#i never posted a thing. it's a shame so much of that site's lost to the mists of time
thedreamparadox · 1 year
Voice headcanon for theKaren sibs?? Different or same as the voices from jod?
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Reala's voice from JoD is pretty on point imo, plus or minus maybe adjusting the pitch up to be a little bit closer to their handful of voice lines in NiD. NiGHTS' is okay? I couldn't tell you an alternative voice actor, but there's someone that pitched down some JoD cut scenes and it sounds better imo. I think the accent could work, but it is entirely dependent on keeping to the accent of the closest Dreamers they're in proximity to. To be honest, up until I started working on my longfics my headcanon was mostly mute!NiGHTS. Or functionally mute at least, where Marenspeak was completely incomprehensible to humans and they couldn't speak any human languages, so they opted for primarily ballet mime supplemented with various forms of sign language and leaning on speaking while dualized, since how much that is 'voiced' is wibbly.
For Jackle, back when I used to lurk on the old NiD.com forums, someone suggested Carnage from one of the old Spiderman animated series and I'm inclined to agree, though at a higher register/pitch to be closer to Jackle's voiced lines from NiD.
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plutowon · 1 year
[out of your league]
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pairing: sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: angst, vent, comfort post
warnings: insecurity, body dysmorphia, depression, feelings of worthlessness, wanting to disappear, very graphic depictions of eating disorders (ednos) please do not read this if you are recovering from an eating disorder, internalized fatphobia, questioning reality to a certain extent
synopsis: your perfect boyfriend couldn’t possibly think you’re even slightly attractive, could he ?
2.2k words
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you assume everybody views you the same way.
ugly, to put it very bluntly.
you assume when people see you on the street they feel a wave of sympathy wash over them. when people meet you, they don’t meet you, they meet pity to a new extent. suddenly, they meet pity on a very very personal level.
such a shame, your face, your body as well.
you’re not even given the comfort and contentment of being average. for you, you are very much below average. not even something to settle for you are simply unwanted, another’s worse nightmare.
you assume everyone sees you like this because thats how you see you.
you feel like a pig. you can feel every inch of space you take up in the world, space you’re very much undeserving of. you can feel the fat on your thigh bounce as it absorbs the shock of your movements, you can feel it in your stomach as well. you hate the way it feels when you wear jeans. the denim squeezes against your fat and your legs are itching to burst out, as if they’re saying “you know we’re too big for this, let us out or lose the weight!”. and even when you are so sure you’re eating in a deficit, the fact that you’re eating at all means you’re not trying enough.
you’ve spent countless months crying. you’ve been stagnant for about a year. you lose and gain the same five to ten pounds. it seems to cling to you like a toxic friend, like a parasite feeding off of you, it’s making you sick. you can’t seem to lose weight, which is laughable, really. that’s the one thing you should be good at, isn’t that what an eating disorder is ? perhaps you’re not trying hard enough. perhaps you’re not sick.
and no one seems to notice your struggles. your friends haven’t even noticed. and you can tell, the way they say nothing when you eat nothing around them, when you constantly deny their offers for food because you mostly give in and eat a couple of fries anyways, despite attempting a thirty-six hour fast. you give up like you always do. even when you’re too obvious, when you mention the calories in a product, when you make a small joke about losing weight, they simply laugh it off, even telling you that losing a couple of pounds couldn’t hurt. you can’t expect them to notice you’re sick when you’re basically not. you feel lost, you feel stuck, you feel like you’re running out of time but you don’t try any harder.
at this rate, you’ll never be able to fix yourself. you’ll be stuck in this never-ending purgatory for the rest of your pathetic life as people look at you wondering how something like you could’ve crawled out of the ground and have the gall to pass yourself off as human.
your family is struggling because of your weight. because you’re eating everything in site like a raccoon trying to survive. your boyfriend is probably gonna start pulling away from you because how could he be seen with you ? i mean, you’re bigger than him and he’s one hundred and seventy-nine centimeters tall—are you not embarrassed ? you feel bad for him because he has to lug around his big girlfriend that all his skinny friends probably make fun of when you’re not around. you’re sure your friends feel bad for you—everybody does. you’re sure that they comment on your selfies to make you feel better. that they call you pretty because they know if they don’t, nobody else will. they’re just being nice. that’s the only reason you’re worth talking to,
out of pity.
how could anyone ever love you ?
how could anyone truly enjoy your company ? and your lack of eye candy isn’t even made up for in personality. you’re annoying, you’re loud, and your jokes fall flat on their face like a four year old learning to bike without training wheels for the first time. you’re nothing of value, nothing people seek out or look forward to.
this is just the way things are.
until you get your act together, you’ll simply be stuck like this. pathetic, and gross, and subhuman.
you assume eveyone sees you this way.
and when you’re with your boyfriend sunghoon, laying down in his bed while he changed his top to a simple hoodie to cuddle you in, you don’t think twice about what you say.
“sometimes i don’t understand why you’re my boyfriend. like, you’re so pretty and out of my league you could get any girl you want but you settled for me”
you laugh because it’s funny. your situation is a bit silly, is it not ? and you expect sunghoon to laugh along, tell you you’re an amazing girlfriend and you dont need to be pretty, but he looks at you in shock, almost angry. he doesn’t even know how to formulate words because he simply can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, and what’s even more unbelievable is how calmly you’ve said them, this egregious belief of yours. it makes his blood run cold. it’s appalling how you think what you’ve said is okay, and what’s most terrifying is you expect him to agree with you.
“…what?” you ask when you realize your laughter isn’t kissing his. you don’t understand how he doesn’t find it all as humorous as you do.
“what the hell are you talking about?” he looks at you mortified. he runs up beside you on the bed and you sit up and look at him confused.
“how could you say that…?” he says, his voice barely above a whisper and his eyes are tearing up and you don’t know how, but you can sense you’ve fucked up.
“…well, i mean, everybody thinks it, so-”
“what? who told you that…nobody thinks this- who told you this? was it a friend? was it that dickhead at work? i swear i’ll fuck him up-”
“nobody had to tell me, sunghoon, it’s just common knowledge…i’m not exactly pretty”
sunghoon feels like crying.
how could you say something like this? how could you say you’re not pretty? objectively, you’re a very attractive person. you’re very very beautiful. so beautiful, sunghoon was almost convinced you were a long lost princess. he even made up a storyline where perhaps you had run away from your home somewhere in a european kingdom to get away from the hustle and bustle of the royal life that you had decided wasn’t made for you and ended up here in his.
he feels like crying so he does.
“what- i don’t-” he says it in between his tears as he tries to gather his bearings.
“is this why you don’t wanna go out for dates anymore…and why you’ve been eating less…?”
you’re shocked, to say the least. you had been avoiding been seen in public in general, but especially with your perfect boyfriend knowing people would be embarrassed for him. you didn’t think he would notice though, and you especially didn’t think he would notice you eating less.
“…what are you talking about?”
“i’m not dumb, y/n. you started eating less and all of a sudden you loss like twenty pounds in a month i noticed it last year, but jungwon told me not to say anything because that could make it worse. he told me to just watch you”
you don’t know how to feel.
a myriad of emotions falls over you, but one shows it’s face in the crowd more clearly than the others.
how embarrassing this is, for your boyfriend to have noticed your eating disorder meant he also noticed you not losing any more weight. he noticed your failure before anyone else.
you want to deny him. you want to tell him he’s wrong, but the look in his eye is not one of question. he’s not looking at you for confirmation, he’s looking at you because he’s pieced everything together and he knows you know that.
you begin to cry. how dare you? inconvenience him like this. not only are you his ugly pigglet girlfriend, you’ve made your failure of an eating disorder his problem? how dare you?
“i’m sorry, i didn’t think you would notice”
sunghoon is even more shocked now. your words have stricken his core in such a bone-chilling way, worse than anything hes ever felt before.
“why the hell are you apologizing to me?”
“because it’s bothering you-”
“NO no, don’t even think like that”
he sniffles and wipes his tears before holding your hand tightly and pulling it towards himself
“you are never an inconvenience to me, okay? i love you so much. and i love you because you are you. not because you were available, and not because no one else was. i don’t love you because it’s convenient or because i have to, i love you because i want to. because my heart aches and pounds for you on it’s own. you’re my beautiful little angel—how could you ever even think i would find you anything less than gorgeous and heavensent?”
you want to believe him, you do. and you almost believe him cause his eyes are boring into yours with such a bold intensity, laced with devotion and desperation, but it doesn’t make sense.
because how could he see you like this? you’re jaw dropping heartthrob boyfriend that’s out of your league? the most average of people would never see you like this, so why would he?
“i wish you could see yourself through everyone else’s eyes, because my love, you are amazing”
what is he even saying? everyone’s eyes? last you checked,
“everyone would think i’m hideous”
he looks at you with aching pain, like you’ve taken the sharpest spear to his chest and you’re killing him, slowly and painfully.
“no baby, that’s not true. why would you say that? you’re genuinely so beautiful everyone thinks that i don’t understand why you see yourself so negatively. nobody thinks you’re ugly”
had it truly all been in your head? of course not. no, this is how it’s always been you’ve always been below average.
“you know when we first started talking, my friends laughed and said i was too much of a loser to pull someone like you” sunghoon laughs at the fond memory of his drop dead gorgeous crush smiling at him and his asshole friends punching him, telling him to lower his bar a little bit.
“if anything, you’re out of my league” you’re aggressively wiping your eyes as an excuse to not listen to these fabricated fibs he’s telling you.
“listen, we’re gonna go at your pace and i won’t push you or force anything on you, but we’re gonna start slow, okay? you’re so much more than just how much you eat or how much you don’t eat. no matter what, i’ll still be head over heels for you. you’ll always be my princess”
kissing the back of your hand and holding it to him like he’s scared you’ll wither away. scared you’ll leave him here all alone with nothing but the stardust that once danced around that pretty head of yours that just coats the floor now that you’re gone.
“you’re amazing. i know it’s not easy, and it’s so hard for you to see yourself for all that you are, but i’m here, baby. i’ll always be here”
as you sob into the sleeves of your hoodie, sunghoon pulls your hands away from your face and pulls you to fall into his arms, his warm embrace and his hipnotizing kisses.
you’re not sure if you believe him, that you really are beautiful to him and to everyone else, but you know that you want to.
and you know that you’re tired.
you’ve been chasing this perfection that doesn’t even exist for so so so long and your legs are tired. they’re aching and so is your heart. you’ve tried so hard to please yourself because you’re so certain you’re not enough for the world when you have always been more than enough. you realize that you’re wasting your life away. wasting time away just for beauty. for control. for something to hold on to when everything falls. when you’re insecure about everything, there’s always one thing that can be “fixed”.
you are running away from yourself. you’re trying so hard to be somebody different. you’ve tried everything to be happy except turn to yourself, take your hand and embrace yourself. come to terms with yourself. you’ve ran all your life but you’ve never thought to turn around and face yourself,
and you don’t know if you’re ready for that.
and sunghoon knows that. that it’s comforting to keep running. but now that the seed’s been planted in your brain and he can see the cogs turning and stopping on a cycle, he’s certain that one day, you will be able to stop running and turn around and holding yourself and welcome yourself with open arms.
but for now, sunghoon will run with his hand in yours to make sure you dont trip and fall.
“it’s okay to not be ready. we’ll take our time”
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yutaholic · 2 years
the point guard (M)
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PAIRING: Haechan (NCT) + reader (female)
YOU: the time has come for a showdown with neonet. you have no one in your corner and everyone is a suspect. then Haechan walks in. he has a bone to pick with neonet and together, maybe the two of you can unveil the monsters behind the hellsite that has ruled NCTU for too long.
HIM: from the moment he set foot on campus, Haechan has been lurking, gathering as much information about neonet as possible without raising suspicion. he knows smashing the six is connected to the site and he needs your help to finally give neonet a taste of its own poison.
WARNINGS: mild language; mentions of blackmail and manipulation; some slut shaming
NOTES: 13k words; this is part six of smashing the six
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you sent the post. Did you want swift retribution or passive aggressive texts?
Regardless, you received neither. Nothing came by way of an unknown number.
You wanted to lash out at them. Did they have any idea what they had stolen from you? But your anger was quickly replaced with misery. You wrapped your arms around your legs and rested your head on your knees.
Mark, you thought. I want Mark. It would seem you were just another girl that wanted the one thing she couldn’t have.
Sudden knocking on your door made you lift your head, but you made no moves to get up. You were wracking your brain for what the hell you were supposed to do now.
You didn’t want to answer. You wanted to wallow in your feelings and possibly plot your vengeance, but whoever was banging at your door had no intention of going away anytime soon. So you got up, dragged your feet across the room and opened the door.
“What the hell happened?” Winter exclaimed, rushing forward and enveloping you in a tight hug that you sorely needed at the moment. “Tell me everything.”
You threw up your hands and marched right back to the bed, plopping down on the edge and crying, “How did they know about me and Mark?”
Winter came to stand before you, folding her arms. “Did Mark tell them?”
You frowned at the thought that Mark could betray you. You didn’t want to think it was a possibility. “He wouldn’t do that.”
Her reply was razor sharp, “Are you sure?”
“No,” you huffed, hiding your face in your hands. “Goddamnit.” You had never felt so defeated. Or alone.
It felt like you had no one but yourself and the wolves were closing in.
Winter waited a moment, waited until you looked up at her again with tears glistening in your eyes. Neonet was blowing up. Campus was losing their shit that you had fucked Jeong Jaehyun, even though you didn’t.
“And what about Jaehyun?” Winter asked. It was the painful question that needed to be asked.
You shook your head vehemently. “He wouldn’t say anything. He wouldn’t do that.”
But was that true? Did you know that for sure? You had spilled your guts to Jaehyun. You told him everything about smashing the six. And everything about you and Mark.
Winter slowly lowered beside you and pressed a little harshly, “So, are you still doing this smashing the six thing or are you just dick hopping from your boyfriend to your ex?”
She couldn’t fathom that you would sleep with Jaehyun when you were head over heels in love with Mark. And you didn’t have the energy to correct her.
You fell back, flat on the mattress. Your head was spinning. If you didn’t find out who neonet was, you were going to lose your mind. If you hadn’t lost it already.
Why were they intent on punishing you?
They took Mark away from you and all the newfound happiness that came with him. For two years, you had refused to deal with your break up and now that you finally had, there was such relief and peace in your heart.
All of which was snatched away in the time it took you to blink.
Tensing with the threat of more tears, you asked, “Do you think I’m a bad person?”
Winter sighed. She was an endless well of sympathy. “I think you’re human,” she cooed, reaching over to brush some of your hair from your forehead.
“I love him, Winter,” you said shakily, wiping at the tears that escaped your eyes with a tightly clenched fist. God, you hated crying. You resented the pain currently trying to tear you apart from the inside.
It wouldn’t go away. It didn’t slack for even a second.
Winter propped herself next to you, rubbing your arm comfortingly. She was a warm presence by your side, staying with you for as long as you needed.
Your lips trembled. “You should have seen the way he looked at me.”
It was seared into your mind forever.
“He’ll forgive you,” Winter spoke up. “Apologize and tell him how you feel.”
You shook your head. Rage bubbled up in your throat again. “I have other things to deal with first,” you said darkly, blinking away the last of your tears.
Winter perked up at that, full of mischief. “Do tell.”
You met her eyes and offered a tiny smile. “Sorry, Win. You’ll just have to wait and read the story like everyone else.”
She pouted. “Bummer.”
You looked back up at the ceiling, blinking tiredly. Sleep was calling.
Winter laid down beside you, snuggling close, and whispered, “I’m rooting for you. From the bottom of my heart, I really am.”
You let your eyes flutter shut. “Thank you.”
For the next few days, it was imperative that you keep your head down. You kept your mouth shut, but your eyes wide open. You watched and waited, filing away every little thing you noticed.
But at this point, everything and everyone was suspicious. When you were looking for danger, it appeared everywhere.
Your gears were turning. At some point, you had crossed paths with neonet. There was no other explanation that made sense. They had gotten dangerously close to you, close enough to deal a mortal blow.
It felt like the answer was staring you in the face.
If neonet texted you, they texted other people. They pulled the strings of their little birds. Ten came to mind.
Your phone vibrated in your hand and you couldn’t help but smile a little. Jaehyun was checking on you. He apologized despite not being at fault and suggested someone had been in the hallway when you left his room. You told him not to apologize, you had come to a similar conclusion.
And these were the consequences of your own reckless actions. There was no one to blame but yourself. You slipped and let your guard down and neonet had shoved the dagger into your back.
Jaehyun understood when you explained you wanted to keep a distance from him for now. You didn’t want him in neonet’s crosshairs when they were out for blood.
You could feel that you were near the end. This was the last stage of a chess match. Neonet was positioning their pieces to come in for the kill. If you didn’t get your side in order, you wouldn’t survive the final blow.
Metaphorically speaking, of course. To date, neonet hadn’t actually killed anyone. That you knew of anyway.
You were so deep in this little reverie of yours that you jolted when someone pulled out the chair beside yours and dropped into it, greeting you by name.
“Haechan,” was all you said.
You and Mark’s best friend did not get along. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And it went without saying that he probably hated you a bit extra now.
Haechan glanced around. He noticed you were sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, your back against the wall. You were wary; not wanting anyone to blindside you. It was very telling. Neonet had you reeling on the ropes. This had visibly shaken you up.
“What do you want?” you asked brusquely when he said nothing. You weren’t in the mood to entertain visitors or prying questions at the moment. Least of all from Mark’s annoying friend. Haechan was nosy and smug and a royal pain in the ass.
“I have a proposition for you.”
Given all the messages you got from boys lately were for sex, your lips pursed into a hard line and you snapped, “I’m not going to fuck you.”
Haechan leaned in close and whispered, “I want to help you fuck neonet.”
That had your attention, but you shot him a glare because this felt like an obvious trap. You started going through all the information you had on Lee Haechan.
Neonet hated him. He was a lowly freshman, but the day he set foot on campus he started posting about neonet. He threw caddy insults left and right, hurling offensive jabs at neonet every chance he got.
It seemed to work, because they posted about him regularly. Usually in regards to his obnoxious behavior on the site and on campus, but it didn’t seem neonet had any real dirt on him, which could prove frustrating for them. And useful for you.
“I’m listening,” you finally said, arms folded stiffly.
Haechan shuffled his chair even closer to yours and asked, “How many have you smashed?”
You were no longer surprised when someone knew about smashing the six. In this case, you assumed Mark had told him about it. Possibly in the context of discussing what a whore you were.
Little did you know, Haechan had been gathering information. Same as you.
“Five,” you lied. Haechan had done nothing to earn your trust and so you had no qualms about being dishonest with him. “I just need someone from the basketball team.”
“You’re in luck,” Haechan beamed. “I’m the point guard.”
You grumbled, rolling your eyes. “I just told you. I’m not going to sleep with you.”
“I have no intention of having sex with you, but I’m sure we could make it look convincing,” Haechan purred, smirking like the little devil he was.
It irritated you how giggly he was over the whole thing. Did he have any idea how much was at stake? You shot back, “And then neonet will post about it. I’ll be even worse off with Mark than I already am and he will probably kick your ass.”
Haechan was surprised at that and he softened. “You really care about him, don’t you?”
You turned your head away, eyes stinging. “It doesn’t matter now.”
“Yes, it does. Come on. You need me.”
You couldn’t explain why you followed Haechan that day. Part of you had started to doubt you could trust your gut, but your gut told you that Haechan was on your side. He was an ally in this fight and you were in desperate need of those.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Haechan brought you to an empty classroom, shutting the door and closing the blinds. It would certainly help sell the story if you were seen sneaking off with him, but you were concerned about neonet’s endless eyes.
And how they would strike next.
You hoisted yourself up on top of a desk, legs dangling, and watched as Haechan grabbed a piece of chalk and approached the board at the head of the class.
“Start from the beginning. Don’t leave anything out,” he said. Haechan had determined that neonet punished the right people to inspire enough fear in the student body to keep their mouths shut. He knew that if everyone got together and shared what they knew about neonet, the answer would be right there.
But no one dared. They didn’t want to be leveled.
Your expression grew full of scrutiny. Everything in your instincts screamed not to let your guard down, but your brain knew you had to get more information. “And how do I know you aren’t a part of neonet?”
Haechan rolled his eyes. “Oh, please.”
You waited.
Haechan turned away from the board and saw the look on your face. He exhaled loudly and smarted, “I guess that’s a risk you gotta take, but just so you know, I hate neonet way more than you do.”
That was arguable, but you let it slide for now. “Why?” you pressed. It wasn’t unreasonable for you to question him. Neonet had already proven how ruthless they were.
Haechan tipped his head back, mumbling something. He knew if he wanted your trust, he would have to give you something of value. “Let’s just say my father used to work here a couple years ago. Thanks to them, he doesn’t anymore. And also thanks to them, he’s not with my mother anymore.”
You winced. It wasn’t unheard of for neonet to target faculty. “Jesus. That bad?”
You mulled for a second or two, but decided you really had nothing left to lose. “I’ll start from the beginning.”
Haechan returned to the chalkboard with a nod. “Go for it.”
And you did. You believed Haechan. Not to mention, he was a freshman. How in the hell would a freshman, someone who had only been on campus for a few months, be an admin of neonet?
He had drawn their ire, much like you had. And that made you think. Were you pushed toward smashing the six because neonet had seen you as a threat or an asset? Were your stories stepping on their toes and encroaching on their territory?
Or had you been close to exposing them?
You took Haechan through all of it. He would ask questions, getting more and more details out of you, even things you had forgotten. He didn’t pass any criticism in the way you handled things (though plenty of your decisions certainly left much to be desired) and he didn’t voice any conclusions, he simply made a branching chart of names on the board.
All the people you had told about smashing the six.
When you got to Mark’s sequence in your story, you stopped, hesitating. This was his best friend you were talking to, after all.
Haechan pivoted around when you’d gone quiet, meeting your eyes. His voice was surprisingly tender when he said, “Keep going.”
“It’s just…,” you stammered, wiping at your eyes where tears had escaped. “I hurt him so much.”
“Why?” Haechan asked. He had wanted to ask. He needed to know what Mark had done to deserve the wounding you’d given him. Or if he was just another casualty in neonet’s path.
“I didn’t sleep with Jaehyun. I swear to god, Haechan,” you told him, shaking your head as you dabbed at your cheeks with your sleeves.
Haechan studied you a moment. “I believe you.”
You glanced up sharply. Those were three words you thought you would never hear. “You do?”
“Neonet lies,” he said calmly, but with a roughness that revealed his anger. “Not everything they say is the truth. They make assumptions of things or twist perfectly innocent things. They weaponize whatever they can.”
You shivered with rage and snapped, “Fuck. Who is behind this? What kind of people…”
A sinking sensation in your chest made you stop, pinching your lips together. What kind of people did this? You were reminded that you were that kind of person. The list of people you had exposed for your own gain was longer than you cared to admit.
You’d been blind. Driven. No matter how many enemies you made. Or how many innocent people had their reputations tarnished. You never slowed down.
Haechan cocked his head. He was very good at reading people and to him, you were an easy read. “Finish that thought,” he prodded.
You cast your gaze down to the floor and said in a quiet voice full of remorse, “Lisa was right about me. I’m no different than neonet. I exposed people to get ahead. All for some damn editor position.”
Haechan knew that. It was no secret on campus. Instead of scolding you or even agreeing with you, Haechan only said, “Do better. Be better.”
You blinked in surprise, knowing you didn’t deserve his kindness. Warmth kindled in your chest that even though he would have been in the right to put you in your place, he chose not to. “I’ll try,” you said after a moment, fighting back more tears.
“There are more important things in life. Keep that in mind.”
You nodded. His words were comforting.
Haechan faced the chalkboard again and you continued.
By the end of it, both of you were sitting on chairs pulled up to the board, staring at the web of suspects he had made. There was too much overlap and too many people unaccounted for.
You felt like you had less of a clue than when you started.
“I have a theory,” Haechan spoke up.
Haechan swiveled back and forth in his chair, arms folded and legs stretched. “I think the admins are phased in and out. Think about it. Neonet has been around since the birth of social media. Students graduate and leave.”
You tilted your head, having never thought about that before. “Could it be faculty?”
Haechan made a face. “I don’t think so. Staff would definitely be noticed hanging around parties and such.”
He had a point. “You’re right. That makes sense.”
Haechan uncrossed his arms and rubbed his hands together, adding, “If admins graduate, they have to find their replacements. But with something this secretive and dangerous, they have to be careful about who they pick.”
Your eyes widened. You knew exactly where he was going.
Haechan chuckled at your reaction and said, “Yep. Smashing the six is the way to get into neonet. It’s like the test to see if you’re up to it. I’m sure of that.”
“Which would explain why they’ve helped me do it,” you said in disbelief. You were essentially being selected.
“You would be an asset to them. You’ve proven that you’re good at digging.”
You furrowed your brow. “But why hook up with guys? Why not have me dig up a big secret instead?”
Haechan had thought about that when he first started to suspect the connection between neonet and smashing the six. “Because in hooking up with dudes, you’ve given them leverage over you. That’s why they posted about you, to show you how easily they can cut you down.”
It was starting to feel like pieces of a puzzle fitting into place. “I handed them the power to destroy me,” you murmured, shaking your head. “It enforces that I have to be loyal to them or they will ruin my life.”
Haechan nodded his agreement. It was a smart tactic and would explain why neonet had survived this long without being exposed. “That has to be it. You’re being recruited and this is your audition.”
A tiny silence passed. You eyed the board. It unnerved you that a name on there was the culprit. You knew in your heart that you had unwittingly trusted someone that ultimately betrayed you. Which left a bitter taste on your tongue.
“But what about the guys?” you asked curiously.
Haechan replied, “Sleeping around doesn’t hurt a guy’s reputation. You know that.”
“I feel like there’s more to this that I’m not seeing,” you said, more so to yourself. Something felt out of place. Like you had most of the pieces figured out, but a few weren’t fitting like they were supposed to.
