#i love diluc sm
lumineskies · 1 year
hits different - diluc ragnvindr
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— diluc can easily dismiss everyone in his life without a second thought, no one ever stays long enough for him to care anyways. but there's something about you that makes him miss you when you've gotten too far away from him for his liking.
— or diluc missing you :(
wc - 2.5k
notes - happy birthday diluc ueyeyeguwhs i just finished this LMAO i love taylor i just had to do this with diluc!!! rbs and comments help me alot!!
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oh my, love is a lie. shit my friends say to get me by.
“Diluc, my brother, how long is it going to take you to get over her?” Kaeya begins as he slightly slurs his words.
The scowl on diluc’s face deepens at kaeya’s remarks. He roughly shoves a glass of water in front of his brother, hoping the drink will make him sober up and leave the tavern already.
A drunkard stumbles his way to diluc, cheeks flushed and smelling like bottles of alcohol. Diluc’s face feigns indifference when he asks for another glass, like he didn’t already have 3 bottles worth of alcohol this evening alone. At the end of the day, money was flowing into his pockets because of their poor choices, should he really be judging them?
“If you have nothing better to do, sober up and leave.” Diluc said coldly before turning his back at Kaeya, filling a glass with alcohol as per the customer's request.
“Ouch, you almost made me feel unwanted here, brother.” Kaeya feigns hurt as he rubs a hand over his left chest where his covered heart was. Sarcasm dripping off his words.
“Why the scowl? Is this about y/n again?”
Kaeya’s words struck a knife into Diluc’s already battered heart, not knowing what to say, Diluc didn't respond. Instead, he busies himself with attending to customers, drunk and sober. Seeing as his brother has no qualms to respond, Kaeya continues.
“I don’t understand you two, it’s so very obvious to everyone here that you two still have feelings for each other, why suffer in silence? Get her back!”
Kaeya’s sudden exclamation made the bar rowdy, drunkards yelling, supporting him. Apparently, the whole bar had been listening in on their conversation somehow. People began shouting over each other, your name was heard and muttered all throughout the bar. The loud voices made diluc’s face sour. A gesture of crossed arms and a sharp look towards the little brother had him sheepishly smile at the red head.
“Calm down, calm down. Our Diluc can’t plan to court her if you guys are noisy, right?” Kaeya’s statement had the crowd quiet down, but whispers still spread. Diluc could only hope that you won’t hear a word of this.
A small smile could only be shyly given to the red head. Kaeya slumps back in his seat in front of Diluc, embarrassment already eating him up from the inside. Diluc could only furrow his eyebrows at the sudden silence from the younger brother.
“I- I mean, am i wrong? You should go after her!” Kaeya attempts to continue their conversation, voice lowered in volume as he learnt his lesson from before. Diluc was not a public man, he preferred to be in the shadows rather than the spotlight. The least he could do as his younger brother was respect his privacy and not yell his business out to a bunch of townsfolk that would surely gossip in their free time.
“It’s not that simple, Kaeya.” Diluc answers with a short sentence, hoping that will be enough to satiate the sudden interest Kaeya has in his past relationship with you. He busies himself with cleaning more beer glasses, wiping the inside of them with a dry cloth and stacking them up.
The look on Kaeya’s face indicates that the interest was indeed, not satiated. Diluc can feel the rise of pressure settling on his chest. He would prefer not to talk about you during the only time he tried hard to not be reminded of you. The noisiness of the tavern and the constant orders from the customers served as a way to block his train of thoughts and solely focus on the task at hand, away from the thoughts of you.
“If you’re scared that she won’t accept you, brother. trust me. She yearns for you.”
Kaeya’s word made diluc stop in his tracks. Yearns for him? What was he—
Kaeya’s head went as he laid on the bar’s table. Of course, Kaeya was drunk. Floored, even. Diluc could only sigh as he glanced at his little brother. The watch on his wrists shows the time, 2:54 a.m No wonder Kaeya fell asleep.
The words uttered by Kaeya seconds ago plagued Diluc’s mind. You yearn for him?
It hits different, it hits different this time.
