#i said the jedi's TEACHINGS are 100% correct all of the time
iamanerd1 · 10 months
hi i am a person on the internet who cares about star wars and doesn't really like to be negative about things. Here are my thoughts about the Ahsoka show so far (which will include some negative things)
Every time I heard Ezra's name said aloud I bleated like a struck animal
How?? did Ahsoka figure out the room with the carvings to get the map, if she couldn't also figure out how to use the map? Like don't those seem a bit like a transferable skill set? (I wish we were brought into her mind a bit here and saw her thought process, from our vantage point it looked like she was just pushing buttons)
Ray Stevenson is immediately killing it and I also like his apprentice
Sabine needs to cuddle the lothcat more :( Give him kisses
I am assuming that Jacen is with his uncles on Lira San until proven otherwise
I am so confused on this timeline and yet I am very interested into what was the thing that drove Sabine and Ahsoka apart
Another thing on that point is uh, they don't seem like they like each other and not just in a 'were both scorned by the other person' way but like that they've never had any comradery ever? I can't see these two people working together happily
And why does this have to be a master/ apprentice relationship? Why not just a partnership? Sabine is an adult, she is Mandalorian, why does she have to be taught to be a Jedi when even Kanan never attempted to teach her to be a one? Light saber skills and Jedi philosophy sure, but he was never her 'Master', nor did he need to be. Jedi are taken as younglings for the express purpose of 'easier to train', of course it's going to be hard to train an adult woman????
Jai Kell took me out I'll be honest, why wasn't he played by dante basco
I am, frustrated with how slow everyone moves. Is this just a me thing??? It feels like everyone is purposely not moving at the standard rate of human beings
It made me a little sad that like Huyang is being ordered around like just another droid. Ahsoka, that is an old master that was present at nearly every construction of a lightsaber for the last 500 years, say please and thank you when you talk to him
Morgan Elsbeth is a descendant of the nightsisters ...okay I guess??? She said 1000 years so I assume this is a LONG descendant line (Merrin would kick your ass though)
Also you say you are one of thrawn's closest allies, but does he consider you a friend? HMMM?
Sabine got stabbed and was fine and there is no 'oh she has the force so she used her rage to survive' excuse to be made here. By all accounts, she should have died. It also startled me that she was just on a hospital bed, baby you are going to need like 2 weeks in bacta to fill that hole.
The fight scenes are just not impressing me. I can't quite point my finger on all of it, but one thing that stood out to me was that when Ahsoka was being pressed down upon by another lightsaber her arms buckled and the blade was forced closer to her. That block is specifically a move that we have seen her use against DARTH VADER and she never gave any ground then. There is no way that any of these antagonists are stronger than him, so it just made it look 100% choreographed to me
Overall, what really worries me about this show is that we are not going to get any performances from the actors portraying these characters. Like, I need to see the character's choices building their emotions, not just them telling me how they feel while sitting in the correct blocking position. For these episodes I wish Sabine or Ahsoka snapped at each other and raised their voices, so we could really feel the frustration and history between the characters.
Is there going to be real emotion here? Are we going to see Sabine's fears and hopes and state of mind? How does she feel that she's lost her father figure and brother figure and failed her "master"? Does she have conflicting emotions about the possibility of Ezra being alive? Did she think he was dead? (rebels tells us no, but here if she believed that why doesn't she jump at the chance to find him again? Did she and Ahsoka really have that bad of a falling out?)
In these first two episodes we don't even see any reflection from her that she's even happy that the rebels won the war and that the empire is gone?? Is this because Mandalore is still under Imperial control or because she's not any happier than she was when the empire ruled over the galaxy. She's living on Lothal alone, isolating herself, not even going to the ceremony that she's an invited guest to. Right now, it looks like she's lost two families. I hope we explore these things.
This show is going to shake things up in a way we haven't experienced before. I just hope that those shake ups leave me feeling like I've experienced a satisfying story and not just frustrated by any retcons or changes in character that are definitely going to occur.
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do you think the jedi prohibit 'frivolous uses of the force'?? because i see it a lot in fic but i swear i distinctly remember obi-wan using the force to pull a literal chair over lmfao
Yoooo, I've been wanting to write a post about that for like a week xD Okay, so here's the thing: I started answering this one, confident that I knew where the use of the word 'frivolous' came from - but it turned out that I was wrong, so I'm actually a bit baffled about its origin. But here goes:
(@cacodaemonia I know you were interested in this topic?)
No, I don't think the Jedi prohibit that. I don't think the Jedi even have 'frivolous' use of the Force as a concept. The idea that they prohibit it, or at least frown upon it, is very likely rooted in the AotC scene of Anakin levitating a piece of fruit.
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Wookieepedia cites that scene and that scene only on the topic of frivolousness in the page on Telekinesis.
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But the word frivolous isn't used in that scene! Who came up with it? Obi-Wan being grumpy about Anakin levitating the fruit could mean just about anything. Maybe Jedi frown upon showing off in front of a diplomat you're meant to be protecting in a professional way. Maybe Obi-Wan and only Obi-Wan disapproves of Anakin levitating stuff because he kept doing it around the apartment as a kid, just to be a little shit. Maybe Jedi frown upon playing with your food with the Force, which wouldn't necessarily be linked with it being 'frivolous' but just with 'don't be gross.'
