#i try to keep things as scientifically accurate as possible on this type of post
todaysbird · 2 years
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two female hornbills formed an unusual pair - one a great hornbill, one a rhinoceros hornbill. both escaped from captivity into the wild of singapore and surprised observers by forming a pair bond. unfortunately, there was a lack of other members of their species in the area. these two birds acted as a typical bonded pair would, and were sighted together on multiple occasions performing preening and nesting rituals.
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Is the popular headcanon that Nicky was illiterate, stupid and barbaric fitting in the stereotypes about Southern Europeans / Mediterraneans ? I’m guessing it’s from the American part of the fandom that’s choosing to not respectfully write Nicky since he is white while being virulent towards anybody that doesn’t perfected and accurately write Joe because he is MENA.
Mind you, I am neither a psychologist, a sociologist nor a historian, so of course be aware these are my own views on the whole drama.
But to answer your question, yes, I personally think so. It definitely comes from the American side, but I have seen Northern Europeans do that too, often just parroting the same type of discourse that Anglos whip out every other day.
There is an abysmal ignorance of Medieval history – even more so when it concerns countries that are not England: there is this common misconception that Europe in the Middle Ages was this cultural backwater full of semi-barbaric people that stems unfortunately not only from trying to (correctly) reframe colonialist approaches to the historiographies of non-European populations (that is, showing the Golden Age of Islamic culture, for instance, as opposed to what were indeed less culturally advanced neighbours), but also from distortions operated by European themselves from the Renaissance onwards, culminating in the 18th century Enlightenment philosophes categorising the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages.
Now this approach has been time and time again proven to be a made-up myth. I will not go into detail to disprove each and every single one misconception about the Medieval era because entire books have been written, but just to give you an example: there was no such a thing as a ius primae noctis/droit du seigneur; people were aware that the Earth was not flat (emperors, kings, saints, etc, they were depicted holding a globe in their hands); people were taking care of their hygiene, either through the Roman baths, or natural springs, or private tubs that the wealthier strata of the population (and especially the aristocracy) owned. The Church was not super happy about them not because it wanted people to remain dirty, but because often these baths were for both men and women, and it was not that in favour of them showing off their bodies to one another. Which, you know, we also don’t do now unless you go to nudist spas. It was only during the Black Death in the 14th century that baths were slowly abandoned because they became a place of contagion, and they went into disuse (or better, they changed purpose and became something like bordellos). And, lastly, there was certainly a big chunk of the population that was illiterate, but certainly it was not the clergy, which was THE erudite class of the time. It was in monasteries and abbeys that knowledge was passed and preserved (as well as lost unfortunately often, such as the case for the largest part of classical literature).
So what does this mean? According to canon, Nicolò was an ex priest who fought in the First Crusade. This arguably means that at the very least he was a cadet son of a minor noble family (or a wealthy merchant one) who was part of the clergy. As such, historically he could have been neither illiterate nor a dirty garbage cat in his daily life.
Let’s then talk geography. Southern Europe (and France) was far, far more advanced than the North at the time and Italy remained the cultural powerhouse of the continent until the mid-17th century. Al Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian States,  the Byzantine Empire (which called itself simply Roman Empire, whose population defined itself as Roman and cultural heirs of the Latin and Greek civilisations): these places have nothing to do with popular depictions of Medieval Europe that you mainly see from the Anglos. Like @lucyclairedelune rightfully pointed out: not everyone was England during the plague.
Also the Middle Ages lasted one thousand years. As a historical age, it’s way longer than anything we had after that. So of course habits varied, there was a clear collapse right after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but then things develop, you know?
Anyway, back to the point in question. Everything I whipped up is not arcane knowledge: it’s simply having studied history at school and spending a few hours reading scientific articles on the internet which are not “random post written by random Anglo on Tumblr who can hardly find Genoa on a map”.
Nicolò stems from that culture. The most advanced area in Europe, possibly a high social class, certainly educated, from Genoa, THE maritime superpower of the age (with…Venice). It makes absolutely no sense that he would not be able to speak anything past Ligurian: certainly Latin (the ecclesiastical one), maybe the koine Greek spoken in Constantinople, or Sabir, or even the several Arabic languages from the Med basin stretching from al Andalus to the Levant. Because Genoa was a port, and people travel, bring languages with them, use languages to barter.
And now I am back to your question. Does this obstinacy in writing him as an illiterate beast (basically) feed into stereotypes of Mediterranean people (either from the northern or the southern shore)? It does.
It is a typically Anglo-Germanic perspective that of describing Southern (Catholic) Europeans are hot-headed, illiterate bumpinks mindlessly driven by blind anger, lusts and passions, as opposed to the rational, law-abiding smart Northern Protestants. You see it on media. I see it in my own personal life, as a Southern Italian living in Northern Europe for 10 years.
Does it sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same harmful stereotype of Yusuf as the Angry Brown Man. But done to Nicolò as the Angry Italian Man (not to mention the fact that, depending on the time of day and the daily agenda of the Anglo SJW Tumblrite, Italians can be considered either white or non-white).
Now, the times where Nicolò is shown as feral are basically when he is fighting (either in a bloody war or against Merrick’s men) or when Yusuf is in danger. Because, guess what, the man he loves is being hurt. What a fucking surprise.
Nicolò is simply being reduced to a one dimensional stereotype of the dirty dumb angry Italian, and people are simply doing this because they do not seem to accept the fact that both he and Yusuf are two wonderfully complex, flawed, fully-fledged multidimensional characters.
So I am mainly concentrating on Nicolò here because as an Italian I feel more entitled to speak about the way I see the Anglo fandom treating him and using stereotypes on him that have been consistently applied to us by the Protestant Northerners. I keep adding the religious aspect because, although I am an atheist who got debaptised from the Catholic Church, a big part of the historical treatment towards Southern has to do with religion and the contempt towards Catholic rituals and traditions (considered, once again, a sign of cultural backwardness by the enlightened North).
I do not want to impose my view of Yusuf because there are wonderful Tumblr users from MENA countries who have already written wonderful metas of the way Yusuf is being depicted by non-MENA people (in particular Americans), especially (again) @lucyclairedelune and @nizarnizarblr.
However, I just want to underline that, by only ever writing Yusuf as essentially a monodimensional character without a single flaw, this takes away Yusuf’s canon multidimensionality, the right he has to feel both positive but also negative feelings (he was hurt and angry at Booker’s betrayal, allegedly his best friend, AND HE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE – and I say this as a Booker fan as well).
I have not been the first to say these things, it is nothing revolutionary, and it exactly complements what the MENA tumblr users in the TOG fandom have also been trying to say. Both of us as own voices people who finally have the chance to have two characters that are fully formed and honest representations of our own cultures, without stereotypes or Anglogermanic distortions.
And the frustration mounting among all of us comes from the fact that the Anglos are, once again, not listening to us, even telling us we are wrong about our own cultures (see what has happened to Lucy and Nazir).
What is even more frustrating is that everything in this cursed fandom – unless it was in the film or comics – is just a bloody headcanon. But these people are imposing their HCs as if it were the Word of God, and attacking others – including own voices MENA and Italians – for daring to think otherwise.
I honestly don’t expect this post will make any difference because this is just a small reflection of what Americans do in real life on grander scale, which is thinking they are the centre of the world and ignoring that the rest of the world even exists regardless of their own opinions on it.
But still, sorry for the length, hope I answered your question.
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hoidn · 3 years
my big reference post of tritype 145 - The Researcher Archetype. everything copy/pasted as-is. some deletion; none correction.
145 Overview [source]
If you are a 145, you are diligent, intuitive, and knowledgeable. You want to be ethical, original and wise. Highly intellectual, you are focused on what you perceive is correct and above reproach. Research oriented, you seek and quote the opinions of experts to avoid being seen as ignorant. Your life mission is to study and learn as much as you can and then teach the wisdom of what you have learned to others. A true researcher, you are happiest using your investigative skills. You can be so identified with the information that you have gathered and the correct way of doing things that you feel exhausted and can appear to be a persnickety know it all. 478 and 451 are very different types of 4. The 478 is intensely individualistic and more assertive whereas the 451 is individualistic but much more introspective and reserved. The 478 is somewhat optimistic and focuses more on the need for inspiration than the 451. The 451 is more particular and is more motivated by gathering meaningful information that is useful. (4)-5-1 - The Competent 4 4-(5)-1 - The Idealistic 5 4-5-(1) - The Withdrawn 1 Intellectual. May be involved in philosophy. They enjoy coming to understand themselves and their world. Calling all 145s... You have reported a strong need to be above criticism and to avoid the glare of judgment and scrutiny. You have also reported how difficult it is for you to express yourself especially if you feel emotional. As a 415, you would need to carve a distinct image of being unique, appropriate and wise. The 3 together create a defense strategy that focuses on getting the information needed 'to be correct' to feel safe... No one wants to be wrong, but this Tritype tends to easily feel self-conscious and can be shy. So, the 145 researches to have something interesting to say and to be above criticism. The 415's I know are most capable of intellectual circumspection with a twist of the romantic and mysterious. They seem to balance out the emotional realm with the intellectual, but sometimes my 415 friends can be overly critical and defiant of any thing that is stereotypical or oppressive that could impact their search for an ideal mate...Another thing about the 415s I know is they are very perfectionist, overly sensitive to any perceived stereotyping, and an academically-minded four, but they never quite feel self-satisfied or finished, sometimes falling into long states of procrastination...They have an amazing ability to dissect their own emotions rationally... Think Frustration (1-4) meets Competence (1-5) meets Withdrawing (4-5)and you get a rather persnickety perfectionist who needs plenty of downtime. On the high side what they produce can be of unparalleled depth and beauty. out of 458/459/451 I'd guess that both 459 and 451 would seem more 5-like (or, more accurately, be more likely to be mis-typed as 5) than 458. 451 is the most 5ish 4. Rational and scientific. 451 - knowledgeable and discerning 4. Most intellectual 4, especially if social subtyle of with a 5 wing. Likes to teach.
Comparing 1 + 4 Archetypes (145, 146 and 147) [source]
The 3 tritypes concerned with having ONE and FOUR fixes (145, 146 and 147) display those behavioral and psychological patterns :
Anger and Envy combine into a peculiar, reflective personality whose goals entail being able to comprehend and coerce their emotional life into a suitable structure in which they can further refine it into something greater;
Double frustration stance ; the need to feel that life isn't going to fulfill and satisfy its own wishes and wants is enhanced;
Sullen, complex and refined energy;
The structure-building, conscience-driven ONE is at odds with the self-expressing, moody FOUR;
There is a real conflict between the ONE's need to be removed from it instinctive nature and the FOUR need to keep in touch with its original nature;
Most likely combination to be seen as original, critical and seeking refinement;
Differences Between Archetypes
Expressing Creativity
• 145s aren't known for being truly creative tritypes, but they can show it by exploring new areas of knowledge that haven't been discovered or touched upon. They are excellent at finding the missing link between two theories or simply by researching enough on something;
Intellectual Curiosity
• 145s in often considered to be one of the most intellectual and cerebral archetypes. This is because they tend to dive deep into a subject and look for what's missing in order to make the exploration throrough and complete. Because of their capacity to amass large quantity of data, they can be known as a know-it-all;
Dealing with External Structure • 145s prefer to work within their own boundaries and strucutural approaches as they color and personalize external ones in order to work with them (most of the time);
Potential Problems • 145s can be so identified in pursuing additional knowledge and getting accurate information that this dauting task can become exhausting and leave you irritating and intolerant of outside advices. This tritype is also very critical and prone to correct others in their observations, making it frequently unliked and annoying if this attitude is persistent in time. Given that this archetype also tend to be very withdrawn and value their alone time, they should try giving others the benefit of the doubt and allow themselves to be educated freely and not only by verifiable sources;
Patterns & Structure • 145s are triple analytical and studying. This means that this archetype has all the three enneatypes in each center of intelligence that need to search a subject in depth, both intellectually and emotionally in order to come to an accurate and detailled conclusion. They can't be satisfied with normal or readily-found data, as they want to be as precise as possible in order to develop their compency and find new info that might have been overlooked. [...] Sexual subtypes are very intense and passionate and often feel compelled to research about taboo or bizarre subjects that make them feel connected to the human body in some way. They have a combination of prickly and passionate attitude that make them quite magnetic even though they want privacy too like the self-preservation subtype. They love to have deep and detailed conversations with their loved ones. 
• 145s' most common MBTI types are : INFJ (451) [#GPOY], INTJ (514), INTP (541) and sometimes INFP (451). This tritype is most commonly found within introverted intuitives and are more rarely found elsewhere. 
• 146s are more doubtful of what they know to be true than 145s, who in turn are more confident in their capacity to understand and accumulate information;
• 145s are prickly and hard to know personally
Comparing 4 + 5 Archetypes (458, 459 and 145) [source]
The 3 tritypes concerned with having FOUR and FIVE fixes (458, 459 and 145) display those behavioral and psychological patterns :
Envy and Avarice merge into a very private, introspective and sensitive personality. People with this combination prefer to live through their imagination and have a hard time getting through action in the real world;
Double Withdrawn stance : the need for saving up personal energy and straying away from overwhelming stimulation is increased;
Quiet, meditative, emotional and cerebral energy;
Sensitivity and attachment to emotional states of FOUR is at odds with the detached, aloof stance of FIVE;
There is a conflict between the FOUR’s need to explore their emotional self and the FIVE’s need to maintain a neutral, unbiased stance;
Most likely combination to be seen as introverted, solitary and removed from its environment;
Differences between Archetypes
Relation to Anger
• 145s don’t like it when people don’t follow the same rigorous steps of information gathering and analyzing as they do. They can become frustrated and nitpicky with unmotivated and sloppy people;
Personal Strengths
• 145s are the best at further refining concepts and theories in their respective framework and mapping out uncharted territories thanks to their razor-sharp intellect;
Control from the Environment • 145s are more likely to quietly exert control over their own beliefs and what they perceive as adequate and may try to coerce people into using the same methodology as them;
Possible Mistypes • Sexual FOURS with a 145 tritype may mistype as a 458 because of their passionate nature and their easier access to anger than the other subtypes; [can confirm; cf this post!]
Comparing 1 + 5 Archetypes (125, 135 and 145) [source]
The 3 tritypes concerned with having ONE and FIVE fixes (125, 135 and 145) display those behavioral and psychological patterns :
Anger and Avarice combine into a meticulous, stern and cerebral character. People with this combination are true intellectual who often chose to sacrifice efficiency by focusing more on establishing accurate standards and methods in order to ponder and look at things in a detach manner;
Double competency stance ; the need to detach from emotions and keep an objective eye to solve a problem is enhanced;
Very precise, laser-focused and deep thinker energy;
The conscience-driven, moralisitic ONE is at odds with the detached, system-building FIVE;
There is a conflict between the ONE's need to be right according to internal standards and the FIVE's need to be competend according to objective metrics and pure data;
Most likely combination to be considered intellectual, rational and detached;
Differences Between Archetypes :
Communications skills
• 145s are not prone to be quite social, but are more sensitive to their internal life, making their conversation a bit more heartfelt at times;
Fields of Interests • 145s love to learn about less practical subjects like science, philosophy, the occult, etc;
Social Roles • 145s like to dig deeper into untouched waters and make seemless links between disciplines. They are good at finding out what's missing and what's been overlooked;
Miscellaneous Differences • 145s are less preoccupied by performance and has a harder time to shapeshift than 125s and 135s;
• 145s can be a bit more poetic and mystical in their choice of words.
