#i love my fish lips pookie
tsirxyawntu · 9 months
like wtf I uploaded it a week or two ago and checked today and it's not there 😭
It didn't even upload in the first place and now I gotta rewrite the whole thing omd
Anyways it's bout ao'nung 😩
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https-florals · 1 month
daydreamin' and i'm thinking of you - j.m.
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summary: jj returns from a day of surfing and devotes his night to you and a lil bit of weed.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: smoking weed, a lil suggestive, but mostly super fluffy and full of sweetness
author's note: back from the dead pookies!!! i just wanna say how incredibly grateful that none of yall have come for my wishy-washy ass! this year has been vcery hectic and rough, and i am so thankful y'all have let me be MIA. here's this little blurb smooch ily (i was too scared to flesh out the smut at the end IM SORRY ITS BEEN A WHILE)
JJ smells like a perfect, heady blend of sunscreen and salt when he and the boys get back from surfing. You’re waiting on the porch like a little 1950’s wife, and he runs up and hugs you as soon as he gets out of the Twinkie, acting like its been months since he’s seen you instead of a few hours.
“J!” You’re giggling as he swings you around, smacking loud kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Missed ya, pretty girl,” he murmurs into your neck.
John B slaps JJ’s back, surprising him so he lets go of you. “You literally just saw each other.” 
JJ’s jaw drops, hand over his heart like he’s been deeply wounded. “You’re just mad your woman isn’t out here to greet you,” he counters, squeezing your side and giving John B a sympathetic look.
“Wrong!’ Sarah says as she pushes open the screen door, giving her boyfriend an enthusiastic kiss on the cheek. 
John B grins back at JJ, and follows Sarah back inside. 
“You still up for that boat date later?” you ask, fingers intertwining with his.
You swear his eyes sparkle. “Um, duh!” 
A few hours later, the sun is sinking into the horizon, sky turning the prettiest pink and orange. You are toting a basket full of picnic supplies: a tupperware full of elote salad, another with some grilled chicken, a speaker, and of course, a little cellophane baggie and some rolling papers. JJ’s job is to carry the fishing poles and bait (raw hot-dogs because why would he spend money on crickets when there’s hot dogs in the fridge?), and the six-pack of mini Dr. Peppers you’ll split (JJ will inevitably drink two of your three). 
“Where are you going?” You hear someone call from inside the house, but both of you act like you can’t hear it. 
HMS Pogue is sitting pretty at the end of the dock, and you practically skip onto it. The rev of the engine is like the call of an old friend, thrumming through you, bare feet on the deck.
You sit cross legged at the bow while JJ drives, your hair flowing behind you. The spray of freshwater is perfectly refreshing. 
It’s dusk when the boat reaches a little secluded spot on the marsh, and JJ announces it. “Gorgeous,” he says, the sky purple above him. “And no one around for miles.” He plops next to you, sticking his nose in your neck and sighing. You’re sitting pretty in a bikini top and jean shorts, and he plays with the tie at your back.
You laugh and push him off, getting up to get your basket of food. He helps you unload it, mouthing a silent yes as he pulls out the sodas. Then comes the tupperware, and he sticks two spoons into the corn. “Cheers.” He holds his out.
You tap your spoon against his, and gasp in fake shock when he knocks the food of it.
“Gotta be ready, babe,” he deadpans, snatching up your bite after he eats his. “Danger is waiting at every turn.”
You shake your head and laugh, scooting the tupperware closer to yourself. “You’re so weird.”
“You love it,” He grins, and you can’t argue with that. 
After you eat, JJ pulls out the package of hotdogs and starts to prep the rods.
“There’s no way you can catch fish with those,” you question, wrinkling your nose at them. You frown, turning on the puppy-dog eyes. “Do we have to fish? I wanna smoke.”
He copies your expression and sticks his bottom lip out. “Poor bunny,” he mocks, but shoves your fishing pole in your hand all the same. “Catch a fish, I’ll roll you a joint, ‘kay?”
You sigh. “ ‘Kay,” 
He grins and plants a kiss on your forehead. “You got it, babe.” He gives you a chunk of hotdog and you slip it onto the hook. JJ comes up behind you to guide your cast and you let him, his breath warm on the back of your neck. There’s the whir of the line, and the satisfying plop of the bobber in the water. 
“Now, we wait.” He takes the rod from you and drops it into the holder, and works on casting his own line. 
You’re bored before he even puts his down. “I have to catch a fish before we smoke?”
“Yeah, crybaby.” The two of you sit on the bow, feet dangling over the water. His ankle knocks against yours.
You let out another dramatic sigh, but you let your head fall onto his shoulder. “This is the worst part. I hate waiting.”
JJ laughs. “Yeah, honey. I am well aware.” He pokes your side, and you yelp dramatically. Reaching over you, he pulls the speaker out of your basket, and turns it on. You watch as he connects to it and goes through his spotify, thumb skimming over the screen as he looks through his playlists. JJ clicks on one of your collaborative playlists, titled “songs for slow dancing.”
He stands up, reaching out to pull you up as the hauntingly pretty piano intro for Aretha Franklin’s Daydreaming begins to play. “Wanna kill some time?”
You smile, and let him pull you into him. You think you could slow dance with him until you dropped dead, until you collapsed into each other and turned into intertwined fossils. Maybe that kind of thing is a little too poetic for the two of you, but you don’t really care. He starts to sing along, and you press your ear to his chest to hear his voice thrum through his chest.
daydreaming and i’m thinking of you, daydreaming and i’m thinking of you…
One of his hands splays on the small of your back, fingertips sneaked under the waist of your shorts, callused and all too soft. The other one is holding yours as you sway back and forth to the beat.He twirls you out fast, and back into his grip, your back to his chest as he squeezes you.
No one would ever know it, but JJ absolutely loves to dance. A little after you started dating, you dragged him to some swing dancing classes at the community center, and expected plenty of pushback, but you were met with absolutely none. The two of you fell in love stepping on each others toes and falling all over each other. It’s always a fun party trick to pull out at the fancier parties. He’s always wanting to dance with you, whether it’s learning how to shag in the living room late at night, or spinning you around on the boat.
He stops you mid-step, asking, “Can we try the dirty-dancing jump?”
The dirty-dancing jump has only been successfully executed by the two of you once. All other times have ended in someone being injured (usually JJ). Your jaw drops open, and you lightly shove him. “Absolutely not! You wanna fall off the boat?”
He gives you the biggest eyeroll, but immediately switches to puppy dog eyes when you cross your arms. “Just like, a lift? Pleaseeeee,” he drags out, taking your hands and acting like he’s going limp. 
“Fine! But if you drop me in this water, I’m actually going to have serious beef with you, Maybank.”
He laughs, maybe an itty-bit manaically, and grabs your waist. “Okay, I’m gonna count you off, and you’ll jump, ‘kay? So, one, two, three-”
You hear your fishing rod rattle in its holder and jump away from him. “My line!” Scrambling after it, you grab the pole right as it looks like it’s going to leap out of its holster.
“Get it babe!” JJ practically shouts, darting behind you and placing his arms around yours to give you a little support. 
The whir of the line rushing out makes you jump, and you hurry to start reeling it back in, furiously turning the handle. JJ’s mouth is by your ear as you lean into him and he talks you up as you fight the fish. “Come on, baby, you got it. Keep going, keep going, you almost got it!”
He’s pulling half the weight, you know that, but you don’t mind the help when you can watch the cords in his forearms tense and pull.
Finally, the line leaps out of the water, and soon a big scaly body is flopping on the deck of the boat. “Atta girl!” JJ shouts as you snatch it up by the lure, holding it up proudly. It’s pretty heavy, probably a little over 14 pounds. 
“Look at that, baby! Got yourself a bluefish.” JJ is smiling so proudly as he fishes out his phone, and makes you pose for a picture like one of those Tinder frat guys. The flash is harsh and you know you look crazy, but he grins at the picture all the same.
“Can you throw him back in? He’s too pretty to eat,” you ask as he messes with something on his phone. You’re still holding the fish as you try to lean over and see what he’s doing.
“Here, yeah.” He drops his phone on the boat deck and takes the fish from you to fling back in. When you look at his phone, you see your face staring back up at you from his lockscreen. It was some picture of the two of you from a party, but now it’s you and your fish. He immediately changed his wallpaper after he took the picture. In your opinion, it’s definitely not a knockout photo, but you almost tear up at the sweetness of it.  
“You looked cute,” JJ shrugs, seeing you looking at it. 
You just smile, shaking your head, and lean against him. “Can we get high now?”
“Damn, you waste no time, huh?”
Soon, your fishing rods forgotten, you’re watching JJ roll you a joint to share. His fingers dance along the rolling paper, tucking and smoothing all gentle. He’s mesmerizing. When his tongue darts out to wet the paper, you swear you start salivating.
He catches you staring, hitting you with that heartbreaker grin again. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Shut up and light up,” you sigh, reaching for the blunt in his hands. 
“Can’t light up if you don’t hand me my lighter,” JJ frowns, expression sarcastic. He puts his hand out, waiting.
You reach into your basket and pull it out, smiling when you see it. A few months ago, you had decided to buy JJ a custom lighter. You got him one off Etsy, a cheap Bic lighter with your face printed on the plastic. Of course, the image didn’t translate correctly, so the picture is heavily distorted, your smile big and wide and eyes even bigger. 
It’s probably his favorite possession. 
He lights the joint, letting it smoke for a second before raising it to his lips.
“Hey,” you whine, reaching for his hand. 
“So needy,” he chides, taking a hit, gripping you by your neck, and blowing the smoke into your open mouth. Your breath hitches as you try your best to inhale, try to not think about his lips just ghosting over yours, his calloused fingers hard on the sides of your neck.
“Good girl,” he exhales as you successfully breathe in without hacking up your lungs.
The frogs are peeping and the wind is slow and soft, pushing the smoke around the two of you and enveloping you in it. You’re talking mindlessly as the joint passes between you, staring at the way moonlight shines through JJ’s hair, turning it platinum. His irises catch the light just right- bright, icy blue. 
You’re sitting cross-legged, knees knocking with his. All you can think about his how much you love your boyfriend, even with the edges of your mind soft and your senses fuzzy. JJ takes your hand, pressing the pads of your fingertips against his. 
“It’s like I can feel your fingerprints,” he comments, fingertips lightly rubbing yours. He pulls your hand as he leans back, so you’re both on your back, looking at the stars.
“It’s so pretty,” you whisper in awe. With absolutely zero light pollution, the sky is a myriad of deep black and blue hues and so, so many stars. You’d decompose while trying to count them all. You snuggle up against J as he takes a final hit. From your perspective, the rising smoke almost looks like it’s weaving through the stars, netting around them and sparkling right above your head. JJ tosses the remnant of the joint into your grocery bag of trash. 
“C’mere,” he sighs, propping himself up and running a hand down your torso. When he kisses you, he tastes like smoke and sweat, and a wave of heat rushes through you just from the taste. You’re pulling him on top of you by the loops of his cargo shorts, pressing yourself against the firm plane of his abdomen.
“God, you’re needy,” he laughs, pinning your hips down with a heavy hand. 
“You made me this way,” you squirm, and it’s true. He’s too generous with his touches and too sugary with his words, and you chase him like he’s a hit of the purest cocaine. 
He shifts on top of you, a knee between your thighs just like you like it. He presses his knee up just to see you gasp and grind down on him. JJ’s laugh is a little mean as snaps the waistband of your shorts. “Okay, honey, what do you want?”
There’s no shame in your voice as you blurt out, “Fuck me.” You’re whining out a plea before he can even answer, with no care that you’re out in the open… no care that the cops patrol at night.
JJ fakes shock, but the hardness of him against you gives him away. “You wanna get fucked, huh. Out in the open?”
“Don’t act like this wasn’t your whole plan, smartass,” you counter as he pins your hands down right above your head. 
He just laughs in response. “Dirty, dirty, dirty,” he tuts rebukingly, but he’s pulling apart the tie of your swimsuit top all the same.
as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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tim-shii · 4 months
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a/n: my first time writing for aventurine. kinda ooc, forgive me. but i love him. hes precious to me. i keep him in my heary very dearly. anyone who tries to badmouth my pookie shall face my wrath and rage. silly bf aventurine bcuz everyone is silly idc idc MY MANNN not beta but come on when does tim ever beta her work teehee
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“you’re taking an awful long time. do you call?”
“nope. go fish.”
“go— this is poker!” if looks could kill, you’d probably be dead by now. you had been the subject of aventurine’s annoyed glared for the past three hours. surprising how he hasn’t snapped yet.
