#keeg writes
A new HC/fic idea has plagued my brain and demands to be shared.
Tw for this one guys
So after the auction and Wylans fake kidnapping and torture, he is overly cagey and avoidant of talking about any of it, especially regarding what happened in the church before the auction starts. Jesper assumes the beating and seeing his father have affected him more than he wants to say and he’ll come around once the healer has been and his nerves have had time to settle
(Tw for this paragraph) but the Healer comes and goes, weeks pass and still Wylan is still avoiding any discussion of it. Actively moving the conversation topic away or casually leaving the room. Eventually Anika mentions to Jesper (assuming he already knew) that Van Eck, after ordering them to break Wylans fingers, ordered Keeg to rape him. Of course Wylan would have been like have you lost your actual fucking mind?? But his father doesnt relent on the order. Keeg obviously isnt going to take it that far nor would Wylan let it go that far. So that was his “breaking point”
Wylan doesnt want to talk about it to anyone, or even truly let himself believe that his “father”, the man who’s desk he used to play under, who would read him bedtime stories and care for him when he was sick, would not just allow such a thing to happen but to actually give the order?
Jesper and Wy eventually talk and fluff ensues
Jesper may also take a quiet visit to Hellgate to share some choice words with Van Eck
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redstringraven · 1 year
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#tmntvday - music & firsts
“Could I kiss you?”
Raph stiffened.
Moonlight bathed the lake’s surface in a thin silver sheet. A pair of loons drifted along the opposite side of the water, their presence so gentle that they left no more than one or two ripples in their wake. Light from the farmhouse bloomed through the far trees like the glow of a fire. Here and there, lazy fireflies would wander out of the glow; tiny, living sparks from a flame. Summer wind whispered through the trees, its voice audible during pauses from croaking frogs and crickets.
A shivering sensation crept through Raph's forearms and into his shoulders. He couldn't tell if the wind had carried it in, or if Gwyn's question had drawn it out of him. He turned his head and caught her eyes: bright, teal crescents glowing against an oddly soothing black.
Gwyn smiled, her palmed cheek causing one eye to squint.
Raph realized she was waiting for an answer, and he inhaled. "...huh?"
Her smile widened.
“Could I kiss you?” She repeated, a ghost of a laugh coloring her tone.
Raph’s eyes darted around, searched the lakeside, the treeline, the bushes and dock for any peeping eyes. He found none. “I… uh…”
“It’s okay if you say no.” Her voice came quieter, like a firm, grounded hand on the shoulder. Assuring.
They’d been doing 'this' a few months, now. This… careful, cautious cultivation of trust and love.
It’d started, here, at this very lake. Restless despite the day's activities and eager for fresh air, they'd slipped out of the farmhouse while the others watched a movie. A walk down the forest path later, they'd arrived at the water's edge. They'd talked. About their siblings, the challenges ahead... somehow, they stumbled onto the topic of Liáfsini. Gwyn's life there before everything went to hell.
A wall had come down, and something had shown through; something that’d been there for a long time, leaking through the cracks whenever they allowed themselves breaths of vulnerability. Conversation went quiet, and they’d caught each other’s eyes. A tight jolt in the throat--a sudden breathlessness--and the shared realization that they’d been staring for just a little too long. Just a little too openly. Just a little too tender.
Quick sputtering, tongue-tied with excuses, they’d retreated to the farmhouse and gone their separate ways, unable to fall asleep once in the safety of their beds. But the following morning they talked as though nothing had happened. While traces of awkward moments came and went, there'd never been a cloud of discomfort. They hadn’t needed to say it to each other. It’d been a quiet, unspoken agreement to give ‘this’ a try.
Again, Raph searched the shadows of the woods. Another slow breeze trickled through the leaves, but, aside from their swaying shapes, the forest remained still. A loon’s call rose on the other side of the lake. Energy balled in his stomach, and his heart shivered behind his ribs. The lake's chill prickled his skin despite how warm he suddenly felt. He could almost taste the wet earth on the air.
Raph realized he was smiling, and he exhaled a faint laugh. “...yeah.”
He pulled his arms off his knees and pressed his hands into the dirt and grass, rotating himself to face her. Gwyn scooted closer to face him in full. Their knees bumped, and his breath caught.
A rush of panic hit him like a cold bucket of water. He tried to remember every single movie he’d ever watched where the leads wound up kissing but couldn’t pull a single damn scene out of his brain. --which. Was probably good. It was acting, after all--fake and played up. ...His mouth felt dry. His stomach fluttered and knotted.
“--do,” he blurted, and he flinched at the volume in his own voice, “--do I need t’do anything?”
Gwyn’s smile softened. “Not if you don’t want to.”
...He’d kind of been hoping for some hint at direction.
Raph's eyes darted to her lips and back up again. “Okay.”
“Do you remember the deò?” Gwyn asked.
A Liáfsian gesture; when two people touched foreheads and shared the same breath. That, on its own, was a humble sign of gratitude or regard. But Ash had alluded to there being a more intimate version of it. Like the difference in a greeting kiss on the cheek verses a kiss on the lips. Raph nodded.
“Okay,” Gwyn said. She lifted a hand toward his face, but she paused. Her smile faltered. “You’re so tense.”
Raph twitched, realizing the muscles in his neck and shoulders had tightened. He willed them to relax again, exhaled through his nose, and shook himself out. “--I’m fine.”
“We don’t have to--”
“--’m fine.”
Gwyn tilted her head, her brows raised in question.
Raph rolled his lips together. He forced himself to hold her gaze even as his face and neck began to feel impossibly hot. She began to withdraw her hand, and he huffed.
“I just,” he stuttered. “I don’t. I dunno what I’m doin’." Then quieter. "…--I don’t wanna fuck it up.”
“You don't have to do anything,” Gwyn said gently.
Raph chewed his inner cheek. “Yeah. But…”
“Hey.” Gwyn smirked, tapping the underside of his chin with the side of her finger. “You’re not gonna believe this? But you’re overthinking it.”
Raph snorted, chuckling despite himself. “Nah, I’d never.”
“Mn, but you are.”