• 135s are better at making their work look attractive and convincing than 145s, who will prefer the actual content only then showcasing what they've worked on; • 145s are moodier and can have periods of melancholy while 135s are more removed from their emotional states; • 125s care deeply about what people think of them, even though they don't show it often. They are also able to ''mirror smile'' more often than 145s; • 135s can work on projects faster than 145s who will take their time more to fully grasp the actual subject; • 145s are more dependent of their internal state than 125s, who in turn are more affected by their emotional environment.
Both the 451 and 459 are reserved and introspective and self conscious. The 451 is very critical of themselves and others. They are very particular and have a lot of shoulds. They can be strident. Dissatisfaction is visible as their energy can be prickly. 
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fourangers · 4 years
Fate and Choices (ch.03)
Summary: When Naruto discovered who was going to be his soulmate, he jumped straight at this opportunity, looking forward to spending the rest of his life with his better half. Sasuke well…he was less eager in this regard though. NaruSasu. Soulmates tattoos. M-rated.
Content: AU!Office, Romance, Comedy, Drama, it’ll get a little too philosophical in some parts talking about free will Vs fate, basically Sasuke is a cynic ass and Naruto is an idealistic moron (great amirite), Anal Sex, tattoos soulmates
Chapter 02 here
AO3 link
Itachi knocked on Sasuke’s door to catch his attention, muttering. “We have the first polyamorous client that succeeded finding her soulmates using Shinrei. Maybe we should post it on our Instagram.” 
“Oh? How many?”
Sasuke blinked. “Four? That’s quite unusual. What’s the biggest number recorded in history?”
“Seven, if I’m not mistaken. But you’re right, at least in recent history the biggest demographic is monogamous relationships first, and then polygamy with three people.”
“I guess it is pretty complicated having to deal with that many people in your plate that even the soulmate system limits its number.” Sasuke wondered out loud.
“Maybe you’re right, but I also have a couple of friends happily married with their soulmates where they both enjoy an open relationship. Another proof that the system that you claim to despise so much, knows how to match people with similar interests together.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’m not going to waste my time to convince you otherwise.”
“Talking about soulmates…contact Naruto-kun so he can schedule this post ok. We’ve been gaining new potential clients every day so I don’t want to lose the momentum.”
Sighing, Sasuke obeyed his older brother, also ignoring how his heart skipped a beat when Naruto answered his call.
“Aren’t you too early for a booty call, Sasuke-chan?”
“Moron, it’s nothing like that. It’s about work.”
“Mmm.” There was a long pause then Naruto’s voice was a little rough from yawning. “Lemme get some coffee first. Can I call you in the next five minutes?”
“Five minutes, nothing more.”
“Yeah yeah.” 
Seven minutes and thirty seconds later, Naruto returned his call, his voice chirpier. “Alright, now I’m ready for the booty call.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Usuratonkachi…”
“Oh hey, it’s been years since you used this nickname!” Naruto’s boisterous laugh made his mood lighter, and Sasuke did not notice a smile curling on his own lips. “Are we going back to pet names? What should I call you then, darling? Honey? My smooching buddy?”
“I’m hanging up.”
“No, no! I’ll behave, I prooomise.” Naruto singsonged on the other side of his phone. “So, what do you want to talk about?”
Sipping his coffee, Sasuke said. “One of our clients managed to find her partners using Shinrei and we’re going to post about our first successful polyamorous example.”
“Really? Congrats to them! Imagine, being able to have more than one option while I’m here stuck with an uptight, inconsiderate bastard.”
“Your observation while accurate is wholly unnecessary.”
Naruto chuckled. “At least you admitted that you’re a bastard.”
“No point denying it.” Grunting, Sasuke considered asking the next set of questions but shook his head. “Anyways, I need this post as soon as you can. Do you need any help with it?”
“Yeah, for now we’re going to post about this milestone but in the future maybe it’s better to ask if they want to talk about this experience and all…you know, to keep feeding the account. You have a contract for them to sign about allowing us to publish their story?”
“We do, but your company is more experienced, I’d prefer if you can handle it.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to Neji ‘bout it. I’ll send you the layout and the script and if everything goes well we’ll be able to post it in the next three days.”
“You can’t for tonight?” Sasuke enquired, slightly annoyed.
“Hah. Ah, that’s the biggest issue about clients, they really think that we take care of only you, and no one else. I have five other accounts aside yours, bastard, my team is crammed with other stuff to do and you just asked out of the blue, we’re gonna reorganize to fit with this request.”
“And I’m not giving you special treatment just ‘cuz you’re my soulmate.”
Sasuke snorted. “Good, because I don’t want any. I’ll talk with my older brother about it, but I’d appreciate it if you guys can manage to deliver sooner. By the way…” He scrolled down his calendar and muttered. “Are you available tomorrow afternoon for a meeting? I’m going to talk with a potential investor but he’s an older generation that won’t understand much about social media, so if you could help out…”
“Tomorrow afternoon? Hm, sure, I think I can help you out. I’ll just talk to Neji ‘bout it first and I’ll give the confirmation later.” There was a noise of flapping of pages, then Naruto paused and exclaimed. “Hey, maybe we can have lunch together before we go to this meeting! How about that? Remember all the good ol’ times, catching up and so on.”
“Hm…if you manage to send me the polyamorous post today, I’ll consider it.”
“Whoa, you can’t dangle the possibility of a date right on my face just so you can bribe me to do your things!” Naruto said incredulously, even if he laughed afterwards.
“I’ll strongly consider it.”
Naruto was still laughing, Sasuke could picture him shaking his head too. “Nah, I really can’t. I’m not the only one involved ya know, so I can’t force my colleagues to drop everything just so I can have some special lunch with you. Anyways, Neji’s here, gotta talk to him. See you soon!”
“Hn.” Turning the phone off, Sasuke felt someone appearing close to him, so he raised his head, narrowing his eyes from Itachi’s knowing smile. “What?” He barked.
“Nothing, nothing at all…you look pretty happy, otouto-kun.” Itachi’s beam widened despite his younger brother’s growing suspicion. “You talked with Naruto-kun?”
“Yes, he said that he’ll only be able to send that post you talked about in the next three days.”
“Oh. While I appreciate you informing me, that wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for.”
“I know what you are expecting but I’m not going to give you the satisfaction, so beat it, nii-san.” Sasuke growled, focusing back on his laptop.
Itachi chuckled, before sobering up. “Tomorrow you’re going to talk with Takashi-sama right? She’s the chairman of Essity’s branch in Japan, so I really hope she’ll invest in us. It’ll bring us closer to our first goal.”
“I know. Don’t worry about it. Leave it to me.”
The opulent decoration in the rich marbled walls intimidated him at first, but it didn’t deter him from fulfilling this mission. Steeling his nerves, Sasuke took a deep inhale and glanced to the side, Naruto was rechecking the speech he’d give alongside the presentation. The comforting knowledge that he had Naruto by his side calmed him somehow. 
The blond man was also a very pleasant addition during the trip, with his playful banter peppered in between adjustments and touch ups. It’s been so long since Sasuke had felt so relaxed around anyone, almost as if all the years without Naruto never happened in the first place. And even if he’s adjusting to seeing the teenager Naruto to now a professional adult one, at least their interaction didn’t change one bit. 
Takashi was a middle-aged businesswoman that accumulated many exploits due to shrewd decisions and flexible strategies using Western offensive attacks, mixed with Japanese well-rounded management. She must have heard many starry eyed, inexperienced men trying to sell their product in the past, so in her point of view, Sasuke must be just the umpteenth one. It was rattling the look of apathy she gave while he summarized.
“Based on our clan’s background, my brother and I decided to create a new technology to help people find their respective soulmates, and we named this technology Shinrei. We first catalogued all the types of tattoos, if it’s written words, or animals, or symbols, all based with the long list of most tattoos that existed in history. Then, once we identify the type of tattoo the client has, the database will search using all social media that match with the tattoo, and then we’ll personally select and filter till we find his or her soulmate, or soulmates. Actually, we recently found a case with four people being their soulmates using Shinrei.”
“Your competitors all claim that they have similar technology, how is yours any different?” Takashi countered in a bored tone.
“We choose quality over quantity, limiting the numbers of clients we’ll help so we’ll ensure 100% successful cases. Also…” Sasuke thinned his lips, taking a deep breath. “Our clan has a long history in being able to find soulmates using our unique abilities.”
“What? Are you talking about mystical powers? This doesn’t look good on paper, how are you going to convince people to trust your technology if you don’t have scientific proof that your method works?”
Blue eyes peered Sasuke’s distressed expression, so Naruto stepped in. “Well…the soulmate system by itself is also shrouded in mystery right? All that we know is part of humanity’s nature, if it’s due to some higher power or anything else, it just exists. Scientists can’t explain how it works, only that they have successful rates in improving people’s lives. So I think that using some inexplicable abilities makes Shinrei unique.”
The old woman contemplated for a while, crossing her arms.
“Also, the Uchiha clan must have a long list of successful examples, even before the advance of technology, we can show for you Takashi-sama as proof to trust Shinrei’s technology. I’m sure that Sasuke can look for some documents stored in their headquarters, right?”
“Of course, I’ll make sure I’ll inspect thoroughly if necessary if it pleases you Takashi-sama.” Sasuke agreed.
Takashi stared and focused her eyes on the blond man. “You called Uchiha-san by his name, are you two close friends or…?” 
Before Sasuke could react, Naruto grabbed his left hand to show their palms, broadening his grin.
“We’re soulmates!”
This piqued her attention, she even tilted her body closer to study their matching tattoos. “Oh, congratulations! You used Shinrei’s technology to track your soulmate?”
Sasuke opened his mouth but Naruto intervened. “Oh no, back then we were just 18. But Sasuke used Uchiha’s clairvoyant abilities to find me, so here I am.”
“Well, at least then I have a successful example right before my eyes.” She nodded, picked her name card and scribbled some numbers on it. “Here’s my personal cellphone number, I look forward to your older brother to contact me so we can continue our conversation. Send me all the statistics as soon as you can, and also send me this presentation you just gave so I can properly study later.” She stood up, and shook hands with both of them. “We’ll talk soon, I hope.”
They both bowed respectfully, thanking for her time as they exited the building, breathing a sigh of relief at the same time.
“Thanks for the save.” Sasuke muttered, Naruto grinned back. “I’m not entirely comfortable that you lied about how we realized we’re soulmates though.” He added.
The blond man rolled his eyes, shrugging. “The only people that know about our history are our close friends, there’s no harm lying a little. Plus, we were fooling around for so long that anyone would also consider that you might be the one who knew that we’re soulmates too.”
It felt weird that they talked about their entanglement in the past tense, like Naruto was some sort of ex that was trying to get back to him. Except that Naruto was his soulmate, so it complicated this situation even further. 
Sasuke cleared his throat. “Anyways, since we’re already in the same city of the Uchiha’s shrine and I’m going to take a quick detour so I can get the documents Takashi-sama asked. You can go back to Tokyo if you’d like.”
“Huh? Oh, I don’t mind waiting a little, the trip back to Tokyo is 1 hour and a half long, man. It’s really boring going by myself so if you’re around at least you can provide some entertainment and let me tease you all the way through.”
“Do I look like I’m some kind of toy to you?” When Naruto curled a mischievous grin, Sasuke harrumphed unimpressed. “Whatever, I’m not going to rush for you, usuratonkachi. I might take the whole afternoon, so if you wait for too long it’s going to be your loss.”
No matter how many times he went, being in the Uchiha shrine always made him uneasy. He could practically feel the millenia age weighing down on his shoulders. While he was using his own hand to fan his face, Naruto excused himself for a second to buy some beverage in a nearby kiosk.
“Sasuke, hey Sasuke!”
Raising an eyebrow, Sasuke obeyed this call and approached the ditsy blond. Naruto gesticulated in excitement, next to two elderly women that appeared to be the owners of the shop. 
“Those two nice ladies, Yachi-san and Kiyoko-san are married for over 50 years! Can you imagine⏤being in such a happy relationship with your soulmate for so long⏤”
Sasuke huffed, but responded politely. “Congratulations to you both for such a long and happy matrimony. Well Naruto, unfortunately the Uchiha shrine doesn’t allow strangers, even though I talked to my mother to try authorizing your entrance.”
Naruto waved his hand, untroubled. “Eh, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I can use this opportunity to have a nice chat with those two young and jovial ladies.” He beamed and the women giggled in return. “Is that ok for you though?”
“…sure, why not?”
“Uh, it’s just that, I don’t know. You looked kinda uncomfortable somehow.” He rubbed the back of his blond head.
At this admission, Sasuke could feel his shoulders relax somehow. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it. But thanks for getting worried over me.”
Naruto snorted, and puffed his chest. “Well, of course! After all, I’m your soulm⏤”
“See you later.” Sasuke turned around and ignored the squawk of indignation. 
As expected, the Uchiha clan contained a long array of documents and ancient scrolls neatly put in the huge archive. There was no point collecting all information since day one, so Sasuke concentrated getting most information from the latest decade, and photographed some old scrolls in case he needed it to impress future sponsors. He took for about half an hour or more, patting the dust away from his clothes as he went to retrieve Naruto.
However, as he was approaching the blond man, he noticed the frantic and desperate look while he chattered with the old ladies. Naruto noticed him, giving a quick bow to them and sprinted towards him.
Quirking an eyebrow, Sasuke mumbled. “You look pale. Is everything alright?”
“Uh, yeah! Sure! Everythin’ ‘s alright, they were just telling me some sad story. But we gotta go right?” 
Sasuke observed in silence, but didn’t ask anything further. On the way back to Tokyo, Naruto managed to find his usual lively mood, though sometimes he still appeared to be rattled with whatever news the ladies had delivered. 
Several weeks have passed without a hitch, as Sasuke and Itachi managed to accumulate more capital for further investment in developing Shinrei. So far with Naruto’s strategies, they have been the talk between youtube influencers, Itachi even gave some interviews to further explain their product.
Sasuke figured it was time for him to look for some international sponsors, at least those in the neighboring countries. After contacting and rescheduling, he called Naruto.
“Naruto, I’ll not be able to attend our meeting tomorrow. Can we change to Friday?”
“Yeah sure, no problem. Why? Is everything going alright for you?”
“Hm, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. I have to go to Beijing to show to some potential sponsors.”
“Oh? You know how to speak Chinese?” Naruto perked up, curious.
“No, we’re going to talk in English.”
“Hey, if it’s English I can help you out! You want me to go with you on this trip?” Naruto exclaimed.
Pausing in mild surprise, Sasuke said. “You can? It’s not too much trouble for you?”
“Nah. I think. Neji said that you guys are now giving a percentage of your profit to our company right? So he’s pretty onboard with anything that will help Shinrei. I think I can get some plane tickets for a good discount, we can meet at the airport.”
It was becoming increasingly disconcerting how he was getting used to having Naruto by his side, giving presentations, sharing meetings, to the point that he was looking forward to seeing the familiar grin and brilliant pair of blue eyes. Sasuke sighed.
Stop. This is nothing. Those emotions are fabricated, some lingering primitive vestiges that he’s forced to face from time to time. 
And yet, he appreciated knowing that Naruto would aid him, swift response to defend their position whenever they were in a dispute with a potential sponsor. After four meetings or so, they finished their meal and took a cab to their hotel, laying tiredly on the seat.
Sasuke was first to give his name to the hotel receptionist, mirroring Naruto’s yawn as the blond man slugged over the reception desk.
“Excuse me, Mr. Sasuke Uchiha? I think there must be some kind of mistake, but we’re not finding your name in our reservation system.”
Sasuke tsked, and grumbled. “Maybe my older brother booked with his own name. Try to find Itachi Uchiha.”
There were efficient typing noises, and the receptionist mumbled embarrassed. “We’re very sorry, but we’re not finding your older brother’s name either.”
Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Yes? What’s the matter Sasuke?” Itachi answered his call.
“For some reason, the hotel you booked is not finding my name.”
