#i ran out of poses for the bat wings one sobs
lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
Can we get more Bat Wing Suns?
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Apparently birds can't see windows because they have less depth perception and their eyes are super sensitive so they just think their reflection is the real deal. But i do think it's funny if Suns still crashes into windows because glass isn't exactly common in iterators
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onthemeander · 5 years
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A thousand thanks to Psionicsnow for the prompt. It was fun to write such a soft and subtle story. Very sweet and innocent.
Interested in getting your prompt written? Check me out!
Fresh Cut Grass
Everything hurt. Every organ, muscle, bones, joints, cell, and atom felt like it was smothered in gasoline and set ablaze in a tire fire. Her soul was cracked and broken and shattered and she couldn’t scavenge a single iota of energy to try and collect the shards. Instead, her tears carried them away on a wave of sadness rolling down her cheeks. All of it was let loose, laying across the floors and couch of her apartment as she cried.
Moose laid on her legs, pinning them with his warm wrinkly body while watching her with his watery eyes. She clutched the couch cushion to her chest, curling up as tight as possible without kicking her poor basset hound from his perch. Her eyes were burning and swollen as the tears pooled into a large stain across the cushion. Her sobbing was raw, a baser aching sound from her vocal cords that rang in her ears. The silence of her apartment making every sound amplified.
Suddenly, there was a solid knock at her front door. The sound was paired with a taut but gentle voice calling out her name. Moose sat up, ears perked towards the door, tail wagging and starting to pant in excitement. She heard her neighbor insert his copy of her apartment key into the lock. Tentatively the door opened, just enough for her blonde headed attractive neighbor to pop in. His light blue eyes widened as he slipped in through the threshold. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“Steve. I’m… sorry. Please-“ She gasped out, trying to wave him away while rolling to her side, Pressing her face into the back for her couch. She pressed in as close as possible to he back cushions to quiet her sobs. Her door lock clicked into place, his sneakers squeaked as he quickly crossed her wood floors in only four steps. Even with her eyes closed, she could tell the light was dimming around her as his shadow came over her.
The scent of fresh cut grass, leather and musk wafted off of him. It changed the air altogether, making the stale stagnant sadness that clung all of them be washed into a soothing balm. The combination was so comforting that she started to breathe deeply for the first time since she started crying. The iron grip around her lungs slightly loosen, the sudden freedom set its muscles on fire requiring more cooling air to ease the ache.
A large calloused hand was soothing placed atop the crown of her head. A large warm wight that grounded her racing mind. Her head was manipulated, picked up just long enough for the sound of shuffling to happen. After several seconds, he had placed a rather warm and firm pillow under her head. The smell of grass was stronger now but the pillow felt weird. It was just a bit too stiff like there was a firm structure deep within its batting. Confused, she opens one of her eyes just long enough to realize that her pillow was his lap.
Even with the surprise, she couldn’t stop the tears, forced to close them again as another fit of hiccups broke out. Steve just sat there, still and calm, silently running his broad fingers through her tresses. Her hands, which had been cushioning her head, now gripped large chunks of his old t-shirt between her fingers. Time was suspended as they sat there.
Slowly she felt just enough energy come back to here where she could actually form words. “I’m… I’m sorry. I just…” her voice made a disgustingly wet gurgling noise, cut off by a full body sob. She was sure there were large tear stains cross his right pant leg. Steve said nothing, just rubbed circles into her scalp and random shapes into her back. Moose wined either upset by everything or simply hungry.
She was slowly coming down from the terrifying height of her crying. It felt like it took an eternity and all it shoved into a single second. Everything that was wavy and faded began to come back into focus as the tears slowed. her breathing haltingly leveled out allowing her own lungs to reach her nose, no longer having to be shoved through her mouth.
His sweatpants-clad thighs were burningly sturdy under her temple, as a set of rolled electric blankets, soothing the pulsing ache that had made its home there. Though he was dressed from the gym he was freshly washed, smelling of citrus, herbs and earthy woods. Like he took his run through a springtime forest, dashing through citrus trees, sage bushes and the fresh waters of some nirvanic stream. “Do you want to talk about it?” She could feel his stomach expands against the back of her head as he spoke. A sturdy constant rhythm she could align her own erratic sobbing gasps too.