“i don’t know what call is. what do you mean by do i call?” you huffed, crossing your arms after dropping your cards down the table.
due to boredom, you had the brilliant idea to ask your boyfriend to teach you how to play poker. aventurine, of course, agreed. why wouldn’t he? a chance to bond and spend time with you. he’d be foolish to turn down such a chance. what he expected to be a cute, wholesome moment of you two turned out to be one of his worst nightmare.
with no prior knowledge of poker other than the hit lady gaga song, safe to say you’re very much struggling. your short attention span and the stupid deck of cards will soon be the cause of your death. not to mention, the confusing terminologies related to the game that aventurine spits out every other second. it is really safe to say that you’re just about ready to drop everything and plop down on the floor and pass out.
“should’ve played go fish instead.” you grumbled, picking back up your cards. aventurine sighed loudly at your words. this time, he’s the one putting his cards down on the table to face palm himself. “you,” he breathes in, mentally chanting calm down, calm down. “you asked me to teach you how to play poker, sweetheart. and here i am, teaching you. how to play poker.”
“well, i changed my mind. i don’t like poker. we should’ve played go fish.”
aventurine looks done with you and honestly, he’s starting to feel like it, too. if you weren’t his beloved lover whom he adores so much, he would’ve walked out before you even got to ask him. “you know what? i’m not playing poker or go fish with you.”
“what about solitaire?” you quipped.
“solitaire? you know how to play solitaire?” he looks at you suspiciously, eyebrows furrowed, almost scrutinizing your whole personality.
“no. but you’ll teach me, right?” aventurine rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stop the upturn of his lips upon seeing your own cheeky grin.
“fine." topaz was right. he is whipped for you.
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jjkamochoso · 22 days
It's me again lol!! What about jjk men taking the reader on an aquarium date or like a museum date! ^_^
Also I’m now including Ino because I can’t believe I’ve been forgetting to add my pookie in these
Enjoy and thanks for the request!!! <3
JJK Men Taking You on a Date to the Aquarium/Museum
JJK men x gn!reader
Warnings: none
“That fish looks like you.”
Your eyes fell to where Yuji’s finger was pointing. There was a huge fish with big, bulging eyes swimming in circles in the aquarium exhibit in front of you.
“Oh, really, does it?” You were thoroughly amused at your boyfriend’s antics, his grin widening as you played along. “This one is a spitting image of you.”
Yuji caught a glimpse of the fish you were pointing at and turned away from you, making you frown. Did you inadvertently hurt his feelings? The fish wasn’t *that* ugly. Besides, you both were joking around, but you never meant to go too far and make him sad. You tentatively put a hand on his back to get his attention.
“Yuji, I didn’t—”
He faced you again, this time sporting a quintessential fish face with his cheeks sucked in and lips protruding in a pout. You immediately started cracking up, and since laughter is contagious, especially among you two, so did he.
“There’s lots of cute fish here, but you were the cutest,” you finally said, making him blush. He grasped your hand tightly and you set off for another exhibit.
When Megumi asked you on a date to an art museum, you were elated. A quiet, calm activity like this was perfect for the both of you so you could enjoy each other’s company without many other people observing you. You walked side by side with the boy as you meandered through the exhibit that was showcasing artwork of animals in ancient civilizations. You stopped in front of a particularly cute sculpture of a dog, cooing softly.
“Megumi, look how adorable,” you said, and he nodded in agreement.
“Reminds me of my own,” he mused, referring to his divine dogs (you thought it was precious how close he was to his shikigami).
“Maybe we can bribe the curator with Gojo’s money to take it home with us.”
Megumi shot you a look. “Are you serious? I don’t think you can just take art like that.”
A few seconds passed.
“Can you?”
“I don’t know,” you said, “I was joking.”
Megumi was quiet as usual but the air about him seemed almost contemplative. After a few more seconds, he shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Gojo would probably break it anyway.”
“Wait, were you actually considering trying to buy it?” you questioned.
“Maybe.” The black haired boy shrugged, moving on to the next sculpture.
“Fushiguro the art collector, huh? Who would’ve thought you were so extravagant. Gojo’s spending habits must have rubbed off on you,” you teased, making him huff.
“Shut up,” he said, no bite to his tone whatsoever as you just giggled, cuddling up to his side as you continued on with your date.
“It’s like getting a million little kisses. I’m so in love with this creature.”
"Am I… jealous of a starfish?”
You were currently holding a starfish in your hands, its suction cups sticking to your skin, leaving behind a tickling sensation that you couldn’t get enough of. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of your kissing analogy and was doing his best not to pout over something so silly.
“Yuta, come closer! It’s too cute not to hold.”
He couldn’t deny he was curious to see what the hype was about. People had flocked over to this exhibit in droves and you guys had waited in line to hold a sea star for an ungodly amount of time—he wasn’t going to miss out now. The handler put one in his hands too and he immediately understood what you meant earlier.
“They are really cute. I see what you meant by the whole kissing thing, that’s amazing,” he said, his voice laced with wonder and amusement as he watched the sea creature grip onto his skin. He then looked up and locked eyes with you, both of your irises alight with love.
“But I still prefer yours.”
There’s plenty of fish in the sea but you’re the only one for me.
You raised an eyebrow at the words on the phone screen shoved in front of your face while you were watching some fish swim by in the aquarium tank. Toge, meanwhile, was dying laughing at his lame pick up line written in his notes app. Seeing his reaction made your lips quirk up into a mischievous grin as something came to mind. You pulled out your own phone and hurriedly began typing, thrusting it toward him when you were done.
I cod-nt imagine my life without you, Toge. You’re a reel catch.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your throat when you saw the grimace he wore.
“Fish flakes,” he said, putting his head in his hands and stifling giggles.
“My line was that bad, huh?” you asked, nudging him softly.
“Salmon,” he agreed, but the loving look he held in his eyes when they met yours again showed he was anything but bothered.
“You’re of-fish-ally the cutest boy I’ve ever seen,” you told him while ruffling his hair playfully, earning a loud groan from the blonde. He quickly typed out another sentence.
I’m so glad we go to the same school.
You were pleasantly surprised when Noritoshi asked you on a date to the aquarium. You figured he would’ve deemed it too childish or an experience not scholarly enough but you were wrong, now feeling the pull of his hand as he excitedly walked you around, pointing things out and chatting about things he had just learned.
“…and I just read that most fish don’t have eyelashes. Did you see that too?”
“Except for sharks,” you replied, a gentle smiling resting on your face.
Noritoshi took a deep breath as you led him to a bench to sit down and watch the jellyfish float around.
“I’m sorry for getting too passionate. I just feel like I can be myself here. There’s less… pressure, if that makes sense. Like I can learn things just to know them, not to impress anyone or get a good grade on something. It’s… nice.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I know what you mean,” you said, laying a comforting hand on his leg. Noritoshi rested his hand on top of yours and gave it a light squeeze, observing the entrancing dance of the jellyfish.
“They look so free,” he muttered. “I wonder what that feels like.”
Your head was now lovingly balanced against his shoulder as you squeezed his hand back.
“I promise you that one day you’ll know.”
“Y/n! You have to watch this!”
You were happy to accompany Aoi to the local science museum for a date. You two were having a fun time exploring and trying out all the different experiments the museum had to offer. You weren’t sure what to expect when Aoi called you over to the experiment he had just done since you were enthralled in a presentation about lightning. You were confused when Aoi put his hand on a big ball, but all of a sudden, the hair in his bun became even spikier than normal.
“Static electricity!” he exclaimed, sporting a huge grin. Seeing how happy all of this made your boyfriend had you smiling from ear to ear as well. When he eventually took his hand off the orb, his hair didn’t quite go back into place.
“C’mere,” you giggled, gesturing to his hair, “I’ll fix it for you.”
“Thank you, my love,” he said, leaning over to where you could reach him. You combed the strands back into place and gave him a kiss on the cheek when you were done.
“You’re having a fun time today, right?” Aoi asked you, a rare moment of vulnerability from the muscular man.
“Of course, Aoi. Thank you for inviting me here.”
“No problem,” he replied, his cocky demeanor back as he winked at you. “Now, if you’re interested, there’s a presentation on superconductors in a few minutes. Do you want to see it?”
It always surprised you when you remembered just how smart your sometimes air-headed boyfriend really was.
When you invited Satoru to the science museum, he was extremely excited. Not because of the science aspect, no, but because he loved to eat the packs of freeze dried ice cream you can buy from the gift shop. You were busy reading a giant wall panel about physics when you felt the thunk of a head resting on your back and heard a sigh of exasperation.
“Are you finished yet? This is boring,” Satoru said, mumbling into your shirt.
“I’m trying to learn, Satoru. It wouldn’t kill you to learn something either. You’re a teacher, aren’t you supposed to have a thirst for knowledge?”
“I have a thirst for soda,” came a muffled reply from behind you. You rolled your eyes, going back to reading. Satoru kept fidgeting and you found yourself getting frustrated at his lack of focus.
“Since you know so much, why don’t you tell me about relativity and quantum mechanics?”
“Quantum mechanics studies the world by looking at just a few small particles like photons and electrons. Relativity is the theory of gravitation that Einstein proposed around the same time as quantum mechanics. General relativity studies the construct of space-time and gravity, while special relativity studies special conditions and scenarios, such as length contraction, which is where an object is moving near the speed of light and its length actually shortens. See, I already know this stuff, so can we pleeeease go to the gift shop now?” Satoru whined, throwing his head back in an exaggerated display of boredom. Your mind was still reeling over the fact that your boyfriend was… ridiculously good at science and never bothered to tell you?!
“I… yeah,” you said, completely dumbfounded. Satoru ignored the confusion in your voice as he cheered, grabbing your hand and leading you to the gift shop.
You and Suguru were taking your time walking through the museum he chose for your date. It was nice to walk with him, holding hands and enjoying deep conversations about the pieces that were showcased in each exhibit. You came up to a bench in front of a particularly large infographic and took a seat, your lover sitting next to you. After he knew you were finished reading, he asked you the few little words he assumed would set you off on a passionate tangent (he was right).
“So, y/n, what are your thoughts on this topic?”
As you began to analyze everything you just learned, Suguru watched you intently, but not in a negative manner; he was just so genuinely interested in what you had to say that it was like the whole world around him disappeared every time you opened your mouth. He nodded along, hearing you bring up things he hadn’t even considered yet.
“I’m lucky to have a partner who’s so intelligent,” Suguru cooed, his thumb ghosting over your jawline, initiating this romantic moment like you two were the only people in the building. To him, you were the only people that mattered anyway, so what was the point in hiding how he truly felt?
“C’mon Kento, it’s not as scary as you think it is. They’re completely harmless.”
You were currently trying to get your boyfriend to pet the stingrays but he was not having any part of it. The color had drained from Kento’s face when you submerged your hand in the clear water, feeling the smooth surface of the rays under your fingertips. The blonde man wasn’t afraid, per se, but he didn’t think it was the wisest decision to be touching such a dangerous animal.
“Y/n, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. What if you provoke them?”
You were about to laugh when you saw he was genuinely distressed. Frowning, you stood up and tried to dry your wet hand the best you could before reaching out to him.
“Kento, honey, it’s alright. They have to be really angry to sting people. I promise you’ll be alright if you try it.”
Kento relented and leaned over the touch tank, hesitantly placing his hand in the water next to yours. When a ray swam under him, the rubbery texture gracing his skin, he immediately tensed up. Your unoccupied hand landed on his arm as encouragement and it seemed to help him relax a bit. A few more stingrays came over to him and Kento finally calmed down, smiling as he greeted his new friends.
“Babe, look, that’s literally us.”
Ino caught your attention away from a particularly interesting exhibit about seaweed as he pointed to a diagram that displayed two fish with their mouths on each other.
“Ino, that’s very sweet, but I think they’re fighting.”
Your boyfriend leaned closer to read the tiny print, his hands in his pockets in a display of nonchalance that you always found supremely attractive.
“Oh, you’re right! They try to flip each other over like that. It’s like the Spider-Man kiss but more badass.”
You shook your head, lightly chuckling as you linked your arm in his and continued walking through the aquarium. All of a sudden, you gasped and tapped Ino’s arm excitedly.
“Oh my god! This is literally us!”
Ino’s eyes went wide and his smile grew bigger. You were showing him to a video that displayed otters holding hands as they drifted in the water.
“Yeah,” he said dreamily, resting his chin on the top of your head as you watched the animals on the screen, “it is.”
You were sitting in a dark room of the planetarium, looking up at a projected sky full of stars with your handsome boyfriend. Choso had his arm wrapped tightly around your body, hand resting on your waist as your head was nestled against his shoulder. You sat there quietly, enjoying the peacefulness of the exhibit. The sight of the stars above you changed into a slow spinning view of the earth and you gasped lightly.
“Woah, look at how beautiful our world is.” You didn’t hear him reply, which was unusual, so you lowered your eyes from the spectacular scene above to look at the man next to you.
“You’re my world,” he stated bluntly, unrelenting gaze boring into your own. “You’re the brightest star in the galaxy of my life.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you said, trying not to show how flustered you got over his beautiful words. He just drew you in closer, adamant to never let you go.
“How does this piece make you feel?”
“Like I’ve been here for hours and I’m hungry.”
