#i need him so badly it’s killing me
adhd-merlin · 3 months
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simstoyourdismay · 1 month
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ezra during the met gala ❤️‍🔥🌹
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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OH AND ALSO… eyebrow piercing frank let’s talk about it. i have words i cannot publicly say
i……..yeah i too have many words not for this blog.~🎃
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solargeist · 17 days
can u explain the hands in ur most recent grian and xelqua comic perchance
the gloved hand is kingdom of valor, the hesitant one in the middle is YHS, and the last was another au of mine bc I couldn’t think of another tragic grian 😭⭐️
doesn’t make perfect sense, but I liked the idea of reference instead of random implications ? @_@ if that makes sense
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
i sense how on the contrary, when moon is in Zeph’s local group the members will all go ‘omg youre actually letting us do this’ or be surprised of her leniency with almost anything(or if she gets upset she wont be yelling her ass off and will try to remain calm), because of how Zeph would usually be so strict with em and they didnt expect better
see- first you gotta understand that the chancla doesn't really Hurt the iterators. while they definitely can feel through their puppets, those things are made to be sturdy (throw a normal or singularity bomb into Pebs' chamber,he's fine, i know he just doesn't have health but worldbuilding is worldbuilding so i guess a fully functional iterator is fine with blackhole into the head). it maybe stings for a sec but it's not worse than gettin pinched (also where did you get that she yells at em, she's only exclaimed so far i think. if you check how she handled Innocence, that's how she generally goes about it- no yellin for the sake of puttin 'em in place, she's just venting out her frustrations into the air)
the Point of the chancla is to get the target's unwavering attention so she can talk some sense into them WITHOUT using the senior privilege which is far more invading since it cuts straight through their systems and forces the juniors to stop everything to pay attention. these things are giant supercomputers! they are going to have a different perspective on what counts as "too much"/"too bad" than us humans! it isn't used to limit what they are doing unless the thing they are gon do is explicitly threatening to their safety, the limiting is what the Senior Privilege does!
in that lil comic with Pebs, Suns, Nish, Inn and her, she doesn't actually even hit Nish in the last panel, the chancla is only supposed to suddenly appear from behind next to his face n he gets startled + drama queen points. i've admitted in the tags of it that i gave up on the last page so i don't blame anyone for not gettin that since i haven't put enough effort into communicating it
with what she's doin back in her own group, she Needs to be this strict if she wants her plan of keeping everyone reliably long-term safe to work
and her groupmates would undeniably miss her. they love her! they don't want some lenient stranger without constant spice to her instead of their ramshackle beloved Azzie!!!!
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#Spot says stuff#rw#oc tag#remember!!!!! important point to her character that also bothered me at some point with how similar it makes her to Moon was that shes Kind#Zeph is kind almost as much as Moon but their situations- concerning all their past present and future- are strikingly different and so#their lives require them to have different approach to things. what Zeph is specifically doin different from Moon is that shes Firmer#strictness isnt wrong!!! if you arent strict on either yourself or the people around you then it is easy to breach boundaries n do-#-Terrible things. its. honestly why i got real sad when a peep asked me to tag that one post as abuse. its not that believe me Zeph would-#-Never abuse another iterator. shes specifically trying to get around that while still keepin them sensible. but ofc ill tag it as such 4 u#look where Moon's leniency got her! dead and hurt and everyone who loved her suffering! there are times when you Need to be firm and cut-#-a bad situation at its bud before it can spiral into something absolutely damning#i didnt include it cuz it isnt Funney™ but after each chancla she talks to the target about why what they did was wrong#Suns you cant send that. it can hurt him very badly. Innocence you need to respect other people. Pebbles this will Hurt me if u keep doing-#-what you are doing right now. it could *kill* me. why are you doing this in the first place? do you need to talk? need me to listen?#being strict and being cruel or dictatorial are different things
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spideybonez · 6 months
god the scene where amanda kills adam hurts so badly. they both deserved so much better :C
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Russian Roulette update: Yassen's conversation with John towards the end of Командир (The Commander) genuinely made me tear up a bit. Y'all if I hadn't started shipping them at the start of Eagle Strike the first time I saw them interact this scene would've 100% convinced me because the way Yassen was so hesitant about working for Scopia at the start and had considered his other options, but now that John is tutoring him he desperately wants to prove his loyalty and competency. In the jungle John tells him he could leave if he wanted to, Scorpia had taught him enough about disguise - all this he had considered before himself, yet when John brings it up Yassen immediately shoots it down, becomes agitated. Why? Because he feels like John is questioning his competency. Remember what he said? "I can do this." John wants Yassen to not have to walk down the same path that he did, but ironically he is the reason Yassen even cares so much about succeeding in Scorpia in the first place. His cover worked a bit too well and now Yassen has a very fixed idea of who John is, and he will do anything to prove himself to his version of John.