She couldn’t, not right now, maybe when things were not as raw. “No. I’m sorry but not really.” Moose whined at their feet, his stubby wrinkly front feet prompting him up against the cushion seat. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes, refusing to look anywhere other than the pattern of the sun streaming through the window panes.
Steve remained quiet, supporting her in so many ways, simply breathing and being there. Stroking random shapes into her scalp with his broad callous fingers, his short nails feeling hypnotically heavenly against her pulsing headache.
Her sleeve was already covered in snot, which made her stomach cramp in embarrassment. Steve either didn’t notice or care as I magically materialized a tissue for her to use. “You must think I am ridiculous.”
“No,” His voice sounding so strong and clear, “we all have our times when we need to let everything go.” He kept handing her tissues not one complaining as her nose loudly honked as she blew it. Finally, the last tears rolled down her check.
Giving one last bone achingly deep sigh she rolled onto her back looking up at his handsome face. His hair was wet, starting to curl in the summer humidity. The light bounced softly off his jawline, freshly shaved and washed. Every bid the perfect all-American man that he was partially famous for. She probably looked a mess next to this Adonis yet the look in his eyes was one of pure reverence.
“Okay, I’m good. I’m sorry but I’m fine,” She said, proud of herself for only sniffing once. He had a soft closed mouth smile for her. “So why did you come over Steve? Did you need something?” Finally getting the energy she sat up, head slightly throbbing at the movement. Moose hopped down, woofing slightly in discontent at being forced to leave his perch. Steve let her sit up but kept close by, constantly keeping contact between them.
“Uhhh… No,” His face became a little ruddy, “actually I heard you from my apartment and was concerned.” She flinched at that, pulling into a tight ball, embarrassed and unable to keep touching him. “Oh god, I am so sorry. I’m sorry you had to come over like that.” He, however, seemed to have other ideas. With a gentle insistence, having her lean against his chest, tucking her head under his jaw. Moose was wagging his tail excitedly looking up at them as she had her head protectively tucked into the neck of the super soldier.
“No, No, it’s okay.” He comforted, voice rumbling so close to her ears. Everything was so close and homey. “I want to make sure you are okay. I want to be there for you when you need someone.” His cologne was centralized right above his collar bone, a buttery warm spiced musk that she could stop from greedily inhaling.
They sat there, simply breathing within each other’s space. The air was heated and electric, sparking all of her nerve endings just being in that place. Closing her eyes, she snuggled into the warmth, which was better than any blanket. She was content, ready to milk the moment and etch the memory into her mind permanently. Just below her palm, she could feel the bold beating of Steve’s heart.
Gently he urged her to turn to look directly at him. His eyes were positively sparkling, the color of a pair of Blue Morpho Butterfly wings with the sun streaming through. Every edge around him was softened, a far cry from the hardened edges sculpted into every soldier and hero’s being. “I care about you, you are special to me.”
“I… I umm… I… same?” Oh god, her heart was shoved so tight in throat she wasn’t able to even phrase a response. I’m sorry just started to pour out of her mouth, her skin burning surely as hot and red as a chili pepper. Steve’s eyebrows rose in an almost comically high pose as he held in a soft laugh. His teeth were white and perfectly aligned, putting Arlington to shame, as he lost out to the urge not to chuckle. His cheeks were red as well, flushed and glowing with so much life.
“May I kiss you?” He asked, his voice husky in it’s whispered tone. Her words were caged like a wild pacing tiger in her throat. She just leaned in, hoping that was yes enough. His hands were enormous, cupping her cheek, and tickling the sensitive skin behind her ear.  His aftershave clinging to his freshly shaved face, deep smoky burning that warmed her like the comforting feeling of the first summer campfire with family.