You felt so close and yet farther than ever.
“If you want to get them, I think you’ll have to join them,” Haechan said, revealing his plan all along. “You can work yourself to death trying to figure out who they are, but you’ll get nowhere. This system has been in place for over ten years. They’ve had plenty of time to patch up their weak points.”
You snorted. “If you can’t beat them, join them?”
Haechan clenched his jaw when he hissed, “And then tear them apart from the inside.”
You nodded.
“It’s interesting they never posted about you and Johnny.”
Haechan was thinking out loud and continued, “Even though they connected you with him through Ten. Which means they knew you hooked up with him.”
You agreed. It had been a thought on your mind as well. “It seems like a careless mistake, doesn’t it?”
Haechan tensed. “Which tells me it’s intentional.”
You frowned. What set Johnny apart from the others?
Haechan stood, surprising you and began erasing the board after snapping a picture of it with his phone. “I have an idea,” he called over his shoulder.
“Let’s hear it.”
“We have a small list of suspects - people who know about you and Mark. I’m going to run my mouth to a few of them about how well you ride my dick.”
Your eyes flickered. That was the last idea you expected him to come up with.
Haechan whipped around, checking to see if he had stepped out of bounds with you. “But only if you’re okay with that?”
You merely shrugged. “Knock yourself out. I don’t have any leads.”
Haechan gave you a thumbs up and grabbed his backpack, heading out.
You were still seated in the chair, thinking and thinking until your head hurt. “Haechan?”
He stopped just shy of the door. “Yes?”
“Do you think Mark is an admin?”
It was the thought that kept you up at night. That the boy you loved and the boy you’d let your guard down for had sold you to neonet. If so, you knew you would never recover.
Falling in love with him was hard enough. Picking up the pieces would be impossible.
Haechan scoffed and replied, “I love him and I say this with all due respect, but Mark is too dumb for that and a terrible liar.”
You burst into laughter, covering your mouth. Though you needed the moment of levity, it vanished almost as quickly as it came. Sadness washed over you. You missed Mark so much.
Haechan was lying through his teeth, of course. The moment he left you, he marched straight to his best friend. Mark had been at the scene of the crime too many damn times.
You told him about the story. He was at the party when you hooked up with Jeno. He had found you after you slept with Yuta. And he’d obviously been present when having sex with you in the backseat of your car.
Haechan found his friend sulking near the food court, tucked far away from the looks of pity constantly sent his way. Ironically close to the place he had found you earlier. “Hey, bestie,” he exclaimed cheerfully, sitting down next to him at the table.
“What’s up, dude?” Mark didn’t look up. He was pretending to be intently reading a book that he had to write an entire essay on by Friday for English Comp. And in typical Mark fashion, he hadn’t started yet.
Trying to do assignments while nursing a broken heart wasn’t easy.
“Are you neonet?” Haechan asked, point blank.
Given the hell neonet had made his life in recent weeks, Mark recoiled. He lurched up, brows stitched as wrath filled his face. “The fuck?”
Haechan leaned in, smirking sheepishly. “You can tell me,” he whispered in a high-pitched voice. Of all things, he sounded playful. Which was by design.
First of all, Mark knew about Haechan’s hatred and vendetta against neonet. What they had done to his father was nothing short of brutal. Second, did Haechan - who knew him better than anyone - really think Mark could keep that big of a secret?
He couldn’t even tell a little white lie when confronted over who ate the last piece of cake without blushing and giggling.
While the thought amused him, very briefly, Mark was consumed from head to toe with anger. If he wasn’t already in a foul mood over the situation with you, this really pissed him off.
“I’m not in neonet,” he snapped harshly. “What the hell are you smoking?”
Haechan leaned back in the chair and stretched his legs out over Mark’s lap, pretending to be nonchalant about the whole thing and said offhandedly, “I’ve been hanging out with your girlfriend.”
Mark immediately scowled. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“She didn’t hook up with Jaehyun.”
Mark went rigidly still. It was the tiny shred of hope that his poor broken heart didn’t need right then. Nope. His guard was up and it had to stay up. He couldn’t fold now. He had learned his fucking lesson.
Haechan waited. He could practically hear the argument Mark was having with himself in his own head.
“How do you know that?” Mark asked under his breath. He couldn’t resist. He had to know if there was a chance you hadn’t betrayed him.
Haechan replied, “She told me.”
“And you believe her?”
Haechan shot him a look that was quite stern. “Don’t you?”
Mark paused. Then, he finally relented. “Yes.”
Haechan could work with that. He turned toward his friend, lowering his voice, “I think they did this on purpose. They wanted to humble her. And the best way to do that was to hit her where it hurts - you.”
Mark shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. His voice trembled as he whispered, “How the hell did they know I’m in love with her?”
Haechan scoffed with amusement, but he had his suspicions. None of which he would voice in present company. “Anyone that has seen the two of you together in the past few weeks figured that out, dummy. I don’t think you realize how gross you and your girl have been recently.”
Mark snorted and said weakly, “Shut up.”
Haechan was relieved to see his friend softening. Some of the light was back in his eyes, but it was safe to say Mark was a target in this scheme. If neonet was really pursuing you, they knew Mark was a weak spot to exploit.
It was better for all parties involved that Mark stay out of their way. Then, he couldn’t be used against you. So for now, Mark needed to stay angry with you. He needed neonet to be convinced he was done with you.
“Stay clear of her for a while,” Haechan told him quietly, to which Mark nodded. “She’s in the homestretch now.”
Mark narrowed his eyes and was painfully blunt. “Are you going to fuck her?”
Haechan laughed. He was too entertained to be mad at that. You and Mark were both dealing with betrayal, but it was obvious the love was strong between you and him. “Hell no,” Haechan shot back. “The only one left for her to fuck is neonet.”
Mark’s lips broke into a smile.
If anyone could do it, it was you. That’s what he had said from the very beginning.
A day passed. And another. Neonet continued business as normal, making petty digs at your classmates for their mistakes as it always did.
Nothing about you. Nothing about Haechan.
The next time you met with your new partner in crime, you asked, “Who did you tell?”
“Mark,” he replied without missing a beat.
Your jaw dropped. “But I thought…”
Haechan met your eyes and he looked softer than usual when he cut you off to say, “I had to be sure.”
You understood that. Better than anyone. Fiddling with your fingers, you asked, “And are you?”
Haechan bobbed his head. “Yes. He’s not neonet.”
You exhaled in relief. It was easier to breathe now, knowing you hadn’t fallen in love with someone intent on destroying you.
“I told him to keep away from you,” Haechan added a moment later.
You made a little disgruntled noise, but you knew it was the right thing to do.
“He’s my best friend and they’ve hurt him enough,” Haechan insisted, protective. “He needs to stay out of their way until we finish this.”
“You’re right,” you sighed, sinking a little deeper into your chair. “I just wish I could talk to him.”
Haechan reached over, rubbing your shoulder. “You will. But right now, you have work to do.”
You agreed, but your heart still hurt.
Things were beyond tense when you returned to the school paper. Your station was next to Mark’s. The moment you walked in, Mark got his stuff together and left without a word.
Given the scenarios that had played in your head over what would happen when you were in the same room with Mark, this was the most expected. And probably the least embarrassing.
You tried not to let the way he completely avoided looking at you drive you into the floor, but your eyes stung. It was unimaginable that you still had tears left to cry over this boy. You walked quietly to your desk without a fuss, glancing at his empty chair, and set your things down, firing up the computer.
For a while, you focused on coming up with an article for the next issue, but you couldn’t stop squirming. You had never felt so uncomfortable in a place you once considered your home. The NCTU newspaper had been your favorite place in the world.
Now, you felt like a sinner sitting in the middle of church.
It was the eye of the storm. That was the best way to describe it and Haechan agreed. This was the endgame. Neonet was lining you up, waiting for you to set one toe out of line so they could annihilate you for it.
Or you could smash number six and throw yourself at their mercy.
But you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to hand them satisfaction after what they had done. The idea of surrendering to the monster made you nauseous.
There were no texts. You had no guidance as to which way you were supposed to go. For what felt like hours, you stared at the picture of the board. All the names Haechan had written down, connecting them with lines that meant nothing.
Was neonet one person or was it everyone? Were all of your classmates, including yourself, unknowingly or intentionally playing into the hands of the evil entity neonet had become?
After all, neonet had sniped stories from you. On more than one occasion, they had snatched scandals that you pursued and unearthed. You hadn’t been a willing participant. No, your relationship was adversarial. Neither was Ten, according to him. They more or less blackmailed him into doing their bidding.
Maybe that was how the engine ran. You looked around the room curiously, sizing up the other students at their stations. Was everyone involved? Did some send in tips from a place of spite or ambition, while others were recruited against their will?
How could you defeat something like that?
No, you told yourself. Someone has to be pulling the strings. Every pack has an alpha.
Who was capable of that? Someone ruthless, but equally intelligent. Someone with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Someone people trusted unequivocally.
Winter waved her hand in front of your face and quipped, “Oop, she’s gone again.”
You snickered, snapping out of your daze. “Sorry.”
“Where did you go?” she asked curiously.
The two of you sipped iced coffee outside. It was a beautiful day and you had spent too much time hidden away with Haechan or typing away at newspaper headquarters. Haechan urged you to take a break; to stop and smell the roses. Preferably with your best friend who was constantly worrying over you.
“Nowhere interesting,” you mumbled. The inside of your mind was a scary place that made very little sense nowadays. You were a jumble of theories and suspicions.
“I’m really glad you and Jaehyun worked things out,” Winter said a moment later.
You smiled faintly at the thought of him and sighed. “Me too.”
“And Mark?”
You shrugged. “I don’t think that bridge will be mended anytime soon.”
Winter pressed, “What’s stopping you?”
“I’m working on my story. It ain’t gonna write itself,” you said, resorting to humor. You hoped the levity would steer her from this line of questioning. There were things you just couldn’t tell your best friend until the coast was clear.
Winter rolled her eyes, chuckling at you. She put the coffee to her lips and said, “You’re committed. I’ll give you that.”
“Yeah, well. I have some help.”
“Oh? From who?”
“Haechan,” you replied coolly. “He’s been helping me organize my ideas.”
Winter made a face, like that was the last person she ever expected you to get with. “Ah…,” she said, seeming less than enthused. “That’s nice of him.”
Winter thought about it, then an idea struck her, which she didn’t hesitate to voice aloud, “Hey, isn’t he on the basketball team?”
You hid your exasperation. Of course she was still thinking about smashing the six. “Technically, yes,” you answered impatiently. “But he has a knee injury so he probably won’t be playing until next year.”
Haechan had turned out to be a good friend and you bonded with him over the shared time spent together trying to bring down a maniacal social media leech. When you offered to come watch his games, he told you that sadly he couldn’t play yet because of a dumb knee injury he got from a keg stand gone wrong.
Needless to say, his teammates and the coach gave him the scolding of a lifetime.
“That sucks,” Winter grimaced.
You nodded. “Yeah.” But you were actually relieved to not have to sit on those hard bleachers again.
It was definitely unfortunate for Haechan. He didn’t particularly like sports, but basketball was one of the few avenues he had to let off steam. Still, he was on the team and could be counted toward your six. But that was a last resort.
You didn’t want to give neonet what they wanted. You didn’t want to submit.
A few minutes later, you bid farewell to your best friend so you could get to your next class. In between classes, you started going around with your iPad at the ready like you used to, but instead of siphoning information, you decided a different approach.
You asked your classmates how they felt about the student council or the university administration. You began asking them what they would like to change at NCT University or the things they didn’t want changed whatsoever.
Your fellow students were surprisingly honest and forthcoming. There were traditions that they agreed should be upheld, but others that needed to die. There were disgruntled students toward certain departments and the abuse of funds or lack thereof.
And you were surprised at how much appreciation students wanted to show to faculty or to each other. There were teachers your classmates felt weren’t given enough acknowledgement for what they had done and even other staff, like the cafeteria workers who weren’t given a shred of the recognition they deserved.
It was heart-warming, to say the least. You found yourself smiling at their answers. All the people you had been eyeing, treating them like enemies, just needed the opportunity to show some kindness.
Doyoung peered over your shoulder, watching you type the article. He made a face that could only convey he was vaguely intrigued. “Keeping your fingers on the NCTU pulse?” he asked coyly.
“Yes,” you replied with a nod, still typing. “It would be a different column for each issue of the paper, discussing a topic of concern among the students. Some will be things that they feel need to be changed, while others are things that students feel should be appreciated.”
“I like it,” Doyoung said. Three words he very rarely uttered.
You fought a smile at the compliment. “I do too. It’s got a much better vibe.”
Doyoung cocked his head. “No more exposés?”
You quickly fought a frown and replied, “I just wanna try something a little different, boss. But if you wanted, I could put that hat back on.”
“Oh, I know,” Doyoung teased. He motioned toward the article. “Stick with this for now. I have faith in you.”
You turned to face him, grinning. “You do?”
Doyoung rolled his eyes and playfully jeered, “God, one compliment and you let it go to your head. Get back to work.”
You giggled. “Yes, boss.”
When you turned back around to your computer, your heart sank.
Mark had walked in.
You immediately darted your eyes back to the screen, typing away.
Mark dragged his feet over, sitting at his station and dropping his backpack heavily to the floor.
What kind of obnoxious torture was this? The minutes ticked by at a glacial pace. You and Mark worked on your articles side-by-side, but felt like you were worlds away.
You thought fondly of the days neither of you got any work done because you were too busy gabbing and making each other laugh. Had that even happened? It felt so long ago now. Maybe you dreamt all of it.
Mark was thinking of you in his bed, the way you held him close as he drifted to sleep with his head on your chest over your steadily beating heart. He couldn’t believe he was sitting next to the girl he loved. You were within arm’s reach.
But it felt like you weren’t his to hold anymore. Like loving each other was too dangerous with too high a cost.
I want her so much I can’t fucking stand it.
Mark glanced at your computer from the corner of his eye. He’d overheard most of your conversation with Doyoung. It was an interesting change of subject matter for you and it ironically gave Mark hope that the insanity of your ambitions could be calming down a little.
You tried to focus on the task at hand, tried to work on your new article, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Mark. He was right there. You wanted to tell him you were sorry and that nothing happened between you and Jaehyun.
But what if he rejected you again? What if he told you he didn’t want to hear it? Even worse, what if he completely ignored you?
You realized you weren’t prepared to deal with any of those outcomes, mentally or emotionally. Your heart was too fragile and your brain was too overworked. So you scooped up your things, shut down the computer and left.
Mark tried to shake the images of you from his mind. He played that night over and over - when you had chased him down outside the dorm. When you told him you loved him and that nothing had happened with you and Jaehyun. But he didn’t listen.
He remembered the tears pouring down your face and the desperation in your voice, but the need for self-preservation won in the end. So did the pain in his chest.
Mark would never forgive himself for telling you that he hated you. No matter how true it was at the time. Mark did hate you for making him fall in love with you.
But he hated himself more for letting you.
You walked across campus with your head held down, one foot in front of the other. You had to hope that a day would come when this didn’t hurt so goddamn much.
Haechan glanced up when you approached him in the library, flashing his signature broad smile. He was reading something, his feet propped up on the table. Though the librarian gave him a fierce scowl over it, Haechan didn’t budge.
“He won’t even look at me,” you said quietly, slumping into the empty seat beside him.
Haechan closed his book with a sigh and consoled, “I told him to keep a distance. Mark’s a good boy. He does what he’s told.”
You snorted, trying to appreciate his joke, but you were too melancholy. Changing the subject, you asked, “Any leads?”
“Nothing,” Haechan huffed, frustrated. “It’s insane that there are so many dots, but none of them connect.”
You had the same thought. “Unless they’re all connected and that’s why we can’t make any sense of it.”
Haechan mulled it over, but he had no answers. Now, it was his turn to change the subject. “What did your editor think of the new article idea?”
“He was actually supportive,” you replied with a smile, reminded of your passion for writing and journalism that had been buried by your ambition. It was nice to not be looking for the next scandal, but instead, writing about the issues people cared about.
“No kidding,” Haechan said, grinning. He was happy for you. “Maybe because it’s a good idea.”
“You think so?”
Haechan nodded. “Absolutely. You will make people feel like they actually have a voice around here. It’s better to spread good vibes instead of tearing people down.”
You couldn’t agree more and told him humbly, “I’m mending the bridges.”
“It’s a good start.”
You added with a vengeance, “I still wanna burn down neonet.”
“You will.”
You chuckled.
Haechan returned to his book and you got as comfortable as you could in the little library chair beside him until you started to doze off. You liked Haechan’s company. He made you feel safe and secure, like he was watching your back.
When your phone dinged, Haechan’s did too. At the same time. The perfectly in sync chimes made you lurch, woken up out of your daze as quickly as if you had been smacked across the face.
Haechan met your eyes. He looked as alarmed as you did.
You opened your phone and saw there was a new post on neonet tagged to your profile. And Haechan’s.
From the golden boy to the bench warmer? Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Your lips parted. There was a dull ringing in your ears with adrenaline as a white hot fury burned its way through your chest.
Haechan gawked. “Bench warmer? I’m gonna fuck somebody up.”
“It’s Winter,” you exclaimed, jumping to your feet.
Haechan peered up at you confusedly. “What?”
You were already running toward the exit, yelling, “It’s my best friend, Winter!”
As you ran across campus, your mind had more in common with a violent tornado than a brain. Winter had suggested Jeno to you; the one that started it all. She had been with you every step of the way.
She knew about your break up with Jaehyun. She knew about your feelings for Mark.
Winter was in the gym at cheer practice. When you slammed the doors open as you entered with the energy of a pissed off pitbull, all the cheerleaders looked over at you in surprise.
“Winter!” you shouted, stomping toward her.
Your best friend instantly took on the expression of a deer in the middle of a busy highway. “I’ll be right back,” she told the other girls in a panic and sprinted toward you with her hands held up in surrender. “Let me explain.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick your ass,” you roared, clenching your hands into fists. It was taking all of your restraint not to tackle her.
“Because they will ruin me,” she whispered in hushed tones. “Please.”
To your surprise, you simmered and weighed your options. Winter didn’t look like a malicious criminal mastermind. At the moment, she looked like a terrified little girl. Was it an act or was she far more afraid of neonet than she could ever be of you?
“They have so much shit on me,” Winter said, trying desperately to appease you. “You know how much I fooled around during freshman year.”
You set your jaw. God, you wanted to be angry, but you loved her too much. And you believed her. Winter had never lied to you. At least that you knew of.
This was your best friend. You had been together through thick and thin. It was Winter who held you when you cried all night after Jaehyun dumped you. It was Winter that laid her head in your lap and confessed how scared she was no one would ever love her.
Ten had said, They have so much shit on me. Winter must have been no different. She fed them information to stay alive. They pulled her strings because they had a rope wrapped tightly around her neck.
Winter saw you wavering and crept closer, whispering for your ears alone, “You’re so close, babe. Just finish it.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, then turned around and left without another word.
Neonet took the boy you loved and the girl you trusted.
Just finish it.
“I was right,” you groaned, trembling with emotion. “Everyone is in on it. Everyone is neonet!”
Haechan ran a hand through his hair.
Your fists had finally stopped shaking. From pacing in his dorm room to collapsing on his bed, you vented all of your anger and Haechan listened. You let it all out and he didn’t stop you.
Haechan allowed a tiny moment of silence to pass before he began, “Don’t lose hope. I know you want to give up, but…”
You had been on your back, but at his words you rolled over to stare him in the face, interjecting, “You can’t even say it, Haechan. You know I’m right.”
Haechan frowned.
“Everyone wants their piece of neonet. Friends betray friends. Lovers betray lovers. Nothing is sacred here. It’s all petty revenge or blind ambition.”
“That’s the melodramatic writer in you talking,” Haechan countered, stern. He sidled closer to you on the bed and reached for your hands, taking them in his and squeezing tightly. “I’ve never given secrets to neonet. Mark has never betrayed your trust. People are - at their cores - good. You have to believe that.”
“I don’t,” you hissed, shaking your head. Resistant. “Maybe neonet is the punishment we deserve.”
Haechan bristled and wasted no time in scolding you. “My dad didn’t deserve it and neither do you. You’re allowed to live your life the way you want without someone profiting off your mistakes. Neonet is fucking evil.”
You kept your mouth shut. You said nothing. Your convictions were shaken.
Haechan tilted his head and said your name gently. “Don’t let them win.”
You let your hands slip from his and fell back on the bed. For a moment you closed your eyes and tried to think of anything besides Winter. Because thinking about Winter made you realize she was to blame for you and Mark.
She had destroyed it. She had taken him away. Your best friend. The person you loved and trusted like a sister.
Eyes burning with tears, you sat up sharply again. “Fuck it.”
Haechan watched you intently.
“I’m ready to be done with this,” you said, taking out your phone and readying the camera.
Haechan studied you. Then, he nodded and took off his shirt. He knew it was inevitable; you had to smash the six. You could only get close to neonet, but not close enough to wound them.
You stripped off your own top, down to your bra, and leaned in to bury your face in the crook of his neck. Haechan took the phone out of your hand and snapped the photo. He even bit his lip for effect.
A heavy silence wrapped around his dorm room. The two of you dressed again and sat side-by-side, leaning back against the wall. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
“What if it’s bad?” you asked under your breath. “Like really, really bad?”
“Then, you run,” Haechan said without missing a beat.
You turned to look at him. “But what if it’s good?”
Haechan’s gaze hardened on you. “Run even harder. Remember the person you want to be.”
You nodded.
An envelope of six photos came to stay in your pocket at all times. You had printed them off and deleted the copies from your phone. For safe keeping.
You found Ten at the food court the next day, crossing into his path just as he was about to leave.
“Can I help you, sunshine?” he asked almost in mocking.
“You’re a little birdie,” you began in barely a whisper.
Ten shrugged. “So?”
“Let them know I’ve got all six. And evidence. If they want me, tell them to move their asses or I’ll burn everything.”
Ten smirked and gave a faux bow of his head. “You got it.”
There was nothing left to do now but wait. It was the deep breath before the jump.
To you, it felt like holding your breath until your lungs exploded.
You sat on your bed, typing on your laptop. In this void, you could only work on your upcoming column to distract from your nerves.
A ding from your phone made you jolt. And you weren’t surprised to see a text from an unknown number.
Midnight, it read. Library. Restricted section. Don’t be late.
You didn’t respond. You rightfully assumed a reply wasn’t needed. They knew you would come. This was it. You were finally going to meet neonet.
Glancing at the clock, you groaned. Midnight was still two whole hours away. How were you going to keep from going insane in that time?
The restricted section of the library was under lock and key. Only the librarians had access. It wasn’t anything spectacular. Just a room that kept the old fragile books that could only be viewed in the library and with supervision to prevent any damage.
A lot of the books were classics or rarities that had been donated by enormously wealthy alumni or the equally wealthy parents of students. It made them look good to do so.
You closed your laptop, resigning yourself to two hours of torture. There was no point in trying to do anything except watch the clock tick.
Part of you wondered how many girls had been in your position before. Did they lay there, waiting and wondering? Did they feel any remorse for what they had done to get neonet’s approval?
When the hands came closer to midnight, you took out the envelope and withdrew the photos, flipping through them to make sure no one was missing.
You lingered on Mark. Of the many, many pictures you and Mark had taken in your short time together, you had chosen your favorite. It killed you to delete all the others, but you knew it needed to be done.
A smile tugged at your lips. You were in Mark’s arms and he was kissing your cheek. You barely recognized yourself in the photo, so happy and giggling at his endless affection. Mark had held you tightly then, like you would be torn away.
Maybe he knew he wouldn’t get to keep you long.
You sighed loudly and put the photos back in the envelope, slipping it into your pocket. Then, you began the long walk to the library.
It was dark and cold outside. You felt vulnerable and that wasn’t a feeling you handled well. Among others. You passed a few of your classmates, exchanging awkward smiles as you walked. Perhaps they knew you were walking willingly to your own execution.
The library stayed open at all times. There were students inside, cramming for exams or researching their essays that were on looming deadlines. No one paid you any mind when you entered. The lights were dim except for over the tables where they illuminated open books and cups of coffee.
You made for the back and as you did, your surroundings grew darker and darker. As a freshman, you remembered being teased that the back of the library was haunted by ghosts. It was dusty and damp and smelled of rotten wood, but you found no ghosts to speak of.
When you reached the door tucked away in the very back with ‘Restricted’ stamped across the front in red letters, you blinked in surprise to see someone sitting on the floor in front of it. Waiting for you.
“Winter,” you grumbled, disappointed.
She clambered to her feet and greeted, “Hi, bestie.”
You stared her down. “Well?”
“I may have fibbed a little.”
You felt angry enough to spit fire, but the feeling of betrayal washed over you like a cold tidal wave of emotions. None of them good.
Winter approached you as if nothing was out of place, nothing out of the ordinary. She was sporting a beaming smile, radiating with pride. “I was so worried you wouldn’t do it, you know, considered how anti-sex you’ve been for the past two years.”
You scowled. The words to describe the utter betrayal and manipulation you felt wouldn’t come to you. Although, you were tempted to just resort to a long string of profanity.
Winter reached for your hands, trying to coax you out of your wrath. To no avail thus far. “You and me running neonet,” she exclaimed, happy as could be. “Obviously, not by ourselves, but come on. It’s crazy, right?”
“Batshit crazy,” you deadpanned in the lowest voice you could muster. Venom was seeping onto your tongue, scorching the back of your throat.
The door behind you cracked open and a familiar voice called, “Winter?”
You and Winter looked to the door and your eyes widened.
There stood Rosé. You should have known.
She was quite pleased with your reaction and sang, “Bring her in.”
The Restricted room of the library was what you would expect. Old books lined the walls, protected behind glass doors. Some were even padlocked. It put an even worse taste in your mouth.