Now I thought it came from the novelization using that specific word, but it doesn't! The novelization is based on the original script as opposed to the dialogue in the movie (it actually came out before the movie, so that's why) and the scene is longer in them both and seems to confirm what I said about how it could mean a lot of other things (because he isn't just levitating it originally, he's playing with it):
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PADME: You did that? [ANAKIN looks up - wide-eyed innocence.] ANAKIN: What? [PADME scowls at him. PADME jabs at the fruit - ANAKIN subtly moves his hand and it lifts up from the plate and hovers in front of her.] PADME: That! Now stop it! [PADME laughs. ANAKIN laughs. She reaches out for the fruit - it loops.] PADME (continuing): Anakin!! [ANAKIN moves his fingers. The fruit flies into his hand.] ANAKIN: I'm not really supposed to do that... for fun, I mean. If Master Obi-Wan were here, he'd be very grumpy. [ANAKIN is pleased. He cuts the fruint (sic) into several pieces and sends one back to PADME. She bites it out of the air and laughs.]
Even taking Anakin at face value, this does not say there is an Order-wide ban on 'frivolous' uses of the Force. Again, maybe Force-assisted food shenanigans are frowned upon. Maybe Anakin isn't supposed to mess with people with the Force for fun. Maybe it's just Anakin assuming, as he sometimes does.
I think 'frivolous' might come from one of the EU books - it's not from No Prisoners (the Karen Travis TCW book) though, so I have no idea who might have used it in that context first??
Anyway, the issue in fic is that 'frivolous' is often confused with 'casual.' Hence the Obi-Wan thing imo.
One, 'frivolous' is judgy - it gives it a sense of sin, something that the Jedi... don't seem to have that much of a concept of? Dressing 'immodestly' isn't condemned, for example. I don't see the Order as a whole (there are sticks in the mud everywhere) having a thing against a concept as vague as 'frivolousness.' I mean... Yoda? His whole idea of fun is to mess with people and cackle, and his teaching methods include massive trolling, teasing the grown-up Masters with his gaggle of kiddos and whatnot. You cannot tell me Yoda never tugged on somebody's cloak to make them trip.
Two, frivolous and casual aren't the same thing. Obi-Wan pulling the chair falls into the casual use category imo - and yes, we do see him and others do this kind of casual stuff many times! (Off the top of my head: Obi-Wan grabs the map-ball thingy from the map-reader in AotC - in front of younglings, so there's no fear of a bad example being set - Yoda calls his stick to his hand in AotC, Obi-Wan pulls a chair in TCW s2, Jedi call their lightsabers to them all the time - though it's usually in combat settings, so it doesn't necessarily count, Obi-Wan closes a door in AotC - I think Ewan was the one who thought it'd be neat to do it? Idk...)
And I don't agree that "it goes to show their hypocrisy" or whatever. What, because we assume that's what Anakin meant in the AotC scene and because we assume it's 100% an Order-wide thing, and we assume that the Jedi would view using the Force for daily tasks as frivolous, then every single instance of Jedi using the Force for simple every day stuff is hypocritical?! Even though floating freaking fruit around somebody's head and pulling up a chair are absolutely not the same thing? The latter is something you would do no matter whether you use the Force or not - pulling a chair is a normal thing to do. Playing with fruit around someone is a rude thing to do. There's a difference whether or not 'frivolous' stuff is frowned upon.
And also, using the Force is a natural thing. The Jedi do it like they breathe - it's all around them and they're aware of it constantly, and it's not always something they can turn on or off. It's natural that they would use it for daily stuff, and the level of respect that comes attached with using it would necessarily vary from one Jedi to the other. Just look at Quinlan. What, jumping out of a gunship to make an entrance isn't frivolous? Well, Quinlan is a Master, so his views on it are just as valid - just as Jedi - as anybody else's. (Plus Obi-Wan - the Council Member - gives him grief for being late, not for just for being ridiculous, so again - rudeness.)
I can see some Masters being against using the Force with carelessness - and yeah, I can also see some Masters being against using it in a 'fun' way - because you have to be careful with that stuff, but it probably would generate debate. There wouldn't be a definite consensus on what is too much and what isn't.
If "the Jedi all frown upon casually using the Force" is something that Lucas intended to convey in the movie, please correct me and give me a source.
Though it is also entirely possible that Obi-Wan was meant to be a bit hypocritical about it - because he and Anakin have their tensions, and as somewhat of a parental figure it's only natural that he would scold Anakin for stuff that isn't that big of deal, or that he himself has done, because that's what every person who's ever been in charge of a younger person has done at some point. So sure, maybe Obi-Wan scolded Anakin for being too casual with the Force? But I still don't see it as a Big Rule that is in the Jedi Code That Must Not Be Violated and that get you Shamed and Shunned if you dare to have fun with the Force.