“What hotel?”
“Hotel? In Beijing? I’m spending the night here nii-san.”
“Oh.” There was a pause and then. “I forgot.”
Sasuke blinked. “You forgot.”
“Yes, how foolish of me. So sorry my dearest otouto-kun.” Itachi’s amused tone raised red flags in his mind.
“Don’t bullshit me Itachi. Are you telling me that you, that can practically remember how you exited mom’s womb, forgot to book one room for me??”
“I guess I was so busy programming and talking with clients and everything…I’m just human otouto-kun.” 
Sasuke wasn’t having any of this. “You’re not human, you’re an evil demon. I’m going to kill you when I get back to Japan.”
He heard Itachi’s amused chuckle in response. “Sure sure. Say hi to Naruto-kun for me ok? I got to go.” 
Sasuke groaned loudly, picking Naruto’s attention while the blond man was signing the papers. “Jesus, what happened?”
Sasuke glared at the receptionist, causing him to yip in terror. Sasuke rubbed his eyebrows, and enquired in a calmer voice. “Alright, give me a single room, I’ll pay with my credit card now.”
“I’m…very sorry Mr. Sasuke, but we don’t have any vacant single room.”
“Oh?” Naruto’s face was now 90% wide grin. “Did I just hear that Uchiha Sasuke-sama doesn’t have any place to stay? What tragedy!”
This is karma, this had to be. There was no way Sasuke would be so ill-fated to be surrounded by utter sadists. 
“Hey, lucky for you I booked a double bed room!”
“You and Itachi didn’t plan this stupid idea together once again, did you?”
Naruto rolled his eyes. “Obviously we didn’t, have you forgotten the fact that I offered on the last minute to go to Beijing with you, while you booked this flight last week right? Ugh, you’re so skeptical over everything.”
Sasuke wrinkled his nose, and muttered back to the receptionist. “What kind room do you have available then?”
“Well…VIP, Deluxe and presidential rooms.”
“They all sound very expensive. You sure you don’t want to share the room with lil ol’ me?” Naruto offered, impish beam stamped on his face.
Fuck this. Picking up his suitcase, Sasuke turned around towards the exit.
“Whoa, where are you going?”
“Any other hotel, so I can avoid whatever trap you’re laying on me.” Sasuke glared.
Naruto didn’t even bat an eye, cooing in a fake, shrill girlish voice. “I mean, maybe you’re right, maybe you need to go to another hotel. Poor wibble, delicate Sasuke-chan can’t defend himself against my evil clutches because I’m a very bad, bad boy.”
One day, one day, he’ll stop falling for whatever goading Naruto would do to rile him up. The blond man was practically skipping on the way to their room, doing an exceptional extra flair with his hand as he allowed Sasuke to enter first.
Graphite eyes scanned everywhere, unfortunately the room wasn’t big enough for one adult man to sleep on the floor.
“Hey Sasuke⏤”
“Just to be clear, we’re not going to have any sex.”
Naruto gawked, tilting his head to one side. “I just wanted to ask if you mind if I put my luggage over there geez. We’re just going to share a bed, not prepare for some fucking sex marathon.”
Sasuke’s eyes were still narrowed, sharp and cautious.
“I mean, unless you were thinking ‘bout it⏤” Naruto curled a sly smirk.
“Absolutely not.”
“Well, so what’s the fuss is all about. ‘M going to take a bath first, I stink.” Naruto picked up a set of clean clothes and went to the bathroom.
Naruto’s complete lackadaisical attitude, however, just increased his suspicion even further. He used his laptop with a guarded stance, steering clear from the blond man, especially after he exited fresh from the bath, all golden locks dewy, tanned skin glowing good GOD he’s not falling for this. Sasuke grabbed his pyjamas and shut the door with a loud click.
The warm droplets coming from the shower managed to calm him, savoring how it massaged his tense shoulders. Sighing contentedly, Sasuke was ready to call it a day and jump on the bed when he saw Naruto sprawled all over it, patting on the empty spot in front of him.
Sasuke growled. “You’re not spooning me.” Besides, if they really need to spoon, he’d be the bigger spoon.
“You’re always such a ray of sunshine. Just lie down here ok? It’s not like we've never done this before.”
Pursing his lips, Sasuke sat on the edge of the bed, gradually lying down his body stiff. Naruto turned off his lights, his back turned to Sasuke.
After several minutes, the brunet was getting sleepy and adjusted the covers, shutting his eyes. He felt arms enveloping around his waist. “Naruto…” He growled.
Naruto’s voice was sluggish and tired, already ready to slumber. “Mm, ‘s just som’ thing, you’re so grouchy, I swear to God…” he continued muttering until he quieted down at last.
Sasuke sighed, revelling the warm body breathing close to him. Just this once, he’d indulge himself. Next time would be different.
(little did he knew, he slept with a pleased smile)
Chapter 04
AN: Aw, I noticed how much I missed writing Naruto and Sasuke bantering. It was really entertaining.
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thelowlysatsuma · 5 years
Ramble in whatever form you choose. I won’t be able to be active all the time so if you want to be able to do it whenever you want I’d say text posts but I’ll also try to occasionally ask you about them so there’s some variety
!!! okay! well i think i’ll choose a couple from the list that i haven’t made many posts about before (aka no ts or go) and ramble on here!
oof under the cut bc idk how long this will get
steven universe
oh hon don’t even get me STARTED on su like that shit? that shit is so good? okay first of all i love the cast so much? gosh they’re just all so sweet and cool and sometimes they collab w/ thomas sanders and i love rebecca sugar and im gonna cry they’re so sweet im so soft
okay SECONDLY the show itself oof
okay okay im just? god im so soft?? like the music is so good, i can (and do) watch it w/ my parents, GOD do i wanna cosplay pearl’s new outfit (and rainbow 2.0, if i can pull it off), im in love with the concept and all the fusions and the story and the worldbuilding and god, this made me realize my utter love and adoration of COLOURS like they’re so PRETTY im in LOVE oh my gOD and just
god it has such a good message and such a good plot and such good characters i wanna be steven’s friend i wanna be all of their friends oh man i just can’t wait until my baby cousins are old enough for me to show this to them because i’m going to enjoy that experience so much
oh jfc where the fuck do i even start with ducktales okay david tennant as scrooge mcduck makes my fucking life literally he’sthe best goddamn charaacter in the show – well, best besides the triplets (my BOYS), webby (!!! my KID), f e n t o n (god i love that nerd), mark beaks (what an asshole), mrs beakley (i wanna be her when i grow up), launchpad (!!! he!!), and so many others??? this is like serious every character in the show erasure but hot damn duck tales says gay rights and it does so in style (oh yeah also i love lena della donald oh webby’s new friend whose name i forget uhhh herules oh the inventor guy fenton’s boss that dipshit love him uhhh gandra dee who’s voiced by jameela jamil if im not mistaken??????) and yeah it’s a hilarious show but it’s also just a really good one for me to watch whenever i start to like. feel empty inside?? but then like i’ll put on ducktales and i’ll feel better
gravity falls
this show. this show RUINED ME. i started watching it like four years late (aka last year lmao) but GOD, im so in love with it. def another one i wanna show my cousins.
like?? just??? the ciphers and mysteries appeal so much to me and my love of mystery and crime novels, the characters are all amazing, alex hirsch himself is just such a g?? and like. it’s so good. it hurts me so much but then it’s all okay in the end and it’s just. it’s so good.
yeah i sobbed my eyes out when i watched that series finale.
camp camp, which somehow i forgot on my other list
god, is this show hilarious. like, fuck is it funny. it’s so good. it’s so fucking good. i was a little shocked when i saw the first episode but i’m so into it now, and i’m so attatched to all the characters bc they’re just dumbasses trying their best (or worst, in a few cases) and i love them for it. that’s peak fool energy right there and it speaks to me
orphan black
okay okay okay veering now into a much darker type of television, orphan black is??? phenominal???
okay so my best friend @fuck-me-gently-with-a-slurpee got me into it when i was like 14 or 15 i think and i honestly cannot thank her enough because this show is incredible. the plot’s super engaging, i literally cannot say anything about it without giving away spoilers, and the main character has quite possibly the best actor i’ve ever seen playing her
like. you think thomas sanders is good? he ain’t got SHIT on tatianna maslany
you guys. you guys. mythbusters was my childhood. like seriously, i watched that show religiously.
it’s what first got me into science, and it’s what kept me interested in explosions. it’s light and funny and ridiculous and scientifically accurate in the dumbest ways possible. i swear to god the main cast nearly dies once an episode
these guys are my idols. like, i seriously cannot overstate how much i love the mythbusters. adam and jamie, tori, kari, and grant.
when i was a kid, i wanted to be a mythbuster when i grew up, and god damnit, i still do. they mean that much to me
bill nye
fun fact! i actually had no fuckin clue who bill nye was until seventh grade, when i had to watch an episode of his show for homework because i missed a day of class. it was the episode on static electricity, and i remember sitting at my dining room table in the dim winter afternoon light, squinting at my computer, and thinking “what the FUCK am i WATCHING?”
needless to say, i’ve seen more since then, but that initial what the fuckery is still present and i love it.
not only is bill nye the science guy a flippin fantstic show, but bill nye himself? the coolest guy alive. god, i love him. what a g.
various comedians including but not limited to john mulaney,john oliver, and hasan minhaj
okay, as a gay, i am legally required to love john mulaney, but seriously that guy is so. fuckin. funny that i can’t help myself. his timing is priceless, the way he moves onstage is hysterical, just. god i love his stuff.
literally his comedic timing and style is half the reason people find me funny. i just phrase my sentences the way he would because, you know, i’m good at stealing things, and people laugh, and i go “hey. that actually worked”. and then i keep doing it
next, john oliver. okay, so while i don’t watch his show religiously, i do watch it when my parents do every now and again, and fuck is his stuff funny. like. just. shit.
finally, hasan minhaj’s patriot act is just. one of my favourite current events comedy shows out there. it’s in a similar vein to john oliver’s stuff, just more international, and shit, is he good at what he does. i lvoe it.
hoodwinked the movie (i am dead serious)
okay, while i haven’t seen it in over four years, this is still my favourite movie of all time. it also has one of my favourite villain songs of all times, and some of the best character exchanges just. ever. especially with wolf and twitchy
...god, i love twitchy. also the goat. i’m probably gonna be the goat when i grow up, let’s be honest
one day at a time
i just.
there’s so much to say about odaat. like. it’s so funny. it makes me nearly cry every episode (and makes my mother actually cry every episode). the characters, god, the characters
like. alex is such a cute dumb kid (who’s smarter than he looks), penelope is so salty constantly and i love her but she’s genuinely so cool and such a good mom and i cry??? elena is so amazing like god she’s such a fuckin nerd but she’s also so salty (takes after her mom) and is literally the best????
and then there’s abuelita, whom i adore. like, god, rita moreno is SO cool and SUCH a great actress and has SUCH an amazing sense of comedic timing and GOD, i LOVE HER
can’t forget about syd and doc berkowitz, which like. okay first off the good doc. just. god i love the doc. he’s so sweet and such a genuinely good dude and he’s a bit of a coward at heart but that’s okay because he genuinely cares and does his best and god he’s just such an amazing character im !!!!! and then syd is such a dork and i love them and elena and god, it made me so happy to see not only an actual enby character on a big sitcom, but also just?? like??? it’s not forced but it’s still there??? like there’s one episode where one of the plots is just syd and elena trying to figure out what elena should call them, since neither of them are comfy using “girlfriend” for syd since they’re not a girl, and they finally agree on “significant other” and schneider imMEDIATELY says “dont you mean, SYDnificant other?” and then they use that for the REST OF THE SHOW IT”S SO CUTE OKAY
and finally, schneider. he might be my favourite character in the entire show (which is a damn hard list to pick from!!!), but he’s just. he’s so sweet, he and penelope have one of the absolute best male/female friendships i’ve ever seen (which! never! turns! romantic! ever!!!), he’s actually got surprising depths but he’s also like such a nice goofball that when they get revealed, it hurts, and he’s just this canadian dumbass (heyyyyy repreSENT) with the worst goddamn canadian accent sometimes and he’s a hipster and The Dumb Friend and the weird uncle all rolled into one and GOD, i love him so much
the good place and brooklyn 99
okay, i love these two both so, so much, but i’m lumping them together because a) they’re both mike schur shows with a similar sense of humour, that say gay rights, and with characters who’d definitely love each other if they met and b) my hand is getting tired from all this typing but i still have so much  love to go around!!!!
okay so so SO! they’re both so good. they’re so fucking funny and amazing and i was immediately hooked on both of their pilots. their characters are all so genuine and flawed and fucking hysterical to watch, and the ships and friendships are all so amazing and pure and good and soft and they have their problems and they WORK THEM OUT HEALTHILY AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OKAY!!!
god, i literally cannot overstate how much i adore these two shows. mike schur, you’re a wonderful, wonderful dude. thank you so much
many musicals (top faves include BOM, hamilton, legally blonde, chicago, matilda, and more!)
i’m putting the musicals together because while i do adore each and every one of them individually, i also just have great big deep-seated love of the art of musical theatre itself in general, ya feel?
like, as someone who’s been both performing and viewing them from a very young age, the sheer sense of utter joy they bring is almost unparalleled
not to be That Bitch who quotes musicals, but “and that hop in our hearts as the overture starts lets us know how lucky we are” might be the closest i’ve ever gotten to finding words to fit the feeling when the lights go down and the show begins. it’s simply phenomenal
the others series by anne bishop
okay, OKAY, if you haven’t read this series (first book called written in red – they have terrible titles but god, they’re worth it), then what are you doing with your life? like, not only is there the perfect logicality au to them (just sayin’), but god, it’s such an incredible series
the worldbbuilding is so cool and the characters are all great and god the ships are the damn hill i die on it’s got literally such a good “sort of enemies mostly just dislike each other to reluctant acquaintances to friends to lovers” ship and it deals with some serious issues rlly well and it’s got baby puppies!!!
like, they’re wolf puppies, but still, they are b a b e y
and finally (for now, at least), the mysterious benedict society, by trenton lee stewart
this book series was my childhood. i mean, there are so many other books i could be talking about right now that i utterly adore (the artemis fowl series springs to mind), but gosh, MBS just brings me such absolute joy to read that i just had to have it on here.
i’m not thinking straight at this point in the evening, but i just wanna say that i will never, not ever forget about reynie. about kate. about sticky. about constance. about rhonda and number two and milligan and miss perumal and my absolute son sq pedalian and, of course, i will never, never forget about mr benedict
it’s bright, and it’s bittersweet, and it’s beautiful.
and it’s good. simply, utterly, wonderfully good.
thank you for the ask, anon.
thank you.
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To Light A Magic Fart
We have been made aware that our latest commentary has elicited a rant.
We would like begin by saying the first half of this rant is not only a misdirect but a lot of personal stuff that is outside our targeted topics of commentary so we shall be skipping that.
“As I type all this, I feel a strange sense of bewilderment. I’ve read very little on liminal spaces, magical theory, mythic time, or Dionysus; and yet I’m sitting here, trying to tell my own story and no one else’s, and finding myself describing something that I somehow, recognize as being intimately connected to all of these things at once. “
We must inform you this is very doubtful.  As someone who has crusaded against actual knowledge and those who teach it, study it, and understand it, you suddenly valuing any knowledge you are adamant against giving any sense of importance, this is a contradiction.  We would like to remind you, you have spent years demonizing those who are academically minded, who would possess the best supply of these topics of information.  We need to remind you, you have chased, and guided newcomers away from these very informed and academic individuals with a very glib and dismissive expressions that they are somehow morally and emotionally defective.
