head to grab a plate. You aren't surprised to see it already done when you turn back.
You gobble down most of the matsutake meat rolls and stop when the bushes on your left begin to shake. Freezing mid-bite, you stare at the bush intently. When something begins to tumble out of it you jump to your feet and summon your sickle.
An unfortunately familiar bronze creature unravels itself from its ball and stares at you innocently. That damn geovishap hatchling has appeared again.
Sighing you flop back onto the ground with no fear. It may not have crimson liquid staining its body, but the smell of copper was still strong. There was no way it's not the hatchling you met in the city.
It creeps closer to you with every passing second. You can see the marks from Keqing's sword and electro cover its bedrock body. Taking pity on the poor hatchling, it's still a baby after all, you pat the spot beside you.
With a happy growl it sits next to you, and you give it the last of the meat rolls. Happy noises escape it as it carefully takes the food from your hands and eats it. That seems to have completely softened the reptile as it snuggles into your side.
Despite what it did earlier, your heart melts like wax under the sun, and you pet its head. You scold it in a faint voice.
"You shouldn't go into the city, it's dangerous. Now that your friend is gone, it'll be easier for you to get hurt. Stay close with your family so that you don't get hurt."
It's eyes close and it whimpers. It may not understand your words, but the main message seemed to have resonated with it. Your hand brushes against one of its injuries and it flinches.
Should you use some of the ointment from your medical kit to help it? With purpose you drag your finger lightly over its cuts and scraped areas. The wounds begin to glow gold and you close your eyes from the brightness.
Once it dims you open them to see the injuries healed.
Being the creator is one thing, but being the equivalent of a Statue of the Seven to the creatures is another. You're basically capable of healing everything but yourself!
The brief annoyance fades into fondness as the hatchlings springs up and rolls around in happiness. A sudden wave of exhaustion hits you making you groan and struggle to stand up.
You put out the fire and crawl into the tent, the bed is welcomed after such an exhausting day. The rough ground beneath the thin bedding and cold air nipping your skin brings back memories of the years you spent sleeping in alleyways and parks.
Maybe comparing yourself to a Statue of a Seven was more accurate than you thought. As the creator you shouldn't be this exhausted after healing minor wounds. So, it would make sense that you would need to practice or gain more power through touching the Statues of the Seven in order to heal more without getting exhausted.
Your train of thoughts slow down as sleep overtakes you. The faint thudding of the hatchling outside makes you feel somewhat safe. Is this life something you'll truly get used to? Or will you end up giving up like the chameleon?
And it's done! Now that Y/N has some freedom, I can start implemeting certain game ascepts. And if I don't enter specific ones then I probably forgot so feel free to comment any that you would want to see! This chapter was supposed to be just a nice day of touring Liyue and the geovishap hatchling was supposed to be annoying/cute and progress the plot. But damn did it get darker. I do want to say that Kazuha's last line wasn't him removing himself from his obsession. Kazuha is a very self-reflective character and all that he's gone through has added to that. I originally was going to have the opera nameless and just a quick description less show, but I had fun writing one that would fit with the plot. Welp time to finish 100% the Summer event! Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling
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ajaxstar · 1 year
Valentine's ♡
characters: all playable genshin characters (except children characters like klee, dori, etc.), the eleven harbingers + tsaritsa, and kaveh x gn!reader
genres: sfw, fluff!!! (no angsty heart's day on my watch!), features types of vday dates i think they most likely will plan for the two of you after you told them that they'll be in charge
notes: it's been a while, hasn't it? this post doesn't fully imply that i'm 100% back, but i am working on it!! i haven't written anything for such a long time, so i might be getting rusty and it might show here. i used the genshin impact wikia as reference for the characters, let me know if i missed anyone!
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE : they made sure that they ran you through the whole plan without spoiling it completely to make sure you'll be comfortable during the whole day. after all, the date is for the both of you, not just for them! they want to make sure the two of you will enjoy it.
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they're the type to plan a date that concerns going out. they'll bring you literally everywhere they know you love — to the amusement/theme park, movies, theater, museums, mall, out of town/the country, the library, fancy meals — anywhere!! if you have a favorite hobby that concerns a few more things (sports, arts, etc.), you bet that it's in the list! it doesn't matter if it's not their cup of tea, it's in the list and they will join you, even if it includes breaking a sweat or two. throughout the whole day, they have their hands on you in any type of way that you consent. they'll keep their hand holding yours, their arms around your waist, on your shoulder — anywhere. they can't afford getting separated from you, mostly if it's a vast and/or crowded area, but also because of their desire to be close. with or without exchanging gifts, love is reciprocated.
"you are the only gift i ever want."
ꔛ albedo, amber, itto, barbara, bennett, collei, faruzan, fischl, hu tao, kazuha, ayaka, keqing, mona, nilou, ningguang, noelle, ei, razor, shenhe, thoma, aether, xiangling, xingqiu, xinyan, yoimiya, yun jin, zhongli, dottore, columbina, pantalone, pulcinella, tsaritsa, kaveh
it has been quite a while that the both of you had the free time to just relax at home tangled in each other. food are a mix of all snacks, candies, homemades, and take outs. time is enjoyed together with indoor activities enjoyed by each other; playing games, playful banters, naps, cuddles, reading a book or two, watching shows together — anything that entertains the two of you. nothing mattered outside the walls of your shared humble abode, although going out together also seems like a good idea, the two of you are much more inclined to the thought of just the two of you. together. the past few days and weeks were spent being away from each other. however, right now, nothing and no one else mattered as the two of you bask into each other's warmth, love, and presence.
"let's stay here together for a little bit longer."
ꔛ alhaitham, beidou, candace, chongyun, cyno, diluc, eula, ganyu, gorou, jean, kaeya, ayato, sara, shinobu, layla, lisa, rosaria, kokomi, childe, tighnari, lumine, venti, wanderer, venti, xiao, yanfei, yae miko, yelan, pierro, sandrone, capitano, arlecchino
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happy heart's day ♡ i hope you guys enjoyed your day !! (i sure did enjoy my day sleeping)
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 5 months
Hi!!! poppin in to say hey. guess who reread your stories again. me. i did for like the thirtieth time. i love them so much, they’re gorgeous. you glorious creature <333
anyway, i read the gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun manga. i saw your chapter 19 note on ‘i think youre so good.’ do you, perchance, have any notes or ideas you’d be willing to share abt what you’d write in a zhongchi gsnk au??? people don’t talk enough about that series and god the idea of that au is already brewing comedy across my mind. Love you(r writing and art), hope you had a great christmas and new year!!! <3
well obviously it'd have to be nozaki = zhongli and mikoshiba = childe. i'm very tempted to say it would then be sakura = lumine? aether? aether would be funnier. of course we'd completely ditch sakura's massive crush on nozaki and focus on whatever the fuck nozaki and mikoshiba got going on there. the rest of the characters i don't have a clear "this one would be this one" idea, so it could be whatever.
but i think instead of being a gsnk au it'd be more like.... a gsnk-inspired modern au. so like i said in the notes, the premise would be zhongli is a romance novel writer who goes under a woman's pseud bc he's fluid like that, and his pseud is hailed as like this marvellous writer, the spokeperson for women's hearts and all that – half the fanbase have giant crushes on him/her and generally portray him as like this all-knowing poet woman. zhongli-jiejie is what i'm saying. and the only one who knows zhongli is the author behind that pseud would be his editor, which i'm so tempted to say would be hu tao bc it'd be hilarious; but idk that hu tao would be able to keep such a funny detail private among her own friend group? so maybe it could be literally anyone else. ningguang idk why i feel like it'd fit. i think editor ningguang would be funny. so the only other person who'd know besides ningguang would be beidou, who CAN keep it a secret.
anyway- other than that, the main Funny of the au would be that most of the main characters in his famous ongoing novels would be genderbent versions of the people around him. main character soft dainty delicate heroine would be childe, sweet overworked nice young man would be ganyu, strict responsible workaholic boyfriend of previous nice overworked man would be keqing, scarred quiet serious Complex(tm) young woman would be xiao, beautiful gentle mildly-menacing doctor lady would be baizhu, etc.
we would need a sakura for this though, which is why i think we'd have to have like- someone else beyond beidou and ningguang find out that zhongli is the author. maybe we could pull a ysmms and like- make it someone entirely random. like- xiangling. or yunjin. and have the entire thing be an outsider's pov on the whole mess. maybe we could have it be xingqiu, and instead of it being a 'sakura has a crush on nozaki and tries to confess' situation, it could be a 'xingqiu is a fanboy of zhongli's pseud and started writing because of him/her' and ends up finding out via the writing world or smth.
idk it was just a mess of thoughts i had back then but it was too funny an idea not to point it out. not sure i'd ever write it though, unlikely.
but it is pretty funny to think about so thank you!! i hope that was interesting;,,
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idyllic-affections · 5 months
WAH I LOVE MAMA XIAOYUN IDEAS, that is soooo cute! And i would pay for you to actually make it a series just like the Kaveh Dad AU
So here’s some scenarios i had thought of when reading 🐉 and 🐌 anons take on it. Ok so first of all, i hc that [name] would inherit Xianyun’s hobby of tinkering and making devices, like they may not be a half adepti nor have homicidal urges like their sisters but the kid is a curious gremlin who would be the type to break apart a toy because their curious on how it works. Just imagine Xiaoyun and [name] bonding together by making their first machine together, [name] would give little toys to their sisters like maybe a small toy Qilin or crane?