Toji wasn’t the biggest fan of the art museum you dragged him to but you were glad he allowed you to take him here in the first place. It meant a lot to you that he would willingly go somewhere like this that completely disinterested him, but he would go to the ends of the earth to please you.
“There’s a cafe around here if you wanna go eat,” you said, paying him no mind as you studied the painting that grabbed your attention.
Toji scoffed. “And leave you here by yourself? No way.”
Your focus was now broken, instead trying to stifle a laugh at his overprotective behavior. “The art isn’t going to kidnap me, you know.”
“I know,” he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest, “but some dude might see a smart, attractive person like you by yourself and think he has a chance.”
“And I need my big, hot, uninterested-in-art boyfriend to keep an eye out for me?”
“Exactly.” Toji smirked at you while you rolled your eyes playfully.
“I appreciate that. I’ll finish up here and we’ll head to the cafe together then?”
“Sounds good to me.”
You went back to your contemplative state while Toji’s eyes wandered the room. He would never tell you this, but he found many of the pieces actually interesting and hoped you would take him along to more places like this in the future.
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
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Ballet Shoes and Bulletproof Vests
CW: Recovering from alcoholism (Leons just trying to better himself man
Words: 1k
A/N: 👛anon I've had brain rot because of you. But I still love you pookie.
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Blue leotard... Gunmetal blue, his favorite shade. It was almost like you were trying to send a signal through the glass windows of the studio attached to the apartment building gym.
Every weekend for the past few months he'd come down and workout for a two hours without issue. Until you moved into the building a month ago. Walking through the gym in leotards and the same skin tone tights straight into the small studio space.
Leon picked up quickly that you don't seem to be doing mindless pirouettes, pliés or chassé. You practiced the same routine, which means you probably do this for a living. Or at the very least a hobby.
He tried his best to not come off creepy but sometimes he couldn't stop from staring. Leon rarely found beauty in life anymore, something he was trying to fix. His sponsor suggested that life could be worth living if you find something meaningful to live for.
Besides surviving or being a living breathing weapon.
At first, the staring was for more "primal" reasons, but it soon turned to him admiring how gracefully you could move. How sharp your movements were. The clean movements were mesmerizing and very distracting. It certainly didn't help that you were pretty either. But every time you stopped and turned back towards the windows, Leon would turn away immediately. Scared you'd think he was some kind of weirdo or worse...
A pervert.
You were probably way too prissy for him anyway. Why bother window shopping?
You're too pure, jumping around in white satin ballet slippers and him in bulletproof vests with tactical gear. Your worlds can never mix, you're too different. Far too different.
So, with his better judgment, Leon got into the habit of changing his routine and getting up at the crack of dawn like in his army days. Just to go workout first thing in the morning. Leaving the gym as you were coming in.
But one morning you didn't come in as he was leaving. And as usual, he stops at his mailbox, fishing in his jacket pocket as he walks into the main lobby.
And there you were. Stood in front of the mailboxes, sorting through a few envelopes with your tiny mailbox door hung open.
Shit... This is gonna be awkward.
Leon approaches slowly, walking up to his mailbox and ripping his keys out of his jacket pocket. Something round flies out of his pocket with a clatter as it hits the floor. You lift your head to see the green chip rolling across the floor, quickly you step past him and pin it under your shoe.
Leon stares, realizing he forgot to take his chip out of his pocket after his meeting last night. Too tired from a long day at work to remember before passing out in bed as soon as he got home. He can feel his neck heating up, he hasn't even said a single word to you, and now you'll know he's an alcoholic trying to get his life together.
And he's sweaty and gross?!
What a fantastic first meeting...
You bend down, grabbing the green chip from the floor as you walk back. Giving it a glance, you hold it out for him. Slowly he raises his hand, chest tightening as he nods a “Thank You” while taking it.
"90 days is a big accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself." He stared for a moment, fully expecting a dirty look or pity.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks. I-I am." His lips drew to a line as you walked back around him, shutting your mailbox and locking it. He gives you a glance as you grab your bag from the floor and give him a small smile.
"You're from 3D, right?" You question, his eyes glance at his mailbox, his lips part slightly. Brain trying to process how you knew his apartment without even talking to him.
"Yes?" His eyebrows raised, your eyes fixed on his uneasy response.
"Hmm." She looks him up and down, almost like she's trying to size him up. Or even taken him in completely.
"A little scruffy for my taste, but you'll get the job done." His nose wrinkled as you stepped past him, and headed for the door.
"The hell do you mean by that?" You turned your attention back to him, smiling again.
"The old ladies in the building, they talk about everyone. Well, anyone interesting at least. And they said you're pretty cute. I'd have to agree." He feels his neck burning again, embarrassment of another kind seeping into his collarbone and rising to his cheeks as he smiles a tiny bit.
He was never great with women.
"Thank you..." He clutches the chip in his hand, running his thumb across the bumped out embossing of the metal.
"And um... I know we don't know each other," you step forward again, gesturing to his hands, "but I'm here if you ever need to be talked down... 3 years for me, still have my bad days, but it gets easier with time. I promise."
He looks a little surprised, not expecting you to know his struggles in some way. He just nods, watching you lean to the side, looking behind him and turning back to leave again.
"Congratulations again on 90 days, Leon." You smile, pushing the door open.
"Whoa, wait. What's your-"
"2B!" You yell back without turning around, watching you leave through the doors leading to the gym. His head swivels, looking at the mailboxes. Seeing your name printed a piece of tape stuck to your mailbox.
His mind wanders, thinking of you as he pulls his bills from his mailbox. A folded over flyer was wrapped around the envelopes. Pulling it off the envelope, he gave it a long look. Your face staring back at his as you're leaping in a beautiful flowing white dress and veil.
Giselle printed in fancy font under you pointed toes along with show times for next weekend.
Staring for a second, he thought, pondering over the words of his sponsor telling him to try new things.
Maybe he should try theater.
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
ocean eyes: chapter four ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
chapter four in collaboration with @tarrynightss <3
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, smut, p in v, oral - fem receiving + wc - 5,646
comments: part four lovers, holy shit this is my favorite chapter, oh my god! i just want to give the biggest thanks to liz @tarrynightss <3 my pookie woookie ! she literally made this chapter what it is! <3 and if you do not follow her already, do it RIGHT NOW! she is so talented and amazing and RAHHH i love her !!!! she wrote the smut and let me just say, delicious, amazing, spectacular! we were so in sync with this and i am so proud of this chapter <3 i hope you all love her just as much as we do! okay bye, love you!!!!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Your weeks consisted of avoiding Ronal and Tonowari, training Jake for hours, and then slipping away to your favorite cove for the rest of the night. You had even begun to join Jake’s family on a few dinners, wanting to avoid your sister as best you could. But it had only been a few times, still feeling awkward around his children, and your distaste for the situation had not simmered.
You had even begun to gather your own fruits and scout your own fish, just to avoid being in your home. It had been weeks but Ronal’s words were still seared into your skin, selfish, selfish, selfish.
If only she knew how hard it had been for you once she left. Your mother always said she did not have favorites, although everyone knew that was not true. It had always been Ronal. In your mother’s eyes your sister held the moon, she was born to lead the people. And she was right, your sister was fierce, strong willed and bound by duty.
As a child you were the same, though you had a knack for trouble, something that did not sit well with her.
It had been a few years since Ronal had left, mated with Tonowari and you slipped away from her priorities. She was barely able to find time for you, which hurt more so than your mother not having time for you. You were not used to it.
So you decided being invisible would work best for you, putting in everything you had into becoming a warrior for the clan.
Younger than most, but twice as dedicated. You took every free moment you had to train, sharpen your skill. But still, the attention from your sister never came. She only ever really acknowledged your efforts until the day of your celebration. You were the smallest of the class, and in Ronal’s eyes it was silly. How even at the age of thirteen you were so sure of yourself.
But Ronal disappeared again, at least that was how you saw it. For those two years between completing your Iknimaya and your Mother’s death you have very little memories with your sister.
What you do remember is the feeling of accomplishing something new, and looking around only to find you were completely alone.
That feeling was embedded into every crevice of your body, similar to the one you felt at the age of eighteen. Foolish and naive, thinking you were in love. Expecting that by sharing intimate moments with one of the Na’vi warriors would keep him bound to you.
That was why you refused to share your life with anyone else. You had been alone for so long, why start now?
You were ripped away from your thoughts as a grunt of frustration left Jake’s mouth. Your ears twitched at the sound, snapping your head to look at him. “Stupid fish.”
Your lips twitched at his frustration, trying not to laugh. “Position yourself, want to see if you are doing it correctly.”
“Why can I not just use a bow? I am well versed with that weapon.”
Your eyes rolled at him, “The current is too rough, it will snap your arrow in half. Now learn to use the spear.”
Jake grunted, his muscles achy and stiff as he lifted his arms again. Your hand slapped on the underside of his arm, the sting furthering his irritation. “Don’t do that.”
“You are weak!”
His heated gaze flickered to your face, the intensity of it halting a bit as he noticed the glossy look in your eyes, “You enjoy pushing my buttons.”
Your eyes rolled, “Believe it or not, I do not enjoy anything when it comes to you.”
He scoffed, dropping his arm down and it caused you to hiss at him, “Up! We are not done.”
“Do you know how to shoot an arrow?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Answer my question.”
Your face scrunched up in annoyance, “Get a catch and then I will answer you.”
Out of pure annoyance, Jake did what you asked. Drawing his hand back and focusing his gaze in the water, when he saw a fish, a large one too, his spear sunk in, missing the catch.
You laughed at him, shaking your head as you pulled the weapon from his hands, “Skxawng.”
“Clearly I am not going to catch anything today, so answer my question. Do you know how to shoot an arrow?”
Your lips pursed as you walked away from him, you purposely threw your hair behind your shoulder and splashing Jake’s face in the process. “I have no need to use a bow, so no. I do not know how to use one.”
Jake felt his tail thump in the water, excitement bubbling in his chest, “Let me teach you then.”
You scoffed, shaking your head as you continued to walk towards the beach, “There is nothing I have to learn from you.”
Another jab, one of the few that actually bothered Jake. Those had become more frequent, and the fine line between the excitement he had and the irritation they caused were beginning to blur together. His fingers wrapped around your forearm, the unexpected movement caused your body to jolt roughly against his. You gasped quietly, “Let go of me!”
“Are you scared you’ll fail?”
Your motions stilled, no longer pulling away from him but trying to fight the need to whack him with your tail, “No-I just do not wish to spend any more time with you than absolutely necessary.”
Jake’s fingers let go of you, he knew just how to push your buttons too. “Fine. Truth be told, I know you’d fail. Better not waste our time.”
Your heart was hammering in your chest, his words bothering you beyond belief, “Fine then. Teach me.”
Jake had moved from you, circling in front of you, a look of utter satisfaction on his features and you wanted to stomp down on his foot, “Don’t think I will. Like you said, why waste more time than necessary with each other.”
He was walking away from you, the stupid look still on his face. The Toruk Makto, doubting in your skill stung more than you’d care to admit, your finger wrapped around his wrist, halting his movement, “No-I want to learn.”
You actually wanted to prove him wrong, but who cared. You caved, and that was all Jake cared about. “Follow me then.”
He turned away, trying to hide the satisfaction that began to consume his chest but his tail betrayed him, swaying lazily in the water as he walked out. You grunted quietly, following behind him as he made his way towards his marui. You were growing impatient with how leisurely his actions were, “I do not have all day.”
Jake paused briefly, ears twitching in irritation as he noticed the bite in your voice. His fingers balled into a tight fist before he took a deep breath, quickening his steps despite not wanting you to know that you did get under his skin in a way he couldn't explain. But along with that annoyingly irritating way your voice always seemed to disgruntle him, he enjoyed it all the same. Because he knew he got under your skin as well, you were just unwilling to admit it. Unwilling to bite at the hook he sent you, but it would happen, he was sure of it.
He picked up his bow and arrow, your foot tapping as your arms crossed over your chest was making Jake anxious. He was trying to still the pounding of his chest, feeling unnerved by the way you seemed to find fault in everything he did.
Nerves bubbling so much so his fingers fumbled and the arrows fell from his fingers, “Eywa, you want to teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow and you’re fumbling like a child.”
Another jab that irritated deep in his soul, that thin line completely blending together and now he was just annoyed with you. Annoyed with every sly comment that fell from your mouth. He huffed in anger, roughly yanking the arrows back into his arms. And you noticed the change in his demeanor, mouth flattening into a straight line as his angry gaze fixated on you.
Nerves bubbled in your chest, along with an excitement that you had not felt in a long time, it settled in your lower stomach. Your tail swished behind you gently, raising your brows in challenge, practically asking him to bite back. He just shook his head, sighing quietly as he moved past you, walking towards the forest. You were following behind him closely, your steps quickening and you just felt his frustration with you.