(Honestly, it reminds me of 'your Lightsaber is your Life' thing, and Ahsoka and Anakin both separately whining that their Master was going to kill them for losing/breaking theirs. There's a certain level or respect and care expected, the Masters (or... only Obi-Wan and Anakin, lol) nag a bit, aren't always careful enough themselves, the kids make a big deal out of it in front of other people, but ultimately there are zero repercussion whatsoever for actually failing to follow the Master's nagging. Like, Jocasta tells Ahsoka Anakin would totally understand, and it's Ahsoka who insists he wouldn't and makes it into a big thing.)
Again, having Masters tell their students to be respectful of the Force and not to treat it like a joke? Sure. Showing off with the Force in a rude manner being called 'frivolous,' and it being a bad thing? I could see it. Having Masters get pissy about pulling chairs, closing doors or whatever - about doing things you can do with your hands with the Force instead? Maybe, but it wouldn't be an Order-wide thing.
One thing's for certain, we never see a Master directly scolding a student for using the Force casually in the Prequels, the OT or TCW, much less calling it 'frivolous.'
So yeah, gimme Jedi levitating stuff to clean up under the furniture xD
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
Dear Mr. Filoni: About Qui-Gon Jinn
Mr. Filoni, I know you are pretty much the undisputed Padawan of George Lucas, but like many students they can sometimes misunderstand their teachings or interpret things from a certain point of view. While I won’t deny you are a brilliant creator who have brought us some amazing Star Wars content you said something a little while back about Qui-Gon Jinn that I think is rather nearsighted and in my opinion incorrect.
“And with the death of Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin loses the father figure who truly could have understood him – and maybe prevented what was to come.”
This implies several things, the first is that Anakin never had a father figure in his life. Or, rather that he lost the father figure he truly needed. In many ways this is implying that if someone grows up without a father (or a traditional father figure) then they are missing out or won’t have a stable childhood. What about all the people who are raised by single mothers or grandparents or aunts/uncles or by their older siblings? 
Pixar’s Onward is a great example of finding a father figure through an older brother, it highlights that just because Ian never had a chance to meet his father didn’t mean that he lost out on a father figure in his brother Barley. 
“I never had a dad, but I always had you.”
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Saying that Anakin lost the father figure who truly could have understood him also just spits in the face of a young man who also lost his father figure in that moment and gave up everything to raise Anakin. 
Let’s unpack that a little bit. Imagine if you will you’re twenty-five years old, you’ve worked your ENTIRE life for a particular goal which is to be a Jedi Knight, traveling the galaxy doing the most good that you can while discovering who you are on your own. Then maybe down the road when you are ready to settle down and possibly train/raise an apprentice you’ll take one on. Suddenly the only father you’ve ever known pushes you aside for a child he’s just met (without even discussing it with you first) and then uses his last words to push this child on you, making him your responsibility, thus shattering your chance at the freedom of a true Knighthood. 
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By all rights Obi-Wan could’ve given Anakin’s training over to the Council, the boy was in no way his responsibility. Much like an adult sibling doesn’t have to take on the responsibility of raising their minor siblings if their parents die, they could give the children over to the state and have a chance at a normal young adulthood instead of being thrust into being a parent before they are ready. But, Obi-Wan didn’t do that because he A.) Respected/loved Qui-Gon too much not to fulfill his final wishes, and B.) Knew it would be better for Anakin to take the boy under his wing. 
I will say this until I am blue in the face: OBI-WAN WAS A FATHER TO ANAKIN!! 
In fact, in Episode 2 Anakin refers to him as a father/father figure multiple times and it is clear their relationship while Anakin was a Padawan was that of a Father/Son. It isn’t until Anakin is knighted and they are peers that you see their relationship shift to that of brothers.  
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Am I saying that Obi-Wan didn’t make mistakes when raising Anakin? Absolutely not, but would I argue that Anakin was missing out on a father figure because Qui-Gon died? No, I would not. 
The second part of that quote claims that Qui-Gon Jinn could’ve been someone who understood Anakin and might’ve been able to prevent what was to come. I 100% believe that would not have happened, while I think Qui-Gon Jinn is a very interesting character there is no indication in either canon or legends that he would’ve been a good influence on Anakin. In fact, quite the opposite. Here are the top ten reasons Qui-Gon would’ve been a terrible father influence for Anakin: 
1. Qui-Gon Jinn thinks the rules don’t apply to him: While many fans applaud Qui-Gon (including apparently you, Mr. Filoni) for going against the Jedi Council and being a “Maverick” I would argue that more often than not it was to his or his mission’s detriment. This is not to advocate that the Council was 100% correct or that Jedi shouldn’t question things, but there is a difference between questioning authority figures and flat out being obstinate. This is something Anakin excels at even with being raised by the rule abiding Kenobi, imagine how bad it would’ve been had Jinn raised him.
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2. Qui-Gon Jinn was selfish: There are several examples of Qui-Gon using the guise of “the will of the Force” in order to get his way. Are we honestly supposed to believe that somehow this one man was more in tune with the Force than any other Jedi (including 12 powerful Jedi who were on the Council)?? And, if he truly believed in following the will of the Force then why did he constantly bend the rules to make sure the “Force” went his way - an example of this is had he actually believed it was the will of the Force that he free Anakin, he wouldn’t have had to make the chance cube go the way he wanted it to go. He flat out cheated so he could get his way.  