This damned school did more to protect old books than the well-being of its students.
There were a few tables in the little room. Yellow light cast a glow from above. The air felt closed and too warm, uncomfortable. Which was probably by design.
Rosé and Winter led you forward and instructed you to sit directly in front of Jisoo, who ignored you entirely as she typed away at her phone. The girls sat on her left and right side with an air about them like they were the right and left hands of God.
From what you knew of Kim Jisoo, she was the queen bee on campus ever since the day she arrived at NCTU. The only daughter of outrageously powerful parents, and gorgeous to boot, she had anyone and everyone under her thumb.
And yet, most who had interacted with her didn’t hesitate to characterize her as kind.
She was the last person anyone expected to be involved with neonet. The perfect wolf in sheep’s clothing. You eyed her with disdain.
Jisoo finally glanced up, looking at you with disinterest, and droned, “Congratulations. You’re about to be a member of the most powerful and elusive club on campus.”
“I’m honored,” you replied rather blandly.
Your tone was not lost on Jisoo for a second. She set down her phone and asked, “Did you bring the evidence?”
You held the envelope a little tighter in your hands beneath the table. “Yes. I took photos.”
“Not bad,” said Rosé, running a hand through her blonde hair. “I did videos.”
“Some of us believe less is more,” Jisoo chided.
Rosé rolled her eyes. Winter looked awkward.
As she should, you thought bitterly, shooting your best friend a scathing glance.
“Soccer?” Jisoo asked, waiting expectantly.
“Yuta,” you told her, but with confusion. They obviously already knew, since they posted about it.
Rosé beamed. “You’re welcome.”
“Yuta’s a bit of a slut,” Jisoo sneered, like he was easy prey.
“A bit?” Winter quipped.
You gave Winter a look that could freeze hell over and she cowered a little, pressing her lips into a flat line.
“Football?” Jisoo asked next.
An icy fist wrapped around your heart. You felt protective.
“She bagged Jaehyun,” Winter spoke up, leaning toward Jisoo. Wanting to please her alpha. Wanting to prove she belonged.
Hearing her say his name and in this context no less made you want to reach across the table and smack her into next week.
Jisoo met your eyes, recognizing the anger burning within them, and quipped, “We may have to promote you.”
Rosé was practically jumping out of her seat. “Seriously. Major points and bragging rights.”
“He doesn’t give anyone the time of day.”
“Yeah, he thinks he’s better than everyone else.”
You could feel yourself starting to shake. And you quickly interjected, “He’s just shy.”
All three girls leveled their gazes at you and studied you, surprised, but above all, confused. Why was your first instinct to defend him?
“Moving on,” Jisoo said after a pause. She was watching you with obvious suspicion now. “Basketball?”
You locked eyes with Winter and hissed, “Haechan.”
Your best friend couldn’t hold your stare and looked down at her hands.
“Well, can’t win them all,” Rosé joked.
Jisoo pressed, “Do you like him?”
There was obvious taunting in her voice. She was trying to get a reaction out of you, trying to gauge where your head was at.
She could sense she was on the verge of losing you.
Jisoo had wondered if you were too strong to break. She didn’t need to break you all the way, just enough for you to fill the mold she had created. You would be taking her place. She was the leader.
She had to appoint another leader.
“He’s really nice,” you started, but you knew whatever you had to say would fall on deaf ears.
Jisoo rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Oh, please. He’s a boy.”
Rosé added cutely, “Boys just take up space.”
Your face tensed, because you were totally baffled. But you were also getting angrier. “Wait,” you said, running out of restraint. “Your entire club is built around bagging boys.”
Rosé and Jisoo exchanged smug glances. “Well, yeah,” the latter replied. “Didn’t you figure it out yet?”
You arched a brow, waiting for the grand explanation.
“Athletes. Photographic evidence.”
That one word sent a shock through your system. Your eyes widened incredulously. “What?”
Rosé told you levelly, “Neonet costs money and resources to operate. Who has more to lose than a prospective athlete with a rich daddy?”
Your lips parted. That was the connection you had been missing. The boys didn’t get off scot free, after all. They were on the hook for years to come, protecting their careers and relationships. Even when they graduated, they didn’t escape neonet’s claws.
As long as they had something to lose, they were screwed.
Everyone from NCTU came from prominent, respectable families. Yourself included. Any of these boys would be cut off or disowned if their bedroom pursuits were put out in public for all to see. Image was everything in this insular little town.
“That’s why we pimped you out to Johnny,” Jisoo added, typing on her phone again. “He had been with his girlfriend the whole time he was here and his parents have more money than God.”
Rosé propped her head on her hand and crooned, “To think, one more semester and he would have been home free.”
You almost threw up in your mouth, but then your attention flew to Winter. She clearly was uncomfortable, having tugged her sleeves over her hands and constantly shifting in her seat. She was also obviously the odd one out in this dynamic.
Jisoo cut you a stern glance and frowned, holding out her hand. “You can give us the pictures now.” She had shown her cards, but it was apparent you were not persuaded.
You tucked the photos to your chest, prepared to guard them with your life if that was what it took, and asked, “What did I win exactly?”
Rosé replied gleefully, “A place at the table running neonet.”
Winter spoke up to explain, “Jisoo is graduating this year and she has chosen you to be her replacement.”
Haechan was right. This had been your audition, your interview process. You had been recruited into the monster that was neonet.
“So, what do you say?” Jisoo asked, cocking her head. “Ready to join?”
You took a breath to steady yourself. “No.”
Rosé recoiled. “No?”
“This is wrong,” you told them firmly, shaking your head in reproach. “I want no part of it.”
“No one has ever turned down neonet before,” Winter warned you. She looked worried on your behalf, turning to see Jisoo’s reaction.
Jisoo, on the other hand, looked downright livid. “You think you’re better than us?”
Your first answer was no. You were no better. But the difference was you were trying to be better. “In some ways, maybe,” you told her softly. “I don’t see boys as meat.”
Rosé scoffed. Her sweet demeanor had all but evaporated. “Men have been treating women like meat since the beginning of time.”
You turned to her and asked in a taunt, “An eye for an eye, huh? How’s that working out for you?”
“It’s been very profitable, actually,” she argued, bristling. “I don’t think you realize how much money and power you’d be giving up.”
Oh, but you did know. The lust for power in you had been strong. You’d battled with it for two years and now, at long last, you had finally won.
In the past few months you’d learned that people didn’t just deserve basic respect, they deserved kindness and compassion. Each of the boys you had used for your own gain gave you even more in return. More than you deserved and in some cases, more than they had to give.
You’d be damned if you let these girls hurt your boys.
And so, all you did was shrug. They would get nothing from you.
Jisoo went for the kill. “And because you expose people under the official label of the school paper, you’re any different?”
Haechan’s words echoed in your mind, making you smile. “I’m gonna do better,” you said. “And be better.”
Rosé leaned toward Jisoo and whispered, “We’ve told her too much now.”
Jisoo knew that. She was panicking though you wouldn’t recognize it by the icy look on her face. She had the highest responsibility, finding someone to sit on her throne, and she had failed miserably. She had underestimated you. There would be judgement. There would be repercussions.
Meanwhile, Winter was sitting back comfortably in her chair, watching this unfold with a little smirk playing on her lips. They had dirt on her, mountains of it, but not you. From the moment they brought her into the fold, neonet had wanted something on you.
It wasn’t until you began smashing the six that you gave them any power to control you. But you had just taken it back and now they had nothing.
Jisoo threatened, “If you leave and feel like blabbing about us, we will tell the entire school just how big of a slut you are. We’ll make sure to contact all your future employers. Maybe even send some messages to your family.”
“I’m a slut,” you said with a chuckle. “I smashed the six. I own it.”
“You’re bluffing.”
You laughed. It was clear you had her on the ropes. You had taken any and all leverage over you away from them. You retorted, “Not even a little. For your information, I’ll be writing a killer article about this whole experience. If anyone is going to out me as the school’s biggest slut, it’s going to be me.”
“You’ve got balls,” Rosé said, wide-eyed. “Are you sure you don’t want to join?”
Jisoo chided, “We literally just threatened to label her the campus whore.”
You stood up, tucking the envelope of photos safely into your back pocket, and said, “I don’t care. At the end of the day, slut is just a label. I know my worth and I’m starting to figure out who I am. And honestly? I would rather be a whore than a shitty cruel person.”
Jisoo glowered, setting her jaw.
You slapped on a victorious smile and cooed, “You girls take care and - a bit of friendly advice - find less toxic ways to spend your time.”
The moment you left the room and shut the door behind you, you rifled in your other pocket, bringing out your trusty little recorder and making sure it had been running. That it got every single word.
Needless to say, you were grinning from ear to ear.
That was it. You had beaten neonet at its own game. Once the article was written and posted, the entire school would know who their tormentors were and how the operation ran.
It almost felt too easy, but you quickly shook that thought from your mind.
As you walked back to the dorm, you knew what needed to be added. You would remind your fellow classmates that they all contributed to neonet. For better or for worse. The blame couldn’t solely be put on three girls’ shoulders.
You weren’t the only one that needed to strive to be better.
And maybe in the future, if they tried to recruit new admins as they had done so many times before, you could be the one to prove that it was okay to say no. Someone had to take a stand and the rest would follow.
Winter’s voice echoed, calling your name as she ran after you.
You stopped, turning around, and barked, “What?”
She was winded. “This is big. They’re talking about going underground indefinitely. Or at least until the heat dies down.”
Sounds like the consequences of their actions, you almost joked aloud, but instead you simply said, “And?”
“I’m proud of you,” Winter said, lips trembling. Adrenaline had been weighing heavily on her tiny frame. “For what you did back there.”
You came closer to her, intimidating, and hissed, “You told them everything about me and Mark. Didn’t you?”
Winter slowly nodded.
Your eyes burned with tears. It would seem that though you’d won the battle, you weren’t without casualties. Victory had a cost. Yours was your best friend.
“I’m sorry,” she cried, wiping at the tears streaming down her cheeks. The power had been too overwhelming for her to resist. Not to mention all the shit they had on her. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice.
“You’ve been there for me when I needed it most and I’ll never forget that,” you told her, emotionless. Your heart was twisting around an invisible knife driven into your back. “That’s the only reason I haven’t hit you.”
Winter tensed up, but she ultimately nodded again. She wanted to explain, but there were no good explanations - only excuses. She desperately wanted you running neonet with her.
It wasn’t just power Winter was attracted to, it was vengeance. All those boys she hooked up with, none of them ever dated her. Her reputation was of one of the girls you fucked, but not the girl you loved.
Winter hated that, because it inevitably made her hate herself. And getting revenge on those boys, exposing them for the assholes they were and ruining their picture perfect relationships, kept her from walking away.
Revenge was supposed to make her feel better. It didn’t.
But Winter realized you had been brave enough to do what she always knew should have been done from the beginning.
Telling neonet to go fuck itself.
You walked away without a goodbye, because you knew in your heart, you and Winter would cross paths again. You knew, deep down, she wasn’t capable of cruelty or malice. She was hurt, like you. She was lonely, like you. She just wanted to be loved, like you. And those things had driven her to be someone she wasn’t. Same as you.
One day, you would mend the bridge and you would let her mend her side until you both could meet in the middle again. Time would maybe heal that wound.
You went to Haechan’s dorm, because you knew he would be gaming until three in the morning. Your first knocks went unanswered, thanks to his noise-canceling headphones, but a few calls to his phone got him to open the door.
“Hey,” Haechan greeted brightly.
You smiled at the sight of him. Something about Haechan put your heart at ease. You had a feeling he would be your friend for years and years to come. “Hey, you.”
Haechan ushered you inside, asking impatiently, “So, did you make the club?”
“Yes and no,” you answered, sitting on the edge of his bed. “They offered me a position. Even said they would promote me for bagging Jaehyun.”
Haechan scoffed. “And?”
You could tell by the look on Haechan’s face that he already knew, but you told him anyway, “They are not the company I want to keep and that is not the person I want to be.”
“Atta girl.”
You took his photo out of the envelope and handed it to him.
Haechan looked down at the photo of you and him. He thought about the time he had spent with you and how happy he was to be able to call you his friend. “What happens now?” he asked sheepishly.
You rose, standing a little taller and with your head held high. “Now, I write the biggest article in NCTU history,” you said dramatically.
Haechan chuckled, clapping his hands together. “I can’t wait to read it.”
The moment he stood to walk you to his door, you slipped into Haechan’s arms and hugged him. “Thank you,” you whispered in his ear.
Haechan wrapped his arms around you and gave you a squeeze. He played clueless though he was anything but. He just liked hearing you say it. “For what?”
You pulled back, peering into his eyes, and said, “For showing me there’s more important things.”
He smiled proudly. “You’re welcome.”
Believe it or not, you went back to your dorm and slept like a baby that night. You knew you needed plenty of rest. There was a lot of work to be done. But it was easier to sleep knowing the monster was dead.
The next day, you walked across campus with a spring in your step. The sun was bright. The air didn’t feel quite as heavy anymore, but maybe that was all because a weight had been taken off your shoulders.
Neonet hadn’t updated since yesterday and you had a feeling they wouldn’t again for a while.
If ever.
It was their turn now to wait; wait for you to post the article that would reveal them to the world for what they really were. There wasn’t enough damage control in the world for them to escape the oncoming punishment.
Grabbing an iced coffee, you found an empty bench in the busiest part of the lawn between buildings and watched people come and go. It was easier than trying to track someone down.
And it was nice to just stop and enjoy the fresh air for once.
Doyoung appeared, taking the seat beside you and saying your name in greeting.
“Hi, boss,” you replied, sipping your coffee.
A smile spread across his face as his eyes locked with yours and he murmured, “I knew you could do it.”
Your lips parted in surprise. “How did you know?”
“I received an anonymous text this morning that neonet is going on hiatus.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
Doyoung slouched back like he had not a care in the world and said, “NCTU deserves a little peace and quiet. Don’t you think?”
You nodded emphatically, letting go a deep sigh. It certainly did.
What Doyoung said next shook you to your very core, “My chair is as good as yours. If you want it.”
There was a pause on your part. You were being handed the thing you wanted most, the greatest of your desires. The goddamn chair you had been working day in and day out for since you first set foot on campus.
“Actually, I don’t think I do,” you told him, surprising him, but surprising yourself more.
Doyoung arched a brow and a little smirk played at his lips. “Oh?”
You shrugged, almost laughing in disbelief that you replied, “It will be my senior year and all I’ve done is grind. I think I just want to have fun and make memories. Maybe even try to make some friends before I blow outta this town for good.”
Doyoung looked even more impressed with you and praised, “You’re going to be one hell of a journalist one day. And an even better editor in chief. Wherever you decide to be one, you’ll have my letter of recommendation.”
“Thanks, Doyoung,” you said, eyes glistening. That meant the world to you.
He flipped mercurially and scolded, “Are we on a first name basis now? I’m still your boss.”
Once again, you expected nothing less. Fighting back a giggle, it seeped into your tone as you apologized, “I’m sorry, boss. It went straight to my head.”
“Mm,” he hummed, pretending to be annoyed. “See you at the paper. I can’t wait to read your story and I have high expectations for your new column.”
“I’ll be there.”
Alone again on the bench, you watched your classmates casually and finished your coffee. A few studied at the tables. Some were laying on the grass using their backpacks as pillows, stealing cat naps before their next class. Others threw a football back and forth.
The atmosphere felt different. Did they know the dragon was dead?
When you spotted Jeno, you hopped up and raced over to him, a little nervous as to how he would react. “Hey, Jeno,” you called, waving him down.
Jeno was walking with a few of the guys on the baseball team and after noticing you, told them, “I’ll catch up with you guys in a minute.”
That made you smile as you closed the rest of the distance.
“Hey, stranger,” he greeted sweetly. “How have you been?”
You flushed at his big smile and all the energy that radiated from it. You handed him the photo of you and him from that night and explained, “I destroyed the original file. This is the only copy.”
Jeno studied the photo with interest before tucking it carefully into the pocket of his jacket for safe keeping. “I wish you kept one for yourself,” he said quietly, a little playful.
“I have the memories,” you replied, giving him a wink.
Jeno snickered. He sure did too. He had been so lonely before you came into his life that night. He reached out and pulled you into his arms for a brief hug, leaving a little kiss on your cheek. “You take care of yourself,” he whispered.
You nodded. “You too.”
Jeno stole one last glance of you over his shoulder as he walked away, jogging to catch up with his friends.
With a quick scan of your surroundings, you went in search of someone else.
Johnny was predictably in the gym. He and a few of his friends were lifting weights. The whole place smelled of sweat, as you would expect.
Speaking of sweat, Johnny dabbed his glistening face with a towel slung around his neck when he saw you coming toward him.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again?” Johnny flirted shamelessly.
You snickered and handed him the picture. “To give you something to remember me by.”
He took the photograph and replied without skipping a beat, “I could never forget you.”
“I’ll never be able to tell you how much you helped me,” you said, smiling at him fondly. “Just know that I’m eternally grateful.”
“I know it sounds cliché as fuck to say this, but ditto,” Johnny quipped, taking your hand and leaving a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
You bit your lip, stifling a grin, and waved goodbye. You didn’t have the heart to tell him how close he had been to danger. You wondered what his reaction would be when he read the article. When any of the boys did, for that matter.
How quickly would they realize you had protected them?
Yuta was vaping outside the building, per a few of the guys at the gym when you asked where you could find him. Sure enough, there he was, leaning back against the brick wall with his ankles crossed.
You eyed him, wondering if he was in the mood to be approached at all, because if the resting bitch face was any indication, your first instinct was no. Despite that, you were on a mission and so you marched right up to him.
Yuta blew out a pillar of smoke and asked harshly, “What do you want?”
You took his attitude in stride, because you knew it was all a front. Not too long ago he had been vulnerable with you and you with him. “Just to give you this,” you said, unbothered.
Yuta took the photo from your outstretched hand, studying it with suspicion for obvious reasons. “Why?”
“Do whatever you want with it,” you told him. “It’s the only copy.”
“A condition of getting into the club?”
“I’m not in the club. I turned them down.”
Yuta made a face, blowing smoke out of the corner of his mouth so it wouldn’t go toward you. “I’m impressed,” he said a moment later, slipping the photograph into the back pocket of his jeans.
“Don’t be,” you countered. “It’s literally bare minimum to be a decent person. Or so I’ve heard.”
Yuta snorted, but there was a little twinkle in his eyes.
You reached for him, sliding into his arms and hugging him tightly, which you could feel caught Yuta off guard. He stiffened at first and then embraced you back warmly. “You’re going to make someone very happy one day,” you whispered into his ear.
Yuta trembled in your arms. “So are you.”
You drew back with a sigh. “I hope that day is today.”
He smiled, brushing his fingers over your cheek before tucking some of your hair behind your ear tenderly. “Good luck.”
It was hard walking away from Yuta. You hated seeing him alone, but you had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, he would come looking for you one day soon. Because your offer to be his friend still stood.
You sent a text to Jaehyun and he met you outside the rec center. No sooner had he laid eyes on you did Jaehyun rush right into your arms and sweep you up in a hug like you weighed nothing.
To say you were laughing was an understatement. He almost knocked you over in his excitement. Jaehyun rarely knew his own strength.
“Did you do it?” he asked, setting you back down. “Is it over?”
“It’s done,” you replied and it felt so damn good to say it.
Jaehyun was understandably curious, all things considered. “Who all knows?”
“A few. It will be front page news in a couple of days.”
Jaehyun shook his head in amazement and let out a long whistle. Then, a thought crossed his mind and he sombered. “The article - will it talk about me?”
You replied swiftly to put him at ease, “I’m not naming any of the guys even though most were posted on neonet. Everyone will be anonymous, except for neonet, of course.”
Jaehyun looked into your face and deep into your eyes, asking in a whisper, “Are you going to talk about us? Before all of this?”
You thought of him. You thought of your sixteen year old self. You thought of the beach and the quiet nights together and all the good memories you hadn’t allowed yourself to remember for years.
“Do you want me to?” you asked him.
“It’s your story to tell. You should tell it how you want.”
You asserted gently, “But it’s your story too, Jay.”
His cheeks flushed and he smiled warmly. He only needed to think about it for a second or two before deciding. “Tell it. Let people know it’s okay to forgive and move on.”
“Thank you.”
Jaehyun nodded.
You gave him the photo and hugged him once more before heading on your way.
Jaehyun watched you go. He had realized that you and him were meant to be together all these years ago. But some people aren’t meant to be together forever and that’s okay.
Oddly enough, you had reached a similar conclusion. The memories were no longer bitter to you. They were a part of who you were.
You ambled along the path, letting your heart lead the way. You were searching and hoping, maybe even praying. The boy you loved liked to sit back here. Where the plants were overgrown and the hedges went untrimmed. Where the trees blocked out the sun and the breeze shook the leaves until they covered the path in blankets.
There you found him, sitting on an old rickety bench, waiting for you.
“Hi, Mark,” you called out timidly.
Mark turned and something changed in his eyes when he saw you, something that didn’t have a word yet to describe it. He got to his feet and came toward you, saying, “Haechan told me everything.”
“That was nice of him,” you quipped, nervous.
“You didn’t sleep with Jaehyun.”
“You haven’t slept with anyone since me.”
You shook your head.
Mark exhaled heavily and came toward you, gathering you in his arms and pressing his forehead to yours. “I’m so sorry,” he started, voice trembling with the threat of tears.
“Don’t apologize, Mark,” you said, cradling his head in your hands and meeting him the rest of the way for a kiss.
Mark wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you flush against him, and kissed you endlessly.
You were the one to break away, smiling as he kissed the corner of your mouth, and said, “About that date.”
Mark perked up. “Yeah?”
“I’m free this Friday,” you whispered, draping your arms across his shoulders. He was yours again and you never wanted to let go.
Mark was trying so hard not to grin, but there was no fighting it. Just like he couldn’t fight the way he felt about you. “I thought you had an article to write,” he teased.
“I do, but I’ll make time for you,” you flirted, stealing another quick kiss.
“Just me?”
“Just you.”
From across the way, Doyoung watched you and Mark with a faint smile as he passed by. A mixture of pride and amusement maybe.
He took out his phone, scrolling to a contact designated with only a smirking devil emoji and texted, It’s been a fun ride.
We’ll be back.
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Copyright 2020-2024 © yutaholic (formerly zenyukhei) All rights reserved do not copy or translate without my permission!
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coldalbion · 1 year
"And in many ways, that complaint has only gotten louder over the decades. Stop talking to each other and start buying things. Stop providing content for free and start paying us for the privilege. Stop shining sunlight on horrors and start advocating for more of them. Stop making communities and start weaponizing misinformation to benefit your betters.
It’s the same. It’s always been the same. Stop benefitting from the internet, it’s not for you to enjoy, it’s for us to use to extract money from you. Stop finding beauty and connection in the world, loneliness is more profitable and easier to control.
Stop being human. A mindless bot who makes regular purchases is all that’s really needed.
Over and over again since that prodigal moment of shame and hurt and confusion, I’ve joined online communities, found so much to love there, made friends and created unique spaces that truly felt special, felt like places worth protecting. And they’ve all, eventually, died. For the same reasons and through the same means, though machinations came from a parade of different bad actors. It never really mattered who exactly killed and ate these little worlds. The details. It’s all the same cycle, the same beasts, the same dark hungers. [...] And while Twitter hurts, I’m not sure anything will ever hurt as much as Livejournal did. It feels like no one even remembers anymore what happened to lovely, flawed, dog-eared, wacky old LJ in the twilight of the aughts and the dawn of the tens. Even though in this year of our lord 2022, when there are some pretty fucking good reasons to remember it, and learn its lessons...
So when Livejournal was sold, not to Viacom or Google, but to SixApart, a company no one had ever heard of, it was confusing. As was its refusal to develop anything like a usable mobile app. When fanfic communities started getting banned for gay content in the name of “protecting the children,” it was alarming and confusing. When it started going down regularly due to constant DDoS attacks, the new owner accused the community of trying to blackmail and destroy him for questioning what the hell was going to happen to all of us, when the Russian Prime Minister was commenting on fucking Livejournal, and when Russian users started put posts in English to let others know what was going on…we all just felt so helpless. It was sold to SUPMedia, a Russian company, and by 2016, had moved its servers to Russia and changed the entire site to conform with that good old very free and inclusive Russian law, but by that time, the community had long fled. Which was the point. Make it unusable and unreliable, bleed off the Westerners and the eye of Western media, and use the database to find and shut down dissenters.
And as hard as it was for us to lose that space where so many of us found family and work and connection, I cannot begin to imagine what those brave dissidents lost. What Russia lost. What they are still losing.
It was a small piece of what was to come. Like Gamergate and the Puppies, an experiment to practice taking apart a minor but culturally influential community and develop techniques to do it again, more efficiently, more quickly, with less attention. To lay out a reliable pathway to commit harm and lie about it for so long and in so many ways that by the time the truth is available, it doesn’t matter, because the harm is a foundational part of the system we’re living in. The harm is the new status quo.
Lather, rinse, repeat."
As someone who's been online nearly 30 years (I'm 18ish months younger than the author) who cut his teeth on dialup BBSses, Fidonet et al rather than Prodigy, I cosign this and beg you to read the whole thing.
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osseincactus · 11 months
I love the differences in Archie and Maxie’s end game dialogue… I know it’s 2 am and I’m being so autistic about this but listen to me
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Maxie’s definitely feels a lot more guilty compared to Archie’s. Like Archie’s is basically just him realizing it’s wrong to want to kill everyone but that that doesn’t change the fact that he still believes the same things but Maxie’s seems to have a lot more idk shame to it???
Like Archie intended to kill everyone (it’s hard to get ahold of now cuz it’s on an archive page but) in the promo site for Oras it states that Archie knows his plan would kill everyone and that’s the point of it but Maxie wanted the opposite of that. He was trying to give people more room to thrive (as dumb as the plan was) and I think he’s got a lot more feeling going on regarding losing.