         His lips were as bold and gentlemanly as the rest of him. Every touch of their chaste lips was treated like a soft and sacred act. A sentiment left from a bygone era, something to be cherished. He took no advances, treating kissing, not like a lead up to the main event but the main event itself.
The fresh cut grass smell filled every one of her inhales. Sparking memories of rolling down hills as a kid and jumping through sprinklers as they watered lawns.  It mixed with the minty taste in her mouth leaving her energized and joyous. She ran her fingers up his arm, tucking them just under the cuff of his t-shirt, feeling the curve of his bulging biceps. He wrapped his large arms around her waist, resting them comfortably just above her hips.
The kisses became shorter, less afraid of them ending all together they simply basked at the moment. They shared soft giggles and gasps between kisses, all the joy, and excitement had to come out in any way possible. There were little moments of teeth clashing together, noses smooshing into each other and complete misses that resulted in lips on chins that made everything even more perfect and real. Movies kisses were so sterile, they didn’t prepare you for the true joy of the little mess ups that made it even more exciting.
Pulling away slowly they relaxed in each other’s space. They were breathing each other’s air and enjoying the look of each other’s flushed face. Steve’s hands stroked along her flanks, tickling ever so slightly. His lips were swollen and pink, becoming even redder as he chewed on it. He seemed almost nervous. All she could do was watch as those perfectly white straight teeth peeked out from his lush lips. Looking up she noticed his cornflower colored eyes pinning her with a determined stare.
“Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?” His voice, usually so bold was reduced to a tender whisper. Her breath caught in her throat, the thudding in her chest increased. He cupped her hands between his own, they almost disappear beneath the wide expanse of his palms. Her cheeks ached with the sudden strain of how wide her smile was. Tears threaten to fall again, but the pain was thankfully not accompanying it this time.
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thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Nightingale (Gabriel Reyes/Reaper x Reader)
Requested; Nope.
Prompt; You’re Bruce Wayne’s sister who joined Overwatch but now back.
Relationships; Bruce Wayne/Batman x Sister! Reader, Batkids x Auntie! Reader, Gabriel Reyes/Reaper x Reader, Jesse McCree x Mother figure! Reader, Genji Shimada x Mother figure! Reader.
Word Count; 4184
A/N; So I’ve been wanting to write stories/one-shots for a couple games I play (Assassin’s Creed and Overwatch). So I thought I’d trial it and combine it with DC at first then drift of on to doing them separately. I’ll still be writing DC things don’t worry. So enjoy!
(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N) stop! I told you in confidence that you wouldn't blow up!" Jack yelled after me as I stormed through the corridors of the Overwatch base,
"I don't care! How else would you expect me to react when you tell me something like that?!" I yelled,
"Hey Mom-Captain" Jesse corrected as he noticed the mood I was in,
"Where's Gabriel?" I asked,
"He said something about Doctor Ziegler" Genji replied, I growled as made my way towards the medical wing, 
"God dammit. (Y/N)!" Jack yelled as the three of them followed me, I entered the medical wing and was met with the evidence of what Jack had told me,
"You mother-fucker" I growled announcing my presence making Gabriel push Angela away from him,
"(Y/N), it's not what it looks like" Gabriel attempted as Jack, Jesse and Genji appeared behind me,
"Not what it looks like?! Do you think I'm blind and dumb?! You were clearly making out with this whore!" I yelled, his face turned dark as he mumbled something, "What?" I asked,
"Apologise" He repeated in a demanding tone, I glared at him
"You can go to hell" I spat as I went to leave but he grabbed my wrist making quickly react by punching him across the face then knocking him onto his back where I climbed on top and punched him repeatedly,
"(Y/N) enough!" Jack demanded as he pulled me off and restrained me, Moira had appeared within the commotion and stood in front of me,
"(Y/N) relax. This could cause some undesirable side effects" she said,
"Get off me!" I demanded pulling myself from Jack's hold, I glared down at Gabriel as Angela crouched down to him, my chest rising up and down, "I quit Blackwatch" I spat at him as I ripped the totem from my neck and threw it to the floor then turned to Jack, "And I quit Overwatch" I asserted before leaving.