3. Qui-Gon was dangerously reckless: Many Jedi are reckless, even Obi-Wan said to Yoda in ESB “so was I if you’ll remember”. But Qui-Gon was reckless in ways that was pretty astounding. For example, EVERYONE told him that his plan to get off of Tatooine was dangerous and frankly stupid. Couldn’t they have just sold the Naboo ship and then purchased a clunker that would get them to Coruscant? Honestly, that would’ve probably hidden them better from the Trade Federation in the long run...but no, he instead decided the best course of action was to put a slave child in mortal danger, thus also placing all of their lives in the hands of a boy who had NEVER won a race before. Now, it ended up working in his favor, but even still those few days spent fixing up Anakin’s pod and then the race itself delayed the Queen from getting to Coruscant which meant more people died on Naboo all because Qui-Gon refused to see any other solutions. 
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4. Qui-Gon was often a bully: our Maverick had no problems throwing his weight around to get what he wanted. The Council meeting with Anakin is a perfect example, he didn’t get the answer he wanted. So he put his hands on his hips and refused to leave the room until the Council caved to his demands. Another example of this is in Claudia Grey’s Master & Apprentice where he refuses to do his duty as a Jedi and fulfill the mission simply because he had a vision. He doesn’t discuss this with the Council or with Obi-Wan beforehand, he just decides for himself this is how it’s going to be and then throws a hissy-fit when he doesn't get his way. Or how about he is the one who cheated to get his way in winning Anakin and when Watto calls him out he threatens to get the Hutts involved? He just bullies his way to getting what he wanted.
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  5. Qui-Gon never saw the bigger picture: Master Jinn’s whole thing is to focus on the here and the now, and while that’s great advice (especially for Obi-Wan who often looks too far a head) it also means that Qui-Gon often misses the big picture. An example of this is in the book Master & Apprentice where he wants to free the slaves on Pijal’s moon, but Yoda has to remind him that there is a bigger picture and they can only act if it’s in their mandate. He says this not because the Council doesn’t want to free slaves, but because there are incredibly complex consequences and if they were to just do whatever they wanted/could do as Jedi it would cause all kinds of issues for others and while he could maybe free a handful of slaves now it would cause countless others to suffer in the long run. But, Qui-Gon wouldn’t accept this, because he refused to see the bigger picture - he refused to look at anything except what was right in front of him.
6. Qui-Gon has a history of failing his Apprentices: Now, I know this isn’t Canon at the moment, but by the time we make it to TPM Qui-Gon has already done severe damage to 2 former Padawans, and is in danger of having history repeat itself. Xanatos was his second Apprentice right before Obi-Wan, and this Padawan was extremely powerful and Qui-Gon insisted he be trained, but the boy fell to the darkside because he had been too old to start training and had a healthy attachment to his family (sound familiar?). Qui-Gon was so devastated by his fall that he went back and reputed his first apprentice, Feemor, claiming he was such a failure of a Master that there is no way his first apprentice should’ve been knighted. He basically in his grief pushed aside an apprentice who while on paper wasn’t anything special, but was kind and dutiful and a true Jedi (sound familiar?). He then begrudgingly takes on Obi-Wan (only after 12 year old Obi-Wan offers to kill himself to save others) and then time and time again tries to basically pawn off Obi-Wan onto someone else (even as far into their relationship as the Master & Apprentice book). Then, when it finally looks like the Kenobi/Jinn team have figured out how to work well together Qui-Gon has to literally be reminded that his Obi-Wan even exists because Qui-Gon is so blinded by Anakin’s power!! How in any way does this seem like a better father figure option for the emotionally needy Anakin?
7. Qui-Gon Jinn has a history of Attachments: The specific example I have is again from Legends, but it shows how Qui-Gon allowed attachments to become dangerous. He had a childhood friend who he fell in love with, they decided that they could handle being committed to each other as well as the Order so they “pledged themselves” to one another (my guess is basically this is like a Jedi marriage so to speak). Sounds beautiful right, and it is, but...But his love interest Tahl was injured on a war torn planet where the children are so sick of their parents' civil war that they form a third army and go to war against the adults. Tahl is caught in the middle of this and is gravely injured. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are sent to rescue her, and Obi-Wan is sickened by the sight of children fighting and wants to stay and help, but Qui-Gon is so blinded by his attachment for Tahl that he for the first time EVER actually follows his mandate and tells Obi-Wan that they weren’t sent there to help the children, but to rescue Tahl. Obi-Wan who is only 13 doesn’t understand so instead of taking the time to really explain it, Qui-Gon just LEAVES his young apprentice behind on a war torn planet. Now, I’ll admit that Qui-Gon did give Obi-Wan a choice, to come back to Coruscant or to stay and fight, thus leaving the Jedi Order and Obi-Wan did make the choice to stay. But, it was Qui-Gon’s responsibility as the teacher to fully explain the situation to Obi-Wan and let him know that they could do more good if they were to go back to the Council and the Senate and try to return with supplies and reinforcements. But no, Qui-Gon just yelled at him, disregarded his feelings and told him their mission was to rescue Tahl. He didn’t bother using this as a teaching moment for Obi-Wan because he was so concerned about his attachment. And then later when Tahl actually died, Qui-Gon nearly fell to the dark side and it was Obi-Wan who saved him.  And then Qui-Gon went on to decide that because of the pain that had been inflicted by losing Tahl he’d basically give Obi-Wan an ultimatum when it came to the woman he loved (and basically downplayed it as nothing but a crush). Now, say what you want about how Obi-Wan handled Anakin/Padme’s relationship - maybe pretending it wasn’t happening instead of confronting Anakin about it wasn’t a healthy/smart choice, but at least he didn’t downplay it and make it look like Anakin’s feelings weren’t real or valid.
