#i love hatsuharu so much
angstintensifer · 7 months
Hello all
I haven’t been active in a while Ik but I’m usually only active when I have fandom stuff to post lol
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Just came by to say he is my everything
My bb boi
My cow boi
My Roman Empire
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neo-shitty · 1 year
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Post Masterlist
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From Sheep to Human Free Massage Tickets Movie Night with Diavolo and Barbatos Church Wedding Back cracking Lap Pillow (Mammon and Belphegor) Rushed April Fools Day 2024 piece (boop) Levi needs a break Is Simeon's fridge running? Paper cut (Satan) Punching Bag Going Away The Cuddle Pile Knowing Everything Water Wrinkles
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Wasp fear Vampire MC A crumb of Leviathan fluff Follow-up to MC with Periods
Info about the blog owner:
Hi! I've very recently gotten into writing and wanted to give it a chance, in vague hopes of writing an original story some day. I've been playing Obey Me! since literally the day the OG was released. I don't read much fanfic or do fandom stuff much at all, but it seemed fun and I wanted to try getting closer to the fandom. I am a hardcore cosplayer so whenever a convention is coming up this blog will get slow as I focus on sewing. I'm close to 30 years old, I'm ace which is why this blog has suggestive content but won't really get more intense than that. My asks are open but expect a really slow response because I am so shy hkgahkj. I take requests but no guarantee I'll write them, or it may take several months. Am also very open to constructive critique! Thanks for reading.
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yukisprincesswifey · 2 months
nicknames | fruits basket men hc
summary. pet names that the men of fruits basket prefer to call you.
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for the longest time yuki preferred to call you by your first name, believing the notion to be more intimate. but as your relationship progressed, he found himself calling out to you as my love.
kyo is definitely against the idea of giving you a nickname. it’s a combination of his self loathing and insecurity that make him fear being ridiculed or shut down in any way so he doesn’t even try to give you one. if you’re lucky, one day when he’s finally gotten comfortable enough, you’ll be lucky to hear a soft ‘baby’ escape his lips.
with a deep, raspy tone, hatsuharu loves to address you as sweetness. he always says it with an undeniable confidence that makes your head spin earning complete satisfaction from the both of you.
from the moment you meet shigure he nicknames you darling, which atones to the domineering part of his personality. often opting to reference you as ‘my darling’ which drips with a honey-like sweetness, he loves to cradle your face seeing as these two actions compliment one another.
similar to haru, hatori loves to call you sweetheart. surely with a much more innocent intent, tori gifts you this name to embody the light and joy that you’ve brought into his life.
with all the lovey dovey nicknames that ayame loves to call hatori and shigure, you’re bound to get a couple repeats yourself. my love and my darling are two of his favorites to call you, though his personalized nickname for you is ‘beautiful’ which he tends to address you by without a second thought.
as momiji is pretty new to romance, he’d take his sweet time finding a nickname that sounds pretty and compliments your personality well. eventually, he’d land on honey, alluding to your charming personality and your beautiful looks.
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ps. i write all characters aged up 18+!
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
hey! if possible, id like to request general hc for akito, yuki, kyo, hatori, shigure, ayame, hatsuharu and ritsu.
So, I already discussed it and apparently this person only watched the 2001 anime version and for that was unaware of Akito being in reality a woman in the manga.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, guilt-tripping, manipulation, jealousy, stalking, delusion, isolation, abduction, trauma, Akito in itself is plently a trigger warning
Yandere Fruits Basket Hc's
Sohma Yuki
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🐭 Yuki suffers from a low self-esteem thanks to all of the abuse Akito put him through and has been stuck acting like the charming yet cold prince for a long time due to his belief that no one would love his true personality. So it's a must for him that his s/o is kind and understanding. He can't love anyone, he shouldn't with Akito there yet it happens anyways. Yuki can't seem to prevent his infatuation with you with every refreshing smile you give and how you carry yourself. The realization that he's fallen in love with you scares him to his core simply because he's terrified what Akito will do if she ever finds out. In an attempt to save you by avoiding you, he only hurts himself that much more. He can't get you out of his head and his heart clenches painfully when he sees how you're so completely unaffected by it whilst he's probably spent some nights crying because he longs for you so painfully much. He doesn't blame you though, after all he has never introduced himself to you.
🐭 This avoidance already showcases that Yuki is very protective, he knows what Hatori had to go through after all and it utterly terrifies him to think that he might end up putting you in such a situation too. Despite doing his best to not interact with you, he always watches you though and if he wouldn't be so popular, he might even go out to stalk you a bit. Cleary obsessed as he memorizes everything you say or do and whilst you might not pay it much mind when you greet him or help him with something since his anti-social and awkward side sometimes breaks out of him, he never forgets it as it makes him only fall more for you. It isn't until Tohru, Machi and Kakeru appear in his life and slowly help him to heal does he gain the courage to talk to you. He's admired you for a longer time from the distance so he feels flustered and nervous when he approaches you, heart pounding in his chest and palms clammy as he finally talks to you for the first time and turns completely lovesick.
🐭 He is prone to jealousy a lot which mainly ties into his low self-esteem and the fact that all he is able to do for months on end is watching you silently. It's selfish and dangerous to wish that you'd give him your smile and your laugh all the time but whenever he catches you acting very close to someone else, he gets quickly insecure and has to leave, tears stinging his eyes. Yuki can only direct his frustration at himself because he doesn't have the courage to talk to you, let you know that he also wants to be a part of your life. He always leaves whenever he sees something like that and ends up being depressed for the rest of the day, lamenting over his hurting heart. The insecurity never leaves him, not even after he's gained the courage to talk to you and befriend you nor even after the curse is broken and he's your boyfriend. The lingering fear to not be good enough and to be replacable always lingers inside his heart although to your pleasant surprise in front of certain people he expresses more confidence, maybe even slight arrogance.
🐭 Yuki has been traumatized with Akito's unstable and violent behavior so I feel like he'd be one of the last people who would want to inflict the same pain and fear on others. With his inner growth comes more confidence and more maturity so Yuki always attempts to talk about something to resolve a conflict. Generally talking though, I can totally see him manipulating the situation to paint him in the better light and let's be for real, he's very good at it. For the most part, he tries to avoid all conflict though and is most of the time anyways too focused on loving his darling and sucking up any affection they could give him like a dry sponge. He can fight quite good though and can be more snarky and say stuff that provokes the other person.
🐭 Behind his kind and very sweet behavior lies still a somewhat broken person and Yuki is far more possessive over his s/o than he lets on. He's been feeling lonely and isolated his entire life so after he's finally freed from his curse, he knows exactly that he wants to stay together with you for the rest of his life. It's genuinely not hard to fall in love with Yuki since he's so charming and loving to you. Sometimes he cracks though as his low confidence and his paranoia speak out of him where he grows desperate for some reassurance from you. He'd definitely guilt-trip his s/o if he's paranoid and afraid that they might leave him since he is somewhat clumsy and simply not good enough. He's extremely fragile at such moments. Whilst he should technically know that such emotional manipulation is toxic, Yuki is probably just more on a semi-aware side. The fear of rejection and abandonment outweighs his guilty consciousness.
🐭 He often feels insecure because he's often more clumsy and isn't a good cook although he tries his best to get better for his s/o. Sometimes you find him going to far though when he puts your needs in first place instead of his own which happens especially often when he wants to prove himself and feels stressed. He tends to overthink simple things such as when you ignore him or don't return the kiss he gives you. He's slightly shaken and thinks he's done something wrong although he always asks you first, doing his best to calm his paranoia and lingering trauma down. He's skittish with physical affection at first since he's been abused by Akito so you have to be gentle with him at first. He learns to love everything you do to express your love for him though and physical affection is included. You give him security and more confidence, have patience even with all of his relapses and Yuki desperately hopes that he can give you in return the love and care no one else can give you.
Sohma Shigure
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🐕Summarizing Shigure up in one word is quite difficult simply because you have troubles making up your mind. What you can't deny is that he's quite annoying at times as he always seems to visit the places where he's bound to find you and doesn't shy away from being very friendly with approaching you. Behind that laid-back and light-hearted facade, Shigure is very hyper-aware of his own feelings though. He knows that he's just a tad bit too obsessed with his darling but the undeniably worst thing about Shigure is that he doesn't care about his toxic mind. He knows himself best and for that is aware that he's far too possessive to leave you alone anyways so why should he feel guilty? That possessive emotion of his is quite fearsome though as he's willing to hurt the feelings of other people, sometimes even including you, and is ready to sacrifice everything if it will guarantee that he can be with you.