You were hoping he’d finally snap, run to Ronal and Tonowari and beg to pick someone else for him. The thought caused a bitter taste in your mouth, but you would never admit that. You would never willingly open your heart to someone else, especially someone who had already loved someone. Loved them enough to spend years with, have children with, you were not able to do it.
When did things in your life become so difficult? So complicated to the point where all you wish for was to be left alone? You weren’t sure, but it was lonely. And although uncommon within your people, you did find Na’vi to quelch the bitterness that had consumed your heart.
You were so deep in thought you had not noticed Jake stopped walking, stumbling roughly into him. Your face squished against his back, your nose throbbing from the pain. You hissed out, instantly pushing yourself off of him as your face warmed up in both embarrassment and pain. Jake snickered quietly, “You need to pay attention.”
“You are so infuriating!”
Jake laughed, ears pinning back in amusement as he looked over his shoulder to look at you. Smiling harder as he saw your face pinched up in anger. He fully turned to you, thrusting the bow and arrows into your hand, your eyes narrowed in on him in annoyance.
He did not spare you a second glance, walking deeper into the forest until he was a few trees away from you. He removed the knife from its sheath, carving deeply into the tree a large ‘X’. He pointed to it before telling you, “This will be your target.”
“Really? I could not tell.”
Jake’s features glossed over once more with anger, his ears pinned back roughly against his head as he made quick steps to get back to you. “Let’s see it then.”
“I do not know the first thing about shooting an arrow, how do you expect me to know how to hold it properly?”
Jake roughly pulled on you, a quiet yelp fell from your mouth as your back crashed against his chest. His whole body caging yours in as he placed your arms in the position you needed to be, “Well, you act as if you know all. Excuse me for the confusion.”
You were unable to say anything more, the words caught in your throat as the heat from his body consumed yours. His fingers were anything but gentle, covering yours as he pulled the string back. He let it go quickly, your hands still in his and it hit the target dead center.
A small laugh of excitement left your mouth, Jake finally stepped away from you. You were too distracted to notice the way he was watching you. “Now position yourself.”
And you did, trying to copy his motions but it was clear you were off, even in the way you were standing there was an ache between your shoulders that had not been there. Jake’s hand lightly swatted your arm, just as you had earlier, moving to push down on your stomach and your stance was thrown off. Your feet wobbled as your body jolted. “Your strength needs to come from here.”
He pushed on your upper abdomen again, “You should not move if I push.”
Your eyes rolled back, “I just did not expect it.”
Jake threw you a snarky smile, “If you say so.”
You huffed out a breath, pulling your fingers back again. Jake found less things to adjust this time and he could see you were a quick learner. “Straighten your back.”
You listened, shoulders squaring out and the ache eased from between them. “Let go.”
Your arrow went flying but missed the target by a long shot. Jake whistled, “You were a bit off.”
“You dont say.”
Jake admired how you instantly grabbed another arrow, your fingers placing themselves correctly as you pulled the arrow back, “Again.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Hours had trickled by and it was starting to get dark, your fingers were raw from the string of the bow, muscles aching from the constant tug. Even after going at this for so long, you had nothing to show for it. Your arrows continuously missed, and it was only getting worse the weaker your limbs became. “It is not that difficult.”
Jake’s voice only spiked your frustrations, snapping the small chord that was already wearing thin from your exhaustion. You turned to him and pushed the bow straight into his chest, “Maybe you are just a poor teacher.”
His tail flicked in irritation and he turned around to pick up the arrows that had landed in the grass below your target.
“Maybe you are just a poor student, hm? My seven-year-old listens better than you.”
An angered hiss made your lips curl up into a snarl. “That’s because only a child would listen to you! You are infuriating!”
Ronal nagging at you and pointing out your flaws was more than enough, Jake did not have to join in as well.
A dry chuckle left his mouth as he pulled the last two arrows out of the bark of the tree, shooting a skeptical glance over at you. “From the way you’re acting, I would say you fall under that category.”
Your broad tail almost thumped against the ground in frustration, but you stopped it just in time, knowing it would only strengthen his point. You inched closer to him so you could spit your venom more clearly.
“If we were mated I would want to pluck your eyes out for the rest of my life,” you snarled at him, adding an annoyed ‘pak’ when the stupid man merely grinned.
Jake strode over to you with bow and arrows in his hands, looking more smug than offended at your words. His eyes traveled shamelessly over your form, delighting in the way your cheeks tinged a darker blue and your eyes narrowed at him. There was so much fire in you, luring him in to feel if your skin would burn under his touch.
“You would be so lucky,” he practically purred.
Your jaw almost dropped at his shameless flirting, far more forward than the men of your clan. As he smirked down at you he truly did look like a demon, you thought, and your ears folded back slightly as you felt an old fire ignite within you.
You refused to give in to it. “Why? So I can have a mate who cannot hunt fish? Who can’t ride a Tsurak?” You circled around him as your gaze blatantly judged every part of him. Your tail swatted against his legs, almost making him lose his balance. “There is nothing you have to offer me, JakeSully. I could find a man half your age with more skills.”
You seemed to have mastered how to provoke him, that old frustration bubbling back up in his chest and coming out in a light hiss. Your pupils narrowed at his challenge, stopping in front of him. For a moment everything was quiet, your gazes staying connected and tails swaying in anticipation.
Slowly, you moved your hand forward, not even blinking as you slapped the arrows and bow out of his hands. They fell down onto the grass below in soft thumps, Jake’s eyes flicking down to them before coming back up to stare straight at you. He breathed in heavily through his nose, his brow creasing into a scowl.
You seemed pleased with yourself, the corners of your mouth quirking up as you cocked your head. No words had to be used, your message loud and clear. What are you going to do about it?
An odd yet intoxicating tension rose and rose as your gazes remained locked, sharp eyes watching one another. Perhaps he should just walk away, turn around and have his children pack their bags once again. He shouldn’t want to mate with such a frustrating, stubborn woman like you, but Eywa knows he did.
Suddenly, Jake’s hand was at the back of your neck, pulling you closer till he pressed his lips against yours. His grip on you was loose, the kiss testing the waters to see if you would push him away. An agonizing heartbeat passed before you gasped softly, one hand coming up to rest against his chest. As soon as he felt you accept him he kissed you more passionately, hungry to deepen the little taste of you that he’d gotten.
So many thoughts crossed your mind that you could barely pick one to focus on. It had been years since you had been with a man, having sworn to not give yourself so intimately to someone again, yet you could not find it in yourself to push Jake away. He was a skxawng, with his smug smiles and overconfidence, and a touch that set you ablaze. You shivered as his lips parted yours, his tongue slipping past them.
As he deepened the kiss his hands moved to your waist, stroking over your naked skin. As your tongues stroked together you knew where this would lead, and a weight pressed down in your heart as you also knew where it would end. When he had found his pleasure, Jake would go, leaving you alone in the forest to clean off your shame.
You knew this would happen, yet the firm press of his calloused hands promised something else. Security.
It made you sad, angry even. Not your parents nor sister had been able to promise you that, and yet here was the former Olo'eyktan spinning a tale with his touches. With a snarl, you bit at his bottom lip and Jake backed away slightly in shock. As he touched his lip, he could feel a familiar wet warmth there, his fingers stained red when he retracted them. He wasn’t bleeding that bad, but it was enough to shock him, the man’s ears folding back in alert.
He had no time to consider if you were angry with his advances, your mouth clashing to his once again. You practically threw yourself at him, greedy hands rubbing over his muscled chest as you nipped at his injured lip once again. He groaned into your mouth. Everything just had to go the hard way with you.
Every stroke of your fingers against his body sent pleasant chills down yours. Every look that you had gotten of him had already made it clear that he was an attractive man, one that many would be pleased to have by their side, but feeling him was a whole different story. You almost moaned into the kiss as your fingers delved lower, tracing where his muscles dipped into a delicious V as you neared his loincloth. You cupped him boldly, instantly feeling the strong press of his hard cock against the fabric.
You smirked as you pulled back from his lips, batting your lashes at him. “My…”
Jake assumed that you were going to praise his size, his chest already swelling with pride.
“I had expected more self-restraint from Toruk Makto.” Your amused tone made it clear that you were mocking him. Your fingers wrapped tighter around his bulge and he bit back a groan. “Perhaps you have lost your touch.”
That statement seemed to ignite a fire in his eyes, hand shooting up to grab hold of your wrist. His brow scrunched up, face so serious and determined that it had your lips parting at the sight. You had never seen him like this before, and you imagined this is what he must’ve looked like when he stood before the clans all those years ago.
“You won’t be saying that after I’m done with you.”
Before your lips could form a word, Jake swept you off your feet, landing you in the grass with a soft ‘oof’. Your wide eyes stared up at him as his large hand took hold of your thighs, spreading you open for him and propping up your legs.
A hiss formed at the back of your throat, head lifting to spit another insult at him before he shamelessly licked over your clothed cunt. Your hiss turned into a pathetic little mewl as his tongue formed wet stripes over your loincloth, pressing the material eagerly into your folds. He groaned as he tasted your wetness even through the material, every swipe of his tongue only revealing more of your sweet taste.
“Talk a big game for someone who’s this wet by just having a man stick his tongue into your mouth,” he groaned against you, his chuckle muffled as he was unwilling to pull away from your heat just yet.
You kicked lightly at his back with your heels, groaning in protest of what Jake was saying (though you only understood about half of it). It was foolish to deny it, the evidence staining your loincloth more and more by the second.
A disappointed whine left your mouth when he pulled back, his hands fumbling to untie your loincloth. You watched in impatience as he seemed to not understand how to get it off, cursing under his breath.
You rolled your eyes and pushed away his hands to do it yourself. “Bah! Can’t do anything.”
Jake flung the wet piece of clothing out of sight as soon as you had it off, face delving back in between your legs. It seems that though he wasn’t going to respond to your words with ones of his own, he wasn’t letting it slide either. His tongue only lapped over your wet cunt once to part your folds, his attentions instantly turning to your clit afterward. Your fingers dug into the grass below you as he sucked at your clit, pleasure rippling through your body like a wave. You had forgotten just how pleasing another’s touch could be.
Jake was clearly experienced, alternating in sucking at the sensitive bud and then flicking the tip of his tongue over it in hard strokes. His eyes peered up at you as you moaned, his cock now painfully straining against his loincloth. You looked like a goddess. Head thrown back in ecstasy, hair splayed out over the forest floor and your body flushed and writhing at every pleasurable movement of his tongue. Your sister might be Tsahík, but Jake felt far closer to Eywa when he was near you.
Your hands flew to the back of his head as you felt yourself getting close to cumming, fingers gripping tightly at his hair. When he groaned it sent more pleasant tingles through your core and you couldn’t help but press his face even tighter against you. He didn’t mind in the slightest, tongue only working against your clit with renewed vigor.
Tears pricked at your eyes as you felt your body tensing up, finally tipping over that sweet edge. Your mouth stayed open in a silent scream, little sounds of pleasure leaving you as Jake continued his movements as you orgasmed. You hadn’t come this hard for Eywa knows how long and the moment almost makes you sigh in relief, feeling every muscle in your body tensing and then relaxing, a peaceful ecstasy washing over you.
Jake finally pulled back, lidded gaze watching you intensely. A small, relieved smile pulled at your lips as you panted, eyes tightly shut. You looked so relaxed, your face usually tense and scrunched up whenever he saw you.
“Damn, that must’ve truly been good, huh?I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.”
He just couldn’t help himself, feeling more than pleased with his own performance. You huffed and your hands swatted at his head. For a moment he thought he had won the upper hand, but after a second to recover you sprung up. You pounced on him like a Viperwolf and it quickly became his turn to have his back pressed into the grass.
Your eyes were glossed over with desire as you tore at his loincloth, some strings definitely ripping in the process as you roughly took it off of him. Jake sat up with wide eyes, breath hitching in his throat as you straddled him. This close he could see every little speck of color in your eyes, every tiny luminescent dot or stripe on your face. You were beautiful, but he had little more than a second to admire you as you took hold of his hard cock and positioned yourself over it.
You didn’t want to look down, sure that if you did you would lose your confidence. He felt big in your hand, and you tried your best not to nervously swallow when the thick head nudged against your entrance. No, he would not see your nerves, would not get to know how long it had truly been for you and mock you for it. Little did you know that the man beneath you was perhaps even more nervous, Jake not having sought out another after his late mate’s death.
A stifled grunt sounded from you as you sank down onto his cock, already feeling more than full enough after the first few inches. Your hands braced on his shoulders, nails digging into his skin to an almost painful extent. Good, he thought, Jake bracing himself against cumming as soon as your tight heat engulfed him.
You were not a quitter, biting at the inside of your cheeks as you continued slowly impaling yourself on his length till your ass was snuggly rested against his balls. A violent shiver rocked your body as you sat still like that, filled so well by him that you could feel your clit start to throb all over again.