You get it, right? The way they want completely different things out for each other, completely incompatible things, because they do not understand each other. These types of dynamics really just eat me up from the inside
#chaotic ramblings#alex rider#russian roulette#yassen gregorovich#john rider#man they really need a ship name i need SOMETHING to tag these posts with#the fact that yassen's relationship with john is very much personal to him even though he would never admit it#and it just so happens that to him john is basically an embodiment of scorpia#and he wants to impress john so by proxy he decides the best way to do that is to prove himself to scorpia#do you get it. do you get the dynamic#the tension in that scene was phenomenal i felt like i was reading fanfiction#which i suppose means that every fic author in this fandom does a wonderful job of capturing their relationship#just. the way yassen is so on edge whenever john says something about how he could still leave if he wanted to. before it's too late#the way he is so confused as to why john would bring this up because it doesnt fit with the very fixed idea he has in his mind about#who john is. the way he says “i killed some of them” as if to say see? i am like you. i can be like you. please give me a chance#his admiration for and attachment to john is so incredibly unhealthy which is unsurprising given that he has not had a normal#relationship of any sort since he was 14 and everyone he knew died#he wants so badly to be who he thinks john wants him to be. and that means that he will never be who he wants to be or who john wants him t#be or who he thinks john wants him to be. he is pursuing something that just doesn't exist#god i am so normal about these two
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suncaptor · 6 days
I think calling Feferi going to attack Eridan like that self-defense because he assaulted Sollux IS a bit of a stretch, considering, like, Sollux VERY much did, like, agree to duel him. Understandable revenge? The most logical thing she could think of because she took his whole "side to Jack" thing seriously? Not worth being murdered as a 13 year old over? All true. But self-defense. definitely perhaps a stretch! he did not go to attack her until she was coming at him with a weapon!
#like feferi and sollux both being like ohhh the most obvious and reasonable thing to do right now is kill eridan#like sollux. is being so. like he's like i'll duel him. dude i do not think sollux was trying to kill eridan they were being dumb#likewise i don't think eridan meant to hurt sollux badly#the main thing that happened in this sequence is eridan was suddenly overpowered with the weapon he had which resulted in well.#the murder of his friends!#like eridan was. at his core. same as when he dueled sollux on his planet. same as his so called genocide devices while actively stressed#trying to prevent mass death#very clearly having a paper thin facade for desperate cries for help. feferi not seeing that is silly but understandable#her immediate reaction of 'killing him' instead of like. anything else. speaks VOLUMES about her. like#i cannot express how much she did not have to do that#also saying that it's self defense to subdue someone who assaulted someone else (WHO WAS ALSO ATTACKING THEM!)#by trying to Kill Them is just. not something i think i could agree with tbh. like unless there's imminent threat#is it understandable? is she 13? does she deserve to die? all obvious answers#but eridan killing her when she was coming At Him was definitely an Impulsive reaction to being attacked -- ie self defense#while she jumped there with a few extra steps#granted I don't think he wanted to kill her either like! I think when his attack on her killed her it was. horror inducing like man#like the point is don't give 13yos murder weapons! unstable mr eridan ampora as a child did not need gun/wand gun esque power#ik ik they were playing a high fantasy violent game don't at me but that's the point lol#but to try to get feferi off like in a court of law on self defense there i mean. factor her age etc in makes sense. but on the circumstanc#itself? well. only if she were like. a cop. or it was on her property. eridan on the other hand? yeah. self defense#not his attack on sollux though I do think that's a little bit like. sollux did engage with him#i think about it so much though like. what if sollux and feferi weren't together right at that moment when eridan went to them to try to#get help (say he was a risk to all of them bc of his deep hopelessness 🙄🙄)#the way that him and sollux were like. not interacting on the level feferi was. the way feferi had eridan's also desire to interact with#sollux like he did on his planet overriding his direct purpose. the way no one understood what was really going on#the thing about all of it is it's tragic! those are babies. anyways#eridan ampora#feferi peixes#feferi#eridan
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"I deedn't mean it..."