Diluc could only watch from afar as Huffman pushes a bouquet of flowers towards you, face flushed and red. You looked surprised, startled even. The sun behind you shone an orange glow on your face, making you seemingly ethereal, but even without the sunlight, your beauty was apparent to all, especially Diluc. You sheepishly took the bouquet from Huffman and awkwardly smiled.
Diluc’s hand formed a fist, one that was drawing crescents into his palm. He couldn’t hear what you were saying to the knight, but your words seem to bleed rejection as Huffman’s face drops. The bouquet in your arms consisted of dandelions and calla lilies, which made Diluc scoff. It was common knowledge you liked cecilia’s, in fact, you were surrounded by them as you stood on starsnatch cliff.
The small smile that he let out wasn’t supposed to show on his face, but the reassurance washed over him like waves. Before he could stop himself, he began walking towards you. The sounds of footsteps made your head turn, only to be greeted with the uncrowned king of Mondstadt.
“y/n, i acquire your expertise in a few matters. Care to join me this evening?” Diluc offers a small smile towards you, one hand behind his back to make his claymore appear. A cold stare was given to Huffman as he stared him down, eyes seizing him up. Fear was apparent on Huffman’s face as he caught a glimpse of the now materialised weapon. Diluc turned back to you, cold stare dropped and a smile beckoning his lips.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” Diluc asks you, promptly ignoring Huffman beside him. The waves of dejection from Huffman could be felt even as Diluc was facing you. He muttered a meek no, before disappointedly trudging back to mondstadt, head hung low. Diluc could only watch in amusement, eyes twinkling with mischief. A smack from you made him turn back to look at you, clearly a disapproved look.
“That was rude, luc.” The nickname created by you made his heart flutter and butterflies erupt in his stomach. It’s been so long since he heard you call him that, 2 months and 17 days to be exact. The surprise on your face said it all, the nickname flew out of your mouth without second thought, almost like a reflex.
A small hum was his only reply to you. As much as he wanted to, the feeling of a smile surfaced on his smile, making it very apparent to you how satisfied he is with himself.
Catastrophic blues, moving on was always easy for me to do.
Sighs escaped his red lips as his vision blurs. Words displayed on the proposal paper seemed to not matter as his brain refused to comprehend anything written in front of him. His hand ruffles his hair, frustration urges him to pull his hair out, but he digresses. He rests his head in his hands, restlessness overcoming him. Since this morning, thoughts of you had him occupied. What were you doing? How was your day? Have you eaten yet? What new shampoo did you use? Your hair had smelled like peaches instead of coconut the last time he saw you, what was the reason for the switch?
Every corner of his brain was filled with the remains of you, and he didn’t know how to function without you by his side. The once warm bed that accompanied him throughout the night had turned cold with your presence no longer there. Meals eaten alone on the floating kitchen island rather than the dining table, because what’s the use of all the extra chairs, if it only reminds him how lonely he is without you?
You constantly plague his mind, day and night without fail. You’ve bewitched him to the point he feels going insane with the absence of you. Every encounter between the two of you he cherishes, because he knows it is far and between the two of you interact, unlike before when he would awaken to you by his side, hands intertwined. A knock on his door startles him as he shoots up, the door opens to reveal adelinde, which makes Diluc slump back into his chair.
“Master Diluc, lunch is ready for you.”
“Wrap it up, I need to take a breath of fresh air.” His hand flies to his collar to loosen it up, the room felt suffocating all of a sudden. Adelinde left his room without a word, and Diluc was left alone to bask in the silence. Wordlessly, he began cleaning up his desk. Sorting out the papers into one stack so he could deal with them later.
Under all of the papers, a romance novel laid untouched. A gift from you. He thought he lost the book, he had searched far and low, starting from his bookshelf filled with books to the backyard near the grapevines, but to no avail, the book wasn’t anywhere. Now, it appeared right in front of him, at a very obvious spot no less. Was this a sign somewhat? He couldn’t figure it out.
Book in hand, he began heading outside to the benches outside. He never got the chance to begin reading the book, today seems like a nice day to relax and unwind, the papers could be handled later.
It hits different, it hits different cause its you.
“and the winner is…drumroll please!!”