🐕Exceptionally manipulative too and his normally goofy behavior helps him to conceal his true side. He's annoying but appears harmless in your eyes although you already have a good hunch what he wants from you. You can't deny that the wise advices he gives you at times or moments where he's made you laugh with his silly behavior haven't helped you at least a bit. That's why you endure him in your life and that is according to Shigure's plans. A lot of his actions have a hidden motive or some plan behind it all such as the time where he makes acquaintance with people you socialize with and get all friendly with them only to use them to find out more about you. He's a shameless stalker too who waits for you in spots you pass by quite often to bump into you there, although he won't outright deny your claims that he's been here on purpose to find you. It's a bit risky, gambling like this whilst fully aware how Akito might react but Shigure can't help but find this all a bit entertaining.
🐕Despite being the oldest of the zodiac signs, when it comes to Shigure getting hurt emotionally, he's without a doubt the most immature and petty one. He wants his darling only for himself if he could do so and whilst he hides it well behind his silly mask, he secretly despises about everyone who is close to you. It doesn't even have to make a difference whether the interaction is purely platonic or gives romantic undertones, he finds a way to interfere somehow. You can't expect him to be decent enough to let you live your life after all. No, he has to be always part of it and ruin you quite a few things. Worst is though that he can be petty enough to effectively ignore you for a few days just to have you approach him and ask him if he's fine. Worry about him, but forget all about that other person.
🐕Self-serving, selfish, cunning and deceptive. Shigure is a menace and there's no way to put that lightly or in any positive way. He's willing to cause people around him pain and ruin even you relationships. That makes him the worst person you've ever met and who everyone in general can be unfortunate enough to meet but he doesn't care. Not as long as he can have you. Shigure is a master manipulator who manages to make the people around him always look worse than him. Friendships or even ties with your potential lover or crush will be cut by him and he will spread rumors and lies about you and the people you hang out with. He watches then from the sidelines how you end up having argument after argument and take devastating blows to your heart before he always comes in and cheers you up. It's only a question until you find out about his true personality though.
🐕Whilst Shigure can drag you into harm's way and sometimes does so willingly, he knows better than to repeat a Hatori situation with Akito. Kidnapping you isn't possible as long as the curse still lasts but he's fooled almost everyone else so far and he can do the same with you. You're most likely a bit sceptical around him anyways and truthfully, Shigure wants it that way at times. It's cute in his opinion to see you on your toes around him. At other times he just wants you to rely solely on him and for that fools around with the ties you have. Bad experiences regarding the friendships and strong ties you have with others makes you more cautious to get to know new people and causes you to cling more to him because he made himself look like the only person who sticks through with you. Strangely enough even when you discover what inhumane things he's done all along and demand him to leave you alone, he doesn't abduct you. No, instead all emotions leave his face and he promises you that he'll never leave you alone. You will be his, sooner or later.
🐕When the curse is finally broken and everyone is free to go, Shigure goes all out of his way. If he hasn't been able to properly touch you before, he will now absolutely smother you in affection. Bonus if you're bashful and embarrassed about it because then he'll do it to just rile you up a bit. People like Ayame and Hatori most likely know about his interest in you even before the curse is broken and also about his twisted ways of courting you but Shigure finds it all rather entertaining how they attempt to convince him that this isn't the right way to do it. It's better to always be on edge with Shigure around since you never know what's going on inside his head. He could be on one day an annoying and clingy man who dotes on you and teases you simultanously and on the next day gets all possessive and willing to even attack you emotionally to release some of his petty emotions when you've made him angry in some way.
Sohma Kyo
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🐈Kyo wears his emotions on his sleeves and for that has an easier time socializing than Yuki has yet he is very adament to avoid and reject his darling as often as he can. He's very aggressive about the fact that he loves his darling and keeps his fair distance from them as he is used to people in his life only pitying and hating him and doesn't want to witness you undergoing the same process. Additionally he doesn't think that he's deserving of your love and affection either since he's terrified of hurting you. So every time you try to talk with him or every time someone asks him if he harbors feelings for you, he reacts brash and defensive, ends up saying something that will hurt you and your feelings and he feels incredibly guilty later on but he tells himself that it's the right thing to do. He stalks his darling a lot though.
🐈Watching over his darling from the shadows fills him simultanously with longing as much as with happiness. He wants to be with you too but knows that he'll be locked away after he finishes high school. You'd only get hurt if he would get close to you right now only to be left by him then because he can't do anything against his cursed fate. Kyo is extremely overprotective though and will do whatever he can to make you happy, puts your own needs actively above his own as well as his happiness. He always steps in as soon as someone makes you uncomfortable to protect you from then even if it ends up putting him into a situation where you want to thank him and feel the need to get to know him better. Underneath all that stubborn and aggressive behavior is in reality a very sensitive and affectionate person though who is just too traumatized and afraid to be hurt by you, the one person he's so in love with.
🐈He has a hard time really suppressing his jealousy but doesn’t want to to show his own feelings so initially Kyo just resorts to avoiding the scene as good as he can. He’s visibly stressed for the rest of the day though as the image won’t leave his head and serves to only make him even more irritated. He’s going to be a lot more brash and sharp-tongued if he meets the person again too. He mellows out after he has successfully managed to overcome his insecurities and decide to just enjoy the time he has left with you. That doesn’t deter his jealous streak quite obviously but Kyo wants his darling to be happy and feels inferior and not in the right to interfere with people you’ve been friends with and known for way longer than him. The boy is still bound to snap when he realizes that someone flirts with you and he’s really intimidating when he’s really pissed. Glowing, orange eyes staring at whoever thinks that they can just carelessly flirt with you because they take you for easy and the clear way he steps in front of you to shield you from their vision.
🐈Definitely one to get quicker aggressive and defensive over you than some others. Kyo can be a hothead and at times very possessive but he matures emotionally over time and learns to at least control his temper a bit better even if it still bursts out at times. The moment someone harms his s/o though and puts them under unnecessary stress, he is quick to get triggered due to his overprotective side. He’s very skilled in martial arts and it has been one of his biggest passions in his life before he met people he can trust and his darling so he’s quite obviously really good in it. He tends to stop thinking rationally for a bit when someone truly messes with his darling as he’s utterly consumed by rage.
🐈He never tries to dream about living together with his darling as he’s aware of his looming fate but that doesn’t stop his thoughts from betraying him at times. It makes his whole chest ache. You might even marry someone else later in your life and that thought infuriated him as much as it makes him depressed. He’s such a fool for letting his feelings escalate that far. After the curse is broken and he’s freed from Akito, he’s in shock as he slowly begins to realize that he will now be able to spend his future together with you. He’s free to be with you and when the truth finally sinks in, he storms to your place and the first thing he does is giving you a tight hug, something he couldn’t and/or didn’t want to initiate so far. With nothing to hold him back anymore, Kyo becomes as determined as obsessed to stay with you.
🐈Whilst he mellows out and grows softer after his curse is broken and he can finally be with his darling, his obsession also cranks up a good notch. He’s been holding back so far because he kept repeating Akito’s words inside his head, thought that it would be useless and hurt and tormented himself with it. There’s nothing to hold him back though as soon as the shackles of the cat zodiac are gone, everything that he has been trying and failing to bury deep inside of him bursts all at once out of him. Kazuma knew pretty much all along and is delighted when he finally gets to meet you, although Kyo is constantly a bit on edge since he fears that Kazuma will tell you something embarrassing about him. Common for most Zodiac members but Kyo is quite starved for affection and gets grumpy when you don’t give him any.
Sohma Hatori
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🐉Hatori has resigned himself to the belief that he doesn't deserve any love since he has hurt people by erasing memories. Yuki's friends, Momiji's own mother and his own lover Kana has caused him to develop a rather low opinion of himself. Loving someone again isn't his intention so the experience of gaining an infatuation with his s/o is a scarring one. He's hurt already enough people and the personal trauma of what Akito did to Kana push him to distance himself as good as he can. You shouldn't get involved with him nor with any of the Sohma since it's safest for you. Very lucid about his own feelings too and it does nothing to help his already low self-esteem. There's fear and trauma as much as there is a low-key possessive longing somewhere inside his chest, one that suffocates him yet he's unwilling to let you suffer for his own selfish emotions.
🐉At the same time Hatori is also awfully protective over his s/o and if you two happen to cross paths, he can't help but let his eyes constantly wander to you. Any sign of stress or sickness from your side causes him to feel instantly the need to check on you and even dote on you slightly. If he catches you ignoring your own health in favor of going outside and working, he will usher you instantly back to take a day off and caters to your needs. It's wrong, Hatori shouldn't get himself so actively involved but he can't help himself whenever he sees that you're physically or emotionally unwell. He eventually decides to stop the constant attempts to distance himself since he always comes back to you, settles on becoming an acquaintance in your life who you can trust. He doesn't want to take it any further though but his darling always manages to break his already fragile resolve once again.
🐉Composure is one of the key words for Hatori together with his overall kindness. He isn't petty like Shigure is nor is he as open with his emotions as Kyo and even his insecurities are better tamed than some other of the zodiac signs. His darling makes them happy and if he can somehow help them feeling better and brighten up their daily life, he absolutely will. Hatori is rational, he has to be since his somewhat more unhealthy feelings are a silent burden on him at times. He's all about icy politeness and arctic stares when he's jealous, slightly passive-aggressive with a tad bit more edge to his words. He isn't as possessive as some other members are but definitely feels the need to be when someone is overly nice to you which leads to slightly more affection from his side, as much as he can give his s/o if his curse should hinder him.