“I don’t think, Gwyn, that's Don's wheelhouse. I just do.”
Gwyn’s smile widened. “Exactly.”
“...heh.” Raph ducked his head and shook it. “...fer pete’s sake.”
Another serene wail of a loon drifted across the lake. Like a hand on the shoulder, it soothed and cooled the burning nerves under his skin. His heartbeat hadn’t slowed, but he looked up anyway. “I’m fine.”
He must have sounded or looked a little more convincing, because Gwyn’s smile warmed. She nodded, and, again, she reached toward his face.
Gwyn's thumb ghosted over his lips, and she molded her hand to curve of his jaw. Her thumb caressed his cheek as her hand slid around to cradle the back of his head. She waited, and, when he didn’t pull away, a tender pressure on his neck guided him forward. Raph let his eyes close as their foreheads touched, and he let go of the breath he’d been holding. Gwyn’s exhale brushed against his chin, but he remained still.
For a moment, his nerves settled. Then Gwyn’s forehead shifted against his, and his stomach jumped. A wave of jitters flew up his spine and spread through his shoulders. Again, she paused, and again, he remained still.
The touch of her lips against his was warm. It sent a new surge of energy through his chest, overwhelming and vibrant. He’d felt similar rushes--a weightlessness in his stomach during bullheaded stunts, the swell when he gunned the shell-cycle and tore through the streets--but nothing quite like this. It was unnerving how something so small and soft drew the same intensity to the surface. The risk, while not cold cement three stories down nor an oblivious vehicle on the road, was still present.
And, just like all the risks before? He couldn’t have cared less.
Gwyn pulled away. He opened his eyes to see her studying his face. She was smiling.
“You okay?” She murmured.
Raph blinked. He smiled and ducked his head with a breathy chuckle. His hands flexed open and shut as the nerves in his fingertips buzzed. “Yeah.”
His chest felt overtaken by his own heartbeat. The warmth that’d been pooled in his face and neck had spread to every inch of him. He couldn’t stop smiling. He didn’t want to, either.
“...I, uh…” He’d never been at a loss for words in a good way. “...I…”
Raph looked up. He rolled his lips together and searched her face. Despite the blackened ‘whites’ of her eyes, they were shining. Glossed over and soft. Her smile, which had started small and cautious, now blossomed, its warmth emphasized by the glow of her hair and bioluminescence trailing through her skin. Raph knew, in that moment, that this wasn’t one of her masks. The adoration in her stare was genuine. The curve in her smile, sincere. And all at once, the rush hit him again--somehow crisper, more focused than before.
Raph’s eyes dropped to her lips. He met her gaze, and her expression melted. She nodded her head.
He hesitated. Then, he lifted a hand.
Just as Gwyn had before, Raph touched his thumb to her lips. It caught as he brushed it to the corner of her mouth, wrinkling the soft skin, and his chest flinched. Raph huffed--worried that his hand might start twitching or shaking as it slid to cradle her jaw. But Gwyn’s smile never faltered. It didn’t curl into something more mischievous or teasing. It grew fonder, and she nodded as his hand found nape of her neck.
Again, he caught himself hesitating. Gwyn hummed under her breath. “...forehead to forehead.”
She leaned just enough to cue him, and he guided her head to his. Their foreheads bumped. He closed his eyes, letting out the shaken breath he’d been holding. Gwyn’s exhale brushed against his chin, just as before.
He let everything else sink away. The lake, the soft loon-song, the hum of the crickets, even an awareness of passing time. Focused only on the slow rhythm of his breath and hers. The warmth of her head against his. The tension in his shoulders sank away.
Carefully, he tilted his head. He twitched as his beak bumped her nose. She laughed, but not cruelly; a warm and airy sound that soothed the momentary flash of panic into excitement. Her laugh trailed off as his lips found hers, replaced with a sigh. A ripple of light-headedness swept over him; the energy and heat and excitement coursing through him become overwhelming. Euphoric.
Their lips parted. Raph inhaled, his fingers curling in her hair against the slope of her neck. He opened his eyes to find hers still closed, and a wide, lovely smile spread over her lips.
She chuckled and raised her brows without opening her eyes.
“See?” She breathed. “Don’t think.”
Raph laughed despite himself. He closed his eyes again and let himself drift forward until their foreheads touched again. One of her hands found the hand still resting in his lap, and their fingers linked. Raph gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and he nodded once.
“...just do.”
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i was mostly going for week 3's prompt "firsts", but i might as well also mention/link the music i listened to obsessively while writing/drawing for this.
so, for week 2's prompt "music", here are the tracks: • labyrinth, taylor swift • sinking friendships, jónsi • a trial of crows and blood, dead melodies • navigating, auralen (feat. slyleaf & WYDNR)
this is also over on ao3 if you wanna throw me a kudos, but i'm not your mom ✌🌷
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gonkaccino · 1 year
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this kid is braver than any marine. if michelle gomez touched my face like this I’d die right on the spot.
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theboneyarddiary · 4 months
It was dark around him it’d been a long day and he went to bed normally. Telling himself as usual that he would wake up. Convincing himself, or at least trying to. Larry was tired. Tired of the want to be seen but also the want of never wanting to be seen in the way the any one does see him. The mansions little group was comforting but honestly he felt weak because they didn’t need him they needed the spirit inside him.
The spirit, time had gone on to the point where they were not enemies anymore, saving each other and testing the boundaries of their abilities. One day they would leave him. Then no one would want him. He felt useless. Weak. Vulnerable.
He felt the warmth of the being in his body in his chest and in hands. Should he just release it see what it does for the short, but longer than before, time it has out? Sure.
“Spirit release…” a crackle of energy flooded out into the shape of someone he could call an ally or maybe a friend. The negative spirit seemed to be looking into him which was funny in a way as they had just came from within.
“What is it pal?”
A blue sparking hand came up slowly to his face. Larry wasn’t scared, he knew somehow that the spirit was not going to hurt him. Has tried so hard not to hurt him. Saved his life so many times, from the beginning. Everything started with them.
He felt a soft buzzing on his cheek has the beings hand rested there. All his emotions of being useless and weak faded. It felt like he was flying again, the pain and tiredness faded away and it was just him and his spirit. He felt like he was enough and needed.