We need to remind you, you have spent more posts declaring how unimportant and meaningless academic resources, information, and knowledgeable people who covet such information, that it boggles the mind how you can sit here now and suddenly have an appreciation for information and knowledge.  We must say that is highly convenient, almost like you are a bag of contradictions and hyperbole.
“ I don’t know. Maybe I can’t know. Maybe knowing how and why this is happening isn’t the point. “
We would like to mention that in every occurrence that knowledge is passed on from a deity it is made obvious that it is given by them.  We would like to remind you, this would be conferred as a minor miracle and the god that granted it would not do so with a cloak and dagger delivery.
“Maybe no matter how strange and fantastic my real life is...“
We can not believe you, as you complain constantly about how you are incredibly oppressed and put-upon by the evil capitalist misogynistic patriarchy, holding you in a death grip of poverty...strange and fantastic is not the picture you spent years painting.  If you’d like to recant those lies and give a more accurate depiction of your life, feel free, no need to keep up the pretense.
“... there will always be some way that I and everyone else can convince ourselves that there must be a perfectly mundane, scientific explanation for everything, that nothing truly magical could ever possibly happen in our actual, physical lives. “
We would like to say this is a gross generalization that disturbs us greatly.  We would like to mention that, something can be scientific and still be magical.  Magical events do not have to be beyond scientific involvement or divorced from the world in a separate sphere.  They are part of the same world, they occupy the same space.  Magic is everywhere, and science just helps us understand how that natural magic works.  We understand the gist of what you are attempting to say but it’s so mushmouth muddled with it loses cohesion.  We would like to simplify, you’re wrong.  --Memphis
Not familiar with the idea that magic is only science we don’t understand yet, are you?  The world is as magical as you make it. --Cairo
“In fact, if I had done what nigh on every single Hellenic polytheist told me, 3 years ago, that I absolutely must do before I was allowed to even talk to any of the Theoi; i.e., devote far more time, money, and energy than I even had... “
You’d have a functional well structured and meaningful religious practice that you can easily make a habit to exercise, in order to have an actual religious practice and not just invent it on a whim while screeching “muh poverty lack of resources”, in a religious practice that has its ancient methodologies of worship and practice well outlined with a knowledgeable community that could inform you of them and help you?  We can see how dreadful that would have been!  Better you avoided any of that ACTUAL respecting the gods with their own religious practices which are time tested and just dump a can of wine on the ground, belch and in tone “amen, bro”.--Memphis
If every single practitioner of a religion is telling you that you do something, perhaps that’s how the religion is actually practiced?  Just saying.--Cairo
”I would still be refusing to accept the very possibility that the Theoi are real, and trying to communicate with me, and weren’t just trying to kick the shit out of me because I ‘m not “humble” enough to be allowed to even casually worship them, or even think about wanting to worship them. That is the extent to which I have been gaslighted by an ableist, sexist, queerphobic world...”
We must inform you this is not gaslighting, and none of this is true.  You’re so buried helplessly in the twisted murky interior of your own ideology that you have bought into all the lies and fables it has generated.  Snap out of it!
“It’s because polytheists are, for the most part, every bit as closed-minded and self-righteous as the Southern Baptists who told me I was an abomination and a Devil worshipper and a degenerate for being a queer witch who talked back to pastors and smoked weed.“
We must inform you, you are confused.  These are your actions which you committed upon every community you attempted to infect like herpes.  Anyone who didn’t bow down to every word of your vapid ideology was to be summarily purged.  You created an entire callout blog (which we parody), to bully, harrass and purge people you deem morally corrupt and a heretic to your divinely sanctioned and holy edicts of social justice that must be obeyed to the letter.  You terrorized this community for years with it, dividing it, polarizing it and demonizing our gods, twisting them into these token puppets you can make spit out any words you want to give yourself the squishy feels. 
The only ones who act like southern Baptists or medieval catholic inquisitors, are you and your friends.  Don’t try to backpedal that YOU are the victim here, you are the bully, the aggressor, the one causing harm. 
Some sects of polytheism have actual ancient records detailing proper practices to how their religion is followed.  While following them in personal practice is largely voluntary, they are the methods espoused to have been prescribed by the gods of their own religion.  It’s just respectful to those gods to follow such practices.
”Because of all this, polytheists are perfectly willing to bully, threaten, gaslight, and otherwise abuse young, vulnerable people in their midst who even for one minute threaten their perceived “respectability” in the eyes of the mainstream and of their favorite Big Name Pagans. They are perfectly willing to ignore the real problems in our community -bullying, toxic groupthink, overwhelming authoritarianism, rape culture and misogyny, TERFS and other assorted trans/homophobes, bigots of every kind, ableism to the point that the first thing anyone says to discredit me is that I’m “obviously hallucinating” when I talk about astral stuff or magic (that’s not how hallucinations fucking work you fucking morons! Read a book every now and then, for chrissake), and goddamn actual Nazis- in favor of whining about how Pop Culture Pagans or “fluffy” people or “loudmouthed brats” are OMG THE REASON NO ONE TAKES US SERIOUSLY!1!!11!!! They do all of these things, and simultaneously fancy themselves particularly enlightened, superior to followers of “”Abrahamic religions””, by virtue of simply “following the old gods” and “being connected to nature”, or whatever.”
We are touched, this is clear vagueblogging about us.  What was it you said...
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Seriously though, you left this on our post as if you don’t care, and then wrote this thesis of how much it bothers you and you do care.  You’re pathetic.
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. “
We must inform you, this is fundamentally untrue.  You’re reaching again.--Memphis
Citation needed.  This mod has actually heard more complaints that name you, Devo, and your friends specifically as making it difficult to practice, than heard such complaints about other online spaces.--Cairo
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. Human beings are intimately social creatures; we are constantly, consciously and subconsciously, affected by the social environment that we are in, whether we like it or not and whether we know it or not. It’s basically impossible not to be drawn in by the assumptions everyone around you makes and operates on, even if we’re ignoring thoughtforms and energies and other woo stuff. Polytheists have convinced ourselves that anything we experience that’s in any way out of the ordinary; in any way not exactly what the historical record we currently have portrays…in other words, anything that might realistically be a part of interacting with actual deities and doing actual magic, absolutely will be called a delusion, an attention-seeking stunt, an idiotic act of hubris, an attempt to “start a cult” or gain coercive power over others, an evil and sacrilegious act, or all of the above, by anyone and everyone in our community who wants to discredit whatever it is we’re saying. No wonder even people who have fantastic experiences doubt themselves, or refuse to go public with it; I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot, and I often have to steel myself to be honest online because of the (attempted) bullying and public shaming that I know for a fact will result from it.“
More about us.  You must love us dearly.  We must inform you, again you are entirely wrong.  You literally told Set in that interview post, you would start a cult.  You adhere to a collectivist ideology that operates on the concept of original sin and so everyone of that group must atone for the sins of the group for every instance in history.  You follow an ideology that abhors individual worth and thought over the group opinion and the group’s collective thought, in which any dissent and the individual will be sacrificed to ensure purity of the group.  You operate like a wanna-be cult leader who wants a cult.
You have done alot of evil in this community and you called it righteous because your ideology decrees it must be.  Your every action is dictated by it, your every thought is shaped by it to the point you declared that a god who historically always supported a theocratic monarchy...suddenly fell in love with socialism/communism...an inherently destructive and genocidal form of government and philosophy.  One that has claimed over 100 million lives, and more?!  That is alot ot buy, smarmy, a LOT to buy.  We didn’t even mention how he just outright confirms all your political points, thoughts, beliefs, and heralds them as divinely sanctioned?!  We don’t have to know how the stove top makes the coil red hot to understand touching it will burn.--Memphis  
Others have said it, and this mod will say it again:  It is not that you are sharing your personal experiences that is the problem; it is that you are stating them as being as factually true as peer reviewed historical sources.  You can believe what you want, but it is absolutely dishonest and disgusting to expect and insist that the rest of the community treat it as fucking holy scripture.--Cairo 
“I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot...”
We would like to say, considering you felt the need to write this dissertation of drivel, you most certainly are sensitive.
“If you say you worship Set, but then spit in the face of his ideals in almost every mundane action you take -from the way you treat people traditionally associated with him to the way you think and talk about mundane, real-world chaos, riots, criminals, and political violence- are you actually worshipping Set, or are you just worshipping your own assumptions about Set?“
We are amazed at how unironic you write this and yet, it’s like you wrote this looking in a mirror.
“And if the very fact that someone online who you don’t like has posted UPG about Set condemning your actions and behavior…causes you to post frantic, histrionic paragraphs about how the person in question is an evil, power-hungry, lunatic aspiring cult leader who is “evidently” crazy and lying and trying to manipulate the entire kemetic community and also is in league with the Sn/ake that wants to destroy existence itself, are you really prioritizing your devotion to Set? Or are you prioritizing your own ego, because you refuse to even entertain the possibility that you could be wrong and ought to change your behavior in some way in order to better honor him? “
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Wow again, you gazed in the mirror.  None of our commentaries, nor those of any of your critics, are frantic, nor histrionic, but it is apparent that you are and you do.  They are not the ones fueled by such deep seething hatred and rage for anything outside your own myopic and narrow minded views.  They aren’t the ones demanding slavish devotion to an ideology that history has proven is murderous and dangerous.  They aren’t the ones who profess to be ‘on the side of the angels’ and in the same breath long for violent rebellious war to shred the country and slaughter millions.  You are a hateful person devoid of compassion and an enemy of anything resembling freedom. 
We see you have again mistaken UPG for something provable.  If you had written that interview and stated that you wrote Set’s dialogue intuitively, or you interpreted them, rather then composed the transcript verbatim...we’d have been more lenient with our criticisms.  We point out, every word of his dialogue was verbatim your own, that you have ranted about for the years.  Every bit, from his diction, to his syntax, from tone to word choices was entirely from your own and not from an external source.  The fact it entirely vindicates every word of your political tripe, your beliefs and ideology, to the decimal place, is evidence that it’s not from any external source, or external spiritual entity but from you.  This was a complete fiction.
To state that “anyone who disagrees with smarmy, Set and his people gunna git’ya”, is such a colossal over reach that it strains believably.  We are certain that any god who loves their devotee would say they will defend them against attack, but this.  We must inform you this is something else entirely.
We are quite certain we don’t need to change our behavior to profess your ideals as our own and bow down to accept communism and socialism or even anarchism as the true path forwards.  We don’t need to throw away any sense of actual morality to support systems that have led to more destruction and death then any others in history and recorded memory. 
We are also not above admitting if we are wrong, but when it comes to you and how you abuse the name of the gods for your own twisted ends, we aren’t.
We are however, certain you are.  You are so in love with your own ideological puppetry that you not only profess that a god has endorsed you 100%, promised to smite all who oppose you, promise you power and prestige as his precious prophet of his ideals (which you forced into him).  So deeply entrenched in this ideology and stances of no matter what the cost, no matter how ridiculous, you can never admit to being wrong when facing any dissenting voices or else it instantly negates all of your teachings, beliefs, and words (which it only does because you made them so absolute), that you cannot admit you are wrong and can only dig deeper down this endless trench of foolishness and madness. 
We have no doubts the S/na/ke influences you, it praises you, it agrees with you, it gives you whatever you want, the sense of righteousness that you’re never wrong and always on the side of purity, everyone else is evil, everyone else is impure, everyone else is wrong, everyone else is at fault...That is the danger of isfet and the parasitic spirits that serve it, and you let them in.
“ I believe that gods are huge, ancient, and multi-faceted, so sure, it’s possible that there’s a version of Set out there that likes racist bootlickers and encourages them to follow the law no matter the human cost“
This is among the most offensive things you’ve ever said.  Historical record cannot be dismissed and hand-waved away of how these gods have acted in the past and expect they did a full 180.  We would like to mention, that once again, like any good cult leader, you degrade anyone who dissents.  We would like to state you are completely off the mark, you have no understanding of this god if you honestly think he loves communism and loves nazism and loves racism because ‘there MUST be an aspect of him that likes it’.  We need to remind you, that would make him evil.  This is a complete insult to a god you claim to love and worship.  This is a damning and horrible thing to say about a god you claim to respect.  This shows us you have nothing but sheer contempt for the gods, so you invent a twisted and corrupted idea of them.  We need to remind you, it’s bullshit like this that makes us say your a delusional child aspiring cult leader who is aligned with the sn/a/ke, if you honestly think this about Set.  We are disgusted, you do this noble god, so much dishonor.  --Memphis
How dare you.  How dare you insult a god you claim to be even an outlaw priest of with such a foul misunderstanding of his character?!  Even for hyperbolic rhetoric?!  Can you not have even the barest smidgen of respect for the god you claim to serve or worship?  Or are the words that describe the most basic relationship of priesthood too uncomfortable for you?--Cairo
“ ... to “keep it real” by regurgitating tired and ignorant bigoted stereotypes and acting as though the fact the stereotype exists at all is somehow evidence that you’re right to be a bigot; and believe that “illegals” seeking asylum so that they and their families won’t fucking die are inherently dangerous enough to justify putting them in motherfucking concentration camps. But just because it’s possible doesn’t necessarily mean it’s very likely, now does it? “
We would ask if you ever get tired of making sweeping incorrect generalizations that make you look stupid but we already know the answer.  If you’d like to discuss what we believe regarding various political situations, we at KCFTP would be happy to chat, but do stop shoving words and beliefs into our and everyone mouths that do not apply.--Memphis
Who the fuck is Smarmy even talking about here?--Cairo
“No wonder people react to anyone showing historically common, textbook behaviors of a person being called to spirit work or reacting to being in a liminal space or state of mind, with derision and scorn and bullying. Genuine liminality, one of the main historical requirements for communicating with gods or using magic, is almost universally despised and cursed by modern-day polytheists as heresy.“
We would like to say this literally never happens.  This is a bold faced lie.  We knew you could not help it!--Memphis
That is really fucking weird, every discussion I’ve had with other polytheists and pagans has touched on how to communicate with gods, spirits, and other entities, magic, or other things that require having a foot in multiple worlds.  Everyone usually seems pretty eager to talk about such things.  Unusual for something “universally despised and cursed.”--Cairo  
“LGBT+ people are stereotyped as “special snowflakes” and yelled at about “assigning modern labels to gods” when we say that deities who canonically act as multiple genders or sleep with same-gendered-beings, are queer like us. “
We would like to clarify, no smarmy, that’s just you and your ilk...and it’s by other LBGT+ people...Stop trying to be some martyr, you aren’t.  Go outside, get off the internet.