8. Qui-Gon refused to apologize: There are several examples where Qui-Gon refuses to accept any responsibilities and won’t apologize. One such point is in TPM where he basically traded his current Padawan in for a newer/shinier model in front of the entire Council (which if this alone isn’t enough cause to prove the man wasn’t the best father figure…) he then refused to even approach Obi-Wan about it, in fact the twenty five year old Apprentice who had just been tossed aside for a supposed prophecy came and apologized to Qui-Gon!! Another example is back in the Jedi Apprentice books where Qui-Gon leaves Obi-Wan on the war torn planet (as mentioned in #7) it is up to Obi-Wan to make it up to Qui-Gon and prove his worth once again. I’m not certain given Anakin’s tendency to need constant affirmations that this would’ve been a good combination.
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9. Qui-Gon was manipulative: Oftentimes we see Qui-Gon manipulating people to get his way (I’m not talking about Jedi Mind Tricks). In TPM he manipulates Watto to win Anakin’s freedom, he even manipulates Obi-Wan into taking on the burden of training Anakin by making it his dying wish. He is not above manipulation if he gets his desired result. We see Anakin does the same thing, so one could argue Qui-Gon would’ve only encouraged this behavior.
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10. Qui-Gon cared more about the prophecy than the boy: I’m not saying that Qui-Gon didn’t care about people, or even Anakin, in fact he was a very compassionate character. But, all of his arguments to have Anakin be trained was that he is “the Chosen One” not once does he talk about how the boy needs training simply because it’d be dangerous to leave such raw power alone in the galaxy without training, or that it would be the right thing to do. He doesn’t ever talk about how learning to be a Jedi would actually benefit the boy. Every single time he brings up Anakin needing training is because of the prophecy. Now, as far as it looks in both canon and legends Obi-Wan tried incredibly hard to not bring up the prophecy to Anakin (except on Mustafar), Obi-Wan would bring it up to Mace/Yoda but that was about it. Obi-Wan wasn’t blinded by the prophecy because until ROTS it didn’t really appear that he even believed in it - he believed in Anakin for who he was as a person. Something we just didn’t see with Qui-Gon.
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Now, Qui-Gon has a lot of great qualities, I am not denying that, but to say that he would’ve been the father figure Anakin needed is just misguided. If you believe in the idea that there is a will of the Force one could argue that Obi-Wan training Anakin was that will, otherwise Qui-Gon wouldn’t have died. 
Also, Mr. Filoni, why is it that Anakin supposedly suffered because he didn’t have a father figure yet you turned around and gave Ahsoka a brother, not a father? Are you suggesting Ahsoka suffered as well because she didn’t have a father figure? Or, was Obi-Wan by this time finally “old” enough to be considered a father figure? 
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This idea that Qui-Gon Jinn would’ve been the fix it to Anakin’s issues is just silly and once again places the blame of the Jedi’s destruction in the hands of the Council and specifically Obi-Wan, thus not forcing Anakin to be held responsible for any of his actions. 
I’m sorry, but it’s not a theory I buy due to a lack of evidence. 
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starwarshyperdrive · 4 years
The Rise of Skywalker - adding my very important opinion to the internet.
Opinions are like **holes, everyone has one. Just that this isn’t true. People rarely substitute theirs with someoelse’s **hole. 
Looking back at some of my predictions I was wrong about some major plot points. I always said that the Bendemption and Reylo would make me walk out of the cinema. I thought it would be the two things that would ruin Star Wars for me and quite arrogantly assumed it’s ‘too stupid for Star Wars’. 
Now.. I stand corrected. To be honest, after the premiere I didn’t know what to think. Like everyone else I had this idea what the movie should be in my head. All the puzzle pieces I put together to a picture I liked. All the clues that lead my to my own personal conclusion. And like everyone else I saw the movie through this filter. 
I have to divert a bit to explain what I mean.
A Zen master was asked about Zen by a critical guest. Instead of answering he filled the guest’s teacup but did not stop pouring when the cup was full and the tea spilled out and ran over the table. 
"Stop! The cup is full!" said the guest.
"Exactly," said the Zen Master. "You are like this cup; you are full of ideas. You come and ask for teaching, but your cup is full; I can't put anything in. Before I can teach you, you'll have to empty your cup."