Also I LOVE the idea of [name] and Yaoyao having a friendship like Cloud Retainer and Madame Ping, like there’s [name] who would go head first to do something reckless or chaotic and then there’s Yaoyao being the voice of reason then there’s Xiangling encouraging [name] behavior for the sake of good ingredients so now Yaoyao have to look after two chaotic people. Also like with Ganyu and Shenhe, [name] would also give Yaoyao some toys that they made themself and they would play with the toys together. WAIT WHAT IF XIAOYUN ALSO MADE [NAME] A PLUSH THAT IS LIKE YUEGUI TO PROTECT THEM, omg that would be sooo adorable! Maybe Yaoyao and [name] would have a tea party with both of their stuff animals as the others guests?? Idk but the idea of Xiaoyun making them a stuff animal that has the same function like Yuegui is soo cute, idk what kind of animal would it be thought.. maybe a crane..? Or maybe a chicken? Because baby cranes are called chicks..? (Im just pulling straws here also i just like the idea of [name] having Sushang’s chicken from HSR)
Would Shenhe introduce [name] to Chongyun? Like how Xiaoyun is pushing [name] to be friends with Yaoyao, Shenhe is doing the same but with Chongyun. Chongyun being confused with situation but nevertheless still get along with the kid his auntie introduced. And then he introduce them to Xingqiu and a chaotic duo was born.. I’ll let you think of the shenanigans the both of them have done :)
And about Moral Injury, personally i dont really want that much other than [name] bonding with Collei and their interactions with Scaramouche back when he was being experimented by Dottore BUT I do like the idea that maybe in an arc where they’re on the run, they come across Diluc when he left Mondstadt. Idk how it would go but maybe Diluc was injured from doing whatever mission he did regarding the fatui then [name] came across him and healed him up before quickly leaving him alone once they saw his delusion. Like when healing him, they saw his delusion and qucikly try to finish healing him because curse their bleeding heart! If he has a delusion, then that means either he’s a fatui agent or has some connection to the fatui. They instantly book it to the next nation and changed their identity. Diluc sometimes thinks about the kind stranger who helped him, although not because of how they help him, its because of their subtle reaction towards his delusion and how they became a ghost when he tried to find any information about them.
So yeah that’s all. Im honestly kinda scared rn because in a day or two, im going to go back to school which i am not ready for but here’s to hoping that we wont get any tests next week! Hope you have a good day/night though!
- 🐱Anon
i am trying SOOOO hard to not start writing this series yet...... she isn't even playable yet...... Please
YEAH NO EXACTLY!!!!!! i like to think that in the first few days of them living with xianyun, she builds them toys that do cool and fun things.... the mechanics are simple to her, but they should entertain a child well enough, no..? well, later, she walks in to the room she's given them find that [name] has meticulously and carefully pulled the toys apart to peer at the internal mechanics. and they apologize profusely when they realize she's there because they weren't trying to destroy the toys, they just... wanted to know how they worked. and xianyun just hums, settling on the floor next to them (which is perhaps something quite uncommon for someone like herself), picks them up, sets them in her lap, and goes on to explain it to them and teach them how to put it back together <3 bonding activity <3
eventually it becomes a hobby of [name]'s, and xianyun invites them to help with the things she's working on too. mama xianyun often pursues little projects for her child (though i like to think she doesn't immediately realize that this is another child of hers, like her older daughters. maybe ping points it out to her and she thinks about it for a second, but then nods and agrees. she's not embarrassed. she has two older daughters! so.... it wouldn't be the first time). and [name] would totally make cute little trinkets for their big sisters!!!!!
YEAH HAHA CHAOTIC [NAME] REAL AND TRUE. MEANWHILE YAOYAO IS ABOUT TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK AT THE AGE OF, IDK, 7????? BECAUSE OF THE THINGS HER FRIEND KEEPS DOING...... but [name] would definitely make a cute toy for her as an apology!! OH AND I WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE XIANYUN WOULD DO THAT...... maybe it would be a little crane that almost, vaguely seems to resemble... herself, but in her adeptus form? huh, how odd. must be a coincidence (it is not, in fact, a coincidence. xianyun does this on purpose). but i also think [name] having a little chicken would be so cute <3333 mama crane and her little chick...... Sighhhhhh
YES SHE SO WOULD i think shenhe would teach them exorcism, to a certain extent. mostly so that they can effectively protect themselves against things... beyond the living world. so she would most certainly introduce them to chongyun! and i think they would honestly cause problems for him at first. slipping jueyun chilis into his food (like xingqiu...... teehee) and stuff, but then apologizing kindly and offering him a popsicle afterwards. they do know where to stop. he would introduce them to xingqiu and it would be OVERRRRR for him HELP
moving onto moral injury... OH MAN [name] and diluc do have an important (angstful) interaction later on, but adding this in prior to it would give that interaction a lot more depth. thank you for the suggestion, lovely!!!!! i will definitely be adding this in. also, some variation of "curse [their] bleeding heart" would be a good chapter title. thank you for reminding me of that phrase!!! i forgot it existed tbh
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
xiangling / yanfei for 25 and 2
MY GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
xiangling: people sleep on how she gets the friendship of gods and immortals just by offering them her cooking. first guoba then xiao who’s next. is xianyun’s “coming down to the mortal world” 下凡 arc gonna be her mechanical cooking pots and xiangling having a cooking competition? place your bets now. I liked her spotlight in moonchase (her scenes w keqing, madame ping, and the food survey we did around liyue) that was incredibly cute <3 this is also really random but I like that she has a dad to whom we can talk in game, and who isn’t a shitty father
yanfei: how she fits into liyue's theme of adepti adjusting to a mortal world, and more broadly, the differences or similarities between the godly and the human. also the interesting parallels between her and ganyu. also her relationships! you can reasonably connect her to a lot of characters—the chasm gang, ganyu, ningguang, keqing, zhongli, eula, etc. and they’re all fun dynamics!! I think her relationships with her father and madame ping are neat, and the concept of signing a contract to live happily is an interesting one and it fits her storyline!! i like that she's a cool side character who presents an interesting continuation of liyue's themes <33333
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
xiangling: hard to remember but I thought her story quest was really random bc I accidentally triggered it and had no idea who she was. I also was peeved that I had to pass the abyss to get her bc my team was Not well built at that time lmao. now,,, i like her! she’s incredibly cool idk.i feel like she’s still written as just a passionate chef obsessed w food in game but i will give her character depth in my head because she’s sweet and deserves it
yanfei: "thank god I got her I finally have another pyro unit besides amber!!!!! i love you thanks for saving my life random character" <- my first reaction as a New Player pulling on the standard banner, sick and tired of baron bunny's cooldown. I didn't meet her in game until the teapot quest so for a while she was just there carrying my team even tho I didn’t know much about her. now I cherish her w all my heart as a little deer lawyer w hypercompetence and flavor :) hanfu skin when
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rouecentric · 2 years
And now to continue the problem child journies! So onto Liyue, you've walked the traveler through the fields, over the mountains, pointing out your favourite spots along the way. Reacquainting yourself with this scenery brings to mind old friends of yours, Atalus, his boss Rex Lapis, Beidou and that convict who joined her on the Crux... Though you don't want to spoil all these stories for the traveler, you can only hope they get along with all these people as well as you did! And you're so blinded by these hopes that you're once again not expecting any sort of harsh welcome back.
Your first night as Wangshu Inn is a peaceful one, at first. After enjoying your first bite of Liyue cuisine in ages, you wish to look out over the balconies, and the traveler suggests the roof. On the way, Verr Goldet asks for a plate of almond tofu to be taken up as well, and you can't quite remember why that seems so significant to you. Though, when you reach the roof the reason becomes apparent faster than you can process - because the reason grabs you in shock at the first sight of you.
Xiao has lost almost everyone close to him, he thought you were no exception. Your goodbye letter is still a sore memory, you'd left in the middle of war, he had no way to defend you. Maybe you thought he wasn't strong enough, your absence played deeper into his self hatred. But he couldn't see why you'd want to leave the safety of Rex Lapis, Morax, a powerful archon who could've easily eliminated any threats you face - and, though you didn't know it, he would've if you only asked.
If anything, your presence only persuades Xiao to trust the traveler more. Though he's still hurt by your betrayal, he doesn't believe you are an evil person, you were kind to him and if you'll continue to be kind by staying with him, then he will trust who you trust. He'll be less than thrilled to hear you're leaving the Inn as swiftly as you came, but as long as you're in Liyue he'll shadow you and keep you safe. Much like he tells the traveler, just call his name - he'll be there. (and wow does he hope you'll call for him, so he can feel like he's finally able to protect something he cares for)
Depending on your own ideas, you may or may not be acquainted with Liyue's government officials. I'm going to say for this thought dump that you're not, so while Ningguang and Keqing haven't met you personally, they've heard stories from Beidou, Ganyu (who met you alongside Xiao, though you may not have been as close, once again depends on your own thoughts) and even a few citizens like Xiangling, Hu Tao, Baizhu - seems you were quite sociable during your time in Liyue.
Now that you've reappeared, it's as if you're a mini celebrity! Xiangling is giving you and the traveler extra discounts as her restaurant, Xingqiu wants to see if you'll join him in teasing Chongyun (since the latter is starting to get more suspicious of his pranks), Ningguang and the rest of the government have a particular interest in learning more about you, especially concerning you appearance right at the time of Rex Lapis's 'death'. And oh boy Baizhu... You'll practically need to be hidden from him at all times if you don't want to be Qiqi's new roommate as he attempts to discover the secrets of your immortality (I'm sure if you went in more depth with Baizhu exclusively, he'd probably be a mildly terrifying figure due to his interest in immortality).