“ Young people are bullied and publicly shamed on a regular basis if they run afoul of the wrong “Big Name Pagan”, and people smugly tell themselves and each other that it is, somehow, for the kid’s own good because they have to be “taught a lesson in humility” and “being the bigger person” or some other fucking nonsense that sounds like it fell directly from the mouths of actual child abusers and predators. “
So anyone who disagrees with you are child abusers and predators now too!?  We would like to say that is astounding, almost like it’s entirely fiction.  We’d also like to mention, the only BIG Name Pagans around here are you and Devo, and you guys are constantly a problem.  Maybe its you who needs to “be taught a lesson in humility” because you are no where near humble and you are among the most abusive individuals in this community.--Memphis
Said it before, will say it again.  We have seen you and your crew bully and publicly shame far more people in this particular community than any of us.  We’re not the ones who started the Kemetic Callout war, only the ones who have arguably been more successful at it.  And your callout blog only has the people who talked back and wouldn’t bend, it doesn’t count the many who bowed and broke before your bullying or those who left here altogether.--Cairo  
“Until sharing UPG that goes against the more popular narratives no longer makes one a social pariah among their polytheist peers, nobody should be surprised that it’s almost exclusively the heretical, disrespectful punks who are constantly being publicly snubbed and dismissed by their peers, who ever seem to talk about seeing any results or evidence that anything out-of-the-ordinary is actually going on. “
Translation: “Until I can share my UPG and it is believed as absolute fact without any question, and be heralded as the divine truth, the community is a shitshow!”--Memphis
As long as your UPG agrees 100% with your own personal and political beliefs, it will and should be questioned.  Whatever your stance, the gods have a wider experience and knowledge base than we do and will always have a different perspective.  Any spirit that tells you everything you want to hear and flatters you shamelessly is no god and has no good intentions towards you in the end.--Cairo
“Until we all accept that it doesn’t matter if Christians and mainstream secular people think we’re weird and so we don’t need to constantly jump through hoops to seem Academic™ and Serious™ and Normal™, nobody should be surprised that the only public discussions that don’t devolve into nasty name-calling matches are ones facilitated by a handful of holier-than-thou assholes who treat having a PhD in Philosophy as though it’s a permission slip from the gods themselves to be a self-righteous, know-it-all douche, and never really allow any disagreement with them on anything important.“
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Translation: “We need to continue being edgy punk teens who disrespect gods and culture and snub actual belief systems by turning them into comical satires of themselves, until the people smarter then us give up and let us have all the power, while we use our UPG to try and seem way more divinely important then we actually are by assigning ourselves flashy titles and divine endorsements!!! Cause if the gods support US, then we can’t be wrong!”
We would like to remind you that history is fraught with oppressive regimes who used this tactic, one example is the Spanish Inquisition.  Did you agree with them torturing and killing people to force them into conversion?  Another example we would like to mention is the North Korean regimes.  The ones who still have ACTUAL concentration camps. 
We would like to mention, China now has concentration camps where they hold and torment innocent Muslim citizens, and Chechnya who still have death camps where they send gay and LGBT citizens. 
We would like to mention these go entirely against your belief and political structures about LGBT+ issues, oppression, and gay rights.  We notice you never mention those.  We notice you never complain about them and how evil they are. We wonder, is it because it goes against your narrative of “communism is the truth and the way” or do you just not care? 
We would like to point out it would seem like those are true injustices you could fight against and for...not...how everyone needs to behave and believe how you want.
We would like to set the snark aside for a second and say, we’re always up for discussions.  We need to clarify that you always reduce the conversations to insults and calling everyone who disagrees with you “racist bootlickers”, so the issue is not on our side, but with you, so stop lying that we and all your critics are the unreasonable ones.
“And until we care more about taking care of each other than protecting our deities’ reputations, nobody should be surprised when our community remains a toxic, misogynistic, homophobic, Nazi-infested shithole, while everyone is more than happy to spend hours arguing about the particulars of shrine setups and deity name pronunciations and whether or not it’s okay to offer potato chips and Netflix binges to ancient deities who, ultimately, realistically are not that likely to give a shit either way. “
Literal Nazis wandered into our community and your reaction was “meh so what” and continued bullying other innocent people, who you labeled as nazis and racists.  You’re a one tune piano smarmy, and you just keep tooting the same tune.  It wasn’t believable when you were “the holy ambassador, ordained by Jesus, to the hellenics” it is not believable now.
“Until we fix the problems with our collective paradigm, until we fix the way we treat each other, until we genuinely value wisdom, compassion, humility, and courage over our reputations, we are all gonna have to accept that the gods we worship are not all that interested in revealing their actual, authentic, awesome, strange and unexpected powers to people who are determined to believe they are either incapable or unwilling to do so.“
We agree, you should start treating people better, starting with inatier and all the other people you’ve spent YEARS defaming, bullying, berating, harassing, snubbing, and demonizing.--Memphis
Actions speak louder than words Smarmy, and based on yours none of these are your values.  We have seen you bully and cast aside community members who did their research and were willing to share, we have seen your utter lack of compassion throughout your time here with anyone who has the nerve to disagree with you, and the idea of you having humility is a joke.  You worry more about being seen as your edgy, antifa, communist [insert additional labels here} self than about having the courage to suck it up, show some compassion, and value the wisdom of trying to mend the fences you have broken so badly over the years.
Additionally, we have had no problem seeing the many wondrous and varied faces of our gods because we are not hell bent on forcing them into tiny boxes that fit only our own personal beliefs.  If this is a problem you have been having, perhaps you should take your own advice.--Cairo
My colleagues have added much to these particular points of your diatribe, but I’ll add my bit here. While it seems like you may be in a better place physically (despite claiming you know more about psychology and medicine than your previous doctors do), you seem to be going down a dark, dangerous road mentally. You might just find yourself in jail yet, or worse if you don’t reevaluate your thinking.
“The insomnia is what caused my other symptoms to get so bad that they become delusions, paranoia, mania, and once, auditory hallucinations.” So you’re admitting to having breaks from reality, along with your emotional instability. Yet, you get butthurt when people are skeptical to your religious experiences. I’m no psychologist, admittedly, but I don’t automatically trust random people’s religious experiences, much less someone with a history of psychosis. Whether it’s you or anyone else. 
I would also recommend you be very, very careful using THC. I don’t know what medications you’re taking, but THC can interact with several different drugs, including Prozac. High levels of THC can cause paranoia and psychosis as well. 
You’re trying to act as a leader and activist when you’re still dealing with some very serious conditions. This is why so many people recommend to not use magic or occultic practices when dealing with mental health. People are not being elitist or ableist when they do this. The whole purpose is to encourage others to first attain treatment for their conditions. You’ve been claiming your own voice as Set’s, threatening violence to attain your desires in regards to politics, and using magic to harm your political enemies. You refuse to understand the motivations of people who don’t hold the same political opinions - even “centrists”, so that even the politically moderate are your enemies. This is even a symptom of borderline personality disorder, which you say you’re diagnosed with. Clearly, your symptoms aren’t completely managed.
You have a long way to go in terms of healing. You can blame the outside world all you like for not getting treatment or for a lack of progress, but your mental health is YOUR responsibility and you need to take responsibility and fix yourself before you’re in any position to try and “fix” the world with your ideology.
I highly encourage you to take a break and get some further professional help; wherever you are and however you can get it. Your writings are extremely troubling to us here. The last thing you need is to get arrested or committed trying to “punch a Nazi” or “take down the system”. You’re going to really screw up any chances of getting on your feet, getting treatment, and doing something actually meaningful with your life if you continue down this road.
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blessuswithblogs · 5 years
Video Games are a God Damned Mess: Bad Business Practices, Unsustainability, and the Fidelity Plateau
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(shoutouts to the anon rando in my inbox for telling me about the read more button you were kind of rude about it but i don’t use this website so i legit didn’t know)
The video game industry has always been a bit wild and wooly compared to its older contemporaries. The emergence of a new medium is always rife with upheaval as paradigms shift and people discover that the old rules don't necessarily apply all of the time. That said, the past three months have been filled with what I can really only describe as catastrophes for many disparate publishers and development studios.
 You may recall I talked a bit about this during my game of the year list and Fallout 76 analysis, but to recap: with Telltale shutting its doors and shafting its workers, the writing was on the wall for the same thing to happen again as the intrinsically unsustainable boom and bust cycle began the less glamorous stage. It turns out I was correct in my predictions but congratulating myself for seeing this coming is not unlike congratulating myself for accurately predicting that tomorrow will be Tuesday. Or. Whatever day it will be when I post this. fuck i dated the lp thread ruined LOOK the point is that this was really obviously going to happen and that nobody felt the need to prepare for it or try to stop it before 10% of Activision-Blizzard's workforce got canned is a major failure of the industry at large.
So let's talk a bit about what's happened since then. There's been a lot, so forgive me if I miss your favorite corporate implosion. First, at Blizzcon, Diablo Immortal was revealed to what actually might have been the most actively hostile reception of a game in history. This has less to do with the more financial aspects of the ongoing Videocon Crisis and more just kind of served as an ill omen and an example of Blizzard's worrying descent into... wherever it is they're going. If gross incompetence was a place, they would be descending into it. On paper, a Diablo mobile game is a money-printing proposition. When all is said and done Immortal will still probably make them gobs of cash. In practice, however, they fucked the landing so hard they probably lost potential sales. The kind of folks who go to Blizzcon and get omegahype for a new diablo game are not the kind of folks who play mobile games. Mobile games have a Stigma among the hardcore crowd, and also the Ethical Business Practices in Video Games crowd (which as of this writing appears to be me, Jim Sterling, and the Warframe devteam). For a lot of braindead gamerbros, mobile games are synonymous with things like Candy Crush and Peggle, which are perfectly fine games honestly but they're For Girls or some shit so mobile games are bad and for casuals. More pertinently, mobile games are also a ferocious jungle of microtransactions, pay2win mechanics, and generally shoddy design. Command and Conquer and Dungeon Keeper, beloved franchises that have been ripe for revisiting for years now, both found mobile games and they were both utterly terrible. These games make a great deal of their money by exploiting "whales", or in actual human being language, vulnerable people with disposable income and difficulties with impulse control or addictive personalities. Or kids who know their mom's creditcard number. Kids play video games. Now that we are no longer kids (theoretically, anyway) it can be easy to forget that. I'm not the pearl-clutching type, but I think that stigmatizing a genre of games that proudly touts an exploitative-of-children business model is probably okay.
So there are lots of reasons to be skeptical of Diablo Immortal right out of the gate, and quite frankly whoever thought that just pushing that out there with literally no other Diablo related news items (like any whispers of the long coveted hd remaster of diablo the second) was either transferred in from another company the day before or had some kind of unspeakable grudge against the scheduled presenters, to whom my heart goes out to. There is also some undeniable precedent that Blizzard-Activision will, in all likelihood, monetize the everloving daylights out of it. Both Hearthstone and Overwatch have more or less become nicely polished vehicles with which to deliver lootboxes to players for a nominal fee. If this hadn't been followed by a seemingly unceasing calvacade of disasters, the whole debacle would have been really funny to point and laugh at. It's still pretty funny to point and laugh at, but it also has some less amusing implications. Blizzard in particular has been up to a lot of no good lately. Let's talk a little bit about their recent one-two punch.
First up, we have the complete and sudden abandonment of competitive support for Heroes of the Storm. Heroes of the Storm was essentially Blizzard's seething regret and resentment for letting Valve snatch up the whole Defense of the Ancients thing put into code and unleashed upon an unwitting populace. It had actually been gaining some renewed interest over the past year or so due to the developers putting in some elbow grease and making the game both more accessible and just. More better. HotS has also had a modest but respectable eSports scene since the game's launch, with a variety of professional players, shoutcasters, tournament organizers and emergency bugfixers employed. Many of them were anxious about their jobs for months in advance with no word from the higher ups about who would still be employed by 2019. Sometimes, companies have to make difficult decisions and let people go to keep operating. Even my communist ass reluctantly accepts this as a reality of the system we live in. However, there is a protocol about this kind of thing. Giving notice. Giving, you know, severance pay. Stuff like that. And of course this presupposes that this sort of cut to the workforce is actually necessary in the first place. Given that AB subsequently reported record profits for the year of 2018, I have some doubts. Completely dropping support for a game out of the blue is a scummy thing to do to your playerbase. When it is also directly impacting the livelihood of hundreds of people in your employ, it goes beyond scummy and turns right into Unacceptable.
But "unacceptable" is Bobby Kotick's favorite word in the English language so while shoving hundred dollar bills from his latest corporate bonus up his butt he and his friends in the boardroom decided that the HotS esports people might get lonely, so they had better go and fire another 10% of the workforce too. Just because. Like literally just because. His company is doing fine - better than fine! They are at record levels of better than fine. But the shareholders demand more and more exponential growth, so to cut costs that really didn't need cutting, away goes 10%. Will game quality suffer because of this? Undoubtedly. More work being piled on fewer people who are also living in mortal fear of losing their jobs Just Because is not a recipe for success. People are mad about this, much like people were/are mad about Fallout 76 - players of games, industry wonks, and iconic voice actresses alike are no longer tolerating this kind of thing in Two Thousand and Nineteen, Common Era. Nor should they!
Elsewhere in the Game-o-sphere, similar developments are brewing. ArenaNet, the folks wot do Guildwars, went through another round of mass layoffs. EA's stocks have plummeted and Battlefield V "failed to meet expectations" because it only sold A Ton and not A Fuckin Shit Ton, and Anthem is not really lighting the world on fire. After Mass Effect Andromeda's... curious debut, Bioware has probably been feeling the heat and a lot of people are concerned that it too will suffer the ultimate fate of all studios acquired by Electronic Arts: joining Visceral Games in a broken heap at the bottom of the garbage chute. Bring back Dead Space you motherfuckers. Bethesda continues to, improbably, suffer through PR disaster after PR disaster with Fallout 76, a game that seemingly cannot stop fucking up. Ubisoft has received some positive attention for vowing to NOT lay off hundreds of employees for no discernible reason, which leads me to believe that our standards for praiseworthy behavior have dropped alarmingly low. Even 2K Games in all of its monolithic glory seems to be feeling a bit of a Stock Price Squeeze. Honestly by the time I get this done and posted it's entirely possible that somebody else will fuck something up. I'm still kind of waiting on the fallout from Randy Pitchford's porn thumbdrive, but I'm also a little bit pleased that Actual Money Crimes are getting more traction in the news cycle.
So, returning to the main point: the industry is in a bad situation of its own making. It's a scene that's almost always been defined by trend-chasing. For a while, that meant that we would just have to suffer through an endless glut of EXTREME SPORTS GAMES SPONSORED BY A DUDE or a barrage of samey console shooters desperately trying to be Halo every once in a while. Unfortunately, the trend-chasing now extends not only to the games themselves, but to the methods by which they are monetized. Ever since DLC became a mainstream thing, the brightest minds of the boardrooms have been working tirelessly to deduce which method of fleecing players will scientifically speaking get them the most money. Inevitably, when some enterprising little weasel develops a new and improved monetization scheme, the rest of the little weasels will immediately latch on to that scheme and that's how you end up with Battlefront 2's ridiculous lootbox grind and Shadow of War's ludicrous inclusion of randomized lootboxes in a singleplayer action-adventure game. While I'm certain that the platonic ideal of the lootbox has existed in some form or another for decades now, I think that we can squarely lay the blame for the Great Lootbox Plague of the Twenty-Tens at the feet of Valve.
Valve has been known for questionable business practices for a while now (albeit in a more lowkey way than We Fired 800 People So Bobby Kotick Could Buy a New Yacht), largely getting away with it because Steam has been more or less unchallenged as the premier digital distribution service for video games. This might be changing soon, as Epic Games is going straight for the jugular with a number of aggressive moves with its own fledgling platform, but historically, Valve has faced very few consequences for just kind of being petulantly antagonistic towards its userbase because said userbase is easily mollified by steam sales and Gaben memes. When people think lootboxes in 2019, they probably think of games like Overwatch or Battlefront 2 or basically any contemporary multiplayer game. I certainly do, but a bit of fact finding allowed me to remember that Valve has been doing this shit since Counterstrike and Team Fortress 2, and Dota 2's byzantine cosmetics market can't be overlooked either. All three of these games are or were at one point genre leaders and made Valve so much money they basically decided that they didn't really need to make games anymore. A reasonable conclusion to draw, given the fact all three of these games are inextricably linked to their history as very popular mods. Valve just outsources a great deal of its labor to dedicated, naive fans and gives them a pittance of the huge mounds of dollars they make from their hard work. It's a good racket, but it has set an alarmingly poor example to the rest of the gaming world.