I arrived outside the Manor and sighed, it's been over 20 years since I was here, I opened the front door and walked in, I was greeted by silence making me raise an eyebrow as I approached the bottom of the stairs, I quickly turned around and caught a kitchen knife that was thrown at me, I looked in the direction it came from to see a young boy stood at the kitchen with his mouth slightly agape,
"She caught it" he commented,
"Who's she? The cats mother?" I retort before another three males along with three females came from the kitchen, 
"Who are you?" the tallest male asked, I raised an eyebrow
"I should be asking you that" I comment,
"Oh god" the third tallest male mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose,
"What Drake?" The youngest asked,
"You just threw a knife at Auntie (Y/N)" 'Drake' stated, my eyes widened
"Aunt?!" The others exclaimed before Bruce and Alfred entered the Manor, both of them freezing as they noticed me,
"Miss Wayne?" Alfred muttered,
"Father! Why didn't you tell us we had an Aunt?" The youngest asked,
"I didn't think it would information you'd be interested in" Bruce answered, I rolled my eyes
"I wouldn't be surprise if he forgot me within the 'playboy' and Batman training" I comment making all their eyes widen,
"You know? How'd you know you haven't been here for 20 years!" Bruce snapped coming over to me, I narrowed my eyes at him,
"Did you think I'd leave my little brother without keeping tabs on him? Plus it was a little convenient that Nightingale left Gotham and Batman replaced her" I mused, he grunted and turned towards the children,
"Everyone meet (Y/N) Wayne, my older sister. (Y/N), this is Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain and Damian Wayne" Bruce introduced,
"Wait you're Nightingale?!" Steph exclaimed, I hummed
"Hello Bat. Bat-family" A female greeted as she entered the door and froze upon seeing me, "Who's she?" She asked looking me up and down, I raised an eyebrow at her,
"(Y/N) Wayne. Bruce's big sister" I introduced extending my hand to her,
"Selina Kyle. Bruce's Fiancé" she introduced shaking my hand, I tightened my grip making her wince,
"Look at me like that again sweetheart and I'll have to remove your eyes and feed them to you. Understood?" I hissed in her ear, she nodded so I let go and stood back,
"Master Wayne, I believe it'd be wise to start getting ready for the charity Gala" Alfred piped up.
"Mister Wayne over here!"
"Miss Kyle!" The paparazzi yelled as they spammed Bruce and Selina as my car pulled up to the carpet, the door was opened and I climbed out,
"Miss Wayne!" The paparazzi yelled as they ignored the other 'celebrities' and hounded me, I gave a couple of poses before entering the event,
"Miss Wayne, I wasn't expecting you here tonight" The Mayor said, 
"Well you know me, I love to be a surprise" I replied, he hummed before disappearing, I sighed as I removed a champagne glass from a waiters tray and entered the room more.
I shut the car engine off as I came to a stop in the garage and answered my phone,
"Mom?" Jesse's voice asked from the other side,
"Jesse? What's wrong?" I asked as I got out of the car heading upstairs to my room,
"It's Gabe. He's dead. Him and Jack alongside other members were blown up in the Swiss base" he informed, I froze in my steps at my bedroom door becoming speechless, "Mom? Are you there still?" He asked, I hummed not relying on my voice to not break, "Their funerals are at the end of this week" he said,
"Right...I'll be there tomorrow..." I trailed off,
"See you later Mom" he said before hanging up, the grip on my phone tightened before I launched it at a wall letting out an agonising scream, I began throwing things around my room as tears flowed from my eyes then I collapsed on to my knees and sobbed, there was a light knock on my door,
"Leave me alone" I mumbled, whoever it was made their way over to me and crouch down next to me, I glanced to my side to see Selina, concern was etched into every feature in her face,
"I know we're not the best of friends but I couldn't ignore that scream and the state you're in" she commented, I turned my head in her direction,
"It'd be safer if you did" I replied, she sighed and sat cross-legged
"You and Bruce think you can handle everything by yourselves. You're human. You're allowed to have emotions. You're allowed to ask for help" she stated, I looked around my trashed room and sighed, "So can you tell me what happened?" She asked,
"A young man I've come to see as my own son just called informing me that my ex-partner, of ten plus years, and my close friend had been killed in an explosion" I said, her face saddened as she motioned me into her arms,
"I'm not much of a hugger" she commented as she pulled me into her arms,
"Neither am I" I replied making her chuckled,
"You still loved him, didn't you?" She asked,
"I'd hope not after he cheated on me but feelings like that can't disappear within a couple months" I commented.
