#i love these writer ask game meme things they're so fun
kitausuret · 1 year
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
Yoinked from @abc2411 because it looked fun!
The Look of You Eddie first started to notice the difference with his other. 
(Whatever Happens) We've Got Us Jubulile first spotted it when they were setting up back on the boat to get to the nearest airport. It looked like a huge puddle on the deck - like a giant puddle of oil, all colors of red and blue, tangled up together in purple.
Where My Path Will Lead Peter dropped down to the ground as he watched Venom fly away, their words still ringing in his ears and he stood there and tried to wrap his head around them.  “-Flash will probably find you first-” It couldn’t be, though. Brock was fucking with him, just to be cruel; Peter was sure of it. One last stake in his back to remind him of his personal failure and just the latest in the list of people he’d loved and hadn’t been able to save.
Complicate Me, Elevate Me “You wanna switch?” Eddie scoffed at Flash’s reaction. “You don’t have to sound so incredulous about it.”
Add Without Subtraction “Hey, lover – we getting Chinese or pizza tonight?” Peter leaned back in his chair, looking at his wife upside-down with a tired smile. “It’s not a burrito kind of night? Because I’m pretty sure it’s a burrito kind of night.”
What Binds Us Together Wanda wasn’t certain what had brought her to the northern Australian city of Darwin. A feeling, perhaps.
Darker Than Death or Night “Brock, I need your help.” He shouldn’t have picked up the phone. “You have the wrong number,” he muttered, and pulled the cheap flip phone away to hang up.
Out Like a Light Harry Lyman, Chief of Operations at the Manhattan headquarters of Parker Industries, was sleeping with the boss, and everyone knew it.
Finding the Light Again It started with just the two of them, laying on a blanket on an abandoned island, miles from every care in the world, thoughts of long-deceased enemies behind them. 
Learn to Let it Show As far as first dates had gone (well, the first date they were calling a date), all had gone well. Flash had seemed his normal, charismatic self, if not a little awkward, but it was kind of endearing, and if Harry was being honest, made him less nervous.
Bonus, it wasn't a new fic, but an update on an existing one, when I posted chapter 13 of Dust to Dust: Eddie was uncomfortable, but at least it was a base in the middle of nowhere and not an actual courthouse. While Price’s lawyer argued with Manuela over the matter of his – of their – presence, Eddie found Lee Price sitting on a bench outside the room where the hearing would take place.
Tagging whoever wants to do this, since I know a good bunch of you were probably tagged by one of our other mutuals LOL
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corishadowfang · 4 months
3 or 12?
(For this)
3. A character the fandom helped you appreciate.
Basically all of the Radiant Garden crew, haha. They were less interesting to me compared to everyone else (Braig and Xehanort aside), but the fandom's done a lot of cool stuff with them that's won me over, haha.
12. Compliment someone in your fandom.
I...will not be sticking to just one haha.
@starlightwayfinder You create such beautiful art and amazing fics, and are just a really sweet person overall.
@kicktwine Your art is absolutely amazing and I LOVE your worldbuilding. (My knowledge on FF14 is limited but I still get excited every time I see a spec bio post from you.)
@goldensunset I love seeing your thoughts on the games (they have a tendency to either make me emotional or go feral over how interesting they are, haha). Also, stairposting.
@rosie-kairi SO MANY of your shitposts/memes/etc. make me laugh, haha. Also, your art is fantastic.
@serenedash Good takes and fics and art!! I always get excited when I see something new from you.
@thetwilightroadtonightfall OVERMORROW IS MAKING ME CRY (positive). But also seeing you talk about Ephemer is so much fun because you're clearly having such a great time with it.
@psianabel Your FICS. Man, I love them so much; I have reread many of them several times, they're so good!
@hallowed-nebulae Also an amazing fic writer!! Seriously, I love your prose and how you handle the characters, and your worldbuilding is just so COOL.
@fungeiful Your art is fantastic; I've loved seeing all of the Brain and Player doodles. Also, bagelposting.
@cq-studios You're so enthusiastic about the mobile games and it makes me SO HAPPY. Your art style is also adorable.
@recusant-s-sigil I LOVE seeing/hearing your thoughts about the series; they're so well thought-out and interesting. Also, Scala Ask Caelum is very cool.
@scalacaelumx Amazing art and a very sweet person! I may not see you on my dash as much as some others, but I always get excited when I do.
@chibifightfu You have such amazing art and are just a super cool person in general! I always love talking with you, whether about KH stuff or random things.
@lightwithinthedarknessu You are one of the kindest people I've ever met. Also, I adore all of your writing.
@bookwormally ALSO A REALLY FANTASTIC WRITER and I will be continually impressed by your management abilities. (Also, thank you so much for organizing the World Guidebook Zine.)
@blazernot When I saw someone else was doing Skuld and Brain stuff, I got SO EXCITED, haha. Also, you're just a very cool person, and I love your OCs.
And...and there are definitely people I'm missing, so just know that all of you are awesome and I'm happy you're here!