After taking a shuddering breath, you braced yourself and started riding him, his cock easily sliding in and out of your wet cunt. Every stroke of his length against your insides had moans falling from both of you, Jake’s hands finding your hips to softly guide your movements. The pleasure was almost overwhelming, the need to scream his name growing stronger by the second. He felt so good inside you, like you were made for one another.
You bite at your bottom lip, no, you can’t think that way.
Your ears perk up as Jake groans loudly, face scrunched up in pleasure.
“Not so mighty now, are you, Toruk Makto?” you cooed at him, snickering in between your pants.
His lips peeled back to reveal his teeth as a light snarl graced his face. “Don’t get too cocky now, kid, you still have much to learn.”
You cocked your head. “Really?” You watched his eyes roll back as you rolled your hips in a way that made him reach deep inside you, biting back your own moan. “Seems like I’m the one who’s teaching you a thing or two here.”
Jake panted harshly, grip on your hips increasing till it was almost bruising. “Oh, we’ll see.”
You squealed as he flipped the position and pinned you down underneath him. He pulled your legs up to rest them over his shoulders, a hint of a grin pulling at his lips before he thrust his cock back into you. You screamed, your walls clenching around him as he started to fuck into you hard and fast. His pace was relentless, the muscles in his arms and chest rippling underneath his skin at the strain.
He laughed as he watched your face warp in pleasure, your hands trying wildly to find something to grab onto. “What? Can’t keep up?”
You couldn’t seem to manage to properly respond to him, eyes desperate as you cried out his name. He couldn’t resist leaning forward, bending you till your legs were almost pressed to your chest, his lips finding yours once again.
He kissed you passionately, groaning into your mouth as he continued his rapid strokes. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this good, his cock twitching inside of your slick cunt at every movement. Jake wouldn’t last long anymore.
Any soul unlucky enough to stray too far into the forest would quickly be able to hear the wet slaps of him fucking into your body, the sounds falling from your mouths everything but silent as well.
He moved away from your lips to bury his head into the crook of your shoulder, teeth nipping at the skin there. He felt so tempted to mark you, to place a bite on your shoulder that would make sure everyone knew you were his. But he couldn’t, not yet.
Jake purred your name so sweetly into your neck that it almost made your eyes roll back. It was becoming too much, your cunt throbbing around him as his fast pace rushed you towards your second orgasm, familiar tears stinging at your eyes.
His wet tongue came out to lap over your neck and it sent a shiver over your body. You squeezed your eyes tightly shut. Just a bit more.
With a well-aimed roll of his hips, he had you cumming yet again, your toes curling as your hot walls clamped down around his length. You could feel him shudder against you, your hands finding his back and clawing at it wildly. For every jolt of pleasure that shook your body, you scratched past his skin and Jake groaned loudly in response.
He grit his teeth, thrusts stuttering as he tried to hold himself back from instantly following behind you. He just wanted a few more minutes of feeling your tight cunt wrapped around him.
Though the sky was still blue, you swore you saw stars, head thrown back into the grass. All you could do was hold on tight and mumble out your desires as Jake continued to fuck you, his breath hot and heavy against your neck.
You could feel his body tensing and heard his breath hitch right before he came, the man’s face scrunching up in pure ecstasy. He held himself deep inside you, letting you feel exactly how he was filling you up, his cum seeping inside of you.
Jake let out a pleased sigh and pressed a kiss to your temple. Your scent was intoxicating right now, full of desire and laced with his own. This is what he wanted you to smell like for the rest of his days, and he inhaled it eagerly.
He couldn’t pull himself away from you, his pelvis still flush against yours as his fingers sought out your clit. A high-pitched sound of surprise left you as his rough fingertips stroked over the swollen bud. You writhed underneath him, legs shaking as he tried to bring you to orgasm yet again.  
“J-Jake!” you choked out, hands pushing uselessly at his arms.
He was reveling in the way your cunt squeezed and twitched around his length at every stroke of his fingers, the thought of his cum getting taken even deeper inside you this way making him hard all over again. His fingers didn’t stop no matter how much you whined and your body shook, this time ripping a loud scream from you when you came. It felt like being swept away in a tidal wave, yet instead of fighting it you let it take you completely.
You were still letting out little moans at the aftershocks when Jake pulled his cock out of you. He groaned at the sight of some of his seed slipping out of your used cunt, unconsciously licking his lips.
As soon as he shifted his position on top of you, your mind cleared up a bit and your mood dropped. This was the part where he rolled off of you, maybe shot you a thanks, and then left you tainted and alone in the forest. Your throat bobbed at the thought, hands retreating from him to lay them against your own stomach, almost protecting yourself against what was to come.
Jake reached out to touch your face and his fingers gently traced over the intricate patterns of your tattoos. His eyes shone with adoration, a genuine smile pulling at his lips.
Out of all the things the two of you had just shared, this was the hardest part for you to accept. This man who you had belittled and mocked looked at you as if you held the moon in your hands.
His lips met yours again, so tender in his kiss that it almost hurt. This wasn’t out of desire, this was a true display of affection, of appreciation, and you felt yourself start to choke up. Though Jake noticed the shift in your mood, he didn’t comment on it, merely rolling off of you so he could pull you against his chest.
He was warm, firm, his arms tightly wrapped around your form as henuzzled his nose into your hair. You pushed away the tears that continued to threaten to fall. He was not leaving, he was here, and though he did not say it, you knew that would be Jake Sully’s biggest promise to you if you were to mate. He would be there, no matter what.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
🏷️; @mashiromochi @midhito @neteyamforlife @adaiasafira @ambria​ @sillyfreakfanparty​ @fanboyluvr​ @jakescumdump​ @itscheybaby​ @iwanttohitmyself​ @janeety​ @haitanismainhoe @daribakugo @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lemonmoonmochi​ @dazedshoon @amanda-678 @randxmthxughts @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @wekiamo @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @theroyalbrownbarbie @1ntefly @nyylovestowrite @rianapntn @crazy4books1 @jakesullylongjuicyshlong @kikookii @ducks118 @bucky12345 @elegantkidfansoul @bold-writing @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme @graysonmalik2550 @milequaritchsslut @23victoria @kamcrazy123 @annamarieisbae @k----a27s​ @tojigirl @lynbubble @outspokenmatters​ 
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etherealhozier · 4 months
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Tainted tree line.
NSFW!! Hozier smut!
My amazing bsf @teag-writes inspired me to write this. Go read some of her stuff it’s so good!! Thanks for the idea pookie 🤭
CW: Praise, degrading, public sex, M4F, fingering, orgasm permission. (Let me know if I missed any!)
You’ve always enjoyed going for walks in the forest, listening to the birds sing, learning new species of plants. Nature has always been calming for you. But with Andrew, he makes it a thousand times better. He says he comes with you to ‘enjoy the surroundings’, when he’s really just watching in awe as you stroll around in that pretty little sundress of yours.
“C’mon, honey, there’s a little stream! I want to see if there’s any fish!” You say with excitement practically dripping off of your tongue as you tug on Andrew’s hand, trying to get him to walk faster.
Andrew chuckles at your obvious overwhelming happiness, shaking his head in mock disappointment as he looks at you as if he’s in awe of your existence.
“Love, look at the sky for me.” He says gently, nodding his head towards the sky, gesturing for you to look up. When you comply, you see that the sky is all cloudy and grey.
Andrew presses a few soft kisses to your jaw as your head is tilted up. You can feel his stubble brush against your neck in the process, making you have to suppress a shudder.
“It’s going to start raining any second now. We should start heading back to the house.” He explains softly, knowing that you’re going to be upset like a child being told it’s time to leave the playground. Before you can even attempt to answer back, you feel the water droplets start to hit your skin.
You both start to make your way back out of the woods, knowing you’re going to be absolutely drenched before you even get close to leaving the tree line.
Then you remember that you made the fatal mistake of not wearing a bra. In your defense, you’re wearing an strapless dress, you didn’t want your bra straps to show. So with you being braless, and wearing white, your dress is going to be practically see through as soon as it gets wet, and that’s exactly what happened.
Andrew notices almost immediately how your wet dress clings to your form like a bodysuit. Not to mention your breasts being pressed flush against the fabric, your nipples hardened into stiff peaks from the cold wind and water, leaving very little to the imagination.
Andrew lets out a soft grunt at the sight before grabbing your arm and pulling you over to a tree, pressing your back up against it. He places one hand above your head on the tree trunk to support himself, using the other to grip your chin, tilting your head up to meet his piercing gaze. You immediately feel your panties dampen from something other than the rain.
“Andrew, I-“
You’re about to protest before he cuts you off.
“If you think we’re going to walk any farther without me ruining that pretty pussy first. Then you better think again Y/N.” He growled, his voice rougher than it was just minutes ago.
Without any hesitation he clashes his lips against your own, kissing you like he’s man starved and you’re his only source of food. It’s almost enough to distract you from his hand slipping between your thighs. He pushes the crotch of your panties to the side, sliding his index finger through your slick.
“God, you’re fucking soaked, darlin’. Does it really get you off knowing I’m about to fuck you senseless in the middle of these woods where anyone could walk by and see us?”
Andrew doesn’t even need an answer. The way you grind your core against his fingers is all the answer he needs.
“Such a greedy whore. Aren’t you Y/N?”
He grunts, slipping two digits inside your heat without warning, feeling your walls tighten at the contact.
“God, honey, please…”
You moan out, gasping as you feel him hit that sweet spot inside you. That familiar feeling in your stomach starts to build, spreading through the rest of your body. Andrew smirks condescendingly as he feels your legs start to tremble, you’re visibly struggling to hold yourself up.
Your head falls back against the tree as your desperate moans fill the forest air. Andrew takes notice of your climax building. He gasps mockingly.
“You gonna come for me, pretty girl? Go ahead, I wanna watch you come on my fingers, honey. That’s a good girl.”
He says with a smirk, hitting your g-spot consistently in a back arching rhythm. He watches your reactions with an awestruck look in his eyes.
That’s all it took for you to crumble completely. You come undone with a pathetically desperate cry, squeezing your eyes shut as the rush echoes throughout your body. Your legs start to give out so Andrew wraps his free hand around your waist, holding you up against the tree as he works you through your orgasm.
Andrew collects your arousal on his fingers before pulling them away from your throbbing heat. He removes his hand from your waist to gently grab your jaw, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. Your eyes are glazed over with exhaustion and lust.
“Open your mouth for me, my love.”
He says gently before pressing a kiss to your forehead. You comply almost immediately, lazily opening your mouth for him. Without warning, Andrew slips his arousal covered fingers into your mouth, watching as you lick it off his digits. You can’t help but hum in approval as you taste the sweetness of your own liquid.
“I love you.”
You mutter exhaustedly as you stare up at him with those love-filled doe eyes.
“I love you too. Now let’s get you home so I can clean you up, my goddess.”
He presses gentle kisses across your forehead to your cheeks. He picks you up bridal style, knowing you won’t be able to walk for at least an hour after this.
Andrew carries you home while you ramble about how much you adore him, occasionally trailing kisses up and down his neck. You can’t wait to get home and spend the rest of the day cuddling.
This was the first, but definitely not the last time you do this. And you can’t wait to do it again.
Writers note:
Hiiii! Thank you for reading my work! This is the first smut/fanfic I’ve ever written, so it may not be perfect but I think it’s decent. I hope you think so too! Again, thank you for reading! <3
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s1desn4cks · 1 year
I can’t get this out of my head, so ya’ll are getting s/pooky m/onth v0re with K/evin and Borrower S/treber. (Non-fatal, protective, mentions of digestion but nothing happens)
C/andied B/ats (censored so it doesn’t show up on the main tags)
It had been about a year since Kevin had found the little borrower running around the candy shop. At first he was furious, trying for months to trap the little guy without success. It wasn’t until he found the little borrower stuck in some old chewed up gum, pleading for help, that he realized this wasn’t just some creature to get rid of. It, no, he, was a person. A small one, but still a person. After helping him out of the gum, Kevin watched him run off and decided that he would befriend the little borrower.
It had taken months of purposefully leaving out small candies and promising he wouldn’t hurt the little guy for Kevin to finally gain the borrower’s trust enough to know his name. Streber, the borrower, was still weary of Kevin, but now trusted him enough to let Kevin hold him in the palm of his hand. Streber and Kevin bonded over candy and their shared love of the sugary stuff, slowly trusting each other more and more.
Nowadays the two were inseparable. It was common to walk into the Candy Corner and see Streber on Kevin’s shoulder, or sitting on the counter eating a candy. Everyone in the town had pretty much accepted it as normal, after all it wasn’t the weirdest they’d seen. Whenever Halloween rolled around, Kevin was extra nervous and protective over Streber. Streber didn’t blame him, after all he’d been told stories by Kevin of what dangers seem to come looking for him every Halloween. This Halloween was no exception, and when two dreadfully familiar little kids walked into the store, one dressed as a skeleton and the other as a pumpkin, Kevin fearfully grabbed Streber in his hand. Streber let out a small squeak of fear, but he trusted Kevin and knew he wouldn’t be hurt. As Kevin scolded the kids, a man in a devil costume slowly approached the window.