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meownotgood · 10 months
Do u think Aki got bullied as a child at some point?
I always thought children who were affected by the gun devil or left as orphans because of it would be treated differently, both by teachers and peers. it was such a widespread tragedy, I imagine the government would have stepped in and attempted to lessen the damage. they put gun devil kids in special programs, they pay their way through school and offer them a free ride for devil hunters license training.
truthfully, aki's never really been bullied, but ever since the tragedy, he's felt like an outcast. teachers tell him not to talk to others about what happened. students spread rumors and tend not to get along with him, so it's difficult to make friends. the other kids in his group home are just as closed-off as he is.
he got used to it, eventually. the weird stares don't phase him. while everyone else in his school spent time studying together or hanging out, when classes were done, aki went straight to devil hunter's training. it'll be easier for him to do what he needs to with no distractions in the way.
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mcybree · 5 months
Random limlife Scott rant, GO!
I got this ask and decided that I’d give it my best shot but got so mad on my skim through some of the moments I remembered that I gave up.
#Okay im half joking#I got angry enough for me to decide that writing a post without careful consideration would probably lead to an inaccurate little ramble#I need to like. actually sit down and watch limlife and do a full overall analysis#because the context for how scott acts each season is so important. a skim just wont do#The reason I dont have notes on him to share with the class already is because when it was coming out I was pretending that—#Scott grew as a person after 3l and I wanted to believe that so badly I started making stuff up about memory erasure and limlife being—#dubiously real so that I could look the other way when scott started being weird about jimmy again#I was like yeah they barely remember it thats why scotts being uncomfortably weird about jimmy this season#not because scott doesnt think about jimmy like a person and just wants to hear him say words that make him feel better about his—#rough relationship history#not because the idea of jimmy gaining independence from him makes him feel insecure or anything#sighs. sorry im just saying things. again its been a while since ive watched it so I need to actually. Yknow. Watch it before making posts#Its just crazy how he treats it like proving a point more than actually caring#“I mightve given you the 30 minutes last week if youd said love you” he wouldnt have. he was already leaving when he said it#he’s literally just trying to get him to feel bad about not saying it#pretty sure he kills jimmy in the same episode he lets jimmy kill him. Like. He doesnt really care like that#He just likes to pretend that he does. He is going through the motions of caring#Its like he needs to believe jimmy still needs him. in like a possessive way. Its really weird man#I will say though since I see this a lot: I dont think him singling out tango in the 30 seconds scene was intentional#because if im being honest. I dont think he sees the ranchers as anything serious#He assumes tango was just putting up with jimmy bc he had to. He doesnt think tango actually cares about jimmy#in his mind no one actually cares about jimmy. because if scott struggled to care about jimmy and Scott is known for being an amazing ally#that must mean everyone else struggles to care about jimmy. If that makes sense#rant over I think. tldr limlife scott analysis postponed until I get my life together enough to be able to sit down and watch forthree hour#bree barks so fucking loud#asks
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carsaadi · 5 months
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zo1nkss · 8 months
CJ literally called Ed a slur multiple times on-screen to his face, so if you're really going to get upset at BIPOC for feeling vindicated that the white man who's still alive is actually learning to treat Ed like a person, but you don't say shit to ppl who are casual CJ enjoyers about his racism and how he has not unlearned a single lick of it because he died instead, you can actually fuck all the way off.