Letting go of our expectations is hard. Very hard. There is comfort in the familiar. There is stubbornness in wanting to be right. The unknown is scary and we want to be in control of our own narrative. So I watched the movie again and saw it for what it is. I’m gonna be honest. I am a ‘true believer’ and apologist. I will find goodness in every bit. If you want to find mistakes you will find them. Psychologically we mostly make up our minds whether or not we’ll like the movie before we see it subconsciously. Then we just look for proof we’re right. I didn’t really want to see Joker. I expected it to be a pretentious attempt to make a Scorsese 70ies movie while lacking substance. And that’s exactly what I’ve got. Knowing what to expect in the 2nd viewing I was able to appreciate it more. There is so much depth and love for Star Wars in it that’s not apparent if you walk out of the 1st screening snubbed about what you don’t understand. I sound like a broken record when I say Star Wars is not a Comic Book movie, not everything has to be explained or tie into everything perfectly. Just look at the Original Trilogy. Nothing is 100% clear. Obi Wan is twisting the truth and nothing aligns perfectly. Star Wars is like a Greek myth. WHY did Thetis dip Achilles in the river Styx? What was her motivation? How could she forget to dip his heel? That’s stupid. That’s RUINING Greek mythology.   
I liked the movie, very much. I’m not even sure if it might not be my favorite sequel. Before I go into my thoughts here is what I didn’t like.
I liked it, yes, but that doesn’t keep me from agreeing that it seemed like a mash-up of fan-service. And with fan service I mean the kind of parents who have no idea would give their kids. ‘You like your Nintendos, right? The man at the shop said this is as good.’ It somehow felt like a panicked corporate decision to undo the backlash after The Last Jedi (a movie I have seen 13 times in the cinema and now consider to be the weakest installment since Attack of the Clones), so they mistook the loudest voices on the internet to be the most representative for all fans. So they had to include Bendemption and Reylo because ..fanfiction.. ?! And people have long asked for ‘bring back Legends’ so throw in a bit of that. And then we need Han Solo and the Emperor to save this trilogy after we made the mistake of not overseeing what these film makers actually do and have an overall idea for the trilogy and Rian Johnson wrote the story into a corner. The Last Jedi felt more like the 3rd movie of a trilogy, so what are we gonna do? Rey has to be SOMEONE, right? How about the emperor is suddenly interested in his bloodline for some reason despite the Sith never having cared about that (what is her midi-chlorian count?). 
But I can live with all of that and I have my explanations for everything. Palpatines son who must’ve been born after his face got all f**ked up. So was he a clone? Some sort of attempt to create life like Anakin? An artificially created baby like the Nazis did to get a super soldier, just to be able to possess his body and when he ran off and fled he was more interested in his ‘granddaughter’ because her body was even younger? Did the force skip a generation like some diseases.  Not everything has to be answered, but it’s fun to think about these things. I find this to be more Star Wars than the thought he had a wife all the time, which is absolutely not in character. 
The one thing I didn’t like was the super cringy, cheap jump-scare with monster teeth during the Dark Rey scene. We have seen this too often. It’s not ‘worthy of Star Wars’. It didn’t even look good in IT or any other movie. 
And the kiss? Would I have cut it out if I’d have something to say. YES DEFINITELY. Do I think it’s romantic and actually hints to romantic feelings? HELL NO! In my opinion their bond is different. Calling it romantic undermines their connection and ridicules something that could be very deep. Kylo/Ben even says it, they are a Dyad. Whatever that means, it surely doesn’t mean something straight-out of Twilight. I see the kiss as relief, burst of emotion. Not unlike a kiss a mother would give a child that has been missing or rescued from peril. Affection yes, romance no (aka ‘no tongue’). The beauty of it is that it’s ambiguous. If you want them to be in love, then you can think that for yourself, probably wondering why she is not really grieving.
I said I’d hate Bendemption and many people have stated that Ben should’ve survived. No offense but this is completely missing the point. The way his redemption is portrayed is absolutely beautiful. The shame and regret in Ben that leads him to the realization what he needs to do is what makes his who he is. He says it himself. He can’t go back to his mother. She sacrificed herself for him. He killed his father. Everything is lost for him. He made so many mistakes. But he can do the right thing for once by saving Rey. And this is why he disappears. This is why he became one with the force. If it he’d have survived there wouldn’t have been a redemption. Ben Solo was ‘weak and foolish’ which led him to the dark side. Ben Solo is flawed, the good in him understood that to kill the looming darkness he has to sacrifice himself. Like the Terminator at the end of Judgement day. This is what made the scene so powerful and mirrored Vader. Ironically you could say he finally became like Vader in the last moments of his life.
As for the emperor being alive. Why not. If you’re that sort of badass and considering that Maul and Vader both survived major injuries with the aid of the dark side of the force it’s not that unlikely. And here is something some people seem to miss. He is desperately looking for a new vessel to transfer his spirit into because he is a corpse. He is a corpse on life support. As hinted at in the movie and as explained in the visual dictionary he is being kept ‘alive’ by a mixture of medical aids and Sith alchemy. One might argue that ‘we never heard about Sith cultists and all that’ but that’s not entirely true. Even outside of the books, comics and what not there are things you can easily retcon to fit the narrative. Just look at the emperors advisors in Return of the Jedi. At the time of The Force Awakens there have been theories that Snoke is nothing but a puppet. I have used the Wizard of Oz comparison before. When we got to see him ‘in the flesh’ in The Last Jedi we were nothing the wiser. So that somehow adds up.