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quinloki · 8 days
Heya Quin c: got some emojis for ya from the ask meme thing:
🌵,🐇,🍄,🔪, 🥐,🧩
I've got a bit of a backlog, and someone else hit the knife and puzzle piece, so I'll skip those for this one and answer them on the others ❤️
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
It's my own playlist, I hope that's not too arrogant of me, but it always makes me feel good
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Hmm... My preference is more reader inserts, but I'm starting to ease into original character stuff thanks to a LOT of really talented creatives and their own OCs. I do want to write some Quill stuff soon, but I'm going to try and complete some more x readers first =3
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Crocodile and Mihawk are both Supremely Angry that they're attracted to Buggy, but that attraction is the only thing keeping the crown prince of disaster alive, so it's the whole reason the threesome works XD
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
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Taco Baco is just FUN TO SAY
writer's truth and dare game
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scarrletmoon · 2 months
okay for the "get to know your fic writer": 1, 7, 10, 20, 37, (OH MY GOD THERE ARE SO MANY OF THESE I WANT TO KNOW YOUR ANSWER TO, I AM TRYING TO APPEAR NORMAL AND NOT ASK YOU A MILLION OF THESE) 46, 54, and if you want me to come back and ask you more I absolutely will but I'm being GOOD and not obnoxiously makign this answer a million words long i love you happy birthday my dearest darling friend YOU'RE THE BEST <3
omg katherine 😭💖💖💖 you can ask me as many as you want, it's never annoying (there's just no guarantee that i'll ever get to it in a timely manner)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
i like the challenge of writing multi chapter fics but also i think if i write another one i'll actually explode
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
literally just vibes. i think i tend to write from stede's perspective a lot bc it's fun when he's clueless until the point where he realizes that ed actually likes him back and then doms that man so hard his head spins
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
He reaches for Stede’s waist, urges him closer as he blinks up from the floor. Whatever Stede’s planning, Ed knows he can’t resist those eyes, not if Ed gets the angle right.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
uuuhhhh i think i tend to accidentally trip over ed or stede's trauma whenever i write them -- i cant help a sentence or two that alludes to some deeper story, even in a one shot
pretty much all of my descriptions come in threes -- i have a certain cadence which is very annoying and means i rely on a thesaurus a lot, to varying degrees of success
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
it's vibes, it's just all vibes
sometimes i'll come back and decide a chapter actually ends in the middle of the next one, and i'll move things around but. it's just vibes!!
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
definitely character driven. whenever i pause, i put myself in that character's shoes and try to see what they're seeing, feeling, hearing, etc. i should really focus on this more for plot bc i think i often end up describing or mentioning shit that a character wouldn't really be aware of
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
sending snippets to my favourite people so they can yell at me 🥰
get to know your fic writer ask game
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maidenvault · 2 months
Fore the Writers Truth & Dare ask game... could I please have 🐇, 🔪, 🥐, 🦋, and ☁️? 💕
do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
My writing isn't about me, I know I'm not that interesting lol. And the appeal of fic for me is playing with characters that aren't mine. It can be fun to come up with a supporting OC to serve some purpose in a story, but neither of these are aspects of fic writing I think much about.
what’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I can't think of anything specific, but I know over the years I've researched so many things about the 70s for Tiger & Bunny fics only to have just the vaguest little references to give the setting a hint of that feel. The world is only vaguely NC-1970s even in canon but it's my favorite decade especially for music so I'm always thinking about it in relation to that fandom. (One day I'll finally share my "period-accurate" character playlists for T&B that I listened to a lot while writing Kotetsu/Barnaby.)
name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
I've gotten so much mileage out of this meme lol. My sister and I are constantly calling things a "too fancy" (insert anything).
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share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Been missing my brother and his gf. They live in the area of totality for the upcoming eclipse so I need to bug them about letting me visit then if they're not busy.
what made you choose your username?
In ASoIaF the Maidenvault tower in the Red Keep has a sordid incesty reason for being called that, which is not my blog’s general vibe lol. But I like how it evokes the fairy-tale trope of a princess locked in a tower which applies in a non-conventional way to so many characters I love (including the princess in my icon 💕).
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winterswhite · 11 days
I know it's already well liked, but Ace Attorney for the ask game (or enstars if you'd rather!)
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme Ppl send topics and instead of salt or hot takes, you MUST talk abt smth you like about it.
Fuck it, you get both
Ace Attorney:
The Ace Attorney series is very dear to me for a lot of reasons, but one that I can gush about is the characters. I really love the way characters are laid out throughout the series, no matter who they are. I've seen varying opinions on many different characters or groups of characters, but I think it's really nice that people can have such differing opinions, whether those are liking or disliking certain characters or liking/disliking the way they're written. Personally, I feel like the characters all feel very human, with all their experiences in life contributing to little aspects of their character here and there in a way that just makes sense. Everyone is lovable in one way or another, and everyone has depth to them. It goes a lot deeper than anyone just having X personality or being a good or a bad person; they're all well-developed, fully fleshed out human characters.