“Oh. You…your talking to me… through how you feel? You think…you think I’m enough.”
He was enough he felt it in every inch of him.
“I-thanks pal.”
And the first time in a long time, Larry felt love rush through him…Of himself.
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I'm out here with 5 names and yet all my self inserts are named Finn
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faccal · 2 years
I really wish my brain could focus on one fic instead of constantly being like: "ooh! Dragon fic! Ooh! Ghosts fic! Ohoho, modern au! Dragon Fic! But wait, werewolf fic? DRAGON FIC!!!! Vampire au again?? I think so!"
Like buddy, bro, pal, you're in my skull, just stfu and pick one already mate. Gosh I have too many ideas and not enough hands to write them XD
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callmemickey · 10 months
Keegan Russ is a provider and you’re lying to yourself if you even think otherwise 👏 if he could make it to where you didn’t have to lift a finger for the rest of your life, he 100% would. That being said, I hope you love to be on the receiving end of oral! I genuinely believe this man will deep dive right on in there, and would stay there until you’re shaking, crying, and begging him to stop (to which he probably won’t).
Keegan Russ can be chatty when it’s just you two, and especially - you know where this is going - in bed. He loves praising you, but in such a gentle way (he also praises you day-to-day but this is nsfw hehe). If you get all shy, he will eat it tf up. imagine hearing these in his deep, gravelly, purr of a voice: “you’re so perfect and I’m so lucky you’re mine” “fuck, you look so beautiful riding my cock like that” “you wanna be a good girl for me, don’t you?” “how could I say no when you asked so nicely?” “ahh, that’s my girl.” “I love how your pretty little mouth feels.” I could literally write Keegan talking for like 6947950 years mmkay
Keegan Russ loves it when you initiate and/or take charge, even if he ends up doing the work. Ride him, sit on his face, swipe his nose like a credit card, suck his cock, for the love of god anything. Even though he absolutely loves performing acts of service, the moment you hop into action? Weak! This man is weak! just tell him it’s because he’s been so amazing, that you just wanna do this for him if that’s alright 🥺 you missed him sm and you just wanna make your baby feel good 🥺 is slobbering on his cock too much to ask for 🥺 if you’re doing this, you got him whipped
Keegan Russ might wear the mask in bed upon asking. I don’t think he has an issue with anonymity and his identity. I would honestly wait for some time to pass before asking. I like to imagine he’s kind of… confused at first? He puts it on (even does the face paint), and you’re barking and purring. He’s just like “why do they like this?” but when he realizes JUST how bad you want him? GOD!!! It’s basically just roleplaying and he eats that shit up, mama - he gets into it and it’s like… distant, anonymous, and it feels dirty: “show me how much you want me.” “with your mouth, just like that. good.” “that’s Sergeant/sir to you.” “that’s right, on your knees.” “oooh, look at you.” “did I say you could cum?” “louder.”
Keegan Russ has the sexiest morning voice in the world. The way he wakes up (shirtless, he’s usually shirtless), sighs, and rolls over to you. You know that half-spoon, half-on top moment? Yeah, THAT. you’re on your side and he’s kind of on top and pressed against you, kissing you on the neck as you feel his hands glide up the side of your thigh, his touch is so warm and gentle. “mornin’, sweetheart.” AAUUUGGggghhhhh and then you feel his morning wood pressed so hard against your ass- ok I can’t do this (not me scrambling to write morning sex with my husband keegs)
Keegan Russ is not a very rough or hardcore lover. Please don’t expect him to tie you up or do some crazy things cuz he probably won’t!! The most you’ll get with being “kinky” is him wearing the mask and praising you (kinda considered bdsm???), which, if you need anything more from him… can’t help ya there champ - besides, is he not enough??!?!? 🥺 don’t break his heart or i swear
Keegan Russ… I see him liking the spooning position a lot, or a variation where he fucks you from behind and cowgirl just please ride him. There’s something he finds soooooo erotic about leaning over your shoulder, saying things naughty things in your ear ahhh he knoooooows what his voice does to you, so he takes advantage of it anytime he can get! there was that time you two were making lunch on a weekend and he just bent you over the counter and it was just… “you’re so wet already - you been thinkin’ ‘bout this?” “you’re such a pleasure to use” “I’m so proud of you for taking my cock so well” “relax, baby, just hold on” “that’s it, just like that, ah, fuck” “you want me to make you cum again?” “there’s that happy little sigh”
Keegan Russ doesn’t put you in extreme sexual situations where you require extensive aftercare (or any if you’re down tbh), but he still makes sure your needs are taken care of!! wanna shower together? have a snack? oh! you’re out of water, he’ll grab you a glass! need him to snuggle you for a little bit? of course, he wouldn’t want to do anything else! Being with you and making sure you’re happy and taken care of???? His #1 priority 🙌
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blingblong55 · 6 months
Video games -Keegan P. Russ NSFW
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A/N: isn't he dreamy?....he's my husband...don't tell the others
Based on a request: Hey so you think you can make a keegan p russ x reader where keegan is playing a video game and not giving reader any attention so to make him give them attention they suck his dick and make him all horny in the end they have sex In some part can you add face fucking and fingering to and of course p in v And last thing can it be a fem!reader thank you for reading this this is my first request so I really hope you can do this ---- F!Reader, smut, MDNI, 18+, oral!sex, unprotected!sex, established!relationship, fingering, face!fucking, P-in-V, gamer!boyfriend ----
A/N: let's thank my guy friend for helping me reenact some parts to write this because in some parts I was dead ass confused on how to explain mental images I had..
Keegan has been playing video games for about two hours. You were downstairs watching some crime show when you noticed the time. "Keegan?" you turn the TV off and walk upstairs. His headset is on as he continues to curse at the screen. Keyboard clicking as you sit on the seat he designated for you. "Babe?" You say again but he can't hear you. You notice how he curses and mumbles words. His frustration grows, he begins to adjust himself on the seat and then he lets out a frustrated groan.