Archie losing is more of a “oh damn I guess trying to kill everyone isn’t the answer to the problem.” Where as Maxie has losing on top of having to realize that his plan wouldn’t have worked the way he wanted at all. Like even if May or Brendan weren’t there and he did technically win he still would have lost because it wouldn’t have ended up the way he wanted at all.
I don’t think Archie actually wanted to kill everyone (that’s a whole other post) but it feels more like he convinced himself he did up until the end of the game. Maxie never wanted that to happen at all and I think he’s got both guilt and shame. Guilty that he almost killed everyone and that that’s a thing you can’t just brush off, people are gonna hold it against you but also his personal shame of just being wrong.
I mean I don’t think anyone is gonna argue that Maxie is clearly someone that doesn’t like to be wrong. So I think having to admit it for something as big as Groudon is probably soul-crushing ngl.
And Archie does have some of that “how do I move on from here? Can I even be forgiven?” In his dialogue, but it takes up so much of Maxie’s it makes it such a prominent part of his character.
Tldr: love that Archie is just kinda like “lmao that was crazy” and Maxie is screaming and crying ☺️☺️💗💗💗
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mcalhenwrites · 3 months
I'm sincerely trying to find answers to these questions. I'm seeking advice.
I'm going to start this off by stating that I'm still writing. I haven't quit. I'm not going to quit. This is about sharing. I've had so many people assume I quit writing or only will write for the sake of being a published author. I'll always be writing as long as I'm alive.
And as someone who firmly believes that people can choose whether or not to share their art with the world and no one else gets to decide that, I also believe that it's not wrong to want to have readers. Libraries and bookstores and art galleries and art sites and everything else - we connect to each other through art. It wouldn't exist if everyone just went, "Welp, I made the thing, good for me. Done!" And if someone is going to tell me that I should feel that way, I hope you keep all your writing and art to yourself. If not, I'd consider it a kindness to us both if you don't respond to this post through comments, DMs, or asks. Thank you. ;)
So onto the questions I'm seeking advice on.
How can I overcome the shame of posting writing for about 14 years and still barely getting readers? (But often getting a lot of critique?)
I've been in writing circles, reading and cheering on others, and they read one anothers' writing, but I'm frequently passed over/ignored - and that's the kinder response. I've been told that I'm there for my support only, that I'm not a good enough writer myself, that my characters are all the same.
How does one keep posting links to their published work or AO3 chapters/works, when they never get any likes or reblogs across several websites?
When friends have done nothing but scold them for not being good at PR, when I'm just... I'm a writer, not a businessman. And I am trying, but even popular authors on social media have mentioned that word-of-mouth and boosting of their work on social media has impacted their success? That M*sk taking over one of those sites has negatively impacted their interactions and therefore their sales? (Wouldn't this mean they also suck ass at PR? xD)
Am I supposed to believe I have a chance, when even established authors are struggling?
I don't like myself very much, and I'm ashamed of level of skill, even though I enjoy writing so much I can't help but always want to do it. I can't help but create stories and get excited about writing them down. There are even times I feel like I've made progress. Gotten better as a writer.
But it's so hard not to end up letting other people make me feel ashamed.
It's true I shouldn't listen to those people, but why have they been so many, and why is the positivity always so few and far in-between? Maybe if it was one voice in one-hundred, but what if it's twenty voices out of thirty? What am I to believe then? When even friends clearly have no faith in my works and don't want to be seen associating with it?
I wanted to be a published writer. I wanted to make a little bit of an income on writing, so I'd have reason to do what I love even more.
But I've spent most of my life feeling like a fool who keeps humiliating himself. Who wonders if the truth is that I'm worse at writing than even I'm willing to admit.
I had one story that "took off" on AO3, but even that lost readers by the end, and no one is interesting in anything I have created before or since then.
And that story... I've been editing it heavily and even added chapters, and I'm like, "I should post the new version sometime" but I'm convinced no one even wants it. (And I'd have to do it for free, and I can't afford to do things for free. I just got on medicaid finally and went to a food pantry last week and keep applying for help, and I have to wait until April to see a doctor to get critical help for my multiple health issues that might make my ability to work even harder. I broke down and crocheted stock for a table this month, and the pain in my wrist is excruciating, and the pain my heart that I can't spend half that time making personal passion projects with something I only want to do as a hobby is even more excruciating. So no, not every story of mine can just be churned out for free.)
Anyway, thank you for reading and your time, and if you have legitimate advice/answers/support... I could use it. I could use it more than ever. 
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zlataisawsome · 3 months
secondly, I want to clear things up. I don’t like getting political/sharing things that may be distressing to people, however I always stand by the side of those who are oppressed. I know some of my interests are related to things that should be boycotted right now (e.g. McDonald’s). This doesn’t mean I *support* the company, but I’m interested in the history of the restaurants and its architecture. The founders are one of my heroes in the business world. Despite the interests, I still try my best to boycott and support the opposed, so I hope that clears things up. I’m not going to explicitly mention it because I have people who breathe down my neck like watchdogs, but I think you guys know which side I support (hint: y’all use fruits).
It’s been more than two years since another country has been attacked again. I’ve lost a lot of places my family grew up with: theatres, buildings, vacation stops, etc. Despite never visiting the country itself (I’m Belarusian), some of my family (and their friends) come from there, so I will always support said country. It’s such a shame that this is being silenced, and I know I’m vague about this, but I think it’s important to mention it because it never resolved despite the overwhelming support it got when it was attacked in the first place. Every day I pray the conflict there ends, and I try to help it one way or another.
I apologize for this post, but I wanted to give my two cents before anything. I know it isn’t much, and I might have to take this post down in case one of the people I know who breathes down my neck every time I post notices, however, I believe they don’t check this site, so I feel safe posting about this situation here. I am incredibly sorry to the people who are going through these conflicts, I pray for and support you guys. Free the oppressed!
🍉, 🇺🇦
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This is back when instead of "bitch" I said "bish" and didn't have a damn clue. To begin, here is snufkin with a gummy snake. He was going to have a pet gummy snake named regina.
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He looked so menacing and white
I would not trust him with my finances. Beyond the "keep reading" thing, there is actual pages. It's been two years. It is time to reflect on my dark past.
The original run was only three pages. I gave up after not many people paid attention to it. Probably because it was trash. But still.
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RIP Blueberry Muffin...
Also, a nine year old says the word damn. I was 12 when I made this lol.
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Oh so I just skipped to when they already settled in? Oh. Ok. I remember making a version that had snufkin saying "Jerk" instead of "Douche" because the amino I was posting it in had a rule against cursing.
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The worst page. Never want to look at it again. I was hoping to to make it an ask thing, but like...I was three pages in and nobody was paying attention-
The original ask prompt pages are all lost to time. Or probably somewhere on my main blog idk I don't wanna go through all that shit, it's like diving into the Mariana trench. I'm too lazy. I just know I deleted the ask prompt pages in shame from certain sites.
Even now, with a little more support than before, I don't get asks. Wish I could go back and tell myself not to rush it out. To make it actually worthy of attention from others. But yk, can't change the past.
Time for more miscellaneous stuff. Slightly creepy stuff.
This was back when ages weren't established, but no matter what it's creepy.
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Like how else are people supposed to take this lmfao
Also it says she's married because of the guy that married a miku hologram (and apparently divorced it????)
Anyway that stuff quickly left.
This is 80% snufkin. I loved snufkin. Still do. Don't draw him this much anymore tho-
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The image with blood coming from his mouth (he bit his tongue) is what i consider a sort of in-between from the transition from sfc to All Soul. He's gaining some of the personality he has now. Blood is becoming a theme.
I also have some colored traditional drawings from around this time. I'll share them when I find them, and same with the digital pieces.
I didn't really think of winx club when I started it. I only really got into winx after the absolute garbage fire that was fate. Still hate it. Trying to be better than it. Probably gonna end up like it anyway, everything I write is like a soap opera.
Anyway, prepare for the sprinkling of cringe in the coming weeks as I find old all Soul related artwork. Maybe I could even show off my 2016 artwork.
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ballet-belle306 · 1 year
~Please Prioritize Your Health~
Trigger Warning: weight loss and mention of ED
I just wanted to post because I know a lot of girls in the communities I'm involved in want the 'waif' body, and some accounts tend to glamorize the sickly thin look. I want to reiterate, some people have naturally very thin bodies, and there is nothing wrong with that. They deserve no more shame that those of us who are plus sized. But I've seen many pages that promote pro-ana things, and that's really concerning to me. You just look up weight loss on here, and it's all pro-ana rhetoric, and that's really not okay, especially on a site with young minds.
I just want to say, as an adult and someone who is on a major weight loss journey, I really want to emphasize how important it is to take care of yourself. You can get down to a healthy weight while still enjoying the food that you like, and you can feel good, too. I've lost quite bit of weight, and it's already made my body feel a lot more comfortable. No matter where you're starting, whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, there's healthy ways to do it. Please don't starve yourself, or give into that self-destructive drive in your brain. I know from experience that there's something alluring about giving into those dark sides in your mind, and I'm here to tell you that it's never worth it. Your health and happiness is worth so much more than you think you deserve. You're worthy of the self love that drives healthy habits and meets needs.
I can really only go off my own experience, so take some of this advice with a grain of salt.
Some pointers to losing weight healthfully;
Get a calorie counting app. I use Lose It, which I find to be really good. Make sure you find the verified items when logging. Some people input incorrect calorie information, and log calories as being more or less. Find an app where you can scan the items. Follow the guide it gives you; it's okay to be a little bit under or a little bit over. It's just a good way to figure out where you're at and what you need.
Find a good community for support. Whether it's friends, family, or an online community. Don't fall for pro-ana communities. There's a lot of them, and it's important to find communities that support healthy weight loss and healthy habits. These communities will tell you to regularly go below 900 calories, which is not healthy. 900 calorie diets are typically for extreme cases, typically people who are super morbidly obese (typically 300+ pounds) and are in emergency cases where they absolutely need to drop weight quickly. The least you should do is regularly around 1,100 calories, unless you're fasting. I may make another post on fasting by itself because while it's a healthy way to lose weight, there are dangerous ways people go about it.
On a similar note, do not fall for healthy at every size communities. These communities spread mass amounts of misinformation, and will shame you for trying to prioritize your health and lose weight in any way. You can be overweight and still be beautiful and just as amazing as anyone else, but this community is very dangerous, and is just as toxic as pro-ana communities.
Remember that mental health and bodily health coincide. If you have 50+ pounds to lose, there's a chance you have an unhealthy relationship with food. Working on your relationship with food is incredibly important in order to lose weight.
Forgive yourself if you fall off. Remember that if you slip up, you're not starting all over again. You're starting from experience. It's completely normal to slip up, and you should expect it to happen. Don't be too hard on yourself. This is a self love journey, and forgiveness and acceptance is part of self love.
Practice self-compassion instead of self-criticism. Self criticism, if you're anything like me, might look like, "I have to do this because I'm a screwed up and I ruin everything". Self-compassion is more like, "I know I messed up, but I'm going to do better and make it right because I love myself and deserve better". Fixing your inner-monologue is incredibly important.
I hope this helps! Remember, you're taking care of yourself because you're worth it. You can be beautiful at any size, you can follow these trends at any size. Lose weight for you if you want to, but do it healthfully. <;3
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cheesybadgers · 2 years
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I’ve been meaning to do this for a while and just never got round to it, but figured now was finally the time!
This post is basically a bunch of random trivia and references for OHDH based on stuff I’ve researched when writing. There are a few things in my next couple of chapters that I thought warranted further explanation if anyone is interested. And well even if they’re not, it’s handy for me to refer to when I no doubt forget things 😂
I’ll keep adding to it as much as I can, including going back to older chapters whenever I think of anything.
1. The bombing in Madrid that happens whilst Horacio is living there in chapter 6 actually happened in real life in 1992, which is the year I placed Horacio in Spain.
2. The crucifix necklace that features throughout the fic was based on the chain we see around Carrillo’s neck in the scene below (and the screencap doubles as a nice bit of eye sex as well 😉). I just headcanoned it had a cross attached to it, seen as we see him praying with Trujillo and I think it’s highly likely he had a Catholic upbringing in Colombia. 
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3. Linking on from the above, thanks to this post I also found out part-way through writing the fic that there was a prop necklace made for season 2, but we never see it on screen (we were robbed!!).
I don’t know if this is the same one from season 1, I suspect it’s not otherwise why would the auction not mention that? Plus the one above appears to be silver (although the lighting is terrible in that scene so who knows?!). 
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The auction page says the following about the prop, along with a charm bracelet:
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Now, I haven’t been able to fathom out what they mean re: the charm bracelet tbh. Because the first time we see it is when Steve goes to dinner with Connie in The Enemies of My Enemy:
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He gives it to Connie to give to Olivia, but Connie tells him to keep it because he needs the luck. This scene takes place after they visit Juliana Carrillo, but what I don’t get is a) Why would Steve still have it after visiting Juliana if he was supposed to give it back to her? and b) If it is supposed to be Carrillo’s, what was he doing with it when he died? Because he clearly wasn’t wearing it lol. I can only think his wife/daughter gave him it for good luck and he just carried it around on him, which is a thought I have a lot of feelings about 😭❤️
Anyway...I digress lol. As for Carrillo’s necklace, I ran with the auction site saying the medallion is of a deity, and after falling down multiple research holes, I found out there is a Colombian deity called Bochica. 
Bochica looks like this:
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I went through all of the Colombian deities and to me, the medallion looks most like Bochica out of all of them.
Now, this is where I lost my mind slightly. Because Colombian mythology states that Bochica is the God of morals and laws 👀👀 So, I can only assume it was a deliberate choice by the writing team/prop department to include Bochica on Carrillo’s necklace. Which makes it even more of a crying shame that we never saw it in the show! 
Linking back to OHDH for a second, as I’d already given Horacio the crucifix necklace by the time I was aware of this prop, in chapter 14 I decided to add a second one that belonged to Horacio’s dad instead. And it may make another appearance in a future chapter 😉
4. In chapter 13, Horacio talks about celebrating Día de las Velitas every Christmas (the candles in the guesthouse were his own tribute to it). It translates to ‘Day of the Little Candles’ in English and is celebrated on 7th December in Colombia. In the same chapter, Javier also mentions Las Posadas which is celebrated in various Latin American countries and Mexico between 16th and 24th December. 
5. In chapter 13, the song on the radio at Chucho’s celebration meal is Look At Us by Vince Gill. Because the lyrics just felt apt for where Javier and Horacio were at by this point of their relationship ❤️
6. If you want an idea of what I had in mind for ranch!Horacio in chapter 13 (when Javier can’t control himself in the kitchen 😉), this is basically it:
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This is Maurice Compte in There is a New World Somewhere (which you should definitely watch if you haven’t already btw) and even though I wrote a damn fic about this film lol, I had forgotten he wears this outfit. And it wasn’t until I went looking for gifs of Maurice wearing jeans (because I just couldn’t imagine Horacio wearing them for some reason 😂) that I realised he was basically ranch!Horacio 👀
7. The scenes between Horacio and Chucho in chapter 15 were slightly inspired by the fact that both Maurice Compte and Edward James Olmos starred together in Mayans MC. I remember watching Mayans early last year after I’d started OHDH and could not believe my luck, because their interactions in that were kinda how I imagined Horacio and Chucho (although Chucho doesn’t at any point attempt to kill Horacio, unlike their respective characters in Mayans 😂). The scene of Horacio drinking on the porch and of Chucho covering Horacio with a blanket were nods to similar scenes the actors shared in Mayans MC. 
8. Speaking of Edward James Olmos, in chapter 15, Horacio finds a book on Javier’s shelf called With His Pistol in His Hand by Américo Paredes. A film adaptation was made of it in 1983 called The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez starring none other than, you’ve guessed it...Edward James Olmos. The detail of Javier and Horacio watching the film serves no purpose other than a fun Easter egg for my own amusement tbh 😂
There are also a few other literary references in the same scene as the above that I thought were kind of apt: Rosario Castellanos (a Mexican author/poet), One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
9. In chapter 15, Chucho talks about making an altar for Mariana each Día de Muertos, which translates in English to the Day of the Dead and is celebrated in Mexican culture on 1st and 2nd November. 
A large part of my inspiration for this came from a book called Everyone Knows You Go Home by Natalia Sylvester which I highly recommend. 
10. Whilst on the subject of other books I’ve read that have inspired me for this fic, here are a few more (and I’ll add any others I read in the future): 
Like This Afternoon Forever by Jaime Manrique
Fruit of the Drunken Tree by Ingrid Rojas Contreras
Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
11. In the opening scene of chapter 16, Chucho is cooking with a Mexican spice called epazote. And ok so this is really random, but I have to thank this interview with Tony Dalton (Lalo from Better Call Saul) who is from Laredo, for educating me on the existence of this spice. He talks in that interview about how he schooled the BCS writers on authentic Mexican cooking and got them to change a line in the script to include epazote. So, I thought why not use it here when I’m writing about characters in Laredo?! Frijoles de la Olla is also a Mexican bean dish that uses epazote in the recipe. 
12. In the scene where Javier and Horacio reunite, I kind of had the bottom gif from this post in mind, which is a scene from another Maurice Compte film called I Do. Obvs Horacio is wearing a cowboy hat as well, but you get the idea 😉
13. In chapter 16, when Javier tells Horacio everything about Los Pepes and Bill Stechner, I expanded on the canon detail that Bill Stechner was an instructor at the School of the Americas and was involved with conflict in Nicaragua, and decided that it was highly likely Horacio and probably Javier as well, would have received some sort of SOA-related training. 
As is so often the case, I got sucked down a research rabbit hole and ended up reading this book: The School of the Americas: Military Training and Political Violence in the Americas by Lesley Gill
This was an interesting paragraph that made me think of a certain scene in Narcos, I can’t imagine why 👀
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14. Chapter 16 is named after Like a Prayer by Madonna because it just suited the mood and also, some of the lyrics are so them ❤️
15. The show sets Javier’s and Horacio’s trip to Tolú in December 1989, but never specifies a date. My anniversary with my husband also happens to be in December, so in chapter 17, I may have given them the same anniversary 😳
EDIT TO ADD: Erm, the show actually did specify a date for their trip to Tolú. And you'll never believe which date:
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For some reason, I only noticed this in August 2023, so there you are, they actually do share my anniversary based on canon's timeline of events 👀👀👀
16. The song they dance to in chapter 17 is Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. I kind of need to do a shoutout to The Killers for covering the song and planting the idea in my head to use it here after setting up in chapter 15 that Javier kept Mariana’s records in his bedroom ❤️
17. The poetry book Javier gifts to Horacio in chapter 17 was heavily based on An Anthology of Spanish Poetry: From the Beginnings to the Present Day, Including Both Spain and Spanish America by John Armstrong Crow. I particularly wanted to include Federico García Lorca because he was a gay Spanish poet, who was tragically assassinated for his socialist political views. 
18. Thank you to this post for helping me figure out that ‘Mi hogar’ was the right Spanish phrase for ‘My home’ ❤️
19. There’s also a callback in chapter 17 to Horacio discovering Javier’s copy of Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin in chapter 15. Weirdly, I included this detail before I read or knew anything about Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski, in which the gay main character bonds with his boyfriend over Giovanni’s Room. The way I SCREAMED when I read Swimming in the Dark, having already included a reference to Giovanni’s Room in chapter 15 👀👀
20. I’ve already mentioned Las Posadas in chapter 13 and seen as chapter 17 takes place a year after chapter 13, I thought I’d go into more detail about the celebrations. You can read more about the significance of the piñata and various traditions here and here.
21. Chapter 17 mentions Día de los Reyes Magos, which takes place on 6th January and closes out the festive season. Rosca de Reyes (Kings’ Loaf) is a type of sweet bread traditionally eaten on this day.
22.  Fiesta San Antonio is references in chapter 17 and is an annual festival that takes place in San Antonio every April. Cascarones are a tradition at the festival, where confetti-filled eggs are cracked over the heads of your friends and loved ones (I loved discovering this fact!).
23. I did a lot of reading about Madrid and Spain for chapters 18 and 19, so I’ll talk about the books I found the most useful here:
Snow on the Atlantic: How Cocaine Came to Europe by Nacho Carretero
This book was INVALUABLE in helping me link together Spain and Colombia with regards to drug trafficking (of which I knew nothing about beforehand, funnily enough). In fact, it’s now my headcanon that this is what Horacio would have been involved with when he was exiled to Madrid in the show lol. Galicia is a region of Spain where drug trafficking clans operate and they ship product in from Colombia to distribute through Europe. Weirdly, I saw a news story about this in the UK the other day (April 2023) where traffickers were using submarines to smuggle cocaine off the Spanish coast, so this kind of thing very much still goes on!
There was also a line in the book about Pacho Herrera visiting the clans in Galicia back in the 80s/90s, so that’s where I got that line from in chapter 18.
Operación Nécora is covered in the book, but you can also read more about it here as well (this was another namedrop in the conversation between Horacio and Álvaro).
The Book of Casey Adair by Kevin Harvey
A book about gay characters living in Madrid in the 80s – perfect research! I do have more to say about this one, but I’ll save it for after chapter 19 has been posted.
For any Pedro fans interested in A Strange Way of Life that’s coming out later this year, Pedro Almodóvar gets mentioned quite a bit in this book!
Without a Second Thought: A Memoir of Life in Franco's Madrid by Diane Lorz Benitez
This was a memoir of an American woman living in Madrid in the 70s and 80s, so just at the end and immediately after the Franco regime. Again, I will say more about this book after chapter 19 has been posted.
24. The bombing that killed Álvaro’s brother, Jaime, is based on the one that actually happened in Madrid in 1993. Please note I have not based Jaime on any of the real victims; the date of the bombing just fit the timeline of the story.
25. El Retiro Park exists in real life Madrid, as does the Fuente del Ángel Caído (fun fact: it sits 666 metres above sea level 😈), the Palacio de Cristal, the lake and the Monument to Alfonso XII.
26. La Semana Santa is Holy Week in Spain, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. If you’re alarmed by some of the outfits shown in that link, don’t be, as they came first and it was a certain white supremacist group who did the cultural appropriation.
Some of the foods referenced in chapter 19 are traditionally eaten during La Semana Santa. Here are a few recipes: Espinacas con Garbanzos, Croquetas de Bacalao, Bartolillos Madrileños, Buñuelos de Viento, Flores Fritas and Torrijas.
27. I previously mentioned reading Without a Second Thought: A Memoir of Life in Franco’s Madrid by Diane Lorz Benitez (see point 23). In chapter 19 of OHDH, Señora Romero talks about hiding people from raids back in the days of Franco. This book references such raids by Franco’s men during the Spanish Civil War and explains how the porter in the author's apartment building used to hide people like this. So, given the age of Señora Romero, I decided she would have been in Madrid around this time and it felt fitting for her character to have put her neck on the line for others.
28. While on the subject of historical Madrid, I also previously mentioned reading The Book of Casey Adair by Kevin Harvey (see point 23 again), which follows a gay American postgrad student living in Madrid at the start of the ‘80s. It focuses largely on his personal relationships and sexuality, the political upheaval in Spain around that time and also the HIV/AIDS crisis.
I cried my eyes out at the ending, and it got me thinking about my own fic. When I first started it, I wasn’t expecting it to become so detailed with history and realism beyond what we see in Narcos, so I didn’t plan on talking about HIV/AIDS at all. But now we’re here and research has become a big part of the process for me, so even though I didn’t want it to be a significant subplot (because there's enough going on already), I wanted to at least acknowledge the existence of HIV/AIDS in a story about bisexual men set in the ‘80s/'90s. And I think it adds another layer to the sense of relief Javier and Horacio are feeling now they’ve come through the other side of everything ❤️
29. In chapter 19, the phone call between Javier and Chucho delves into their family history and gives a bit of backstory about how Chucho’s and Mariana’s parents came from Mexico to the USA. The following book about repatriation of Mexican and Mexican-American people from America in the '30s has been an invaluable resource and I couldn’t have written this scene without it: Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s by Francisco E. Balderrama
30. I chose Cattleya orchids for Trujillo's wedding, as it's the national flower of Colombia.
31. The church where Trujillo gets married is the same one seen in The Sword of Simón Bolivar (season 1, episode 2) where Javier is anxiously waiting for news from Helena (also just feel the need to say I'm obsessed with the framing of this shot below, it has subtext written all over it lol):
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It's the Iglesia del Señor de las Misericordias and the below picture shows the balcony Javier and Horacio talk over more clearly:
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32. I included several Colombian wedding traditions in Trujillo's ceremony and the reception (disclaimer: I'm not Colombian and unfortunately have never been to a Colombian wedding, but I've tried my best with research and appreciate some people may do things differently). The candle ceremony, arras coins, mantilla veil, the shoe game and belt contest, La Hora Loca, the bride and groom having godparents (padrinos and madrinas) rather than bridesmaids/best man, Trujillo's guayabera and bandeja paisa are all referenced here and here.
33. Feria de las Flores is a festival of flowers held in Medellín every August.
34. Jardín Botánico de Medellín exists in real life, and really is a stone's throw away from Iglesia del Señor de las Misericordias. However, I may have taken artistic license with the Orquideorama (the orchid canopy under which the reception is held). It does exist as below, but it wasn't actually built until 2006 lol:
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I'd already decided on the botanical gardens being the reception venue, then I saw someone's beautiful wedding photos and decided I had to have the Orquideorama and the tables amongst the trees ❤️
35. I won't link each dish separately, but for most of the wedding food, I used this Colombian recipe site for ideas.
36. Cumbia is the national dance of Colombia, so I had to include it in chapter 20.
Lucho Bermúdez was an important influence in cumbia music and you can listen to Tolú here.
I've had a hard time tracking down the origins of Noches de Cartagena. It seems to be one of those old traditional songs that everyone has done a version of, e.g. here's one version that sounds very different to this one. So take your pick!