This is kind of a hot take, but it's a positive one so I think it's okay for the meme. I really like enstars' writing. It gets a lot of crap for being overly dramatic or edgy or whatever, but personally, I really like the way that enstars is written, and... 日日日 aka Akira is my favorite writer. While they may seem a little outlandish for an idol gacha game at first, I think they're very fun once you break out of that rigid idea of What An Idol Game Should Be, because enstars has never been your typical idol game. Also, I really appreciate enstars' writing setup in general: one thing I've felt causes some games to end up with highs and lows in story quality or iffy character development etc is having a writing team with no clear "head". While enstars isn't free from inconsistencies either (glaring at Kinosei), the fact that stories do get fact checked and edited and sometimes Akira acts as a supervisor even when he's not writing a story means that things are overall more cohesive. It's nice.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I just wanted to say that as a person in their early 20s who only just got into resident evil after re8, it was so fun finding your blog and scrolling through all the little blurbs you’ve got. fandom elders always have the best resources and lore and make spaces a million times better, so thank u for mentioning all the little game details and fandom notes that would’ve been forgotten or missed otherwise to newcomers!!
on another note, i wanted to ask if you had any amusing/chaotic tidbits relating to the re fandom in its earlier days, whether it be speculations of scenes or character directions or interactions that people were so sure were going to happen in later re games that absolutely did not happen, fics that were really influential, insane fanwar stories, memes that used to be rlly prolific and now don’t really come up, etc. it’s something i love to discover about fandoms because it rlly is a “you had to be there,” type of information that people don’t document the way they would with canon developments that you can easily find on wikipages
Anon... I'm gonna fucking cry. 😭 This is exactly what I wanted this blog to become once I realized I was falling back into RE hell. Anything that I can do to make this canon more accessible to new people, I want to do it. I think I've said this before, but I literally cannot imagine what it must be like getting into this series this late in the game, because RE is terrifyingly huge and abstract and very old by video game standards.
As for the second part of your ask... Man, I have so many stories. I won't tell all of them, because if I try to, it'll be weeks before I can post this LMAO so let me just break this up into sections and I'll tell whatever the first stories that pop into my head are.
So, historically, RE fandom was never big on fan theories. Fan theories and meta were something that Silent Hill people did, not so much RE people.
BUT there is one that refuses to die, and I have seen people scream about it as recently as Revelations 2.
People are convinced that Steve Burnside is going to come back. This drum has been getting banged ever since the original Code Veronica released in 2000, and even though it has literally never been hinted at at any point in the 23 years since then that Capcom even remembers that that was a possible thing that was set up, the fandom is still waiting for it to happen.
And it's all because Wesker stole his body and fucked off with it and was a complete asshole about it when he did it. That's it, that's the whole reason.
But then that also ties into the fact that there are still people who are convinced that Wesker didn't actually die in RE5 and that he's gonna come back any day now, guys, really -- and that's just a whole level of death denial I've never seen before. Dude got hit with two rocket launchers in the middle of an active volcano. YOU LITERALLY DO NOT GET MORE DEAD THAN THAT.
Surprisingly, none. RE didn't have an "I Know What's Beneath the Snow Fields" or a "Walk This World." There were influential authors, though. I won't name them because I have no idea where they are now or if they're still around, but. I will say that there was one very influential fic writer in Cleon fandom who utilized literally so many headcanons in her fics that her characters were utterly unrecognizable. Some of the headcanons blatantly contradicted canon, even. But her writing style and her prose were so, so, so fucking good that it didn't matter. For a while, Cleon fandom almost became like a cult around her fics -- and, as someone who only dabbled in Cleon because my friends shipped it, but I had no personal stake in the ship myself -- it was really, really weird to watch this go down.
I was going to go off on a huge thing about the Aeon vs Cleon wars, but seeing as how they're still fucking happening for some god forsaken dumbass reason, I decided not to.
So, we'll forget that. And while this isn't a war story, exactly, I do need to give a special shoutout to the Wesker wives of old.
If you are at all familiar with the stories of old school Final Fantasy VII fandom of girls who convinced themselves that they married Sephiroth on the astral plane -- guess what. RE fandom had those girls, too, and we called them Wesker wives.
There was one really prominent one on LiveJournal back in the day who used to get art commissioned of her and Wesker together, and she would post pictures of herself "in uniform" for him, and like. Would legitimately write as though she was actually married to the fictional character Albert Wesker. She'd answer questions from people and shit.
And she was really, really pretty, so everyone was just kind of stunned by this, because this girl very clearly took care of herself and worked out and knew how to do her hair and makeup -- she always looked really good -- and it was just like... how did someone like you fall so far off the reality wagon?
And then it slowly started to come out that she maybe had some nazi ideology behind her and kept referring to Wesker has her Aryan king or someshit, and that was about the point where my Jewish ass backed away from that whole trainwreck and stopped paying attention to it, so I don't actually know how this story ends.
So, uh. If you've been on the fandom side of the internet long enough, you'll at least have heard of the "it's over 9000" meme, even if you're not into Dragon Ball or ever seen an episode of it in your life.
Well, the same guy who started that meme also left his mark on RE fandom, too. The whole "Jill sandwich" thing was always a meme in its own right, but "Hope this is not Chris's blood" was added onto it thanks to this video. So, "Hope this is not Chris's blood" was a big, big meme in the late aughts that I really don't see around anymore. It was used as a sort of... shitpost response to a shitpost, if that makes sense? Like, your friend sends you some obviously stupid bullcrap or a dumb meme and you just respond back "hope this is not chris's blood."