Chewie got a medal now? Well that just serves to show what I always say: no one in the cinematic universe cares a great deal about books and comics. A lot of fans are always so eager to see stuff from canon in the movies and get upset when there are contradictions (also see S-foil from Lukes X-wing being used as door) but I think it’s best to consider whatever is not in the movies as ‘soft canon’ and take it with a grain of salt. This might change in the future now that Star Wars is free of the shackles of the Skywalker saga and it;’s very likely they learned from the lack of consistency, but it also opens it up to mediocracy and weird stuff like the world between worlds and space whales.
If you only watched the movie once there are many things that might have slipped by you. Which is a shame. I think some f the outspoken critics will change their minds about the movie over time. A lot of the emotional backbone of the movie was in these tiny moments, such as the scene in which Rey feels that she won’t see Leia again and has to say good bye. It is in the open whether or not Leia feels it too and just taunts her by saying ‘tell me when you're back’.
Let me just say that Rose is absolutely cool in this. I always maintained the position that the backlash against her character was mostly based on the weak costume design that made her more like like a cosplayer. Now that she looked the part she was fantastic. It’s not about quantity. Her screen time was impactful. The argument that JJ cut her screen time in favor of his buddies is ridiculous and uninformed. Everyone had their specific parts to serve the story. According to the visual dictionary Dominic Monaghans character was a former teacher and served as the ‘Sith’ expert to explain why the Resistance wasn’t collectively going ‘umm wut?’ when they heard about Palpatine being back and all that. Greg Grunberg was the link to the fleet and Rose was at the heart of operations. I can't understand how this isn’t obvious. 
And in conclusion let’s talk about the impossible task to end a 9 part saga, with the additional challenge of having lost Carrie Fisher. Can you even imagine being in that predicament? How did JJ Abrams say yes to this? Well knowing that he’d get shit from all sides. RESPECT! It is a miracle the movie turned out the way it did. I liked it and if we look at the numbers of things I didn’t like in the other movies despite liking them it might become my favorite or close 2nd of the sequel trilogy over time. Only this blade tells.
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imagines-dreams · 7 years
I’m having some really bad insomnia and its almost 2, sooo I decided to write some Luke Skywalker headcanons because why not? Hope you guys enjoy! (oh and this wasn’t requested, I just got a stroke of inspiration, I guess.)
Being friends before you fall in love with each other
Being Luke’s voice of reason
‘No, Luke, you are not teaching that shady guy how to wield your lightsaber.’
Because Luke is too much of a nice person that he wants to help everyone
Sometimes, however, he just wants to be dramatic and it may not be a great idea
‘Luke, can’t you just tell Han the plan. The poor man’s blind and thinks he’s going to be slowly digested.’
‘But that would ruin the plan, (Y/n).’
Another example
‘You train with Yoda for one day and you think you can take on the Empire. I swear-’
‘Don’t worry about me, (Y/n).’
You groaning and worrying and ranting
Luke hugging you and kissing you on the forehead
You rolling your eyes
‘You know you love me, (Y/n).’
‘Unfortunately, I do.’
‘Yeah… What do you mean by unfortunately? (Y/n)!
Luke trusting you with everything, including your friends
‘Promise me you’ll take care of them.’
‘Promise me to come back in one piece.’
‘I promise.’
When he first comes back from Vader you are so mad at him
‘I said one piece, idiot!’
Cue hugs and tears and kisses on foreheads
Luke teaching you how to use a lightsaber
‘Luke, I’m not a Jedi. I don’t need to learn.’
‘Just in case then.’
‘Can’t I just learn how to use a knife or gun or something.’
‘No. ‘
‘Why not?’
‘Because, I can’t teach you how to use a knife or gun.’
‘Aw, Luke! … I’m going to see if Han will teach me how to use a gun.’
‘What? (Y/n) wait!’
Luke realized his feelings first, and he was utterly terrified
Because Luke had faced monsters, entire fleets of Empire generals, and Darth Vader himself, but knowing he liked, or maybe even loved, you was scarier than any battle he had ever been a part of
Luke blushing and wanting to spend more and more time with you
Then he realizes that there’s a Jedi Code, and he’s devastated. He wants to be with you and protect you and do everything in his power to make you happy, but how could he if there was a rule against it?
Luke starting to avoid you and training even more intensely
You realize that you like, maybe even love Luke, at that point
Leia finds out her suspicions are correct from her brother and is ecstatic
Han finds out from Leia and tries to get you to admit your feelings while Leia does the same with her brother
Artoo casually mentions that Luke and you are together to every droid that he ever comes across
Threepio is astounded Master Luke would dare go against the Jedi Code and tries to convince Master Luke to do otherwise
‘I know that (y/n) is attractive for her species, clever as a thief, and kind as you are, but that doesn’t mean… Master Luke? Master Luke, stop staring at (Y/n) this instant!’
yeah it doesn’t work in Threepio’s favor
Lando accidentally told both of you while discussing plans for dinner for the entire gang He totally planned blurting it out with Han and Leia those little-
Luke running out of the room and out of the facility into the wilderness
You running after him
Because you’re not as athletically inclined as a frickin Jedi Master, you trip
Luke, of course, senses it and comes rushes back to your aid and constantly asks if you broke a bone of something
You staring at him like ‘dude, I just tripped.’