“See! That’s trouble!” Kevin’s eyes widened, his voices laced with fear as he pointed out the window. “K-kids? Why is he following you?” Kevin’s grip tightened on Streber as he backed away, pushing the kids behind him. “Kids, outside, now!” Kevin yelled, and Streber whined from the sheer volume of it. The two kids ran out the back door as Kevin blocked them from view of the masked devil.
“Well well, look what we have here. A meal all for me, and a little snack, too.” The masked devil hummed and smiled, showing off two very sharp fangs, while stalking closer to Kevin.
“Damn it why’d he have to be a pred, too?!” Kevin ran over to the wall of candy dispensers and turned one on, causing candy to spill all over the floor. The masked devil only laughed, kicking the candy out of the way as if it was nothing. Kevin’s panic rose, not just for himself but for Streber, who was now shaking from fear in his grip. As the devil stalked closer he licked his lips, causing Kevin to panic. He had a plan to get himself out of there, but he couldn’t risk dropping Streber and he wasn’t about to leave the borrower here to fend for himself.
In a moment of desperation, Kevin opened his maw and shoved Streber inside. The borrower yelped, falling face first onto Kevin’s tongue. Kevin hummed at the flavor of the small man, almost like a Swedish fish, then shuddered as he realized he was tasting a person, and not a piece of candy. Under different circumstances, he realized, Kevin may have actually enjoyed this. The masked devil stopped and tilted his head, as if watching to see what happened with a morbid curiosity only a killer could have. Kevin looked at the masked devil and then to the door. He considered just running for it with Streber in his mouth, but the thought of accidentally hurting him if he tripped stopped Kevin in his tracks. In a moment of desperation, Kevin made a decision. He pushed the borrower to the back of his throat with his tongue and gulped. His gag reflex kicked in and he used every ounce of courage he had to swallow again and not spit Streber out. The small form of Streber started slowly sliding down Kevin’s throat, creating a small bulge that could be visibly traced down until it passed by his collar bone. Kevin gasped as he felt the small form slip into his stomach. His face went red, and he put a hand over the small bulge Streber made in his middle.
The borrower was shaking on Kevin’s tongue, the pitch black maw dripping saliva all over him. He wasn’t sure why Kevin had shoved him into his mouth, but he was sure there was a good reason. After all, Kevin wouldn’t’ have spent all this time befriending him just to eat him, right? He shivered on the tongue, the soft surface sinking under his weight. If he wasn’t terrified, it might even feel relaxing, almost like a beanbag. Suddenly the tongue started moving under him, pushing him back. He tried to grab onto the muscle, but the slickness prevented him from getting any grip. The tongue pushed him to the back of the throat, and he squeaked in surprise.
“No, no no, please!” Streber whimpered. He felt so betrayed as Kevin let out a large ‘gluck’, sucking him in down to his waist. In a desperate attempt Streber reached for the uvula, grabbing hold. He heard Kevin gag as he gripped it, tears forming in Streber’s eyes as he realized that the trust he had built with this bean had all been just a ruse. Another swallow caused Streber to loose his grip and slip completely into the throat. The muscles suctioned him down, pushing him closer to his final destination as he now openly sobbed. It’s not like Kevin would see him cry, anyways. When he reached the bottom of he throat, the sphincter opened up to drop him into the stomach. Streber splashed down into the liquids, quickly back-peddling into the walls of the stomach and away from the juices. He curled up against the walls, the folds almost cradling him, and cried silently into his now soaked cape. He felt a pressure on top of him, and realized Kevin must have put a hand on his stomach. The borrower curled up further, terrified and resigned to his fate.
Outside, Kevin glared at the masked devil. “Well, wasn’t that a show. Now I get a two fer’ one~” The devil cooed, and Kevin took his chance to run. He felt Streber move around inside of him as he ran, almost gagging at the uneven feeling it gave him in his core. Kevin bolted out the back door, not stopping to look back as he heard he devil laugh. He ran until he couldn’t anymore, then ran some more. He would keep Streber safe no matter what.
When he finally realized he was no longer being followed, he slowed to a jog and headed back to his house. He could feel Streber shaking within him, and he wanted nothing more than to comfort the borrower and hold him in his hand again. He feared that he had lost all of Streber’s trust, and as soon as thee borrower was released he would never see them again. Kevin saddened at the thought, sitting down on the edge of his bed and once again placing his hand over his stomach. He sat there for a long time, not sure what to say. How do you even apologize for swallowing someone whole?
“…Kevin?” A small voice echoed from his middle. If he wasn’t so focused on his middle he might not have even heard it. Kevin inhaled a sharp breath, before realizing it was probably squishing the poor borrower and releasing it. His heart rate was through the roof, terrified of scaring Streber more than he already had.
“Kevin, please…” Thee small voice came again. “I don’t want to die…” Streber pleaded, hearing Kevin’s heart rate increase as the stomach squished in on him.
“I- you won’t.” The voice of Kevin reverberated all around Streber, causing another wrack of sobs to come over the borrower as he was once again reminded that he was inside of someone. “You’ll be okay—“ Kevin tried to explain, but he wasn’t sure what words to use. “Shit— how do I even apologize for eating someone?” Kevin mumbled. That caused a small laugh and a sniffle to come from the borrrower inside of him. Kevin sighed.
“Still your same old self, even after swallowing me.” Streber mumbled, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes but only succeeding in spreading mucus all over his face.
“I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t let him get to you and I wasn’t about to leave you there to fend for yourself.” Kevin sighed, rubbing his hand over the form of Streber. “I promise you’re safe. I… Know from experience.” Kevin evened out his breathing, letting his pounding heartrate slow down as Streber started to shift inside of him.
“So… I’m fine…? I’m safe?” Streber asked tentatively. He wasn’t sure about trusting Kevin after literally being swallowed whole, but it’s not like he had much of a choice in his current position.
Kevin sighed again and kept rubbing Streber’s small form. “Yeah. From him, and… me.” He said with a sad and defeated tone. Kevin knew he had lost his friends trust, after all he had swallowed the poor borrower.
“Oh.” Streber blinked. He slowly uncurled, letting the stomach cradle him. He could now feel Kevin’s rubs more clearly, and it almost felt nice despite his location. Streber ran his hand along the stomach walls, feeling the folds and how they moved every time he shifted. Kevin’s rubs stopped, the stomach becoming quite a bit warmer, and redder although Streber couldn’t see the latter. The stomach rumbled and growled with the movements. Streber froze, wondering if he’d done something wrong and really was going to die.
Instead of digestion starting, a small burp and a large sigh escaped Kevin. The air that was released from the stomach caused it to shrink, now straddling Streber like a hammock. The moment of panic left him, and Streber relaxed into the folds, absentmindedly rubbing the stomach walls while Kevin prodded at him from the outside.
Kevin laid down in his bed, a hand over his stomach feeling the rubs from Streber. It relaxed him, making him tired as his full stomach shifted around. He let out a small burp and sighed, feeling his stomach close tighter around Streber. He knew it wasn’t safe to release Streber yet, the borrower couldn’t defend himself if the devil guy came back, after all. He could feel Streber relax into his stomach walls and continued rubbing the small form. The borrower may no longer trust him, but Streber was safe. Kevin hoped that after he released him, Streber would stick around, and maybe now that he knew it was safe, Streber would let Kevin swallow him again under better circumstances. Kevin smiled at the thought and drifted off to sleep.
Streber heard Kevin’s breath and heartbeat slow, and figured he must have fallen asleep. The borrower thought over his situation. He was safe, warm, and surrrounded by someone he knew would never hurt him. Although he wasn’t too sure how much he trusted Kevin anymore, he knew the bean would protect him, and that was enough trust for now. Streber slowly drifted off to sleep.
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Heart Shaped Wound
Chapter 29
Author’s note: I’m back! My birthday weekend was exhausting.
     “I can’t believe you pulled his hair!” Zaria snicked as (your name) gave her a mischievous grin.
    “You begged me to and I did. For you, baby.” (Your name) gave Zaria a wink. 
    “You’re so sweet, pookie.” Zaria fake cried, the two girls sharing a laugh. “So was his hair soft? What did he smell like miss scent connoisseur?”
      “His hair was soft and luscious. And he smelled like a spa.” (Your name) smiled at Zaria. “Like mint, eucalyptus, and lavender. I can’t imagine how his place smells. I’d probably pass out as soon as I walk in… he gives me tea drinker vibes.”
      “I didn’t know he was chill like that.” Zaria hummed. “But I can see him enjoying calming scents since he’s a doctor. He’d probably go bald from stress.”
     “And then there’s no more hair to pull.” The two burst into laughter, Zaria grinning.
      “That boy is a bottom.” Zaria singsonged, their fit of laughter unending. “Probably would call you daddy-“
     “More like mommy.” 
      Zaria paused, her eyes narrowing at (your name).
      “I’ve officially corrupted you. Welcome to the dark side.” Zaria turned her attention to the kitchen. “How about we gossip with each other and share what we’ve been through all week. Plus I want to know how you’re planning on proceeding with the little brother tomorrow?”
      “He’s just a little brother.” (Your name) smiled, Zaria sucking in her lips to prevent herself from telling (your name) the obvious. Jack’s little brother wanted to date her but (your name) didn’t see him as a man. Poor guy.
      “Are you two still training tomorrow?”
      “No. He said we should just enjoy the aquarium together. He must really like fish.”
     Zaria wanted to scream at how dense (your name) was. This man was trying his best to woo her and she brother zoned him. Was it bad Zaria was rooting for him? Then again? Anyone was better than Jun.
       Baki nervously stood in front of the aquarium wearing a white dress shirt and black ripped jeans. He had the top two buttons of his shirt undone to expose a bit of his muscular chest and his hair tousled. Baki didn’t want to seem like he was trying too hard.
      “Baki!” Baki whipped his head around to see (your name). The young woman wearing a white midi dress and wooden sandals. His cheeks heating up at how lovely she looked. So did she think this was a date? It gave him hope.
       “Hey, (your name)!” Baki greeted her, the young man scratching the back of his head. “You look beautiful.”
     (Your name) smiled and did a turn. “Thank you, Zaria lended me some clothes. I wasn’t sure what to wear.”
      “Either way you look great.” Baki smiled, his palms sweating a bit. He’s never been so nervous in front of a girl before.
     “You flatter me too much.” (Your name) smiled, her eyes observing the various fish art on the walls. “I cannot wait to see the sea turtles.”
     “I enjoy the sharks.” Baki blushed, (your name) beaming at him.
      “Sharks are really cool. I like them better than dolphins.” (Your name) grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. “I’ll buy you a shark plushie at the end of this date.”
      “You don’t have to do that.” Baki blushed, pulling her towards the door. “Let’s go get our tickets and head inside.”
    (Your name)‘a eyes sparkled in wonder at the jellyfish that glowed in their tank. Their soft blue bodies hovering in the tank like little gelatin angels.
     Baki smiled at how awestruck (your name) was with the various sea creatures. Hopefully she’d be willing to go out with him more often. 
    They were extremely compatible and could talk to each other endlessly. There was no awkward tension between them either. It felt so natural being around her… 
    “Don’t you think the moon jellyfish are pretty, Baki?” (Your name) asked, Baki’s gaze only focused on her. 
     “They’re the prettiest.” Baki smiled at (your name) who went back to admiring the moon jellyfish. 
      Baki boldly reached a hand out to grab a strand of (your name)‘s hair. His body shivering from how soft her hair was.
      “Is there something in my hair?”
     “Just a fuzz.” Baki smiled, slowly removing his hand. 
     “We should probably move on then. Let’s see if we see some sharks or turtles.” (Your name) grabbed Baki’s hand, pulling him towards the next area. Baki’s face heating up. She was holding his hand again… did she like holding his hand?
       “Here we are.” (Your name) stopped pulling Baki along to point at zebra sharks. “There’s some zebra sharks here with all the other fish.”
      (Your name) smiled at the various colorful tangs that swam around in the giant tank. There was even a snowflake eel hiding in one of the reefs on the tank floor.
     Baki tapped (your name)‘a shoulder to point at the tank on the ceiling. “Look. Two turtles.”
      (Your name) gasped when she saw the two turtles swimming together. Her eyes twinkling in awe.
     Baki proudly smiled at her expression. He was thrilled to make her so wonder struck on their first date. Should he buy her a turtle plushie at the gift shop?
      “Thanks for bringing me here, Baki.” (Your name) thanked the red head, her bright smile causing his knees to go weak. Lord have mercy.
     “Anytime. We can go out together whenever.” Baki stated with a blush. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with her.
     “Maybe you can hang out with Jack and I sometime.” (Your name) smiled at Baki, the younger man biting his lip in response. Why would he want to hang out with Jack too? He just wanted to spend time with her one on one… not with his half brother.