This cap from Code Veronica was a huge meme for a long time, too, and I DO NOT FUCKING KNOW WHY
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And then.
There was this masterpiece. Do not watch this with other people in the room unless your willingness to let others bear witness to your own cringe is very high. It's also NSFW. And, actually, this video might be the single oldest meme in RE fandom history. The YT link I provided here is not the original source of it. It was some stupid fan edit that was making its rounds on Kazaa, and I'm not joking. I want to say this edit is no younger than OG RE2 (so 1998).
And I would negligent in my duties as a fandom historian if I did not introduce you to the glory that is Resident Evil 4 Days of Our Lives. I STILL QUOTE THIS SHIT, TO THIS DAY.
Like, this is me on plurk referencing this stupid fucking shit as I'm liveplurking my very first playthrough of RE4R:
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There was a part of me that was honestly kind of upset when the two cops at the beginning of RE4make didn't actually say to Leon, "I hear no one listens to you. Is that true, Captain Cubscout?" because that is unironically the single greatest line of dialogue that was ever written to be said by any character to Leon Kennedy, and it was written by some fuckin college kids back in the mid aughts.
And that's all I can think of for right now.
Thank u for indulging my old person desire to ramble on about "BACK IN MY DAY........." I appreciate u.
ETA: ok like i know i said i was only gonna mention shit that i could think of at the time that i responded to the ask but there is one more meme that i would be remiss to not mention
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qserasera · 6 months
i'm like, perpetually at least two weeks behind my tumblr feed but belatedly for the writer ask game: ❤️🎬🦋 (hope you're well and getting enough sleep!)
GIRL....HELP. it has almost been a month since u put this in my askbox....and No i have not been getting enough sleep but IM TRYING T W T questions from this ask meme here
okeys i was rlly happy i got to sit down and answer some of these hehehe
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? oh gosh...all these answers are going to be bg3 related on account of uh *waves hand* everything hahahaah ^ - ^
this would be a scene from stag hunt, one of those fics based on my own game playthroughs where my protag made an unwise choice with limited information and has some Regrets about it:
"He was defenseless!" This is the closest to shouting that Astarion has ever heard from her. Her eyes blaze, sparks against smokepowder. Like smokepowder, it flares, then dies down in a flash to cold ashes—gray and hollow. "And I—was my own greed that killed him."  Against his own will, Astarion's grip loosens slightly. "Layla—" She's not so unsteady as to crumble—but her posture slackens, the warmth of her forehead leaning into his shoulder, against his collarbone... Astarion presses his lips together.  What does she want to hear?  What does he even have to offer, in comfort?  She is the one with the soft touch, and he, the crooked one.  'You could have asked me,' Astarion does not say. 'You could have asked me to kill him. I would have. Just this once. To stain my own palms in red, to wield my blade at your word. I would have done it willingly, at your command. But you—' But she wouldn't, he knows. It must have been a side effect of all those songs she surrounds herself with—a streak of paladin tendencies in her, despite her bardic background.
for the context my favorite line written Has to be the one about astarion offering to be her blade, to take on the the dirty work so to speak...something something mirror image of a lionheart knight, but in reverse :'')) he doesn't have to, but that combo of unstated protectiveness/hinted at beginnings of devotion even when he's Not the type to necessarily think about others is very. Chewy to my brain.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
ok OK. so. i already mentioned like every single genshin fic i've written for this question (pspsps emperor!zhongli and consort!childe) so. i have to choose something else her LKDJFLSD
when i finish my bg3 transmigration tav fic meeting magistrate astarion, it's going to be Very fun and good but until i have. i don't think i can do that XD
i always forget if u did read/follow up on natsume yuujinchou but if i had to film a very short movie/film for one of my fics, i think it might have to be in your periphery
it was one of those slightly Unhinged fic images that grabbed my brain and wouldn't let me go??? and i finished writing it in like. an hour.
i can see it being filmed like a 20-minute mini-episode, with lots of implied pining music in the background even as the main character Insists to themselves that he's moved past such silly feelings like childish sentiment :))
and for the aesthetics of it, i kno it's a cdrama and not a jdrama, but i would love it to have the slightly tragic, color-rich aesthetic of an ancient love song ahhhh
o w o i need to fancast them too....oh boy. um. i have no idea actually...their faces are already perfect to me in the manga ahhh
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[img description: "matoba and natori stare at each other with surprised expressions"] someone else who knows more about the jdrama actors scene can cast them for me. 🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
oh gosh. i don't know?? (right now it would have to be astarion :)) but i do like character types who are. hm. not liars specifically, but they say one thing and do another thing (masks/identities/roles), even if they're feelings are telling them something different! schemers...planners. i also do enjoy writing uh. casually kind characters, if that makes sense.
what i cannot feel like i can write well yet are straight up extroverted characters.......it is. too advanced for me right now :''))) (that might explain why i enjoy reading fic about sportsball anime once upon a time, but very rarely Feel the urge to write something for them hahahaha)
another character type i can struggle with a little more are the ones that are ruthless/willing to be cruel since it's hard figuring out where the line between believably ruthless with some crunch for texture and cartoonish evil laughter would be lmao
i do sometimes like writing characters with less?? dialogue?? and just more thoughts, but that can be a problem for characters who enjoy talking overall (like astarion ; w ; )
thank u for asking these of me friend, thanks for patiently waiting for the response LKSDJFLKSDJFLSD
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Ssp top hits - AO3 era
Tagged by the lovely and talented @thebyrchentwigges, who is a gorgeous human being I adore.