🐉It's rather interesting considering that he could just erase someone's memories with hypnosis but I feel he's done it too often and has harmed others because of it that he's become hesitant and unwilling to use it at all. Honestly, Hatori is rather tame and is someone who prefers to talk then to harm others, something he believes he has done enough already. His overall kindness gets a tad bit tainted by his obsession though which leads in certain situations to anger and hatred that isn't typical for him and startles him a bit when he reflects on it. Before anything can happen though, he would always opt for hypnosis and prevent and accident before it can happen. He always has to keep his darling away from that person afterwards though and vice versa since there's no guarantee that the memories he has erased will stay hidden forever.
🐉Considering that he's been imprisoned for years because of his curse, Hatori values your own choices and personal freedom very much and similar to most members of the Sohma family, it's only after the curse is broken that he is truly able to think about his own future. There's always only been one thing he wanted ever since you shined on him like a single star of guidance in the darkness he was imprisoned in. Hatori wants to stay with his darling and he's very open to admit that to them as soon as he's freed. Probably the one who can lead the most normal relationship with you although at times when he's very worried about you or gets a bit paranoid, he becomes a tad bit more controlling.
🐉All the care and love he provides aside, it's probably quite good for his own mental and emotional health too when his darling is with him. He doesn't allow himself to indulge in some basic human needs like eating and sleeping which somewhat makes him a hypocrite since he points it out to you immediately when you skip a meal or couldn't sleep very well on one night. So you sometimes have to straight-up push him to bed or insist that you won't eat anything until he has consumed something too. You might be sometimes a bit too persistent but it shows that you care for him and that always manages to flatter Hatori in the end. Considering that his own profession is one of a doctor, he's almost always the one who caters to your needs and nurses you back to health when you fall ill and yes, he can't deny that this boils also partially down to pride of being able to provide for you and protect you, something he wasn't able to do in his past.
Sohma Ayame
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🐍Ayame was never really traumatized and hurt by Akito which is why he's in comparison to other members of the Sohma clan not as shackled down and emotionally damaged. Instead he's flamboyant, confident and vivacious. When he falls in love with you though, he loves with his entire mind and heart and that definitely gives him a fine obsession as he's not able to keep you out of his head. Admittedly, Ayame doesn't even try much to help it as he throws himself almost willingly into his never-ending infatuation. Mine catches him more than once daydreaming about you with a grin on his face and just him waiting hopefully for ou to enter his shop again. Whenever you do, he tries to keep you busy and with him as long as he can since he absolutely despises to be away from you. He's clingy and his presence at times almost overwhelming which admittedly allowed him to get your number so now you have him spamming you and calling you multiple times a day just to hear your voice.
🐍Ayame is highly affectionate and if he can touch his s/o, they will be drowned in hugs and smooches as this man has zero shame about the public display of affection. If he can't be physically too affectionate then he does about anything else, which he also already does if he can be as touchy as he wants to be. All cheesy and romantic nicknames you can imagine, presents and cute gifts and he even designs couple outfits for the both of you and starts pouting when you refuse to wear them. What's worth mentioning is that the gorgeous man is highly delusional as everything others may perceive as wrong and creepy, he perceives as a sign of his dedication and love. Whether he just follows you around outside since he can't bear being separated from you or coaxes friends of yours to tell him stuff about you, it all just shows to him how much he loves you. He in fact sees you as his missing half, as his soulmate of sorts because why else would he adore you as much as he does?
🐍Ayame is even with his sometimes downright ridiculous behavior deep down still deeply possessive over his sweetheart. That is only fueled by his delusion that his darling is basically his soulmate. Only his. He’s an attention whore, loves it when his sweetheart pays attention to him and only him and starts sulking and pouting fast when that isn’t the case. Ayame is an exception among many Zodiac signs since the man is quite confident in himself and knows that he looks gorgeous, not to mention that his delusions give him this additional boost that really just makes him a bit arrogant. He gives your counterpart little to no chance to talk much with you as he does almost anything to interrupt you to and get your attention back on him, is very extra whenever he introduces himself to your acquaintances. Ayame calls himself already your lover even if you don’t see it that way.
🐍The eccentric man is probably more malicious and cunning than he lets on at times but that mainly stems from the fact that most of the time he has better things to do than waste his time on others. What could be after all more important than paying attention to his darling sweetheart? He draws a very clear line though when it comes to someone potentially thinking about courting you since you’re already his lover. He’s aware that you might not think of it the same way as he does but he’s even more convinced that eventually you’ll realize your mistake and see things just as he already does. His zodiac sign is the snake and that animal is known for it’s cunning and manipulative nature so just don’t underestimate him.
🐍Despite the freedom he’s able to enjoy in comparison to his younger brother, the tragedy of Kana and Hatori still serves as a reminder of what might happen if he were to ask Akito for your hand in marriage. So even if Ayame persuades a relationship with you rather freely, he’ll still keep it a secret from Akito. He always calls you over to his shop for the most ridiculous and trivial reasons and essentially keeps you there with him for hours, more than just once so that you can give him your opinion on clothes and even wear them, he adores it to see you wearing the dresses he makes, no matter your gender. He always run the risk of transforming when the temperature is either too hot or too cold so it’s safest for you and him to stay in his shop. He’s already quite overbearing but surprisingly he still holds back due to the looming threat of Akito. He goes fully out the moment he’s no longer cursed as the snake.
🐍That’s meant quite literally because in the very moment where his curse is broken, he instantly seeks you out and proposes to you. He’s bought the ring already a long time before but had to wait . He probably would have proposed to you even with the curse but now that he has quite literally nothing to worry about, he asks you for your hand in marriage. His clingy behavior only intensifies as the man is up your ass every waking second. Hands are always somewhere on you and he is unashamed enough to even walk in when you plan to shower or take a bath and insists that he should join you. He doesn’t have to hold you a secret from others either so he always rambles and gushes over how sweet and beautiful you are in front of his friends and younger brothers, flaunts you in front of everyone.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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🐮Hatsuharu basically has two personalities where he is very calm and placid as "White Haru" and very foul-mouthed and aggressive as "Black Haru". Due to that he expresses his own feelings very differently depending on which Haru he currently is. Overall Hatsuharu is frighteningly nonchalant about the whole aspect of his own obsession though. Whilst he is aware about how this technically isn't something that is healthy and does attempt to not turn too overbearing and potentially hurt you, he doesn't really worry about ti overall too much. He deals very relaxed with it and isn't that shy to at least approach you and talk to you differently from even some guys here older than him. He still has to be careful with everything since Akito is still a threat. He attempts to follow you around and stalk you but has been shown to have a terrible sense of direction so he more than once gets lost the moment he loses sight of you.
🐮His terrible sense of direction is frequently taken advantage off by him though since the person he asks in most cases for help when he gets lost is usually you. A bit dirty but Hatsuharu has little to no shame. Black Haru has even less shame than he does and it happens that he gets triggered in cases wher his possessive or overprotective side flares up. Hatsuharu is almost casual about his possessive and protective tendencies but Black Haru is a completely different story. He's aggressive, gets in fights, provokes and insults others and is not even afraid to make it clear to you that he'll be your boyfriend at some point, even if he isn't now. Until then you better not fall for everyone else because he'll scare everyone away threatening to steal your heart before he does and he is even quite touchy with you in such times, especially if he has nothing to worry about.
🐮Jealousy is an ugly feeling, one that has someone's blood boiling when he sees you being affectionate with someone else or when he catches some fool daring to flirt with what's his. Hatsuharu does make attempts to try to push down his black side simply because he knows that his vast switch in personality tends to scare you at times and make you uncomfortable and he cares a lot for you. There's nothing he can really do once he gets triggered though and in his black personality he has very little to no shame. He's violent, loud and rude and ready to start a fight with anyone who he deems in that moment as a rival for him. Black Haru is also quite confident, brags about himself in front of you and is a total show off.
🐮If it's fight someone wants, fights they shall get. White Haru is passive-aggressive, a prankster who embarrasses people without resorting to violence. This is the more pleasant way to deal with him since he knows how bad he can be in his black personality which is why he gives someone who has been getting on his nerves lately for stressing you or trying to ask you out always receives a warning from him beforehand. If he snaps though, Black Hatsu won't hold back at all with his punches and kicks and tends to leave someone with bruises which will last and hurt for weeks. It becomes especially brutal if someone actually harms his s/o because he snaps just like that and sees red for a while. Because of that, Yuki, Momoji and Kyo tend to supervise him a bit because god knows what he might otherwise do to someone who has been messing with you. It's most of the time effective to just quickly retrieve you and have you stop Hatsuharu.