"Fuck…fuck.." he continues to mumble. Your gaze is on his hands as he continues playing, you begin to feel aroused by how he is and his hands. Your warm hands roam your body, trying to call for his attention, "Keegan~" You begin to touch your chest but he still doesn't give you much besides a side glare and a chuckle. "Not now, doll." Your body becomes more aroused and then you get up, walk to him and then get on your knees. Your head rested on the outer side of his leg, eyes big and looking up at him. He looks down and pauses the game, his hands cupping your face, "Just ten more minutes, okay, my love?" he bends down and kisses the top of your forehead.
"But, Keegs-" "My love, just be a good girl and be patient," his tone soft as his gaze goes back to the screen. "Can I be between your legs at least?" "Of course," he shifts and you adjust yourself between his legs. Your pretty face resting on his thighs. His mumbles and curses were still heard, his mates yelling over the headphones and causing him to laugh a few times. Your eyes are on his bulge, a grin as you get an idea. Something he and you have been trying to do for some time, head as he plays a video game. Your hand reaches and begins to rub your hand on his bulge. "What- my love what are you doing?" Your innocent stare and that pouty lip give him an idea and he just lets it happen.
His cock is now in your hands as you lick the tip. "Fuck.." he moans and pushes your head to go further on him. His mates ask for his help as he throws his head back. "Just like that," he looks back down and smiles. Your gaze filled with tears Your head bobbing as your gaze stays on him. "God you're so good," he strokes your hair out of your face. One of your hands on his leg as you try and pull away but he wouldn't let you. You begin to gag, mascara tears run down your face, he wipes them off and then leaves the game. "Fuck…c'mere," he forces you to stand up and throws you to the bed.
"Keegan-" his mouth on yours immediately, rough hands roaming your body, unclothing you and starting to leave marks on you. His cock is hard by the second which leads him to let his fingers move your panties to the side. "Open your mouth," he commands, his fingers inside of your mouth. "Just like that, keep sucking on them." His moans and yours, mix to one. You begin to feel his other hand on your clit, slowly teasing your sensitive tissue. You get more aroused, your hips moving as you feel his thick fingers inside your cunt. You whimper and moan, your fingers on your clit. "So greedy you need more?" he chuckles, fingers out of your cunt as he undoes your bra.
Warm tongue on your hard nipples, your mouth still wrapped around his fingers. "Fuck…Keegan- fuck.." your moans louder as you feel him slap and finger your cunt. Your drool dripping down, that stare of yours only making him want more. He can't take it so he manhandles you into spreading your legs wide open, his hand on your throat as the tip of his cock teases and slaps your entrance. You wrap your hand on his wrist as he begins to slowly thrust inside of you. "Oooh, darlin'…fuck..you're so tight," he moans. His thrusts are slow and delicate, your clit receiving her much-needed attention. He leans forward and moans by your ear.
At this point it was noticeable he didn't care for any video game as he feels the need to own your body over and over. He begins to grin at your cunt with each one of his thrusts. Your once horny approach now brings better pleasure than some toy you'd plan on using. Your eyes are half closed, moans so sweet and soft it makes him want to ruin you more. "You like that?" he says as his thrusts begin to hit your g spot. You close your eyes and Keegan loses control. You begin to clench around him, leaving him with more loud moans and light whimpers.
"Fuck pretty girl," he kisses your neck and once he feels your juices all over his fat cock, he pulls out. Thinking it was over, you reach for the blanket before he once more manhandles your head to the edge of the bed. You look up, gaze hald drunk as you know what's to come. His cock slaps your cheeks before he holds your head and lets his cock fill your small mouth.
Your cunt still throbbing and even more so as he fucks your mouth without mercy. His balls hit your now sticky skin, your moans muffled by his cock. You gag more and let out desperate whimpers but he won't let you out of this so easily. His hips thrusting in and out of your mouth, your throat for sure being sore by the next day. Keegan's hands grip hard on your head, not caring for you since at this moment you were nothing more than a fuck doll to him. His thrusts get more sloppy as his pre-cum begins to drip on your face. He slaps your tits a few times and watches as they jiggle. Your still sensitive cunt in view gives him more reasons to cum.
"Fuck…oh..shit..yes" his moans now low and mumbled. Your eyes leak tears of both pain and pleasure. You can't help but begin to enjoy this. Keegan couldn't contain it anymore. His cum paints your throat white. He out and before you can spit out his entire load he forces your mouth shut, "swallow like a good girl," he commands. You beg with your eyes but it only makes him slap you. "Be good," he warns and slaps you again. Once you swallow his cum, you stick your tongue out and he spits in your mouth. "Swallow it," he says once more and you obey.
"Good girl, r/n." his lips meet your forehead and he carries you back to his side of the bed where he proceeds to cuddle you and whisper more praises.
It was safe to say, the rest of the evening was spent in bed, in the comfort of his arms.
A/N: I died half way through this...and I now know who the horny bitches in my blog are....love yaaaaa
@ghostslillady @liyanahelena @madsdawson @luvmariax0 @vellichor-of-the-mundivagant @willowaftxn83-87 @magpiemoon6 @cumikering @luvecarson @crystaljade22 @imantieverythingsoleavemealone @ivoovu @nellsbobells @ghostslittlegf @sadieesssss @idkwhatisyou @genshinremite @johfaam0 @froggy-anon @goldenmclaren @krinoid24 @frizzseaberries @frazie99 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @strangepuppynightmare @defnotlpuluvyou @enarien @nellsbobells @willowaftxn83-87
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harpsinfinity · 8 months
Master list !
Call me harper or Keegan !! (harp and keegs is fine !)