It was after the funeral services and everyone was giving their regards to me, as Jesse and Genji stood at my sides, holding my hands as comfort,
"What you gonna do now, Mom?" Jesse asked as the main crowd had disappeared,
"Return to Gotham, return to my life before Overwatch" I say, Easier said than done since I'd been at Overwatch from 18 to 42
"Mother?" Genji asked pulling me from my thoughts, 
"Sorry, what?" I asked,
"Would you mind if McCree and myself join you?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow
"Why?" I questioned,
"Just to make sure you're alright. We'll be on our ways after a month or two" Jesse answered, I gave them a small smile and nodded
"I'd appreciate that boys. Thank you" I say.
"You're doing it again" Jesse whispered gaining my attention, I raised an eyebrow
"Doing what?" I asked,
"Searching the room for enemies. Like you'd do when we were on an uncover mission" Genji replied, I sighed looking around the room again, my breathe caught in the back of my throat as I saw Gabriel,
"Mom? What's wrong?" Jesse asked, I shook my head
"Nothing. I thought I saw someone" I replied, they both eyed me with suspicion, "Anyway you don't need to stand with me. Go enjoy yourselves" I say, they both reluctantly left me, I raised an eyebrow as the security were having problems with their ear pieces,
"Ladies and Gentleman could I have your attention please" the Mayor called out, I approached the podium, "As you all know tonight's event was organised by the one and only Bruce Wayne. So I'll pass this over to him" He said and left the podium as Bruce made his way up to the middle,
"Well as a first I'd like to thank you all for coming. Second, tonight's event may have been organised by myself but it was actually Tim's idea. Tim why don't you come up and explain what and why we're all gathered here" Bruce said as he mentioned Tim to the podium.
Tim did and Bruce stood back as Tim cleared his throat, I looked over the crowd once more but caught a glimpse of a red light, I looked towards Tim who had a red dot on his chest, my eyes widened as I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground as a bullet flew past, I looked back up through the window to see a figure retreating on an opposite rooftop, I got up and began pushing my way through the panicking crowd, 
"Mom!" I heard Jesse yell, I got outside and removed the skirt part of my dress, revealing my Nightingale suit and ran in the direction of the sniper, I clambered up to the rooftop and chased them, I jumped into cover behind a chimney as the sniper turned to shoot at me, I heard an aircraft engine making my eyes widen as a Talon aircraft hovered for the Sniper to climb in, I got out of the cover and my eyes widened
"Amelie" I muttered as she glared down at me as they flew away,
"Mother!" Genji yelled as he and Jesse ran up to me,
"Come on" I demanded as we may our way back to the event where Bruce and the others were waiting in front of the limousine, we all piled in the limousine and was driven home.
"What was that about (Y/N)?" Bruce asked,
"What have been searching?" I asked Tim,
"Bruce wanted to know what you were doing within the years you left" he answered,
"What exactly did you look into?" I interrogated,
"Blackwatch" he answered, all three of us tensed up, I glared at Bruce
"Do you understand the danger you've put him in?! There's a reason why I didn't tell you anything! But you couldn't keep your nose out!" I yelled shoving him,
"How was I supposed to know? You randomly disappear then reappear 20 years later!" He snapped,
"My skills were noticed by the Government! They wanted me in Overwatch! Then we made a behind closed doors organisation called Blackwatch!" I yell before backing away towards Genji and Jesse, running a hand through my hair,
"Your skills? You mean your killing?" He scoffed, I stopped and glared at him,
"What did you say?" I growled as I turned to him,
"You heard exactly what I said. You're no better than the man who murdered our parents" he retorted, I let out a yell as I tackled him to the floor punching him in the face, he kicked me off and stood up, I stood up, he charged at me picking me up and slamming my back against the floor, I grunted before getting him in a headlock and flipping over him,
"You better not move Bruce, unless you want to join our parents that is" I hissed,
"Mom let go" Jesse said as he and Genji pulled at me, I sighed and let go of Bruce and allowed them to lead me away.