🐮Hatsuharu has already made the decision that he wants to live his life together with his s/o and he doesn't care what Akito might say about this. At the same time he will do absolutely everything to keep this a secret from her as well since he knows that she might do otherwise some horrifying thing to you that might traumatize you permanently. He will still try to enter a relationship with you even if he has to keep it a secret because he literally can't control himself otherwise. Black Haru tends to come out more often as soon as he hasn't been able to see you for a whole day or when someone has made a move on you which bothers him and worsens his mood for the rest of the day. Similar to Ayame, he's very shameless in his approach as soon as his curse has been broken and he literally asks you if you'd like to move in with him. His whole behavior at this point just screams "choose me".
🐮He spends a lot of money on his wardrobe and ends up buying his s/o lots of clothes too, his favorite is leather so expect a lot of that. Alternatively he just adores seeing how you wear his clothes since it is a small boost to see you walking around in what he normally wears. You are genuinely the person who can keep him the most effectively calm which is why his friends always run to you the moment he switches to Black Haru and goes out of control. Admittedly, one of the main reasons he turns is when he isn't able to find or see you. It's the worst when he's had an argument with you, you ignore him or even reject him and his affection though since this leads him to having essentially a mental breakdown which takes him a long time to recover from and that only when you help him with it.
Sohma Ritsu
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🐵This man stays the heck away from his darling but the fear of Akito is in this case not even the main reason. He's plagued with insecurities, has an inferiority complex and deep issues when it comes to his own self-esteem and deems himself to be utterly useless and to only be a burden. What could he possibly do to enrich your life somhow with his presence? He's such a disappointment after all, you'd be better off not knowing him. Ritsu sees everything wrong with him but he deeply adores and loves his s/o, thinks of them as perfect even if they obviously also have things they're terrible in. His anxiety makes it about impossible for him to approach you properly because if he as much as sees you passing by anywhere he already topples over and turns into a clumsy mess. The only thing he seems to be able to do is stalk you for a very long while, too insecure to do anything else. He's beyond horrified of you thinking badly of him and since he has some suicidal tendencies as it is, this would only drag him even further down.
🐵For Ritsu his darling becomes really important though when he decides to live for their sake. He's always questioned what his reason for life was after all and at one point is genuinely convinced that you are his reason for being born. This thought consumes his mind and turns him into a somewhat delusional person even if he still knows that doing hings like stalking you is still creepy and he loathes himself for doing this. You'd surely be disgusted with him if you'd ever find out. He feels like fainting when you actually approach him and talk to him since you've noticed him for a while now although you're surprised to find out that he's in fact a man. Something Ritsu instantly apologizes for. He is prone to overreacting and apologizing for every little thing so that is something that you have to get used to if you want to hang out with him. The worst is that he knows that his behavior might tire you out which only pushes him into more anxiety and leads to more tears and apologies.
🐵He feels like crying, he genuinely feels like crying more than anything. His jealousy always ends in an overwhelming pain and insecurities because he has poor social skills and is very well aware of that. Undeniably one of the most toxic thing he does is putting himself through al of the pain though as he is just as aware of the fact that separating himself from you would hurt even more. He can't give you what so many others in this world could give you, he's too useless for that. It should be enough already that you accepted him into your life as the wreck he is. He never tells you either about his problems because you have better things to do than listen to his trivial feelings. He always lets it out when he's home though, bursting out in tears and regretting and hating himself for his own cowardice. He really is a good-for-nothing, is he?
🐵He couldn't hurt a fly, let's be real here. Ritsu is probably the most harmless guy to have. He's too kind-hearted and gentle to be malicious to anyone, at the same time would rather die than witness his darling having any troubles which sadden them and cause them pain. Funnily enough witnessing how you end up in a risky situation gives him enough adrenaline to shortly go beyond his comfort zone and shield you before basically making a run for it with you together. He's rather self-sacrificing, doesn't care if he has to suffer for you if it means that you will end up being better off because of it. It's the least he can do to help you, isn't it? At least he can be of some use then for you. Alternatively he asks some of the other zodiac members for help as he learns to have a bit more faith in himself with passing time.
🐵He's one of the few members who has been shown having a good relationship with his mother and she has always wished that he'd find someone who would accept him. Ritsu isn't exactly discreet about his crush, the only one he is always careful around is Akito. His mother knows about you at some point though and invites you over to their onsen, something that nearly causes Ritsu to pass out again because what if he says something or does something that might insult you? Ritsu has to spend a good portion of the day with his darling though to prevent himself from suffering from a lasting meltdown and for that he's extremely clingy. Sure, he always trails a few steps behind you and steps back when you're conversating with someone else, otherwise he might as well look like your little duckling. Of course he wants to be together with you, he admits that tearfully to his mother when she asks him but he's feeling like he won't be able to give you anything in return for the love you provide him with.
🐵The whole co-dependency follows you through the whole time as Ritsu continues to hail you as his reason to be born. His darling would definitely have to be the patient and encouraging type though to help him slowly gain more self-confidence in himself and therefore be a major part in his character development. In Ritsu's eyes most likely the most important person. When the curse eventually fades away, he's finally freed from the last shackles that might have prevented him from fully wanting to spend his entire life with you. He's nervous when he approaches you for the first time dressed as a male in fear you might not like him in this appearance. Sometimes the habits of frantically apologizing and blaming himself for everything return to him just as much as the sometimes unhealthy signs of the co-dependent attachment Ritsu has developed over time and won't be able to get rid of ever. The delusion that he lives for your sake and that you helped him gaining more confidence are still present on his mind and he wouldn't be able to know what he should do with himself if you wouldn't be with him.
Sohma Akito
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⚫️Congratulations, you're screwed. Akito is mentally unstable, insane, short-tempered and above all awfully possessive. If her darling has managed to gain her twisted and wicked heart, she will cling to them with everything she has. Akito has some issues going on herself with the emotional abuse Ren put her through and for that is in a way almost desperate to be loved but in order to achieve that she expresses it in horrible and inhumane ways. Her obsession with keeping the zodiac signs by her side and having the male ones essentially only loving her, she becomes overly focused on having her darling only love her to the point where she sort of drops her attention from the zodiacs as she is now obsessed with having her darling love her. Because her darling is no zodiac though and for that she isn't their god, there is a deep fear inside Akito's core that she might not be anything special to you and that thought disturbs her whilst at the same time clinging to the words of her father and thinking that she is in fact "special" and for that entitled to your affection.
⚫️Her possessive tendencies really only allows herself in your life as she forces you pretty much into everything. She is no more lonely now that she has you but you on the other hand end up losing everyone you had since Aktio flips out when you do as much as mention someone else in front of her. You have her! Forget them and just focus on her! Her mood can range from her sitting silently next to you to throwing angrily furniture around and whilst in most cases she is genuinely calmer when you're with her, you can just as easily set her off when she realizes that you aren't happy with her and in fact want to be with the people you love. You can't fathom how she can't understand that what she puts you through and what she has done to other Sohma family members is wrong whilst Akito at the same time can't really understand why you would blame her. No one ever taught her what's right or wrong, she's been as spoiled as traumatized during her childhood so it's either that she genuinely can't see her terrifying obsession as wrong or she chooses to actively not care.
⚫️Don't. Just don't. Not with someone like Akito who actively demands for you to show her your affection. Akito is immensely jealous and prone to her violent tantrums and outbursts and if you know her only a bit, you know what she's capable of. She won't allow anyone besides herself inside your life and your heart besides herself so you're better staying quiet because mentioning even a name can set her off and throw her into a nightmarish jealous frenzy. She's hurt other people before who stole the attention of her zodiac animals away from her so she's very much capable of doing the same to the people you hold dear, even your family members wouldn't be spared from her. She forbids you pretty much to love anyone else besides her.
⚫️It isn't really necessary to talk too much about that topic since Akito is pretty self-explaining already. She harshly punishes everyone who tries to take away what's hers and that has never been more true with her darling. The woman is cruel to everyone who does as much as waste some of your time she wants and demands you to spend with her and doesn't hold back from blaming you either, especially if you call her out for the terrible things she does. You should know better after all! Since Akito is a feared and respected woman and the head of the Sohma family, almost no one has enough guts to interact too much with you and risk meeting the furious jealousy and rage of Akito though which leaves you just as isolated as Akito.
⚫️Considering that her darling is the only person that can keep her somewhat calm and pacify her, you're pretty much never allowed to leave her side. Most of your days are spent secluded in the Sohma mansion by her side and the maids who serve her are no help to you at all. Some of them are too terrified to help you and others pretty much just chide you for wanting to leave Akito's side since she is the God of this family and allow her and actively help her to keep you imprisoned. The woman is awfully clingy, wants you extremely close to her with some sort of physical affection all of the time and if she has to leave, you're always forced to tag along with her. She's paranoid, fears that as soon as she leaves you alone someone will make a move and for that you're never allowed out of her vision.