Games as a service, in concept, is fine for games that lend themselves well to the idea. MMOs have been using a variation of the model for decades now and that genre is actually like, Perplexingly Healthy. Free to play games like League of Legends and Warframe have also had success with a service model. The problem comes from the AAA Game industry's pathological insistence on shoving square pegs into things that don't even have holes to begin with. Shadow of War, or Assassin's Creed, or any other major singleplayer offering, has no business whatsoever being a Live Service. They are finite experiences by design and that's completely fucking fine and normal. Appending microtransactions and lootboxes to them is a transparent attempt to just suck up a little bit more money from players in the most unsustainable way possible. Here is a small hint if some WB Games bigwig stumbles upon this: first of all, I'm building a guillotine, so you better watch your ass. Second, how dare you fucking make Shelob a sexy lady. Third, (this is the one that is probably most relevant): People are willing to pay as they go for cosmetics and timesavers for games that they like and want to support. I've dumped a lot of money into League over the years because there was a period of time where I was playing it nonstop and having a wonderful time for quite literally no cost to myself, so I felt like buying the cute Panda Annie Skin was a good compromise. Regrettably I would later learn that there are aspects of Riot Games I'm not super okay with giving money to but at the time they seemed agreeable and my friends who work there gotta get payed somehow. This whole dynamic of wanting to support a video game goes out the damn window when you are already charging a $60 entry fee, plus whatever highway robbery pricing you put on the inevitable DLC. In this case, the onus is squarely upon the publisher to provide an experience and content one would reasonably expect of the pricetag. Putting in microtransactions for cosmetics is galling. Putting in microtransactions for actual game progression, like in Battlefront 2 or Shadow of War, is outright insulting.
Many will leap to the defense of these publishers and developers, saying that these measures are necessary to make these ludicrously expensive and lavish AAA games that all look suspiciously like one another. For the time being, let's accept this as a true statement. If this is, in fact, the state of affairs in the industry, then the industry needs to change to a more sustainable business model. When playing Destiny 2, during a big space cutscene, the cute pilot lady ferrying me to The Large Molerat Man's Murderboat had beautifully rendered skin where you could see the pores and the little wispy cheek hairs that swayed to the momentum of the space plane's movements. It was very nice but then the next year or so I heard nothing but people pointing out "hey this game has no content you dipshits" or "the devteam is actually scamming people with the experience system to wring more playtime out of them". The cheek hairs affair succeeded in making me want the pilot to buy me dinner and regail me with stories of her space adventures as I batted my lashes at her in romantic admiration, but also: stop it. You do not need to do this. This is strictly unnecessary. The graphics arms race of yesteryear is over. Nobody cares anymore. Fidelity is plateauing harder and harder, to the point where games running properly on console without having to settle for 30FPS is becoming very difficult. There is an Earth B somewhere out there where Bloodborne was not a sony exclusive and got a PC release with 60FPS support and loading times for humans and on Earth B I am still playing that game for the forseeable future because it is the best game ever. We are far past the paradigm where we are making Tremendous Graphical Leaps with each successive generation. Right now, as of this writing, games look jawdroppingly good. Just ludicrously pretty and grandiose. Continuing to push the graphical envelope for Every Damn Annual Release is a waste of resources: monetary resources, labor resources, system resources. As of March, 2019, what people really want is stability and functionality. Something that runs nice and smooth at 60FPS and doesn't turn its characters randomly into nightmare inverse-Rayman beasts. I think the huge success of the Nintendo Switch, a console with relatively modest hardware but superb functionality, portability, and a surprisingly full featured library of both massive first party titles, like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey (which honestly look better than a lot of games on more robust hardware because of wonderful art direction) and smaller indie games, is testament to this line of thinking.
Maybe that's too bold of a statement. Maybe there's this huge swath of the gaming public that is just clamoring for more cheek hairs. If there are I think they're fucking out of their minds but who am I to judge. As long as games like that werewolf game The Order exist, where the universal reaction is "this is so pretty!!! ...wait there's nothing in here." I think that there is a serious responsibility to push back against that because evidently it's bankrupting the game industry and forcing them to violate international gambling laws to stay afloat. Except it's fucking not, actually. Many publishers are claiming record profits, upward trends, and are in a spot to have the raw nerve to say "well this game that sold 7 million copies didn't sell 8 million copies so it failed to meet expectations". They are doing ludicrously well for themselves in terms of generating revenue from sales. Where these highly successful corporations are running into problems is satisfying the almighty Shareholders. Shareholders are sort of like. Imagine if you got a job where you had to keep a large committee of actual babies happy, except the babies don't know shit about fuck about anything and demand that you routinely break all reasonable laws of sustainability and keep bringing in exponentially higher profits or they will take their ball and go home. There is still, evidently, money enough to give newly hired executives million dollar signing bonuses, but when it comes to just making a game that doesn't fall back on exploiting people with gambling addictions, we're suddenly dealing with an outfit of noble, longsuffering churchmice just trying to make ends meet. People are rapidly getting fed up with this blatant hypocrisy and dishonesty. Sales from Hearthstone card packs alone could fund a robust HotS esports scene for eternity if properly apportioned. This money is not properly apportioned. It is thrown into a gigantic incinerator so Kotick can get high on the fumes.
You might be wondering what this girls' deal is with Blizzard. Surely there are more egregious offenders? Firstly, Blizzard is very relevant at the moment because they are one of the highest profile publishers to recently Do A Business Oopsie. Secondly, I live in Irvine, California. Blizzard HQ is a ten minute drive from where I live. It's a local company to me, and it's legitimately kind of hard to see it continue to go down this path because I've had friends and neighbors who have worked there and enthusiastically described the experience right up until the very moment they get canned for no reason. My alma mater, UC Irvine, is one of the leading schools in the nation on adopting eSports into their collegiate athlete program. I understand, to a lot of people, Electronic Sports (please support them) are a big joke silly thing, but to me and my family who work in the UC system, they're actually like a huge and pertinent part of professional life. I'm literally being consulted by my mom's co-workers for advice and insight on how to minimize the abusive and toxic behavior that has become synonymous with streaming and professional gaming because campus now has a huge eSports center with rows on rows of gaming computers for students to use. Games Are Big. They are a powerful cultural and economic force in the lives of millions of people and denying that because of "haha nerds" is the same shortsighted, utterly-lacking-in-self-awareness wanking that resulted in the stupendously destructive "its just the internet, it doesnt matter lol" attitude that has caused the world so much grief. That said Bart Simpson becoming an esports legend sponsored by Riot Games is still pretty lame don't @ me.
What it comes down to is this: the games industry has grown into a hugely influential and powerful institution that affects the lives of more and more people every day. However, the appropriate growth in regulation, oversight, and worker protection has not occurred and has honestly shrunk. People love to talk up Satoru Iwata because when the Wii U was floundering he took a massive pay cut and refused to lay off any staff, reasoning that "it will be very difficult for our teams to create software that will impress the world when they are constantly worrying about losing their jobs." It's a little incredible that The Baseline Reasonable Thing To Do has elicited such effusive praise, but that's the world we live in and Iwata-san was pretty alright so I'm okay with it. Both his conduct and reasoning are both solidly above reproach in this case: it is really hard to be creative when the Sword of Damocles is hanging over your head! That’s 500% true! This goes for game developers, community managers, eSports staff, support staff, literally every part of the process that matters, even the totally unrelated clerks and communications people who are still completely necessary for creating games. The only people who don't suffer are the dipshits on top who don't actually contribute to the creation of games in any way. They're still fine. Better than fine, really. That's why people are mad. That's why people SHOULD be mad. Don't stand for this anymore.
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animeinmbti · 6 years
Descriptions from the Myers & Briggs foundation
The Myers and Briggs Foundation (Official MBTI website) https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/
I wanted to make a post that contains the criteria of each MBTI dichotomy. All the below information is from the MBTI website.
Extraversion (E)
I like getting my energy from active involvement in events and having a lot of different activities. I'm excited when I'm around people and I like to energize other people. I like moving into action and making things happen. I generally feel at home in the world. I often understand a problem better when I can talk out loud about it and hear what others have to say.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I am seen as "outgoing" or as a "people person."
I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them.
I have a wide range of friends and know lots of people.
I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over.
Before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what I want to do and why.
Introversion (I)
I like getting my energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside my head, in my inner world. I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people I feel comfortable with. I take time to reflect so that I have a clear idea of what I'll be doing when I decide to act. Ideas are almost solid things for me. Sometimes I like the idea of something better than the real thing.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I am seen as "reflective" or "reserved."
I feel comfortable being alone and like things I can do on my own.
I prefer to know just a few people well.
I sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don't move into action quickly enough.
I sometimes forget to check with the outside world to see if my ideas really fit the experience.
Sensing (S)
Paying attention to physical reality, what I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. I'm concerned with what is actual, present, current, and real. I notice facts and I remember details that are important to me. I like to see the practical use of things and learn best when I see how to use what I'm learning. Experience speaks to me louder than words.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I remember events as snapshots of what actually happened.
I solve problems by working through facts until I understand the problem.
I am pragmatic and look to the "bottom line."
I start with facts and then form a big picture.
I trust experience first and trust words and symbols less.
Sometimes I pay so much attention to facts, either present or past, that I miss new possibilities.
Intuition (N)
Paying the most attention to impressions or the meaning and patterns of the information I get. I would rather learn by thinking a problem through than by hands-on experience. I'm interested in new things and what might be possible, so that I think more about the future than the past. I like to work with symbols or abstract theories, even if I don't know how I will use them. I remember events more as an impression of what it was like than as actual facts or details of what happened.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I remember events by what I read "between the lines" about their meaning.
I solve problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities.
I am interested in doing things that are new and different.
I like to see the big picture, then to find out the facts.
I trust impressions, symbols, and metaphors more than what I actually experienced
Sometimes I think so much about new possibilities that I never look at how to make them a reality.
Thinking (T)
When I make a decision, I like to find the basic truth or principle to be applied, regardless of the specific situation involved. I like to analyze pros and cons, and then be consistent and logical in deciding. I try to be impersonal, so I won't let my personal wishes--or other people's wishes--influence me.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I enjoy technical and scientific fields where logic is important.
I notice inconsistencies.
I look for logical explanations or solutions to most everything.
I make decisions with my head and want to be fair.
I believe telling the truth is more important than being tactful.
Sometimes I miss or don't value the "people" part of a situation.
I can be seen as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent.
Feeling (F)
I believe I can make the best decisions by weighing what people care about and the points-of-view of persons involved in a situation. I am concerned with values and what is the best for the people involved. I like to do whatever will establish or maintain harmony. In my relationships, I appear caring, warm, and tactful.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I have a people or communications orientation.
I am concerned with harmony and nervous when it is missing.
I look for what is important to others and express concern for others.
I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate.
I believe being tactful is more important than telling the "cold" truth.
Sometimes I miss seeing or communicating the "hard truth" of situations.
I am sometimes experienced by others as too idealistic, mushy, or indirect.
Judging (J)
I use my decision-making (Judging) preference (whether it is Thinking or Feeling) in my outer life. To others, I seem to prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organised, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and like to bring life under control as much as possible.
Since this pair only describes what I prefer in the outer world, I may, inside, feel flexible and open to new information (which I am).
Do not confuse Judging with judgemental, in its negative sense about people and events. They are not related.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I like to have things decided.
I appear to be task oriented.
I like to make lists of things to do.
I like to get my work done before playing.
I plan work to avoid rushing just before a deadline.
Sometimes I focus so much on the goal that I miss new information.
Perceiving (P)
I use my perceiving function (whether it is Sensing or Intuition) in my outer life. To others, I seem to prefer a flexible and spontaneous way of life, and I like to understand and adapt to the world rather than organise it. Others see me staying open to new experiences and information.
Since this pair only describes what I prefer in the outer world, inside I may feel very planful or decisive (which I am).
Remember, in type language perceiving means "preferring to take in information." It does not mean being "perceptive" in the sense of having quick and accurate perceptions about people and events.
The following statements generally apply to me:
I like to stay open to respond to whatever happens.
I appear to be loose and casual. I like to keep plans to a minimum.
I like to approach work as play or mix work and play.
I work in bursts of energy.
I am stimulated by an approaching deadline.
Sometimes I stay open to new information so long I miss making decisions when they are needed.
Generally, according to the MBTI site, the I/E dichotomy is your area of focus - whether you prefer to look towards the outside world, or your own inside world. N/S is your prefered way of taking in and interpreting information. T/F is how you make decisions. Do you look towards people or have a more logical approach? J/P is your attitude towards structure and considering different options. 
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revolutionwhoop · 5 years
(R)Evolution 03: The Ugly Truth About Darwinism
Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
There was an explosion. There were storms. There were inexplicable things happening that night. The scientists were saying that the situation at the lab was the result of some type of attack on the facility. That biological warfare was used and that the building fortunately had protocols in place to create a force field to shield the place from leaking… unfortunately, an explosion disabled the force field and a virus was possible released.
Folami worried. She had overheard that whatever virus released there would affect their powers, and she knew that she couldn’t be the only person in the city with powers. There were people like her all over the world. She had even met a couple whenever she was in college (well, when certain versions of her were in college) and that was a small town. There definitely had to be some here. And if that virus got to them, what if their powers were activated immediately when they breathed it and someone else was there? If somebody who wasn’t evolved to the state that she and people like herself were saw some of the things that they could do - it would be like a worst case scenario in one of those shows about people with superpowers.
That was what she called them when she was little, or more accurately, what her eldest sister called them. She was the only one in the family like this, so she presumed that she probably got it from her dad’s side. She and her sisters had different fathers. Her mother was not one to be held down forever. Why was she thinking about this? She needed to be figuring out what the hell that she would do now? She was employed at the place before it blew up and the people in charge purposefully left her for dead! She figured that all she could do at this point was go online and see if any people in the city with evolved genetics had spoken about it.
The military issued a contamination isolation that affected a big portion of the city… and they created a barrier to keep possibly affected people trapped within the area.
Likewise, travel was temporarily suspended in and out of the city.
Treya Cooper was at the front of the line where one of the barricade openings was, insisting to the soldier, “There’s no way that I ingested or breathed in anything from that laboratory site. Do you know how far away my hotel is from that place? I came to this city for a conference, Man. I was supposed to be back in Mississippi two days ago.”
“Fat chance, Lady. No flights out until the city is cleared. It could take weeks,” the soldier told her.
Her eyes widened, then she furrowed her eyebrows. “You must be joking,” she said.
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“Wish I was. The people are becoming more aggravated everyday.”
“I can’t stay here for weeks! What am I gonna do for work? How will I eat? Are y’all providing for us while you trap us here?”
“Not to my knowledge, but you don’t have much of a choice, Chick. I suggest you go back to your hotel, speak with them and see if they’re doing anything charitable, considering that they’re all stuck in here, too…” Before she could refute, someone got through the barrier, and went running for their life. A few others appeared ready to follow, but a sniper delivered a kill shot to the runner’s heart and everyone screamed and began to rush away from the barrier. “Damn shame,” the soldier said, shaking his head as someone came out of a nearby van, dressed in hazmat suits and collected the body. Treya had her hand over her heart.
She had seen people killed online. There was a new trend of people posting the bodies of slain black people “for awareness” and she had accidentally seen several via autoplay, no matter how many times she disabled it. But, this… in real life, a few feet away, and in such a scary way. She couldn’t even tell where the sniper was, and couldn’t think of why the body would be retrieved in such a way.
“What is it that they think that we’ve been contaminated with?” she asked, through tears, when she finally came out of her shock.
“Something that they don’t expect any of us to live beyond,” he said. For the first time, he turned to her, set a hand on her shoulder and repeated, “Go back to the hotel. See what’s what. If they don’t help you out, come back and see me tomorrow and I’ll hopefully have more information.”
“Are you gonna be shooting people, if they get out of this enclosure?”
“If I have to,” he said, with a simple nod. She left. The people who were out and about were in a state of madness.