      “Jack and I aren’t very close.” Baki responded with a tight lipped smile. The young man trying his best not to show his distaste from her words. 
      “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you two weren’t close…” (your name) frowned, Baki quickly backtracking.
      “We only found out we were siblings about five or so years ago.” Baki nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t want to upset her but he also didn’t want to lie to her. Jack and him weren’t close. They were more rivals if anything but now they were rivals in love too. 
     “That’s sad.” (Your name) whispered with a sullen expression. She didn’t know the circumstances around Jack and Baki’s relationship but she knew she had no place in trying to get them to grow closer. So she would drop this subject. “How about we head to the gift shop?”
     Baki sighed in relief before smiling. He was appreciative that she had picked up on his social cue that Jack was a sensitive topic. Baki wished Kozue picked up on his cues when they were together. The two of them used to be on the same brain wave until the last two years… Baki didn’t think he was using (your name) as a rebound though. He quite enjoyed being with the older girl. 
     “You read my mind.” The two made their way into the gift shop, (your name) gasping at the various cute nicknacks that lined up in shelves. 
      “Oh wow!” (Your name)’s eyes focused heavily on a cute sea turtle plushie. “They’re so cute.”
     (Your name) began to search around the store to buy something for Baki. The red head focused on the turtle plushie he saw her eye… she wouldn’t mind if he got that for her, right?
      Baki held the soft plush in his hands, running his fingers through the soft fabric. His red eyes focused fondly on (your name)‘s curvaceous form. He’ll buy it for her. She seemed to be the type who enjoyed the little things.
     Baki clutched the turtle to his chest with a smile. (Your name) was his second shot at love. They had so much in common… it’s like it was meant to be. 
       Baki just needed her to see that too. Baki made his way over to the check out counter with a smile. He would just keep trying until she saw him in another light.
      “I got you a bull shark plush!” (Your name) held up a shark plush up to Baki. The young woman beginning to tease him, “I feel like this shark is a good fit for you. I feel like you’re aggressive in your pursuits too.” 
     Baki smiled at the shark plushie. She was right about him being aggressive when he chased something. He just wouldn’t let her see that aggression ever be directed towards her.
      “I bought you a green sea turtle plush.” Baki handed her the turtle. The young man grinning at her soft expression.
      “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” (Your name) smiled brightly at Baki. “Thank you, Baki. I had a lot of fun today.”
      The two of them made their way back towards her house. A familiar figure watching from a far. Their breathing ragged. Just how many people was his angel seeing?
Author’s note:  thanks for reading! Updates are going to be back on schedule!
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zyonsay · 5 months
Wildfire, Chapter Seven MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: The white room glares at you tauntingly
Reader: Male
Warnings: Injury, Hospitals, Slightly angsty
Now playing: 'Ultraviolence' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey dears, this one is tiny bit angsty, im feeling devious pookies. Send help. Sorry for the long wait! I was overwhelmed with requests and private events >:[ I hope you enjoy though!
Comment or dm me to be added to the tag list!
(Here is the previous chapter)
(Here is the next chapter)
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“We’ll need to keep you here for two more days, until your condition improves. I’ll keep you updated!”, the grey-haired doctor smiled brightly, but you didn’t feel happy at all. The cold, sterile light gave you headaches and the get well soon cards on your side table mocked you silently. ‘I hope you’ll get well quickly!’, yeah right.
You hated the hospital. You hated the white walls, the white floors, the white curtains. You hated the forced smiles, the shaky hands of the underpaid nurses and that disgusting sanitary smell that crawled up your nose and into your brain. The bed was comfortable and warm, but if you closed your eyes, you could feel the imaginary straps tying you to it like you’re some lunatic in a mental asylum. Tick, tock, tick, tock. The further the hands of the clock wandered, the more irritated you got. You were pretty sure that this is what it feels like to go insane. Steps hallowed out in the hall and then even those disappeared and once again, you were all alone with yourself in this glaring white room. As if you’re going to torture yourself by staying awake, you thought while closing your eyes to nap. Maybe you’ll sleep through this whole thing.
A light knock danced over the door and your eyes fluttered open. A quick look to your right showed that it must be some time in the evening, the sky was dark and the city alight. A sweet, pale face peeked through the lightly opened door, which was soon accompanied by a much more tanned visage. For the first time after the crash a faint smile tugged at your lips. “Hello there mate!”, the older of both practically stormed in and rushed to your side to give you a hug. Oscar, though much slower than Lando, also shuffled towards your bed. Lando risked a quick glance at your leg making him wrinkle his nose, not in disgust, but rather pity. “Shit, that looks bad. Does it still hurt?”, the concern in his eyes was apparent but you really couldn’t bring yourself to give a shit. “I’m high on the pain meds they pumped into me, so no.” You winced at how rude your tone sounded; you really didn’t mean to come off as mean. Not to your best friend. Although he didn’t mean to show it, his expression visibly soured at your words. Oscar’s concerned gaze landed on your face. You looked tired and, just like Lando, bitter. If he didn’t know any better, it would look like you’re laying on your death bed. The aussie couldn’t stand the tension in the air and decided to do something to lighten the mood and shoo away the threatening, lightning filled clouds above your head. “Me and Lando brought you a little something.”, he gently handed you a paper bag. “You shouldn’t have.”, the little whisper escaped you subconsciously as you fished an object out of the bag. It was a light blue Nintendo, one of the older models. When you looked back up at Oscar, a slight grin adorned his lips. He then gestured for you to explore the bag further. Blindly fumbling around in the bag, you pulled two square, plastic cases out. Turning them over, one depicted a picture of a tiny dachshund puppy and ‘Nintendogs’ in broad white letters. The other case looked almost identical, but instead a chocolate labrador crowned the cover. You couldn’t help the small smile from creeping onto your face. They remembered.
“I used to love that stuff as a kid. I could never get a real dog because of my mum’s allergies, so I was obsessed with these.”, you shoved your phone into Oscar’s face, a picture of the Nintendo’s game cases on the screen. “She would have to take away my Nintendo, so I wouldn’t be playing it through the whole night!” Lando’s face lit up. “Ohh, I remember these! I always chose the shelties”, if you squinted you could see the tiny stars glow in his eyes as he rambled on about his own experience with the game.
“Thanks.”, your voice was hoarse, and the words almost got stuck in your throat as you choked down tears. This wasn’t the moment for you to cry. They would only pity you more and you definitely didn’t need more of that. Oscar’s smile faded, he felt incredibly bad for you. An Achilles tendon rupture was serious, and you had barely started your Formula 1 career. He didn’t want to pity you, he knew you’d hate him for it, but he couldn’t stop the sad sigh leaving his lips. Your thoughtful expression hardened again, and your lips formed a straight line. “It might be best for you guys to leave. Thanks for visiting though.”, with glossy eyes you mustered up a small, dishonest smile to appease the two boys. Lando’s eyebrows tugged in an annoyed manner as he moved from your side, towards the door. “Get better soon, we’ll see you around.”, he whispered before messing with the handle of the door. Oscar winced at the venom in Lando’s voice and offered you a gentle smile and a court ‘goodbye’ before heading out too. Seconds after the door closed again, you heard Lando’s awfully offended sounding voice outside. ‘We come to visit him, bring him gifts and he still can’t loosen that fucking stick up his ass?’
That one stung.
Now that you were once again alone, you let out the sobs you’ve been holding the entire time. Your chest heaved and sunk with sad little whimpers and your eyes were puffy from the salty tears that streamed from them. The light flickered and the aggressive, sanitary atmosphere caught up to you again. Your shaking hands clutched the Nintendo tightly, pressing it to your chest. What have you done?
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taglist: @velunis , @ares10156 , @ineedhelp-takethatanywayyoulike , @leosxrealm , @erinleclerc , @badblondebisexualboy
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 9 months
HI POOKIE BEAR since you’re bored can i have some sprace thoughts pretty please with a cherry on top 😝😝
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what if. what f i just gave you a sneak peek of my musician au. what then.
too bad <3 youre getting it
spot flops onto the couch backstage with a groan, twisting around so his head hangs off the side of it and his feet are up against the wall. the heavy headphones he has over his ears bring a comforting weight, but do little to quell his nervousness.
as he flaps his hands worriedly, he sees hotshot come in through the door, and looks-up? down, because he's upside down?-at the tall boy, and waves.
hotshot waves back, and sets down the water bottle he has in his hands to sign "you ready? brought you some water and medicine." he stops signing to fish out some advil which spot accepts gratefully with the water bottle, turning to sit normally on the couch so he doesn't choke on the water.
what a way to go, he thinks. taken out by sitting weird and trying to drink water, the very thing that's s'posed to keep me alive. after swallowing the meds, spot brings his hand up and touches his fingertips to his chin before bringing his hand down and forward. "thank you."
hotshot nods and takes a seat on the floor in front of spot, a grin tugging at his lips. "there's a really cute guy at one of the tables on the right, exactly your type," he signs, a teasing look on his face. "tall, blond, he's got the look." hotshot signs this with a wave at spot's headphones, and spot nods in understanding, a grin ghosting across his face. "yeah? he got the stance?" he signs, laughing softly. he really does love his drummer, even if hotshot does try and set him up with every tall blond guy he sees.
hotshot chuckles. "if you mean he stands like a dancer with a lot of energy, yeah."a moment of silence falls as the two young men listen to the opener, hotshot bobbing his head along to a song spot can't hear. he waves to get the other's attention, before waving his finger like he might tell off someone, and bringing his hand into a fist with his pinky out and swooping it down in an arc. "where's j?" hotshot nods, fingerspelling out the name of the person spoken of. "jack's at the table with cute guy, that's why i told you about him."
whoops my hand slipped xx
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shimmershae · 5 years
Waltzing might have stalled (for the moment), but all the words and worlds crowding my brain haven't.  Wanna have a look-see at some of the other little Caryl drabble-verses I'm considering turning into their own full-fledged stories (eventually)?  Here you go.  Tell me which one(s) you'd most like to revisit.
First up, the AU Caryl married fic where they raise Sophia.  And a puppy. 
 “Please, Mom.” 
 “Sophia,” Carol warned. 
 “But it was an accident, Mom.  He didn’t mean to.” 
 “Tell that to my begonias.” 
 She heard a snort behind her, and she whirled around to glare at her husband.  He was just as complicit in the laundry list of crimes as her twelve-year-old.  He didn’t know it yet, but he would pay.  “Daryl, don’t even.” 
 “Didn’t say nothing.”  He grinned, edged a little closer, penned her in against the counter.  “You know you want it, Sweetheart.”   
 “Mommy,” Sophia pleaded. 
 Three pairs of puppy dog eyes stared at her until she folded, completely melted. 
“Daryl, have you seen my favorite…” 
 Daryl tried to hide the chewed-up shoe behind his back, but it was too late.  She’d already spotted it. 
 “Where is he?”
 “Sweetheart, just remember.  Harvey’s still a puppy.  He don’t know no better.”
 “Harvey Dent Dixon!” 
 Sophia appeared behind her mother, their happily slobbering new addition cradled in her arms. 
 Daryl tried to warn her away with his eyebrows, but he didn’t marry no fool.  His wife whirled around and angrily wagged her finger beneath the puppy’s nose.  
 “How do I even put up with you?”
 “We should have named you Wreck-It-Ralph.” 
 “Harvey, you know you’re not supposed to be in the bed.”
 The puppy responded to her half-hearted scolding with a sweetly pathetic whine and a broad swipe of his pink tongue across her chin, burrowing beneath the blankets with her and flopping down in an exhausted heap. 
 Caught between a giggle and a sigh, Carol merely smiled and opened her eyes, thankful her husband and daughter were at soccer practice and not bearing witness to her utter failure disciplining the little obedience school dropout.  “Oh, you.”
 Harvey’s tail thumped lazily. 
 “I have a secret.  Two, actually.  Promise not to tell?”    
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.” 
 Daryl peeled back, let his arms fall to his sides.  His blue eyes darted over to Sophia, but the preteen was looking elsewhere, anywhere but at them. 
 Harvey was flopped down between her daughter’s bare feet, his tongue lolling, mouth panting as he tilted his head this way and that, happily, tiredly unrepentant for the latest episode of chaos.
 “Help me out here, Soph.” 
 “It looked dead.” 
 “Weren’t, though.  How’s I s’posed to know Mama and Pa would go all Commando on us?  Fucking squirrels.” 
 Carol snorted out a laugh.  “Daryl!” 
“No more dogs.  How hard is it to understand?” 
 “Really?” Carol sighed as her husband mimicked her oft-repeated words.  Twisting in her seat to face him, at least as much as the seatbelt cinched snug across her hips would allow, she challenged, “C’mon.  You can do better than that, Pookie.” 
 Behind them, Sophia giggled. 
 Catching his stepdaughter’s eyes in the reflection of the rear-view mirror, Daryl narrowed his eyes.  “Traitor.” 
 Sophia grinned, stretching out her legs and wiggling her socked feet between them, her smelly socked feet. 