The combination of Zhongli and Childe are where I think it really gets interesting. Childe is eager to know what the traveler, and by extension, you, are up to. He longs to become stronger, and if you accidentally let on that you know more than you should, he may treat you as a comrade, though not with the same respect he'd give the traveler in the sense of 'strength' - not to say he doesn't respect you. It's clear that you're wise beyond your years (however many you've been there for, he won't know) but due to your child form, he isn't likely to consider you an equal in combat unless you turn out to be a combat master or something. If you don't slip up, he might treat you closer to how he treats his younger siblings, not revealing the entire truth of his business in Liyue until the traveler confronts him at his boss battle.
Childe most definitely informs the rest of the Fatui of the traveler and their companions, the three of you are certainly an interesting trio. Some kind of floating space baby, a mysterious traveler capable of harnessing multiple elements, and a child known across the lands. Heck, maybe even Childe knew you prior to these events. It's possible Zhongli has mentioned you in his stories. After all, despite his age the man hardly forgets a face, he even remembers the day when Guoba was a well-known god. Upon meeting him, his calm demeanour is momentarily broken, though you'd miss it if you blinked. He's seen many come and go in his time, so sudden reunions aren't uncommon to him, but it wasn't until he saw your face that he realised just how much he'd missed you.
While Zhongli has slowed compared to his ruthless, energetic days of the archon war, you still possess energy and enthusiasm now that you're on this new adventure that you've been waiting for with the traveler. Maybe he doesn't feel as desperately attached as everyone else, maybe he trusts the two of you will cross paths again soon enough, but that doesn't mean he feels fine knowing you'll be leaving soon. Why rush off to go and find a blond(e) stranger you aren't even related to, why not stay with him, enjoy some teas by the water?
Liyue isn't as obsessive about keeping you locked up as Mondstadt, the people are confident that their prosperous city will be able to convince you to stay with its success. Maybe too confident, bordering on arrogant, as - depending on who you ask - everyone's opinion range from hoping you like the area enough to stick around to belittling your decisions to go anywhere else, you're already in the best possible place you could be, so stop trying to run away before they send out the millelith to find you.
baizhu tries to get closer to the reader through qiqi and the traveler, unless you reach out to him first, rest assured you'll be stalked by either the zombie child or baizhu himself, with the latter being unlikely.
before the reader left for inazuma, reader does hint at some possibilities of gaining immortality from to baizhu:
"let me get you in on a secret, mr. baizhu. there are two ways of reaching immortality, either experimentation, or get cursed by celestia itself."
everyone from liyue is prideful of their nation and culture, they'd definitely belittle your decisions of going to different nations.
childe and the reader have met each other before, just in.. some ways that he hasn't seen their face before, he only remembers their distinct voice that guided him through the abyss.
reader is definitely strong, although they look like a child, their centuries of travelling and training is definitely enough to defeat most of the harbingers, especially when you consider the fact that the reader has went to shneznaya and dragonspine without appropriate clothing.
zhongli definitely isn't as well, possesive as ei and venti, as your return to liyue is proof that you'll eventually return to them, him.
the reader being a micro-celebrity is somewhat true, yes, but the reader was in actual liyue history text books and letters from mortals who lived in the era where you were extremely active in your travels. so they'll be more or less treated like some sort of god.
liyue's citizens actually thought you were a myth until your literal arrival.
beidou has heard of you before!! but not through ganyu nor keqing, there's actually a story about you! you used to actually usually travel using ships and as a thank you, you'd give them gold that you got through your travels.
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fishareglorious · 1 year
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Do you think Yao Yao’s parents had to fight tooth and nail just to not have Cloud Retainer adopt their kid
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Yelan Lantern Rite POV
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Wait a second
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Sumida and Kama! They really are exploring around Teyvat. Good on them.
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If Vlad leaves Liyue and hasn’t had his thing with Nadia resolved im going to cry you have no idea of the chokehold these two have on my being
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Let me watch the sunrise with Vlad for a hot second
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Oh he’s following me around just like Yanfei did from the Perilous Trails quest
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yeah Xinyan’s mentioned the tour a few times. What exactly is it’s deal with how it keeps getting canceled?
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Oh so just plain old bad luck.
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It could work. Keqing is fond of Xinyan’s music and Ningguang’s up for anything I guess
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...Ganyu? Xinyan and her know each other?
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Xiangling! Ah, my bad.
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I’m amusing myself in-between the cutscenes by running around Liyue as Yelan. I’m just thinking this is just her doing her normal spy thing, but with a tad more subtlety than me.
I was literally hacking like a sick dog laughing as I did this lmao
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Madame Ping! I wonder if there’s a chance that she’s the adeptus Dvorak’s ancestor met.
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A few lotus crisps, if you’re asking.
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cavalierious-whim · 2 years
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Childe spends a day on the beach with those who've become his friends. Written for Raging Tide, A Tartagalia Zine.
Read here on AO3 for better quality!
When Childe first proposed the idea of a fun day in the midsummer Liyue sun, he had the beach in mind. Swim trunks, beach balls, and those delightful little ice pops that Xiangling occasionally makes on special days. His gaze narrows as he surveys Zhongli, who’s just arrived at their rendezvous spot. 
“Say, Xiansheng… you aren’t planning on wearing that, are you?”
Zhongli presses a hand to his chest and looks down, surveying his usual suit. Childe thinks he looks utterly ridiculous, but at the same time isn’t surprised. Zhongli is the most routine man he’s ever met. “My clothes are perfectly functional,” says Zhongli in that quiet, understated, and prim way of his. 
“If you were going to a funeral, yeah.”
Zhongli’s brow furrows. “I just came from a—”
“Working? On a day like this?” asks Xiangling, standing near Childe’s elbow. She’s dressed appropriately, of course, bedecked in a swimsuit as yellow as summer itself. She reaches into the portable icebox that’s slung around her shoulder and pulls out an ice pop, handing it to Childe without a word.
“I knew that I loved you,” says Childe, already savoring the sweet delight. 
“Get in line,” says Xiangling with a mischievous smile. “That’s what everyone says.”
Childe laughs, nudging her shoulder with his elbow. His face falls slightly as he sees Ganyu step forward, wearing her own beachy number, and a cute sun hat to boot. He frowns. 
Xiangling winces, leans closer, and says in a stage whisper: “Do you think that she’s here—”
“To babysit me? Definitely.”
“Come now, don’t be silly.” Ganyu smiles placidly as she readjusts her hat. “I was merely encouraged to bring my work to the beach.” 
Childe levels here with a very pointed stare. “Yeah, like I said—to babysit me.”
Ganyu has this kind of serene smile that isn’t really nice—it’s more like she’s making fun of you silently. Childe itches a little under her gaze as she pulls out a towel from her bag and looks for the best place to lay it out. 
“There are worse options,” says Xiangling in a loud hiss, “You know—like Keqing?”
Childe huffs. “She’d be too busy to pay me any mind. Ganyu though…”
“Ganyu will be a pleasant addition to the afternoon, I think,” says Zhongli. Childe regards him once again, his eyes lingering where Zhongli’s arms are clasped firmly behind his back. Always so proper. 
“Relax a little, yeah?”
Zhongli frowns again, a little wrinkle forming on his brow. He looks at his suit like he’s genuinely confused and Childe sighs. Better luck next time, he supposes. 
Others arrive slowly. Paimon and Lumine, even Xingqiu and Chongyun—they’d all promised him, of course, but Childe isn’t holding his breath. 
The life of a Harbinger is strangely lonely at times. He can’t trust anyone—he can’t. One wrong move and there’s a new dude with his title. Childe is always watching his back because even his coworkers he can’t trust, which has led to a perfected, cocky attitude.
The more people are annoyed by you, the easier it is to keep tabs on them and all that. They come to him, which makes his work all the easier. 
That being said—Childe is tired and his stationing here within Liyue has shown him that. 
“What are you thinking about?” asks Xiangling, nudging him with her shoulder. Everyone else has picked a spot to settle into, towels and bags and shoes dotting the beach. 
“Nothing much, really.” Childe shrugs. “Just been a while since I’ve had a day off, you know?”
Xiangling’s face crinkles in amusement. “Have you ever had a day off?”
Childe doesn’t think so but it’s never been something that he’s thought much about. 
Until now. 
Childe falls asleep and wakes up feeling like he’s on fire.
So, maybe dumb, laying out on his stomach under the sun. But it was warm, and it smells of the ocean, and the sounds of everyone around him lulled him right under, and well—
He’s paying for it now, isn’t he?
“No, no—” Then he hisses. 
“Oh shush,” says Ganyu, smoothing her hand over his red shoulders. “You did this to yourself.”
“It was an accident.”
“Accidents can still have faults. You’re very lucky that I brought this coconut yogurt along, otherwise you’d be worse off.” 
“Worse,” grumbles Childe under his breath. “Stings like a—”
Ganyu digs the palm of her hand just a little too harshly into his burned skin and Childe yelps dramatically. Xiangling looks at him, face crinkled with mild amusement. Zhongli regards him like he’s trying to solve a puzzle. Paimon screams something about how he looks like a boiled lobster because, of course, she’d compare him to food.
None of it helps Childe forget about his blistered skin. 
Ganyu seems to take pity on him though, and her hands lighten up as she cools the yogurt with her Cryo and slathers it across his back. And Chile has to hand it to her—it’s a soothing mixture that works well. The whine that rises from the back of his throat sounds pathetic.
She leans over his shoulder with that too-sweet smile that means anything but. “Have we learned our lesson?”
Childe looks at her, sheepish. “Yeah. Wear the damn sunscreen.”
Ganyu laughs kindly and Childe thinks perhaps she doesn’t mind her job for the day.