Luke blaming himself for you tripping and helping you back inside and rambling about how you shouldn’t do that
You telling Luke it’s not his fault at all, but he’s not listening because he should’ve known you’d follow him and he should’ve known it would’ve been dangerous and he really doesn’t want you hurt and he would never-
Then, you kissed him
And it was messy and awkward and short, but when you pulled away, Luke leaned towards you without him noticing and ends up kissing the tip of your nose
Cue an embarrassed and awkward lil Luke Skywalker
Both of you start to laugh and bond even more than before and because Luke is too shy and innocent to ask, you ask
‘Everything ok?’
‘Of course. I just… do you want to be, I don’t know, together? Officially?’
Luke being absolutely stunned and his face just slowly transforming into a bright smile before he kisses you again and again and again
Luke has an entire day where he acts like he’s on top of the world
Think of that one moment when Leia kissed him to make Han jealous and Luke smiled smugly and put his hands behind his head
Yeah take that and intensify it by 100 and imagine that being Luke’s mood for at least 24 hours
Then, Luke comes crashing down when he remembers the Jedi Code
He leaves with no reason other than he has some mission
You asked others on base about it but… Luke wasn’t assigned on a mission
Leia being very mad at Luke
Han trying to contact Luke for Leia to yell at him
Han is also planning on punching Luke when he gets back
Lando comforting you while you are trying to stop thinking about him
After a few days of no contact from Luke, you are sick and tired of it. You want to get over him, so you constantly train
A few more days pass since you’ve been constantly training, and Luke is back
He ignores Han’s punches, Leia’s yells, Lando’s questions, Artoo’s list of reasons to go to you, and Threepio’s worries
Luke goes straight to you
You are ignoring him
‘(Y/n), please, I’m-’
‘Please, leave. I’m training.’
‘(Y/n), I’m trying to apologize!’
‘I don’t care, Luke. You can’t do that! You can’t just leave me after that!’
‘And I was stupid to do so, I know. I know, and I want to apologize for it.’
‘Sure, so you can just go off again at any moment’s notice? Without any mission or reason!’
‘I was scared, (Y/n)!’
‘Sure you were.’
‘What if they take you from me?’
‘Who? Sith Lords? Luke, you taught me how to use a lightsaber. I’ve been fighting since I could even remember and-’
‘No, I mean the Jedi.’
You’re very confused at that point
Then, you realize what he’s talking about
‘What if I’m with you and they force us apart, and I can’t do anything about it? What if we try fighting it and going against it just to have you taken away and I would be powerless to do anything? How am I supposed to cope knowing that loving you could… ruin you? You’re my best friend. I’m not losing you. I don’t want to lose you, and I don’t want to ruin your life just by loving you.’
You shaking your head slightly
‘Luke, you almost did after that stunt you pulled.’
Him being ashamed and not wanting to say much else except
‘I’m sorry, (Y/n).’
‘Luke… do you want to be with me?’
‘More than anything.’
‘Then, let’s fight it.’
‘I can’t ask you to do that.’
‘I want to do it.’
And as Luke stares into your eyes, he could see how passionate you were and how utterly breathtaking you looked and he couldn’t help it
‘I love you, (Y/n).’
You playfully shoving him
‘You’re an idiot, Skywalker.’
Him laughing lightly and awkwardly
‘I love you, too, Luke.’
Luke freezing as his mouth grows into a beautiful smile and the two of you laugh and celebrate
Both of you hear Lando and Leia celebrating (Han thought you would forgive him after 24 hours and lost a bet to the two of them)
You immediately let go of each other and steal glances while the three make sure neither of you will hurt the other ever again
Luke and you facing the Jedi Council together
The two of you are looked at weirdly, even though the two of you act mostly like how you two acted before
Just a few more private walks around the base, maybe holding hands maybe not
A few more tickle fights and forehead kisses from luke and cheek kisses from you
The only times Luke and you kiss publicly is when one comes back from a mission
Even then, they’re short kisses followed by long, warm hugs
The two of you fight sometimes, but it’s pretty rare
The longest Luke and you had been in a fight was about a week (Han and Leia won that bet)
That fight was about the fact that you didn’t tell Luke about the severity of your mission and Luke had to find out from someone else that there was a big chance of you not coming back
The two of you agreed to be honest after that
Fight between you two never went longer than a day after that
You two would miss each other too much
You two are too in love… no fair you guys
Basically, Luke and you would have such a slow burn relationship that drives everyone mad and when you get together, no one can top how sweet and gentle the two of you are to each other. It would be so full of genuine trust and love, that everyone would be so jealous of the two of you. But they’d also aw and bet and fangirl over the two of you
Hell, i’m fangirling over the two of you
It is now very well past 2 AM at this point, so I need to stop myself. Anyway, uh, yeah, just something I thought of.. It took a while too. I started when it was nearing 2 AM. This was kinda a spontaneous thing, and I don’t think I could do requests for it… but yeah. I got inspired I guess. Anyway, yeah, hope you guys enjoy!
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