37. Given Javier's background, I wanted to include something from the Tejano/Texan music world as well: Laura Canales was a Tejano musician and Hank Locklin made country music.
I also want to mention this piece written by a gay Texan man about dance hall life and his sexuality. It's so beautifully written and the lyrics to a Hank Locklin song called Please Help Me, I'm Falling certainly hit different from a queer point of view. Immediately after reading this piece, I wrote Javier's memories of dancing in chapter 20.
38. If anyone didn't already know what shirt stays/garters are, you're welcome:
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They're commonly worn in the military/police, apparently, so I figured there's no way Horacio would put up with an untidy shirt 😉
39. Carolina García Velásquez, who is mentioned in the final scene of chapter 20, is the innocent bystander killed by accident in the La Dispensaria raid. The show didn't give her a name, so I did, just to give Horacio some closure really.
40. For some strange reason, the show never gives Trujillo a first name. So, in the OHDH universe, he's called Felipe, just because I thought it suited him tbh lol.
41. I don’t think I’ve ever really mentioned the fact I decided to kill off Horacio’s dad lol. The only reference to Carrillo’s parents in the show seems to be this one-off line by Escobar when he’s having his bitch-off with Horacio over the phone:
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So, this suggests in canon, Carrillo’s parents are very much alive and well. But in the OHDH universe, I liked the parallel with Javier losing his mother (seen as it’s very heavily implied she’s no longer around in the show, and I believe the mother of the real life Javier Peña died too) and helped to develop the thread of grief running throughout the fic.
42. I established in chapter 17 that Horacio’s family live in Manizales. So, once I started researching the city and discovered it’s part of the coffee growing region of Colombia, the idea of the coffee farm in chapter 21 just sprung to mind.
43. La Leyenda del Mareco (The Legend of the Mareco), which Horacio tells Javier about in chapter 21, is a story from Antioquian folklore that I came across in my research.
44. The sudado de pollo recipe cooked in chapter 21 is based on this one and this one (for some reason, the voice of the chef in the video totally reminded me of Juliana Carrillo’s lol).
45. The line in chapter 21 about Madrid being good enough for Simón Bolívar stems from the fact he lived there for two years and married a Spanish woman named María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alaysa.
46. The references to La Violencia (The Violence) relate to a civil war that took place in Colombia between the Conversative and Liberal Parties in the ‘40s and ‘50s. Given how old I placed Horacio and Eduardo, it fit that Eduardo would have been a serving police officer around this time, and I liked the parallel of him being as morally conflicted as Horacio ended up becoming.
The Colombian military and the CNP were largely on the side of the Conservatives, and were up to their necks in brutality and corruption (police officers who were known to be Liberals were also kicked out of the force). So, for me, it kind of puts the outrage/surprise in the show at Carrillo’s more extreme methods in a new light, because plenty of police officers/soldiers before him did a lot worse lol.
Ironically, a lot of those displaced in rural areas by La Violencia fled to cities like Medellín and that's how Comuna 13 was born, which obviously went on to become a victim of Escobar's violence.
Some books I read that add a lot more context about this era:
In Evil Hour by Gabriel García Márquez
Blood and Fire: La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946-1953 by Mary Roldán
47. Speaking of Gabriel García Márquez, the line Javier quotes to Alejandra in chapter 21 is from One Hundred Years of Solitude (“We came,” they said, “because everyone is coming.”). In the book, it comes after a railroad is built to Macondo (the fictional town the story is set), which sees the beginning of capitalist imperialism in the town as the American banana companies take over and exploit the Colombian workers.
The line before the one Javier quotes is: “Look at the mess we’ve got ourselves into,” Colonel Aureliano Buendía said at that time, “just because we invited a gringo to eat some bananas.”
It just felt like an apt comparison to America’s involvement in the War on Drugs, so that’s how that ended up in there.
48. In the same conversation between Javier and Alejandra in chapter 21, he calls cowboys ‘vaqueros’ whereas she refers to them as ‘llaneros’. ‘Vaquero’ is the Mexican word for ‘cowboy’ and ‘llanero’ is the Colombian equivalent.
49. The two cats in chapters 21 and 22, Caturra and Bourbon, are named after types of coffee beans.
50. In the conversation between Horacio and Elena in chapter 22, I couldn’t have written the parts about the jaguar, snake and condor without Infinite Country by Patricia Engel (I’ll talk about this book more again after chapter 23).
Another book by a Colombian author that inspired me for chapters 21/22 was The Man Who Could Move Clouds: A Memoir by Ingrid Rojas Contreras (the same author as The Fruit of the Drunken Tree, which I’ve mentioned above somewhere).
51. In chapter 22, when Horacio says: “But there can be a certain kind of freedom in the dark....” I have to give a nod to Black Sails. It’s a quote I’ve talked about before on my Tumblr after I realised it had unintentional similarities to chapters 1 and 2 of OHDH (I only watched Black Sails for the first time in 2023, so wasn’t aware of Flint’s quote back in 2021). Obviously, Flint isn’t just talking about queerness in his speech to Silver, but I used light/dark metaphors in a similar way at the start of this fic, so this is just another callback to that.
52. The mention of El Dorado (‘The Golden One’) in chapter 22 is in reference to the Spanish conquistadors’ quest for a hidden city of gold when they came to Colombia and other parts of Latin America. The legend centres on Lake Guatavita (located near current-day Bogotá), which was one of the sacred lakes of the Muisca people (of which Bochica is a deity of). They were said to carry out rituals at the lake involving their leader being covered in gold dust and trinkets/jewellery etc. would be thrown into the water as offerings. The Spanish colonisers found the lake and tried to drain it in order to hunt for gold, but nothing substantial has ever been found. The lake is now a protected area and attempts to drain it are illegal.
53. The Simón Bolívar half-man, half-condor statue in Manizales mentioned in chapter 22 exists in real life:
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54. Here’s the Colombian coat of arms referenced in chapter 22, which also forms part of the CNP emblem:
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55. Bochica has been mentioned previously, but I added reference to Chibchacum here as well, who was the one to cause the flood that Bochica stopped with a strike of his staff by creating the Tequendama Falls (also near current-day Bogotá).
56. Día de Todos los Santos refers to the Catholic tradition of All Saints Day, which as explained in chapter 22 differs from Día de Muertos. I wanted to show the differences between Colombian and Mexican culture here – and by extension, Horacio’s and Javier’s different experiences -  but then also maybe have one kinda influence the other based on Horacio’s time spent in Texas.
57. Calentado is mentioned in chapter 22 and there’s a recipe if you fancy a traditional Colombian breakfast and here’s a recipe for cocadas as well.
58. Eduardo’s term of endearment for Elena is ‘Mi media naranja’, which literally translates from Spanish as ‘My half an orange’ but really means ‘My better half’ or ‘My soulmate’. I went with soulmate in my translation, as it feels more significant/appropriate to me. The reference to a postcard with orange groves on it in Eduardo’s trinket box is also a nod to this nickname, just because lol.
59. In case anyone was wondering, or didn’t pick up on it, the scene towards the end of chapter 22 between Horacio and Javier in the car and looking down on Medellín is the same spot from chapter 5 where they said goodbye before Horacio left for Madrid. It felt like the perfect full circle but everything is obviously different now ❤️
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imarawbu · 3 months
We had our third anniversary a few days ago, soon after I got sick since my daughter passed whatever she got from eating rocks outside to me. Her first sickness. She didn't seem to badly affected and is pretty much over it but I'm super sick and getting worse.
Anyways, today has been bad. I have pretty much lost my voice and there is so much fluid in my head everything hurts. First thing he complained to me is how I don't cook him breakfast every morning and that he has been so nice in not insisting that I do it since my daughter turned 1. I told him when she sleeps through the night, I will wake up at 6 and make his dumb breakfast and go back to sleep. I have said this for months. He was bragging to one of his sisters the other day about all the work he basically makes me do and how his friends aren't so lucky and she mentioned that he still has to make his breakfasts- which is apparently a huge insult. I barely got any sleep last night between being sick, unable to breathe, having chills, and taking care of a toddler who has been waking up at least 4-6 times a night for the last several weeks. Yes, he has been willing to somewhat take care of her once she wakes up and maybe change her diaper and change her into her day clothes but that's about it.
He was telling me how much this has gone on and how he has been soo patient with me and I am just getting worse and worse and taking advantage of him and so on. He regularly calls me lazy and claims I don't do anything, so if I was sick why would it be any different.
The major issue today is he wants me to let him go on dating apps again and meet women again since I'm so fat, he's not attracted to me, and we never have sex. Long story short- that's because he is actually the problem there not me. He has a friend he did his master's with who got divorced and has been sleeping around and has a huge body count now, since the guy learned that most women don't like slobs and so my husband frequently calls him and they talk about his friend's exploits. I warned him if he ever tried anything, I would catch him and I would post the evidence and ruin his reputation. I have contact with his sisters and his friend's wives. I have not spent my entire adult life pretending to be a good obedient, practicing Muslim back home with family members and gaining respect of elders in the community here and making them friends, while being the exact opposite everywhere else. The worst someone can say about me is I am previously divorced, why divorced? Because of abuse. I have warned him and any other people to not mess around and underestimate me. He thinks he will be able to hide it but doesn't think I can't create a fake profile tailored just for him and catch him if he's on these sites? I know how he does, it's not entrapment if he initiated the contact and messages me. I can easily create fake accounts or search for myself and find him if he does do this. I don't have to look through his phone or suspect anything when he leaves the house. He is dumb and reckless when it comes to dating apps, he told me so himself, he likes every beautiful girl he finds and hopes she will match with him. As his appearance is lacking he never gets much anyways. If I suspect he is on one of these, I create a few fake accounts on various platforms and swipe some, we are obviously close in terms of location and usually potential matches that are closer in terms of location show up quickly. He reads stuff and goes through my phone and has a master's in software engineering but doesn't have the knowledge to know you can hide and lock apps on your phone....
I already have lots of evidence, I have photos of bruises, I have screenshots of text messaged threats, I have recordings of him admitting to abuse, unprompted, of him actively abusing me, and threatening to pin everything on me since no one would believe me and how much shame I would have in a failed second marriage with a kid- who he also admits he doesn't care about.
He talks to me like this and wants me to give him permission to go sleep around or get a second wife because I am so fat and unattractive, then wants me to lay down and snuggle with him so he can fall asleep faster.
0 notes
yoongsisbae · 3 years
Caught! House of Cards - Chapter 3
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You joined a website to make some quick and easy cash. Men paying to look at you, harmless fun, right? Little did you know how dangerous the members of House of Cards were. Watch out! Houses built with cards come tumbling down…
OT7 yandere!BTS x reader / Namjoon x Taehyung x reader this chapter
Oh, I was dying writing this chapter so I think I wrote it well? Heh there’s a lot going on, so you have been warned lol. Also hope to post HOAL soon, that is if BTS would stop attacking me with all these sexy bad boy photoshoots that scream C!HOC mens. Sorry, but can you really blame me? :(
Warnings: 18+ dark themes, reader manipulation, scary yandere behavior, voyeur, masturbation, lots of drinking and drunkenness, dubcon, dry humping on the dance floor lol, this is pretty filthy, all of them are horny, dom!Namjoon, dom!Taehyung, Tae’s a lot, shibari, bondage, blindfold, rough sex, edging, multiple orgasms, threesome, degradation, Yoongi continues to be a meanie, slut shaming, extreme regret for reader that could be triggering I think, tell me if I need to tag anything else
PSA: to reiterate, this is a yandere fic, this is all fantasy, this is scary, no one actually wants this to happen to them irl. But I’m also here for you if you wanna enjoy some hot fictional villains, alright? I got u boo.
Word Count: 8.7k
Playlist: Rotimi - Push Button Start // Shenseea - Blessed (with Tyga) // ROSALIA - Con Altura // Sean Paul - Go Down Deh // Afro B - Drogba // Aya Nakamura - Pookie // DJ Nelson - PAPI //J Balvin - Amarillo // SUPA NYTRO - Tik Pon Cock // Paris Lain - Way (links here)
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum, Daddy.”
He groans in your ear. “Hmm no.” He pulls his fingers out of you, you hold onto the banister as your orgasm escapes you. Your body shakes with need.
“You’ll come find me later tonight, won’t you, baby girl?” His warmth leaves your body, when you turn around no one is there.
Your legs are still shaking as you make your way downstairs. You tried not to think about the slick between your thighs as you descended each step, or think about RM’s warm breath against your ear. No, you won’t think about his deep voice that makes you shiver still, or the way he massaged your neck like he had done it a hundred times before...out of all the weird fucked up things you thought could happen tonight, never ever did you expect to meet RM again.
He reminded you of all the reasons why you allowed yourself to fall deeper into that kind of exhibitionistic lifestyle as a carded member. The money was good, but the sweetest rewards were corporal. The saccharine praise your admirers would give you became addicting. You even became close to some of them, for an extra fee.
What was it your old school counselor would say? It wasn’t about the destination, the real reward was the friends you made along the way. Except your new friends told you all their dirty filthy desires and watched as you would get off for them. You learned quickly your sexual appetite was ravenous, the more you indulged the worse it got. You had been starved for attention for so long, quarantine only amplifying your loneliness, and the dark site fed you well.
RM also reminded you of all the reasons why you left. You still don’t understand how you fell so deep so fast, let digital become physical when you promised yourself you wouldn’t. The House Rules made the descent into filth almost inevitable. During your only experience inside The House, you had been shown truths you didn’t want to face, depravities you enjoyed. After that night you went home, showered away your sins until your skin burned, logged out and never logged back in. It was the best way to end your addiction to House of Cards, end it cold turkey.
You were not prepared for this again. You were not prepared for how much you craved it.
The party became wild. Your body now hyper aware of everything after RM worked you up so skillfully and denied you any release. The music reverberates throughout the halls, the beats of the bass clashes with the pounding in your head. The smell of drugs and sex assaults your nostrils, and every time a dancer bumps into you, your body remembers RM’s touch.
So many bodies around you and you feel all alone like an outcast. Where’s Yoongi? You're beginning to miss that annoying smirk and the overconfident man attached to it, you could use some of that confidence right now.
As the room spins around you, your eyes find the place where you had been standing. You’re disappointed it’s empty. Not that you knew what RM looked like, but you feel like you’d recognize him as soon as you saw him, a man like that would look like walking sin.
You shift your upward gaze to the gold ropes hanging from the ceiling, eyes traveling down until you meet the glistening body of a woman. She’s so beautiful it makes you ache, arms secured behind her back, her leg extended and tied high, her other leg bent and pressed to her side and her spread open for everyone to see.
You play with the pendant around your neck, and you can’t help but imagine yourself in her position, tied up for everyone to see, for Yoongi to watch. You’re soaking. You need a drink.
“Hey,” you bump into Yoongi’s side as you sit down, grabbing his whisky glass and downing what’s left. The burning liquid makes you grimace, face scrunching up in distaste.
He pulls the glass from your grip, looking you up and down, sharp eyes narrowing, “Where have you been?”
“I got lost.” His arm snakes around your waist. His touch feels good, you don’t want to admit how much your body yearns for more, wants to be wanted. “Where are Jimin and Hobi?”
“Dancing,” Taehyung interjects as he gets closer to you, offering you another glass of champagne. You take it gratefully, sipping on the sweet liquid, anything to numb the ache you feel inside.
His eyes sparkle as he scrutinizes you up close, examining your dark makeup and tight dress. He wants to smear the red lipstick on your lips with his fingers, and his mouth, and his cock. He wants to stain your pretty black dress with his cum, let the milky white fluid drip all over the black silky fabric, between your breasts-
“I’m sorry, what is your name again?”
You ask him so innocently, Taehyung can forgive you for forgetting. Jungkook on the other hand, silently simmers with rage, especially when Yoongi smirks at him, sitting pressed to your side like a lover would.
“Taehyung,” The man gives you a big wide smile, “that's Seokjin,” he points to the tall man who keeps his distance, “and this,” he hits Jungkook’s chest and pulls him into a headlock, “is Jungkook!” Taehyung leans in to whisper in your ear, “a big fan.”
Your eyes go wide, did you hear him correctly? You watch the two play fight. Jungkook punches his older friend in the side a bit harder than he was expecting, earning a yell from Taehyung. They act cute, you think, Jungkook looks too innocent, you can’t believe he had watched you in his free time.
Hoseok and Jimin find their way back into the group. “Y/n, you’re back! Yoongi was about to send out a search party for you.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, and you lean your chin onto your palm, raising your eyebrows at him, trying to hide your smile at the way they tease him.
“Is that so?” His fingers pinch the flesh of your back at your retort, making you squirm at the ticklish sensation. When you try to pull his hand away, he takes the opportunity to intertwine your fingers together, pulling you firmly to his side.
You look down at Yoongi’s hand in yours, resting on your hip. Without the alcohol cursing through your veins you might have pushed him off you, but instead you sit buzzed and docile. He acts so possessive of you in front of the others, it makes your heart race. “Well I’m here now.”
“I’ll cheers to that!” Jimin fills everyone’s drinks. 7 glasses clang together and they cheer, making you giggle as you down the glass. One cheers becomes two, and then another bottle comes, until you're welcoming back that hazed state of mind that feels so freeing. The background fades away and the booming music around you becomes muffled as you try your best to focus on the conversation, until you realize you’re in Yoongi’s lap, his veiny hands dancing around your exposed thigh. He says something you can’t hear, so you tilt your head back, resting on his shoulder, whining out a slurred, “what!”
“You’re having too much fun.” He suppresses the urge to move his fingers higher, instead tracing lazy circles into your leg, making you twist in his lap, lips parting as you enjoy the sensation. Your body feels heavy from inebriation, so you lean your weight onto him more, focused on his cold rings against your warm skin.
You move your head closer to his. “You wanted to bring me here, right?” you laugh, and you swivel your body against him, grinding into his lap to the tempo of the music. Yoongi notices the others' heated stares, so he shifts his leg, pressing his hands into your thighs, opening your legs wider, and you’re too drunk to notice or care.
Yoongi tries to hold onto his thinning composure, how many times had he thought of you like this? So receptive and needy in his arms. He enjoys your torturous hip rolls, reveling in the fact that the sight tortures his audience even more. But you’re not really paying attention to that, your body only responding to how the music beat hits so well, his growing erection encouraging you to keep rubbing up against him like a cat in heat.
“Y/n, let's go dance!” Hoseok calls out to you over the music. His request pulls you from your trance. You sit up, shaking the clouded haze from your mind.
“Dance? Okay!” You let Hoseok pull you to your feet, stumbling slightly into him.
You turn to Yoongi, “You don’t mind, do you?” you ask, ready to start a fight. He glares at you. You sway on your feet and glare back. Such a brat, he thinks, you’ll just have to be taught a lesson later. Yoongi picks up his whisky and waves you off.
The dance floor is hot and alive with writhing bodies. You let Hoseok roll his hips into you from behind, your own hips following his movements. His toned arms lock around you, holding you, as he pulls your body lower and lower, until you’re crouched to the floor, your bodies connecting again and again as he rubs his hardening bulge into your ass to the beat.
It feels so so good, his warm body on you, seeking pleasure from one another. Every roll and buck helps to release the frustration RM did to you.
Hoseok’s hands pull your dress higher so you can spread your knees wider. He holds the bunched up fabric to your core to keep what’s left of your modesty, and your arms reach behind you to hook around his neck to keep yourself steady.
Hoseok is such a good dancer, masterfully guiding your loose body. You pull and push each other along to the sensual music, shifting your weight against your combined center of gravity as your bodies heat up in each other’s embrace.
Hoseok moves the hair from your neck away, blowing air on the back of your neck. His hand cups your breast, fondling you out in the open, “You like when I do this to you, don’t you Dahlia?” You’re too drunk to catch the pseudonym he uses.
You close your eyes focusing on his hands groping your body, your fingers fisting into his hair, pulling him closer, and his tongue licks off the sweat on your neck. Hoseok knows all the ways to leave you delirious with lust, hands running up and down your body, massaging your curves and leading your hips to meet his. If he’s making you feel this good with your clothes on, you can only imagine how amazing he’d be in bed, hips rolling against you as he fills you up with his stiff cock...
You’re so focused on Hoseok you don’t realize another body moving closer to you, another pair of hands on you, until Taehyung presses himself into your front.
The music fills your head, the dirty words being sung encouraging you to release all your inhibitions. Your arms reach out to run up Taehyung’s abdomen, up and up his chest, loving the feel of his muscles under your fingers.
He places your arms around his neck as he moves forward, his leg slotting between yours. With Hoseok grinding against your back and Taehyung rubbing against your front, you feel like you’re going to combust. The crowd around you is a blur, but everything about them feels so solid, so hard against you. Caged between them, you submit to every caress, every touch from both men.
Taehyung holds the back of your head to keep your eyes on him as Hoseok leaves open mouth kisses on your shoulder. Taehyung’s thumb caresses your cheek, “You’re so beautiful.” his mouth slides across your jaw, under your ear, licking and nibbling at your lobe, giving you goosebumps, “You’re the most beautiful woman here.”
You place your finger over his mouth pushing him away, too embarrassed to hear more, but your hips can’t help but push into him at the praise.
“Come with me,” he pulls you away from Hoseok, his friend winking at him behind your back, and you foolishly follow him through the sea of dancing bodies.
Pulling you into a dark corner, he cages you in before you can protest. Lips finding your neck, hooking a finger under your choker, pulling up, forcing your neck to tilt so he can reach more skin. Even if you want more, you still have some sense left in you to know letting Yoongi’s friend do this to you in front of everyone is a bad idea. “W-wait. Yoongi will-”
Taehyung’s arm slams into the wall. The noise startles you into silence. It’s Yoongi, always Yoongi. What about him? He steadies his breathing after noticing your wide eyes.
“Y/n, do you know who I am?” He leans onto the wall hovering over you, dark eyes peering down at you as he waits for your answer.
You feel your stomach drop under his intimidating gaze. “Should I know who you are?”
He answers your question with another question, “Do you know who Yoongi is? Do you really have no idea?” His interrogation takes you aback.
“He’s one of my...v-viewers...”
“Yes, who? You never thought to ask, baby?” Taehyung looks at you so accusingly, you feel ashamed that you can’t answer him.
“Who is he?” You ask.
He smiles, a twisted grin that makes you feel uneasy. Eyes lighting up darkly once his suspicions were proved right.
“How about this, since we both have so many unanswered questions, why don’t we play a game? I’ll answer one of your questions and then you answer one of mine. I’ll even let you go first.” His playful demeanor is back, fingers playing with the ends of your hair.
“Who are you?”
Taehyung smiles wide. You asked the right question. “I go by V.”
What? “You’re V?”
You log into the House of Cards website, open your account to a litany of unread messages. Your eyes skim through them, and one catches your eye. It’s V, the second highest donator from the other night’s stream.
V: you looked so beautiful the other night. I hope to see another broadcast soon...for next time?
V sent you an eighty dollar donation and a link to a lingerie set: pink lace, a sheer see-through pattern on the cups with a matching lace thong and garter belt.
You’ve bought lingerie for men before, for then boyfriends on your anniversaries or Valentine’s day dates, but you’ve never had a man buy you lingerie before. With shipping you’ll still have money left over, so you decide to add some more things in your basket to surprise him for being such a generous donor. It’s not because you had enjoyed his compliments the most during your stream, no. You found a cute pair of thigh high socks and some stick on rhinestones, coming up with a plan to get V’s attention. You squeal once the order goes through, ‘time to arts and craft in this bitch.’
You open his message again, fingers hovering over the keyboard, what should you say? Should you make it sound sexy or cute? ‘C’mon y/n, just flirt.’
Dahlia: Thank you, V. I will wear it for my next broadcast. Just for you sexy <3
Ew ew. No. Before pressing enter you delete the last sentence.
Dahlia: Thank you, V. I will wear it for my next broadcast. See you soon ;)
You go through all your messages, in a much better mood than you’ve been in a long time. You bop your head to the music that flows through your speakers in your living room while coming up with different replies to each new viewer.
It feels good to be stress free, you think, while sipping on cup ramen because you’re still waiting until your earnings clear your account to buy groceries. You’ve managed to answer every message when a new notification dings. V attached a picture.
V: I can’t wait.
Holy... A picture of a shirtless man from the neck down pops up. He’s not overly muscular, but he’s lean and toned, with defined pecs and v-line. Mmm. ‘V’ indeed. His jeans are unbuttoned. His legs spread wide, as if he were inviting you to sit on his lap.
You’re being catfished, you surmise. This man has to be using someone else’s pictures. Or he has a face only a mother could love. Either way, you’ll play with this fantasy. it’s not like you’ll actually ever meet in real life.
So you decide to play along, it’s not like you had work to go to, or anything to do really. Locked up in your tiny home alone and slowly going stir crazy would lead to some unfortunate decisions for you. One of the worst, allowing V to get so close to you.
Abandoning your snacks, you grab your laptop and run to the bedroom, jumping on your bed. Your laptop opens to another risque photo, his jeans zipped even lower. Hand grabbing a very defined bulge resting inside his pants leg. Well fuck.
Dahlia: is that really you?
V: yes baby
V: I wish you were here with me right now. I would make you feel so good, just like you deserve.
V: How about you, am I turning you on?
You clench your legs together instinctively.
Dahlia: you are.
V: are you touching yourself?
Should you lie? You could. But the pictures and his words are doing something to you, you feel jitters and a quick pace and a throbbing core. Suddenly you have an idea.
Dahlia: why don’t you see for yourself?
You create a private room, aim your camera down, mirroring the same angle in V’s picture and send the link to him. You pull the front of your sundress down to show more cleavage and the hem up to show more leg, and you wait.
There’s a notification: ‘1 new viewer.’
V: you look so pretty, you look like a doll
V: I wish I was there.
“Yeah? What would you do to me?”