Ice fishing is simple and lacks finesse. Find a frozen lake with a thick enough layer that is safe enough to walk out on. Cut a hole in the water and drop a line in, then you wait forever while you drink vodka and swap stories with family and friends. 
Childe thought that deep-sea fishing wouldn’t be much different. Childe is woefully wrong. 
The boat lurches underneath his feet, bobbing with the ocean tide. Childe’s feet slip across the wooden planks as he clings to the edge because what kind of boat doesn’t have a proper railing? Boats in the traditional Liyue style, apparently. 
“Oh,” he murmurs, “Oh—” And then he vomits right over the side.
“Surely you came to Liyue on a boat.”
Childe wipes at his mouth and looks to the side. Xingqiu sits there quietly on a beach chair, slathered in a pasty sheen of sunscreen. He doesn’t bother with looking away from his book, licking his thumb to turn a page.
“Yes,” says Childe, “and that was just as miserable an experience as this.” His gaze slides to Zhongli who stands perfectly still at the bow. “I’m surprised he has sealegs, though.”
“I have a distaste for seafood, Childe, not the ocean.” A pause, and then, “Though I don’t particularly like being away from land for very long.”
Well, that clears up absolutely nothing. 
Once they anchor the ship, it still rolls with the waves. Childe manages to find his grounding, albeit on wobbly legs. “Alright, then. Who’s fishing with me?” 
Xiangling is the only enthusiastic taker, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, barely containing herself.
Childe’s gaze sweeps the deck as he frowns slightly. “What, no other takers?”
Zhongli’s mouth is pursed with distaste—they might’ve gotten him to leave land, which was a feat in itself, but Childe knows he draws the line at handling fish. A pity. Childe thinks that it’d be hilarious to see Zhongli try. He’s articulate with his words but not so much with his actions. Childe imagines it would be endless entertainment. 
“Hey, kid.”
Xingqiu looks up from his book, eyes narrowed as though annoyed by the interruption. Childe waits expectantly. “You can’t be serious,” says Xingqiu with a sigh. “I came out here to enjoy this new publication, I won’t—”
Xiangling pulls the book from his fingertips, snaps it shut, and tosses it right into the ocean. Childe gapes. Xingqiu gapes. Zhongli hides a well-placed snicker behind his gloved hand. 
And Xiangling just bounces on her feet as she smiles at him sweetly. 
“That was—”
“Was it a first edition?” asks Xiangling brightly.
Xingqiu looks aggrieved, his face turning an impressive shade of pink. “No,” he hisses, “I suppose not.”
“Then no harm, no foul.” Then Xiangling smiles, her lips curled into a mischievous grin. “Or should I say, fowl—”
“Okay, okay, enough with the puns,” says Childe, rooting through rods and lines before finding a set that suits her well enough. “I trust you know how to fish?”
“Of course,” she says with a huff. Then, Xiangling nudges him. “Question is, do you?”
Childe snorts. “Of course. I grew up on the ice, you know. Practically raised in the tundra waters. Ever seen permafrost? I breathed it.”
Xiangling’s brow rises and she whistles. “Impressive,” she says kindly. Childe can tell that she isn’t remotely dazzled. 
“The boat,” says Xingqiu, unhelpfully. He’s still lounging about in the beach chair, making no effort to move. “You need to learn how to stand on it first.”
“I am standing on it!” Childe gestures to himself as if to prove the point. Then the boat swoons and Childe trips, barely catching himself. Xingqiu just raises an eyebrow. “Right, look—not the point. I’m a master at fishing, just you wait.”
Childe then holds out a rod to Xingqiu, who only regards him with a once-over, arms crossed over his chest. “Oh, I’m not fishing. I want to watch you make an absolute idiot of yourself.”
“Oh, you little—”
Everyone on the boat stops and looks. Lumine stands there clad in a white and blue striped swimsuit, Paimon floating beside her face. The one person who strikes fear into Childe’s heart, and no, it isn’t because she kicks his ass at the Golden House every single Monday. It’s because—
“Childe,” says Lumine shortly. 
That tone. Childe winces like a boy who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Lumine mothers him more than his actual mother does, and that’s saying something. “Ah, Lumine—”
She holds out her hand, waiting for the rod. Childe slaps one into her hand without a word. 
“Is there a Paimon-sized one?” Paimon looks at him so innocently, with those round, sort-of bugged eyes.
“I think I have a kid’s rod somewhere,” murmurs Childe, rifling through his things again. 
Eventually, everyone is settled in with fishing rods and line. Xiangling stands, her line cast and legs allowing for the push and pull of the tide like she was born on the damn sea. Childe can’t help the subtle jealousy that rises in his throat. He he sits down, legs hanging over the side. 
Lumine joins him. 
“It’s not about fishing, is it?”
“You, always coming at me with complicated questions.”
Lumine looks amused. “Complicated? I could fight you instead. Topple this boat right over.”
“No, no, you’ve already beaten me up once this week. That’s plenty.”
Lumine chuckles and bumps their shoulders together. They both have their lines cast, but they aren’t paying much attention. Childe can feel the way that Xingqiu’s gaze bores into the back of his head, willing something to happen. 
“It’s nice,” says Lumine. “Inviting everyone out to fish.”
“Well, I didn’t. I asked Zhongli for the best spots because we all know he’s as old as dirt—like, literal dirt. And then Xiangling overheard so she invited herself along, and then—”
“No doubt our beloved former Archon shared the news with everyone else.”
Childe rubs at his neck sheepishly. “I mean, it’s fine. I was going to come out here alone, but it…”
“It’s nice. The company.” Lumine says it quietly. 
Childe often forgets that they’re both outlanders in the beautiful land that is Liyue. Lumine, though, is always traveling as she moves on and on. Childe was once like that—he stepped into Liyue with only the intent to do his job and get out, but— 
Well, funny how things change. 
The more time that passes, the more that Childe wants to stay. Liyue feels more like home to him than Snezhnaya ever did and he was raised there.
Lumine nudges him again. “What are you thinking?”
Childe is quiet for a long moment. “That’s exactly it—that’s what I wanted to come out here and do. I wanted to think.”
Lumine hums. “Thinking is annoying. Just enjoy the chaos. Isn’t that the sort of thing you like, anyway?”
Chaos, thinks Childe. He used to dream of it, relish it, even, when it came to battle. Xiangling lets out a shout, pulling her fishing rod back. The line goes entirely taut as she fights with the weight on the other end of it. The line sinks deep into the water, pulling stock straight.
“Oh, it feels like a big one!” she says excitedly, her eyes round and wide like dinner plates. In her excitement, she smacks Childe with her arm and he loses his balance, tipping right into the ocean. 
There’s panic—Xiangling panics about losing her fish; Lumine panics about Childe tumbling into the water; and Xingqiu panics about Lumine potentially falling right in after him as she leans over, trying to yank Childe back up. 
It’s a simple matter of commanding Hydro and Childe is back on the deck, entirely drenched, but no worse for wear. 
What a boat they make. A young, budding author. Xingqiu bursts into laughter at the dredged sight of him. A world-renowned chef. Xiangling yelps in praise, showing off her fresh catch—a sea bass that’s nearly half the size of her. An outlander who’s further from home than he’ll ever be. Lumine throws a towel over his head and Paimon cackles in amusement. And a former Archon. Zhongli is still perched near the bow, his face weathered by amusement. 
Chaos indeed.
Childe loves it.
The sun is slipping past the horizon and a bonfire has been lit on the beach. 
Xiangling flits around the cookfire, roasting fish and working her magic when it comes to food. Ganyu stands by, watching with a sweet smile. Xingqiu rests on a towel, a new book in hand. Lumine sets about readying eating utensils and Paimon shrieks about delicious eats.
Childe sits on the beach, watching the water. He’s sunburnt—pink and peeling. He’s barefoot, his toes dug into the sand. He can feel the salt clinging to his hair, curling it. All in a day’s work, he thinks, though his days used to be full of different sorts of endeavors. 
“Childe,” says Zhongli as he settles next to him. He’s still dressed to the nines in his stuffy, prim suit, but he’s pulled off his shoes at least. He digs his toes into the sand too, resting his arms over his knees. “So rarely do I see you so… quiet.”
“Thinking,” he says, looking at Zhongli with a wily smirk. “I’m known to do that on occasion.”
Zhongli watches him back with that ageless stare of his. “You think more often than not, I would say.” 
No matter how often they talk or share meals, Zhongli never ceases to surprise him. Perhaps it's because Zhongli’s had eons to watch mortals, but Childe thinks that he understands them more than he lets on. Experiencing it personally, however, is wholly different.
“What is the adage? A Mora for your thoughts?”
Childe laughs at that. “Isn’t there a Mora shortage?” 
Zhongli hums, thumbing at his chin. “I suppose I haven’t thought much of it.”
Because of course, he wouldn’t; Childe still plays bank to Zhongli’s spending habits, not that he’s complaining. Childe takes care of his friends, and so, he happily foots the bill. Before being stationed in Liyue, his accounts sat untouched for the most part, only accruing interest. It was a pity to let his earnings go to waste.
“It’s strange, you know,” says Childe, “how much I’ve come to love it here. When I think of my days, I think of the people that I spend them with, not the job that I do. And when I think of home, it isn’t snow-covered peaks, it’s Wanmin restaurant and the meals I spend with you and Lumine. Maybe I’ve become soft, but—”
“No.” Zhongli’s voice is quiet but firm. “Childe, you are allowed to enjoy yourself.”
Childe starts at that. It’s something he’s never really thought about. Childe is a Harbinger, one of the Tsaritsa’s hands. He was gifted a title and has effortlessly executed what’s been asked of him, time and time again. 