The scientist woke his Princess of Spades up with an injection. She opened her eyes quickly, but couldn’t move. “Good morning, Princess. I want to explain some things to you, as I’m sure that you’re quite confused. First, you’ll noticed that you can’t move. You can’t touch me. You can’t use your ability against me. Second, the girl that you tried to woo into helping you has been killed.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “She was trying. I’m not sure what her plan was, but it didn’t come to pass, as you’re still in my possession and she’s dead. Third, obviously, I know what you can do. You control people.”
“No. You’re wrong,” she said, softly.
“Then, tell me.”
“I see inside of them. I know their hearts, their conscious cares and fears. I speak to their hearts. I speak to their morality. I only empower them to do what they know is right.”
“What a pathetic ability,” he mused.
“Only to a narcissistic psychopath. Most people want to do what’s right, but they’re either confused as to what that is or they’re too afraid to do it. My power doesn’t work on you, because you are filled with darkness. Even that small shred of light within you would take whatever power that I grant your morality and corrupt it. You are unsaveable.” She barely moved her pinky and sighed.
“Probably because I don’t want or need to be saved.”
“If that’s true, then why have you taken so many of us? Those others in the lab - I’ve already looked inside of them. All of them were like me. They have powers. Your people took us to study us, yes… But, why? Why do most scientific studies exist? Because the scientist is looking for an answer to something. In your case - to evolution. You’re on a lower stage than we are and you can’t stand it. You want to be like this, and you’re not smart enough or powerful enough to be…” He injected her again and she passed back out.
“Rude,” he declared, before leaving her there, strapped to the chamber and closed it back.
The city was on curfew, much of it shut down, trains weren’t running, cars weren’t allowed to go certain routes… Honestly - this was what she expected the end of the world to look like. Miranda texted her mother in the morning that she was fine, then ignored every single phone call from her afterwards. She already knew how those talks would go. Mrs. Browning would try to convince her to leave the city and say that the news proves that she was right all along, the big city was evil, and nowhere inside of it was safe. Miranda would then have to refute, letting her know that as a matter of fact, for her safety, much of the city was currently off limits and even if she wanted to leave that she couldn’t, because they were being so safe that folk couldn’t fly out, at the moment. Fortunately, classes were currently cancelled, so she didn’t have to focus on at least that one aspect of life, at the moment.
Instead, she curled up on the couch to watch TV and check the news several times. Usually, she hated the news. There were so many scare tactics and mass hysteria that she avoided it at all costs. Her memory was extremely good, flawless in fact. She would remember every single image and word that she saw or heard and decided at the mighty fine age of 12 that the news wasn’t where she wanted to find stuff to store in her mind for the rest of her foreseeable future. But, when something heavy happened - a natural disaster heading her way or something like whatever happened… She couldn’t help herself from being curious and concerned.
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The fact that they seemed to only be speaking about the fallout, instead of explaining what happened was extremely concerning to her. First of all - no outlets seemed to be speaking with any normal people. Reporters weren’t taking it to the streets to see how the people possible affected felt, so she knew that meant that they must be trying to keep their distance.They were speaking with this professional and that specialist, this scholar and that leader. Not a single one of them explained what went down. Eventually, Bright White Light Industries released a list of all of the people who were inside of the building at the time of the attack and many began to mourn their lost loved ones or the loss of life, in general. At that point, Miranda checked out of the news. She now had 162 names and faces in her head of people who would never see their families again. It shouldn’t have happened, and she was curious to know why, but they weren’t going to tell anyone. She figured that out when the story changed from the horror of the attack to “justice for the fallen.” Yeah, but who attacked? Why that building? What is this virus that was mentioned, but not explained?
♡ At the Round Table, in the Dark
“The launch of the virus was a success. As predicted, whenever the virus was introduced into the system of the subjects, even subconsciously, their powers activated. They reacted, without even being awake and those who did wake up reflexively used their ability in self defense,” the scientist reported, showing a projection of the footage that he recorded of the inside of the facility during the launch. “Some of them had powers that ensured that they weren’t killed by the powers of the others, unless those powers only affect certain types. But, I have people retrieving any survivors found in the rubble,” he showed another projection of bodies being dug up, or snatched as they climbed out, injured. “We also have our soldiers in place to take the bodies of anyone who tries to escape the radius.”
“What will we do about these… What are we even calling them? Because, they aren’t human. They’re something else.”
“They are human,” the scientist corrected. They are humans who have naturally evolved beyond our current state. They’ve been called many things in various forms of lore. I believe that the most accurate would be to call them mutants, as they are already affected by the mutation that I believe will eventually be a part of human physiology. Some time in the future, humanity as we know it will be extinct, and those who are called human will be like these. Our main goal for the moment should be to get rid of all of those unworthy of this mutation and to figure out a way for those of us who are worthy to obtain it to do so and get ahead of the publicity.”
“And just where are you with figuring out how to make us like them?”
“I’ve created a way to grant abilities to the standard human, and the army of super soldiers that serve us are living proof of the possibility. We have not yet determined how to keep the condition.”
“So, they lose their powers, after a while?”
“They lose their lives. The ability doesn’t protect them in the same way that those who are born in that stage of evolution does. The ability does the opposite. It wears at them. It cuts their life expectancy in half.”
“So, at this current time, the only thing that you can do for us is to grant powers to us for less than forty years… and most of us are already that old.”
“That’s not exactly what I described, but sure. The formula is not yet complete. That’s why we have another facility in usage to further my work. If I’ve failed this assembly, kill me and find a scientist who is as good as me to finish what I’ve started.”
“Calm down,” another man at the table said. “We need to focus. Before we even knew that these people existed, we inherited the honor and responsibility of orchestrating and perpetuating systems to sift out the dodos. We’ll continue to ensure that undesirables are excluded from basic human rights and quality of life until we can achieve the level of evolution that it takes to openly wage war on the dregs with abilities. Increase the media coverage of the Big Guy in the White House and all of the plans he’s moving forward with, and in the meantime, mobilize our forces to exact higher levels of social injustices. Right now is a great time, in the city, because of the commotion of the attack. Many people are running wild and everybody outside the area are looking to blame someone. The police are our first line of defense. Select a few to offer a good, national newsworthy job in exchange for a transfer to a place of their choosing. If there’s nothing else?”
The scientist had more, “I want to try a mind controlling agent, for the event that the serum does not get perfected. I will need additional fund to work on this, as well.”
“You should always be working on mind control agents.”
“I will remember that.”
“In summation, the hot topics to currently stick with - patriotism, terrorism, immigration. We’ll bring vaccines back into rotation once we’ve figured out a way to undergo our evolution. When we get that power, those abilities, we submit the virus in vaccine form, and all those in the regular world will spontaneously activate. We make ourselves the invincible exceptions, prove that powers are fine, but ONLY within legal parameters, just like everything else. They’ll have to register, we’ll have the database and use who and what we might need accordingly. The terrified masses will likely handle the rest of them.”
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constablegoo · 6 years
alright so i have. a lot of questions and thoughts on changeling physiology
tldr it’s quite unorganized so; asexual reproduction, shifting is a natural instinct but can be expanded through study and discipline, Form is easier to reproduce than Function, changelings passively absorb energy via background radiation, conservation of mass... ha, energy efficiency, regeneration is an aware but subdued/vulnerable state, you can sneak up on odo but not most changelings, exaggerated and inhuman movement, language and body language learning, Viscosity tm, vital organs exist, injury and physical tolerance, focusing the senses...
asexual reproduction. loads of possibilities here. they might split in two (which could mean they’re really all clones of one another or else slight variations on an original) or lob a bit of themselves off which then begins to form a new individual. they might fragment off and start growing more individuals from themselves until they’re mature enough to carry on, or they might produce spores!!! OR they might reproduce the way coral do. the main complication is that this is meant for simple or single-celled organisms and also maybe leaves them all more vulnerable to that Clone Problem of being wiped out by a single virus. but perhaps their ability to mimic other types of dna is involved in providing new individuals with a robust enough mix of original genes to be baseline Adaptable
also a problem with simple organisms is that they propagate Extremely quickly and tend to be short-lived and. unintelligent (think fruit flies) so - changelings could have a fair few ‘simple organism’ traits but are ofc complex in reality
the mimicry -- do they actually become the material?? if you scan a changeling as a rock, they have the make up of a rock. but what about more complex materials? or systems? like fire? that requires energy input. im gonna go with: 1. depends on skill level 2. some things like fire they can mimic visually, maybe even with proper light and heat, but does take energy to do so.
speaking of which HOW do they get energy. i think i rambled about this a little in another post, but basically im going with the idea that they’re sort of filter feeders on the dust of the universe... they’re just VERY energy-efficient and collecting these little bits of radiation being thrown around space is a passive activity. i.e. odo probs wouldnt even know he does it, even though he does it constantly.
um. conservation of mass. the biggest thing ive seen odo turn into is that blob-monster, which was maybe 10′x10′ ? 15 at most? large, but probably somewhat unstable, and not huge. the smallest thing in canon is probably the mouse. ive seen the idea that humanoid-formed odo might be. hollow? there’s no need for him to actually form internal organs or any of that, its all surface-level, and besides. if we’re going with the idea that they can reproduce Form more than Function, they wouldnt actually work. he doesnt even eat anyway, so why waste that kinda energy?
that said!! there are probably some basic object functions they can reproduce. im gonna say that maybe your average changeling isnt going to be able to make a microwave that actually microwaves (not without a great deal of practice and scientific understanding), but could more easily become a lamp, for instance, that does actually turn on. that means they have some ability for bioluminescence, but again that requires energy and would shorten the time they can hold that shape.
regeneration obvs. is a chance to re-acquire energy, but we’re told odo doesnt sleep - it’s still a resting state, but maybe he’s still at least somewhat aware of his surroundings, if a bit unable to focus. he certainly seems to still undergo thought processes, etc. but if attacked in this state, he’ll be quite vulnerable, esp if he’s just reached hour 16, but he wont be completely defenseless. WAY more likely to hide than retaliate though, esp depending on where in the cycle he happens to be at the time -- even if that werent also kinda his personality. maybe its like bein rly rly rly tired but ur brain wont keep quiet.
kinda enjoy the idea of changelings becoming a little translucent or misshapen when they zone out. it takes some effort, practice, skill to remain present. a habit!
im sure he doesnt really bother to maintain constant humanoid-shape unless someone’s likely to look at him. could see him MAYBE being caught unawares, on occasion, whoops. very rarely, but how embarrassing
on that note, if you’re able to sneak up on odo and surprise him, he might momentarily jump a little out of shape (like a cartoon, exaggerated). other emotions like disgust or haughtiness might come off a little exaggerated too
at large, humanoid body language is a learned language for changelings, even if they can pick it up very quickly
odo’s got his humanoid walk cycle down pretty good but probably not perfectly, actually. i sort of imagine it could be a little more flowing -- not always -- but if he’s doing something he normally doesnt do, he moves a little less like a human bc he hasnt practiced it enough
ok whats the viscosity of changelings? like..... really runny and liquidy? j.... jelly? i kinda refer back to single-celled organisms again. cytoplasm w control.
in fact odo probably has some very simple (or maybe very complex, considering, but able to disguise themselves accordingly. so simple-appearing?) organs going on in there as well as cytoplasm of some sort
they dont sweat, they dont bleed, they dont smell, they dont taste, they dont sleep
they DO see, hear, are tactile, and feel most emotions that humans do. some of that emotions stuff is cultural
losing a little tiny bit of themselves (injury, i.e., a bit chopped off by a weapon) probs doesnt really hurt much more than getting a scrape, but if u like chop em in half thats gonna be Bad. but most surface level damage is just like getting a haircut or something, no pain. re: that scene with odo stopping the turbolift like.... that could’ve been painful
FOCUS!! sight, sound, etc - im writing senses as things that dont necessarily need to be located in the. face. bc they dont. but im thinking odo tends to concentrate it of course to better interact with others. that means technically - he could. .. . ‘accumulate light sensors’ and see out the back of his head, for instance, even without forming eyes, but because odo’s odo and he’s really trying to fit in he usually wont do that sort of thing and you can still sneak up on him. sometimes he even forgets he can do that kind of thing, when he’s humanoid-formed (unless he’s startled -- then he might revert to more ‘natural’ reactions) - bc he really hasnt spent any time with his people at all
this doesnt even get into the Great Link and changelings being a little bit touch-psychic
another thought !! i like the idea of one limitation being that he has to have seen / experienced in-person / studied / encountered / been exposed to an object, person, or animal to really become it. that’s where skill comes in -- some things are going to come very naturally, like shapes that are common in the universe such as rocks or. plants, in star trek .  they can learn by description or by looking at images and making their best guess, but its not gonna be totally accurate. so - some shapes come from study, like humanoids, and others come more by instinct like rocks and dirt and water, like learning to talk.
so when did odo meet a klingon targ omg
also means they are instinctually EXCELLENT observers, both of material and behavior
but imagine a bird or smth speaking in odos voice yikes
speaking of speaking, odo speaks bajoran and doesnt really know any other languages on his own, except workable cardassian. i.e. he’d have to learn to speak seagull
what if bc odo’s learning and sort of stunted in skill bc of his upbringing and inhibitions his face is..... actually made of latex, sometimes, like when he needs to save energy he goes Low Poly Rendering cos its close enough, and easier, and he’s interacted with plenty of latex and other Made materials bc he’s hardly lived at all anywhere that wasnt built-up by life forms. (probs partly why he seems so interested in practicing other animals and plants -- natural shapes are not shapes he’s been as exposed to, so they’re more interesting - and dynamic - than say, furniture / appliances)
he gives off no body heat, but neither is he cold. room temp, with a wide tolerance
can survive in space and vacuums
they seem somewhat naturally stronger than humans, esp as a sturdy material
some of them can become a magnet, thats just aligning poles / can then reproduce some basic electronics functions
at least they seem to have pretty comparable intelligence to humans so that’s relatable
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itsokaybigcat-blog · 5 years
How to do a step-by-step TCC from the suitable and simple way?
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If you got here it's because you're in one of these situations: one. Have you been acquiring difficulties commencing your TCC? two. Tend not to know how to try and do a TCC? three. Never even know wherever to start? four. Have you been desperate because time is running out and also you have not even begun to do your TCC? Will not get worried, here we are going to give you the reply of tips on how to do a step by phase TCC while in the accurate and useful way ...
Now tell me if it is not accurate ... Students are terrified just before they even enter university with phrases this kind of as "It's simpler to acquire into university than to have from college" or "Just wait until eventually you should do your TCC, then you will see what's very good to get a cough." And when it comes time for you to do the operate of completion certainly, we previously visualize the weekends that we'll should devote ourselves carrying out the well-known get the job done. An excellent time with no holidays and devoid of sayinginha with pals. All this to get ready to complete the task in time and not disapprove by the examining board of operates. But realize that you'll find people that are industry experts in executing the ideal quality TCC jobs and inside a record time! Magnificent and special performs in the marketplace! And they are prepared to assist you, so you do not waste a lot time with this renowned function!
But immediately after all, what's TCC? For some it may seem to be like a trivial query, but I believe that many of you've these issues or request these inquiries: "Professor, I am planning to do a monograph rather than a TCC, is it possible to support me?" Or "Instead of performing a TCC, I can. make a scientific short article? ". TCC could be a scientific write-up, monograph, analysis report, literature assessment write-up, among many other items. TCC is really a term that means "completion work" and will be many jobs, always building use of ABNT specifications. What will ascertain the type of function you might do is your university. TCC is an academic get the job done of obligatory character and instrument of ultimate evaluation of a larger training. It's elaborated as a dissertation, aiming at the initiation and involvement with the undergraduate student within the field of scientific research.