V: I would spread your legs
You spread your legs at his words. Your stream plays in Taehyung's bedroom, he watches intently, and when your panties come into view he pulls his jeans down to his thighs freeing his hard erection, slowly stroking himself to the sight of your body.
V: fuck, so good baby. being so good for me.
V: I would take off your panties. slowly
You follow his commands and slowly remove your underwear. You like being told what to do, you imagine he’s on the bed with you, telling you everything, guiding your pleasure.
V: touch yourself for me
V: you’re wet already? how cute
V: that’s a good girl, just like that
V: imagine it’s me. my fingers stuffed inside of you, giving you everything you want
V: you’re mine and mine only
V: you’re going to be mine to kiss and fuck. I’ll take care of you baby doll, make you cum all over my fingers. You want that too?
V: you're so pretty baby, you like putting on a filthy show for me? desperate little girl
V: open your legs wider
V: doing so well for me, stay just like that. you’re driving me crazy
V: cum for me
You pulse, moaning out loud, reaching your high. When your lust filled haze clears you don’t feel dirty like before, you feel good. Even better when V sends you another eighty dollar donation.
Taehyung played sweet and affectionate very well. When talking to other House members you’d try your best to keep things as vague as possible, but sometimes you’d let certain things slip with V, and he always listened so well. Shit, he treated you better than your ex. He’d send you sweet messages, gifts, and the hottest body shots. He would do that often, it made you needy for more affection. He was a part of a small group of viewers that you’d offer special private streams to. Little did you know your carefree playdates were Taehyung’s obsessions.
Taehyung feels a special kind of gratification at the way you gawk at him, stunned into silence. “Now my turn,” Taehyung’s expression goes from playful to serious in an instant, “Why are you here with Yoongi?”
You swallow, this was V all along. You teetered between happiness and unease, you remembered all the sweet memories you had with him, but this man was still a stranger to you. He keeps staring at you, is this how he looked watching you through the computer screen? Fuck, your imagination could not have dreamed up a sexier man. Oh right, he is waiting for your answer.
You explain to him what happened, Yoongi recognizing you at your job, the agreement you made with him afterwards. Taehyung moves from hovering over you to standing by your side. He listens intently as his eyes scan the crowd. You watch the dancers as you sober up, observing the debauchery you had just been a part of. Taehyung hums as you finish your story.
“Who is-” Taehyung doesn’t let you finish, his eyes staring at the second floor’s balcony. “You looked like you enjoyed yourself. You looked so pretty up there, with my friend’s fingers inside you. You were being such a cute little slut.” His eyes roll back inside his head and he opens his mouth sighing.
He saw you. Did the others- “Did Yoongi see?!” you pull on his arm to get him to focus on you.
“No, he didn’t, just me. My turn!”
You felt tricked, using your question up already.
He turns to face you, leaning his side against the wall. You can't help but notice how he stares at you like he’s undressing you with his eyes, gaze traveling down your body and pausing at every place your skin shows, your cleavage and your thighs. “He really worked you up, you looked so guilty when you came back,” Taehyung’s teasing tone back again, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Yoongi suspected something.”
Your eyes go wide with worry. “I’m willing to keep that secret for you if...” he bites his lip and leans in whispering, “I bet you’re still wet too. Can I have a taste?”
“R-right now?”
“Yes. That’s my turn again! And I’m waiting for my answer.” He gets closer to you, pressing up against you again, his hands brushing against your thigh. You look around, how far away are you from the crowd? How far away are you from Yoongi?
His lips brush against your temple as he leans his jaw against your forehead. “No one will see. Put your hands back on my shoulder, c’mon baby, be good for me.” His body blocks you from everyone’s view.
His head in your hair, taking a long inhale, breathing in your scent, Taehyung can’t get enough of you. Your shaky arms obey him, laying loosely on top of his broad shoulders. You lay your head on his chest, even if his words come out smooth, his heart is racing as he moves quickly between your bodies, dipping his long fingers inside you. You try to bite back a moan, but it feels too good.
Taehyung feels like he’s going to burst. You’re so wet, dripping all over his hand. He tries to fight his urges, there’s so many things he wants to do to you. Your soft whimpers sound so beautiful, so much better in person. You’re his to play with, all his.
He groans, pushing you hard against the wall. He looks like he’s going to devour you, your body tenses and you clench around his fingers. It only encourages him on. You grip his shoulders as he drives his hand upward, fingers pushing into you deeply as you fight against gravity, forced to stand on your tiptoes, struggling against him as his mouth attacks your neck, biting down hard. It’s too rough, too fast. “Tae-V-stop!”
His entire body stills against you, except for his fingers, teasing you still as they steadily press around inside your walls. You try to come to your senses, but everything about him unravels you.
He whispers against your forehead. “Last round, baby doll.” His voice raspy and breathing heavy as he holds himself back from tearing the clothes off your body. “One more question for each of us. I know where RM is, do you want to know?”
'RM,' who told you to find him, and V, who knows where. You gasp and nod your head, waiting but Taehyung smiles down at you in silence, fingers sliding out of you, making you whimper and grip the wall for support when he finally gives you space. He stays quiet as he brings his fingers to his mouth, licking the wetness off his palm.
Your legs feel like jello, your body buzzes with each shameless lick as you watch him. You swallow the saliva accumulating in your mouth, pushing the lump in your throat down. You know what he wants. You played right into his trap, and the worst part is you want it too.
“Where is he?”
“If you think you’re going to keep her all to yourself you’re in for a rude awakening!” Jungkook grits out.
Yoongi sits quietly with his arms folded as Jungkook starts hurling accusations at him. Jin and Hoseok try to calm the youngest down, but it’s no use.
He grabs Yoongi’s collar, the action making Yoongi finally snap, and without warning Yoongi punches him squarely in the face. Yoongi had taken advantage of his friends holding Jungkook back and distracting him, satisfied when the young man recoils, stumbling back.
Before he can really lose it, Hoseok and Jimin drag Jungkook away, as the youngest screams all the ways he’s going to make Yoongi pay, not even aware of the blood leaking from his nose. Jin pulls Yoongi away in the opposite direction, “We need to talk.”
Jin walks Yoongi outside so they can both get some fresh air and clear their heads.
“He needs to learn not to disrespect his elders,” Yoongi mutters, wiping the blood off his knuckles.
“You know how he gets,” Jin counters, “Don’t act like you didn’t want that exact reaction from him. You were egging him on all night with y/n.”
Yoongi scoffs. He can’t stand how Jungkook acts like you belong with him. Jungkook is crazy. He’s too hot-headed and oversensitive, the complete opposite of Yoongi. The youngest suffers from inexperience and naivety. All that bark, and he couldn’t even bring himself to talk to you. No, Jungkook doesn’t deserve you, Yoongi thinks, he could never take care of you like Yoongi could.
“What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You brought y/n back and we’re all happy for that, but if Jungkook is right, then I’m going to have to agree with him, brother.” Jin squeezes his friend’s shoulder and Yoongi shakes him off.
“I wasn’t going to keep her locked away.” Yoongi says dismissively. Not that he didn't think once or twice about it.
“How gracious of you.”
“Listen, I found her. She chose me before and she’ll choose me again. The last time you were with her, what happened, Brother? Hobi and Jimin, Jungkook and even you can fight over her all you want. In the end, she will come back to me.”
Jin smiles, he will let Yoongi think that. “And where is your y/n now?”
“I’ll go find her,” Yoongi goes to leave, itching to get you by his side again.
Jin’s hand on his chest stops him. Jin can’t help but smile at his poor friend’s situation, he had been tricked by the two youngest, a plan they orchestrated themselves and everyone else went along with. But Jin couldn’t keep his friend in the dark any longer, especially when revealing the truth would make the aftermath that much more entertaining for Jin.
“I have to tell you something.”
You stand in front of the door Taehyung had led you to, your nerves on high alert. Taehyung stands behind you, humming to himself. His arm reaches over your shoulder to rapt three knocks on the door.
As the door knob turns, Taehyung exclaims behind you, “Oh! I forgot.” His long fingers cover your eyes, as he pulls your head back, your body stumbling and crashing against him.
“Shh. Calm down, it’s more fun this way,” he whispers in your ear as you hear the door creak open.
“What do we have here?”
“I brought her for you,” Taehyung purrs. You can feel his chest puff up behind you, he’s ecstatic, you played his game so perfectly, he was so proud of you.
“Good boy.”
You feel fingers wrap around yours as Namjoon brings your hands to his lips, caressing your knuckles. “And what about you? Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
Jimin tends to Jungkook’s bleeding nose as Hoseok pours himself a drink. “Thanks for taking one for the team, Kookie.”
Jungkook keeps his head tilted back to stop the blood, glancing over to Hoseok, lips curving in a smile, he’s happy that he accomplished his part of the plan successfully, “I’m going to kill that bastard.”
Jimin flicks him in the forehead. “No you’re not, unless you want y/n to never forgive you.”
“She won’t,” he pouts, “she acts like she hates him. I’ll be doing her a favor.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
The room is quiet, too quiet compared to the raucous party outside. So when Taehyung drags a chair from the corner of the room, the wood scraping against the floor sounds all the more foreboding. Goosebumps bloom on your body as if Taehyung dragged his fingernails along your skin instead.
You sit kneeling on the floor waiting, knees tucked underneath you. RM sits on the bed behind you, legs outstretched and you between them. You stare down at his shoes, shiny black loafers, and glance at his pants legs on either side of you. It's the first time you’ve ever seen a part of him. You want to look up so badly, the idea sits heavy on you, tensing every muscle in your body as you fight your curiosity. The only thing you want more is to find out what will happen if you obey them.
Taehyung pulls the chair right in front of you, facing the bed, you and RM. Another pair of shoes brush against your knees as Taehyung takes a seat.
RM’s fingers rest atop your head and keep your head tilted down while he waits for his friend to situate himself. Until eventually RM moves behind you, fingers fisting your hair and pulling you to your feet. “Go sit on his lap.”
Taehyung sits looking at you like he's just been given first place prize, smirking pridefully as you walk towards him on shaky legs. His shirt is already unbuttoned, tan skin and taunt muscles in full view. That's V, all right. Your insides ache for him, his seduction luring you in like a firefly to light.
Your dress stretches around your thighs as you straddle him, his hands grabbing at your ass and pulling your body into his.
You hear RM’s low voice growl behind you, “Kiss him.”
For a moment you think about the intense quiet man who brought you to this island, his piercing eyes flashing through your mind until Taehyung’s lips crash into yours and you can only think about how sweet the man devouring you tastes, and you kiss him back, exploring his mouth with your tongue.
His hands grope your body, pull your face closer, force away the fabric of your clothes. His touch is everywhere, keeping you distracted only on him as RM sets things up behind you.
RM pulls off his tie as Taehyung’s hands move to either side of your face, and he pulls you away from him, leaving one last peck on your lips, “You’re doing so well, baby doll. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”
“V...Taehyung, I-I’ve wanted this too.”
“Will you do what I say?” You feel RM’s hands unzip the back of your dress, the fabric lowers and exposes your chest. Taehyung’s grip on your face tightens as you’re momentarily distracted, bringing your attention back to him.
“I want you to fuck RM while I watch.”
He what who?
Taehyung brings his hips up causing you to lose your balance when he senses your hesitation, his hard length rubs against your aching core, “Don’t you want to? You wanted so badly for me to take you to him, didn’t you? All you have to do is say yes.”
His thumb traces your jaw as RM lowers his black tie across your eyes. Your heartbeat races, your thighs clench around Taehyung’s legs making him moan and buck into your heat. You shudder and RM secures his tie behind your head with a tight knot.
“Tae...” your fingers tighten into the loose fabric of his shirt at your sudden loss in vision.
Taehyung clasps his hands around yours, holding your wrists together as RM presses himself against your back, and you feel ropes being wrapped around your wrists. “You’re so pretty like this, remember last time?”
You do remember. Fuck, how did you end up like this again? This is all Yoongi’s fault.
RM’s hand wraps around your neck and his deep voice speaks in your ear, “Answer him, baby girl.”
“I-I remember.” You want to cry, you want to cum, you want them to stop this torture.
“Let us make you feel good again,” Taehyung’s voice lowers even deeper than RM’s.
“You’ll let RM use you?” You nod your head, grateful you can’t see them. You let yourself hide behind the makeshift blindfold.
“Use your words, I want to hear you say it,” RM demands.
“I want you to use me,” you sit and wait, embarrassed the words left your mouth so easily. The lack of response makes your insides churn, you can’t see the way they smile at each other. If Yoongi wants to make you only his, they are just going to have to destroy you for any other man.
RM’s grip around your neck tightens, arm wrapping around your body as he lifts you off your feet. You land on the soft covers of the bed, you have no time to adjust to the drastic change of orientation before you feel harsh tugs as RM works to undress you, throwing the clothes over to Taehyung who takes his time breathing in your scent, licking the moistness from the fabric.
Namjoon pulls on the rope wrapped around your wrists placing them high above your head, his weight bears down on top of your leg as he grabs your other leg and spreads you wide. The way Taehyung moans reach your ears you suspect he has full view of your naked body. You wiggle against RM’s hold as best you can.
“Mmmm so needy and I’m not even doing anything yet.” RM’s hand leaves your wrists as he moves lower, resting his upper body on top of yours, effectively pinning your lower body down. Having full reign to play with you in this position, you feel his fingers teasing at your entrance. Your tied hands explore the expanse of his back, his shoulders so wide you can’t reach around to end his teasing, you can only moan and whimper at his slow ministrations.
“Ahh so wet,” RM massages everywhere except the place you want him most.
This is mean, this is tortuous, you’ve obeyed them and they still tease you. You cry out in frustration, clenching every time his fingers poke at your hole, RM’s grip on your thigh is too tight to move even an inch. You shove his back with your tied hands and RM laughs.
“Tae, help me out.” You feel fingers finally pressing into your aching clit, rubbing slow circles, making you cry out. RM’s fingers continue to drag across your lips, gathering the wetness that drips from your core. They slowly and steadily work the tension out of you until you’re numb with pleasure.
You let out a scream when your orgasm finally hits you. After being tortured all night, teased until you were delirious, the release becomes so intense you black out, and when you come to RM is pumping his fingers into you roughly. Your body seizes up again, racing into another orgasm. He rocks his hand into you, thumb rubbing your sensitive hood, and you release again. But RM doesn’t stop. He takes and takes, leaving you breathless. The sounds of your wetness fills the room, mixing with Taehyung’s grunts and moans at your helpless state.
“I c-can’t...too sensitive!”
“This is what you wanted, for Daddy to use you. Take it.”
Your tied hands try to move RM’s body off of you, but he is like a boulder on top of your body, unaffected by your hits. You struggle until his pleasure overtakes the pain, and you fall back, losing yourself in the way his fingers fill you up, hitting the deepest parts of you so skillfully. You stop fighting and accept the power he holds over you, he is making you feel so good you want him to take it, the thought sends you hurtling into another orgasm, tightening again around his fingers.
He can feel how close you are. “Be a good girl and give me one more,” RM groans, “that’s it.”
You’re wailing in pleasure now, unable to stop your cries. Your weak body shaking in his grasp. You feel something wet hit your outstretched thigh. Taehyung’s deep grunts of release finally undoing the coil inside you, and you orgasm for a third time around RM’s fingers.
RM lets go of you finally and you lie boneless, breathing ragged, blind and numb to the world. The air feels cool on your sweaty body as you come down from your high. You feel the bed dip as RM joins you again. Before he had been fully dressed, now you can feel his warm skin against your slippery body.
He lays himself between your legs. His lips finally meet yours, they feel full. You moan into his mouth as his tongue plays with yours. You want to touch his face but your arms are still tied together, so you caress his hair instead, the back of his neck, his muscular shoulders, trying to feel as much as you can.
His hard length brushes against your oversensitive core, his mouth swallowing your whimpers as he pushes himself in. You’re so wet there’s no resistance, but the stretch still leaves you gasping. His thrusts are hard and deep, you focus on how the weight of his body feels on top of yours as he uses you to reach his high. “You’re taking Daddy so well, baby.”
“T-Thank you, Daddy,” you stutter out between moans.
RM holds your wrists down as he finishes, releasing deep inside you. You feel every pulse from his cock, the pressure almost becoming too much as he fills you up.
You hear the familiar scrape of the chair again as Taehyung comes closer, fingers wiping away the tears on your face making you feel cared for. You don’t see how he licks your salty tears off his hand.
RM lifts your tired body in his arms, cradling you to his chest. He puts you in his lap as he takes a seat in the vacant chair.
“Tae has been such a patient boy, I think it’s time for his reward.”
RM moves your body so your back is flush against his, pulling the rope on your hands around his head, locking your arms. His hand massages up and down your legs, putting his knees in between yours.
“Kneel.” You realize RM is addressing Taehyung. He spreads his legs to make room for Taehyung, forcing your legs open in the process.
“RM-” Namjoon places his hand over your mouth, the same way he did at the party, stifling your scream as Taehyung buries his face into your pussy.
Taehyung eats you out while RM keeps you open, until you’re shaking in his lap, until you can’t form anything coherent anymore, until you’re so sensitive Taehyung’s lips around your clit is the only thought in your head, the drag of his tongue pulling away from you the last thing you feel before exhaustion sends you into the deepest sleep of your life.
You wake up alone.
You pull the sheets closer to your naked body as you look around the vacant room. Everything is moved back to its place, floor empty. You search the ground for your clothes but there’s nothing there. You pull yourself out of bed, trying to ignore your aching joints and pounding head. You look for your clothes but there’s nothing. You search the entire room, the closet is empty, the dresser is empty, there’s not even a towel in the bathroom. Where the hell are your clothes?!
You make your way back into bed, pulling the covers over your body.
Oh fuck, what are you going to do?
What time is it? They just left you and took your clothes. What kind of sick game is Taehyung playing now? Tears well up in your eyes.
You feel more confused than ever, Taehyung had been so sweet to you before, you had often fantasized meeting him, but he was so different in person. You hadn’t expected this. He’s going to come back, right? Right?!
You are pulled away from your thoughts at the sound of the door creaking open.
“I see you’ve been a very bad girl.” Your eyes widen as Yoongi makes his way into the room, closing the door behind him. He looks as smug as ever, holding a hanger over his shoulder.
“A-Are those my clothes?”
“Are these the clothes I gave you last night? No, looks like you fucked yourself out of those.” You pull the bedsheet closer to you, gritting your teeth, blinking away your tears.
“Hmm?” He leans against the bedpost, the clothes hanger hanging off one finger. You want to punch him, but you know you're walking on thin ice already.
“P-please help me.”
“You lost the clothes I got you. Why should I give you more?” You can tell he’s itching to humiliate you.
“So you’re just going to leave me here naked?!” you yell at him.
His eyes narrow. He grabs the bedsheet and pulls, dragging it off your body before you can stop him. You wrap your arms around your chest and pull your legs together.
“I should, after what you did!” Yoongi screams, “Whoring yourself out to my friends. Two at the same time, enjoy yourself? Fucking slut.” His words sting you. How could you fuck up so badly, you just let yourself become overtaken by lust.
“Now look at you. You let them take advantage of you. They used you and they left you with nothing. What would you have done if I didn’t find you?” He crosses his arms, his cold eyes glaring at you.
You burst into tears. Is he right? Is that what they did to you? “I’m-s-so-sorry,” you manage to say between sobs.
He sighs, “I’m here now.” You need him, he’s going to make you see that. He moves closer, lifting your chin to look at him. “If they had taken this,” his hand brushes your choker, “I would have killed them.”
You look at him pleadingly, trying to silence your sniffles. He offers you the clothes hanger, “Change into this.”
You unzip the clothes bag and pull out a dress with a light flowery pattern. The fabric is sheer and flowy. The matching lingerie set is pastel pink and strappy. Well, even if he is an asshole at least you can count on Yoongi to make you look good. You clean up your makeup and style your hair as best you can in the empty bathroom, removing what's left of the smudged dark eyeshadow, pushing thoughts from last night away. The more you try to make sense of what transpired, the more confused you become, and remembering just makes you feel hot all over.
Yoongi pushes himself off the wall when you open the door.
There is still music playing, still people dancing, a lot less than the night before, but you’re amazed there are any at all.
“Does the party ever end?” you think out loud.
“Only if you want it to.”
Yoongi leads you outside. When you reach the backyard you realize the party truly never really ended, only moved. Partygoers lounge by the pool, drinking and eating.
“Is that a fucking mermaid?” Girls dressed up in tails lay about the pool, you're about to run towards them when Yoongi pulls you away from the pool. “Let’s eat before you decide to go make friends.”
You walk in step. He looks put together as always, wearing simple light clothes, a white shirt tucked into tan pants, an unbuttoned collared shirt on top.
“Is everyone here a House member?” You ask, finally sober enough to start learning some things.
“Yes, I thought it was obvious. It’s nothing official. Just a get-together after our quarterly meeting, something for our investors.”
Right, never did you just have a ‘get-together’ like this. It's annoying how out of touch they are.
You see the familiar faces of his friends sitting in a secluded area. Before you and Yoongi get within earshot he grabs your arm.
“If Taehyung and Jungkook try to touch you again, let me know, will you?”
Wait, Jungkook is RM? What? No way, that doesn’t make any sense. He can’t be, he was downstairs when you first met RM. But why does Yoongi think you fucked him? Jungkook is not RM. Though, you remember how he never spoke to you.
His grip on you tightens when you don’t answer, “Y/n…”
“Okay, okay.”
Jungkook watches you and Yoongi whispering to one another. You look flustered when Yoongi places a soft kiss on your cheek before breaking away.
He takes a deep breath, rubbing his temples to take the tension away. When he looks up again, Yoongi and you are walking towards the group, your eyes fixated on...him? Jungkook breaks eye contact and looks back at you...and you’re still staring at him. He keeps eye contact with you, face going redder and redder.
He watches as you greet his friends, eyes glancing his way too frequently to call it a coincidence. What the fuck did Yoongi tell you to make you look at him like he grew three heads?
“I’ll be right back.” Yoongi makes his way to the far end of the party where Seokjin is talking to another man. You watch as Yoongi embraces the stranger, it’s one of the few times you’ve seen Yoongi smile, not a self satisfied smirk or a threatening grin, but a genuine smile showing off his gums that make the intimidating man look actually cute. The stranger gives him a dimpled smile in return.
“Who’s that with Seokjin?” you ask Jimin.
He looks over to where you're pointing, Jimin's expression full of mirth, “That’s Namjoon, looks like he made it to the party after all.”
Jimin pulls on your arm, turning you to him, “Let’s go swimming!”
“Oh, but I don’t have a bathing suit.”
“That’s okay, you can go in your underwear,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you, making you giggle.
“I’ll, um, be right back,” Jimin whines as you get up, and you promise him it will only take a minute. You know you’d never get a chance to talk to Jungkook with Yoongi by your side, the two of them seem to have an odd tension between them. But now that Yoongi is distracted with Seokjin and Namjoon, it’s the perfect opportunity.
“Er hello?”
Jungkook’s wide doe eyes looks up at you. “Hello...”
Okay, he definitely doesn’t sound like RM. “Hi, I didn’t get to talk to you last night. I just wanted to say hi.”
“Oh, hi.”
This is painfully awkward. You study his frame...he is built. The tank top he’s wearing shows off his broad shoulders and muscular tattooed arms, he looks strong like how you imagine RM. Maybe if you kiss him...
Jungkook watches as you peer over his back. “Dahlia…”
“Hmm? Oh, just call me y/n.” you insist, the alias making you feel self-conscious.
“I missed talking to you...so much.”
“We talked?” Is he really RM? No, it doesn’t feel like him at all.
Jungkook bites his lower lip. His front teeth pressing into his round lips makes him look cute, you think, like a scared rabbit.
“Yes, we used to talk a lot, before...” he bites back the words so he doesn’t make you uncomfortable. “My username is..” Ugh, Jungkook can’t believe he’s saying this to you out loud, why did he have to choose such a dumb username? “PlayboyJK.”
“Oh, oh! I remember you!” You remember your conversations with him. He was a good tipper, a bit unconventional in his requests, but he was always one of the first viewers to your stream.
“Honestly, I can’t believe you would watch me.”
“You’re just so...handsome? I’m just surprised, I guess!”
Jungkook’s ears go red at the compliment. You’re so perfect, you’re a goddess. He’d watch you all day every day, he’d watch you sleep. How could you think he wouldn’t want to watch you?
“I think you’re so beautiful, I like you a lot.”
“T-Thank you,”
“Are you going to start streaming again?
“Ha no no. I put all that behind me. Well, I thought I did,” you say after noticing Jungkook’s confused expression. “Um, it’s a long story.”
“Oh, you don’t have to join again. I could, um, pay you directly.”
“You’d pay me? For what?” you laugh, but you're curious to hear his answer.
“For anything, I’d pay you...just be with me.” you look into Jungkook’s wide eyes, so determined. Maybe if Yoongi had asked you this way, you would have considered it.
“I-HEY!” You squeal as Hoseok lifts you out of your seat. Jungkook gives Jimin a look of dismay as he pulls the younger man to his feet too.
Somehow you ended up in the pool with your dress still on. The sheer fabric doing little to hide the lingerie underneath for all the men to see.
The sun has already left the horizon while you sit on the deck of Yoongi’s yacht, drying off your body from the day's watery fun. You listen to the waves hit the walls of his boat as it sloshes around in the water, the rhythm like a whispering melody. The twilight casts everything in blue, the smell of salt and fresh air along with sound of the sea's waves is just so relaxing. What you wouldn't give to experience this all the time.
“Come back with me.” Yoongi's hushed voice breaks your trance.
“And be what, your personal servant?" you scoff, "I don’t think so.”
"What about those girls at the party? You could be like them, always having fun, the center of attention."
You bite your lip. "I don't want that." You wonder if Yoongi will believe you when you don't even believe yourself.
"Or I could just give you all my attention." He gets closer to you. "All this could be your life."
"Maybe I like my life-"
Yoongi laughs at you, earning himself a glare.