The preamble: So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Least words.
Sadly it has been AGES since I've touched fic, but this is a good opportunity to go poke through unfinished projects. (She says, fully aware of the unfinished novel burning a hole in her browser tabs...)
Most Hits/Most Kudos/Most Comments: The Length and Breadth of Fury Road. Mad Max: Fury Road, Max/Furiosa.
Max leaves, and Furiosa stays.
I posted the first chapter of this exactly two weeks after the movie came out when there were like six other fics in existence anywhere, so I was very very lucky to catch the new-fandom wave of interest. (Why did you wait two whole weeks, you might ask? Chop chop, time's a-wasting. I was too busy seeing the movie four times in the theater, but after that fourth screening, my poor husband was like, "...can we maybe see something else?") This fic defined my entire life for three years, introduced me to some of the most amazing people I've ever met, and my life has never been the same.
Most Words: The Moth. Horizon: Zero Dawn, Aloy/Erend.
Moths seek out light, he thinks, and die for it. Maybe they know, but they still can’t stay away. He feels like that, a slow, inexorable urge to set himself on fire in the wild blaze of her hair.
I would have bet money that L&B would make a complete sweep of this, but apparently Moth edges it out by almost 4k. I'm not as proud of this one, because I don't think it's written as well. It spanned the year I was in a protracted bipolar breakdown, including the period where I was in an intensive outpatient program, so while it did a good job keeping me afloat, when I go back and reread it, it's very obvious (to my eye) I wasn't at the top of my game. It was great fun though.
Least Words, overall: DAI Drabbles. Dragon Age Inquisition, gen.
Random drabbles of my headcanon. I reserve the right to move them to other works as they fit.
Technically, these are not drabbles (not exactly 100 words, but ah well) and they're not technically their own fic, just fragments of the larger DAI epic that I never quite got into. (You can thank Fury Road for that abrupt pivot.) I have a ton more DAI that I never uploaded, so maybe at some point I'll get bored one day and tackle that disappointing mess.
Least Words, completed fic: The Things Left Behind. Dragon Age Inquisition, Blackwall/Female Trevelyan.
“Thom Rainier?” she hears herself say, her voice calm and collected and very, very far away. “No. I didn’t know him at all.”
I never would have let my Inquisitor have anything other than a happy ending, but some itches just need to be scratched.
Now, for the tagging! I am so shit at picking people, because I know SO MANY excellent fic writers and I have no idea who has already seen this meme. So, at complete random: @silver-dream89 @aubade @theherocomplex @fuckyeahisawthat and anyone else who is even vaguely interested. Love you all!
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iloveyou-writers · 2 years
This is a bit of a dumb concern of mine. So i post bits of my wip sometimes, but i'm noticing the very unfortunate pattern of people interacting with just stuff i reblog and not the stuff i post. And like... i know it's not about the notes, i'm just sharing for fun, but idk if it's because people don't like my stuff or if they just don't see it or what but it's a little discouraging. I'm not even gonna lie, the thought, "what's the point of me posting if no one's reading it anyway?" has crossed my mind several times. Just not sure if i should continue posting my stuff or give up on that.
I don't think it's a dumb concern, and I understand it's discouraging. I also understand wanting people to interact with your stories, you're not wrong for wanting that. You ought to just remind yourself that lack of engagement doesn't mean your stories aren't interesting, or that they're bad. It can also be hard to gather traction online.
I don't want you to give up, but I want you to do what feels right. If you decide to ease off on posting online for a while, I hope you keep writing. ♡
// D
What Nisey said. Honestly, it took me like 5 blogs and hundreds of posts before I started getting noticed. Part of it is in how you tag things, part of it is in how you talk about your writing. Sad to say, the popularity of your posts isn't necessarily about the quality of them. Sometimes just making a silly meme that everyone relates to will bring attention to your blog or making an ask game everyone can enjoy.
That said, it shouldn't just be about the engagement. Of COURSE as a writer you want people to be reading your writing but at the end of the day, what matters is your own love of your writing. If not getting the engagement you want is taking away from your enjoyment of writing your story, maybe step back from posting them and come up with a posting plan.
Honestly, the running of your blog should be all about what YOU want out of it. If your goal for your blog is more engagement, maybe try looking at what bigger blogs did to get more engagement and figuring out how you can incorporate it into your own blog and ideas.
If your goal is to have your writing out there for the world to see, you're already doing it, even if people aren't necessarily seeing it.
But the OTHER thing I wanted to point out other than all of this is just because you're not getting notes on these things, it doesn't mean people aren't reading and loving the crap out of your works. A shocking amount of readers are shy to comment when they read or interact with things they read, so sometimes you'll have a ton of readers you don't realize you have until you do or say just the right thing to get the shy person out of their shell. For me, it's been when I've shut down my blogs or when I've been struggling with my depression and they came out of the shadows to sweetly encourage me. But what would bring them out of their shells really depends on the reader.