 “Sophia!  Shoes back on!” 
 “What your mom said.” 
 “Technically, it’s a kitten.” 
 “You fell asleep in the tub?”
 “Third time this week,” Sophia piped up oh-so-helpfully, fingers tightening in Harvey’s collar when he made another playful lunge at their newest family member.    
 Coined Poison Ivy by her feline-averse husband, the kitten squeaked.  Blue eyes huge, just as wet and bedraggled as Carol thanks to this latest disastrous romp, it shivered and snuggled itself into the open vee of her robe. 
 “Third time, huh?”
 “Not now,” Carol frowned.  “Sophia.  Take Harvey outside.  Let him chase some real squirrels.” 
 “But Mom…” 
 Once alone, Daryl reached for her.   “Something you wanna tell me, Sweetheart?” 
 Eyeing her husband’s pale face warily, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, Carol murmured, “Did you hear…” 
 Daryl staggered a little on his feet, hands fumbling to find the edge of their mattress, just flopped there like a fish out of water.  Still looking a little stunned, he nodded at her when she made her careful approach. 
 Smiling hopefully when his hands found her waist, Carol tenderly brushed his hair back from his forehead.  “Use your words.” 
 “A baby?  You’re…” 
 “Holy shit, Sweetheart.  We’re living in a sitcom.”    
 Frightened from her doze, Ivy mewed plaintively. 
 “Cat agrees.” 
 Second, the AU where Carol and Daryl are partners.  Purely platonic.  Or are they?
 “Bed, Soph.  Now.” 
 “Love you.” 
 “Teenagers,” Carol muttered, falling back against her bedroom door.  Kicking her heels off, she bent to peel the stockings from her legs, made short work of her blouse and skirt.  She was down to her underwear and thigh holster before she realized she wasn’t alone. 
 “Keep going, Partner.” 
 “Fuck!  Dixon!  Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 
 “Exterminators, remember?”    
 She took off her gun, turned on the bedside lamp, rolled her eyes at the erection tenting the sheet pooled around his waist.  “Seriously?” 
 He shrugged, grinned.  “Happens.”    
 “Stay on your side." 
Thing about Mason was, she was fun to fuck with.  And Daryl?  He loved fucking around.  Both in the bedroom, and…well.  Barring the field, everywhere really. 
 She’d left her bra on.  Sexy little number.  Just a lacy shadow against her pale, freckled skin. 
 His hands, body burned with the need to touch that skin, touch her.  He didn’t.  Didn’t trust himself not to take them both down a long, dark road that would consume them both.  Didn’t want to put their partnership on the line that way, but fuck.  She was right there.  He groaned. 
 “My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?” 
Carol rolled over, glared at her uninvited bedmate.  “Answer me, Dixon.  Who the fuck is Leslie?” 
 His smirk was slow.  Sly.  “Why?  You jealous?”  He deftly avoided her attempt to knee him in the nuts, pulled her leg over his hip instead. 
 Heeding her warning, he let her go.  “Relax.  Been watching tv with your ball-busting daughter.” 
 Carol softened.  “She loves that show.” 
 “Yeah, well.  Didn’t do much for me.” 
 “Your taste is questionable at best.” 
 “Mine?  What about yours?” 
 “Excuse me?” 
 “Your UPS man wear his little shorts on your date?” 
 “Scoot over a little bit, please.” 
“Quit moving.  I’m trying to sleep.  Wait.  Are you…what?!” 
 Daryl’s hand stilled under the sheet just long enough for him to hiss, groan.  “Jesus, Mason.  Think you can stop screaming in my ear?”  That was absofuckinglutely the wrong thing to say because those blue eyes flashed and caught fire, and shit.  Shit.  His hand quickly went from tugging his dick to shielding it as his partner’s small hands balled into fists, and she growled.  She fucking growled.  He was equal parts terrified and turned on.  Alright.  More like 60% terrified, 40%...
 “My kid’s…” 
 “14 going on 40 and not here.” 
Third, teen besties Caryl AU where they both grew up with absent parents and found each other early on. 
 “We really doing this silent treatment shit?  S’not my fault they only had one room.” 
 Carol heaved her duffel on top of the bed with a roll of her eyes, started digging through it like it held the secrets of the fuckin’ universe. 
 He wished.  Some last hurrah this was turning out to be.  Stuck in Bumfuck, Nowheresville in this Bates Motel wannabe.  With a best friend who’d sooner rip his nuts off than utter a civil word.  “Got a beer in there?” 
  “Shit.  Sorry.  Jesus.”
 “Is that…That’s my shirt.  So is that…wait.”   
 “S’Walsh, right?  You crushin’ on me, Sweetheart?" 
 He was almost asleep, first decent forty winks he’d managed since they’d started this trash-fire trip when he heard it:  a blood-curdling scream worthy of this place’s whole Psycho ambience. 
 The bathroom door bounced against the wall when he burst through it, practically broke his nose on the rebound, but that was all beside the point.  Two steps inside, and Carol was in his arms.  Shaking, still squealing, naked as the day she was fuckin’ born.  “Shh.  Got ya.  S’alright.  Somebody…shit.” 
 “Kill it.” 
 “A roach?  Seriously?  Thought you were bein’ murdered.” 
 “It’s prehistoric…what?” 
 “You’re so clingy.  I love it.” 
 They checked out, ended up at some Waffle House knock-off a half mile down the road that smelled like grease and maple syrup. 
 Daryl had already demolished his burger, was on the second refill of his shake before he addressed the huge fuckin’ pink elephant in the room.  “So, I saw you naked.  No big deal.” 
 Carol tugged at one of her wet curls.   “Great.  What every girl wants to hear.” 
 “Yeah, well.  Waxing poetic or some shit ‘bout your world class tits would only make things weird.” 
 “World class, huh?” 
 “Sharing is caring.  Now, give me your fries.” 
 “Oh.  Did I scare you, big boy?” 
 His fingers still fumbling with his half-zipped fly, Daryl scowled.  “Fuck off.” 
 Carol sighed, gathered her loose curls in one hand, lifted them from her sweaty neck.  “Would you relax?  I didn’t even see anything.” 
 Daryl remained skeptical.  “Sure?”
 This time, Carol rolled her eyes.  “Yes, I’m sure.   Want me to tear the hinges off a bathroom door next time?” 
 Daryl’s ears burned with the pointed reminder, and he joined her on the truck’s old tailgate, cast his eyes to the evening sky, their surroundings.  It was too…
 “Children of the Corn.” 
 Fourth, Sophia finds herself in a spot of trouble. 
“Quit stalling.  Where’s your father?” 
 Beside her, Sophia moaned into the cover of her hands.  “Mom, please.  It’s not Cade’s fault.” 
 Feeling her blood pressure tick up another notch, Carol wryly reminded her teen daughter, “Of course not.  I paid attention in health class.  It takes two.” 
 “Which makes it both their faults.” 
 The screen door slammed shut behind the man as he belatedly joined the fray, and Carol did a double take.  “Daryl?” 
 The boy’s shoulders lifted defiantly, but his blue eyes still looked just as worried. 
 “You’re Cade’s father?” 
 “Uncle,” Daryl clarified. 
 “This keeps getting better and better.” 
 Finally, because this post is too long and I'm going to have to do another one, AU.  Carol and Daryl are two neighbors not-so-secretly pining over each other, and the waiting game for one of them to make a move is killing Carol’s visiting friend Aaron.  He decides to help things along. 
  “Hold my hand so he gets jealous.” 
 “What?  But you’re, well.”  Her cheeks almost as red in that moment as her hair, Carol couldn’t even sputter out the word. 
 Aaron, as always, was quick to bail her out of the awkward moment.  Hiding his smirk in her mad cap of curls, he took her hand in his own and pulled her against his side, ushering her quickly down the hallway to her apartment door while her neighbor—her hot, adorably awkward, single, and undeniably interested neighbor—watched.  “What Dixon doesn’t know…” 
 “No buts.  Just play along.” 
 “He watching?” 
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jeupi · 7 years
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
hey so i was tagged in this by @zigsexual and @gayforgayle (thanks yall) and i’m prob not gonna tag 20 people because everyone has kinda done this but wOO
1. Drink: lemonade 2. Phone call: my mum 3. Text message: my best friend telling me to use skype more often lol 4. Song you listened to: homemade dynamite by lorde,, a queen 5. Time you cried: 10 minutes ago bc of school
6. Dated someone twice: NOPE
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: NOPE
8. Been cheated on: NOPE 9. Lost someone special: haha…. yes 10. Been depressed: hahaha… yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: NOPE
12. YELLOW 13. pale orange 14. maroon
15. Made new friends: yes surprisingly!! 16. Fallen out of love: no have you noticed that i’ve NEVER BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP 17. Laughed until you cried: yeah!! just last night actually 18. Found out someone was talking about you: uhmmm i cant remember from the top of my head but im sure its happened before 19. Met someone who changed you: yes heheh 20. Found out who your friends are: idk if this is a good question or a bad question.. but yeah?? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i have 11 friends on facebook no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all eleven of them 23. Do you have any pets: i have two fish that i’ve had since like 2014 without names 24. Do you want to change your name: if you asked me this two weeks ago i would of said yes but now im slowly getting comfortable with it (for people who don’t read my tags my irl name is aiesha lol)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: we had a lil party at school because my friend is extra but it was soooo nice she made cupcakes n everything :’’) 26. What time did you wake up: 12:30 i hate myself 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to find jake fanfic loool 28. Name something you can’t wait for: ME TO LEAVE SCHOOL 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 8 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my inability to make friends 31. What are you listening to right now: a plane flying across my house cause i live next to a FUCKING AIRPORT 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i think?? what kinda question is this 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: umm my room but i have no motivation to clean it fhgjrfi 34. Most visited Website: TUMBLR HA 35. Mole/s: yeah a fuckin mole right below my right nostril and i hate it 36. Mark/s: i have severe eczema so YES 37. Childhood dream: to be a ballerina… guess what little me you’re not even bothered to go pee at night how are going to become a dancer 38. Hair color: bROWN 39. Long or short hair: i’ve always had medium-ish length hair but im trying to grow it out atm… but still SHORT HAIR 40. Do you have a crush on someone: i wish 41. What do you like about yourself: haha… um… idk 42. Piercings: NONE i was going to get my ears pierced when i was a baby but i got sick that day and we ever went back oops 43. Blood type: i dont even know 44. Nickname: allie, ish, alicia, POOKIE 45. Relationship status: sin..gle…. 46. Zodiac: VIRGO AHAHAH 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: b99, jtv, the mindy project, orphan black, rpdr, riverdale (i have a love/hate relationship with that show) and oitnb 49. Tattoos: nAH I AM 15 but i love them alot and definitely will be getting 1 50. Right or left hand: right!!! 51. Surgery: never 52. Hair dyed in different color: omg.. purple,, burgundy, ombre, and blonde but i never want to talk about my blonde phase 53. Sport: FUCK OUTTA HERE
55. Vacation: new york or egypt 56. Pair of trainers: lol i own 4 pairs of shoes probably my vans
57. Eating: what does this mean?? fav food?? pasta 58. Drinking: LEMONADEEEE 59. I’m about to: prepare for school sad face 61. Waiting for: my glo up 62. Want: money 63. Get married: EVENTUALLY maybe when im not FIFTEEN
64. Career: i’ve always wanted to be a photographer but rn being a cartoonist/illustrator sounds fun fun fun 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs!!! 66. Lips or eyes: eyes for sure 67. Shorter or taller: since im like 5′2 taller 68. Older or younger: older or younger WHAT 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: um?? arms i guess?? 71. Sensitive or loud: how am i both sensitive and loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship of course 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant as fuck
74. Kissed a stranger: NO 75. Drank hard liquor: NO 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: NO 77. Turned someone down: NO 78. Sex in the first date: NO 79. Broken someone’s heart: i dont?? think so??? 80. Had your heart broken: NO 81. Been arrested: NO 82. Cried when someone died: fun fact i have never experienced somebody close to me passing away so.. no… but if we are talkin about tv shows… michael cordero.. why 83. Fallen for a friend: nope
84. Yourself: lol no 85. Miracles: i guess so?? 86. Love at first sight: maybe??? im young i dont know anything about love 87. Santa Claus: i never believed in santa.. whoops 88. Kiss on the first date: on the cheek?? yeah 89. Angels: yep yep yep
90. Current best friend’s name: I HAVE TWO jasmine and freya <33 91. Eyecolor: brown 92. Favorite movie: omg okay.. get ready… the curious case of benjamin button, creed (michael b DADDY), the fundamentals of caring, revolutionary road
i tag @elenasanchez @michellenguyens @pixelbatsy @gplaychoices @fyeahjanethevirgin @endlessraj @everythingchoices @krystas @jessicamckenzie @strider-sister @whatchoices @ducitora @heart-jake @heart-drake @eleanor-waverley @pbophelia and @pbstar !! ignore this if you’ve done it haha
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