The surrounding mondstadters began clapping their hands in sync, some stomping their feet with enthusiasm. Sara held the mic closer to her mouth obviously ready to announce the winner. You were standing by Sara's side as one of the cooking competitors. Diluc could sense the nervousness radiating off you, so he did what he would do to any of his friends to calm them down, he grabbed your hand.
Hand in hand, the both of you looked at each other. you looked at diluc in shock, not sure what to say. But diuc simply smiled at you, and looked back at sara as she was about to announce the winner.
beside sara, it was jean and barbara. the both of them entered the cooking competition together just as diluc and you did. While they prepared a slightly better version of the mushroom pizza, you and Diluc decided to make a dish that diluc was a master at, called ‘once upon a time in mondstadt’
Diluc could feel your stare drop down to the intertwined hand resting in between the both of you. He squeezed your hand once, twice and looked at you for a returning squeeze with a fond smile. with blushed cheeks, you squeezed his hands twice, before turning back to sara and the crowd in front of you.
“The winner is…..diluc and yn!! congrats to the couple!”
Diluc slightly smiles at Sara’s words, and he makes no attempt to correct her or even indicate that her statement was false. Claps surround the both of you as Diluc pulls you to Sara. With her was the prize for the competition, two big pots suitable for cooking. He takes one of the pot and hands it to you, while he takes the slightly bigger pot for him to hold.
Cameras start flashing at the both of you as mondstadt journalists start flooding the scene. Slowly, the crowd starts to disperse bit by bit until it was just you and Diluc, with a few other people cleaning up the venue in the background.
“Great job there, luc. I couldn’t have done it without you.” You say as the two of you begin heading to your house, the sun slowly settling below the earth as the sunset fills the sky with a orangey hue.
“You did all the cooking and innovation, I only helped a bit.” he replies, and it was true. He helped you with the recipe and amount while you did most of the cooking. He could’ve just been labelled as moral support for you, staying by your side when you need him.
“Don’t downgrade yourself like that, you helped a lot. Like really, a lot. I don’t think I would've even entered the competition if it wasn’t for you.” you confess to him. Diluc smiles slightly, he finds himself doing a lot of that recently.
After the incident where he saved you (not really) from huffman, the two of you have been more comfortable with each other. Meeting with each other more often, having lunches, dropping by your house to give you grapes, or a drink that he wants you to taste test. You even dropped by the tavern one time, which made the whole tavern start buzzing with gossip.
Conversation flows between the two of you freely, like before. Diluc could even say that the two of you could consider each other ‘friends’ now. Though he wants more than that, he understands you need time. And he’s willing to wait. Even if it takes years, he’s willing to wait for you to fall back into his embrace.
Because that’s what Diluc realised about you, you were hesitant. Hesitant to let him too close, hesitant to let him back into your life, hesitant to let him love you like he used to.
“I finally had time to read the book you gifted me.” Diluc shifts the topic, hoping you would pick up on the signs he was trying to send to you.
“Oh really? It’s been so long since I gave you that. How was it?” You quipped, interested.
“It was…lovely. It was something out of my usual field of books, but I still enjoyed it. In fact—”
Stifled giggles dawned on him as you laughed quietly beside him. He could only look at you with a confused expression, waiting for you to explain.
“You don’t have to lie, luc. That book was horrible.”
You said in between laughs, still giggling.
Did you….trick him? What was happening? When you gave him the book, you were gushing about how it was the best that you’ve read, and how you long for a romance like the main characters in the book. He huffs when he realises what has happen. You did trick him.
“In that case, yes it was horrible. Idiotic even. Who the hell runs away with a man they just met a week ago because their mother didn’t approve of their love? she just proved why the mother should’ve not approved of the man!” Diluc begins to voice out his true opinions, and you begin to laugh.
Your laugh makes Diluc realise how much he longed for you. The way your hand covers your face as you laugh had him wanting to hold your hand by your side so he could see your face unfiltered. The burn in his stomach spreads wildly as he watches you bask in your laughter, his cheeks tinge red at the knowledge that he made you laugh. he made you laugh. he realised now, that no matter how hard life is, or no matter how long it has been, diluc will always yearn for you, the way you secretly yearn for him too.