"Or I could just keep you here." He smirks down at you.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t dare me.”
You stop glaring at him, turning your head away. You watch the lights on the mansion turn on as the night settles in.
“Do you really want to go back to that boring job?” You roll your eyes at his words. “Don’t you want more? To have fun? I’ll give you everything you want."
"I don’t think you could give me everything."
"Just try. You can always go back, I’m sure that manager friend of yours would rehire you."
You sigh, breathing in deep the salty air.
“I would have to put in my two weeks...”
Hobi’s scene was fun to write, I haven’t been to parties or dancing in so long I was like what the hell happens again? Now I wanna dance! Reader who said Yoongi will throw her into the sea last chapter you made me laugh so hard I almost considered making him do that lol. I guess there’s still some time to piss him off enough! Do you believe Yoongi? What do you think (or want) to happen next? <3
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 34
Man these parts are getting harder and harder to churn out. A lot of plot points converging and real life ramping up. Hopefully you all enjoy this. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter. And if you really liked it, Reblog it. Thats the best way to get others to see it. Also, Please let me know your thoughts. Your comments fuel me.
(Master Post)
Masquerade surveyed the classroom. Her former classmates now her masked servants. It was fitting how they were all silent. Before, they listened to her because she told them exactly the things they wanted to hear, now they listened because she had power over them. It was kind of poetic in a way.
She looked across the classroom, she realized that there seemed to be more people missing than she initially realized.
“We are missing someone. Aside from Marinette, who is missing?”
The controlled classmates looked amongst themselves. Trying to figure out who was the one that was not in the class.
“Is it Chloé?” Miracular inquired, trying to answer her master’s request.
The akuma looked around.
“Huh… Oh yea, she isn’t here. Well she isn’t important. I was thinking someone else.” Masquerade answered. She looked to her most recently made akuma servant.
The Bubbler, the akumatized version of Nino stood motionless. As if he was not registering what was going on.
“Bubbler? Do you know who is missing?”
The multicolored akuma said nothing. Not even looking in the direction of the mask maiden.
“Bubbler! I order you to answer me!” She commanded with fiery rage.
The akuma turned to face his master, now responding.
“Adrien is missing.” The bubbler answered, his voice robotic and as emotive as a speak and spell.
“So, Adrien isn’t in the room. What a shame. I was planning on turning him into my handsome little knight.”
Masquerade thought for a moment.
Has Adrien been akumatized? Lila wasn’t sure she had ever seen or heard about him getting akumatized. She knew that the class had pretty much gotten hit at least once or twice at some point from what she had heard and read from the ladyblog. But if that goody-goody Marinette hadn’t been akumatized, Adrien likely hadn’t been akumatized either.
“Alright my servants! We have a new mission. I want you to lock this school down! No one is allowed in or out. Anyone you find, bring them to me. If they can be akumatized, then they are joining our cause.”
“Time breaker. Guard the perimeter outside of the school. Anyone outside of Ladybug and Chat noir trying to get in. Tag them, but only if they are suspicious of what’s going on. Stay hidden otherwise.”
“Timebreaker nodded and began skating out of the room in a rush.
“Horrificator, once Timebreaker is outside, seal all the exits in the main building.”
The masked monstress nodded and sped out of the room.
“Dark Cupid, Stoneheart, Princess Fragrance, Miracular and Reflekta. I want you to split up check all of the rooms and bring me potential akumas.”
The five akuma nodded and made their way out the door.
“Gamer and Robostus. I want you to hack into the airwaves. I want access to every Electric device in Paris when I give you the signal. But make sure to be subtle. I don’t want anyone to know about us until I tell you.”
The two nod and start working to get that ready for her.
She focuses her attention to the bubble making akuma that was giving her problems earlier.
Considering how hard it was to break him down, it was understandable. She had saved him for last for a reason. Because he was the hardest one to crack.
He was a relatively calm individual, able to keep a level head. But even he had his weakness. His confidence. Once that was shaken, seeing his entire class taken, knowing his girlfriend was under her control, he couldn't resist another moment. In a way, it was the most satisfying charm on her bracelet.
“Now Bubbler, you are going to go and locate Marinette and Adrien for me. Put them in a bubble and bring them to me. Help that girlfriend of yours.”
The bubbler nodded yes despite severe shaking. Seems even now he is trying to resist the control of the mask.
“Troublesome, but it is only temporary. He will break soon enough.” Masquerade mused to herself.
She looked at the near empty room with contempt. This was hardly a place where she could exact her vengeance. It was so… lame. Though a thought occurs as she realized who she had left standing at attention without orders.
“Evillustrator, I have a special request for you.”
“What is this?” Chloé screeched. “My daddy bought me the best phone plan in the city. How can I not have service right now?!”
The nurse felt a chill run down her spine. Could the akuma block out phone signals? Is that why there is no attention being given to the school? How could they call for help? How would anyone know of the akuma attack? Would Ladybug and Chat noir be able to help them?
The nurse started to feel herself going pale, she was just supposed to be a school nurse. Worst thing she needed to deal with was a scraped knee or give a kid an ice pack. Now she has a woman that collapsed on the bed and an akuma that is somewhere in the school. She had just moved to Paris a few months ago. It was her dream to live in the city of love, get her career going, find a nice guy, and just live the good life. But no one told her that supervillain attacks would be so personally connected to her situation? She had heard about this crap in New York and in America. But Paris? It was too much. What if Ladybug and Chat noir didn’t fix everything? What if this was where her story ended. What if…
The nurse turned to her attention to the voice. It was the brash blonde teen that was complaining.
“You look like you’re going to pass out. Just a heads up, I am not taking care of you.” Chloé commented.
Angela felt her face heat up with annoyance.
“Listen you brat. I don’t have time to deal with your attitude. I have a woman that is out cold from exhaustion in a building with a hostile akuma.”
“Good, at least you aren’t going to faint. I don’t need any more whinny women fainting on me”
The nurse paused, did the girl say that just to help her not succumb to the grim situation?
Chloé started making her way to the door.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“You already got your hands full with the annoying assistant. I need to make a call to daddy. So, I am going to head out the building and try there. Try not to get ripped apart by an akuma, I still need more ice when I get back.”
Angela blinked. This girl wasn’t scared of the akuma. She was actually going out to do something reasonable. If she could call for help, it would mean that this whole thing blows over.
“Okay, I’ll stay here. Be safe.”
“Yea whatever.”
Chloé headed out the door.
Angela felt a ghost of a smile grace her face.
‘Maybe that girl isn’t a complete brat after all.’
The shapeshifting sentimonster growled as it smacked the locker. It lost both primary targets. And worst of all, Ladybug appeared to make this even harder. Masquerade needed to hear about this.
“Master, Marinette and Adrien have escaped my sight.”
The sentimonster heard a sigh of disappointment from the other end.
“It is fine Simularé, They wont be able to escape the school anyway. They will be found soon enough. If anything, this is a blessing in disguise. Having them be the last targets will have them bare witness to how devasting it will all be.” Masquerade answered. “Any news on Ladybug and Chat noir?”
“That’s the other bad news. Ladybug arrived, I am assuming that’s how Marinette managed to escape, and ladybug also took Adrien away as well. No sign of chat noir. But if you know one is here, the other is likely soon to follow.”
There was a brief moment of silence, as masquerade mulled over the information she had received.
“Actually, that works out well for us. Meet up at my location, I have the other students out looking for them, I need your power for something more important.”
“Yes master.”
Simularé shifted back into its phantom form, moving quickly down the hallway to obey her master’s request.
Just as it left, Ladybug popped out of a nearby locker. Relieved it didn’t notice.
“That’s not good, Masquerade likely got everyone in the classroom.” The red heroine said aloud.
She activated her communicator and tried to contact chat noir. But there was no sound.
“Damn it. No signal. Lila likely cut the communication as soon as she realized it.?”
“No worries Buggaboo, I happen to be on site.” A voice called out.
Chat noir jumped out of another locker to reveal he was there.
Ladybug felt a bit of relief at her partner’s appearance. She could tell he felt the same. Better a situation with two heroes.
“Been here the whole time?” The spotted heroine asked her cat crimefighting comrade.
“Just arrived a few minutes ago, I figured something was up, so I decided to take a quick peek. Cat curiosity and all that.”
“And you assumed it was with Collège Françoise Dupont?”
“It seemed like a solid guess.”
“Considering the track record, that is reasonable.” Ladybug conceded.
“Ever wonder why it is always this school and never any of the other schools? Paris is a big city. You would think Hawkmoth would decide to branch out to the other schools in the city.” Chat noir inquired as they started walking down the hall.
“I assumed its just a coincidence.”
“Shot in the dark, maybe he has a kid that goes here. He is pretty old” Chat noir dissed.
“I can’t imagine anyone that would want to date Hawkmoth.” Ladybug joked.
“What about the blue lady? She seemed crazy enough.”
“And now that image is burned in my mind. Thanks kitty.” Ladybug sarcastically commented. “Despite the mental scarring, I am glad you got here. Seems a repeat offender got herself an upgrade in the akuma powers department.”
“How did you know?”
“I was reading the ladyblog, Alya did great work on that article.” Chat noir praised. He mentally applauded his quick thinking.
“Right, kind of the reason I felt the need to keep an eye on this place. But sadly, I was too slow.” Ladybug responded a tad gloomy.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. We will finish this akuma before lunch.”
Ladybug heard a footstep from the end of the hallway.
“Get down!”
Ladybug tackled the cat hero down. Just narrowly avoiding a neon pause symbol, which now suck on the wall.
“Looks like Lila has been busy.” Chat noir noted as he turned his face to the direction of the attacker.
Ladybug looked at the akuma. The white mask covering her friend’s face. Lady Wifi was back.
The two heroes got into a fighting stance and prepared to take down this controlled akuma.
The halls were empty and lifeless as the two visiting teens made their way cautiously down the halls.
“Oddly quiet in here.” The fencer commented. “What do you think Luka?”
“Well last time we entered a place with an akuma in it, it was brimming with armored minions. Maybe this akuma has more stealth?” The Musician commented. “So, I don’t think you will be fighting as directly as you are use to Kagami.”
Kagami nodded at that, not exactly happy or sad regarding that remark. Her plan was to see if she could help her friends get out of the building, grab her textbook, and get out. She wasn’t really that interested in fighting a superpowered foe at this moment in time.
The two ceased speaking when they heard approaching footsteps.
“Someone’s coming.” Luka noted.
The two duck into the nearest room.
The two stayed close to the door as they listened to the sound of the approaching figure.
Kagami dropped to the floor silently as to check and see if she could get a visual.
She could only see what appeared to be costume boots of a larger figure. Which made the expert fencer believe it was not friendly.
The figure stopped, looking at the door. The two teens felt their neck hairs stand on edge as they did their best not to make a sound.
After what felt like an eternity, the figure passed the door without checking. Once the sound of his footsteps could no longer be heard, they let out a sigh of relief.
“That was way too close for comfort.”
“Agreed. I would prefer a direct confrontation next time, much less nerve-racking. “
The two carefully open the door and exit the room.
“Seems we found the akuma.” Luka commented. “Now we just need to avoid it and.”
“You mean akumas.” Kagami corrected.
Kagami tilted the boys head to look in the same direction she was looking, and sure enough she saw a rather large rock like creature walking the halls.
“Oh… well that is bad.”
Kagami pushed him back into the room and closed the door. Locking it before the rock giant could notice them.
“I’m surprised.”
“By the fact there is an 8-foot-tall rock beast outside?”
“No, by the fact you didn’t try to fight it.”
“I don’t have a weapon.” Kagami replied flatly.
Luka raised a brow at the comment, unsure if the fencer was serious or not about fighting that thing if she had a foil.
“Is something wrong?” A third voice came from behind them.
The two teens turned around, preparing for the worst. Though they were relieved to see it was just an old janitor… in a Hawaiian shirt. Despite his odd dress, he did give off a kind aura. One of a trusting old grandpa.
They noticed that the room seemed to be a sort of teacher’s lounge, with a small counter with a sink and cabinets. As well as a fridge to keep food cold and stored. A place in the school where teachers would come to get a quick coffee or store their lunch.
“Oh good, you aren’t an akuma.” Luka sighed with relief.
“An akuma?” The old man asked.
“Yes, it is very dangerous out there right now. There are multiple villains outside. I would recommend staying put while we go out there and help handle things.” Kagami explained.
“Quite bold of you to go out there against those monsters.” The man responded.
“Don’t worry, we will be careful. We just need to make sure we can get as many people out as we can so Ladybug and Chat noir won’t need to worry.”
“Ah, how selfless of you. You both seem quite capable for ones so young.”
“You’re very kind, but we are just doing what we can. Our friends are out there and they need our help.”
Kagami goes to the door. Checking to ensure the coast is clear again.
The old man pats the musician’s shoulder.
“I am sure you two will figure a way to help your friends.”
“There are too many outside this room.” Kagami grumbled. If only I had a way to fight them.”
The mysterious janitor smiled.
“Say… I did happen to see Ladybug earlier.”
The two teens turned their attention to the old man.
“You did?” they asked in unison.
“Yes, she happened to drop something while rushing. Would you two be so kind as to return them to her when you see her.”
The two of them glance at each other and shrug. The old janitor might be senile.
“Sure… We can give it to her.” Luka assured the old man, trying to remain polite.
The old man moves to a closet, where out of view of the two teens, an elaborate chest with the symbol of the guardian’s decorates the top. He quickly gets two smaller boxes and closes the closet.
“Ah! Here they are.”
He hands the two a small box each. Their eyes go wide.
“They seemed important, so I didn’t want to just leave them on the floor. But I have a feeling you two will take good care of them.”
The two teens were engrossed by the boxes in their hands. They recognized them immediately. These were the boxes Ladybug used when handing out miraculous.
“Where did you find…?” Kagami tried to question, but noticed the old man was no longer there.
“He’s gone…”
“Actually, I am over here.”
The teens look in the opposite direction they were looking in order to see him at the end of the room getting a snack from the fridge.
The duo decided that maybe this old guy wasn’t all there after all and figured it would be best to go somewhere and utilize the ‘gift’ they were just given.
“Stay in the lounge where it’s safe okay?” Luka asked politely.
“Of course. I am not paid if I am not working.”
The two teens checked the door again, and once the coast was clear. They both slipped out of the room.
After he knew they were out of sight, the old man chuckled.
“The senile routine works every time.”
“Master, you really cut it close with that one.” A small turtle creature exclaimed as he popped out from the closet.
“The universe works in mysterious ways Wayzz. What are the odds that there would be an attack on the school the very day I decide to hide out as a janitor?”
“Considering the frequency of akuma attacks, very likely.”
“True, but how about running into two individuals that Marinette had picked to be heroes.” Fu followed up.
“That is quite a coincidence.”
The guardian pulled out his phone and noticed he didn’t have a signal.
“It seems I can’t get a signal to notify her of the reinforcements I sent her way. Likely it would be the same on her end. So, it is a good thing I acted in advance.”
Fu moved to the closet where he kept the miraculous.
“I can’t help but shake the feeling Ladybug and Chat noir will need all of the help they can get.
“Don’t worry master, I am sure Ladybug and Chat noir will be successful.
“Let us keep an eye on things. They might need another ally to turn the tide.
“I am guessing you are also familiar with what’s inside here?” Kagami inquired as the two stealthily moved in the hall.
“I may be familiar with it.” Luka commented.
Kagami contemplated the statement. She figured out the truth.
“Seems we both have used a miraculous then?”
“It appears we have. Though I am not sure Ladybug will be thrilled that someone knows I have helped her.”
“I understand the sentiment. Though lets simply agree to keep it between us.” Kagami answered. “Friends do keep secrets like that if I’m correct.”
Luka smiled at the comment.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Luka assured.
“As is yours.”
The two found the locker room and quickly moved inside.
“Coast is clear.”
The two opened the boxes and as they did two magical creatures appeared in front of them.
A floating creature with multiple spikes appeared in front of the fencer, while another floating creature that resembled a cobra stood in front of luka.
“It is a pleasure to see you again Mistress Kagami.”
“It’s been too long, Longg.” Kagami smiled. Happy to see her kwami friend.
“Hello Luka, itssss been a while.” The snake kwami greeted.
“Happy to see you too Sass.” Luka fist bumped his kwami.
The kwamis stop and turn to see the other kwami there.
“Does Ladybug know about this?” They both ask in unison.
“We will inform her after. Right now, there is a lot of danger.” Kagami exclaimed. “Ladybug needs our help.”
The two kwami nod and prepare to fight.
“Consssider us accomplissses.” Sass answered.
The two teens put on the miraculous.
“Sass! Scales Slither.”
“Longg! Bring the storm”
The two teens transform into their heroic alter egos.
Kagami shifting into the dragon miraculous hero Ryuuko, and Luka changing into the Snake hero Viperion.
The two stop to glance at the other.
“So, what should I call you.” The snake hero asked curiously.
“Call me Ryuuko. And what about you mister snake?”
“Viperion is what I am going with.”
“As is yours.”
The two give a nod of comradery before making their way out of the locker room. They had to go help Ladybug.
Ladybug dashed across the hallway, avoiding pause symbols being flung at her by the conniving akuma.
She slid underneath one of the symbols and preformed a daring slide kick to knock Lady Wifi off balance.
While she was unstable, Chat noir charged and used his baton to make contact with her white mask. Believing it was the obvious weak point.
“Got it!” Chat noir exclaimed triumphantly. The strike of the staff knocking Ladywifi a good several meters. Before lying flat on her back.
“Wow, that is a tough mask. I thought for sure that was the weak point.” Chat noir commented.
Lady Wifi stood up robotically.
“There must be a way to snap her out of it. Unless Hawkmoth is learning from his mistakes.” Ladybug hypothesized as she got up from the ground.
“Well I got nothing.” Chat noir shrugged.
Another set of footsteps approaching caught the hero’s attention. The recognized the multicolored bubble maker the moment they saw him.
“Nino… You too?” Chat noir said under his breath.
The Bubble maker used his bubble wand to summon two large bubbles to capture the heroes. Bringing back flashbacks of their first encounter with the bubble akuma.
Chat noir and Ladybug expertly slide between the gaps of the attack, resulting in Lady Wifi getting hit with the large bubbles and being sent flying into the wall via bubble prison.
Chat noir lunged at the Bubbler, his quick pounce pinning him down before he could attack.
“Maybe I can destroy his mask with…”
“Wait Chat noir!” Ladybug called out.
Chat noir paused.
“What if your cataclysm doesn’t free him?”
“And then I am left without the power before a recharge.”
“Exactly. We need to hold off on using our powers right now.”
Chat noir wanted to save his friend. But he knew his partner was right. They needed to conserve their powers before facing Lila.
The Bubbler managed to get the cat hero off of him with a burst of strength. Knocking Chat noir to the ground.
Lady Wifi had gotten free from the bubble attack and was now blocking the other entrance.
Ladybug and Chat noir moved back to back, Ladybug facing the ladyblogger turned mindless akuma slave and Chat noir facing the akumatized DJ.
“Any ideas, Buggaboo?”
“Seems they can’t adapt. They are pretty much mindless slaves. Which makes sense since Lila wouldn’t want them to think for themselves.”
“So you’re saying their movements are simple.”
“Which means they are exploitable.”
Chat noir felt relief watch over him. He knew Ladybug had a plan.
“EWWWW!” Chloé screeched in disgust. The front entrance to the school had been covered in a pink slime.
She wiped her hand on the cleanest section of wall she could find. This was not her day.
“What is with this nasty gross akuma? First, I can’t call Daddy to come and pick me up. I can’t even post about it! How will Ladybug know to save me? Or better yet, get me the bee miraculous so I can help her save the day?”
Chloé decided to try another exit, since she had no plans of sticking around without knowing if she was going to be given a miraculous or not. Plus, she did say she would call for help, and doing that would make her look good in potential hero points.
As she was walking, she bumps into something in the middle of the hall. Which was bizzare since the hall was clear.
“Ouch, right on my bruise. What the hell is…”
Chloé felt her anger shift to fear when she watched as the empty hall now contained a familiar akuma.
The akuma turned to her, her face covered with a white face mask.
“Eww. Your akuma form looks even tacker than before.”
“Take potential akuma to master.” The akumatized Sabrina stated in an emotionless tone. Repeating the order, she had been given.
“Oh no you don’t! Sabrina, I order you to listen to me!”
The akuma ignored the blonde’s command and slowly walked towards her.
“Sabrina… I am warning you. I am going to yell at you over this later if you don’t stop right now.”
Chloé started slowly backing away. She wasn’t sure of what to do.
“Listen… if you stop right now… I’ll uh… let you take a pick of one of my old sweaters.” Chloé bargained, not intending to let her pick one of the ones she actually liked.
Chloé felt her hand touch the sealed door, and knew she was at the end of the hall. She was boxed in.
“This is so unacceptable.” Chloé stated, preparing to get captured. But a flash of Red and Black came out of nowhere and kicked the akuma hard to the wall.
“Ladybug! I knew you would like save me!” Chloé jumped and hugged her savior.
“Im not ladybug.” The heroine spoke.”
Chloé released the hug as she examined who her savior was.
“Who the hell are you?”
Chloé had never bothered to learn the names of any of the other miraculous heroes. She sometimes forgets chat noir’s name.
“Ryuuko.” The dragon heroine stated calmly, almost regretting saving Chloé.
“Did Ladybug send you? Cause it would have been better if she got me to help.”
Ryuuko decided to ignore Chloé’s comment.
“Now we need to leave before she… Where did she go?” Looking at the dented locker that no longer had an akuma lying on the ground.
Suddenly the akuma popped out of nowhere about to strike from above with her tonfa and steal Ryuuko’s powers, but was stopped when a small harp smacked her face.
“She appears to have invisibility.” A voice called out.
The two turn to see the snake hero as he caught his harp on the rebound.
Chloé took a moment to look over the snake hero. She had to admit, he was pretty cute. Not Adrien cute, maybe she would start learning the names of the other heroes.
“Quick thinking Viperion.” Ryuuko thanked the snake teen.
“Just following your lead.” Viperion responded. The two giving eachother a respectful smile. They both seemed to have gotten used to working together.
The akuma got up. Its white face mask making the akuma’s expression unreadable. But its body language exuded rage.
“Seems we aren’t going anywhere until she is taken care of.” Ryuuko said as she stared down the akuma.
Viperion turned to chloé.
“You need to go and get to safety.”
“Okay!” Chloé says as she runs off.
“How come she didn’t give you any sass?”
“Because I already have him.”
Kagami had to admit that was a clever response.
“Not what I meant, but Chat noir would love that joke.”
“I will be sure to tell him it later.”
“Stick to playing guitar. You’re a better musician than comedian.”
Before they could get off anymore banter. The akuma went for another attack.
Simularé entered Ms.Bustier’s classroom.
“I am here.” The ghostly sentimonster announced.
The sentimonster looked up to see that the classroom it was expeciting to see had been altered into what appeared to be a rather glamourous throne room. The windows covered by white curtains with the design of an akuma in black. The platforms and stairs had been altered to be marble. And at the top, where Lila’s desk once was was now a golden throne akin to something one would see in a castle. Though despite the impressive change in the classroom it was still being designed. The akuma known as the evillustrator was still creating more furnishings for the room.
“Simulare, I have an order for you.” Masquerade stated as she sat on the new throne. Clearly confident in her position.
The sentimonster approached her master. Stopping only a few feet away.
“I want you to create a mirage over the school. Since Ladybug is already in the school. It would be best if you made sure no one notices whats happening here. I don’t need any additional heroes popping in yet. Let’s handle her before making things public.”
Simularé nodded.
“Understood. But what should we do if she…”
“I have everything under control. Just follow my orders.”
Simularé ceased her questioning.
“As you wish master.”
The sentimonster shifted into her Volpina form and headed out of the classroom.
“She is getting arrogant in her power. If things do go south, I will need to step in.” Simularé said to herself. But for now, she knew she had a role to play.
And that ends part 34.
Seems things are REALLY heating up. Will Viperion and Ryuuko be able to help Ladybug and Chat noir?
Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to get through to their brainwashed friends?
Will Masquerade's gambit be enough for her to get her vengeance?
Whats Simularé's deal?
Find out by staying tuned and sharing. Remember Reblogs help content creators and if you do enjoy my content, the support really does help
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Society VS Sociopaths
Oh my, Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here suffering thru Heard’s summary defense lawyer so seriously lost in word salad he is damaging their own case. I have put Mr Rottenwood and now lost Elaine on mute over on the Body Language Guy site who is streaming it live with great comments from all over the globe, easily seeing thru their shameful smears, trying to make this verified "histrionic personality disorder” as well as IMHO, dangerous female who admits drug use….into an angel supporting all abused women. This is soooo up-side down. Even Elaine looked bewildered listening to brilliant Camille's summary as if it was news to her. Shocking to see these lessor lawyers so over their heads defending a liar. Why I wonder...could it be the $$ they thought they would win?
Mr. Depp's lawyers spoke eloquently and clearly, wading thru a verrrry long list proven lies and physically painful encounters caused by AH, sadly, starting on their honeymoon. They played actual recordings of them in counseling where she admits to her violent attacks on him, claiming he was a whimp for not fighting back! Her voice is chilling, and I even wondered if there are multiple personalities fighting inside her scrambled brain to get out. Depp must win this FOR THE SAKE OF ALL OF US!
Now, Mayhem wants to steal the headlines back from Ms Heard, showing up with her Netflix filming crew at a massacre site, trying to act mournful. I shake my head at the insanity once again that we are allowing these depraved people to control our narrative. It is up to society to demand higher standards for our lives starting with the press that spews out their never ending lies and filth. It is up to all of us to demand our elected officials do their jobs protecting us from perpetuators of crimes. When Depp's lawyer referred to the fear-mongering Woke world giving rope to Amber Heard's fake Op-Ed in the Washington Post, I cheered. He is right to call out society for allowing this mob mentality to ruin a man's professional reputation and life on a whim. People in Hollywood caved to the nasty PR fearing for their bottom line=he lost jobs. Yet, he pays millions to support this ex, her two faced sister and their drug party hangers-on willing to live in his homes, taking advantage of JD's generosity.