I jumped down from a roof and landed on a police vans roof making the police jump,
"Nightingale. It's been awhile" Gordon said as I jumped down in front of him,
"Jim I'm going to need you to evacuate the city" I demanded as I heard the omnics getting closer, 
"Why?! What exactly are we up against here?" He asked, 
"War machines that have their own mind. They'll kill any human in sight" I say before my eyes widened "Get down!" I ordered as I pulled him down as some bastion's began firing at us, I growled as I slid over the car bonnet and ran towards the machines shooting my mini-guns at them before throwing a grenade at them before returning to Jim,
"Alright everyone listen up! I'm going to need everyone to be quick and evacuate the whole city. Be aware of them machines!" He ordered, they all began rushing, I gave him a nod,
"You best get out of here before more come" I informed he nodded
"Good luck...(Y/N)" he said making my eyes widened as I removed my eye mask, he climbed into his car and drove off.
Gabriel's POV
"Hey Gabe. I think you might want to see this" Sombra commented as she pulled up a screen in front of me,
"This is ex-Blackwatch Captain (Y/N) Wayne requesting for any remaining Overwatch members to come to Gotham-Shit!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she took cover behind a wall sending the camera away from her as bullets flew by, "Omnics are attacking! I've set the city on an evacuation and I'm going to hold them off the best I can! However I don't think I can do it forever!" She yelled before the video cut out making my eyes widen,
"So what's the plan?" She asked raising an eyebrow,
"I'm going to Gotham" I informed standing up and going to leave,
"Alone?" She asked,
"Yes. You heard her; Ex-Overwatch members. That includes us dead ones" I replied, she hummed 
"Well I may not be an ex-Overwatch member but I do want to stop the omnics" she said, I sighed
"Gabriel. Have you seen?! (Y/N)'s in trouble. We need to go!" Moira yelled as she appeared next to me,
"Go where?" Amelie asked as she approached us with Akande,
"To Gotham. The Omnics are attacking" Sombra answered, Akande hummed as he eyed me suspiciously
"This could be the beginning of a second omnic war" Moira added gaining Akande's attention,
"I'll join" Amelie stated, Akande nodded 
"Let's go" Akande demanded as we made our way to the air crafts.
(Y/N)'s POV "Shit!" I exclaimed as I momentarily shielded my face from the flames as the car exploded, the shockwave sending me on to my back, I groaned as the robots began to close in, "Maybe if I lie still enough they'll think I'm dead and leave me the fuck alone!" I mused,
"Mom!" I heard someone yell before a young woman appeared next to me,
"Hola" she greeted before grabbing a hold of me and throwing something before we teleported, she sat me against an armoured police truck as a group approached us, I scoffed rolling my eyes
"My video call was for ex-Overwatch members. Not Talon" I sneer glaring at them,
"So you don't want healing then?" Moira asked, I raised an eyebrow
"What do you think?" I asked as I forced myself to stand,
"Sombra, Widow let's keep these bots off Moira while she tends to her wounds" Doomfist ordered, they both nodded before they disappeared,
"Just like the old days" Moira commented as she healed me, I grunted in response as I eyed Reaper,
"Perhaps you'd like to say something instead of staring" he snapped, Moira finished with me so I squared up to him,
"Take it off" I demanded narrowing my eyes at him, he remained silent, "Are you deaf? Remove the mask. I want to confirm my suspicions" I growled, he still remained silent making me sigh, "Fine be a stubborn arsehole" I stated,
"(Y/N) take this" Moira said holding out my totem, I tilted my head as I took it from her hands and put it on, "I may have made a couple of adjustments to it" she said giving me a small smile, I hummed,
"Let's dispose of these bots" I ordered as I reloaded my mini-guns, I noticed some ex-Overwatch members had arrived, "Unless you're too afraid to fight alongside the people you once called friends" I commented before joining the fight.