One fun way to get more engagement is to make an ask game based off of your WIP or characters. Ask questions that pertain to your OCs and use your OCs names instead of letters and numbers. Or use the names of the societies named in your WIP. Things like that. It can be a fun way for information to be subtly passed around writeblr without you having to infodump.
You could add a little blurb at the end about your wip and tag "if you wanna know more about this world/wip/these characters, follow me at [blog]" at the end.
Hope this helps and you feel more of a fire in your belly. I'm sure you're doing much better than you feel. It's always easy to ignore the victories when they're not in the areas we wish they were 🥰
🤍 H
(Sorry for the long ranty reply. I've never given all this advice to anyone struggling with engagement before, but with how many asks we get about it, I figured it was about time to give some advice outside of "don't worry so much about engagement!")
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nachosncheeze · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
📚 & 🏷️
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Definitely! It depends on what you are looking for, so here's a few of my faves in a couple different categories:
***Edit: I'm adding a cut bc it's just occurred to me to mention, anyone new who's not done the series but is seeing this - I do have a spoiler-safe fics list that Scotti and I were working on at one point, so if there's a specific season you're looking for, but not wanting to know what twists come after (or if you're looking for fic for a specific episode or event), feel free to inbox me and I'll send some links. :)
Below this cut there are descriptions that spoil all sorts of things, so.....***
For Jeller, everything by @indelibleevidence is outstanding. I'm gonna start out saying probably a majority of it has passages that are NSFW so if you're a minor or not into that, tread lightly. I'm currently revisiting Remember to Forgive, which has late-season 3 Weller suffering amnesia that takes him mentally back to early season 2; you know, when he couldn't stand to be in the same room as his wife. The angst! It's a fave and totally my jam, I could probably quote it. Torture Without You is... well. Read it. Amazing. I'm a big Remi fan, and here you will also find one of our two Reller champions: the Damaged Goods series is so dark (also very NSFW) but soooo good.
@idealisticrealism is another that everyone should definitely read, imo. The Fire is basically my favorite one-shot ever, and she's our other Reller champion - as complete AUs go I can not possibly overstate my love for From the Ashes and Into Flames. I could literally quote them both to you.
@gypsyscarfwoman is responsible for my other favorite one-shot, Nothing Can Come Between Us, which is Jeller after season 2, but from Sarah Weller's POV. It's just a tiny bit angsty but fluffy and sweet. I love the way she describes the interactions between Jeller as viewed by a concerned third party. There's also Shelter From Your Storm, which is another season 2 AU except that post compound raid there's legitimate concern Nas might throw Jane under the bus and let the CIA have her, so Weller fake marries her to legitimize and protect her.
@ladyriot recently did a lovely retelling of s2 but as a Jane/Patterson slow burn. The way they low key agonize over each other is tragic, but the ending is so sweet without being completely saccharine, and it's definitely worth a look.
I haven't read much Zapatterson but @narvaldetierra is actively writing them. I read Remembers from September and No Good Deed Goes Unpunished a while ago, and I'm excited to reread them soon and then keep working through this ship 😁
Dylan Cruca is worth checking out if you want a bit of season 2/3 Jeller canon divergence/extra scenes, or Jeller/Reller AUs - I thought their post-season 1 AU ended up being a particularly interesting twist - but they're not for everyone.
I could go on but I'll end with one that's basically the fic equivalent to a playlist of Sad Songs to Sob To: Silence Speaks by lochness20, in which Jane's black site escape attempt fails, and when they find her, she is in a REALLY bad state. Warning that it's pretty dark and brutal and tw for suicidal thoughts and an eventual very graphic murder.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I don't really look for specific tags; it's not a huge fandom so there's not a ton of room to be choosy. I can say that straight whump isn't my thing, nor is pure domestic stuff, and I generally steer clear of pregnancy/kidfic unless there's some other compelling plot alongside the kids. I guess I basically love angst most of all 😍
Thank you for the ask!! :D It's always fun to revisit some faves. 💕
I'm trying to find my mojo and inspiration to start creating again, and I find these memes are a really good exercise to think critically about my ideas and hopefully get the juices flowing. If anyone else is curious, please check here and consider sending me an ask!
I've also recently done a WIP ask meme, which you can find here if you'd like a peek at what I've been working on before the words left me. :)
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slayerlevampire · 4 months
ask game time and I'm gonna be weird--
Neil Watts with 5, 15, and/or 25
Eva Rosaline with 1, 13, and/or 20
And just 'cause, Dr Robotnik with 21, 23, and/or 26 >:3
Weeeee let's gooooo
Neil Watts
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
- Cancer by MCR, and probably because of our crackship lmfao
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
-SPEAKING OF THE CRACKSHIP, Wattley, of course, (Wheatley from Portal x Neil Watts for those who don't know) if not just for the fun times. Though Rosawatts is a close second because they're sooo cuuuute
25. What was your first impression of this character? What about now?
-He's a loser, and he's still a loser but now he's my special loser. And tragic.
Eva Rosaline
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
- I love Eva because she's a great foil to Neil for one, but that's more why I like both of them, and she's just so cool and collected. A good head on her shoulders, and her fascination for jellyfish is adorable.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or that you think they would use a lot?