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ivesite · 1 month
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DILUC <3333
He's so pretty I love him so much happy birthday Diluc
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qiivuu · 1 year
I just noticed that I rarely see Diluc shipped with a female character. I’m not sure if it’s just my page or if this is a sign
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callibee · 2 years
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leeryder · 2 months
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Ragfam 🍇
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lumoncholy · 6 months
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happy diluven december to all the cool people who celebrate
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su-rodriguez · 1 month
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relxion-kunp · 2 years
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“My sons.” - Crepus Ragnvindr
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xzho-writes · 2 years
just thinking about being so in sync with diluc that when the pair of you fight on the battlefield it somehow turns into a stage.
you cover each other’s weaknesses so perfectly that the scene almost looks choreographed- a dance of death, fatal only to those close enough to the performance.
he hits hard but you hit faster. you strike high, he swerves low. a twist, a single turn, and all of a sudden your backs are pressed close together.
hot. flushed.
one sidestep to the right and he’s already covering the area you’d just left, a heavy claymore swinging down in a blaze of crimson to cut down whoever dared to attack you. his flames lick at your sides, but they never burn.
this feeling, the constant rush of heat and adrenaline, of safety, it’s—
it’s addictive. thrilling. that’s what it is.
these unspoken vows of protection.
you could get lost in the beat of metal clashing upon metal, to the melody of your shared grunts and hastily-spoken warnings.
oh, archons could you get lost in this duet of life and death. to lose yourself to these familiar steps and drown in the sensation of lulling flames would be a fate you’d almost willingly resign yourself to.
but it’s unintentional, this dance. it goes unnoticed by the performers but onlookers can see just how well you two synergise.
subconscious coordination.
perhaps that’s why he always agrees to pair up with you on these missions. with anyone else he’d scoff at the mere thought, for what is a partner but only a hindrance, a liability?
no, you’re neither. not to him.
because he knows that no matter the situation, you’d always have his back just as he had yours.
a silent promise for the oblivious.
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; ✦ — @irethepotato , @fiannee , @tellerluna-stories , @byeol-ssi , @umiwu , @roguebox
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dilfiesz · 11 months
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저번에도 봤지만 너 없을 때 걘 여기저기에 눈빛을 뿌리네 ‼️‼️
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poruvoron · 2 years
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knight duties
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skathyr · 1 year
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when you’re too drunk to care bout ur secret identity
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crows-of-buckets · 6 months
Thinking about ballad and brews again. Man.
What if I cried huh. What if I sobbed. "I will always be proud of you" I am on the floor in a puddle of my own tears.
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
popular characters and their obscure media lookalikes that keep me up at night -> part one <-
Diluc Ragnvindr & Spirit Albarn {Genshin Impact} & {Soul Eater}
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i can't be the only one that sees it, right -> like-
Broad shoulders Thin waists They both have slight chub to their cheeks Grumpy expressions Fluffy//Stringy red hair that goes through the middle of their face Family issues Unresolved beef with doctors Pretty powerful for their respective media Seen in bars [albeit for different reasons]
this does not mean i think they act similar in any shape or form -> this is just a silly little comparison i felt compelled to share <- ↓ Diluc is arguably a much a better person than Spirit is and acts a lot more serious while Spirit sleeps around and generally seems more sociable- if a bit of a goof -> Diluc can't handle his alcohol, Spirit can
and this is completely unrelated, but Spirit is such a cool name. if my name was Spirit I would hype myself up so annoyingly hard i'd probably get bullied. but it wouldn't matter bc my name would be friggin SPIRIT
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leeryder · 11 months
Putting all my 2023 Ragbros Week art together for the serotonin
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neonspark404 · 11 months
Wholesome ragbro concept in honor of Kaeya's hangout:
When Crepus adopted Kaeya, he didn't have a bed for him yet. So that's why Kaeya had to share a bed with Diluc.
One day the kid finally got a bed and his own room too.
The next day when Crepus wants to wake up his children and...
finds them both together asleep and cuddling in Diluc's room, in the same bed as before.
Maybe Kaeya wasn't ready to have his own room yet.
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