The number of bots were decreasing but not as fast as I would like, I heard a yell of pain gaining my attention as Mercy fell to the ground as a group of bots surrounded her, I quickly touched my totem and flew over to her using the wind, I landed in front of her as they took aim before I threw my hands up creating a rock wall in front of us, I turned to her and held out my hand, she took it and helped her up,
"You saved me. Why?" She asked, I raised an eyebrow, "After everything I've done to you why did you save me?" She repeated, I rolled my eyes 
"I don't hold grudges on the battlefield" I answered turning away from her, "Now prepare yourself to escape" I ordered as I raised my hands and the rock wall began shaking violently before exploding outwards taking out some of the bots.
Gabriel's POV
(Y/N) and Mercy flew up into the air unharmed,
"We're being overpowered easily!" McCree stated,
"We need (Y/N) to loose her shit!" Moira yelled making me raise an eyebrow 
"Why?!" I asked,
"Just trust me. You need to piss her off big time" She demeaned, I sighed and nodded
"Everyone retreat!" Morrison ordered.
(Y/N)'s POV
"Everyone retreat!" Soldier 76 ordered making me raise an eyebrow and flew down to him,
"And why are you retreating?" I asked,
"We'll have an advantage further down the street" he answered, I hummed looking down the street they were all going,
"If you go a block and a half down you'll be best there" I informed, he nodded, "You best get on your way and prepare yourselves I'll hold them here" I ordered,
"I'm staying" Jesse and Genji asserted in unison,
"As am I" Reaper informed, Moira grumbled something,
"You will need someone to watch your backs" She commented, Soldier 76 nodded and joined the retreat,
"I don't want another Venice incident" Reaper growled making my eyes widened, "Does that confirm your suspicions Mi amor?" He mused, I growled before igniting myself in flames and flying up into the air, throwing fireballs at the machines,
Not another incident like Venice. Who the hell does he think he is?! He was the whole reason that-Wait! Venice...
"I've got a plan!" I announced landing next to them, extinguishing myself and putting up a rock wall to protect us,
"What's the plan then?" Genji asked,
"I'm going to pull a Venice incident" I answered,
"What?! No!" Jesse exclaimed,
"In order to do that you'd need a lot of rage" Moira commented,
"Believe me. I've got that covered" I retort side-eyeing Gabriel, to which he folded his arms, "Just stay behind this cover" I ordered before igniting myself again and flying over the wall.
I groaned as I opened my eyes, I slowly made my way to sitting up and hunch over holding my head
"What the hell happened?" I mumbled as I stood up, I observed my surroundings and raised an eyebrow, "Why the hell am I in the Cave's containment cell?" I grumbled as I approached the door and opened it making me hum and leave, I overheard mutters from the main area of the Cave so I made my way over, Bruce, Selina and the batkids were listening to Moira, Jesse, Genji and Gabriel,
"Mom!" Jesse yelled as he noticed me making my way over to them, he and Genji tackled me with a hug making me smile and return it, they pulled away when Gabriel cleared his throat, I narrowed my eyes at him,
"What happened to doing another Venice incident?" He questioned, I raised an eyebrow
"What do you mean? I did do, didn't I?" I replied, he shook his head
"Unbelievable she doesn't even know what happened?!" He exclaimed,
"Gabriel now is not the time to tell her. I need to run some tests-"
"You're not running any tests on me until you tell me what the hell happened!" I snapped cutting Moira off, she sighed
"Instead of repeating what you did in Venice you had a nuclear explosion, if it wasn't for the rock wall that you created the whole city and it's people would've been wiped out by it. And your totem absorbed itself into your skin" Moira explained my eyes widened as I went to reach for my totem only to find it not there,
"So you're telling me the totem is inside my body and I have all the abilities I had before?" I asked, she shrugged
"More than likely but if I coul-"
"You're not running any tests on her Moira" Gabriel stated cutting her off once more, "Head back to the others and tell them I'll make my own way back to the base" he ordered, she grumbled and left the Cave,
"And why are you staying behind?" I asked approaching him,
"Could we talk about this in private?" He grumbled,
"No what you can say to me can be heard by my family. Could've been our family" I retort, he sighed dropping his head,
"Wait this is the man you were with? The one that died?" Selina asked, I nodded
"(Y/N) listen-" 
"No you listen here. She spent hours crying because of your death. You were together for years then you cheat on her! Then you have the nerve to fake your death!" Selina snapped cutting Gabriel off as Bruce held her back, "And now you think you can explain yourself?!" She continued,
"Thank you Selina" I say giving her a genuine smile, she stopped fighting against Bruce and stared at me, "As for you Gabriel. Follow me" I demanded as I lead him away from the others.