⚫️Akito is the worst Yandere to have since she's openly violent, abuses others and manipulates and guilt-trips her own darling into staying with her as well. You're going to be emotionally scarred one way or another although she never seems to physically hurt you, at least not deliberately. With the way she functions and rages on, chances are that you end up getting hurt within all the chaos and her fuming wrath. As soon as she realizes that she's hurt you though, she drops whatever else she was doing just seconds before and shouts for the maids to help you, shaking hands grabbing you too harshly for your own comfort to see whatever damage she has inflicted upon you. The tamest you'll probably ever see her is when the two of you are completely alone and you've essentially learned the hard way how to keep her from exploding where she reminds you at times of a insecure child as she constantly clings to you, asks you if you love her and demands you to show her that in all sorts of affection.
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thelaughtercafe · 3 months
Ler Hatsuharu, Kyo, and Shigure*
Tea Type: Brown Sugar Boba
Potential Triggers: Suggestive twording mentions, especially in Shigure's, and it has a brief mention in Haru's as well!
Pairing: Hatsuharu/F! Reader, Kyo/F! Reader, Shigure/F! Reader
Length: 1.7k+
Summary: I split up White and Black Hatsuharu here just to give a heads up!
White Hatsuharu:
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Ok confession time. Hatsuharu's been a dream Ler of mine since childhood so buckle in.
White Hatsuharu is an asshole.
Love him, but as a Ler? He’s an ass.
That bitch who will pretend he isn’t touching you when you’re falling to pieces.
Tickle you in public discreetly so you jump a foot in the air and look behind your shoulder every 5 seconds only to still manage to catch you by surprise.
Make you squeal, bang your knee on a table at a family dinner, or snort and draw attention to yourself and revel in the blush that fills your cheeks as you scramble to brush off your reaction.
0 shame too omg. You think he won’t do it in public where people can full on see because it’s been teases of exposure before?
Oh sweetie. How naive.
Don’t recommend calling his bluff unless you want to get wrecked right in a public classroom while he apologizes for you “overreacting” and you weakly try to hit him, which does literally nothing.
“You didn’t really think this would work did you? If you wanted me to tickle you more all you had to do was ask, not be a brat.”
He sighs like it’s a big inconvenience as if there’s not a faint smirk tugging at the edges of his lips.
“Guess I’ll have to wreck you more now to keep a desperate brat like you sated a little longer. Now behave before I get annoyed.”
King of cheer up tickles too though. That man will make you laugh with deadpan humor first and then attack later while you’re watching tv and cuddle while he makes you laugh yourself hoarse.
Technique wise he varies. If he wants to startle you he’ll dig in to a place like your hips, sides or ribs but if he wants to draw out the tickling for a long term session he can easily start out slow and methodical and gradually ramp up the heat.
Black Hatsuharu:
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Oh you poor lamb. Have fun being fed to the Wolf.
See, White Hatsuharu? He’s a saint compared to when he goes Black.
White Hatsuharu can pace himself, has certain things he doesn’t do so he doesn’t overwhelm you.
Black Hatsuharu uses that against you to make you regret angering White to the point he lost his inhibitions. There’s a reason I made his title “The Punisher” in my notes.
And it definitely has nothing to do with the fact I’ve had a Ler! Haru Lee! Reader Bully fantasy in my head for over a decade what-
So yeah! Black Hatsuharu really only comes out if you either ask for it, verbally or by being intensely bratty.
Or if you provoke another Ler/get tickled by someone else. He’s possessive af and wants to be the only Ler you have, or at least the most memorable.
Therefore, his methods are much meaner than Hatsuharu's. Unlike White Hatsuharu he only Ler’s you in private.
But he’s also much more ruthless.
White Hatsuharu doesn’t use tools or his mouth but Black Hatsuharu uses both liberally so good luck with that.
Will gleefully make you scream yourself hoarse.
Also bondage. And blindfolds. Yup. Sensory deprivation in general.
After all, can’t focus on anything but him when you can’t feel anything but what he’s doing to you right?
Oh yeah, smirks openly the whole time he Ler’s unlike White Hatsuharu's stoic expressions.
He’s also much more vocal, and raunchy as well(if you like twording that way obviously!)
Either way he’ll make fun of you for liking tickling, all while wrecking you to oblivion. Especially if you verbally have asked for him rather than acting up.
“Oh? Were you really so desperate to scream yourself hoarse that you called me?”
He’d snicked coolly as he pins you to the nearest bed or wall.
“You’re being an unusually good girl today. Perhaps my lessons are sinking in at last. …or maybe you’re just that much of a needy ticklish brat.”
Kyo Sohma:
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Kyo’s…funny as a Ler.
He likes the control it offers and though he’ll never admit it he also loves the touching more than anything.
A healthy way to show affection that’s not too emotionally draining where he’s in control and can cope with his touch starvation? Of course he adores it.
But he can’t ask for it! That’d be a weakness and Kyo isn’t weak!
Tries to get Yuki and has succeeded one singular time when he went to move him aside and ended up brushing his side.
Yuki left him gasping when Kyo laughed and taunted him and though he still tries now and again Yuki will look at him deadpan, smirk a little and move to attack or wiggle his fingers at him and Kyo is gone before Yuki can so much as take a step towards him.
Kagura teases him about liking it a little too much and that makes him flustered so he tried Hatsuharu.
…He went Black once and he has never tried to Ler Hatsuharu since. He was still confused when he came to, only to find Kyo near tears and trembling from exhaustion.
So his next target was Momiji, and he found rather than forcing it that it came very easily. He had the excuse of the boy annoying him for a cover and Momiji, even if he knew Kyo liked tickling him, never said a word.
Kyo would never admit it but he was grateful.
He’s shyly begun expanding his horizons with the boys in class when he has the nerve to. Little things like poking their sides when they ruffle his hair and such or call him Kyo-Kyo.
When he lers, he tends to act bothered by their weakness. He’ll scoff and act annoyed and tell them he’s “toughening them up” or “helping them get stronger”.
“Can’t believe you’re this ticklish. Tsk. You know what a big handicap this would be in a fight?”
Speaking of; loves to playfight. Will let his tired Lee up, encouraging them to wrestle/spar/try to come at him and then scold them when they don’t have the right form or not enough strength behind their moves before taking them down gently and continuing to wreck.
This is typically the point he can’t hide that giddy schoolboy-like smile he has so try and steal a glance while laughing your head off if you can.
“Hah, wow. That was pitiful. Maybe we’ll just focus on your stamina for now huh? That’s clearly all you can handle at the moment. Let’s see how you do with another 10 minutes of tickling hm?”
Shigure Sohma:
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So I dunno too much about Shigure given I’m not fully caught up in canon(I’ve only watched both anime's first seasons since I want to watch the new stuff with friends).
But I do know there’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s got this fascinating darkness inside him that pops out through snide comments that cut someone deep before he covers it.
I believe Hatsuharu referred to it as “being unable to see a wound without rubbing salt in it.”
So, as a person in general and a Ler I peg him as a closet sadist.
To build a little off my prior Fruits Basket headcanons!
In Kyo’s case it’s a more tsundere like affection for exerting control over others, and for Yuki it’s also a touch of closet sadism but he’s much less mature and experienced so he hasn’t grown into it yet or likely even realized he actually is a sadist in some shape or form. This is likely in part due to his trauma and not wanting to be like you-know-who, in any capacity.
Shigure however? Oh, he definitely has had the experience and time and uses it well. He’s explored every facet of himself throughout his years and recognizes his penchant for sadism as an unavoidable part of him.
What does this mean for him as a Ler?
It means his poor Lee is fucked of course. Especially if they know about his darker side. Even if they don’t if it’s been a while since he could let that sadism flag fly and his mask may slip a tad.
Shigure’s mask is cheerful, playful and light.
He’ll make jokes, take pictures or video of you laughing yourself silly or blushing and send it to your friends.
Stupid, fun stuff like that.
Which is why his more cruel side is often such a shock.
But in a dark mood he’s eerily professional.
First off, Shigure is a grown adult at 26, even at the start of the series, and the people his dark side would show for would also be of age.
It’s a big departure from our other babies so I just wanted to clarify.
Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if Shigure had a raging tickle kink.
I’m keeping this sfw but yeah. Something to keep in mind.
In any case, he’s a big anticipation guy. I could definitely see him using blindfolds and silk bondage.
Proceeds to let you stew in anticipation while he works on a new chapter for his novel; maybe has one of those motion activated fans that’ll blow air and listen to you squeal in expectant surprise just for fun.
Once he finally does touch you he may as well not be, initially, his touch is so light. You can barely feel it. He doesn’t truly start till you’re near crying and begging for him to tickle you.
Lives for the intoxicating sense of control and relishes in utilizing it over you. Will absolutely degrade while he lers.
Unlike Hatsuharu; doesn’t make fun of you for liking it we’re way past that if he’s made you beg for it, oh no.
He makes fun of you for begging him for a break, or not to tickle you somewhere.