Take the Spotify playlist and run: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/51VBO7Nlapzs3U8VUC7Jjv?si=rYbZHS8wRO-2-CmyoBWJ9Q&pi=e-oAzcWZv7TPO-
what i write for: CoD
Fandoms I'm in: CoD, splatoon
who I write for: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Captain John Price, König, John "soap" Mactavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
what i will write: smut, fluff, angst (if my heart can take it)
what I won't write: non-con/dub-con, incest, minor & adult relationships
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon fucking you while your wearing his jacket (nsfw)
Drawing tattoos on Simon(SFW)
Simon smoking while you ride him(NSFW)
Holding hands with simon (NSFW)
Simon making you love his fingers(NSFW)
Mornings with Simon Riley (SFW)
Your comfort (SFW)
Take it(NSFW)
Thoughts about husband!Simon(SFW)
Simon Riley fucking you(NSFW)
Simon's mouth(NSFW)
Sub! Simon (NSFW)
Sweet n tender sex (NSFW)
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Captain John price
Riding price(NSFW)
Thigh riding (NSFW)
Overstimulation (NSFW)
Sharing you with Soap(NSFW)
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Falling asleep with könig (SFW)
Size difference (NSFW)
Mirror sex(NSFW)
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John "soap" Mactavish
Quiet moments(SFW)
Thoughts about boyfriend!soap (SFW)
Johnny gifting you a necklace(NSFW)
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Coming soon !
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Cuddling with Simon, price and könig (SFW)
Simon, price and könig eating you out(NSFW)
Falling asleep with Simon, price and könig(SFW)
How they punish you (NSFW)- 141 + könig
Dick analysis - 141
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Ask #1 (NSFW)
Phone sex (NSFW)
König with a reader w thick thighs (NSFW)
141s kinks
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Creative writing series master list
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Posting schedule - womp womp
Please DNI if you are: homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist, or a hater of my work (please hate silently 🥲)
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harpsinfinity 2023©
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mockerycrow · 7 months
Congratulations on 4k!! You truly are amazing and I absolutely adore your writing!! May I request the prompt "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that." With gn reader and Keegan where reader doesn’t believe they are worthy of Keegan’s love because they always end up losing the people they love (sorry if that’s phrased wrong/doesn’t make sense, English isn’t my first language. You don’t have to write it ofc!!)? Thank you!
“I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that.”
Keegan’s blue eyes have been trained on you, his eyeblack smeared across his face, his mask stuffed into a side pocket of his vest. His eyebrows furrow at your statement, your voice croaking and quiet, your eyes darting away. “Say again?” Keegan murmurs, his voice tight and uncomfortable. You fidget a bit before you let out a shaky sigh, accompanied with a shrug. “I just.. you look at me like.. you look at me like you love me.”
Keegan turns his body so he’s facing towards you more, his eyes frantically scanning your face. “It’s because I do, sweetheart. I do love you.” He watches the way absolute anguish spreads across your features, tears filling your eyes. Keegan feels his heart tightens as you shake your head, your hand coming up to your face to shakily wipe your eyes. “You shouldn’t, Keegs. You just.. you shouldn’t.”
Keegan wracks his brain, trying to find a reason of why you’re as upset as you are. Did he say something wrong earlier? What is making you feel unlovable? Keegan can’t find a reason of why you would think that, because every time his eyes land on you, he just loves you more than the last time he saw you. Keegan wishes he could just keep you cooped up and safe from the world, and seemingly from your own mind; and then it clicks.
Keegan reaches forward and cups your cheek, bringing your face to look at him. You look at him with such sadness and fear, one of your hands coming up to gently grasp his wrist. “You’re not gonna lose me.” Keegan says firmly, leaving no room for you to argue. His thumb brushes against your cheek for a moment, his eyes searching yours. “Repeat it.” You take a moment, a tear rolling down your cheek near his thumb which he subsequently wipes away. “I’m not going to lose you.. I’m not going to lose you.”
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graysnetwork · 1 year
I’ve been posting a lot saying stay ff abt writing, (and honestly the Keegan brothers bsf thingy is still a wip) but I just had some thoughts about Keegan.
Warnings: a lot of kissing, pet/nick names(princess, keegs), reader is said to be a girl, and this is not at all proofread or even checked for grammar corrections.
Summary: while Keegan’s tired self is asleep and your bored you can’t help but give him some tattoos.
Keegan had been on leave for a while now, which he deserved, you two had been making the most of him being back for now. You’d get bored from time to time since he was gone a lot, and it was really boring without your man. And you couldn’t exactly get a dog.
So you cooked a lot in your free time, drew, colored, watched almost everything on earth. So you had a lot of hobies now, and now that Keegan was back it’s less boring, having him be around and doing things like actually having a conversation with someone other than family on the phone made you so happy.
But Keegan’s a hard working man, he does so many things, on and off the field that he gets tired (at this point your surprised he hasn’t gotten gray hairs)
It’s really surprising
But due to all the work he does, he’s really tired, and already so sleep deprived, so he sleeps a lot. Even a tired Keegan walks through the door ready to have you ass up, but you know now that he’s a different type of tired when all he wants to do is sleep.
“Keegs?” You whispered, unsure if he was asleep or not, a groan was his response so you laid there next to him as he slept, it was barely 7 pm and he’d been outside working on your car, but he looked like a old man having his bedtime at 7.
The whole bed moved as he laid back, having his bare torso showing. Now, Keegan doesn’t have tattoos and he’s never had a thought of getting one, but the small thought in your brain of him actually having one, makes your mind go hazy.
Either way it didn’t matter, he was hot with or without it, and even more adorable when he was sleeping peacefully. But a girl can dream, right?
With that dream in your mind, and a pen on the nightstand next to you, you began drawing designs on your boyfriends stomach, you now hated his abs for how hard it was to draw on them. But that was besides the point.
You drew a couple of things, your name in a interesting looking “font” and drew a small airplane on the side of his stomach as to not make anything to big, or fuck the drawing up. Eventually you began working on a flower, a nice simple lily, it was simple but it looked very “professional” and detailed. Thanks to the tutorial you’d watched a while back.
You began connecting it with another flower with more leaves till there were four flowers in total drawn on him, he hadn’t even moved the whole time. Maybe he’d woken up and just didn’t want to say anything? Nope, he was sound asleep as you checked his face.
As the hour passed by your started getting sleep too. You laid there watching him before finally falling asleep along with Keegan. One of the most peaceful sleeps you’d had. (since every night without having Keegan wasn’t amazing)
What only felt like a quick second was actually hours and you woke up to the sun rising again, Keegan was still sound asleep when you opened your eyes, the sight was weird almost, he always woke up very early and ended up in the kitchen drinking coffee as he couldn’t sleep again even if he was still tired.