- 🥕🍅 carrots because of the replacement cussing, tomatoes because I think if she'd got into memes any she'd do the whole "booo, tomato tomato tomato 🍅 🍅 🍅 " thing often lol
20. What character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
- It's probably boring of me to say Neil, but it's true! They're just, ya know, real great for each other, whether just as friends or maybe more. And maybe I'm biased, and maybe it doesn't help that there's not many titular characters I can see her hanging out with lol
Dr. Robotnik
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
- Ugh, I just love writing for Robotnik in general. (The live action Sonic movies version of him, specifically, that's the version I always deal with for those who don't know.) I do more roleplaying than fic writing, so I'll use that more for my basis, but I adore writing moments he gets to be genuine. Which is NOT often at ALL, lemme tell ya. Whether that's for genuine hatred or sadness or happiness or anything, I love it. I guess more specifically I like describing the way he's looking at someone for whatever reason, eyes squinting or upper lip twitching, things like that. I'm a sucker for imagery. As for what I don't like, well, not really anything lol. I adore anything about writing him.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
- Don't know how to answer this one! I don't really have any pictures of him saved since I have a new phone. I love pretty much any fanart with him in it though!
- I would have assumed Freebie Question meant you gave me one you came up with yourself, but since you didn't I guess I just get to say what I want lol. So I'm gonna go with my favorite AU! My favorite AU I've ever written him for is a vampire AU where he's a vampire and Agent Stone is his drudge. I have made so many OC's for that AU alone that I have remastered and repurposed since then, too. Second favorite is probably the one where he's a siren but at this point I'm just a sucker for any sort of Monster/Cryptid Robotnik lol. And as for other AU's I've read, there's this really cool (abandoned I believe) fic on Wattpad (shocker) where he's this powerful dark elf. And as for here on Tumblr, I can't pick a favorite tbh I adore them all that I've seen thus far djddjeidjisd.
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asummersday · 9 months
🦈 💭 😎
For the fanfic ask meme!
🦈 which character is the toughest to write?
donnie. he's a lot of fun to write but unfortunately i am not good at all with tech and science stuff so a lot of writing him involves me having to pretend to be smarter than i actually am and pretend like i know what im doing when i am, in fact, actually googling literally everything. he's tech and math smart and boy am i not lmao.
one thing that's important to me is to get the character voice right (or as right as i can manage) and donnie's the one who's got me struggling the most out of all of them. i still love writing him and his interactions with his brothers, even if i struggle a little lol
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
what i read, both fanfiction wise and just regular fiction wise. my writing style (my preference for short sentences) has been impacted a LOT by the hunger games' writing style. i just fell in love with the punchy short sentences of the first book that made it so easy to read. anytime i reread the first book i'm almost breezing through it. i'm currently reading the secret history and i feel like that's also inspiring my writing a little. (dunno if it's anything obvious though)
i don't think i can name any fanfics that have inspired me, but i know that some of the turns of phrases i use are from fics i've read.
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
more often than not, i'll be fine settling for canon compliant unless i hate canon (*cough* dc comics *cough*) and specifically go looking for canon divergence or fix-it fics.
i love reading AUs and they're also a lot of fun to write (my urban fantasy au my beloved <33) but i also get very picky ajsdfkdkdld. i enjoy reading them but unfortunately for me it can be pretty hit or miss for me (a LOT of it hinges on characterization and if i vibe with it lol)
thank you for the ask!!
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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oblivions-dawn · 6 months
Q, V, X & Y for the writers ask meme, please ☺️💙
AH hello!!!!
✑ Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Oh. So many. So so many. Original and fanfiction related. Like my Dragon Age idea that I will probably never touch again aha. Or that one Vampyr idea. Or even the brief silly thought I had about a HZD/HFW thing. I'm hoping that some day I will get around to writing/finishing things for other Skyrim characters at least . . . but Virana inhales my every waking moment. So I must put everything towards them first HEEHEE
✑ A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
All of them???? No I'm kidding. I really would love to see more Florentius/Isran stuff. Then again I could just write it myself. I should just write silly Dawnguard shenanigans because they're all GREAT. They deserve to be fleshed out and I think that would be really fun. ALSO I know I already mentioned writing for Valerica, but overall the Volkihar Clan would be just as fun too. Look at me becoming a niche writer with all of these ideas. I should just write them what am I doing. NICHE DAWNGUARD AND VOLKIHAR CLAN WRITER YEAHHHHH
✑ A character you enjoy making suffer.
✑ A character you want to protect.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Here they are, the fictional J-pop boy group nobody asked for... Sugar Valentine
I'm ridiculously proud of how they all turned out. Senjirō is my bias, though, with Keigo a close second. I… think I accidentally made Sakuharu look a bit like Hyunjin from Stray Kids. Oops 😬
I need to get them out of CAS and into a photo setup, so I can do some proper in-game shots of them, but you can have some CAS screenshots for now.
Sugar Valentine is a five-member group. They sing, rap and dance, and they've written and composed a lot of their own material. Senjirō is learning how to produce, and star dancer Keigo is learning how to create choreography.
Their fans are known as Valentines.