“Ah, not here you said? But your hips make you squeal so loud for me, and that’s to say nothing of those endearingly pathetic bucks you’re doing in hopes of dislodging me.”
“Come now, a break? It’s only been an hour, my sweet. Surely you’re stronger than that? If not, you have a safe word. Use it if you feel so inclined. Otherwise; keep that pretty mouth of yours shut until I give you permission to do anything but laugh for me. Understood?”
God he’s such an asshole, he’s lucky you love him enough to put up with all his shit honestly.
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fairygeek777 · 1 year
Ahh I've read all four volumes of Fruits Basket Another... I have run out of Furuba content. However! I still have yet to find the Prelude movie and watch it! Its not on the website I use... and you tube doesn't have it either 😔 But anyway! I was reading volume 4 of Furubana and it was full of 3 page character stories and there was one of Haru and Isuzu and its the perfect time to talk about how much I love the two of them 🤍🥰🖤
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First off, I ADORE Hatsuharu Sohma. All of the relationships he had with each of the characters touched my heart! Some were funny too hehe. He has to be the most caring and selfless Sohma.
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He's also great comic relief! When he was in Dark Haru mode and uh proved that his hair color was natural it took me right out. I had to catch my breath 🤣 He's also just a really really attractive guy. Like damn.
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But what I also like about Haru is that he lets himself be selfish when Isuzu is involved. He just loves her that much. Haru and Isuzu (I'm gonna say only close friends can call her Rin cuz it seems fitting) want each other to be happy so much that they will sacrifice anything for the other. I really love that Haru was at first shown to only have feelings for Yuki but then that was completely turned on its head when Isuzu was introduced. The two support and go out of their way to protect each other. It was sad seeing Isuzu push him away so she could find a way to break the curse without involving him. But I loved that Haru never walked away from her. Isuzu was treated horribly by Akito and it traumatized her, but the first person that was there for her was Haru. They just have a romance that was so heart wrenching and I loved the devotion they had that never ceased.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
What are some of your favorite manga of all time?
Oh this will be one of the easiest asks I've ever received! You've got me all hype, anon!
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Fruits Basket
Wanna get me to talk for hours? Mention Fruits Basket. This was the first manga I ever read back when I was still in elementary school and I've never grown out of my love for the series. I will always have a spot for this manga but it's honestly perfection to me.
I love the characters, the messages, the themes and the emotional depth this manga has made me feel over the years? I honestly wish I could experience Fruits Basket all over again. This is without a doubt my favorite shoujo manga of all time. I love all the characters, I love all the ships. Some of my favorite characters off rip have to be Tohru, Shigure, Hatsuharu and Arisa and Saki. But make no mistake I adore Yuki and Kyo and so on and so forth.
This series does such a great job in such a complicated subject matter concerning neglect and abuse in a way that humanizes the abuser without using said humanization to justify their shitty actions. You leave those moments understanding how that person became how they are but can still completely acknowledge how terrible they are. How you don't have to forgive that person for what they did. And that, if you do forgive that person, that doesn't mean you're just letting bygones be bygones and being kumbaya with them. You can forgive and forget or you can forgive and never forget and that's okay. Your forgiving and moving forward for yourself, not them. And that's one of the things I really liked in the series.
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Another series you can get me talking for hours about. You will catch me watching video essay after video essay analyzing this story. I was so into FMA during middle school, one of my moms even bought me the games and made it habit to occasionally buy me the volumes! This is without a doubt, the best shounen has to offer. Quality female characters? Amazing action scenes? Stunning romance? Banger after banger with so many panels I can still recall perfectly.
My favorite volume is definitely volume 15! Because of the manga, Brotherhood is my preference when it comes to the anime adaptations. It has all the homies in it. Another series I wish I could just start from the beginning again with no memory of the source material. These brothers and their friends have altered the chemistry of my brain.
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Still believe that one day Yozawa will grace us with her beautiful art and storytelling all over again. NANA was my first ever jousei read and my dive into jousei as a whole. Until that point all I had consumed were shounen and shoujo so the maturity of the series was one I wasn't expecting. I consumed this series when I was about in early to late middle school and it was so much fun to read.
Now that I'm in my late 20s, holy hell is this hard to binge the way I used to because the themes, the struggles of the character and the realism of those struggles are hitting a little too close to home now. So I can only do NANA in small doses now haha. I even got both of my moms into NANA. Which isn't too impressive when one of my moms has watched the anime of every manga I've mentioned on this ask, but my other mom is NOT an anime fan and she loves NANA so much.
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Children of the Sea
Oh my goodness, you definitely oh it to yourself to read this manga. It's not a long a read by any means with only 5 volumes and 43 chapters but it was such a pleasure to read. Maybe this bias comes from someone obsessed with the ocean (which my url definitely implies) and the life teeming underneath the surface but wow this was truly an experience. I watched the movie first and then read the manga, and I'm not sure if that'll shape anyone's viewing experience differently but I do wish I had read the manga first. But both are truly great to check out.
If you want a story about a girl meeting two boys raised by dugongs, this is the story for you. One of my favorite aspects of this read were the side stories labeled Testimony of the Sea. It adds so much to the story without even directly influencing the plot as you see all the strange phenomena that take place in the sea leading up to this mysterious event drawing in our protagonists and what will continue well after its conclusion.
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Skip & Loafer
Currently ongoing and a series I was not expecting to like as much as I did. I'm one of the people who got into sukirofa after the anime dropped. 2 episodes in and seeing the absolute beauty and grace of how the staff handled the protagonist's transgender aunt, I had to give this a read and I do not regret in the slightest. This is such a great series and a perfect example how one utilizes 'don't judge a book by its cover'.
Characters you meet at first glance? It only takes a chapter or two before their layers are peeled back and you see how much went in to crafting them and making them more complex than meets the eye. A perfect example of this is the character Mika.
But my favorite chapter has to be ch 29 where you learn what made Nao decide to come out and transition. If you haven't read this series, I won't spoil it, you have to read it for yourself. Prepare for a monthly update schedule, because once that day of the month pops up, it's amazing to see how the sukirofa fandom comes together to scream on twitter and tumblr.
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
The series that gave birth to the greatest hater in anime history. Araki truly drinks and leaves no molecules every time a part comes out. Another ongoing series I didn't expect to like as much as I did. But it's become a series close to my heart since diving into it after I got over my initial hesitance with the art style. Honestly JJBA's art style really grows on you, especially as you see Araki's art and writing develop so spectacularly.
You get equal parts continuous story and standalone adventure. You do need other pieces of the pie, but each part still feels so rich and in-depth and bright and colorful. You don't feel like the new JoJo and characters introduced are extensions of previous existing ones or usurpers that have stolen the panels away from other characters. It's like watching a torch be passed down from JoJo to JoJo, generation to generation (which it technically is since this story follows the descendants of the JoJo that started it all, Jonathan Joestar).
Araki's biggest source of writing inspiration came from how he felt watching Prince concerts. How the story of the concert would suddenly flip and give you a whole new experience. I feel he truly has that down with JJBA.
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Concubine Walkthrough
Can't believe I even forgot to add Concubine Walkthrough, so take this quick addendum. This is one of the best manhwa I've ever read in my life and not enough people talk about it. I'm working on a post right now all about why I recommend it.
If you're a fan of sci-fi, romance and want to read an otome isekai romp that subverts your expectations? Please read this manhwa. It's The Matrix mixed with historical Korean fiction (and of course, otome isekai at its finest).
I loved loved LOVED the philosophy behind the story, the themes. The discussion of what reality is and choosing what reality means/is to you. Just because your entire life is a simulation, does that make your entire life up until that point irrelevant? Simulated it may be, your joy, your pain, your love, all of that still felt real, right? There were so many things I never considered about that very topic until I read this series and I feel like more people should give it a go. It's not that long a read (only 128 chapters for the main story with some extra bonus content on the side), please please PLEASE read Concubine Walkthrough if you haven't already.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
What Type Of Partner Would The Fruit Basket Zodiacs Be Pt 1
Day One of The Underrated And The Unwritten
Notes: eek i'm so excited to write for this fandom! Tbh i was kind of very slightly sad about everyone ending up with someone at the end because that meant it was awkward to ship characters or write about them with someone else but eh.
Warnings: this is both sfw and nsfw content! so like how would they be as a partner overall. mdni
Characters involved: Yuki Soma, Kyo Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Yuki Soma
Yuki is a very gentle lover and partner.
He's pretty conscious about his real personality can come off as cold or aloof which is why he'd probably force himself to be a little outgoing near the start to get to know you.
You'd have to start off as friends first and it would take a little getting used to but once he understands his emotions for you Yuki's quick to accept them and confess.
A relationship with Yuki can be full of excitement. He wants to try new things and discover different situations with you.
Yuki can easily associate happiness with someone who makes him feel comfortable which is why he tends to be around you when he's sad because he thinks your mere presence makes things better.