Except here, in Liyue, he sleeps in on his days off. He forgoes hunting targets down and bloodying his sword. He enjoys tea, practices using chopsticks, and most importantly, feels welcomed and wanted. 
The warmth of his found family here is different from the stark, winter cold of Snezhnaya. 
“I was wondering why you’ve been hesitating,” says Zhongli. “Going back. Surely she’s asked for you to.”
The Tsaritsa has. Childe’s desk is littered with letters requesting his arrival back home at the Palace, but it hasn’t escalated to true order. Yet. It’s only a matter of time. 
Childe sighs, dragging a hand down his face. “Lumine told me to stop thinking about it. To just enjoy the chaos.”
“Sound advice,” says Zhongli.
“I’m not dumb enough to think I can stay here forever.” Childe’s voice is quiet and for the first time, he realizes just truly how much he’d like that. To stay here, in Liyue. Surrounded by friends and the warmth of the sun, and the salty sea breeze. 
Childe has been more at ease here than anywhere else in his entire life.
“I decided to retire because I wanted to live for myself.” It’s the first time that Zhongli has ever expressed such a thing so outright. When Childe looks at him, Zhongli seems pensive. “And perhaps I didn’t know what that meant, and it’s likely that I still don’t—but it’s ever-changing as I learn more and more with every day. My goals, I mean. The things that I want. The one thing I have learned, though, is that it’s natural for our wants and desires to change over time.” 
Zhongli looks at Childe, his eyes soft as they glow amber. “Loyalties come and go, and they shift. That isn’t a bad thing. You deserve to be selfish.”
Childe chuckles. “So, sit here and enjoy it for as long as I can, yeah?”
“Or choose to stay and retire as well. I will enjoy our friendship nonetheless.”
Childe hesitates, thinking about the idea of it longer than he should. Retirement. Such a thing doesn’t exist for Harbingers but it’s a nice fantasy to entertain. “You know, Xiansheng, you’re probably my best friend. I’ve never had one before.”
Childe smiles, nudging Zhongli’s shoulder. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Certainly not.”
Their conversation comes to a close when Xiangling careens over the sand, nearly tripping over her own feet. She heaves heavy breaths, her hands resting on her knees, and then— “Oi! Dinner!” She reaches out and tugs Childe to his feet. 
“Okay, okay—”
“Come on, come on!”
Childe does. He follows Xiangling, close on her heels. The bonfire crackles brightly, hot with its brilliant fire. Everyone settles around as they load up their plates with delicious food. There is laughter, warmth, and kind words. Slaps on shoulders and tight hugs to the side. 
Everyone seems so happy to just be there, having enjoyed the day spent on the beach. 
Childe’s heart crackles, white-hot with a kind of affection he never knew he was capable of. These people—these friends—bring him more satisfaction than the thrill of the hunt ever will. They warm his chest more than the pull of his Delusion. 
“Hey, eat up!” Xiangling thrusts a plate into his hand, piled high with fish and all the trimmings. Then, she plops into the sand right next to him, tucking into her own portion, eyes bright and her smile wide.
You deserve to be selfish, said Zhongli not five minutes prior. 
Childe thinks that perhaps he’s right. 
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heartslogos · 2 years
outtakes [80]
“You guys,” Xinyan skids into the booth seating, hip and shoulders bumping hard against Chongyun, who bumps into Xiao, who doesn’t move at all, causing everyone after him in the semi-circle to sigh in relief.
“Once again, proving why you’re our dage,” Yanfei says a few seats down, “Aether give him a kiss for me. But later when none of us are around to perceive it.”
Aether shoots Yanfei a dry look, “Sometimes I can’t tell if you guys like that I’m dating Xiao or not.”
“Seeing Xiao-ge express romantic physical affection towards another person in any degree is like seeing your parents have sex. You know it happens but it’s an affront to the senses,” Xiangling says. “Xinyan, why are you so late? This place is closest to you out of all of us.”
“Listen,” Xinyan slaps the table several times to get everyone’s attention. Keqing reaches over and slaps Xinyan’s wrist.
“You are making people stare at us,” Keqing whisper-hisses.
“People are staring at us because we’re an assembly of some of the most famous people in Liyue,” Xingqiu points out, “The Yuheng, the chief of staff for the Qixing, a top member of the Feiyun Trade guild, the top lawyer in Liyue, everyone’s favorite celebrity chef, a rock star that’s on TV variety shows quite frequently, the most popular opera star in our generation, the former most handsome bachelor in Liyue, and then you three.”
“Hey,” Hu Tao protests, “I’m kind of famous. I’ve got billboards.”
“You’re famous for people wanting to avoid you at all costs,” Chongyun says. He leans past Xiao to flash Aether a thumbs up. “Congratulations, we’re the other three who are normal.”
“No, you just attract looks because you’re handsome,” Yun Jin says. “Why are you late Xinyan?”
“I am trying to tell you,” Xinyan groans. “It runs in the family.”
Yun Jin looks towards Xiangling, who is normally on quite a similar wavelength to Xinyan. Xiangling turns towards Hu Tao, who has an inexplicable way of just understanding what people mean even though she normally pretends not to. Hu Tao turns towards Keqing, who’s usually good at reading people’s meaning or building accurate assumptions based on the truly incredible amount of information she has in her head. Keqing turns towards Xingqiu, who’s a professional gossip. Xingqiu turns to Yanfei, who’s a professional gossip who gets paid to know the truth. Yanfei turns towards Chongyun, who’s usually the first one Xinyan goes to when she has something she wants to talk about. Chongyun turns towards Ganyu, who’s a safe choice to turn to because she’s usually the one who solves everything. Ganyu turns towards Xiao, because that’s what Ganyu’s been taught to do ever since she was little when she doesn’t know how to solve something. Xiao turns to Aether, and says, “This is going to be ridiculous. Can we go home?”
“Hey!” Everyone protests.
Aether turns towards Xinyan, “Can you explain that one? Speaking for all of us here, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“It runs in the family,” Xinyan repeats, pulling out her phone and quickly unlocking it and swiping through before she finds whatever she needs to show them. “Chongyun, I saw your aunt.”
“And I — listen. I’m not trying to like. Assume anything. But I’m assuming something. I saw her at that — “ Xinyan waves her hand at Xiangling. “That place you wanted to go to but weren’t sure if you should because it had like. A really hyper specific atmosphere?”
Xiangling squints her eyes as she leans her chair back, thumb and forefinger framing her chin as she tries to sort through her mental list of places she wants to try. After a few minutes of squinting off into space Xiangling snaps her fingers, “Oh. Gotcha.”
“What was it?” Yun Jin asks.
“It was a bar,” Xiangling tells the group. “Really fancy place. A little like a mix of Fontaine and Mondstadt styles. Crazy expensive. Really classy place.”
“You can be classy,” Ganyu says, “Why didn’t you go?”
“Well.” Xiangling scratches at the back of her neck. “It’s um. Not a place you go to by yourself.”
“It’s a date spot for lesbians,” Keqing says. “I’ve been asked to go there five times in the past month.”
Xiangling’s eyes snap to Keqing’s. “And did you go?”
“No,” Keqing turns to stare at Xiangling, “Does it look like I have time to date? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“You have time for dinner with friends,” Yanfei points out.
“It’s different,” Keqing bristles, “I have you scheduled in months in advance.”
“She does,” Ganyu pipes in, “Keqing has been meticulous about keeping blocks of space open for us. She gets very creative on how she arranges her schedule.”
“As, Qing-er, you do care,” Hu Tao coos.
“Okay. You saw my aunt in a lesbian bar. I still don’t get what you’re trying to say. Are you trying to say that you’ve seen me in a lesbian bar?” Chongyun stares balefully at Xingqiu, “Did you, at one point, bring me to a lesbian bar as a joke that went over my head?”
Xingqiu stares back at his partner. “Chongyun, if I brought you to a lesbian bar as a joke, it’s because someone else was playing a joke on the both of us. Why would I bring you to a bar? You don’t drink.”
“You took me to that place on the third floor of — “
“No, that’s a restaurant and bar. We just got bar seating because it was too crowded. That doesn’t count.”
“Can we focus on what I am trying to tell you all, please?” Xinyan cuts in. “I saw your aunt in the lesbian bar with this woman. Look at her and tell me you don’t get what I mean.”
Xinyan slides her unlocked phone to the middle of the table. Everyone immediately stands out of their seats to lean over the table to look. Except for Xiao and Ganyu. Ganyu, because she’s polite but she’s clearly looking towards Yanfei to tell her whatever she sees. Xiao because he’s Xiao.
“Oh my god, it runs in the family,” Yun Jin gasps, covering a hand with her mouth as she leans in to see the phone.
“Send me that picture,” Xingqiu says to Xinyan, “I don’t recognize her.”
“Isn’t that Yelan?” Keqing says. “Yanfei, that’s Yelan, isn’t it?”
“That’s Yelan,” Yanfei confirms, “Holy shit. Ganyu, it’s Yelan and she’s putting the moves on Chongyun’s aunt, who’s like. A clone of him but with long hair.”
“I always knew you and Yelan had an eerily similar appearance,” Keqing says to Xingqiu, “But now I know it’s more than skin deep. Same tastes.”
“I don’t think I’m related to this woman,” Xingqiu says. “But that means nothing if you live in Liyue. Chances are if you look close enough you can find relation to anyone.”
“What do you mean you aren’t related to this woman?” Hu Tao protests, “You have the same hair. You even have the same smile.”
Chongyun stares at Xinyan’s phone in complete silence before awkwardly clearing his throat and sitting back down. “Well. Shenhe-yi looks happy at least.”