I sighed as I watched the joy on Bruce's face as he and Selina cut their wedding cake, everyone bursting into cheers, smiles and laughter as Selina smashed Bruce's face into the slice of cake, the wedding had gone off without a hitch to say that the criminal friends of Selina and the Justice league were in the same room obviously as their civilian identities,
"You okay, mi amor?" Gabriel asked as he appeared at my side, I rolled my eyes
"What have I said about calling me that? We're not together Gabriel" I retort, he sighed
"What do I have to do to be back with you?" He questioned, I turned to face him and raised an eyebrow before the doors burst open and the windows shattered as Talon soldiers came in and surrounded everyone, 
"What the hell are they doing here?!" I growled to Gabriel as we were 'guided' to the other guests, he shrugged 
"I don't know" he replied,
"(Y/N)" Bruce hissed as he grabbed my arm gaining my attention, I faced him and Selina,
"Who are these?" Bruce questioned,
"And why've they crashed my wedding?" Selina growled, 
"Talon soldiers. Let Gabriel, Genji, Jesse and myself handle them. Just get everyone out" I ordered, Bruce grunted I'm agreement as Genji and Jesse approached us, 
"Don't you dare ruin that dress" Selina warned, I held my hands up in defence,
"Genji, think you can slice a path for everyone to escape?" Gabriel asked,
"Of course I can" Genji scoffed as he withdrew his dagger from under his suit jacket as Jesse removed his pistol, and Gabriel removed another two pistols from his back holders, I crouched down and removed my heels,
"Now!" I ordered as I sent fire streams towards the soldiers on the right as Genji headed forwards, Jesse went left and Gabriel went behind,
"That's everyone out of the building" Genji informed as he returned before Jesse let out a yell of pain catching my attention,
"Jesse's injured!" I commented as I ran over to him,
"This place is going to blow!" Gabriel yelled making my eyes widened as I picked Jesse up and leant most of his body weight on to me,
"Keep us covered!" I ordered as I made my way outside where everyone was waiting, Alfred came over with a medical kit as I set Jesse on the floor, I turned towards the building as Genji was coming out, he came over to me, "Where's Gabriel?" I asked,
"He said he was right behind me" Genji said, my eyes widened as I ran towards the entrance before I thrown backwards due to the explosion of the building, I went to get up to my feet but Bruce and Selina held me back so I was on my knees, tears pooling out of my eyes as I stared at the destroyed building that was burning,
"Gabriel!" I screamed, it fell silent as everyone looked at me, Gabriel stumbled out of the entrance making me sigh in relief as I pulled from Bruce and Selina's grip and ran over to him, jumping into his arms, he grunted but caught me and squeezed me,
"What was that screaming for, mi amor?" He asked as we pulled away,
"I lost you once before I don't want that again" I confessed, he smiled before he pulled me closer crashing his lips on to mine which I immediately returned wrapping my arms around his neck, closing whatever space there was between us.
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