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lestatlioncunt · 7 months
in whatever i have going on with my durge there's basically an extended family like we have iustitia that i consider as the older sibling, their twin sister prudentia, then there's the dragonborn durge, and then there's orin as the younger sibling and i imagine them all sitting at a table for lunch with blood or whatever rocks their boat with iustitia at the head of the table trying her best to ignore the knifes throwing from one side to the other and the insults like in some cartoonish type of fashion until they lose their temper and go (slams fist on the table) enough! orin you are indeed a freak, dragon brother you are a necrophile so jot that down, prudentia stop trying to eat my butler and everyone just shut the fuck up for a moment i'm trying to think of the ways i can fuck an elder brain
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marklikely · 8 months
i feel like im never going to be fully satisfied by any saw sequel (or the fanbase for that matter) bc i dont think the majority of ppl involved read jigsaw the same way i did.
#all these attempts to like humanize and flesh him out just end up totaly misrepresenting him and his goals#no he is not actually trying to improve the world hes a sadistic little man whos angry about dying and coping with it badly#he gets a front row seat to all his games and cuts trophies off his dead victims. bc he likes the violence#he puts people who absolutely DID NOT DESERVE IT (in saw 1 at least) in these elaborate death traps that they overwhelmingly fail to escape#sometimes he puts a completely innocent person in the crossfire (like seriously who is that guy who amanda had to kill to get her key)#hell they explicitly say that guy in the chair trap did nothing wrong he was just dying 'for a greater purpose' to test the trap.#but nobody ever acknowledges all this its just like 'what if we give him depth by saying serial killing isn't so bad'#and it never works and usually ends up with him being unbelievably self impressed and annoying#id honestly rather they explore his 'depth' by just. expanding on him as in denial and wanting revenge#which tbf i thought X was doing a decent job at until the last half hour when they threw the character study away entirely#like just give me a jigsaw who is angry at dying and takes it out on the Living because he has no other outlet. ill accept that.#him killing people who need to go can be like. gory tasteless fun in the sequels but it makes it like.#idk. less satisfying to me? or it just puts this wall up that makes the movies not come together the way the first one does.#avpost#movie diary
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italictext · 3 months
I desperately need to befriend a Death Note fan irl who likes Death Note the way I do.. The only DN fans I've met irl are anime only Near haters :'(
#I NEED someone to shake while I rant to them about Death Note pls pls pls#I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO GIGGLE WITH WHILE WE STARE AT DEATH NOTE PANELS PLS PLS PLS#My sister has seen Death Note but she's not really into it + anime only + Near hater </3#It sucks to remember that the Death Note fandom isn't just my mutuals.. Some people genuinely hate Near :((#I LOVE the anime the animation is beautiful the soundtrack is beautiful and OOOOO THE COLOR CODING EEEE but#It butchered the 2nd half soo so badly and changed Near's personality and I'm not a fan of the ending :(#THE MANGA ENDING IS SOOO SO GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL#OMGGGG when Light admits to being Kira and gives them his speech and calls himself god of the new world AND EEEE NEAR SAYS “NO YOURE JUST A#MASS MURDERER“#LIKE EEEE THAT ALWAYS ALWAYS MAKES ME GIGGLE NEAR WAS SOOO SO COOL FOR THAT LIKE HE'S LITERALLY FACE TO FACE WITH KIRA THE GUY WHO KILLED L#And Near REPEATS IT. HE CALLS HIM “JUST A MURDERER” TWICE.#Sorry but the anime made Near so stupid “lol just let him run away it's not like he'll survive”#I love Near and Light's dynamic so much they're so funny. They have the prettiest panels too#Maybe an unpopular opinion but Near vs Light was wayyy more entertaining that L vs Light#And it hurts me to see people say that it should've ended at the 1st half. I know people can have their own opinions or whatever but THEYRE#WRONG!! DN is SOOO much better with the 2nd half + if it ended at L's death that would've sucked. So glad L died midway#I wish I had a friend I could talk about DN to :( I'll just hope one of my friends decide to watch it because idk how to make new friends#Discord servers scare me and while I love my mutuals if any of you tried to message me I think I'd cry out of nervousness lol#Gosh this is long shoukd I even post this
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