“She does?” Everyone who had stood up, who were in the process of sitting back down, stand back up again to look. Even Ganyu this time. Xiao shoots Ganyu a disappointed look. He twists around in the booth seating to wave over a server to start ordering.
“How can you tell?” Xingqiu marvels. “She looks exactly the same as normal.”
“No? That’s what she looks like when she’s happy,” Chongyun protests. “You can’t tell?”
“No!” Everyone choruses.
“What happened to not wanting to make people stare at us?” Xiao asks, half to himself and half to the group.
“We found out that Chongyun and Xingqiu’s romance is genetic,” Xiangling says, “That’s what happened. Are you sure she’s happy? She looks like she’s doing anger management exercises in her head.”
“What are you talking about?” Chongyun looks up at Xiangling, baffled.
“How come you aren’t surprised by any of this?” Aether cups his hand to whisper into Xiao’s ear.
“Yelan and Shushu go drinking sometimes,” Xiao murmurs back to him. “Knowing her personality and knowing that Shenhe was in Liyue Harbor, the two of them were bound to meet eventually. I don’t know why Ganyu is shocked.”
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shenyori · 3 years
liyue women and how they flirt p2
note: ITS BEEN A WHILE AND UNIVERSITY KICKED MY ASS SO BAD UGH (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ. anyways here's xiangling and ganyu.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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♡ Flirting? Ganyu? More likely than you'd think perhaps, if you consider simple affection as flirting. She would definitely make you blush though not on purpose.
♡ She's the type to not flirt but go beyond it. Head pats, smiles of admiration, making you relax, those type of things are Ganyu's forte and charm.
♡ Though from time to time, she will get bold enough and try to charm you using her soft personality. Ganyu will express this only in private areas since she feels it's more right and proper that way, her examples of flirting would be 'tucking your hair behind your ear', 'giving you compliments' and 'using simple and lingering touches'.
♡ Ganyu rarely and barely flirts unless she sees it fit to do so or the situation is lowkey intimate.
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♡ As the resident genki girl, her flirtings are sometimes or rather most of the time misunderstood genki girl actions. However, she is still very adorable, so it is a pass.
♡ Her means of flirting are seen as unique and different as it always and certainly involves you, her and exotic foods. She ask you to taste her new recipes and will gush over you and the food if you say it's good.
♡ She is less 'flirty' than naturally clingy and affectionate and sometimes it can pass off as 'flirting'.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
What if God!Reader had a kid? Either adopted or not. What if they were pregnant when coming to Teyvat or got into a secret relationship and it happened? What would the acolytes think? What would they do?
SAGAU: Parent readerNote: I just love the brains of my anon. Well, you ask and I shall provide. Also Happy birthday Asmodeus!!! I should try to write Obey me again. It’s been a while. Lastly, if you have an idea or a question that you want me to write just dump them in my inbox.Warnings: afab! reader, pregnancy (mention), throwing up, yandere-ish(?) Masterlist 
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Rest assured the child will be the most spoiled child to ever live in the whole world. You want the toy? The little teddy bear? Auntie Ningguang got it for you. You want to go out and pick some flowers around Mondstadt? Big sister Amber has your back with big brother Razor on guard. Do you want to go and play? Take Klee with you but promise not to do anything bomb related okay? The acolytes will see the child, adopted or not, as an extension of you which means if something happens to them the perpetrators should be ready for an incoming war. 
If the child has been there way before you two were thrown in Teyvat and then the acolytes would take it as their responsibility to be the second parent. They’ll happily become their guardians, playmates, teachers and protectors if you become busy with your job in Teyvat. I have a feeling it will take time for the child to adjust because they are used to technology for sure and Teyvat’s closest technology is not social media related but fine tools for work and adventures. 
In the adjustment period, acolytes will make their own schedules and it will be a by nation schedule to ensure that the time spent is equal. In Mondstadt they have activities such as learning how to use a wind glider with Amber and playing around with Klee and Diona. Kaeya for sure will be their guardian in the city because Jean is busy with her job as the acting grandmaster. Sucrose will be a dear and teach them the language of Teyvat with Albedo teaching them how to draw. Venti loves playing music with them but Rosaria has to keep watch because she left Venti alone; they were both found on the top of the statue in front of the cathedral. No worries about getting injured, we have Auntie Barbara on call. 
Lisa loves helping them fall asleep by reading a book for them and seeing them napping in the library is a common occurrence. Outside the city, Diluc would be their protector with Eula at the distance watching out for whoever that will try harming them. A small part of the Dawn Winery was converted into a mini playground for them to play around with Elzer and Tunner teaching them about the grapes. No wine though, just grape juice. Bennett and Razor will be their big brothers and would take them to adventures (with another acolyte following them to ensure their safety of course). 
They have more playmates in Liyue than in Mondstadt. The Liyue teens (Chongyun, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Xinyan) will always set a time aside to play hide and seek around, Liyue is a big place at all and sometimes hide and seek takes a long time to finish. Qiqi’s memory is not good, which is why they are paired with Ganyu and Keqing if something happens. Yanfei once tried to teach them law saying that ‘the earlier the better’ but she was chastised by Madame Ping and the law book reading became story times. 
Hu Tao once tried to take them to Wuwang Hill but it got them frightened and ran away, luckily Xiao was able to calm them down. Hu Tao is grounded from taking them outside the city from then on. Ningguang and Childe, though they hate each other, will do their best to provide for the child. It has become a competition inside Childe’s brain though. From time to time when Yun Jin needs a time off, she will sneak outside the city with the child and Shenhe tagging along with them. If the city becomes suffocating, Zhongli will take them to different places like Qinghe village or carry them in his arms to go up Mt. Aocang to meet Cloud Retainer. 
Going to Inazuma, Kazuha and Beidou would be their guards. Thankfully, the Shogun already removed the storm barrier around the city or else it would be hard for them to move around. I have a headcanon that Beidou can take care of kids because the crew has a small boy and that also means that the child has a playmate whenever they need to travel. 
Kujou Sara’s headache doubled after the child took a liking and started going around with Arataki Itto. Yomiya’s fireworks shows became double as well with the child becoming their mini designer. The Komori teahouse is now filled with laughter because Ayaka and Ayato will always come visit. By Thoma’s words though, they are banned from using weird stuff in hotpot games. Taking a nap at Narukami temple with Sayu is now allowed by Yae Miko who loves spoiling the child with sweets. I have a feeling Sangonomiya shrine is their new favorite place as well and that some parts of it was child proofed by Gorou and Kokomi. Raiden who has been lonely for years will do her best to be a big sister or even a second parent to the child wondering if the warm feeling in her chest is the same feeling Makoto felt when she was still around her. 
If the acolytes are yanderes, they will not hesitate to use the child to gain your attention and might even subtly force them to pick a favorite place or acolyte. 
If the god! reader got pregnant by one of the acolytes in secret, it’s gonna be a mini war. You thought the secret relationship could be hidden until you went to the Narukami Shrine and Yae sniffed what’s going on already. The others brushed it off as Yae just joking until you woke up one morning complaining about the smell followed by throwing up. Before any of the archon could even go near, your acolyte lover came barreling to the door asking you if you’re alright and that’s when things clicked. 
Almost immediately regardless of power or money, your acolyte lover will be put to questioning because ‘really bro? Our god?’  This lover of yours will only be released by your orders. Some acolytes are salty about it though but it won’t stop them from trying to get your attention. If the pregnancy is sensitive, it’s high likely that the acolytes won’t let you travel and you’ll be spending the whole three terms in one nation only. Healers all around will be having their own home to stay in the nation that you choose and everyday the nation will be receiving tons of offerings and baby clothings and toys.
Once the baby is born, jealousy is likely to happen because it’s over. Your attention is now focused on the baby and your lover. Acolytes like Klee, Qiqi, Diona and Sayu don't mind it though, they just see the baby as a smaller sibling but to the older ones, it is different. Once that happens, they will persist and do their best to take care of the baby. In yandere context, having the baby born doesn’t save your acolyte lover though because the other acolytes will try their hardest to take them out of the picture. 
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Taglist: @chihawari
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greenteaanon · 2 years
GenZ Reader in
Genshin SAGAU
Warnings: Foul languages, Crack, So much...SOO much meme references
Since you guys asked for more...ask and you shall receive
I honestly forgot about this thank you to @annoying-gemini and also your doing great I'm so glad you asked this
Also part 1 cause my dumbass forgot to add the link
Hey look it was interesting you never thought you would witness a public execution of a person THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU
It's all fine and dandy, The food was as delicious as it looks in game
Kaeya still being a little piss baby for getting called out on why he has no cavalry
Now your here drinking Coffee..iced..cause Duh
Anyways you sit there and think about how to break Klee out of Solitary confinement cause why to not
And then Venti chimed in "Your Grace?"
"Ye?" "We need to go to liyue for them to learn your identity"
Zhongli came out from behind Venti
Uhh...Ok ...Let's go Peepaw!
Just got up finished the coffee first cause duh...
And went straight to wangshu inn
And who is that you see....Its our favorite Emo adeptus yaksha.....ITS XIAO!
Ok..but tell me why the first thing that popped in your head was "C'mon fuck me emo boy come on fuck me emo boy"
You nasty
"Your Grace..." Ganyu came out to the balcony
Xiangling came out from behind Ganyu "Oh? Are they here! Welcome your Grace!" Xiangling bowed
Bro your heart boutta Burst Xiangling is So sweet
"Ah No need to Bow Please" you just grabbed Xianglings shoulders straightening her back.