You glanced at the drawing on his stomach which had t looked like it faded at all so you assumed he wasn’t tossing and turning at night.
You were still tired and managed to fall back asleep for a while before waking up to movement. You opened your eyes when you felt Keegan’s arm move, he groaned a bit and rubbed his eyes.
“Morning keegs”you said, moving a little to remove your head from his chest, he frowned a bit at that and finally looked at you “g’morning princess” he said, he hadn’t noticed his new drawings yet.
You leaned up a little and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips, he seemed unhappy with that and leaned into you for another kiss before pulling away.
“What time did I fall asleep yesterday?” He asked, the rasp in his voice becoming more apparent now. “7, 7:30” you said and sat up, he hummed and it didn’t sound happy, but not mad either,“it seems like your boyfriend has a curfew” he said jokingly as he mentions the other nights he feel asleep in the afternoon.
You let out a chuckle before saying “yeah, I’m dating an old man” and now he was the one laughing, he had such a sweet and cute laugh.
“Well princess” he sat up and placed his forehead on yours “your old man gonna need someone to help in the shower than, right?” He said and gave you another kiss.
When he finally got up passing the mirror he finally took notice to the ink on his abs. He stared at himself for a while before he turned back to you as you seemed to be staring at him as well, “what?” You smiled “I like your new tattoos” you said and got up off the bed. He smiled at that, turning his attention back to the mirror.
“They’re not terrible” he said “very, nice” he finished as his hand grazed his stomach. “I like this a lot” he pointed at the one with your name, “love it” he corrected himself.
It made you giggle as he placed his hands on your hips to lean in and kiss you again. He pulled away only inches apart from you “This is what you do when I’m asleep?” He asked going back to continue the kiss, you nodded into the kiss.
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gaming-universe · 5 months
Preference Catch-Up || König + Keegan
Authors Note: Here we are! Finally we have the König and Keegan catch-up. I really enjoyed writing these, and I hope you all enjoy. Gifs by @evilvvithin @yeyinde @samithemunchkin
How You Met
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When Laswell had informed you that she had hired KorTac, you were skeptical at first.
The 141's experience with Shadow Company had left a bad taste in your mouth, you weren't sure what to make of private military companies. Though both Laswell and Price had vouched for KorTac, and for the men who were now going to be permanently stationed on base, you told them that you would form your own judgement.
That was when you met him.
You had been walking through the halls towards the mess when a few rookies began to call out to you, saying some rather inappropriate things that should not be said to a superior officer. You paused in your stride, slowly turning to face the three young men leaning against the wall. You folded your arms across your chest, eyeing them individually which seemd to give them a surge of confidence.
"Do you want to repeat that, rookie?" You snapped, your voice low and annoyed. You wish you could wipe off the smirk that appeared on the young man's face, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he stepped forward, throwing a cocky look over each shoulder towards his friends.
"I'm just saying, you look like a lot of fun. What do you say you swing by my bunk tonight? I'm sure we'll have a good time."
An immense feeling of disgust formed in the pit of your stomach, nausea causing you to feel sick. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down that gross feeling before trying to speak.
As you opened your mouth to reply, the three boys before you suddenly turned white. So white in fact, that they looked just as sick as you felt. Their eyes widened in terror as they stumbled backward, mumbling quick and scared apologies before all three of them sprinted down the opposite end of the hall.
You stared after them in confusion, that was until you felt a large and menacing presence behind you.
Slowly turning around, you were met with a tall wall of solid muscle. He was incredibly tall, your head just barely reached his chest. The sniper hood he wore marked by red stripes was indeed intimidating, and his eyes...piercing blue, accentuated by the black smudges of paint around them.
A heavy silence passed between you as you both stared at each other. You didn't know what to say, you'd never had anyone intimidate three men like that for you before. All you could muster was a small breathless laugh, and an awkward "Uh...thank you."
Though you couldn't see his face, the man before you smirked beneath his sniper hood, nodding toward you silently before slowly turning away from you. You watched in awe as he turned into the mess, disappearing from your view. You couldn't move, still in complete awe of what just happened. Someone moved into your peripherals, someone shorter and more familiar.
"Who was that?" You mumbled somewhat incoherently, causing the man beside you yo chuckle.
"That was König..." Soap spoke softly, a slight teasing tone to his voice "and he's the head of the KorTac team here now."
Your gaze snapped towards the Scotsman, your eyes widening in shock whilst Soap snorted in laughter.
"Oh yeah, private military companies aren't so bad now when you get scary guard dog privilages-"
"How about you fuck off back to Simon?" You growled rhetorically, your eyes narrowed on the sargeant with a hot glare. Soap laughed loudly as he turned on his heel, sprinting away from you before you could likely punch him in the face.
You sighed heavily and rolled your eyes, your gaze once again briefly flickering back towards the doorway of the mess.
Keegan P. Russ
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You had met Keegan before briefly in passing, and even then he was very quiet.
Simon had introduced the two of you briefly before Keegan went away on a recon mission. He would be gone for months, behind enemy lines with little to no communication. Now Keegan was back, and Taskforce 141 was ecstatic.
He'd been making all the rounds saying hello to everyone, or so Soap had told you. You hadn't seen him yet, though you supposed that you didn't really know him that well, or he you.
You went about the rest of your day without a visit from him. You didn't know why you felt this way, but you were kind of upset that Keegan hadn't come to see you. You were part of the team, sure. The least he could do was let you know that he was alright.
Trudging through the halls on another sleepless night, you walked to the mess to make yourself a cup of tea. Tea was something that calmed you down most nights, but lately it felt like a habit than a remedy.
As you stepped into the mess, you expected it to be empty like it usually was. But this time you froze.
Keegan sat alone at one of the tables, staring blankly down at the cup of steaming tea before him. Though he still wore his mask, his eyes met yours with a stern stare. Your eyes held his gaze, despite the nerves now forming in your chest. You were the one to look away first, your eyes flickering between Keegan, the kitchen and the floor, unsure of where you should turn your attention.