When it comes to being more intimate Yuki can take very long to get comfortable that way. He's so used to associating physical touch with violence that it really takes time for him to get used to your physical affection.
Definitely would be a bottom at the start, but once he gets used to it Yuki can be quite the switch.
He isn't into BDSM at all because of his traumatic childhood but if there's certain things you're into that you'd want to try you can always ask and have a talk.
He loves cuddling in bed for aftercare and will probably let you fall asleep in his arms (and then clean you up while you're sleeping because he's just that cute).
Communication is key when it comes to being with a guy like Yuki, whether that be in the bedroom or outside it, which is why you need to learn to be vocal about your emotions and thoughts because he can be a little oblivious at times.
He's honestly just a softy who needs love.
Kyo Soma
Tsundere. Need I say more?
Getting a confession out of Kyo Soma is possibly the most impossible thing ever. Like seriously, you need to be committed for a longgg time before he makes a move and even then you'll probably have to force a confession out of him.
He's the kind of partner who would act all annoyed whenever you're affectionate but then also do things like holding your hand when the street's too crowded or texting you to make sure you got home safe (but he completely denies that's why he sent you a text).
He also gives off old dad energy please he'll have the most awful dad jokes and hold his phone like a forty-year-old father.
Very protective. Will literally yowl at people who even look at you threateningly. And no I don't mean that 'manly' little growl thing men do in books, I mean literally yowling like a cat who wasn't fed.
This ranges from sneers to eyerolls plus scoffs to actual yowls. He will not be afraid to throw hands if he sees the other person is making you uncomfortable.
Kyo is honestly so cute when it comes to being intimate. He gets all flustered and you'll probably have to take the lead the first time. However, he might switch it up and take control halfway.
Really just depends on how comfortable and into it he is. Will hesitate a lot and ask you questions constantly.
Also the king of aftercare like literally doesn't let you do anything the rest of the day.
Kyo can be hard to keep up with as a partner because of his tendency to reject his emotions, but if you're someone who likes teasing their partner then he's basically perfect for you.
Just give him time to you, but don't be surprised if he's unwilling to leave once he has experienced your affection.
Hatsuharu Soma
Haru is the type of partner who's obsessed with you but doesn't show it that much. It's not that he's trying to hide it but just that he's not very open affectionately.
He's fine with PDA and likes showing you off and making it clear that you're his but he can also be a little...slow when it comes to catching on.
This means that if you're ever jealous then he'll take a while to notice and then blatantly point it out. If you're angry/upset with him he won't understand it and will force you to talk to him because he refuses to read between the lines.
But he's such a sweetheart. He's always so comforting and will constantly check up on you, sending you messages or randomly showing up at your house because he missed you or wanted to make sure you were okay.
Dates with him are usually spontaneous and not overall grand but the kind that are simple yet romantic.
He's also very sweet when you're intimate.
Switch but not in the way you think.
While his normal side can be quite the pleasure dom/soft dom, when Haru goes dark things can get a bit...BDSM like. However, him going dark that way is very rare and will probably only happen if you make him very jealous/worried.
Momiji Soma
He is such an obsessive partner.
Momiji wants to know everything about you. He wants to learn every little quirk and secret, every small trait. Your favourite flower, food you dislike, drama going on in your life, Momiji is there for it all.
He's just so completely infatuated with you he can't help but feel a need to know everything.
It's not the kind of thing where he asks you questions at rapid fire trying to learn everything, but more that he's just always wanting to get to know more about you.
Momiji has always had to love people from a distance so he gets a little excited at the prospect of being able to love you without restrictions, without having to pretend he doesn't know you or doesn't care.
He's quick to confess and even quicker to get into the hang of things, constantly hugging you and dropping kisses on your hand, face, lips, neck, anywhere you would allow.
Momiji is fully and completely obsessed with you, and he loves it. He loves you.
He will rear it in if you feel like he's getting overwhelming but Momiji cannot not love you.
When it comes to being intimate, Momiji might be a little overwhelmed at first, like too excited, and you'd have to help ground him and focus on the actual act rather than going crazy because your top's off.
He can be so soft and gentle, almost as if he's afraid to break you, but once he gets the hang of it Momiji's open to exploring new things.
He isn't one for BDSM (like at all, honestly he's more opposed to it than Yuki) and prefers more of the lovemaking type of intimacy.
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meltingpotimagines · 2 years
Others Finding out You're Dating
Request: "Hi, can i make a request from furuba about how other people (zodiacs or friends) find out they're dating. I would love to see Kakeru, Yuki, Haru and Momiji if it's not a problem uwu" - @nemezisi
Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry it's a little late 😅 Life is still hectic, but I managed to carve out some time to write this 😊 I hope it lives up to your expectations 💕
everyone def found out immediately
and that's bc the boy can't shut up aksjsks
i mean, yuki def found out first bc he tells him everything
but the whole school found out within a day because he kept calling you pet names
and yk, holding your hand and squishing your cheeks
he doesn't really ever hold anything back or intentionally hide something, so it was bound to get out quickly
see, this wasn't on him at all
he's not super into pda and he doesn't tend to tell people much
kakeru's mischievous butt just decided to "accidentally" announce it through the school speaker
totally not intentional at all, nope
shigure found out because tohru brought it up in front of him without thinking
and just as yuki feared, he didn't shut up about it
endless teasing and endless questions (and endless lowkey innuendos to drive him up a wall)
need I say more?
this man is always in everybody's business and he always knows everything
so of course he found out y'all were dating
and of course mans let it slip around a couple people (*cough* yuki, kyo, tohru, and hatori*cough*)
surprisingly no more than that, and none of them talk, so anyone else finding out was entirely y'all's decision
it was absolutely because he just didn't think about it as a big deal
dating you is as natural as breathing air
n o t dating you was definitely weirder to him
so whenever someone finds out it's because he mentioned something so nonchalantly that anyone that overheard would have thought the person he was speaking to already knew
every time someone finds out, you can practically see a buffer sign over their head as they process what they just heard
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findroleplay · 2 years
Heya, I'm Vee, 18+ years old, female (she/her) from the CET timezone! I'm looking for a few new Fandom Roleplays!
I'm looking for Canon x OC, FxM only (will double for AxA) and very much offer to Double! I only roleplay on Discord.
I am semi-literate to literate. I can write a couple paragraphs, but I prefere not having too much pressure when it comes to length. I usually type around the max. length on Discord, sometimes more. But somedays it might be a bit less.
I write my OC in first person and the character I double as (plus any additional ones) in third person.
I am in college and not the most active (most likely no rapid fire), yet I try to answer regularly and ask of my partner to be patient. Roleplaying is just a hobby for me, so I don't wanna force myself to reply, if I still got work to do or wanna spend my freetime with something else.
I am a big fan of Romance, Angst and Drama! I also like mature themes and topics, like unhealthy relationships, perhaps some yandere here and there and a couple AUs! Smut is possible, yet would I prefere to let it be an afterthought, instead of the whole story.
I also enjoy love triangles (or squares) and am always up to also double for those!
When it comes to Fandoms, those are the ones that I'm looking for, as well as which characters I'd wanna pair my OC with. The coloured ones are my favourites! I can double up as any names characters, as well as a bunch more!
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hitoshi Shinso, Neito Monoma, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Yo Shindo, Inasa Yoarashi, Seiji Shishikura, Natsu Todoroki, Rody Soul, Shota Aizawa, Keigo Tamaki/Hawks, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Enji Todoroki/Endeavour, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kai Chisaki/Overhaul, Touya Todoroki/Dabi, Jin Bubaigawara/Twice, Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress, Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner, Tomura Shigaraki
Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Nagito Komaeda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamukura, Nekomaru Nidai, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, K1B0, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, Korekiyo Shinguji
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Graham de Vanilly, Kim le Chien
Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Apollo, Frank Zhang, Octavian
Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Kallian, Rex, Zeke, Jin, Malos, Mikhail, Akhos, Adam, Minoth, Hugo, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Isurd, Zeon, N, Bolearis, Aizel
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Dedue Molinaro, Claude von Riegan, Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Vaike, Lon'zu, Virion, Gaius, Henry, Gregor, Owain, Inigo, Yarne, Brady, Alm, Lukas, Gray, Tobin, Kliff, Clive, Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Conrad, Fernand, Berkut, Ryoma, Takumi, Xander, Leo, Odin, Laslow, Niles, Silas, Kaden
Junpei Tenmyouji, Santa/Aoi Kurashiki, Sigma Klim/Kyle Klim
Kaname Date, Kuruto Ryuki, Saito Sejima, Moma Kumakura, Lien Twining, Gen Ishiyagane
Shu Amiguchi, Nenji Ogata, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, Ei Sekigahara, Takemi Wajima
Towa Asakura, Aya Kamiyama, Rui Miyamoto, Ryuuji Tada, Kyosuke Wakamiya
Kyo Soma, Yuki Soma, Shigure Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma, Kureno Soma, Akito Soma
Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, Kyoya Ootori
Hunter, Edric Blight
Lance McClain, Lotor, Keith Kogane
Ed Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska
John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson
Gilbert Blythe, Jerry Baynard, Moody Spurgeon
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
If interested, my Discord is: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ#5078
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animebw · 2 years
In retrospect, it’s pretty amusing how similar Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Fruits Basket 2019 ended up being. Both of the manga they’re based on are crown jewels in their respective shonen and shoujo demographics. Both series already had one adaptation in the early 2000s. Both those adaptations were controversial for the changes they made, and also left the story unfinished as they were released while the manga was still running. So eventually, they were each given a new adaptation, covering the entirely of their now-finished manga with almost the exact same episode count. And while these new adaptations may not be the most creative adaptations they could be, the completeness of their adaptation and the talent of the anime staff bringing them to life ensures that they will forever remain the definitive version of their story.