They all have been talking a while..while you were sitting there
An idea popped into your head...you wanted to cook
Since y'all had the inn to yourself haha MATERIAL GORL 💅✨
you just got up and went down to the kitchen you didn't see the adepti and Xiangling looking at you even
You started gathering the ingredients
"Onions, Garlic, Celery, Balsamic Vinegar— that's a big word for Elmo."
You just giggled and just grabbed what you needed
You cooked up a simple soup and some bread to compliment the soup
"Your Grace! the food smells so good!" Xiangling
"Why don't everyone try it?" You grabbed some extra plates and out it on the table
Well everyone seems to enjoy eating except for Xiao and Ganyu
You looked them up and down with a bruh :/ face
You took a 2 peices of bread and pushed both of them to their mouth "EAT THE GOD DAMN BAGUETTE"
The others were confused..tbh same
Just eat it....pls..
They surprisingly did eat it
Anyways morning came and y'all headed to the harbour
The first person to greet you was AHHHHH NINGGUANG
'oh....bonk me I need to go to horny jail' you thought
"Hello your Grace" Ningguang bowed and kissed your hand
Error:Your.Grace.EXE has stopped working
Honestly same...Ningguang my beloved
"Please make yourself at home" she said
Well your stuck here forever....so might as well
This is better than the real world
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bamboowrites · 2 years
For SAGAU: May I have the reactions of Xiangling and chefs of Teyvat react to a notoriously picky eater? I may or may not have been inspired by the latest event.
OMG GREAT IDEA TY *kneels for good food*
Hope you like it <3
Category: Fluff (main dish) <3 and minor crack (appetiser)
Characters: Xiangling, and mentioned Shenhe/Zhongli/Hutao/Ganyu/Paimon/the Traveler twins/chef NPCs
Cw: nothing except mentioned Shenhe (local woman knocks mean employee unconscious)
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By the way, ‘You’ is used for SAGAU God!Reader. (hinted God status from the ‘your Grace’ and everyone trying to appease your tastes.)
Your newest kitchen hire was knocked unconscious by the vengeful Shenhe, for insulting your pickiness to their food.
“That was the last one okay chef we had- and now we have no head chef…”
“Need a hand, need a hand? We have ‘buy one get one here’ coupons~”
Ah, Hutao. She knows he’s alive—Ganyu just checked his pulse. Her ghost friend only snuggles up to you.
“They just passed out, it’s alright-“
So your councillor Zhongli suggests a public contest. Whoever can cook up a scrumptious storm gets hired, and participants get paid.
“Can Paimon- I mean WE, eat what you don’t like?” Her quick cover-up earns your genuine laugh, as you tousle her soft hair in agreement. “Sure.” The way the baby-faced fairy perks up immediately is adorable.
The twins distantly comment on their ‘emergency food’ being the glutton while you get dressed to announce the news.
Xiangling’s dealt with a sufficient amount of fuzzy eaters in her travels, but your unique requests sparked even more enthusiasm. Your tastes are unusually specific, and a good chef lives a challenge.
Especially when you’re holding the first Cooking Contest since your arrival in Teyvat.
(Her innovative ideas are going to dominate this cooking challenge, and the nearest competitor shudders. She’s radiating competitiveness, and he knows Chef Xiangling’s culinary prowess is renowned in Chihu Rock.)
Xiangling’s eyes are burning with the most determination Chef Mao has seen for a while, and he grins as Guoba scampered into the kitchen, head balancing an abundance of new ingredients.
A familiar Crux crewmate heaved some fresh catch over to the shoddy table, and nearly tripped on a fallen pile of culinary notes.
As the new kitchen stove roars, he wonders if his daughter having a Pyro vision would bring a blessing or a disaster. At least she isn’t experimenting with a hilichurl stove again.
She ends up racing to your table with a surprising variety of new dishes, every single one sprinkled with a brand-new spice and with different meats, vegetables, or fruit. Didn’t like the first one? Try the other! She might dim a bit when you dislike some, but it’s super worth her work, when you find the one you’ve been drooling for in your dreams.
The other chefs, you say? Well- they’re happy with the generous pay for their time, and they’ll move on from the rejection eventually. You try not to be harsh to protect their reputation and career. “Just not to my tastes”, you say.
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flokali · 3 years
The cult, talking about sacrifice after you deny you are their god vs me just being like: alright new rule no sacrificing anyone pls
PLEASE that’s literally the vibe(TM) Like… imagine Childe coming up to you all like “Haha, my providence, what did you think about that group of treasure hunters I killed for you yesterday?” And you’d have to sit him, Ei, and the other Harbingers down and explain to them that no, in fact, you don’t think murder is good nor a way to show their devotion to you.
Now, for a more, I guess… comprehensive (?) list I complied the lists bellow:
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The cult would be divided into sections:
The “we were sacrificing people?” and the “and what am I supposed to do with the ten people in the basement now?”
Group one would consist of: Jean, Diluc, Barbara, Xingqiu, Razor, Kokomi, Sara, Beidou (it depends if she’s sober), Kazuha, Venti (… I’m open to suggestions), Xiao (he dedicates his work to you), Eula, Tohma, Ayaka, Ayato, Hu Tao (she only dedicates funerals to you smh), Amber, Aloy (she doesn’t even go here…), Bennett, Chongyun, Fishcl, Noelle, Xiangling, Xinyan, Yanfei (“That’s literally illegal…”), Yoimiya, Itto, Gorouz
While two would mainly have: Ei, La Signora, Scaramouche, Childe, Sara, The Abyss Twins, Kaeya, Rosaria, Zhongli (probably), Ningguang (no comment), Sucrose, Albedo, Ganyu (lowkey), Lisa, Ill Dottore, Yae Miko, Dainsleif.
Group one probably had no idea such things had happened and would find themselves horrified or disappointed that fellow acolytes would do such things, especially since it has obviously upset you. Meanwhile, group two is kind of shocked since a few of them see sacrificing as their main form of worship and ultimate offering towards you – they’ll stop, of course, you’ve made it known you dislike it. But that doesn’t mean they won’t… feel inclined to go back to their old ways if they find a particularly bothersome pest.
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viperiti · 2 years
Mondstat women
Giving jean full body hugs (where you're wrapped around her like a koala) will get her to take at least a few minute break from her work.
you and Lisa held a readathon (you know, like the ones from elementary school) and both ended up finishing your book(s) and falling asleep next to each other.
you meet up with rosaria on the rooftops above the marketplace and listen to the people shout. you doodle while she smokes.
you and amber go stargazing/cloud watching together. it's the most still you ever see her, aside from when she's asleep.
eula taught you to waltz, but one time you made her let you be the lead role as you stood on boxes to make yourself taller than her.
you, Mona, and sucrose go foraging for different plants/herbs at least once every week.
Noelle takes time out of her day to relax and talk to you over tea. Most of the time she talks about the things she's observed and learned from the other knights.
Fischl made you read her books and now you write headcanons about her and the other characters in her stories. Your ideas always make her a bit flustered and embarrassed.
Barbara and you like to walk through the alleyways between buildings looking to pet the cats. She always ends up humming and loves when you hum along with her. She always feels like she's sharing something special with you.
You take time to babysit hangout with klee and diona each week. Doing everything from listening to them make their master plans, to coloring, to fishing.
Liyue Women
Beidou once picked you up and spun you around while she was drunk. Her cremated told her about it later and said you were laughing the whole time. Now every so often she'll randomly surprise you by picking you up bridal style and spin around a few times.
You bring ganyu food and share lunch together. You always try and get her to go to xiangling's because you know she'll be served something big (she needs to eat).
Xiangling and you plan out how to get ganyu to eat and hype her up when she feels sad about her body. You also get cooking lessons from her in exchange for being her guineapig.
Hu Tao loves to scare you so you have learned to retaliate by doing random things around her, splashing water in her face, booking her nose, throwing stuff and yelling "think fast!" it's almost a competition between the two of you now.
Ningguang takes strolls along the boardwalk in the evenings often hoping you'll join her. You're a calming presence to her hectic, intense life. You tell her about your day, all the small things. Talking about anything else and she might fall back into work mode.
Keqing and you go window shopping a lot. Well, more like you go window shopping and keqing actually buys stuff. You were there for her when she found out ningguang bought all of the lucent Cresents. she was fuming and you had to get her golden shrimp balls before she went and tore into some sad passerby.
Shenhe follows you around and sometimes tries to mimic you when she's in the city. You pick up and look at an object, she'll do the same a few seconds later. After your trips you'll walk with her to the gates and she'll ask you about everything that happened. It's cute seeing her both so innocent, curious, and quite flusters/frustrated by all the people.
Xinyan taught you how to play her lyre (guitar). You aren't great at it but she's so hyped up about it, jumping up and down like a puppy that you can't help but smile. She gives you special, private concerts to see how you react to her new songs.
Yanfei is always zipping around and you get dizzy listening to her talk so much. You once got her to stop talking for a few minutes after you put your hands on her shoulders and said, "yanfei, I love you, you're so smart and wonderful and you're voice is nice to listen to. but I need you to stop talking for a few minutes." To this day yanfei's not sure if she stayed silent for that long because you asked her to or because she was so shocked and embarrassed by all the things you said.
Yun Jin loves experimenting with flavors, often asking about the food you and xiangling have been making. Once, you made her a glass of Boba and now she's always asking you to make it for her. she says it helped soothe her throat and tasted amazing. You laugh and always offer to reach her how to do it herself but she always refuses saying it's only good coming from you. (she's making it an excuse to be able to come see you regularly)
Qiqi always feels happy when you're around (she doesn't always know why since she doesn't remember you) but still. You're one of the few people who's ever seen the inside of her notebook. She shares her cocogoat (coconut) milk with you, and she spills all the tea about Dr. Baizhu.