We are watching a much loved, global personality, willing to spend his money while being forced to walk red hot coals personally, to fight with all he has to just get his dignity back. If JD does not win this case, I will be ashamed of the US civil court system. An Op-Ed page as we discovered with Mayhem's NY Times piece, are up for sale but come with enormous editorial powers. Just perfect for those who have no integrity, no moral code, who may be mentally deranged, willing to cheat their way to fame and fortune or seek revenge. Long live the queen who just powers on celebrating good things humanity has done.
Thank you so much! Great post. i did edit a few things for legal reasons, a little too much for this blog, my apologies. I agree with all you said….it is disgusting what these two women have done, and how they get away with all they do….Like you, I want to see Johnny Depp win, and Ms. Heard pay for this….its time to shut up these women who play dangerous games with people’s lives….time for men to get the support they need as Domestic Abused Victims. I pray the jury sees what we see….thank you so much Pilgrim…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Sorry the post reached its word limit so I have to add the undateables in a different post! Happy valentine's everyone!!!
Pt.1 = Demon brother's
Mini golf, it was both surprising and unsurprising
He was able to ditch the suit he wore normally to more comfortable clothes
Enjoying the strange golf courses Wincing everytime he shot one too far and completely lost the ball
You were getting better scores than him and he a better player!
"will you guide me on this one? I think I'm going to hit it too hard again."
You smiled, happily moving behind him and putting your hands on his
You helped him control his swing and to no surprise it was a perfect shot
"perhaps I should guide you every turn, you're a pro."
"if it isn't (Y/N), who's this? I don't think we've met."
"go away, I don't have time for you."
Dia immediately recognised your ex, hiding his annoyance behind a smile and shook their hand
"I'm their boyfriend, we're currently on a date, so if you'll excuse us."
He tried to usher you both along but your ex grabbed his hand
"let's not end this so soon, I was close with them, don't you want to share stories?"
"I'll go first, as an ex wanting to help you out! Don't bring up a single issue to them, they won't help you at all, they always told me I was overreacting."
You groaned, clutching your golf club tightly
"because you were, threatening to hit me over not wanting to hear you complain about your side girls not texting you back is an overreaction."
"always spinning stories! This what I mean, you just need to be prepared to be in that kind of relationship with them, they'd only Respond to yelling."
"you're the only one who would listen when yelled to and would just yell at me because you could, you're a horrible person and you should leave right now-"
You wanted to hit them with your golf club, fuming at how they talked about you
"they've been very good to me and I've never had to raise my voice at them, perhaps you were the issue."
His voice was still so kind that your ex almost didn't realize what he said
"such a shame they've already gotten to you - oh we need to move, watch me play okay?"
They winked at the demon, strutting off to their new golf site
"let's play but I won't bother you to guide me."
"it's no bother-"
Dia took a strong strike, the ball flying off and hit your ex in the head
But another flying golf ball was already being sent their way
"Sorry! You just look like target with seeing how much you open for mouth, here I'll give you my club as an apology."
He 'accidentally' did it too hard and sent his club flying in their direction, they just missed it
They screamed at him for being crazy but he just kept his sweet smile
"so you're actually a great shot on your own."
"guilty, I just wanted you to hold me."
Aquarium, it feels fitting seeing he's also a serpent demon .
You held his gloved hand, pointing out towards the colourful fish that caught your fancy
"there are remarkable species I'm sure you've yet to have seen in the Devildom, Perhaps I'll take you to see them."
"really??!! I'd love to!"
He admired the dolphins that swam across the open space around the hallway, watching the way it delved back into the water
"this is embarassing, is that really you?!"
"oh no...."
"it is! When I found you disappeared I thought it was because of me! But here you are and with you're- whoever this is."
"I'm the boyfriend."
He nudged you away from your ex, his mood already sour
"boyfriend?! Already...? What a shame you moved on so quickly, I've been thinking about you."
They caressed the side of your cheek but you just slapped their hand away
"yeah right, leave us alone - I don't want to be around you."
"don't even think about insulting them, are you really going to bring up the past as a way to hurt them just because they've refused you?"
"h-huh-?! What are you- I wouldn't do such a thing!"
"oh...? So you weren't thinking of bringing up the time they use to 'love' you Touching them and was just 'shy' about it? Knowing it'll get a rise because you know that they didn't like your touch."
"how did you-?!"
"I know alot about you and what you plan to do, it would best you step away now before I set your fate in stone - swimming with the fishes."
He towered over them, their back pressing against the tank glass,
their eyes glancing to the fishes behind them
They let out a nervous laugh
"right....well I'll be going then, goodbye (Y/N)."
A fire works show - meant you could spend the mornings doing whatever you want but the night?
That's when you two went Speeding
You kept your scarf close to your face, it being a chilly night
You kept your hand intertwined with your boyfriend's, in awe at the fireworks
"They're not very close are they? i could make fireworks."
He shook his star wand, you were thankful it looked like a toy
"Sol, you can't just use magic when there's a small inconvenience."
Soon enough fireworks came bursting out closer to where you two stood, still a safe distance away but seeing as you didn't get the best spot in the crowd
It was much cooler to see them closer
"No way!!! You're back in town?! I thought you left for good!"
It was almost hard to hear your ex over the fireworks
Solomon gave them the side eye as he clutched your hand
"I know have devastated you were after the breakup, seriously didn't think you'd disappear, I bet that you died or something!"
"do you have nothing better to do?! I'm trying to enjoy the fireworks with my boyfriend."
"Him?! You going for witchy hippies?! Wooow your taste has just stayed shit, hasn't it?! This is why you need me back, I actually gave you good taste!"
"You made me listen to country rap that all sung about beating women - I've upgraded!"
You shuffled closest to Solomon, ignoring your ex as they kept trying to pester you
"Can you stop being such a- are you kidding me?! You're never going to change- don't - ignore- you stupid bi-"
The more they began to yell the more powerful fireworks Solomon set off
Almost completely blocking out you exes screams
It got to the point there had to be a fireworks break due to how hectic it got
"this is dumb, I'm leaving." They huffed as you continued to ignore them
"how fortunate, I'm sure I could of started a fire from all that."
"like a fire would of stopped you, thanks for blocking them out."
He kissed your cheek, smiling
"my pleasure~"
He took you ice skating, unfortunately you were terrible at it whilst he was fine
You were both wrapped up warm as he helped you skate across the rink
Your legs wobbled and you slid to face your almost fell over
"hahah, you're adorable but don't worry, you'll be a master of it by the end of tonight."
You slowly got the hang of it, gripping his arm whilst he just smiled, enjoying being so close to you
"i think I got it-! Wait no no no don't let go!"
Just as your small victory gave you a big smile it immediately dropped when your ex skidded over
"What are you odds of you being here, I see you still can't skate."
"so what? You want to bother me about skating? Why not go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone."
They just laughed
"so insistent, if that's what you want~"
They skated past you, bumping into you and you immediately went flying into the ice
Happy you kept your hands close to your face as another skater zoomed by
Simeon hastily helped you back up, dusting Ice off you
"Let's sit down, maybe they won't be here for long."
He helped you off the ice and you both sat on a bench, he got you a warm drink before sitting down
But it wasn't over, your ex coming to where you were sitting still in the rink
"sorry about that, it was a total accident I swear - tell me (Y/N), what made you come here? I bet you were stalking my page again, wanted to see me?"
"no, I just wanted to have a date with my boyfriend."
"It would be best you left us alone, your presence clearly isn't wanted."
"neither was your opinion, from past lover to new, watch yourself because they will destory your heart and your life - nothing will ever be comfortable or happy with them."
"that is untrue-"
"really? Is it? We all know they just like to use people for their kindness and leave them because of a stupid mistake - don't you understand what parties do to people? Huh?! I'm glad I got with her at that party because she's a better partner than you ever were."
You pounded the side of your first to the table, glaring at them with tears in your eyes
"you cheated on me and blames it on alcohol, when I forgave you - it only made you feel happy to keep going back to her! Don't talk to me like you're the victim-!"
Simeon, rubbed your back, frowning at your ex
Your ex just scoffed, skating off
Your boyfriend suddenly stood up and began to march over to the rink
You tried to ask what he was doing but he didn't respond, quickly skating over to your ex
When he caught up he skidded so far they got covered in ice, grabbed your ex with a smile
And suddenly, you didn't see what happened but your ex screamed, darting off the Ice trying to get away from Simeon
When he finally came back he took a sip of your drink and smiled
"let's head back on the ice, I still have to make you a pro."
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On his knees.
Please don’t post this on any other sites without my consent.
Pairing: Bucky/Zemo
Minors dni. 18+ only please. Nsfw.
Warnings: Dubious consent, brief disassociation, face fucking, boot grinding, getting stepped on, kinda violent, rough, no actual sex though.
This is my first published story please be kind, reblog and like if you want. I would love it if you came and talked to me about it. I think this is going to part of a series.
“It doesn’t really matter what my opinions on Steve Rogers are, he’s not here anymore.” The smugness that shone in the barons eyes, and the casual shrug of his shoulders made Bucky’s blood boil. How dare he talk about Steve that way.
Grinding his teeth together, he forced himself to loosen his grip on his glass when he felt it begin to splinter.
Sam rolled his eyes in exasperation, glancing between the two like a tired parent. Placing a gentle hand on Bucky’s shoulder, he felt the coiled tension in his muscles. Just as he opened his mouth to try and defuse the situation, his phone rang.
A quick look at the name and he sighed, “Can you watch him for a moment?” Sam asked, covering the bottom of his phone as he glanced from Bucky to Zemo.
The super soldier nodded, forcing himself not to flinch as Sam patted him on the shoulder before leaving. Bucky listened to the faint sound of Sam laughing at something Sarah had said, waiting until his voice had faded away before he moved.
He stalked past Zemo to the kitchen, dropping his glass in the sink and watching the expensive alcohol slip down the drain. Bucky struggled to refrain from smirking as he did, he could almost feel the pain in Zemo’s expression.
He never asked to become a super soldier, but sometimes his unparalleled sense were useful, Bucky didn’t need to check to know that Zemo had followed him to the kitchen.
“I apologise, if my earlier comment was.. insensitive.” Bucky pressed his palms against the counter, concentrating on keeping his breathing level, even as his fingers ached to choke Zemo until he passed out.
Bucky turned to face Zemo, temper flaring at how calmly he was leaning against the counter, “I understand how much Steve meant to you.”
That was it.
Bucky moved faster than any normal human could even dream of.
In a split second, he was on top of Zemo, his lower body pressing Zemo’s hips into the counter to trap him.
His vibranium hand curled around the shorter mans throat, cold, unyielding fingers digging into the soft skin.
Bucky used his grip to shove Zemo backwards until his back was pressed against the counter, the back of his head slamming into the marble surface.
Zemo groaned beneath the metal, his vision swimming. If you’d have told him that he’d cracked his head open and his brains were currently spilling out, he’d probably have believed you.
“You don’t know a damn thing about what it feels like to lose someone.” Bucky snarled, satisfaction flaring in his chest as he watched Zemo writhe under his hold, fingers scratching uselessly at the metal.
Rage blinded him, and for a moment, he considered tightening his fist. How easy it would be to crush Zemo’s windpipe. He’d torn metal in half with ease, it would take barely any effort to end this mans life.
Shame flooded him as he realised what he was doing. He uncurled his hand, stepping back to watch Zemo cough and gasp for air, tears running down his face.
He’d slipped back into violence so easily, they said he was free, but was he? Would his mind ever truly be his own. He wasn’t The Winter Soldier anymore, but he wasn’t Bucky either..
He was drifting, losing himself in his own mind.
A low thud snapped him back to reality, Zemo’s knees had buckled, and he’d slid off the counter and onto the floor where he knelt, massaging the dark, finger shaped bruises around his neck. “Hmm, being on your knees suits you.”
“You-“ Zemo’s voice was barely audible, he shifted uncomfortably on his knees and cleared his throat slightly before trying again.
“You are unused to having this level of control over your own life. Yes?”
Bucky scowled, reaching down to thread his fingers through Zemo’s hair, guilt swirling in stomach as he felt warm blood coat his fingers, “Sorry.” He murmured.
Zemo grimaced as Bucky pressed down on the wound, “no you aren’t.”
The super soldier smiled wryly, “no, I’m not.” He pulled his hand away, examining the crimson liquid staining his fingers. “I have control over my life… I want control over you.” Bucky whispered, his voice low, a dark edge creeping into it, sending shivers down Zemo’s spine.
He didn’t give the baron chance to respond, moving his bloody fingers to rest on Zemo’s lower lip, pushing insistently until they parted. Bucky’s fingers slipped into Zemo’s mouth, coating his tongue with the coppery taste of his own blood.
Bucky’s left hand moved to cup Zemo’s face, the action seemed gentle at first, the cool metal sliding over his jaw. Then Bucky’s fingers pushed right to the back of Zemo’s throat and he gagged, trying to pull away only to be stopped as Bucky’s hand wrapped further around his head, holding him in place.
Narrowing his eyes, Zemo bit down hard on Bucky’s fingers, breaking the skin with ease. Bucky snarled, moving his hand back to Zemo’s jaw, pressing his fingers into the weak point just in front of his ears.
The pressure slowly increases until Zemo’s finally forced to open his jaw wide, Bucky’s hand releasing its grip and slipping back to its previous position. Despite the intrusive fingers in his mouth, Zemo manages to pant around them, pain ricocheting through his jaw as Bucky’s fingers delved deeper.
Bucky smiled lightly, watching Zemo choke on his fingers, tilting his head in curiosity, he pressed them further down Zemo’s throat, and watching as he gagged wetly around them, desperately trying to break Bucky’s iron grip on his head as he fought to breathe.
Just as Zemo looked like he might faint, Bucky pulled his fingers back, allowing Zemo to fall forwards at his feet gasping for air.
Bucky ignored his coughing, turning his attention back towards the door, straining his ears, he could barely make out Sam’s voice.
“chto ty delayesh' soldat?” Zemo panted, trying to smirk, but ending up grimacing at how much it hurt his throat to talk.
Bucky slapped him.
Not hard enough to hurt him badly, but enough to make his head snap to the side, and his dick twitch up against the confines of his pants.
Bucky let his fingers ghost over the fresh, purple bruise on Zemo’s temple, courtesy of John Walker, he pushed a stray strand of hair out of his way and hummed quietly, wondering whether two concussions in under 24 hours would make the baron less of an asshole.
Bucky frowned, slipping his hand back through Zemo’s hair to jerk his head back, exposing the pale column of his throat. Zemo’s pupils were blown wide, his deep brown irises nearly invisible. “Soldat?”
“Shut up.” Bucky rolled his eyes, plunging his fingers back into Zemo’s hot mouth without restraint. This time however, he didn’t hold them still, but set about fucking Zemo’s throat with his fingers.
By now, Zemo had lost all of his usual composure, he gagged and whined unashamedly around Bucky’s fingers, spit dripping down his chin every time they withdrew.
Hearing Zemo’s panicked breaths and soft moans accompanied by the wet squelch of his fingers made Bucky grin. This man had manipulated and lied and killed, and here he was, on his knees, choking on Bucky’s fingers. The thought made his dick press against the denim of his jeans, achingly hard and leaking precome against the inside of his pants.
Finally, he pulled his fingers sharply from Zemo’s mouth, admiring how fucked out the baron already looked, held up only by Bucky’s firm grip of his hair.
His cheeks were flushed pink, and the hair that wasn’t trapped in a vibranium fist, was no longer neatly parted and combed, instead it fell in strands in front of his face, moving slightly with every breath.
Silent and stony faced, Bucky wiped his slick fingers across Zemo’s cheek, leaving a trail of glistening spit across his skin. Bucky could have grinned at the shudder he felt pass through Zemo’s body at the degrading act, but he refrained, schooling his face into an emotionless mask.
He then moved his hand to his belt, unbuckling it with nimble fingers and shoving his jeans down along with his boxers. Zemo whimpered at the sight of Bucky’s hard cock, trying to pull away, but unable to due to the tight, unrelenting grip on his hair.
“Soldat?” He desperately choked out, reaching a hand up to encircle the vibranium one, trying to loosen its grip. Bucky moved his now free hand to curl back around Zemo’s throat, the gap between his thumb and finger fitting just beneath his Adam’s apple.
He growled low in his throat, pulling Zemo’s head back further so that their eyes met, “Call me soldat again, and I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t remember how to breathe, never mind speak.” He felt Zemo swallow beneath his grip, eyes wide with fear, before he nodded as much as he was able to with Bucky’s hand restricting his airflow.
Giving one last warning squeeze, Bucky removed his hand, using it to leisurely stroke his cock. He glares down at Zemo as he does so, watching his already shiny eyes fill with tears when he tightened his fist in the barons soft hair.
A small groan escapes his lips when he glides his palm over the head of his dick, coating his hand in the slick precome that’s gathered there. He drags his hand down to the base of his thick cock, and then quickly back up to the sensitive tip.
Zemo stared up at him with bated breath, fear and curiosity warring across his face. Bucky sneered, using his grip to force Zemo’s head forward, close enough to nudge the tip of his dick against Zemo’s spit slicked lips.
“Open up.” He ordered, a chill rushing through his body as he did so. Somewhere, deep in the darkest part of his mind, a voice was screaming at him. He’s your handler! He’s going to punish you! You’re disobeying orders! You’re just a weapon. Just an asset, meant to be used. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
He ground his teeth together, silencing the voice by pushing abruptly into Zemo’s hot, perfect mouth, even as the baron frantically tried to pull away.
Bucky hunched forward his hand shooting out to clutch at the counter. He closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of Zemo’s tongue working against the vein on the underside of his dick.
“God. Your mouth is heaven.” He sighed, bracing himself with the hand on the counter and the one entangled in Zemo’s hair, before he started rocking his hips.
Bucky moaned softly watching his cock sink further into Zemo’s mouth, feeling it bump against the back of his tight throat. He painstakingly unclenched his hand from the edge of the counter, ignoring the fact that he’d left dents in it. He slid that hand against the other side of Zemo’s head, holding him completely still.
With the shorter man rendered completely immobile beneath him, Bucky took the opportunity to push all the way down the wet slide of Zemo’s throat.
“Well, this... this isn’t how I expected- today to go..” Bucky panted, hand pushing against the still bleeding wound on Zemo’s head, pressing the barons nose into the wiry hair at the base of his cock.
Zemo gagged around the dick, so deep in his throat that Bucky could see the shape of it beneath the barons bruised neck. There’s already a dull ache spreading from Zemo’s jaw, joining the throbbing pain in his head and making his vision foggy.
His throat convulsed in waves that made Bucky growl, fingers digging deeper into the Sokovian’s already blood stained skin.
Zemo’s previously idle hands came up to desperately claw at Bucky’s thighs, his lips stretched painfully wide around the thick base of the soldiers cock. Scowling, Bucky pulled back just enough to let Zemo inhale a quick, panicked breath, a rush of saliva spilling out and dripping down his chin.
The soldier watched Zemo gasp for air, long lines of spit connecting his sore, abused mouth to Bucky’s cockhead in thick, silvery strands.
Deciding that the baron had had a long enough reprieve, Bucky shoved forwards again, barely noticing Zemo’s grip tighten around his thighs. Gradually, Bucky increased his pace, building up to short, powerful thrusts as he fucked Zemo’s mouth.
Tears streamed down the smaller mans face, his cheeks going from flushed pink to a concerning shade of red. “I’m not gonna stop even if you pass out.” Bucky warned, smirking at the scared whimper that his threat prompted.
Despite the two, very painful, head injuries that currently made his thoughts feel like maple syrup, Zemo couldn’t help the rush of arousal that accompanied being used as a fucktoy by The Winter Soldier. His hips moved automatically, humping the air as much as he could whilst stuck on his knees.
Bucky feels his grip tighten around Zemo’s head, fingers digging deeper into the injury he’d caused earlier, feeling the vibrations through his cock as Zemo groaned around his length. Glancing down, he noticed the tent in the war criminals slacks, and the desperate bucking motion of his hips.
Grinning despite himself, Bucky used the tip of his boot to nudge Zemo’s legs wider apart before wedging his boot in the gap between Zemo’s throbbing dick and the floor.
“Grind down on my boot like the desperate slut you are.” The pathetic mewl that slipped from Zemo made Bucky bite down on his bottom lip, stifling a moan.
Zemo whines, the noise almost immediately cut off as Bucky forces his length even further down the barons throat, his thrusts getting slower, but harder, cutting Zemo’s oxygen off entirely. His balls slapped against Zemo’s chin with every smooth push forwards, dripping wet with the spit that spills out from around his dick.
Bucky used the grip he had, with one hand in Zemo’s hair, and the other wrapped around his head, he pulled Zemo down onto his cock each time he thrust forward, smirking at the loud gurgling noise the baron made when he choked.
Zemo’s hips rocked carefully against Bucky’s boot, he desperately sought to chase the friction against his painfully hard member, pushing tightly against its constraints.
Yet shame settled deep in his gut at how easily he’d submitted to someone, it had been so long since Heike- and it wasn’t just someone, it was a super soldier. The very beings he’d sworn to himself that he’d destroy, for Heike, for Carl.
The soldier in question decided that Zemo wasn’t moving fast enough. Pulling his boot away, he rocks back into his heel before pressing down, the tread of his boot pushing down on the hard line of Zemo’s cock through his pants.
Zemo’s moans as loud as he’s able to with his mouth stuffed full of cock, pleasure burning through his veins even as he resents how wonderful being stepped on feels.
“Figures you’d get off on this.” Bucky growls, relishing in the fact that his mind feels more like his own than it has in months. “Slut.” He snarls, and before he even considers his actions, he presses Zemo’s head all the way down in one quick, possibly too fast motion.
Bucky heard the sharp pop of cartilage being torn away from bone, over the sound of his light groans, and the wet smack of his balls against Zemo’s chin. A small, pathetic cry works it’s way out of Zemo’s throat as his jaw dislocated.
Pain shot through Zemo’s body, white hot and warring with the pleasure as Bucky leans forward to press more weight down on him, rocking the thick sole along the very visible bulge in his pants.
The agony of his head and jaw, mingling with the intense pleasure is too much, tipping him towards his climax.
Suddenly he’s cumming in his pants, his vision going completely white and his entire body thrumming with a searing heat.
Zemo sees stars behind his eyelids, his injured head pounding in time with his frantic heartbeat. His jaw screams at him in pain every time Bucky forces himself back down his throat.
It’s all too much.
Zemo’s eyes roll into the back of his head, his body going completely limp and pliant. The only thing stopping him from slumping to the floor is Bucky’s iron grip of his hair.
Bucky barely notices that the baron has passed out, his head tipped back towards the ceiling and his mind is blissfully blank as he continued to use Zemo’s mouth.
He finally looked down, when he realised that he could no longer here Zemo’s sweet little whimpers over the blood rushing in his ears.
The smaller mans face was sheet white, contrasting starkly with how red his swollen lips looked. Dark hair framed his face where it wasn’t fisted in Bucky’s vibranium hand, and the bruises around his neck in the rough shape of a hand looked sore.
The thought of using Zemo whilst he wasn’t even conscious pushed Bucky over the edge, his mind going completely blank. The lingering voice in the back of his head going silent, and for the first time since Steve left, his mind feels truly his own.
His hot seed spills down Zemo’s throat, pleasure washing over him in waves that threaten to drown him. He feels almost every muscle in his body tense at the same time, his thrusts no longer steady, but erratic and rough.
He’s brought back to Earth by Zemo’s throat constricting around his sensitive cock. The barons arms flailing wildly as he’s brought abruptly back to consciousness, unable to breathe.
Gripped by panic at the thought of Zemo actually choking to death on his cock, Bucky hurriedly withdrew from Zemo’s mouth. He unclenches the hand fisted in his hair, but stooping down quickly to hook an elbow under each arm and stop him from face planting on the ground.
“Oh god- I’m sorry- I-“ he rambled quietly in his stress, wincing as he fit his fingers into the bruises around his jaw and as gently as possible, pushed it back into place.
A strained gasp escaped Zemo’s rough throat, his eyes still slightly glazed from both the pain, and the intensity of his orgasm. It took a moment for him to focus, but when he did, a flicker of fear crossed his face.
“I’m sorry..” Bucky repeated, gently rubbing his cold fingers along Zemo’s jawline as he sank to the floor beside him. He pulled Zemo into his lap, resting the barons head against his shoulder and stroking sweat damp locks of hair behind his ear.
“It’s fine-“ Zemo groaned, his voice almost as wrecked as he looked, his head lolled back against the crook of Bucky’s neck.
Bucky’s soft smile faded as he heard Sam’s footsteps approaching the door. He shot to his feet, pulling Zemo up with him and shoving him towards the counter when he looked as though he was going to collapse again.
Sam pushed the door open, tucking his phone into his pocket, the smile on his face quickly replaced by a frown when he remembered the high tension in the room. “Everything alright in here?” He ventured, casting a worried look at Zemo.
“Yes.” Bucky replied curtly, hoping his face wasn’t as flushed as it felt. Zemo had his eyes squeezed shut, thankful that his back was to Sam as he tried to ignore the lingering taste of Bucky’s cum that coated the back of his throat.
“…ok… well, I’m going to get food. Can you- keep an eye on Master Criminal over there?” Bucky chuckled darkly, nodding, “yeah, could you pick me up a sandwich?”
Sam flashed him a quick thumbs up on his way out the door. The minute it was closed, Zemo let himself slide down onto the floor, head pounding. When he’d finally managed to blink his eyes open, the first thing he saw were Bucky’s boots, his face going bright red at the thought of what those boots had done to him.
Bucky stared down at him, “You want to talk?”
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