And, of course, there’s one other way they’re similar.
Both are some of the greatest anime ever made.
In the past, I’ve described FMA Brotherhood as the once and future king of anime adventure, fit to stand alongside any titan of classic adventure literature. It’s only fitting, then, that Fruits Basket 2019 has turned out to be every bit the queen of anime romance. From the unimpeachable character banter to the utterly spellbinding drama, the way everyone’s emotions tangle and twist and grow, how it explores such heavy topics with such unflinching bravery, how it seeks to understand the concept of love itself and why it’s worth fighting for in the first place, and so, so much more, this series is nothing more or less than the pinnacle of everything that makes romantic drama so meaningful. Other series have done similar things, walked similar paths, but never with such a singular, all-encompassing vision. Not with so much time to explore every facet of the characters’ feelings, every nuance of their lives, every detail that makes up this sprawling tapestry we call life. Watching Froobs 2019 is every bit the total package as FMAB before it, such a complete and thorough example of its genre that everything else must now settle with fighting for second best.
Of course, Fruits Basket has been pretty incredible all throughout. My countless posts gushing over it should be proof enough of that. But it isn’t until this final season, when the long-simmering tension of the Sohmas’ impending judgement day finally bursts to the surface in a finale for the ages, that it truly earned its place among my all-time favorites. Not until this spectacular, astounding, overwhelming climax did I truly realize how much I’d come to love Fruits Basket, and how much it had earned my love through some of the most heartwrenching, heartwarming storytelling I’ve seen in this medium or any other. I love these characters. I love their stories. I love what this tale can teach us above love, fear, guilt, grief, abuse, forgiveness, hope, death, and life in equal measure. I love how utterly this final season destroyed me and left me huddled in a sobbing heap. I love this show with the kind of dizzying, terrifying love that I so rarely get to experience fresh anymore. I. Love. Fruits. Basket.
I wish I could say I loved it without qualification. I wish my love didn’t have to share space with Arisa and Kureno’s romance, or the lackluster student council characters, or any of the countless problematic moments that litter this show like shards of glass from a shattered window. But you know what? That’s fine. If there’s one thing that Fruits Basket has taught me, it’s that the truest form of love is one that doesn’t ignore the flaws you wish you could blind your eyes to. Love is not love if it doesn’t see the bad in you as well as the good, if it’s not pushing you to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. And if I criticize Froobs’ failing, it’s only because I love it enough to afford it that respect. I love this show just as Tohru loves Kyo, just as Kyo loves Tohru, just as Hatsuharu loves Rin, just as God loved all his zodiac. And not even its flaws, as painful as they can be, are enough to stop me from giving this final season- and by extension, the entire show- a score of:
Thank you all for joining me. If you just found me through my Froobs reactions, I hope you’ll stick around now that it’s over. Don’t expect another liveblog anytime soon: I almost never catalogue my thoughts on anime this extensively, I just loved this show so much I had to. But I’ve got a massive backlog of more in-depth analysis posts on countless anime I’ve watched over the years, so be sure to visit my homepage and check those out! In the meantime, once I’ve finished basking in the afterglow of this masterpiece, I have some Revenging Tokyos to check out. See you next time!
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tsukuharuko · 2 months
plots please bc i need to start again here fhjdk
⤏ send me “plots please” … and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses! 
Kirishima: tbh I love what we wrote so far, I'm happy to keep working on the threads and I wanna see where these two are going! They give me enemy-to-friends(even lovers who knows) vibes, I love how casual Kirishima is and uptight Haruko holds about her academic path. BUT! Haruko hasn't seen him swimming yet! We need to fix it! How about she finally witnesses a race (or a training) and understands how much hard work goes in it, and why he always skips lessons and needs notes? This would be a nice turning point for the two of them.
Kisumi: I can see him and Haruko being chaotic friends. They are both loud, but Kisumi seems to have a better fashion taste than her. Make-over shopping session, maybe?
Hatsuharu: HIGHLY UNDERAPPRECIATED CHARACTER. Let's give this boy some love. I can't wait to see Haruko completely confused by his switches in personality. Imagine he was a customer at her cafe and one day turned out all shy/rude, and the opposite day the other way around. She'd be so confused!
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
Tumblr media
super obvious from my end, but undoubtedly & always TOHRU HONDA from Fruits Basket <3 she is my daughter and i love her 5ever :'D
YONA from Akatsuki no Yona; my princess, my queen, i would gladly let her step on me MY GOD if you want epic character development for a female character and then just?? a lovable and complex cast of characters + found family?? this is the series to read. she is the moment, she is everything.
HERSHEL LAYTON from the Professor Layton series- he's the reason patrick even exists to begin with :'D but also his development over the course of the series is surprisingly so....gradually?? it's kind of getting to know an actual person in that you get to know more about him as time goes on and it's super effective, i wouldn't be writing on here if not for him &lt;3
MAYA FEY from Ace Attorney. she's been thru so much and yet?? she still manages to be the peppy had loveable sidekick to our favorite lawyer...truly an icon ( also baiting u to play ace attorney....you'll love it &lt;3 )
MR. DARCY from Pride & Prejudice. they call him a bad boy but if you actually read the text, he's a nerd. a nerd who also has his head in his ass too JFKLSJFSLKJ- i feel bad for elizabeth :'D
AN GO-EUN from Taxi Driver! honestly all of the cast is amazing so i actually had a hard time with picking just one....but her backstory and character development is SO GOOD....also that banter with kim dogi is *chef's kiss* that and i emphasize with being an admin assistant &lt;;/3
COMBEFERRE from Les Misérables. i know he's a minor character with barely any development but i do appreciate some of the fanon takes i've seen....that and i also got my alias from his name :DDD
AANG from Avatar the Last Airbender. aang is the kind of person i strive to be ( plus his aesthetic?? pretty base :D ) that and he's proof that you can be sweetheart and still be bad boi 😎
AKANE TSUNEMORI from Psycho Pass.
HATSUHARU SOHMA from Fruits Basket. sorry!! i know i already mentioned this fandom, but this series is SO PRESH to me...that and while i aspire to be like tohru, i do feel a strong to haru- it's gotta be an ox thing really :'D
Tagged by: @mythvoiced <3 <3 <3 Tagging: @bloodxhound, @eternasci, @irrwicht and you!! steal if you would like <3
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casualdadnomad · 11 months
it's silly headcanon post o'clock... fruits basket college au!!! (hardly an AU cause they r pretty much regular people living regular lives but whatever lol) it's been a bit since i've used my brain and made a post and im sad but this will make me feel better i think
masterpostttt :)
i understand the appeal of kyo and tohru at the same university i do
im gonna switch it up and say they go to two different colleges
within an hour of each other of course but still different schools
i think tohru as an education major would be so cute! like elementary education, i can see her wanting to teach second or third grade
kyo is trickier if anyone has any good ideas about this one hit me up in my ask box cause eh i can't think of one
i wanna say yuki would be like. psych major or something
kind of basic I know but i think it's fitting
momiji would absolutely be something completely unexpected like a political science major or business major
hatsuharu is another tough one. hmu in my asks and give me ideas
uotani and hanajima. uotani absolutely would be law and hanajima would be something like philosophy
kagura could be a middle school or high school education major she has the will for it
but i don't know that seems too easy
i kind of want her in stem! i don't think people give her enough credit for how smart she is
once again give me ideas
machi kimi and kakeru are also included because how could i not
i love them so dearly
kimi could definitely be a fashion design major i think it's something she'd actually enjoy
machi is another one i have no ideas for. give me ideas please
kakeru would be law or political science i think. or like theatre or something but he's gotta put that charisma to use somehow
i know for a fact im forgetting at least one person but this is just off the dome stuff
i didnt think this would be all their majors only and no other hcs but ill make another post if enough ppl like this one ig
thanks for reading all the way through :)
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mydearbasil · 1 year
Is there anyway to pay you for a digital download of your Hatsuharu art from the grey hair boys zine? It’s been months and I cannot stop looking at it. I would love to have it on my wall physically.
Just added! :) Thank you so much for letting me know your interest: http://basilmalyan.com/shop/saddle-up-cowboy
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