"I uh...I just want to get some tea" You spoke softly, almost timidly. Wordlessly, Keegan nodded, watching your every move as you slowly made your way toward the kitchen. You could feel his eyes on you as you boiled the kettle, poured the water over the tea bag, and let it sit.
Every minute felt like an hour the longer you stared at your tea. After adding some milk and stirring your beverage, you took the cup in your hands and immediately made a beeline for the door. You didn't want to make things between you and Keegan awkward, so you thought that heading back to your room would have been the wiser choice.
So why did you stop in the doorway?
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you turned on your heel to face him. Keegan was still watching you like a hawk when you spoke.
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm glad you're okay. The 141 missed you a lot you know."
You could have sworn that you saw his eyes softened slightly, but you played it off as nothing as you turned and left the mess.
As Keegan watched you leave, he couldn't help but sigh heavily. Sure, he wasn't the most socialable person on base, but he wasn't sure of he could trust you. Simon and Soap spoke highly of you, and so did Price. But he wanted to make his own opinion of you. He wanted to make sure thet he could trust you.
So, he would remain silent and observe. He would make sure that he could trust you, even if his silence pissed you off.
An Awkward Moment
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There was no doubt amongst the 141 that you were a capable soldier.
But sometimes you felt like your height was a disadvantage. Yes, you were significantly shorter than the rest of your colleagues, but you never let that stop you. However, sometimes you wished that you were taller.
You knew he was doing it on purpose, and you swore that you would punch Soap the next time you saw him. He had placed the coffee jar on top of the cabinets which were already high enough. You struggled to reach the top shelf anyway, but at this point it was getting ridiculous.
You groaned, staring up at the coffee jar in disdain and hatred. You were getting real tired of this, there were only so many times you could do this before Price caught you, your dignity was on the line.
It was early morning, so it was unlikely that anyone would see you doing this. However, you still turned to scan the mess to make sure that there was no one around. When the coast was clear, you began to climb the counter. No matter how many times you did this, it was still percarious. When you stood up straight you felt yourself wobble, and a sharp gasp escaped your lips as gravity came into effect. You felt yourself falling backward, your life flashing before your eyes as you squeezed them shut.
This is it. This is the end.
You were going to die in the mess, all because you were too stubbourn to wait for someone to get the coffee jar down for you.
As you waited to make contact with the hard concrete floor, you shrieked when you instead collided with something soft and...warm.
With your heart racing in your chest, you slowly opened your eyes and found yourself in a pair of strong arms, holding you securely and tightly against their frame. You followed those arms up to a broad chest, and from there you looked up to meet those familiar piercing blue eyes underneath that sniper hood. It then dawned on you...that you were in König's arms. König had caught you.
He chuckled lowly, staring down at you with an amused glint in his eye. "Perhaps next time, you should just ask for help hm?" He scolded, a warm feeling forming in his chest as he watched your face turn a bright red. You pouted up at the Austrian, "Maybe if Soap stopped putting the coffee up there on purpose, I wouldn't have to".
You saw König's eye twitch slightly at the mention of your colleague, but he shook his head whilst gently placing you down back on your feet. You folded your arms over your chest, lowering your gaze to the floor as your embaressment was becoming too much. You watched as König's index finger hooked underneath your chin, lifting your head upward so that your eyes met his once again.
Staring down at you sternly, you noticed that his gaze hardened before he spoke lowly. "I would prefer it if you didn't endanger yourself, mein liebling. Don't do that again."
You felt your heart skip a beat in your chest, your blood running hot as König waited expectantly for your answer. You nodded quickly and silently, worried that if you even tried to speak, your voice would betray you completely.
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, König released his hold on your chin and the both of you agreed to never speak of this again. After that morning however, the coffee jar always remained on the bottom counter where you could reach it. And every time König entered a room, Soap would always cower behind Simon, avoiding the Austrian's intimidating gaze.
It always made you smile.
Keegan P. Russ
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The mission had been a set up, no one saw it coming.
The intel had been wrong from the start, so no one really knew what to expect. Out of everyone else, you and Keegan had made it out in the worst state. There was no life-threatening injuries thankfully, however the bruises, cuts, scratches and dirt covering your bodies meant that you had been through hell to survive this botched mission.
The look on Simon and Soap's face looked like they had seen literal ghosts, neither of them expected either of you to make it out of that base alive.
You longed for a shower, so much so that the second the plane touched down on the runway back at base you made a beeline for your quarters. Quickly swiping a change of clothes from your room, consisting of a pair of exercise shorts and one of Simon's old shirts, you relished the thought of hot water against your skin.
Stepping into the adjoined bathroom in your quarters, you stripped off your gear and grimey clothes, turning on the shower and stepping inside.
A soft moan escaped you as the hot water relaxed your muscles, your shoulders slumping almost instinctively. But the pleasure was short-lived when an immense stinging pain took over your senses. The cuts and scratches screamed in protest at the hot water, but you ignored it. Washing the dirt and dried blood from your body, the pain eventually became nothing but a dull ache.
With your shower drowning out all other thoughts and the stress from the mission, you didn't hear the knock at your door.
Keegan couldn't stop thinking about you. When you both got trapped inside that base, stuck between never-ending gunfire and explosions, his only thought was to get you out alive. He'd thought he'd lost you a few times, after the two of you had become seperated on numerous occasions. Seeing you emerge through a haze of dust or return to his side after a rather dangerous encounter, a light feeling formed in his chest. Having been around you for the last month or so, Keegan had grown quite fond of you.
Seeing you covered in dirt, grime and dried blood did something to him. He didn't know what exactly, but something deep inside him spurred him towards you door. You had left the plane in quite a hurry, which wasn't unusual according to Price. But Keegan needed to know that you were okay.
And that's how he found himself here. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Probably against his better judgement, Keegan let himself in. Your room was much tidier than his, it appeared more homely and welcoming. He noticed the clothes on the bed, and the sound of running water coming from the next room. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, enough for some light to stream into the room. Then he realised, his eyes widening as his stomach backflipped.
Shit, you were in the shower. He definitely shouldn't be here right now.