Ryu (Yoshida Ryuusei) - rapper
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Ryu is the oldest and the group's de facto leader. He's very serious and doesn't always have patience for the shenanigans of his younger members. He loves all of them like brothers though, despite them sometimes getting on his very last nerve. Ryu is one of the group's writers, and enjoys bouncing new song ideas off Senjirō and the others. In his spare time (what is that?), Ryu enjoys playing video games and teaching himself how to play the guitar.
"Nothing good is ever achieved without passion, patience and hard work."
Kēki (Sasaki Keigo) - singer
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Keigo is the second-oldest member of the group. His stage name means "cake". He's the most chaotic; the undisputed trickster of the group, but also the soft and cuddly one who's always there to comfort his adopted brothers or cheer them up when they need it. He can often be found in a cuddle pile with Senjirō during their downtime. Keigo is the best dancer of the five of them, and often takes time to help the others learn complicated routines when they're struggling. The fans have nicknamed him “Sweet Samurai” and among the fans he’s most noted for singing this tagline along with his own made-up lyrics to the tune of “Sweet Caroline” in exceptionally poor English. It shows up in just about every “what every Valentine should know” fan edit, and Keigo will never stop being amused by it.
"You don't need to ask where the party's at. The party's here. I'm the party."
Haru (Abe Sakuharu) - rapper
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Haru is a fan favourite and, according to his own very scientific internet research, he's the member of Sugar Valentine who has gotten the most marriage proposals from Valentines. Of the five members, he's the least advanced in learning English, and (also according to his own research) has the most fan-made memes featuring his funny English fails. He loves the fan edits the Valentines post online, and everyone knows he's found a new one when they hear him laughing hysterically in his room. Sakuharu's favourite thing outside of performing is making fiber crafts (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) It's his "hidden talent" which isn't the least bit hidden now that the Valentines know about it.
"Never judge anything or anyone at first sight. Most times, the truth is found deeper than the surface."
Senjirō (Aidan Senjirō Okada) - singer
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Senjirō is the second-youngest member of the group. He's the quiet, thoughtful one, and the one who's most calm and rational in a crisis. He's also ridiculously intelligent, a fact that the other members tease him about renlentlessy. Regardless of his even-tempered, easygoing personality, Senjirō knows how to have fun. He can be just as silly and chaotic as the rest, especially when he's being cheered on by his favourite sidekick Keigo. Senjirō loves to eat; he'll eat almost anything and can wolf down twice as much food as anyone else (and yet still manages to be the tiniest member of the group). Senjirō writes a lot of lyrics for the group, and works closely with Taiji to put together their compositions.
"Don't panic."
Taiji (Kanematsu Taiji) - singer
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Taiji is the baby of the group, and has been aptly nicknamed "Baby Sugar" by the Valentines. He can play a variety of instruments, and does a large amount of musical composition for the group. Music is his true passion. Taiji shares his room with Sakuharu and is happy that he doesn't have to be alone. He's a social creature, loves to perform, and loves being with his friends. What he doesn't like is how the Valentines assume so much about him and the other members or how they simply make things up to suit their own personal narrative. Ryu and Keigo have told Taiji multiple times to stay off fansites and fan-created social media accounts, because all they do is upset him, but for some reason, Taiji can't leave them alone despite the fact that they cause him so much distress.
"Music is one of the elements at the center of life. We have music for celebrating every special occasion, music for grieving, for comfort, and to help us sleep, and we have music that's just for fun. Music is everywhere, and it's everything."
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starstruckpurpledragon · 11 months
Passing this ask game on: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
1.) My dog Estelle. She is cute, snuggly, very opinionated about getting stuff done on her schedule, and has an ongoing vendetta against squirrels. She is so good at putting a smile on my face.
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I'm pretty sure she'd just woken up from a nap when I snapped this picture the other week.
2.) Playing video games, though they can frustrate me too. I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom lately, though I was in the middle of Tales of Symphonia when TotK took over my life. So I'll get back to Symphonia once Zelda lets me go. Not sure what I'll play after that. Maybe Knights of the Old Republic is due a replay?
3.) My adorable nephew. He's a sweetheart and it's hard not to be cheered up by his inexhaustible cheerfulness. He was telling granddad how to play Luigi's Mansion the other week by getting right in front of the tv and pointing and insisting his dad did it better. Which was hilarious. I'm sure when he gets older he'll realize he should a.) maybe not stand directly in front of the thing he's trying to show someone and b.) be slightly more tactful about telling granddad he sucks at video games. lol (Actually, he's not bad at video games but having a toddler blocking the screen does not help.)
4.) Something fun to read. Be it a novel or a fanfic, I've got a lot of really good choices out there. (Thanks my fellow fanfic writers for all the lovely stories to read.) Or sometimes my own writing because I do write primarily stuff I want to read. Which helps motivate me to write more, sometimes, since... well... I want to know what happens next too. :D
5.) Chatting with friends. About fanfic, weird memes, tv shows, books, how their day's been, etc. It makes me happy to know they're happy. And if they're not then maybe I can do something to help?
Instead of sending this in an ask, I'm gonna just throw this open to whoever wants to make a 5 things list. :D And it's totally not 'cause I'm lazy or anything like that... (*whistles innocently*)
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