#i love them sooo much
martisno · 1 month
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amygdalae · 10 months
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fucking astounding news: my two wonderful beasts are friends with eachother
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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Lord of Dreams freshly plucked out of the Dreaming. Of course you couldn't resist, Hob :).
the funny thing is that I originally sketched out and shaded a different version of this (Dream clothed only in his skinny jeans - I'll put it under the cut, hint spicier though - only a little :)). It was nice I guess, but then I looked at it and thought: you know what would look great draped over the edge of the sofa? Dream's shadowy dress from this (x) post. yes, I have to redo this from scratch now :). and I'm happy that I did. I prefer this one more - I think it has more soul to it and is more soft and playful. sigh
but don't wanna waste the first version and I think some of you might like... so feel free to keep reading if you're curious
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I usually don't shade with screentones but I got inspired by the amazing art of @/levionok and her teacher!Hob sketches (x) 
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kinnbig · 10 months
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Bas & Tong for Elle Men Thailand
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simplydnp · 1 month
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my favourite energy: fond & exasperated fond
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imninakk · 3 months
ghsdhgsd because you mentioned drawing ideas, here is the best i have come up with: mello and near watching a horror movie [i imagine near would be like. not frightened by them at all, and mello wants to Pretend he is immune to them but u_u he is Not Immune]
Sorry for the delay in responding, it took me a while to do the drawings, but I really loved the result hihi
I personally took longer due to the fact that it's INCREDIBLY HORRIBLE DOING STRAIGHT HAIR (mello you'll pay me), whereas Near's curly hair I love doing it
I was inspired by a post I saw here on Tumblr for the little robot, but I lost the @ :(
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Well, here's the result <3 (I love making these little drawings )
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ladyannemarie5 · 9 months
Jaskier graduated summa cumme laude from the most prestigious university on the continent. He acts like a superficial and disinterested bard all the time, but from time to time he acts like what he is, a master of the 7 liberal arts: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music and Astronomy.
Geralt doesn't notice this until Radovid shows up.
Every now and then Jaskier would blurt out a nonsensical comment that usually isn't meant for anyone, other than Geralt with his great ear, to hear.
The prince, hears everything that comes out of the bard's mouth and it is surprising when he laughs at whatever Jaskier said to the bard's amazement. Most amazingly, Radovid responds with another nonsensical comment that makes Jaskier laugh.
Geralt looks at them with a frown. Jaskier stops his laughter and eagerly asks the prince if he has read the philosopher he was apparently quoting. Radovid launches into a story of how his private tutor forced him to read the philosopher and he subsequently became enchanted with the man's writings and read his work for his own pleasure.
The more they travel, the more that happens. It turns out that the apparent nonsense Jaskier occasionally spouted is actually quotes, references and facts from philosophers, poets, astronomers, mathematicians, etc., that he was taught in college or read himself. Radovid responds to each of them with charm and delight, because apparently, Radovid has read them all as part of his royal education.
Geralt is not jealous. He isn't. No matter what Ciri and Yennefer say. He just doesn't like being out of the joke, doesn't like both of them acting like others aren't there and having to listen to their academic conversations when no one but them seems to care.
He just doesn't like that Jaskier smiles like never every time Radovid quotes an old poet of yesteryear that no one but them has read, as if it's an inside joke, because there should be no secrets in their group. He also doesn't like it when Jaskier laughs so loud because that can attract monsters. He hates that Jaskier sits next to Radovid every night talking about boring books because they are mere humans and if something attacks them, then both will be in danger and Geralt will only be able to save one (cof cof Jaskier), it's simple strategy. And absolutely not jealous because the bard now asks the prince for his advice when he writes songs, it's just that was something that used to de-stress Geralt and now he can't sleep well anymore. It's simple comfort.
But it all finally goes to shit when Jaskier turns down Geralt's invitation to spend the winter in Kaer Morhen because stupid Radovid invited him to his castle on the coast where he apparently has the best collection of maritime astronomy on the continent.
Geralt spends all that winter stuck in the library of Kaer Morhen reading anything that might interest Jaskier other than bestiaries. He tries very hard not to think about his bard and the prince huddled in front of the fire looking up at the stars until late at night drinking wine, getting closer and closer and closer until…
No. He won't allow it. When he sees Jaskier in the spring, he'll be sure to casually mention everything he read in winter, he'll make a fool of the prince when Geralt shows his bard the ancient books he brought him from the Wolf school library (not that Vesemir needs to know what came out of his precious library).
He'll graduate summa cumme laude from freaking Oxenfurt if it means getting his bard's attention again.
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callmegaith · 5 months
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"Can you hear my corruption?"
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cldhead · 1 year
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Tell me, was I in your dreams?
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There are so many parallels in Hualian. When Xie Lian catches Hong Hong'er during the heavenly ceremonial procession to 800 years later in the Banyue Arc Hua Cheng catching Xie Lian. Xie Lian throwing away the flower Wu Ming gave him to Xie Lian getting paranoid when he realized that he lost the golden flower Hua Cheng won for him. Xie Lian comforting Hong Hong'er that his existence isn't a problem and that he isn't at fault to Hua Cheng comforting Xie Lian that he has done enough. This is not exactly a parallel but Eming is Hua Cheng's will to survive and Rouye is Xie Lian's will to die.
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moodlemcdoodle · 2 years
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gothamsfinestdummy · 1 year
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First Kiss (?)
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leojurand · 12 days
“Oh, Peter! I wish I could have married Bunter. I do love him so.” “Bride’s Wedding-Night Confession; Titled Clubman Slays Valet and Self.”
— Busman's Honeymoon, Dorothy L. Sayers
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vertonghen · 10 months
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sunnibits · 8 months
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anyways: they <3
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nunnimushka · 1 year
Edling from my old deleted blog🤙
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