As Keegan turned to leave, he suddenly felt a wave of nervousness wash over him as the water in the shower stopped running. Fuck. You would be out here any minute now, he had to get out. But of course, the universe had other plans.
The second Keegan spun around to leave, his foot caught on nothing. He cursed has he fell, smacking onto the concrete floor with a loud "Shit!"
He prayed to god that you didn't hear a thing, but the light that flooded the room told him otherwise. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?"
You felt your face flush a bright red out of shock and anger as you watched Keegan roll over onto his side, his eyes meeting yours and going wide as saucers.
You knew that what he saw left little to the imagination. You were wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around your body, still soaking wet after leaping from the shower upon hearing a crash from your bedroom.
"I uh..." Keegan fumbled, searching for the right words to say.
Fuck. You were...fuck.
Your glare sent ice through his veins, your eyes narrowing dangerously on his form. "If you get out now, I will pretend this never happened. You have five seconds before I scream, and Simon is only just down the hall-"
Keegan jumped to his feet and raced out of your room before you could even finish your sentence. You watched as he scrambled for your door and disappeared down the hall, a nervous sigh leaving your lips.
You knew Keegan probably had the best intentions, but that didn't stop the embaressment of being caught in your towel from consuming you.
When he saw you the next morning, he apologised profusely, much to the confusion of Simon, Soap and Price. You accepted his apology, and told him that should he mention it again, you woud make sure he suffered a violent end.
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pear1escence · 4 months
The lack of hesh fics is appalling, disgusting, heartbreaking. Every time I check that tag for crumbs I sink deeper into depression🙏🙏🙏 UGH he needs Keegan’s hype😔 Idk I lowkey wanna write for him but the only reason I even feel good abt writing for Keegs is cuz I think of him so much, writing for hesh would just feel intrusive LMAOO
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girlsrawesome64 · 3 months
Closed agen :p <3 01/04 THANKS ❤️
hey gyuise does anyone want a (5FW) cod matchup 🧍‍♂️
you can disclose or NOT disclose whatever you want it is YOUR thing you DONT owe me anything !! here's just some random prompts:
A summary of you/your essence
0rientation e.g ace etc
If you feel like tr4umadump1ng thats cool with me !
Star signs ehehe cuz they're fun (sun, moon, rising, venus, wuteva)
Other fun facts like lucky numbers, fav animal, hobby.....
Who you'd be in the cod universe (141 sn1per/normal guy/etc..)
My options to pick from for you (e.g if u only fancy keegs price gaz, then u could write as such)
If you want a side of light angst
If you want a private post (I can publish it privately and d-m you the url ! For ur privacy I would suggest submitting anon then d-ming me who you were)
* 'natal birth chart' i also want to be matched too if yu wanna trade
if you want anything deleted lemmekno its all you !! If I don't post it within like a *month* I'll delete your ask for privacy also
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Fun and Games
Keegan P. Russ x F! Reader (COD Ghosts) - PLATONIC
A/N: There's a tiktok that I saw a while back that's been stuck in my head ever since & every time I see Keegan anywhere I have to say it in a funky British accent and say "Kee-ghan" - click here for the tiktok. I wanted this to be longer but I didn't know what else to write lol but this is what I imagined the first time Keegan hears his name being pronounced like that lmao
@bloodonmyhands-1221 : lol I hope you enjoy this - not my best work but it'll have to do for now lmao
Master List
“Aye Keegs.”
Still nothing. 
Y/N watched as the man before her took his gun apart to clean it. He could do it in two seconds with his eyes closed but he was meticulous. Slightly annoyed that he didn’t acknowledge her, she decided to put on her best British accent.
“Aye Kee-ghan, you hungry?”
There we go. Keegan P. Russ. A man of few words but probably one of the deadliest men on the field. His name is pronounced like that stopped him in his tracks and let’s just say that Y/N should be happy that his gun was taken apart at that moment. He gave her a stabbing stare.
Giggling, Y/N crossed her arms as she waited for an answer, unfazed by his stare, “Oh, so that got your attention? Now tell me what you want to eat and I’ll go grab you something.”
Silent still for a moment before he softened his eyes slightly and shook his head as he continued his work, a small smile forming, “Whatever you’re having.” 
He appreciated Y/N for her skills in the field, and whatever she lacked in skill, she made up for in humor. Before she could fully turn around, he called out, “Don’t call me that ever again, L/N.”
Y/N snorted and waved at him as she walked away, “Whatever you say, Kee-ghan.”
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81
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ruskizzo · 9 months
Asa Emory
(This is like my first ever time writing lil hcs, so I’m so sorry if it sucks 😭 I have no clue what I’m doing tbh. 💔)
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Probably a masochist n sadist. Loves when you bite/attack him out of fear. Thinks it’s funny, loves inflicting pain to you immediately after.
The type of mf to fuck you infront of others, and then kill them after. why? He finds it amusing.
Tries to encourage you to act bad just so he can ruin you later, loves watching your ego drop to the floor in just seconds.
Probably makes you watch him kill others, just for you to know he could do it to you if he wanted to. His way of making sure you don’t misbehave pretty much.
Definitely has a thing for knife play, loves to cut your skin just enough that little smudges of blood will seep out. After he would def make sure all the cuts are well cleaned and bandaged.
Extremely skilled with his hands and tongue. you cant convince me other wise. 🫡
—— sfw hcs ——
If you like bugs, he will keep your preferred favorite and name it after you using your nickname :3. (Example, my names Keegan, so Keegs.)
If he’s on a spree of killing, and sees some flowers he will get the prettiest ones and bring them to you after he’s done with his spree.
Loves when you give him nicknames. When you first called him the nickname, he just glared at you for like 5 minutes processing what happened.
The type of mf to make sure his bugs have every possible thing ever. (🫡😻) like no seriously sometimes you wonder if he loves his bugs more than you.
I lowkey feel like he has some trouble with talking, so his stares say a lot. Like he would just eyeball like a knife for 30 minutes until you got the gesture and gave it to him.
This is all! :D if you have tips, PLEASE let me know I’m extremely new to writing, like srsly this is my very first time writing hcs.
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