Inazuma women
Yoimiya loves when you visit her and her dad at the shop. She'll talk your ear off as you and her dad play a game of GO. She thinks she could be happy for eternity watching the game play out and being around you.
Ayaka loves to do simple things with you. It makes her feel like a kid again. From going to see the fireflies, to dancing in the rain, to just coloring not so good drawings. You're her taste of freedom in her life of nobility.
Kujou sara feels like a normal person around you. Typically she feels like she doesn't belong because of her stoic nature but you accept her as she is. This leads to a strange, warm, and fuzzy feeling growing inside of her. She cherishs the times when you'll come and visit her at the headquarters. Taking her break and walking with you through the grounds.
Ei loves experiencing new things with you. even the most simple and nuanced things that seem so common are foreign to her centuries old mind. Look at those little boats, the ways of fishing are slightly different, and there are so many new desserts to try! it's always an adventure when you're out with her.
Yae Miko is often busy but still tries to make time to see you. Unsurprisingly she likes to go out with you and watch the people. She'll sometimes unabashedly stare at people having arguments or debates. She loves the drama to it all. Though if you get embarrassed by that then she'll settle for listening to you tell her about your life and specifically anything new that you're writing. casual, crazy, or cute she doesn't care. She loves it all. (so long as it's not boring).
sayu and you nap together. that's it. just kidding. (kinda). sayu loves snuggling up to you and laying on top if you. She's so small it only feels like a little cat is perched on top of your chest. A bit of pressure but nothing too serious. More enjoyable than not. She Let's you pet her tail too. a very exclusive privilege. she's taken great care to make sure those who go looking for her don't find out about you. cause then she'll lose the one safe haven she has left.
Miscellaneous women
(ie the ones we don't have as much info on)
Lumine (traveler ver.): loves to bring you souvenirs from the different places she goes. You have a whole shelf packed full of the stuff she brings back. Everything from pressed flowers to hilichurl masks to jewelry. Even recipes and pieces of wood have made their way on there. She loves to talk about what's been going on. You're her closest confidant (well maybe on par with paimon but she's default).
Lusamine (abyss princess): still brings you things from her journeys but now they have more weight, more seriousness to them. your home is a place of respite for her. easing her mind for a bit of the weight she feels, all of her fears and desperation to restore her people fade to the back of her conscious as she Let's herself enjoy being with you. She loves being surrounded by your scent. Burying herself beneath your covers and sometimes wearing your clothes.
La Signora: she thinks it's cute how you look all bundled up for the cold. She loves to take you out on walks and tells you about her victories over the archons. She sometimes drags things out just so she can be your hero in warming you up when you finally get inside.
Yelan: casual gambling games. truth or dare. Drinking games. She loves the thrill of high stakes bets but with you, she's satisfied enough to play for small things, even if just for whoever buys dinner or learning a new truth about you.
Kuki Shinobu: she tells you stories of the gang and find you to be her escape from the crazy day to day life. Even when she was just studying to be a lawyer, you were the person she would write letters to to destress and feel heard. She still likes to write letters to you, even if she can come see you anytime. If anything it's even better because now she can see your reactions in real time. She thinks you're cute.
Tsaritsa: she likes to pet you. She likes to have you curl around her, so intimate and close. Everyday she sits above everyone, answering her people's prayers and giving orders to her Fathi followers. Having someone who seems to only need her to hold them is so nice to her. She feels like she's doing everything right when you're in her arms. Strange little human giving her strange little feelings. Good thing you won't be leaving her side anytime soon.
(Those enough headcanons for you ^-^)
these.. these are amazing hcs though. please start a blog if you havent already i'd be binging every single thing you post.
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euthym1as · 2 years
My SAGAU experience! How would you interpret it?
SAGAU: So basically I pulled on two of Zhongli's banners and didn't get him.
Both times I gave everything I had, but alas it didn't work. That bummed me out for a while, because I grinded the laborious hangouts and Spiral abyss. (I now have a greater appreciation of Tohma though!)
A friend of mine than explained, that even though I didn't get Zhongli, it's now a guaranteed pity for the next five star...
And it got me thinking, what about the Raiden Shogun?
Yeah I tried for her on release, but wasn't that dedicated. So I started to grow excited.
In this pursuit I even skipped Yae! I'm coming back for her though. Honestly I think she finds it pretty amusing, in a collective effort to screw over the Geo Archon.
I got home and rolled for her. 20 pulls in she comes home! I was so excited dude, I legit started doing a happy dance. And when I played her... Oh that was fun.
And I said multiple times: 'You actually might be better then then Rex Lapis', in my elated state.
And remember when Zhongli didn't come home? I actually got two five stars instead. (One from Standard, and one from his banner). From the Gacha I got the Primordial Jade spear, which I was excited to put on him, but you know. Now Ei has it.
Anyways I would love to see what you make of this in SAGAU terms! (If you have time of course)
Extra notes:
Keqing came home instead of Zhongli. Originally she was my least favorite character, with the whole 'strictness'. But honestly? She really started to grow on me during the event. In SAGAU terms, I don't know if she wanted to prove herself or what, but she's fun to play.
For awhile my favorite chef Xiangling, actually had the Primordial Spear, and I like to think she used it to slice tomatoes.
I was building my boy Bennet for Healing and my dude comes home two times with Ei to help out! :D
(maybe she wanted to sweeten the deal?)
Up until this point I haven't really considered Inazuma 'Homey' per say, but the hangout events really helped me to feel at ease. And the Shogun kind of solidified that
cracks knuckles this ask can fit so much rambling inside of it
okay so i can break this down into why keqing came home to u, why raiden's nation solos (dont kill me zhongli mains pls i have him lvl 90) and why xiangling's in game actually DOES translate to her meta if u look hard enough
- KEQING's whole character is there to contrast with Ganyu, the representative of the adepti. She represents the human side of Liyue, the one grown past its needs for god and adepti. Morax is OLD, and Liyue's whole story was proof that it was past the ages of needing to be protected by adepti, and that technology and trade had advanced far enough to run Liyue on its own. Think about Keqing's element- electro, compared to the stability of Geo. She's going to have more radical ideas and challenge the notion of Liyue not being self sufficient. She is a Rex Lapis fangirl because she grew up in a nation that worships him, and there is no cultural part of Liyue he hasn't touched. But much like she does, your pulls reflect a different destiny for you than Rex Lapis. You are guided to the stilleto queen herself- a character so loved that Keqing Mains (bless y'all) have created entire archives and calculations for the game to be easier understood. Much like Keqing, they are hardworking and diligent, and are past the age of looking towards authority figures (like hoyoverse lol) to tell them what is and isn't powerful/meta. She represents a new Liyue, and one that can propel you successfully to the land of
- the SHOGUN. Raiden Shogun, Ei, Ba'al, Beelzebub, Makoto. So much to unpack here. In Zhongli's prime, yes, he was the strongest Archon, but now? In game? The Shogun- even without her Gnosis- killed a Harbinger. She hasn't slowed down since the slaying of Orobashi, and her time spent in the Plane of Euthymia shows that. She's essentially timeskipped all of the erosion Zhongli went through to become an old man ready to retire. Ei shows no signs of letting up, and now that she's discontinued the puppet, she is going to be actively ruling her nation with the Tri-Commission at her aid. She represents a different type of Archon than the two we have seen thus far- Venti lets Mondstat rule itself (we will see how that works out) and Zhongli has just now done the same. Has Raiden made mistakes in her rule? Absolutely, but she's in a more powerful political position than either other Archon.
Now as to why she came home to you- well, it was fate, wasn't it? You pulled and wished for an Archon to come to you, to provide stability in a way only a god could. Raiden Ei and her pursuit of eternity has led to a more rigid state than the land of Geo, which is insane. Her utility as an Archon in-game also outDPS's Zhongli. Why shield yourself when you can just eliminate your enemies directly? (I barely need a shielder in the Abyss team I use her in.)
PJWS isn't a support spear, it's a DPS spear. And if you ever pull a Jade Cutter, I suggest putting it on Keqing. They were both wielded by Morax, but find a better home in the hands of someone electric, ready to defend you and your journey as many times as you let them. Raiden absolutely felt your gravitation towards Zhongli and in her Eternity-steeped wisdom, struck down any attempt he could have made. If you seek stability, do not seek the contractual nature of Geo. Seek the eternity of the storm.
- XIANGLING makes sense to be a cracked character- and it has to do with food and its buffs. Each character (besides Ei, rip) has a special version of their dish that not only provides the buff of the original dish, but it's often stronger. Now, as we know through the Moonchase festival event, Xiangling has a small god/totem in Guoba. Guoba, former god of the Stove, is wielding the power of something so quintessentially human it makes perfect sense for someone like Xiangling to accompany him. Food and the people that gather around it are the first things that turn a gathering of people into a society. Have you ever counted the amount of places you can cook in Genshin? Guoba and Xiangling can draw power from every one of those. Food is a way we as humans convert something into energy, and the breaking of the chemical bonds inside food is what helps us fight. Giving one specific character residence over this entire art form? Of course she's going to be one of the most cracked 4 stars in the entire game, her power and her strength comes from the very thing that makes societies alive. Not to mention if she can imbue others with strength in food she cooks, she's gotta kick some ass herself. There's a reason everyone gets her in the Spiral Abyss- when faced with something so daunting and inhumane, a place where someone like Tartaglia got the life ripped out of him and his humanity stolen- you want to bring the warm light of humanity to keep you sane. Xiangling is the very concept of camaraderie and community wrapped in a sweet little package. She loves everyone she helps feed, and that love is stronger than any Abyss Mage your team may come across.
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