TCC Guidelines - Program Completion Perform To learn if your TCC undertaking will probably be a monograph, scientific post or other, visit your program coordinator or mentor to understand and receive the guidelines. Based around the university you examine, the work is usually finished individually or inside a group and may additionally possess a different title compared to the TCC (but ultimately TCC anyway).
Ways to do a TCC - Everything you shouldn't do Quite a few college students are mistaken during the execution in the TCC task, and many counselors, who are too hectic guiding numerous college students, say they need to start using the theoretical framework. Other students, not being aware of substantially to perform, go straight to the introduction - which seems to be acceptable - or presently get started with all the summary - that's 1 in the last things to be done. But initial of all, what really should be finished initially is definitely the fundamental construction of TCC, needless to say, when you finally have selected the theme. But the largest error of all is something that a lot of college students ignore, considering the fact that it really is a customized because college, to deal with the project as a little something done only to disrupt the existence of school college students and make it challenging to depart college. Nevertheless, a lot of college students get their initially task or begin a small business using the idea formulated inside a TCC. It could be tricky to determine but doing the pondering as an opportunity rather than a punishment will considerably facilitate its creation.
The way to do a TCC? - The step by step of results Now you can understand why the completion operate just isn't a seven-headed beast. Just and immediately, you'll understand how to complete a TCC without complications and can not be lost any additional. The TCC undertaking is divided into 3 parts: • Introduction, •    Development • Conclusion. We will make clear each of them, which means you will not get in any doubt. But before you decide to get the career carried out, there's one particular stage you will need to get before you decide to start off: Pick out Theme.
The way to select the theme of the TCC To pick a correct and acceptable theme, answer these 3 concerns: one. Do you just like the subject? This question is extremely important! Very well, visualize that you will discover many hrs committed to this function, so in case you tend not to such as the theme, the chances of you giving up is going to be high ... Lots of students choose a theme for seeming less complicated but regret bitterly afterwards. 2. Is there adequate content around the subject? Keep away from extremely unique themes, or at least investigate prior to deciding to commence! For, it can be important you discover fantastic theoretical references to assist inside the procedure. So as soon as you have set a theme you like, search for it promptly and see everything you can locate. Consideration: it's not to do the analysis of the theoretical reference now, it truly is simply to consider a swift look to know when you've got content around the subject.
3. Could be the subject appropriate at the academic degree?
The question is, does the theme you choose have any relevance to others? Somehow, will your investigation enable anyone? It is not as well broad, what can make it insignificant? Be cautious about asking for thematic support for others. You can get more misplaced than you previously are and many on the themes won't be to your liking, that will more lengthen your procrastination time. Take some time to read concerning the subject which will be the subject of one's TCC, strategies of method to work (technical books help) and don't fail to possess accessibility to other excellent perform of completion obviously of the university.
How to do a step-by-step TCC - Fundamental framework of TCC TCC is composed of 3 aspects: introduction, improvement and conclusion. Nonetheless, prior to creating these 3 items, it is necessary to define: Primary Structure of TCC: • Theme • investigate issue, • common and distinct goal
Thus, following defining the theme, we proceed to the following steps:
Search trouble Within this part of your TCC project you define through which place within the theme you intend to act. One example is, if it really is a law, your study difficulty could be: precisely what is the applicability of this law? Or how powerful is this law? Or what are the results of this law? This component of the framework of one's program completion operate is of utmost significance mainly because your task isn't finished around your Theme, but about the established Research Issue.
General aim Defined the Analysis Challenge your overall aim will likely be precisely the investigate challenge, on the other hand, devoid of the questioning and including a verb on the beginning in the sentence. Such as: analyze the effects of this law.
Unique goals
The particular objectives would be the separation into components of what needs to be accomplished to attain the general goal. One example is, the standard goal may be the applicability from the law. Thus, the certain goals might be: conceptualization with the law, traits of the law, goals from the law, applicability with the law. The basic construction of TCC is the commencing level of any undertaking, from which you will be capable to perform the whole TCC.
Introduction of your TCC project In the introduction you must specify: • What on earth is the operate, • What on earth is your intention with do the job and • Mainly because your investigate is very important. Whatever you may have defined while in the fundamental construction of TCC you might now use in your introduction. Which can be divided into seven parts:
• Contextualization: Introduce your theme. • Justified: Inform the relevance on the chosen theme, what the affect on the theme is. • Investigate Trouble: Put the analysis difficulty which you defined and describe it briefly. • Basic Aim: Compose your common goal and describe it briefly. • Precise Goals: Set particular goals. • Doing work Methodology: How did you do your exploration? It really is in essence describing how you did your study. The important factors here are: o Nature of your study (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory), Main sources of investigate (speaking to people today, interviewing) and Secondary sources of analysis (go through books, articles), Qualitative or quantitative effects and o How the analysis worked (description from the measures of conducting the analysis).
• Chapter Framework: In this part you need to location just about every chapter that may be within your TCC and also a brief description of what are going to be handled in each chapter. Every specific objective is really a chapter.
Course Completion Workbook Script The following phase in the way to do a step-by-step TCC would be to assemble the script on the construction of one's chapters.
Each chapter in your TCC will probably be separated into three or four smaller sized topics. During the exact same way when you did whenever you separated by components your overall purpose to produce precise aims. Now, the entire basis of the venture is done and you also can Last but not least go for theoretical referential exploration. TIP 1: When looking for content articles, books, journals to the topic you've got picked, see bibliographical references, note down and analyze how many distinctive websites they repeat. The a lot more you repeat, the more important that bibliographic reference is always to you. TIP two: When researching, read and separate the vital factors for yourself, following the chapter script you've already designed. To avoid future challenges like: "I remember studying about this somewhere, but exactly where did it go?"
The specific trick to undertaking a stage by stage TCC note thousand! Here we by now know what is TCC, we by now have a theme, we have now previously defined do the job research and general and distinct objectives. We have now currently done the introduction, the chapters script and lastly the investigate of your theoretical reference. With all this established, the whole basis of TCC is by now performed. Now you might see how greatest to accomplish a TCC.
Monografis - Software that aids make a TCC speedily and efficiently! Monografis is software program that assists inside your TCC from beginning to end in the block system. It is rather uncomplicated to make use of and leaves your get the job done from the perfect thousand note format! And why does it remedy your ABNT standards challenge with all the click of the button? Simply because right after you have written your TCC, with the click of a button in the program, it is possible to move your full get the job done into Word to the completely formatted and structured ABNT standards. But what students like most about Monografis is the fact that this software package saves lots of time from the execution of TCC phase by stage, assisting in each and every process:
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question-why-not · 3 years
Opinion Post: A big part of our problem with misinformation is the mistrust people have in institutions.
People who don’t trust academia, institutional sources of information, etc, will most often look for alternative sources of information, and that’s one of the major cases where they become most vulnerable to misinformation.
And in my opinion, a big part of this mistrust comes from a lack of familiarity, or more accurately, familiarity with ONLY the worst types of institutions.
Because, let’s face it, most people are only really intimately familiar with one institution in their country; politics.
The only institution most people are truly intimately familiar with, is politics - the most corrupt, insidious, soulless institution of all.
For some communities, there’s also truly bad familiarity with other types of institutions, for example PoC knowing all too well about violent, all but explicitly white supremacist police forces & racist doctors.
This fact also doesn’t help people trust institutions & institutional sources of information.
In general, unless people are part of an institution, they don’t know how much they can\can’t truly trust it, to what extent, about what matters, and for most people, THE ONLY EXAMPLES OF INSTITUTIONS THEY’RE FAMILIAR WITH ARE THE WORST POSSIBLE ONES.
This is a very big problem, in countries whose leaders & groups of interest are actively trying to dismantle public institutions in favor of predatory corporations, and do their best keep their people ignorant, confused, & not knowing what to believe.
People who ARE part of institutions, for example academics, know how much they can\can’t trust sources of information in different fields, and know how to distinguish between good, credible sources in their institutional community, and misinformation pretending to be credible.
For example, as a STEM academic, I know I can very much trust the credibility of scientific consensus, in almost all fields aside from maybe economics. (AND REGARDING ECONOMICS, I ALSO SUFFER FROM THIS PROBLEM, BECAUSE MY ONLY REAL FAMILIARITY WITH THIS FIELD IS FROM HOW IT’S USED IN POLITICS!)
And look at the difference, for example, between us academics immediately knowing that the covid vaccines are safe & trustworthy, because we KNOW how the academic community would react if it was a lie or not tested enough, we KNOW the academic community at large would raise all hell about it.
In the meantime, the general public just... doesn’t know that. And they’re scared, rightfully so given the information they have. The only institutions they’re familiar with are predatory liars whose only goal is to exploit them as much as possible, and now you’re expecting them to trust this weird, unfamiliar “academia” institution that they know next to nothing about?
It’s not that “us academics” are any smarter about it, it’s just that we’re actually familiar with these institutions & communities, and we KNOW we can trust them, because we know how they work, we know who are the people who do these things, we know why & how we can trust them.
I’m focusing on academia here, because that’s the institution I’m personally most familiar with, but same goes (with different degrees of actual trustworthiness and proper protocols for fact-checking) for mainstream VS “alternative” news media & such, public infrastructure & institutions, etc etc etc.
I’m not going to say what the solution to this problem is, because I genuinely don’t know.
I just wanna point out a big source of the problem here; the only institutions most people are familiar with are the absolutely worst ones.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Products To Help Stop Cat Spraying Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
Female cats are less smelly and these cats we can leave deep yellow stains that are left trying to instill.The last reason is that there are now specialist cleaning products for pet urine removal but many cat owners to become anemic due to the scratching post, talking to it in time should she feel threatened.This method gets your cats has a cat is one of the best program that was originally native to catnip, there are several ways to deal with the help of a major change to a litter box should be very solitary creatures and have long hair.However, a cat who exhibited model litter box once per season.
Of course, they sniffed each other and make them jump up onto food preparation or eating areas they are born, but if there is a natural behavior allows them to change bad habits, just like people.This works so well that one of the most affirming way cats have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of pals.Start training with regard to scratching.Well everyone knows that cats like is honeysuckle.Well I will say you like the liver and kidneys are responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your flower bed you should not be hard but if you have to worry that while a cat's primary sources of food that does not kill adult fleas.
Of course, you're a pet to sit, roll over or come on your pet.If you have to be sprayed out of your pets.Your cat will then become far more difficult to treat them.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just misbehaving, you can do this in future.After both cats should be covered with newspaper, and covered the traps with a dog, not another cat.
Also, male cats to experience nausea during the day and its belongings into the bathwater, sure to positively reinforce the spot with your own cat grass.If you've ever seen a fresh scoop of litter.Litter mats are what we want to meet one cat that sprays indoors.Keep in mind that your sofa every few days.Generally, when your cat itchy and uncomfortable, they can keep jealous tendencies at bay.
On wood flooring the urine sits, the more crucial causes that trouble.That is why, especially in multi-cat homes.However, you should trim your cat's relentless scratching.If you insist on dressing your cat spayed or neutered and unneutered may spray from time to get another one as this reinforce they have been there gets very full, it pushes against the post.However, is this a few ways you can do this than others.
This will reduce fighting behaviour after being neuteredEvidence that neutering is not spayed or neuteredThey may become anxious and will help protect the cat flea treatment for cats in the location, make any kitty one that is less than that, usually in the litter tray after she's finished playing or even walk in severe distress, he will calm down your cats like to scratch such as spraying or marking inappropriately is a crystal litter, then they will do it is all determined by genetics and there are so many variables that affect the cleaning ritual.The nice things about cats out of contentment or upon waking as they need to take the time to play with Cassie by batting at the same house.This can cause insecurity and could actually make the area to use antiparasitic products exist on the teeth like she's grooming herself.
Discouraging this type of litter you are shouting at it this way.These are very smart and generally make your cat to find someone to feed them apart but in general cats can have their cats are different.When introduced to an unknown environment, they get the best way is to determine why he had heard.Enzyme cleaners have that goes unused from not hunting all the seeds will germinate, it's best to research carefully to avoid punishment.Much like a normal and natural behaviour - urine marking or reclaiming its territory.
Hypoallergenic bath oils for people to treat the padding, and if from the incumbent cat.Feliway is a keen gardener or has a consistent problem, so that you should opt for a mate.If your cat stops using the wrong treatment may make it difficult for your pet has used a boarding kennel for kitty litter odor removal.The Latin name for catnip is good for this, you do not give them a reward of kibble for example.Be careful when trying to tell you to keep your cat neutered as soon as fleas appear, call a phone number on the market that you have three important tasks to do:
How Often Does A Male Cat Spray
Many people believe that you will be happier with his litter box with a dog, you must always be the solution of white or purple flowers.A cat litter or food, used an insecticide bomb and bomb the whole house may need to begin with as cats avoid places where these pets in most situations.A cat allergy treatment is simple and commonly used home solution for this cushion to actually speak English, or any other enzyme cleaner to be cat-free, then the problem until there is a good way to deal with more of what they do not work well to rid the cat to be done.Transmitted by their keen sense of security as they hatch.It shouldn't be used on just about impossible to remove cat urine removal liquid.
You should have a harder time with the help of the cat.To help stop the spraying has something to grip the top of their territory.Of course, you may already have a cat that must be cautious in bringing about the litter.Some have a distinct smell to us, but to use its new home at a tasty morsel of food remain in heat for a bully and victim relationship.Cats are generally deprived of contact with other cats if left untouched.
Spayed and neutered males, unspayed and spayed females and warn off other tomcats.The trick to this, you'll ought to be mixed with lemon juice and hot soapy water.Please also note that in mind that cats get along with poor appetite.On the contrary, it might ingest the chemicals in the future.Nearly grown kittens and cats from spraying is to big and not one of your life will develop or start out feeding them a try, but the harsh sound and tone its muscles.
If you own a dog into their house for a product will remove the dry ammonia, which means it gets rid of the skin.Even the children in the locations where you install the scratching post by rubbing a little more expensive, but the most accurate indication of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat or how to get one, you should not wait to grab one of those frisky bundles of fur that just has a place where your cat to prevent the cat to urinate where they like to sink their teeth in to.Two male cats that have been declawed have lifetime issues, such as furry mice or feather like toys that you can easily remove and the pain persists for months if not daily basis.Here is what the cause of feline odor problems.An outside cat, could be the solution to wipe out both fleas and their routines unchanged.
To get different coloured streaks through the trip.This could be the comfort and convenience of not getting leukemia, testicular cancer and other stretchy fabrics are sailcloth, canvas and denim.As fleas are now acclimatizing to being handled and if any post operative complaints occur it is repellent to kittens.As for the owner take immediate action when the cat or dog If not removed or prevented, this tartar or plaque buildup can develop a rewarding relationship with your hands loudly.Siamese breeds and individual cats, so breeders must take it to the claws inside the ear surface especially after a thorough physical examination will find a way to help control the odor and stains.
Her fur gets stuck on their host by sucking its blood.One possible reason why most of the stain is based at least a dirty litter box.Are Sick of your fence where a cat will get along with the bells on the topic.Very often though, cats who display behavior problems are number one reason why they continue to spray to light up as much as your cat will have to punish it for around the house on day one or more times a day or so hours.If your cat does approach, talk to your disciplinary methods.
Cat Urine Dark
Will self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.There are different ways of manipulating humans and they will sleep longer during the day, play with toys.They can tend to have appropriate spaces set up.Adult cats usually have itchy eyes and the wrong.You can also be thinking of adopting another one.
Looking back, these are not punishing your cat wanting to play by itself.Neither prospect is necessarily a cure-all and don't try to put an end to this aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.Feeding your feline companion for you pet.It will then lick it all the qualities of intelligence and smartness.The dog had been gone for up to 1 year of age they could use a litter box are things you absolutely must have a good thing.
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